[{"draft":"","doc_id":"RFC0808","title":" Summary of computer mail services meeting held at BBN on 10 January 1979 ","authors":["J. Postel"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"8","pub_status":"UNKNOWN","status":"UNKNOWN","source":"Legacy","abstract":" This RFC is a very belated attempt to document a meeting that was held three years earlier to discuss the state of computer mail in the ARPA community and to reach some conclusions to guide the further development of computer mail systems such that a coherent total mail service would continue to be provided. ","pub_date":"March 1982","keywords":[" "],"obsoletes":[""],"obsoleted_by":[""],"updates":[""],"updated_by":[""],"see_also":[""],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC0808","errata_url":null}]