Formatting Functions

Author: Written by Karel Zak on 2000-01-24.

Formatting functions provide a powerful set of tools for converting various datetypes (date/time, int, float, numeric) to formatted strings and reverse convert from formatted strings to original datetypes.

Tabla 5-6. Formatting Functions

to_char(datetime, text) text convert datetime to string to_char('now'::datetime, 'HH12:MI:SS')
to_char(timestamp, text) text convert timestamp to string to_char( now(), 'HH12:MI:SS')
to_char(int, text) text convert int4/int8 to string to_char(125, '999')
to_char(float, text) text convert float4/float8 to string to_char(125.8, '999D9')
to_char(numeric, text) text convert numeric to string to_char(-125.8, '999D99S')
to_datetime(text, text) datetime convert string to datetime to_datetime('05 Dec 2000 13', 'DD Mon YYYY HH')
to_date(text, text) date convert string to date to_date('05 Dec 2000', 'DD Mon YYYY')
to_timestamp(text, text) date convert string to timestamp to_timestamp('05 Dec 2000', 'DD Mon YYYY')
to_number(text, text) numeric convert string to numeric to_number('12,454.8-', '99G999D9S')

For all formatting functions is second argument format-picture.

Tabla 5-7. Format-pictures for date/time to_char() version.

HH hour of day (01-12)
HH12 hour of day (01-12)
MI minute (00-59)
SS socond (00-59)
SSSS seconds past midnight (0-86399)
Y,YYY year (4 and more digits) with comma
YYYY year (4 and more digits)
YYY last 3 digits of year
YY last 2 digits of year
Y last digit of year
MONTH full month name (9-letters) - all characters is upper
Month full month name (9-letters) - first character is upper
month full month name (9-letters) - all characters is lower
MON abbreviated month name (3-letters) - all characters is upper
Mon abbreviated month name (3-letters) - first character is upper
mon abbreviated month name (3-letters) - all characters is lower
MM month (01-12)
DAY full day name (9-letters) - all characters is upper
Day full day name (9-letters) - first character is upper
day full day name (9-letters) - all characters is lower
DY abbreviated day name (3-letters) - all characters is upper
Dy abbreviated day name (3-letters) - first character is upper
dy abbreviated day name (3-letters) - all characters is upper
DDD day of year (001-366)
DD day of month (01-31)
D day of week (1-7; SUN=1)
W week of month
WW week number of year
CC century (2-digits)
J julian day (days since January 1, 4712 BC)
Q quarter
RM month in roman numeral (I-XII; I=JAN)

All format-pictures allow use suffixes (postfix / prefix). The suffix is always valid for a near format-picture. The 'FX' is global prefix only.

Tabla 5-8. Suffixes for format-pictures for date/time to_char() version.

FM fill mode - prefix FMMonth
TH upper ordinal number - postfix DDTH
th lower ordinal number - postfix DDTH
FX FX - (Fixed format) global format-picture switch. The TO_DATETIME / TO_DATE skip blank space if this option is not use. Must by used as first item in formt-picture. FX Month DD Day
SP spell mode (not implement now) DDSP

'\' - must be use as double \\, example '\\HH\\MI\\SS'

'"' - string between a quotation marks is skipen and not is parsed. If you want write '"' to output you must use \\", example '\\"YYYY Month\\"'.

text - the PostgreSQL's to_char() support text without '"', but string between a quotation marks is fastly and you have guarantee, that a text not will interpreted as a keyword (format-picture), exapmle '"Hello Year: "YYYY'.

Tabla 5-9. Format-pictures for number (int/float/numeric) to_char() version.

9 return value with the specified number of digits, and if digit is not available use blank space
0 as 9, but instead blank space use zero
. (period) decimal point
, (comma) group (thousand) separator
PR return negative value in angle brackets
S return negatice value with minus sign (use locales)
L currency symbol (use locales)
D decimal point (use locales)
G group separator (use locales)
MI return minus sign on specified position (if number < 0)
PL return plus sign on specified position (if number > 0) - PostgreSQL extension
SG return plus/minus sign on specified position - PostgreSQL extension
RN return number as roman number (number must be between 1 and 3999)
TH or th convert number to ordinal number (not convert numbers under zero and decimal numbers) - PostgreSQL extension
V arg1 * (10 ^ n); - return a value multiplied by 10^n (where 'n' is number of '9's after the 'V'). The to_char() not support use 'V' and decimal poin together, example "99.9V99".
EEEE science numbers. Now not supported.

Note: A sign formatted via 'SG', 'PL' or 'MI' is not anchor in number; to_char(-12, 'S9999') produce:

 '  -12' 
, but to_char(-12, 'MI9999') produce:
 '-  12' 
. The Oracle not allow use 'MI' ahead of '9', in the Oracle must be it always after '9'.

Tabla 5-10. The to_char() examples.

to_char(now(), 'Day, HH12:MI:SS')
 'Tuesday  , 05:39:18' 
to_char(now(), 'FMDay, HH12:MI:SS')
 'Tuesday, 05:39:18' 
to_char( -0.1, '99.99')
 ' -.10' 
to_char( -0.1, 'FM9.99')
to_char( 0.1, '0.9')
 ' 0.1' 
to_char( 12, '9990999.9')
 '    0012.0' 
to_char( 12, 'FM9990999.9')
to_char( 485, '999')
 ' 485' 
to_char( -485, '999')
to_char( 485, '9 9 9')
 ' 4 8 5' 
to_char( 1485, '9,999')
 ' 1,485' 
to_char( 1485, '9G999')
 ' 1 485' 
to_char( 148.5, '999.999')
 ' 148.500' 
to_char( 148.5, '999D999')
 ' 148,500' 
to_char( 3148.5,'9G999D999')
 ' 3 148,500' 
to_char( -485, '999S')
to_char( -485, '999MI')
to_char( 485, '999MI')
to_char( 485, 'PL999')
to_char( 485, 'SG999')
to_char( -485, 'SG999')
to_char( -485, '9SG99')
to_char( -485, '999PR')
to_char( 485, 'L999')
 'DM 485' 
to_char( 485, 'RN')
 '        CDLXXXV' 
to_char( 485, 'FMRN')
to_char( 5.2, 'FMRN')
to_char( 482, '999th')
 ' 482nd' 
to_char( 485, '"Good number:"999')
 'Good number: 485' 
to_char( 485.8, '"Pre-decimal:"999" Post-decimal:" .999')
 'Pre-decimal: 485 Post-decimal: .800' 
to_char( 12, '99V999')
 ' 12000' 
to_char( 12.4, '99V999')
 ' 12400' 
to_char( 12.45, '99V9')
 ' 125'