PACKAGE NAME: deskbar-applet-2.22.1-i586-1gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/applications PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 530 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4200 K PACKAGE MD5: 3f966d394080de10d66a77e8b1b77d9f ./packages/applications/deskbar-applet-2.22.1-i586-1gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: libgnomeui,gnome-python-desktop,gnome-panel,gnome-applets,dbus,evolution-data-server,pygtk,gnome-python,gnome-vfs PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: deskbar-applet: deskbar-applet (GNOME Search Panel Applet) deskbar-applet: deskbar-applet: The goal of DeskbarApplet is to provide an omnipresent versatile deskbar-applet: search interface. By typing search terms into the deskbar entry in deskbar-applet: your panel you are presented with the search results as you type. deskbar-applet: Seaches are handled by a series of plugins. DeskbarApplet provides a deskbar-applet: simple interface to manage these plugins to provide you with the deskbar-applet: search results that fit your needs. deskbar-applet: deskbar-applet: deskbar-applet: