#!/usr/bin/perl # Make local directories mirror images of a remote sites # By Lee McLoughlin # You can do what you like with this except claim that you wrote it or # give copies with changes not approved by Lee. Neither Lee nor any other # organisation can be held liable for any problems caused by the use or # storage of this package. # # $Id: mirror.pl,v 2000/07/10 17:49:08 jjamor Exp $ # $Log: mirror.pl,v $ # Revision 2000/07/10 17:49:08 jjamor # Importando LuCAS en nuevo servidor CVS # # Revision 2000/04/08 19:12:42 olea # Importando LuCAS que te cagas... # # Revision 2.8 1995/08/06 14:03:52 lmjm # Trap a wider range of signals to aid in debugging under perl5 # Avoid looping processing symlinks. # # Revision 2.7 1995/08/06 13:59:00 lmjm # No longer require socket.ph in this module. # Escape at signs and dollars for perl5 # Make sure proxy_gateway is at least null. # Added ls_fix_mappings, failed_gets_excl, store_remote_listing, passive_ftp # and using_socks. # Stop using dollar star as perl5 has dropped it. # Process local directory listing before connecting to remote. # Allow for remote_account pasword. # Only one arg to undef, for early perl5's # Use all capitals for file descriptors. # Use ftp'close not ftp'quit # Avoid file renaming under MACos # Corrected file deleting. # # Revision 2.6 1994/06/10 18:28:27 lmjm # Dropped debug statement. # # Revision 2.5 1994/06/06 18:39:21 lmjm # Don't have . in the extra_path. # Have 'internet-gateway' as the default proxy_gateway when INTERNET_HOST unset. # Allow strip_cr (from Andrew). # More symlink handling... # Set type for vms correctly. # Changed response from ftp'delete, also corrected path used. # # Revision 2.4 1994/04/29 20:11:09 lmjm # Use correct variable for hostname # # Revision 2.3 1994/01/31 18:31:22 lmjm # Allow for funny chars in filenames when calling the shell (Erez). # Added compress_size_floor to avoid compressing small files (David). # Added get_missing to just delete files not on remote system (Pieter). # Don't try to delete old dirs if no time set (Pieter). # Zap .dir$$ files, and keep then in $big_temp. # Pretty print time in comparisons. # Move the large comparision conditionals into routines (David). # Allow for sites with limited filename lengths. # Allow for deleted files when doing deletes. # Don't delete dirs that are really symlinks. # # Revision 2.2 1993/12/14 11:09:15 lmjm # Allow for no flock. # Use installed socket.ph. # Allow for system 5. # Use percentage defaults on max_delete_* # Checkout regexps before using. # Allow for extra leading | in local_ignore. # Return better exit codes. # Fixups for recurse_hard. # Smarter symlink handling. # # Revision 2.1 1993/06/28 14:59:00 lmjm # Full 2.1 release # # # Default settings file loaded from a directory in PERLLIB $defaults_file = 'mirror.defaults'; $load_defaults = 1; # Try to find the default localation of various programs via # the users PATH then using $extra_path $extra_path = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/new/bin:/usr/public/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/bin:/etc:/usr/etc:/usr/local/etc'; $ENV{ 'PATH' } .= ':' . $extra_path; &trap_signals(); # If compressing a local file to send need somewhere to store the temp # compressed version. $big_temp = '/var/tmp'; # Hopefully we have flock. $can_flock = 1; # no debugging by default $debug = 0; # NOTE: # It is not an error for a program not to be found in the path as the user # may be setting it as part of the package details or defaults. # Used by the save_deletes option $mv_prog = 'mv -f'; # compress must be able to take the -d arg to cause it to uncompress. $sys_compress_prog = &find_prog( 'compress' ) || die "No compress command in path\n"; $sys_compress_suffix = 'Z'; # Like compress gzip must be able to take -d if( $gzip_prog = &find_prog( 'gzip' ) ){ # Force maximum compression with gzip $gzip_level = ' -9'; $gzip_prog .= $gzip_level; $gzip_suffix = 'gz'; $old_gzip_suffix = 'z'; } # A mail program that can be called as: "$mail_prog person_list' # Can be overridden with the mail_prog keyword. # If you use $mail_subject to pass extra arguments then remember that # the mail program will need to know how to handle them. $mail_prog = &find_prog( 'mailx' ); if( ! $mail_prog ){ $mail_prog = &find_prog( 'Mail' ); } if( ! $mail_prog ){ $mail_prog = &find_prog( 'mail' ); } $current_mail_to = ''; # Keep track of who mail is being sent to. # Used to remove directory heirarchies. This program is passed the -rf # arguments. $rm_prog = &find_prog( 'rm' ); # Generate checksums $sum_prog = &find_prog( 'sum' ); # SPECIAL NOTE: This is eval'd, so DONT put double-quotes (") in it. # You can get local variables to appear as in the second example: $mail_subject = '-s \'mirror update\''; # $mail_subject = ' -s \'mirror update of $package\''; # When scanning the local directory, how often to prod the remote # system to keep the connection alive $prod_interval = 60; # Put the directory that mirror is actually in at the start of PERLLIB. $dir = &real_dir_from_path( $0 ); unshift( @INC, $dir ); # Make sure that your PERLLIB environment variable can get you # all these or that they are installed. # socket stuff pulled in by ftp.pl # require 'sys/socket.ph'; require 'ftp.pl'; require 'lsparse.pl'; require 'dateconv.pl'; # Find some local details chop( $home = `pwd` ); chop( $hostname = `(hostname || uname -n || uuname -l) 2>/dev/null` ); if( $hn = (gethostbyname( "$hostname" ))[ 0 ] ){ $hostname = $hn; } # Some systems hold the username in $USER, some in $LOGNAME. $me = $ENV{'USER'} || $ENV{'LOGNAME'}; # Files matching this pattern are usually compressed. $squished = '\.(Z|z|gz)$'; # special /bin/sh chars that must be escaped. $shell_metachars = '\"|\$|`|\\\\'; # Remote directory parsing fail if not given input every readtime seconds. $parse_time = 600; # Timeout are not fatal unless you get more than this number of them. $max_timeouts = 20; # If connected to a site then this holds the site name. $connected = ''; # Umask setting. $curr_umask = sprintf( "0%o", umask ); # mapping from a pathname to a number - just to make the keys to assoc arrays # shorter. $map_init = 1; # just so I know 0 is invalid $tmp = "/tmp"; @assocs = ( 'local_map', 'remote_map' ); # Create a reasonable set of defaults $default{ 'package' } = ''; # should be a unique handle for the "lump" to be mirrored $default{ 'comment' } = ''; # General comment used in report $default{ 'skip' } = ''; # If set then skip this entry giving value as reason $default{ 'site' } = ''; # site to connect to $default{ 'remote_dir' } = ''; # remote directory to mirror $default{ 'local_dir' } = ''; # local directory to copy into $default{ 'remote_user' } = 'anonymous'; # the remote guest account name $default{ 'remote_password' } = "$me\@$hostname"; $default{ 'remote_account' } = ''; # remote account name/passwd (for systems # that use it.) $default{ 'get_patt' } = "."; # regex of pathnames to retrieve $default{ 'exclude_patt' } = ''; # regex of pathnames to ignore $default{ 'update_local' } = 0; # Don't just update local dirs $default{ 'local_ignore' } = ''; # regex of local pathnames to totally ignore $default{ 'do_deletes' } = 0; # delete dest files if not in src tree $default{ 'delete_excl' } = ''; # regex of local pathnames to ignore when deleting $default{ 'delete_patt' } = '.';# delete only files which match this pattern $default{ 'delete_get_patt' } = 0;# true: set delete_patt to get_patt $default{ 'save_deletes' } = 0; # save local files if not in remote $default{ 'save_dir' } = 'Old'; # directory in which to create tree for keeping # files no longer in remote $default{ 'max_delete_files' } = '10%'; # Any more than this and DONT delete $default{ 'max_delete_dirs' } = '10%'; # Any more than this and DONT delete $default{ 'max_days' } = 0; # Ignore age of file $default{ 'split_max' } = 0; # Files > this size can be split up. $default{ 'split_patt' } = ''; # Files must match this pattern to be split $default{ 'split_chunk' } = 100 * 1024; # Size of split-up chunks $default{ 'ls_lR_file' } = ''; # remote file containing ls-lR - else use remote ls $default{ 'local_ls_lR_file' } = ''; # local file containing ls-lR # useful when first copying a large remote package $default{ 'recursive' } = 1; # true indicates to do recursive processing $default{ 'recurse_hard' } = 0; # true indicates have to cwd+ls for each remote # subdirectory - AVOID wherever possible. $default{ 'flags_recursive' } = '-lRat'; # Flags passed to remote dir $default{ 'flags_nonrecursive' } = '-lat'; # Flags passed to remote dir $default{ 'ls_fix_mappings' } = '';# Correct pathnames in remote listings # (eg s:usr/spool/pub/::) to match reality $default{ 'name_mappings' } = '';# remote to local pathname mappings # used to change layout or zap weird chars # (eg s:old:new) $default{ 'external_mapping' } = '';# remote to local mapping by external routine $default{ 'get_newer' } = 1; # get remote file if its date is newer than local $default{ 'get_size_change' } = 1; # get the file if size if different than local $default{ 'failed_gets_excl' } = ''; # failed messages to ignore while getting, # if failed to ftp'get $default{ 'compress_patt' } = ''; # compress files matching this pattern $default{ 'compress_excl' } = $squished; # dont compress regexp (case insensitive) $default{ 'compress_prog' } = $sys_compress_prog; # Program to compress files. $default{ 'compress_suffix' } = $sys_compress_suffix; # Suffix on compressed files $default{ 'compress_conv_patt' } = '(\.Z|\.taz)$'; # compress->gzip files matching this pattern $default{ 'compress_conv_expr' } = 's/\.Z$/.gz/;s/\.taz$/.tgz/'; # perl expressions to convert names of files from compress->gzip $default{ 'compress_size_floor' } = 0; # don't compress files < this size $default{ 'force_times' } = 1; # Force local file times to match the original $default{ 'retry_call' } = 1; # Retry the call if it fails first time $default{ 'update_log' } = ''; # Filename where an update report is to be kept $default{ 'mail_to' } = ''; # Mail a report to these addresses $default{ 'user' } = ''; # UID/user name to give to local pathnames $default{ 'group' } = ''; # GID/group name to give to local pathnames $default{ 'file_mode' } = 0444; # Mode to give files created locally $default{ 'dir_mode' } = 0755; # mode to give directories created locally $default{ 'timeout' } = 120; # timeout ftp requests after this many seconds $default{ 'ftp_port' } = 21; # port number of remote ftp daemon $default{ 'proxy' } = 0; # normally use regular ftp $default{ 'proxy_ftp_port' } = 4514; # default from Sun $default{ 'proxy_gateway' } = "$ENV{ 'INTERNET_HOST' }"; # Gateway to use for proxy # (Null if environment not set.) $default{ 'mode_copy' } = 0; # true indicates to copy the mode bits $default{ 'interactive' } = 0; # noninteractive copy default $default{ 'text_mode' } = 0; # transfer in binary mode by default $default{ 'force' } = 0; # don't force by default $default{ 'get_file' } = 1; # perform get, not put by default $default{ 'verbose' } = 0; # Verbose messages $default{ 'remote_fs' } = 'unix'; # Remote filestore # Other posibilies dls, netware and vms $default{ 'vms_keep_versions' } = 1; # Keep multiple VMS versions $default{ 'vms_xfer_text' } = 'readme$|info$|listing$|\.c$'; # pattern of VMS files to xfer in TEXT mode # (Case insensitive) $default{ 'delete_source' } = 0;# delete source after xfer (default = NO!!!) $default{ 'disconnect' } = 0; # Force close at end of package EVEN if # next package is to the same site $default{ 'strip_cr' } = 0; # Delete \r (usefull when transfering from # mainframes -- set text_mode and strip_cr) $default{ 'mail_prog' } = $mail_prog; # the mail program (see $mail_prog) $default{ 'mail_subject' } = $mail_subject; # Subject passed to mail_prog $default{ 'hostname' } = $hostname; # The LOCAL hostname $default{ 'umask' } = 07000; # DONT allow setuid things by default # If mirroring a VERY large directory then it is best to put the assoc # arrays in files (use command line switch -F. to turn on). $default{ 'use_files' } = 0; # Use local time NOT gmt to timestamp files. # The original mirror got it wrong you should be using localtime # This variable is only here to allowed packages to be switched over one by # one. (See also the -T flag.) $default{ 'use_timelocal' } = 1; # Used for group and gpass. (As in ftp.1 site group/gpass commands.) $default{ 'remote_group' } = ''; $default{ 'remote_gpass' } = ''; # Set the remote idle timer to this $default{ 'remote_idle' } = ''; # prevent symlinks to non-existant files $default{ 'make_bad_symlinks' } = 0; # Follow symlinks to pathnames matching this regexp. $default{ 'follow_local_symlinks' } = ''; # Set get_missing to 0 to just delete files not on remote system $default{ 'get_missing' } = 1; # Where to store remote site listings on local system $default{ 'store_remote_listing' } = ''; # Set the default ftp usage not to use passive (PASV) ftp. $default{ 'passive_ftp' } = 0; # Set the default perl version to the non-SOCKS one. $default{ 'using_socks' } = 0; @boolean_values = ( 'get_newer', 'get_size_change', 'do_deletes', 'update_local', 'force_times', 'retry_call', 'recursive', 'mode_copy', 'disconnect', 'interactive', 'text_mode', 'force', 'get_file', 'verbose', 'proxy', 'delete_get_patt', 'delete_source', 'save_deletes', 'use_files', 'use_timelocal', 'make_bad_symlinks', 'recurse_hard', 'get_missing', 'strip_cr', 'passive_ftp', 'using_socks' ); %boolean_values = (); &set_assoc_from_array( *boolean_values ); @regexp_values = ( 'get_patt', 'exclude_patt', 'local_ignore', 'delete_patt', 'delete_excl', 'split_patt', 'save_deletes', 'compress_patt', 'compress_excl', 'compress_conv_patt', 'failed_gets_excl', 'store_remote_listing' ); # # message levels used by &msg( level, msg ) # if you call msg as &msg( msg ) the level is presumed to be just $pr. $pr = 0; # Always print out messages $log = 1; # push this messages onto @log # # Exit status $exit_status = 0; $exit_status_xfers = 0; # "#defines" for the above $exit_xfers = 16; # Add this to the exit code to show xfers took place $exit_ok = 0; $exit_fail = 1; $exit_fail_noconnect = 2; # -d Turn on debugging - more -d's means more debugging. # -ppattern Just do packages matching pattern. # -Rpattern Skip till the first package name matches pattern then do all. # it and following packages. # -n Do nothing, just show what would be done. # -F Use files for assoc arrays (see also the variable use_files). # -gsite:path # Get all files on given site. If path matches .*/.+ then # it is the name of the directory and the last part is the # pattern of filenames to get. If path matches .*/ then # it is the name of a directory and all its contents are retrieved. # Otherwise path is the pattern to be used in '/'. # -r Same as "-krecursive=false". # -kvar=val set variable to value. # -uusername Same as "-kremote_user=username", prompts for remote_password. # -v Print version and exit. # -T Dont transfer just force local timestamps to match remote. # -N Don't load mirror.defaults. # -L Generate a pretty list of what is being mirrored. # -m Same as "-kmode_copy=true". # -Cconfig_file # -P Same as "-kget_file=false -kinteractive=true". # -G Same as "-kget_file=true -kinteractive=true". # -t Same as "-ktext_mode=true". # -f Same as "-kforce=true". # -sSITENAME Same as "-ksite=SITENAME. # -ULOGFILE Set the upload log to LOGILE - if none given uses # the file $home/upload_log.$mday.$mon.$year # -DUMP Dump perl - to be later undumped -- THIS DOES NOT YET WORK!!! sub msg_version { &msg( '$Id: mirror.pl,v 2000/07/10 17:49:08 jjamor Exp $' . "\n" ); } parse_args: while( $ARGV[ 0 ] =~ /^-/ ){ local( $arg ) = shift; if( $arg eq '-d' ){ if( $debug == 2 ){ &msg_version(); } $| = 1; $debug++; next; } if( $arg =~ /^-(p)(.*)/ || $arg =~ /^-(R)(.*)/ ){ local( $flag, $p ) = ($1, $2); if( $flag eq 'R' ){ # Skip all packages till a match is made # then process ALL further packages $skip_till = 1; } if( ! $p ){ # Must be -p/-R space arg $p = shift; } if( $p !~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ){ die "Invalid package name to -p of: $p\n"; next; } # Only mirror the named packages $do_packages{ $p } = 1; $limit_packages = 1; next; } if( $arg eq '-n' ){ # Do nothing - just show what would be done $dont_do = 1; $debug += 2; $| = 1; next; } if( $arg eq '-F' ){ # Use files for the dir listings assoc lookups $use_files = 1; $command_line{ 'use_files' } = 1; next; } if( $arg eq '-T' ){ # Don't actually get any files but just force # local timestamps to be the same on the remote system $timestamp = 1; $command_line{ 'force_times' } = 'true'; next; } if( $arg =~ /^-g(.*)$/ ){ # the next arg is the site:path to get local( $site_path ) = $1; if( ! $site_path ){ # Must be -g space arg $site_path = shift; } # DONT use the system defaults! $load_defaults = 0; # This is probably interactive so print interactively $| = 1; if( $site_path =~ /(.*):(.*)?/ ){ local( $site, $path ) = ($1, $2); push( @get_sites, $site ); # Find the directory and files if( $path =~ m|^(.*)/([^/]*)$| ){ if( $1 eq '' ){ push( @get_paths, '/' ); } else { push( @get_paths, $1 ); } if( $2 eq '' ){ push( @get_paths, $1 ); push( @get_patt, '.' ); } else { push( @get_patt, "^$2\$" ); } } else { push( @get_paths, '.' ); push( @get_patt, "^$path\$" ); } } else { die "expected -gsite:path got $arg"; } next; } if( $arg eq "-r" ){ # no recursive copy $command_line{ 'recursive' } = 0; next; } if( $arg =~ /^-k(.*)=(.*)/ ){ # set the keyword = value if( !defined( $default{ "$1" } ) ){ warn "Invalid keyword $1\n"; } else { $command_line{ "$1" } = $2; } next; } if( $arg =~ /^-u(.*)/ ){ local( $user ) = $1; if( ! $user ){ # must be -u space user $user = shift; } # override the user name $command_line{ 'remote_user' } = $user; # and ask for a password $command_line{ 'remote_password' } = &get_passwd( $user ); next; } if( $arg eq '-N' ){ $load_defaults = 0; next; } if( $arg eq '-v' ){ &msg_version(); exit( 0 ); } if( $arg eq '-L' ){ # Generate a pretty list of what is being mirrored $pretty_print = 1; next; } if( $arg eq '-m' ){ # propagate the mode $command_line{ 'mode_copy' } = 'true'; next; } # Old command line interface flags if( $arg =~ /^-C(.*)/ ){ # specify the config file local( $c ) = $1; if( $c !~ /./ ){ die "Must give config file name -Cname ($arg)\n"; } # Only mirror the named packages push( @config_files, $c); next; } if( $arg eq '-P' ){ # put files $command_line{ 'get_file' } = 'false'; $command_line{ 'interactive' } = 'true'; next; } if( $arg eq '-G' ){ # get files $command_line{ 'get_file' } = 'true'; $command_line{ 'interactive' } = 'true'; next; } if( $arg eq '-t' ){ # set the file mode to text $command_line{ 'text_mode' } = 'true'; next; } if( $arg eq '-f' ){ # force file transfers irregardless of date/size matches $command_line{ 'force' } = 'true'; next; } if( $arg =~ /^-s(.*)/ ){ # override the site name $command_line{ 'site' } = $1; next; } if( $arg =~ /^-U(.*)/ ){ $upload_log = $1; if( $upload_log eq '' ){ local( $sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year, $wday,$yday,$isdst ) = localtime( time ); $mon++; $upload_log = "$home/upload_log.$mday.$mon.$year"; } next; } if( $arg eq '-DUMP' ){ # THIS DOES NOT YET WORK!!!!! $dumped_version = 1; warn "Dumping perl\n"; dump parse_args; } warn "Unknown arg $arg, skipping\n"; } # Handle multiline buffers in a sane way # This is deprecated in perl-5. Someone should add "/m" modifiers to any # regexps that *really* need it, not all. # $* = 1; $interactive = $command_line{ 'interactive' }; if( ! $interactive ){ local( $c ); # The remainder of ARGV are package names foreach $c ( @ARGV ){ push( @config_files, $c ); } } if( $interactive && $limit_packages){ die "Can not mix -p and interactive"; } $value{ 'remote_user' } = $default{ 'remote_user' }; %value = (); &set_defaults(); if( $load_defaults ){ local( $dir, $mp ); foreach $dir ( @INC ){ local( $f ) = "$dir/$defaults_file"; if( -f $f ){ $mp = $f; last; } } if( $mp ){ &msg( "defaults from $mp\n" ) if $debug > 2; splice( @config_files, 0, 0, $mp ); } else { warn "No $defaults_file found in perl library path\n"; } } elsif( $debug > 1 ){ &msg( "not loading $defaults_file\n" ); } &interpret_config_files(); # Shut down any remaining ftp session &disconnect(); &msg( "All done, Exiting\n" ) if $debug; exit( $exit_status + $exit_status_xfers ); $key = ''; # The current keyword $value = ''; # the value for the keyword sub interpret_config_files { local( $fname ); if( $#get_sites >= 0 ){ while( $#get_sites >= 0 ){ $value{ 'site' } = pop( @get_sites ); $value{ 'remote_dir' } = pop( @get_paths ); $value{ 'get_patt' } = pop( @get_patt ); $value{ 'local_dir' } = '.'; $value{ 'remote_user' } = 'anonymous'; $exit_status = &do_mirror(); } return; } if( $command_line{ 'interactive' } ){ # No config file to read $value{ 'package' } = 'interactive'; $exit_status = &do_mirror(); return; } # if no configuration files were specified use standard input @ARGV = @config_files; &interpret_config(); } sub interpret_config { while( <> ){ # Ignore comment and blank lines next if /^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/; &parse_line(); # Is this a new package? if( $value{ 'package' } && $key eq 'package' ){ # mirror the existing package $exit_status = &do_mirror(); # reset &set_defaults(); # Make sure I'm at the right place for <> to work! chdir $home; } if( $debug > 3 ){ &msg( "$key \"$value\"\n" ); } $value{ $key } = $value; # do an explicit close for each file so $. gets reset if( eof( ARGV ) ){ if( $debug > 3 ){ &msg( "-- end of config file \"$ARGV\"\n" ); } close( ARGV ); } } # Mirror the last package in the file if( $value{ 'package' } ){ $exit_status = &do_mirror(); } } # parse each line for keyword=value sub parse_line { local( $eqpl ); local( $cont ) = '&'; chop; if( /^\s*([^\s=+]+)\s*([=+])(.*)?$/ ){ ($key, $eqpl, $value) = ($1, $2, $3); # If the value ends in the continuation character then # tag the next line on the end (ignoring any leading ws). while( $value =~ /^(.*)$cont$/o && !eof ){ $_ = <>; local( $v ) = $1; if( /^\s*(.*)$/ ){ $value = $v . $1; } } if( $debug > 3 ){ &msg( "read: $key$eqpl$value\n" ); } } else { warn "unknown input in \"$ARGV\" line $. of: $_\n"; } if( ! defined( $default{ "$key" } ) ){ die "unknown keyword in \"$ARGV\" line $. of: $key\n"; } if( $eqpl eq '+' ){ $value = $value{ $key } . $value; } } # Initialise the key values to the default settings sub set_defaults { %value = %default; } # Override the current settings with command line values sub command_line_override { local( $key, $val, $overrides ); while( ($key, $val) = each %command_line ){ $overrides++; if( $boolean_values{ $key } ){ # a boolean value $value{ $key } = &istrue( $val ); } else { # not a boolean value $value{ $key } = $val; } } if( $debug > 4 ){ if( $overrides ){ &pr_variables( "keywords after command line override\n" ); } else { &msg( "No command line overrides\n" ); } } } # set each variable $key = $value{ $key } sub set_variables { local( $key, $val ); while( ($key, $val) = each %value ){ # for things like passwords it is nice to have the # real value in a file if( $val =~ /^\<(.*)$/ ){ local( $val_name ) = $1; open( VAL_FILE, $val_name ) || die "can't open value file $val_name\n"; $val = ; close( VAL_FILE ); chop $val if $val =~ /\n$/; } if( $boolean_values{ $key } ){ # a boolean value eval "\$$key = &istrue( $val )"; } else { # not a boolan value # Change all \ to \\ since \'s will be escaped in # the following string used in the eval. $val =~ s/([^\\])(')/$1\\$2/g; eval "\$$key = '$val'"; } if( $key eq 'compress_prog' ){ if( $val eq 'compress' ){ $compress_prog = $sys_compress_prog; $compress_suffix = $sys_compress_suffix; } elsif( $val eq 'gzip' ){ if( ! $gzip_prog ){ die "Trying to use gzip but not found in PATH\n"; } $compress_prog = $gzip_prog; $compress_suffix = $gzip_suffix; } elsif( $debug > 2 && $compress_prog ne $gzip_prog && $compress_prog ne $sys_compress_prog ){ &msg( "compress_prog not compress or gzip, presuming program name\n" . "- user must set compress_suffix\n" ); } &upd_val( 'compress_prog' ); &upd_val( 'compress_suffix' ); } } # Reset the umask if needed. # Do it here to try and get it done as early as possible. # If the user doesn't use octal umasks this will cause umask # to be called again unnecessarily - but that is pretty cheap. if( $umask && $umask != $curr_umask ){ local( $val ) = $umask; $val = oct( $val ) if $val =~ /^0/; umask( $val ); $curr_umask = sprintf( "0%o", umask ); } } sub upd_val { local( $key ) = @_; if( $package eq 'defaults' ){ $default{ $key } = $value{ $key }; } } sub pr_variables { local( $msg ) = @_; local( $nle ) = 60; local( $out ) = 0; local( $key, $val, $str ); &msg( $msg ); &msg( "package=$package $site:$remote_dir -> $local_dir\n\t" ); for $key ( sort keys( %value ) ){ next if $key eq 'package' || $key eq 'site' || $key eq 'remote_dir' || # Don't show passwords when interactive ($interactive && $key eq 'remote_password') || ($interactive && $key eq 'remote_gpass'); # Report the value in the actual variable $val = eval "\$$key"; $str = "$key=\"$val\" "; &msg( $str ); $out += length( $str ); # Output newlines when a line is full if( $out > $nle ){ $out = 0; &msg( "\n\t" ); } } &msg( "\n" ); } # Mirror the package, return exit_status sub do_mirror { local( $get_one_package ) = 0; $package = $value{ 'package' }; if( $package eq 'defaults' ){ # This isn't a real site - just a way to change the defaults %default = %value; return $exit_ok; } # Only do this package if given by a -Ppack argument if( $limit_packages && ! $do_packages{ $package } ){ return; } if( $skip_till ){ # Found a package so process all packages from now on $skip_till = $limit_packages = 0; } local( $exit_status ) = $exit_fail_noconnect; # Presume the worse. $timeouts = 0; # set things from the command line arguments &command_line_override(); if( ! &checkout_regexps() ){ &msg( "skipping package\n\n" ); return $exit_status; } # set each variable $key = $value{ $key } &set_variables(); # don't trash locally glossed over things with stuff from the remote if( $local_ignore ){ if( $exclude_patt ){ $exclude_patt .= '|' . $local_ignore; } else { $exclude_patt = $local_ignore; } } if( $debug > 3 ){ &pr_variables( "\n" ); } elsif( $package && ! $pretty_print ){ &msg( "package=$package $site:$remote_dir -> $local_dir\n"); } # Don't bother if trying to mirror here! if( !$interactive && !$force && ((gethostbyname( $site ))[0] eq $hostname) ){ &msg( "Skipping $site as it is this local site!\n\n" ); return $exit_ok; } chdir $home; $max_age = 0; if( $value{ 'max_days' } ne '0' ){ $max_age = time - ($value{ 'max_days' } * 24 * 60 * 60); &msg( "max_age = $max_age\n" ) if $debug > 1; } # pull in external code, if required if( $external_mapping ){ &msg( "Loading external mapping from $external_mapping.\n" ) if $debug > 0 ; do $external_mapping || die "Cannot load from $external_mapping"; } if( $debug ){ # Keep the ftp debugging lower than the rest. &ftp'debug( $debug - 1); } else { &ftp'debug( $verbose ); } if( $recurse_hard ){ $recursive = 1; } if( ! $interactive ){ $ftp'showfd = 'STDOUT'; } &ftp'set_timeout( $timeout ); &ftp'set_signals( "main'msg" ); # set passive ftp mode if( $passive_ftp ){ $ftp'use_pasv = 1; } # Are we using the SOCKS version of perl? if( $using_socks ){ $chat'using_socks = 1; } # Useful string in prints $XFER = $get_file ? "get" : "put"; # create the list of items to copy @transfer_list = (); if( $interactive ){ # copy the remainder of items from argv to the transfer list while( @ARGV ){ # copy the local directory if( @ARGV ){ push( @transfer_list, shift( @ARGV ) ); } # copy the remote directory if( @ARGV ){ push( @transfer_list, shift( @ARGV ) ); } else { die "remote directory must be specified\n"; } # copy the pattern, if available if( @ARGV ){ push( @transfer_list, shift( @ARGV ) ); } else { push( @transfer_list, $default{ 'get_patt' } ); } } if( $debug > 1 ){ local( @t ); @t = @transfer_list; while( @t ){ printf( "local_dir=%s remote_dir=%s patt=%s\n", shift( @t ), shift( @t ), shift( @t ) ); } } } else { push( @transfer_list, $local_dir ); push( @transfer_list, $remote_dir ); push( @transfer_list, $get_patt ); $get_one_package = 1; } if( $update_local && $get_patt ){ if( $get_patt ne $default{ 'get_patt' } ){ &msg( "Cannot mix get_patt and update_local. get_patt ignored\n" ); } $get_patt = ''; } if( !$site || (!$interactive && (!$local_dir || !$remote_dir)) ){ &msg( "Insufficient details for package to be fetched\n" ); &msg( "Must give at least: site, remote_user, remote_dir and local_dir\n\n" ); return $exit_status; } if( $pretty_print ){ # Don't actually mirror just print a pretty list # of what would be mirrored. This is for mailing to # people if( $skip ){ return $exit_ok; } &msg( "$package \"$comment\"\n" ); &msg( " $site:$remote_dir --> $local_dir\n\n" ); return $exit_ok; } if( $skip ){ &msg( "Skipping $site:$package because $skip\n\n" ); return $exit_ok; } $split_max = &to_bytes( $split_max ); $split_chunk = &to_bytes( $split_chunk ); if( $split_max && $split_max <= $split_chunk ){ &msg( "split_max <= split_chunk - skipping package\n" ); &msg( " $split_max <= $split_chunk\n\n" ); return $exit_status; } if( $split_chunk && ($split_chunk & 511) ){ &msg( "split_chunk bad size - skipping package\n" ); &msg( " $split_chunk should be a multiple of 512 bytes\n\n" ); return $exit_status; } if( $get_one_package ){ # If only getting one package may as well parse the # local directory listings before connecting to the # remote site. (With the status_file stuff this info # can then be reused if something goes wrong.) if( $use_files ){ &create_assocs(); } if( !&get_local_directory_details() ){ &msg( "Cannot get local directory details ($local_dir)\n" ); &disconnect(); &msg( "\n" ); return $exit_status; } } local( $con ) = &connect(); if( $con <= 0 ){ &msg( "Cannot connect, skipping package\n" ); &disconnect(); &msg( "\n" ); return $exit_status; } if( $con == 1 ){ &msg( "login as $remote_user\n" ) if $debug > 1; $curr_remote_user = $remote_user; if( ! &ftp'login( $remote_user, $remote_password, $remote_account ) ){ &msg( "Cannot login, skipping package\n" ); &disconnect(); &msg( "\n" ); return $exit_status; } $can_restart = (&ftp'restart(0) == 1); if( $debug > 1 ){ &msg( "Can " . $can_restart ? '' : "not " . "do restarts\n" ); } if( ! &ftp'type( $text_mode ? 'A' : 'I' ) ){ &msg( "Cannot set type\n" ); } } else { # Already connected to this site - so no need to login again &msg( "Already connected to site $site\n" ) if $debug; } $exit_status = $exit_fail; # ok this is now the worse case # Mirror thinks in terms of Unix pathnames. # Ask ftp.pl to map any remote name it is about to use by # setting the namemap functions. if( $remote_fs =~ /vms/i ){ $vms = 1; &ftp'set_namemap( "main'unix2vms", "main'vms2unix" ); } else { $vms = 0; # No mapping necessary &ftp'set_namemap( '' ); } if( ! $get_file || $remote_idle ){ local( @rhelp ) = &ftp'site_commands(); $remote_has_chmod = grep( $_ eq 'CHMOD', @rhelp); $remote_has_idle = grep( $_ eq 'IDLE', @rhelp); if( $debug > 2 ){ &msg( "remote site " . ($remote_has_chmod ? "has" : "hasn't") . " got chmod\n" ); &msg( "remote site " . ($remote_has_idle ? "has" : "hasn't") . " got idle\n" ); } } if( $remote_has_idle && $remote_idle ){ if( ! &ftp'quote( "site idle $remote_idle" ) ){ &msg( "Cannot set remote idle\n" ); } elsif( $debug > 2 ){ &msg( "remote idle has been set to $remote_idle\n" ); } } if( $remote_group ){ if( ! &ftp'quote( "site group $remote_group" ) ){ &msg( "Cannot set remote group\n" ); } elsif( $debug > 2 ){ &msg( "remote group has been set to $remote_group\n" ); } } if( $remote_gpass ){ if( ! &ftp'quote( "site gpass $remote_gpass" ) ){ &msg( "Cannot set remote gpass\n" ); } elsif( $debug > 2 ){ &msg( "remote gpass has been set\n" ); } } @log = (); while( @transfer_list ){ # get files $local_dir = shift( @transfer_list ); $remote_dir = shift( @transfer_list ); $get_patt = shift( @transfer_list ); # Clear all details undef( @xfer_dest ); undef( @xfer_src ); undef( @xfer_attribs ); undef( @things_to_make ); if( ! $get_one_package ){ if( $use_files ){ &create_assocs(); } if( !&get_local_directory_details() ){ &msg( "Cannot get local directory details ($local_dir)\n" ); &disconnect(); &msg( "\n" ); return $exit_status; } } # Create a get_patt from the contents of the local directory if( $update_local && $#get_top >= 0 ){ $get_patt = '^' . join( '|^', @get_top ); $get_patt =~ s/$squished//g; &msg( "get_patt = $get_patt\n" ) if $debug; } if( !&get_remote_directory_details() ){ &msg( "Cannot get remote directory details ($remote_dir)\n" ); &disconnect(); &msg( "\n" ); return $exit_status; } if( $get_file ){ &compare_dirs( *remote_sorted, *remote_map, *remote_time, *remote_size, *remote_type, *local_sorted, *local_map, *local_time, *local_size, *local_type, *local_keep, *local_keep_totals ); } else { &compare_dirs( *local_sorted, *local_map, *local_time, *local_size, *local_type, *remote_sorted, *remote_map, *remote_time, *remote_size, *remote_type, *remote_keep, *remote_keep_totals ); } if( $timestamp ){ &set_timestamps(); next; } &make_dirs(); &do_all_transfers(); $exit_status = $exit_ok; # Everything went ok. if( $get_file ){ # I must have finished with the remote information # so clear it out. &clear_remote(); } else { # clear out local info. &clear_local(); } if( $save_deletes ){ # If $save_dir is null, make $save_dir to be # subdirectory 'Old' under # current path if( ( ! defined( $save_dir ) ) || ( $save_dir eq '' ) ){ $save_dir = "$cwd/Old"; } # If $save_dir is not absolute, take it as # subdirectory of current path if( $save_dir !~ m,^/, ){ $save_dir = "$cwd/$save_dir"; } } if( $do_deletes || $save_deletes ){ if( $get_file ){ &do_deletes( *local_sorted, *local_map, *local_type, *local_keep, *local_totals, *local_keep_totals ); } else { &do_deletes( *remote_sorted, *remote_map, *remote_type, *remote_keep, *remote_totals, *remote_keep_totals ); } } &make_symlinks(); undef( @things_to_make ); # No more transfers if the connection has died. last if ! $connected; } &clear_local(); &clear_remote(); if( $use_files ){ # Close and zap. &delete_assocs(); } # Should I force a disconnect now? if( $connected && $disconnect ){ &disconnect(); } if( $dont_do || $timestamp ){ # Don't generate logs/email &msg( "\n" ); return $exit_status; } local( $now ); chop( $now = `date` ); if( $update_log ){ if( ! open( LOGG, ">>$update_log" ) ){ &msg( "Cannot append to $update_log\n\n" ); return $exit_fail; } print LOGG "mirroring $package ($site:$remote_dir) completed successfully \@ $now\n"; print LOGG @log; close( LOGG ); } if( $#log >= 0 && $mail_to =~ /./ ){ local( $arg ); eval "\$arg = \"$mail_subject\""; if( ! open( MAIL, "|$mail_prog $arg $mail_to" ) ){ &msg( "Cannot run: $com\n\n" ); return $exit_fail; } print MAIL "Mirrored $package ($site:$remote_dir -> $local_dir) $comment \@ $now\n"; print MAIL @log; close( MAIL ); } undef( @log ); &msg( "\n" ); return $exit_status; } sub disconnect { if( $connected ){ &msg( "disconnecting from $connected\n" ) if $debug; if( ! $ftp'fatalerror ){ &ftp'close(); } else { &ftp'service_closed(); } } $connected = ''; } # Connect to the site # Return 0 on a fail, # 1 if a connection was successfully made, # 2 if already connected to the site sub connect { local( $attempts ) = 1; # Retry ONCE! Be friendly. local( $res ); if( $connected eq $site && $curr_remote_user eq $remote_user ){ # Already connected to this site! return 2; } # Clear out any session active session &disconnect(); if( $proxy ){ $ftp'proxy = $proxy; $ftp'proxy_gateway = $proxy_gateway; $ftp'proxy_ftp_port = $proxy_ftp_port; } $res = &ftp'open( $site, $ftp_port, $retry_call, $attempts ); if( $res == 1 ){ # Connected $connected = $site; } return $res; } # This just prods the remote ftpd to prevent time-outs sub prod { return unless $connected; if( $debug > 2 ){ &msg( " prodding remote ftpd\n" ); } &ftp'pwd(); } # checkout and fixup any regexps. # return 0 on an error sub checkout_regexps { local( $ret ) = 1; # Check out the regexps local( $t ) = 'x'; foreach $r ( @regexp_values ){ # regexps should never begin or end with a | or have # two in a row otherwise the pattern matches everything. # Use null to match everything if thats what you mean. $value{ $r } =~ s/\|+/|/g; $value{ $r } =~ s/^\|//; $value{ $r } =~ s/\|$//; local( $val ) = $value{ $r }; next if ! $val; eval '$t =~ /$val/'; if( $@ ){ local( $err ); chop( $err = $@ ); &msg( "Problem with regexp $r ($err)\n" ); $ret = 0; } } return $ret; } sub clear_local { if( ! $use_files ){ undef( %local_map ); } undef( @local_sorted ); undef( @local_time ); undef( @local_size ); undef( @local_type ); undef( @local_mode ); undef( @local_keep ); undef( @local_totals ); undef( @local_keep_totals ); } sub clear_remote { if( ! $use_files ){ undef( %remote_map ); } undef( @remote_sorted ); undef( @remote_time ); undef( @remote_size ); undef( @remote_type ); undef( @remote_mode ); undef( @remote_keep ); undef( @remote_totals ); undef( @remote_keep_totals ); } sub get_local_directory_details { local( @dirs, $dir ); local( $last_prodded ) = time; # when I last prodded the remote ftpd $next_local_mapi = $map_init; &clear_local(); # Make sure the first elem is 0. $local_time[ 0 ] = 0; $local_size[ 0 ] = 0; $local_type[ 0 ] = 0; $local_mode[ 0 ] = 0; @get_top = (); &msg( "Scanning local directory $local_dir\n" ) if $debug; if( ! -d $local_dir ){ if( $dont_do || $timestamp ){ return 1; } &msg( "$local_dir no such directory - creating it\n" ); if( &mkdirs( $local_dir ) ){ push( @log, "Created dir $local_dir\n" ); $exit_xfer_status |= $exit_xfers; } else { &msg( $log, "FAILED to create local dir $local_dir\n" ); } } if( !chdir( $local_dir ) ){ &msg( "Cannot change directory to $local_dir\n" ); return 0; } if( $local_dir =~ m,^/, ){ $cwd = $local_dir; } else { chop( $cwd = `pwd` ); } # @dirs is the list of all directories to scan # As subdirs are found they are added to the end of the list # and as @dirs = ( "." ); # Most of these variables should be locals in blocks below but # that seems to tickle a perl bug and causes a lot of memory to # be wasted. local( $dir_level ) = 0; local( $i ) = 0; local( $path, $time, $size, $type, $mode, $name, $isdir, $value, $follow ); local( $dev,$ino,$fmode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$ssize, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks ); while( defined( $dir = shift( @dirs ) ) ){ if( !opendir( DIR, $dir ) ){ &msg( "Cannot open local directory $dir, skipping it\n" ); next; } while( defined( $name = readdir( DIR ) ) ){ $isdir = 0; # Prod the remote system from time to time # To prevent time outs. Only look once every 50 files # to save on unnecessary systems calls. if( ($i % 50 == 0) && time > ($last_prodded + $prod_interval) ){ $last_prodded = time; &prod(); } $i ++; $path = "$dir/$name"; $path =~ s,(^|/)\./,,; next if $name eq '.' || $name eq '..' || ($local_ignore && $path =~ /$local_ignore/); $follow = ($follow_local_symlinks ne '' && $path =~ /$follow_local_symlinks/); if( !$follow && -l $path ){ $value = readlink( $path ); ( $dev,$ino,$fmode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$ssize, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks ) = lstat( _ ); $size = $ssize; $time = $mtime; $type = "l $value"; $mode = $fmode; } elsif( ($isdir = ($follow ? (-d $path) : (-d _))) || -f _ ){ ( $dev,$ino,$fmode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$ssize, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks ) = stat( _ ); $size = $ssize; $time = $mtime; $mode = $fmode; if( $isdir ){ push( @dirs, $path ) if $recursive; $type = 'd'; } else { $type = 'f'; } if( $dir_level == 0 && $update_local ){ push( @get_top, $path ); } } else { &msg( "unknown file type $path, skipping\n" ); next; } if( $debug > 2){ printf "local: %s %s %s %s 0%o\n", $path, $size, $time, $type, $mode; } if( $max_age && $time != 0 && $time < $max_age ){ &msg( " too old: $path\n" ) if $debug > 1; next; } local( $mapi ) = $next_local_mapi++; # push( @local_sorted, $path ); $local_sorted[ $mapi - 1 ] = $path; $local_map{ $path } = $mapi; $local_time[ $mapi ] = $time; $local_size[ $mapi ] = $size; $local_type[ $mapi ] = $type; $local_mode[ $mapi ] = $mode; if( $type eq 'd' ){ $local_totals[ 0 ]++; } else { $local_totals[ 1 ]++; } } closedir( DIR ); $dir_level++; if( ! $recursive ){ last; } } return 1; } # Return true if the remote directory listing was brought back safely. sub get_remote_directory_details { local( $use_rls ) = 0; local( $type_changed ) = 0; local( $udirtmp ); local( $storename ) = "/dev/null"; &msg( "Scanning remote directory $remote_dir\n" ) if $debug; if( $store_remote_listing ){ eval "\$storename = \"$store_remote_listing\""; } $next_remote_mapi = $map_init; &clear_remote(); # Make sure the first elem is 0. $remote_time[ 0 ] = 0; $remote_size[ 0 ] = 0; $remote_type[ 0 ] = 0; $remote_mode[ 0 ] = 0; if( $remote_fs !~ /cms/ && ! &ftp'cwd( $remote_dir ) ){ if( $get_file ){ # no files to get return 0; } &msg( "Failed to change to remote directory ($remote_dir) trying to create it\n" ); &mkdirs( $remote_dir ); if( ! &ftp'cwd( $remote_dir ) ){ &msg( "Cannot change to remote directory ($remote_dir) because: $ftp'response\n" ); return 0; } } local( $rls ); $use_ls = 0; if( $local_ls_lR_file ){ &msg( " Using local file $local_ls_lR_file for remote dir listing\n" ) if $debug; if( ! open( DIRTMP, $local_ls_lR_file ) ){ &msg( "Cannot open $local_ls_lR_file\n" ); return 0; } $rls = "main'DIRTMP"; # Now we don't want to overwrite our input... better test? if( $local_ls_lR_file eq $storename ){ $storename = "/dev/null"; } } elsif( $ls_lR_file ){ local( $dirtmp ); $dirtmp = "$big_temp/.dir$$"; if( $ls_lR_file =~ /\.($sys_compress_suffix|$gzip_suffix|$old_gzip_suffix)$/ ){ $dirtmp .= ".$1"; } &msg( " Getting directory listing from remote file $ls_lR_file\n" ) if $debug; if( ! &ftp'get( $ls_lR_file, $dirtmp, 0 ) ){ &msg( "Cannot get dir listing file\n" ); return 0; } local( $unsquish ); if( $dirtmp =~ /\.$sys_compress_suffix$/ ){ $unsquish = $sys_compress_prog; } elsif( $dirtmp =~ /\.($gzip_suffix|$old_gzip_suffix)$/ ){ $unsquish = $gzip_prog; } if( defined( $unsquish ) ){ local( $f, $uf ); $uf = $udirtmp = $dirtmp; $dirtmp =~ s/($shell_metachars)/\\$1/g; $f = $dirtmp; $dirtmp =~ s/\.($sys_compress_suffix|$gzip_suffix|$old_gzip_suffix)$//; $udirtmp =~ s/\.($sys_compress_suffix|$gzip_suffix|$old_gzip_suffix)$//; &sys( "$unsquish -d < \"$f\" > \"$dirtmp\"" ); unlink( $uf ); } else { $udirtmp = $dirtmp; } open( DIRTMP, $dirtmp ) || die "Cannot open $dirtmp"; $rls = "main'DIRTMP"; } else { $use_ls = 1; if( ! &ftp'type( 'A' ) ){ &msg( "Cannot set type to ascii for dir listing, ignored\n" ); $type_changed = 0; } else { $type_changed = 1; } } $lsparse'fstype = $remote_fs; $lsparse'name = "$site:$package"; if( $use_ls ){ local( $flags ) = $flags_nonrecursive; if( $recursive && ! $recurse_hard ){ $flags = $flags_recursive; } if( !&ftp'dir_open( $flags ) ){ &msg( "Cannot get remote directory listing because: $ftp'response\n" ); return 0; } $rls = "ftp'NS"; } $rcwd = ''; if( $vms ){ # Strip this off all pathnames to make them # relative to the remote_dir $rcwd = $remote_dir; } $dateconv'use_timelocal = $use_timelocal; if( !&lsparse'reset( $rcwd ) ){ &msg( "$remote_fs: unknown fstype\n" ); return 0; } if( $vms ){ # Need to get in terms of the full pathname # so add it back in - see unix2vms at end of mirror $vms_dir = $remote_dir; } open( STORE, ">$storename" ) || die( "Cannot write to $storename\n" ); local( $parse_state ) = &parse_remote_details(); close( STORE ); if( $local_ls_lR_file ){ close( DIRTMP ); } elsif( $ls_lR_file ){ close( DIRTMP ); unlink( $udirtmp ); } else { # Could optimise this out - but it makes sure that # the other end gets a command straight after a possibly # long dir listing. if( ! &ftp'type( $text_mode ? 'A' : 'I' ) ){ local( $msg ) = "Cannot reset type after dir listing, "; if( $type_changed ){ # I changed it before - so I must be able to # change back unless something is wrong $msg .= "aborting\n"; &msg( $msg ); return 0; } else { $msg .= "ignoring\n"; &msg( $msg ); } } } # If the other end dropped part way thru make sure the # higher routines know! return $parse_state; } sub parse_timeout { $parse_timed_out = 1; die "timeout: parse_remote_details"; } sub parse_remote_details { local( $ret ); local( $old_sig ); $parse_timed_out = 0; if( ! $use_ls ){ # No need to bother with the timers return &parse_remote_details_real(); } # This may timeout $old_sig = $SIG{ 'ALRM' }; $SIG{ 'ALRM' } = "main\'parse_timeout"; $ret = eval '&parse_remote_details_real()'; alarm( 0 ); $SIG{ 'ALRM' } = $old_sig; if( $@ =~ /^timeout/ ){ &msg( "timed out parsing directory details\n" ); return 0; } return $ret; } sub parse_remote_details_real { local( $path, $size, $time, $type, $mode, $rdir, $rcwd ); local( @dir_list ); local( $i ) = 0; local( $old_path ); if( $use_ls ){ alarm( $parse_time ); } # Need to loop in case $recurse_hard while( 1 ){ while( !eof( $rls ) ){ ( $path, $size, $time, $type, $mode ) = &lsparse'line( $rls ); last if !$path; if( $ls_fix_mappings ){ local( $old_path ) = $path; $_ = $path; eval $ls_fix_mappings; if( $_ ne $old_path ){ $path = $_; } } if( $debug > 2 ){ printf "remote: %s %s %s %s 0%o\n", $path, $size, $time, $type, $mode; } if( $use_ls ){ # I just got something so shouldn't timeout alarm( $parse_time ); } else { # Prod the remote system from time to time # To prevent time outs. Only look once every # 50 files # to save on unnecessary systems calls. if( ($i % 50 == 0) && time > ($last_prodded + $prod_interval) ){ $last_prodded = time; &prod(); } $i ++; } if( $type eq 'd' && $recurse_hard ){ if( $exclude_patt && $path =~ /$exclude_patt/ ){ &msg( " exclude: $path\n" ) if $debug > 1; } else { push( @dir_list, $path ); } } if( $max_age && $time != 0 && $time < $max_age ){ &msg( " too old: $path\n" ) if $debug > 1; next; } if( $exclude_patt && $path =~ /$exclude_patt/ ){ &msg( " exclude: $path\n" ) if $debug > 1; next; } # If vms and only keeping the latest version if( $vms && !$vms_keep_versions ){ # If we already have a file, pick the newer # TODO: pick the greatest version number local( $ri ) = $remote_map{ $path }; if( $ri && $time > $remote_time[ $ri ] ){ $remote_time[ $ri ] = $time; $remote_size[ $ri ] = $size; $remote_type[ $ri ] = $type; $remote_mode[ $ri ] = $mode; next; } } local( $mapi ) = $next_remote_mapi++; # push( @remote_sorted, $path ); $remote_sorted[ $mapi - 1 ] = $path; $remote_map{ $path } = $mapi; $remote_time[ $mapi ] = $time; $remote_size[ $mapi ] = $size; $remote_type[ $mapi ] = $type; $remote_mode[ $mapi ] = $mode; if( $type eq 'd' ){ $remote_totals[ 0 ]++; } else { $remote_totals[ 1 ]++; } } if( $use_ls ){ &ftp'dir_close(); } if( $recurse_hard && $#dir_list < 0 ){ # Make sure we end in the right directory. if( ! &ftp'cwd( $remote_dir ) ){ &msg( "Cannot change to remote directory" . " ($rdir) because: $ftp'response\n" ); return 0; } } elsif( $recurse_hard ){ $rcwd = shift( @dir_list ); $rdir = "$remote_dir/$rcwd"; if( $debug > 2 ){ print "scanning: $remote_dir / $rcwd\n"; } if( ! &ftp'cwd( $rdir ) ){ &msg( "Cannot change to remote directory" . " ($rdir) because: $ftp'response\n" ); return 0; } if( !&ftp'dir_open( $flags_nonrecursive ) ){ &msg( "Cannot get remote directory" . " listing because: $ftp'response\n" ); return 0; } &lsparse'reset( $rcwd ); # round the loop again. next; } # All done - snap the loop last; } return 1; } sub compare_dirs { # This declaration must be "local()" because it modifies global data. local( *src_paths, *src_map, *src_time, *src_size, *src_type, *dest_paths, *dest_map, *dest_time, *dest_size, *dest_type, *dest_keep, *dest_keep_totals ) = @_; local( $src_path, $dest_path, $dest_index, $i ); local( $last_prodded ) = time; # when I last prodded the remote ftpd local( $i ); # Most of these variables should be locals in blocks below but # that seems to tickle a perl bug and causes a lot of memory to # be wasted. local( $desti, $srci, $compress, $srciZ, $srcigz, $split, $dest_path_real ); local( $old_dest_path, $existing_path, $tmp, $tempi, $restart ); local( $sp, $dp ) = ($#src_paths + 1, $#dest_paths + 1); &msg( "compare directories (src $sp, dest $dp)\n" ) if $debug; $total_src_size = 0; for( $i = 0; $i <= $#src_paths; $i++ ){ $dest_path = $src_path = $src_paths[ $i ]; $desti = $dest_map{ $dest_path }; $srci = $i + 1; # Prod the remote system from time to time # To prevent time outs. Only look once every 50 files # to save on unnecessary systems calls. if( ($i % 50 == 0) && time > ($last_prodded + $prod_interval) ){ $last_prodded = time; &prod(); } if( $debug > 2 ){ &msg( "Compare src $src_path ($srci): " . &t2str( $src_time[ $srci ] ) ); &msg( " $src_size[ $srci ] $src_type[ $srci ]\n" ); } # I'm about to do a lot of matching on this study( $src_path ); # Should I compress this file? # Don't compress this file if trying to do a compress->gzip # conversion. $compress = 0; if( &will_compress( $src_path, $srci ) ){ if( $dest_path !~ /$squished/o ){ $srciZ = $src_map{ "$src_path.$sys_compress_suffix" }; $srcigz = $src_map{ "$src_path.$gzip_suffix" }; if( $srciZ || $srcigz ){ # There is a compressed version # too! Skip the uncompressed one &msg( " do not xfer, compressed version exists: $src_path\n" ) if $debug > 1; next; } $compress = 1; $dest_path .= '.' . $compress_suffix; $desti = $dest_map{ $dest_path }; } } # need to adjust the symlink pointer? elsif( $src_type[ $srci ] =~ /^l (.*)/ ){ # Am I going to squish the file this points to? local( $real, $reali, $reali1 ); local( $count ) = 0; while( $count++ <= 10 ){ $real = &expand_symlink( $src_path, $1 ); $reali = $src_map{ $real }; # Look out for when the symlink loops on itself if( defined( $reali1 ) && $reali == $reali1 ){ last; } $reali1 = $reali; last if $src_type[ $reali ] !~ /^l (.*)$/; } if( &will_compress( $real, $reali ) ){ # real is going to be (at least) squished so # suffix the dest $dest_path .= '.' . $compress_suffix; $desti = $dest_map{ $dest_path }; $src_type[ $srci ] .= '.' . $compress_suffix; &msg( " symlink pointer is now $dest_path\n" ) if $debug > 1; if( $src_map{ $dest_path } ){ &msg( "do not xfer, $dest_path exists\n" ) if $debug > 1; next; } } if( &will_split( $real, $reali ) ){ $src_type[ $srci ] .= '-split/README'; &msg( " symlink pointer now to $real-split/README'\n" ) if $debug > 1; } } # If this is a file that I decided not to compress but the # remote file is compressed and I want a gziped local version # then force compression. # This ignores any compress_excl flags. if( ! $compress && $compress_suffix eq $gzip_suffix && $compress_conv_patt && $src_path =~ /$compress_conv_patt/ ){ $_ = $dest_path; eval $compress_conv_expr; $dest_path = $_; &msg( " $src_path -> $dest_path\n" ) if $debug > 2; $desti = $dest_map{ $dest_path }; $compress = 1; } # Am I converting the compression on the file this points to? if( $src_type[ $srci ] =~ /^l (.*)/ && $compress_suffix eq $gzip_suffix ){ local( $value ) = $1; local( $real ) = &expand_symlink( $src_path, $value ); local( $reali ) = $src_map{ $real }; if( $src_type[ $reali ] ne 'd' && $src_type[ $reali ] ne /^l .*/ && $compress_conv_patt && $real =~ /$compress_conv_patt/ ){ $dest_path =~ s/$sys_compress_suffix$/$gzip_suffix/; $desti = $dest_map{ $dest_path }; $value =~ s/$sys_compress_suffix$/$gzip_suffix/; &msg( " symlink pointer is now $dest_path (conv)\n") if $debug > 1; } if( $name_mappings || $external_mapping ){ local( $old ) = $value; $value = &map_name( $value ); if( $value ne $old ){ &msg( " Mapped symlink value is $value\n" ) if $debug > 2; } } $src_type[ $srci ] = "l ".$value; } if( $name_mappings || $external_mapping ){ local( $old_dest_path ) = $dest_path; $dest_path = &map_name( $dest_path ); if( $dest_path ne $old_dest_path ){ $desti = $dest_map{ $dest_path }; &msg( " Mapped name is $dest_path\n" ) if $debug > 2; } } # Should this file be split? $split = 0; $dest_path_real = undef; if( &will_split( $src_path, $srci ) ){ $split = 1; $dest_path_real = $dest_path; $dest_path .= "-split/part01"; $desti = $dest_map{ $dest_path }; } if( $debug > 2 ){ &msg( " dest $dest_path ($desti): " . &t2str( $dest_time[ $desti ] ) ); &msg( " $dest_size[ $desti ] $dest_type[ $desti ]" ); &msg( " (->$compress_suffix)" ) if $compress; &msg( " (split)" ) if $split; &msg( "\n" ); } if( $get_patt && $src_path !~ /$get_patt/ ){ &msg( " do not xfer: $src_path\n" ) if $debug > 1; next; } # Just create any needed directories (the timestamps # should be ignored) if( $src_type[ $srci ] eq 'd' ){ if( $dest_type[ $desti ] ne 'd' ){ push( @things_to_make, "d $dest_path" ); &msg( " need to mkdir $dest_path\n" ) if $debug > 1; } # keep the directory once made # (Also if local is really a symlink elsewhere # it will be kept.) $dest_keep[ $desti ] = 1; $dest_keep_totals[ 0 ]++; &msg( " keep $dest_path\n" ) if $debug > 2; next; } # Well that just leaves files and symlinks. # Do various checks on them. if( $desti && ! $dest_keep[ $desti ] ){ $dest_keep[ $desti ] = 1; $dest_keep_totals[ 1 ]++; &msg( " keep $dest_path\n" ) if $debug > 2; if( $split ){ # Mark all the split parts as kept local( $dpp, $dps, $dpi ); ($dpp, $dps) = ($dest_path =~ m,^(.*/)(part[0-9]+)$,); while( 1 ){ $dps++; if( !($di = $dest_map{ $dpp . $dps }) ){ last; } $dest_keep[ $di ] = 1; $dest_keep_totals[ 1 ]++; &msg( " keep $dpp$dps\n" ) if $debug > 2; } # And the README $dps = 'README'; $di = $dest_map{ $dpp . $dps }; if( $di ){ $dest_keep[ $di ] = 1; $dest_keep_totals[ 1 ]++; &msg( " keep $dpp$dps\n" ) if $debug > 2; } # And the directory chop( $dpp ); $dps = ''; $di = $dest_map{ $dpp . $dps }; if( $di ){ $dest_keep[ $di ] = 1; $dest_keep_totals[ 0 ]++; &msg( " keep $dpp$dps\n" ) if $debug > 2; } } } local( $update ) = 0; if( ! $get_missing ){ next; } if( $force || ! $dest_type[ $desti ] || $timestamp ){ # Either I'm forcing xfers or the file doesn't exist # either way I should update $update = 1; } else { # Maybe the src is newer? if( $get_newer && &compare_times( $src_time[ $srci ], $dest_time[ $desti ] ) ){ &msg( " src is newer, xfer it\n" ) if $debug > 2; $update = 1; } # or maybe its size has changed? # don't bother if file was compressed or split as the # size will have changed anyway if( !$compress && !$split && $get_size_change && ($src_type[ $srci ] eq 'f') && ($src_size[ $srci ] != $dest_size[ $desti ]) ){ $update = 1; } # Maybe it has changed type! if( $src_type[ $srci ] ne $dest_type[ $desti ] ){ $update = 1; } if( $update && $debug > 2 ){ &msg( " src is different size, xfer it\n" ); } } if( ! $update ){ next; } if( $src_type[ $srci ] =~ /^l (.*)/ ){ # If the symlink hasn't changed then may as well # leave it alone if( $src_type[ $srci ] eq $dest_type[ $desti ] ){ next; } # DONT FORGET TO NAME MAP!!!! $existing_path = $1; if( $compress_suffix eq $gzip_suffix && $compress_conv_patt && $existing_path =~ /$compress_conv_patt/ ){ $_ = $existing_path; eval $compress_conv_expr; $existing_path = $_; } push( @things_to_make, "l $dest_path -> $existing_path" ); &msg( " need to symlink $dest_path -> $existing_path\n" ) if $debug > 2; next; } # Now that the tests are complete use the real dest. if( defined( $dest_path_real ) ){ $dest_path = $dest_path_real; $desti = $dest_map{ $dest_path }; } $total_src_size += $src_size[ $srci ]; &msg( "$XFER file $src_path as $dest_path ($src_size[ $srci ])". ($compress ? " (->$compress_suffix)" : "") . ($split ? " (split)" : "") . "\n" ) if $debug > 1; push( @xfer_dest, $dest_path ); push( @xfer_src, $src_path ); # If xfers can be restarted AND # a temporary file exists from a previous attempt at a # transfer AND # the timestamps of the exising temp file and the original # src file match then flag a restart. $tmp = &filename_to_tempname( '', $dest_path ); $tmpi = $dest_map{ $tmp }; $restart = ''; #warn "get_file = $get_file, can_restart = $can_restart, dest_size = $dest_size[ $tmpi ], dest_time = $dest_time[ $tmpi ], src_time = $src_time[ $srci ]\n"; if( $get_file && $can_restart && $dest_size[ $tmpi ] != 0 && ($dest_time[ $tmpi ] eq $src_time[ $srci ]) ){ # Then this is an xfer of the same file # so just restart where I left off $restart = 'r'; } # x for xfer, c for compress, s for split push( @xfer_attribs, "x$restart" . ($compress ? "c" : "") . ($split ? "s" : "") ); } &msg( "to $XFER $total_src_size bytes\n" ) if $debug > 2; } sub map_name { local( $name ) = @_; if( $name_mappings ){ local( $old_name ) = $name; $_ = $name; eval $name_mappings; if( $_ ne $old_name ){ $name = $_; } } if( $external_mapping ){ $old_name = $name; local( $tmp ) = &extmap'map( $name ); if( $tmp ne $old_name ){ $name = $tmp; } } return $name; } sub set_timestamps { local( $src_path ); &msg( "setting timestamps\n" ); if( ! $get_file ){ &msg( "Cannot set remote timestamps\n" ); return; } local( $dest_path, $dest_loc_mapi, $src_rem_mapi, $rtime ); foreach $src_path ( @xfer_src ){ $dest_path = shift( @xfer_dest ); $dest_loc_mapi = $local_map{ $dest_path }; $src_rem_mapi = $remote_map{ $src_path }; $rtime = $remote_time[ $src_rem_mapi ]; if( $dest_loc_mapi && $local_time[ $dest_loc_mapi ] ne $rtime ){ &set_timestamp( $dest_path, $rtime ); } } } sub set_timestamp { local( $path, $time ) = @_; if( $dont_do ){ &msg( "Should set time of $path to $time\n" ); return; } if( $timestamp || $debug > 2 ){ &msg( "Setting time of $path to $time\n" ); } utime( $time, $time, $path ); } sub make_dirs { local( $thing ); return if $dont_do; foreach $thing ( @things_to_make ){ if( $thing !~ /^d (.*)/ ){ next; } &mkdirs( $1 ); } } sub make_symlinks { local( $thing ); return if $dont_do; thing: foreach $thing ( @things_to_make ){ if( $thing !~ /^l (.*) -> (.*)/ ){ next; } local( $dest, $existing ) = ($1, $2); local( $dirpart ) = &dirpart( $dest ); if( -e "$dirpart/$existing" ){ # symlink to existing file. &mksymlink( $dest, $existing ); next; } # The existing file doesn't actually exist! # Has it been compressed, gzipped, split? or worse # compressed/gzipped AND split. (OK so it could # be another problem, bad symlink on remote host, file # that hasn't been xfer'd yet... but this is as good as # it gets.) local( $p ); foreach $p ( "\%s.$sys_compress_suffix", "\%s.$gzip_suffix", "\%s/README", "\%s-split/README", "\%s-split.$sys_compress_suffix/README", "\%s-split.$gzip_suffix/README" ){ local( $f ) = sprintf( $p, $existing ); if( -e $f ){ &msg( "using $p\n" ) if $debug > 2; &mksymlink( $dest, $f ); next thing; } } if( $make_bad_symlinks ){ &msg( "symlink to non-existant file: $dest -> $existing\n" ); &mksymlink( $dest, $existing ); } else { &msg( "Not symlinking $dest -> $existing\n" ); } } } sub do_all_transfers { local( $src_path ); local( $dest_path, $attribs ); local( $srci ); if( $#xfer_src < 0 ){ &msg( "No files to transfer\n" ); return; } # The Macos ftpd cannot reliably rename files $no_rename = ($remote_fs eq 'macos' && ! $get_file); foreach $src_path ( @xfer_src ){ if( $get_file ){ $srci = $remote_map{ $src_path }; } else { $srci = $local_map{ $src_path }; } $dest_path = shift( @xfer_dest ); $attribs = shift( @xfer_attribs ); if( $dont_do ){ # Skip trying to get the file. next; } &msg( "Need to $XFER file $src_path as $dest_path ($attribs)\n" ) if $debug > 1; # &msg( "transferring $src_path " ); local( $newpath ) = &transfer_file( $src_path, $dest_path, $attribs, $remote_time[ $srci ] ); if( $get_file && $newpath eq '' ){ &msg( "Failed to $XFER file $ftp'response\n" ); if( $ftp'response =~ /timeout|timed out/i ){ $timeouts++; } if( $ftp'fatalerror || $timeouts > $max_timeouts ){ &msg( "Fatal error talking to site, skipping rest of transfers\n" ); &disconnect(); return; } next; } # File will now have been split up. if( $attribs =~ /s/ ){ # &msg( "\n" ); next; } if( $newpath ne $src_path ){ # &msg( "into $newpath" ); } # &msg( "\n" ); &set_attribs( $newpath, 'f' ); # we can only force time for local files if( $force_times && $get_file ){ &set_timestamp( $newpath, $remote_time[ $srci ] ); } } } sub transfer_file { local( $src_path, $dest_path, $attribs, $timestamp ) = @_; local( $dir, $file, $temp, $compress, $split, $restart, $mesg, $got_mesg ); # Make sure the required directory exists $dir = ""; if( $dest_path =~ /^(.+\/)([^\/]+)$/ ){ ($dir, $file) = ($1, $2); if( $dest_type[ $dir ] ne 'd' && &mkdirs( $dir ) ){ &msg( $log, "Created dir $dir\n" ); } } else { $file = $dest_path; } $temp = &filename_to_tempname( $dir, $file ); # Interpret the attrib characters if( $attribs !~ /x/ ){ # Not an xfer! return ''; } if( $attribs =~ /c/ ){ $compress = 1; $mesg = " and compress"; } if( $attribs =~ /s/ ){ $split = 1; $mesg = " and split"; } if( $attribs =~ /r/ ){ $restart = 1; } if( $vms ){ &ftp'type( ($src_path =~ /$vms_xfer_text/i) ? 'A' : 'I' ); } if( $remote_fs eq 'macos' && ! $get_file ){ &ftp'type( 'A' ); } if( ! $get_file ){ # put the file remotely local( $src_file ) = $src_path; local( $comptemp ) = ''; if( $compress ){ # No easy way to tell wether this was compressed or not # for now just presume that it is. local( $f ) = $src_file; $f =~ s/($shell_metachars)/\\$1/g; $comptemp = "$big_temp/.out$$"; &sys( "$compress_prog < \"$f\" > \"$comptemp\"" ); $src_file = $comptemp; } if( $no_rename ){ $temp = $dest_path; } if( ! &ftp'put( $src_file, $temp, $restart ) ){ &msg( $log, "Failed to put $src_file: $ftp'response\n" ); unlink( $comptemp ) if $comptemp; return ''; } unlink( $comptemp ) if $comptemp; if( !$no_rename && ! &ftp'rename( $temp, $dest_path ) ){ &msg( $log, "Failed to remote rename $temp to $dest_path: $ftp'response\n" ); return ''; } # Some transfers done $exit_xfer_status |= $exit_xfers; return $dest_path; } # Maybe TODO: Paul Szabo suggest that if recurse_hard is set then # mirror should chdir to the directory the file is in before getting # it. # Get a file &ftp'dostrip( $strip_cr ); if( ! &ftp'get( $src_path, $temp, $restart ) ){ if( !$failed_gets_excl || $ftp'response !~ /$failed_gets_excl/ ){ &msg( $log, "Failed to get $src_path: $ftp'response\n" ); } # Time stamp the temp file to allow for a restart if( -f $temp ){ utime( $timestamp, $timestamp, $temp ); # Make sure this file is kept local( $ti ) = $local_map{ $temp }; $local_keep[ $ti ] = 1; $local_keep_totals[ 0 ]++; } return ''; } # Some transfers done $exit_xfer_status |= $exit_xfers; # delete source file after successful transfer if( $delete_source ){ if( &ftp'delete( $src_path ) ){ &msg( $log, "Deleted remote $src_path\n"); } else { &msg( $log, "Failed to delete remote $src_path\n"); } } if( $compress ){ # Prevent the shell from expanding characters local( $f ) = $temp; local( $comp ); $f =~ s/($shell_metachars)/\\$1/g; $temp = "$f.$compress_suffix"; # Am I doing compress to gzip conversion? if( $src_path =~ /$compress_conv_patt/ && $compress_suffix eq $gzip_suffix ){ $comp = "$sys_compress_prog -d < \"$f\" | $gzip_prog > \"$temp\""; } else { $comp = "$compress_prog < \"$f\" > \"$temp\""; } &sys( $comp ); $temp =~ s/\\($shell_metachars)/$1/g; $f =~ s/\\($shell_metachars)/$1/g; unlink( $f ); } local( $filesize ) = &filesize( $temp ); local( $sizemsg ) = $filesize; local( $srcsize ) = $remote_size[ $remote_map{ $src_path } ]; if( $srcsize > $sizemsg && !$compress ){ # should never happen, right? right ... $sizemsg .= " (file shrunk from $srcsize!)"; } elsif( $srcsize < $sizemsg ){ # compression wasn't such a great idea $sizemsg .= " (file grew from $srcsize!)"; } # Ok - chop it up into bits! if( $split ){ local( $time ) = 0; if( $force_times ){ $time = $remote_time[ $remote_map{ $src_path } ]; } &bsplit( $temp, $dest_path, $time ); unlink( $temp ); $got_mesg .= " and split"; } else { rename( $temp, $dest_path ); } local( $as ) = ''; if( $src_path ne $dest_path ){ $as = " as $dest_path"; } &msg( $log, "Got $src_path$as$got_mesg $sizemsg\n" ); # Make sure to keep what you just got! It may/may no have # been compressed or gzipped.. local( $locali ) = $local_map{ $dest_path }; $local_keep[ $locali ] = 1; &log_upload( $src_path, $dest_path, $got_mesg, $filesize ); return( $dest_path ); } sub filename_to_tempname { local( $dir, $file ) = @_; # dir # LIMITED NAMELEN # if you are really limited in pathname length then # change the .in. to just . if( $remote_fs eq 'macos' && ! $get_file ){ return $dir . "tmp.$file"; } return "$dir.in.$file."; } # Open, write, close - to try and ensure that the log will allways be filled # in. sub log_upload { local( $src_path, $dest_path, $got_mesg, $size ) = @_; if( ! $upload_log ){ return; } if( ! open( ULOG, ">>$upload_log" ) ){ print STDERR "Cannot write to $upload_log\n"; return; } &myflock( 'ULOG', $LOCK_EX ); print ULOG "$site:$remote_dir/$src_path -> $local_dir/$dest_path $size "; if( $got_mesg ){ print ULOG "($got_mesg)"; } print ULOG "\n"; &myflock( 'ULOG', $LOCK_UN ); close( ULOG ); } sub do_deletes { # This declaration must be "local()" because it modifies global data. local( *src_paths, *src_map, *src_type, *src_keep, *src_totals, *src_keep_totals ) = @_; local( $files_to_go, $dirs_to_go ); if( ! ($do_deletes || $save_deletes) ){ return; } local( $src_path, $i ); local( $orig_do_deletes ) = $do_deletes; local( $orig_save_deletes ) = $save_deletes; local( $del_patt ) = $delete_patt; if( $delete_get_patt ){ $del_patt = $get_patt; } $files_to_go = $src_totals[ 1 ] - $src_keep_totals[ 1 ]; $dirs_to_go = $src_totals[ 0 ] - $src_keep_totals[ 0 ]; # Adjust totals by considering del_patt for( $i = $#src_paths; $i >= 0; $i-- ){ $src_path = $src_paths[ $i ]; $srci = $i + 1; if( !$src_keep[ $srci ] && $src_path !~ /$del_patt/ || $delete_excl && $src_path =~ /$delete_excl/ ){ if( $src_type[ $srci ] =~ "d" ){ $dirs_to_go--; } else { $files_to_go--; } } } # Check out file deletions if( $max_delete_files =~ /^(\d+)\%$/ ){ # There is a % in the value - so its a percentage local( $per ) = $1; if( $per <= 0 || 100 < $per ){ &msg( "silly percentage $max_delete_files, not deleting\n" ); $do_deletes = 0; $save_deletes = 0; } else { # Don't do more than this percentage of files # Convert max_delete_files into the number of files $max_delete_files = int( $src_totals[ 1 ] * $max_delete_files /100 ); } } if( $files_to_go > $max_delete_files ){ &msg( "Too many files to delete, not actually deleting ($files_to_go > $max_delete_files)\n" ); $do_deletes = 0; $save_deletes = 0; } # Check out directory deletions if( $max_delete_dirs =~ /^(\d+)%$/ ){ # There is a % in the value - so its a percentage local( $per ) = $1; if( $per <= 0 || 100 < $per ){ &msg( "silly percentage $max_delete_dirs, not deleting\n" ); $do_deletes = 0; $save_deletes = 0; } else { # Don't do more than this percentage of dirs # Convert max_delete_dirs into the number of dirs $max_delete_dirs = int( $src_totals[ 0 ] * $max_delete_dirs / 100 ); } } if( $dirs_to_go > $max_delete_dirs ){ &msg( "Too many directories to delete, not actually deleting ($dirs_to_go > $max_delete_dirs)\n" ); $do_deletes = 0; $save_deletes = 0; } # Scan the list backwards so subdirectories are dealt with first for( $i = $#src_paths; $i >= 0; $i-- ){ $src_path = $src_paths[ $i ]; $srci = $i + 1; if( $src_keep[ $srci ] ){ # Keep this for sure; &msg( "Keeping: $src_path\n" ) if $debug > 3; next; } if( $src_path !~ /$del_patt/ ){ &msg( " not in del_patt: $src_path\n" ) if $debug > 1; next; } if( $delete_excl && $src_path =~ /$delete_excl/ ){ &msg( " do not delete: $src_path\n" ) if $debug > 1; next; } if( $save_deletes && $save_dir =~ m,$cwd/(.*), ){ local( $save_dir_tail ) = $1; if( $save_dir_tail && $src_path =~ m,$save_dir_tail/*, ){ next; } } if( $save_deletes ){ &save_delete( $src_path, $src_type[ $srci ] ); } else { &do_delete( $src_path, $src_type[ $srci ] ); } } $do_deletes = $orig_do_deletes; $save_deletes = $orig_save_deletes; } # Move aside the given file. Kind is 'd' for dirs and 'f' for files. sub save_delete { local( $save, $kind ) = @_; local( $real_save_dir, $save_dest ); eval "\$real_save_dir = \"$save_dir\""; if( ! $get_file ){ &msg( "NEED TO implement remote save_deletes\n" ); return; } $save_dest = "$real_save_dir/$save"; if( $dont_do ){ &msg( "save_delete $save to $save_dest\n" ); return; } if( $kind eq 'd' ){ $save_dest =~ s,/+$,,; # Make sure it exists &save_mkdir( $save_dest ); # Zap the original if( rmdir( $save ) == 1 ){ &msg( $log, "Removed directory $save\n" ); } else { &msg( $log, "UNABLE TO REMOVE DIRECTORY $save\n" ); } return; } # Save a file # Make the directories under $save_dir local( $dirname ); $dirname = $save_dest; $dirname =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//; # Make sure the directory exists to mv the file into. &save_mkdir( $dirname ); if( rename( $save, $save_dest ) == 1 ){ &msg( $log, "Moved $save to $save_dest\n" ); } else { system "$mv_prog $save $save_dest"; if( ( $? >> 8 ) == 0 ){ &msg( $log, "Moved $save to $save_dest\n" ); } else { &msg( $log, "UNABLE TO MOVE $save TO $save_dest\n" ); } } } sub save_mkdir { local( $dir ) = @_; if( ! -d $dir ){ if( &mkdirs( $dir ) ){ &msg( $log, "Created save directory $dir\n" ); } else { &msg( $log, "UNABLE TO CREATE $dir, aborting saves\n" ); $save_deletes = 0; } } } # Delete the given file. Kind is 'd' for dirs and 'f' for files. sub do_delete { local( $del, $kind ) = @_; if( $dont_do ){ &msg( "delete $del\n" ); return; } if( $kind eq 'd' ){ $del =~ s,/+$,,; if( $do_deletes ){ if( $get_file ){ &msg( $log, "rmdir $cwd/$del\n" ); rmdir( "$cwd/$del" ) || &msg( $log, "rmdir $cwd/$del failed: $!\n" ); } else { &msg( $log, "delete DIR $del\n" ); &ftp'delete( "$del" ) || &msg( $log, "ftp delete DIR $del failed\n" ); } } else { if( $get_file ){ &msg( $log, "NEED TO rmdir $cwd/$del\n" ); } else { &msg( $log, "NEED TO ftp'deldir $del\n" ); } } return; } # Deleting a file. if( $do_deletes ){ if( $get_file ){ &msg( $log, "unlink $cwd/$del\n" ); unlink( "$cwd/$del" ) || &msg( $log, "unlink $cwd/$del failed: $!\n" ); } else { &msg( $log, "delete FILE $del\n" ); &ftp'delete( "$del" ) || &msg( $log, "ftp delete FILE $del failed\n" ); } } else { if( $get_file ){ &msg( $log, "NEED TO unlink $cwd/$del\n" ); } else { &msg( $log, "NEED TO ftp'delete $del\n" ); } } } sub filesize { local( $fname ) = @_; if( ! -f $fname ){ return -1; } return (stat( _ ))[ 7 ]; } # Is the value sub istrue { local( $val ) = @_; return $val eq '1' || $val eq 'yes' || $val eq 'ok' || $val eq 'true'; } sub mksymlink { local( $dest_path, $existing_path ) = @_; if( ! $get_file ){ &msg( "Cannot create symlinks on remote systems ($dest_path -> $existing_path)\n" ); return; } # make the symlink locally # Zap any exiting file/symlink of that name if( -d $dest_path && ! -l $dest_path ){ local( $msg ) = "rmdir( $dest_path ) before symlink"; if( ! rmdir( $dest_path ) ){ &msg( "$msg failed: $!\n" ); return; } elsif( $debug ){ &msg( "$msg\n" ); } } if( -e $dest_path || -l $dest_path ){ local( $msg ) = "unlink( $dest_path ) before symlink"; if( ! unlink( $dest_path ) ){ &msg( "$msg failed: $!\n" ); return; } elsif( $debug ){ &msg( "$msg\n" ); } } if( (eval 'symlink("","")', $@ eq '') ){ local( $status ) = ''; if( ! symlink( $existing_path, $dest_path ) ){ $status = "Failed to "; } &msg( $log, $status . "symlink $existing_path to $dest_path\n" ); } else { &msg( $log, "Tried to create symlink - but not supported locally\n" ); } } # Make a full directory heirarchy # returns true if the directory doesn't exist sub mkdirs { local( $dir ) = @_; local( @dir, $d, $path ); # Very often the directory does exist - so return now return 0 if &dir_exists( $dir ); # Make sure that the target directory exists @dirs = split( '/', $dir ); # the root directory always exists $path = ''; if( $dirs[ 0 ] eq '' ){ shift( @dirs ); $path = '/'; } foreach $d ( @dirs ){ $path = $path . $d; if( ! &dir_exists( $path ) ){ &msg( "mkdir $path\n" ) if $debug > 2; if( ! &make_dir( $path, 0755 ) ){ &msg( "make_dir($path,0755) failed with $err\n" ); return 0; } &set_attribs( $path, 'd' ); } $path .= "/"; } return 1; } # return 0 on error, 1 on success sub make_dir { local( $dir, $mode ) = @_; local( $val ); if( $get_file ){ # make a local directory if( -e $dir || -l $dir ){ unlink( $dir ); } $val = mkdir( $dir, $mode ); $err = "$!"; } else { # make a remote directory $val = &ftp'mkdir( $dir ); # The mkdir might have failed due to bad mode # So try to chmod it anyway if( $remote_has_chmod ){ $val = &ftp'chmod( $dir, $mode ); } } return $val; } # return 1 if $dir exists, 0 if not sub dir_exists { local( $dir ) = @_; local( $val ); if( $get_file ){ # check if local directory exists $val = (-d $dir); } else { # check if remote directory exists local($old_dir) = &ftp'pwd(); $val = &ftp'cwd($dir); # If I didn't manage to change dir should be where I was! if( $val ){ # go back to the original directory &ftp'cwd($old_dir) || die "Cannot cd to original remote directory"; } } return $val; } # Set file/directory attributes sub set_attribs { local( $path, $type ) = @_; local( $mode ); if( $get_file ){ local( $pathi ) = $remote_map{ $path }; $mode = $remote_mode[ $pathi ]; } else { local( $pathi ) = $local_map{ $path }; $mode = $local_mode[ $pathi ]; } # If I can't figure out the mode or I'm not copying it # use the default if( !$mode_copy || !$mode ){ if( $type eq 'f' ){ $mode = $file_mode; } elsif( $type eq 'd' ){ $mode = $dir_mode; } } # Convert from octal $mode = oct( $mode ) if $mode =~ /^0/; if( $get_file ){ # Change local chmod $mode, $path; if( $user ne '' && $group ne '' ){ local( $uid, $gid ); if( $user =~ /^\d+$/ ){ # User is just a number - presume it is the uid $uid = $user; } else { $uid = (getpwnam( $user ))[ 2 ]; } if( $group =~ /\d+$/ ){ # Group is just a number - presume it is the gid $gid = $group; } else { $gid = (getgrnam( $group ))[ 2 ]; } chown $uid, $gid, $path; } } else { # change the remote file if( $remote_has_chmod ){ &ftp'chmod( $path, $mode ); } } } sub get_passwd { local( $user ) = @_; local( $pass ); local( $| ) = 1; # prompt for a password $SIG{ 'INT' } = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{ 'QUIT' } = 'IGNORE'; system "stty -echo /dev/tty 2>&1"; print "Password for $user: "; $pass = ; print "\n"; chop( $pass ); system "stty echo /dev/tty 2>&1"; $SIG{ 'INT' } = 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{ 'QUIT' } = 'DEFAULT'; return $pass; } sub compare_times { # Try and allow for time zone changes (eg when a site # switches from daylight saving to non daylight saving) # by ignoring differences of exactly one hour local( $t1, $t2 ) = @_; local( $diff ) = ($t1 > $t2 ? $t1 - $t2 : $t2 - $t1); return ($t1 > $t2) && ($diff != 3600); } sub create_assocs { local( $map ); &delete_assocs(); &msg( "creating assocs ...\n" ) if $debug > 2; foreach $map ( @assocs ){ eval "\$$map = \"\$big_tmp/$map.$$\""; eval "dbmopen( $map, \$$map, 0644 )"; } &msg( "creating assocs done\n" ) if $debug > 2; } sub delete_assocs { local( $map ); &msg( "deleting assocs ...\n" ) if $debug > 2; foreach $map ( @assocs ){ eval "\$$map = \"\$big_tmp/$map.$$\""; eval "dbmclose( $map )"; &unlink_dbm( eval "\$$map" ); eval "\%$map = ()"; } &msg( "deleting assocs done\n" ) if $debug > 2; } sub unlink_dbm { local( $file ) = @_; unlink "$file.pag"; unlink "$file.dir"; } # Chop the tmp file up sub bsplit { local( $temp, $dest_path, $time ) = @_; local( $dest_dir ) = "$dest_path-split"; local( $bufsiz ) = 512; local( $buffer, $in, $sofar ); &msg( "Splitting up $temp into $dest_dir/ ($time)\n" ) if $debug; # Stomp on the original directories local( $d ) = $dest_dir; $d =~ s/($shell_metachars)/\\$1/g; &sys( "$rm_prog -rf \"$d\"" ); &mkdirs( $dest_dir ); local( $index ) = "00"; local( $part ); open( TMP, $temp ) || die "Cannot open $temp!"; $sofar = $split_chunk; # Force a new file while( ($in = sysread( TMP, $buffer, $bufsiz )) > 0 ){ if( $sofar >= $split_chunk ){ if( $part ){ close( PART ); if( $time ){ &set_timestamp( $part, $time ); } } $index++; $part = "$dest_dir/part$index"; &msg( "creating $part\n" ) if $debug; open( PART, ">$part" ) || die "Cannot create $part"; # Make sure to keep this! local( $locali ) = $local_map{ $part }; $local_keep[ $locali ] = 1; $sofar = 0; } if( ($out = syswrite( PART, $buffer, $in )) != $in ){ die "Failed to write data to $part"; } $sofar += $in; } close( PART ); if( $time ){ &set_timestamp( $part, $time ); } close( TMP ); # Generate a readme file about what is in the split directory local( $readme ) = "$dest_dir/README"; open( README, ">$readme" ) || die "Cannot create $readme"; print README "This directory contains a splitup version of $dest_path\n"; print README "to recreate the original simply concatenate all the\n"; print README "parts back together.\n\nChecksums are:\n\n"; close README; &sys( "(cd \"$d\" ; $sum_prog part*)>> $readme" ); } sub sys { local( $com ) = @_; &msg( "$com\n" ) if $debug > 2; system( $com ); } # Set up an associative array given all an array of keys. # @fred = ( 'a' ); # &set_assoc_from_array( *fred ) # Creates => $fred{ 'a' } = 1 # sub set_assoc_from_array { # This declaration must be "local()" because it modifies global data. local( *things ) = @_; foreach $thing ( @things ){ $things{ $thing } = 1; } } sub find_prog { local( $prog ) = @_; local( $path ) = $ENV{ 'PATH' } . ':' . $extra_path; foreach $dir ( split( /:/, $path ) ){ local( $path ) = "$dir/$prog"; if( -x $path ){ return $path; } } return ''; } sub real_dir_from_path { local( $program ) = @_; local( @prog_path ) = split( m:/: , $program ); # dir collection local( $dir ); while( -l $program ){ # follow symlink $program = readlink( $program ); if( $program =~ m:^/: ){ # full path? @prog_path = (); # start dir collection anew } else { pop( @prog_path ); # discard file name } push( @prog_path, split( m:/:, $program ) );# add new parts $program = join( '/', @prog_path ); # might be a symlink again... } pop( @prog_path ); $dir = join( '/', @prog_path ); if( ! $dir ){ $dir = '.'; } return $dir; } sub msg { local( $todo, $msg ) = (0, ""); if( $#_ == 1 ){ ($todo, $msg) = @_; } else { $todo = 0; $msg = $_[ 0 ]; } # Assign to $0 so when you do a 'ps' it says this! if( defined $package && defined $site && defined $remote_dir ){ $0 = "mirror $package:$site:$remote_dir $msg"; } else { $0 = "mirror $msg"; } if( $todo & $log ){ push( @log, $msg ); } # Not sure about this one. always print the message even if its a log msg. # else { print $msg; # } } sub to_bytes { local( $size ) = @_; if( $size =~ /^(\d+)\s*(k|b|m)s*$/i ){ $size = $1; if( $2 =~ /[mM]/ ){ $size *= (1024*1024); } elsif( $2 =~ /[bB]/ ){ $size *= 512; } elsif( $2 =~ /[kK]/ ){ $size *= 1024; } } return $size; } # Given a unix filename map it into a vms name. # $kind is 'f' for files and 'd' for directories sub unix2vms { local( $v, $kind ) = @_; if( $v eq '.' || $v eq '/' ){ return "[]"; } if( $vms_dir ){ $v = $vms_dir . '/' . $v; } if( $kind eq 'f' ){ # Map a/b/c.txt into [a.b]c.txt if( $v =~ m,(.*)/([^/]+), ){ local( $dir, $rest ) = ($1, $2); $dir =~ s,/,.,g; $v = "[$dir]$rest"; } } else { # Map a/b/c into [a.b.c] $v =~ s,/,.,g; $v = "[$v]"; } return $v; } sub dirpart { local( $path ) = @_; if( $path =~ m:/: ){ $path =~ s:^(.*)/[^/]+$:$1:; } else { $path = '.'; } return $path; } # Given a filename (not a directory) and what path it symlinks to # return a, hopefully, non-relative pathname that the symlink # really points to. This is so it can be used to index into the $src_path # map. sub expand_symlink { local( $orig_path, $points_to ) = @_; local( $dirpart ) = &dirpart( $orig_path ); return &flatten_path( "$dirpart/$points_to" ); } # flatten out the effects of dir/.. and /./ # The problem is not flattening out ../.. into nothing! Hence # the contortions below. sub flatten_path { local( $path ) = @_; local( $changed ) = 1; local( $i ); local( $rooted ) = $path =~ m:^/:; local( $count ) = 0; local( $orig_path ) = $path; $path =~ s:^/::; $path =~ s:(^|/)\.(/|$)::g; $path =~ s:/+:/:g; while( $changed ){ if( $count++ > 100 ){ &msg( $log, "LOOPING in flatten_path orig = $orig_path, path now $path\n" ); last; } local( $in ) = $path; local( @parts ) = split( /\//, $path ); for( $i = 0; $i <= $#parts; $i++ ){ if( $parts[ $i ] eq '.' ){ $parts[ $i ] = undef; next; } if( $i > 0 && $parts[ $i ] eq '..' && $parts[ $i - 1 ] && $parts[ $i - 1 ] ne '..' ){ $parts[ $i - 1 ] = $parts[ $i ] = undef; next; } } $path = ''; for( $i = 0; $i <= $#parts; $i++ ){ next unless $parts[ $i ]; $path .= '/' if $path; $path .= $parts[ $i ]; } $changed = $in ne $path; } if( $rooted ){ $path = "/$path"; } return $path; } # Fix up a package name. # strip trailing and leading ws and replace awkward characters # This doesn't guarentee a unique filename. sub fix_package { local( $package ) = @_; $package =~ s:[\s/']:_:g; return $package; } sub will_compress { $src_type[ $_[1] ] eq 'f' && $compress_patt && $_[0] =~ /$compress_patt/ && ( ! $compress_size_floor || $compress_size_floor < $src_size[ $_[1] ] ) && !($compress_excl && $_[0] =~ /$compress_excl/i) && !($compress_suffix eq $gzip_suffix && $compress_conv_patt && $_[0] =~ /$compress_conv_patt/); } sub will_split { $split_max && $src_size[ $_[1] ] > $split_max && $src_type[ $_[1] ] eq 'f' && $split_patt && $_[0] =~ /$split_patt/; } sub myflock { local( $file, $kind ) = @_; if( ! $can_flock ){ return; } eval( "flock( \$file, $kind )" ); if( $@ =~ /unimplemented/ ){ $can_flock = 0; warn "flock not unavialable, running unlocked\n"; } } sub t2str { local( @t ); if( $use_timelocal ){ @t = localtime( $_[0] ); } else { @t = gmtime( $_[0] ); } local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = @t; return sprintf( "%02d/%02d/%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $him, $sec ); } sub handler { local( $sig ) = @_; local( $msg ) = "Caught a SIG$sig shutting down"; local( $package, $filename, $line ) = caller; warn "$package:$filename:$line $msg"; exit( 0 ); } sub trap_signals { local( $sig ); foreach $sig ( 'HUP', 'INT', 'QUIT', 'ILL', 'TRAP', 'IOT', 'BUS', 'FPE', 'USR1', 'SEGV', 'USR2', 'PIPE', 'ALRM', 'TERM', ){ $SIG{ $sig } = "main\'handler"; } }