{"draft":"","doc_id":"RFC1006","title":"ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP Version: 3","authors":["M.T. Rose","D.E. Cass"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"19","pub_status":"INTERNET STANDARD","status":"INTERNET STANDARD","source":"Legacy","abstract":" This memo specifies a standard for the Internet community. Hosts on the Internet that choose to implement ISO transport services on top of the TCP are expected to adopt and implement this standard. TCP port 102 is reserved for hosts which implement this standard. This memo specifies version 3 of the protocol and supersedes RFC-983. Changes between the protocol is described in RFC-983 and this memo are minor, but unfortunately incompatible. ","pub_date":"May 1987","keywords":[" [TP-TCP|s]"],"obsoletes":["RFC0983"],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[" RFC2126"],"see_also":["STD0035"],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC1006","errata_url":null}