#/etc/hidleho.cnf is the configuration file for hildeho. # # the uid variable defines what user hidleho should run as for its # maintenance functions. you must ensure that all of # hidleho's config files and directories are owned by uid Uid = hidleho # # TtyUid varible defines what user owns the vacant ttys. TtyUid = root # # UserBase variable defines the directory to hold the per-user config # directories and sub-files. UserBase = /usr/hidleho # # GroupBase variable defines the directory to hold the group-wide config # directories and sub-files. GroupBase = /usr/hidleho # DeniedMsg File printed to tty when a user is denied access ('-' flag) DeniedMsg = /etc/hidleho.denied # BorrowGrace Grace for logoff when lines are full. BorrowGrace = 2 # # the def_term variable defines what the enviromental variable TERM should # be set to if hildeho is unable to obtain the terminal type # from the remote connection, /etc/gettydefs or ~/.termtype. Term = vt100 # #the ttys variable defines the ttys to monitor if the users "B" flag # is set. Also effects the "C" flag. ttys = ttyS0 ttyS1 ttyS2 ttyS3 ttyS4 # #the weights variable defines the multiplicative weight applied to # the effective calculated call time for the ttys specified # by ttys: weights = 1 1 1 1 1 #the warn_t variable defines the t- times at which the user will be warned # of approching total timeout (up to 10 parameters) warn_t = 10 3 2 1 #the warn_i variable defines the t- times at which the user will be warned # of approching idle timeout (up to 10 parameters) warn_i = 3 2 1 # # Description of general parameters: # # Name = user name, or the pseudo-name "default:", or a # /etc/group name terminated with a trailing "+". # Total = total number of minutes the user is allowed on-line. # InIdle = how long for idle timeout, if no user input # OutIdle = how long for idle timeout, if no system output # TimeLim = the amount of time granted per time segmant # TimePer = the size (in time) of a time period/segmant # Exclude = minutes to exclude the user for on logout (B & C) # Flags = lower case alphabetical = FALSE, upper case = TRUE # I = send user Information at login time # i = do not " # W = send disconnection warnings to terminal # w = do not " # K = kill all users tasks system wide # k = kill all users tasks tty wide # A = ask user for terminal type # a = do not " # B = allow user to exist on borrowed time # b = do not " # C = total timeout only on a Configured ttys: # c = total timeout on all ttys # E = exclusive idle on. if (idle_in || idle_out) idle() # e = " off. if (idle_in && idle_out) idle() # T = timer on. # t = timer off, just exec shell after auth/term/info. # N = permit negative time left # n = do not permit negative time left (timeleft = 0 if negative) # U = unlimited negative time # u = negative time limited to -TimeLim # - = prevent user/group from loging in. # + = allow user/group to login. # # Shell = filename to execute # n.b an "*" specified in any but the Name parameter field acts as a place # holder. #Name Total InIdle OutIdle TimeLim TimePer Exclude Flags Shell # default: 30 10 10 2h 1d 0 uNeTIWKABC+ /bin/tcsh unpaid+ 30 10 10 4h 28d 10 KEc /usr/local/bin/mshell donate+ 45 15 15 2h 1d 5 * /bin/tcsh sponsor+ 45 20 15 3h 1d 4 * /bin/tcsh oldsponsor+ 90 20 15 3h 1d 4 * /bin/tcsh staff+ 52w 2h 2h 0 0 0 eTiWkaBC+ /bin/tcsh proff * * * * * * AI /bin/tcsh register 55 8 8 0 0 0 EkabcA /usr/local/lbin/guest_login guest 55 8 8 0 0 0 EkabcA /usr/local/lbin/guest_login chaltest 4 * * 0 0 0 EkabcAi /home/chaltest/login xfer 2h * * 0 0 0 eIkAbc /usr/local/lbin/wares motronic 130 * * 5h 1d * * * red 130 * * 5h 1d * * * jevans 130 * * 5h 1d * * * whale 190 * * 7h 1d * * * dking 190 * * 7h 1d * * * gtj 110 20 15 5h 1d * * * nutcase 65 20 15 5h 1d * * * mutley 65 20 15 5h 1d * * * joky 65 20 15 5h 1d * * * thecure 65 20 15 5h 1d * * * wombat 65 20 15 5h 1d * * * acidrain 85 20 15 5h 1d * * * blades 85 20 15 5h 1d * * * gordonm 105 20 15 5h 1d * * * mandala 130 20 15 5h 1d * * * eclipse 280 * * 9h 1d 0 * * qsgambit 280 * * 9h 1d 0 * *