{"draft":"draft-ietf-imapext-annotate-16","doc_id":"RFC5257","title":"Internet Message Access Protocol - ANNOTATE Extension","authors":["C. Daboo","R. Gellens"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"31","pub_status":"EXPERIMENTAL","status":"EXPERIMENTAL","source":"Internet Message Access Protocol Extension","abstract":"The ANNOTATE extension to the Internet Message Access Protocol\r\npermits clients and servers to maintain \"meta data\" for messages, or\r\nindividual message parts, stored in a mailbox on the server. For\r\nexample, this can be used to attach comments and other useful\r\ninformation to a message. It is also possible to attach annotations\r\nto specific parts of a message, so that, for example, they could be\r\nmarked as seen, or important, or a comment added.\r\n\r\nNote that this document was the product of a WG that had good\r\nconsensus on how to approach the problem. Nevertheless, the WG felt\r\nit did not have enough information on implementation and deployment\r\nhurdles to meet all of the requirements of a Proposed Standard. The\r\nIETF solicits implementations and implementation reports in order to\r\nmake further progress.\r\n\r\nImplementers should be aware that this specification may change in an\r\nincompatible manner when going to Proposed Standard status.\r\nHowever, any incompatible changes will result in a new capability\r\nname being used to prevent problems with any deployments of the\r\nexperimental extension. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol \r\nfor the Internet community.","pub_date":"June 2008","keywords":["[--------]","imap"],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC5257","errata_url":"https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/errata\/rfc5257"}