To get this running you'll need perl version 4, patchlevel 19 or greater and tcpdump installed on your machine. arpmon does a popen() to tcpdump and collects data. It writes its pid by default to /home/arpmon/, and dumps its data to /home/arpmon/addrs. Doing a kill -HUP `cat` creates or updates the addrs file. A kill -QUIT `cat` updates the addrs file and instructs the arpmon process to die. You can change these pathnames by editing ipreport will write a formatted report of the addrs files to stdout. Do an ipreport -h for the other options. nightly is a script I run from cron. TODO: ping option (write something in perl that does ICMP echo requests) Proxy arp detection. arpmon should make itself a daemon, not just run in the background. ARCHIVE Site: ~ftp/pub/arpmon/ -- mark