{ "en": { "bulletin-title": "Thank You for Choosing AOSC OS", "bulletin-body": "AOSC OS strives to simplify your user experience and improve your day-to-day productivity.", "aliyun-name": "Alibaba Cloud Open Source Mirror", "aliyun-loc": "China", "bfsu-name": "Beijing Foreign Studies University Open Source Mirror", "bfsu-loc": "China", "geekpie-name": "GeekPie (ShanghaiTech University) Open Source Mirror", "geekpie-loc": "China", "iscas-name": "ISCAS Open Source Mirror", "iscas-loc": "China", "jlu-name": "Jilin University Open Source Mirror", "jlu-loc": "China", "lzu-name": "LZUOSS Open Source Mirror", "lzu-loc": "China", "nit-name": "Nanyang Institute of Technology Open Source Mirror (CIPS)", "nit-loc": "China", "nju-name": "NJU Mirror (Nanjing University)", "nju-loc": "China", "qvq-name": "QVQNetwork Open Source Mirror", "qvq-loc": "China", "sjtug-name": "SJTUG Mirror (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)", "sjtug-loc": "China", "tencent-name": "Tencent Open Source Software Mirror", "tencent-loc": "China", "tsukuba-name": "Tsukuba WIDE Public Mirror Service", "tsukuba-loc": "Japan", "tuna-name": "Tsinghua Open Source Mirror (TUNA)", "tuna-loc": "China", "ustc-name": "USTC Open Source Software Mirror", "ustc-loc": "China", "nluug-name": "Netherlands Local Unix User Group (NLUUG) OSS Mirror", "nluug-loc": "Europe", "xtom-ee-name": "xTom Open Source Software Mirror (Estonia)", "xtom-loc": "Europe", "xtom-de-name": "xTom Open Source Software Mirror (Germany)", "xtom-de-loc": "Europe", "xtom-nl-name": "xTom Open Source Software Mirror (Netherlands)", "xtom-nl-loc": "Europe", "koddos-hk-name": "KoDDoS HK", "koddos-hk-loc": "Hong Kong", "xtom-hk-name": "xTom Open Source Software Mirror (Hong Kong)", "xtom-hk-loc": "Hong Kong", "fastly-name": "Fastly CDN", "fastly-loc": "Worldwide", "xtom-name": "xTom Open Source Software Mirror", "xtom-loc": "Worldwide", "desktop-name": "Desktop", "desktop-description": "A full-featured desktop experience.", "desktop+latx-name": "Desktop (with x86 emulator)", "desktop+latx-description": "A full-featured desktop experience (with Loongson Architecture Translator for x86).", "desktop+nvidia-name": "Desktop (with NVIDIA driver)", "desktop+nvidia-description": "A full-featured desktop experience (with proprietary NVIDIA driver).", "base-name": "Base", "base-description": "A minimal system with a basic set of utilities.", "buildkit-name": "BuildKit", "buildkit-description": "A standardized development environment.", "server-name": "Server", "server-description": "A full-featured system for personal servers.", "retro-desktop-name": "Desktop", "retro-desktop-description": "A full-featured desktop experience (for legacy devices).", "retro-base-name": "Base", "retro-base-description": "A minimal system with a basic set of utilities (for legacy devices).", "retro-server-name": "Server", "retro-server-description": "A full-featured system for personal servers (for legacy devices).", "retro-buildkit-name": "BuildKit", "retro-buildkit-description": "A standardized development environment (for legacy devices)." }, "zh-CN": { "bulletin-title": "感谢您选用 AOSC OS", "bulletin-body": "AOSC OS 致力于让您的每日工作轻松舒心。", "aliyun-name": "阿里巴巴开源镜像站", "aliyun-loc": "中国", "bfsu-name": "北京外国语大学", "bfsu-loc": "中国", "geekpie-name": "上海科技大学 GeekPie 协会", "geekpie-loc": "中国", "iscas-name": "中国科学院软件研究所", "iscas-loc": "中国", "jlu-name": "吉林大学 Linux 用户协会", "jlu-loc": "中国", "lzu-name": "兰州大学开源社区", "lzu-loc": "中国", "nit-name": "南阳理工学院 CIPS 协会", "nit-loc": "中国", "nju-name": "南京大学 Linux 用户组", "nju-loc": "中国", "qvq-name": "QVQNetwork 开源镜像站", "qvq-loc": "中国", "sjtug-name": "上海交通大学 Linux 用户组", "sjtug-loc": "中国", "tencent-name": "腾讯软件源", "tencent-loc": "中国", "tsukuba-name": "筑波 WIDE 公共镜像服务", "tsukuba-loc": "日本", "tuna-name": "清华大学 TUNA 协会", "tuna-loc": "中国", "ustc-name": "中国科学技术大学 Linux 用户组", "ustc-loc": "中国", "nluug-name": "荷兰本地 Unix 用户组", "nluug-loc": "欧洲", "xtom-ee-name": "xTom 爱沙尼亚开源软件镜像站", "xtom-ee-loc": "欧洲", "xtom-de-name": "xTom 德国开源软件镜像站", "xtom-de-loc": "欧洲", "xtom-nl-name": "xTom 荷兰开源软件镜像站", "xtom-nl-loc": "欧洲", "koddos-hk-name": "KoDDoS HK", "koddos-hk-loc": "香港特别行政区", "xtom-hk-name": "xTom 香港开源软件镜像站", "xtom-hk-loc": "香港特别行政区", "fastly-name": "Fastly CDN", "fastly-loc": "全球", "xtom-name": "xTom 开源软件镜像站", "xtom-loc": "全球", "desktop-name": "桌面版", "desktop-description": "全功能桌面体验", "desktop+latx-name": "桌面版(附带 x86 模拟器)", "desktop+latx-description": "全功能桌面体验(搭载龙芯 x86 架构模拟器)", "desktop+nvidia-name": "桌面版(NVIDIA)", "desktop+nvidia-description": "全功能桌面体验(搭载 NVIDIA 官方驱动)", "base-name": "基础版", "base-description": "带有基础管理工具和附件的最小系统", "buildkit-name": "BuildKit", "buildkit-description": "标准开发环境", "server-name": "服务器版", "server-description": "全功能个人服务器用系统", "retro-desktop-name": "桌面版", "retro-desktop-description": "全功能桌面体验(供老旧设备使用)", "retro-base-name": "基础版", "retro-base-description": "带有基础管理工具和附件的最小系统(供老旧设备使用)", "retro-server-name": "服务器版", "retro-server-description": "全功能个人服务器用系统(供老旧设备使用)", "retro-buildkit-name": "BuildKit", "retro-buildkit-description": "标准开发环境(供老旧设备使用)" } }