{"packages": [{"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "772 K", "ver": "0.2.7", "name": "haskell-crypto-numbers", "descs": "haskell-crypto-numbers (Cryptographic numbers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-numbers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-crypto-random", "haskell-memory", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-securemem", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "193 K", "descl": "Cryptographic numbers: functions and algorithms.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-numbers-0.2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-lifted-async", "descs": "haskell-lifted-async (Run lifted IO operations asynchronously)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-lifted-async", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-constraints", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-lifted-base", "haskell-monad-control", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-type-equality"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "This package provides IO operations from async package lifted to any instance of MonadBase or MonadBaseControl.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-lifted-async-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1108 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-network-uri", "descs": "haskell-network-uri (URI manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-network-uri", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "277 K", "descl": "This package provides an URI manipulation inteface.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-network-uri-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1508 K", "ver": "2.9.4", "name": "haskell-hspec-discover", "descs": "haskell-hspec-discover (Automatically discover and run Hspec tests)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-discover", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "377 K", "descl": "Automatically discover and run Hspec tests", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-discover-2.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "7292 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-Crypto", "descs": "haskell-Crypto (Collects cryptographic functions into a package)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-Crypto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-HUnit", "haskell-QuickCheck", "haskell-call-stack", "haskell-random", "haskell-splitmix"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1823 K", "descl": "Collects together existing Haskell cryptographic functions into a package DES, Blowfish, AES, TEA, SHA1, MD5, RSA, BubbleBabble, Hexdump, Support for Word128, Word192 and Word256 and Beyond, PKCS5 Padding, Various Encryption Modes e.g. Cipher Block Chaining all in one package, with HUnit and QuickCheck tests, and examples. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Crypto", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-Crypto-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "576 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-logict", "descs": "haskell-logict (backtracking logic-programming monad)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-logict", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "144 K", "descl": "A continuation-based, backtracking, logic programming monad. An adaptation of the two-continuation implementation found in the paper 'Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers'.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-logict-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-old-locale", "descs": "haskell-old-locale (old locale library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-old-locale", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "This library provides the ability to adapt to locale conventions, such as date and time formats.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-old-locale-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1764 K", "ver": "1.7.12", "name": "haskell-iproute", "descs": "haskell-iproute (IP Routing Table)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-iproute", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-appar", "haskell-byteorder", "haskell-network"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "441 K", "descl": "IP Routing Table is a tree of IP ranges to search one of them on the longest match base. It is a kind of TRIE with one way branching removed. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/iproute", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-iproute-1.7.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "1.6.6", "name": "haskell-x509-store", "descs": "haskell-x509-store (X.509 collection accessing and storing methods)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-x509-store", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-basement", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory", "haskell-pem", "haskell-x509"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "X.509 collection accessing and storing methods for certificate, crl, exception list.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-x509-store-1.6.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1424 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-gloss-rendering", "descs": "haskell-gloss-rendering (Gloss picture data types and rendering)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-gloss-rendering", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "glu", "haskell-GLURaw", "haskell-GLUT", "haskell-ObjectName", "haskell-OpenGL", "haskell-OpenGLRaw", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-bmp", "haskell-fixed", "haskell-half", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "356 K", "descl": "Gloss picture data types and rendering functions. These functions do not do any window management. If you want gloss to setup your window as well then use the plain gloss package.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-gloss-rendering-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "haskell-hslua-module-system", "descs": "haskell-hslua-module-system (Lua module wrapper for System module)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-module-system", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-hslua-objectorientation", "haskell-hslua-packaging", "haskell-lua", "haskell-random", "haskell-temporary"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "Provides access to system information and functionality to Lua scripts via Haskell's System module. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-module-system", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-module-system-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1276 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-zlib", "descs": "haskell-zlib (compression library for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-zlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "319 K", "descl": "This is a library for Haskell programs. It provides a pure interface for compressing and decompressing streams of data represented as lazy ByteStrings. It uses the zlib C library so it has high performance. It supports the 'zlib', 'gzip' and 'raw' compression formats.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-zlib-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "0.5.9", "name": "haskell-mmap", "descs": "haskell-mmap (Memory mapper for POSIX and Windows)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-mmap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "This library provides a wrapper to mmap(2) or MapViewOfFile, allowing files or devices to be lazily loaded into memory as strict or lazy ByteStrings, ForeignPtrs or plain Ptrs, using the virtual memory subsystem to do on-demand loading. Modifications are also supported. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmap", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-mmap-0.5.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "0.1.19", "name": "haskell-th-lift-instances", "descs": "haskell-th-lift-instances (Lift instances for common data types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-th-lift-instances", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-th-lift", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Most data types in haskell platform do not have Lift instances. This package provides orphan instances for containers, text, bytestring and vector.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-th-lift-instances-0.1.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2280 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "haskell-zeromq4-haskell", "descs": "haskell-zeromq4-haskell (haskell binding for OMQ)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-zeromq4-haskell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-monad-control", "haskell-semigroups", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat", "libbsd", "zeromq", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "570 K", "descl": "This library provides the Haskell language binding to 0MQ >= 4.x The 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/zeromq4-haskell", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-zeromq4-haskell-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2564 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-optparse-applicative", "descs": "haskell-optparse-applicative (parse command line options)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-optparse-applicative", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-ansi-terminal", "haskell-colour", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-ansi-wl-pprint"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "641 K", "descl": "optparse-applicative is a haskell library for parsing options on the command line, providing a powerful applicative interface for composing these options.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-optparse-applicative-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1708 K", "ver": "0.13.3", "name": "haskell-constraints", "descs": "haskell-constraints (Constraint manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-constraints", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-type-equality", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "427 K", "descl": "GHC 7.4 gave us the ability to talk about ConstraintKinds. They stopped crashing the compiler in GHC 7.6. This package provides a vocabulary for working with them.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-constraints-0.13.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2320 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-unordered-containers", "descs": "haskell-unordered-containers (Efficient hash-based container types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-unordered-containers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "580 K", "descl": "Efficient hashing-based container types. The containers have been optimized for performance critical use, both in terms of large data quantities and high speed.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-unordered-containers-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-time-locale-compat", "descs": "haskell-time-locale-compat (Compatibile module for time-format locale)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-time-locale-compat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-old-locale"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This package contains wrapped name module for time-format locale between old-locale and time-1.5.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-time-locale-compat-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1736 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "haskell-smallcheck", "descs": "haskell-smallcheck (property-based testing library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-smallcheck", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-logict", "haskell-nats"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "434 K", "descl": "SmallCheck is a testing library that allows to verify properties for all test cases up to some depth. The test cases are generated automatically by SmallCheck.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-smallcheck-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "haskell-transformers-compat", "descs": "haskell-transformers-compat (compatibility shim for transformers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-transformers-compat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "This package includes backported versions of types that were added to transformers in transformers 0.3 and 0.4 for users who need strict transformers 0.2 or 0.3 compatibility to run on old versions of the platform, but also need those types.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-transformers-compat-0.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1004 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-blaze-markup", "descs": "haskell-blaze-markup (blazingly fast markup combinator library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-blaze-markup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-blaze-builder"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "251 K", "descl": "Core modules of a blazingly fast markup combinator library for the Haskell programming language.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-blaze-markup-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "664 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "haskell-errors", "descs": "haskell-errors (Simplified error-handling)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-errors", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-safe", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "166 K", "descl": "The one-stop shop for all your error-handling needs! Just import Control.Error. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/errors", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-errors-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1284 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-libyaml", "descs": "haskell-libyaml (Low-level, streaming YAML interface)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-libyaml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-split", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "321 K", "descl": "This package provides a haskell wrapper over the libyaml C library version 0.2.1 by Kirill Simonov. It contains the C source so you don't need to worry about any non-Haskell dependencies.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-libyaml-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.0.1", "name": "haskell-data-default-instances-containers", "descs": "haskell-data-default-instances-containers (default set instances)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-instances-containers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-data-default-class"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This Haskell module defines Default instances for the types Set, Map, IntMap, IntSet, Seq, and Tree.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1508 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-th-utilities", "descs": "haskell-th-utilities (useful functions for Template Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-th-utilities", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-mtl", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-safe", "haskell-syb", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-th-compat", "haskell-th-lift", "haskell-th-orphans", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "377 K", "descl": "Collection of useful functions for use with Template Haskell.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-th-utilities-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "haskell-hslua", "descs": "haskell-hslua (A Lua language interpreter embedding in Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-classes", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-hslua-objectorientation", "haskell-hslua-packaging", "haskell-lua", "haskell-fail"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "The Scripting.Lua module is a wrapper of Lua language interpreter as described in www.lua.org.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1100 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-hxt-unicode", "descs": "haskell-hxt-unicode (Unicode encoding and decoding used in HXT)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hxt-unicode", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hxt-charproperties"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "275 K", "descl": "Unicode encoding and decoding functions for utf8, iso-latin-* and some other encodings used in the Haskell XML Toolbox. ISO Latin 1 - 16, utf8, utf16 and ASCII are supported.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hxt-unicode-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "22420 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "haskell-highlighting-kate", "descs": "haskell-highlighting-kate (Syntax highlighting)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-highlighting-kate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-blaze-html", "haskell-blaze-markup", "haskell-regex-base", "haskell-utf8-string", "haskell-regex-pcre-builtin"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5605 K", "descl": "highlighting-kate is a syntax highlighting library with support for nearly one hundred languages. The syntax parsers are automatically generated from Kate syntax descriptions (https://kate-editor.org/), so any syntax supported by Kate can be added. A command-line program is provided, along with a utility for generating new parsers from Kate XML syntax descriptions.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-highlighting-kate-0.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2924 K", "ver": "1.24.4", "name": "hscolour", "descs": "hscolour (Haskell code colouriser)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/hscolour", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "731 K", "descl": "hscolour is a small Haskell script to colourise Haskell code. It currently has six output formats: ANSI terminal codes (optionally XTerm-256colour codes), HTML 3.2 with font tags, HTML 4.01 with CSS, HTML 4.01 with CSS and mouseover annotations, XHTML 1.0 with inline CSS styling, LaTeX, and mIRC chat codes.", "path": "./salix/haskell/hscolour-1.24.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2620 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "haskell-shelly", "descs": "haskell-shelly (shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-shelly", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-constraints", "haskell-enclosed-exceptions", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-lifted-async", "haskell-lifted-base", "haskell-monad-control", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-type-equality", "haskell-unix-compat", "haskell-system-fileio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "655 K", "descl": "Shelly provides convenient systems programming in Haskell, similar in spirit to POSIX shells.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-shelly-1.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-ansi-wl-pprint", "descs": "haskell-ansi-wl-pprint (The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-ansi-wl-pprint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-ansi-terminal", "haskell-colour"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "This is a pretty printing library based on Wadler's paper A Prettier Printer. It has been enhanced with support for ANSI terminal colored output using the ansi-terminal package.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-ansi-wl-pprint-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "408 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "haskell-cryptonite-conduit", "descs": "haskell-cryptonite-conduit (Conduit bridge for cryptonite)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cryptonite-conduit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-basement", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-conduit-extra", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-memory", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-network", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-split", "haskell-streaming-commons", "haskell-typed-process", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-zlib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "102 K", "descl": "Conduit bridge for cryptonite. For now only provide a conduit version for hash and hmac, but with contribution, this could provide cipher conduits too, and probably other things.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cryptonite-conduit-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1184 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "haskell-witherable", "descs": "haskell-witherable (filterable traversable)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-witherable", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-indexed-traversable-instances"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "296 K", "descl": "A stronger variant of traverse which can remove elements and generalised mapMaybe, catMaybes, filter. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/witherable", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-witherable-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-regex-applicative-text", "descs": "haskell-regex-applicative-text (regex-applicative text wrappers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-applicative-text", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-regex-applicative"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Text wrappers for regex-applicative hackage.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-applicative-text-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "14096 K", "ver": "3.3.6", "name": "haskell-JuicyPixels", "descs": "haskell-JuicyPixels (Picture loading/serialization)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-JuicyPixels", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-vector", "haskell-zlib", "zlib", "haskell-mmap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3524 K", "descl": "This library can load and store images in PNG, Bitmap, Jpeg, Radiance, Tiff and Gif images.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-JuicyPixels-3.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "haskell-hspec-smallcheck", "descs": "haskell-hspec-smallcheck (support for the Hspec testing framework)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-smallcheck", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "ghc", "haskell-HUnit", "haskell-QuickCheck", "haskell-ansi-terminal", "haskell-call-stack", "haskell-clock", "haskell-colour", "haskell-hspec-core", "haskell-hspec-expectations", "haskell-logict", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-quickcheck-io", "haskell-random", "haskell-setenv", "haskell-smallcheck", "haskell-splitmix", "haskell-tf-random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "SmallCheck support for the Hspec testing framework", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-smallcheck-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-base64-bytestring", "descs": "haskell-base64-bytestring (base64 encoding and decoding)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-base64-bytestring", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "This package provides a Haskell library for working with base64-encoded data quickly and efficiently, using the ByteString type. Homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base64-bytestring", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-base64-bytestring-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "952 K", "ver": "0.8.6", "name": "haskell-base-orphans", "descs": "haskell-base-orphans (Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-base-orphans", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "238 K", "descl": "base-orphans defines orphan instances that mimic instances available in later versions of base to a wider (older) range of compilers.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-base-orphans-0.8.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "544 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-http-client-tls", "descs": "haskell-http-client-tls (http-client backend)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-http-client-tls", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-appar", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-base64-bytestring", "haskell-basement", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-byteorder", "haskell-case-insensitive", "haskell-cereal", "haskell-connection", "haskell-cookie", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-http-client", "haskell-http-types", "haskell-iproute", "haskell-memory", "haskell-mime-types", "haskell-network", "haskell-network-uri", "haskell-pem", "haskell-random", "haskell-socks", "haskell-streaming-commons", "haskell-tls", "haskell-x509", "haskell-x509-store", "haskell-x509-system", "haskell-x509-validation", "haskell-zlib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "136 K", "descl": "http-client backend using the connection package and tls library.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-http-client-tls-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "2.9.4", "name": "haskell-hspec", "descs": "haskell-hspec (Testing Framework for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hspec", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "ghc", "haskell-HUnit", "haskell-QuickCheck", "haskell-ansi-terminal", "haskell-call-stack", "haskell-clock", "haskell-colour", "haskell-hspec-core", "haskell-hspec-discover", "haskell-hspec-expectations", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-quickcheck-io", "haskell-random", "haskell-setenv", "haskell-splitmix", "haskell-tf-random", "haskell-hsp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "Hspec is a testing framework for Haskell. It is inspired by the Ruby library RSpec.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-2.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-data-default-class", "descs": "haskell-data-default-class (class for types with a default value)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-class", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "This Haskell module defines a class for types with a default value.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-class-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3208 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-fgl", "descs": "haskell-fgl (Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-fgl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "802 K", "descl": "The functional graph library for Haskell provides several modules that define inductive graphs and graph algorithms. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/fgl", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-fgl-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1132 K", "ver": "0.4.14", "name": "haskell-system-filepath", "descs": "haskell-system-filepath (file and directory path manipulations)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-system-filepath", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "283 K", "descl": "High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations. Deprecated in favor of filepath.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-system-filepath-0.4.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2240 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "haskell-lexer", "descs": "haskell-lexer (A fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-lexer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "560 K", "descl": "A fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-lexer-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3812 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-xml-conduit", "descs": "haskell-xml-conduit (utilities dealing with XML with conduit package)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-xml-conduit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-blaze-html", "haskell-blaze-markup", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-conduit-extra", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-network", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-split", "haskell-streaming-commons", "haskell-typed-process", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-xml-types", "haskell-zlib", "zlib", "haskell-cabal-doctest", "haskell-data-default-class"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "953 K", "descl": "Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xml-conduit", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-xml-conduit-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.0.1", "name": "haskell-data-default-instances-dlist", "descs": "haskell-data-default-instances-dlist (default dlist instances)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-instances-dlist", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-data-default-class"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "This Haskell module defines Default instances for the type DList.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "1.0.9", "name": "haskell-cabal-doctest", "descs": "haskell-cabal-doctest (Setup.hs helper for running doctests)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cabal-doctest", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "As of now (end of 2021), there isn't cabal doctest command. Yet, to properly work, doctest needs plenty of configuration. This library provides the common bits for writing a custom Setup.hs. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cabal-doctest", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cabal-doctest-1.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "972 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "haskell-indexed-traversable", "descs": "haskell-indexed-traversable (traversables with index)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-indexed-traversable", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-void", "haskell-generic-deriving"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "243 K", "descl": "This package provides three useful generalizations: FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex https://hackage.haskell.org/package/indexed-traversable", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-indexed-traversable-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.1.10", "name": "haskell-securemem", "descs": "haskell-securemem (auto scrubbing and const time eq memory chunk)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-securemem", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-memory"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "SecureMem is similar to ByteString, except that it provides a memory chunk that will be auto-scrubbed after it run out of scope.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-securemem-0.1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "haskell-asn1-parse", "descs": "haskell-asn1-parse (Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-asn1-parse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-basement", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types, when ASN1 pattern matching is not convenient.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-asn1-parse-0.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "16220 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-OpenGL", "descs": "haskell-OpenGL (A binding for the OpenGL graphics system)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-OpenGL", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "glu", "haskell-GLURaw", "haskell-ObjectName", "haskell-OpenGLRaw", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-fixed", "haskell-half", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4055 K", "descl": "A Haskell binding for the OpenGL graphics system (GL, version 3.2) and its accompanying utility library (GLU, version 1.3).", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-OpenGL-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "37628 K", "ver": "0.17.0", "name": "xmonad-contrib", "descs": "xmonad-contrib (3rd party extensions for xmonad)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/xmonad-contrib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "ghc", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "haskell-X11", "haskell-X11-xft", "haskell-random", "haskell-setlocale", "haskell-utf8-string", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "xmonad", "zlib", "haskell-old-time", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9407 K", "descl": "The xmonad-contrib library collects third party tiling algorithms, hooks, configurations, scripts, and other extensions to xmonad. The 'scripts' directory is copied to xmonad-contrib doc directory.", "path": "./salix/haskell/xmonad-contrib-0.17.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-file-embed", "descs": "haskell-file-embed (embed file contents)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-file-embed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "Use Template Haskell to read a file or all the files in a directory, and turn them into (path, bytestring) pairs embedded in your Haskell code.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-file-embed-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-lifted-base", "descs": "haskell-lifted-base (lifted IO operations from the base library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-lifted-base", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-monad-control", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "lifted-base exports IO operations from the base library lifted to any instance of MonadBase or MonadBaseControl.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-lifted-base-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "0.0.6", "name": "haskell-cipher-des", "descs": "haskell-cipher-des (DES and 3DES primitives)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cipher-des", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-memory", "haskell-securemem", "haskell-crypto-cipher-types"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "DES and 3DES primitives.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cipher-des-0.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "4628 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-HsYAML", "descs": "haskell-HsYAML (YAML 1.2 parser)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-HsYAML", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-fail", "haskell-nats"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1157 K", "descl": "HsYAML is a YAML 1.2 parser implementation for Haskell.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-HsYAML-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1512 K", "ver": "0.5.6", "name": "haskell-cmark", "descs": "haskell-cmark (CommonMark parser and renderer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cmark", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "378 K", "descl": "This package provides Haskell bindings for libcmark, the reference parser for CommonMark, a fully specified variant of Markdown. It includes sources for libcmark and does not require prior installation of the C library.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cmark-0.5.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "1.6.6", "name": "haskell-x509-system", "descs": "haskell-x509-system (System X.509 handling)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-x509-system", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-basement", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory", "haskell-pem", "haskell-x509", "haskell-x509-store"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-x509-system-1.6.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2640 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-network", "descs": "haskell-network (Networking-related facilities for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-network", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "660 K", "descl": "Provides high level and low level interfaces for network client and server programming in Haskell. Also URI interface is included. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/network", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-network-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "732 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "haskell-multipart", "descs": "haskell-multipart (HTTP multipart library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-multipart", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-stringsearch"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "183 K", "descl": "HTTP multipart split out of the haskell-cgi package.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-multipart-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "haskell-hslua-module-path", "descs": "haskell-hslua-module-path (Lua module to work with file paths)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-module-path", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-hslua-objectorientation", "haskell-hslua-packaging", "haskell-lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "Lua module to work with file paths in a platform independent way. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-module-path", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-module-path-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1380 K", "ver": "4.3.16", "name": "haskell-pipes", "descs": "haskell-pipes (stream processing library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-pipes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-mmorph", "haskell-mtl", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-void", "haskell-fail"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "345 K", "descl": "pipes is a clean and powerful stream processing library that lets you build and connect reusable streaming components https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-pipes-4.3.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2608 K", "ver": "1.6.13", "name": "haskell-uniplate", "descs": "haskell-uniplate (Help writing simple, concise fast generic ops.)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-uniplate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-syb", "haskell-unordered-containers"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "652 K", "descl": "Uniplate is library for writing simple and concise generic operations. Uniplate has similar goals to the original Scrap Your Boilerplate work, but is substantially simpler and faster. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/uniplate", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-uniplate-1.6.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "984 K", "ver": "5.0.8", "name": "haskell-comonad", "descs": "haskell-comonad (Comonads)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-comonad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-contravariant"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "246 K", "descl": "This package provides comonads, the categorical dual of monads. The typeclass provides three methods: extract, duplicate, and extend.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-comonad-5.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1276 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "haskell-ipynb", "descs": "haskell-ipynb (Data structure for Jupyter notebooks (ipynb))", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-ipynb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-base64-bytestring", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "319 K", "descl": "ipynb defines a data structure for representing Jupyter notebooks, along with ToJSON and FromJSON instances for conversion to and from JSON .ipynb files. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ipynb", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-ipynb-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "haskell-text-conversions", "descs": "haskell-text-conversions (Safe conversions between textual types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-text-conversions", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base16-bytestring", "haskell-base64-bytestring", "haskell-errors", "haskell-safe", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "Safe conversions between textual types. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text-conversions", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-text-conversions-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-data-default-instances-base", "descs": "haskell-data-default-instances-base (default basic instances)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-instances-base", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-data-default-class"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "This Haskell module defines Default instances for the types Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64, Integer, Float, Double, Ratio, Complex, '(->)', IO, Maybe, '()', '[]', Ordering, Any, All, Last, First, Sum, Product, Endo, Dual, and tuples.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-instances-base-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "23208 K", "ver": "2999.20.1.0", "name": "haskell-graphviz", "descs": "haskell-graphviz (bindings and functions for graphviz)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-graphviz", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-colour", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-fgl", "haskell-polyparse", "haskell-random", "haskell-temporary", "haskell-wl-pprint-text"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5802 K", "descl": "This library provides bindings for the Dot language used by graphviz, and functions to call those programs.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-graphviz-2999.20.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "haskell-mmorph", "descs": "haskell-mmorph (Monad morphisms)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-mmorph", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "This library provides monad morphism utilities, most commonly used for manipulating monad transformer stacks.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-mmorph-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "720 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-monads-tf", "descs": "haskell-monads-tf (Monad classes, using type families)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-monads-tf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "180 K", "descl": "Monad classes using type families, with instances for various monad transformers, inspired by the paper /Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism/, by Mark P Jones, in Advanced School of Functional Programming, 1995 (https://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/pubs/springschool.html).", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-monads-tf-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "2.3.8", "name": "haskell-http-conduit", "descs": "haskell-http-conduit (HTTP client package with conduit interface)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-http-conduit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-appar", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-async", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-base64-bytestring", "haskell-basement", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-byteorder", "haskell-case-insensitive", "haskell-cereal", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-conduit-extra", "haskell-connection", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-cookie", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-http-client", "haskell-http-types", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-iproute", "haskell-memory", "haskell-mime-types", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-network", "haskell-network-uri", "haskell-pem", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-socks", "haskell-split", "haskell-streaming-commons", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-tls", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-typed-process", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-witherable", "haskell-x509", "haskell-x509-store", "haskell-x509-system", "haskell-x509-validation", "haskell-zlib", "zlib", "haskell-http-client-tls"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-http-conduit-2.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2352 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-unliftio", "descs": "haskell-unliftio (The MonadUnliftIO typeclass)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-unliftio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-unliftio-core"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "588 K", "descl": "The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO (batteries included)", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-unliftio-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1960 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-yaml", "descs": "haskell-yaml (parsing and rendering YAML documents)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-yaml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-libyaml", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-split", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-witherable", "haskell-enclosed-exceptions"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "490 K", "descl": "Provides support for parsing and emitting Yaml documents.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-yaml-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-fsnotify", "descs": "haskell-fsnotify (file change notification)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-fsnotify", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-constraints", "haskell-enclosed-exceptions", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-hinotify", "haskell-lifted-async", "haskell-lifted-base", "haskell-monad-control", "haskell-shelly", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-type-equality", "haskell-unix-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "Cross platform library for file creation, modification, and deletion notification. This library builds upon existing libraries for platform-specific Windows, Mac, and Linux filesystem event notification.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-fsnotify-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1736 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "haskell-json", "descs": "haskell-json (JSON implementation for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-json", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-syb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "434 K", "descl": "This library provides a parser and pretty printer for converting between Haskell values and JSON. Homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/json", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-json-0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "haskell-path-pieces", "descs": "haskell-path-pieces (Components of paths)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-path-pieces", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "Defines two typeclasses used for converting Haskell data types to and from route pieces. Used in Yesod to automatically marshall data in the request path.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-path-pieces-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3036 K", "ver": "1.13", "name": "haskell-polyparse", "descs": "haskell-polyparse (parser combinator libraries)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-polyparse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "759 K", "descl": "A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries, including the original HuttonMeijer set.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-polyparse-1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1084 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "haskell-hslua-packaging", "descs": "haskell-hslua-packaging (Utilities to build Lua modules)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-packaging", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-hslua-objectorientation", "haskell-lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "271 K", "descl": "Utilities to package up Haskell functions and values into a Lua module. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-packaging", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-packaging-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "6100 K", "ver": "1.10.2", "name": "haskell-X11", "descs": "haskell-X11 (A Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-X11", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "haskell-data-default-class"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1525 K", "descl": "The binding is a direct translation of the C binding; for documentation of these calls, refer to The Xlib Programming Manual, available online at https://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/X11", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-X11-1.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "9800 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-foundation", "descs": "haskell-foundation (custom prelude)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-foundation", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2450 K", "descl": "Foundation is a custom prelude with no dependencies apart from base.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-foundation-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1216 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-semialign", "descs": "haskell-semialign (Align and Zip type-classe)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-semialign", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-indexed-traversable-instances"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "304 K", "descl": "The major use of These of this is provided by the align member of Semialign class, representing a generalized notion of 'zipping with padding' that combines structures without truncating to the size of the smaller input. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/semialign", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-semialign-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "haskell-distributive", "descs": "haskell-distributive (Distributive functors)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-distributive", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "This package provides the notion that is categorically dual to Traversable. A Distributive Functor is one that you can push any functor inside of.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-distributive-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "4400 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-mono-traversable", "descs": "haskell-mono-traversable (classes for monomorphic containers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-mono-traversable", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-split", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1100 K", "descl": "Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic and polymorphic containers. Haskell is good at operating over polymorphic containers such as a list [a]. A monomorphic container is one such as Text which has a type Text that does not expose a type variable for the underlying characters.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-mono-traversable-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1276 K", "ver": "0.13.12", "name": "haskell-th-orphans", "descs": "haskell-th-orphans (Orphan instances for TH datatypes)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-th-orphans", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-mtl", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-safe", "haskell-syb", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-th-compat", "haskell-th-lift", "haskell-vector", "haskell-generic-deriving", "haskell-th-lift-instances", "haskell-th-reify-many"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "319 K", "descl": "Orphan instances for TH datatypes. In particular, instances for Ord and Lift, as well as a few missing Show / Eq. These instances used to live in haskell-src-meta, and that's where the version number started.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-th-orphans-0.13.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "11208 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-aeson", "descs": "haskell-aeson (Fast JSON parsing and encoding for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-aeson", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-syb", "haskell-time-locale-compat", "haskell-base-compat-batteries"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2802 K", "descl": "A JSON parsing and encoding library optimized for ease of use and high performance.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-aeson-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "512 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "haskell-annotated-wl-pprint", "descs": "haskell-annotated-wl-pprint (Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-annotated-wl-pprint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "128 K", "descl": "This is a modified version of wl-pprint, which was based on Wadler's paper 'A Prettier Printer'. See the haddocks for full info. This version allows the library user to annotate the text with semantic information, which can later be rendered in a variety of ways.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-annotated-wl-pprint-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "628 K", "ver": "2.4.11", "name": "haskell-fast-logger", "descs": "haskell-fast-logger (A fast logging system)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-fast-logger", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-auto-update", "haskell-easy-file", "haskell-old-locale", "haskell-old-time", "haskell-unix-time", "haskell-bytestring-builder"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "157 K", "descl": "A fast logging system.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-fast-logger-2.4.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "37036 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "haskell-ShellCheck", "descs": "haskell-ShellCheck (shell script analysis tool)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-ShellCheck", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-Diff", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-QuickCheck", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-regex-base", "haskell-regex-tdfa", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-splitmix", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable", "haskell-json"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9259 K", "descl": "Find bugs in your shell scripts. https://www.shellcheck.net/", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-ShellCheck-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3216 K", "ver": "5.3.6", "name": "haskell-semigroupoids", "descs": "haskell-semigroupoids (Category sans id)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-semigroupoids", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "804 K", "descl": "Provides a wide array of (semi)groupoids and operations for working with them.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-semigroupoids-5.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-deepseq-generics", "descs": "haskell-deepseq-generics (Control.DeepSeq.rnf implementation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-deepseq-generics", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "This package provides a GHC.Generics-based Control.DeepSeq.Generics genericRnf function which can be used for providing a rnf implementation. See the documentation for the genericRnf function in the Control.DeepSeq.Generics module to get started.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-deepseq-generics-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "14300 K", "ver": "0.29", "name": "haskell-cryptonite", "descs": "haskell-cryptonite (repository of cryptographic primitives)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cryptonite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-memory"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3575 K", "descl": "Symmetric: AES, DES, 3DES, Blowfish, Camellia, RC4, Salsa, ChaCha. Hash: SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, MD2, MD4, MD5, Keccak, Skein, Ripemd, Tiger, Whirlpool, Blake2 MAC: HMAC, Poly1305 Asymmetric: DSA, RSA, DH, ECDH, ECDSA, ECC, Curve25519, Ed25519 Key Derivation Function: PBKDF2, Scrypt, HKDF Random generation: System Entropy, Deterministic Random Generator Data related: Anti-Forensic Information Splitter (AFIS)", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cryptonite-0.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "4980 K", "ver": "5.1.7", "name": "haskell-free", "descs": "haskell-free (Monads for free)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-free", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-profunctors", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1245 K", "descl": "Free monads are useful for many tree-like structures and domain specific languages.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-free-5.1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1040 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-html", "descs": "haskell-html (HTML combinator library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-html", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "260 K", "descl": "This package contains a combinator library for constructing HTML documents. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/html", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-html-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "832 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-syb", "descs": "haskell-syb (Scrap Your Boilerplate)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-syb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "208 K", "descl": "Syb Haskell library contains the generics system described in the Scrap Your Boilerplate papers. It defines the Data class of types permitting folding and unfolding of constructor applications, instances of this class for primitive types, and a variety of traversals. Homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/syb", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-syb-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "15384 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-hxt", "descs": "haskell-hxt (Haskell XML Toolbox)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hxt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hxt-charproperties", "haskell-hxt-unicode", "haskell-network-uri", "haskell-HUnit", "haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3846 K", "descl": "The Haskell XML Toolbox uses a generic data model for representing XML documents including the DTD subset and the document subset. It contains a validating XML parser, an HTML parser, namespace support, an XPath expression evaluator, an XSLT library, a RelaxNG schema validator and functions for serialization and deserialization of user defined data.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hxt-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2544 K", "ver": "1.7.5", "name": "haskell-x509", "descs": "haskell-x509 (X509 reader and writer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-x509", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-basement", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory", "haskell-pem", "haskell-crypto-pubkey-types", "haskell-cryptohash"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "636 K", "descl": "X509 reader and writer.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-x509-1.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "haskell-infer-license", "descs": "haskell-infer-license (Infer software license from a file)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-infer-license", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-text-metrics", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Infer software license from a given license file.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-infer-license-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1272 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "haskell-hslua-core", "descs": "haskell-hslua-core (Bindings to Lua)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-core", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "318 K", "descl": "Wrappers and helpers to bridge Haskell and Lua. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-core", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-core-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-setlocale", "descs": "haskell-setlocale (bindings to setlocale)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-setlocale", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "Haskell bindings to setlocale.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-setlocale-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1112 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-bmp", "descs": "haskell-bmp (Read and write uncompressed BMP image files)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-bmp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "278 K", "descl": "Read and write uncompressed BMP image files. 100% robust Haskell implementation.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-bmp-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "5724 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-GLUT", "descs": "haskell-GLUT (A binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-GLUT", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "glu", "haskell-GLURaw", "haskell-ObjectName", "haskell-OpenGL", "haskell-OpenGLRaw", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-fixed", "haskell-half", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "haskell-random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1431 K", "descl": "A Haskell binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-GLUT-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-cryptohash-sha256", "descs": "haskell-cryptohash-sha256 (SHA-256 implementation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cryptohash-sha256", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "A practical incremental and one-pass, pure API to the SHA-256 cryptographic hash algorithm according to FIPS 180-4 with performance close to the fastest implementations available in other languages.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cryptohash-sha256-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "haskell-silently", "descs": "haskell-silently (Prevent or capture writing to stdout etc)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-silently", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-silently-1.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "668 K", "ver": "1.6.10", "name": "haskell-x509-validation", "descs": "haskell-x509-validation (X.509 Certificate and CRL validation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-x509-validation", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-basement", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory", "haskell-pem", "haskell-x509", "haskell-x509-store", "haskell-data-default-class"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "167 K", "descl": "X.509 Certificate and CRL validation.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-x509-validation-1.6.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-attoparsec-iso8601", "descs": "haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 (Parsing of ISO 8601 dates)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-attoparsec-iso8601", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-base-compat-batteries"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "Parsing of ISO 8601 dates, originally from aeson.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-attoparsec-iso8601-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "haskell-byteorder", "descs": "haskell-byteorder (native endianness or byte ordering library.)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-byteorder", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "This package is for working with the native byte-ordering of the system. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/byteorder", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-byteorder-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1772 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-cereal", "descs": "haskell-cereal (A binary serialization library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cereal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "443 K", "descl": "A binary serialization library, similar to binary, that introduces an isolate primitive for parser isolation, and labeled blocks for better error messages.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cereal-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "haskell-auto-update", "descs": "haskell-auto-update (periodic, on-demand actions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-auto-update", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "A common problem is the desire to have an action run at a scheduled interval, but only if it is needed. This library allows you to define actions which will either be performed by a dedicated thread or, in times of low volume, will be executed by the calling thread.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-auto-update-0.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "5784 K", "ver": "1.14.1", "name": "haskell-generic-deriving", "descs": "haskell-generic-deriving (library for generalised deriving)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-generic-deriving", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-th-abstraction"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1446 K", "descl": "This package provides functionality for generalising the deriving mechanism in Haskell to arbitrary classes.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-generic-deriving-1.14.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1188 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-stringsearch", "descs": "haskell-stringsearch (search for substrings)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-stringsearch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "297 K", "descl": "This package provides several functions to quickly search for substrings in strict or lazy ByteStrings. It also provides functions for breaking or splitting on substrings and replacing all occurrences of a substring (the first in case of overlaps) with another.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-stringsearch-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1712 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "haskell-conduit-extra", "descs": "haskell-conduit-extra (adapters for common libraries)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-conduit-extra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-network", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-split", "haskell-streaming-commons", "haskell-typed-process", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-zlib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "428 K", "descl": "The conduit package itself maintains relative small dependencies. The purpose of this package is to collect commonly used utility functions wrapping other library dependencies, without depending on heavier-weight dependencies. The basic idea is that this package should only depend on haskell-platform packages and conduit.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-conduit-extra-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "956 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-hashable", "descs": "haskell-hashable (A class for types that can be converted to a hash)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hashable", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "239 K", "descl": "A class for types that can be converted to a hash value. This package defines a class, Hashable, for types that can be converted to a hash value. This class exists for the benefit of hashing-based data structures. The package provides instances for basic types and a way to combine hash values. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hashable", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hashable-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "10880 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-vector", "descs": "haskell-vector (Efficient Arrays)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-vector", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2720 K", "descl": "An efficient implementation of Int-indexed arrays (both mutable and immutable), with a powerful loop optimisation framework.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-vector-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "956 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "haskell-random", "descs": "haskell-random (random number library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-random", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "239 K", "descl": "This package provides a basic random number generation library for Haskell programs, including the ability to split random number generators.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-random-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "6880 K", "ver": "0.3.4", "name": "haskell-unicode-transforms", "descs": "haskell-unicode-transforms (Unicode normalization)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-unicode-transforms", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-bitarray"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1720 K", "descl": "Fast Unicode 9.0 normalization in Haskell (NFC, NFKC, NFD, NFKD).", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-unicode-transforms-0.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "744 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-edit-distance", "descs": "haskell-edit-distance (Levenshtein edit distances)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-edit-distance", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "186 K", "descl": "Optimized edit distances for fuzzy matching, including Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein algorithms.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-edit-distance-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-filemanip", "descs": "haskell-filemanip (expressive file manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-filemanip", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-unix-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "This package provides functions and combinators for searching, matching, and manipulating files.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-filemanip-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-monad-control", "descs": "haskell-monad-control (Lift control ops through monad transformers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-monad-control", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "This package defines the type class MonadBaseControl, a subset of MonadBase into which generic control operations such as catch can be lifted from IO or any other base monad. Instances are based on monad transformers in MonadTransControl, which includes all standard monad transformers in the transformers library except ContT.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-monad-control-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "0.3.10", "name": "haskell-aeson-compat", "descs": "haskell-aeson-compat (Compatibility layer for aeson)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-aeson-compat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-attoparsec-iso8601", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable", "haskell-nats"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "The package provides compatibility layer for aeson.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-aeson-compat-0.3.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-unliftio-core", "descs": "haskell-unliftio-core (typeclass for unlifting monads to IO)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-unliftio-core", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "Provides the core MonadUnliftIO typeclass, instances for base and transformers, and basic utility functions.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-unliftio-core-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "704 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-GLURaw", "descs": "haskell-GLURaw (A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-GLURaw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "glu", "haskell-OpenGLRaw", "haskell-fixed", "haskell-half", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "176 K", "descl": "GLURaw is a raw Haskell binding for the GLU 1.3 OpenGL utility library. It is basically a 1:1 mapping of GLU's C API, intended as a basis for a nicer interface.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-GLURaw-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "haskell-lcs", "descs": "haskell-lcs (Find longest common sublist of two lists)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-lcs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "Provides a function lcs that takes two lists and returns a longest common sublist. For example, lcs abcd acbd is either abd or acd. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lcs", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-lcs-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "840 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-old-time", "descs": "haskell-old-time (old time library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-old-time", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-old-locale"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "210 K", "descl": "This package provides the old time library. For new projects, the newer 'time' library is recommended.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-old-time-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1096 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-doclayout", "descs": "haskell-doclayout (A prettyprinting library for laying out text docs)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-doclayout", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-emojis", "haskell-safe"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "274 K", "descl": "doclayout is a prettyprinting library for laying out text documents, with several features not present in prettyprinting libraries designed for code. It was designed for use in pandoc. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/doclayout", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-doclayout-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "944 K", "ver": "0.11.9", "name": "haskell-cryptohash", "descs": "haskell-cryptohash (collection of crypto hashes)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cryptohash", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-memory"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "236 K", "descl": "A collection of crypto hashes, with a practical incremental and one-pass, pure APIs, with performance close to the fastest implementations available in other languages.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cryptohash-0.11.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "580 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-tagged", "descs": "haskell-tagged (Haskell 98 phantom types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-tagged", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "145 K", "descl": "Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-tagged-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2320 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "haskell-stringprep", "descs": "haskell-stringprep (Implements the 'StringPrep' algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-stringprep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-text-icu", "icu4c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "580 K", "descl": "Implements the StringPrep algorithm.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-stringprep-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "haskell-hostname", "descs": "haskell-hostname (cross-platform getHostName function for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hostname", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "A very simple package providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hostname-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "haskell-hslua-module-version", "descs": "haskell-hslua-module-version (Lua module for version specifiers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-module-version", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-hslua-objectorientation", "haskell-hslua-packaging", "haskell-lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "Wrapper for the Data.Version.Version Haskell type. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-module-version", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-module-version-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2112 K", "ver": "0.16.0", "name": "haskell-memory", "descs": "haskell-memory (memory management and manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-memory", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-foundation"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "528 K", "descl": "Chunk of memory, polymorphic byte array management and manipulation. Polymorphic byte array abstraction similar to strict ByteString. Different type of byte array abstraction. Raw memory IO operations (memory set, memory copy, ..) Aliasing with endianness support. Encoding: Base16, Base32, Base64. Hashing: FNV, SipHash.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-memory-0.16.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "5392 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-regex-tdfa", "descs": "haskell-regex-tdfa (regex engine)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-tdfa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-regex-base", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1348 K", "descl": "A new all-Haskell tagged DFA regex engine, inspired by libtre.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-tdfa-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "haskell-data-fix", "descs": "haskell-data-fix (Fixpoint data types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-data-fix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "Fixpoint types and recursion schemes. If you define your AST as fixpoint type, you get fold and unfold operations for free. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-fix", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-data-fix-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "816 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-resourcet", "descs": "haskell-resourcet (Deterministic management of scarce resources)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-resourcet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-lifted-base", "haskell-mmorph"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "204 K", "descl": "ResourceT is a monad transformer which creates a region of code where you can safely allocate resources.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-resourcet-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-integer-logarithms", "descs": "haskell-integer-logarithms (Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-integer-logarithms", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms split from arithmoi.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-integer-logarithms-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "560 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "haskell-tf-random", "descs": "haskell-tf-random (High-quality splittable PRNG)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-tf-random", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "140 K", "descl": "This package contains an implementation of a high-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator. The generator is based on a cryptographic hash function built on top of the ThreeFish block cipher. See the paper Splittable Pseudorandom Number Generators Using Cryptographic Hashing by Claessen, Palka for details and the rationale of the design.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-tf-random-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "964 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "haskell-Glob", "descs": "haskell-Glob (library for globbing)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-Glob", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "241 K", "descl": "A library for globbing: matching patterns against file paths.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-Glob-0.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3656 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "haskell-commonmark-extensions", "descs": "haskell-commonmark-extensions (Pure Haskell commonmark parser)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-commonmark-extensions", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-bitarray", "haskell-commonmark", "haskell-emojis", "haskell-network-uri", "haskell-unicode-transforms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "914 K", "descl": "This library provides some useful extensions to core commonmark syntax: smart quotes, definition lists, tables, footnotes, math, and more. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/commonmark-extensions", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-commonmark-extensions-0.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2904 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-mime-types", "descs": "haskell-mime-types (Basic mime-type handling)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-mime-types", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "726 K", "descl": "Basic mime-type handling types and functions.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-mime-types-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-bitarray", "descs": "haskell-bitarray (Mutable and immutable bit arrays)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-bitarray", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "Mutable and immutable bit arrays.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-bitarray-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1848 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-tar", "descs": "haskell-tar (Reading, writing and manipulating '.tar' archive files)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-tar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "462 K", "descl": "This library is for working with '.tar' archive files. It can read and write a range of common variations of archive format including V7, USTAR, POSIX and GNU formats. It provides support for packing and unpacking portable archives. This makes it suitable for distribution but not backup because details like file ownership and exact permissions are not preserved. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tar", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-tar-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "haskell-sandi", "descs": "haskell-sandi (data encoding library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-sandi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-split", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-stringsearch"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "A reasonably fast data encoding library for Haskell.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-sandi-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "944 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-regex-posix", "descs": "haskell-regex-posix (Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex Haskell library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-posix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-regex-base"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "236 K", "descl": "The posix regex backend for regex-base. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/regex-posix", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-posix-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-split", "descs": "haskell-split (Combinator library for splitting lists)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-split", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "A collection of various methods for splitting lists into parts, akin to the 'split' function found in several mainstream languages.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-split-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "0.1.8", "name": "haskell-appar", "descs": "haskell-appar (A simple applicative parser)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-appar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "A simple applicative parser in Parsec style https://hackage.haskell.org/package/appar", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-appar-0.1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "5080 K", "ver": "2.14.2", "name": "haskell-QuickCheck", "descs": "haskell-QuickCheck (Automatic testing of Haskell programs)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-QuickCheck", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-random", "haskell-splitmix", "haskell-erf", "haskell-extensible-exceptions", "haskell-tf-random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1270 K", "descl": "QuickCheck is a library for random testing of program properties. The programmer provides a specification of the program, in the form of properties which functions should satisfy, and QuickCheck then tests that the properties hold in a large number of randomly generated cases. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/QuickCheck", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-QuickCheck-2.14.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-stm-chans", "descs": "haskell-stm-chans (Additional channel types for STM)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-stm-chans", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "Additional types of channels for STM.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-stm-chans-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "0.2.4", "name": "haskell-pem", "descs": "haskell-pem (PEM format reader and writer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-pem", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-memory", "haskell-base64-bytestring"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-pem-0.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "0.1.10", "name": "haskell-th-reify-many", "descs": "haskell-th-reify-many (reify template haskell datatype info)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-th-reify-many", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-mtl", "haskell-safe", "haskell-syb", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-th-expand-syns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "th-reify-many provides functions for recursively reifying top level declarations. The main intended use case is for enumerating the names of datatypes reachable from an initial datatype, and passing these names to some function which generates instances.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-th-reify-many-0.1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "haskell-nats", "descs": "haskell-nats (Natural numbers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-nats", "deps": ["haskell-hashable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "Haskell 98 natural numbers.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-nats-1.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "5812 K", "ver": "1.22.1", "name": "haskell-pandoc-types", "descs": "haskell-pandoc-types (type definitions for Pandoc)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-pandoc-types", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-QuickCheck", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-splitmix", "haskell-strict", "haskell-syb", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable", "haskell-deepseq-generics"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1453 K", "descl": "This package contains definitions for the Pandoc data structure, which is used by pandoc to represent structured documents. Homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc-types", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-pandoc-types-1.22.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.18.5", "name": "haskell-semigroups", "descs": "haskell-semigroups (Anything that associates)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-semigroups", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-unordered-containers"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "In mathematics, a semigroup is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with an associative binary operation. A semigroup generalizes a monoid in that there might not exist an identity element. It also (originally) generalized a group (a monoid with all inverses) to a type where every element did not have to have an inverse, thus the name semigroup.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-semigroups-0.18.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "620 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-microlens", "descs": "haskell-microlens (lens library with no dependencies)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-microlens", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "155 K", "descl": "This library is an extract from lens (with no dependencies). It's not a toy lenses library, unsuitable for 'real world', but merely a small one. It is compatible with lens, and should have same performance.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-microlens-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "692 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "haskell-hslua-objectorientation", "descs": "haskell-hslua-objectorientation ( Object orientation tools for HsLua)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-objectorientation", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "173 K", "descl": "Expose Haskell objects to Lua with an object oriented interface. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-objectorientation", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-objectorientation-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "haskell-lpeg", "descs": "haskell-lpeg (LPeg - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-lpeg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "This package contains the C sources of LPeg, as well as some tiny Haskell helper to load the package. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lpeg", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-lpeg-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "588 K", "ver": "2.2.4", "name": "haskell-async", "descs": "haskell-async (Run IO operations async and wait for their results)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-async", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "147 K", "descl": "This Haskell package provides a higher-level interface over threads, in which an Async a is a concurrent thread that will eventually deliver a value of type a. The package provides ways to create Async computations, wait for their results, and cancel them.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-async-2.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "896 K", "ver": "0.12.1", "name": "haskell-base-compat", "descs": "haskell-base-compat (backported functions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-base-compat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "224 K", "descl": "Provides functions available in later versions of base to a wider range of compilers.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-base-compat-0.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1284 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "haskell-base-prelude", "descs": "haskell-base-prelude (complete prelude formed solely from 'base')", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-base-prelude", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "321 K", "descl": "A library which aims to reexport all the non-conflicting and most general definitions from the 'base' package. This includes APIs for applicatives, arrows, monoids, foldables, traversables, exceptions, generics, ST, MVars and STM.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-base-prelude-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1364 K", "ver": "0.3.8", "name": "haskell-xml-types", "descs": "haskell-xml-types (Basic types for representing XML)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-xml-types", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "341 K", "descl": "Basic types for representing XML. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xml-types", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-xml-types-0.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "836 K", "ver": "2.2.2", "name": "haskell-mtl", "descs": "haskell-mtl (Monad classes, using functional dependencies)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-mtl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "209 K", "descl": "Monad classes using functional dependencies, with instances for various monad transformers, inspired by the paper Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism, by Mark P Jones, in Advanced School of Functional Programming, 1995. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mtl", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-mtl-2.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "7776 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "haskell-emojis", "descs": "haskell-emojis (Conversion between emoji characters and their names)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-emojis", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1944 K", "descl": "This package provides functions for converting emoji names to emoji characters and vice versa. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/emojis", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-emojis-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "haskell-monad-loops", "descs": "haskell-monad-loops (Monadic loops)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-monad-loops", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "Some useful control operators for looping.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-monad-loops-0.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "576 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-system-fileio", "descs": "haskell-system-fileio (Consistent filesystem interaction)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-system-fileio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-system-filepath"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "144 K", "descl": "Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions. Deprecated in favor of directory.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-system-fileio-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-store-core", "descs": "haskell-store-core (binary serialization)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-store-core", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "Fast and lightweight binary serialization.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-store-core-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "haskell-StateVar", "descs": "haskell-StateVar (State variables for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-StateVar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "This package contains state variables, which are references in the IO monad, like IORefs or parts of the OpenGL state.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-StateVar-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "0.0.9", "name": "haskell-crypto-random", "descs": "haskell-crypto-random (Simple cryptographic random related types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-random", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-memory", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-securemem", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "Simple cryptographic random related types.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-random-0.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-th-expand-syns", "descs": "haskell-th-expand-syns (Expands type synonyms in ASTs)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-th-expand-syns", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-syb", "haskell-th-abstraction"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Expands type synonyms in Template Haskell ASTs.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-th-expand-syns-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "haskell-clock", "descs": "haskell-clock (high-resolution clock functions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-clock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "A package for convenient access to high-resolution clock and timer functions of different operating systems via a unified API.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-clock-0.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "haskell-call-stack", "descs": "haskell-call-stack (backward compatible call stacks)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-call-stack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Use GHC call-stacks in a backward compatible way.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-call-stack-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1028 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "haskell-zip-archive", "descs": "haskell-zip-archive (Haskell library for zip archives)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-zip-archive", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-digest", "haskell-mtl", "haskell-zlib", "zlib", "haskell-utf8-string"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "257 K", "descl": "This is a library for Haskell programs. It provides functions for creating, modifying, and extracting files from zip archives.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-zip-archive-0.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "424 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-double-conversion", "descs": "haskell-double-conversion (convert between float and text strings)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-double-conversion", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "106 K", "descl": "double-conversion is a fast Haskell library for converting between double precision floating point numbers and text strings. It is implemented as a binding to the V8-derived C++ double-conversion library. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/double-conversion", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-double-conversion-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "884 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-these", "descs": "haskell-these (An either-or-both data type.)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-these", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "221 K", "descl": "This package provides a data type These a b which can hold a value of either type or values of each type. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/these", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-these-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "780 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-utf8-string", "descs": "haskell-utf8-string (Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-utf8-string", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "195 K", "descl": "A UTF8 layer for IO and Strings. The utf8-string package provides operations for encoding UTF8 strings to Word8 lists and back, and for reading and writing UTF8 without truncation. Homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/utf8-string", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-utf8-string-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2296 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "haskell-haddock-library", "descs": "haskell-haddock-library (exposing some functionality of Haddock)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-haddock-library", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "574 K", "descl": "Haddock is a documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries. These modules expose some functionality of it.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-haddock-library-1.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-regex-compat-tdfa", "descs": "haskell-regex-compat-tdfa (regex-tdfa compatibility module)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-compat-tdfa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-regex-base", "haskell-regex-tdfa"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "Module layer over regex-tdfa to replace Text.Regex.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-compat-tdfa-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3324 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "haskell-conduit", "descs": "haskell-conduit (Streaming data processing library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-conduit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-split", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-void"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "831 K", "descl": "conduit is a solution to the streaming data problem, allowing for production, transformation, and consumption of streams of data in constant memory. It is an alternative to lazy I/O which guarantees deterministic resource handling, and fits in the same general solution space as enumerator/iteratee and pipes.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-conduit-1.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1288 K", "ver": "3001.5.0.0", "name": "haskell-cgi", "descs": "haskell-cgi (A Haskell library for writing CGI programs)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cgi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-multipart", "haskell-network-uri", "haskell-stringsearch", "haskell-network"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "322 K", "descl": "This is a Haskell library for writing CGI programs. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cgi", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cgi-3001.5.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "haskell-enclosed-exceptions", "descs": "haskell-enclosed-exceptions (Catch all exceptions from a computation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-enclosed-exceptions", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-lifted-base", "haskell-monad-control", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-async"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "Catching all exceptions raised within an enclosed computation, while remaining responsive to (external) asynchronous exceptions.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-enclosed-exceptions-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-base16-bytestring", "descs": "haskell-base16-bytestring (fast base16 encoding/decoding)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-base16-bytestring", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-base16-bytestring-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "4408 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-text-icu", "descs": "haskell-text-icu (Bindings to the ICU library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-text-icu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "icu4c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1102 K", "descl": "Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-text-icu-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "732 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-typed-process", "descs": "haskell-typed-process (Run external processes)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-typed-process", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-unliftio-core"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "183 K", "descl": "This library provides the ability to launch and interact with external processes. It wraps around the process library", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-typed-process-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-resource-pool", "descs": "haskell-resource-pool (striped resource pooling)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-resource-pool", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-monad-control", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "A high-performance striped pooling abstraction for managing flexibly-sized collections of resources such as database connections.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-resource-pool-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1284 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-time-compat", "descs": "haskell-time-compat (Compatibility package for time)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-time-compat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "321 K", "descl": "This packages tries to compat as much of time features as possible. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/time-compat", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-time-compat-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "haskell-bindings-uname", "descs": "haskell-bindings-uname (Low-level binding to POSIX uname(3))", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-bindings-uname", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "This is a low-level binding to POSIX uname(3) function.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-bindings-uname-0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "764 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-wl-pprint-text", "descs": "haskell-wl-pprint-text (Wadler/Leijen pretty printer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-wl-pprint-text", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "191 K", "descl": "A Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for Text values.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-wl-pprint-text-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1392 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema", "descs": "haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema (XML Schema regular expressions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hxt-charproperties"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "348 K", "descl": "This library supports full XML Schema regular expressions - inclusive of all Unicode character sets and blocks - as specified at https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/#regexs.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2584 K", "ver": "5.6.2", "name": "haskell-profunctors", "descs": "haskell-profunctors (Profunctors)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-profunctors", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "646 K", "descl": "Profunctors for Haskell.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-profunctors-5.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3520 K", "ver": "0.7.11", "name": "haskell-http-client", "descs": "haskell-http-client (An HTTP client engine)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-http-client", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-appar", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-base64-bytestring", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-byteorder", "haskell-case-insensitive", "haskell-cookie", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-http-types", "haskell-iproute", "haskell-mime-types", "haskell-network", "haskell-network-uri", "haskell-random", "haskell-streaming-commons", "haskell-zlib", "zlib", "haskell-memory", "haskell-publicsuffixlist"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "880 K", "descl": "An HTTP client engine, intended as a base layer for more user-friendly packages.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-http-client-0.7.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "4112 K", "ver": "0.14.3", "name": "haskell-attoparsec", "descs": "haskell-attoparsec (Fast combinator parsing)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-attoparsec", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-scientific"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1028 K", "descl": "Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text. A fast parser combinator library, aimed particularly at dealing efficiently with network protocols and complicated text/binary file formats. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/attoparsec", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-attoparsec-0.14.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-network-bsd", "descs": "haskell-network-bsd (POSIX network database API)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-network-bsd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-network"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "This package provides Haskell bindings to the the POSIX network database (netdb.h) API. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/network-bsd", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-network-bsd-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-blaze-builder", "descs": "haskell-blaze-builder (Efficient buffered output)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-blaze-builder", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "This library provides an abstraction of buffered output of byte streams and several convenience functions to exploit it. For example, it allows to efficiently serialize Haskell values to lazy bytestrings with a large average chunk size. The large average chunk size allows to make good use of cache prefetching in later processing steps (e.g. compression) and reduces the sytem call overhead when writing the resulting lazy bytestring to a file or sending it over the network.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-blaze-builder-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1380 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "haskell-path", "descs": "haskell-path (Support for well-typed paths)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-path", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "345 K", "descl": "Support for well-typed paths.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-path-0.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "haskell-cipher-rc4", "descs": "haskell-cipher-rc4 (Fast RC4 cipher implementation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cipher-rc4", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-memory", "haskell-securemem", "haskell-crypto-cipher-types"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Fast RC4 cipher implementation.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cipher-rc4-0.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "820 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "haskell-regex-applicative", "descs": "haskell-regex-applicative (parsing using regular expressions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-applicative", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "205 K", "descl": "Haskell library for parsing using regular expressions. Parsers can be built using Applicative interface.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-applicative-0.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2872 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-blaze-html", "descs": "haskell-blaze-html (lazingly fast HTML combinator library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-blaze-html", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-blaze-markup"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "718 K", "descl": "A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for the Haskell programming language.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-blaze-html-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "haskell-parser-combinators", "descs": "haskell-parser-combinators (commonly useful parser combinators)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-parser-combinators", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "Lightweight package providing commonly useful parser combinators.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-parser-combinators-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1716 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-streaming-commons", "descs": "haskell-streaming-commons (common low-level streaming data functions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-streaming-commons", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-network", "haskell-random", "haskell-zlib", "zlib", "haskell-blaze-builder"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "429 K", "descl": "Provides low-dependency functionality commonly needed by various streaming data libraries, such as conduit and pipes.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-streaming-commons-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "0.1.3", "name": "haskell-echo", "descs": "haskell-echo (cross-console way to handle echoing terminal input)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-echo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "This library provides an alternative interface which works with both MinTTY and other consoles.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-echo-0.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3444 K", "ver": "5.5.11", "name": "haskell-bifunctors", "descs": "haskell-bifunctors (Haskell bifunctors module)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-bifunctors", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "861 K", "descl": "Haskell bifunctors module", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-bifunctors-5.5.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-splitmix", "descs": "haskell-splitmix (Pure Haskell implementation of SplitMix)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-splitmix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "Pure Haskell implementation of SplitMix described in Guy L. Steele, Jr., Doug Lea, and Christine H. Flood. 2014. Fast splittable pseudorandom number generators. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/splitmix", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-splitmix-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "haskell-quickcheck-io", "descs": "haskell-quickcheck-io (Use HUnit assertions as QuickCheck properties)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-quickcheck-io", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-HUnit", "haskell-QuickCheck", "haskell-call-stack", "haskell-random", "haskell-splitmix"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "This package provides an orphan instance that allows you to use HUnit assertions as QuickCheck properties.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-quickcheck-io-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1004 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-open-browser", "descs": "haskell-open-browser (Open a web browser from Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-open-browser", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "251 K", "descl": "Open a web browser from Haskell. Currently BSD, Linux, OS X and Windows are supported.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-open-browser-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1608 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-th-abstraction", "descs": "haskell-th-abstraction (reified information about data types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-th-abstraction", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "402 K", "descl": "This package normalizes variations in the interface for inspecting datatype information via Template Haskell so that packages and support a single, easier to use informational datatype while supporting many versions of Template Haskell.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-th-abstraction-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "992 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "haskell-asn1-encoding", "descs": "haskell-asn1-encoding (ASN1 data reader and writer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-asn1-encoding", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-basement", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "248 K", "descl": "ASN1 data reader and writer in raw form with supports for high level forms of ASN1 (BER, and DER).", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-asn1-encoding-0.9.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1236 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-dataenc", "descs": "haskell-dataenc (Data encoding library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-dataenc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "309 K", "descl": "Data encoding library currently providing Base16, Base32, Base32Hex, Base64, Base64Url, Base85, Python string escaping, Quoted-Printable, URL encoding, uuencode, xxencode, and yEncoding. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dataenc", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-dataenc-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "856 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "haskell-asn1-types", "descs": "haskell-asn1-types (ASN.1 types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-asn1-types", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "214 K", "descl": "ASN.1 standard types.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-asn1-types-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "haskell-punycode", "descs": "haskell-punycode (Encode unicode strings according to RFC 3492)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-punycode", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-cereal"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "Encode unicode strings to ascii forms according to RFC 3492.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-punycode-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1456 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-strict", "descs": "haskell-strict (Strict data types and String IO)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-strict", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "364 K", "descl": "This package provides strict versions of some standard Haskell data types (pairs, Maybe and Either). It also contains strict IO operations.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-strict-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "936 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-Tensor", "descs": "haskell-Tensor (Tensor data types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-Tensor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "234 K", "descl": "This package contains tensor data types and their instances for some basic type classes.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-Tensor-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "784 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "descs": "haskell-hslua-marshalling (Marshalling of Lua values)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-marshalling", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "196 K", "descl": "Provides functions to marshal values from Haskell to Lua, and vice versa. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-marshalling", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-marshalling-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "29900 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-OpenGLRaw", "descs": "haskell-OpenGLRaw (A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-OpenGLRaw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-fixed", "haskell-half", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7475 K", "descl": "OpenGLRaw is a raw Haskell binding for the OpenGL 3.2 graphics system and lots of OpenGL extensions. It is basically a 1:1 mapping of OpenGL's C API, intended as a basis for a nicer interface. OpenGLRaw offers access to all necessary functions, tokens and types plus a general facility for loading extension entries. The module hierarchy closely mirrors the naming structure of the OpenGL extensions, making it easy to find the right module to import. All API entries are loaded dynamically. If an API entry is not found at runtime, a userError is thrown.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-OpenGLRaw-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "haskell-indexed-traversable-instances", "descs": "haskell-indexed-traversable-instances (more instances of functor)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-indexed-traversable-instances", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "This package provides extra instances for type-classes in the indexed-traversable package. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/indexed-traversable-instances", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-indexed-traversable-instances-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "972 K", "ver": "0.10.0", "name": "haskell-hsp", "descs": "haskell-hsp (Haskell Server Pages)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hsp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "243 K", "descl": "Haskell Server Pages (HSP) is an extension of vanilla Haskell, targetted at the task of writing dynamic server-side web pages.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hsp-0.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-transformers-base", "descs": "haskell-transformers-base (BaseM typeclass to transformers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-transformers-base", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "This package provides a straightforward port of monadLib's BaseM typeclass to transformers.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-transformers-base-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "5.0.1", "name": "haskell-either", "descs": "haskell-either (Combinators for working with sums)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-either", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-profunctors", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-semigroups", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "Combinators for working with sums.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-either-5.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-env-locale", "descs": "haskell-env-locale (a (non-forking) interface to the current locale)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-env-locale", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-old-locale"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "A sane way to get the time locale defined by environment.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-env-locale-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "haskell-void", "descs": "haskell-void (A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-void", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type, used to indicate that a given term should not exist.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-void-0.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1808 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-gloss", "descs": "haskell-gloss (2D vector graphics, animations and simulations)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-gloss", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "glu", "haskell-GLURaw", "haskell-GLUT", "haskell-ObjectName", "haskell-OpenGL", "haskell-OpenGLRaw", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-bmp", "haskell-fixed", "haskell-gloss-rendering", "haskell-half", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "452 K", "descl": "Gloss hides the pain of drawing simple vector graphics behind a nice data type and a few display functions. Gloss uses OpenGL under the hood, but you won't need to worry about any of that. Get something cool on the screen in under 10 minutes.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-gloss-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "4440 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-hxt-charproperties", "descs": "haskell-hxt-charproperties (XML Character properties)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hxt-charproperties", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1110 K", "descl": "Character properties defined by XML and Unicode standards. These modules contain predicates for Unicode blocks, character properties and character predicates defined by XML. Supported Unicode version is 5.2.0.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hxt-charproperties-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "536 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-microlens-mtl", "descs": "haskell-microlens-mtl (Fixpoint data types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-microlens-mtl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-microlens", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "134 K", "descl": "This package contains functions (like view or +=) which work on MonadReader, MonadWriter, and MonadState from the mtl package. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/microlens-mtl", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-microlens-mtl-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-bytestring-builder", "descs": "haskell-bytestring-builder (new bytestring builder)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-bytestring-builder", "deps": ["ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "This package detects which version of bytestring you are compiling against, and if you are compiling against bytestring-0.10.4 or later, will be an empty package.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-bytestring-builder-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "572 K", "ver": "1.5.5", "name": "haskell-contravariant", "descs": "haskell-contravariant (Contravariant functors)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-contravariant", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-void"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "143 K", "descl": "Haskell 98 contravariant functors.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-contravariant-1.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-composition", "descs": "haskell-composition (Combinators for function composition)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-composition", "deps": ["ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Library of combinators for unorthodox function composition.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-composition-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "haskell-assoc", "descs": "haskell-assoc (swap and assoc: Symmetric and Semigroupy Bifunctors)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-assoc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Provides generalisations of swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a) and assoc :: ((a,b),c) -> (a,(b,c)) to Bifunctors supporting similar operations (e.g. Either, These). https://hackage.haskell.org/package/assoc", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-assoc-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "haskell-mintty", "descs": "haskell-mintty (detect MinTTY console on MS Windows)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-mintty", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "The mintty library provides a simple way to detect if your code in running in a MinTTY console on Windows. As you might expect, it will simply return False on any non-Windows operating system.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-mintty-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2516 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-doctemplates", "descs": "haskell-doctemplates (Pandoc-style document templates)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-doctemplates", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-HsYAML", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-base16-bytestring", "haskell-base64-bytestring", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-doclayout", "haskell-emojis", "haskell-errors", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-safe", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-conversions", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "629 K", "descl": "A simple text templating system used by pandoc.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-doctemplates-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1224 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-SHA", "descs": "haskell-SHA (Implementations of the SHA suite of functions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-SHA", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "306 K", "descl": "This library implements the SHA suite of message digest functions, according to NIST FIPS 180-2 (with the SHA-224 addendum), as well as the SHA-based HMAC routines. The functions have been tested against most of the NIST and RFC test vectors for the various functions. While some attention has been paid to performance, these do not presently reach the speed of well-tuned libraries, like OpenSSL.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-SHA-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "19216 K", "ver": "0.34.6", "name": "haskell-hpack", "descs": "haskell-hpack (modern format for Haskell packages)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hpack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-Glob", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-appar", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-async", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-base64-bytestring", "haskell-basement", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-byteorder", "haskell-case-insensitive", "haskell-cereal", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-connection", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-cookie", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-http-client", "haskell-http-types", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-infer-license", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-iproute", "haskell-libyaml", "haskell-memory", "haskell-mime-types", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-network", "haskell-network-uri", "haskell-pem", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-socks", "haskell-split", "haskell-streaming-commons", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-metrics", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-tls", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-witherable", "haskell-x509", "haskell-x509-store", "haskell-x509-system", "haskell-x509-validation", "haskell-yaml", "haskell-zlib", "zlib", "haskell-http-client-tls"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4804 K", "descl": "Hpack is a format for Haskell packages. It is a modern alternative to the Cabal package format and follows different design principles.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hpack-0.34.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "0.95.1", "name": "haskell-regex-compat", "descs": "haskell-regex-compat (Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex Haskell library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-compat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-regex-base", "haskell-regex-posix"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "One module layer over regex-posix to replace Text.Regex. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/regex-compat", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-compat-0.95.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-fixed", "descs": "haskell-fixed (signed 15.16 precision fixed point arithmetic)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-fixed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "This package supplies signed fixed-precision values 15 bits above the decimal, 16 bits below. These arise commonly in GPU applications and it is chosen to match the GLfixed specification.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-fixed-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-digest", "descs": "haskell-digest (cryptographic hash library for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-digest", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "This is a library for Haskell programs, providing efficient cryptographic hash implementations for strict and lazy bytestrings. CRC32 and Adler32 are supported; they are implemented as FFI bindings to efficient code from zlib.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-digest-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "772 K", "ver": "0.12.1", "name": "haskell-base-compat-batteries", "descs": "haskell-base-compat-batteries (base-compat with extra batteries)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-base-compat-batteries", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-bifunctors"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "193 K", "descl": "Provides functions available in later versions of base to a wider range of compilers, without requiring you to use CPP pragmas in your code. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-compat-batteries", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-base-compat-batteries-0.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "956 K", "ver": "0.2.8", "name": "haskell-crypto-pubkey", "descs": "haskell-crypto-pubkey (Public Key cryptography)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-pubkey", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-crypto-numbers", "haskell-crypto-random", "haskell-cryptohash", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-securemem", "haskell-vector", "haskell-crypto-pubkey-types"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "239 K", "descl": "Supports RSA PKCS15, RSA OAEP, RSA PSS, DSA, ElGamal signature. Also have primitive support for Diffie Hellman, and ElGamal encryption.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-pubkey-0.2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "haskell-hinotify", "descs": "haskell-hinotify (file system event notifications)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hinotify", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "inotify provides file system event notification, simply add a watcher to a file or directory and get an event when it is accessed or modified. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hinotify", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hinotify-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2288 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-primitive", "descs": "haskell-primitive (Wrappers for primitive operations)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-primitive", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "572 K", "descl": "This package provides wrappers for primitive array operations from GHC.Prim.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-primitive-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "10848 K", "ver": "1.5.6", "name": "haskell-tls", "descs": "haskell-tls (TLS/SSL protocol native implementation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-tls", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-basement", "haskell-cereal", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory", "haskell-network", "haskell-pem", "haskell-x509", "haskell-x509-store", "haskell-x509-validation", "haskell-cipher-aes", "haskell-cipher-des", "haskell-cipher-rc4", "haskell-crypto-pubkey"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2712 K", "descl": "Native Haskell TLS and SSL protocol implementation for server and client. Currently implement the SSL3.0, TLS1.0, TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 protocol, and support RSA and Ephemeral (Elliptic curve and regular) Diffie Hellman key exchanges, and many extensions.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-tls-1.5.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "688 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "haskell-uuid-types", "descs": "haskell-uuid-types (Type definitions for UUIDs)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-uuid-types", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "172 K", "descl": "This library contains type definitions for Universally Unique Identifiers and basic conversion functions.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-uuid-types-1.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "haskell-hslua-classes", "descs": "haskell-hslua-classes (Type classes for HsLua)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-classes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "Type classes for convenient marshalling and calling of Lua functions. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-classes", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-classes-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "620 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "haskell-connection", "descs": "haskell-connection (Simple and easy network connections API)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-connection", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-parse", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-basement", "haskell-cereal", "haskell-cryptonite", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory", "haskell-network", "haskell-pem", "haskell-socks", "haskell-tls", "haskell-x509", "haskell-x509-store", "haskell-x509-system", "haskell-x509-validation"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "155 K", "descl": "Simple network library for all your connection need. Features: Really simple to use, SSL/TLS, SOCKS.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-connection-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-filelock", "descs": "haskell-filelock (Portable interface to file locking)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-filelock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "This package provides an interface to Windows and Unix file locking functionalities.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-filelock-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-data-default", "descs": "haskell-data-default (A class for types with a default value)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-data-default", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-data", "haskell-data", "haskell-data-default", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-old-locale", "haskell-data-default-instances-base", "haskell-data-default-instances-containers", "haskell-data-default-instances-dlist", "haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "A utility library for Haskell programs.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1968 K", "ver": "1.3.8", "name": "haskell-curl", "descs": "haskell-curl (Haskell binding to libcurl)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-curl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ghc", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "492 K", "descl": "libcurl is a client-side URL transfer library, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. libcurl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Kerberos4), file This package provides a Haskell binding to libcurl. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/curl", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-curl-1.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "haskell-idna", "descs": "haskell-idna (Implements IDNA (RFC 3490)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-idna", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-cereal", "haskell-punycode", "haskell-stringprep", "haskell-text-icu", "icu4c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "Implements IDNA - Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (RFC 3490).", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-idna-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1236 K", "ver": "0.12.2", "name": "haskell-http-types", "descs": "haskell-http-types (Generic HTTP types for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-http-types", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-case-insensitive", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-blaze-builder"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "309 K", "descl": "Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code).", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-http-types-0.12.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2616 K", "ver": "0.2.12", "name": "haskell-hourglass", "descs": "haskell-hourglass (simple performant time related library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hourglass", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "654 K", "descl": "Simple time library focusing on simple but powerful and performant API.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hourglass-0.2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "haskell-text-metrics", "descs": "haskell-text-metrics (Calculate various string metrics efficiently)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-text-metrics", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "The library provides efficient implementations of various string metric algorithms. It works with strict Text values.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-text-metrics-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1404 K", "ver": "1.3.14", "name": "haskell-xml", "descs": "haskell-xml (XML library for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-xml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "351 K", "descl": "A simple XML library for Haskell programs. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xml", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-xml-1.3.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1152 K", "ver": "0.3.36", "name": "haskell-monad-logger", "descs": "haskell-monad-logger (class of monads which can log messages)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-monad-logger", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-async", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-auto-update", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-conduit", "haskell-conduit-extra", "haskell-easy-file", "haskell-fast-logger", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-lifted-base", "haskell-monad-control", "haskell-monad-loops", "haskell-mono-traversable", "haskell-network", "haskell-old-locale", "haskell-old-time", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-resourcet", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-split", "haskell-stm-chans", "haskell-streaming-commons", "haskell-transformers-base", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-typed-process", "haskell-unix-time", "haskell-unliftio-core", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-vector", "haskell-vector-algorithms", "haskell-zlib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "288 K", "descl": "A monad transformer approach for logging. This package provides Template Haskell functions for determining source code locations of messages.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-monad-logger-0.3.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "haskell-iwlib", "descs": "haskell-iwlib (Bindings for the iw C library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-iwlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "A binding to the iw library for getting info about the current WiFi connection.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-iwlib-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3020 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-resolv", "descs": "haskell-resolv (DNS lookup via libresolv)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-resolv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base16-bytestring"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "755 K", "descl": "This package implements an API for accessing the DNS resolver service via the standard libresolv system library (whose API is often available directly via the standard libc C library) on Unix systems.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-resolv-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3300 K", "ver": "4000.3.16", "name": "haskell-HTTP", "descs": "haskell-HTTP (A Haskell library for client-side HTTP)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-HTTP", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-network", "haskell-network-uri"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "825 K", "descl": "The HTTP package supports client-side web programming in Haskell. It lets you set up HTTP connections, transmitting requests and processing the responses coming back, all from within the comforts of Haskell. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/HTTP", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-HTTP-4000.3.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-retry", "descs": "haskell-retry (Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-retry", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-random", "haskell-data-default-class"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail. This package exposes combinators that can wrap arbitrary monadic actions. They run the action and potentially retry running it with some configurable delay for a configurable number of times.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-retry-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-extensible-exceptions", "descs": "haskell-extensible-exceptions (Extensible exceptions for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-extensible-exceptions", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "This package provides extensible exceptions for GHC.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-extensible-exceptions-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "0.1.3", "name": "haskell-th-compat", "descs": "haskell-th-compat (Backward-compatible Quote and Code types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-th-compat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "This package defines a Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Compat module, which backports the Quote and Code types to work across a wide range of template-haskell versions. On recent versions of template-haskell ( or later), this module simply reexports Quote and Code from Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-th-compat-0.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-ghc-paths", "descs": "haskell-ghc-paths (gives knowledge of GHC's installation directories)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-ghc-paths", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This package gives knowledge of GHC's installation directories.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-ghc-paths-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2596 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "haskell-pretty-show", "descs": "haskell-pretty-show (Tools for working with derived Show instances)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-pretty-show", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-lexer", "happy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "649 K", "descl": "We provide a library and an executable for working with derived Show instances. By using the library, we can parse derived Show instances into a generic data structure.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-pretty-show-1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "0.0.9", "name": "haskell-crypto-cipher-types", "descs": "haskell-crypto-cipher-types (Generic cryptography cipher types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-cipher-types", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-memory", "haskell-securemem"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "Generic cryptography cipher types.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-cipher-types-0.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "776 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "haskell-text-short", "descs": "haskell-text-short (Memory-efficient rep. of Unicode text strings)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-text-short", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "194 K", "descl": "This package provides the ShortText type which is suitable for keeping many short strings in memory. This is similiar to how ShortByteString relates to ByteString. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text-short", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-text-short-0.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "haskell-unix-compat", "descs": "haskell-unix-compat (Portable POSIX-compatibility layer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-unix-compat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "This package provides portable implementations of parts of the unix package. This package re-exports the unix package when available. When it isn't available, portable implementations are used.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-unix-compat-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "haskell-gitrev", "descs": "haskell-gitrev (Compile git revision info into Haskell projects)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-gitrev", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Some handy Template Haskell splices for including the current git hash and branch in the code of your project. Useful for including in panic messages, --version output, or diagnostic info for more informative bug reports.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-gitrev-1.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-case-insensitive", "descs": "haskell-case-insensitive (Case insensitive string comparison)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-case-insensitive", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "The module Data.CaseInsensitive provides the CI type constructor which can be parameterised by a string-like type like: String, ByteString, Text, etc.. Comparisons of values of the resulting type will be insensitive to cases.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-case-insensitive-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-fail", "descs": "haskell-fail (MonadFail class)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-fail", "deps": ["ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "This package contains the Control.Monad.Fail module providing the MonadFail class that became available in base- for older base package versions.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-fail-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1", "name": "haskell-type-equality", "descs": "haskell-type-equality (Data.Type.Equality compat package)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-type-equality", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This library defines a propositional equality data type, shims Data.Type.Equality as well as possible for older GHCs (< 7.8). https://hackage.haskell.org/package/type-equality", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-type-equality-1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1668 K", "ver": "2.3.6", "name": "haskell-colour", "descs": "haskell-colour (colour library for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-colour", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "417 K", "descl": "This package provides a data type for colours and transparency. Colours can be blended and composed. Various colour spaces are supported. A module of colour names (Data.Colour.Names) is provided.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-colour-2.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "804 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-HUnit", "descs": "haskell-HUnit (Unit testing framework for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-HUnit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-call-stack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "201 K", "descl": "HUnit is a unit testing framework for Haskell, inspired by the JUnit tool for Java. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/HUnit", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-HUnit-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "0.3.8", "name": "haskell-unix-time", "descs": "haskell-unix-time (Unix time parser/formatter and utilities)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-unix-time", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-old-locale", "haskell-old-time"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "Fast parser/formatter/utilities for Unix time.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-unix-time-0.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-erf", "descs": "haskell-erf (The error function, and related functions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-erf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "A type class for the error function, erf, and related functions. Instances for Float and Double.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-erf-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.0.1", "name": "haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale", "descs": "haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale (default time instances)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-old-locale", "haskell-data-default-class"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "This Haskell module defines Default instances for the type TimeLocale.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "haskell-X11-xft", "descs": "haskell-X11-xft (haskell bindings to the xft library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-X11-xft", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "ghc", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "haskell-X11", "haskell-utf8-string", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "Haskell bindings to the Xft, X Free Type interface library, and some Xrender parts. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/X11-xft", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-X11-xft-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "0.8.2", "name": "haskell-th-lift", "descs": "haskell-th-lift (Derive Lift class for datatypes)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-th-lift", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-th-abstraction"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-th-lift-0.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-dlist", "descs": "haskell-dlist (differences lists for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-dlist", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "The dlist package implements differences lists for Haskell: a list-like type supporting O(1) append and snoc. Homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dlist", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-dlist-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "haskell-byteable", "descs": "haskell-byteable (Type class for sequence of bytes)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-byteable", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Abstract class to manipulate sequence of bytes.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-byteable-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "haskell-hslua-module-text", "descs": "haskell-hslua-module-text (Lua module for text)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-module-text", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-hslua-objectorientation", "haskell-hslua-packaging", "haskell-lua", "haskell-hslua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "UTF-8 aware subset of Lua's string module.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-module-text-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "0.2.11", "name": "haskell-cipher-aes", "descs": "haskell-cipher-aes (Fast AES cipher implementation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cipher-aes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-byteable", "haskell-memory", "haskell-securemem", "haskell-crypto-cipher-types"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "Fast AES cipher implementation with advanced mode of operations. The modes of operations available are ECB (Electronic code book), CBC (Cipher block chaining), CTR (Counter), XTS (XEX with ciphertext stealing), GCM (Galois Counter Mode).", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cipher-aes-0.2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "0.4.4", "name": "haskell-cookie", "descs": "haskell-cookie (HTTP cookie parsing and rendering)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cookie", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-blaze-builder", "haskell-data-default"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "HTTP cookie parsing and rendering types and functions.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cookie-0.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1432 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "haskell-lua", "descs": "haskell-lua (Lua, an embeddable scripting language)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-lua", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "358 K", "descl": "This package provides bindings and types to bridge Haskell and Lua. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lua", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-lua-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2396 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "haskell-crypto-pubkey-types", "descs": "haskell-crypto-pubkey-types (cryptography pubkey algorithm types)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-pubkey-types", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-asn1-encoding", "haskell-asn1-types", "haskell-basement", "haskell-hourglass", "haskell-memory"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "599 K", "descl": "Generic cryptography public keys algorithm types.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "9632 K", "ver": "0.0.12", "name": "haskell-basement", "descs": "haskell-basement (basic primitives)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-basement", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2408 K", "descl": "Basement is Foundation's most basic primitives without any dependencies.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-basement-0.0.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "0.3.4", "name": "haskell-Diff", "descs": "haskell-Diff (diff algorithm in haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-Diff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "Basic implementation of the standard O(ND) diff algorithm.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-Diff-0.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "haskell-OneTuple", "descs": "haskell-OneTuple (Singleton Tuple)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-OneTuple", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-transformers-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "This package is a compatibility package for a singleton data type. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/OneTuple", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-OneTuple-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-ObjectName", "descs": "haskell-ObjectName (Explicitly handled object names)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-ObjectName", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "This tiny package contains the class ObjectName, which corresponds to the general notion of explicitly handled identifiers for API objects, e.g. a texture object name in OpenGL or a buffer object name in OpenAL.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-ObjectName-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3940 K", "ver": "0.10.20", "name": "haskell-cmdargs", "descs": "haskell-cmdargs (Command line argument processing)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cmdargs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-semigroups"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "985 K", "descl": "This library provides an easy way to define command line parsers.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cmdargs-0.10.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "4488 K", "ver": "2.9.4", "name": "haskell-hspec-core", "descs": "haskell-hspec-core (Testing Framework for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-core", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "ghc", "haskell-HUnit", "haskell-QuickCheck", "haskell-ansi-terminal", "haskell-call-stack", "haskell-clock", "haskell-colour", "haskell-hspec-expectations", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-quickcheck-io", "haskell-random", "haskell-setenv", "haskell-splitmix", "haskell-tf-random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1122 K", "descl": "This package exposes internal types and functions that can be used to extend Hspec's functionality.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-core-2.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "0.3.19", "name": "haskell-safe", "descs": "haskell-safe (Library of safe (exception free) functions)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-safe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "A library wrapping Prelude/Data.List functions that can throw exceptions, such as head and !!.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-safe-0.3.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1028 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-microlens-th", "descs": "haskell-microlens-th (Automatic generation of record lenses)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-microlens-th", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-microlens", "haskell-th-abstraction"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "257 K", "descl": "This package lets you automatically generate lenses for data types; code was extracted from the lens package, and therefore generated lenses are fully compatible with ones generated by lens (and can be used both from lens and microlens). This package is a part of the microlens family.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-microlens-th-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "0.0.5", "name": "haskell-FindBin", "descs": "haskell-FindBin (Locate directory of original program)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-FindBin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "This module locates the full directory to the running program, to allow the use of paths relative to it. FindBin supports invocation of Haskell programs via ghci, via runhaskell/runghc, as well as compiled as an executable.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-FindBin-0.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1184 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-scientific", "descs": "haskell-scientific (Arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-scientific", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "296 K", "descl": "Arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers represented using scientific notation. Its primary use-case is to serve as the target of parsing floating point numbers. Since the textual representation of floating point numbers use scientific notation they can be efficiently parsed to a Scientific number. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/scientific", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-scientific-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-half", "descs": "haskell-half (half-precision floating-point)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-half", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "This package supplies half-precision floating point values with 1 bit of sign, 5 bits of exponent, 11 bits of mantissa trailing a leading 1 bit with proper underflow. These arise commonly in GPU applications.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-half-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "816 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "haskell-path-io", "descs": "haskell-path-io (Interface to 'directory' package for 'path')", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-path-io", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-path", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-temporary", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unix-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "204 K", "descl": "This package provides an interface to the directory package for users of Chris Done's path. It also implements some missing stuff like recursive scanning and copying of directories, working with temporary files/directories, etc.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-path-io-1.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-setenv", "descs": "haskell-setenv (library for setting environment variables)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-setenv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "A cross-platform library for setting environment variables. Note: Since base- the functions setEnv and unsetEnv are provided by System.Environment. System.SetEnv merily re-exports those functions when built with base >= 4.7.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-setenv-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-data-ordlist", "descs": "haskell-data-ordlist (set and multiset operations)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-data-ordlist", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "This module provides set and multiset operations on ordered lists.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-data-ordlist-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1664 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-regex-pcre-builtin", "descs": "haskell-regex-pcre-builtin (PCRE backend to accompany regex-base)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-pcre-builtin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-regex-base"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "416 K", "descl": "This package provides PCRE backend to accompany regex-base.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-pcre-builtin-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.8.2", "name": "haskell-hspec-expectations", "descs": "haskell-hspec-expectations (combinators for HUnit)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-expectations", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-HUnit", "haskell-call-stack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "Catchy combinators for HUnit.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hspec-expectations-0.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "haskell-parsec-numbers", "descs": "haskell-parsec-numbers (parsing numbers from strings)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-parsec-numbers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "parsec-numbers provides the number parsers without the need to use a large (and unportable) token parser", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-parsec-numbers-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "2568 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-vector-algorithms", "descs": "haskell-vector-algorithms (Efficient algorithms for vector arrays)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-vector-algorithms", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-vector", "haskell-tagged"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "642 K", "descl": "Efficient algorithms for sorting vector arrays. At some stage other vector algorithms may be added.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-vector-algorithms-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "3620 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "haskell-jira-wiki-markup", "descs": "haskell-jira-wiki-markup (Handle Jira wiki markup)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-jira-wiki-markup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "905 K", "descl": "Parse jira wiki text into an abstract syntax tree for easy transformation to other formats. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/jira-wiki-markup", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-jira-wiki-markup-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "5312 K", "ver": "0.14.7", "name": "haskell-tagsoup", "descs": "haskell-tagsoup (HTML/XML parser for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-tagsoup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1328 K", "descl": "TagSoup is a library for parsing HTML/XML. It supports the HTML 5 specification, and can be used to parse either well-formed XML, or unstructured and malformed HTML from the web. The library also provides useful functions to extract information from an HTML document, making it ideal for screen-scraping. Homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tagsoup", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-tagsoup-0.14.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "haskell-hslua-aeson", "descs": "haskell-hslua-aeson (Allow aeson data types to be used with Lua)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-aeson", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-hslua-core", "haskell-hslua-marshalling", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-lua", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "This package provides instances to push and receive any datatype encodable as JSON to and from the Lua stack. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-aeson", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-hslua-aeson-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "4708 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-unicode-collation", "descs": "haskell-unicode-collation (implementation of Unicode Collation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-unicode-collation", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-th-lift", "haskell-vector", "haskell-th-lift-instances"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1177 K", "descl": "This library provides a pure Haskell implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm described at http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr10/. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/unicode-collation", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-unicode-collation-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1800 K", "ver": "0.1.6", "name": "haskell-cmark-gfm", "descs": "haskell-cmark-gfm (GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-cmark-gfm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "450 K", "descl": "This package provides Haskell bindings for libcmark-gfm, the reference parser for GitHub Flavored Markdown, a fully specified variant of Markdown. It includes sources for libcmark-gfm (0.28.0) and does not require prior installation of the C library.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-cmark-gfm-0.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "haskell-temporary", "descs": "haskell-temporary (portable temporary file and directory support)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-temporary", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "The functions for creating temporary files and directories in the base library are quite limited. The unixutils package contains some good ones, but they aren't portable to Windows. This library just repackages the Cabal implementations of its own temporary file and folder functions so that you can use them without linking against Cabal or depending on it being installed.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-temporary-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1392 K", "ver": "1.6.13", "name": "haskell-extra", "descs": "haskell-extra (extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-extra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-clock"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "348 K", "descl": "A library of extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries. Most functions are simple additions, filling out missing functionality. A few functions are available in later versions of GHC, but this package makes them available back to GHC 7.2.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-extra-1.6.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "424 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "haskell-easy-file", "descs": "haskell-easy-file (Cross-platform File handling)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-easy-file", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "106 K", "descl": "Cross-platform File handling for Unix/Mac/Windows.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-easy-file-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "522452 K", "ver": "8.10.4", "name": "ghc", "descs": "ghc (The Glasgow Haskell Compiler)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/ghc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130613 K", "descl": "GHC is a state-of-the-art, open source, compiler and interactive environment for the functional language Haskell. This is a complete build, including interactive system, profiling libraries and documentation. Homepage: https://haskell.org/ghc/", "path": "./salix/haskell/ghc-8.10.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-regex-base", "descs": "haskell-regex-base (Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex Haskell library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-base", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "Interface API for regex-posix, pcre, parsec, tdfa, dfa. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/regex-base", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-base-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1456 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "haskell-socks", "descs": "haskell-socks (Socks proxy version 5 implementation)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-socks", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-basement", "haskell-cereal", "haskell-network"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "364 K", "descl": "Socks proxy (version 5) implementation.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-socks-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "6260 K", "ver": "0.8.9", "name": "haskell-aeson-pretty", "descs": "haskell-aeson-pretty (JSON pretty-printing library)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-aeson-pretty", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-strict", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable", "haskell-cmdargs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1565 K", "descl": "A JSON pretty-printing library compatible with aeson as well as a command-line tool to improve readabilty of streams of JSON data.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-aeson-pretty-0.8.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "10052 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-commonmark", "descs": "haskell-commonmark (Pure Haskell commonmark parser.)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-commonmark", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-bitarray", "haskell-unicode-transforms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2513 K", "descl": "This library provides the core data types and functions for parsing commonmark (https://spec.commonmark.org). https://hackage.haskell.org/package/commonmark", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-commonmark-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "556 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-ed25519", "descs": "haskell-ed25519 (cryptographic signatures)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-ed25519", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "139 K", "descl": "This package provides a simple, fast, self-contained copy of the Ed25519 public-key signature system with a clean interface. It also includes support for detached signatures, and thorough documentation on the design and implementation, including usage guidelines.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-ed25519-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "1040 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "haskell-ansi-terminal", "descs": "haskell-ansi-terminal (Simple ANSI terminal support)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-ansi-terminal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-colour"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "260 K", "descl": "ANSI terminal support for Haskell: allows cursor movement, screen clearing, color output showing or hiding the cursor, and changing the title.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-ansi-terminal-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "956 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-regex-pcre", "descs": "haskell-regex-pcre (Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-regex-pcre", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "ghc", "haskell-regex-base"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "239 K", "descl": "The PCRE backend to accompany regex-base.", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-regex-pcre-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "haskell", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "", "name": "haskell-commonmark-pandoc", "descs": "haskell-commonmark-pandoc (Bridge between commonmark and pandoc AST)", "source": "source/salix/haskell/haskell-commonmark-pandoc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-OneTuple", "haskell-QuickCheck", "haskell-StateVar", "haskell-aeson", "haskell-assoc", "haskell-attoparsec", "haskell-base-compat", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell-bifunctors", "haskell-bitarray", "haskell-commonmark", "haskell-commonmark-extensions", "haskell-comonad", "haskell-contravariant", "haskell-data-fix", "haskell-distributive", "haskell-dlist", "haskell-emojis", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-indexed-traversable", "haskell-integer-logarithms", "haskell-network-uri", "haskell-pandoc-types", "haskell-primitive", "haskell-random", "haskell-scientific", "haskell-semialign", "haskell-semigroupoids", "haskell-splitmix", "haskell-strict", "haskell-syb", "haskell-tagged", "haskell-text-short", "haskell-th-abstraction", "haskell-these", "haskell-time-compat", "haskell-transformers-compat", "haskell-unicode-transforms", "haskell-unordered-containers", "haskell-uuid-types", "haskell-vector", "haskell-witherable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "This library provides typeclasses for rendering commonmark to Pandoc types. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/commonmark-pandoc", "path": "./salix/haskell/haskell-commonmark-pandoc-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "eflite", "descs": "eflite (speech server)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/eflite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], "flite"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "EFlite is a speech server for Emacspeak and other screen readers that allows them to interface with Flite. It uses Flites code to interface with the sound driver. http://eflite.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/accessibility/eflite-0.4.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.1.9", "name": "ydotool", "descs": "ydotool (send fake keyboard/mouse events to the kernel)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/ydotool", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "libevdevplus", "libuinputplus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "ydotool is an automation tool, similar to xdotool, but it doesn't require X. It can be used to send input to console or wayland applications, as well as X. ydotool works differently from xdotool. xdotool sends X events directly to X server, while ydotool uses the uinput framework of Linux kernel to emulate an input device.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/ydotool-0.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.3_26", "name": "xzoom", "descs": "xzoom (magnify part of X display, with real-time updates)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/xzoom", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Like xmag, xzoom magnifies a section of the X display. Xzoom is different because it will continuously update the magnified area as the display changes. It is fast enough to enlarge small animations, for example. It can also mirror or rotate a part of the screen.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/xzoom-0.3_26-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "magnus", "descs": "magnus (a very simple screen magnifier for X11)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/magnus", "deps": ["python-distutils-extra", "setproctitle"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "A very simple screen magnifier for visually impaired users. Allows setting the zoom level to anything between 2x and 5x. May also be useful for running older X apps on modern high-DPI displays.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/magnus-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "unclutter-xfixes", "descs": "unclutter-xfixes (x11 tool for removing mouse clutter)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/unclutter-xfixes", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libev", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Hides the mouse pointer when the mouse isn't moving. This is a rewrite of the popular tool unclutter, but using the x11-xfixes extension. This means that this rewrite doesn't use fake windows or pointer grabbing and hence causes less problems with window managers and/or applications.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/unclutter-xfixes-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.71", "name": "espeakup", "descs": "espeakup (a light weight connector for espeak and speakup)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/espeakup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "espeak-ng", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pcaudiolib", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "espeakup is a program which makes it possible for speakup to use the espeak software synthesizer. It does this by reading speakup's softsynth device and passing the text to espeak which actually speaks", "path": "./salix/accessibility/espeakup-0.71-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "20100913", "name": "mag", "descs": "mag (screen magnifier for X)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/mag", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "mag is similar to xmag, but has the ability to move itself out of the way when not in use.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/mag-20100913-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "3.20160805.1", "name": "xdotool", "descs": "xdotool (fake X11 keyboard/mouse input)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/xdotool", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXtst", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "This tool lets you programatically (or manually) simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. It does this using X11's XTEST extension and other Xlib functions.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/xdotool-3.20160805.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "picospeaker", "descs": "picospeaker (CLI frontend to svox)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/picospeaker", "deps": ["svox"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "PicoSpeaker is a program written in Python that speaks text on its command line or standard input using SVox Pico and Sox. Speech rate, pitch, volume and language can be specified, and output can be saved to any file format supported by Sox.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/picospeaker-0.6.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "pastebinit", "descs": "pastebinit (command-line pastebin client)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/pastebinit", "deps": ["configobj"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "pastebinit is a small python script that just sends whatever you give it to an online pastebin and gives you the URL in return. It's useful when doing IRC support (when you don't want one to paste a 200 lines log) or when working on a command line box with no way to SSH in it.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/pastebinit-1.5-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "1172 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "easystroke", "descs": "easystroke (gesture-recognition application for X11)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/easystroke", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "293 K", "descl": "Easystroke is a gesture-recognition application for X11. Gestures or strokes are movements that you make with you mouse (or your pen, finger etc.) while holding down a specific mouse button. Homepage: https://github.com/thjaeger/easystroke/wiki", "path": "./salix/accessibility/easystroke-0.6.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "3692 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "Synkron", "descs": "Synkron (easy to use file/folder synchronization)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/Synkron", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "923 K", "descl": "Synkron is an application that helps you keep your files and folders always updated. You can easily sync your documents, music, or pictures to have their latest versions everywhere. Synkron provides an easy-to-use interface and a lot of features. Moreover, it is free and cross-platform. Homepage: http://synkron.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/accessibility/Synkron-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "49052 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "flite", "descs": "flite (speech synthesis engine)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/flite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12263 K", "descl": "Flite is a small and fast run-time synthesis engine designed for embedded systems and servers. Flite was developed by Alan W. Black and Kevin Lenzo at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/flite-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "1000 K", "ver": "20160623", "name": "fonts-opendyslexic", "descs": "fonts-opendyslexic (font designed for readers with dyslexia)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/fonts-opendyslexic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "250 K", "descl": "OpenDyslexic is an open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. It includes regular, bold, italic, bold-italic, and monospaced styles. It is being updated continually and improved based on input from dyslexic users. This package includes these font types: OTF", "path": "./salix/accessibility/fonts-opendyslexic-20160623-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "svkbd", "descs": "svkbd (simple virtual keyboard)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/svkbd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "This is a simple virtual keyboard, intended to be used in environments where no keyboard is available. This package built with layouts: en mobile-intl Default layout: en", "path": "./salix/accessibility/svkbd-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.09", "name": "unclutter", "descs": "unclutter (x11 tool for removing mouse clutter from the screen)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/unclutter", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "unclutter is a program which runs permanently in the background of an X11 session. It checks the X11 pointer (cursor) position every few seconds, and when it has not moved (and no buttons are pressed on the mouse, and the cursor is not in the root window), it creates a small sub-window as a child of the window the cursor is in. The new window installs a cursor of size 1x1 but a mask of all 0, i.e. an invisible cursor. This allows you to see all of the text in e.g. an xterm.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/unclutter-1.09-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "684 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "mbrola", "descs": "mbrola (speech synthesizer)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/mbrola", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "171 K", "descl": "A speech synthesizer based on the concatenation of diphones. It takes a list of phonemes as input, together with prosodic information (duration of phonemes and a piecewise linear description of pitch), and produces speech samples on 16 bits (linear), at the sampling of the diphone database. Mbrola is used in conjunction with a Text-To-Speech (TTS) synthesizer. https://github.com/numediart/MBROLA", "path": "./salix/accessibility/mbrola-3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "xsel", "descs": "xsel (program for getting/setting the contents of the X selection)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/xsel", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "XSel is a command-line program for getting and setting the contents of the X selection. Normally this is only accessible by manually highlighting information and pasting it with the middle mouse button.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/xsel-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "sct", "descs": "sct (set the color temperature of the screen)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/sct", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "sct is a lightweight utility to set the color temperature of the screen. It is written by Ted Unangst and maintain by Joerg Jung. Homepage: http://openports.se/x11/sct", "path": "./salix/accessibility/sct-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "16908 K", "ver": "1.0+git20130326_8", "name": "svox", "descs": "svox (small footprint text-to-speech engine)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/svox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "popt"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4227 K", "descl": "The SVOX Pico engine is a software speech synthesizer for German, English (GB and US), Spanish, French and Italian. SVOX produces a clear and distinct speech output made possible by the use of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) algorithms.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/svox-1.0+git20130326_8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "2532 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "ruvim", "descs": "ruvim (Russian language pack for Vim)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/ruvim", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "633 K", "descl": "ruvim is a Russian language pack for the popular Vim editor. Homepage: http://ruvim.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/accessibility/ruvim-0.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "3020 K", "ver": "1.8.2", "name": "jpilot", "descs": "jpilot (desktop organizer application for PalmOS devices)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/jpilot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "bluez", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pilot-link", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "755 K", "descl": "J-Pilot is a desktop organizer application for PalmOS devices. It is meant to be an alternative to the Palm Desktop for those who run the most popular Operating Systems in the World, Linux and Unix. Homepage: http://www.jpilot.org", "path": "./salix/accessibility/jpilot-1.8.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "accessibility", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "2.29", "name": "wgetpaste", "descs": "wgetpaste (command-line interface to various pastebins)", "source": "source/salix/accessibility/wgetpaste", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "wgetpaste is a command line interface for various pastebins.", "path": "./salix/accessibility/wgetpaste-2.29-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "3676 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "xplanet", "descs": "xplanet (renders images of earth and other planets)", "source": "source/salix/gis/xplanet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "919 K", "descl": "Xplanet renders planetary and solar system images. It can be used to create computer wallpapers or single images. Xplanet can show city names, overlay cloud maps or display which regions of Earth are day or night. Xplanet can be used to produce projected maps based on several projections, such as mollweide, which show the whole earth at once, or mercator, which is rectangular and is suitable for filling the screen. Home: http://xplanet.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/gis/xplanet-1.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "1652 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "pytrainer", "descs": "pytrainer (activity viewer)", "source": "source/salix/gis/pytrainer", "deps": ["lxml", "sqlalchemy-migrate", "python2-dateutil", "matplotlib", "webkit2gtk", "zenity"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "413 K", "descl": "Pytrainer is a tool to log all your sport excursion coming from GPS devices (with a focus on ForeRunner) or GPX files. Pytrainer supports GPS track files and displays it in graphs, maps...", "path": "./salix/gis/pytrainer-2.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "38364 K", "ver": "0.20.2", "name": "python3-cartopy", "descs": "python3-cartopy (cartographic tools for Python)", "source": "source/salix/gis/python3-cartopy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "geos", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libwebp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "sqlite", "zlib", "gdal", "python3-matplotlib", "python3-pyproj", "python3-pyshp", "scipy3", "python3-shapely"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9591 K", "descl": "Cartopy is a Python package designed to make drawing maps for data analysis and visualisation as easy as possible.", "path": "./salix/gis/python3-cartopy-0.20.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "40556 K", "ver": "12450", "name": "josm", "descs": "josm (OSM)", "source": "source/salix/gis/josm", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10139 K", "descl": "Currently it supports loading stand-alone GPX tracks and GPX track data from the OSM database as well as loading and editing existing nodes, ways, metadata tags and relations from the OSM database.", "path": "./salix/gis/josm-12450-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "Geohash", "descs": "Geohash (Python module to decode/encode Geohashes)", "source": "source/salix/gis/Geohash", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Geohash is a Python module that provides functions for decoding and encoding geohashes to and from latitude and longitude coordinates.", "path": "./salix/gis/Geohash-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "cligj", "descs": "cligj (argument and option decorators for Python GIS programs)", "source": "source/salix/gis/cligj", "deps": ["click"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Click-based argument and option decorators for Python GIS command line programs", "path": "./salix/gis/cligj-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "polyline", "descs": "polyline (Python implementation of Encoded Polyline Algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/gis/polyline", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "polyline is a Python implementation of Google's Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format built with Python 2 and 3 support in mind.", "path": "./salix/gis/polyline-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "libgeotiff", "descs": "libgeotiff (GeoTIFF support library)", "source": "source/salix/gis/libgeotiff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libwebp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "libgeotiff reads and writes coordinate system information from/to GeoTIFF files.", "path": "./salix/gis/libgeotiff-1.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "4072 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "geopandas", "descs": "geopandas (Python tools for geographic data)", "source": "source/salix/gis/geopandas", "deps": ["geopy", "Fiona", "python3-psycopg2", "python3-pyproj", "python3-pandas", "python3-shapely"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1018 K", "descl": "GeoPandas is a project to add support for geographic data to pandas objects. It currently implements GeoSeries and GeoDataFrame types which are subclasses of pandas.Series and pandas.DataFrame respectively. GeoPandas objects can act on shapely geometry objects and perform geometric operations.", "path": "./salix/gis/geopandas-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "laszip", "descs": "laszip (free and lossless LiDAR compression)", "source": "source/salix/gis/laszip", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "LASzip quickly turns bulky LAS files into compact LAZ files without information loss. Website: https://laszip.org/", "path": "./salix/gis/laszip-2.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "1020 K", "ver": "0.24.1", "name": "OWSLib", "descs": "OWSLib (OGC Web Service utility library)", "source": "source/salix/gis/OWSLib", "deps": ["python3-dateutil", "pytz", "lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "255 K", "descl": "OWSLib is a Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standards, and their related content models. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/OWSLib/", "path": "./salix/gis/OWSLib-0.24.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "1420 K", "ver": "3.3.1", "name": "python3-pyproj", "descs": "python3-pyproj (Python interface to the PROJ.4 library)", "source": "source/salix/gis/python3-pyproj", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libwebp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "355 K", "descl": "pyproj can convert from geographic (longitude,latitude) to native map projection (x,y) coordinates and vice versa, or from one map projection coordinate system directly to another. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/pyproj/", "path": "./salix/gis/python3-pyproj-3.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "2124 K", "ver": "1.8.20", "name": "Fiona", "descs": "Fiona (Python interface for OGR)", "source": "source/salix/gis/Fiona", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libaec", "libde265", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib", "munch", "python3-attrs", "click-plugins", "cligj"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "531 K", "descl": "Fiona provides uncomplicated Python interfaces to functions in OGR, the best open source C/C++ library for reading and writing geographic vector data. Homepage: https://github.com/Toblerity/Fiona", "path": "./salix/gis/Fiona-1.8.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "740 K", "ver": "4.3.0", "name": "spatialite-tools", "descs": "spatialite-tools (SpatiaLite CLI utils)", "source": "source/salix/gis/spatialite-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "freexl", "geos", "icu4c", "libminizip", "libspatialite", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "readosm", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "185 K", "descl": "spatialite-tools is a collection of open source command line interface tools supporting SpatiaLite. Project homepage: https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/spatialite-tools/index", "path": "./salix/gis/spatialite-tools-4.3.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "gj2ascii", "descs": "gj2ascii (render spatial vectors as ASCII)", "source": "source/salix/gis/gj2ascii", "deps": ["python3-shapely", "Fiona", "rasterio"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "gj2ascii can render spatial vectors as ASCII or emoji on the command line or with Python.", "path": "./salix/gis/gj2ascii-0.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "1496 K", "ver": "", "name": "gmapcatcher", "descs": "gmapcatcher (An offline map viewer)", "source": "source/salix/gis/gmapcatcher", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "374 K", "descl": "GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads tiles automatically from many providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map. It displays them using a custom GUI. User can view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on maps's JavaScript so it should work even if they change them. It also provides a downloading tool.", "path": "./salix/gis/gmapcatcher-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "23408 K", "ver": "2.12.0", "name": "ossim", "descs": "ossim (geospatial tools)", "source": "source/salix/gis/ossim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "freetype", "geos", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "jsoncpp", "libaec", "libgeotiff", "libunistring", "libwebp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5852 K", "descl": "OSSIM is a powerful suite of geospatial libraries and applications used to process imagery, maps, terrain and vector data. The software has been under active development since 1996 and is deployed across a number of private, federal and civilian agencies.", "path": "./salix/gis/ossim-2.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "3068 K", "ver": "7.28", "name": "gpxsee", "descs": "gpxsee (GPS log file viewer and analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/gis/gpxsee", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "767 K", "descl": "GPXSee is a Qt-based GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports all common GPS log file formats. Homepage: https://www.gpxsee.org/", "path": "./salix/gis/gpxsee-7.28-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "1.50", "name": "geographiclib-python", "descs": "geographiclib-python (Python geodesic routines)", "source": "source/salix/gis/geographiclib-python", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "This is a Python implementation of the geodesic routines in GeographicLib (http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net/).", "path": "./salix/gis/geographiclib-python-1.50-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "10180 K", "ver": "5.0.1", "name": "libspatialite", "descs": "libspatialite (extension for SQLite database)", "source": "source/salix/gis/libspatialite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "freexl", "geos", "icu4c", "libminizip", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "sqlite", "zlib", "postgis"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2545 K", "descl": "SpatiaLite is an open source library intended to extend the SQLite core to support fully fledged Spatial SQL capabilities. SpatiaLite is smoothly integrated into SQLite to provide a complete and powerful Spatial DBMS (mostly OGC-SFS compliant). Project homepage: https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/libspatialite/home", "path": "./salix/gis/libspatialite-5.0.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "3996 K", "ver": "1.2.6", "name": "rasterio", "descs": "rasterio (direct raster I/O for programmers who use Numpy)", "source": "source/salix/gis/rasterio", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libaec", "libde265", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib", "affine", "click-plugins", "cligj", "snuggs", "numpy3", "python3-attrs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "999 K", "descl": "Fast and direct geospatial raster I/O for Python programmers. This package is aimed at developers who want little more than to read raster images into Numpy arrays or buffers, operate on them in Python, and write the results out to new GeoTIFF files. Rasterio employs GDAL under the hood for file I/O and formatting. homepage: https://github.com/sgillies/rasterio", "path": "./salix/gis/rasterio-1.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "18704 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "whitebox-tools", "descs": "whitebox-tools (advanced geospatial data analysis platform)", "source": "source/salix/gis/whitebox-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4676 K", "descl": "WhiteboxTools is an advanced geospatial data analysis platform developed by Prof. John Lindsay at the University of Guelph's Geomorphometry and Hydrogeomatics Research Group. WhiteboxTools can be used to perform common geographical information systems (GIS) analysis operations. It is not a cartographic or spatial data visualization package; instead it is meant to serve as an analytical backend for other data visualization software, mainly GIS.", "path": "./salix/gis/whitebox-tools-1.5.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "5344 K", "ver": "3.10.2", "name": "geos", "descs": "geos (Geometry Engine)", "source": "source/salix/gis/geos", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1336 K", "descl": "GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain the complete functionality of JTS in C++. This includes all the OpenGIS 'Simple Features for SQL' spatial predicate functions and spatial operators, as well as specific JTS enhanced topology functions.", "path": "./salix/gis/geos-3.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "18180 K", "ver": "0.5.6", "name": "navit", "descs": "navit (gps navigation system with routing engine)", "source": "source/salix/gis/navit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "bluez", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gpsd", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "python3", "qt5", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4545 K", "descl": "(From Wikipedia) Navit is an open source and free, modular, touch screen friendly, car navigation system with GPS tracking, realtime routing engine and support for various vector map formats. Navit runs on Linux, Windows, Windows CE, Mac OS, Android, iPhone and webOS. It can use maps from OpenStreetMap and Garmin, among others - which can be stored offline - so it doesn't need an Internet connection while in use.", "path": "./salix/gis/navit-0.5.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "7248 K", "ver": "1.3.9", "name": "SFCGAL", "descs": "SFCGAL (C++ wrapper around CGAL)", "source": "source/salix/gis/SFCGAL", "deps": ["CGAL", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], "boost"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1812 K", "descl": "SFCGAL is a C++ wrapper library around CGAL, written with the aim of supporting ISO 19107:2013 and OGC Simple Features Access 1.2 for 3D operations. homepage: http://www.sfcgal.org", "path": "./salix/gis/SFCGAL-1.3.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "2772 K", "ver": "1.8.1", "name": "libLAS", "descs": "libLAS (C/C++ library for the LAS LiDAR format)", "source": "source/salix/gis/libLAS", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "laszip", "libgeotiff", "libunistring", "libwebp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "693 K", "descl": "libLAS is a C/C++ library for reading and writing the LAS LiDAR format.", "path": "./salix/gis/libLAS-1.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "53944 K", "ver": "7.3.0", "name": "OTB", "descs": "OTB (image processing library)", "source": "source/salix/gis/OTB", "deps": ["ITK", "OpenSceneGraph", "Shark", "aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "boost", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "double-conversion", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "jsoncpp", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libaec", "libde265", "libgeotiff", "libglvnd", "libheif", "libkml", "libminizip", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "muParser", "nghttp2", "opencv", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "ossim", "pcre2", "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "python3", "qt5", "sqlite", "tinyxml", "uriparser", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13486 K", "descl": "OTB, the ORFEO Toolbox, is a library of image processing algorithms that offers particular functionalities for remote sensing in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.", "path": "./salix/gis/OTB-7.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.0.0d", "name": "readosm", "descs": "readosm (Open Street Map parser library)", "source": "source/salix/gis/readosm", "deps": ["expat", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "ReadOSM is an open source library to extract valid data from within an Open Street Map input file. It supports both .osm and .osm.pbf formats. Project homepage: https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/readosm/index", "path": "./salix/gis/readosm-1.0.0d-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "geojson", "descs": "geojson (Python library for GeoJSON)", "source": "source/salix/gis/geojson", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "geojson is a Python library for working with GeoJSON-formatted data.", "path": "./salix/gis/geojson-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "9688 K", "ver": "9.0.0", "name": "proj", "descs": "proj (Cartograpic projection procedures)", "source": "source/salix/gis/proj", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libwebp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2422 K", "descl": "PROJ is a generic coordinate transformation software, that transforms coordinates from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another. This includes cartographic projections as well as geodetic transformations.", "path": "./salix/gis/proj-9.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "4488 K", "ver": "git7da019c", "name": "python-mapnik", "descs": "python-mapnik (Python bindings for Mapnik)", "source": "source/salix/gis/python-mapnik", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mapnik", "pixman", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1122 K", "descl": "Mapnik is an open source toolkit for rendering maps. This package provides Python bindings for Mapnik.", "path": "./salix/gis/python-mapnik-git7da019c-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "165540 K", "ver": "7.8.0", "name": "grass", "descs": "grass (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)", "source": "source/salix/gis/grass", "deps": ["gdal", "numpy3", "wxPython4"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41385 K", "descl": "Grass is a free Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modelling, and visualization. Homepage: https://grass.osgeo.org/", "path": "./salix/gis/grass-7.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "3744 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "foxtrotgps", "descs": "foxtrotgps (lightweight mapping application)", "source": "source/salix/gis/foxtrotgps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "bluez", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gpsd", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libexif", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "936 K", "descl": "FoxtrotGPS is an easy to use, fast, lightweight mapping application for use with (or without) GPS. FoxtrotGPS is an offshoot of Marcus Bauer's tangoGPS.", "path": "./salix/gis/foxtrotgps-1.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "40080 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "osgEarth", "descs": "osgEarth (Terrain rendering toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/gis/osgEarth", "deps": ["OpenSceneGraph", "aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "glew", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libaec", "libde265", "libglvnd", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "protobuf3", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10020 K", "descl": "osgEarth is a C++ terrain rendering toolkit. Just create a simple XML file, point it at your imagery, elevation, and vector data, load it into your favorite OpenSceneGraph application, and go! osgEarth supports all kinds of data and comes with lots of examples to help you get up and running quickly and easily. Project homepage: http://osgearth.org/", "path": "./salix/gis/osgEarth-3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "2320 K", "ver": "3.18.1", "name": "gpsd", "descs": "gpsd (GPS service daemon)", "source": "source/salix/gis/gpsd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "bluez", "dbus", "elogind"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "580 K", "descl": "gpsd is a service daemon that monitors one or more GPSes attached to a host computer through serial or USB ports, making all data on the location/course/velocity available to be queried on TCP port 2947 of the host computer. With gpsd, multiple GPS client applications (such as navigational and wardriving software) can share access to GPSes without contention or loss of data.", "path": "./salix/gis/gpsd-3.18.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "4964 K", "ver": "2022.03.0", "name": "python3-xarray", "descs": "python3-xarray (N-D labeled arrays and datasets)", "source": "source/salix/gis/python3-xarray", "deps": ["python3-pandas"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1241 K", "descl": "xarray is an open source project and Python package that aims to bring the labeled data power of pandas to the physical sciences, by providing N-dimensional variants of the core pandas data structures.", "path": "./salix/gis/python3-xarray-2022.03.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "13776 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "mapnik", "descs": "mapnik (map-rendering toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/gis/mapnik", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libaec", "libde265", "libglvnd", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pixman", "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3444 K", "descl": "Mapnik is an open source toolkit for rendering maps. Mapnik supports a variety of geospatial data formats and provides flexible styling options for designing many different kinds of maps.", "path": "./salix/gis/mapnik-3.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "pointcloud", "descs": "pointcloud (PostgreSQL extension for storing LiDAR data)", "source": "source/salix/gis/pointcloud", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib", "postgresql"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "The PostgreSQL pointcloud extension allows LiDAR point cloud data to be stored in the database.", "path": "./salix/gis/pointcloud-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "234072 K", "ver": "3.20.0", "name": "qgis", "descs": "qgis (Quantum GIS)", "source": "source/salix/gis/qgis", "deps": ["brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "glib2", "gnutls", "gsl", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libsecret", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "libzip", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "p11-kit", "pcre2", "python3", "qca", "qgis", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "qtkeychain", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58518 K", "descl": "Quantum GIS is a user friendly Geographic Information System. It lets you browse and create map data on your computer. Many common spatial data formats are supported (including PostGIS, ESRI ShapeFile and geotiff). Homepage: http://qgis.org/", "path": "./salix/gis/qgis-3.20.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "641340 K", "ver": "6.3.0", "name": "GMT", "descs": "GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)", "source": "source/salix/gis/GMT", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", "aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libaec", "libde265", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "netcdf", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib", "Sphinx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160335 K", "descl": "GMT is an open source collection of command-line tools for manipulaing geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing PostScript illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3D perspective views. Homepage: https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/", "path": "./salix/gis/GMT-6.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "python3-pyshp", "descs": "python3-pyshp (Python shapefile manipulation library)", "source": "source/salix/gis/python3-pyshp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "This library reads and writes Esri Shapefiles in pure Python. You can read and write shp, shx, and dbf files with all types of geometry. Everything in the public Esri shapefile specification is implemented. This library is compatible with Python versions 2.7 to 3.x, but this package only contains the python3 version.", "path": "./salix/gis/python3-pyshp-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "3208 K", "ver": "3.1.3", "name": "pgrouting", "descs": "pgrouting (geospatial routing for PostGIS)", "source": "source/salix/gis/pgrouting", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "CGAL", "postgis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "802 K", "descl": "pgRouting extends the PostGIS / PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing functionality. Homepage: https://pgrouting.org", "path": "./salix/gis/pgrouting-3.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "1152 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "libspatialindex", "descs": "libspatialindex (extensible framework for spatial indexing methods)", "source": "source/salix/gis/libspatialindex", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "288 K", "descl": "This library provides and An extensible framework that will support robust spatial indexing methods and sophisticated spatial queries. Homepage: http://libspatialindex.github.com/", "path": "./salix/gis/libspatialindex-1.7.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "1540 K", "ver": "5.2.0", "name": "TauDEM", "descs": "TauDEM (Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models)", "source": "source/salix/gis/TauDEM", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libevent", "libpciaccess", "openmpi", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "385 K", "descl": "TauDEM is a suite of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) tools for the extraction and analysis of hydrologic information from topography as represented by a DEM Project homepage: http://hydrology.usu.edu/taudem/taudem5/index.html", "path": "./salix/gis/TauDEM-5.2.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "1.1g", "name": "librasterlite", "descs": "librasterlite (extension for SpatiaLite/SQLite database)", "source": "source/salix/gis/librasterlite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "freexl", "geos", "icu4c", "libgeotiff", "libminizip", "libspatialite", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "RasterLite is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS Project homepage: https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/librasterlite/index", "path": "./salix/gis/librasterlite-1.1g-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "pgsql-ogr-fdw", "descs": "pgsql-ogr-fdw (PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for OGR)", "source": "source/salix/gis/pgsql-ogr-fdw", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libaec", "libde265", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib", "postgis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "pgsql-ogr-fdw is a foreign data wrapper for OGR that allows arbitrary OGR vector data stores to be accessed as PostgreSQL tables.", "path": "./salix/gis/pgsql-ogr-fdw-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "11372 K", "ver": "0.19.0", "name": "merkaartor", "descs": "merkaartor (an openstreetmap mapping program)", "source": "source/salix/gis/merkaartor", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libaec", "libde265", "libglvnd", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "qt5", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2843 K", "descl": "Merkaartor focuses on providing a visually pleasing but performant editing environment for free geographical data. http://www.merkaartor.org", "path": "./salix/gis/merkaartor-0.19.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "9888 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "pdal", "descs": "pdal (point data abstraction library)", "source": "source/salix/gis/pdal", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libaec", "libde265", "libgeotiff", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2472 K", "descl": "PDAL is a BSD licensed library for translating and manipulating point cloud data of various formats. Homepage: http://pointcloud.org", "path": "./salix/gis/pdal-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "2024 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "osm2pgsql", "descs": "osm2pgsql (convert OpenStreetMap data to PostGIS)", "source": "source/salix/gis/osm2pgsql", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libwebp", "luajit", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "zlib", "postgis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "506 K", "descl": "osm2pgsql is a utility program that converts OpenStreetMap data to PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL databases. Homepage: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osm2pgsql", "path": "./salix/gis/osm2pgsql-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "osm-gps-map", "descs": "osm-gps-map (gtk mapping widget)", "source": "source/salix/gis/osm-gps-map", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "gnome-common"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "osm-gps-map is a Gtk mapping widget (with Python bindings) that, given GPS co-ordinates, draws a GPS track and points of interest on a moving map display. osm-gps-map downloads map data from a number of websites, including openstreetmap.org, openaerialmap.org and others, and can be used to build desktop mapping or geolocation applications. Homepage: http://nzjrs.github.io/osm-gps-map/", "path": "./salix/gis/osm-gps-map-1.1.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "608 K", "ver": "0.99.4", "name": "tangogps", "descs": "tangogps (fast and lightweight mapping application)", "source": "source/salix/gis/tangogps", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "bluez", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "152 K", "descl": "tangoGPS is an easy to use, fast and lightweight mapping application for use with or without GPS. By default tangoGPS uses map data from the Openstreetmap project, but a variety of other repositories can be easily added. The maps are downloaded and cached for offline use and you can conveniently pre-cache areas with tangoGPS. If connected to a GPS your current position and track are shown on the map and you can log positional data for further processing. Homepage: http://www.tangogps.org", "path": "./salix/gis/tangogps-0.99.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "17944 K", "ver": "0.9.5", "name": "openorienteering-mapper", "descs": "openorienteering-mapper (map drawing program from OpenOrienteering)", "source": "source/salix/gis/openorienteering-mapper", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libaec", "libde265", "libglvnd", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "podofo", "polyclipping", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "qt5", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4486 K", "descl": "OpenOrienteering Mapper is an orienteering mapmaking program and provides a free and open source alternative to existing commercial software. Homepage: https://www.openorienteering.org/apps/mapper/", "path": "./salix/gis/openorienteering-mapper-0.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "948 K", "ver": "2.3.8", "name": "osm2pgrouting", "descs": "osm2pgrouting (import OSM data into pgRouting database)", "source": "source/salix/gis/osm2pgrouting", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "expat", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib", "libpqxx", "pgrouting"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "237 K", "descl": "osm2pgrouting is a tool for importing OpenStreetMap data into a PostGIS database for use with pgRouting. Homepage: https://pgrouting.org", "path": "./salix/gis/osm2pgrouting-2.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "291500 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "python3-basemap", "descs": "python3-basemap (matplotlib library)", "source": "source/salix/gis/python3-basemap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "geos", "python3-pyproj", "python3-pyshp", "python3-matplotlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72875 K", "descl": "Plot on map projections (with coastlines and political boundaries) using matplotlib. Homepage: https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap/", "path": "./salix/gis/python3-basemap-1.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "50668 K", "ver": "2.0.1.oga.1", "name": "opengrads", "descs": "opengrads (Grid Analysis and Display System)", "source": "source/salix/gis/opengrads", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12667 K", "descl": "The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data. The OpenGrADS Project seeks to develop advanced interfaces and extensions based on the main GrADS engine.", "path": "./salix/gis/opengrads-2.0.1.oga.1-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "38500 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "gdal", "descs": "gdal (translator library for raster geospatial data formats)", "source": "source/salix/gis/gdal", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libaec", "libde265", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9625 K", "descl": "The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a unifying C/C++ API for accessing raster geospatial data. The related OGR library (included with GDAL) provides a similar capability for vector data. Homepage: https://www.gdal.org/", "path": "./salix/gis/gdal-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "6988 K", "ver": "", "name": "pktools", "descs": "pktools (image processing utilities)", "source": "source/salix/gis/pktools", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "armadillo", "brotli", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdal", "geos", "giflib", "graphite2", "gsl", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libaec", "libde265", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "sqlite", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1747 K", "descl": "pktools is a suite of utilities written in C++ for image processing with a focus on remote sensing applications. It relies on the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library and OGR.", "path": "./salix/gis/pktools-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "6852 K", "ver": "3.1.4", "name": "postgis", "descs": "postgis (support for geographic objects in PostgreSQL)", "source": "source/salix/gis/postgis", "deps": ["CGAL", "SFCGAL", "aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "atk", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cfitsio", "cryptopp", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdal", "gdk-pixbuf2", "geos", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libaec", "libde265", "libglvnd", "libheif", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "llvm", "lz4", "mariadb", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "podofo", "poppler", "postgresql", "proj", "protobuf-c", "sqlite", "util-linux", "x265", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1713 K", "descl": "PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL database. In effect, PostGIS 'spatially enables' the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. http://postgis.org", "path": "./salix/gis/postgis-3.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "1444 K", "ver": "0.12.0", "name": "python-pygeos", "descs": "python-pygeos (Python wrapper for geos)", "source": "source/salix/gis/python-pygeos", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "geos", "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "361 K", "descl": "PyGEOS is a C/Python library with vectorized geometry functions. The geometry operations are done in the open-source geometry library GEOS. PyGEOS wraps these operations in NumPy ufuncs providing a performance improvement when operating on arrays of geometries.", "path": "./salix/gis/python-pygeos-0.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "1.8.2", "name": "python3-shapely", "descs": "python3-shapely (geometric objects, predicates, and operations)", "source": "source/salix/gis/python3-shapely", "deps": ["geos"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "Shapely is a BSD-licensed Python package for manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects. It is based on the widely deployed GEOS (the engine of PostGIS) and JTS (from which GEOS is ported) libraries. Shapely is not concerned with data formats or coordinate systems, but can be readily integrated with packages that are. Homepage: https://github.com/shapely/shapely", "path": "./salix/gis/python3-shapely-1.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "3176 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "viking", "descs": "viking (gps data management software)", "source": "source/salix/gis/viking", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "bluez", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gexiv2", "glib2", "gpsd", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "794 K", "descl": "Viking is a free/open source program to manage GPS data. You can import and plot tracks and waypoints, show Terraserver maps under it, add coordinate lines, make new tracks and waypoints, hide different things, etc. It is written in C with the GTK+ 2. https://sourceforge.net/projects/viking/", "path": "./salix/gis/viking-1.6.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "geopy", "descs": "geopy (geocoding for Python)", "source": "source/salix/gis/geopy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "geopy makes it easy for developers to locate the coordinates of addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks across the globe using third-party geocoders. geopy currently includes support for several geocoders, including OpenStreetMap Nominatim, ESRI ArcGIS, Google Geocoding API and more.", "path": "./salix/gis/geopy-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "2213584 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "proj-data", "descs": "proj-data (proj datum grids)", "source": "source/salix/gis/proj-data", "deps": ["proj"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "553396 K", "descl": "proj-data contains shift grids for horizontal and vertical coordinate transformations for use with the proj package.", "path": "./salix/gis/proj-data-1.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "gis", "sizeu": "4992 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "gpsbabel", "descs": "gpsbabel (GPS format converter)", "source": "source/salix/gis/gpsbabel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1248 K", "descl": "GPSBabel converts waypoints, tracks, and routes from one format to another, whether that format is a common mapping format like Delorme, Streets and Trips, or even a serial or USB upload or download to a GPS receiver such as those from Garmin and Magellan.", "path": "./salix/gis/gpsbabel-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "316eac0613bf342ff91cc645a6c3c80e6b9083fb", "name": "compton", "descs": "compton (X compositor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/compton", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "elogind", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libconfig", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "Compton is a compositor for X, and a fork of xcompmgr-dana.", "path": "./salix/desktop/compton-316eac0613bf342ff91cc645a6c3c80e6b9083fb-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1724 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "ctwm", "descs": "ctwm (TWM extension)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ctwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "431 K", "descl": "CTWM is an extension to twm that supports multiple virtual screens, the pixmap file format, pinnable menus and other enhancements. Homepage: https://www.ctwm.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/ctwm-4.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "obmenu", "descs": "obmenu (A graphical menu editor for Openbox)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/obmenu", "deps": ["openbox"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Obmenu is a menu editor designed for openbox. It's easy to use, allowing to get the most out of the powerful Openbox menu system, while hiding the xml layout from the user. Homepage: http://obmenu.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/obmenu-1.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "nitrogen", "descs": "nitrogen (X background setter)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/nitrogen", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "- Multihead and Xinerama aware - Can recall most recently set wallpaper (great for startup) - Uses freedesktop.org standard for thumbnails - Can set Gnome background - Command line options for script accessibility - Inofify monitoring of browse directory - Lazy loading of thumbnails conserves memory - Can automatically determine best mode (centered, scaled, or tiled)", "path": "./salix/desktop/nitrogen-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "24108 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "wf-shell", "descs": "wf-shell (GTK3-based panel for wayfire)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wf-shell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtk-layer-shell", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "wf-config", "zlib", "wayfire"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6027 K", "descl": "Wf-shell is a GTK3-based panel for wayfire contains the various components needed to built a fully functional DE based around wayfire. Currently it has only a GTK-based panel and background client. Home: https://github.com/WayfireWM/wf-shell", "path": "./salix/desktop/wf-shell-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12656 K", "ver": "1.3.12", "name": "q4wine", "descs": "q4wine (Qt4 GUI for wine)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/q4wine", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "icoutils", "fuseiso"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3164 K", "descl": "Q4Wine is an qt4 GUI for W.I.N.E. It will helps you to manage wine prefixes and installed applications. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/q4wine", "path": "./salix/desktop/q4wine-1.3.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.0.4", "name": "i3minator", "descs": "i3minator (Simple workspace manager for i3)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/i3minator", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML", "i3-py"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "i3minator is a simple 'workspace manager' for i3. It allows to quickly manage workspaces defining windows and their layout. Homepage: https://github.com/carlesso/i3minator", "path": "./salix/desktop/i3minator-0.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "2.7.3", "name": "rootactions_servicemenu", "descs": "rootactions_servicemenu (rootpriv actions context menu)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/rootactions_servicemenu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Root Actions servicemenu provides a convenient way to perform several actions 'as root', from the right-click context menu in KDE filemanagers.", "path": "./salix/desktop/rootactions_servicemenu-2.7.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "480 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "crystalcursors", "descs": "crystalcursors (Crystal xcursors by Marco Martin 2003-2004)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/crystalcursors", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "120 K", "descl": "Four different mouse cursor icon sets in the KDE CrystalSVG style. In white, gray, blue and green versions. They can be selected from the KDE Control Centre under Peripherals,Mouse. Source borrowed from Ubuntu repository as original site appear no longer to be hosting these.. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/crystalcursors", "path": "./salix/desktop/crystalcursors-1.1.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "20140806", "name": "numix-ocean-theme", "descs": "numix-ocean-theme (modern flat theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-ocean-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Fork of the Numix theme to use colors from Base16 Ocean colorscheme. Home page: https://github.com/aaronjamesyoung/Numix-Ocean", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-ocean-theme-20140806-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "20916 K", "ver": "41.4", "name": "gnome-control-center", "descs": "gnome-control-center (GNOME Control Center)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gnome-control-center", "deps": ["ModemManager", "NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "accountsservice", "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "colord", "colord-gtk", "cracklib", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-bluetooth", "gnome-desktop", "gnome-online-accounts", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gsound", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "ibus", "icu4c", "jansson", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libasyncns", "libcanberra", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgtop", "libgudev", "libhandy", "libmanette", "libnma", "libnotify", "libogg", "libpwquality", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libvorbis", "libwacom", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "polkit", "pulseaudio", "rest", "samba", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "udisks2", "upower", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib", "gnome-settings-daemon"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5229 K", "descl": "The GNOME settings manager is GNOME's main interface for configuration of various aspects of your desktop. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center", "path": "./salix/desktop/gnome-control-center-41.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "112036 K", "ver": "1.0.7", "name": "BlockstreamGreen", "descs": "BlockstreamGreen (A Bitcoin Wallet)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/BlockstreamGreen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28009 K", "descl": "Blockstream Green is a multi-platform Bitcoin and Liquid wallet. It is available as an AppImage. https://blockstream.com/green/", "path": "./salix/desktop/BlockstreamGreen-1.0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "20171004", "name": "obkey", "descs": "obkey (Openbox key editor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/obkey", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "ObKey is the Openbox Key Editor, written in Python + PyGTK. Home page: https://github.com/stevenhoneyman/obkey", "path": "./salix/desktop/obkey-20171004-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2100 K", "ver": "3.18.1", "name": "zuki-themes", "descs": "zuki-themes (Themes for GTK, gnome-shell and more)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/zuki-themes", "deps": ["murrine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "525 K", "descl": "Zuki themes for GNOME, Xfce and more. Home page: https://github.com/lassekongo83/zuki-themes", "path": "./salix/desktop/zuki-themes-3.18.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "grits", "descs": "grits (Virtual Globe Library)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/grits", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "Grits is a Virtual Globe library developed along side AWeather, but desigend to be usable by other program as well. It is differentiated from other Virtual Globes such as Google Earth, NASA World Wind, and KDE Marble in that it is developed primairily as a library that is used by other programs, such as AWeather, rather than providing it's own user interface. Homepage: http://pileus.org/aweather/grits", "path": "./salix/desktop/grits-0.8-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.8.3", "name": "stalonetray", "descs": "stalonetray (a STAnd-aLONE system TRAY)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/stalonetray", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Stalonetray is a STAnd-aLONE system TRAY (notification area) for X Window System. It has full XEMBED support and minimal dependencies: the X11 lib only. Stalonetray works with virtually any EWMH-compliant window manager. Homepage: http://stalonetray.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/stalonetray-0.8.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "1.3.5", "name": "sun", "descs": "sun (Slackware Update Notifier)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/sun", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "SUN is a tray notification applet for informing about package updates in Slackware and CLI tool for monitoring upgraded packages. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/dslackw/sun", "path": "./salix/desktop/sun-1.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "1.02", "name": "Pulse-Glass", "descs": "Pulse-Glass (X11 Mouse Theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/Pulse-Glass", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "This small derivative collection comprises of Amber, Jade and Sapphire (orange,green,blue). Sizes Regular (32px) and Small (24px) apply. All versions have uniform hue settings on all icons for each set (mouse fuctions). Homepage: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/999994/", "path": "./salix/desktop/Pulse-Glass-1.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.1.7", "name": "obapps", "descs": "obapps (a graphical tool for configuring per-application settings)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/obapps", "deps": ["openbox", "python-xlib", "wxPython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "OBApps is a graphical too for configuring the per-application settings (window matching) in the Openbox window manager. https://sourceforge.net/projects/obapps", "path": "./salix/desktop/obapps-0.1.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1480 K", "ver": "2.21.0", "name": "gtk-engines", "descs": "gtk-engines (Theme engines for GTK+2)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gtk-engines", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "370 K", "descl": "gtk-engines is a collection of basic theme engines for GTK+2. This package contains Clearlooks, Crux, Gnome3, HC, Industrial, Mist, Redmond, and ThinIce themes. Home page: https://sources.archlinux.org/other/gtk-engines", "path": "./salix/desktop/gtk-engines-2.21.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.25", "name": "wmCalClock", "descs": "wmCalClock (Window Maker date and time dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmCalClock", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "wmCalClock is a simple calendar clock that uses anti-aliased characters and drop shadows. Doesn't do much except tell the time...", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmCalClock-1.25-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "wmshutdown", "descs": "wmshutdown (dockapp for shutdown)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmshutdown", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "A Window Maker Dock App for Rebooting and Shutting Down your machine.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmshutdown-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "820 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "thunar-vcs-plugin", "descs": "thunar-vcs-plugin (Version Control System plugin for Thunar)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/thunar-vcs-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "apr", "apr-util", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exo", "expat", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "serf", "sqlite", "subversion", "thunar", "utf8proc", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "205 K", "descl": "The Thunar VCS Plugin adds Git and Subversion actions to the context menu of thunar. Homepage: https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/thunar-vcs-plugin", "path": "./salix/desktop/thunar-vcs-plugin-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "14076 K", "ver": "20161122", "name": "arc-icon-theme", "descs": "arc-icon-theme (Arc icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/arc-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3519 K", "descl": "An icon theme that is well suited for use with Arc GTK theme.", "path": "./salix/desktop/arc-icon-theme-20161122-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "gtk-theme-Bluebird", "descs": "gtk-theme-Bluebird (Desktop Suite for Xfce)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gtk-theme-Bluebird", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "Bluebird is Desktop Suite for Xfce. Home page: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Bluebird/", "path": "./salix/desktop/gtk-theme-Bluebird-1.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1452 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "macopix", "descs": "macopix (a desktop mascot application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/macopix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "363 K", "descl": "MaCoPiX (Mascot Constructive Pilot for X) is a desktop mascot application for UNIX / X Window system. You can make window sitters, fixed desktop mascots, and, furthermore, desktop clock mascots, using MaCoPiX.", "path": "./salix/desktop/macopix-3.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "135056 K", "ver": "0.8.9_19", "name": "kfaenza-icon-theme", "descs": "kfaenza-icon-theme (KDE icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/kfaenza-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33764 K", "descl": "KFaenza icon theme for KDE. Home Page: https://store.kde.org/p/1002580/", "path": "./salix/desktop/kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9_19-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "wmsm.app", "descs": "wmsm.app (Window Maker system monitor dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmsm.app", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "wmsm.app monitors CPU usage, memory usage, swap usage, IOR, IOW, and displays uptime.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmsm.app-0.2.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "wmfire", "descs": "wmfire (system load monitor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmfire", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libgtop", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "It can monitor the average cpu load, or individual cpu load on SMP computers. Additionally it can monitor the memory, network load, a file or just be set to show a pretty flame. On entering the dock a burning spot replaces the cursor, and after two seconds symbols to represent the current monitor are 'burnt' onscreen. The flame colour can also be changed. See https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Wmfire", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmfire-1.2.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "", "name": "insync-thunar", "descs": "insync-thunar (Insync thunar integration)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/insync-thunar", "deps": ["thunarx-python", "insync"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "Insync extends (Google) Drive's web functionality to your desktop by integrating tightly with Windows, Mac and Linux so you can get work done. Homepage: http://www.insynchq.com/", "path": "./salix/desktop/insync-thunar-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "9212 K", "ver": "20030129", "name": "gkrellm-themes", "descs": "gkrellm-themes (Themes for GKrellM from muhri.net)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gkrellm-themes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2303 K", "descl": "This is the complete collection of GKrellM themes from muhri.net Homepage: http://www.muhri.net/gkrellm/", "path": "./salix/desktop/gkrellm-themes-20030129-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "0.11.3224_xi", "name": "subtle", "descs": "subtle (ruby based tiling WM)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/subtle", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "A grid-based manual tiling window manager with a strong focus on easy but customizable look and feel Homepage: https://subforge.org/projects/subtle", "path": "./salix/desktop/subtle-0.11.3224_xi-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "sgsearch", "descs": "sgsearch (search frontend)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/sgsearch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "thunar", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "sgsearch is a simple simple frontend for find and grep file search tools. homepage: https://sgsearch.tuxfamily.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/sgsearch-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.4.27", "name": "wmbiff", "descs": "wmbiff (Window Maker mailbox dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmbiff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "wmbiff displays the status of up to five mailboxes. It shows the number of new mail messages, if any, or the total number of messages.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmbiff-0.4.27-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "32876 K", "ver": "20160602", "name": "LX-Colors-Revival", "descs": "LX-Colors-Revival (GTK2/GTK3/Openbox themes)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/LX-Colors-Revival", "deps": ["murrine", "gtk-engines"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8219 K", "descl": "This is an update to the LX-Colors theme series and now compatible with GTK 3.20. This is an attempt to keep the legendary Shiki-Colors theme series alive, in four variations, such as Light, Mixed (light, but with dark menus), NeoShiki (the LXDE/Openbox successor to Shiki-Colors), and Pitchdark (all-dark variations). Home page: https://www.box-look.org/p/1107240/", "path": "./salix/desktop/LX-Colors-Revival-20160602-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "620 K", "ver": "3.35", "name": "i3pystatus", "descs": "i3pystatus (replacement for i3status)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/i3pystatus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "155 K", "descl": "i3pystatus is a (hopefully growing) collection of python scripts for status output compatible to i3status / i3bar of the i3 window manager. Homepage: https://github.com/enkore/i3pystatus", "path": "./salix/desktop/i3pystatus-3.35-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "0.7.5", "name": "idesk", "descs": "idesk (draws desktop icons on X root window)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/idesk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "Idesk is program that draws desktop icons. Each icon will execute a shell command on a configurable action. The icons can be moved on the desktop by dragging them, and the icons will remember their positions on start-up.", "path": "./salix/desktop/idesk-0.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "548 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "xdg-desktop-portal-gtk", "descs": "xdg-desktop-portal-gtk (gtk sandboxing desktop APIs)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "137 K", "descl": "xdg-desktop-portal-gtk are APIs for building sandoxed portal of desktop services and integrations.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-1.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "lxhotkey", "descs": "lxhotkey (a keyboard shortcuts configurator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lxhotkey", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libexif", "libfm", "libfm-extra", "libunistring", "libxcb", "menu-cache", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "LXHotkey allows viewing and changing global keyboard shortcuts for the Openbox window manager actions, including those for starting applications. Homepage: https://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXHotkey", "path": "./salix/desktop/lxhotkey-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "1.27", "name": "wmMoonClock", "descs": "wmMoonClock (Window Maker moon phase dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmMoonClock", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "wmMoonClock displays the current phase of the moon. Clicking on the icon brings up different displays -- there are 5 in all. Patched version displays correct results for both hemispheres.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmMoonClock-1.27-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1136 K", "ver": "", "name": "xonclock", "descs": "xonclock (a skinable X on-screen analog clock)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xonclock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "284 K", "descl": "Originally the program was written to work under the Window Maker 0.91.0 windows manager. If you are planning to use xonclock under different windows manager you should read documentation supplied with the windows manager. http://xonclock.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/desktop/xonclock-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "0.2.5", "name": "lxlauncher", "descs": "lxlauncher (Application launcher for netbooks)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lxlauncher", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "menu-cache", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib", "lxmenu-data"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "LXLauncher is an open source clone of Asus launcher for EeePC. It outperformes the original launcher developed by Xandros. Background images used by Asus launcher are non-free and are hence not included in this package. If you add these images yourself they will be used. lxlauncher home: http://www.lxde.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/lxlauncher-0.2.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "780 K", "ver": "0.3.4", "name": "cairo-clock", "descs": "cairo-clock (Analog Clock)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cairo-clock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "195 K", "descl": "It is an analog clock displaying the system-time. It leverages the new visual features offered by Xorg 7.0 in combination with a compositing-manager (xcompmgr, compiz, compton), gtk+ 2.10.0, cairo 1.2.0, libglade 2.6.0 and libsrvg 2.14.0 to produce a time display with pretty-pixels. https://packages.debian.org/stretch/cairo-clock", "path": "./salix/desktop/cairo-clock-0.3.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "59088 K", "ver": "2.2.4e", "name": "pdfsam", "descs": "pdfsam (complete pdf editor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pdfsam", "deps": ["apache-ant", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14772 K", "descl": "PDFsam is a free, open source, platform independent tool released under GPLv2 license and designed to perform split, merge and other manipulations on pdf document. It's released in 2 versions, basic and enhanced. This is the ehanced version.", "path": "./salix/desktop/pdfsam-2.2.4e-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "984 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "polar-cursor-themes", "descs": "polar-cursor-themes (A smooth and simple cursor set)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/polar-cursor-themes", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "246 K", "descl": "There are three cursor sets included in this package: PolarCursorTheme (default), PolarCursorTheme-Blue and PolarCursorTheme-Green", "path": "./salix/desktop/polar-cursor-themes-1.4-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "294336 K", "ver": "1.1.25", "name": "docfetcher", "descs": "docfetcher (a Java desktop search application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/docfetcher", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk7"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73584 K", "descl": "DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application. It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. You can think of it as Google for your local files. Homepage: http://docfetcher.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/docfetcher-1.1.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.10.2", "name": "wmimagedock", "descs": "wmimagedock (changes image inside of dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmimagedock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "boost", "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "A powerful little dockapp that displays multiple images. Changing the images at the will of the user set time. jpg, png, xpm, gif formats. Dockapp loads faster with use of a file, paths to images. Has right and left double click events to execute commands. Rewritten in C++ Works in WMaker, blackbox, fluxbox, e16. (tested) Replaces wmslideshow (written in C) or can work in conjunction with it", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmimagedock-1.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "awesome-appmenu", "descs": "awesome-appmenu (tool to create an application menu for awesome wm)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/awesome-appmenu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "awesome-appmenu is a tool to create a menu of installed applications for the awesome window manager. It searches for and parses .desktop files to create a lua script containing the menu, which can then be used in your awesome configuration script. It supports icons and is fully configurable. Homepage: https://github.com/montagdude/awesome-appmenu", "path": "./salix/desktop/awesome-appmenu-0.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "tty-clock", "descs": "tty-clock (terminal ncurses clock)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/tty-clock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "tty-clock is a clock for the terminal. Homepage: https://github.com/xorg62/tty-clock", "path": "./salix/desktop/tty-clock-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12292 K", "ver": "", "name": "oomox", "descs": "oomox (gtk theme designer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/oomox", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3073 K", "descl": "Oomox is a graphical application for generating different color variations of a Oomox (Numix-based), Materia and Arc themes (GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, Openbox, Xfwm), Gnome-Colors and Archdroid icon themes. Homepage: https://github.com/themix-project/oomox", "path": "./salix/desktop/oomox-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "492 K", "ver": "2.0.4", "name": "obconf", "descs": "obconf (Openbox preferences manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/obconf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxml2", "openbox", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "123 K", "descl": "ObConf is a GTK+ tool to assist with the configuration of the Openbox window manager. Homepage: http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/ObConf:About", "path": "./salix/desktop/obconf-2.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4204 K", "ver": "5.4.0", "name": "bukubrow", "descs": "bukubrow (Host application for the Bukubrow WebExtension)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bukubrow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1051 K", "descl": "Bukubrow is a WebExtension for Buku, a command-line bookmark manager. This is the corresponding host that facilitates interfacing with the Buku database via native messaging. https://github.com/SamHH/bukubrow-host", "path": "./salix/desktop/bukubrow-5.4.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "xfce4-mpc-plugin", "descs": "xfce4-mpc-plugin (MusicPD Client plugin for Xfce panel)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-mpc-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xfce4-panel", "zlib", "mpd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "This is a simple Musicpd (http://www.musicpd.org) client plugin for the Xfce panel. Features include: - next/stop/play/pause/previous buttons - current status/playing track when mouse passes over the plugin - decrease/increase volume with mousewheel - toggle random/repeat in right-click menu", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-mpc-plugin-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.8.5", "name": "dzen2", "descs": "dzen2 (General purpose messaging and notification program)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/dzen2", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "Dzen is a general purpose messaging, notification, and menuing application. Homepage: http://gotmor.googlepages.com/dzen", "path": "./salix/desktop/dzen2-0.8.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "buttonmaker", "descs": "buttonmaker (simple launcher dockapp for windowmaker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/buttonmaker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Like other button dockapps, it is a button that runs a command. It has support for png, jpeg, xpm, tiff, etc. thanks to Imlib2. Set the image of your choice on the button. https://www.dockapps.net/buttonmaker", "path": "./salix/desktop/buttonmaker-0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "1.4.6", "name": "ee", "descs": "ee (easyedit 'ee' editor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ee", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "The editor 'ee' (easy editor) is intended to be a simple, easy to use terminal-based screen oriented editor that requires no instruction to use. Its primary use would be for people who are new to computers, or who use computers only for things like e-mail. Home: http://bit.ly/2nDe6w9", "path": "./salix/desktop/ee-1.4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1692 K", "ver": "0.9.12", "name": "waybar", "descs": "waybar (bar for wlroots based compositors)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/waybar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "date", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fmt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtk-layer-shell", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "jsoncpp", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libmpdclient", "libnl3", "libogg", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "spdlog", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "scdoc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "423 K", "descl": "Waybar is a highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. Home: https://github.com/Alexays/Waybar", "path": "./salix/desktop/waybar-0.9.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "2.13", "name": "i3status", "descs": "i3status (status line generator for i3bar and xmobar)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/i3status", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "confuse", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libnl3", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio", "yajl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "i3status is a small program (less than 1500 SLOC) for i3bar, xmobar or similar programs. It is designed to be very efficient by issuing a very small number of system calls, as one generally wants to to update such a status line every second. This ensures that even under high load, your status bar is updated correctly. Also, it saves a bit of energy by not hogging your CPU as much as spawning the corresponding amount of shell commands would. Website: https://i3wm.org/i3status/", "path": "./salix/desktop/i3status-2.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "pyful", "descs": "pyful (Python file management utility)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pyful", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "pyful is a keyboard-operated file manager for Linux. This application operates in a terminal emulator such as xterm, or on the Linux console.", "path": "./salix/desktop/pyful-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12640 K", "ver": "", "name": "rodent", "descs": "rodent (Rodent Filemanager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/rodent", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libdbh2", "libglvnd", "librfm5", "libtubo0", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3160 K", "descl": "Rodent is fast, small and powerful file manager for the GNU operating system. Homepage: http://xffm.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/rodent-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "xsession", "descs": "xsession (session manager for X)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xsession", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "The xsession program is a session manager. It is normally executed by your ~/.xinitrc (or ~/.xsession) script and controls your X Window session. As soon as it is started, xsession launches a window manager and some applications of your choice. At anytime during your session, you may switch to another window manager or execute some other applications from the xsession menus. ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/X11/FTP.X.ORG/contrib/applications/ xsession-1.1.README", "path": "./salix/desktop/xsession-1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "984 K", "ver": "40.0", "name": "gnome-tweaks", "descs": "gnome-tweaks (GNOME Tweaks)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gnome-tweaks", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "246 K", "descl": "GNOME Tweaks is program used to tweak advanced GNOME settings. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-tweaks", "path": "./salix/desktop/gnome-tweaks-40.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12136 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "rss-glx", "descs": "rss-glx (Really Slick Screensavers Port to GLX)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/rss-glx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glew", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "3034 K", "descl": "The Really Slick ScreenSavers GLX Port is a port of some nifty OpenGL screensavers that were originally written for Windows to GLX. It is intended for use with an existing screensaver daemon like xscreensaver. http://rss-glx.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/rss-glx-0.9.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "8800 K", "ver": "41.5", "name": "nautilus", "descs": "nautilus (GNOME Files Application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/nautilus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gexiv2", "glib2", "gnome-autoar", "gnome-desktop", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libhandy", "libportal", "libseccomp", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "tracker", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2200 K", "descl": "Nautilus is a highly-polished content manager for GNOME. Nautilus integrates access to files, applications, media, Internet-based resources and the Web, delivering a dynamic and rich user experience. Nautilus, developed by Eazel, Inc., is a free software project developed under the GNU General Public License and is a core component of the GNOME desktop project. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus", "path": "./salix/desktop/nautilus-41.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2416 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "herbstluftwm", "descs": "herbstluftwm (manual tiling window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/herbstluftwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "604 K", "descl": "herbstluftwm is a manual tiling window manager for X11 using Xlib and Glib. Layout is based on splitting frames into sub-frames, similar to i3/musca. Tags/workspaces can be removed or added at run-time. Configuration is written in bash script. Homepage: https://herbstluftwm.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/herbstluftwm-0.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "27588 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "razorqt", "descs": "razorqt (qt-based desktop environment)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/razorqt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "file", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libstatgrab", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lm_sensors", "opus", "pulseaudio", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6897 K", "descl": "Razor-qt is an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on Qt technologies. It has been tailored for users who value simplicity, speed, and intuitive interface. Unlike desktop environments, Razor-qt also works fine with weak machines. Homepage: https://github.com/Razor-qt/razor-qt", "path": "./salix/desktop/razorqt-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "9menu", "descs": "9menu (create X menus)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/9menu", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "9menu is a simple program that allows you to create X menus from the shell, where each menu item will run a command. 9menu is intended for use with 9wm, but can be used with any other window manager.", "path": "./salix/desktop/9menu-1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "20120515", "name": "lxmed", "descs": "lxmed (.desktop entries editor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lxmed", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "LXmed is graphical .desktop entries editor written in in Java. Conceived for LXDE, it complies with the freedesktop.org standards, so it's suitable for other desktop environments, such as XFCE. Homepage: http://lxmed.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/lxmed-20120515-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "0.99.12", "name": "menumaker", "descs": "menumaker (menu generator for several window managers)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/menumaker", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "Menu Maker is 100% Python heuristics-driven menu generator for a number of X Window Managers and desktop environments. It features a large knowledge base of known programs, powerful and flexible search algorithms, and persistence of menus across several WMs. Homepage: http://menumaker.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/menumaker-0.99.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "wmbutton", "descs": "wmbutton (3 button actions)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmbutton", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Dockapp that is specifically designed to be docked in Windowmaker, or Swallowed by wharf in Afterstep. If you are not familiar with these windowmanagers, check them out in the links section. Of course, it should work in just about any window manager.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmbutton-0.7.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "wmcube", "descs": "wmcube (dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmcube", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "wmcube is a dockapp displaying a realtime rotating 3D object (plugin) together with the current CPU load. The speed of the rotation depends on the CPU load. You may choose between seven color schemes including default monochrome one. The program includes a collection of the plugins including three Slackware logos.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmcube-1.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "704 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "sync-engine", "descs": "sync-engine (SynCE syncronization engine)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/sync-engine", "deps": ["librra"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "176 K", "descl": "sync-engine is SynCE's syncronization engine, which is required to make partnerships between the computer and the device. Partnerships allow you to specify which items to sync. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/", "path": "./salix/desktop/sync-engine-0.13-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "22868 K", "ver": "20201113_f6da4b7", "name": "afterstep", "descs": "afterstep (a lightweight window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/afterstep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5717 K", "descl": "AfterStep is a window manager for the Unix X Window System. Originally based on the look and feel of the NeXTStep interface, it provides end users with a consistent, clean, and elegant desktop. The goal of AfterStep development is to provide for flexibility of desktop configuration, improving aestetics, and efficient use of system resources. Some of the distinguishing features of AfterStep compared to other window managers are its low usage of resources, stability and configurability.", "path": "./salix/desktop/afterstep-20201113_f6da4b7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1932 K", "ver": "3_20090110", "name": "ion", "descs": "ion (tiling tabbed window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ion", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "lua", "util-linux"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "483 K", "descl": "Ion is a tiling (no overlapping windows) window manager that also has PWM-style tabbed frames which can contain multiple client windows. these features help to keep windows organized and to switch quickly between them. Ion was designed primarily as an efficient and unobtrusive window manager for users who prefer the keyboard. Homepage: http://tuomov.iki.fi/ Note: the author stopped all development and support for Ion, and the web page above was taken off-line.", "path": "./salix/desktop/ion-3_20090110-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "424 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "wmSun", "descs": "wmSun (Window Maker sunrise and sunset dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmSun", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "106 K", "descl": "wmSun displays the current day's sunrise and sunset times. Enter your latitude and longitude correctly for it to work.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmSun-1.12-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.08", "name": "fbrowse-tray", "descs": "fbrowse-tray (A file-browser through a Gtk2 tray status icon)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/fbrowse-tray", "deps": ["perl-gtk2", "perl-file-mimeinfo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Recursively browse filesystem through a GTK+ tray applet. Home page: https://github.com/trizen/fbrowse-tray", "path": "./salix/desktop/fbrowse-tray-0.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.84", "name": "wmtop", "descs": "wmtop (Window Maker processes monitor application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmtop", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "wmtop maintains a view of the three top CPU (or memory) consuming processes displaying the amount of CPU used as a horizontal bar.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmtop-0.84-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "3.11.91", "name": "alacarte", "descs": "alacarte (Menu Editor for X)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/alacarte", "deps": ["gnome-common", "gnome-menus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "Alacarte is a menu editor for X using the freedesktop.org menu specification.", "path": "./salix/desktop/alacarte-3.11.91-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "xfce4-datetime-plugin", "descs": "xfce4-datetime-plugin (Plugin for Xfce)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-datetime-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xfce4-panel", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "This plugin shows the date and time in the panel, and a calendar appears when you left-click on it. Homepage: https://goodies.xfce.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-datetime-plugin-0.8.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "xss-lock", "descs": "xss-lock (using external locker as X screensaver)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xss-lock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "xss-lock hooks up a favorite screen locker to the MIT screen saver extension for X and to the login manager. Although xss-lock conflicts with no Slackware packages, native DE screensavers may cause runtime interference. Author: Raymond Wagenmaker https://github.com/xdbob/xss-lock", "path": "./salix/desktop/xss-lock-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2780 K", "ver": "16.04.1", "name": "ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-gtk-theme", "descs": "ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-gtk-theme (gtk theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-gtk-theme", "deps": ["murrine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "695 K", "descl": "Ambiance & Radiance Flat is a Modern, Beautiful re-imagination of the Ambiance & Radiance Color GTK 2/3 Themes. It features a Modern, Clean And 'Flat' look in your choice of 13 vibrant colors. http://ravefinity.com/p/download-ambiance-radiance-flat-colors.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-gtk-theme-16.04.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2992 K", "ver": "4.18.3", "name": "i3", "descs": "i3 (an improved dynamic tiling window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/i3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libev", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-cursor", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "xcb-util-xrm", "yajl", "zlib", "dmenu", "perl-JSON-XS", "perl-AnyEvent"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "748 K", "descl": "i3 is a tiling window manager, completely written from scratch. i3 was created because wmii, our favorite window manager at the time, didn't provide some features we wanted (multi-monitor done right, for example), had some bugs, didn't progress since quite some time and wasn't easy to hack at all (source code comments/documentation completely lacking). Still, we think the wmii developers and contributors did a great job.", "path": "./salix/desktop/i3-4.18.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "548 K", "ver": "5.3", "name": "kdocker", "descs": "kdocker (Helper to dock any application into the system tray)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/kdocker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "137 K", "descl": "kdocker is an application to help you dock any application into the system tray. https://github.com/user-none/KDocker", "path": "./salix/desktop/kdocker-5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "43192 K", "ver": "1.6.4", "name": "mint-x-icons", "descs": "mint-x-icons (Mint Linux default icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/mint-x-icons", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10798 K", "descl": "Icon theme for Linux Mint. Based on mintified versions of Clearlooks Revamp, Elementary and Faenza.", "path": "./salix/desktop/mint-x-icons-1.6.4-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "0.6.7", "name": "bemenu", "descs": "bemenu (Dynamic Menu Library)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bemenu", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu https://github.com/Cloudef/bemenu", "path": "./salix/desktop/bemenu-0.6.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.24", "name": "wmfishtime", "descs": "wmfishtime (clock dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmfishtime", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Dockapp fishies that swim around while displaying a analog clock, and it checks your mail, too! http://www.ne.jp/asahi/linux/timecop/", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmfishtime-1.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "clearlooks-classic-themes", "descs": "clearlooks-classic-themes (The classic Clearlooks themes)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/clearlooks-classic-themes", "deps": ["gtk-engines"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Themes included are Clearlooks Classic, Clearlooks Deep Sky, Clearlooks Olive and Clearlooks Quicksilver.", "path": "./salix/desktop/clearlooks-classic-themes-0.6.2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4852 K", "ver": "20191227", "name": "numix-icon-theme-square", "descs": "numix-icon-theme-square (Numix Square icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-icon-theme-square", "deps": ["numix-icon-theme"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1213 K", "descl": "Numix Square is an icon theme for Linux from the Numix project. Home Page: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-icon-theme-square/", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-icon-theme-square-20191227-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "6.1", "name": "kanyremote", "descs": "kanyremote (KDE GUI frontend for anyRemote)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/kanyremote", "deps": ["anyremote", "python2-pybluez"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "The overall goal of this project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or just TCP/IP connection. Requires: anyRemote and PyBluez http://anyremote.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/desktop/kanyremote-6.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3100 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "conky-manager", "descs": "conky-manager (Conky front-end)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/conky-manager", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgee", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "conky", "p7zip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "775 K", "descl": "Conky Manager is a graphical front-end for managing Conky config files It provides options to start/stop, browse and edit Conky themes installed on the system. Packages are currently available in Launchpad.", "path": "./salix/desktop/conky-manager-2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2920 K", "ver": "42.0", "name": "gdm", "descs": "gdm (GNOME Display Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gdm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "accountsservice", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcanberra", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pam", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "gnome-session", "gnome-shell"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "730 K", "descl": "The GNOME Display Manager is a system service that is responsible for providing graphical logins and managing local and remote displays. Homepage: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gdm", "path": "./salix/desktop/gdm-42.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "8356 K", "ver": "2022_02_21", "name": "Tela-icon-theme", "descs": "Tela-icon-theme (flat icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/Tela-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2089 K", "descl": "Tela-icon-theme is a flat colorful design icon theme.", "path": "./salix/desktop/Tela-icon-theme-2022_02_21-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "0.1.10", "name": "arandr", "descs": "arandr (ARandR: Another XRandR GUI)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/arandr", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "ARandR is designed to provide a simple visual front end for XRandR. Relative monitor positions are shown graphically and can be changed in a drag-and-drop way. Homepage: http://christian.amsuess.com/tools/arandr/", "path": "./salix/desktop/arandr-0.1.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.13.1", "name": "pclock", "descs": "pclock (Window Maker analog clock dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pclock", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "pclock is analog clock program designed primarily to run under the Window Maker window manager. Any 64x64 pixmap may be used as a background, including tiles.", "path": "./salix/desktop/pclock-0.13.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "36040 K", "ver": "1.0.22", "name": "e16", "descs": "e16 (window manager for X)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/e16", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9010 K", "descl": "The Enlightenment DR16 Window Manager is a robust, flexible, highly configurable, graphically rich, yet unobtrusive desktop environment for the X11 window system. It is fully themable and easily configured. There are a wide range of configuration options to suit any taste.", "path": "./salix/desktop/e16-1.0.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "3.5", "name": "wmix", "descs": "wmix (dockapp mixer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Dockapp mixer for OSS or ALSA. Allows toggling record source, muting individual channels, adjusting volume and balance, all in a compact dockapp size, with TV-like on-screen-display for volume levels. Supports mousewheel to adjust current channel volume, and can be controlled remotely with SIGUSR1 / SIGUSR2 to adjust the volume, too. Can use a configuration file to control some of the features.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmix-3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "wmswallow", "descs": "wmswallow (app docker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmswallow", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Dock any (!) application into the WindowMaker dock. homepage: https://www.dockapps.net/wmswallow", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmswallow-0.6.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "grun", "descs": "grun (a GTK based run dialog)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/grun", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "gRun is a GTK based Run dialog that closely resembles the Windows Run dialog, just like xexec. It has a intelligent history mechanism and a dual level fork() mechanism for launching the application in its own process. gRun also has support for launching console mode application in an XTerm as well as associations for file types. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/grun/", "path": "./salix/desktop/grun-0.9.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "xearth", "descs": "xearth (animated map)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xearth", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "Xearth sets the X root window to an image of the Earth, as seen from your favorite vantage point in space, correctly shaded for the current position of the Sun. By default, xearth updates the displayed image every five minutes. Homepage: https://hewgill.com/xearth/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xearth-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "6308 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "meliae-icon-theme", "descs": "meliae-icon-theme (Meliae SVG icons)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/meliae-icon-theme", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1577 K", "descl": "Meliae is a GNOME Icon set developed by Sora GNOME icons and Meliae icons are all licensed under the GPL. This package is licensed under GNU General Public License version 2. homepage: http://sora-meliae.deviantart.com", "path": "./salix/desktop/meliae-icon-theme-1.2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1304 K", "ver": "3.6.1", "name": "openbox", "descs": "openbox (Openbox window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/openbox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "326 K", "descl": "Openbox is a standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. Openbox was written first to comply with standards and to work properly. Openbox is fully functional as a stand-alone working environment, or can be used as a drop-in replacement for the default window manager in the GNOME or KDE desktop environments. Homepage: http://www.icculus.org/openbox", "path": "./salix/desktop/openbox-3.6.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "780 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "florence", "descs": "florence (virtual keyboard)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/florence", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "195 K", "descl": "Florence is an extensible scalable virtual keyboard for X11 You need it if you can't use a real hardware keyboard, for example because you are disabled, your keyboard is broken or because you use a tablet PC, but you must be able to use a pointing device (as a mouse, a trackball, a touchscreen or opengazer).", "path": "./salix/desktop/florence-0.6.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "grim", "descs": "grim (Grab images from a Wayland compositor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/grim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "pixman", "wayland", "zlib", "scdoc"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Grim is a command-line utility to take screenshots of wayland desktops. Home: https://sr.ht/~emersion/grim/", "path": "./salix/desktop/grim-1.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1568 K", "ver": "20170209", "name": "numix-sx-theme", "descs": "numix-sx-theme (Gray variation of Numix theme for Cinnamon/Gnome)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-sx-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "392 K", "descl": "Gray variation of Numix theme for Cinnamon/Gnome. Home page: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1117412/", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-sx-theme-20170209-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "wmmixer", "descs": "wmmixer (Window Maker sound mixer dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmmixer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "wmmixer is a mixer application designed for WindowMaker.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmmixer-1.5-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "20121213", "name": "xwarppointer", "descs": "xwarppointer (programatically move mouse cursor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xwarppointer", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Xwarppointer allows you to move the mouse cursor in different ways: - To a absolute position on the screen - To a relative position from the current pointer position - To different screens of your display homepage: http://ishiboo.com/~danny/Projects/xwarppointer/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xwarppointer-20121213-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "lxappearance", "descs": "lxappearance (Simple GTK theme switcher)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lxappearance", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "LXAppearance is the standard theme switcher of LXDE. Users are able to change the theme, icons, and fonts used by applications easily. Homepage: https://lxde.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/lxappearance-0.6.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "i3blocks", "descs": "i3blocks (A flexible scheduler for your i3bar blocks)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/i3blocks", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "i3blocks is a highly flexible status line for the i3 window manager. It handles clicks, signals and language-agnostic user scripts. The content of each block (e.g. time, battery status, network state, ...) is the output of a command provided by the user. Blocks are updated on click, at a given interval of time or on a given signal, also specified by the user. Homepage: http://vivien.github.io/i3blocks", "path": "./salix/desktop/i3blocks-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "wmsupermon", "descs": "wmsupermon (universal monitoring dockapp for WindowMaker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmsupermon", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "wmsupermon is a highly configurable dockapp that can monitor almost any system statistic you can think of.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmsupermon-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "6692 K", "ver": "8.0.4", "name": "seafile-client", "descs": "seafile-client (Seafile Desktop Client)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/seafile-client", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "jansson", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libevent", "libglvnd", "libsearpc", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "seafile", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1673 K", "descl": "Graphical desktop client for the Seafile next-generation open source cloud storage system with advanced support for file syncing, privacy protection and teamwork. Homepage: http://seafile.com/", "path": "./salix/desktop/seafile-client-8.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "swaybg", "descs": "swaybg (sway background setter)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/swaybg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "scdoc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "swaybg is a background setter for the sway window manager Homepage: https://github.com/swaywm/swaybg", "path": "./salix/desktop/swaybg-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "hsetroot", "descs": "hsetroot (yet another wallpaper application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/hsetroot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "hsetroot is a tool which allows you to compose wallpapers.", "path": "./salix/desktop/hsetroot-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "xfce4-volumed-pulse", "descs": "xfce4-volumed-pulse (fork of xfce4-volumed with PulseAudio support)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-volumed-pulse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "keybinder", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "xfconf", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "This daemon is responsible of making the volume up/down and mute keys of the keyboard work automatically. It also provides volume change and mute toggle notifications. This is a fork of the original xfce4-volumed to drop GStreamer support and use PulseAudio instead. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/xfce4-volumed-pulse", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-volumed-pulse-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "4.4.0", "name": "jgmenu", "descs": "jgmenu (Small X11 menu for openbox and tint2)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/jgmenu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxml2", "menu-cache", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "jgmenu is a stand-alone, simple and contemporary-looking X11 menu application for Linux and BSD intended to be used with tint2 and openbox. Home Page: https://www.github.com/johanmalm/jgmenu/", "path": "./salix/desktop/jgmenu-4.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "netwmpager", "descs": "netwmpager (an enhanced version of the original netwmpager-1.11)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/netwmpager", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "netwmpager is an enhanced version of the original netwmpager-1.11 program written around 2005 by Timo Hirvonen. It should be compliant with the EWMH (or NetWM) specifications. This version implements virtual desktops split into different viewports, into different desks, or both, while the earlier version only supported desks. As a consequence, netwmpager-2 should work with most window managers. It also has many parametrizable features, and it implements a convenient zoom.", "path": "./salix/desktop/netwmpager-1.11-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2932 K", "ver": "v320", "name": "kupfer", "descs": "kupfer (a smart, quick launcher)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/kupfer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "733 K", "descl": "Kupfer is an interface for quick and convenient access to applications and their documents. Homepage: https://kupferlauncher.github.io/", "path": "./salix/desktop/kupfer-v320-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "840 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "openbox-themes", "descs": "openbox-themes (Various themes for the Openbox window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/openbox-themes", "deps": ["openbox"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "210 K", "descl": "This package which provided by Debian contains various themes for the Openbox window manager. Homepage: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/o/openbox-themes/", "path": "./salix/desktop/openbox-themes-1.0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "576 K", "ver": "1.3.6", "name": "cellwriter", "descs": "cellwriter (grid entry app)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cellwriter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "144 K", "descl": "CellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting input panel. As you write characters into the cells, your writing is instantly recognized at the character level. When you press Enter on the panel, the input you entered is sent to the currently focused application as if typed on the keyboard. Homepage: http://risujin.org/cellwriter/", "path": "./salix/desktop/cellwriter-1.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "ClipboardViewer", "descs": "ClipboardViewer (GUI to view the clipboard)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ClipboardViewer", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libbonoboui", "libcanberra", "libgcrypt", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnome-keyring", "libgnomecanvas", "libgnomeui", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "ClipboardViewer is a qui app to display the current gnome clipboard either as text or a picture ( a la OSX ) in a small window. You can also use it from the command line ( or script ) to print the text on the clipboard to stdout or create a png image file in the current directory. Homepage: http://keithhedger.freetzi.com/index.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/ClipboardViewer-0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "wmwifi", "descs": "wmwifi (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmwifi", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "libdockapp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "wmwifi is a dockapp that displays the signal strength, link level, noise level, and bitrate to your current access point. It also displays the current access point's name.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmwifi-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "20180429", "name": "openbox-themes-extra", "descs": "openbox-themes-extra (additional themes for Openbox Window Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/openbox-themes-extra", "deps": ["openbox"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "This package provides additional themes for OpenBox Window Manager. Homepage: https://github.com/fhdk/openbox-themes-extra", "path": "./salix/desktop/openbox-themes-extra-20180429-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "20181211git", "name": "kolorcontrol", "descs": "kolorcontrol (Simple GUI front-end to xcalib)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/kolorcontrol", "deps": ["pyqt-distutils", "python3-matplotlib", "xcalib", "PyQt5"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "This little GUI tool is intended to set your screen brightness, contrast and gamma levels for each color channel. It is implemented as a front-end to xcalib, a command line utility. It will also display the actual xcalib command line, suitable for copy-pasting to a script to run and activate automatically on login your desired settings. Homepage: https://github.com/Ablinne/kolorcontrol", "path": "./salix/desktop/kolorcontrol-20181211git-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "unsaver", "descs": "unsaver (deactivate screensaver on joystick or fullscreen activity)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/unsaver", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXtst", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "unsaver lets you play games with your joysticks/gamepads and watch fullscreen videos without your screensaver activating due to lack of keyboard/mouse input. unsaver should be started from your .xinitrc or whatever X startup script your window manager or desktop environment uses.", "path": "./salix/desktop/unsaver-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "1.11.1", "name": "xxkb", "descs": "xxkb (simple X keyboard layout switcher)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xxkb", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "The xxkb program is a keyboard layout switcher and indicator. Unlike the programs that reload keyboard maps and use their own hot-keys, xxkb is a simple GUI for XKB (X KeyBoard extension) and just sends commands to and accepts events from XKB. That means that it will work with the existing setup of your X Server without any modifications.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xxkb-1.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "15216 K", "ver": "4.3", "name": "xpra", "descs": "xpra (remote X11 desktop proxy)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xpra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libXtst", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxkbfile", "libxml2", "pam", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "x264", "x265", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3804 K", "descl": "Xpra is known as 'screen for X'. Its seamless mode allows you to run X11 programs, usually on a remote host, direct their display to your local machine, and then to disconnect from these programs and reconnect from the same or another machine(s), without losing any state. This effectively gives you remote access to individual graphical applications. It can also be used to access existing desktop sessions and start remote desktop sessions.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xpra-4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "31720 K", "ver": "2020.0101", "name": "xdm-slackware-theme", "descs": "xdm-slackware-theme (XDM theme for slackware)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xdm-slackware-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7930 K", "descl": "xdm-slackware-theme is a customizable slackware theme for the XDM login manager. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xdm-slackware-theme/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xdm-slackware-theme-2020.0101-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.1.5", "name": "lxmenu-data", "descs": "lxmenu-data (desktop menus for LXDE)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lxmenu-data", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "This package provides files required to build freedesktop.org menu spec-compliant desktop menus for LXDE. The files are originally taken from gnome-menus, and some minor modifications were made. lxmenu-data package is required by lxpanel and lxlauncher. homepage: https://www.lxde.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/lxmenu-data-0.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "7956 K", "ver": "0.1.7", "name": "XDecorations", "descs": "XDecorations (eye candy)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/XDecorations", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1989 K", "descl": "Some eye candy for the holidays, including lights, trees, snowmen, pumpkins, flying sleighs and witches, snow and autumn leaves.", "path": "./salix/desktop/XDecorations-0.1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin", "descs": "xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin (smartbookmark plugin for the Xfce panel)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xfce4-panel", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "The smartbookmark plugin allows you to search specific (customizable) sites directly from the Xfce panel.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.0.14", "name": "wmclock", "descs": "wmclock (simple windowmaker clock/calendar dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmclock", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "wmclock is an applet which displays the date and time in a dockable tile in the same style as the clock from the NEXTSTEP(tm) operating system. wmclock is specially designed for the Window Maker window manager, by Alfredo Kojima, and features multiple language support, twenty-four-hour and twelve-hour (am/pm) time display, and optionally can run a user-specified program on a mouse click. This package's default language is: english", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmclock-1.0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2844 K", "ver": "3.5.7", "name": "polybar", "descs": "polybar (a fast and easy-to-use status bar)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/polybar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libnl3", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-cursor", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "xcb-util-xrm", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "711 K", "descl": "Polybar aims to help users build beautiful and highly customizable status bars for their desktop environment, without the need of having a black belt in shell scripting.", "path": "./salix/desktop/polybar-3.5.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "6.7", "name": "cwm", "descs": "cwm (OpenBSD's cwm X11 window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "This is a port of OpenBSD's excellent cwm to Linux and other Unices. cwm is a window manager for X11 which contains many features that concentrate on the efficiency and transparency of window management. cwm also aims to maintain the simplest and most pleasant aesthetic. Homepage: https://github.com/chneukirchen/cwm", "path": "./salix/desktop/cwm-6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.5.7", "name": "xdo", "descs": "xdo (Apply the given action to the given windows)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xdo", "deps": ["libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-wm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "If no window IDs and no options are given, the action applies to the focused window. Homepage: https://github.com/baskerville/xdo", "path": "./salix/desktop/xdo-0.5.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "8276 K", "ver": "3.5.9", "name": "rss-guard", "descs": "rss-guard (tiny feed reader)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/rss-guard", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2069 K", "descl": "RSS Guard is useful and (very) tiny RSS 0.92/1.0/2.0 & ATOM 1.0 feed reader for Qt-5.x. It can keep feeds organized in categories, update informations from them automatically and notice the user if there is any new message. homepage: https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard", "path": "./salix/desktop/rss-guard-3.5.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1032 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "areao43-icon-theme", "descs": "areao43-icon-theme (icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/areao43-icon-theme", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "258 K", "descl": "This is an icon set meant to be used with dark themes. It's based on servechilled's area.o42 icons. https://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=101979", "path": "./salix/desktop/areao43-icon-theme-1.0-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "2.18", "name": "j4-dmenu-desktop", "descs": "j4-dmenu-desktop (dmenu menu generator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/j4-dmenu-desktop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "dmenu"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "j4-dmenu-desktop is a replacement for i3-dmenu-desktop. Its purpose is to find .desktop files and offer you a menu to start an application using dmenu. This package built with xterm as default terminal.", "path": "./salix/desktop/j4-dmenu-desktop-2.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "sxhkd", "descs": "sxhkd (Simple X hotkey daemon)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/sxhkd", "deps": ["libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "xcb-util-keysyms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "sxhkd is an X daemon that reacts to input events by executing commands. It's configuration file is a series of bindings that define the associations between the input events and the commands. The format of the configuration file supports a simple notation for mapping multiple shortcuts to multiple commands in parallel. Homepage: https://github.com/baskerville/sxhkd", "path": "./salix/desktop/sxhkd-0.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.4.9", "name": "echinus", "descs": "echinus (lightweight tiling window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/echinus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "echinus is a simple and lightweight tiling window manager for X, similar to dwm except it can have windows with close, minimize, and maximize buttons and has a simple config file. Homepage: https://plhk.ru/", "path": "./salix/desktop/echinus-0.4.9-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "11544 K", "ver": "20170812", "name": "numix-folders", "descs": "numix-folders (Alternate folders for use with Numix Icon Theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-folders", "deps": ["numix-icon-theme", "gksu"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2886 K", "descl": "Numix Folders is alternate folders for use with Numix Icon Theme. Home page: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-folders", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-folders-20170812-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "2020.0905", "name": "wmalauncher", "descs": "wmalauncher (A dockapp application launcher)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmalauncher", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "wmalauncher is an easy to use and highly configurable application launcher dockapp especially designed for fluxbox but which also works well under blackbox, openbox, windowmaker. wmalauncher supports XPM, PNG, SVG icons, .desktop files, true- type fonts (for tooltip text), allows to configure, among others, the background color, the icon brightness/contrast/gamma, etc... Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wmalauncher/", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmalauncher-2020.0905-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "24900 K", "ver": "0.83", "name": "dbgl-legacy", "descs": "dbgl-legacy (a Java frontend for DOSBox)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/dbgl-legacy", "deps": ["dosbox", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6225 K", "descl": "dbgl-legacy serves as a frontend / Graphical User Interface to DOSBox (configuration). It tries to make creating DOSBox configuration files a little easier by offering a (relatively) simple interface, some shortcuts and a little bit of intelligence (DOSBox behavior). Once your DOS games are configured in dbgl, it's very easy to setup or start them, or alter their configuration or associated DOSBox version. This legacy version in the last one that supports 32-bits architecture Homepage: http://members.quicknet.nl/blankendaalr/dbgl/", "path": "./salix/desktop/dbgl-legacy-0.83-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "imgur-screenshot", "descs": "imgur-screenshot (Imgur Screenshot Uploader)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/imgur-screenshot", "deps": ["jq", "scrot", "xclip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "imgur-screenshot is the Imgur Screenshot Uploader for Linux & OS X from imgur.com/tools. Home page: https://github.com/jomo/imgur-screenshot/", "path": "./salix/desktop/imgur-screenshot-2.0.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1b_git20200909", "name": "xkblayout-state", "descs": "xkblayout-state (get/set the keyboard layout)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xkblayout-state", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "A small command-line program to get/set the current keyboard layout. It's a thin wrapper around a slightly version of XKeyboard class by Jay Bromley Homepage: https://github.com/nonpop/xkblayout-state/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xkblayout-state-1b_git20200909-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "200112 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "luna-wallpapers", "descs": "luna-wallpapers (Elementary OS Luna wallpapers)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/luna-wallpapers", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "50028 K", "descl": "This is the complete collection of Elementary OS 0.2 Luna wallpapers. http://elementaryos.org/journal/luna-wallpapers-officially-revealed", "path": "./salix/desktop/luna-wallpapers-0.2-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3596 K", "ver": "41.0", "name": "gnome-settings-daemon", "descs": "gnome-settings-daemon (GNOME Settings Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gnome-settings-daemon", "deps": ["ModemManager", "NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "colord", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "geoclue2", "geocode-glib", "glib2", "gnome-desktop", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libcanberra", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libgweather", "libnotify", "libogg", "libseccomp", "libsndfile", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwacom", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "polkit", "pulseaudio", "sqlite", "upower", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "899 K", "descl": "The GNOME Settings Daemon is responsible for setting various parameters of a GNOME Session and the applications that run under it. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon", "path": "./salix/desktop/gnome-settings-daemon-41.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "gtk1-theme-switch", "descs": "gtk1-theme-switch (Theme chooser for GTK1)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gtk1-theme-switch", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Preview and switch GTK1 themes.", "path": "./salix/desktop/gtk1-theme-switch-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "light", "descs": "light (GNU/Linux application to control backlights)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/light", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "Light is a program to control backlight controllers under GNU/Linux, it is the successor of lightscript, which was a bash script with the same purpose, and tries to maintain the same functionality.", "path": "./salix/desktop/light-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104464 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "NsCDE", "descs": "NsCDE (CDE Desktop)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/NsCDE", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "ksh93", "fvwm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26116 K", "descl": "Modern and functional CDE desktop based on FVWM https://github.com/NsCDE/NsCDE", "path": "./salix/desktop/NsCDE-2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1140 K", "ver": "7.0.1", "name": "clearlooks-phenix-theme", "descs": "clearlooks-phenix-theme (The Clearlooks Phenix theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/clearlooks-phenix-theme", "deps": ["gtk-engines"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "285 K", "descl": "The Clearlooks-Phenix project (formerly known as Clearwaita) aims at creating a GTK3 port of Clearlooks, the default theme for Gnome 2. Style is also included for GTK2, Unity and for Metacity, Openbox and Xfwm4 window managers. Homepage: https://github.com/jpfleury/clearlooks-phenix", "path": "./salix/desktop/clearlooks-phenix-theme-7.0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "4.9", "name": "dmenu", "descs": "dmenu (dynamic menu for X)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/dmenu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "dmenu is a generic and efficient menu for X. Homepage: http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu", "path": "./salix/desktop/dmenu-4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "5272 K", "ver": "20201103_0836f5d", "name": "cairo-dock", "descs": "cairo-dock (a light and eye-candy dock)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cairo-dock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "gtkglext"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1318 K", "descl": "Cairo-Dock is a unified interface to your desktop : it provides a dock, a taskbar, and many applets that can be placed either inside the dock or on your desktop, at your convenience! It uses Cairo/OpenGL to render nice graphics with hardware acceleration, which makes it very smooth and low on CPU. It's highly customisable and comes with a lot of ready-to-use themes. homepage: http://www.glx-dock.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/cairo-dock-20201103_0836f5d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "xtitle", "descs": "xtitle (print title of active X window)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xtitle", "deps": ["libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "xcb-util-wm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "xtitle printfs out the title of the current, active X window. Useful for simple bar and panel programs such as 'lemonbar' or 'dzen' that feed off from the information that is piped to them. Homepage: https://github.com/baskerville/xtitle", "path": "./salix/desktop/xtitle-0.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "wmamixer", "descs": "wmamixer (ALSA mixer dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmamixer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "wmamixer is an ALSA mixer dockapp for Window Maker.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmamixer-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "herbe", "descs": "herbe (Daemon-less notifications without D-Bus)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/herbe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "https://github.com/dudik/herbe", "path": "./salix/desktop/herbe-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "2.13", "name": "i3lock", "descs": "i3lock (a simple screen locker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/i3lock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libev", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pam", "pixman", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-xrm", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "i3lock is a simple screen locker like slock. After starting it, you will see a white screen (you can configure the color/an image). You can return to your screen by entering your password. This version is patched to not to use PAM. Homepage: https://i3wm.org/i3lock/", "path": "./salix/desktop/i3lock-2.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "396 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "gtkhash", "descs": "gtkhash (utility for computing message digests or checksums)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gtkhash", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "99 K", "descl": "GtkHash is a desktop utility for computing message digests or checksums. Most well-known hash functions are supported, including MD5, SHA1, SHA2 and SHA3. Homepage: http://gtkhash.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/gtkhash-1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "676 K", "ver": "1.0.9", "name": "flatpak-builder", "descs": "flatpak-builder (sandboxing desktop application building tool)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/flatpak-builder", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "gpgme", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libarchive", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libostree", "libsodium", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libyaml", "lz4", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "flatpak"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "169 K", "descl": "flatpak-builder is a tool for building flatpaks from sources. Site: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak-builder/", "path": "./salix/desktop/flatpak-builder-1.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "wmdate", "descs": "wmdate (Window Maker calendar dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmdate", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "wmdate is a date-display utility. It was originally based on the displaying lay-out of asclock (which in turn is based on the time-display utility used in NeXTStep). wmdate requires libDockApp library.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmdate-0.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "1.11.0", "name": "foot", "descs": "foot (native wayland terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/foot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fcft", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pixman", "utf8proc", "wayland", "zlib", "scdoc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "Foot is fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator Home: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot", "path": "./salix/desktop/foot-1.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "207464 K", "ver": "5.4.0", "name": "moka-icon-theme", "descs": "moka-icon-theme (gnome icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/moka-icon-theme", "deps": ["faba-icon-theme"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51866 K", "descl": "Moka is a stylized FreeDesktop icon set. It uses simple geometry and bright colours, and has been designed and optimized to achieve a pixel-perfect look for the desktop. Moka is only a set of application icons, it relies on its companion icon set 'Faba Icon Theme'. Homepage: https://github.com/snwh/moka-icon-theme", "path": "./salix/desktop/moka-icon-theme-5.4.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "", "name": "alltray", "descs": "alltray (docks applications into system tray)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/alltray", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libglvnd", "libgtop", "libwnck", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "AllTray is an application which docks other application software into the system tray ('notification area') of a desktop environment such as GNOME, KDE, or XFCE. It aims to be independent of both desktop environment and window manager. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/alltray/", "path": "./salix/desktop/alltray-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "3.9.1", "name": "screenfetch", "descs": "screenfetch (bash screenshot information tool)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/screenfetch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "Screenfetch is a Bash Screenshot Information Tool. This handy Bash script can be used to generate one of those nifty terminal theme information + ASCII distribution logos you see in everyone's screenshots nowadays. It will auto-detect your distribution and display an ASCII version of that distribution's logo and some valuable information to the right. Home page: https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch", "path": "./salix/desktop/screenfetch-3.9.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "620 K", "ver": "3.8.0", "name": "libqtxdg", "descs": "libqtxdg (Provides freedesktop.org specs implementations for Qt)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/libqtxdg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib", "lxqt-build-tools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "155 K", "descl": "libqtxdg is a Qt 5 implementation of freedesktop.org XDG specifications. homepage: https://lxqt.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/libqtxdg-3.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1356 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "notion", "descs": "notion (tiling tabbed window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/notion", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua53", "util-linux", "zlib", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "339 K", "descl": "Tiling: you divide the screen into non-overlapping tiles. Every window occupies one tile, and is maximized to it Tabbing: a tile may contain multiple windows - they will be 'tabbed'. Static: most tiled window managers are 'dynamic', meaning they automatically resize and move around tiles as windows appear and disappear. Notion, by contrast, does not automatically change the tiling. You're in control. homepage: https://notionwm.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/notion-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "python-specbar", "descs": "python-specbar (Statusbar for spectrwm)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/python-specbar", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "specbar.py is a small library to use with the spectrwm window manager. It has some builtin info functions and is easy extensible using the Python decorator syntax. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/whitie/python-specbar", "path": "./salix/desktop/python-specbar-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "boston-icon-theme", "descs": "boston-icon-theme (icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/boston-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "Boston is a highly minimalist icon theme, with a sober color palette inspired on basic hues and forms.", "path": "./salix/desktop/boston-icon-theme-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "0.9.24", "name": "musca", "descs": "musca (simple dynamic window manager for X)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/musca", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "dmenu"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "Musca operates as a tiling window manager by default. It uses manual tiling, which means the user determines how the screen is divided into non-overlapping frames, with no restrictions on layout. Application windows always fill their assigned frame, with the exception of transient windows and popup dialog boxes which float above their parent application at the appropriate size. Once visible, applications do not change frames unless so instructed. Homepage: https://github.com/enticeing/musca", "path": "./salix/desktop/musca-0.9.24-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4392 K", "ver": "10.0.0", "name": "weston", "descs": "weston (Reference implementation of a Wayland compositor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/weston", "deps": ["brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freerdp", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libdrm", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libinput", "libogg", "librsvg", "libtheora", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwacom", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxkbfile", "libxml2", "mesa", "mtdev", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pango", "pipewire", "pixman", "speex", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1098 K", "descl": "Weston is the reference implementation of a Wayland compositor, as well as a useful environment in and of itself. Out of the box, Weston provides a very basic desktop or a full-featured environment for non-desktop users. IMPORTANT: Please read README.SBo before attempting to run. Homepage: http://wayland.freedesktop.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/weston-10.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "20201213_21f22c2", "name": "ufetch", "descs": "ufetch (displays system information)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ufetch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "Tiny system info for Unix-like operating systems. Home page: https://gitlab.com/jschx/ufetch", "path": "./salix/desktop/ufetch-20201213_21f22c2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "x-tile", "descs": "x-tile (an application that allows you to tile windows)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/x-tile", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "X-tile works on any X desktop (gnome, kde, xfce, lxde?) The main features are: many tiling geometries, undo tiling, invert tiling order, optional system tray docking and menu, filter to avoid listing some windows, filter to check some windows by default, command line interface. Homepage: http://www.giuspen.com/x-tile/", "path": "./salix/desktop/x-tile-3.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.2.4", "name": "fusion-icon", "descs": "fusion-icon (A system tray tool for Compiz Fusion)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/fusion-icon", "deps": ["ccsm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "Fusion Icon is a system tray tool to manage Compiz Fusion.", "path": "./salix/desktop/fusion-icon-0.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "10348 K", "ver": "1.2.26", "name": "icewm-themes", "descs": "icewm-themes (Theme files for the IceWM)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/icewm-themes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2587 K", "descl": "Theme files for the Ice Window Manager.", "path": "./salix/desktop/icewm-themes-1.2.26-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "wmudmount", "descs": "wmudmount (file system mounter, windowmaker dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmudmount", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnotify", "libsecret", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "udisks2", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "A filesystem mounter that uses udisks to handle notification of new filesystems and mounting of the filesystems as a non-root user. It also includes a mode to display the mounted filesystems with the least free space percentage (similar to wmfsm).", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmudmount-3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "i3situation", "descs": "i3situation (Python i3status)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/i3situation", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "A replacement for i3status written in Python 3 with support for huge customisability through plugins. Homepage: https://github.com/HarveyHunt/i3situation", "path": "./salix/desktop/i3situation-1.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "740 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "menulibre", "descs": "menulibre (advanced FreeDesktop.org compliant menu editor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/menulibre", "deps": ["psutil", "gnome-menus", "gtk+3", "python3", "xdg-utils", "gobject-introspection"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "185 K", "descl": "menulibre is an advanced menu editor that provides modern features in a clean, easy-to-use interface. Website: https://bluesabre.org/MenuLibre/", "path": "./salix/desktop/menulibre-2.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "984 K", "ver": "4.1", "name": "xvkbd", "descs": "xvkbd (virtual keyboard for X window system)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xvkbd", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw3d", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libXtst", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "246 K", "descl": "xvkbd is a virtual (graphical) keyboard program for X Window System which provides facility to enter characters onto other clients (softwares) by clicking on a keyboard displayed on the screen. This may be used for systems without a hardware keyboard such as kiosk terminals or handheld devices. This program also has facility to send characters specified as the command line option to another client. http://t-sato.in.coocan.jp/xvkbd", "path": "./salix/desktop/xvkbd-4.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "10.1", "name": "chrome-gnome-shell", "descs": "chrome-gnome-shell (GNOME Shell Browser Integration)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/chrome-gnome-shell", "deps": ["jq", "p7zip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "GNOME Shell integration for Chrome/Chromium, Firefox, Vivaldi, Opera browsers. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/chrome-gnome-shell", "path": "./salix/desktop/chrome-gnome-shell-10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "xmms-status-plugin", "descs": "xmms-status-plugin (provides a status docklet)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xmms-status-plugin", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "A general plugin for XMMS, that provides a status docklet.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xmms-status-plugin-1.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "804 K", "ver": "7.2", "name": "fbpanel", "descs": "fbpanel (panel application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/fbpanel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "201 K", "descl": "fbpanel is a lightweight GTK2-based panel for UNIX desktop, which provides graphical information and feedback about desktop activity and allows interaction with the window manager. It features a taskbar, pager, launchbar, show desktop, image viewer, clock, and system tray. homepage: http://aanatoly.github.io/fbpanel/", "path": "./salix/desktop/fbpanel-7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "780 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "xfce4-sensors-plugin", "descs": "xfce4-sensors-plugin (sensors plugin for the Xfce panel)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-sensors-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lm_sensors", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xfce4-panel", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "195 K", "descl": "The sensors plugin reads your hardware sensors values and displays them in the panel.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.4.10", "name": "xfce4-windowck-plugin", "descs": "xfce4-windowck-plugin (xfce4 window-manager panel plugin)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-windowck-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libwnck3", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xfce4-panel", "xfconf", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "xfce4-windowck-plugin is a set of two plugins which allows to put the maximized window title and window buttons on the panel. https://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-windowck-plugin", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-windowck-plugin-0.4.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "wmcpufreq", "descs": "wmcpufreq (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmcpufreq", "deps": ["cpufrequtils", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "wmcpufreq is a dock application that shows: + the frequency in use between the maximum and minimum; + the cpu driver in green; and + the active governor in red. It is possible to set an application to be executed when clicking on the wmcpufreq icon.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmcpufreq-3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1004 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "wcm", "descs": "wcm (config manager for wayfire)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wcm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "wf-config", "zlib", "wf-shell"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "251 K", "descl": "Wayfire Config Manager is a Gtk3 application to configure wayfire. It writes the config file that wayfire reads to update option values. Home: https://github.com/WayfireWM/wcm", "path": "./salix/desktop/wcm-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2188 K", "ver": "20130116", "name": "obshutdown", "descs": "obshutdown (Openbox shutdown manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/obshutdown", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "547 K", "descl": "obshutdown is GTK/Cairo based shutdown box styled for Openbox and others windows managers. Home Page: https://github.com/maciej-lech/obshutdown", "path": "./salix/desktop/obshutdown-20130116-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "15192 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "gmusicbrowser-art", "descs": "gmusicbrowser-art (Additional layouts, icons, etc. for gmusicbrowser)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gmusicbrowser-art", "deps": ["gmusicbrowser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3798 K", "descl": "Additional layouts, icons, etc. for gmusicbrowser.", "path": "./salix/desktop/gmusicbrowser-art-0.2.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "2.12", "name": "wmakerconf", "descs": "wmakerconf (GTK+ based configuration tool for Window Maker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmakerconf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "windowmaker", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "WMakerConf (short for Window Maker Configurator) is a configuration utility for the Window Maker window manager. homepage: http://wmakerconf.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmakerconf-2.12-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "0.10.5", "name": "wmdrawer", "descs": "wmdrawer (Window Maker launch applications dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmdrawer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gdk-pixbuf2", "gdk-pixbuf2-xlib", "glib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "wmdrawer is a dock application (dockapp) which provides a drawer (retractable button bar) to launch applications. wmdrawer requires gdk-pixbuf.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmdrawer-0.10.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "rofi-pass", "descs": "rofi-pass (Simple Password Store)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/rofi-pass", "deps": ["rofi", "password-store", "xdotool", "pwgen"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "A bash script to handle Simple Password Store in a convenient way using rofi. https://github.com/carnager/rofi-pass", "path": "./salix/desktop/rofi-pass-2.0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "804 K", "ver": "da2706640f457f89de6c26312e391b244ff550b4", "name": "breath-gtk-theme", "descs": "breath-gtk-theme (Theme for Manjaro Linux)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/breath-gtk-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "201 K", "descl": "Breath is a previous default GTK theme for Manjaro Linux. It is forked from the Breeze GTK theme.", "path": "./salix/desktop/breath-gtk-theme-da2706640f457f89de6c26312e391b244ff550b4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"sug": ["gnome-video-effects"], "loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3936 K", "ver": "41.1", "name": "cheese", "descs": "cheese (GNOME Webcam Application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cheese", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "clutter", "clutter-gst", "clutter-gtk", "cogl", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-desktop", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcanberra", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libogg", "libseccomp", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "984 K", "descl": "Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/cheese", "path": "./salix/desktop/cheese-41.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "22348 K", "ver": "20171012_aa7b4a4", "name": "flatwoken-icon-theme", "descs": "flatwoken-icon-theme (icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/flatwoken-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5587 K", "descl": "The FlatWoken project is developed by Alessandro Roncone (aka alecive) and it is released under the CC BY-SA 4.0 License. It is meant to be a complete set of icon themes for Linux AND Android. homepage: https://github.com/alecive/FlatWoken", "path": "./salix/desktop/flatwoken-icon-theme-20171012_aa7b4a4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "7460 K", "ver": "1.9.8", "name": "mint-themes", "descs": "mint-themes (Linux Mint theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/mint-themes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1865 K", "descl": "Linux Mint themes that come with the Linux Mint Distribution. These themes includes GTK2, GTK3, Metacity and Xfce components.", "path": "./salix/desktop/mint-themes-1.9.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "wf-config", "descs": "wf-config (managing configuration library for wayfire)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wf-config", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libevdev", "libxml2", "zlib", "doctest", "glm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "Wf-config is a library for managing configuration files, written for wayfire. Home: https://github.com/WayfireWM/wf-config", "path": "./salix/desktop/wf-config-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "pinentry-dmenu", "descs": "pinentry-dmenu (pinentry program)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pinentry-dmenu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gpgme", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libassuan", "libconfig", "libgpg-error", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "pinentry-dmenu is a pinentry program with the charm of dmenu. This program is a fork from spine which is also a fork from dmenu. https://github.com/ritze/pinentry-dmenu", "path": "./salix/desktop/pinentry-dmenu-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "gr1d", "descs": "gr1d (GTK 2.x Theme/Style)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gr1d", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "A dark theme, inspired by Tron Legacy (and some really old GUIs). It comes in cyan and red, GTK+ only. Homepage: https://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/gr1d?content=139692", "path": "./salix/desktop/gr1d-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "d85ea825", "name": "mimi", "descs": "mimi (xdg-open alternative)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/mimi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "mimi is an improved verision of xdg-open. The original xdg-open works horribly without DE environment. Homepage: https://github.com/march-linux/mimi/", "path": "./salix/desktop/mimi-d85ea825-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "2.51", "name": "wmbattery", "descs": "wmbattery (Laptop Battery Status)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmbattery", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "upower", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "wmbattery displays the status of your laptop's battery in a small icon. This includes if it is plugged in, if the battery is charging, how many minutes of battery life remain, battery life remaining (with both a percentage and a graph), and battery status (high - green, low - yellow, or critical - red).", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmbattery-2.51-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "20130209_2", "name": "mcwm", "descs": "mcwm (Minimalist X11 floating window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/mcwm", "deps": ["libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xcb-util-wm", "9menu", "xdotool"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "mcwm is a minimalist window manager for the X Window System written directly on top of the X protocol C-language Binding, XCB. It is a traditional floating window manager with no fancy smarts like those in modern tiling window managers. In mcwm all functions are available from the keyboard but a pointing device can be used for move, resize and raise/lower. Homepage: https://hack.org/mc/projects/mcwm", "path": "./salix/desktop/mcwm-20130209_2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1836 K", "ver": "0.11.89", "name": "plank", "descs": "plank (Elegant, simple, clean dock)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/plank", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "bamf", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-menus", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libgee", "libglvnd", "libwnck3", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "459 K", "descl": "Plank is meant to be the simplest dock on the planet. The goal is to provide just what a dock needs and absolutely nothing more. It is, however, a library which can be extended to create other dock programs with more advanced features. Home page: https://launchpad.net/plank", "path": "./salix/desktop/plank-0.11.89-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "1.7.0", "name": "fuzzel", "descs": "fuzzel (wayland native application launcher)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/fuzzel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fcft", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "utf8proc", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "scdoc", "tllist"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Fuzzel is a Wayland-native application launcher, similar to rofi's `drun` mode. Home: https://codeberg.org.dnks/fuzzel", "path": "./salix/desktop/fuzzel-1.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2692 K", "ver": "4.3", "name": "faba-icon-theme", "descs": "faba-icon-theme (gnome icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/faba-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "673 K", "descl": "Faba is a modern icon theme with Tango influences. It has been designed with simplicity and compliance to standards in mind. Faba's purpose is serve as a base icon theme to others (such as Moka Icon Theme). It consists only of system icons: folders, mimetypes, toolbar icons, etc. Homepage: https://github.com/snwh/faba-icon-theme", "path": "./salix/desktop/faba-icon-theme-4.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3208 K", "ver": "0.99.2", "name": "lxde-common", "descs": "lxde-common (a set of default configurations for LXDE)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lxde-common", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "802 K", "descl": "The lxde-common package provides a set of default configurations and bitmaps for LXDE. lxde-settings is the XSettings daemon of LXDE. It presents configuration values to other programs via the XSETTINGS protocol defined by freedesktop.org. lxde-common home: http://www.lxde.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/lxde-common-0.99.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "labwc", "descs": "labwc (wlroots-based stacking compositor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/labwc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libdrm", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libinput", "libwacom", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mesa", "mtdev", "pango", "pixman", "seatd", "util-linux", "wayland", "wlroots", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "zlib", "scdoc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "Labwc s a wlroots-based stacking compositor aiming to be lightweight and independent, with a focus on simply stacking windows well and rendering some window decorations. Home: https://github.com/labwc/labwc", "path": "./salix/desktop/labwc-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "lemonbar", "descs": "lemonbar (lightweight bar based on XCB)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lemonbar", "deps": ["libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "lemonbar (formerly known as bar) is a lightweight bar entirely based on XCB. Provides full UTF-8 support, basic formatting, RandR and Xinerama support, and EWMH compliance without wasting your precious memory. Homepage: https://github.com/LemonBoy/bar", "path": "./salix/desktop/lemonbar-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "2.18", "name": "wmweather+", "descs": "wmweather+ (Weather Monitor DockApp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmweather+", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "giflib", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "windowmaker", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "wmweather+ will download the National Weather Serivce METAR bulletins; AVN, ETA, and MRF forecasts; and any weather map for display in a WindowMaker dockapp. Think wmweather with a smaller font, forecasts, a weather map, and a sky condition display. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wmweatherplus/", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmweather+-2.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "Alphacube-GTK", "descs": "Alphacube-GTK (GTK theme for Alphacube Metacity)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/Alphacube-GTK", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "Alphacube GTK Theme, very simple and fast, for Alphacube Metacity theme. https://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=29851", "path": "./salix/desktop/Alphacube-GTK-0.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "2880 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "nitrokey-app", "descs": "nitrokey-app (Nitrokey security token application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/nitrokey-app", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "hidapi", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "720 K", "descl": "Nitrokey app is the desktop application used to manage Nitrokey's Pro and Storage security tokens. Homepage: https://www.nitrokey.com/", "path": "./salix/desktop/nitrokey-app-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "xlunch", "descs": "xlunch (graphical launcher for xorg/x11)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xlunch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Xlunch is a small and simple graphical launcher for Xorg/X11. It requires only pure Xlib and Imlib2. It allows you to run a program by clicking its icon; alternatively, you can also just type any arbitrary command using your keyboard. It is possible to run xlunch in two different modes: Desktop mode and Quick launch mode. Author: Tomas Matejicek, www.xlunch.org, www.slax.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/xlunch-2.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "1.0_beta6", "name": "sfwbar", "descs": "sfwbar (Sway Floating Window Bar)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/sfwbar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtk-layer-shell", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Sfwbar is a flexible taskbar application for wayland compositors, Originally developed for Sway, SFWBar will work with other wayland compositors supporting layer shell protocol. Home: https://github.com/LBCrion/sfwbar", "path": "./salix/desktop/sfwbar-1.0_beta6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "wmbackground", "descs": "wmbackground (Window Maker backgrounds changer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmbackground", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "wmbackground is a Window Maker dockable application that changes the backgrounds (switches the wallpapers). The application reads the ~/.wmbackground directory and accepts the backgrounds stored in *.png files only. Homepage: http://linux-bsd-unix.strefa.pl/", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmbackground-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1052 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "wmSunMoon", "descs": "wmSunMoon (Window Maker Sun, Moon, and time dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmSunMoon", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "263 K", "descl": "wmSunMoon displays Sun and Moon rise and set times as well as the Moon phase. Around sunrise and sunset it emulates the civil twilight and golden hour effects. It can also display the current time, the offset for the civil twilight and golden hour, and the percentage of the lunar cycle. Unlike the other dockable applications it offers also a text mode displaying a lot of data on the console. Enter the valid latitude and longitude in order to display the valid data. If necessary enter the local and distant time zones names.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmSunMoon-2.0.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "100", "name": "s1kls", "descs": "s1kls (Simple X11 1-key Keyboard layout switcher)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/s1kls", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "Very simple X11 keyboard layout switcher that does not conflict with application hotkeys. Only LockGroup switch type supported (each key selects its own layout).", "path": "./salix/desktop/s1kls-100-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "matrixgl", "descs": "matrixgl (The Matrix Screensaver)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/matrixgl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "Matrixgl is a free, open source 3D screensaver based on The Matrix Reloaded. It supports widescreen setups, and can be run on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, BSD, and many other Unix based operating systems. Homepage: http://www.doublecreations.com/projects/matrixgl/", "path": "./salix/desktop/matrixgl-2.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4988 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "lxpanel", "descs": "lxpanel (NETWM/EWMH compliant lightweight x11 desktop panel)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lxpanel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "keybinder", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libexif", "libfm", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwnck", "libxcb", "libxml2", "menu-cache", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1247 K", "descl": "Based on fbpanel, lxpanel provides an application menu generated from desktop files as well as a launchbar, taskbar and various plugins. Homepage: http://lxde.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/lxpanel-0.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "32776 K", "ver": "1.10.49", "name": "workrave", "descs": "workrave (work breaks alerts)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/workrave", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gstreamer0", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libogg", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mate-panel", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "xfce4-panel", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8194 K", "descl": "Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit. homepage: http://workrave.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/workrave-1.10.49-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "3.18.2", "name": "notification-daemon", "descs": "notification-daemon (displays passive pop-up notifications)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/notification-daemon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "The Desktop Notifications framework provides a standard way of doing passive pop-up notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to notify the user of something without interrupting their work with a dialog box that they must close. Passive popups can automatically disappear after a short period of time. Homepage: http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/index.php", "path": "./salix/desktop/notification-daemon-3.18.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "644 K", "ver": "9", "name": "picom", "descs": "picom (X compositor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/picom", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "elogind", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libconfig", "libev", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pixman", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-renderutil", "setconf", "uthash"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "161 K", "descl": "Picom is a compositor for X, and a fork of compton. homepage: https://github.com/yshui/picom/", "path": "./salix/desktop/picom-9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "wmmon", "descs": "wmmon (windowmaker dockapp to monitor CPU, disk, and memory usage)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmmon", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "WMMon monitors the your CPU, Disk I/O, Memory and Swap usage, and shows an average load for CPU and Disk I/O. It also displays your uptime. You just click on it to toggle the display.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmmon-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "AlsaMixer.app", "descs": "AlsaMixer.app (dockapp mixer utility)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/AlsaMixer.app", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "AlsaMixer.app is a mixer utility for Linux systems with ALSA sound driver. It is designed to be docked in Window Maker (and other wms). This utility has three volume controllers that can be configured to handle any sound source. Sound sources can be easily muted and there is also wheel mouse support. Home page: https://www.dockapps.net/alsamixerapp", "path": "./salix/desktop/AlsaMixer.app-0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "wmphoto+", "descs": "wmphoto+ (image viewing dockapp for windowmaker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmphoto+", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "wmphoto+ displays the images in the dockable application window. You can switch the images manually or display them as a slide show. Each image accepts up to two related commands. You can run them using mouse buttons when the application displays the image. Using the alternative configuration directories you can run a few instances of the program which display the different sets of the images. homepage: http://linux-bsd-unix.strefa.pl/", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmphoto+-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "lxappearance-obconf", "descs": "lxappearance-obconf (lxappearance openbox plugin)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lxappearance-obconf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxml2", "openbox", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lxappearance"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "LXAppearance-obconf is an lxappearance plugin that implements openbox settings. It's based on obconf code. homepage: https://lxde.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/lxappearance-obconf-0.2.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "20180315git", "name": "xfce-hkmon", "descs": "xfce-hkmon (Hacker's Monitor for Xfce)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce-hkmon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "A simple Network/CPU/Temperature/Disk IO/Memory monitor application for the Xfce genmon plugin; see its homepage for documentation and usage instructions. Homepage: https://lightful.github.io/xfce-hkmon", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce-hkmon-20180315git-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.2.36", "name": "gtk1-industrial-engine", "descs": "gtk1-industrial-engine (GTK1 engine and theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gtk1-industrial-engine", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "Industrial engine and theme for GTK1.", "path": "./salix/desktop/gtk1-industrial-engine-0.2.36-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1156 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "candle", "descs": "candle (G-Code visualizer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/candle", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "289 K", "descl": "GRBL controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt.", "path": "./salix/desktop/candle-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3736 K", "ver": "0.17.0", "name": "xmonad", "descs": "xmonad (stable, featureful, and easy tiling window manager for X11)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xmonad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-X11", "haskell", "haskell-setlocale", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "haskell-data-default", "haskell-extensible-exceptions", "haskell-utf8-string"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "934 K", "descl": "xmonad is a dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell. In a normal WM, you spend half your time aligning and searching for windows. xmonad makes work easier, by automating this. https://xmonad.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xmonad-0.17.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1036 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "qtpass", "descs": "qtpass (a multi-platform GUI for pass)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/qtpass", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "password-store"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "259 K", "descl": "QtPass is a GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager. https://github.com/IJHack/QtPass", "path": "./salix/desktop/qtpass-1.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.7.5", "name": "gtk-nodoka-engine", "descs": "gtk-nodoka-engine (The Nodoka GTK+ Engine)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gtk-nodoka-engine", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Nodoka is the new Fedora default theme for Gnome. It currently contains s gtk engine, gtk theme, metacity theme and gnome meta theme.", "path": "./salix/desktop/gtk-nodoka-engine-0.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.6.8", "name": "cbatticon", "descs": "cbatticon (battery applet)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cbatticon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "cbatticon is a lightweight and fast battery icon/applet that sits in system tray. Based on code from xbattbar-acpi https://github.com/valr/cbatticon/", "path": "./salix/desktop/cbatticon-1.6.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.30_beta+20200121_ec10215", "name": "x2x", "descs": "x2x (share keyboard/mouse between multiple X displays)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/x2x", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXtst", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "x2x allows the keyboard and mouse on one X display to be used to control another X display. It also shares X clipboards between the displays.", "path": "./salix/desktop/x2x-1.30_beta+20200121_ec10215-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.2a", "name": "cmatrix", "descs": "cmatrix (console Matrix screensaver)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cmatrix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "cmatrix creates a ncurses-based scrolling Matrix screen. The speed, color, scroll mode, and more can be adjusted. An optional custom Matrix font is included. http://cmatrix.info/", "path": "./salix/desktop/cmatrix-1.2a-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "xtrascreenhacks", "descs": "xtrascreenhacks (xtra xscreensaver hacks by Kelley Nielsen)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xtrascreenhacks", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glu", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "This is a small collection of display modes that are based on and intended to be run with the XScreensaver distribution. https://github.com/shegeek/xtrascreenhacks", "path": "./salix/desktop/xtrascreenhacks-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2.15", "name": "xtrlock", "descs": "xtrlock (minimal X display lock)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xtrlock", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "xtrlock is a very minimal X display lock program, which uses nothing except the Xlib library. It doesn't obscure the screen, it is completely idle while the display is locked and you don't type at it, and it doesn't do funny things to the X access control lists.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xtrlock-2.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4072 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "pekwm", "descs": "pekwm (Lightweight window manager for X)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pekwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1018 K", "descl": "The code is based on aewm++ wm, but it has evolved enough that it no longer resembles aewm++ at all. It also has an expanded feature-set, including window grouping, auto properties, xinerama and keygrabber that supports keychains, and much more.", "path": "./salix/desktop/pekwm-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "19328 K", "ver": "3.7.5", "name": "fvwm-crystal", "descs": "fvwm-crystal (fvwm desktop environment)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/fvwm-crystal", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4832 K", "descl": "FVWM-Crystal aims to create an easy to use, powerful desktop environment for Linux or other Unix-like operating systems with lots of eye-candy. Homepage: http://fvwm-crystal.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/desktop/fvwm-crystal-3.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "6132 K", "ver": "20200320", "name": "numix-icon-theme", "descs": "numix-icon-theme (official icon theme from the Numix project)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1533 K", "descl": "Numix is the official icon theme from the Numix project. It is heavily inspired by, and based upon parts of the Elementary, Humanity and Gnome icon themes. Designed to be used along side the application icon theme Numix Circle. Home Page: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-icon-theme/", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-icon-theme-20200320-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "20056 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "sway", "descs": "sway (wayland i3 clone)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/sway", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libdrm", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libinput", "libwacom", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mesa", "mtdev", "pango", "pixman", "seatd", "util-linux", "wayland", "wlroots", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "zlib", "swaybg"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5014 K", "descl": "Sway is an 'i3 like' desktop environment for wayland, built on top of the wlroots wayland compositor library. Home: https://swaywm.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/sway-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1036 K", "ver": "1.1.9", "name": "parcellite", "descs": "parcellite (clipboard manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/parcellite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libdbusmenu", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "259 K", "descl": "Parcellite is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. Homepage: http://parcellite.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/desktop/parcellite-1.1.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1080 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "emerald", "descs": "emerald (Emerald Window Decorator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/emerald", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "compiz", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libwnck3", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "zlib", "ccsm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "270 K", "descl": "The Emerald Window Decorator is a custom window decorator. Emerald allows for all sorts of different configurations and layouts of buttons, look, title bars and frames. Emerald Window Decorator is completely independent of any desktop,and you specify your own themes to use for it.", "path": "./salix/desktop/emerald-0.8.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "xfce4-mount-plugin", "descs": "xfce4-mount-plugin (a mount plugin for the Xfce panel)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-mount-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xfce4-panel", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "The mount plugin behaves like the 'kwikdisk' removable media utility shipped with KDE.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-mount-plugin-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.0.3", "name": "velox", "descs": "velox (simple window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/velox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libmpdclient", "libxcb", "libyaml", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-wm"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "velox is a simple window manager based on swc. It is inspired by dwm and xmonad. Home page: https://github.com/michaelforney/velox", "path": "./salix/desktop/velox-0.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "3.4.2", "name": "caffeine-ng", "descs": "caffeine-ng (Status bar application to stop the screensaver)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/caffeine-ng", "deps": ["docopt", "pyewmh", "setproctitle", "wheel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "Caffeine is a little daemon that sits in your systray, and prevents the screensaver from showing up, or the system from going to sleep. It does so when an application is fullscreened (eg: youtube), or when you click on the systray icon (which you can do, when, eg: reading). Homepage: https://github.com/caffeine-ng/caffeine-ng", "path": "./salix/desktop/caffeine-ng-3.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "992 K", "ver": "20111207_5ad46c8", "name": "bmpanel2", "descs": "bmpanel2 (NETWM-compatible panel for X11)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bmpanel2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "248 K", "descl": "bmpanel2 is a nice NETWM-compatible panel for X11, featuring: * Look'n'feel customization via themes. * A bunch of widgets: desktop switcher, taskbar, launchbar, systray, clock, decor, empty. * Pseudo-transparency support. * Small number of dependencies and small memory footprint. Home page: https://github.com/nsf/bmpanel2", "path": "./salix/desktop/bmpanel2-20111207_5ad46c8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1628 K", "ver": "3.40", "name": "py3status", "descs": "py3status (i3status wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/py3status", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "407 K", "descl": "py3status is an extensible i3status wrapper written in python. Homepage: https://github.com/ultrabug/py3status", "path": "./salix/desktop/py3status-3.40-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "2.1.5", "name": "bumblebee-status", "descs": "bumblebee-status (status line generator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bumblebee-status", "deps": ["i3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "bumblebee-status is a modular, theme-able status line generator for the i3 window manager", "path": "./salix/desktop/bumblebee-status-2.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.0.22", "name": "thunar-custom-actions", "descs": "thunar-custom-actions (System-wide Thunar custom actions)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/thunar-custom-actions", "deps": ["lxml", "zenity"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "An attempt to implement system-wide Thunar custom actions that may be easily updated and maintained. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/nobodyinperson/thunar-custom-actions", "path": "./salix/desktop/thunar-custom-actions-0.0.22-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "wmsystemtray", "descs": "wmsystemtray (A system tray as a Window Maker dock app)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmsystemtray", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "wmsystemtray is a system tray using the freedesktop.org system tray protocol designed as a Window Maker dock app. It has the ability to display more than one dock window to make room for more tray icons, and the ability to scroll through the icons if more are present than will fit.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmsystemtray-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1596 K", "ver": "16.7", "name": "tint2", "descs": "tint2 (panel/taskbar for openbox3 and other window managers)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/tint2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "399 K", "descl": "tint2 is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. It's based off ttm code. The goal is to keep a clean and unintrusive look with code lightweight and compliance with freedesktop specifications. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/o9000/tint2", "path": "./salix/desktop/tint2-16.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "0.81", "name": "stoken", "descs": "stoken (RSA tokencode generator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/stoken", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "stoken is a tokencode generator compatible with RSA SecurID 128-bit (AES) tokens. Homepage: https://github.com/cernekee/stoken/", "path": "./salix/desktop/stoken-0.81-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "wmdl", "descs": "wmdl (WindowMaker DOOM load meter)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmdl", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "A simple load or CPU meter using ID Software's DOOM faces. More Bloody = more system load or CPU usage.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmdl-1.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "872 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "qt5ct", "descs": "qt5ct (Qt5 configuration utility)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/qt5ct", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "218 K", "descl": "This program allows users to configure Qt5 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration. Homepage: http://qt5ct.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/desktop/qt5ct-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "slock", "descs": "slock (Simple X display locker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/slock", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "slock is a simple X display locker. Homepage: http://www.suckless.org/programs/slock.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/slock-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "42868 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "qmmp-skins", "descs": "qmmp-skins (skins for Qmmp player)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/qmmp-skins", "deps": ["qmmp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10717 K", "descl": "Qmmp is a QT based multimedia player. Homepage: http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/files/skins/", "path": "./salix/desktop/qmmp-skins-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "autorandr", "descs": "autorandr (display configuration manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/autorandr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Automatically select a display configuration based on connected devices. https://github.com/phillipberndt/autorandr", "path": "./salix/desktop/autorandr-1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "6.2.0", "name": "clipmenu", "descs": "clipmenu (clipboard management using dmenu)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/clipmenu", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXfixes", "libxcb", "xsel", "dmenu"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "clipmenu is a simple clipboard manager using dmenu (or rofi with CM_LAUNCHER=rofi) and xsel.", "path": "./salix/desktop/clipmenu-6.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "xfce4-timer-plugin", "descs": "xfce4-timer-plugin (timer plugin for the Xfce panel)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-timer-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xfce4-panel", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "xfce4-timer-plugin is a simple plugin that lets the user run an alarm at a specified time or at the end of a specified countdown period.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-timer-plugin-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "5.6.0", "name": "cwm-openbsd", "descs": "cwm-openbsd (Portable version of the OpenBSD cwm window manger)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cwm-openbsd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "cwm-openbsd is a window manager for X11 which contains many features that concentrate on the efficiency and transparency of window management. homepage: https://github.com/scott-parker/cwm-openbsd", "path": "./salix/desktop/cwm-openbsd-5.6.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "0.21", "name": "razercfg", "descs": "razercfg (Razer device configuration tool)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/razercfg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "This is the next generation Razer device configuration tool bringing the Razer gaming experience to the free OpenSource world. This utility is a replacement for the old deathaddercfg tool. The tool architecture is based on 'razerd', which is a background daemon doing all of the lowlevel privileged hardware accesses. The user interface tools are 'razercfg', a commandline tool; and 'qrazercfg', a QT4 based graphical device configuration tool. https://dual.bues.ch/cms/hacking/razercfg.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/razercfg-0.21-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4 K", "ver": "0.0.1", "name": "xsession-xinitrc", "descs": "xsession-xinitrc (xinitrc integration for display managers)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xsession-xinitrc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1 K", "descl": "xsession desktop file and helper to start a session using xinitrc. it can be used to launch classic window managers from a display manager like SDDM.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xsession-xinitrc-0.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "580 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "yambar", "descs": "yambar (status panel for X11 and Wayland)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/yambar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fcft", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libmpdclient", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libyaml", "pixman", "utf8proc", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-cursor", "xcb-util-errors", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-renderutil", "zlib", "scdoc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "145 K", "descl": "Yambar is a lightweight and configurable status panel for X11 and Wayland inspired in Polybar Home: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/yambar", "path": "./salix/desktop/yambar-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1132 K", "ver": "3.9.2", "name": "wmii", "descs": "wmii (window manager improved 2)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmii", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "283 K", "descl": "wmii is a dynamic window manager for X11. It supports classic and dynamic window management with extended keyboard, mouse, and filesystem based remote control. It replaces the workspace paradigm with a new tagging approach. Its minimalist philosophy attempts to not exceed 10.000 lines of code (including all shipped utilities and libraries), to enforce simplicity and clarity. Homepage: https://github.com/sunaku/wmii", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmii-3.9.2-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "salmon", "descs": "salmon (afterstep-style load monitor applet)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/salmon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "A resource utilization monitor that can display the current load averages, the amount of free or used memory and swap space, memory in cache, buffers, and shared, number of processes, the load split between user, nice, system, and idle, the uptime, the current local time, the current universal time, the name of the local host and the phase of the moon.", "path": "./salix/desktop/salmon-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "20784 K", "ver": "", "name": "gis-weather", "descs": "gis-weather (weather widget)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gis-weather", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5196 K", "descl": "A customizable weather widget with many features; supports 3 service providers: gismeteo.com, openweathermap.org and yr.no Homepage: https://github.com/RingOV/gis-weather", "path": "./salix/desktop/gis-weather-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "28296 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "lumina", "descs": "lumina (Desktop Environment for BSD)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lumina", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-wm", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7074 K", "descl": "The Lumina Desktop Environment (Lumina for short) is a lightweight, XDG-compliant, BSD-licensed desktop environment that focuses specifically on streamlining the ability to get work done while minimizing system overhead. https://lumina-desktop.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/lumina-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "peksystray", "descs": "peksystray (small system tray)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/peksystray", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "PekSysTray is a system tray 'notification area' dockapp similar to the GNOME notification area applet. But it's designed for any window manager supporting docking. It created blocks that contains the icons, when a block is full (no more space for other icons) a new block is created.", "path": "./salix/desktop/peksystray-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "gfi", "descs": "gfi (GTK Flatpak Installer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gfi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "appstream-glib", "brotli", "cairo", "dconf", "elogind", "expat", "flatpak", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gpgme", "graphene", "graphite2", "gtk4", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libassuan", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libostree", "libseccomp", "libsodium", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libyaml", "lz4", "lzo", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "polkit", "rpm", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "gfi is a simple installer, primarily built provide a graphical interface for installing Flatpak files, such as those downloaded from the web from repositories such as Flathub. Website: https://gitlab.gnome.org/LARathbone/gfi", "path": "./salix/desktop/gfi-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "breeze-snow-cursor-theme", "descs": "breeze-snow-cursor-theme (White cursor theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/breeze-snow-cursor-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "This is the white cursor theme for the KDE Breeze style.", "path": "./salix/desktop/breeze-snow-cursor-theme-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12420 K", "ver": "3.4.1", "name": "glabels", "descs": "glabels (Label Designer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/glabels", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "evolution-data-server", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libgdata", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "librsvg", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "qrencode", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3105 K", "descl": "gLabels is a GNU/Linux program for creating labels and business cards It is designed to work with various laser/ink-jet peel-off label and business card sheets that you'll find at most office supply stores. gLabels is free software and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Homepage: http://glabels.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/glabels-3.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.7.8", "name": "wmsysmon", "descs": "wmsysmon (dockapp to monitor CPU, RAM, swap, uptime, and more)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmsysmon", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "A small dock application for use with Window Maker (windowmaker.org) to show system information on interrupt activity, memory use, swap use, and IO. wmsysmon homepage: http://github.com/voyageur/wmsysmon", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmsysmon-0.7.8-i456-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i456"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3884 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "copyq", "descs": "copyq (clipboard manager with advanced features)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/copyq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "971 K", "descl": "copyq is an advanced clipboard manager with searchable and editable history, support for image formats, command line control and more. homepage: http://hluk.github.io/CopyQ", "path": "./salix/desktop/copyq-2.2.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "screenkey", "descs": "screenkey (screencast tool)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/screenkey", "deps": ["FontAwesome", "setuptools-git", "python3-babel", "slop"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "Screenkey is a screencast tool to display key strokes on the screen as they are typed.", "path": "./salix/desktop/screenkey-1.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "perwindowlayoutd", "descs": "perwindowlayoutd (Keeps per window keyboard layout under X11)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/perwindowlayoutd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Sometimes you want to setup switching keyboard layouts using X server - because there is no DE plugin, or it's broken, or lacks needed functionality. You can easily configure X server to switch keyboard layouts, but I could not find way of keeping layout for each window separately using only X server. Hence this package. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/perwindowlayout/", "path": "./salix/desktop/perwindowlayoutd-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "856 K", "ver": "4.6", "name": "buku", "descs": "buku (Cmdline bookmark manager with editor and browser integration)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/buku", "deps": ["BeautifulSoup4", "cryptography", "html5lib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "214 K", "descl": "buku is a powerful bookmark manager written in Python3 and SQLite3. buku fetches the title of a bookmarked url and stores it along with any user-provided comments and tags. Homepage: https://github.com/jarun/buku", "path": "./salix/desktop/buku-4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "2.16", "name": "pidgin-guifications", "descs": "pidgin-guifications (Pidgin Guifications)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pidgin-guifications", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "The guifications plugin provides pop-up notifications for Pidgin.", "path": "./salix/desktop/pidgin-guifications-2.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.85", "name": "fbmenugen", "descs": "fbmenugen (A simple menu generator for the Fluxbox Window Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/fbmenugen", "deps": ["perl-data-dump", "perl-linux-desktop-files", "perl-gtk2", "perl-file-desktopentry"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "fbmenugen generates a valid Fluxbox menu file with the applications from the /usr/share/applications directory, ordered on categories. Home page: http://trizenx.blogspot.com/2012/02/fbmenugen.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/fbmenugen-0.85-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "13564 K", "ver": "20201022_a0d3415", "name": "cairo-dock-plugins", "descs": "cairo-dock-plugins (plugins for cairo-dock)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cairo-dock-plugins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "db48", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnome-menus", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libical", "libindicator", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxkbfile", "libxklavier", "libxml2", "lm_sensors", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "upower", "util-linux", "vte", "wayland", "zlib", "cairo-dock"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3391 K", "descl": "This package contains a set of official plug-ins for cairo-dock. It provides some new functionality such as controling music players, note-taking, a clock, and a desktop switcher, but also some views, dialogs and desklets skins, etcetera. Homepage: http://www.glx-dock.org/tt_project.php", "path": "./salix/desktop/cairo-dock-plugins-20201022_a0d3415-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "10304 K", "ver": "1.32.0", "name": "recoll", "descs": "recoll (personal full text search tool)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/recoll", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "chmlib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "python2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "xapian-core", "zlib", "antiword", "exiftool", "lxml", "mutagen", "unrtf", "untex"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2576 K", "descl": "Recoll is a personal full text search tool for Unix/Linux. It is based on the very strong Xapian backend, for which it provides an easy to use, feature-rich, easy administration, QT graphical interface. https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/recoll/", "path": "./salix/desktop/recoll-1.32.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "604 K", "ver": "40.7", "name": "gnome-shell-extensions", "descs": "gnome-shell-extensions (GNOME Shell Extensions)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gnome-shell-extensions", "deps": ["gnome-menus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "151 K", "descl": "This package contains a collection of extensions providing additional and optional functionality to GNOME Shell. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell-extensions", "path": "./salix/desktop/gnome-shell-extensions-40.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "157804 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "paper-icon-theme", "descs": "paper-icon-theme (Paper Icons)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/paper-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39451 K", "descl": "Paper is a modern freedesktop icon theme whose design is based around the use of bold colours and simple geometric shapes to compose icons. Each icon has been meticulously designed for pixel-perfect viewing. Home Page: https://github.com/snwh/paper-icon-theme", "path": "./salix/desktop/paper-icon-theme-1.5.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "wmcpuwatch", "descs": "wmcpuwatch (form of wmmon)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmcpuwatch", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "It is a fork of wmmon. wmmon shows the load of up to 10 CPUs. With a little tweaking it is possible to show 12 with wmmon, but when in 2017 Intel announced a 18 core CPU (and AMD was with their Ryzen even earlier), there was time for a new dockapp. wmcpuwatch now shows the load of all CPUs in the lower frame which allows 40 CPUs at max. https://bitbucket.org/StarFire/wmcpuwatch", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmcpuwatch-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1148 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "ccsm", "descs": "ccsm (CompizConfig Settings Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ccsm", "deps": ["compizconfig-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "287 K", "descl": "CCSM, short for CompizConfig Settings Manager, is a configuration tool for Compiz Fusion. It is used to configure the many plugins included in Compiz and Compiz Fusion, as well as the use of various profiles and intergrating better with existing desktop settings. CCSM uses the CompizConfig compiz configuration system.", "path": "./salix/desktop/ccsm-0.8.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "numix-blue-theme", "descs": "numix-blue-theme (Modified blue version of the Numix GTK theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-blue-theme", "deps": ["murrine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Modified blue version of the Numix GTK theme. Home page: https://github.com/DaLinuxCookie/NumixBLUE", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-blue-theme-2.0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.8", "name": "find-cursor", "descs": "find-cursor (Simple XLib program to highlight the cursor position)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/find-cursor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Simple XLib program to highlight the cursor position. This is similar to the feature found in Windows XP.", "path": "./salix/desktop/find-cursor-1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "xfce4-fsguard-plugin", "descs": "xfce4-fsguard-plugin (Checks free space on a chosen mount point)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xfce4-fsguard-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xfce4-panel", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "The FSGuard panel plugin checks free space on a chosen mount point frequently and displays a message when a limit is reached. Homepage: https://goodies.xfce.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xfce4-fsguard-plugin-1.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "gntp-send", "descs": "gntp-send (send to growl using GNTP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gntp-send", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "gntp-send includes a command line binary for sending notifications to Growl, and a library for integrating Growl into your C or C++ based applications. Homepage: http://github.com/mattn/gntp-send", "path": "./salix/desktop/gntp-send-0.3.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "thunar-sendto-clamtk", "descs": "thunar-sendto-clamtk (A clamtk plugin for Thunar)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/thunar-sendto-clamtk", "deps": ["clamtk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "A simple plugin to allow right-click scanning in Thunar.", "path": "./salix/desktop/thunar-sendto-clamtk-0.06-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "pidgin-window_merge", "descs": "pidgin-window_merge (Window Merge for Pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pidgin-window_merge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Window Merge is a Pidgin plugin that merges a conversation window with the Buddy List window. It can be used to archieve a rudimentary 'single window mode' for Pidgin. Homepage: https://github.com/dm0-/window_merge", "path": "./salix/desktop/pidgin-window_merge-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.46", "name": "bubblemon-dockapp", "descs": "bubblemon-dockapp (Dockapp-style system monitor)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bubblemon-dockapp", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Bubblemon is a dockapp for Blackbox, Window Maker, Afterstep and Enlightenment. It displays CPU and memory load as bubbles in a jar of water. Homepage: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/linux/timecop/", "path": "./salix/desktop/bubblemon-dockapp-1.46-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "2.4.5", "name": "wmweather", "descs": "wmweather (Window Maker weather monitor dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmweather", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libunistring", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "wmweather monitors local weather conditions: temperature, dew point, pressure, humidity and wind direction and speed. The user needs to specify a 4-character `ICAO location indicator'. The standardized METAR station designations and current weather reports are designed for use by the aviation community. Since most major cities have at least one airport, there is usually one or more METAR stations in a given city.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmweather-2.4.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "908 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "birdtray", "descs": "birdtray (tray icon mail notification for Thunderbird)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/birdtray", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "227 K", "descl": "Birdtray is a system tray new mail notification for Thunderbird 60+ which does not require extensions. https://github.com/gyunaev/birdtray", "path": "./salix/desktop/birdtray-1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "compiz-boxmenu", "descs": "compiz-boxmenu (fork of compiz-deskmenu)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/compiz-boxmenu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libglvnd", "libwnck", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib", "lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "A desktop menu for Compiz, forked from compiz-deskmenu by crdlib. Introduces extensive icon support, pipeitems, recent document list, and more! http://sourceforge.net/projects/compizboxmenu/", "path": "./salix/desktop/compiz-boxmenu-1.1.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "wmclockmon", "descs": "wmclockmon (windowmaker clock dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmclockmon", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "A nice digital clock with 7 different styles either in LCD style and LED style, and that uses locales to display week-day and month names. It also features the internet time. homepage: http://tnemeth.free.fr/projets/dockapps.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmclockmon-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "clipit", "descs": "clipit (lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/clipit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libdbusmenu", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "xdotool"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "It was forked from Parcellite, adding additional features (automatic paste functionality and other) and bugfixes to the project https://github.com/CristianHenzel/ClipIt", "path": "./salix/desktop/clipit-1.4.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "wmxss", "descs": "wmxss (XScreenSaver DockApp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmxss", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "A simple frontend for XScreenSaver that can also display XSS screensavers. Homepage: http://www.cs.mun.ca/~gstarkes/wmaker/dockapps/other.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmxss-0.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "synce-kpm", "descs": "synce-kpm (SynCE KDE PDA Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/synce-kpm", "deps": ["librapi2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "SynCE-KPM stands for SynCE KDE PDA Manager and aims to be an application to manage WM5/WM6 PDA devices from Linux. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/synce", "path": "./salix/desktop/synce-kpm-0.13-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.3.5", "name": "wmwebcam", "descs": "wmwebcam (Webcam DockApp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmwebcam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "v4l-utils-nogui"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "wmwebcam is a dockapp that grabs an image from your webcam every second and displays the captured image. Original written years ago, it was updated by eukara to work with the newer V4L2. Homepage: http://bloodbathsoftworks.com/eukara/", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmwebcam-0.3.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1504 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "xmms-skins-ater", "descs": "xmms-skins-ater (Ater skins for XMMS)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xmms-skins-ater", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "376 K", "descl": "A set of XMMS skins bearing the 'XMMS Player' branding. There are five colour versions: Blue, Green, Red, White and Yellow. An extra one is the Infrared.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xmms-skins-ater-1.7-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "6196 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "e16.theme.pack", "descs": "e16.theme.pack (themes in a pack)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/e16.theme.pack", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1549 K", "descl": "Themes for e16, and apps that are used with it, Eterm, audacious, and gkrellm2 with plugins. If you have any of these installed, this slackbuild will install an assortment of themes to go along with e16 themes.", "path": "./salix/desktop/e16.theme.pack-1.0.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "noice", "descs": "noice (small curses-based file browser)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/noice", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "noice is a small curses-based file browser. It was first developed to be used with a TV remote control for a media center solution. http://git.2f30.org/noice/", "path": "./salix/desktop/noice-0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "5932 K", "ver": "40.10", "name": "gnome-shell", "descs": "gnome-shell (GNOME Shell)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gnome-shell", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "db48", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "evolution-data-server", "expat", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gjs", "glib2", "gnome-autoar", "gnome-desktop", "gobject-introspection", "graphene", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtk4", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libarchive", "libasyncns", "libcanberra", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libgdata", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libical", "libinput", "libogg", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwacom", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxkbfile", "libxml2", "lz4", "lzo", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "mozjs78", "mtdev", "mutter", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pipewire", "pixman", "polkit", "pulseaudio", "sqlite", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "zlib", "gnome-bluetooth", "gnome-control-center"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1483 K", "descl": "GNOME Shell provides core interface functions like switching windows, launching applications or see your notifications. It takes advantage of the capabilities of modern graphics hardware and introduces innovative user interface concepts to provide a delightful and easy to use experience. GNOME Shell is the defining technology of the GNOME user experience. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/", "path": "./salix/desktop/gnome-shell-40.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "20220515_5539a9a", "name": "hushboard", "descs": "hushboard (Mute your microphone while typing.)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/hushboard", "deps": ["python-xlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "Never listen to the thundering sounds of someone typing on a video call ever again! Well, nobody who talks to you will have to listen to it. If you don't want to listen to it either, encourage your friends and colleagues to install Hushboard. While you're typing, your mic is muted. When you stop, it unmutes again. https://kryogenix.org/code/hushboard/", "path": "./salix/desktop/hushboard-20220515_5539a9a-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.07", "name": "wmctrl", "descs": "wmctrl (tool to interact with an X Window Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmctrl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "The wmctrl program is a command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM-compatible X Window Manager. It provides command line access to almost all the features defined in the EWMH specification. Homepage: http://sweb.cz/tripie/utils/wmctrl", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmctrl-1.07-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "gsimplecal", "descs": "gsimplecal (Simple and lightweight GTK calendar)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gsimplecal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Gsimplecal is a lightweight calendar applet written in C++ using GTK. Homepage: https://github.com/dmedvinsky/gsimplecal", "path": "./salix/desktop/gsimplecal-2.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "wmcliphist", "descs": "wmcliphist (dockable clipboard history for Window Maker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmcliphist", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "wmcliphist keeps a history of clipboard operations and allows you to put previously copied items back into the clipboard for pasting to other applications.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmcliphist-2.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "3.36.0", "name": "gnome-menus", "descs": "gnome-menus (libgnome-menu library)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gnome-menus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "gnome-menus contains the libgnome-menu library, the layout configuration files for the GNOME menu, as well as a simple menu editor. The libgnome-menu library implements the 'Desktop Menu Specification' from freedesktop.org. Home page: https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-menus", "path": "./salix/desktop/gnome-menus-3.36.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "12100 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "emerald-themes", "descs": "emerald-themes (Extra themes for the Emerald Decorator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/emerald-themes", "deps": ["emerald"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3025 K", "descl": "Extra themes for the Emerald window decorator.", "path": "./salix/desktop/emerald-themes-0.8.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "20140608", "name": "obsession", "descs": "obsession (Openbox session tools)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/obsession", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "display dialog where you can choose if you want to quit, power off, suspend or hibernate the computer. Home page: https://bitbucket.org/fabriceT/obsession", "path": "./salix/desktop/obsession-20140608-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "wmblob", "descs": "wmblob (Fancy Moving Blobs DockApp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmblob", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "I'll be honest with you. The truth is: wmblob is a totally useless program. But unlike other totally useless programs, it looks good and shows funny moving `blobs'. I'm sure you'll like it. It's a nice dockapp for WindowMaker, but it's probably going to run just as well with any other window manager. Homepage: https://github.com/bbidulock/wmblob", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmblob-1.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "wmpower", "descs": "wmpower (Window Maker laptop power management dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmpower", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "wmpower displays the battery status, the number of fans or the fan speed, and CPU temperature and allows to switch the power management status of the laptop.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmpower-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "awf", "descs": "awf (A Widget Factory)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/awf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "A widget factory is a theme preview application for gtk2 and gtk3. It displays the various widget types provided by gtk2/gtk3 in a single window allowing to see the visual effect of the applied theme. Homepage: https://github.com/valr/awf", "path": "./salix/desktop/awf-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3168 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "xmms-skins-almond", "descs": "xmms-skins-almond (Almond skins for XMMS)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xmms-skins-almond", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "792 K", "descl": "A set of XMMS skins bearing the 'XMMS Player' branding. There are five colour versions: Dark-Blue, Steel Blue, Copper-Orange, Dark-Orange and Aluminium-Cian. Each comes in a rounded and a squared variant.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xmms-skins-almond-1.2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "2016.04.15", "name": "aero-mouse-theme", "descs": "aero-mouse-theme (Aero cursor theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/aero-mouse-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "The theme of Aero for X11 Mouse. website: https://store.kde.org/p/999844/", "path": "./salix/desktop/aero-mouse-theme-2016.04.15-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3448 K", "ver": "4.3", "name": "awesome", "descs": "awesome (highly configurable, extensible tabbing window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/awesome", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxdg-basedir", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lua", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-cursor", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "xcb-util-xrm", "zlib", "lgi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "862 K", "descl": "awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. It is very fast, extensible, and licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license. It is primarly targeted at power users, developers, and any people dealing with every day computing tasks and who want to have fine-grained control on their graphical environment. Homepage: https://awesomewm.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/awesome-4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "7460 K", "ver": "4.20.1", "name": "i3-gaps", "descs": "i3-gaps (a tiling window manager for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/i3-gaps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libev", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-cursor", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "xcb-util-xrm", "yajl", "zlib", "dmenu", "perl-JSON-XS", "perl-AnyEvent"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1865 K", "descl": "This is a fork of i3wm, a tiling window manager for Linux. It includes a few additional features: - Gaps - Smart Gaps - Smart Borders", "path": "./salix/desktop/i3-gaps-4.20.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "kbdd", "descs": "kbdd (keyboard library for per-window keyboard layout)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/kbdd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Simple daemon and library to make per window layout using XKB (X KeyBoard Extension). To run kbdd you can just run ``/usr/bin/kbdd`` to use kbdd in daemon mode, or use ``/usr/bin/kbdd -n`` to run in verbose mode. Go to kbdd Wiki to check usecases described. kbdd Wiki: http://github.com/qnikst/kbdd/wiki/Usecases Homepage: https://github.com/qnikst/kbdd/", "path": "./salix/desktop/kbdd-0.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "xob", "descs": "xob (a lightweight overlay bar for the X Window System)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xob", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXrender", "libconfig", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "A lightweight configurable overlay volume/backlight/progress/anything bar for the X Window System (and Wayland compositors with XWayland). Each time a new value is read on the standard input, it is displayed as a tv-like bar over other windows. It then vanishes after a configurable amount of time.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xob-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1940 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "aweather", "descs": "aweather (real-time weather data viewer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/aweather", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "grits", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "rsl", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "485 K", "descl": "AWeather is a free/open source application which has been designed to integrate and visualize high-quality meteorological data using an interactive Virtual Globe interface suitable for a wide range of users including weather enthusiasts, academics, and professionals. Currently AWeather only displays data provided by the United States National Weather Service. Homepage: http://pileus.org/aweather/", "path": "./salix/desktop/aweather-0.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.1.8", "name": "trayer-srg", "descs": "trayer-srg (GTK2-based systray for UNIX desktop)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/trayer-srg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "trayer is a small program designed to provide systray functionality present in GNOME/KDE desktop environments for window managers which do not support that function. trayer-srg was forked from trayer in 2010 to add some fancy features and clean up code. Homepage: https://github.com/sargon/trayer-srg", "path": "./salix/desktop/trayer-srg-1.1.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "6.2", "name": "dwm", "descs": "dwm (suckless dynamic window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/dwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "6salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "dwm is a dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiled and floating layouts. Either layout can be applied dynamically, optimizing the environment for the application in use and the task performed. It is the little brother of wmii. In tiled layout, windows are managed in a master and stacking area. The master area contains the windows which currently need most attention, whereas the stacking area contains all other windows. Homepage: https://dwm.suckless.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/dwm-6.2-i586-6salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "20171027", "name": "numix-gtk-theme", "descs": "numix-gtk-theme (modern flat theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-gtk-theme", "deps": ["rubygem-sass", "murrine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "Numix is a modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements. It supports Gnome, Unity, XFCE and Openbox. Numix is a part of the Numix Project. Home page: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-gtk-theme", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-gtk-theme-20171027-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "2bwm", "descs": "2bwm (a fast floating WM)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/2bwm", "deps": ["libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xcb-util-wm", "xcb-util-xrm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "A fast floating WM, with the particularity of having 2 borders, written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm written by Michael Cardell.", "path": "./salix/desktop/2bwm-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "2.4.8", "name": "doctest", "descs": "doctest (C++ testing framework)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/doctest", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Doctest is a new C++ testing framework the fastest both in compile times (by orders of magnitude) and runtime compared to other feature rich alternatives. Home: https://github.com/doctest/doctest", "path": "./salix/desktop/doctest-2.4.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.89", "name": "obmenu-generator", "descs": "obmenu-generator (A fast pipe/static menu generator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/obmenu-generator", "deps": ["perl-data-dump", "perl-linux-desktop-files", "perl-gtk2", "perl-file-desktopentry"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "a fast menu generator for the Openbox Window Manager, with support for icons. Home page: https://github.com/trizen/obmenu-generator", "path": "./salix/desktop/obmenu-generator-0.89-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "17148 K", "ver": "", "name": "numix-pack", "descs": "numix-pack (Icons, Cinnamon, GNOME3, LXDE, MATE, Unity, Xfce)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-pack", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4287 K", "descl": "numix-pack provides icons, themes and wallpapers for Cinnamon, Gnome3, LXDE, MATE, Unity and XFCE. Home page: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1137261/", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-pack-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1164 K", "ver": "42.0", "name": "gnome-session", "descs": "gnome-session (GNOME Session Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gnome-session", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-desktop", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libseccomp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "291 K", "descl": "gnome-session contains the GNOME session manager, as well as a configuration program to choose applications starting on login. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-session", "path": "./salix/desktop/gnome-session-42.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4280 K", "ver": "52.20170311", "name": "arc-firefox-theme", "descs": "arc-firefox-theme (Arc firefox theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/arc-firefox-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1070 K", "descl": "Arc theme for Mozilla Firefox.", "path": "./salix/desktop/arc-firefox-theme-52.20170311-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1144 K", "ver": "1.44", "name": "rsl", "descs": "rsl (Radar Software Library)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/rsl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "286 K", "descl": "Custom version of the TRMM Radar Software Library. Homepage: http://pileus.org/aweather/rsl", "path": "./salix/desktop/rsl-1.44-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "0.7.5", "name": "pytyle", "descs": "pytyle (extensible tiling manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pytyle", "deps": ["python-xlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "An extensible tiling manager that can fit into any EWMH compatible window manager. Uses Python and the Python X Library. Home page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pytyle/", "path": "./salix/desktop/pytyle-0.7.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "20160523git", "name": "fehlstart", "descs": "fehlstart (a small desktop application launcher)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/fehlstart", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "keybinder", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Fehlstart is a small desktop application launcher for Linux and friends, inspired by Gnome-Do and Launchy. It's main design goals are responsiveness, a minimalistic user interface, and a reasonable memory footprint. After installation, see /usr/doc/felhstart-*/README.md for usage instructions. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/fehlstart/fehlstart", "path": "./salix/desktop/fehlstart-20160523git-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3248 K", "ver": "5.5.0_rc8", "name": "vtwm", "descs": "vtwm (One of many twm descendents)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/vtwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "flex", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib", "rplay"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "812 K", "descl": "VTWM, one of many TWM descendants, implements a Virtual Desktop (VD), meaning that what is currently on screen is just a portion of a larger workspace. What portion of the virtual desktop that is displayed, and whatever windows might be visible within it, are simple point-and-click operations within a scaled representation of the workspace.", "path": "./salix/desktop/vtwm-5.5.0_rc8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "0.9.5", "name": "bspwm", "descs": "bspwm (Binary space partitioning window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bspwm", "deps": ["libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xcb-util-wm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "bspwm is a tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree. It only responds to X events, and the messages it receives on a dedicated socket. bspwm doesn't handle any keyboard or pointer inputs: a third party program (e.g. sxhkd) is needed in order to translate keyboard and and pointer events to bspc invocations. Homepage: https://github.com/baskerville/bspwm", "path": "./salix/desktop/bspwm-0.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "1.8.1", "name": "dunst", "descs": "dunst (notification daemon)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/dunst", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "Dunst is a lightweight replacement for the notification-daemons provided by most desktop environments. It's very customizable, doesn't depend on any toolkits and therefore fits in those windowmanager centric setups we all love to customize to perfection. Homepage: https://dunst-project.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/dunst-1.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1573404 K", "ver": "0.25.1", "name": "enlightenment", "descs": "enlightenment (a window manager and desktop shell)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/enlightenment", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "efl", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libXScrnSaver", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunwind", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "luajit", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pulseaudio", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "393351 K", "descl": "Enlightenment DR17 is the next generation of UNIX graphical environments. It is not just a window manager, but it is also a desktop shell. A desktop shell means, a window manager plus a file manager, plus configuration utilities all in one. Enlightenment home page is: https://www.enlightenment.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/enlightenment-0.25.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "5372 K", "ver": "20191227", "name": "numix-icon-theme-circle", "descs": "numix-icon-theme-circle (Numix Circle icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/numix-icon-theme-circle", "deps": ["numix-icon-theme"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1343 K", "descl": "Numix Circle is an icon theme for Linux from the Numix project. Home Page: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-icon-theme-circle/", "path": "./salix/desktop/numix-icon-theme-circle-20191227-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "4.3.2", "name": "bashmount", "descs": "bashmount (manage removeable media)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bashmount", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "A configurable command-line tool written in bash to easily manage removable media. Bashmount works fine without a configuration file however there are some neat things you can do with one. Home page: https://github.com/jamielinux/bashmount", "path": "./salix/desktop/bashmount-4.3.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "wmslideshow", "descs": "wmslideshow (dockapp for displaying images)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmslideshow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Displays a list of images loaded from hard drive on dockapp. Uses Imlib2 so it works with both jpg and png.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmslideshow-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.16.1", "name": "bashrun", "descs": "bashrun (X11 application launcher based on bash)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bashrun", "deps": ["xdotool"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Bashrun provides a powerful application launcher by running a specialized bash session in a small terminal window, conveniently providing bash features like tab-completion and history. Additional features include user configurable rules for automatically launching certain commands in a new terminal window, looking up manual and info pages, performing dict and google queries, defining bookmarks for webpages or piping command output to the clipboard. http://bashrun.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/bashrun-0.16.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "obbrowser", "descs": "obbrowser (openbox filesystem browser)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/obbrowser", "deps": ["perl-file-mimeinfo", "perl-data-dump", "perl-linux-desktop-files", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Recursively browse the filesystem through openbox3 pipe menus, with icons! Home page: https://github.com/trizen/obbrowser", "path": "./salix/desktop/obbrowser-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "784 K", "ver": "7.3", "name": "yad", "descs": "yad (displays graphical dialogs from shell scripts or command line)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/yad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "gtksourceview3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "196 K", "descl": "Yad (yet another dialog) is a fork of Zenity with many improvements, including custom buttons, additional dialogs and a pop-up menu in the notification area. There were two main reasons for this fork. The first was to remove dependencies on deprecated libraries like libglade and gnome-canvas. The second was the slow pace of Zenity development including many unimplemented enhancement suggestions in the GNOME Bugzilla. homepage: https://github.com/v1cont/yad/", "path": "./salix/desktop/yad-7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "bashrun2", "descs": "bashrun2 (launch applications from interactive bash sessions)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bashrun2", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "bashrun2 adds application launching capabilities to interactive bash sessions, suitable for use in a graphical user environment. In its default setup, bashrun2 provides an application launcher in the fashion of a simple run dialog by starting an interactive bash session in a small xterm(1) terminal window (the builtin run-dialog mode). Homepage: http://henning-bekel.de/bashrun2/", "path": "./salix/desktop/bashrun2-0.2.2-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "43400 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "ede", "descs": "ede (Equinox Desktop Environment)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ede", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "edelib", "elogind", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbfile", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "startup-notification", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10850 K", "descl": "Equinox Desktop Environment is fast desktop environment with familiar look and feel. It should work fine on slower computers too.", "path": "./salix/desktop/ede-2.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "", "name": "wmuptime", "descs": "wmuptime (LED display of your uptime)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmuptime", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "An LED display of your uptime. http://www.cs.mun.ca/~gstarkes/wmaker/dockapps/sys.html#wmcpu", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmuptime-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "8756 K", "ver": "40.10", "name": "mutter", "descs": "mutter (GNOME Display Server and Window Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/mutter", "deps": ["at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["cmake", "httpd"], "dbus", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-desktop", "graphene", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libcanberra", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libinput", "libogg", "libseccomp", "libvorbis", "libwacom", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxkbfile", "libxml2", "mesa", "mtdev", "pango", "pipewire", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2189 K", "descl": "Mutter is a Wayland display server and X11 window manager and compositor library. https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Mutter/", "path": "./salix/desktop/mutter-40.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "7940 K", "ver": "20120114", "name": "protozoa-cursor-themes", "descs": "protozoa-cursor-themes (Animated cursor Protozoa themes)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/protozoa-cursor-themes", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1985 K", "descl": "Animated cursor themes of the Protozoa family.These include Protozoa, Protozoa-Blu, Protozoa-Grey and Protozoa-Red.", "path": "./salix/desktop/protozoa-cursor-themes-20120114-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1268 K", "ver": "2022.4.14.trento.2", "name": "bottles", "descs": "bottles (easily manage wineprefix using environments)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/bottles", "deps": ["wine", "libhandy", "patool", "gtksourceview4"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "317 K", "descl": "Easily manage wine prefixes in a new way. Run Windows software and games on Linux. Bottles introduces a new way to handle Windows prefixes using environments, a combination of ready-to-use settings, libraries and dependencies. Homepage: https://usebottles.com/", "path": "./salix/desktop/bottles-2022.4.14.trento.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "PyPanel", "descs": "PyPanel (a lightweight panel/taskbar for X11)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/PyPanel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "python2", "zlib", "python-xlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "PyPanel is a lightweight panel/taskbar written in Python and C for X11 window managers. It can be easily customized to match any desktop theme or taste. PyPanel works with EWMH compliant WMs (Openbox, PekWM, FVWM, etc.) and is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2. Homepage: http://pypanel.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/desktop/PyPanel-2.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.8.2", "name": "gxkb", "descs": "gxkb (X11 keyboard indicator and switcher)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gxkb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libglvnd", "libwnck", "libxcb", "libxkbfile", "libxklavier", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "gxkb is a little indicator applet which allows one to quickly switch between different keyboard layouts in X. A flag corresponding to the country of the active layout is shown in the indicator area. The applet is written in C and uses the GTK+ library and therefore does not depend on any GNOME components. Homepage: https://zen-tools.github.io/gxkb", "path": "./salix/desktop/gxkb-0.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "174232 K", "ver": "41.0", "name": "gnome-backgrounds", "descs": "gnome-backgrounds (GNOME Backgrounds)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gnome-backgrounds", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43558 K", "descl": "This module contains a set of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME", "path": "./salix/desktop/gnome-backgrounds-41.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "6004 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "icewm", "descs": "icewm (IceWM Window Manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/icewm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1501 K", "descl": "IceWM is a window manager for the X Window System. The goal of IceWM is speed, simplicity, and not getting in the user's way. Homepage: http://www.icewm.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/icewm-2.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "wmname", "descs": "wmname (print/set the window manager name property)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmname", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "wmname prints/sets the window manager name property of the root window similar to how hostname(1) behaves. It is a nice utility to fix problems with JDK versions and other broken programs assuming a reparenting window manager for instance. https://tools.suckless.org/x/wmname", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmname-0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "0.3.4", "name": "Xfce-Theme-Manager", "descs": "Xfce-Theme-Manager (Xfce4 Theme Manager GUI)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/Xfce-Theme-Manager", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "xfconf", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "An integrated GUI to set the various parts of an Xfce4 theme. Including Meta-themes,Window borders, Gtk controls,Icons,cursors etc. Thumbnails of all the parts of a theme are shown in the GUI making Theme selection and tweaking much simpler than the built-in way using three seperate dialogs. Complete Custom themes can also be saved. Homepage: http://keithhedger.hostingsiteforfree.com", "path": "./salix/desktop/Xfce-Theme-Manager-0.3.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "3884 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "wayfire", "descs": "wayfire (3D wayland compositor environment based on wlroots)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wayfire", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libdrm", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libinput", "libwacom", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mesa", "mtdev", "pango", "pixman", "seatd", "util-linux", "wayland", "wf-config", "wlroots", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "971 K", "descl": "Wayfire is a 3D Wayland compositor inspired in Compiz and based on wlroots. It aims to create a customizable, extendable and lightweight environment without sacrificing its appearance. Home: https://wayfire.org/2021/01/29/Wayfire-0-7.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/wayfire-0.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1160 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "xpenguins-xtrathemes", "descs": "xpenguins-xtrathemes (extra themes for xpenguins)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xpenguins-xtrathemes", "deps": ["xpenguins"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "290 K", "descl": "The graphics in these themes come from various classic video games and animated TV shows. Included themes: Lemmings, M.U.L.E., Megaman, Sonic_the_Hedgehog, The_Simpsons, Turkeys, Walking_Man, Winnie_the_Pooh, Worms, XSheep.", "path": "./salix/desktop/xpenguins-xtrathemes-1.0-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1848 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "Ater-MPlayer-skin", "descs": "Ater-MPlayer-skin (MPlayer Theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/Ater-MPlayer-skin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "462 K", "descl": "ATER skin for MPlayer Homepage: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1106954/", "path": "./salix/desktop/Ater-MPlayer-skin-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "3.2.1", "name": "xpenguins", "descs": "xpenguins (animated penguins for your desktop)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xpenguins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "Ever wanted cute little penguins walking along the tops of your windows? Ever wanted to send an army of cute little penguins to invade the screen of someone else on your network? Probably not, but why not try this program out anyway - it's free (licensed under the GNU GPL). Homepage: http://xpenguins.seul.org/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xpenguins-3.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "7500 K", "ver": "2.4.4", "name": "wally", "descs": "wally (wallpaper changer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wally", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libexif", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1875 K", "descl": "Wally is a Qt4 wallpaper changer, using multiple sources like files, folders, FTP remote folders, Flickr, Yahoo!, Panoramio, Pikeo, Ipernity, Photobucket, Buzznet, Picasa, Smugmug and Bing images. Now it's available in many languages!! Homepage: http://www.becrux.com/index.php?page=projects&name=wally", "path": "./salix/desktop/wally-2.4.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "smaragd", "descs": "smaragd (Emerald for KDE)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/smaragd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "kconfig", "kcoreaddons", "kdecoration", "ki18n", "kwidgetsaddons", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Smaragd is a window decoration engine for the KDE window manager KWin. It allows you to use Emerald theme files (from Compiz/Beryl) with KDE plasma5.", "path": "./salix/desktop/smaragd-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "6948 K", "ver": "2021_12_25", "name": "Matcha-gtk-theme", "descs": "Matcha-gtk-theme (flat design theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/Matcha-gtk-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1737 K", "descl": "Matcha is a flat Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like Gnome, Unity, Budgie, Pantheon, XFCE, Mate, etc. Home page: https://vinceliuice.github.io/theme-matcha.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/Matcha-gtk-theme-2021_12_25-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.92", "name": "wmtimer", "descs": "wmtimer (Timer DockApp)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmtimer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "WMTimer is a dockable alarm clock for WindowMaker which can be run in alarm, countdown timer, or chronograph mode. In alarm or timer mode, you can either execute a command or sound the system bell when the time is reached. Wmtimer is configurable through the command line or the GTK GUI. Homepage: http://www.darkops.net/wmtimer/", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmtimer-2.92-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "wmtime", "descs": "wmtime (time dockapp for WindowMaker)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmtime", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "WMTime, guess what, displays the time and date and gives you some nice additional features too...", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmtime-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "disper", "descs": "disper (switch utility)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/disper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Disper is an on-the-fly display switch utility. It is useful with multiple displays when using a tyling WindowManager It is also useful when switching between Laptop and Beamer", "path": "./salix/desktop/disper-0.3.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.3w", "name": "gmrun", "descs": "gmrun (A simple program which provides a run program window)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gmrun", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "gmrun is a simple GTK program which provides a 'run program' window. It features a bash-like TAB completion, Ctrl-R/Ctrl-S for searching through the history and URL handlers for any user defined prefix. Home page: https://github.com/wdlkmpx/gmrun/", "path": "./salix/desktop/gmrun-1.3w-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "732 K", "ver": "git_20200604_e2306271", "name": "vbox-runner", "descs": "vbox-runner (KDE4 runner plugin for virtualbox)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/vbox-runner", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "kactivities", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kdeclarative", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knotifications", "kpackage", "krunner", "kservice", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXtst", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libogg", "libplist", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "plasma-framework", "qt5", "solid", "threadweaver", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "183 K", "descl": "This is a krunner plugin for starting virtualbox virtual machines.", "path": "./salix/desktop/vbox-runner-git_20200604_e2306271-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4800 K", "ver": "0.41", "name": "xmobar", "descs": "xmobar (A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xmobar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "ghc", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "haskell-X11", "haskell-X11-xft", "haskell-async", "haskell-base-orphans", "haskell", "haskell-extensible-exceptions", "haskell-hashable", "haskell-hinotify", "haskell-iwlib", "haskell-old-locale", "haskell-parsec-numbers", "haskell-regex-base", "haskell-regex-compat", "haskell-regex-posix", "haskell-utf8-string", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib", "haskell-HTTP", "xmonad-contrib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1200 K", "descl": "It was designed to work with the xmonad Window Manager. It was inspired by the Ion3 status bar, and supports similar features, like dynamic color management, output templates, and extensibility through plugins. https://code.haskell.org/~arossato/xmobar/", "path": "./salix/desktop/xmobar-0.41-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1196 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "kde44-oxygen-molecule", "descs": "kde44-oxygen-molecule (KDE4-Oxygen GTK-Theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/kde44-oxygen-molecule", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "299 K", "descl": "Oxygen-Molecule is a theme for GTK+ applications to provide a uniform look when used under the KDE 4.4 desktop environment. Website: https://store.kde.org/p/1005536/", "path": "./salix/desktop/kde44-oxygen-molecule-3.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "0.2.4", "name": "skulpture", "descs": "skulpture (qt4 style)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/skulpture", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "Skulpture is a GUI style addon for qt4, featuring classical three-dimensional artwork. Flat gradients are used to oppose the current trend of shiny or 'glassy' buttons used in other styles. Light and shadow effects are applied to generate the impression of a three-dimensional user interface.", "path": "./salix/desktop/skulpture-0.2.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "mwm-utils", "descs": "mwm-utils (utilities for emwm)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/mwm-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Mwm-utils consist on xmsm and xmtoolbox, xmsm is simple session manager provides session configuration, screen locking and launches the window manager and toolbox. xmtoolbox is an application launcher/menu it communicates with the session manager to provide lock, log out, and shutdown commands.", "path": "./salix/desktop/mwm-utils-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "20170522", "name": "slackware-xdm-theme", "descs": "slackware-xdm-theme (Custom Slackware XDM Theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/slackware-xdm-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "This package contains a slightly modified version of alienBOB's xdm config used in the liveslak project. Bug reports go to rworkman@slackbuilds.org", "path": "./salix/desktop/slackware-xdm-theme-20170522-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "456 K", "ver": "20161212_14bfc66", "name": "qlipper", "descs": "qlipper (qt clipboard history applet)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/qlipper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "114 K", "descl": "Qlipper is a lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet written in Qt. homepage: http://code.google.com/p/qlipper/", "path": "./salix/desktop/qlipper-20161212_14bfc66-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "0.7.6", "name": "vala-panel-appmenu", "descs": "vala-panel-appmenu (Global Menu for Vala Panel and xfce4-panel)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/vala-panel-appmenu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "bamf", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "xfce4-panel", "xfconf", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "Vala Panel Application Menu is a Global Menu applet for use with Vala Panel, xfce4-panel and mate-panel (Budgie 10.x is also planned).", "path": "./salix/desktop/vala-panel-appmenu-0.7.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.53", "name": "menutray", "descs": "menutray (A simple GTK+ application menu tray)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/menutray", "deps": ["perl-data-dump", "perl-linux-desktop-files", "perl-gtk2", "perl-file-desktopentry"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "An application menu through a GTK+ tray status icon. Home page: https://github.com/trizen/menutray", "path": "./salix/desktop/menutray-0.53-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "3.03", "name": "kwalletcli", "descs": "kwalletcli (kwallet from the commandline)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/kwalletcli", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "icu4c", "kconfig", "kcoreaddons", "ki18n", "kwallet", "kwindowsystem", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib", "mksh"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "kwalletcli provides commandline access to kwallet, KDE's password manager. The following executables are provided in this package: kwalletcli, kwalletcli_getpin, kwalletaskpass and pinentry-kwallet.", "path": "./salix/desktop/kwalletcli-3.03-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "20348 K", "ver": "20.12_7", "name": "Surfn", "descs": "Surfn (A colourful icon theme for Linux desktops)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/Surfn", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5087 K", "descl": "The name of this icon theme is the anagram of the initials of 'Super Ultra Flat Numix Remix'. Homepage: https://github.com/erikdubois/Surfn", "path": "./salix/desktop/Surfn-20.12_7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "3.4.1", "name": "spectrwm", "descs": "spectrwm (small dynamic tiling window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/spectrwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xcb-util-wm", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "Spectrwm is a small dynamic tiling window manager for X11. It tries to stay out of the way so that valuable screen real estate can be used for much more important stuff. It has sane defaults and does not require one to learn a language to do any configuration. It was written by hackers for hackers and it strives to be small, compact and fast. Homepage: https://github.com/conformal/spectrwm", "path": "./salix/desktop/spectrwm-3.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "wmnet", "descs": "wmnet (Window Maker network monitor dockable application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmnet", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "wmnet polls network statistics and does a few things with the data it gets. It has small blinking lights for the rx and tx of IP packets, a digital speedometer of your networks current speed and a bar graph like xload plotting your throughput.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmnet-1.06-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "2.7.0", "name": "quickswitch-i3", "descs": "quickswitch-i3 (utility for i3 wm)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/quickswitch-i3", "deps": ["i3-py"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This utility for i3, inspired by Pentadactyl's :buffers command, allows you to quickly switch to and locate windows on all your workspaces, using an interactive dmenu prompt. It has since gained a lot of other functionality to make working with i3 even more efficient. Homepage: https://github.com/OliverUv/quickswitch-for-i3", "path": "./salix/desktop/quickswitch-i3-2.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "wmstickynotes", "descs": "wmstickynotes (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmstickynotes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "wmstickynotes is a dockapp which allows you to create note windows. + Left click the note icon to create a new note; + Right click the note icon to get a menu of colors; + Click the x in the top right of a note to delete it; and + Drag the bottom right corner of a note to resize it. Right click a note to get an options menu.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmstickynotes-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "2.98.11", "name": "murrine-themes", "descs": "murrine-themes (Themes of the Murrine family)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/murrine-themes", "deps": ["murrine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "This includes a collection of Murrine themes for GTK2, GTK3 and XFWM. Also, there are a few themes for metacity and openbox window managers that can be used if you have these installed.", "path": "./salix/desktop/murrine-themes-2.98.11-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "lemonbar-xft", "descs": "lemonbar-xft (lightweight taskbar based on XCB)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/lemonbar-xft", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "lemonbar-xft (formerly known as bar) is a lightweight taskbar entirely based on XCB. This is a fork that supports fontconfig. Provides full UTF-8 support, basic formatting, RandR and Xinerama support, and EWMH compliance without wasting your precious memory. Homepage: https://github.com/drscream/lemonbar-xft", "path": "./salix/desktop/lemonbar-xft-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1944 K", "ver": "2.0.43f", "name": "fvwm95", "descs": "fvwm95 (window manager for X11)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/fvwm95", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "486 K", "descl": "Fvwm95 is a hack based on fvwm2. It tries to emulate the good features of a well known product without bloating the regular fvwm code. http://fvwm95.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/desktop/fvwm95-2.0.43f-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "skb", "descs": "skb (keyboard layout indicator)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/skb", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Simple keyboard layout indicator. Homepage: https://plhk.ru/", "path": "./salix/desktop/skb-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "11772 K", "ver": "20180118", "name": "vertex-maia-icon-theme", "descs": "vertex-maia-icon-theme (Manjaro icon theme)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/vertex-maia-icon-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2943 K", "descl": "Vertex Maia icon theme is a previous default Manjaro icon theme. It complements the Vertex Maia GTK theme.", "path": "./salix/desktop/vertex-maia-icon-theme-20180118-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "1.3.5", "name": "mh5000", "descs": "mh5000 (X11 background image setter and viewer)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/mh5000", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "boost", "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "mh5000 is a background image setter. It's capable of scaling, cropping, and tiling images, and it supports changing images according to a timer (a slideshow). It can choose images randomly or display them in order. It can also set the background to solid or gradient color patterns.", "path": "./salix/desktop/mh5000-1.3.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "mhsetroot", "descs": "mhsetroot (sets background image for X)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/mhsetroot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "A background image setter. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mhsetroot/", "path": "./salix/desktop/mhsetroot-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.03", "name": "cnslock", "descs": "cnslock (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/cnslock", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "cnslock is a dock application (dockapp) which provides a visual indication of the states of the three 'lock' buttons (caps, num, and scroll). Now it's possible to see the state of those keys on keyboards with no leds on it (wireless).", "path": "./salix/desktop/cnslock-1.03-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "wmpinboard", "descs": "wmpinboard (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/wmpinboard", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "wmpinboard is a Window Maker dock applet resembling a miniature pinboard. It allows you to place reminders on a graphical on-screen pinboard rather than producing a mess of real notes. You can add small monochrome sketches to your notes or simply encircle or underline words as a means of emphasis, and alarms to remind you of things.", "path": "./salix/desktop/wmpinboard-1.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "692 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "emwm", "descs": "emwm (enhanced motif window manager)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/emwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib", "mwm-utils"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "173 K", "descl": "Emwm is a fork of the Motif Window Manager with fixes and enhancements. Home: https://fastestcode.org/misc/emwm-guide.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/emwm-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "xwallpaper", "descs": "xwallpaper (X wallpaper utility)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/xwallpaper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libseccomp", "libxcb", "pixman", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-image", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "The xwallpaper utility allows you to set image files as your X wallpaper. JPEG, PNG and XPM file formats are supported, all of them being configurable and therefore no fixed dependencies. The wallpaper is also advertised to programs which support semi-transparent backgrounds. Homepage: https://github.com/stoeckmann/xwallpaper", "path": "./salix/desktop/xwallpaper-0.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "root-tail", "descs": "root-tail (tail for the X root window)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/root-tail", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Displays a given file anywhere on your X11 root window, i.e. it is kind of tail -f for multiple files using your desktop background as output window. Homepage: http://oldhome.schmorp.de/marc/root-tail.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/root-tail-1.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "4444 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "draco", "descs": "draco (Draco Desktop Environment)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/draco", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-wm", "zlib", "qt5ct", "openbox"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1111 K", "descl": "Draco is a simple and lightweight desktop environment. While small still features XDG integration, freedesktop services and integration, power and storage management, desktop, panels, multi-monitor support and much more. Draco does not include any user applications. Draco is developed for and on Slackware by Ole-Andre Rodlie. Homepage: https://github.com/rodlie/draco", "path": "./salix/desktop/draco-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "1847492 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "slack-wallpapers", "descs": "slack-wallpapers (Slackware wallpapers)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/slack-wallpapers", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "461873 K", "descl": "A collection of Slackware-dedicated wallpapers. Homepage: https://skaendoblog.wordpress.com/slack-wallpapers", "path": "./salix/desktop/slack-wallpapers-1.0-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "pidgin-libnotify", "descs": "pidgin-libnotify (Pidgin Libnotify)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/pidgin-libnotify", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "The libnotify plugin provides pop-up notifications for Pidgin.", "path": "./salix/desktop/pidgin-libnotify-0.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "25456 K", "ver": "7.0.5", "name": "maitreya", "descs": "maitreya (free software for Vedic and western astrology)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/maitreya", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6364 K", "descl": "The software supports * Many features for the daily work of Vedic and western astrologers. * A large number of calculation options that make the program a stable basis for research purposes. * High precision calculation. Homepage: http://saravali.de/index.html", "path": "./salix/desktop/maitreya-7.0.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "superkey-launch", "descs": "superkey-launch (keybinding utility)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/superkey-launch", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXtst", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "superkey-launch binds the super key to alt + f2. This allows app launchers in several desktop environments to be launched quickly, while still allowing the super key to be used as a modifier key. https://github.com/ryanpcmcquen/superkey-launch", "path": "./salix/desktop/superkey-launch-1.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "ptwit", "descs": "ptwit (simple twitter client)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/ptwit", "deps": ["python2-twitter", "click-default-group"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "ptwit is a simple command-line-based Twitter client. Homepage: https://github.com/ptpt/ptwit", "path": "./salix/desktop/ptwit-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "", "name": "slackware-xdg-menu", "descs": "slackware-xdg-menu (automatically generate WM menu from xdg files)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/slackware-xdg-menu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "xdg-menu for slackware generates menus for WMs using the Free Desktop menu standard. The following WMs are supported: twm, ion3, WindowMaker, fvwm2, icewm, blackbox, fluxbox, openbox, awesome KDE, Gnome, Xfce, Enlightenment are already XDG compatible.", "path": "./salix/desktop/slackware-xdg-menu-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "alarm", "descs": "alarm (CLI Alarm Clock)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/alarm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Alarm is command line alarm clock utility written in Python language. Homepage: https://github.com/dslackw/alarm", "path": "./salix/desktop/alarm-3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "gtk-engines-unico", "descs": "gtk-engines-unico (theme engine for GTK+3)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gtk-engines-unico", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "Unico is a Gtk+ engine that aims to be the more complete yet powerful theming engine for Gtk+ 3.0 and newer. It's the first Gtk+ engine written with Gtk+ style context APIs in mind, using CSS as first class citizen. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/unico", "path": "./salix/desktop/gtk-engines-unico-1.0.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "gromit-mpx", "descs": "gromit-mpx (On-screen annotation tool)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/gromit-mpx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "Its main use is for making presentations of some application. Normally, you would have to move the mouse pointer around the point of interest until hopefully everybody noticed it. With Gromit-MPX, you can draw everywhere onto the screen, highlighting some button or area. https://github.com/bk138/gromit-mpx", "path": "./salix/desktop/gromit-mpx-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "desktop", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "20150730+4ae486d", "name": "keynav", "descs": "keynav (Pointer mover)", "source": "source/salix/desktop/keynav", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pixman", "xdotool", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "keynav is a program for moving the pointer. It can be used in place of a mouse, or in combination with one. It is designed to move the pointer fast to where you want it. You start with the whole screen selected, and each move (up, down, left, right) cuts the region in half. Then when you're satisfied, one more keypress and the pointer moves. Website: https://www.semicomplete.com/projects/keynav/", "path": "./salix/desktop/keynav-20150730+4ae486d-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "xgridloc", "descs": "xgridloc (Maidenhead grid square locator program for X)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xgridloc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "xgridloc is a Maidenhead grid square locator for the X environment using a GTK+2 interface. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/xgridloc-1.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "5204 K", "ver": "2.5.7", "name": "tqsl", "descs": "tqsl (ARRL LOTW Trusted QSL software)", "source": "source/salix/ham/tqsl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lmdb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1301 K", "descl": "tqsl is the Trusted QSL software required by the American Radio Relay League's Logbook Of The World (LOTW) program. This allows you to digitally sign your ADIF or Cabrillo log file to ensure that only your legitimate logs are uploaded to LOTW. Homepage: http://www.arrl.org/", "path": "./salix/ham/tqsl-2.5.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "2572 K", "ver": "4.0.19", "name": "flmsg", "descs": "flmsg (Amateur radio messaging tool)", "source": "source/salix/ham/flmsg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib", "fldigi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "643 K", "descl": "flmsg FLMSG is a simple forms management editor for the amateur radio supported standard message formats. Form data can be transferred between computers either using standard internet email or via radio frequency broadcasts typically made by an amateur radio operaton on your behalf. flmsg forms can be very complex and include embedded images and other controls. that make data entry less prone to error. FLMSG sits on top of FLDIGI which does the real signal processing. Webpage http://w1hkj.com", "path": "./salix/ham/flmsg-4.0.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "1.32", "name": "xanalyser", "descs": "xanalyser (stereo audio analyser)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xanalyser", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "XAnalyser is a program to analyse a stereo audio signal. It has two displays, Frequency Spectrum and XY Scope. Homepage: http://arvin.schnell-web.net/xanalyser/", "path": "./salix/ham/xanalyser-1.32-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "56608 K", "ver": "2.5.2", "name": "cqrlog", "descs": "cqrlog (an advanced ham radio logger)", "source": "source/salix/ham/cqrlog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lazarus", "tqsl", "xplanet", "hamlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14152 K", "descl": "CQRLOG is based on MySQL database. Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries, DX cluster connection, online callbook, a grayliner, internal QSL manager database support and a most accurate country resolution algorithm. CQRLOG is intended for daily general logging of HF, CW & SSB contacts and strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance. Homepage: http://www.cqrlog.com", "path": "./salix/ham/cqrlog-2.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "ebook2cwgui", "descs": "ebook2cwgui (GUI front end for ebook2cw)", "source": "source/salix/ham/ebook2cwgui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib", "ebook2cw"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "ebook2cwgui is a front end for the ebook2cw command-line ebook to morse code mp3/OGG file converter. Homepage: http://fkurz.net/ham/ebook2cw.html", "path": "./salix/ham/ebook2cwgui-0.1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "gridloc", "descs": "gridloc (Maidenhead grid locator)", "source": "source/salix/ham/gridloc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "A ncurses application for calculating the Maidenhead Grid Locator given a position's Longitude and Latitude, or vice-versa. Also to calculate the long-path, short-path Distance and Bearing to a second location, given it Grid Locator or Longitude and Latitude. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/gridloc-0.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "3316 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "SoapySDR", "descs": "SoapySDR (vendor and platform neutral SDR support library)", "source": "source/salix/ham/SoapySDR", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "829 K", "descl": "SoapySDR is an open-source generalized C/C++ API and runtime library for interfacing with SDR devices. With SoapySDR, you can instantiate, configure, and stream with an SDR device in a variety of environments. Both osmosdr and uhd devices are available within SoapySDR. In addition, vendors can directly support their hardware using SoapySDR device modules. There are wrappers for both gr-osmosdr, uhd, and gr-uhd to bring an ecosystem of existing applications to SoapySDR devices. And SoapySDR has support for powerful platforms like GNU Radio and Pothos.", "path": "./salix/ham/SoapySDR-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "65648 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "direwolf", "descs": "direwolf (soundcard modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder)", "source": "source/salix/ham/direwolf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "hamlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16412 K", "descl": "Dire Wolf is a software 'soundcard' modem/TNC and APRS * encoder/decoder. It can be used stand-alone to receive APRS messages, as a digipeater, APRStt gateway, or Internet Gateway (IGate). It can also be used as a virtual TNC for other applications such as APRSIS32, UI-View32, Xastir, APRS-TW, YAAC, UISS, Linux AX25, SARTrack, and many others. Homepage: https://github.com/wb2osz/direwolf", "path": "./salix/ham/direwolf-1.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "grig", "descs": "grig (Ham Radio rig control interface)", "source": "source/salix/ham/grig", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "hamlib", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "Grig is a simple Ham Radio control (CAT) program based on the Ham Radio Control Libraries (Hamlib). It is intended to be highly generic presenting the user to the same graphical user interface regardless of which radio is being controlled. Homepage: http://groundstation.sourceforge.net/grig/", "path": "./salix/ham/grig-0.8.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "xpsk31", "descs": "xpsk31 (GTK+ PSK31 program)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xpsk31", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "xpsk31 is a GTK+ graphical version of lpsk31, using the same basic signal decoding and encoding engine but controlled by the user via the GUI. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/xpsk31-3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "lpsk31", "descs": "lpsk31 (psk31 program for linux)", "source": "source/salix/ham/lpsk31", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "lpsk31 is a ncurses console application for ham radio communications in the popular PSK31 digital mode. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/lpsk31-1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "2016_01_R1", "name": "spectools", "descs": "spectools (spectrum analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/ham/spectools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "Spectools is a set of utilities for using various spectrum analyzer hardware. It supports the suite of Wi-Spy devices by Metageek LLC and the Ubertooth. Spectools includes userspace drivers for the hardware itself, a graphing UI built GTK and Cairo, network protocols for remote device capture, and simple utilities for developing additional tools. Homepage: https://www.kismetwireless.net/static/spectools/", "path": "./salix/ham/spectools-2016_01_R1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "3576 K", "ver": "2.9.0", "name": "aprx", "descs": "aprx (APRS software package)", "source": "source/salix/ham/aprx", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "894 K", "descl": "Aprx was originally a receive-only APRS iGate software, now extended to do digipeating, and Tx-iGate. It works on any UNIX-like systems with minimal requirements of system services, or system libraries beyond basic POSIX libc. Homepage: http://wiki.ham.fi/Aprx.en", "path": "./salix/ham/aprx-2.9.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "2.13.1", "name": "SDRPlay", "descs": "SDRPlay (API/Driver for SDR Play SDR)", "source": "source/salix/ham/SDRPlay", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "Proprietary driver for the SDR Play software defined radio (SDR)", "path": "./salix/ham/SDRPlay-2.13.1-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "nec2c", "descs": "nec2c (Antenna modeling software)", "source": "source/salix/ham/nec2c", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "nec2c is a translation of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code from Fortran to C. This is a command-line only, non-interactive program for modeling antennas. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/nec2c-1.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.7.2", "name": "wxapt", "descs": "wxapt (console weather satellite transmission decoder)", "source": "source/salix/ham/wxapt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "rtl-sdr"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "wxapt is a console application for decoding and saving weather images transmitted in the APT format of NOAA and METEOR satellites. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/wxapt-1.7.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "13328 K", "ver": "0.2.7", "name": "CubicSDR", "descs": "CubicSDR (Software-Defined Radio Application)", "source": "source/salix/ham/CubicSDR", "deps": ["SoapySDR", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnotify", "libogg", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "liquid-dsp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3332 K", "descl": "CubicSDR is the software portion of Software Defined Radio. By using hardware that converts RF spectrum into a digital stream we are able to build complex radios to do many types of functions in software instead of traditional hardwre. Paired with a supported hardware receiver, you can use CubicSDR to explore the RF world around you. Discover Satellite transmissions, Amateur Radio, Rail, Areonautical, Shortwave, or any number of possible signals floating through the air.", "path": "./salix/ham/CubicSDR-0.2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "5104 K", "ver": "20220219", "name": "chirp", "descs": "chirp (free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio)", "source": "source/salix/ham/chirp", "deps": ["pyserial"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1276 K", "descl": "CHIRP is a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats. Homepage: https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Home", "path": "./salix/ham/chirp-20220219-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "408 K", "ver": "0.0.8_rc5", "name": "ax25-apps", "descs": "ax25-apps (AX.25 Packet radio support software)", "source": "source/salix/ham/ax25-apps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libax25"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "102 K", "descl": "Layer 2/3 networking implementation for the linux kernel. See the AX25 Linux HOWTO for details. This package provides specific user applications for hamradio that use AX.25 Net/ROM or ROSE network protocols Homepage: http://www.linux-ax25.org/wiki/Main_Page", "path": "./salix/ham/ax25-apps-0.0.8_rc5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "csdr", "descs": "csdr (A simple DSP library and command-line tool for SDR)", "source": "source/salix/ham/csdr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "fftw"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "csdr is a command line tool to carry out DSP tasks for Software Defined Radio. It can be used to build simple signal processing flow graphs, right from the command line. Homepage: https://github.com/simonyiszk/csdr", "path": "./salix/ham/csdr-0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "2628 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "hamlib", "descs": "hamlib (the ham radio control libraries)", "source": "source/salix/ham/hamlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "657 K", "descl": "Hamlib is a development effort to provide a consistent C language interface for programmers wanting to incorporate radio controls in their programs. Language bindings for C++, Perl, Python, and TCL are included along with network daemons for radio and rotator control. Homepage: http://www.hamlib.org", "path": "./salix/ham/hamlib-3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.0.12_rc5", "name": "libax25", "descs": "libax25 (AX.25 Packet radio support for linux)", "source": "source/salix/ham/libax25", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Layer 2/3 networking implementation for the linux kernel. See the AX25 Linux HOWTO for details. This library is for ham radio applications that use the ax25 protocol. Included are routines to do ax25 address parsing, common ax25 application config file parsing, etc. Homepage: http://www.linux-ax25.org/wiki/Main_Page", "path": "./salix/ham/libax25-0.0.12_rc5-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "cwdaemon", "descs": "cwdaemon (Morse Code keyer daemon)", "source": "source/salix/ham/cwdaemon", "deps": ["unixcw"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "cwdaemon is a small daemon which uses the PC parallel or serial port and a simple transistor switch to output Morse code to a transmitter from a text message sent to it via the UDP protocol. Homepage: http://cwdaemon.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/ham/cwdaemon-0.10.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "3.6.5", "name": "xdemorse", "descs": "xdemorse (GTK+ Morse Code signal decoder)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xdemorse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "xdemorse is a GTK+ based Morse code signal decoder. It has an integer-arithmetic FFT-derived 'waterfall' display of the incoming audio signal's spectrum, as well as a 'scope-like display of the audio detector's output and status of the mark/space discriminator ('slicer'). Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/xdemorse-3.6.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "qrq", "descs": "qrq (Linux, Unix, OS X, Windows)", "source": "source/salix/ham/qrq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "qrq is an open source Morse telegraphy trainer which runs on several operating systems (Linux, Unix, OS X and Windows), similar to the classic DOS version of Rufz by DL4MM. Homepage: http://fkurz.net/ham/qrq.html", "path": "./salix/ham/qrq-0.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "760 K", "ver": "0.0.10_rc5", "name": "ax25-tools", "descs": "ax25-tools (AX.25 Packet radio supporting tools)", "source": "source/salix/ham/ax25-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libax25", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "190 K", "descl": "Layer 2/3 networking implementation for the linux kernel. See the AX25 Linux HOWTO for details. These are hamradio specific tools for setting up and configuring hamradio ports that use AX.25 Net/ROM or ROSE network protocols. Homepage: http://www.linux-ax25.org/wiki/Main_Page", "path": "./salix/ham/ax25-tools-0.0.10_rc5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "2564 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "liquid-dsp", "descs": "liquid-dsp (Software-Defined Radio Digital Signal Processing Library)", "source": "source/salix/ham/liquid-dsp", "deps": ["fftw"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "641 K", "descl": "liquid-dsp is the software portion of Software Defined Radio. By using hardware that converts RF spectrum into a digital stream we are able to build complex radios to do many types of functions in software instead of traditional hardwre. Paired with a supported hardware receiver, you can use liquid-dsp to explore the RF world around you. Discover Satellite transmissions, Amateur Radio, Rail, Areonautical, Shortwave, or any number of possible signals floating through the air.", "path": "./salix/ham/liquid-dsp-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "0.18", "name": "soundmodem", "descs": "soundmodem (Sound card driver for packet radio)", "source": "source/salix/ham/soundmodem", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "audiofile", "brotli", "cairo", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "hamlib", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "Driver and userspace utilities for using a sound card as a packet radio modem (TNC). Homepage: http://soundmodem.vk4msl.yi.org/", "path": "./salix/ham/soundmodem-0.18-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "cwstation", "descs": "cwstation (A morse code trainer)", "source": "source/salix/ham/cwstation", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Cwstation is a gtk based, CW (morse) generator with macro and training capabilities. It uses pulse shaping to control bandwith and has setting for Farnsworth method.", "path": "./salix/ham/cwstation-0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "1144 K", "ver": "20140304", "name": "gsmlib", "descs": "gsmlib (a library to access GSM mobile phone)", "source": "source/salix/ham/gsmlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "286 K", "descl": "gsmlib is a library to access GSM mobile phones through GSM modems or IrDA devices. Homepage: https://github.com/vbouchaud/gsmlib/", "path": "./salix/ham/gsmlib-20140304-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "SoapySDRPlay", "descs": "SoapySDRPlay (Soapy SDR module for SDRPlay)", "source": "source/salix/ham/SoapySDRPlay", "deps": ["SDRPlay", "SoapySDR", ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Soapy SDR module for SDRPlay", "path": "./salix/ham/SoapySDRPlay-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "psk31lx", "descs": "psk31lx (ncurses psk31 program for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/ham/psk31lx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "psk31lx is an ncurses-based PKS31 program for Linux. Originally written by Hansi, DL9RDZ, this was the first PSK31 program written for Linux and its PSK code is still used by many other PSK31 clients. Homepage: http://wa0eir.bcts.info/psk31lx.html", "path": "./salix/ham/psk31lx-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "demorse", "descs": "demorse (morse code decoder program for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/ham/demorse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "demorse is a morse code to text decoder application for Linux. It detects the 'dihs' and 'dahs' that make a morse code character via the computers sound card, which can be connected to a radio receiver tuned to a CW transmission or to a tone generator. Demorse is currently a non-interactive tool, and decoded morse code signals are sent to stdout. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/demorse-1.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "58300 K", "ver": "19.09", "name": "svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather-16k", "descs": "svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather-16k (sound files for svxlink)", "source": "source/salix/ham/svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather-16k", "deps": ["svxlink"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14575 K", "descl": "The SvxLink project is developing a flexible, general purpose voice services system for ham radio use. This is the english voices language pack matching release 19.09 of SvxLink. Home page http://www.svxlink.org", "path": "./salix/ham/svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather-16k-19.09-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "2.9", "name": "xwxapt", "descs": "xwxapt (GTK+ weather satellite image decoder)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xwxapt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "rtl-sdr", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "xwxapt is a GTK+ version of wxapt, a program for decoding and saving weather images transmitted in the APT format of NOAA and METEOR satellites. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/xwxapt-2.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "4900 K", "ver": "1.8.7", "name": "klog", "descs": "klog (Ham Radio Logging program for KDE)", "source": "source/salix/ham/klog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "hamlib", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1225 K", "descl": "klog is a multiplatform amateur radio logging program using the QT5 framework. KLog provides QSO management, DX-Cluster integration, and support for WSTJ-X, among other things. Homepage: https://www.klog.xyz", "path": "./salix/ham/klog-1.8.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "3436 K", "ver": "4.4.5", "name": "xnec2c", "descs": "xnec2c (nec2 visualization program for X)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xnec2c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "859 K", "descl": "xnec2c is the graphical counterpart of nec2c, which in turn is a port of the classic nec2 antenna visualization program from Fortran to the C programming language. xnec2c accepts nec2 output files and displays a graphical representation of the data. xnec2c uses the GTK2 graphical interface toolkit. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/xnec2c-4.4.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.8.2", "name": "ebook2cw", "descs": "ebook2cw (ebook to cw program for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/ham/ebook2cw", "deps": ["lame", "libogg", "libvorbis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "ebook2cw is a command-line program for converting ebooks to morse code mp3 or OGG files. It uses the LAME encoder. Homepage: http://fkurz.net/ham/ebook2cw.html", "path": "./salix/ham/ebook2cw-0.8.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "2408 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "codec2", "descs": "codec2 (low bit rate speech codec)", "source": "source/salix/ham/codec2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "602 K", "descl": "Codec 2 is an open source (LGPL 2.1) low bit rate speech codec Also included: + FDMDV modem (README_fdmdv.txt) for HF channels + Coherent PSK (cohpsk) for HF channels + FSK modem (README_fsk.txt) for VHF channels + an OFDM modem for HF channels (ofdm) + the FreeDV API - a library for embedding FreeDV in other programs Homepage http://rowetel.com/codec2.html", "path": "./salix/ham/codec2-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "2488 K", "ver": "2.15.8", "name": "gqrx-sdr", "descs": "gqrx-sdr (software defined radio receiver)", "source": "source/salix/ham/gqrx-sdr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "gnuradio", "gr-osmosdr", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "log4cpp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pcre2", "portaudio", "pulseaudio", "python3", "qt5", "volk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "622 K", "descl": "Gqrx is a software defined radio receiver powered by the GNU Radio SDR framework and the Qt graphical toolkit. Gqrx supports many of the SDR hardware available, including Funcube Dongles, rtl-sdr, HackRF and USRP devices. homepage: http://gqrx.dk", "path": "./salix/ham/gqrx-sdr-2.15.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "6272 K", "ver": "19.09.2", "name": "svxlink", "descs": "svxlink (A general purpose voice services system for ham radio use)", "source": "source/salix/ham/svxlink", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gsm", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libsigc++", "libunistring", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "qt5", "rtl-sdr", "speex", "tcl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1568 K", "descl": "The SvxLink Server is a general purpose voice services system, which when connected to a transceiver, can act as both an advanced repeater system and can also operate on a simplex channel. One could call it a radio operating system since it sits between the hardware (transceiver) and the applications (modules) and handle basic system services as well as input and output. The project also includes Qtel and SvxReflector. Home page: http://www.svxlink.org", "path": "./salix/ham/svxlink-19.09.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "5048 K", "ver": "1.08", "name": "baudline", "descs": "baudline (spectrum analyzer program)", "source": "source/salix/ham/baudline", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "opus", "util-linux"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1262 K", "descl": "Baudline is a time-frequency browser designed for scientific visualization of the spectral domain. It can be used as a spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope, and several other functions. Homepage: http://www.baudline.com", "path": "./salix/ham/baudline-1.08-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "39716 K", "ver": "2.0.24", "name": "xlog", "descs": "xlog (ham radio contact logging program)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xlog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "hamlib", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9929 K", "descl": "Xlog is an easy to use program for logging your ham radio contacts. Contacts are saved in a browsable list which can be edited. Homepage: http://xlog.nongnu.org/", "path": "./salix/ham/xlog-2.0.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "608 K", "ver": "20191204", "name": "dxcc", "descs": "dxcc (DXCC command line lookup utility)", "source": "source/salix/ham/dxcc", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "152 K", "descl": "dxcc is a command line utility that allows you to look up the ARRL DXCC entity of a ham radio callsign, based on AD1C's cty.dat file. Homepage: http://fkurz.net/ham/dxcc.html", "path": "./salix/ham/dxcc-20191204-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "3272 K", "ver": "9.5.8", "name": "qsstv", "descs": "qsstv (SSTV and HAMDRM transmitting and receiving software)", "source": "source/salix/ham/qsstv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "hamlib", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "v4l-utils-nogui", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "818 K", "descl": "QSSTV9 is a program for receiving and transmitting SSTV and HAMDRM (sometimes called DSSTV). It is compatible with most of MMSSTV and EasyPal. Homepage: http://users.telenet.be/on4qz/", "path": "./salix/ham/qsstv-9.5.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "0.7.7", "name": "aldo", "descs": "aldo (morse code tutor for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/ham/aldo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libao"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Aldo is a morse code learning tool which provides four types of training methods: Blocks, Koch, File, and Callsign. Homepage: http://aldo.nongnu.org/", "path": "./salix/ham/aldo-0.7.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "20180603", "name": "rtl-sdr", "descs": "rtl-sdr (inexpensive USB software defined receiver)", "source": "source/salix/ham/rtl-sdr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U can be used as a cheap SDR since the chip allows transferring the raw I/Q samples to the host which is officially used for DAB/DAB+/FM demodulation homepage: http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr", "path": "./salix/ham/rtl-sdr-20180603-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "3876 K", "ver": "1.4.5", "name": "flrig", "descs": "flrig (Amateur Radio transceiver control program)", "source": "source/salix/ham/flrig", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "969 K", "descl": "FLRIG is a transceiver control program for Amateur Radio use. It is designed to be used either stand alone or as an adjunct to FLDIGI. It does not use any 3rd party transceiver control libraries. The supported transceivers all have some degree of CAT. The FLRIG user interface changes to accommodate the degree of CAT support available for the transceiver in use. Homepage: http://www.w1hkj.com/", "path": "./salix/ham/flrig-1.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "xdx", "descs": "xdx (DX Cluster client for radio amateurs)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xdx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "A handy stand-alone GTK+ client for accessing your favorite DX Cluster or Reverse Beacon Net server via telnet over TCP/IP. Xdx can set your radio's frequency to a spot using Hamlib (optional).", "path": "./salix/ham/xdx-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "664 K", "ver": "1.3.5", "name": "linpsk", "descs": "linpsk (QT4-based PSK31 program)", "source": "source/salix/ham/linpsk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "hamlib", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "166 K", "descl": "linpsk is a QT4-based PSK31 program for Linux. It uses the ALSA sound system and the FFTW library to encode/decode PSK31, and can be configured to key your radio through a serial port with any number of commercially available or homebrew radio interfaces. It also supports RTTY. Homepage: http://linpsk.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/ham/linpsk-1.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "twhamqth", "descs": "twhamqth (callsign lookup program for linux)", "source": "source/salix/ham/twhamqth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "twhamqth is a callsign lookup program that uses an online callsign database from the HamQTH site of Petr, OK2CQR. Given a callsign, twhamqth will return name, address, city, and country of the station. Homepage: http://wa0eir.bcts.info/twhamqth.html", "path": "./salix/ham/twhamqth-2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "inspectrum", "descs": "inspectrum (offline radio signal analyser)", "source": "source/salix/ham/inspectrum", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "fftw", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "liquid-dsp", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "inspectrum is a tool for analysing captured signals, primarily from software-defined radio receivers. Homepage: https://github.com/miek/inspectrum", "path": "./salix/ham/inspectrum-0.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "528 K", "ver": "3.4.1", "name": "unixcw", "descs": "unixcw (Morse Code libraries and utilities)", "source": "source/salix/ham/unixcw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "132 K", "descl": "unixcw provides the libcw library as well as a set of programs using the library. The programs are intended for people who want to learn sending and recieving Morse Code. Homepage: http://unixcw.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/ham/unixcw-3.4.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "744 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "SoapyRemote", "descs": "SoapyRemote (Remote support for Soapy SDR)", "source": "source/salix/ham/SoapyRemote", "deps": ["SoapySDR", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "avahi", "dbus", "elogind"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "186 K", "descl": "Use any SoapySDR supported device transparently over a local network link. The remote support feature can turn any SDR into a network peripheral.", "path": "./salix/ham/SoapyRemote-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "2.25", "name": "7plus", "descs": "7plus (encoder vaguely similar to Unix's UUENCODE)", "source": "source/salix/ham/7plus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "It uses a very effective radix216 encoding and incorporates diverse mechanisms to ensure decoded data is not corrupted. It also includes an interactive repair mechanism which allows the repair of damaged files using correction files, thus eliminating the need to retransmit entire files. In case of a corruption, only the faulty sections are resent. 7PLUS is only meant to be used within the Packet Radio network for the tranport of binary data through Packet Radio mail. It cannot be used for Internet eMail since it needs a (almost) transparent path from end to end.'", "path": "./salix/ham/7plus-2.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "760 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "xfhell", "descs": "xfhell (GTK+ Hellschreiber program for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/ham/xfhell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "190 K", "descl": "xfhell is a GTK+ application for the 'fuzzy' digital communication mode known as Hellschreiber. Homepage: https://www.qsl.net/5b4az/", "path": "./salix/ham/xfhell-3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ham", "sizeu": "1312 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "tlf", "descs": "tlf (curses based logging and contest program)", "source": "source/salix/ham/tlf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "hamlib", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "xmlrpc-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "328 K", "descl": "TLF supports the CQWW, the WPX, the ARRL-DX, the ARRL-FD, the PACC and the EU SPRINT shortwave contests (single operator) as well as a LOT MORE basic contests, general QSO and DXpedition mode. It interfaces with cwdaemon or winkeydaemon for Morse Code generation and with your sound card for CW/VOICE keying, connects to a number of radios via the Hamlib library and has a built-in client for DX cluster connection.", "path": "./salix/ham/tlf-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.5.5", "name": "python2-pkgconfig", "descs": "python2-pkgconfig (python interface to pkg-config)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pkgconfig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "pkgconfig is a Python module to interface with the pkg-config command line tool. https://github.com/matze/pkgconfig", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pkgconfig-1.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "2.0.5", "name": "PyDispatcher", "descs": "PyDispatcher (Mechanism for creating event models)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyDispatcher", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "PyDispatcher provides the Python programmer with a multiple-producer- multiple-consumer signal-registration and routing infrastructure for use in multiple contexts. Homepage: http://pydispatcher.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/PyDispatcher-2.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "21.1.0", "name": "python3-service-identity", "descs": "python3-service-identity (Service Identity Verification for pyOpenSSL)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-service-identity", "deps": ["python3-attrs", "cryptography", "pyasn1-modules"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "service-identity aspires to give you all the tools you need for verifying whether a certificate is valid for the intended purposes. service-identity implements RFC 6125 fully. https://pypi.python.org/project/service-identity", "path": "./salix/python/python3-service-identity-21.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "python3-defusedxml", "descs": "python3-defusedxml (XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-defusedxml", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "The defusedxml package contains several Python-only workarounds and fixes for denial of service and other vulnerabilities in Python's XML libraries. In order to benefit from the protection you just have to import and use the listed functions or classes from the right defusedxml module instead of the original module.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-defusedxml-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1060 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "testtools", "descs": "testtools (Extensions to the Python unit testing framework)", "source": "source/salix/python/testtools", "deps": ["python2-pbr", "extras", "python2-mimeparse", "traceback2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "265 K", "descl": "testtools is a set of extensions to the Python standard library's unit testing framework. These extensions have been derived from many years of experience with unit testing in Python and come from many different sources. https://github.com/testing-cabal/testtools", "path": "./salix/python/testtools-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "python2-mccabe", "descs": "python2-mccabe (Complexity checker for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-mccabe", "deps": ["pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "McCabe checker, plugin for flake8. Ned's script to check McCabe complexity. This module provides a plugin for flake8, the Python code checker. Homepage: https://github.com/flintwork/mccabe", "path": "./salix/python/python2-mccabe-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "monty", "descs": "monty (missing complement to Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/monty", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Monty implements supplementary useful functions for Python that are not part of the standard library. Homepage: https://github.com/materialsvirtuallab/monty", "path": "./salix/python/monty-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.9.7", "name": "requests-futures", "descs": "requests-futures (Asynchronous Python HTTP)", "source": "source/salix/python/requests-futures", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Small add-on for the python requests http library. Makes use of of python 3.2's concurrent.futures or the backport for prior versions of python. Homepage: https://github.com/ross/requests-futures", "path": "./salix/python/requests-futures-0.9.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1288 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "werkzeug", "descs": "werkzeug (WSGI utility library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/werkzeug", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "322 K", "descl": "Werkzeug started as simple collection of various utilities for WSGI and has become one of the most advanced WSGI utility modules. It includes a powerful debugger, fully featured request and response objects, HTTP utilities to handle entity tags, cache control headers, HTTP dates, cookie handling, file uploads, a powerful URL routing system and a bunch of community contributed addon modules. Homepage: https://palletsprojects.com/p/werkzeug/", "path": "./salix/python/werkzeug-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "python3-build", "descs": "python3-build (a simple, correct PEP517 package builder)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-build", "deps": ["python3-pep517"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "", "path": "./salix/python/python3-build-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "5492 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "google-api-python-client", "descs": "google-api-python-client (Google APIs Client for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/google-api-python-client", "deps": ["httplib2", "python2-uri-templates", "python2-oauth2client"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1373 K", "descl": "This is the Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs. Homepage: https://github.com/google/google-api-python-client/", "path": "./salix/python/google-api-python-client-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "19.2.0", "name": "python-keyring", "descs": "python-keyring (Python keyring library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-keyring", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "entrypoints", "secretstorage"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "The Python keyring lib provides a easy way to access the system keyring service from python. It can be used in any application that needs safe password storage. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/kang/python-keyring-lib", "path": "./salix/python/python-keyring-19.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "2.32.0", "name": "gnome-python-desktop", "descs": "gnome-python-desktop (python modules for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/python/gnome-python-desktop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome-keyring", "libgpg-error", "libgtop", "librsvg", "libwnck", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib", "gnome-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "gnome-pythong-desktop contains a few python modules for GNOME.", "path": "./salix/python/gnome-python-desktop-2.32.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4464 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "sk1libs", "descs": "sk1libs (python libs for sK1 Project)", "source": "source/salix/python/sk1libs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1116 K", "descl": "sk1libs is a set of python libs for sK1 Project. The package includes multiplatform non-GUI extensions which are usually native extensions. Homepage: https://sk1project.net", "path": "./salix/python/sk1libs-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "3.0.10", "name": "python3-Flask-Cors", "descs": "python3-Flask-Cors (A Flask extension for handling CORS)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Cors", "deps": ["Flask"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "A Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible. Homepage: https://github.com/corydolphin/flask-cors", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Cors-3.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "Parsley", "descs": "Parsley (Parsing and pattern matching in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/Parsley", "deps": ["python2-twisted"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Parsley", "path": "./salix/python/Parsley-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "python3-ufonormalizer", "descs": "python3-ufonormalizer (Normalize the XML)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-ufonormalizer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "The author of this package has not provided a project description.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-ufonormalizer-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "pandocfilters", "descs": "pandocfilters (Python module for writing pandoc filters)", "source": "source/salix/python/pandocfilters", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Pandocfilters is a Python module for writing pandoc filters.", "path": "./salix/python/pandocfilters-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "988 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "python3-formencode", "descs": "python3-formencode (HTML form validation)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-formencode", "deps": ["python3-setuptools_scm_git_archive"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "247 K", "descl": "FormEncode validates and converts nested structures. It allows for a declarative form of defining the validation, and decoupled processes for filling and generating forms. http://FormEncode.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-formencode-2.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "python3-kiwisolver", "descs": "python3-kiwisolver (an implementation of the Cassowary algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-kiwisolver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "cppy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "This is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm. Kiwi(solver) is an implementation of the algorithm based on the seminal Cassowary paper. It is not a refactoring of the original C++ solver. Kiwi(solver) has been designed from the ground up to be lightweight and fast. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/kiwisolver This will coexist with SBo's kiwisolver package.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-kiwisolver-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1124 K", "ver": "0.9.7", "name": "python-ly", "descs": "python-ly (python parser for lilyPond files)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-ly", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "281 K", "descl": "This package provides a Python library ly containing various Python modules to parse, manipulate or create documents in LilyPond format. A command line program ly is also provided that can be user to do various manipulation with LilyPond files.", "path": "./salix/python/python-ly-0.9.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "408 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "boto3", "descs": "boto3 (Python API for AWS)", "source": "source/salix/python/boto3", "deps": ["botocore"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "102 K", "descl": "Boto is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, which allows Python developers to write software that makes use of services like Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2. You can find the latest, most up to date, documentation at `Read the Docs`_, including a list of services that are supported. Homepage: http://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-python/", "path": "./salix/python/boto3-1.3.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "3240 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "apprise", "descs": "apprise (Multiplatform Push Notifications)", "source": "source/salix/python/apprise", "deps": ["click", "decorator", "Markdown", "python-oauthlib", "requests-oauthlib", "python2-PyYAML", "babel", "pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "810 K", "descl": "Apprise allows you to send a notification to almost all of the most popular notification services available to us today such as: Telegram, Discord, Slack, Amazon SNS, Gotify, etc. Homepage: ", "path": "./salix/python/apprise-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "21.4.0", "name": "python2-attrs", "descs": "python2-attrs (attributes without boilerplate)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-attrs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "attrs is an MIT-licensed Python package with class decorators that ease the chores of implementing the most common attribute-related object protocols. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/attrs", "path": "./salix/python/python2-attrs-21.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2032 K", "ver": "0.7.5", "name": "pyfiglet", "descs": "pyfiglet (Python port of figlet)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyfiglet", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "508 K", "descl": "pyfiglet is a full port of FIGlet (http://www.figlet.org/) into pure python. It takes ASCII text and renders it in ASCII art fonts (like the title above, which is the 'block' font). Homepage: https://github.com/pwaller/pyfiglet", "path": "./salix/python/pyfiglet-0.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "python-iso3166", "descs": "python-iso3166 (Standalone ISO 3166-1 country definitions)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-iso3166", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "ISO 3166-1 defines two-letter, three-letter, and three-digit country codes. python-iso3166 is a self-contained module that converts between these codes and the corresponding country name. Homepage: https://github.com/deactivated/python-iso3166", "path": "./salix/python/python-iso3166-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "2.15.3", "name": "python3-fastjsonschema", "descs": "python3-fastjsonschema (Fast JSON schema validator)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-fastjsonschema", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "fastjsonschema is a fast JSON schema validator for Python.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-fastjsonschema-2.15.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "2.2.5", "name": "python2-openid", "descs": "python2-openid (python openid library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-openid", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "Python OpenID library. Home: https://github.com/openid/python2-openid", "path": "./salix/python/python2-openid-2.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "cssselect", "descs": "cssselect (python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/cssselect", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translate them to XPath 1.0 expressions. Such expressions can be used in lxml or another XPath engine to find the matching elements in an XML or HTML document. Homepage: https://cssselect.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/cssselect-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.10.0", "name": "jmespath", "descs": "jmespath (JSON Matching Expressions)", "source": "source/salix/python/jmespath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "JMESPath (pronounced 'jaymz path') allows you to declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document. Homepage: https://github.com/boto/jmespath", "path": "./salix/python/jmespath-0.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "836 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "dukpy", "descs": "dukpy (JavaScript runtime environment for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/dukpy", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "209 K", "descl": "dukpy is a JavaScript runtime environment for Python (tested with python 2.7 and >= 3.4) using the duktape embeddable JavaScript engine. With dukpy, you can run JavaScript in Python. Homepage: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/dukpy", "path": "./salix/python/dukpy-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.4.7", "name": "snuggs", "descs": "snuggs (s-expressions for Numpy)", "source": "source/salix/python/snuggs", "deps": ["click-legacy7", "numpy", "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Snuggs are s-expressions for Numpy.", "path": "./salix/python/snuggs-1.4.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2904 K", "ver": "2.9.2", "name": "python3-paramiko", "descs": "python3-paramiko (Python3 SSH module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-paramiko", "deps": ["cryptography"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "726 K", "descl": "'paramiko' is a combination of the esperanto words for 'paranoid' and 'friend'. it's a module for python 2.2+ that implements the SSH2 protocol for secure (encrypted and authenticated) connections to remote machines. Unlike SSL (aka TLS), SSH2 protocol does not require heirarchical certificates signed by a powerful central authority. Homepage: http://www.lag.net/paramiko/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-paramiko-2.9.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "jellyfish", "descs": "jellyfish (python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/jellyfish", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Jellyfish is a python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings. Homepage: https://github.com/sunlightlabs/jellyfish", "path": "./salix/python/jellyfish-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "python2-scandir", "descs": "python2-scandir (directory iterator)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-scandir", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "scandir, a better directory iterator and faster os.walk(). scandir() is a generator version of os.listdir() that returns an iterator over files in a directory, and also exposes the extra information most OSes provide while iterating files in a directory (such as type and stat information). Homepage: https://github.com/benhoyt/scandir", "path": "./salix/python/python2-scandir-1.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "python2-lhafile", "descs": "python2-lhafile (Python LHA archive extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-lhafile", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This project is an updated version of the project found at http://trac.neotitans.net/wiki/lhafile. It is primarily used as a component in FS-UAE Launcher to index and extract files from .lha archives. The project consists of a Python package (lhafile) and a C extension for Python (lzhlib). Homepage: http://fengestad.no/python2-lhafile/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-lhafile-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.1.6", "name": "click-repl", "descs": "click-repl (REPL plugin for Click)", "source": "source/salix/python/click-repl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/click-repl/", "path": "./salix/python/click-repl-0.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "pymysql", "descs": "pymysql (python-mysql library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pymysql", "deps": ["cryptography"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "This package contains a pure-Python MySQL client library. The goal of PyMySQL is to be a drop-in replacement for MySQLdb and work on CPython, PyPy, IronPython and Jython. Homepage: https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL", "path": "./salix/python/pymysql-0.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "3.2.3", "name": "asgiref", "descs": "asgiref (ASGI specification and utilities)", "source": "source/salix/python/asgiref", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "ASGI is a standard for Python asynchronous web apps and servers to communicate with each other, and positioned as an asynchronous successor to WSGI. Homepage: https://github.com/django/asgiref/", "path": "./salix/python/asgiref-3.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "2.0.6", "name": "python3-gitdb2", "descs": "python3-gitdb2 (IO of git-style object databases)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-gitdb2", "deps": ["python3-smmap2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "GitDB allows you to access bare git repositories for reading and writing. It aims at allowing full access to loose objects as well as packs with performance and scalability in mind. It operates exclusively on streams, allowing to handle large objects with a small memory footprint.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-gitdb2-2.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "node-semver", "descs": "node-semver (python version of node-semver)", "source": "source/salix/python/node-semver", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "Python implementation of the http://semver.org/ specification. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/node-semver/", "path": "./salix/python/node-semver-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "2.4.1", "name": "pyotp", "descs": "pyotp (Python one-time password library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyotp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "pyotp is a Python library for generating and verifying one-time passwords. It can be used to implement two-factor or multi-factor authentication methods in web applications and in other systems that require users to log in. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/pyotp/", "path": "./salix/python/pyotp-2.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "3.2.2", "name": "python3-bcrypt", "descs": "python3-bcrypt (password hashing)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-bcrypt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "Modern(-ish) password hashing for your software and your servers", "path": "./salix/python/python3-bcrypt-3.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1300 K", "ver": "1.7.3", "name": "Scrapy", "descs": "Scrapy (Web Scraping framework)", "source": "source/salix/python/Scrapy", "deps": ["python2-twisted", "queuelib", "parsel", "PyDispatcher", "service_identity"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "325 K", "descl": "An open source and collaborative framework for extracting the data you need from websites. In a fast, simple, yet extensible way. Homepage: https://scrapy.org/", "path": "./salix/python/Scrapy-1.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2296 K", "ver": "0.14.0", "name": "jedi", "descs": "jedi (Autocompletion tool for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/jedi", "deps": ["python3-parso"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "574 K", "descl": "Jedi is an autocompletion tool for Python that can be used in IDEs/editors. Jedi works. Jedi is fast. It understands all of the basic Python syntax elements including many builtin functions. Homepage: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi", "path": "./salix/python/jedi-0.14.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "python-evdev", "descs": "python-evdev (Python input event library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-evdev", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "python-evdev allows Python programs running in Linux to read and write input events. It provides bindings to both the generic input event interface (evdev) and the userspace input subsystem (Uinput).", "path": "./salix/python/python-evdev-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "python2-esmre", "descs": "python2-esmre (Regular expression accelerator)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-esmre", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Modules used to accelerate execution of a large collection of regular expressions using the Aho-Corasick algorithms. Home page: https://code.google.com/p/esmre/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-esmre-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "autopep8", "descs": "autopep8 (automatically formats Python code)", "source": "source/salix/python/autopep8", "deps": ["pycodestyle"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "autopep8 automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide. It uses the pep8 utility to determine what parts of the code needs to be formatted. autopep8 is capable of fixing most of the of the formatting issues that can be reported by pep8. Homepage: https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8", "path": "./salix/python/autopep8-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "pysha3", "descs": "pysha3 (SHA-3 wrapper for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pysha3", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "The module is a standalone version of the SHA-3 module from Python 3.6 Python 2.6 and earlier are not supported. Homepage: https://github.com/tiran/pysha3", "path": "./salix/python/pysha3-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "pynzb", "descs": "pynzb (NZB file format parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/pynzb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "NZB is an XML-based file format for retrieving posts from NNTP (Usenet) servers. Since NZB is XML-based, it's relatively easy to build one-off parsers to parse NZB files. This project is an attempt to consolidate those many one-off NZB parsers into one simple interface. Home: https://github.com/ericflo/pynzb", "path": "./salix/python/pynzb-0.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "sphinxcontrib-applehelp", "descs": "sphinxcontrib-applehelp (Sphinx extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/sphinxcontrib-applehelp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "sphinxcontrib-applehelp is a Sphinx extension to create Apple help books.", "path": "./salix/python/sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "python3-sgmllib3k", "descs": "python3-sgmllib3k (python3 port of python 2 sgmllib)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-sgmllib3k", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "sgmllib was dropped in Python 3. For those depending on it, that's somewhat unfortunate. This is a quick and dirty port of this old module.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-sgmllib3k-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1372 K", "ver": "2.6.1", "name": "python2-pycrypto", "descs": "python2-pycrypto (Python Cryptography Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pycrypto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "343 K", "descl": "This is a collection of both secure hash functions (such as MD5 and SHA), and various encryption algorithms (AES, DES, IDEA, RSA, ElGamal, etc.). The package is structured to make adding new modules easy. Homepage: http://www.pycrypto.org", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pycrypto-2.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "0.8.19", "name": "pychecker", "descs": "pychecker (Python source code checking tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/pychecker", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "PyChecker is a static analysis tool for finding bugs in Python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages, like C and C++. It is similar to lint. Homepage: http://pychecker.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/python/pychecker-0.8.19-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "python3-repoze.lru", "descs": "python3-repoze.lru (A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-repoze.lru", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "", "path": "./salix/python/python3-repoze.lru-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "5.5.5", "name": "elasticsearch5", "descs": "elasticsearch5 (python client for Elasticsearch)", "source": "source/salix/python/elasticsearch5", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "Official low-level client for Elasticsearch. https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py", "path": "./salix/python/elasticsearch5-5.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1504 K", "ver": "3.13.0_r1", "name": "apsw", "descs": "apsw (Another Python SQLite Wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/python/apsw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "python2", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "376 K", "descl": "APSW is a Python wrapper for the SQLite embedded relational database engine. In contrast to other wrappers such as pysqlite it focuses on being a minimal layer over SQLite attempting just to translate the complete SQLite API into Python. The documentation has a section on the differences between APSW and pysqlite. APSW supports CPython 2.3 onwards and CPython 3.1 onwards. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/apsw/", "path": "./salix/python/apsw-3.13.0_r1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "threadpoolctl", "descs": "threadpoolctl (Python helpers)", "source": "source/salix/python/threadpoolctl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "threadpoolctl contains Python helpers to limit the number of threads used in native libraries that handle their own internal threadpool.", "path": "./salix/python/threadpoolctl-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "blinker", "descs": "blinker (Python module for object-to-object and broadcast signaling)", "source": "source/salix/python/blinker", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "Blinker provides a fast dispatching system that allows any number of interested parties to subscribe to events, or 'signals'. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/blinker/", "path": "./salix/python/blinker-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "click-default-group", "descs": "click-default-group (click extends)", "source": "source/salix/python/click-default-group", "deps": ["click"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Extends click.Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name. Homepage: https://github.com/click-contrib/click-default-group", "path": "./salix/python/click-default-group-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "python3-tgext.routes", "descs": "python3-tgext.routes (Python Module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-tgext.routes", "deps": ["python3-routes", "python3-turbogears2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Provides Routes based dispatching for TurboGears2", "path": "./salix/python/python3-tgext.routes-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "python3-yara", "descs": "python3-yara (Python3 for yara)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-yara", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "yara", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "yara-python is a Python library to allow the use of YARA directly in python programs. It covers all YARA's features, from compiling, saving and loading rules to scanning files, strings and processes. Homepage: https://github.com/VirusTotal/yara-python", "path": "./salix/python/python3-yara-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "708 K", "ver": "3.5", "name": "pyserial", "descs": "pyserial (python module for accessing the serial port)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyserial", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "177 K", "descl": "This module encapsulates the access for the serial port. It provides backends for Python running on Windows, OSX, Linux, BSD (possibly any POSIX compliant system) and IronPython. Homepage: https://github.com/pyserial/pyserial", "path": "./salix/python/pyserial-3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "bottle-mysql", "descs": "bottle-mysql (MySQL integration for Bottle)", "source": "source/salix/python/bottle-mysql", "deps": ["bottle", "MySQL-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Bottle-MySQL is a plugin that integrates MySQL with your Bottle application", "path": "./salix/python/bottle-mysql-0.2.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "1.7.2", "name": "yarl", "descs": "yarl (Yet another URL library)", "source": "source/salix/python/yarl", "deps": ["python3-multidict"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "The module provides handy URL class for url parsing and changing. https://yarl.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", "path": "./salix/python/yarl-1.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.1.6", "name": "pystatsd", "descs": "pystatsd (Graphite frontend)", "source": "source/salix/python/pystatsd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "pystatsd is a client and server implementation of Etsy's statsd server, a front end/proxy for the Graphite stats collection and graphing server. Home: https://github.com/sivy/py-statsd", "path": "./salix/python/pystatsd-0.1.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "0.20200121", "name": "python2-gattlib", "descs": "python2-gattlib (Bluetooth LE protocol library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-gattlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "bluez", "boost", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "This is a Python library to use the GATT Protocol for Bluetooth LE devices. It is a wrapper around the implementation used by gatttool in bluez package. Homepage: https://github.com/oscaracena/pygattlib", "path": "./salix/python/python2-gattlib-0.20200121-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "560 K", "ver": "2.6.11", "name": "Markdown", "descs": "Markdown (Python implementation of Markdown)", "source": "source/salix/python/Markdown", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "140 K", "descl": "This module handles the Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown/", "path": "./salix/python/Markdown-2.6.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "pyasn1-modules", "descs": "pyasn1-modules (A collection of ASN.1-based protocols modules.)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyasn1-modules", "deps": ["pyasn1"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "All modules are py2k/py3k-compliant. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyasn1-modules/", "path": "./salix/python/pyasn1-modules-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "30020 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "python3-sympy", "descs": "python3-sympy (Python library for symbolic mathematics)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-sympy", "deps": ["python3-mpmath"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7505 K", "descl": "SymPy aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python and does not require any external libraries. Homepage: https://sympy.org", "path": "./salix/python/python3-sympy-1.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "pilkit", "descs": "pilkit (A collection of utilities and processors for Imaging Libary)", "source": "source/salix/python/pilkit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "PILKit is a collection of utilities for working with PIL (the Python Imaging Library). Homepage: https://github.com/matthewwithanm/pilkit/", "path": "./salix/python/pilkit-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1956 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "werkzeug-legacy1", "descs": "werkzeug-legacy1 (WSGI utility library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/werkzeug-legacy1", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "489 K", "descl": "Werkzeug started as simple collection of various utilities for WSGI and has become one of the most advanced WSGI utility modules. It includes a powerful debugger, fully featured request and response objects, HTTP utilities to handle entity tags, cache control headers, HTTP dates, cookie handling, file uploads, a powerful URL routing system and a bunch of community contributed addon modules. Homepage: https://palletsprojects.com/p/werkzeug/", "path": "./salix/python/werkzeug-legacy1-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "python3-Flask-Login", "descs": "python3-Flask-Login (User session management for Flask)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Login", "deps": ["Flask"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Flask-Login provides user session management for Flask. It handles the common tasks of logging in, logging out, and remembering your users' sessions over extended periods of time. Homepage: https://github.com/maxcountryman/flask-login", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Login-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "pathlib2", "descs": "pathlib2 (Object-oriented filesystem paths)", "source": "source/salix/python/pathlib2", "deps": ["python2-scandir"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "The old pathlib module on bitbucket is in bugfix-only mode. The goal of pathlib2 is to provide a backport of standard pathlib module which tracks the standard library module, so all the newest features of the standard pathlib can be used also on older Python versions. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/pathlib2/", "path": "./salix/python/pathlib2-2.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "backports-abc", "descs": "backports-abc (backport of the collections.abc module)", "source": "source/salix/python/backports-abc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "This provides a backport for the collections.abc module in Python 3.", "path": "./salix/python/backports-abc-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28668 K", "ver": "20140328", "name": "python2-pdfminer", "descs": "python2-pdfminer (PDF parser and analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pdfminer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7167 K", "descl": "PDFMiner is a tool for extracting information from PDF documents. It focuses entirely on getting and analyzing text data. PDFMiner can obtain the location of text in a page, and other information like fonts or lines. It includes a PDF converter that can transform PDF files into several text formats. It also includes an extensible PDF parser. Home page: https://euske.github.io/pdfminer/index.html", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pdfminer-20140328-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "764 K", "ver": "2013.1", "name": "tagpy", "descs": "tagpy (Python Bindings for TagLib)", "source": "source/salix/python/tagpy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "python2", "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "191 K", "descl": "TagPy is a set of Python bindings for Scott Wheeler's TagLib. It builds upon Boost.Python, a wrapper generation library which is part of the Boost set of C++ libraries. Homepage: http://mathema.tician.de/software/tagpy", "path": "./salix/python/tagpy-2013.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.12.1", "name": "python3-setuptools-rust", "descs": "python3-setuptools-rust (Setuptools plugin for Rust extensions)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-setuptools-rust", "deps": ["python3-semantic-version", "python-toml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "setuptools-rust is a plugin for setuptools to build Rust Python extensions implemented with PyO3 or rust-cpython. Project URL: https://github.com/PyO3/setuptools-rust/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-setuptools-rust-0.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "python3-editor", "descs": "python3-editor (Programmatically open an editor)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-editor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "python-editor is a library that provides the editor module for programmatically interfacing with your system's $EDITOR. Homepage: https://github.com/fmoo/python-editor", "path": "./salix/python/python3-editor-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "ptyprocess", "descs": "ptyprocess (python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/ptyprocess", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Launch a subprocess in a pseudo terminal (pty), and interact with both the process and its pty. Sometimes, piping stdin and stdout is not enough. There might be a password prompt that doesn't read from stdin, output that changes when it's going to a pipe rather than a terminal, or curses-style interfaces that rely on a terminal. Project URL: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ptyprocess", "path": "./salix/python/ptyprocess-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2172 K", "ver": "22.4.2", "name": "python3-autobahn", "descs": "python3-autobahn (Websocket and WAMP for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-autobahn", "deps": ["python3-txaio", "cryptography", "hyperlink"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "543 K", "descl": "Autobahn|Python is a subproject of Autobahn and provides open-source implementations of the WebSocket Protocol and the Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) for Python. http://crossbar.io/autobahn/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-autobahn-22.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.1.5", "name": "rst2ansi", "descs": "rst2ansi (A rst converter to ansi-decorated)", "source": "source/salix/python/rst2ansi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "A python module dedicated to rendering RST (reStructuredText) documents to ansi-escaped strings suitable for display in a terminal. Homepage: https://github.com/Snaipe/python-rst2ansi", "path": "./salix/python/rst2ansi-0.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "2.25.3", "name": "pygtkspell", "descs": "pygtkspell (Python bindings for the GtkSpell library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pygtkspell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkspell", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Pygtkspell contains bindings allowing to run Python programs using the GtkSpell library, that extends GTK+'s GtkTextView widget with support for spell-checking. http://www.pygtk.org/pygtkspell/", "path": "./salix/python/pygtkspell-2.25.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "3.1.9", "name": "python-bitstring", "descs": "python-bitstring (binary data analysis library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-bitstring", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "bitstring is a pure Python module designed to help make the creation and analysis of binary data as simple and natural as possible. Bitstrings can be constructed from integers (big and little endian), hex, octal, binary, strings or files. They can be sliced, joined, reversed, inserted into, overwritten, etc. with simple functions or slice notation. They can also be read from, searched and replaced, and navigated in, similar to a file or stream.", "path": "./salix/python/python-bitstring-3.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "python3-setuptools_autover", "descs": "python3-setuptools_autover (version number generator for setuptools)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-setuptools_autover", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "A package allowing generating PEP-440 compatible version numbers from version control. Currently only git is supported. Provides reasonable defaults and an easy way to customize how version numbers are generated from version control system.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-setuptools_autover-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "3.10.0", "name": "tweepy", "descs": "tweepy (Twitter python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/tweepy", "deps": ["requests-oauthlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "Tweepy is a python library for accessing the Twitter API. homepage: http://tweepy.github.com/", "path": "./salix/python/tweepy-3.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.1.5", "name": "binplist", "descs": "binplist (list parser module)", "source": "source/salix/python/binplist", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "A binary property list (plist) parser module written in python. https://github.com/google/binplist", "path": "./salix/python/binplist-0.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2228 K", "ver": "6.1.0", "name": "python3-tornado", "descs": "python3-tornado (web framework and asynchronous networking library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-tornado", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "557 K", "descl": "Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. Homepage: http://www.tornadoweb.org", "path": "./salix/python/python3-tornado-6.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "python3-uth", "descs": "python3-uth (Python Unit Test Helpers)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-uth", "deps": ["python3-setuptools_autover"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "Unit Test Helpers (uth) is a simple library for Python containing some helper methods for unit testing.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-uth-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "monotonic", "descs": "monotonic (An implementation of time.monotonic()", "source": "source/salix/python/monotonic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "This module provides a monotonic() function which returns the value (in fractional seconds) of a clock which never goes backwards. It is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3. Homepage: https://github.com/atdt/monotonic", "path": "./salix/python/monotonic-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1464 K", "ver": "0.4.10", "name": "pyta-lib", "descs": "pyta-lib (Python wrapper for TA-Lib)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyta-lib", "deps": ["python2", "ta-lib", "numpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "366 K", "descl": "This is a Python wrapper for TA-LIB based on Cython instead of SWIG. Homepage: https://github.com/mrjbq7/ta-lib", "path": "./salix/python/pyta-lib-0.4.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "564 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "zeep", "descs": "zeep (Python SOAP client)", "source": "source/salix/python/zeep", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "141 K", "descl": "A fast and modern Python SOAP client.", "path": "./salix/python/zeep-3.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "0.3.15", "name": "pybloomfiltermmap", "descs": "pybloomfiltermmap (bloom filter for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pybloomfiltermmap", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "Pybloomfiltermmap is a fast, simple, and scalable library used for Bloom Filters in Python built on mmap. Web site: https://axiak.github.io/pybloomfiltermmap/", "path": "./salix/python/pybloomfiltermmap-0.3.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "python-gflags", "descs": "python-gflags (Google's Python argument parsing library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-gflags", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "This project is the python equivalent of gflags, a commandline flag implementation for C++ originally written by Google. It is intended to be used in situations where a project wants to mimic the command-line flag handling of a C++ app that uses gflags, or for a Python app that, via swig or some other means, is linked with a C++ app that uses gflags.", "path": "./salix/python/python-gflags-3.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1692 K", "ver": "7.1.2", "name": "python3-pytest", "descs": "python3-pytest (simple powerful testing with Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pytest", "deps": ["py", "python3-attrs", "pluggy", "iniconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "423 K", "descl": "A mature full-featured Python testing tool. Helps you write better programs Homepage: http://pytest.org This is installed with python3 and will coexist with pytest.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pytest-7.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.5.12", "name": "kaptan", "descs": "kaptan (Configuration Manager)", "source": "source/salix/python/kaptan", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "configuration manager in your pocket. Homepage: https://github.com/emre/kaptan", "path": "./salix/python/kaptan-0.5.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "python3-rfc3986", "descs": "python3-rfc3986 (Python impl. incl. validation and authority parsing)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-rfc3986", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "A Python implementation of RFC 3986 including validation and authority parsing. Homepage: https://github.com/python-hyper/rfc3986", "path": "./salix/python/python3-rfc3986-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1264 K", "ver": "18.11.1", "name": "python2-autobahn", "descs": "python2-autobahn (Websocket and WAMP for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-autobahn", "deps": ["python2-txaio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "316 K", "descl": "Autobahn|Python is a subproject of Autobahn and provides open-source implementations of the WebSocket Protocol and the Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) for Python. http://crossbar.io/autobahn/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-autobahn-18.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "mypy_extensions", "descs": "mypy_extensions (python extensions for mypy)", "source": "source/salix/python/mypy_extensions", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Mypy_extensions are experimental type checking extensions to mypy for python3 Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/mypy_extensions", "path": "./salix/python/mypy_extensions-0.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "", "name": "txsocksx", "descs": "txsocksx (Twisted client endpoints for SOCKS{4,4a,5})", "source": "source/salix/python/txsocksx", "deps": ["vcversioner", "python2-twisted", "Parsley"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txsocksx", "path": "./salix/python/txsocksx-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "3.16.1", "name": "simplejson", "descs": "simplejson (extensible JSON encoder and decoder for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/simplejson", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible JSON encoder and decoder for Python 2.5+ and Python 3.3+. It is pure Python code with no dependencies, but includes an optional C extension for a serious speed boost. Homepage: https://github.com/simplejson/simplejson", "path": "./salix/python/simplejson-3.16.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.4.3", "name": "python3-urlobject", "descs": "python3-urlobject (utility class for manipulating URLs)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-urlobject", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "The latest incarnation of this library builds upon the ideas of its predecessor, but aims for a clearer API, focusing on proper method names over operator overrides. It's also being developed from the ground up in a test-driven manner, and has full Sphinx documentation.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-urlobject-2.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1008 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "python3-patsy", "descs": "python3-patsy (A Python library for describing statistical models)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-patsy", "deps": ["numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "252 K", "descl": "Patsy (A Python library for describing statistical models) especially linear models, or models that have a linear component) and building design matrices. Patsy brings the convenience of R 'formulas' to Python. https://patsy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-patsy-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "unrardll", "descs": "unrardll (enable unraring of files in python)", "source": "source/salix/python/unrardll", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2", "unrar"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Wrap the Unrar DLL to enable unraring of files in python. Homepage: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/unrardll", "path": "./salix/python/unrardll-0.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "ndg_httpsclient", "descs": "ndg_httpsclient (enhanced HTTPS support)", "source": "source/salix/python/ndg_httpsclient", "deps": ["pyOpenSSL"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "This is a HTTPS client implementation for httplib and urllib2 based on PyOpenSSL. PyOpenSSL provides a more fully featured SSL implementation over the default provided with Python and importantly enables full verification of the SSL peer. Homepage: https://github.com/cedadev/ndg_httpsclient/", "path": "./salix/python/ndg_httpsclient-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "python2-oauth", "descs": "python2-oauth (open protocol to allow API authentication)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-oauth", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "An open protocol to allow API authentication from desktop and web applications.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-oauth-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "pydot", "descs": "pydot (Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language)", "source": "source/salix/python/pydot", "deps": ["graphviz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "pydot allows to easily create both directed and non directed graphs from Python. Currently all attributes implemented in the Dot language are supported (up to Graphviz 2.16). Homepage: https://github.com/erocarrera/pydot", "path": "./salix/python/pydot-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "", "name": "python2-morbid", "descs": "python2-morbid (messaging server)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-morbid", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Twisted-based publish/subscribe messaging server that uses the STOMP protocol Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/morbid", "path": "./salix/python/python2-morbid-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.5.5", "name": "nest_asyncio", "descs": "nest_asyncio (nested async event loops)", "source": "source/salix/python/nest_asyncio", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "This module patches asyncio to allow nested use of asyncio.run and loop.run_until_complete.", "path": "./salix/python/nest_asyncio-1.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "19.3.0", "name": "python3-attrs", "descs": "python3-attrs (Classes Without Boilerplate)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-attrs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "attrs is the Python package that will bring back the joy of writing classes by relieving you from the drudgery of implementing object protocols (aka dunder methods). Its main goal is to help you to write concise and correct software without slowing down your code. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/attrs", "path": "./salix/python/python3-attrs-19.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "pySmartDL", "descs": "pySmartDL (Smart Download Manager for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pySmartDL", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "pySmartDL strives to be a full-pleged smart download manager for Python. homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pySmartDL/", "path": "./salix/python/pySmartDL-1.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1164 K", "ver": "14.0.0", "name": "python-unicodedata2", "descs": "python-unicodedata2 (unicodedata backport/updates to python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-unicodedata2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "291 K", "descl": "unicodedata backport/updates to python 3. https://pypi.org/project/unicodedata2/", "path": "./salix/python/python-unicodedata2-14.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "788 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "Flask", "descs": "Flask (Microframework for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/Flask", "deps": ["werkzeug", "python3-itsdangerous", "click", "python-importlib_metadata"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "197 K", "descl": "Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. Homepage: http://flask.pocoo.org/", "path": "./salix/python/Flask-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "python-markdown-math", "descs": "python-markdown-math (extension for Python-Markdown)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-markdown-math", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "This is a Math extension for Python-Markdown, adding math formulas. support. Homepage: https://github.com/mitya57/python-markdown-math", "path": "./salix/python/python-markdown-math-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "mando", "descs": "mando (Create Python CLI apps)", "source": "source/salix/python/mando", "deps": ["Sphinx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "mando is a wrapper around argparse, and allows you to write complete CLI applications in seconds while maintaining all the flexibility. Homepage: https://mando.readthedocs.org/", "path": "./salix/python/mando-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1056 K", "ver": "0.10.22", "name": "gst0-python", "descs": "gst0-python (GStreamer 0.10.x python bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/gst0-python", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "libxml2", "orc", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "264 K", "descl": "Python bindings for the GStreamer multimedia framework. Homepage: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/modules/gst-python.html", "path": "./salix/python/gst0-python-0.10.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2480 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "pygsl", "descs": "pygsl (python interface for GSL)", "source": "source/salix/python/pygsl", "deps": ["gsl", "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "620 K", "descl": "PyGSL is a Python interface for the GNU scientific library (GSL). The wrapper covers nearly everything GSL provides.", "path": "./salix/python/pygsl-2.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "1.10.3", "name": "python3-hupper", "descs": "python3-hupper (Python Module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-hupper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "in-process file monitor / reloader for reloading your code automatically during development", "path": "./salix/python/python3-hupper-1.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "python3-bencode", "descs": "python3-bencode (python3 bittorrent module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-bencode", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "The BitTorrent bencode module as a light-weight, standalone package. This package simply re-packages the existing bencoding and bdecoding implemention from the 'official' BitTorrent client as a separate, light-weight package for re-using them without having the entire BitTorrent software as a dependency.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-bencode-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.22.0", "name": "w3lib", "descs": "w3lib (Library of web-related functions)", "source": "source/salix/python/w3lib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "This is a Python library of web-related functions. Homepage: https://github.com/scrapy/w3lib", "path": "./salix/python/w3lib-1.22.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "2.7", "name": "pydblite", "descs": "pydblite (small footprint untyped database engine in python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pydblite", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "PyDbLite is a pure-Python in-memory database engine, using Python list comprehensions as query language instead of SQL, which stores data in a cPickled file. It is written by Pierre Quentel and released under BSD license. Homepage: http://pydblite.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/python/pydblite-2.7-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "0.15.11", "name": "pywlroots", "descs": "pywlroots (Python binding to the wlroots library using cffi)", "source": "source/salix/python/pywlroots", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "elogind", "expat", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libdrm", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libinput", "libwacom", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "mesa", "mtdev", "pixman", "seatd", "wayland", "wlroots", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "pywayland", "python-xkbcommon"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "pywlroots is a Python binding to the wlroots library using cffi. The library uses pywayland to provide the Wayland bindings and python-xkbcommon to provide wlroots keyboard functionality.", "path": "./salix/python/pywlroots-0.15.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "lockfile", "descs": "lockfile (API for locking files)", "source": "source/salix/python/lockfile", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "The lockfile package exports a LockFile class which provides a simple API for locking files. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lockfile/0.8", "path": "./salix/python/lockfile-0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "python-PySnooper", "descs": "python-PySnooper (simple debugger for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-PySnooper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "PySnooper is a poor man's debugger for Python. PySnooper lets you inspect variables and see which lines are running without the need for a debugger, breakpoints or print statements. To use PySnooper, add one decorator line to the function you're interested in. You'll get a play-by-play log of your function, including which lines ran and when, and exactly when local variables were changed.", "path": "./salix/python/python-PySnooper-0.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.1.3.post1", "name": "python3-hsaudiotag3k", "descs": "python3-hsaudiotag3k (hsaudiotag Python3 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-hsaudiotag3k", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "hsaudiotag is a pure Python library that lets you read metadata (bitrate, sample rate, duration and tags) from mp3, mp4, wma, ogg, flac and aiff files. It can only read tags, not write to them, but unlike more complete libraries (like Mutagen), it is BSD licensed, making it suitable for most projects. It is also backed by a nifty test suite. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/hsaudiotag3k/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-hsaudiotag3k-1.1.3.post1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1120 K", "ver": "1.3.3b", "name": "python2-pmw", "descs": "python2-pmw (Python Megawidgets, based on top of Tkinter)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pmw", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "280 K", "descl": "It is a toolkit for building high-level compound widgets in Python using the Tkinter module. It consists of a set of base classes and a library of flexible and extensible megawidgets built on this foundation. These megawidgets include notebooks, comboboxes, selection widgets, paned widgets, scrolled widgets and dialog windows. Homepage: http://pmw.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pmw-1.3.3b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.12.1", "name": "pypoppler", "descs": "pypoppler (python bindings for poppler)", "source": "source/salix/python/pypoppler", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Python bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library (glib). Homepage: https://launchpad.net/poppler-python", "path": "./salix/python/pypoppler-0.12.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "544 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "python3-backlash", "descs": "python3-backlash (Python Module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-backlash", "deps": ["python3-webob"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "136 K", "descl": "Standalone WebOb port of the Werkzeug Debugger with Python3 support born as a WebError replacement for TurboGears2. backlash is a swiss army knife for web applications debugging, which provides: * An Interactive In Browser Debugger based on a Werkzeug Debugger fork ported to WebOb * Crash reporting by email and on Sentry * Slow requests reporting by email and on Sentry.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-backlash-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "clint", "descs": "clint (Python Command-line Application Tools)", "source": "source/salix/python/clint", "deps": ["args"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Clint is a module filled with a set of awesome tools for developing commandline applications. Homepage: https://github.com/kennethreitz/clint", "path": "./salix/python/clint-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "buildbot-badges", "descs": "buildbot-badges (Plugin for buildbot)", "source": "source/salix/python/buildbot-badges", "deps": ["buildbot", "python3-klein", "CairoSVG"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Buildbot badges produces an image in SVG or PNG format with information about the last build for the given builder name. PNG generation is based on the CAIRO SVG engine, it requires a bit more CPU to generate. http://docs.buildbot.net/current/manual/configuration/www.html#badges", "path": "./salix/python/buildbot-badges-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "python3-anyio", "descs": "python3-anyio (Asynchronous concurrency and networking framework)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-anyio", "deps": ["python3-sniffio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "AnyIO is an asynchronous networking and concurrency library that works on top of either asyncio or trio. It implements trio-like structured concurrency (SC) on top of asyncio, and works in harmony with the native SC of trio itself.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-anyio-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "3.3.1", "name": "secretstorage", "descs": "secretstorage (securely storing passwords and secrets)", "source": "source/salix/python/secretstorage", "deps": ["cryptography", "python-jeepney"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This module provides a way for securely storing passwords and other secrets. Homepage: https://github.com/mitya57/secretstorage", "path": "./salix/python/secretstorage-3.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1060 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "pelican", "descs": "pelican (static site generator, written in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pelican", "deps": ["feedgenerator", "Unidecode", "blinker", "pytz", "python2-dateutil", "Markdown"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "265 K", "descl": "Pelican is a tool to generate a static blog from reStructuredText or Markdown input files. Homepage: https://getpelican.com/", "path": "./salix/python/pelican-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "migen", "descs": "migen (Milkymist generator)", "source": "source/salix/python/migen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "A Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware.", "path": "./salix/python/migen-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "900 K", "ver": "0.24.0", "name": "asn1crypto", "descs": "asn1crypto (Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer)", "source": "source/salix/python/asn1crypto", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "225 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/asn1crypto", "path": "./salix/python/asn1crypto-0.24.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.7.5", "name": "python2-tabulate", "descs": "python2-tabulate (Pretty-print tabular data)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-tabulate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utillity. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/astanin/python2-tabulate", "path": "./salix/python/python2-tabulate-0.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "chump", "descs": "chump (API wrapper for Pushover)", "source": "source/salix/python/chump", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Chump is an Apache2 Licensed, fully featured API wrapper for Pushover. Homepage: http://chump.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/chump-1.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "2022.1.8", "name": "python3-flask-paginate", "descs": "python3-flask-paginate (Simple paginate support for flask)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-flask-paginate", "deps": ["Flask"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Paginate support for flask framework (study from will_paginate). Use bootstrap for css framework It requires Python2.6+ as string.format syntax. Homepage: https://github.com/lixxu/flask-paginate", "path": "./salix/python/python3-flask-paginate-2022.1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "django-debug-toolbar", "descs": "django-debug-toolbar (The Django Debug Toolbar)", "source": "source/salix/python/django-debug-toolbar", "deps": ["python3-django"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that that display various debug information about the current request/response and when clicked, display more details about the panel's content. Homepage: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar", "path": "./salix/python/django-debug-toolbar-2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "2.3.4", "name": "python2-pydns", "descs": "python2-pydns (Python DNS library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pydns", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "PyDNS provides a module for performing DNS queries from python applications. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pydns/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pydns-2.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "python2-vatnumber", "descs": "python2-vatnumber (Python module to validate VAT numbers)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-vatnumber", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Python module to validate VAT numbers. Homepage: https://code.google.com/p/python-vatnumber/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-vatnumber-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "5.0.0", "name": "vine", "descs": "vine (promise, async, future)", "source": "source/salix/python/vine", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/vine/", "path": "./salix/python/vine-5.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "python3-booleanOperations", "descs": "python3-booleanOperations (Boolean operations on paths)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-booleanOperations", "deps": ["wheel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "Boolean operations on paths which uses a super fast polygon clipper library by Angus Johnson.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-booleanOperations-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.13.1", "name": "pluggy", "descs": "pluggy (mechanisms for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pluggy", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This is the plugin manager as used by pytest but stripped of pytest specific details. Homepage: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pluggy", "path": "./salix/python/pluggy-0.13.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "1.16", "name": "python2-patch", "descs": "python2-patch (Python library to parse and apply unified diffs)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-patch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "Library to parse and apply unified diffs. Homepage: https://github.com/techtonik/python2-patch", "path": "./salix/python/python2-patch-1.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0cf96f4e2cfe", "name": "py3sensors", "descs": "py3sensors (Python bindings to libsensors.so)", "source": "source/salix/python/py3sensors", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "py3sensors provides Python bindings to the libsensors library, which is included in the lm_sensors project. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/gleb_zhulik/py3sensors", "path": "./salix/python/py3sensors-0cf96f4e2cfe-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.9.8", "name": "python3-json5", "descs": "python3-json5 (A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-json5", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "pyjson5 is a Python implementation of the JSON5 data format.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-json5-0.9.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.5.3", "name": "python-gast", "descs": "python-gast (AST that abstracts the underlying Python version)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-gast", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "GAST provides a compatibility layer between the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of various Python versions, as produced by ast.parse from the standard ast module.", "path": "./salix/python/python-gast-0.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.2.4", "name": "python3-fontPens", "descs": "python3-fontPens (pen protocol)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-fontPens", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "A collection of classes implementing the pen protocol for manipulating glyphs.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-fontPens-0.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1112 K", "ver": "6.3.1", "name": "coverage", "descs": "coverage (Code coverage measurement for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/coverage", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "278 K", "descl": "Coverage.py measures code coverage, typically during test execution. It uses the code analysis tools and tracing hooks provided in the Python standard library to determine which lines are executable, and which have been executed. Homepage: http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/", "path": "./salix/python/coverage-6.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.5.6", "name": "python3-paginate", "descs": "python3-paginate (divides large result sets into pages)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-paginate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This module helps divide up large result sets into pages or chunks. The user gets displayed one page at a time and can navigate to other pages. It is especially useful when developing web interfaces and showing the users only a selection of information at a time. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/paginate/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-paginate-0.5.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "ecdsa", "descs": "ecdsa (ECDSA cryptographic signature library)", "source": "source/salix/python/ecdsa", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "This is an easy-to-use implementation of ECDSA cryptography (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), implemented purely in Python, released under the MIT license. With this library, you can quickly create keypairs (signing key and verifying key), sign messages, and verify the signatures. Project URL: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ecdsa/", "path": "./salix/python/ecdsa-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "22.2.1", "name": "python3-txaio", "descs": "python3-txaio (source code compatibility for Twisted/Trollius)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-txaio", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "txaio is a helper library for writing code that runs unmodified on both Twisted and asyncio / Trollius. https://pypi.python.org/project/txaio", "path": "./salix/python/python3-txaio-22.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1008 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "python-ldap", "descs": "python-ldap (LDAP client API for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-ldap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "openldap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib", "coverage", "pyasn1-modules"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "252 K", "descl": "python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory servers from Python programs. Mainly it wraps the OpenLDAP client libs for that purpose. Additionally, this package contains modules for other LDAP-related stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAPURLs, LDAPv3 sub-schema, etc.).", "path": "./salix/python/python-ldap-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "5296 K", "ver": "4.30.0", "name": "python-fonttools", "descs": "python-fonttools (A library to manipulate font files from Python.)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-fonttools", "deps": ["python-unicodedata2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1324 K", "descl": "fontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python. The project includes the TTX tool, that can convert TrueType and OpenType fonts to and from an XML text format, which is also called TTX. https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools", "path": "./salix/python/python-fonttools-4.30.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "numpydoc", "descs": "numpydoc (Sphinx extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/numpydoc", "deps": ["Sphinx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "Numpy's documentation uses several custom extensions to Sphinx. These are shipped in this numpydoc package, in case you want to make use of them in third-party projects. Homepage: https://github.com/numpy/numpydoc", "path": "./salix/python/numpydoc-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1092 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "XlsxWriter", "descs": "XlsxWriter (Python module for writing Excel 2007+ XLSX files)", "source": "source/salix/python/XlsxWriter", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "273 K", "descl": "XlsxWriter is a Python module that can be used to write text, numbers, formulas and hyperlinks to multiple worksheets in an Excel 2007+ XLSX file. https://github.com/jmcnamara/XlsxWriter", "path": "./salix/python/XlsxWriter-1.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "tornado_systemd", "descs": "tornado_systemd (socket activation with tornado)", "source": "source/salix/python/tornado_systemd", "deps": ["tornado"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "This little library allows easy systemd socket activation support for tornado. Homepage: https://github.com/paradoxxxzero/tornado-systemd", "path": "./salix/python/tornado_systemd-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "Flask-HTMLmin", "descs": "Flask-HTMLmin (Minimize rendered templates html)", "source": "source/salix/python/Flask-HTMLmin", "deps": ["Flask", "htmlmin"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "minimize your flask rendered html http://github.com/python-babel/Flask-HTMLmin", "path": "./salix/python/Flask-HTMLmin-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "python3-Flask-Mail", "descs": "python3-Flask-Mail (Flask extension for sending email)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Mail", "deps": ["Flask", "python3-blinker"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "A Flask extension for sending email messages. https://pythonhosted.org/Flask-Mail/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Mail-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "shutilwhich", "descs": "shutilwhich (shutil.which backport from Python 3.3)", "source": "source/salix/python/shutilwhich", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "A copy & paste backport of Python 3.3's shutil.which function. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/shutilwhich", "path": "./salix/python/shutilwhich-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1040 K", "ver": "0.04.21", "name": "Unidecode", "descs": "Unidecode (Python port of the Text::Unidecode Perl module)", "source": "source/salix/python/Unidecode", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "260 K", "descl": "This module handles ASCII transliterations of Unicode text. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Unidecode/", "path": "./salix/python/Unidecode-0.04.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.0.13", "name": "backports.lzma", "descs": "backports.lzma (Backport of Python 3.3 lzma library)", "source": "source/salix/python/backports.lzma", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Provides support for working with LZMA and XZ compressed files via the XZ Utils C library. Home Page: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/backports.lzma/", "path": "./salix/python/backports.lzma-0.0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "836 K", "ver": "7.1.2", "name": "click-legacy7", "descs": "click-legacy7 (Python composable command line utility)", "source": "source/salix/python/click-legacy7", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "209 K", "descl": "Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It's the 'Command Line Interface Creation Kit'. It's highly configurable but comes with sensible defaults out of the box. Homepage: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/click", "path": "./salix/python/click-legacy7-7.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "biplist", "descs": "biplist (plist parser/generator module)", "source": "source/salix/python/biplist", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Binary Property List (plist) files provide a faster and smaller serialization format for property lists on OS X. This is a library for generating binary plists which can be read by OS X, iOS, or other clients. https://pypi.org/project/biplist/", "path": "./salix/python/biplist-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "python3-WTForms", "descs": "python3-WTForms (web forms validation and rendering python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-WTForms", "deps": ["python3-babel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "WTForms is a flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development. http://wtforms.simplecodes.com/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-WTForms-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1908 K", "ver": "4.77", "name": "Pyro4", "descs": "Pyro4 (PYthon Remote Objects 4.x)", "source": "source/salix/python/Pyro4", "deps": ["python-serpent"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "477 K", "descl": "Pyro means PYthon Remote Objects. It is an advanced and powerful Distributed Object Technology system written entirely in Python, that is designed to be very easy to use.", "path": "./salix/python/Pyro4-4.77-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "portend", "descs": "portend (TCP ports monitor)", "source": "source/salix/python/portend", "deps": ["tempora"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Use portend to monitor TCP ports for bound or unbound states. Homepage: https://github.com/jaraco/portend", "path": "./salix/python/portend-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1684 K", "ver": "20211111", "name": "pytsk", "descs": "pytsk (Python binding for the SleuthKit)", "source": "source/salix/python/pytsk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "421 K", "descl": "pytsk is a Python binding for the SleuthKit. The SleuthKit is a forensic file system analysis framework. Homepage: https://github.com/py4n6/pytsk", "path": "./salix/python/pytsk-20211111-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "cddb-py", "descs": "cddb-py (CDDB and FreeDB audio CD track info access in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/cddb-py", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "This is actually a set of three modules to access the CDDB and FreeDB online databases of audio CD track titles and information. It includes a C extension module to fetch track lengths under Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Win32, which is easily ported to other operating systems. Homepage: http://cddb-py.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/cddb-py-1.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "wsgiref", "descs": "wsgiref (WSGI (PEP 333)", "source": "source/salix/python/wsgiref", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "This is a standalone release of the wsgiref library, that provides validation support for WSGI 1.0.1 (PEP 3333) for Python versions < 3.2, and includes the new wsgiref.util.test() utility function. Homepage: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/wsgiref", "path": "./salix/python/wsgiref-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "4.1.0", "name": "more-itertools", "descs": "more-itertools (Python more itertools library)", "source": "source/salix/python/more-itertools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "Python's itertools library is a gem - you can compose elegant solutions for a variety of problems with the functions it provides. In more-itertools we collect additional building blocks, recipes, and routines for working with Python iterables. Homepage: https://github.com/erikrose/more-itertools", "path": "./salix/python/more-itertools-4.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "20.2.0", "name": "python3-automat", "descs": "python3-automat (Self-service finite-state machines)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-automat", "deps": ["python3-attrs", "wheel", "python-m2r"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Automat", "path": "./salix/python/python3-automat-20.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.14.1", "name": "python2-unicodecsv", "descs": "python2-unicodecsv (csv module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-unicodecsv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Python2's stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesn't support unicode. This module is a drop-in replacement which *does*. Homepage: https://github.com/jdunck/python2-unicodecsv", "path": "./salix/python/python2-unicodecsv-0.14.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "python3-Flask-Babel", "descs": "python3-Flask-Babel (Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Babel", "deps": ["Flask", "python3-babel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Flask-Babel is an extension to Flask that adds i18n and l10n support to any Flask application with the help of babel, pytz and speaklater. It has builtin support for date formatting with timezone support as well as a very simple and friendly interface to gettext translations. https://github.com/python-babel/flask-babel", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Babel-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "python-uritemplate", "descs": "python-uritemplate (A python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-uritemplate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Simple python library to deal with URI Templates. Homepage: https://github.com/uri-templates/", "path": "./salix/python/python-uritemplate-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "pyinotify", "descs": "pyinotify (python inotify module)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyinotify", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "Pyinotify is a Python module for monitoring filesystems changes. Pyinotify relies on a Linux Kernel feature (merged in kernel 2.6.13) called inotify. inotify is an event-driven notifier; its notifications are exported from kernel space to user space through three system calls. Homepage: http://pyinotify.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/pyinotify-0.9.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2248 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "objgraph", "descs": "objgraph (Draws Python object reference graphs)", "source": "source/salix/python/objgraph", "deps": ["graphviz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "562 K", "descl": "objgraph is a module that lets you visually explore Python object graphs.", "path": "./salix/python/objgraph-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "affine", "descs": "affine (matrices describing affine transformation of the plane)", "source": "source/salix/python/affine", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Python implementation of matrices describing affine transformation of the plane. The Affine package is derived from the Planar package.", "path": "./salix/python/affine-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "frosted", "descs": "frosted (A passive Python syntax checker)", "source": "source/salix/python/frosted", "deps": ["pies"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "Frosted is a fork of pyflakes that aims at more open contribution from the outside public, a smaller more maintainable code base, and a better Python checker for all. Homepage: https://github.com/timothycrosley/frosted", "path": "./salix/python/frosted-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "python3-Flask-Compress", "descs": "python3-Flask-Compress (Comp. responses in your Flask app with gzip)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Compress", "deps": ["Flask"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Flask-Compress allows you to easily compress your Flask applications responses with gzip. Homepage: https://github.com/jmcarp/flask-compress", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Compress-1.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2864 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "python3-mpmath", "descs": "python3-mpmath (arithmetic library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-mpmath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "716 K", "descl": "Mpmath is a free (BSD licensed) Python library for real and complex floating-point arithmetic with arbitrary precision. It has been developed by Fredrik Johansson since 2007, with help from many contributors. http://mpmath.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-mpmath-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.8.4", "name": "mistune", "descs": "mistune (Python markdown parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/mistune", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Mistune is a markdown parser in pure Python.", "path": "./salix/python/mistune-0.8.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "python2-transaction", "descs": "python2-transaction (Python Transaction Management)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-transaction", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "This is a generic transaction implementation for Python. It is mainly used by the ZODB. Note that the data manager API, transaction.interfaces.IDataManager, is syntactically simple, but semantically complex. The semantics were not easy to express in the interface. The semantics are presented in detail through examples of a sample data manager in transaction.tests.test_SampleDataManager. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/transaction", "path": "./salix/python/python2-transaction-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "932 K", "ver": "1.11.0", "name": "py", "descs": "py (library with cross-python path)", "source": "source/salix/python/py", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "233 K", "descl": "The py lib is a Python development support library featuring the following tools and modules: py.path: uniform local and svn path objects py.apipkg: explicit API control and lazy-importing py.iniconfig: easy parsing of .ini files py.code: dynamic code generation and introspection Homepage: http://pylib.readthedocs.org/", "path": "./salix/python/py-1.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4184 K", "ver": "1.38", "name": "PyGithub", "descs": "PyGithub (Library to use Github API v3)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyGithub", "deps": ["pyjwt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1046 K", "descl": "PyGithub is a Python library to access the full Github API v3. Homepage: https://pygithub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/PyGithub-1.38-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "githubpy", "descs": "githubpy (A simple GitHub v3 API SDK for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/githubpy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "githubpy is a simple Python SDK for GitHub's API v3. It's all contained in one easy-to-use file. Homepage: https://github.com/michaelliao/githubpy", "path": "./salix/python/githubpy-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "7068 K", "ver": "3.7", "name": "python3-nltk", "descs": "python3-nltk (Natural Language ToolKit)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-nltk", "deps": ["regex"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1767 K", "descl": "Open source Python modules, linguistic data and documentation for research and development in natural language processing, supporting dozens of NLP tasks, with distributions for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-nltk-3.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "python-m2r", "descs": "python-m2r (Markdown to reStructuredText converter)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-m2r", "deps": ["mistune"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "python-m2r converts a markdown file with reST markups to valid reST. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/m2r", "path": "./salix/python/python-m2r-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "thunarx-python", "descs": "thunarx-python (Thunar Python Bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/thunarx-python", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "thunar", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "Python bindings for the Thunar Extension Framework. Homepage: https://goodies.xfce.org/projects/bindings/thunarx-python/", "path": "./salix/python/thunarx-python-0.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "fudge", "descs": "fudge (Python module for using fake objects)", "source": "source/salix/python/fudge", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "Replace real objects with fakes (mocks, stubs, etc) while testing. Fudge is a Python module for using fake objects (mocks and stubs) to test real ones. Homepage: http://farmdev.com/projects/fudge/", "path": "./salix/python/fudge-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "sphinxcontrib-jsmath", "descs": "sphinxcontrib-jsmath (Sphinx extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/sphinxcontrib-jsmath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "sphinxcontrib-jsmath is a Sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript", "path": "./salix/python/sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "cairocffi", "descs": "cairocffi (cffi-based cairo for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/cairocffi", "deps": ["pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "cairocffi is a `CFFI`_-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo_, a set of Python bindings and object-oriented API for cairo_. Cairo is a 2D vector graphics library with support for multiple backends. including image buffers, PNG, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output. API compatible with Pycairo. Homepage: https://github.com/SimonSapin/cairocffi", "path": "./salix/python/cairocffi-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "0.2.4", "name": "halberd", "descs": "halberd (HTTP load balancer detector)", "source": "source/salix/python/halberd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "Halberd discovers HTTP load balancers. It is useful for web application security auditing and for load balancer configuration testing. Home page: https://github.com/jmbr/halberd", "path": "./salix/python/halberd-0.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.2.12.post1", "name": "python-d2to1", "descs": "python-d2to1 (distutils2 setup.cfg for distribute/setuptools)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-d2to1", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "d2to1 (the 'd' is for 'distutils') allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools setup.py script. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/d2to1/", "path": "./salix/python/python-d2to1-0.2.12.post1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.9.9", "name": "xattr", "descs": "xattr (Python wrapper for extended file system attributes)", "source": "source/salix/python/xattr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "xattr is a a Python wrapper which gives access to the extended attributes for filesystem objects available in some operating systems. Homepage: https://github.com/xattr/xattr", "path": "./salix/python/xattr-0.9.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.2.5", "name": "python3-wcwidth", "descs": "python3-wcwidth (string width measurement for Python 3)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-wcwidth", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Python library that measures the width of unicode strings rendered to a terminal.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-wcwidth-0.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "15.1.0", "name": "constantly", "descs": "constantly (Symbolic constants in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/constantly", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/constantly", "path": "./salix/python/constantly-15.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2260 K", "ver": "0.11.0", "name": "python3-pythran", "descs": "python3-pythran (Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pythran", "deps": ["python-beniget", "numpy3", "xsimd", "pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "565 K", "descl": "Pythran is an ahead of time compiler for a subset of the Python language, with a focus on scientific computing. It takes a Python module annotated with a few interface descriptions and turns it into a native Python module with the same interface, but (hopefully) faster. It is meant to efficiently compile scientific programs, and takes advantage of multi-cores and SIMD instruction units.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pythran-0.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "drawille", "descs": "drawille (Drawing in terminal)", "source": "source/salix/python/drawille", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Drawing in terminal with Unicode Braille characters. Homepage: https://github.com/asciimoo/drawille", "path": "./salix/python/drawille-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "3.7.0", "name": "python-zipp", "descs": "python-zipp (pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-zipp", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper. A backport of the Path object.", "path": "./salix/python/python-zipp-3.7.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "pathtools", "descs": "pathtools (File system general utilities)", "source": "source/salix/python/pathtools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths. Watchdog needs this older version of pathtools for Python-2.7x pathtools < 0.1.2. https://pypi.org/project/pathtools/ Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/pathtools/", "path": "./salix/python/pathtools-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "python2-pypolicyd-spf", "descs": "python2-pypolicyd-spf (Python Postfix SPF engine)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pypolicyd-spf", "deps": ["python2-pyspf"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "PyPolicyd-SPF is a Postfix policy engine for Sender Policy Framework (SPF) checking. It is implemented in pure Python and uses the python2-spf (pyspf) module. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/pypolicyd-spf/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pypolicyd-spf-0.8.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "1.31.0", "name": "stevedore", "descs": "stevedore (Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications)", "source": "source/salix/python/stevedore", "deps": ["python2-pbr"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Stevedore is used to manage dynamic plugins for python applications. See http://stevedore.readthedocs.org for the full documentation. Homepage: https://github.com/dreamhost/stevedore", "path": "./salix/python/stevedore-1.31.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "click-plugins", "descs": "click-plugins (extension to click)", "source": "source/salix/python/click-plugins", "deps": ["click"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via setuptools entry-points.", "path": "./salix/python/click-plugins-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "python2-x11_hash", "descs": "python2-x11_hash (python module for Dash's X11 hashing)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-x11_hash", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "Python module for Dash's X11 hashing.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-x11_hash-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "0.13.0", "name": "python3-h11", "descs": "python3-h11 (little HTTP/1.1 library written from scratch in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-h11", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "It's a 'bring-your-own-I/O' library; h11 contains no IO code whatsoever. This means you can hook h11 up to your favorite network API, and that could be anything you want: synchronous, threaded, asynchronous, or your own implementation of RFC 6214 - h11 won't judge you. Homepage: https://github.com/python-hyper/h11", "path": "./salix/python/python3-h11-0.13.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "688 K", "ver": "1.3.13", "name": "python-mysqlclient", "descs": "python-mysqlclient (Fork of MySQL-python with support for Python 3)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-mysqlclient", "deps": ["mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "172 K", "descl": "This is a fork of MySQL-python. This project adds Python 3 support and bug fixes.", "path": "./salix/python/python-mysqlclient-1.3.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "mini-amf", "descs": "mini-amf (Action Message Format support for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/mini-amf", "deps": ["defusedxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Mini-AMF provides Action Message Format serialization and deserialization support for Python, compatible with the Adobe Flash Player. It supports Python 2.7 and 3.4+. Mini-AMF is a trimmed-down version of PyAMF. It provides only the core serialization and deserialization primitives, and support for reading and writing LSO objects on disk. Support for Flex-specific types, 'remoting', and integration with web frameworks has all been removed. (Adapter classes are still supported.)", "path": "./salix/python/mini-amf-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "1.2.20", "name": "cloudscraper", "descs": "cloudscraper (Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page)", "source": "source/salix/python/cloudscraper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "A simple Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page (also known as 'I'm Under Attack Mode', or IUAM), implemented with Requests. Homepage: https://github.com/VeNoMouS/cloudscraper", "path": "./salix/python/cloudscraper-1.2.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "0.5.5", "name": "babelfish", "descs": "babelfish (Python library for countries and languages)", "source": "source/salix/python/babelfish", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "BabelFish is a Python library to work with countries and languages. Homepage: https://github.com/Diaoul/babelfish", "path": "./salix/python/babelfish-0.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "1.13.2", "name": "fabric", "descs": "fabric (tool for remote execution and deployment)", "source": "source/salix/python/fabric", "deps": ["python2-paramiko"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks. Homepage: http://www.fabfile.org/", "path": "./salix/python/fabric-1.13.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "5.10.1", "name": "python3-isort", "descs": "python3-isort (sort imports alphabetically)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-isort", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "isort is a Python utility/library to sort imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections. It provides a command line utility, Python library and plugins for various editors to quickly sort all your imports. This Python 3 version of the isort package doesn't contain the command line utility. Install Python 2 isort package to get the utility.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-isort-5.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "20151111", "name": "pycld2", "descs": "pycld2 (a Python wrapper around the cld2 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pycld2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "cld2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "pycld2 is a Python wrapper around the cld2 library. It provides both the cld2 and cld2full modules.", "path": "./salix/python/pycld2-20151111-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1052 K", "ver": "1.7.7", "name": "python3-alembic", "descs": "python3-alembic (database migration tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-alembic", "deps": ["SQLAlchemy", "greenlet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "263 K", "descl": "Alembic is a lightweight database migration tool for use with the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-alembic-1.7.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "5996 K", "ver": "3.14.1", "name": "pycryptodomex", "descs": "pycryptodomex (Python Cryptography Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/python/pycryptodomex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1499 K", "descl": "PyCryptodome is a self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives. It supports Python 2.6 or newer, all Python 3 versions and PyPy. PyCryptodome is a fork of PyCrypto. PyCryptodome is not a wrapper to a separate C library like OpenSSL. To the largest possible extent, algorithms are implemented in pure Python. Only the pieces that are extremely critical to performance (e.g. block ciphers) are implemented as C extensions.", "path": "./salix/python/pycryptodomex-3.14.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "enzyme", "descs": "enzyme (Python video metadata parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/enzyme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "Enzyme is a Python module to parse video metadata. Homepage: https://github.com/Diaoul/enzyme", "path": "./salix/python/enzyme-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.1.1b3", "name": "python2-cluster", "descs": "python2-cluster (allows grouping a list of arbitrary objects)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-cluster", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "python2-cluster is a package that allows grouping a list of arbitrary objects into related groups (clusters). Simply give it a list of data and a function to determine the similarity between two items and you're done.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-cluster-1.1.1b3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.97.4", "name": "easygui", "descs": "easygui (very easy GUI programming in python on top of Tkinter)", "source": "source/salix/python/easygui", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "It provides an easy-to-use interface for simple GUI interaction with a user. It does not require the programmer to know anything about tkinter, frames, widgets, callbacks or lambda. All GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls that return results. It is written by Stephen Ferg. Homepage: http://easygui.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/python/easygui-0.97.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "ipython_genutils", "descs": "ipython_genutils (vestigial IPython utilities)", "source": "source/salix/python/ipython_genutils", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "ipython_genutils contains some common utilities shared by Jupyter and IPython projects during the code split.", "path": "./salix/python/ipython_genutils-0.2.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "python-helpdev", "descs": "python-helpdev (Help users report bugs)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-helpdev", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "HelpDev helps users and developers to get information about the environment to report bugs.", "path": "./salix/python/python-helpdev-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "3.0.10", "name": "python2-simpy", "descs": "python2-simpy (Object Oriented Discrete Event Simulation in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-simpy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "SimPy (= Simulation in Python) is an object-oriented, process-based discrete-event simulation language based on standard Python. It provides the modeller with components of a simulation model including processes, for active components like customers, messages, and vehicles, and resources, for passive components that form limited capacity congestion points like servers, checkout counters, and tunnels. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/simpy", "path": "./salix/python/python2-simpy-3.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1156 K", "ver": "0.26", "name": "python-xlib", "descs": "python-xlib (X Library module for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-xlib", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "289 K", "descl": "The Python X Library is intended to be a fully functional X client library for Python programs. It is written entirely in Python, in contrast to earlier X libraries for Python which were interfaces to the C Xlib. The communication takes place over TCP/IP, Unix sockets, DECnet or any other streaming network protocol. The C Xlib is merely an interface to this protocol, providing functions suitable for a C environment. Homepage: https://github.com/python-xlib/python-xlib", "path": "./salix/python/python-xlib-0.26-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "852 K", "ver": "4.1.16d", "name": "pysnmp", "descs": "pysnmp (snmp engine written in python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pysnmp", "deps": ["pyasn1", "python2-pycrypto"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "213 K", "descl": "PySNMP is an SNMP engine written in pure Python. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pysnmp/", "path": "./salix/python/pysnmp-4.1.16d-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "1.10.3", "name": "argcomplete", "descs": "argcomplete (Bash tab completion for argparse)", "source": "source/salix/python/argcomplete", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Tab complete all the things! Argcomplete provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script. Homepage: https://github.com/kislyuk/argcomplete", "path": "./salix/python/argcomplete-1.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "python2-clamd", "descs": "python2-clamd (python interface to Clamav)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-clamd", "deps": ["clamav"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "clamd is a portable Python module to use the ClamAV anti-virus engine on Windows, Linux, MacOSX and other platforms. It requires a running instance of the clamd daemon. Web Site: https://github.com/graingert/python-clamd", "path": "./salix/python/python2-clamd-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.7.4", "name": "pyfeed", "descs": "pyfeed (Python module to manipulate syndications feeds)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyfeed", "deps": ["xe"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "PyFeed is a set of module packages for Python. It contains tools for working with syndication feeds. (http://home.avvanta.com/~steveha/pyfeed.html)", "path": "./salix/python/pyfeed-0.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.1.3", "name": "python3-matplotlib-inline", "descs": "python3-matplotlib-inline (Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-matplotlib-inline", "deps": ["traitlets"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Matplotlib Inline is required for displaying matplotlib plots in Jupyter Notebook.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-matplotlib-inline-0.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "", "name": "python-jsonrpclib", "descs": "python-jsonrpclib (JSON-RPC library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-jsonrpclib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "This library is an implementation of the JSON-RPC specification. It supports both the original 1.0 specification, as well as the new (proposed) 2.0 spec, which includes batch submission, keyword arguments, etc. Project URL: https://github.com/tcalmant/jsonrpclib", "path": "./salix/python/python-jsonrpclib-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "580 K", "ver": "0.10.0", "name": "pyliblo", "descs": "pyliblo (python wrapper for the liblo OSC library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyliblo", "deps": ["liblo", "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "145 K", "descl": "pyliblo is a Python wrapper for the liblo Open Sound Control library. It supports almost the complete functionality of liblo, allowing you to send and receive OSC messages using a nice and simple Python API. This build includes support for both Python 2 and Python 3. Also included are the command line utilities send_osc and dump_osc.", "path": "./salix/python/pyliblo-0.10.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "python3-Flask-Basicauth", "descs": "python3-Flask-Basicauth (Flask extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Basicauth", "deps": ["Flask"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Flask-BasicAuth is a Flask extension that provides an easy way to protect certain views or your whole application with HTTP basic access authentication. Project URL: https://github.com/jpvanhal/flask-basicauth", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Basicauth-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1804 K", "ver": "0.11.2", "name": "python3-seaborn", "descs": "python3-seaborn (statistical data visualization)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-seaborn", "deps": ["python3-matplotlib", "python3-pandas", "scipy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "451 K", "descl": "Seaborn is a Python data visualization library based on matplotlib.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-seaborn-0.11.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "0.23", "name": "python2-pybluez", "descs": "python2-pybluez (Python BlueZ bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pybluez", "deps": ["bluez", "python2", "python2-gattlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "Python extension module allowing access to system Bluetooth resources. Homepage: https://pybluez.github.io/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pybluez-0.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "schema", "descs": "schema (Python data structures validation)", "source": "source/salix/python/schema", "deps": ["contextlib2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "schema is a library for validating Python data structures, such as those obtained from config-files, forms, external services or command-line parsing, converted from JSON/YAML (or something else) to Python data-types. https://pypi.org/project/schema/", "path": "./salix/python/schema-0.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "pyquery", "descs": "pyquery (a jquery-like library for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyquery", "deps": ["cssselect", "lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "pyquery allows you to make jquery queries on xml documents. The API is as much as possible the similar to jquery. pyquery uses lxml for fast xml and html manipulation. It can be used for many purposes, one idea that I might try in the future is to use it for templating with pure http templates that you modify using pyquery. I can also be used for web scrapping or for theming applications.", "path": "./salix/python/pyquery-1.2.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "576 K", "ver": "4.10.5", "name": "npyscreen", "descs": "npyscreen (python widget library)", "source": "source/salix/python/npyscreen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "144 K", "descl": "Npyscreen is a python widget library and application framework for programming terminal or console applications. It is built on top of ncurses, which is part of the standard library. Homepage: http://www.npcole.com/npyscreen/", "path": "./salix/python/npyscreen-4.10.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1376 K", "ver": "0.1.6", "name": "PyRIC", "descs": "PyRIC (Linux wireless library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyRIC", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "344 K", "descl": "PyRIC (is a Linux only) library providing wireless developers and pentesters the ability to identify, enumerate and manipulate their system's wireless cards programmatically in Python. Pentesting applications and scripts written in Python have increased dramatically in recent years. However, these tools still rely on Linux command lines tools to setup and prepare and restore the system for use. Homepage: http://wraith-wireless.github.io/PyRIC/", "path": "./salix/python/PyRIC-0.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "python2-uri-templates", "descs": "python2-uri-templates (Python implementation of URI Template)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-uri-templates", "deps": ["simplejson"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This is a Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template, and can expand templates up to and including Level 4 in that specification. Homepage: https://github.com/uri-templates/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-uri-templates-0.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "hachoir-core", "descs": "hachoir-core (Python Library)", "source": "source/salix/python/hachoir-core", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "hachoir-core is a Python library used to represent a binary file as a tree of python objects. Each object has a type, a value, an address, etc. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hachoir-core", "path": "./salix/python/hachoir-core-1.3.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "4.3.4", "name": "isort", "descs": "isort (sort imports alphabetically)", "source": "source/salix/python/isort", "deps": ["pies"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "isort is a Python utility/library to sort imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections. It provides a command line utility, Python library and plugins for various editors to quickly sort all your imports.", "path": "./salix/python/isort-4.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "python3-jsonschema", "descs": "python3-jsonschema (Implementation of JSON Schema)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-jsonschema", "deps": ["python-importlib_metadata", "python3-attrs", "python3-pyrsistent"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "jsonschema is an implementation of JSON Schema for Python (supporting Python 3).", "path": "./salix/python/python3-jsonschema-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "2.8.0", "name": "pycodestyle", "descs": "pycodestyle (Python style guide checker)", "source": "source/salix/python/pycodestyle", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "pycodestyle is a tool to check your Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP 8. Homepage: https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/pycodestyle-2.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1956 K", "ver": "3.8.1", "name": "python3-aiohttp", "descs": "python3-aiohttp (HTTP client/server for asyncio)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-aiohttp", "deps": ["async-timeout", "python3-attrs", "yarl", "aiosignal"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "489 K", "descl": "AIOHTTP is an asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-aiohttp-3.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "python2-django-tagging", "descs": "python2-django-tagging (Generic tagging application for Django)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-django-tagging", "deps": ["python2-django"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "This is a generic tagging application for Django projects, which allows association of a number of tags with any Model instance and makes retrieval of tags simple. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-tagging/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-django-tagging-0.4.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "3.5.2", "name": "subprocess32", "descs": "subprocess32 (backport of Python's 3 subprocess module)", "source": "source/salix/python/subprocess32", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "The subprocess32 python module is a backport of the subprocess standard library module from Python 3.2-3.5 for use on Python 2. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/subprocess32", "path": "./salix/python/subprocess32-3.5.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1276 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "css-parser", "descs": "css-parser (CSS parser and builder)", "source": "source/salix/python/css-parser", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "319 K", "descl": "A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. Homepage: https://github.com/ebook-utils/css-parser", "path": "./salix/python/css-parser-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "856 K", "ver": "0.10.0", "name": "python3-defcon", "descs": "python3-defcon (A set of flexible objects for representing UFO data)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-defcon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "214 K", "descl": "Defcon is a set of UFO based objects optimized for use in font editing applications. The objects are built to be lightweight, fast and flexible. The objects are very bare-bones and they are not meant to be end-all, be-all objects. Rather, they are meant to provide base functionality so that you can focus on your application's behavior, not object observing or maintaining cached data. Defcon implements UFO3 as described by the UFO font format.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-defcon-0.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "colored", "descs": "colored (python color library)", "source": "source/salix/python/colored", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Very simple Python library for color and formatting in terminal. Support Python 2 and 3. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/dslackw/colored", "path": "./salix/python/colored-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "4.10.1", "name": "python-importlib_metadata", "descs": "python-importlib_metadata (Python package metadata)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-importlib_metadata", "deps": ["python-zipp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "importlib_metadata is a library which provides an API for accessing an installed package's metadata, such as its entry points or its top-level name. This functionality intends to replace most uses of pkg_resources entry point API and metadata API.", "path": "./salix/python/python-importlib_metadata-4.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "python3-Flask-SQLAlchemy", "descs": "python3-Flask-SQLAlchemy (SQLAlchemy support to your Flask)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-SQLAlchemy", "deps": ["Flask", "SQLAlchemy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "Flask-SQLAlchemy is a Flask microframework extension which adds support for the SQLAlchemy SQL toolkit/ORM. Homepage: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-sqlalchemy", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "python2-vulndb", "descs": "python2-vulndb (vulndb Python SDK)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-vulndb", "deps": ["setuptools-git"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Python-vulndb is a Python SDK to access the (vulndb) vulnerability database. vulndb is a user, contributor, and developer friendly database. Home page: https://github.com/vulndb/python-sdk/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-vulndb-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "requests-oauthlib", "descs": "requests-oauthlib (OAuthlib authentication)", "source": "source/salix/python/requests-oauthlib", "deps": ["python-oauthlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "This project provides first-class OAuth library support for Requests. Homepage: https://github.com/requests/requests-oauthlib", "path": "./salix/python/requests-oauthlib-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "python3-sniffio", "descs": "python3-sniffio (detect which async library is current running)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-sniffio", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "sniffio is a tiny package whose only purpose is to let you detect which async library your code is running under.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-sniffio-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "888 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "python2-oauth2client", "descs": "python2-oauth2client (OAuth 2.0 Python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-oauth2client", "deps": ["python2-pycrypto"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "222 K", "descl": "This is a Python library for accessing resources protected by OAuth 2.0. Homepage: https://github.com/google/oauth2client/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-oauth2client-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "txi2p", "descs": "txi2p (I2P bindings for Twisted)", "source": "source/salix/python/txi2p", "deps": ["vcversioner", "python2-twisted", "Parsley"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txi2p", "path": "./salix/python/txi2p-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "0.20", "name": "ofxparse", "descs": "ofxparse (OFX parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/ofxparse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "ofxparse is a parser for Open Financial Exchange (.ofx) format files. OFX files are available from almost any online banking site and online trading accounts as well. There are three different types of OFX files, called BankAccount, CreditAccount and InvestmentAccount files. This library has been tested with real-world samples of all three types.", "path": "./salix/python/ofxparse-0.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "29728 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "sympy", "descs": "sympy (Python library for symbolic mathematics)", "source": "source/salix/python/sympy", "deps": ["mpmath"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7432 K", "descl": "SymPy aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python and does not require any external libraries. Homepage: https://sympy.org", "path": "./salix/python/sympy-1.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "832 K", "ver": "1.4.8", "name": "winpdb", "descs": "winpdb (cross-platform Python debugger)", "source": "source/salix/python/winpdb", "deps": ["wxPython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "208 K", "descl": "Winpdb is a platform independent GPL Python debugger with support for multiple threads, namespace modification, embedded debugging, encrypted communication and is up to 20 times faster than pdb. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/winpdb/", "path": "./salix/python/winpdb-1.4.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2296 K", "ver": "3.10.0", "name": "pymongo", "descs": "pymongo (Python Driver/Tools for mongodb)", "source": "source/salix/python/pymongo", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "574 K", "descl": "The PyMongo distribution contains tools for interacting with MongoDB database from Python. The bson package is an implementation of the BSON format for Python (http://bsonspec.org). The pymongo package is a native Python driver for MongoDB. The gridfs package is a gridfs implementation on top of pymongo. (http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/GridFS+Specification)", "path": "./salix/python/pymongo-3.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "termcolor", "descs": "termcolor (ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal)", "source": "source/salix/python/termcolor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "termcolor allows you to format your output in terminal. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/termcolor/", "path": "./salix/python/termcolor-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "msgpack-python", "descs": "msgpack-python (MessagePack for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/msgpack-python", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. But it's faster and smaller. Homepage: https://msgpack.org/", "path": "./salix/python/msgpack-python-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "recommonmark", "descs": "recommonmark (A markdown parser for docutils)", "source": "source/salix/python/recommonmark", "deps": ["CommonMark"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "A markdown parser for docutils https://github.com/rtfd/recommonmark", "path": "./salix/python/recommonmark-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "python3-mccabe", "descs": "python3-mccabe (Complexity checker for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-mccabe", "deps": ["pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "McCabe checker, plugin for flake8. Ned's script to check McCabe complexity. This module provides a plugin for flake8, the Python code checker. Homepage: https://github.com/flintwork/mccabe", "path": "./salix/python/python3-mccabe-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "python2-yenc", "descs": "python2-yenc (raw encoding/decoding module for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-yenc", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This a fairly simple module, it provide only raw yEnc encoding/decoding with builtin crc32 calculation. Header parsing, checkings and yenc formatting are left to you (see examples directory for possible implementations). The interface originally intended to be similar to the uu module from Python standard library.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-yenc-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "592 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "python2-xcffib", "descs": "python2-xcffib (XCB python binding)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-xcffib", "deps": ["cffi"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "148 K", "descl": "xcffib is intended to be a (mostly) drop-in replacement for xpyb. xpyb has an inactive upstream, several memory leaks, is python2 only and doesn't have pypy support. xcffib is a binding which uses cffi, which mitigates some of the issues described above. xcffib also builds bindings for 27 of the 29 (xprint and xkb are missing) X extensions in 1.10. Homepage: https://github.com/tych0/xcffib", "path": "./salix/python/python2-xcffib-0.8.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "2.10.0", "name": "pyqode.qt", "descs": "pyqode.qt (Wrapper library for PyQt and PySIde)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyqode.qt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "pyqode.qt is a shim that let you write libraries/applications that supports both PyQt and PySide. Homepage: https://github.com/pyQode/pyqode.qt", "path": "./salix/python/pyqode.qt-2.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "3524 K", "ver": "8.3.0", "name": "ipython", "descs": "ipython (an enhanced Python shell)", "source": "source/salix/python/ipython", "deps": ["decorator", "ipython_genutils", "python3-jedi", "python3-pexpect", "python3-matplotlib-inline", "pickleshare", "python3-prompt_toolkit", "simplegeneric", "backcall", "stack_data"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "881 K", "descl": "IPython is a multiplatform project that offers an enhanced Python shell designed for efficient interactive work.", "path": "./salix/python/ipython-8.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.1.6", "name": "pyewmh", "descs": "pyewmh (Extended Window Manager Hints for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyewmh", "deps": ["python-xlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "An implementation of EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints) for python, based on Xlib. It allows EWMH-compliant window managers (most modern WMs) to be queried and controlled. Homepage: https://github.com/parkouss/pyewmh", "path": "./salix/python/pyewmh-0.1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "python3-pyusb", "descs": "python3-pyusb (USB module for Python3)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pyusb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "PyUSB is a native Python module providing easy USB access to Python3. The module contains classes and methods to support most USB operations. https://pyusb.github.io/pyusb", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pyusb-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.24", "name": "python3-itsdangerous", "descs": "python3-itsdangerous (Various helpers to pass trusted data)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-itsdangerous", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "It's Dangerous ... so better sign this Various helpers to pass data to untrusted environments and to get it back safe and sound. This repository provides a module that is a port of the django signing module. It's not directly copied but some changes were applied to make it work better on its own. Homepage: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/itsdangerous", "path": "./salix/python/python3-itsdangerous-0.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "8.1.3", "name": "click", "descs": "click (Python composable command line utility)", "source": "source/salix/python/click", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It's the 'Command Line Interface Creation Kit'. It's highly configurable but comes with sensible defaults out of the box. Homepage: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/click", "path": "./salix/python/click-8.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "python3-lazy-object-proxy", "descs": "python3-lazy-object-proxy (Python lazy object proxy)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-lazy-object-proxy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "A fast and thorough lazy object proxy. Homepage: https://github.com/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy", "path": "./salix/python/python3-lazy-object-proxy-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "python3-stagger", "descs": "python3-stagger (Stagger Python3 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-stagger", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "The ID3v2 tag format is notorious for its useless specification documents and its quirky, mutually incompatible part-implementations. Stagger is to provide a robust tagging package that is able to handle all the various badly formatted tags out there and allow you to convert them to a consensus format. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/stagger/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-stagger-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.8.2", "name": "pkginfo", "descs": "pkginfo (API for querying the distutils metadata)", "source": "source/salix/python/pkginfo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "This package provides an API for querying the distutils metadata written in the PKG-INFO file inside a source distriubtion (an sdist) or a binary distribution (e.g., created by running bdist_egg). It can also query the EGG-INFO directory of an installed distribution, and the *.egg-info stored in a 'development checkout' (e.g, created by running setup.py develop). Homepage: https://pythonhosted.org/pkginfo/", "path": "./salix/python/pkginfo-1.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1064 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "suds-jurko", "descs": "suds-jurko (SOAP client)", "source": "source/salix/python/suds-jurko", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "266 K", "descl": "suds-jurko is a fork of suds, a lightweight SOAP-based web service client for Python. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/suds-jurko/", "path": "./salix/python/suds-jurko-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "python3-setuptools_scm_git_archive", "descs": "python3-setuptools_scm_git_archive (scm plugin)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-setuptools_scm_git_archive", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "This is a setuptools_scm plugin that adds support for git archives For example the ones GitHub automatically generates https://github.com/Changaco/setuptools_scm_git_archive/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-setuptools_scm_git_archive-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.25", "name": "jsonpatch", "descs": "jsonpatch (Library to apply JSON Patches according to RFC 6902)", "source": "source/salix/python/jsonpatch", "deps": ["jsonpointer"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "https://pypi.org/project/jsonpatch/", "path": "./salix/python/jsonpatch-1.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "internetarchive", "descs": "internetarchive (Python and command-Line interface to Archive.org)", "source": "source/salix/python/internetarchive", "deps": ["docopt", "schema", "tqdm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "This package installs a command-line tool named ia for using Archive.org from the command-line. It also installs the internetarchive Python module for programatic access to archive.org. Please report all bugs and issues on Github: https://github.com/jjjake/internetarchive/issues Documentation is available at https://archive.org/services/docs/api/internetarchive", "path": "./salix/python/internetarchive-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "21.8.0", "name": "python3-klein", "descs": "python3-klein (micro-framework for web services)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-klein", "deps": ["python3-tubes", "werkzeug", "wheel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "Klein is a micro-framework for developing production-ready web services with Python. It has a small API similar to Bottle and Flask. https://klein.readthedocs.io/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-klein-21.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "3.13", "name": "ps_mem", "descs": "ps_mem (list processes by memory usage)", "source": "source/salix/python/ps_mem", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "ps_mem is a utility to accurately report the in core memory usage for a program. Homepage: https://github.com/pixelb/ps_mem", "path": "./salix/python/ps_mem-3.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "2.9.0", "name": "python3-semantic-version", "descs": "python3-semantic-version (Python Library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-semantic-version", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This python library provides a few tools to handle SemVer in Python. Project URL: https://github.com/rbarrois/python-semanticversion", "path": "./salix/python/python3-semantic-version-2.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "2.4.3", "name": "python3-turbogears2", "descs": "python3-turbogears2 (Web Framework)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-turbogears2", "deps": ["python3-crank", "python3-repoze.lru", "python3-webob"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "TurboGears 2 is built on top of the experience of several next generation web frameworks including TurboGears 1 (of course), Django, and Rails. All of these frameworks had limitations that frustrated us, and TG2 was built as an answer to that frustration.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-turbogears2-2.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "0.7.4", "name": "CommonMark", "descs": "CommonMark (Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec)", "source": "source/salix/python/CommonMark", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "CommonMark is a Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec https://pypi.python.org/pypi/CommonMark", "path": "./salix/python/CommonMark-0.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.14.1", "name": "fasteners", "descs": "fasteners (python package that provides useful locks)", "source": "source/salix/python/fasteners", "deps": ["monotonic"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "A python package that provides useful locks. It includes the following: Locking decorator, Reader-writer locks, Inter-process locks, Generic helpers. Homepage: https://github.com/harlowja/fasteners", "path": "./salix/python/fasteners-0.14.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "python3-pyjwt", "descs": "python3-pyjwt (JSON Web Token implementation in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pyjwt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "A Python implementation of RFC 7519. Homepage: https://pyjwt.readthedocs.org", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pyjwt-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "xopen", "descs": "xopen (A xopen function that can deal with compressed files)", "source": "source/salix/python/xopen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This Python module provides a xopen function that works like the built-in open function, but can also deal with compressed files. Supported compression formats are gzip, bzip2 and xz. They are automatically recognized by their file extensions .gz, .bz2 or .xz.", "path": "./salix/python/xopen-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1488 K", "ver": "19.0.2", "name": "python2-pyzmq", "descs": "python2-pyzmq (Python bindings for 0MQ)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pyzmq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libbsd", "python2", "zeromq", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "372 K", "descl": "PyZMQ contains Python bindings for 0MQ, a lightweight and fast messaging implementation. Homepage: https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pyzmq-19.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "cssselect2", "descs": "cssselect2 (cssselect2 is a straightforward implementation of CSS3)", "source": "source/salix/python/cssselect2", "deps": ["tinycss2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "cssselect2 is a straightforward implementation of CSS3 Selectors for markup documents (HTML, XML, etc.) that can be read by ElementTree-like parsers (including cElementTree, lxml, html5lib, etc.) Homepage: https://doc.courtbouillon.org/cssselect2/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/cssselect2-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "hachoir-metadata", "descs": "hachoir-metadata (metadata extractor)", "source": "source/salix/python/hachoir-metadata", "deps": ["hachoir-core", "hachoir-parser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "hachoir-metadata is tool to extract metadata from multimedia files (sound, video, archives, etc.) Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/haypo/hachoir/wiki/hachoir-metadata", "path": "./salix/python/hachoir-metadata-1.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "3.0.11", "name": "python3-psycopg3", "descs": "python3-psycopg3 (python3 PostgreSQL database adapter)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-psycopg3", "deps": ["postgresql"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "Psycopg 3 is a newly designed PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. Homepage: https://www.psycopg.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-psycopg3-3.0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "", "name": "vobject", "descs": "vobject (Python iCalendar and vCard parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/vobject", "deps": ["python2-dateutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "vobject is intended to be a full featured Python package for parsing and generating vCard and vCalendar files. Homepage: http://eventable.github.io/vobject/", "path": "./salix/python/vobject-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "32.0", "name": "readme_renderer", "descs": "readme_renderer (Safely render long_description/README)", "source": "source/salix/python/readme_renderer", "deps": ["bleach"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Readme Renderer is a library that will safely render arbitrary README files into HTML. It is designed to be used in Warehouse to render the long_description for packages. It can handle Markdown, reStructuredText (.rst), and plain text. Homepage: https://github.com/pypa/readme_renderer", "path": "./salix/python/readme_renderer-32.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2896 K", "ver": "2.9.2", "name": "python2-paramiko", "descs": "python2-paramiko (Python2 SSH module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-paramiko", "deps": ["python2-cryptography"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "724 K", "descl": "'paramiko' is a combination of the esperanto words for 'paranoid' and 'friend'. it's a module for python 2.2+ that implements the SSH2 protocol for secure (encrypted and authenticated) connections to remote machines. Unlike SSL (aka TLS), SSH2 protocol does not require heirarchical certificates signed by a powerful central authority. Homepage: http://www.lag.net/paramiko/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-paramiko-2.9.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "14.3.0", "name": "characteristic", "descs": "characteristic (Python attributes without boilerplate)", "source": "source/salix/python/characteristic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "characteristic is an MIT-licensed Python package with class decorators that ease the chores of implementing the most common attribute-related object protocols. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/characteristic", "path": "./salix/python/characteristic-14.3.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "python2-yara", "descs": "python2-yara (Python2 for yara)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-yara", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "yara", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "yara-python is a Python library to allow the use of YARA directly in python programs. It covers all YARA's features, from compiling, saving and loading rules to scanning files, strings and processes. Homepage: https://github.com/VirusTotal/yara-python", "path": "./salix/python/python2-yara-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "pure_eval", "descs": "pure_eval (Safely evaluate AST nodes)", "source": "source/salix/python/pure_eval", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "pure_eval is a Python package that lets you safely evaluate certain AST nodes without triggering arbitrary code that may have unwanted side effects.", "path": "./salix/python/pure_eval-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "6.0.0", "name": "python3-Flask-Dance", "descs": "python3-Flask-Dance (Doing the OAuth using Flask)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Dance", "deps": ["Flask", "requests-oauthlib", "python3-urlobject"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "Doing the OAuth dance with style using Flask, requests, and oauthlib. Currently, only OAuth consumers are supported, but this project could easily support OAuth providers in the future, as well. Homepage: https://github.com/singingwolfboy/flask-dance", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Dance-6.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "1.12.1", "name": "python3-wrapt", "descs": "python3-wrapt (A Python module for decorators)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-wrapt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. The aim of the wrapt module is to provide a transparent object proxy for Python, which can be used as the basis for the construction of function wrappers and decorator functions. Homepage: https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/wrapt", "path": "./salix/python/python3-wrapt-1.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "pathtools3", "descs": "pathtools3 (File system general utilities)", "source": "source/salix/python/pathtools3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths. Works on Python 2.7 and 3.4+. If you want to use an old version of Python, use pathtools < 0.1.2. https://pypi.org/project/pathtools/ Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/pathtools3/", "path": "./salix/python/pathtools3-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.3.7", "name": "python3-Flask-RESTful", "descs": "python3-Flask-RESTful (framework for creating REST APIs)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-RESTful", "deps": ["aniso8601", "Flask", "pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Flask-RESTful provides the building blocks for creating a great REST API. Homepage: https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-RESTful-0.3.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "11100 K", "ver": "1.8.17", "name": "python2-django-legacy", "descs": "python2-django-legacy (Web framework)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-django-legacy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2775 K", "descl": "Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Homepage: https://github.com/django/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-django-legacy-1.8.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "python-axolotl", "descs": "python-axolotl (python port of libaxolotl-android)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-axolotl", "deps": ["python-axolotl-curve25519", "cryptography", "protobuf3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "This is a python port of libaxolotl-android originally written by Moxie Marlinspike. The libaxolotol library is defined as a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging environments. https://github.com/tgalal/python-axolotl", "path": "./salix/python/python-axolotl-0.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "python3-tubes", "descs": "python3-tubes (micro-framework for web services)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-tubes", "deps": ["python3-twisted", "python3-characteristic"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "Flow control and backpressure for event-driven applications.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-tubes-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "2020.1.16", "name": "html2text", "descs": "html2text (turn HTML into equivalent Markdown-structured text)", "source": "source/salix/python/html2text", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "html2text is a Python script that converts a page of HTML into clean, easy-to-read plain ASCII text. Better yet, that ASCII also happens to be valid Markdown (a text-to-HTML format). html2text can be used as a standalone program ('html2text --help' for usage) or as a Python library (import html2text).", "path": "./salix/python/html2text-2020.1.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "0.59.0", "name": "websocket-client", "descs": "websocket-client (WebSocket client for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/websocket-client", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "websocket-client module is WebSocket client for python. This provides the low level APIs for WebSocket. All APIs are synchronous functions", "path": "./salix/python/websocket-client-0.59.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1908 K", "ver": "0.8.7", "name": "python-djvulibre", "descs": "python-djvulibre (python bindings for djvulibre)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-djvulibre", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], "djvulibre", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "477 K", "descl": "python-djvulibre is a set of Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library, an open source implementation of DjVu.", "path": "./salix/python/python-djvulibre-0.8.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "progressive", "descs": "progressive (Terminal progress bars)", "source": "source/salix/python/progressive", "deps": ["blessings"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Colorful progress bars and trees for your terminal. Homepage: https://github.com/hfaran/progressive", "path": "./salix/python/progressive-0.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "queuelib", "descs": "queuelib (Collection of persistent queues)", "source": "source/salix/python/queuelib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Queuelib is a collection of persistent (disk-based) queues for Python. Queuelib goals are speed and simplicity. It was originally part of the Scrapy framework and stripped out on its own library. Homepage: https://github.com/scrapy/queuelib", "path": "./salix/python/queuelib-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "atomicwrites", "descs": "atomicwrites (Python library for atomic file writes)", "source": "source/salix/python/atomicwrites", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "It uses a temporary file in the same directory as the given path. This ensures that the temporary file resides on the same filesystem. Homepage: https://github.com/untitaker/python-atomicwrites", "path": "./salix/python/atomicwrites-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.7.0", "name": "pyperclip", "descs": "pyperclip (Python copy and paste clipboard functions)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyperclip", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Pyperclip is a cross-platform Python module for copy and paste clipboard functions. Home page: https://github.com/asweigart/pyperclip", "path": "./salix/python/pyperclip-1.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "3732 K", "ver": "", "name": "pyfltk", "descs": "pyfltk (FLTK Bindings for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyfltk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "933 K", "descl": "PyFLTK provides a convenient wrapper for the FLTK GUI library for use in Python programs. It is now written by Andreas Held. Homepage: http://pyfltk.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/pyfltk-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1180 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "python3-psautohint", "descs": "python3-psautohint (Python wrapper for Adobe's PostScript autohinter)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-psautohint", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "295 K", "descl": "A standalone version of AFDKO's autohinter.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-psautohint-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "hgsubversion", "descs": "hgsubversion (Mercurial extension for working with SVN repositories)", "source": "source/salix/python/hgsubversion", "deps": ["subvertpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "hgsubversion is an extension for Mercurial that allows using Mercurial as a Subversion client. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/durin42/hgsubversion", "path": "./salix/python/hgsubversion-1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "python3-soupsieve", "descs": "python3-soupsieve (A CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-soupsieve", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "Soup Sieve is a CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4. It aims to provide selecting, matching, and filtering using modern CSS selectors.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-soupsieve-2.3.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "26952 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "nyx", "descs": "nyx (Terminal status monitor for Tor)", "source": "source/salix/python/nyx", "deps": ["stem"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6738 K", "descl": "Nyx is a command-line monitor for Tor. With this you get real-time information about your relay. Homepage: https://nyx.torproject.org/", "path": "./salix/python/nyx-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4872 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "hachoir", "descs": "hachoir (library to view and edit binary stream field by field)", "source": "source/salix/python/hachoir", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1218 K", "descl": "A file is splitted in tree of fields, where smallest field is one bit. Ex: fields types: integers, strings, bits, padding types, floats, etc. hachoir-grep: find a text pattern in a binary file hachoir-metadata: get metadata from binary files hachoir-strip: modify a file to remove metadata hachoir-urwid: display the content of a binary file in text mode Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hachoir", "path": "./salix/python/hachoir-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1896 K", "ver": "2.10.1", "name": "python3-pylint", "descs": "python3-pylint (python code checker)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pylint", "deps": ["python-toml", "python3-astroid", "python3-isort", "python3-mccabe"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "474 K", "descl": "Pylint is a python tool that checks if a module satisfies a coding standard. Pylint can be seen as another PyChecker since nearly all tests you can do with PyChecker can also be done with Pylint. But Pylint offers some more features. The big advantage with Pylint is that it is highly configurable, customizable, and you can easily write a small plugin to add a personal feature.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pylint-2.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "python3-deprecation", "descs": "python3-deprecation (A library for handling deprecations)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-deprecation", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "deprecation is a library that enables automated deprecations. It offers the deprecated() decorator to wrap functions, providing proper warnings both in documentation and via Python's warnings system, as well as the deprecation.fail_if_not_removed() decorator for test methods to ensure that deprecated code is eventually removed.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-deprecation-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "3.4", "name": "json-py", "descs": "json-py (pure-python implementation of a JSON)", "source": "source/salix/python/json-py", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "json-py is a simple, pure-python implementation of a JSON (http://json.org) reader and writer.", "path": "./salix/python/json-py-3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "1.48", "name": "pysmssend", "descs": "pysmssend (send SMS over internet)", "source": "source/salix/python/pysmssend", "deps": ["mechanize"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Pysmssend project is a program for sending sms over the internet using your ADSL/VOIP provider account. The program has both GUI and command line interfaces so that it can fulfill any needs.", "path": "./salix/python/pysmssend-1.48-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "632 K", "ver": "0.11.1", "name": "python3-xcffib", "descs": "python3-xcffib (XCB python binding)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-xcffib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "158 K", "descl": "xcffib is intended to be a (mostly) drop-in replacement for xpyb. xpyb has an inactive upstream, several memory leaks, is python2 only and doesn't have pypy support. xcffib is a binding which uses cffi, which mitigates some of the issues described above. xcffib also builds bindings for 27 of the 29 (xprint and xkb are missing) X extensions in 1.10. Homepage: https://github.com/tych0/xcffib", "path": "./salix/python/python3-xcffib-0.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "python3-lz4", "descs": "python3-lz4 (python bindings for lz4 compression library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-lz4", "deps": ["lz4", "wheel", "python3-pkgconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "These python3 lz4 bindings provide a drop-in alternative to the compression libraries shipped with Python.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-lz4-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "2.0.6", "name": "ptpython", "descs": "ptpython (Python REPL)", "source": "source/salix/python/ptpython", "deps": ["prompt_toolkit", "jedi", "docopt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "ptpython is an advanced Python REPL built on top of the prompt_toolkit library. t works best on all Posix systems like linux, BSD and OS X. But it should work as well on Windows. It works on all Python versions from 2.6 up to 3.4. Homepage: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython", "path": "./salix/python/ptpython-2.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "pyjwt", "descs": "pyjwt (JSON Web Token implementation in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyjwt", "deps": ["cryptography", "python2-pycrypto", "ecdsa"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "A Python implementation of RFC 7519. Homepage: https://pyjwt.readthedocs.org", "path": "./salix/python/pyjwt-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.4.4", "name": "colorama", "descs": "colorama (Cross-platform colored terminal text)", "source": "source/salix/python/colorama", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Makes ANSI escape character sequences for producing colored terminal text and cursor positioning work under MS Windows. ANSI escape character sequences have long been used to produce colored terminal text and cursor positioning on Unix and Macs. Homepage : http://code.google.com/p/colorama/", "path": "./salix/python/colorama-0.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "python2-xrandr", "descs": "python2-xrandr (python bindings for X RandR)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-xrandr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Bindings for the RandR extesion of X.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-xrandr-0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2072 K", "ver": "5.1.2", "name": "pikepdf", "descs": "pikepdf (read write pdf files)", "source": "source/salix/python/pikepdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "qpdf", "zlib", "lxml", "pybind11", "python3-setuptools_scm_git_archive"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "518 K", "descl": "pikepdf is a Python library for reading and writing PDF files. pikepdf is based on QPDF, a powerful PDF manipulation and repair library", "path": "./salix/python/pikepdf-5.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.1.10", "name": "htmlmin", "descs": "htmlmin (An HTML Minifier)", "source": "source/salix/python/htmlmin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "A configurable HTML Minifier with safety features. https://htmlmin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/htmlmin-0.1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "traceback2", "descs": "traceback2 (Backports of the traceback module)", "source": "source/salix/python/traceback2", "deps": ["linecache2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "A backport of traceback to older supported Pythons. http://github.com/python-babel/traceback2", "path": "./salix/python/traceback2-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "snowballstemmer", "descs": "snowballstemmer (16 stemmer algorithms for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/snowballstemmer", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "snowballstemmer is an extension to Flask that adds i18n and l10n support to any Flask application with the help of babel, pytz and speaklater. It has builtin support for date formatting with timezone support as well as a very simple and friendly interface to gettext translations. http://github.com/python-babel/snowballstemmer", "path": "./salix/python/snowballstemmer-1.2.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "python-faulthandler", "descs": "python-faulthandler (Display the Python traceback on a crash)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-faulthandler", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Fault handler for SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, SIGABRT, SIGBUS and SIGILL signals: display the Python traceback and restore the previous handler. Import the module and call faulthandler.enable() to enable the fault handler. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/faulthandler/", "path": "./salix/python/python-faulthandler-3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "14.3.0", "name": "python3-characteristic", "descs": "python3-characteristic (Python attributes without boilerplate)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-characteristic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "characteristic is an MIT-licensed Python package with class decorators that ease the chores of implementing the most common attribute-related object protocols. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/characteristic", "path": "./salix/python/python3-characteristic-14.3.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "4.10.0", "name": "python3-plexapi", "descs": "python3-plexapi (PlexAPI Python3 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-plexapi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "Unofficial Python bindings for the Plex API. Our goal is to match all capabilities of the official Plex Web Client. Homepage: https://github.com/pkkid/python-plexapi", "path": "./salix/python/python3-plexapi-4.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "9.0.1", "name": "python3-aniso8601", "descs": "python3-aniso8601 (A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings.)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-aniso8601", "deps": ["python3-dateutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "Pure Python implementation. Python 3 support. Logical behavior. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/nielsenb/aniso8601", "path": "./salix/python/python3-aniso8601-9.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "python3-ptyprocess", "descs": "python3-ptyprocess (subprocesses in pseudo terminals for Python 3)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-ptyprocess", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Launch a subprocess in a pseudo terminal (pty), and interact with both the process and its pty. Sometimes, piping stdin and stdout is not enough. There might be a password prompt that doesn't read from stdin, output that changes when it's going to a pipe rather than a terminal, or curses-style interfaces that rely on a terminal. Project URL: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ptyprocess", "path": "./salix/python/python3-ptyprocess-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4308 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "pynacl", "descs": "pynacl (Binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pynacl", "deps": ["python2", "cffi", "wheel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1077 K", "descl": "PyNaCl is a Python binding to libsodium, which is a fork of the Networking and Cryptography library. These libraries have a stated goal of improving usability, security and speed. It supports Python 2.7 and 3.5+ as well as PyPy 2.6+. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/PyNaCl/", "path": "./salix/python/pynacl-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "scikit-umfpack", "descs": "scikit-umfpack (wrapper of UMFPACK sparse direct solver to SciPy)", "source": "source/salix/python/scikit-umfpack", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "amd", "camd", "ccolamd", "cholmod", "colamd", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "python2", "suitesparseconfig", "umfpack", "numpy", "scipy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "scikit-umfpack provides wrapper of UMFPACK sparse direct solver to SciPy. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/scikit-umfpack/", "path": "./salix/python/scikit-umfpack-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "python3-crank", "descs": "python3-crank (Python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-crank", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Generalized Object based Dispatch mechanism for use across frameworks", "path": "./salix/python/python3-crank-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "pygpgme", "descs": "pygpgme (A Python wrapper for the GPGME library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pygpgme", "deps": ["gpgme", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "PyGPGME is a Python module that lets you sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt messages using the OpenPGP format. It is built on top of the GNU Privacy Guard and the GPGME library.", "path": "./salix/python/pygpgme-0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.0.13", "name": "python3-filetype", "descs": "python3-filetype (infer file type and MIME type checking)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-filetype", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Small and dependency free Python package to infer file type and MIME type checking the magic numbers signature of a file or buffer. This is a Python port from filetype Go package. Homepage: https://github.com/h2non/filetype.py", "path": "./salix/python/python3-filetype-1.0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "python-urwid_readline", "descs": "python-urwid_readline (readline text edit for urwid)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-urwid_readline", "deps": ["python-urwid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Text input widget for urwid that supports readline shortcuts. https://github.com/rr-/urwid_readline", "path": "./salix/python/python-urwid_readline-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "python2-bigfloat", "descs": "python2-bigfloat (Arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-bigfloat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "The bigfloat module is a Python wrapper for the MPFR library for arbitrary precision floating-point reliable arithmetic. The MPFR library is a well-known portable C library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic on floating-point numbers. It provides precise control over precisions and rounding modes and gives correctly-rounded reproducible platform-independent results.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-bigfloat-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1156 K", "ver": "1.0.7", "name": "polib", "descs": "polib (pot, po, and mo file manipulation library)", "source": "source/salix/python/polib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "289 K", "descl": "Allows you to load existing files, iterate through it's entries, add, modify entries, comments or metadata, etc., or create new po files from scratch. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/izi/polib/wiki/Home", "path": "./salix/python/polib-1.0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "dxfwrite", "descs": "dxfwrite (A Python library to create DXF R12 drawings)", "source": "source/salix/python/dxfwrite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "A Python library to create DXF R12 drawings. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/mozman/dxfwrite", "path": "./salix/python/dxfwrite-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "3780 K", "ver": "35.0.0", "name": "cryptography", "descs": "cryptography (Python cryptography library)", "source": "source/salix/python/cryptography", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "pyasn1", "asn1crypto", "wheel", "python3-setuptools-rust"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "945 K", "descl": "cryptography is a Python library for Python 2.6+ & 3.2+ which exposes cryptographic recipes and primitives. cryptography is available under either the Apache Software License, Version 2.0, or the BSD license. Homepage: https://cryptography.io/", "path": "./salix/python/cryptography-35.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "imagesize", "descs": "imagesize (python library for png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif images size)", "source": "source/salix/python/imagesize", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "It parses image files' header and return image size. supports PNG JPEG JPEG2000 GIF This is a pure Python library. http://github.com/python-babel/imagesize", "path": "./salix/python/imagesize-1.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "python3-webhelpers2", "descs": "python3-webhelpers2 (utility functions)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-webhelpers2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "WebHelpers2 is a wide variety of utility functions for web applications and other applications. It can be used with any web framework.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-webhelpers2-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "2.9.45", "name": "construct", "descs": "construct (python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/construct", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "Construct is a powerful declarative parser (and builder) for binary data. Homepage: http://construct.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/construct-2.9.45-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "21756 K", "ver": "2.10.1", "name": "python3-babel", "descs": "python3-babel (python internationalization tools)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-babel", "deps": ["pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5439 K", "descl": "Babel is a collection of tools for internationalizing Python apps. It's composed of two major parts: - tools to build and work with gettext message catalogs; - a Python interface to the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository), providing access to various locale display names, localized number and date formatting, etc. homepage: http://babel.edgewall.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-babel-2.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "python2-lazy-object-proxy", "descs": "python2-lazy-object-proxy (Python lazy object proxy)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-lazy-object-proxy", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "A fast and thorough lazy object proxy. Homepage: https://github.com/ionelmc/python2-lazy-object-proxy", "path": "./salix/python/python2-lazy-object-proxy-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "5.2.4", "name": "PyGreSQL", "descs": "PyGreSQL (Python PostgreSQL Interfaces)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyGreSQL", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "PyGreSQL is an open-source Python module that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database. It embeds the PostgreSQL query library to allow easy use of the powerful PostgreSQL features from a Python script.", "path": "./salix/python/PyGreSQL-5.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "492 K", "ver": "0.8.3", "name": "python3-parso", "descs": "python3-parso (Python parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-parso", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "123 K", "descl": "Parso is a Python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing for different Python versions (in multiple Python versions). Parso is also able to list multiple syntax errors in your python file.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-parso-0.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "17.0.0", "name": "service_identity", "descs": "service_identity (Service Identity Verification for pyOpenSSL)", "source": "source/salix/python/service_identity", "deps": ["python2-attrs", "characteristic", "pyasn1-modules", "pyOpenSSL"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "service_identity aspires to give you all the tools you need for verifying whether a certificate is valid for the intended purposes. service_identity implements RFC 6125 fully. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/service_identity", "path": "./salix/python/service_identity-17.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "speaklater", "descs": "speaklater (a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext)", "source": "source/salix/python/speaklater", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "A module that provides lazy strings for translations. Basically you get an object that appears to be a string but changes the value every time the value is evaluated based on a callable you provide. https://github.com/mitsuhiko/speaklater", "path": "./salix/python/speaklater-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "rencode", "descs": "rencode (Python module for object serialization similar to bencode)", "source": "source/salix/python/rencode", "deps": ["python2", "wheel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "rencode is a Python module for fast (basic) object serialization similar to bencode from the BitTorrent project. This version of rencode is a complete rewrite in Cython to attempt to application on one of these lines, but it's not necessary. increase the performance over the pure Python module written by Petru Paler, Connelly Barnes et al. Homepage: https://github.com/aresch/rencode", "path": "./salix/python/rencode-1.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "typed_ast", "descs": "typed_ast (abstract syntax tree parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/typed_ast", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "typed_ast is a Python 3 package that provides a Python 2.7 and Python 3 parser similar to the standard ast library. Unlike ast, the parsers in typed_ast include PEP 484 type comments and are independent of the version of Python under which they are run. The typed_ast parsers produce the standard Python AST (plus type comments), and are both fast and correct, as they are based on the CPython 2.7 and 3.6 parsers.", "path": "./salix/python/typed_ast-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "pillowfight", "descs": "pillowfight (transition from PIL to Pillow)", "source": "source/salix/python/pillowfight", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "Pillow is a replacement for PIL that works as a drop-in replacement. Unlike PIL, it's actively maintained and easy to install. It's pretty great. There's only one problem, which is that users must first uninstall PIL before installing Pillow, as they share a namespace. Homepage: https://github.com/beanbaginc/pillowfight", "path": "./salix/python/pillowfight-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "optional-django", "descs": "optional-django (Utils for providing optional support for django.)", "source": "source/salix/python/optional-django", "deps": ["python2-django", "nose"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "In short, this is a grab bag of utils to shim around environments which may or may not include a configured version of django. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/optional-django/", "path": "./salix/python/optional-django-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "2.1.10", "name": "ipaddr-py", "descs": "ipaddr-py (IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/ipaddr-py", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "ipaddr-py is an IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library in Python. This library is used to create/poke/manipulate IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and prefixes Homepage: https://code.google.com/p/ipaddr-py/", "path": "./salix/python/ipaddr-py-2.1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.07", "name": "vinetto", "descs": "vinetto (forensics tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/vinetto", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Vinetto is a forensics tool that can be used to recover the the contents of the thumbnail cache (Thumbs.db files) from images that were stored on Microsoft Windows systems. Homepage: http://vinetto.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/vinetto-0.07-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "workbook", "descs": "workbook (App that creates xls reports, or tables, from simple lists)", "source": "source/salix/python/workbook", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/workbook", "path": "./salix/python/workbook-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "python2-dockerpty", "descs": "python2-dockerpty (library to use pseudo-tty of a docker container)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-dockerpty", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "dockerpty provides the functionality needed to operate the pseudo-tty (PTY) allocated to a docker container, using the Python client. Homepage: https://github.com/d11wtq/dockerpty", "path": "./salix/python/python2-dockerpty-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "tzlocal", "descs": "tzlocal (timezone information)", "source": "source/salix/python/tzlocal", "deps": ["pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "This Python module returns a tzinfo object with the local timezone information under Unix and Win-32. Homepage: https://github.com/regebro/tzlocal", "path": "./salix/python/tzlocal-2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "python3-fontMath", "descs": "python3-fontMath (Objects for performing math operations on font data)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-fontMath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "The author of this package has not provided a project description.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-fontMath-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "620 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "pyutil", "descs": "pyutil (Python utilities)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyutil", "deps": ["zbase32"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "155 K", "descl": "A collection of functions and data structures from tahoe-lafs.org (formerly allmydata.org). Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyutil", "path": "./salix/python/pyutil-2.0.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1036 K", "ver": "5.2.4", "name": "python3-kombu", "descs": "python3-kombu (messaging library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-kombu", "deps": ["python3-amqp", "vine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "259 K", "descl": "The aim of Kombu is to make messaging in Python as easy as possible by providing an idiomatic high-level interface for the AMQ protocol, and also provide proven and tested solutions to common messaging problems.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-kombu-5.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "click-threading", "descs": "click-threading (add multithreading in cli interfaces)", "source": "source/salix/python/click-threading", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Utilities for multithreading in click", "path": "./salix/python/click-threading-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "python2-keyutils", "descs": "python2-keyutils (keyutils bindings for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-keyutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], "python2", "pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "python2-keyutils is a set of python bindings for keyutils a key management suite that leverages the infrastructure provided by the Linux kernel for safely storing and retrieving sensitive infromation in your programs. Homepage: https://github.com/sassoftware/python-keyutils", "path": "./salix/python/python2-keyutils-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "2.1.5", "name": "ebaysdk", "descs": "ebaysdk (SDK to eBay API)", "source": "source/salix/python/ebaysdk", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "This SDK is a programmatic inteface into the eBay APIs. It simplifies development and cuts development time by standardizing calls, response processing, error handling, debugging across the Finding, Shopping, Merchandising, and Trading APIs.", "path": "./salix/python/ebaysdk-2.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "guess-language", "descs": "guess-language (Guess the natural language of a text)", "source": "source/salix/python/guess-language", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "Attempts to determine the natural language of a selection of Unicode (utf-8) text. Detects over 60 languages - all languages listed in the trigrams directory plus Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Greek. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/guess-language", "path": "./salix/python/guess-language-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "RBTools", "descs": "RBTools (collection of utility scripts for use with Review Board)", "source": "source/salix/python/RBTools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "This consists of the following officially supported tools: * post-review - Create and update review requests based on changes in a local tree. There are also some user-contributed scripts and application plugins in the contrib directory. See the associated README files for more information. This release works with Review Board 1.7.3.", "path": "./salix/python/RBTools-0.4.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "5.6.0", "name": "python2-pbr", "descs": "python2-pbr (managing setuptools packaging in python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pbr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "A library for managing setuptools packaging in a consistent manner. pbr reads and then filters the setup.cfg data through a setup hook to fill in default values and provide more sensible behaviors, and then feeds the results in as the arguments to a call to setup.py", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pbr-5.6.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "", "name": "responder", "descs": "responder (LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner)", "source": "source/salix/python/responder", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "Responder is an LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner. It will answer to specific NBT-NS (NetBIOS Name Service) queries based on their name suffix (see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/163409). By default, the tool will only answer to File Server Service request, which is for SMB.", "path": "./salix/python/responder-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "Logbook", "descs": "Logbook (A logging replacement for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/Logbook", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "Logbook is a logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's logging module. Homepage: https://logbook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", "path": "./salix/python/Logbook-0.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "852 K", "ver": "0.13.0", "name": "sqlalchemy-migrate", "descs": "sqlalchemy-migrate (Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy)", "source": "source/salix/python/sqlalchemy-migrate", "deps": ["python2-pbr", "SQLAlchemy", "decorator", "sqlparse", "tempita"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "213 K", "descl": "Migrate extends SQLAlchemy to have database changeset handling. It provides a database change repository mechanism which can be used from the command line as well as from inside python code.", "path": "./salix/python/sqlalchemy-migrate-0.13.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "python2-editor", "descs": "python2-editor (Programmatically open an editor)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-editor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "python2-editor is a library that provides the editor module for programmatically interfacing with your system's $EDITOR. Homepage: https://github.com/fmoo/python2-editor", "path": "./salix/python/python2-editor-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "20256 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "kallithea-frontend", "descs": "kallithea-frontend (Front-end datas for Kallithea)", "source": "source/salix/python/kallithea-frontend", "deps": ["Kallithea"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5064 K", "descl": "Installs data required for Kallithea's front-end. Does the equivalent of kallithea-cli front-end-build, but without nodejs or internet access. NPM packages version will be updated only once for each Kallithea version.", "path": "./salix/python/kallithea-frontend-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "timehash", "descs": "timehash (module to decode/encode timehashes)", "source": "source/salix/python/timehash", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "timehash is an algorithm (with multiple reference implementations) for calculating variable precision sliding windows of time. When performing aggregations and correlations on large-scale data sets, the ability to convert precise time values into 'malleable intervals' allows for many novel analytics.", "path": "./salix/python/timehash-1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.0.3", "name": "click-didyoumean", "descs": "click-didyoumean (Enable git-like did-you-mean feature in click.)", "source": "source/salix/python/click-didyoumean", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "Use specific did-you-mean group class for your cli: Or you it in a CommandCollection: max_suggestions int 3 Maximal number of did-you-mean suggestions There are two configuration for the DYMGroup and DYMCommandCollection: cutoff float 0.5 Possibilities that don't score at least that similar to word are ignored. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/click-didyoumean/", "path": "./salix/python/click-didyoumean-0.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "feedgenerator", "descs": "feedgenerator (Atom/RSS feed generator Python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/feedgenerator", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "This module is a standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator, compatible with Py3k. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedgenerator/", "path": "./salix/python/feedgenerator-1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "pluginbase", "descs": "pluginbase (Python development plugin module)", "source": "source/salix/python/pluginbase", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "PluginBase is a module for Python that enables the development of flexible plugin systems in Python. Homepage: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/pluginbase", "path": "./salix/python/pluginbase-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "868 K", "ver": "5.0.0", "name": "bleach", "descs": "bleach (whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/bleach", "deps": ["python3-webencodings"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "217 K", "descl": "Bleach is a whitelist-based HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes.", "path": "./salix/python/bleach-5.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.13.3", "name": "terminado", "descs": "terminado (terminals served by tornado websockets)", "source": "source/salix/python/terminado", "deps": ["python3-ptyprocess", "python3-tornado"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Terminado is a Tornado websocket backend for the term.js Javascript terminal emulator library.", "path": "./salix/python/terminado-0.13.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1160 K", "ver": "2.8", "name": "python2-pyicu", "descs": "python2-pyicu (python wrapper for icu4c)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pyicu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "290 K", "descl": "PyICU is a Python extension wrapping IBM's International Components for Unicode C++ library (ICU). Homepage: https://github.com/ovalhub/pyicu", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pyicu-2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "python-rubymarshal", "descs": "python-rubymarshal (read and write Ruby-marshalled data)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-rubymarshal", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "Read and write Ruby-marshalled data. Only basic Ruby data types can be read and written. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rubymarshal", "path": "./salix/python/python-rubymarshal-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "python3-configargparse", "descs": "python3-configargparse (Python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-configargparse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "A drop-in replacement for argparse that allows options to also be set via config files and/or environment variables Project URL: https://github.com/bw2/ConfigArgParse", "path": "./salix/python/python3-configargparse-1.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.11.4", "name": "python-pcapy", "descs": "python-pcapy (python extension module for libpcap)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-pcapy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Pcapy is a Python extension module that interfaces with the libpcap packet capture library. Pcapy enables python scripts to capture packets on the network. Home: https://github.com/CoreSecurity/pcapy", "path": "./salix/python/python-pcapy-0.11.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "2.9.3", "name": "python3-psycopg2", "descs": "python3-psycopg2 (Python PostgreSQL bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-psycopg2", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for Python. It supports the full Python DBAPI 2.0, and is thread safe at level 2. psycopg was designed for heavily multi-threaded applications. The psycopg2 website can be found at: http://initd.org/tracker/psycopg/wiki/PsycopgTwo", "path": "./salix/python/python3-psycopg2-2.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "15360 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "Kallithea", "descs": "Kallithea (Source Code Management System)", "source": "source/salix/python/Kallithea", "deps": ["python3-celery", "python3-tgext.routes", "python3-gearbox", "python3-paginate_sqlalchemy", "python3-alembic", "python3-bcrypt", "python3-babel", "python3-backlash", "bleach", "python3-formencode", "python-importlib_metadata", "python3-beaker", "decorator", "python3-dulwich", "python3-ipaddr", "python3-paste", "python3-dateutil", "python3-urlobject", "python3-waitress", "python3-webhelpers2", "python3-whoosh"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3840 K", "descl": "Kallithea, a member project of Software Freedom Conservancy, is a GPLv3'd, Free Software source code management system that supports two leading version control systems, Mercurial and Git, and has a web interface that is easy to use for users and admins. You can install Kallithea on your own server and host repositories for the version control system of your choice.", "path": "./salix/python/Kallithea-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "soundcloud", "descs": "soundcloud (A friendly wrapper library for the Soundcloud API)", "source": "source/salix/python/soundcloud", "deps": ["fudge", "simplejson"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "A friendly wrapper around the Soundcloud API. Homepage: https://github.com/soundcloud/soundcloud-python", "path": "./salix/python/soundcloud-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.4.15", "name": "python-magic", "descs": "python-magic (uses ctypes to access the libmagic)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-magic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This module uses ctypes to access the libmagic file type identification library. It makes use of the local magic database and supports both textual and MIME-type output. Homepage: https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic", "path": "./salix/python/python-magic-0.4.15-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "448 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "python2-swiftclient", "descs": "python2-swiftclient (OpenStack Object Storage API Client Library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-swiftclient", "deps": ["python2-pbr"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "112 K", "descl": "This is a python client for the Swift API. There's a Python API (the swiftclient module), and a command-line script (swift). Homepage: https://www.openstack.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-swiftclient-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "2.10.1", "name": "pygtksourceview", "descs": "pygtksourceview (Python bindings for gtksourceview)", "source": "source/salix/python/pygtksourceview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtksourceview", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Pygtksourceview provides python bindings for gtksourceview. Homepage: http://www.pygtk.org/", "path": "./salix/python/pygtksourceview-2.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "4.2.3", "name": "cx_Freeze", "descs": "cx_Freeze (python script freezer)", "source": "source/salix/python/cx_Freeze", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts into executables in much the same way that py2exe and py2app do. Unlike these two tools, cx_Freeze is cross platform and should work on any platform that Python itself works on.", "path": "./salix/python/cx_Freeze-4.2.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48552 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "python3-obspy", "descs": "python3-obspy (A Python Framework for Seismology)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-obspy", "deps": ["decorator", "scipy3", "greenlet", "lxml", "SQLAlchemy", "python3-basemap", "suds-jurko"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12138 K", "descl": "ObsPy is an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for processing seismological data. It provides parsers for common file formats, clients to access data centers and seismological signal processing routines which allow the manipulation of seismological time series. The goal of the ObsPy project is to facilitate rapid application development for seismology. Homepage: https://github.com/obspy/obspy/wiki", "path": "./salix/python/python3-obspy-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "2.0.4", "name": "asttokens", "descs": "asttokens (an abstract syntax tree (AST) annotator for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/asttokens", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "wheel", "python-toml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "this module annotates Python abstact syntax trees (ASTs) with the positions of tokens and text in the source code that generated them. It makes it possible for tools that work with logical AST nodes to find the particular text that resulted in those nodes, for example for automated refactoring or highlighting. Homepage http://github.com/gristlabs/asttokens", "path": "./salix/python/asttokens-2.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "DVR-Scan", "descs": "DVR-Scan (Motion Events Detector)", "source": "source/salix/python/DVR-Scan", "deps": ["numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "a cross-platform command-line (CLI) application that automatically detects motion events in video files (e.g. security camera footage). In addition to locating both the time and duration of each motion event, will save the footage of each motion event to a new, separate video clip. For users wanting finer control over the output video encoding method, the default timecode format (HH:MM:SS.nnnn) is compatible with most popular video tools.", "path": "./salix/python/DVR-Scan-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.10.9", "name": "netifaces", "descs": "netifaces (python module to query netif info)", "source": "source/salix/python/netifaces", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Portable module to access network interface information in Python. Homepage: https://alastairs-place.net/projects/netifaces/", "path": "./salix/python/netifaces-0.10.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.7.4", "name": "xe", "descs": "xe (XML Elements python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/xe", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "xe (short for 'XML Elements') is a Python library module designed to make it easy to work with XML. It is part of the PyFeed project. (http://home.avvanta.com/~steveha/xe.html)", "path": "./salix/python/xe-0.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "jsonschema", "descs": "jsonschema (Implementation of JSON Schema)", "source": "source/salix/python/jsonschema", "deps": ["vcversioner", "functools32"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "jsonschema is an implementation of JSON Schema for Python (supporting 2.6+ including Python 3). Homepage: https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema", "path": "./salix/python/jsonschema-2.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1020 K", "ver": "3.2.6", "name": "cheetah3", "descs": "cheetah3 (Python3 template engine and code-generation tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/cheetah3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "255 K", "descl": "Cheetah3 is a free and open source template engine and code- generation tool written in Python. Cheetah can be used unto itself, or incorporated with other technologies and stacks regardless of whether they're written in Python or not. Homepage: http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/", "path": "./salix/python/cheetah3-3.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1140 K", "ver": "2.8.4", "name": "ruffus", "descs": "ruffus (Computation Pipeline library)", "source": "source/salix/python/ruffus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "285 K", "descl": "Ruffus is a Computation Pipeline library for Python designed to allow scientific and other analyses to be automated with the minimum of fuss and the least effort. http://www.ruffus.org.uk", "path": "./salix/python/ruffus-2.8.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "jdcal", "descs": "jdcal (python module to convert dates)", "source": "source/salix/python/jdcal", "deps": ["lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "jdcal contains functions for converting between Julian dates and calendar dates.", "path": "./salix/python/jdcal-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "0.4.9", "name": "python-tlslite", "descs": "python-tlslite (SSL and TLS crypto library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-tlslite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "TLS Lite is an open source python library that implements SSL and TLS. TLS Lite supports RSA and SRP ciphersuites. TLS Lite is pure python however it can use other libraries for faster crypto operations. TLS Lite integrates with several stdlib neworking libraries. Project URL: http://trevp.net/tlslite/", "path": "./salix/python/python-tlslite-0.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "3.3.0", "name": "python3-Flask-httpauth", "descs": "python3-Flask-httpauth (Extension for Python3-Flask)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-httpauth", "deps": ["Flask"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Simple extension that provides Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes. Homepage: https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/flask-httpauth/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-httpauth-3.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.6.5", "name": "python-slip", "descs": "python-slip (convenience, extension, and workaround code)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-slip", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "python-slip contains convenience, extension, and workaround code for Python and some Python modules. Homepage: https://github.com/nphilipp/python-slip", "path": "./salix/python/python-slip-0.6.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52472 K", "ver": "2.6", "name": "pattern", "descs": "pattern (a web mining module for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pattern", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13118 K", "descl": "It bundles tools for: - Data Mining - Natural Language Processing - Machine Learning - Network Analysis Homepage: http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/pages/pattern", "path": "./salix/python/pattern-2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "stopit", "descs": "stopit (Control decorators, context managers, raise exceptions)", "source": "source/salix/python/stopit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Raise asynchronous exceptions in other threads, control the timeout of blocks or callables with two context managers and two decorators. Home page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/stopit", "path": "./salix/python/stopit-1.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "pyusb", "descs": "pyusb (USB module for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyusb", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "PyUSB is a native Python module which provides easy USB access to Python. The module contains classes and methods to support most USB operations.", "path": "./salix/python/pyusb-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "i3-py", "descs": "i3-py (tools for i3 users and developers)", "source": "source/salix/python/i3-py", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Python based tools for i3 users and developers. Homepage: https://github.com/ziberna/i3-py", "path": "./salix/python/i3-py-0.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "cppy", "descs": "cppy (C++ header library)", "source": "source/salix/python/cppy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "cppy is a small C++ header library which makes it easier to write Python extension modules.", "path": "./salix/python/cppy-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.10.2", "name": "python-toml", "descs": "python-toml (A Python library for parsing and creating TOML)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-toml", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "python-toml is a Python library for parsing and creating TOML.", "path": "./salix/python/python-toml-0.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.0.2", "name": "roundrobin", "descs": "roundrobin (This is rather small collection of round robin utilites)", "source": "source/salix/python/roundrobin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "https://github.com/linnik/roundrobin", "path": "./salix/python/roundrobin-0.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1644 K", "ver": "3.3.2", "name": "python2-cryptography", "descs": "python2-cryptography (Python2 cryptography library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-cryptography", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib", "pyasn1", "cffi", "ipaddress", "asn1crypto", "wheel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "411 K", "descl": "Cryptography is a Python library which exposes cryptographic recipes and primitives. It is available under either the Apache Software License, Version 2.0, or the BSD license. Homepage: https://cryptography.io/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-cryptography-3.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "pygrametl", "descs": "pygrametl (ETL programming in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pygrametl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "pygrametl (pronounced py-gram-e-t-l) is a Python framework which offers commonly used functionality for development of Extract- Transform-Load (ETL) processes. Homepage: http://pygrametl.org/", "path": "./salix/python/pygrametl-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "rst-linker", "descs": "rst-linker (provides a routine for adding links and performing other)", "source": "source/salix/python/rst-linker", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "rst-linker provides a routine for adding links and performing other custom replacements to reStructuredText files as a Sphinx extension. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/rst.linker/", "path": "./salix/python/rst-linker-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "et_xmlfile", "descs": "et_xmlfile (python library to create large XML files)", "source": "source/salix/python/et_xmlfile", "deps": ["lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "et_xmlfile is a low memory library for creating large XML files.", "path": "./salix/python/et_xmlfile-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "0.11.3", "name": "httplib2", "descs": "httplib2 (python http library)", "source": "source/salix/python/httplib2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "A comprehensive HTTP client library that supports many features left out of other HTTP libraries. homepage: https://github.com/httplib2/httplib2/", "path": "./salix/python/httplib2-0.11.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1420 K", "ver": "2.6.1", "name": "python3-pycrypto", "descs": "python3-pycrypto (The Python Cryptography Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pycrypto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "355 K", "descl": "This is a collection of both secure hash functions (such as SHA256 and RIPEMD160), and various encryption algorithms (AES, DES, RSA, ElGamal, etc.). Homepage: https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pycrypto-2.6.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "defusedxml", "descs": "defusedxml (XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules)", "source": "source/salix/python/defusedxml", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "The results of an attack on a vulnerable XML library can be fairly dramatic. With just a few hundred Bytes of XML data an attacker can occupy several Gigabytes of memory within seconds. An attacker can also keep CPUs busy for a long time with a small to medium size request. Under some circumstances it is even possible to access local files on your server, to circumvent a firewall, or to abuse services to rebound attacks to third parties. This library allows for XML to be parsed in a manner that avoids these pitfalls.", "path": "./salix/python/defusedxml-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "4.0.9", "name": "icalendar", "descs": "icalendar (parser / generator for iCalendar)", "source": "source/salix/python/icalendar", "deps": ["pytz", "python3-dateutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "The icalendar package is a RFC 5545 compatible parser/generator for iCalendar files.", "path": "./salix/python/icalendar-4.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "2.8.3", "name": "pysqlite", "descs": "pysqlite (Python interface to SQLite 3)", "source": "source/salix/python/pysqlite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "python2", "sqlite", "zlib", "python2-PyYAML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "pysqlite is an interface to the SQLite 3.x embedded relational database engine. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pysqlite/2.8.3", "path": "./salix/python/pysqlite-2.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "python3-Flask-Bcrypt", "descs": "python3-Flask-Bcrypt (Bcrypt extension for Flask)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Bcrypt", "deps": ["Flask", "python3-bcrypt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Flask-Bcrypt is a Flask extension that provides bcrypt hashing utilities for your application. Homepage: https://github.com/maxcountryman/flask-bcrypt", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Bcrypt-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "5088 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "python2-netaddr", "descs": "python2-netaddr (Network address manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-netaddr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1272 K", "descl": "netaddr provides a Pythonic way of working with: - IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets - MAC addresses, OUI and IAB identifiers, IEEE EUI-64 identifiers - arbitrary (non-aligned) IP address ranges and IP address sets - some non-CIDR IP range formats such as nmap and glob-style formats nettaddr is able to manipulate IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-netaddr-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "20220219", "name": "dtfabric", "descs": "dtfabric (Python library for data types and structures)", "source": "source/salix/python/dtfabric", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "dtfabric is a project to manage data types and structures as used in the libyal digital forensic projects. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/dtfabric", "path": "./salix/python/dtfabric-20220219-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "0.14.7", "name": "python3-httpcore", "descs": "python3-httpcore (provides a minimal low-level HTTP client)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-httpcore", "deps": ["python3-anyio", "python3-h11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "The HTTP Core package does one thing only. Sending HTTP requests. It does not provide any high level model abstractions over the API, does not handle redirects, multipart uploads, building authentication headers, transparent HTTP caching, URL parsing, session cookie handling, content or charset decoding, handling JSON, environment based configuration defaults, or any of that Jazz Homepage: https://github.com/encode/httpcore", "path": "./salix/python/python3-httpcore-0.14.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "6332 K", "ver": "1.4.5", "name": "pyglet", "descs": "pyglet (multimedia library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyglet", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1583 K", "descl": "pyglet provides an object-oriented programming interface for developing games and other visually-rich applications for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Homepage: http://pyglet.readthedocs.org/en/pyglet-1.2-maintenance/", "path": "./salix/python/pyglet-1.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "python2-texttable", "descs": "python2-texttable (module for creating simple ASCII tables)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-texttable", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "texttable is a Python module to generate a formatted text table, using ASCII characters. Homepage: https://github.com/foutaise/texttable", "path": "./salix/python/python2-texttable-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "2.7.2", "name": "numexpr", "descs": "numexpr (Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/numexpr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "It evaluates multiple-operator array expressions many times faster than NumPy can. It accepts the expression as a string, analyzes it, rewrites it more efficiently, and compiles it to faster Python code. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/numexpr/", "path": "./salix/python/numexpr-2.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.7.12", "name": "alabaster", "descs": "alabaster (A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme)", "source": "source/salix/python/alabaster", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Alabaster is a visually (c)lean, responsive, configurable theme for the Sphinx documentation system. It is Python 2+3 compatible. https://alabaster.readthedocs.io/", "path": "./salix/python/alabaster-0.7.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1272 K", "ver": "0.19.3", "name": "txtorcon", "descs": "txtorcon (Twisted-based Tor controller client)", "source": "source/salix/python/txtorcon", "deps": ["zope.interface", "ipaddress", "GeoIP-Python", "txsocksx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "318 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txtorcon", "path": "./salix/python/txtorcon-0.19.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "2021.9.3", "name": "pefile", "descs": "pefile (Python module to access Portable Executable files)", "source": "source/salix/python/pefile", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "pefile is a Python s a multi-platform Python module to parse and work with Portable Executable (aka PE) files. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pefile/", "path": "./salix/python/pefile-2021.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp", "descs": "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp (HTML help file generator)", "source": "source/salix/python/sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp is a Sphinx extension to create HTML help files.", "path": "./salix/python/sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "vanguards", "descs": "vanguards (Tor Onion Service Addon)", "source": "source/salix/python/vanguards", "deps": ["stem"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "A controller addon to rapid-prototype defenses against wide-ranging attacks on onion service protocols ahead of their official Tor-core releases. It is especially suited for onion services that require high security as soon as possible. Homepage: https://github.com/mikeperry-tor/vanguards", "path": "./salix/python/vanguards-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "pyflakes", "descs": "pyflakes (passive checker of Python programs)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyflakes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "Pyflakes is a program to analyze Python programs and detect various errors. It works by parsing the source file, not importing it, so it is safe to use on modules with side effects. It's also much faster passive checker of Python programs.", "path": "./salix/python/pyflakes-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "tinycss", "descs": "tinycss (simple CSS parser for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/tinycss", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "tinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python. It supports the full syntax and error handling for CSS 2.1 as well as some CSS 3 modules: CSS Color 3, CSS Fonts 3, CSS Paged Media 3. Homepage: https://tinycss.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/tinycss-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "0.7.4", "name": "python-musicbrainz2", "descs": "python-musicbrainz2 (python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-musicbrainz2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "Python Bindings for the MusicBrainz XML Web Service. Homepage: http://musicbrainz.org/doc/PythonMusicBrainz2", "path": "./salix/python/python-musicbrainz2-0.7.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "funcsigs", "descs": "funcsigs (Backport of the PEP 362)", "source": "source/salix/python/funcsigs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "funcsigs is a backport of the PEP 362 function signature features from Python 3.3's inspect module. The backport is compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7 as well as 3.2 and up. Homepage: https://funcsigs.readthedocs.io/en/0.4/", "path": "./salix/python/funcsigs-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "4.1.2", "name": "yara-python", "descs": "yara-python (Python for yara)", "source": "source/salix/python/yara-python", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "yara", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "yara-python is a Python library to allow the use of YARA directly in python programs. It covers all YARA's features, from compiling, saving and loading rules to scanning files, strings and processes. Homepage: https://github.com/VirusTotal/yara-python", "path": "./salix/python/yara-python-4.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "2.0.4", "name": "guessit", "descs": "guessit (library from video files)", "source": "source/salix/python/guessit", "deps": ["babelfish", "rebulk", "python2-dateutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "GuessIt is a python library that extracts as much information as possible from a video file. It has a very powerful filename matcher that allows to guess a lot of metadata from a video using its filename only. This matcher works with both movies and tv shows episodes. Homepage: http://guessit.readthedocs.org/", "path": "./salix/python/guessit-2.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "17456 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "sphinx-rtd-theme", "descs": "sphinx-rtd-theme (decorator for caching properties in classes)", "source": "source/salix/python/sphinx-rtd-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4364 K", "descl": "The sphinx_rtd_theme is a sphinx theme designed to look modern and be mobile-friendly. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-rtd-theme", "path": "./salix/python/sphinx-rtd-theme-0.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "python-discid", "descs": "python-discid (libdiscid Python Bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-discid", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "python-discid is a Python binding of libdiscid by MusicBrainz. The main purpose is the calculation of an identifier for audio discs (Disc ID) to use for the MusicBrainz database. Additionally the disc MCN and track ISRCs can be extracted. Homepage: https://python-discid.readthedocs.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python-discid-1.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "2.0.5", "name": "python3-smmap2", "descs": "python3-smmap2 (A sliding memory map manager)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-smmap2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Smmap wraps an interface around mmap and tracks the mapped files as well as the amount of clients who use it. If the system runs out of resources, or if a memory limit is reached, it will automatically unload unused maps to allow continued operation.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-smmap2-2.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "1.11.0", "name": "python3-beaker", "descs": "python3-beaker (Caching Library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-beaker", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "Beaker is a library for caching and sessions for use with web applications and stand-alone Python scripts and applications. It comes with WSGI middleware for easy drop-in use with WSGI based web applications, and caching decorators for ease of use with any Python based application.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-beaker-1.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "20190122", "name": "dfwinreg", "descs": "dfwinreg (Digital Forensics Windows Registry)", "source": "source/salix/python/dfwinreg", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML", "dfdatetime", "dtfabric", "libregf"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "dfwinreg, or Digital Forensics Windows Registry, provides read-only access to Windows Registry objects. Homepage: https://github.com/log2timeline/dfwinreg", "path": "./salix/python/dfwinreg-20190122-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2412 K", "ver": "0.13.1", "name": "foolscap", "descs": "foolscap (RPC protocol for Python+Twisted)", "source": "source/salix/python/foolscap", "deps": ["python2-twisted", "pyOpenSSL", "txtorcon", "txi2p"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "603 K", "descl": "Foolscap is an RPC protocol for Python+Twisted, providing a capability-based security model and flexible serialization. It is intended to replace Twisted's native 'Perspective Broker' RPC system. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/foolscap/", "path": "./salix/python/foolscap-0.13.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1000 K", "ver": "19.9.0", "name": "gunicorn", "descs": "gunicorn (WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX)", "source": "source/salix/python/gunicorn", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "250 K", "descl": "Gunicorn `Green Unicorn` is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. It`s a pre-fork worker model ported from Ruby`s Unicorn project. The Gunicorn server is broadly compatible with various web frameworks, simply implemented, light on server resource usage, and fairly speedy. Homepage: https://gunicorn.org/", "path": "./salix/python/gunicorn-19.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.2.6", "name": "virtualenv-clone", "descs": "virtualenv-clone (virtualenv cloning script)", "source": "source/salix/python/virtualenv-clone", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "virtualenv-clone is a script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv. Homepage: https://github.com/edwardgeorge/virtualenv-clone", "path": "./salix/python/virtualenv-clone-0.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "itsdangerous", "descs": "itsdangerous (Various helpers to pass trusted data)", "source": "source/salix/python/itsdangerous", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "It's Dangerous ... so better sign this Various helpers to pass data to untrusted environments and to get it back safe and sound. This repository provides a module that is a port of the django signing module. It's not directly copied but some changes were applied to make it work better on its own. Homepage: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/itsdangerous", "path": "./salix/python/itsdangerous-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "cloudpickle", "descs": "cloudpickle (Extended pickling support for Python objects)", "source": "source/salix/python/cloudpickle", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "cloudpickle makes it possible to serialize Python constructs not supported by the default pickle module from the Python standard library. It is especially useful for cluster computing where Python code is shipped over the network to execute on remote hosts, possibly close to the data. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/cloudpickle/", "path": "./salix/python/cloudpickle-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.1.9", "name": "ramlfications", "descs": "ramlfications (Python RAML parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/ramlfications", "deps": ["virtualenv"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "ramlfications is an Apache 2.0-licensed reference implementation of a RAML parser in Python intended to be used for parsing API definitions (e.g. for static documentation-generation). https://ramlfications.readthedocs.io/", "path": "./salix/python/ramlfications-0.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.6.6", "name": "python-parse", "descs": "python-parse (Python String Parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-parse", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Parse strings using a specification based on the Python format() syntax. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/parse/", "path": "./salix/python/python-parse-1.6.6-i486-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1148 K", "ver": "2.7.3", "name": "python3-astroid", "descs": "python3-astroid (new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-astroid", "deps": ["python3-lazy-object-proxy", "python3-wrapt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "287 K", "descl": "The aim of this module is to provide a common base representation of python source code for projects such as pychecker, pyreverse, pylint... Well, actually the development of this library is essentially governed by pylint's needs. It used to be called logilab-astng. Homepage: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid", "path": "./salix/python/python3-astroid-2.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.501", "name": "python2-authres", "descs": "python2-authres (RFC 5451 Auth Results Headers generation and parsing)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-authres", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "RFC 5451 Authentication-Results Headers generation and parsing for Python/Python3. It also supports Authentication Results extensions: * RFC 5617 DKIM/ADSP * RFC 6008 DKIM signature identification (header.b) * RFC 6212 Vouch By Reference (VBR) Homepage: https://launchpad.net/authentication-results-python", "path": "./salix/python/python2-authres-0.501-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "purl", "descs": "purl (An immutable URL class for easy URL-building and manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/python/purl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation. Supports Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3. Homepage: https://github.com/codeinthehole/purl", "path": "./salix/python/purl-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1536 K", "ver": "0.9.5", "name": "PySDL2", "descs": "PySDL2 (Python wrapper around the SDL2)", "source": "source/salix/python/PySDL2", "deps": ["pypy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "384 K", "descl": "PySDL2 is a wrapper around the SDL2 library and as such similar to the discontinued PySDL project. In contrast to PySDL, it has no licensing restrictions, nor does it rely on C code, but uses ctypes instead. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/marcusva/py-sdl2", "path": "./salix/python/PySDL2-0.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "37908 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "python3-pandas", "descs": "python3-pandas (Python Data Analysis Library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pandas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "numpy3", "python3-dateutil", "pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9477 K", "descl": "Pandas is an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pandas-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "1.9.6", "name": "python2-soupsieve", "descs": "python2-soupsieve (A CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-soupsieve", "deps": ["functools-lru-cache"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "Soup Sieve is a CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4. It aims to provide selecting, matching, and filtering using modern CSS selectors.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-soupsieve-1.9.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "python-xkbcommon", "descs": "python-xkbcommon (Python bindings for libxkbcommon using cffi)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-xkbcommon", "deps": ["libxkbcommon"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Python bindings for libxkbcommon using cffi.", "path": "./salix/python/python-xkbcommon-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2616 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "python3-paste", "descs": "python3-paste (Middleware)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-paste", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "654 K", "descl": "Paste provides several pieces of 'middleware' (or filters) that can be nested to build web applications. Each piece of middleware uses the WSGI (PEP 333) interface, and should be compatible with other middleware based on those interfaces.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-paste-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "21.3.0", "name": "incremental", "descs": "incremental (Python projects versioning)", "source": "source/salix/python/incremental", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/incremental", "path": "./salix/python/incremental-21.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "14632 K", "ver": "3.1.4", "name": "python3-django", "descs": "python3-django (The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-django", "deps": ["pytz", "sqlparse", "asgiref"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3658 K", "descl": "Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It's free and open source. Homepage: https://www.djangoproject.com/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-django-3.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "simplegeneric", "descs": "simplegeneric (Simple generic functions)", "source": "source/salix/python/simplegeneric", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "The simplegeneric module lets you define simple single-dispatch generic functions, akin to Python's built-in generic functions like len(), iter() and so on.", "path": "./salix/python/simplegeneric-0.8.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "1.10.1", "name": "python2-pyhamcrest", "descs": "python2-pyhamcrest (Hamcrest framework for matcher objects)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pyhamcrest", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "PyHamcrest is a framework for writing matcher objects, allowing you to declaratively define 'match' rules. There are a number of situations where matchers are invaluable, such as UI validation, or data filtering. But it is in the area of writing flexible tests that matchers are most commonly used. https://github.com/hamcrest/PyHamcrest", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pyhamcrest-1.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.7.0", "name": "odict", "descs": "odict (ordered dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/python/odict", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Dictionary in which the insertion order of items is preserved (using an internal double linked list). In this implementation replacing an existing item keeps it at its original position. Homepage: https://github.com/bluedynamics/odict", "path": "./salix/python/odict-1.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "pysass", "descs": "pysass (add watch capability)", "source": "source/salix/python/pysass", "deps": ["watchdog", "BeautifulSoup4"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "A simple wrapper on libsass-python pysassc to add watch capability using watchdog. Add -w and --watch flags to pysassc command. Watch included directories and source directory recursively. Only watch *.scss files. Throttling. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/pysass/", "path": "./salix/python/pysass-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "requirements-detector", "descs": "requirements-detector (find requirements of a Python project)", "source": "source/salix/python/requirements-detector", "deps": ["astroid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This package is a simple Python tool which attempts to find and list the requirements of a Python project. Homepage: https://github.com/landscapeio/requirements-detector", "path": "./salix/python/requirements-detector-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "22.1.3", "name": "python3-pulsectl", "descs": "python3-pulsectl (Pulse-control Python3 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pulsectl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "Python (3.x and 2.x) blocking high-level interface and ctypes-based bindings for PulseAudio (libpulse), to use in a simple synchronous code. Wrappers are mostly for mixer-like controls and introspection-related operations, as opposed to e.g. submitting sound samples to play and player-like client. For async version to use with asyncio, see pulsectl-asyncio project instead. Originally forked from pulsemixer project, which had this code bundled. Homepage: https://github.com/mk-fg/python-pulse-control", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pulsectl-22.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "492 K", "ver": "4.63.0", "name": "tqdm", "descs": "tqdm (progress bar for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/tqdm", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "python-toml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "123 K", "descl": "A fast, extensible progress bar for Python. Instantly make your loops show a smart progress meter - just wrap any iterable with tqdm(iterable), and you're done! Homepage: https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm", "path": "./salix/python/tqdm-4.63.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "6.0.2", "name": "python3-multidict", "descs": "python3-multidict (Asyncio-based multidict implementation)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-multidict", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Multidict is dict-like collection of key-value pairs where key might be occurred more than once in the container. https://multidict.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-multidict-6.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "python3-augeas", "descs": "python3-augeas (Python 3 bindings for augeas)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-augeas", "deps": ["augeas"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Pure python 3 bindings for augeas Homepage: http://augeas.net/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-augeas-0.5.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.5.211", "name": "python2-oauth2", "descs": "python2-oauth2 (OAuth clients and servers)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-oauth2", "deps": ["urlgrabber"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "A fully tested, abstract interface to creating OAuth clients and servers.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-oauth2-1.5.211-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "13560 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "PythonQt", "descs": "PythonQt (Python binding for Qt)", "source": "source/salix/python/PythonQt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "glu", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "python3", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3390 K", "descl": "PythonQt is a dynamic Python binding for the Qt framework. It offers an easy way to embed the Python scripting language into your C++ Qt applications. Homepage: https://github.com/commontk/PythonQt Original site: http://pythonqt.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/python/PythonQt-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2252 K", "ver": "5.2.6", "name": "python3-celery", "descs": "python3-celery (Distributed Task Queue)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-celery", "deps": ["python3-kombu", "python3-billiard", "python3-prompt_toolkit", "pytz", "click-legacy7", "click-didyoumean", "click-plugins", "click-repl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "563 K", "descl": "Task queues are used as a mechanism to distribute work across threads or machines.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-celery-5.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "pendulum", "descs": "pendulum (Python datetimes made easy)", "source": "source/salix/python/pendulum", "deps": ["python2-dateutil", "pytzdata"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "Handle datetimes, timedeltas and timezones in a more natural fashion. Homepage: https://pendulum.eustace.io/", "path": "./salix/python/pendulum-2.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "parsel", "descs": "parsel (Library to extract data from HTML and XML)", "source": "source/salix/python/parsel", "deps": ["pytest-runner", "w3lib", "lxml", "cssselect"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Parsel is a library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors. Homepage: https://github.com/scrapy/parsel", "path": "./salix/python/parsel-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.30", "name": "python2-uuid", "descs": "python2-uuid (UUID object and generation functions)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-uuid", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "UUID object and generation functions (Python 2.3 or higher) Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/uuid", "path": "./salix/python/python2-uuid-1.30-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "3.5.2b", "name": "python2-distorm", "descs": "python2-distorm (Disassembler Library for x86/AMD64 binary streams)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-distorm", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "The goal of diStorm is to decode x86/AMD64 binary streams and return a structure that describes each instruction.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-distorm-3.5.2b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "396 K", "ver": "3.1.2", "name": "tox", "descs": "tox (virtualenv-based automation of test activities)", "source": "source/salix/python/tox", "deps": ["py", "virtualenv", "pluggy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "99 K", "descl": "Tox aims to automate and standardize testing in Python. It is part of a larger vision of easing the packaging, testing and release process of Python software. Homepage: https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/tox-3.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1104 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "relatorio", "descs": "relatorio (templating library)", "source": "source/salix/python/relatorio", "deps": ["genshi", "lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "276 K", "descl": "Outputs different kind of files like odt, ods, png, svg, etc. Using a plugin architecture, you can create extra funcitonality to be able to output other formats by creating an new plugin.", "path": "./salix/python/relatorio-0.6.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4800 K", "ver": "2.42.0", "name": "boto", "descs": "boto (Interface to Amazon Web Services)", "source": "source/salix/python/boto", "deps": ["python2-paramiko", "rsa", "python2-PyYAML", "simplejson"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1200 K", "descl": "Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services. Homepage: https://github.com/boto/boto", "path": "./salix/python/boto-2.42.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1708 K", "ver": "2010.1", "name": "p4python", "descs": "p4python (python bindings for Perforce api)", "source": "source/salix/python/p4python", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2", "p4api"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "427 K", "descl": "Perforce is the fast SCM system at www.perforce.com. This package provides a simple interface from Python wrapping the Perforce C++ API to gain performance and ease of coding. Similar to interfaces available for Ruby and Perl.", "path": "./salix/python/p4python-2010.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "python3-Flask-Principal", "descs": "python3-Flask-Principal (Identity management for flask)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Principal", "deps": ["Flask", "python3-blinker"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "A Flask extension for identity management. https://github.com/rduplain/flask-Principal", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Principal-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "aiosignal", "descs": "aiosignal (manage callbacks in asyncio projects)", "source": "source/salix/python/aiosignal", "deps": ["frozenlist"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "aiosignal is a project for managing callbacks in asyncio projects.", "path": "./salix/python/aiosignal-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.8", "name": "filechunkio", "descs": "filechunkio (upload huge files to Amazon S3)", "source": "source/salix/python/filechunkio", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "FileChunkIO is a way to upload huge files to Amazon S3 in multiple parts without having to split them physically upfront (which requires more time and twice the disk space) or creating in-memory chunks as StringIO instances. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/fabian/filechunkio", "path": "./salix/python/filechunkio-1.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "0.7.10", "name": "python2-orbited", "descs": "python2-orbited (Realtime Communication for the Browser)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-orbited", "deps": ["python2-demjson", "python2-morbid", "python2-stomper", "python2-twisted", "python2-uuid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "Orbited provides a pure JavaScript/HTML socket in the browser. It is a web router and firewall that allows you to integrate web applications with arbitrary back-end systems. You can implement any network protocol in the browser - without resorting to plugins. Homepage: http://orbited.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-orbited-0.7.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "captcha", "descs": "captcha (A captcha python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/captcha", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "A captcha library that generates audio and image CAPTCHAs. https://github.com/lepture/captcha", "path": "./salix/python/captcha-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "0.2.5", "name": "mechanize", "descs": "mechanize (Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/mechanize", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python, after Andy Lester's Perl module WWW::Mechanize. Homepage: http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/mechanize/", "path": "./salix/python/mechanize-0.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "3.7", "name": "python3-dugong", "descs": "python3-dugong (HTTP 1.1 communication API)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-dugong", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "The Python Dugong module provides an API for communicating with HTTP 1.1 servers. It is an alternative to the standard library's http.client (formerly httplib) module. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/nikratio/python-dugong/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-dugong-3.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2136 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "python-stdnum", "descs": "python-stdnum (Python Module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-stdnum", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "534 K", "descl": "A Python module to parse, validate and reformat standard numbers and codes in different formats. It contains a large collection of number formats. Basically any number or code that has some validation mechanism available or some common formatting is eligible for inclusion in this library. https://arthurdejong.org/python-stdnum/", "path": "./salix/python/python-stdnum-1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "functools-lru-cache", "descs": "functools-lru-cache (backport of functools.lru_cache)", "source": "source/salix/python/functools-lru-cache", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This is a backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3 as published at ActiveState.", "path": "./salix/python/functools-lru-cache-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "12", "name": "pydf", "descs": "pydf (df clone written in python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pydf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "pydf is all-singing, all-dancing, fully colourised df(1)-clone written in python. Homepage: https://github.com/k4rtik/pydf", "path": "./salix/python/pydf-12-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "django-sass", "descs": "django-sass (simplest way to use Sass with Django)", "source": "source/salix/python/django-sass", "deps": ["python3-django"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "The absolute simplest way to use Sass with Django. Pure Python, minimal dependencies, and no special configuration required. Python-3.+ Only ! Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/django-sass/", "path": "./salix/python/django-sass-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "npm", "descs": "npm (Python bindings and utils for npm.)", "source": "source/salix/python/npm", "deps": ["optional-django", "nose"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "In short, Invokes npm's install command in a specified directory. Install blocks the python process and will direct npm's output ... Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/npm/", "path": "./salix/python/npm-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "0.10.2", "name": "python3-tomlkit", "descs": "python3-tomlkit (Style-preserving TOML library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-tomlkit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "TOML Kit is a style-preserving TOML library for Python.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-tomlkit-0.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "13692 K", "ver": "qt4.8+1.2.2", "name": "pyside", "descs": "pyside (LGPL python bindings for Qt)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyside", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "python2", "qt4", "shiboken", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3423 K", "descl": "PySide is a LGPL licensed python binding that allow access of Qt libraries, making them available just using the import command. Homepage: http://www.pyside.org/", "path": "./salix/python/pyside-qt4.8+1.2.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "sphinxcontrib-websupport", "descs": "sphinxcontrib-websupport (Sphinx API for web apps)", "source": "source/salix/python/sphinxcontrib-websupport", "deps": ["Sphinx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "sphinxcontrib-websupport provides a Python API to easily integrate Sphinx documentation into web applications.", "path": "./salix/python/sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "3404 K", "ver": "3.141.0", "name": "selenium", "descs": "selenium (Python bindings for Selenium)", "source": "source/salix/python/selenium", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "851 K", "descl": "Python language bindings for Selenium WebDriver. The selenium package is used to automate web browser interaction from Python. homepage: http://seleniumhq.org", "path": "./salix/python/selenium-3.141.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "rfc6555", "descs": "rfc6555 (Python implementation of the Happy Eyeballs Algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/python/rfc6555", "deps": ["python2-selectors2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Python implementation of the Happy Eyeballs Algorithm described in RFC 6555. Provided with a single file and dead-simple API to allow easy vendoring and integration into other projects. Homepage: https://github.com/sethmlarson/rfc6555", "path": "./salix/python/rfc6555-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "python2-wordpress-xmlrpc", "descs": "python2-wordpress-xmlrpc (write blog articles in wordpress w/ python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-wordpress-xmlrpc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Python library to interface with a WordPress blog's XML-RPC API. An implementation of the standard WordPress API methods is provided, but the library is designed for easy integration with custom XML-RPC API methods provided by plugins. This library was developed against and tested on WordPress 3.5. This library is compatible with Python 2.6+ and 3.2+.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-wordpress-xmlrpc-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "10.2", "name": "python3-websockets", "descs": "python3-websockets (building WebSocket servers and clients)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-websockets", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "websockets is a library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python with a focus on correctness, simplicity, robustness, and performance. Homepage: https://github.com/aaugustin/websockets", "path": "./salix/python/python3-websockets-10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "jaraco.classes", "descs": "jaraco.classes (functions for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/jaraco.classes", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Utility functions for Python class constructs. Homepage: https://github.com/jaraco/jaraco.classes", "path": "./salix/python/jaraco.classes-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "threadpool", "descs": "threadpool (Easy to use object-oriented thread pool framework)", "source": "source/salix/python/threadpool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "A thread pool is an object that maintains a pool of worker threads to perform time consuming operations in parallel. It assigns jobs to the threads by putting them in a work request queue, where they are picked up by the next available thread. This then performs the requested operation in the background and puts the results in another queue. homepage : https://chrisarndt.de/projects/threadpool/", "path": "./salix/python/threadpool-1.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "python-socks", "descs": "python-socks (SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-socks", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "python-socks provides a core proxy client functionality for Python. It is used internally by python3-aiohttp-socks.", "path": "./salix/python/python-socks-2.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "0.18.1", "name": "python3-pyrsistent", "descs": "python3-pyrsistent (persistent collections for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pyrsistent", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "Pyrsistent is a number of persistent collections (by some referred to as functional data structures). Persistent in the sense that they are immutable.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pyrsistent-0.18.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "0.4.5", "name": "python-iso639", "descs": "python-iso639 (ISO 639 library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-iso639", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "python-iso639 is a Python library for the ISO 639 standard. It supports ISO 639-1 for two-letter language codes, ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-3 for three-letter language codes, and ISO 639-5 for language group codes. Homepage: https://github.com/noumar/iso639", "path": "./salix/python/python-iso639-0.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1908 K", "ver": "0.9.11", "name": "python3-pysdl2", "descs": "python3-pysdl2 (PySDL2 Python3 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pysdl2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "477 K", "descl": "PySDL2 is a pure Python wrapper around the SDL2, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf, and SDL2_gfx libraries. Instead of relying on C code, it uses the built-in ctypes module to interface with SDL2, and provides simple Python classes and wrappers for common SDL2 functionality. https://github.com/marcusva/py-sdl2", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pysdl2-0.9.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1076 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "pyresample", "descs": "pyresample (geospatial resampling)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyresample", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2", "python3-pyproj", "pykdtree", "configobj"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "269 K", "descl": "Resampling (reprojection) of geospatial image data in Python. Pyresample uses a kd-tree approach for resampling. Pyresample is designed for resampling of remote sensing data and supports from both fixed grids and geolocated swath data. Homepage: https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample", "path": "./salix/python/pyresample-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "testscenarios", "descs": "testscenarios (a pyunit extension for dependency injection)", "source": "source/salix/python/testscenarios", "deps": ["testtools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "testscenarios provides clean dependency injection for python unittest style tests. This can be used for interface testing (testing many implementations via a single test suite) or for classic dependency injection (provide tests with dependencies externally to the test code itself, allowing easy testing in different situations). https://launchpad.net/testscenarios", "path": "./salix/python/testscenarios-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1628 K", "ver": "2.9.2", "name": "pybind11", "descs": "pybind11 (Python bindings for C++11)", "source": "source/salix/python/pybind11", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "407 K", "descl": "pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code.", "path": "./salix/python/pybind11-2.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "sphinxcontrib-devhelp", "descs": "sphinxcontrib-devhelp (Sphinx extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/sphinxcontrib-devhelp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "sphinxcontrib-devhelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp document.", "path": "./salix/python/sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "632 K", "ver": "0.7.5", "name": "python2-xlwt", "descs": "python2-xlwt (Python package for generating MS Excel spreadsheets)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-xlwt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "158 K", "descl": "python2-xlwt is a library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any platform, with Python 2.3 to 2.7. Homepage: http://www.python-excel.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-xlwt-0.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "backcall", "descs": "backcall (backwards compatible callback APIs)", "source": "source/salix/python/backcall", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "backcall is a Python module to write backwards compatible callback APIs. That is, you can add parameters to your calls without breaking third party callback functions that don't expect those newer parameters.", "path": "./salix/python/backcall-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4896 K", "ver": "0.19.3", "name": "python-libsass", "descs": "python-libsass (SASS for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-libsass", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1224 K", "descl": "This package provides a simple Python extension module sass which is binding Libsass (written in C/C++ by Hampton Catlin and Aaron Leung). Homepage: http://dahlia.kr/libsass-python", "path": "./salix/python/python-libsass-0.19.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "tinycss2", "descs": "tinycss2 (low-level CSS parser and generator)", "source": "source/salix/python/tinycss2", "deps": ["python3-webencodings"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "All the web developers know the CSS format, but do they really know all the subtleties of its syntax? tinycss2 provides a CSS parser that is able to extract everything you want from stylesheets. Homepage: https://www.courtbouillon.org/tinycss2", "path": "./salix/python/tinycss2-1.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "6.0.0", "name": "python-webpack", "descs": "python-webpack (provides a high-level interface to a webpack server.)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-webpack", "deps": ["python2-django", "nose", "optional-django", "mock"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "python-webpack provides a high-level interface to a webpack-build server enabling you to send build requests and receive an object describing the outcome. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/webpack/", "path": "./salix/python/python-webpack-6.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "800 K", "ver": "4.10.0", "name": "BeautifulSoup4", "descs": "BeautifulSoup4 (Python HTML/XML parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/BeautifulSoup4", "deps": ["python3-soupsieve"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "200 K", "descl": "BeautifulSoup is a Python HTML/XML parser designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping. Homepage: http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/", "path": "./salix/python/BeautifulSoup4-4.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "0.22.0", "name": "python3-httpx", "descs": "python3-httpx (A next-generation HTTP client for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-httpx", "deps": ["python3-rfc3986", "python3-sniffio", "python3-httpcore"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "HTTPX is a fully featured HTTP client library for Python 3. It includes an integrated command line client, has support for both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, and provides both sync and async APIs. Homepage: https://github.com/encode/httpx", "path": "./salix/python/python3-httpx-0.22.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "7556 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "networkx", "descs": "networkx (create, manipulate and study complex networks)", "source": "source/salix/python/networkx", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1889 K", "descl": "NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.", "path": "./salix/python/networkx-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "", "name": "typing-extensions", "descs": "typing-extensions (Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/typing-extensions", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "The typing module was added to the standard library in Python 3.5 on a provisional basis and will no longer be provisional in Python 3.7. However, this means users of Python 3.5 - 3.6 who are unable to upgrade will not be able to take advantage of new types added to the typing module, such as typing.Text or typing.Coroutine. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/typing-extensions/", "path": "./salix/python/typing-extensions-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "0.4.4", "name": "pyasn1", "descs": "pyasn1 (ASN.1 types and codecs in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyasn1", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "pyasn1 implements ASN.1 types and codecs (BER, CER, DER) in Python. Some features include: - Generic implementation of ASN.1 types (X.208) - Fully standard compliant BER/CER/DER codecs - 100% Python, works with Python 2.2 and later Homepage: https://github.com/etingof/pyasn1", "path": "./salix/python/pyasn1-0.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "async_generator", "descs": "async_generator (async iterators)", "source": "source/salix/python/async_generator", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "async_generator makes it easy to write async iterators in Python 3.", "path": "./salix/python/async_generator-1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "2.12", "name": "python2-gammu", "descs": "python2-gammu (Python bindings for gammu)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-gammu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "bluez", "gammu", "libiodbc", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Python bindings which allow you to use (most) of Gammu's functionality from Python language. Homepage: https://wammu.eu/python-gammu/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-gammu-2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2472 K", "ver": "0.20.35", "name": "python3-dulwich", "descs": "python3-dulwich (Python implementation of Git formats and protocols)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-dulwich", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "618 K", "descl": "Dulwich is a Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols. It aims to give an interface to git repos (both local and remote) that doesn't call out to git directly but instead uses pure Python. The project is named after the village in which Mr. and Mrs. Git live in the Monty Python sketch. Homepage: https://www.dulwich.io/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-dulwich-0.20.35-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "2.4.15", "name": "python3-fs", "descs": "python3-fs (Python's Filesystem abstraction layer)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-fs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "In the same way that file objects abstract a single file, FS objects abstract an entire filesystem.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-fs-2.4.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "6.1.1", "name": "cheroot", "descs": "cheroot (pure-Python HTTP)", "source": "source/salix/python/cheroot", "deps": ["setuptools-scm-git-archive"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "Cheroot is the high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy. Homepage: https://cherrypy.org/", "path": "./salix/python/cheroot-6.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "5.1.0", "name": "importlib-resources", "descs": "importlib-resources (backport of Python stdlib importlib.resources)", "source": "source/salix/python/importlib-resources", "deps": ["python-toml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "importlib-resources is a backport of Python standard library importlib.resources module for older Pythons. https://pypi.org/project/importlib-resources/", "path": "./salix/python/importlib-resources-5.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "args", "descs": "args (Command Arguments for Humans)", "source": "source/salix/python/args", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "This simple module gives you an elegant interface for your command line argumemnts. Hompepage: https://github.com/kennethreitz/args", "path": "./salix/python/args-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1416 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "python-joblib", "descs": "python-joblib (lightweight pipelining in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-joblib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "354 K", "descl": "Joblib is a set of tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python. Joblib is optimized to be fast and robust on large data in particular and has specific optimizations for numpy arrays.", "path": "./salix/python/python-joblib-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.8.3", "name": "python-executing", "descs": "python-executing (Get the currently executing AST node)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-executing", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "executing lets you get information about what a frame is currently doing, particularly the AST node being executed.", "path": "./salix/python/python-executing-0.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "extras", "descs": "extras (extensions to the Python standard library)", "source": "source/salix/python/extras", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "extras is a set of extensions to the Python standard library, originally written to make the code within testtools cleaner, but now split out for general use outside of a testing context. https://github.com/testing-cabal/extras", "path": "./salix/python/extras-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4408 K", "ver": "3.3.6", "name": "thonny", "descs": "thonny (simple Python IDE)", "source": "source/salix/python/thonny", "deps": ["python3-jedi", "python3-pylint", "pyserial", "mypy_extensions", "asttokens", "send2trash"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1102 K", "descl": "Thonny is a Python IDE meant for learning programming. Homepage: http://thonny.org/", "path": "./salix/python/thonny-3.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1220 K", "ver": "3.16", "name": "Pyro", "descs": "Pyro (PYthon Remote Objects)", "source": "source/salix/python/Pyro", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "305 K", "descl": "Pyro stands for PYthon Remote Objects. It is an advanced and powerful Distributed Object Technology system written entirely in Python, that is designed to be very easy to use. Homepage: http://www.xs4all.nl/~irmen/pyro3/", "path": "./salix/python/Pyro-3.16-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "python-mediafile", "descs": "python-mediafile (read and write audio files' tags in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-mediafile", "deps": ["mutagen"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "MediaFile is a simple interface to the metadata tags for many audio file formats. It wraps Mutagen, a high-quality library for low-level tag manipulation, with a high-level, format-independent interface for a common set of tags. Homepage: https://github.com/beetbox/mediafile", "path": "./salix/python/python-mediafile-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "17648 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "buildbot", "descs": "buildbot (automated compile/test cycle)", "source": "source/salix/python/buildbot", "deps": ["python3-twisted", "python3-autobahn", "python3-alembic", "python3-pyjwt", "python3-dateutil", "msgpack-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4412 K", "descl": "BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects.", "path": "./salix/python/buildbot-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "8.1.0", "name": "python3-natsort", "descs": "python3-natsort (Simple and flexible sorting in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-natsort", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python. https://github.com/SethMMorton/natsort", "path": "./salix/python/python3-natsort-8.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "7332 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "python3-Flask-RESTX", "descs": "python3-Flask-RESTX (community driven fork of Flask-RESTPlus)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-RESTX", "deps": ["python3-aniso8601", "Flask", "python3-jsonschema", "pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1833 K", "descl": "Flask-RESTX is an extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. Flask-RESTX encourages best practices with minimal setup. If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTX should be easy to pick up. It provides a coherent collection of decorators and tools to describe your API and expose its documentation properly using Swagger. Homepage: https://github.com/python-restx/flask-restx", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-RESTX-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "pyrfc3339", "descs": "pyrfc3339 (Python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyrfc3339", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "pyRFC3339 parses and generates RFC 3339-compliant timestamps using Python datetime.datetime objects. Project URL: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyRFC3339", "path": "./salix/python/pyrfc3339-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "subvertpy", "descs": "subvertpy (Alternative Python bindings for Subversion)", "source": "source/salix/python/subvertpy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "apr", "apr-util", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "file", "icu4c", "lz4", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "serf", "sqlite", "subversion", "utf8proc", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "Alternative Python bindings for Subversion, split out from bzr-svn. The goal is to have complete, portable and 'Pythonic' Python bindings. Homepage: http://samba.org/~jelmer/subvertpy/", "path": "./salix/python/subvertpy-0.9.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1212 K", "ver": "3.0.10", "name": "python3-openpyxl", "descs": "python3-openpyxl (Python library to read/write Excel 2010 files)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-openpyxl", "deps": ["et_xmlfile"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "303 K", "descl": "openpyxl is a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-openpyxl-3.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "blessings", "descs": "blessings (terminal library)", "source": "source/salix/python/blessings", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "A thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python. Homepage: https://github.com/erikrose/blessings", "path": "./salix/python/blessings-1.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.13", "name": "pyPdf", "descs": "pyPdf (pure Python library built as a PDF toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyPdf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "It is capable of: - extracting document information (title, author, ...), - splitting documents page by page, - merging documents page by page, - cropping pages, - merging multiple pages into a single page, - encrypting and decrypting PDF files. Homepage: http://pybrary.net/pyPdf/", "path": "./salix/python/pyPdf-1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "0.12.1", "name": "pyrsistent", "descs": "pyrsistent (Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyrsistent", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "Pyrsistent is a number of persistent collections (by some referred to as functional data structures). Persistent in the sense that they are immutable. https://github.com/tobgu/pyrsistent/", "path": "./salix/python/pyrsistent-0.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "pywal", "descs": "pywal (generate and change colorschemes on the fly)", "source": "source/salix/python/pywal", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "wal is a script that takes an image (or a directory of images), generates a colorscheme (using imagemagick) and then changes all of your open terminal's colors to the new colorscheme on the fly. wal then caches each generated colorscheme so that cycling through wallpapers while changing colorschemes is instantaneous.", "path": "./salix/python/pywal-3.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "556 K", "ver": "", "name": "python3-billiard", "descs": "python3-billiard (Multiprocessing Pool Extensions)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-billiard", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "139 K", "descl": "billiard is a fork of the Python 2.7 multiprocessing package. This standalone variant draws its fixes/improvements from python-trunk and provides additional bug fixes and improvements.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-billiard-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "4.2", "name": "pytest-runner", "descs": "pytest-runner (invoke py.test as a distutils command)", "source": "source/salix/python/pytest-runner", "deps": ["pytest"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Setup scripts can use pytest-runner to add setup.py test support for pytest runner. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-runner", "path": "./salix/python/pytest-runner-4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "APScheduler", "descs": "APScheduler (Advanced Python Scheduler)", "source": "source/salix/python/APScheduler", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "tzlocal", "funcsigs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a Python library that lets you schedule your Python code to be executed later, either just once or periodically. Homepage: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/APScheduler/", "path": "./salix/python/APScheduler-3.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "4.0", "name": "rsa", "descs": "rsa (Pure-Python RSA implementation)", "source": "source/salix/python/rsa", "deps": ["pyasn1"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Python-RSA is a pure-Python RSA implementation. It supports encryption and decryption, signing and verifying signatures, and key generation according to PKCS#1 version 1.5. Homepage: https://stuvel.eu/rsa", "path": "./salix/python/rsa-4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1608 K", "ver": "22.3.0", "name": "python3-pyzmq", "descs": "python3-pyzmq (Python3 bindings for 0MQ)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pyzmq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libbsd", "zeromq", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "402 K", "descl": "python3-pyzmq contains Python3 bindings for 0MQ, a lightweight and fast messaging implementation. Homepage: https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pyzmq-22.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1484 K", "ver": "4.4.22", "name": "zxcvbn-python", "descs": "zxcvbn-python (Dropbox's Python password strength estimator)", "source": "source/salix/python/zxcvbn-python", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "371 K", "descl": "Python implementation of Dropbox's realistic password strength estimator. Homepage: https://github.com/dwolfhub/zxcvbn-python", "path": "./salix/python/zxcvbn-python-4.4.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "988 K", "ver": "", "name": "dpkt", "descs": "dpkt (python TCP/IP packet library)", "source": "source/salix/python/dpkt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "247 K", "descl": "fast, simple packet creation / parsing, with definitions for the basic TCP/IP protocols. Homepage: https://github.com/kbandla/dpkt", "path": "./salix/python/dpkt-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "email-validator", "descs": "email-validator (Validate Email Addresses)", "source": "source/salix/python/email-validator", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "A robust email address syntax and deliverability validation library for Python by Joshua Tauberer. This library validates that a string is of the form name@example.com. This is the sort of validation you would want for an email-based login form on a website. Homepage: https://github.com/JoshData/python-email-validator", "path": "./salix/python/email-validator-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "python-fusepy", "descs": "python-fusepy (Simple ctypes bindings for FUSE)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-fusepy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "fusepy is a Python module that provides a simple interface to FUSE and MacFUSE. It's just one file and is implemented using ctypes. Website: https://github.com/terencehonles/fusepy", "path": "./salix/python/python-fusepy-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "65d48d83", "name": "CANard", "descs": "CANard (Controller Area Network python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/CANard", "deps": ["pyserial"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "CANard is a library for dealing with Controller Area Network (CAN) data from Python.", "path": "./salix/python/CANard-65d48d83-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "python3-ipaddr", "descs": "python3-ipaddr (Python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-ipaddr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Library for working with IP addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6. It has been superseded by ipaddress from the Python 3 standard library, and its Python 2 backport.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-ipaddr-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.0b", "name": "python2-MonthDelta", "descs": "python2-MonthDelta (Pythonic date calculation with months)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-MonthDelta", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Date computations with months Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/MonthDelta", "path": "./salix/python/python2-MonthDelta-1.0b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "hg-git", "descs": "hg-git (Mercurial extension to communicate with a Git server)", "source": "source/salix/python/hg-git", "deps": ["python3-dulwich"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "This is the Hg-Git plugin for Mercurial, adding the ability to push to and pull from a Git server repository from Mercurial. This means you can collaborate on Git based projects from Mercurial, or use a Git server as a collaboration point for a team with developers using both Git and Mercurial. Homepage: https://hg-git.github.io/", "path": "./salix/python/hg-git-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "python2-stomper", "descs": "python2-stomper (client implementation of the STOMP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-stomper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "This is a python client implementation of the STOMP protocol. Homepage: https://github.com/oisinmulvihill/stomper", "path": "./salix/python/python2-stomper-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1120 K", "ver": "2.8.2", "name": "python3-dateutil", "descs": "python3-dateutil (extensions to the standard datetime module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-dateutil", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "280 K", "descl": "The dateutil module provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module. Hompage: http://labix.org/python-dateutil", "path": "./salix/python/python3-dateutil-2.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "20220131", "name": "dfdatetime", "descs": "dfdatetime (Python library for Digital Forensics Date and Time)", "source": "source/salix/python/dfdatetime", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "dfdatetime provides date and time objects to preserve accuracy and precision. Homepage: https://github.com/log2timeline/dfdatetime", "path": "./salix/python/dfdatetime-20220131-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "python2-mpd", "descs": "python2-mpd (python based mpd client library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-mpd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Python-mpd is a MPD client library written in pure Python. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python2-mpd/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-mpd-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "0.4.5", "name": "html5-parser", "descs": "html5-parser (HTML 5 parsing for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/html5-parser", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "python2", "zlib", "lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "Fast C based HTML 5 parsing for python. Homepage: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/html5-parser", "path": "./salix/python/html5-parser-0.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "python2-MarkupSafe", "descs": "python2-MarkupSafe (unicode subclass)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-MarkupSafe", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "MarkupSafe implements a unicode subclass that supports HTML strings. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/MarkupSafe", "path": "./salix/python/python2-MarkupSafe-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "sql", "descs": "sql (python DB API 2.0 for humans)", "source": "source/salix/python/sql", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "DB API 2.0 works. ORMs are convenient but sometimes overkill. sql is a lightweight wrapper sitting on top of any DB API 2.0 connection offering a postgres like interface which makes working with SQL results bliss. homeproject : https://github.com/3kwa/sql", "path": "./salix/python/sql-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "cwcwidth", "descs": "cwcwidth (Python bindings for wcwidth and wcswidth)", "source": "source/salix/python/cwcwidth", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "cwcwidth provides Python bindings for wcwidth and wcswidth functions defined in POSIX.1-2001 and POSIX.1-2008 based on Cython. These functions compute the printable length of a unicode characters The module provides the same functions as wcwidth and its behavior is compatible. Homepage: https://github.com/sebastinas/cwcwidth", "path": "./salix/python/cwcwidth-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "8156 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "stem", "descs": "stem (Python controller library for Tor)", "source": "source/salix/python/stem", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2039 K", "descl": "This module is a Python controller library for Tor, and compatible with python 2.6+ (including python 3) Homepage: https://stem.torproject.org/", "path": "./salix/python/stem-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "3.4.2", "name": "python2-twitter", "descs": "python2-twitter (python wrapper around the Twitter API)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-twitter", "deps": ["pytest-runner", "requests-oauthlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "This library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API. Homepage: https://github.com/bear/python-twitter", "path": "./salix/python/python2-twitter-3.4.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "WTForms", "descs": "WTForms (web forms validation and rendering python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/WTForms", "deps": ["babel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "WTForms is a flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development. http://wtforms.simplecodes.com/", "path": "./salix/python/WTForms-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "0.4.11", "name": "pywayland", "descs": "pywayland (Python bindings for the libwayland library)", "source": "source/salix/python/pywayland", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "wayland"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "PyWayland provides a wrapper to the libwayland library using the CFFI library to provide access to the Wayland library calls and written in pure Python.", "path": "./salix/python/pywayland-0.4.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "", "name": "vcversioner", "descs": "vcversioner (use version control tags to discover version numbers)", "source": "source/salix/python/vcversioner", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Write a setup.py with no version information specified, and vcversioner will find a recent, properly-formatted VCS tag and extract a version from it. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vcversioner", "path": "./salix/python/vcversioner-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "python-emoji", "descs": "python-emoji (emoji terminal output)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-emoji", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "Emoji for Python. The entire set of Emoji codes as defined by the unicode consortium is supported in addition to aliases.", "path": "./salix/python/python-emoji-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1748 K", "ver": "2019.08.19", "name": "regex", "descs": "regex (Python regex implementation)", "source": "source/salix/python/regex", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "437 K", "descl": "A new regex implementation intended eventually to replace Python's current re module implementation. For testing and comparison with the new implementation is in the form of a module called 'regex'. Homepage: https://code.google.com/p/mrab-regex-hg/", "path": "./salix/python/regex-2019.08.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.23", "name": "python3-pybluez", "descs": "python3-pybluez (Python BlueZ bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pybluez", "deps": ["bluez", "python3-gattlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Python extension module allowing access to system Bluetooth resources. Homepage: https://pybluez.github.io/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pybluez-0.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.36.0", "name": "doit", "descs": "doit (task management & automation tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/doit", "deps": ["cloudpickle", "pyinotify", "python-importlib_metadata"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "doit is a modern open-source build-tool written in python designed to be simple to use and flexible to deal with complex work-flows. It is specially suitable for building and managing custom work-flows where there is no out-of-the-box solution available. https://pydoit.org/", "path": "./salix/python/doit-0.36.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "4.0.2", "name": "async-timeout", "descs": "async-timeout (asyncio-compatible timeout class)", "source": "source/salix/python/async-timeout", "deps": ["typing-extensions"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "async-timeout is an asyncio-compatible timeout context manager. https://github.com/aio-libs/async-timeout/", "path": "./salix/python/async-timeout-4.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "dotty", "descs": "dotty (Python query language)", "source": "source/salix/python/dotty", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "EFILTER (dotty) is a general purpose query language designed to be embedded in python applications and libraries. Homepage: https://github.com/google/dotty", "path": "./salix/python/dotty-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "3.3.0", "name": "python2-docker", "descs": "python2-docker (A Python library for the Docker Engine API)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-docker", "deps": ["backports-ssl-match-hostname", "ipaddress", "python2-docker-pycreds", "websocket-client"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "python2-docker lets you do anything the docker command does, but from within Python apps - run and manage containers, manage Swarms, etc. Homepage: https://github.com/docker/docker-py", "path": "./salix/python/python2-docker-3.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "python3-nxt-python", "descs": "python3-nxt-python (Python3 module to control Lego NXT)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-nxt-python", "deps": ["python3-pyusb", "python3-pybluez"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "nxt-python is a Python driver and interface for the Lego Mindstorms NXT robot. https://github.com/schodet/nxt-python", "path": "./salix/python/python3-nxt-python-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "bencode", "descs": "bencode (bittorrent module)", "source": "source/salix/python/bencode", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "The BitTorrent bencode module as a light-weight, standalone package. This package simply re-packages the existing bencoding and bdecoding implemention from the 'official' BitTorrent client as a separate, leight-weight package for re-using them without having the entire BitTorrent software as a dependency. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bencode/1.0", "path": "./salix/python/bencode-1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "10624 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "pygame", "descs": "pygame (a set of Python modules designed for writing games)", "source": "source/salix/python/pygame", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", "SDL2_mixer", "SDL2_ttf", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libmad", "libwebp", "libxcb", "portmidi", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2656 K", "descl": "pygame is written on top of the excellent SDL library. This allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs in the python language. Pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system. Pygame is free. Released under the LGPL licence, you can create open source, free, freeware, shareware, and commercial games with it. Homepage: http://www.pygame.org/", "path": "./salix/python/pygame-2.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "flake8", "descs": "flake8 (Wrapper tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/flake8", "deps": ["pytest-runner", "pycodestyle", "pyflakes", "python2-mccabe", "ConfigParser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "flake8 is a python tool that glues together pep8, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins to check the style and quality of some python code. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8", "path": "./salix/python/flake8-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "4.8.0", "name": "python3-pexpect", "descs": "python3-pexpect (Python 3 module for spawning child applications)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pexpect", "deps": ["python3-ptyprocess"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Pexpect is a Python module for spawning child applications, controlling them, and responding to expected patterns in their output. Pexpect can be used for automating interactive applications such as ssh, ftp, passwd, telnet, etc. Pexpect is pure Python.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pexpect-4.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "python-pbkdf2", "descs": "python-pbkdf2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-pbkdf2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module implements the password-based key derivation function PBKDF2 specified in RSA PKCS#5 v2.0. Project URL: https://www.dlitz.net/software/python-pbkdf2/", "path": "./salix/python/python-pbkdf2-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "requests-toolbelt", "descs": "requests-toolbelt (utilities for python-requests)", "source": "source/salix/python/requests-toolbelt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "This is a collection of utilities that some users of python-requests might need but do not belong in requests proper. The library is actively maintained by members of the requests core development team, and so reflects the functionality most requested by users of the requests library. Homepage: https://toolbelt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/requests-toolbelt-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "rst", "descs": "rst (python module to create reStructuredText documents through code)", "source": "source/salix/python/rst", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/rst/", "path": "./salix/python/rst-0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.5.5", "name": "python3-pkgconfig", "descs": "python3-pkgconfig (python interface to pkg-config)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pkgconfig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "pkgconfig is a Python module to interface with the pkg-config command line tool. https://github.com/matze/pkgconfig", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pkgconfig-1.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "python3-aiohttp-socks", "descs": "python3-aiohttp-socks (SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-aiohttp-socks", "deps": ["python3-aiohttp", "python-socks"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "aiohttp-socks is a SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-aiohttp-socks-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1856 K", "ver": "5.6.7", "name": "psutil", "descs": "psutil (python interface for process and system info)", "source": "source/salix/python/psutil", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "464 K", "descl": "psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network, users) in a portable way by using Python, implementing many functionalities offered by command line tools such as: ps, top, df, kill, free, lsof, netstat, ifconfig, nice, ionice, iostat, iotop, uptime, pidof, tty, who, taskset, and pmap Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/psutil/", "path": "./salix/python/psutil-5.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "dhcpy6d", "descs": "dhcpy6d (DHCPv6 server daemon)", "source": "source/salix/python/dhcpy6d", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "Dhcpy6d delivers IPv6 addresses for DHCPv6 clients, which can be identified by DUID, hostname or MAC address as in the good old IPv4 days. It allows easy dualstack transistion, addresses may be generated randomly, by range, by arbitrary ID or MAC address. Clients can get more than one address, leases and client configuration can be stored in databases and DNS can be updated dynamically.", "path": "./salix/python/dhcpy6d-0.4.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "huepy", "descs": "huepy (python text color library)", "source": "source/salix/python/huepy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "huepy provides a minimal and powerful interface to print colored text and labels in the terminal. It works with Python 2 and 3.", "path": "./salix/python/huepy-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "2.24.0", "name": "pyorbit", "descs": "pyorbit (Python bindings for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyorbit", "deps": ["ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libidl", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "PyORBit is a binding for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB. It aims to be compatible with the Python language mapping standard, implementing both the client side and server side bindings. PyORBit is capable of calling methods of in-process ORBit servers implemented in C, and being called by C code.", "path": "./salix/python/pyorbit-2.24.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.15.1", "name": "git-fame", "descs": "git-fame (Pretty-print git repository collaborators)", "source": "source/salix/python/git-fame", "deps": ["python-argopt", "docopt", "tqdm", "python2-tabulate"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Pretty-print git repository collaborators sorted by contributions. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/git-fame", "path": "./salix/python/git-fame-1.15.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "python2-docker-pycreds", "descs": "python2-docker-pycreds (bindings for docker credentials store API)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-docker-pycreds", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://github.com/shin-/dockerpy-creds", "path": "./salix/python/python2-docker-pycreds-0.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "python3-routes", "descs": "python3-routes (Python Re-Implementation of Rails)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-routes", "deps": ["python3-repoze.lru"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Routes is a Python re-implementation of the Rails routes system for mapping URLs to application actions, and conversely to generate URLs. Routes makes it easy to create pretty and concise URLs that are RESTful with little effort. Routes allows conditional matching based on domain, cookies, HTTP method, or a custom function. Sub-domain support is built in. Routes comes with an extensive unit test suite.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-routes-2.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "620e7f5", "name": "google-images-download", "descs": "google-images-download (Python script for Google Images downloading)", "source": "source/salix/python/google-images-download", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "This program lets you download tons of images from Google. Homepage: https://github.com/hardikvasa/google-images-download Documentation: https://google-images-download.readthedocs.io", "path": "./salix/python/google-images-download-620e7f5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "python2-demjson", "descs": "python2-demjson (Encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-demjson", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) compliant with RFC 4627 Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/demjson", "path": "./salix/python/python2-demjson-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "708 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "python-oauthlib", "descs": "python-oauthlib (OAuth Implementation)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-oauthlib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "177 K", "descl": "A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic. Homepage: https://github.com/idan/oauthlib", "path": "./salix/python/python-oauthlib-3.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "s3transfer", "descs": "s3transfer (An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager)", "source": "source/salix/python/s3transfer", "deps": ["botocore"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "S3transfer is a Python library for managing Amazon S3 transfers. Homepage: https://github.com/boto/s3transfer", "path": "./salix/python/s3transfer-0.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "5.1.1", "name": "decorator", "descs": "decorator (decorator module for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/decorator", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "The aim of the decorator module it to simplify the usage of decorators for the average programmer, and to popularize decorators usage giving examples of useful decorators, such as memoize, tracing, redirecting_stdout, locked, etcetera. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/decorator", "path": "./salix/python/decorator-5.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "python-kerberos", "descs": "python-kerberos (Python module for implementing Kerberos auth)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-kerberos", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], "e2fsprogs", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This Python package is a high-level wrapper for Kerberos (GSSAPI) operations. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pykerberos", "path": "./salix/python/python-kerberos-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "python2-requestbuilder", "descs": "python2-requestbuilder (Command line-driven HTTP request builder)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-requestbuilder", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "python2-requestbuilder is a command line-driven HTTP request builder. Home page: https://github.com/boto/requestbuilder", "path": "./salix/python/python2-requestbuilder-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.26.2", "name": "argh", "descs": "argh (An unobtrusive argparse wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/python/argh", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "Building a command-line interface? Found yourself uttering 'argh!' while struggling with the API of argparse? Don't like the complexity but need the power? Argh is a smart wrapper for argparse. Argparse is a very powerful toll; Argh just makes it easy to use. Homepage: https://github.com/neithere/argh/", "path": "./salix/python/argh-0.26.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "20190113", "name": "artifacts", "descs": "artifacts (ForensicArtifacts.com Artifact Repository)", "source": "source/salix/python/artifacts", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "A free, community-sourced, machine-readable knowledge base of forensic artifacts that the world can use both as an information source and within other tools. Homepage: https://github.com/ForensicArtifacts/artifacts", "path": "./salix/python/artifacts-20190113-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "0.7.6", "name": "rebulk", "descs": "rebulk (Advanced searches in strings)", "source": "source/salix/python/rebulk", "deps": ["pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "ReBulk is a python library that performs advanced searches in strings that would be hard to implement using re module or String methods only. It includes some features like Patterns, Match, Rule that allows developers to build a custom and complex string matcher using a readable and extendable API. Homepage: https://github.com/Toilal/rebulk/", "path": "./salix/python/rebulk-0.7.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "612 K", "ver": "1.8.7", "name": "python3-webob", "descs": "python3-webob (A Python library that provides wrappers around WSGI)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-webob", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153 K", "descl": "WebOb is a Python library that provides wrappers around the WSGI request environment, and an object to help create WSGI responses. The objects map much of the specified behavior of HTTP, including header parsing, content negotiation and correct handling of conditional and range requests.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-webob-1.8.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "python3-lhafile", "descs": "python3-lhafile (Python LHA archive extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-lhafile", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This project is an updated version of the project found at http://trac.neotitans.net/wiki/lhafile. It is primarily used as a component in FS-UAE Launcher to index and extract files from .lha archives. The project consists of a Python package (lhafile) and a C extension for Python (lzhlib). Homepage: http://fengestad.no/python-lhafile/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-lhafile-0.2.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "4.6", "name": "python3-rsa", "descs": "python3-rsa (pure-Python RSA implementation)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-rsa", "deps": ["pyasn1"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "It supports encryption and decryption, signing and verifying signatures, and key generation according to PKCS#1 version 1.5. It can be used as a Python library as well as on the commandline. The code was mostly written by Sybren A. Stuvel Homepage: https://stuvel.eu/software/rsa/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-rsa-4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "3712 K", "ver": "0.18.1", "name": "python3-jedi", "descs": "python3-jedi (Autocompletion tool for Python 3)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-jedi", "deps": ["python3-parso"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "928 K", "descl": "Jedi is an autocompletion tool for Python that can be used in IDEs/editors. Jedi works. Jedi is fast. It understands all of the basic Python syntax elements including many builtin functions. Homepage: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi", "path": "./salix/python/python3-jedi-0.18.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "python3-pylyrics", "descs": "python3-pylyrics (PyLyrics Python3 library for Slackware)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pylyrics", "deps": ["BeautifulSoup4"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "PyLyrics is a python module to get Lyrics of songs from lyrics.wikia.com. It has support for getting albums of a singer and songs from an album from which lyrics can be accessed. Homepage: https://github.com/geekpradd/PyLyrics", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pylyrics-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "Flask-Gravatar", "descs": "Flask-Gravatar (Small Flask extension for Gravatar service)", "source": "source/salix/python/Flask-Gravatar", "deps": ["Flask"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This is small and simple integration gravatar into flask. https://github.com/zzzsochi/Flask-Gravatar/", "path": "./salix/python/Flask-Gravatar-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "2019.3", "name": "pytzdata", "descs": "pytzdata (timezone database)", "source": "source/salix/python/pytzdata", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "Official timezone database for Python. Homepage: https://github.com/sdispater/pytzdata", "path": "./salix/python/pytzdata-2019.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "python-argopt", "descs": "python-argopt (doc to argparse driven by docopt)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-argopt", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "python-toml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Define your command line interface (CLI) from a docstring (rather than the other way around). https://pypi.python.org/pypi/argopt", "path": "./salix/python/python-argopt-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "python-neovim", "descs": "python-neovim (Python client for Neovim)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-neovim", "deps": ["greenlet", "msgpack-python", "trollius", "pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "python-neovim is a Python client for Neovim.", "path": "./salix/python/python-neovim-0.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.22.0", "name": "pyudev", "descs": "pyudev (pure Python libudev binding)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyudev", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "pyudev is an LGPL licensed, pure Python 2/3 binding to libudev, the device and hardware management and information library of Linux. homepage: http://pyudev.readthedocs.org", "path": "./salix/python/pyudev-0.22.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "15900 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "statsmodels", "descs": "statsmodels (Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy)", "source": "source/salix/python/statsmodels", "deps": ["python2", "matplotlib", "pandas", "scipy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3975 K", "descl": "Statsmodels is a Python package that provides a complement to scipy for statistical computations including descriptive statistics and estimation and inference for statistical models. http://statsmodels.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/statsmodels-0.6.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "6440 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "debugpy", "descs": "debugpy (a debugger for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/debugpy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1610 K", "descl": "debugpy is an implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python.", "path": "./salix/python/debugpy-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "3240 K", "ver": "1.7.2", "name": "passlib", "descs": "passlib (comprehensive password hashing framework)", "source": "source/salix/python/passlib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "810 K", "descl": "Passlib is a password hashing library for Python 2 & 3, which provides cross-platform implementations of over 30 password hashing algorithms, as well as a framework for managing existing password hashes. It's designed to be useful for a wide range of tasks, from verifying a hash found in /etc/shadow, to providing full-strength password hashing for multi-user applications. Home page: https://pypi.org/project/passlib/", "path": "./salix/python/passlib-1.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "testpath", "descs": "testpath (Test utilities for code working with files and commands)", "source": "source/salix/python/testpath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "testpath is a collection of utilities for Python code working with files and commands.", "path": "./salix/python/testpath-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.3.5", "name": "curtsies", "descs": "curtsies (Curses-like terminal wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/python/curtsies", "deps": ["blessings", "cwcwidth"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Curses-like terminal wrapper with a display based on compositing 2d arrays of text. Homepage: https://github.com/thomasballinger/curtsies", "path": "./salix/python/curtsies-0.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2560 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "cssutils", "descs": "cssutils (CSS parser and builder)", "source": "source/salix/python/cssutils", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "640 K", "descl": "A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/cssutils/", "path": "./salix/python/cssutils-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "phply", "descs": "phply (PHP lexer and parser in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/phply", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "phply is a lexer and parser for the PHP programming language written in Python. Home page: https://github.com/viraptor/phply", "path": "./salix/python/phply-1.2.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "33408 K", "ver": "0.13.2", "name": "python3-statsmodels", "descs": "python3-statsmodels (Statistical computations and models)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-statsmodels", "deps": ["python3-pandas", "python3-patsy", "scipy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8352 K", "descl": "Statsmodels is a Python package that provides a complement to scipy for statistical computations including descriptive statistics and estimation and inference for statistical models.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-statsmodels-0.13.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "5348 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "PyInstaller", "descs": "PyInstaller (Converts Python programs)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyInstaller", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1337 K", "descl": "PyInstaller is a program that converts (packages) Python programs into stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, AIX and Solaris. Homepage: http://www.pyinstaller.org/", "path": "./salix/python/PyInstaller-3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "21.1.0", "name": "argon2-cffi", "descs": "argon2-cffi (Python implementation of Argon2)", "source": "source/salix/python/argon2-cffi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "argon2"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Python implementation of the Argon2 secure password hashing algorithm.", "path": "./salix/python/argon2-cffi-21.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "colorclass", "descs": "colorclass (ANSI color text library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/colorclass", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Yet another ANSI color text library for Python. Provides `auto colors` for dark/light terminals. Works on Linux, OS X, and Windows. Homepage: https://github.com/Robpol86/colorclass", "path": "./salix/python/colorclass-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "python2-pythondialog", "descs": "python2-pythondialog (dialog utility)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pythondialog", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "A Python interface to the UNIX dialog utility and mostly-compatible programms. This allows one to make simple text-mode user interfaces on Unix-like systems (including Linux). Homepage: http://pythondialog.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pythondialog-3.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "1.12.14", "name": "python-sh", "descs": "python-sh (full-fledged subprocess interface for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-sh", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "sh (previously pbs) is a full-fledged subprocess interface for Python that allows you to call any program as if it were a function. Homepage: http://amoffat.github.com/sh/index.html", "path": "./salix/python/python-sh-1.12.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "5.1.1", "name": "python3-amqp", "descs": "python3-amqp (Python AMQP low-level client library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-amqp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "This is a fork of amqplib which was originally written by Barry Pederson. It is maintained by the Celery project, and used by kombu as a pure python alternative when librabbitmq is not available. This library should be API compatible with librabbitmq.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-amqp-5.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "0.3.9", "name": "python2-suds", "descs": "python2-suds (Python SOAP client)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-suds", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "Suds is a lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services. https://fedorahosted.com/suds", "path": "./salix/python/python2-suds-0.3.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "0.22.1", "name": "python3-aiorpcX", "descs": "python3-aiorpcX (Generic async RPC implementation)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-aiorpcX", "deps": ["python3-attrs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "aiorpcX is a generic asyncio library implementation of RPC suitable for an application that is a client, server or both. https://aiorpcx.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-aiorpcX-0.22.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "python3-ipython-sql", "descs": "python3-ipython-sql (IPython extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-ipython-sql", "deps": ["ipython", "PrettyTable", "SQLAlchemy", "sqlparse"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "ipython-sql provides SQL querying capabilities within IPython.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-ipython-sql-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "google-apputils", "descs": "google-apputils (Google Application Utilities for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/google-apputils", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "This project is a small collection of utilities for building Python applications. It includes some of the same set of utilities used to build and run internal Python apps at Google.", "path": "./salix/python/google-apputils-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "5.0.2", "name": "python2-setuptools-scm", "descs": "python2-setuptools-scm (manage versions by scm tags - Python 2)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-setuptools-scm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "setuptools_scm handles managing your python package versions in scm metadata instead of declaring them as the version argument or in a scm managed file. It also handles file finders for the supported scms. Homepage: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools_scm", "path": "./salix/python/python2-setuptools-scm-5.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1848 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "pyamf", "descs": "pyamf (Action Message Format support for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyamf", "deps": ["python2", "defusedxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "462 K", "descl": "PyAMF provides Action Message Format (AMF) support for Python that is compatible with the Adobe Flash Player. It includes integration with Python web frameworks like Django, Pylons, Twisted, SQLAlchemy, web2py and more.", "path": "./salix/python/pyamf-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4364 K", "ver": "", "name": "pycryptopp", "descs": "pycryptopp (Python wrappers for Crypto++)", "source": "source/salix/python/pycryptopp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "cryptopp", "python2", "darcsver"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1091 K", "descl": "pycryptopp is a set of Python wrappers for a few of the best crypto algorithms from the Crypto++ library. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycryptopp", "path": "./salix/python/pycryptopp-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "python3-blinker", "descs": "python3-blinker (module for object-to-object and broadcast signaling)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-blinker", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "Blinker provides a fast dispatching system that allows any number of interested parties to subscribe to events, or 'signals'. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/blinker/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-blinker-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "12816 K", "ver": "1.11.18", "name": "python2-django", "descs": "python2-django (The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-django", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3204 K", "descl": "Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Homepage: https://github.com/django/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-django-1.11.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "2.10.0", "name": "pyqode.cobol", "descs": "pyqode.cobol (Adds COBOL support to pyqode.core)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyqode.cobol", "deps": ["pyqode.core"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "pyqode.cobol adds COBOL support to pyQode (code completion, code folding,...). Homepage: https://github.com/pyQode/pyqode.cobol", "path": "./salix/python/pyqode.cobol-2.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "0.20201113", "name": "python3-gattlib", "descs": "python3-gattlib (Bluetooth LE protocol library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-gattlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "bluez", "boost"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "This is a Python library to use the GATT Protocol for Bluetooth LE devices. It is a wrapper around the implementation used by gatttool in bluez package. Homepage: https://github.com/oscaracena/pygattlib", "path": "./salix/python/python3-gattlib-0.20201113-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "8964 K", "ver": "4.8.0", "name": "lxml", "descs": "lxml (Python bindings for libxml2 and libxslt)", "source": "source/salix/python/lxml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libxml2", "libxslt", "python2", "zlib", "BeautifulSoup4", "python2-BeautifulSoup4", "html5lib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2241 K", "descl": "lxml is a Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries. It is unique in that it combines the speed and feature completeness of these libraries with the simplicity of a native Python API. Homepage: https://lxml.de/", "path": "./salix/python/lxml-4.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "pipdeptree", "descs": "pipdeptree (show dependency tree of packages)", "source": "source/salix/python/pipdeptree", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "pipdeptree is a command line utility for displaying the python packages installed in an environment in form of a dependency tree. Homepage: https://github.com/naiquevin/pipdeptree", "path": "./salix/python/pipdeptree-2.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "python3-tekore", "descs": "python3-tekore (Tekore Python3 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-tekore", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "Welcome to the Python Package Tekore! We provide a client for the Spotify Web API for Python, complete with all available endpoints and authentication methods, async support and loads of additional features. Tekore allows you to interact with the API effortlessly. Here's five lines to get you full access and start playing your top songs. https://pypi.org/project/tekore/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-tekore-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2288 K", "ver": "6.2.2", "name": "python2-pillow", "descs": "python2-pillow (Python Imaging Library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pillow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libwebp", "openjpeg", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "572 K", "descl": "The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python environment. This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and powerful image processing capabilities. This is the latest version available for python-2.x. homepage: https://python-pillow.org", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pillow-6.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "3308 K", "ver": "20190131", "name": "plaso", "descs": "plaso (Forensic Super-Timeline)", "source": "source/salix/python/plaso", "deps": ["dfvfs", "artifacts", "bencode", "biplist", "python2-dateutil", "dfwinreg", "dotty", "elasticsearch5", "hachoir-metadata", "python2-lz4", "pefile", "psutil", "python2-pyzmq", "pytz", "XlsxWriter", "libesedb", "libevt", "libevtx", "libfwsi", "liblnk", "libmsiecf", "libolecf", "libscca", "yara-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "827 K", "descl": "Plaso is the Python based back-end engine used by tools such as log2timeline for automatic creation of a super timelines. Homepage: http://plaso.kiddaland.net/", "path": "./salix/python/plaso-20190131-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "python-beniget", "descs": "python-beniget (static analyzer for Python code)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-beniget", "deps": ["python-gast"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Beniget is a collection of Compile-time analyse on Python Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). It is a building block for writing static analyzer or compiler for Python.", "path": "./salix/python/python-beniget-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "crcmod", "descs": "crcmod (python CRC Generator)", "source": "source/salix/python/crcmod", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "crcmod is a Python module for generating objects that compute the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). You can generate a Python function for the selected polynomial or an instance of the Crc class which provides the same interface as the md5 and sha modules from the Python standard library.", "path": "./salix/python/crcmod-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "python3-paginate_sqlalchemy", "descs": "python3-paginate_sqlalchemy (Python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-paginate_sqlalchemy", "deps": ["python3-paginate", "SQLAlchemy", "greenlet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "This module helps divide up large result sets into pages or chunks. The user gets displayed one page at a time and can navigate to other pages. It is especially useful when developing web interfaces and showing the users only a selection of information at a time. This module uses and extends the functionality of the paginate module to support SQLAlchemy queries. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/paginate-sqlalchemy/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-paginate_sqlalchemy-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "s3cmd", "descs": "s3cmd (Amazon S3 command line tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/s3cmd", "deps": ["python2-dateutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "S3cmd is a command line tool for uploading, retrieving and managing data in Amazon S3. It is best suited for power users who don't fear command line. It is also ideal for scripts, automated backups triggered from cron, etc. Homepage: https://s3tools.org/s3cmd", "path": "./salix/python/s3cmd-2.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "txrequests", "descs": "txrequests (Asynchronous Python HTTP)", "source": "source/salix/python/txrequests", "deps": ["python2-twisted"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans https://github.com/tardyp/txrequests", "path": "./salix/python/txrequests-0.9.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.58", "name": "python2-memcached", "descs": "python2-memcached (Python client for memached)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-memcached", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "This software is a 100% Python interface to the memcached memory cache daemon. It is the client side software which allows storing values in one or more, possibly remote, memcached servers. Search google for memcached for more information. Homepage: https://github.com/linsomniac/python2-memcached", "path": "./salix/python/python2-memcached-1.58-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "Yapps2", "descs": "Yapps2 (Yet Another Python Parser System)", "source": "source/salix/python/Yapps2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "A Python module to parse", "path": "./salix/python/Yapps2-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2864 K", "ver": "0.19", "name": "mpmath", "descs": "mpmath (arithmetic library)", "source": "source/salix/python/mpmath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "716 K", "descl": "Mpmath is a free (BSD licensed) Python library for real and complex floating-point arithmetic with arbitrary precision. It has been developed by Fredrik Johansson since 2007, with help from many contributors. http://mpmath.org/", "path": "./salix/python/mpmath-0.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "8.1.0", "name": "jaraco-packaging", "descs": "jaraco-packaging (Tools for packaging)", "source": "source/salix/python/jaraco-packaging", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "python-toml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "A distutils command for reporting the dependency tree as resolved by setuptools. Use after installing a package. A distutils command for reporting the attributes of a distribution, such as the version or author name. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/jaraco-packaging/", "path": "./salix/python/jaraco-packaging-8.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.9.0", "name": "python3-ufoProcessor", "descs": "python3-ufoProcessor (process and generate instances for UFO files)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-ufoProcessor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Python package based on the designSpaceDocument from fontTools.designspaceLib specifically to process and generate instances for UFO files, glyphs and other data.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-ufoProcessor-1.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "pipstat", "descs": "pipstat (PyPI packages Counter)", "source": "source/salix/python/pipstat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Get download statistics for PyPI packages from the command line. Homepage: https://github.com/sloria/pipstat", "path": "./salix/python/pipstat-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "iniconfig", "descs": "iniconfig (ini file parsing)", "source": "source/salix/python/iniconfig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "iniconfig is a small and simple INI-file parser module.", "path": "./salix/python/iniconfig-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1072 K", "ver": "2.4.4", "name": "python2-cheetah", "descs": "python2-cheetah (Python-Powered Template Engine)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-cheetah", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "268 K", "descl": "Cheetah is an open source template engine and code generation tool, written in Python. It can be used standalone or combined with other tools and frameworks. Web development is its principle use, but Cheetah is very flexible and is also being used to generate C++ game code, Java, sql, form emails and even Python code. Homepage: http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-cheetah-2.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "python3-pastedeploy", "descs": "python3-pastedeploy (Python tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pastedeploy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "This tool provides code to load WSGI applications and servers from URIs. These URIs can refer to Python eggs for INI-style configuration files Paste Script provides commands to serve applications based on this configuration file.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pastedeploy-2.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1644 K", "ver": "2.0.10", "name": "prompt_toolkit", "descs": "prompt_toolkit (interactive command lines)", "source": "source/salix/python/prompt_toolkit", "deps": ["wcwidth"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "411 K", "descl": "Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python. prompt_toolkit could be a replacement for GNU readline, but it can be much more than that. Homepage: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit", "path": "./salix/python/prompt_toolkit-2.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "2.8", "name": "python-libarchive-c", "descs": "python-libarchive-c (Python interface to libarchive)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-libarchive-c", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "python-libarchive-c is a Python interface to libarchive. https://github.com/Changaco/python-libarchive-c", "path": "./salix/python/python-libarchive-c-2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "15892 K", "ver": "20.3.0", "name": "python2-twisted", "descs": "python2-twisted (Python networking engine)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-twisted", "deps": ["python2", "zope.interface", "constantly", "incremental", "python2-automat", "hyperlink", "python2-pyhamcrest"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3973 K", "descl": "Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python and licensed under the MIT license. Homepage: https://twistedmatrix.com/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-twisted-20.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.14.1", "name": "python-prometheus_client", "descs": "python-prometheus_client (Prometheus instrumentation library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-prometheus_client", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud. This is the Python client for Prometheus.", "path": "./salix/python/python-prometheus_client-0.14.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "5488 K", "ver": "1.5.4", "name": "reedsolo", "descs": "reedsolo (Pure-Python Reed Solomon encoder/decoder)", "source": "source/salix/python/reedsolo", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1372 K", "descl": "A pure-python universal errors-and-erasures Reed-Solomon Codec, based on the wonderful tutorial at wikiversity, written by 'Bobmath' and 'LRQ3000'. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/reedsolo/", "path": "./salix/python/reedsolo-1.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "python3-elgato-streamdeck", "descs": "python3-elgato-streamdeck (Python library for Elgato Stream Deck)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-elgato-streamdeck", "deps": ["Sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "hidapi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "This is an open source Python 3 library to control an Elgato Stream Deck directly, without the official software. This can allow you to create your own custom front-ends, such as a custom control front-end for home automation software.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-elgato-streamdeck-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "sphinxcontrib-qthelp", "descs": "sphinxcontrib-qthelp (QtHelp documentation generation)", "source": "source/salix/python/sphinxcontrib-qthelp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a Sphinx extension to create QtHelp documentation.", "path": "./salix/python/sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "4.2.1", "name": "python3-pypresence", "descs": "python3-pypresence (Pypresence Python3 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pypresence", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "A Discord RPC library in Python. https://github.com/qwertyquerty/pypresence", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pypresence-4.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "python2-selectors2", "descs": "python2-selectors2 (Backported, durable, and portable selectors.)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-selectors2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Backported, durable, and portable selectors designed to replace the standard library selectors module. Homepage: https://github.com/sethmlarson/selectors2", "path": "./salix/python/python2-selectors2-2.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.0.20", "name": "pypng", "descs": "pypng (library for PNG image encoding and decoding)", "source": "source/salix/python/pypng", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "PyPNG is a PNG module for Python.", "path": "./salix/python/pypng-0.0.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "1.26.0", "name": "PyPDF2", "descs": "PyPDF2 (Python PDF toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyPDF2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "A Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit.", "path": "./salix/python/PyPDF2-1.26.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1588 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "PyXB", "descs": "PyXB (Python W3C XML Schema Bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyXB", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "397 K", "descl": "The source releases includes pre-built bundles for common XML namespaces, assorted web service namespaces, and SAML. A bundle with over 75 namespaces related to Geographic Information Systems is also available. http://pyxb.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/PyXB-1.2.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "python2-cached-property", "descs": "python2-cached-property (decorator for caching properties in classes)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-cached-property", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://github.com/pydanny/cached-property", "path": "./salix/python/python2-cached-property-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "python2-elementtree", "descs": "python2-elementtree (Python library wrapper for XML)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-elementtree", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "The Element type is a simple but flexible container object, designed to store hierarchical data structures, such as simplified XML infosets, in memory. The element type can be described as a cross between a Python list and a Python dictionary. The ElementTree wrapper type adds code to load XML files as trees of Element objects, and save them back again. Homepage: http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm", "path": "./salix/python/python2-elementtree-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "sqlparse", "descs": "sqlparse (SQL parser for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/sqlparse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser module for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.", "path": "./salix/python/sqlparse-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "2.0.5", "name": "python2-pyspf", "descs": "python2-pyspf (Sender-Policy-Framework queries in Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-pyspf", "deps": ["python2-pydns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "SPF does email sender validation. For more information about SPF, please see http://www.openspf.org/ Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pymilter/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-pyspf-2.0.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "18.8.1", "name": "python2-txaio", "descs": "python2-txaio (source code compatibility for Twisted/Trollius)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-txaio", "deps": ["python2-twisted"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "txaio is a helper library for writing code that runs unmodified on both Twisted and asyncio / Trollius. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txaio", "path": "./salix/python/python2-txaio-18.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.28", "name": "python-serpent", "descs": "python-serpent (Serializer for literal Python expressions)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-serpent", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Serpent is a simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval.", "path": "./salix/python/python-serpent-1.28-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2464 K", "ver": "1.3.0.post2", "name": "python3-pyclipper", "descs": "python3-pyclipper (Wrapper for C++ translation of the Clipper library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pyclipper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "616 K", "descl": "Pyclipper is a Cython wrapper exposing public functions and classes of the C++ translation of the Angus Johnson's Clipper library (ver. 6.4.2).", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pyclipper-1.3.0.post2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "548 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "PyStemmer", "descs": "PyStemmer (Snowball stemming algorithms, for information retrieval)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyStemmer", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "137 K", "descl": "PyStemmer provides access to efficient algorithms for calculating a 'stemmed' form of a word. This is a form with most of the common morphological endings removed; hopefully representing a common linguistic base form. This is most useful in building search engines and information retrieval software; for example, a search with stemming enabled should be able to find a document containing 'cycling' given the query 'cycles'. http://snowballstem.org/", "path": "./salix/python/PyStemmer-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "pyblake2", "descs": "pyblake2 (BLAKE2 hash function extension module)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyblake2", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "pyblake2 is an extension module for Python implementing BLAKE2 hash function. BLAKE2 is a cryptographic hash function, which offers highest security while being as fast as MD5 or SHA-1, and comes in two flavors. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/pyblake2/", "path": "./salix/python/pyblake2-1.1.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "708 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "esptool", "descs": "esptool (Python utility to communicate with ESP8266 and ESP32 chips)", "source": "source/salix/python/esptool", "deps": ["pyserial"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "177 K", "descl": "esptool is a python based platform independent utility to comminicate with the ROM bootloader in Expressif ESP8266 and ESP32 chips. Homepage: https://github.com/espressif/esptool", "path": "./salix/python/esptool-3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "mnemonic", "descs": "mnemonic (reference implementation of BIP-0039)", "source": "source/salix/python/mnemonic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "This BIP describes the implementation of a mnemonic code or mnemonic sentence -- a group of easy to remember words -- for the generation of deterministic wallets.", "path": "./salix/python/mnemonic-0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1992 K", "ver": "3.0.29", "name": "python3-prompt_toolkit", "descs": "python3-prompt_toolkit (Python 3 command-line module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-prompt_toolkit", "deps": ["python3-wcwidth"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "498 K", "descl": "prompt_toolkit is a library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-prompt_toolkit-3.0.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "852 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "llfuse", "descs": "llfuse (The Python LLFUSE Module)", "source": "source/salix/python/llfuse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "213 K", "descl": "LLFUSE is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. It requires at least FUSE 2.8.0 and supports both Python 2.x and 3.x. Homepage: https://github.com/python-llfuse/python-llfuse", "path": "./salix/python/llfuse-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "", "name": "singledispatch", "descs": "singledispatch (backport library)", "source": "source/salix/python/singledispatch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/singledispatch", "path": "./salix/python/singledispatch-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1164 K", "ver": "0.11.0", "name": "rope", "descs": "rope (python refactoring library)", "source": "source/salix/python/rope", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "291 K", "descl": "Rope is a python refactoring library. Homepage: http://rope.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/rope-0.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "python-daemonize", "descs": "python-daemonize (python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-daemonize", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Library to enable your code run as a daemon process on Unix-like systems", "path": "./salix/python/python-daemonize-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.17.0", "name": "arrow", "descs": "arrow (python library for dates, times)", "source": "source/salix/python/arrow", "deps": ["functools-lru-cache"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "Arrow is a Python library that offers a sensible, human-friendly approach to creating, manipulating, formatting and converting dates times, and timestamps. https://github.com/crsmithdev/arrow", "path": "./salix/python/arrow-0.17.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "python-precis-i18n", "descs": "python-precis-i18n (Internationalized Usernames and Passwords)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-precis-i18n", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Python3 implementation of PRECIS framework (RFC 8264, RFC 8265, RFC 8266) https://pypi.org/project/precis-i18n/", "path": "./salix/python/python-precis-i18n-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "helpy", "descs": "helpy (built-in help documentation)", "source": "source/salix/python/helpy", "deps": ["Naked"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Displays built-in Python documentation from the command line without the need to use the interactive Python interpreter console. Homepage: https://github.com/chrissimpkins/helpy", "path": "./salix/python/helpy-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "13700 K", "ver": "2.5.3", "name": "babel", "descs": "babel (python internationalization tools)", "source": "source/salix/python/babel", "deps": ["pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3425 K", "descl": "Babel is a collection of tools for internationalizing Python apps. It's composed of two major parts: - tools to build and work with gettext message catalogs; - a Python interface to the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository), providing access to various locale display names, localized number and date formatting, etc. homepage: http://babel.edgewall.org/", "path": "./salix/python/babel-2.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "724 K", "ver": "21.0.0", "name": "hyperlink", "descs": "hyperlink (A featureful, correct URL for Python.)", "source": "source/salix/python/hyperlink", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "181 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hyperlink", "path": "./salix/python/hyperlink-21.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "884 K", "ver": "0.716", "name": "python2-keyczar", "descs": "python2-keyczar (cryptographic toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-keyczar", "deps": ["pyasn1", "python2-pycrypto"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "221 K", "descl": "Keyczar is an open source cryptographic toolkit designed to make it easier and safer for developers to use cryptography in their applications. Keyczar supports authentication and encryption with both symmetric and asymmetric keys. Homepage: http://www.keyczar.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-keyczar-0.716-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "660 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "mock", "descs": "mock (unit test library for Python 2)", "source": "source/salix/python/mock", "deps": ["python2-pbr"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "165 K", "descl": "mock is a library for testing in Python 2. It allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used. IMPORTANT: For Python3 you do not need this module. Please use the standard library instead (unittest.mock). This package contains a rolling backport of the standard library compatible with Python 2.7.", "path": "./salix/python/mock-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "19872 K", "ver": "12.0", "name": "odoo", "descs": "odoo (CRM Application)", "source": "source/salix/python/odoo", "deps": ["postgresql", "nodejs", "python3-psycopg2", "passlib", "feedparser", "greenlet", "ofxparse", "pyusb", "pyserial", "werkzeug", "python-xlrd", "pytz", "python2-MarkupSafe", "python-libsass", "python3-webencodings", "lxml", "decorator", "python3-dateutil", "python-qrcode", "python3-babel", "psutil", "suds-jurko", "ebaysdk", "wkhtmltopdf", "num2words", "gevent", "html2text", "PyPDF2", "reportlab", "python2-vatnumber", "vobject", "XlsxWriter", "python2-xlwt", "python-ldap", "pydot"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4968 K", "descl": "Odoo is a suite of web based open source business apps. The main Odoo Apps include an Open Source CRM, Website Builder, eCommerce, Warehouse Management, Project Management, Billing & Accounting, Point of Sale, Human Resources, Marketing, Manufacturing, Purchase Management, ... Odoo Apps can be used as stand-alone applications, but they also integrate seamlessly so you get a full-featured Open Source ERP when you install several Apps.", "path": "./salix/python/odoo-12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "22488 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "scikit-learn", "descs": "scikit-learn (machine learning and data mining for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/scikit-learn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python-joblib", "scipy3", "threadpoolctl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5622 K", "descl": "scikit-learn is an add-on package for SciPy that provides Python modules for machine learning and data mining.", "path": "./salix/python/scikit-learn-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "python3-webencodings", "descs": "python3-webencodings (Character encoding for the web)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-webencodings", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "webencodings is a Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standard.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-webencodings-0.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.5.5", "name": "python2-daemon", "descs": "python2-daemon (python library to create pythonic daemon processes)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-daemon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This library implements the well-behaved daemon specification of PEP 3143, 'Standard daemon process library'. A well-behaved Unix daemon process is tricky to get right, but the required steps are much the same for every daemon program. A DaemonContext instance holds the behaviour and configured process environment for the program; use the instance as a context manager to enter a daemon state.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-daemon-1.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "python3-geventhttpclient", "descs": "python3-geventhttpclient (HTTP client library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-geventhttpclient", "deps": ["gevent"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "A high performance, concurrent HTTP client library for python Homepage: http://github.com/gwik/geventhttpclient", "path": "./salix/python/python3-geventhttpclient-1.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.15.0", "name": "cov-core", "descs": "cov-core (lib for use by pytest-cov)", "source": "source/salix/python/cov-core", "deps": ["coverage"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "This is a lib package for use by pytest-cov, nose-cov and nose2-cov. Unless you're developing a coverage plugin for a test framework, you you probably want one of those. Homepage: https://github.com/schlamar/cov-core", "path": "./salix/python/cov-core-1.15.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "20.2.0", "name": "python2-automat", "descs": "python2-automat (Self-service finite-state machines)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-automat", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "python2-attrs", "wheel", "python-m2r"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Automat", "path": "./salix/python/python2-automat-20.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "python3-waitress", "descs": "python3-waitress (Waitress WSGI server)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-waitress", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "Waitress is meant to be a production-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance. It has no dependencies except ones which live in the Python standard library. It supports HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. Homepage: https://github.com/Pylons/waitress", "path": "./salix/python/python3-waitress-2.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "604 K", "ver": "2.8.6", "name": "python2-psycopg2", "descs": "python2-psycopg2 (Python2 PostgreSQL bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-psycopg2", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "151 K", "descl": "psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for Python. It supports the full Python DBAPI 2.0, and is thread safe at level 2. psycopg was designed for heavily multi-threaded applications. The psycopg2 website can be found at: http://initd.org/tracker/psycopg/wiki/PsycopgTwo", "path": "./salix/python/python2-psycopg2-2.8.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.6.0.post1", "name": "contextlib2", "descs": "contextlib2 (Updated utilities for context management)", "source": "source/salix/python/contextlib2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module provides backports of features in the latest version of the standard library's contextlib module to earlier Python versions. It also serves as a real world proving ground for potential future enhancements to that module. Like contextlib, this module provides utilities for common tasks involving the with statement. https://contextlib2.readthedocs.io", "path": "./salix/python/contextlib2-0.6.0.post1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2192 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "hachoir-parser", "descs": "hachoir-parser (file format parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/hachoir-parser", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "548 K", "descl": "hachoir-parser is a package of most common file format parsers written for the Hachoir framework. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hachoir-parser", "path": "./salix/python/hachoir-parser-1.3.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.7.0", "name": "python-confuse", "descs": "python-confuse (painless YAML config files)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-confuse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Confuse is a configuration library for Python that uses YAML. It takes care of defaults, overrides, type checking, command-line integration, environment variable support, human-readable errors, and standard OS-specific locations. Homepage: https://github.com/beetbox/confuse", "path": "./salix/python/python-confuse-1.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.8.6", "name": "pychm", "descs": "pychm (Python bindings for CHMLIB)", "source": "source/salix/python/pychm", "deps": ["chmlib", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "PyCHM is a package that provides bindings for Jed Wing's CHMLIB library. The chm package contains four modules, namely chm.chm, chm.chmlib, chm.extra and chm._chmlib. chm.chmlib is a low level wrapper module around the API provided by the C library chmlib. Homepage: http://gnochm.sourceforge.net/pychm.html", "path": "./salix/python/pychm-0.8.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "908 K", "ver": "0.10.3", "name": "python3-fontParts", "descs": "python3-fontParts (API for font development)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-fontParts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "227 K", "descl": "An API for interacting with the parts of fonts during the font development process. FontParts is the replacement for RoboFab. The project has a MIT open-source licence. The documentation is at fontparts.readthedocs.io.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-fontParts-0.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "1.11.1", "name": "python2-wrapt", "descs": "python2-wrapt (A Python module for decorators)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-wrapt", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. The aim of the wrapt module is to provide a transparent object proxy for Python, which can be used as the basis for the construction of function wrappers and decorator functions. Homepage: https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/wrapt", "path": "./salix/python/python2-wrapt-1.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "0.10.4", "name": "python-watchdog", "descs": "python-watchdog (Filesystem events monitoring)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-watchdog", "deps": ["pathtools3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events. Works on Python 2.7 and 3.4+. If you want to use an old version of Python, you should stick with python-watchdog < 0.10.0. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/python-watchdog/", "path": "./salix/python/python-watchdog-0.10.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "4.1.4", "name": "python3-Flask-Security-Too", "descs": "python3-Flask-Security-Too (Simple security for Flask apps)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-Security-Too", "deps": ["python3-Flask-Login", "python3-Flask-Principal", "python3-Flask-WTF", "passlib", "email-validator"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "Flask-Security-Too quickly adds security features to your Flask application. https://github.com/Flask-Middleware/flask-security", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-Security-Too-4.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "11.0.1", "name": "path.py", "descs": "path.py (A module wrapper for os.path)", "source": "source/salix/python/path.py", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "path.py implements a path objects as first-class entities, allowing common operations on files to be invoked on those path objects directly. Homepage: https://github.com/jaraco/path.py", "path": "./salix/python/path.py-11.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "21.1.0", "name": "python-poppler-qt5", "descs": "python-poppler-qt5 (Python bindings to poppler-qt5)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-poppler-qt5", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "poppler", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "A Python binding to libpoppler-qt5 that aims for completeness and for being actively maintained. homepage: https://github.com/frescobaldi/python-poppler-qt5", "path": "./salix/python/python-poppler-qt5-21.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.7.8", "name": "pysed", "descs": "pysed (sed like utility)", "source": "source/salix/python/pysed", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Pysed is a stream editor, is used to perform basic text transformations from a file or from pipeline. It reads text, line by line, from a file and replace, insert or print all text or specific area. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/dslackw/pysed", "path": "./salix/python/pysed-0.7.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "608 K", "ver": "0.11.6", "name": "SOAPpy", "descs": "SOAPpy (SOAP library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/SOAPpy", "deps": ["PyXML", "fpconst"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "152 K", "descl": "The goal of the SOAPpy team is to provide a full-featured SOAP library for Python that is very simple to use and that fully supports dynamic interaction between clients and servers.", "path": "./salix/python/SOAPpy-0.11.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1416 K", "ver": "3.8.2", "name": "pytest", "descs": "pytest (simple powerful testing with Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pytest", "deps": ["py", "python2-attrs", "pluggy", "more-itertools", "atomicwrites", "funcsigs", "pathlib2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "354 K", "descl": "A mature full-featured Python testing tool. Helps you write better programs Homepage: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/pytest-3.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.1.7", "name": "wcwidth", "descs": "wcwidth (Measures number of Terminal)", "source": "source/salix/python/wcwidth", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "This API is mainly for Terminal Emulator implementors - any python program that attempts to determine the printable width of a string on a Terminal. It is implemented in python (no C library calls) and has no 3rd-party dependencies. Homepage: https://github.com/jquast/wcwidth", "path": "./salix/python/wcwidth-0.1.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "subuser", "descs": "subuser (Docker tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/subuser", "deps": ["docker"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "Subuser turns a docker container into a normal program. Homepage: https://subuser.org", "path": "./salix/python/subuser-0.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "python3-Flask-WTF", "descs": "python3-Flask-WTF (Simple integration of Flask and WTForms.)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-Flask-WTF", "deps": ["Flask", "python3-WTForms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file upload, and reCAPTCHA. https://github.com/lepture/flask-wtf", "path": "./salix/python/python3-Flask-WTF-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "linecache2", "descs": "linecache2 (Backports of the linecache python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/linecache2", "deps": ["python2-pbr"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "A backport of linecache to older supported Pythons. https://github.com/testing-cabal/linecache2", "path": "./salix/python/linecache2-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "click-log", "descs": "click-log (logging added to the command line interface creation)", "source": "source/salix/python/click-log", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Integrates logging with python click.", "path": "./salix/python/click-log-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "veryprettytable", "descs": "veryprettytable (Python tabular library)", "source": "source/salix/python/veryprettytable", "deps": ["termcolor", "colorama"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format. Homepage: https://github.com/smeggingsmegger/VeryPrettyTable", "path": "./salix/python/veryprettytable-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "fixtures", "descs": "fixtures (Fixtures package for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/fixtures", "deps": ["testtools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Fixtures defines a Python contract for reusable state / support logic, primarily for unit testing. Helper and adaption logic is included to make it easy to write your own fixtures using the fixtures contract. Glue code is provided that makes using fixtures that meet the Fixtures contract in unittest compatible test cases easy and straight forward. https://launchpad.net/python-fixtures", "path": "./salix/python/fixtures-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "2.28.1", "name": "gnome-python", "descs": "gnome-python (Python bindings for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/python/gnome-python", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libbonoboui", "libcanberra", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnome-keyring", "libgnomecanvas", "libgnomeui", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "python2", "util-linux", "zlib", "pyorbit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "gnome-python is a set of bindings for the Gnome platform libraries. It builds on top of the PyGTK bindings for GTK and the PyORBit bindings for ORBit2.", "path": "./salix/python/gnome-python-2.28.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "2.1.0rc1", "name": "python3-gmpy2", "descs": "python3-gmpy2 (multi-precision arithmetic for python 3)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-gmpy2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libmpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "gmpy2 is an optimized, c-coded python extension module that supports fast multiple-precision arithmetic. gmpy2 is based on the original gmpy module. In addition to supporting gmp or mpir for multiple-precision integer and rational arithmetic, gmpy2 adds support for the mpfr (correctly rounded real floating-point arithmetic) and mpc (correctly rounded complex floating-point arithmetic) libraries. Homepage: https://github.com/aleaxit/gmpy", "path": "./salix/python/python3-gmpy2-2.1.0rc1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2996 K", "ver": "0.9.19", "name": "python2-magick", "descs": "python2-magick (ImageMagick python bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-magick", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "749 K", "descl": "PythonMagick provides object oriented bindings for the ImageMagick library. http://www.imagemagick.org/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-magick-0.9.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "python2-tvrage", "descs": "python2-tvrage (client interface for tvrage.com)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-tvrage", "deps": ["BeautifulSoup"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "python2-tvrage is a client interface for tvrage.com's XML-based api feeds. Homepage: https://github.com/ckreutzer/python-tvrage", "path": "./salix/python/python2-tvrage-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "Baker", "descs": "Baker (Access to Python functions)", "source": "source/salix/python/Baker", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Baker lets you easily add a command line interface to your Python functions using a simple decorator, to create scripts with 'sub-commands'. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/mchaput/baker/overview", "path": "./salix/python/Baker-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.12.0", "name": "python3-pep517", "descs": "python3-pep517 (API to call PEP 517 hooks)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pep517", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "This package contains wrappers around the hooks specified by PEP 517 and PEP 660. It provides: - A mechanism to call the hooks in a subprocess, so they are isolated from the current process. - Fallbacks for the optional hooks, so that frontends can call the hooks without checking which are defined.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pep517-0.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "20130601", "name": "mibuild", "descs": "mibuild (Milkymist Build system)", "source": "source/salix/python/mibuild", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "A build system and board database for Migen-based FPGA designs.", "path": "./salix/python/mibuild-20130601-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2520 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "python3-zopfli", "descs": "python3-zopfli (Zopfli module for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-zopfli", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "630 K", "descl": "cPython bindings for zopfli.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-zopfli-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.9.10", "name": "piprot", "descs": "piprot (Command line utility to show requirements)", "source": "source/salix/python/piprot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "How rotten are your requirements? Homepage: https://github.com/sesh/piprot", "path": "./salix/python/piprot-0.9.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "pytest-cov", "descs": "pytest-cov (Coverage plugin for pytest)", "source": "source/salix/python/pytest-cov", "deps": ["pytest", "coverage"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This plugin produces coverage reports. It supports centralised testing and distributed testing in both load and each modes. It also supports coverage of subprocesses. Homepage: https://github.com/schlamar/pytest-cov", "path": "./salix/python/pytest-cov-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "python2-tblib", "descs": "python2-tblib (Traceback serialization library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-tblib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "A traceback serialization library that allows you to pickle tracebacks and raise exceptions with pickled tracebacks in different processes. This allows better error handling when running code over multiple processes (imagine multiprocessing, billiard, futures, celery etc). It also parses traceback strings and raise with the parsed tracebacks. Home page: https://github.com/ionelmc/python2-tblib", "path": "./salix/python/python2-tblib-1.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "0.28", "name": "python-mysql-replication", "descs": "python-mysql-replication (python impl of MySQL replication protocol)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-mysql-replication", "deps": ["pymysql"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "python-mysql-replication is pure Python Implementation of MySQL replication protocol build on top of PyMYSQL. This allow you to receive event like insert, update, delete with their datas and raw SQL queries. Homepage: https://github.com/julien-duponchelle/python-mysql-replication", "path": "./salix/python/python-mysql-replication-0.28-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1172 K", "ver": "2.8", "name": "python3-pyicu", "descs": "python3-pyicu (python wrapper for icu4c)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pyicu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "293 K", "descl": "PyICU is a Python extension wrapping IBM's International Components for Unicode C++ library (ICU). Homepage: https://github.com/ovalhub/pyicu", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pyicu-2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "788 K", "ver": "20190128", "name": "dfvfs", "descs": "dfvfs (Digital Forensics Virtual File System)", "source": "source/salix/python/dfvfs", "deps": ["python2-pycrypto", "dfdatetime", "dtfabric", "libbde", "libewf", "libfsapfs", "libfsntfs", "libfvde", "libfwnt", "libqcow", "libsigscan", "libsmdev", "libsmraw", "pytsk", "libvhdi", "libvmdk", "libvshadow", "libvslvm", "pysqlite", "backports.lzma"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "197 K", "descl": "dfVFS, or Digital Forensics Virtual File System, provides read-only access to file-system objects from various storage media types and file formats. Homepage: https://github.com/log2timeline/dfvfs", "path": "./salix/python/dfvfs-20190128-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "17.10.0", "name": "python2-klein", "descs": "python2-klein (micro-framework for web services)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-klein", "deps": ["python2-twisted", "werkzeug"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Klein is a micro-framework for developing production-ready web services with Python. It has a small API similar to Bottle and Flask. https://klein.readthedocs.io/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-klein-17.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "munch", "descs": "munch (Python dictionary with attribute-style access)", "source": "source/salix/python/munch", "deps": ["python2-pbr"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Munch implements a Python dictionary that provides attribute-style access (a la JavaScript objects).", "path": "./salix/python/munch-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "31428 K", "ver": "5.15.4", "name": "pyside2", "descs": "pyside2 (Python bindings for Qt5)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyside2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "shiboken2", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7857 K", "descl": "PySide2 is the official Python module from the Qt for Python project, which provides access to the complete Qt 5.12+ framework.", "path": "./salix/python/pyside2-5.15.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "docopt", "descs": "docopt (Command-line interface description language)", "source": "source/salix/python/docopt", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "docopt helps you * define interface for your command-line app * automatically generate parser for it. Homepage: http://docopt.org/", "path": "./salix/python/docopt-0.6.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.7.5", "name": "pickleshare", "descs": "pickleshare (file system based database that uses Python pickles)", "source": "source/salix/python/pickleshare", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "PickleShare is a small shelve-like datastore with concurrency support. Like shelve, a PickleShareDB object acts like a normal dictionary. Unlike shelve, many processes can access the database simultaneously. Changing a value in database is immediately visible to other processes accessing the same database.", "path": "./salix/python/pickleshare-0.7.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.12.0", "name": "python2-requests-kerberos", "descs": "python2-requests-kerberos (kerberos authen handler for requests)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-requests-kerberos", "deps": ["python-kerberos", "cryptography"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Requests is an HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings. This library adds optional Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication support and supports mutual authentication.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-requests-kerberos-0.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "0.12.1", "name": "webassets", "descs": "webassets (Media asset management for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/webassets", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "Merges, minifies and compresses Javascript and CSS files, supporting a variety of different filters, including YUI, jsmin, jspacker or CSS tidy. Also supports URL rewriting in CSS files. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/webassets/", "path": "./salix/python/webassets-0.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "bitarray", "descs": "bitarray (Efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/bitarray", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "This module provides an object type which efficiently represents an array of booleans. Bitarrays are sequence types and behave very much like usual lists. Eight bits are represented by one byte in a contiguous block of memory. https://github.com/ilanschnell/bitarray", "path": "./salix/python/bitarray-0.8.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.10.3", "name": "python-libtmux", "descs": "python-libtmux (python api for tmux)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-libtmux", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "libtmux is the library that powers tmuxp, a tool that helps tmux users manage their workspaces. Homepage: https://github.com/tony/libtmux", "path": "./salix/python/python-libtmux-0.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1212 K", "ver": "1.0.15", "name": "prompt_toolkit1", "descs": "prompt_toolkit1 (interactive command lines)", "source": "source/salix/python/prompt_toolkit1", "deps": ["wcwidth"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "303 K", "descl": "Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python. prompt_toolkit could be a replacement for GNU readline, but it can be much more than that. Homepage: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit", "path": "./salix/python/prompt_toolkit1-1.0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "minidb", "descs": "minidb (simple python object store)", "source": "source/salix/python/minidb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "minidb 2 makes it easy to store Python objects in a SQLite 3 database and work with the data in an easy way with concise syntax. Homepage: https://thp.io/2010/minidb/", "path": "./salix/python/minidb-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "pyaes", "descs": "pyaes (Python implementation of AES)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyaes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "A pure-Python implementation of the AES block cipher algorithm and the common modes of operation (CBC, CFB, CTR, ECB and OFB). https://github.com/ricmoo/pyaes", "path": "./salix/python/pyaes-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "7.0.0", "name": "py-cpuinfo", "descs": "py-cpuinfo (retrieve CPU information)", "source": "source/salix/python/py-cpuinfo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "py-cpuinfo retrieves CPU information with pure Python. It works with Python 2 and 3, and does not require any compilation. Homepage: https://github.com/workhorsy/py-cpuinfo", "path": "./salix/python/py-cpuinfo-7.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "0.5.9", "name": "num2words", "descs": "num2words (converts numbers)", "source": "source/salix/python/num2words", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "num2words is a library that converts numbers like 42 to words like forty-two. It supports multiple languages and can even generate ordinal numbers like forty-second", "path": "./salix/python/num2words-0.5.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1036 K", "ver": "2.8.0", "name": "python2-dateutil", "descs": "python2-dateutil (extensions to the standard datetime module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-dateutil", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "259 K", "descl": "The dateutil module provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module. Hompage: http://labix.org/python-dateutil", "path": "./salix/python/python2-dateutil-2.8.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "python2-Safe", "descs": "python2-Safe (Check the password strength)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-Safe", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "Is your password safe? Safe will check the password strength for you. Homepage: https://github.com/lepture/safe", "path": "./salix/python/python2-Safe-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "xtermcolor", "descs": "xtermcolor (Python module for colorizing output)", "source": "source/salix/python/xtermcolor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "XTermColor is a convenient python module for quickly colorizing text for output to the terminal either via ANSI color code or or RGB color value. Support 256 colors! Homepage: https://github.com/broadinstitute/xtermcolor", "path": "./salix/python/xtermcolor-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "840 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "waitress", "descs": "waitress (Waitress WSGI server)", "source": "source/salix/python/waitress", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "210 K", "descl": "Waitress is meant to be a production-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance. It has no dependencies except ones which live in the Python standard library. It runs on CPython on Unix and Windows under Python 2.6+ and Python 3.2+. It is also known to run on PyPy 1.6.0+ on UNIX. It supports HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. Homepage: https://github.com/Pylons/waitress", "path": "./salix/python/waitress-1.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "GeoIP-Python", "descs": "GeoIP-Python (GeoIP Python API)", "source": "source/salix/python/GeoIP-Python", "deps": ["GeoIP", "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This package provides an open source Python API for MaxMind's IP geolocation data and services.", "path": "./salix/python/GeoIP-Python-1.3.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.17.3", "name": "python3-fasteners", "descs": "python3-fasteners (python package that provides useful locks)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-fasteners", "deps": ["python3-monotonic"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "A python package that provides useful locks. It includes the following: Locking decorator, Reader-writer locks, Inter-process locks, Generic helpers. Homepage: https://github.com/harlowja/fasteners", "path": "./salix/python/python3-fasteners-0.17.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.3.7", "name": "python-stsci.distutils", "descs": "python-stsci.distutils (STScI's packaging utilities)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-stsci.distutils", "deps": ["python-d2to1"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "This package contains utilities used to package some of STScI's Python projects; specifically those projects that comprise stsci_python and Astrolib. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/stsci.distutils/", "path": "./salix/python/python-stsci.distutils-0.3.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "setuptools-scm-git-archive", "descs": "setuptools-scm-git-archive (setuptools_scm plugin for git archives)", "source": "source/salix/python/setuptools-scm-git-archive", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "This is a setuptools_scm plugin that adds support for git archives (for example the ones GitHub automatically generates). Homepage: https://github.com/Changaco/setuptools_scm_git_archive/", "path": "./salix/python/setuptools-scm-git-archive-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "asciimatics", "descs": "asciimatics (APIs to create ASCII art animations)", "source": "source/salix/python/asciimatics", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "pyfiglet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "Asciimatics is a package to help people create full-scireen text UIs (from interactive forms to ASCII animations) on any platform. It is licensed under the Apache Software Foundation License 2.0. Homepage: https://github.com/peterbrittain/asciimatics", "path": "./salix/python/asciimatics-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "4.8.4", "name": "virtualenvwrapper", "descs": "virtualenvwrapper (Extensions to Ian Bicking's virtualenv tool)", "source": "source/salix/python/virtualenvwrapper", "deps": ["virtualenv", "virtualenv-clone", "stevedore"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "virtualenvwrapper is a set of extensions to Ian Bicking's virtualenv tool for creating isolated Python development environments. The extensions include wrappers for creating and deleting virtual environments and otherwise managing your development workflow, making it easier to work on more than one project at a time without introducing conflicts in their dependencies. Homepage: http://www.doughellmann.com/projects/virtualenvwrapper/", "path": "./salix/python/virtualenvwrapper-4.8.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "PyColorizer", "descs": "PyColorizer (Add color in your shell)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyColorizer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal. Homepage: https://github.com/PierreRambaud/color", "path": "./salix/python/PyColorizer-0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "stack_data", "descs": "stack_data (Extract data from Python stack frames and tracebacks)", "source": "source/salix/python/stack_data", "deps": ["asttokens", "python-executing", "pure_eval"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "stack_data is a library that extracts data from stack frames and tracebacks particularly to display more useful tracebacks than the default.", "path": "./salix/python/stack_data-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "python2-slacklog", "descs": "python2-slacklog (Convert Slackware ChangeLog to various formats)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-slacklog", "deps": ["python2-dateutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "python2-slacklog provides a program and a library to convert a Slackware ChangeLog into other formats. Currently, RSS, Atom, and PyBlosxom formats are supported. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/slacklog", "path": "./salix/python/python2-slacklog-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "4696 K", "ver": "2.0.post0", "name": "python3-sge", "descs": "python3-sge (2d game engine for python3 and pygame)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-sge", "deps": ["pygame"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1174 K", "descl": "The Seclusion Game Engine ('SGE', pronounced like 'sage') is a general-purpose libre open source 2-D game engine for Python. It takes care of several details for you so you can focus on the game itself. This makes more rapid game development possible, and it also makes the SGE easy to learn. SGE was formerly known as 'Stellar Game Engine' and 'sge-python'. This package includes the SGE API documentation.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-sge-2.0.post0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "frozenlist", "descs": "frozenlist (list-like structure)", "source": "source/salix/python/frozenlist", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "FrozenList is a list-like structure which implements collections.abc.MutableSequence, and which can be made immutable.", "path": "./salix/python/frozenlist-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "python3-pytest-cov", "descs": "python3-pytest-cov (coverage plugin for pytest)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pytest-cov", "deps": ["python3-pytest", "coverage"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "This pytest plugin produces coverage reports", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pytest-cov-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "2021.3", "name": "pytz", "descs": "pytz (World timezone definitions for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/pytz", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "pytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.3 or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end of daylight savings, which you can read more about in the Python Library Reference (datetime.tzinfo). Homepage: https://launchpad.net/pytz", "path": "./salix/python/pytz-2021.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml", "descs": "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml (Sphinx extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs 'serialized' HTML files (json and pickle).", "path": "./salix/python/sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.2.11", "name": "PyAudio", "descs": "PyAudio (PortAudio v19 Python Bindings)", "source": "source/salix/python/PyAudio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus", "portaudio", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "PyAudio provides Python bindings for PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/O library. With PyAudio, you can easily use Python to play and record audio on a variety of platforms. http://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/", "path": "./salix/python/PyAudio-0.2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "3.5.3", "name": "python3-pythondialog", "descs": "python3-pythondialog (dialog utility)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pythondialog", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "A Python interface to the UNIX dialog utility and mostly-compatible programms. This allows one to make simple text-mode user interfaces on Unix-like systems (including Linux). Homepage: http://pythondialog.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pythondialog-3.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "python3-MutatorMath", "descs": "python3-MutatorMath (Python for piecewise linear interpolation)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-MutatorMath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "MutatorMath is a Python library for the calculation of piecewise linear interpolations in n-dimensions with any number of masters. It was developed for interpolating data related to fonts, but if can handle any arithmetic object.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-MutatorMath-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "16280 K", "ver": "22.4.0", "name": "python3-twisted", "descs": "python3-twisted (Python networking engine)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-twisted", "deps": ["python3-automat", "constantly", "hyperlink", "incremental", "zope.interface", "python3-service-identity", "typing-extensions"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4070 K", "descl": "Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python and licensed under the MIT license. Homepage: https://twistedmatrix.com/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-twisted-22.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "0.7.9.post1", "name": "trezor", "descs": "trezor (Bitcoin Hardware Wallet)", "source": "source/salix/python/trezor", "deps": ["ecdsa", "protobuf3", "mnemonic", "hidapi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "Client side implementation for TREZOR-compatible Bitcoin hardware wallets. See http://trezor.io for more information.", "path": "./salix/python/trezor-0.7.9.post1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "entrypoints", "descs": "entrypoints (Discover and load entry points from installed packages)", "source": "source/salix/python/entrypoints", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "The entrypoints module contains functions to find and load entry points, a way for Python packages to advertise objects.", "path": "./salix/python/entrypoints-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "3.10.5", "name": "python-pyparted", "descs": "python-pyparted (Python bindings for libparted)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-pyparted", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], "parted", "python2", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "pyparted is a set of native Python bindings for libparted. libparted is the library portion of the GNU parted project. With pyparted, you can write applications that interact with disk partition tables and filesystems. Homepage: https://github.com/rhinstaller/pyparted", "path": "./salix/python/python-pyparted-3.10.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "880 K", "ver": "4.9.3", "name": "python2-BeautifulSoup4", "descs": "python2-BeautifulSoup4 (Python HTML/XML parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-BeautifulSoup4", "deps": ["python2-soupsieve"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "220 K", "descl": "BeautifulSoup is a Python HTML/XML parser designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping. Homepage: http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-BeautifulSoup4-4.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "6.0.8", "name": "feedparser", "descs": "feedparser (Python RSS feed parser)", "source": "source/salix/python/feedparser", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "feedparser is a Python utility to parse RSS and Atom feeds Homepage: https://github.com/kurtmckee/feedparser", "path": "./salix/python/feedparser-6.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1608 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "pysvn", "descs": "pysvn (Python SVN extension)", "source": "source/salix/python/pysvn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "apr", "apr-util", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "file", "icu4c", "lz4", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "serf", "sqlite", "subversion", "utf8proc", "util-linux", "zlib", "pycxx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "402 K", "descl": "The pysvn project's goal is to enable tools to be written in Python that use Subversion. http://pysvn.tigris.org/", "path": "./salix/python/pysvn-1.8.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "984 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "trollius", "descs": "trollius (Port of the Tulip project)", "source": "source/salix/python/trollius", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "246 K", "descl": "Trollius provides infrastructure for writing single-threaded concurrent code using coroutines, multiplexing I/O access over sockets and other resources, running network clients and servers, and other related primitives. Homepage: https://github.com/haypo/trollius", "path": "./salix/python/trollius-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "6.2.3", "name": "pycxx", "descs": "pycxx (Write Python Extensions in C++)", "source": "source/salix/python/pycxx", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "PyCXX is designed to make it easier to extend Python with C++ http://cxx.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/python/pycxx-6.2.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "17.5.0", "name": "pyOpenSSL", "descs": "pyOpenSSL (Python wrapper for OpenSSL)", "source": "source/salix/python/pyOpenSSL", "deps": ["cryptography"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "This module is a rather thin wrapper around (a subset of) the OpenSSL library. With thin wrapper I mean that a lot of the object methods do nothing more than calling a corresponding function in the OpenSSL library https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyOpenSSL", "path": "./salix/python/pyOpenSSL-17.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "python3-requests-unixsocket", "descs": "python3-requests-unixsocket (talk to HTTP)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-requests-unixsocket", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "requests-unixsocket uses python-requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-requests-unixsocket-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "send2trash", "descs": "send2trash (send files to trash)", "source": "source/salix/python/send2trash", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Python library to natively send files to Trash (or Recycle bin) on all platforms.", "path": "./salix/python/send2trash-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "python-jeepney", "descs": "python-jeepney (Pure Python DBus interface)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-jeepney", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "Jeepney is a pure Python implementation of D-Bus messaging. It has an I/O-free core, and integration modules for different event loops. https://gitlab.com/takluyver/jeepney", "path": "./salix/python/python-jeepney-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "pathlib", "descs": "pathlib (Object-oriented filesystem paths)", "source": "source/salix/python/pathlib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "pathlib offers a set of classes to handle filesystem paths. Homepage: https://pathlib.readthedocs.io/en/pep428/", "path": "./salix/python/pathlib-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "terminaltables", "descs": "terminaltables (Generate tables in terminals)", "source": "source/salix/python/terminaltables", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Easily draw tables in terminal/console applications from a list of lists of strings. Supports multi-line rows. Homepage: https://github.com/Robpol86/terminaltables", "path": "./salix/python/terminaltables-3.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2216 K", "ver": "2.7.4", "name": "python3-whoosh", "descs": "python3-whoosh (indexing and searching library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-whoosh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "554 K", "descl": "Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python. Programmers can use it to easily add search functionality to their applications and websites. Every part of how Whoosh works can be extended or replaced to meet your needs exactly.", "path": "./salix/python/python3-whoosh-2.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "cfgparse", "descs": "cfgparse (Python Configuration Parser Module)", "source": "source/salix/python/cfgparse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Python configuration parser module which supports arbitrarily deep hierarchical option 'dictionaries' and partnership with the existing optparse (optik) python module. The API of this module will follow as close as possible the optparse model. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cfgparse/", "path": "./salix/python/cfgparse-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "pycdio", "descs": "pycdio (Python interface to libcdio)", "source": "source/salix/python/pycdio", "deps": ["libcdio", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "pycdio is a Python interface to libcdio, the CD input and control library. Homepage: https://www.gnu.org/software/libcdio/", "path": "./salix/python/pycdio-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "1.11.1", "name": "pycassa", "descs": "pycassa (Python Thrift driver for Apache Cassandra)", "source": "source/salix/python/pycassa", "deps": ["thrift"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "- Automatic failover and operation retries - Connection pooling - Multithreading support - A batch interface - A class for mapping classes to Cassandra column families Homepage: https://github.com/pycassa/pycassa", "path": "./salix/python/pycassa-1.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "python-libnacl", "descs": "python-libnacl (Python binding for libsodium)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-libnacl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Python bindings for libsodium/tweetnacl based on ctypes. Homepage: https://libnacl.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/python-libnacl-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.13.0", "name": "josepy", "descs": "josepy (JOSE protocol)", "source": "source/salix/python/josepy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "JOSE protocol implementation in Python using cryptography Project URL: https://github.com/certbot/josepy", "path": "./salix/python/josepy-1.13.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "xlutils", "descs": "xlutils (utilities for working with Excel files)", "source": "source/salix/python/xlutils", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/xlutils", "path": "./salix/python/xlutils-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1132 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "Paver", "descs": "Paver (Python-based project scripting)", "source": "source/salix/python/Paver", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "283 K", "descl": "Paver is a Python-based build/distribution/deployment scripting tool along the lines of Make or Rake. What makes Paver unique is its integration with commonly used Python libraries. Homepage: https://github.com/paver/paver", "path": "./salix/python/Paver-1.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.99.0", "name": "python-ipcalc", "descs": "python-ipcalc (Python binding for IP subnet calculations)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-ipcalc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "This module allows you to perform IP subnet calculations, there is support for both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR notation. Homepage: https://github.com/tehmaze/ipcalc/", "path": "./salix/python/python-ipcalc-1.99.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "tempora", "descs": "tempora (tool for date and time)", "source": "source/salix/python/tempora", "deps": ["python2-setuptools-scm", "pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Objects and routines pertaining to date and time (tempora) Homepage: https://github.com/jaraco/tempora", "path": "./salix/python/tempora-1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "python-augeas", "descs": "python-augeas (Python bindings for augeas)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-augeas", "deps": ["augeas"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Pure python bindings for augeas Homepage: http://augeas.net/", "path": "./salix/python/python-augeas-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "python3-gearbox", "descs": "python3-gearbox (Python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-gearbox", "deps": ["python3-hupper", "python3-pastedeploy", "tempita"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Command line toolkit born as a paster command replacement for the TurboGears2 web framework", "path": "./salix/python/python3-gearbox-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "5.1.1", "name": "traitlets", "descs": "traitlets (lightweight Traits-like module)", "source": "source/salix/python/traitlets", "deps": ["decorator"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "Traitlets is a pure Python library enabling: * the enforcement of strong typing for attributes of Python objects * notifications on changes of trait attributes * automatic validation and coercion of trait attributes when attempting a change", "path": "./salix/python/traitlets-5.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "python-dbus-next", "descs": "python-dbus-next (The next great DBus library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-dbus-next", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "python-dbus-next is a Python library for DBus that aims to be a fully featured high level library primarily geared towards integration of applications into Linux desktop and mobile environments.", "path": "./salix/python/python-dbus-next-0.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1452 K", "ver": "1.6.5", "name": "astroid", "descs": "astroid (new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast)", "source": "source/salix/python/astroid", "deps": ["python2-lazy-object-proxy", "python2-wrapt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "363 K", "descl": "The aim of this module is to provide a common base representation of python source code for projects such as pychecker, pyreverse, pylint... Well, actually the development of this library is essentially governed by pylint's needs. It used to be called logilab-astng. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/logilab/astroid", "path": "./salix/python/astroid-1.6.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.10.2", "name": "python2-Levenshtein", "descs": "python2-Levenshtein (string distance calculation module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-Levenshtein", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "python2-levenhstein is a C extension module for Python that can be used for fast calculation of string distances with the Levenshtein algorithm, as well as some other methods. The python2-Levenshtein website can be found at: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-Levenshtein/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-Levenshtein-0.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "invoke", "descs": "invoke (Pythonic task execution)", "source": "source/salix/python/invoke", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "Invoke is a Python (2.6+ and 3.2+) task execution tool & library, drawing inspiration from various sources to arrive at a powerful powerful & clean feature set. Homepage: http://docs.pyinvoke.org", "path": "./salix/python/invoke-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "jsonpointer", "descs": "jsonpointer (Library to resolve JSON Pointers according to RFC 6901)", "source": "source/salix/python/jsonpointer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "https://pypi.org/project/jsonpointer/", "path": "./salix/python/jsonpointer-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "0.18.7", "name": "python3-aiorpcX-legacy", "descs": "python3-aiorpcX-legacy (Generic async RPC implementation)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-aiorpcX-legacy", "deps": ["python3-attrs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "aiorpcX is a generic asyncio library implementation of RPC suitable for an application that is a client, server or both. https://aiorpcx.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", "path": "./salix/python/python3-aiorpcX-legacy-0.18.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "3.2.3_1", "name": "functools32", "descs": "functools32 (Backport Python library)", "source": "source/salix/python/functools32", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "This is a backport of the functools standard library module from Python 3.2.3 for use on Python 2.7 and PyPy. It includes new features lru_cache (Least-recently-used cache decorator). Homepage: https://github.com/MiCHiLU/python-functools32", "path": "./salix/python/functools32-3.2.3_1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "buildbot-worker", "descs": "buildbot-worker (worker to buildbot)", "source": "source/salix/python/buildbot-worker", "deps": ["python3-twisted", "python3-autobahn", "msgpack-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "buildbot-woker is a slave to the continuous integration system designed to automate the build/test cycle. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure. Homepage: http://buildbot.net", "path": "./salix/python/buildbot-worker-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.5.3dev", "name": "tempita", "descs": "tempita (A very small text templating language)", "source": "source/salix/python/tempita", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "Tempita is a small templating language for text substitution.", "path": "./salix/python/tempita-0.5.3dev-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "darts.util.lru", "descs": "darts.util.lru (Dictionary with LRU behaviour)", "source": "source/salix/python/darts.util.lru", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "A simple dictionary with LRU behaviour. Least Recently Used (LRU) is a cache alogarithm that discards the least recently used items first. Home Page: https://github.com/deterministic-arts/DartsPyLRU", "path": "./salix/python/darts.util.lru-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "python2-progress", "descs": "python2-progress (easy to use progress bars)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-progress", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "python2-progress provides several canned progress bars for command line Python programs.", "path": "./salix/python/python2-progress-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "3.10.5", "name": "python3-pyparted", "descs": "python3-pyparted (Python 3 bindings for libparted)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-pyparted", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], "parted", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "pyparted is a set of native Python 3 bindings for libparted. libparted is the library portion of the GNU parted project. With pyparted, you can write applications that interact with disk partition tables and filesystems. Homepage: https://github.com/rhinstaller/pyparted", "path": "./salix/python/python3-pyparted-3.10.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "1248 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "python3-isounidecode", "descs": "python3-isounidecode (ISOunidecode Python3 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-isounidecode", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "312 K", "descl": "This is a package for conversion and transliteration of unicode into ascii or iso-8859-1 strings. This is mostly a port of Perl Text::Unidecode to Python with additional support for iso8859-1. It works with different agree of success for different lanugages. It works quite good for European languages, works ok for Russian, and works to some extent for Arabic, Hindi. Homepage: https://github.com/redvasily/isounidecode", "path": "./salix/python/python3-isounidecode-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "Markups", "descs": "Markups (Wrapper around various text markups)", "source": "source/salix/python/Markups", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Markups provides a wrapper around various text markup languages. Available by default are Markdown, reStructuredText and Textile, but you can easily add your own markups (used in Retext). Docs: https://pymarkups.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/python/Markups-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "528 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "sge-pygame", "descs": "sge-pygame (Game Engine)", "source": "source/salix/python/sge-pygame", "deps": ["pygame"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "132 K", "descl": "The Stellar Game Engine (abbreviated 'SGE', pronounced as 'Sage') is a free 2-D game engine. Homepage: https://python-sge.github.io/", "path": "./salix/python/sge-pygame-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "7.3.1", "name": "python-qrcode", "descs": "python-qrcode (QR Code generator)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-qrcode", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "This module uses image libraries, Python Imaging Library (PIL) by default, to generate QR Codes. Project URL: https://github.com/lincolnloop/python-qrcode", "path": "./salix/python/python-qrcode-7.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "etk.docking", "descs": "etk.docking (PyGTK Docking Widgets)", "source": "source/salix/python/etk.docking", "deps": ["simplegeneric", "nose"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "Library of docking widgets for PyGTK applications.", "path": "./salix/python/etk.docking-0.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "0.4.1.post2", "name": "python-axolotl-curve25519", "descs": "python-axolotl-curve25519 (python wrapper for curve25519 library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-axolotl-curve25519", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "This is python wrapper for curve25519 library with ed25519 signatures The C code was pulled from libaxolotl-android. At the moment this wrapper is meant for use by python-axolotl python-axolotl-curve25519. https://github.com/tgalal/python-axolotl-curve25519", "path": "./salix/python/python-axolotl-curve25519-0.4.1.post2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "python3-monotonic", "descs": "python3-monotonic (An implementation of time.monotonic()", "source": "source/salix/python/python3-monotonic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "This module provides a python3-monotonic() function which returns the value (in fractional seconds) of a clock which never goes backwards. It is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3. Homepage: https://github.com/atdt/monotonic", "path": "./salix/python/python3-monotonic-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "python2-mimeparse", "descs": "python2-mimeparse (A python module for parsing mime-type)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-mimeparse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This module provides basic functions for handling mime-types. It can handle matching mime-types against a list of media-ranges. See section 5.3.2 of the HTTP 1.1 Semantics and Content specification [RFC 7231] for a complete explanation: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.3.2 Homepage: https://github.com/dbtsai/python2-mimeparse", "path": "./salix/python/python2-mimeparse-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "1.16.0", "name": "dnspython", "descs": "dnspython (Python API for DNS)", "source": "source/salix/python/dnspython", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python. It supports almost all record types. It can be used for queries, zone transfers, and dynamic updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0. Homepage: http://www.dnspython.org/", "path": "./salix/python/dnspython-1.16.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "2.6", "name": "python-parsedatetime", "descs": "python-parsedatetime (Python module)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-parsedatetime", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "Parse human-readable date/time strings. Project URL: https://github.com/bear/parsedatetime", "path": "./salix/python/python-parsedatetime-2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "948 K", "ver": "2.0.6", "name": "python-nbxmpp", "descs": "python-nbxmpp (python non blocking xmpp library)", "source": "source/salix/python/python-nbxmpp", "deps": ["python-precis-i18n"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "237 K", "descl": "python-nbxmpp is a Python library that provides a way for Python applications to use Jabber/XMPP networks in a non-blocking way. This library is initialy a fork of xmpppy one, but using non-blocking sockets.", "path": "./salix/python/python-nbxmpp-2.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "2012 K", "ver": "3.4.1", "name": "euca2ools", "descs": "euca2ools (Amazon & OpenStack Command Line Tools)", "source": "source/salix/python/euca2ools", "deps": ["python2-requestbuilder", "lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "503 K", "descl": "Euca2ools are command line tools for interacting with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and other AWS-compatible web services, such as Eucalyptus and OpenStack.", "path": "./salix/python/euca2ools-3.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.9.15", "name": "python2-whisper", "descs": "python2-whisper (Engine for fast, reliable fixed-sized databases)", "source": "source/salix/python/python2-whisper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Whisper is a fixed size database, similar in design to the Round Robin database tool (RRDtool). Whisper is used by the Graphite scalable real time graphing system to store time-series data for later display. Homepage: https://github.com/graphite-project/", "path": "./salix/python/python2-whisper-0.9.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "hpack", "descs": "hpack (Pure-Python HPACK header compression)", "source": "source/salix/python/hpack", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "hpack contains a pure-Python HTTP/2 header encoding (HPACK) logic for use in Python programs that implement HTTP/2. It also contains a compatibility layer that automatically enables the use of nghttp2 if it's available. Home page: http://hyper.rtfd.org/", "path": "./salix/python/hpack-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "python", "sizeu": "8268 K", "ver": "0.812", "name": "mypy", "descs": "mypy (an optional static type checker for python)", "source": "source/salix/python/mypy", "deps": ["typed_ast", "typing-extensions", "mypy_extensions"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2067 K", "descl": "Mypy is an optional static type checker for Python. You can add type hints (PEP 484) to your Python programs, and use mypy to type check them statically. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/mypy", "path": "./salix/python/mypy-0.812-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "20668 K", "ver": "2.11.1", "name": "github-cli", "descs": "github-cli (GitHub command line interface)", "source": "source/salix/development/github-cli", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5167 K", "descl": "gh is GitHub on the command line. It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code. Homepage: https://cli.github.com/", "path": "./salix/development/github-cli-2.11.1-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "2.50.3", "name": "xvi", "descs": "xvi (tiny but full-featured vi clone)", "source": "source/salix/development/xvi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "Xvi is a portable multi-window version of the UNIX editor 'vi', derived from 'STEVIE' in the 1980s. The program was originally developed for the Atari ST, but has been ported to many platforms. In spite of its name, there is, as yet, no X-Window-specific version of it. It uses text windows separated by horizontal status lines on character mode displays and the windows may represent different files being edited, or different views on to the same file.", "path": "./salix/development/xvi-2.50.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1352 K", "ver": "1.17.0", "name": "jupyter_server", "descs": "jupyter_server (Jupyter Backend)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter_server", "deps": ["argon2-cffi", "jupyter-nbconvert", "jupyter_packaging", "python3-anyio", "python-prometheus_client", "python3-requests-unixsocket", "send2trash", "terminado", "websocket-client"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "338 K", "descl": "The Jupyter Server provides the backend (i.e. the core services, APIs, and REST endpoints) for Jupyter web applications like Jupyter notebook, JupyterLab and Voila.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter_server-1.17.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "asem51", "descs": "asem51 (A two-pass macro assembler for the Intel MCS-51 Family)", "source": "source/salix/development/asem51", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "ASEM51 is a two-pass macro assembler for the Intel MCS-51 family of microcontrollers.", "path": "./salix/development/asem51-1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "453580 K", "ver": "13.0.0_d7b669b", "name": "qt-creator-llvm", "descs": "qt-creator-llvm (LLVM/Clang tools for Qt Creator)", "source": "source/salix/development/qt-creator-llvm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libedit", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113395 K", "descl": "This package provides LLVM/Clang components required by Qt Creator in order to extend Qt Creator's functionality. Some of the Qt Creator's tools enabled by this package are: Clang Code Model, Clang-Tidy, Clazy and Clang Static Analyzer. Homepage: https://code.qt.io/cgit/clang/llvm-project.git/", "path": "./salix/development/qt-creator-llvm-13.0.0_d7b669b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "27616 K", "ver": "4.3f", "name": "bigloo", "descs": "bigloo (Bigloo Scheme)", "source": "source/salix/development/bigloo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "icu4c", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mpg123", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pulseaudio", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6904 K", "descl": "Bigloo is a Scheme implementation devoted to one goal: enabling Scheme based programming style where C(++) is usually required. Bigloo attempts to make Scheme practical by offering features usually presented by traditional programming languages but not offered by Scheme and functional programming. http://www-sop.inria.fr/mimosa/fp/Bigloo/", "path": "./salix/development/bigloo-4.3f-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "2.3.7", "name": "adms", "descs": "adms (An automatic device model synthesizer)", "source": "source/salix/development/adms", "deps": ["perl-xml-libxml"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "adms is a code generator that converts electrical compact device models specified in high-level description language into ready-to- compile C code for the API of spice simulators. Based on transformations specified in XML language, adms transforms Verilog-AMS code into other target languages.", "path": "./salix/development/adms-2.3.7-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "45308 K", "ver": "7.0.3", "name": "smartgit", "descs": "smartgit (Desktop Git Client)", "source": "source/salix/development/smartgit", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11327 K", "descl": "SmartGit is a commercial desktop git client that provides a free non-commercial use license. Homepage: https://www.syntevo.com/smartgit/", "path": "./salix/development/smartgit-7.0.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1088 K", "ver": "1.9.29", "name": "kiwi", "descs": "kiwi (A framework for Python applications with GUIs)", "source": "source/salix/development/kiwi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "272 K", "descl": "Kiwi is a framework and a set of enhanced PyGTK widgets designed to make building programs with graphical interfaces both easy to write and easy to maintain. Kiwi is pure Python and released under the LGPL. Fully object-oriented, and roughly Smalltalk's MVC, Kiwi provides a simple, practical way to build forms, windows and widgets that transparently access and display your object data. Kiwi is inspired by Allen Holub's Visual Proxy. Homepage: https://github.com/stoq/kiwi", "path": "./salix/development/kiwi-1.9.29-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "15232 K", "ver": "1.11.3", "name": "elixir", "descs": "elixir (programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/elixir", "deps": ["erlang-otp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3808 K", "descl": "Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. Elixir leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development and the embedded software domain. https://elixir-lang.org/", "path": "./salix/development/elixir-1.11.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "17176 K", "ver": "6.4.11", "name": "jupyter-notebook", "descs": "jupyter-notebook (Jupyter interactive notebook)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter-notebook", "deps": ["argon2-cffi", "jupyter-ipykernel", "jupyter-nbconvert", "python-prometheus_client", "send2trash", "terminado"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4294 K", "descl": "Jupyter notebook is a language-agnostic HTML notebook application for Project Jupyter.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter-notebook-6.4.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1203860 K", "ver": "5.1.6", "name": "kicad-packages3D", "descs": "kicad-packages3D (3D packages for KiCad EDA Suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/kicad-packages3D", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "300965 K", "descl": "KiCad additional 3D packages. Homepage: http://kicad-pcb.org/", "path": "./salix/development/kicad-packages3D-5.1.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1451744 K", "ver": "2022.1", "name": "pycharm", "descs": "pycharm (Python and Django IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/pycharm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "362936 K", "descl": "PyCharm's smart code editor provides first-class support for Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, popular template languages and more. Take advantage of language-aware code completion, error detection, and on-the-fly code fixes! Homepage: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/", "path": "./salix/development/pycharm-2022.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "36684 K", "ver": "", "name": "avr8-gnu-toolchain", "descs": "avr8-gnu-toolchain (AVR 8-bit GNU Toolchain)", "source": "source/salix/development/avr8-gnu-toolchain", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9171 K", "descl": "Atmel AVR Toolchain is a collection of tools/libraries used to create applications for AVR microcontrollers. This collection includes compiler, assembler, linker and Standard C & math libraries. This script builds a Slackware package from the official binary distributed by Atmel. Homepage: http://www.atmel.com/", "path": "./salix/development/avr8-gnu-toolchain-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4808 K", "ver": "20170327_3fb908d", "name": "splint", "descs": "splint (Secure Programming Lint)", "source": "source/salix/development/splint", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1202 K", "descl": "Splint is a tool for statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes. Splint is developed and maintained by the Secure Programming Group at the University of Virginia Department of Computer Science. David Evans is the project leader and the primary developer of Splint.", "path": "./salix/development/splint-20170327_3fb908d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1008 K", "ver": "0.4.6", "name": "argagg", "descs": "argagg (Argument Aggregator)", "source": "source/salix/development/argagg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "252 K", "descl": "argagg is yet another C++ command line argument/option parser. The goal is to achieve the majority of argument parsing needs in a simple manner with an easy to use API.", "path": "./salix/development/argagg-0.4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "2.4.14", "name": "zile", "descs": "zile (GNU Zile Text Editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/zile", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "gc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "GNU Zile is a lightweight Emacs clone. Zile is short for Zile Is Lossy Emacs. Zile has been written to be as similar as possible to Emacs; every Emacs user should feel at home. http://www.gnu.org/software/zile/", "path": "./salix/development/zile-2.4.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "4.4_beta5", "name": "premake", "descs": "premake (build configuration tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/premake", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "Describe your C, C++, or C# software project using a simple, easy to read syntax and let Premake generate the project files. Premake allows you to manage your project configuration in one place and still support those pesky IDE-addicted Windows coders. It also provides a complete Lua scripting environment, enabling the automation of complex configuration tasks. homepage: http://industriousone.com/premake", "path": "./salix/development/premake-4.4_beta5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "89420 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "power-architect", "descs": "power-architect (The SQL Power Architect)", "source": "source/salix/development/power-architect", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22355 K", "descl": "The SQL Power Architect is a cross-platform, open-source data modeling tool with a GUI and an embeddable API. http://www.sqlpower.ca/page/architect", "path": "./salix/development/power-architect-1.0.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "1.27", "name": "flawfinder", "descs": "flawfinder (C/C++ source code security weaknesses scanner)", "source": "source/salix/development/flawfinder", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "Flawfinder is a program that examines source code and reports possible security weaknesses ('flaws') sorted by risk level. It's very useful for quickly finding and removing at least some potential security problems before a program is widely released to the public. Homepage: http://www.dwheeler.com/flawfinder/", "path": "./salix/development/flawfinder-1.27-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1948 K", "ver": "2.3.5", "name": "composer", "descs": "composer (tool for dependency management in PHP)", "source": "source/salix/development/composer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "487 K", "descl": "Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. Homepage: https://getcomposer.org/", "path": "./salix/development/composer-2.3.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "zope.sqlalchemy", "descs": "zope.sqlalchemy (Minimal Zope/SQLAlchemy transaction integration)", "source": "source/salix/development/zope.sqlalchemy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "The aim of this package is to unify the plethora of existing packages integrating SQLAlchemy with Zope's transaction management. As such it seeks only to provide a data manager and makes no attempt to define a zopeish way to configure engines. You need to understand SQLAlchemy for this package and this README to make any sense. See http://sqlalchemy.org/docs/. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.sqlalchemy", "path": "./salix/development/zope.sqlalchemy-0.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7420 K", "ver": "0.11.0", "name": "openocd", "descs": "openocd (jtag interface)", "source": "source/salix/development/openocd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "capstone"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1855 K", "descl": "OpenOCD is an on-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing tool for ARM systems. Homepage: http://openocd.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/openocd-0.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "211132 K", "ver": "12.0.1", "name": "komodo-ide", "descs": "komodo-ide (Multi-Language IDE for Professional Developers)", "source": "source/salix/development/komodo-ide", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52783 K", "descl": "Komodo is the professional IDE for major web languages, including Python, PHP, Ruby, Perl, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You'll enjoy developing faster with Komodo IDE's complete set of tools. http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide/", "path": "./salix/development/komodo-ide-12.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "12544 K", "ver": "2.0.10", "name": "micro", "descs": "micro (A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/micro", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3136 K", "descl": "As its name indicates, micro aims to be somewhat of a successor to nano editor by being easy to install and use. It strives to be enjoyable as a full-time editor for people who prefer to work in a terminal, or those who regularly edit files over SSH. Home page: https://github.com/zyedidia/micro", "path": "./salix/development/micro-2.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "qconf", "descs": "qconf (qmake configure script tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/qconf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "qt4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "QConf allows you to have a nice configure script for your qmake-based project. It is intended for developers who don't need (or want) to use the more complex GNU autotools.", "path": "./salix/development/qconf-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1040 K", "ver": "0.65", "name": "quilt", "descs": "quilt (Tool to work with patches)", "source": "source/salix/development/quilt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "260 K", "descl": "Quilt allows to manage a series of patches by keeping track of the changes each patch makes. Patches can be applied, un-applied, refreshed, etc. Quilt was originally based on Andrew Morton's patch scripts published on the linux kernel mailing list a while ago, but were heavily modified since then. Homepage: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/quilt", "path": "./salix/development/quilt-0.65-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2648 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "chibi-scheme", "descs": "chibi-scheme (Minimal Scheme Implementation / Extension Language)", "source": "source/salix/development/chibi-scheme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "662 K", "descl": "Chibi-Scheme is a very small library intended for use as an extension and scripting language in C programs. In addition to support for lightweight VM-based threads, each VM itself runs in an isolated heap allowing multiple VMs to run simultaneously in different OS threads. The default language is an extended subset of the current draft R7RS Scheme, with support for all libraries.", "path": "./salix/development/chibi-scheme-0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "", "name": "tstoolbox", "descs": "tstoolbox (manipulate time series files)", "source": "source/salix/development/tstoolbox", "deps": ["pandas", "mando", "matplotlib", "rst2ansi", "scipy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "The tstoolbox is a Python script to manipulate time-series on the command line or by function calls within Python. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tstoolbox", "path": "./salix/development/tstoolbox-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5748 K", "ver": "1.24.0", "name": "crosstool-ng", "descs": "crosstool-ng (Cross-architecture Toolchain Generator)", "source": "source/salix/development/crosstool-ng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1437 K", "descl": "crosstool-NG aims at building toolchains. Toolchains are an essential component in a software development project. It will compile, assemble and link the code that is being developed.", "path": "./salix/development/crosstool-ng-1.24.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2016 K", "ver": "42.0", "name": "gedit-plugins", "descs": "gedit-plugins (GNOME Text Editor Plugins)", "source": "source/salix/development/gedit-plugins", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "504 K", "descl": "gedit-plugins is a collection of extra plugins for use with gedit. homepage: http://projects.gnome.org/gedit", "path": "./salix/development/gedit-plugins-42.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4376 K", "ver": "5.1.6", "name": "kicad-symbols", "descs": "kicad-symbols (symbols for KiCad EDA Suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/kicad-symbols", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1094 K", "descl": "KiCad additional symbols. Homepage: http://kicad-pcb.org/", "path": "./salix/development/kicad-symbols-5.1.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3588 K", "ver": "9.5.20i", "name": "icon", "descs": "icon (programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/icon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "897 K", "descl": "Icon is a high-level, general-purpose programming language with a large repertoire of features for processing data structures and character strings. Icon is an imperative, procedural language with a syntax reminiscent of C and Pascal, but with semantics at a much higher level.", "path": "./salix/development/icon-9.5.20i-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "20110824193500", "name": "opencvs", "descs": "opencvs (a FREE implementation of the Concurrent Versions System)", "source": "source/salix/development/opencvs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "OpenCVS is a FREE implementation of the Concurrent Versions System. It is developed under and for OpenBSD only. This is the portable version which allows non-OpenBSD users to use OpenCVS instead of CVS. Homepage: http://www.openbsd.org/opencvs/", "path": "./salix/development/opencvs-20110824193500-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7804 K", "ver": "2.19", "name": "cc65", "descs": "cc65 (6502 cross compiler suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/cc65", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1951 K", "descl": "cc65 is a complete cross development package for 65(C)02 systems, including a powerful macro assembler, a C compiler, linker, librarian and several other tools. Supported targets include the Atari 400/800/XL/XE computers, the Atari Lynx console, the Commodore PET/VIC/64/16/Plus4, the Nintendo NES, the Apple II, and others.", "path": "./salix/development/cc65-2.19-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7068 K", "ver": "20210309_39d90be", "name": "envytools", "descs": "envytools (Tools for people envious of nvidia's blob driver)", "source": "source/salix/development/envytools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libpciaccess", "libseccomp", "libvdpau", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1767 K", "descl": "Tools for people envious of nvidia's blob driver. Homepage: https://github.com/envytools/envytools/", "path": "./salix/development/envytools-20210309_39d90be-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "756 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "dreampie", "descs": "dreampie (Python shell)", "source": "source/salix/development/dreampie", "deps": ["pygtksourceview"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "189 K", "descl": "DreamPie is a Python shell which is designed to be reliable and fun. It is licensed under GPLv3. Homepage: http://www.dreampie.org/", "path": "./salix/development/dreampie-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1272 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "love-legacy072", "descs": "love-legacy072 (Lua 2D game development framework, old version)", "source": "source/salix/development/love-legacy072", "deps": ["DevIL", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jasper", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libmng", "libmodplug", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "lua", "mpg123", "openal-soft", "physfs", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "318 K", "descl": "Hi there! LOVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It's free, open source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. love-legacy is an older (0.7.2) version, for games written using the 0.7 API.", "path": "./salix/development/love-legacy072-0.7.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "214536 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "julia", "descs": "julia (a high-level, high performance dynamic programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/julia", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53634 K", "descl": "Julia is a high-level, high performance dynamic language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library. Homepage: http://julialang.org Release date: November 24, 2014", "path": "./salix/development/julia-1.3.1-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1584 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "libcutl", "descs": "libcutl (C++ utility library)", "source": "source/salix/development/libcutl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "396 K", "descl": "libcutl is a C++ utility library. It contains a collection of generic and independent components such as meta-programming tests, smart pointers, containers, compiler building blocks, etc. https://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/libcutl/", "path": "./salix/development/libcutl-1.10.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "3.37", "name": "cim", "descs": "cim (GNU Simula compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/cim", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "GNU Cim is a compiler for the programming language Simula (except unspecified parameters to formal or virtual procedures (see the documentation for how portable code for formal procedures can be written)). It offers a class concept, separate compilation with full type checking, interface to external C routines, an application package for process simulation and a coroutine concept.", "path": "./salix/development/cim-3.37-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.0.10", "name": "Hex2bin", "descs": "Hex2bin (Intel HEX and Motorola S-record conversion utility)", "source": "source/salix/development/Hex2bin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Hex2bin is a tool for converting hexadecimal files (either Motorola or Intel format) into a binary file. Homepage: http://hex2bin.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/Hex2bin-1.0.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "12356 K", "ver": "3.5.3", "name": "liquibase", "descs": "liquibase (source control for your database)", "source": "source/salix/development/liquibase", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3089 K", "descl": "Liquibase is an open source database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes. Homepage: http://www.liquibase.org", "path": "./salix/development/liquibase-3.5.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "21372 K", "ver": "110.79", "name": "smlnj", "descs": "smlnj (Standard ML of New Jersey)", "source": "source/salix/development/smlnj", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5343 K", "descl": "Standard ML of New Jersey (abbreviated SML/NJ) is a compiler for the Standard ML '97 programming language with associated libraries, tools, and documentation. SML/NJ is free, open source software.", "path": "./salix/development/smlnj-110.79-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "1.1.4_2", "name": "casperjs", "descs": "casperjs (Navigation scripting and testing for phantomjs)", "source": "source/salix/development/casperjs", "deps": ["phantomjs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "CasperJS is an open source navigation scripting & testing utility written in Javascript and based on PhantomJS - the scriptable headless WebKit engine. It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful high-level functions, methods & syntactic sugar for doing common tasks like filling & submitting forms, clicking and following links, scraping Web contents, etc. Homepage: http://casperjs.org/", "path": "./salix/development/casperjs-1.1.4_2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "32916 K", "ver": "3.8.5", "name": "apache-maven", "descs": "apache-maven (Software project management)", "source": "source/salix/development/apache-maven", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8229 K", "descl": "Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a Project Object Model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. Homepage: https://maven.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/development/apache-maven-3.8.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "338708 K", "ver": "8.0.322", "name": "zulu-openjdk8", "descs": "zulu-openjdk8 (Open Implementation of JDK)", "source": "source/salix/development/zulu-openjdk8", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84677 K", "descl": "Zulu is a Java Development Kit (JDK), and a compliant implementation of the Java Standard Edition (SE) specification that contains all the Java components needed to build and run Java SE applications. Zulu has been verified by passing all tests in the Java SE 8 version of the OpenJDK Community Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK). https://www.azul.com/downloads/", "path": "./salix/development/zulu-openjdk8-8.0.322-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "28056 K", "ver": "0.23.4", "name": "pandas", "descs": "pandas (Powerful data structures)", "source": "source/salix/development/pandas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2", "numpy", "python2-dateutil", "pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7014 K", "descl": "Pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with structured (tabular, multidimensional, potentially heterogeneous) and time series data both easy and intuitive. Homepage: http://pandas.pydata.org", "path": "./salix/development/pandas-0.23.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "15024 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "coccinelle", "descs": "coccinelle (program matching and transformation engine)", "source": "source/salix/development/coccinelle", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "ocaml-findlib", "ocaml-num"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3756 K", "descl": "Coccinelle allows programmers to easily write some complex style-preserving source-to-source transformations on C source code, like for instance to perform some refactorings. Homepage: http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/", "path": "./salix/development/coccinelle-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1228 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "Xdialog", "descs": "Xdialog (GTK1/2 mostly-dialog-compatible UI builder)", "source": "source/salix/development/Xdialog", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "307 K", "descl": "Xdialog is designed to be a drop in replacement for the 'dialog' or 'cdialog' programs. It converts any terminal based program into a program with an X-windows interface. The dialogs are easier to see and use while adding even more functionalities (e.g. with the treeview, the file selector, the edit box, the range box, the help button/box). Because Xdialog uses GTK+, it will also match your desktop theme. Homepage: http://xdialog.free.fr/", "path": "./salix/development/Xdialog-2.3.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "pyqt-distutils", "descs": "pyqt-distutils (distutils extension to work with PyQt applications)", "source": "source/salix/development/pyqt-distutils", "deps": ["docopt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "The goal of this tiny library is to help developers write PyQt applications in a pythonic way, using setup.py to build the Qt designer Ui files. Homepage: https://github.com/ColinDuquesnoy/pyqt_distutils", "path": "./salix/development/pyqt-distutils-0.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4908 K", "ver": "5.15.4", "name": "shiboken2", "descs": "shiboken2 (PySide2 bindings generator plugin)", "source": "source/salix/development/shiboken2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libxml2", "libxslt", "llvm", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1227 K", "descl": "The Shiboken Generator is the plugin that creates the PySide bindings source files from Qt headers and auxiliary files (typesystems, global.h and glue files).", "path": "./salix/development/shiboken2-5.15.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "setuptools-git", "descs": "setuptools-git (Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git)", "source": "source/salix/development/setuptools-git", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This is a plugin for setuptools that enables Git integration. Once installed, setuptools can be told to include in a module distribution all the files tracked by git. This is an alternative to explicit inclusion specifications with MANIFEST.in. This package was formerly known as gitlsfiles. The name change is the result of an effort by the setuptools plugin developers to provide a uniform naming convention.", "path": "./salix/development/setuptools-git-1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "0.42d", "name": "redo", "descs": "redo (a recursive build system)", "source": "source/salix/development/redo", "deps": ["BeautifulSoup4", "python2-BeautifulSoup4"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "redo is a competitor to the long-lived, but sadly imperfect make program. Unlike other such competitors, redo captures the essential simplicity and flexibility of make, while avoiding its flaws. It manages to do this while being simultaneously simpler than make, more flexible than make, and more powerful than make, without sacrificing performance, a rare combination of features. https://redo.readthedocs.io", "path": "./salix/development/redo-0.42d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1208 K", "ver": "2.8.0", "name": "gnustep-make", "descs": "gnustep-make (GNUstep build/setup/packaging tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/gnustep-make", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "302 K", "descl": "GNUstep is a free, object-oriented, cross-platform development environment that strives for simplicity and elegance. GNUstep is based on and completely compatible with the OpenStep specification developed by NeXT (now Apple Computer Inc.) as well as implementing the extensions added by Apple in the form of Cocoa. The make package allows you to setup a simple and powerful system for building, installing, and packaging your tools.", "path": "./salix/development/gnustep-make-2.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "1.7.4", "name": "pkgconf", "descs": "pkgconf (package compiler and linker metadata toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/development/pkgconf", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "pkgconf is a program which helps to configure compiler and linker flags for development frameworks. It is similar to pkg-config from freedesktop.org. Homepage: https://git.sr.ht/~kaniini/pkgconf", "path": "./salix/development/pkgconf-1.7.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "60812 K", "ver": "1.8.5", "name": "tiled", "descs": "tiled (Tiled map editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/tiled", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "python3", "qt5", "zlib", "qbs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15203 K", "descl": "Tiled is a general purpose tile map editor. It is meant to be used for editing maps of any tile-based game, be it an RPG, a platformer or a Breakout clone. Tiled is very flexible, for example there are no restrictions on map size, tile size or the number of layers or tiles. Also, it allows arbitrary properties to be set on the map, its layers, the tiles or on the objects. https://www.mapeditor.org", "path": "./salix/development/tiled-1.8.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "Bottleneck", "descs": "Bottleneck (Fast NumPy array functions)", "source": "source/salix/development/Bottleneck", "deps": ["python2", "numpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "Bottleneck is a collection of fast NumPy array functions written in Cython. Homepage: https://kwgoodman.github.io/bottleneck-doc/", "path": "./salix/development/Bottleneck-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "804 K", "ver": "5.3", "name": "tkdiff", "descs": "tkdiff (diff graphical front end)", "source": "source/salix/development/tkdiff", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "201 K", "descl": "tkdiff is a graphical front end to the diff program. It provides a side-by-side view of the differences between two files, along with several innovative features such as diff bookmarks and a graphical map of differences for quick navigation. tkdiff knows about AccuRev, BitKeeper, ClearCase, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, PVCS, RCS, SCCS & Subversion. The Git functionality requires that you prefix tags &c. with '-r', unlike with git-diff. See the extensive online help. Home page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tkdiff/", "path": "./salix/development/tkdiff-5.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "as31", "descs": "as31 (8031/8051 cross assembler)", "source": "source/salix/development/as31", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "as31 is an assembler for the 8031 and 8051 microcontrollers. It produces output in several different formats, including Intel hex format and Motorola s-records.", "path": "./salix/development/as31-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "kelbt", "descs": "kelbt (Backtracking LR Parsing)", "source": "source/salix/development/kelbt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "Kelbt generates backtracking LALR(1) parsers. Where traditional LALR(1) parser generators require static resolution of shift/reduce conflicts, Kelbt generates parsers that handle conflicts by backtracking at runtime. Kelbt is able to generate a parser for any context-free grammar that is free of hidden left recursion. homepage: http://freecode.com/projects/kelbt", "path": "./salix/development/kelbt-0.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "2.4.1", "name": "luarocks", "descs": "luarocks (lua modules management tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/luarocks", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "LuaRocks is a deployment and management system for Lua modules, with automatic dependency checking, with access to remote repositories and local rock source trees. http://www.luarocks.org/", "path": "./salix/development/luarocks-2.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "29424 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "sbt", "descs": "sbt (Simple Build Tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/sbt", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7356 K", "descl": "sbt is a build tool for Scala and Java projects that aims to do the basics well. It requires Java 1.6 or later. Homepage: https://www.scala-sbt.org/", "path": "./salix/development/sbt-1.6.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "pstack-expect-gdb", "descs": "pstack-expect-gdb (print stack traces of running processes)", "source": "source/salix/development/pstack-expect-gdb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "pstack uses expect to run gdb to attach to each process named on the command line, and output a backtrace for every thread in that process. One may print threads with thread 1 either first or last. There are verbose modes for debugging, or just to see how it works. Homepage https://github.com/duncan-roe/pstack-expect-gdb", "path": "./salix/development/pstack-expect-gdb-0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "5.4.0", "name": "jupyter-nbformat", "descs": "jupyter-nbformat (Jupyter notebook format)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter-nbformat", "deps": ["python3-jsonschema", "python3-fastjsonschema", "jupyter_core"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "jupyter-nbformat contains the base implementation of the Jupyter Notebook, and Python APIs for working with notebooks.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter-nbformat-5.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3876 K", "ver": "0.14.0", "name": "ocamlbuild", "descs": "ocamlbuild (ocaml build tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/ocamlbuild", "deps": ["ocaml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "969 K", "descl": "OCamlbuild is a generic build tool, that has built-in rules for building OCaml library and programs. Since ocaml 4.03 it's released separately. homepage: http://caml.inria.fr", "path": "./salix/development/ocamlbuild-0.14.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "92448 K", "ver": "2.13.8", "name": "scala", "descs": "scala (multi-paradigm programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/scala", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23112 K", "descl": "scala is a functional object-oriented programming language compiling to JVM byte code. This is a binary repackaging of the distribution from the Scala home-page. Homepage: https://www.scala-lang.org", "path": "./salix/development/scala-2.13.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "20210225.2addd50", "name": "xtruss", "descs": "xtruss (easy to use X protocol tracing program)", "source": "source/salix/development/xtruss", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "XTruss logs everything that passes between the X server and one or more X client programs. In this it is similar to xmon(1), but intended to combine xmon's basic functionality with an interface much more similar to strace(1). https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/xtruss/", "path": "./salix/development/xtruss-20210225.2addd50-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "11180 K", "ver": "2.2.12", "name": "bluefish", "descs": "bluefish (GTK-based HTML Editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/bluefish", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gucharmap", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "python3", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2795 K", "descl": "Bluefish is a powerful editor for experienced web designers and programmers. Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages, but it focuses on editing dynamic and interactive websites. See features for an extensive overview, take a look at the screenshots, or download it right away. Bluefish is an open source development project, released under the GPL license. Homepage: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html", "path": "./salix/development/bluefish-2.2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "948 K", "ver": "2.23", "name": "gengetopt", "descs": "gengetopt (Command Line Parser)", "source": "source/salix/development/gengetopt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "237 K", "descl": "Gengetopt is a tool to write command line option parsing code for C programs. Project URL: https://www.gnu.org/software/gengetopt", "path": "./salix/development/gengetopt-2.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "9416 K", "ver": "5.1.6", "name": "kicad-footprints", "descs": "kicad-footprints (footprints for KiCad EDA Suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/kicad-footprints", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2354 K", "descl": "KiCad additional footprints. Homepage: http://kicad-pcb.org/", "path": "./salix/development/kicad-footprints-5.1.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "binwalk", "descs": "binwalk (Firmware Analysis Tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/binwalk", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "Binwalk is a fast, easy to use tool for analyzing, reverse engineering and extracting firmware images.", "path": "./salix/development/binwalk-2.1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "13544 K", "ver": "4.4.0", "name": "gecode", "descs": "gecode (constraint solver toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/development/gecode", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3386 K", "descl": "Gecode is a toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications. Gecode provides a constraint solver with state-of-the-art performance while being modular and extensible. homepage: https://www.gecode.org/", "path": "./salix/development/gecode-4.4.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "2.5.2", "name": "ftjam", "descs": "ftjam (make like program construction tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/ftjam", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "Jam recursively builds target files from source files, using dependency information and updating actions expressed in the Jambase file, which is written in jam's own interpreted language. The default Jambase is compiled into jam and provides a boilerplate for common use, relying on a user-provide file 'Jamfile' to enumerate actual targets and sources. Homepage: http://www.freetype.org/jam/", "path": "./salix/development/ftjam-2.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "63064 K", "ver": "5.1.5", "name": "kicad-doc", "descs": "kicad-doc (documentation for KiCad EDA Suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/kicad-doc", "deps": ["dblatex", "po4a"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15766 K", "descl": "KiCad additional documentation, help-files and presentations. Homepage: http://kicad-pcb.org/", "path": "./salix/development/kicad-doc-5.1.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.33.0", "name": "wheel", "descs": "wheel (A built-package format for Python)", "source": "source/salix/development/wheel", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "A wheel is a ZIP-format archive with a specially formatted filename and the .whl extension. It is designed to contain all the files for a PEP 376 compatible install in a way that is very close to the on-disk format. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/pypa/wheel/", "path": "./salix/development/wheel-0.33.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "0.69", "name": "dhex", "descs": "dhex (curses-based hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/dhex", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "DHEX is a more than just another hex editor: It includes a diff mode, which can be used to easily and conveniently compare two binary files. Since it is based on ncurses and is themeable, it can run on any number of systems and scenarios. With its utilization of search logs, it is possible to track changes in different iterations of files easily.", "path": "./salix/development/dhex-0.69-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "804 K", "ver": "20210803", "name": "bmake", "descs": "bmake (port of BSD make)", "source": "source/salix/development/bmake", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "201 K", "descl": "bmake is a port of the BSD make tool (from NetBSD). homepage: http://www.crufty.net/help/sjg/bmake.htm", "path": "./salix/development/bmake-20210803-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "205984 K", "ver": "1.1.463", "name": "rstudio-desktop-legacy", "descs": "rstudio-desktop-legacy (R Statistical IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/rstudio-desktop-legacy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51496 K", "descl": "RStudio is a cross-platform IDE for the R statistical computing environment. It is available in desktop and server versions. This is the Linux desktop version. This package is the last supported version for 32-bit systems. See http://www.rstudio.com", "path": "./salix/development/rstudio-desktop-legacy-1.1.463-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "jam", "descs": "jam (Make Redux)", "source": "source/salix/development/jam", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "Jam is a program construction tool, like make(1). Jam recursively builds target files from source files, using dependency information and updating actions expressed in the Jambase file, which is written in jam's own interpreted language. The default Jambase is compiled into jam and provides a boilerplate for common use, relying on a user-provide file 'Jamfile' to enumerate actual targets and sources. http://public.perforce.com/public/jam/src/Jam.html", "path": "./salix/development/jam-2.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "boost-di", "descs": "boost-di (C++14 Dependency Injection Library)", "source": "source/salix/development/boost-di", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Dependency Injection (DI) involves passing (injecting) one or more dependencies (or services) to a dependent object (or client) which become part of the client's state. It is like the Strategy Pattern, except the strategy is set once, at construction. DI enables loosely coupled designs, which are easier to maintain and test. https://github.com/boost-experimental/di", "path": "./salix/development/boost-di-1.0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "153860 K", "ver": "23.2", "name": "erlang-otp", "descs": "erlang-otp (programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/erlang-otp", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38465 K", "descl": "Erlang is a general-purpose concurrent programming language and runtime system. The sequential subset of Erlang is a functional language, with strict evaluation, single assignment, and dynamic typing. It was designed by Ericsson to support distributed, fault-tolerant, soft-real-time, non-stop applications. https://www.erlang.org/", "path": "./salix/development/erlang-otp-23.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "628 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "icemon", "descs": "icemon (Monitor for icecream)", "source": "source/salix/development/icemon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icecream", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libarchive", "libcap-ng", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "lzo", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "157 K", "descl": "icemon is a small utility to monitor compilation on icecream nodes.", "path": "./salix/development/icemon-3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "27788 K", "ver": "2.098.1", "name": "d-tools", "descs": "d-tools (Ancillary tools for the D programming language compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/d-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "dmd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6947 K", "descl": "This package provides tools shipped with the D programming language compiler. D is a general-purpose programming language with static typing, systems-level access, and C-like syntax. It combines efficiency, control and modeling power with safety and programmer productivity. Homepage: https://dlang.org", "path": "./salix/development/d-tools-2.098.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3040 K", "ver": "20210128_a100eb0", "name": "gr-osmosdr", "descs": "gr-osmosdr (free software toolkit for building SDRs)", "source": "source/salix/development/gr-osmosdr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "boost", "e2fsprogs", "flac", "gnuradio", "icu4c", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "log4cpp", "opus", "orc", "python3", "volk", "zlib", "cheetah3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "760 K", "descl": "By using the OsmoSDR block you can take advantage of a common software api in your application(s) independent of the underlying radio hardware. homepage: http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/GrOsmoSDR", "path": "./salix/development/gr-osmosdr-20210128_a100eb0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2480 K", "ver": "0.17.2", "name": "gaphor", "descs": "gaphor (UML modeling tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/gaphor", "deps": ["etk.docking", "zope.component", "gaphas"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "620 K", "descl": "Gaphor is a UML modeling tool written in Python. It uses the GTK+ environment for user interaction.", "path": "./salix/development/gaphor-0.17.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7264 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "xkeys-sdk", "descs": "xkeys-sdk (SDK for X-Keys)", "source": "source/salix/development/xkeys-sdk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1816 K", "descl": "This is an open source Linux support for PI Engineering's X-Keys products written in C++. Features code for accessing all X-keys controls and key states and includes a simple, straight forward example GUI.", "path": "./salix/development/xkeys-sdk-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "292844 K", "ver": "", "name": "mono", "descs": "mono (cross platform, open source .NET development framework.)", "source": "source/salix/development/mono", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], "e2fsprogs", "zlib", "libgdiplus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73211 K", "descl": "Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications. It is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .Net Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. Last information can be found at https://www.mono-project.com/", "path": "./salix/development/mono-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "0.2.15", "name": "pyside-tools", "descs": "pyside-tools (Tools for the PySide Bindings)", "source": "source/salix/development/pyside-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib", "pyside"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "PySide development tools (pyuic and pyrcc)", "path": "./salix/development/pyside-tools-0.2.15-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1552 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "love-legacy080", "descs": "love-legacy080 (Lua 2D game development framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/love-legacy080", "deps": ["DevIL", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jasper", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libmodplug", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "lua", "mpg123", "openal-soft", "physfs", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "388 K", "descl": "Hi there! LOVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It's free, open source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. love-legacy080 is an older (0.8.0) version, for games written using the 0.8 API.", "path": "./salix/development/love-legacy080-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "12920 K", "ver": "4.7.4", "name": "OpenCobolIDE", "descs": "OpenCobolIDE (A simple cobol IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/OpenCobolIDE", "deps": ["pyqode.cobol", "QDarkStyle", "python-keyring"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3230 K", "descl": "OpenCobolIDE is a simple and lightweight cobol IDE based on the OpenCobol compiler. Homepage: https://github.com/OpenCobolIDE/OpenCobolIDE", "path": "./salix/development/OpenCobolIDE-4.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "23324 K", "ver": "2.2.6", "name": "guile2.2", "descs": "guile2.2 (GNU's extension language library)", "source": "source/salix/development/guile2.2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "gc", "libunistring"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5831 K", "descl": "Guile is the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. Guile is an interpreter for Scheme, packaged as a library that you can link into your applications to give them their own scripting language. Guile will eventually support other languages as well, giving users of Guile-based applications a choice of languages. This is Guile 2.2 (legacy version) needed by some packages in SBo.", "path": "./salix/development/guile2.2-2.2.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1120 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "vis", "descs": "vis (vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions)", "source": "source/salix/development/vis", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libtermkey", "lua53", "tre", "unibilium", "lua-lpeg"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "280 K", "descl": "Vis aims to be a modern, legacy free, simple yet efficient editor combining the strengths of both vi(m) and sam. It extends vi's modal editing with built-in support for multiple cursors/selections and combines it with sam's structural regular expression based command language. As an universal editor it has decent Unicode support and should cope with arbitrary files including: large, binary or single-line ones.", "path": "./salix/development/vis-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "960 K", "ver": "8.2.1", "name": "tkcvs", "descs": "tkcvs (Tcl/Tk Graphical Interface to CVS and Subversion)", "source": "source/salix/development/tkcvs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "240 K", "descl": "TkCVS is a Tcl/Tk-based graphical interface to the CVS and Subversion configuration management systems. It displays the status of the files in the current working directory, and provides buttons and menus to execute configuration-management commands on the selected files. Limited RCS functionality is also present. TkDiff is bundled in for browsing and merging your changes.", "path": "./salix/development/tkcvs-8.2.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1096 K", "ver": "1.2.0.DEVEL+20210905", "name": "pcc", "descs": "pcc (Portable C Compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/pcc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "274 K", "descl": "The compiler is based on the original Portable C Compiler by S. C. Johnson, written in the late 1970s. About 50% of the frontend code and 80% of the backend code has been rewritten. See the PCC History wiki page for details. Project website: http://pcc.ludd.ltu.se/ This package was built by clang, with --disable-tls.", "path": "./salix/development/pcc-1.2.0.DEVEL+20210905-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "10440 K", "ver": "5.3.0", "name": "chicken", "descs": "chicken (a practical and portable scheme system)", "source": "source/salix/development/chicken", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2610 K", "descl": "CHICKEN is a compiler for the Scheme programming language. It produces portable and efficient C and supports the R5RS and R7RS (work in progress) standards, and many extensions. It runs on Linux, OS X, Windows, many Unix flavours, and aims to be free, simple, portable, extensible, well documented, and actively supported. Scheme is a member of the Lisp family of languages.", "path": "./salix/development/chicken-5.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "complexity", "descs": "complexity (Measure complexity of C source)", "source": "source/salix/development/complexity", "deps": ["autogen"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "Complexity scans your C source code to help you: Locate suspicious areas in unfamiliar code, get an idea of how much effort may be required to understand that code, or get an idea of the effort required to test a code base.", "path": "./salix/development/complexity-1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1808 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "recutils", "descs": "recutils (tools and libraries to access recfiles)", "source": "source/salix/development/recutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "452 K", "descl": "GNU Recutils is a set of tools and libraries to access human-editable, plain text databases called recfiles. The data is stored as a sequence of records, each record containing an arbitrary number of named fields. https://www.gnu.org/software/recutils/", "path": "./salix/development/recutils-1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.98.1", "name": "libb2", "descs": "libb2 (C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, and BLAKE2sp)", "source": "source/salix/development/libb2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Libb2 is the C library of the cryptographic hash function BLAKE2, an improved version of of the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE. Like SHA-3, BLAKE2 offers the highest security, yet is fast as MD5 on 64-bit platforms and requires less RAM than SHA-2 or SHA-3 on low-end systems. The core algorithm of BLAKE2 is derived from ChaCha, a stream cipher designed by Daniel J. Bernstein that has been proposed as a standard cipher for TLS.", "path": "./salix/development/libb2-0.98.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "28740 K", "ver": "4.13", "name": "camlp4", "descs": "camlp4 (an ocaml preprocessor and pretty-printer)", "source": "source/salix/development/camlp4", "deps": ["ocamlbuild"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7185 K", "descl": "Camlp4 is a software system for writing extensible parsers for programming languages. It provides a set of OCaml libraries that are used to define grammars as well as loadable syntax extensions of such grammars. It was part of the official OCaml distrib. until its version 4.01.0. homepage: http://caml.inria.fr", "path": "./salix/development/camlp4-4.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "bas", "descs": "bas (classic basic interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/development/bas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "Bas is an interpreter for the classic dialect of the programming language BASIC. It is pretty compatible to typical BASIC interpreters of the 1980s. The interpreter tokenises the source and resolves references to variables and jump targets before running the program. Homepage: http://www.moria.de/~michael/bas/", "path": "./salix/development/bas-2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.1.8", "name": "snappy", "descs": "snappy (A fast compressor/decompressor)", "source": "source/salix/development/snappy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Snappy is a compression/decompression library. It does not aim for maximum compression, or compatibility with any other compression library; instead, it aims for very high speeds and reasonable compression. For instance, compared to the fastest mode of zlib, Snappy is an order of magnitude faster for most inputs, but the resulting compressed files are anywhere from 20% to 100% bigger.", "path": "./salix/development/snappy-1.1.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "dejagnu", "descs": "dejagnu (program tester)", "source": "source/salix/development/dejagnu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "DejaGnu is a framework for testing other programs. Its purpose is to provide a single front end for all tests. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/dejagnu/", "path": "./salix/development/dejagnu-1.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1008 K", "ver": "0.2.9", "name": "bakefile", "descs": "bakefile (Makefile generator)", "source": "source/salix/development/bakefile", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "252 K", "descl": "Bakefile is cross-platform, cross-compiler native makefiles generator. It takes compiler-independent description of build tasks as input and generates native makefile (autoconf's Makefile.in, Visual C++ project, bcc makefile etc.). Homepage: http://www.bakefile.org", "path": "./salix/development/bakefile-0.2.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "1.9.1", "name": "dte", "descs": "dte (a small and easy to use console text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/dte", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "Features: Multiple buffers/tabs, unlimited undo/redo, search and replace, customizable color schemes, customizable key bindings, command language with auto-completion, jump to definition (using ctags), jump to compiler error. Homepage: https://craigbarnes.gitlab.io/dte", "path": "./salix/development/dte-1.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1836 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "xasm", "descs": "xasm (cross assembler targetting the 6502)", "source": "source/salix/development/xasm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "dmd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "459 K", "descl": "xasm is a 6502 cross-assembler with original syntax extensions. By default it generates binaries for Atari 8-bit computers.", "path": "./salix/development/xasm-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "24164 K", "ver": "8.2.1", "name": "swi-prolog", "descs": "swi-prolog (a comprehensive Prolog environment)", "source": "source/salix/development/swi-prolog", "deps": ["OpenJDK11", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libarchive", "libedit", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libyaml", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "unixODBC", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "6041 K", "descl": "SWI-Prolog is a comprehensive Prolog environment. Its development started in 1987 and has been driven by real-world applications. SWI-Prolog is widely used in research, education, and commercial applications. Homepage: https://www.swi-prolog.org/", "path": "./salix/development/swi-prolog-8.2.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "656 K", "ver": "5.2.4", "name": "lua52", "descs": "lua52 (powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language)", "source": "source/salix/development/lua52", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "164 K", "descl": "This package contains lua version 5.2.x that won't conflicts with lua version 5.1.x and 5.3.x", "path": "./salix/development/lua52-5.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "neovim-remote", "descs": "neovim-remote (remote control for neovim)", "source": "source/salix/development/neovim-remote", "deps": ["python-neovim", "psutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Control nvim processes using 'nvr' commandline tool. Homepage: https://github.com/mhinz/neovim-remote", "path": "./salix/development/neovim-remote-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "obnc-libext", "descs": "obnc-libext (Extended Library for OBNC)", "source": "source/salix/development/obnc-libext", "deps": ["obnc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "This package complements the basic libraries bundled with OBNC (the Oberon compiler obnc) with modules for accessing command line arguments and evironment variables, printing to the standard error stream and converting numbers to strings and viceversa. http://miasap.se/obnc", "path": "./salix/development/obnc-libext-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "3.2.4", "name": "alex", "descs": "alex (A tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/development/alex", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-QuickCheck"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "Alex is a tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell, given a description of the tokens to be recognised in the form of regular expressions. It is similar to the tool lex or flex for C/C++. This package is part of Haskell Platform. Homepage: https://haskell.org/alex/", "path": "./salix/development/alex-3.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "memchan", "descs": "memchan (Tcl in-memory channel extension library)", "source": "source/salix/development/memchan", "deps": ["tcllib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "Memchan provides several new channel types for in-memory channels and the appropriate commands for their creation. They are useful to transfer large amounts of data between procedures or interpreters, and additionally provide an easy interface to on-the-fly generation of code or data too. No need to [set] or [append] to a string, just do a simple [puts]. http://memchan.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/memchan-2.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "astyle", "descs": "astyle (Artistic Style code beautifier)", "source": "source/salix/development/astyle", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "Artistic Style is a code indenter, beautifier and formatter for C, C++, C# and Java. It can be used from the command-line or linked into other programs. Complete documentation is included. Visit the Artistic Style project online: http://astyle.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/astyle-3.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1431632 K", "ver": "13", "name": "netbeans", "descs": "netbeans (Apache NetBeans IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/netbeans", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "357908 K", "descl": "Apache NetBeans is an integrated development environment (IDE) for writing, compiling, testing, and debugging software application for the Java platform and other environments. NetBeans IDE includes full-featured text editor, visual deisgn tools, source code management support, database integration tools, and many other features. Homepage: https://netbeans.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/development/netbeans-13-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.57", "name": "acc", "descs": "acc (ZDoom ACS compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/acc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "ACC is an ACS script compiler for use with ZDoom and Hexen (http://zdoom.org/wiki/ACC) Original ACC Version 1.10 by Ben Gokey Copyright (c) 1995 Raven Software, Corp. This is version 1.57 (Mar 2 2019) This software is not supported by Raven Software or Activision ZDoom changes and language extensions by Randy Heit Further changes by Brad Carney", "path": "./salix/development/acc-1.57-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "22388 K", "ver": "3.17.2", "name": "gambas3", "descs": "gambas3 (Gambas Almost Means BASic)", "source": "source/salix/development/gambas3", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", "SDL2_mixer", "SDL2_ttf", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glew", "glib2", "glu", "gmime", "gnutls", "gpgme", "graphite2", "gsl", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "gtkglext", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "imlib2", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXtst", "libassuan", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome-keyring", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmad", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libogg", "librsvg", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libssh", "libtasn1", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mariadb", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "poppler", "postgresql", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "samba", "sdl", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5597 K", "descl": "Gambas is a free IDE based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, a bit like Visual Basic. With Gambas, you can quickly design your program GUI with Qt5 or GTK+, access MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC and SQLite3 databases, pilot applications with D-Bus, translate your program into any language, create network applications easily, make 3D OpenGL applications, make CGI web applications, and so on. Homepage: http://gambas.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/development/gambas3-3.17.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2188 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "hte", "descs": "hte (editor/viewer/analyzer for executables)", "source": "source/salix/development/hte", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "lzo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "547 K", "descl": "The goal is to combine the low-level functionality of a debugger and the usability of IDEs. We plan to implement all (hex-)editing features and support of the most important file formats. HT is distributed under the terms of the GPL. Homepage: http://hte.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/hte-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1016 K", "ver": "0.21", "name": "bpython", "descs": "bpython (Fancy Interface to the Python Interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/development/bpython", "deps": ["curtsies", "greenlet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "254 K", "descl": "bpython is a fancy interface to the Python interpreter for Unix-like operating systems. Homepage: http://bpython-interpreter.org/", "path": "./salix/development/bpython-0.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.0.19", "name": "colordiff", "descs": "colordiff (colour-highlighted 'diff' output)", "source": "source/salix/development/colordiff", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "The Perl script colordiff is a wrapper for 'diff' and produces the same output but with pretty 'syntax' highlighting. Colour schemes can be customized. Homepage: http://colordiff.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/colordiff-1.0.19-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "964 K", "ver": "2.5.5", "name": "tig", "descs": "tig (git interface)", "source": "source/salix/development/tig", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "pcre2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "241 K", "descl": "Tig is an ncurses-based text-mode interface for git. It functions mainly as a Git repository browser, but can also assist in staging changes for commit at chunk level and act as a pager for output from various Git commands. Project URL: http://jonas.nitro.dk/tig/", "path": "./salix/development/tig-2.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3720 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "ldns", "descs": "ldns (DNS toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/development/ldns", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "python3", "zlib", "perl-Test-Exception"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "930 K", "descl": "The goal of ldns is to simplify DNS programming; it supports recent RFCs like the DNSSEC documents and allows developers to easily create software conforming to current RFCs and experimental software for current Internet Drafts. A secondary benefit of using ldns is speed; ldns is written in C, so it should be a lot faster than Perl. This package also includes the 'drill' utility.", "path": "./salix/development/ldns-1.7.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4024 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "sqliteman", "descs": "sqliteman (SQLite Data Browser)", "source": "source/salix/development/sqliteman", "deps": ["QScintilla", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1006 K", "descl": "Sqliteman is a simple but powerful Sqlite3 GUI database manager. Manage tables, views, or triggers, administrate the database space and index statistics. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sqliteman/", "path": "./salix/development/sqliteman-1.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "49208 K", "ver": "0.34.0", "name": "crystal-lang", "descs": "crystal-lang (a Ruby-like programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/crystal-lang", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12302 K", "descl": "Crystal is a Ruby-like statically type-checked programming language that compiles into efficient native code. Homepage: https://crystal-lang.org Release date: April 6, 2020", "path": "./salix/development/crystal-lang-0.34.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "", "name": "reflex", "descs": "reflex (variant of flex fast lexical scanner)", "source": "source/salix/development/reflex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "This is Thomas E. Dickey's fork of flex, based on flex-2.5.4. It has a few bugfixes and slightly different features from the flex included in Slackware.", "path": "./salix/development/reflex-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "2.2b1", "name": "cvsps", "descs": "cvsps (cvs patchset generator)", "source": "source/salix/development/cvsps", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "cvsps generates patchsets - essentially, changes related to single commit actions - for cvs repositories. Homepage: https://github.com/andreyvit/cvsps", "path": "./salix/development/cvsps-2.2b1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2068 K", "ver": "40", "name": "kcov", "descs": "kcov (code coverage tester)", "source": "source/salix/development/kcov", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "binutils", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "517 K", "descl": "Kcov is a code coverage tester for compiled programs, Python scripts and shell scripts. It allows collecting code coverage information from executables without special command-line arguments, and continuously produces output from long-running applications. Using kcov is as simple as $ kcov /path/to/outdir executable [args for the executable]", "path": "./salix/development/kcov-40-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "9348 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "apache-ivy", "descs": "apache-ivy (apache-ant dependency manager)", "source": "source/salix/development/apache-ivy", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2337 K", "descl": "Ivy is a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and reporting) project dependencies. Homepage http://ant.apache.org/ivy/", "path": "./salix/development/apache-ivy-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4300 K", "ver": "091011", "name": "jasspa", "descs": "jasspa (enhanced microemacs text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/jasspa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1075 K", "descl": "Jasspa's MicroEmacs is an Emacs editor biased towards UNIX users, working across platforms by providing a consistent interface under UNIX, Microsoft Windows 3.1/'95/'98/NT/2K/XP and DOS operating systems. It features syntax highlighling, folding, multiple undo/redo, macro languge, organizer, mailer, calendar, multiple frames and windows and much more See it's internal help for full list of features.", "path": "./salix/development/jasspa-091011-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "31676 K", "ver": "20120406", "name": "mspgcc-legacy", "descs": "mspgcc-legacy (msp430 C cross-compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/mspgcc-legacy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7919 K", "descl": "msp430 cross-compiler from the old Sourceforge mspgcc project. https://sourceforge.net/projects/mspgcc/ The Sourceforge mspgcc project is obsolete. However, this is a stable version and is useful for many purposes (e.g. compiling Contiki and TinyOS)", "path": "./salix/development/mspgcc-legacy-20120406-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "772 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "regexxer", "descs": "regexxer (nifty GUI search/replace tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/regexxer", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gconfmm", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglademm", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "193 K", "descl": "Nifty GUI search/replace tool featuring Perl-style regular expressions. If you need project-wide substitution and you're tired of hacking sed command lines together, then you should definitely give it a try. Homepage - http://regexxer.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/development/regexxer-0.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "4.3", "name": "bsdiff", "descs": "bsdiff (binary diff/patch utility)", "source": "source/salix/development/bsdiff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "bsdiff and bspatch are tools for building and applying patches to binary files. By using suffix sorting (specifically, Larsson and Sadakane's qsufsort) and taking advantage of how executable files change, bsdiff routinely produces binary patches 50-80% smaller than those produced by Xdelta, and 15% smaller than those produced by .RTPatch (a $2750/seat commercial patch tool).", "path": "./salix/development/bsdiff-4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "11008 K", "ver": "1.8.2", "name": "numpy-legacy", "descs": "numpy-legacy (a Python extension for scientific computing)", "source": "source/salix/development/numpy-legacy", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2752 K", "descl": "NumPy is an extension to the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices along with a large library of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. This package installs the last version of NumPy known to offer the compatibility layer with its predecessors numeric and numarray. Homepage: http://www.numpy.org/", "path": "./salix/development/numpy-legacy-1.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "jupyter-nbclient", "descs": "jupyter-nbclient (execution contexts for Jupyter notebooks)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter-nbclient", "deps": ["async_generator", "jupyter_client", "jupyter-nbformat", "nest_asyncio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "jupyter-nbclient is a tool for running Jupyter Notebooks in different execution contexts.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter-nbclient-0.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.15", "name": "shed", "descs": "shed (a simple console hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/shed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Shed is a hex editor written for unix/linux using ncurses, with a friendly pico-style interface. Shows data in ascii, hex, dec, oct and binary, and allows editing in all of these bases. Features also include searching and dumping. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/shed", "path": "./salix/development/shed-1.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2676 K", "ver": "42.0", "name": "gnome-system-monitor", "descs": "gnome-system-monitor (GNOME System Monitor)", "source": "source/salix/development/gnome-system-monitor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgtop", "libhandy", "librsvg", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "669 K", "descl": "GNOME System Monitor is a GNOME process viewer and system monitor. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-system-monitor", "path": "./salix/development/gnome-system-monitor-42.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2472 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "shiboken", "descs": "shiboken (PySide bindings generator plugin)", "source": "source/salix/development/shiboken", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "libxslt", "python2", "qt4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "618 K", "descl": "The Shiboken Generator is the plugin that creates the PySide bindings source files from Qt headers and auxiliary files (typesystems, global.h and glue files).", "path": "./salix/development/shiboken-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "210420 K", "ver": "5.0.3", "name": "qt-creator", "descs": "qt-creator (Cross-Platform Qt IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/qt-creator", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52605 K", "descl": "Qt Creator is a cross-platform IDE tailored to the needs of Qt developers, but is also perfectly usable for non-Qt C/C++ projects. Qt Creator focuses on providing features that help new Qt users get up and running faster, and also boost the productivity of experienced Qt developers. Homepage: https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Creator", "path": "./salix/development/qt-creator-5.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "190712 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "hexinator", "descs": "hexinator (proprietary graphical hex editor with many features)", "source": "source/salix/development/hexinator", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "47678 K", "descl": "This is the free/demo version of hexinator from: https://hexinator.com/ hexinator is a powerful hex editor with many advanced features. It's commercial software, closed source. The free version has many of the advanced features disabled. To purchase the full version, see the web site.", "path": "./salix/development/hexinator-1.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3484 K", "ver": "1.22.10", "name": "yarn", "descs": "yarn (Secure Dependency Management)", "source": "source/salix/development/yarn", "deps": ["nodejs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "871 K", "descl": "yarn is a fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. It allows you to use and share code with other developers from around the world. Yarn does this quickly, securely, and reliably so you don't ever have to worry. Project URL: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/", "path": "./salix/development/yarn-1.22.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5768 K", "ver": "0.6.6", "name": "Pivy", "descs": "Pivy (a Coin binding for Python)", "source": "source/salix/development/Pivy", "deps": ["Coin", "SoQt", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "glu", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1442 K", "descl": "Pivy is an extension to the Python programming language, wrapping Coin C++ scene graph library for usage from Python. Homepage: https://coin3d.github.io", "path": "./salix/development/Pivy-0.6.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "mkchroot", "descs": "mkchroot (create chroot-able directory tree)", "source": "source/salix/development/mkchroot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "mkchroot creates a chroot-able directory tree using hard links where possible. The mkchroot package consists of 2 utilities: mkchroot and addchroot. mkchroot creates a minimal initial tree and addchroot incorporates (installed) Slackware packages into that tree. addchroot knows about some 'special' packages for which it does not run the normal install script, e.g. bash and glibc. If you find a new 'special' package, please tell the author. Homepage https://github.com/duncan-roe/mkchroot", "path": "./salix/development/mkchroot-1.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3584 K", "ver": "2.6.7", "name": "xmake", "descs": "xmake (a cross-platform build utility based on Lua)", "source": "source/salix/development/xmake", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "896 K", "descl": "It can compile the project directly like Make/Ninja, or generate project files like CMake/Meson, and it also has a built-in package management system to help users solve the integrated use of C/C++ dependent libraries.", "path": "./salix/development/xmake-2.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2592 K", "ver": "0.21.1", "name": "conan", "descs": "conan (A distributed, open source, package manager)", "source": "source/salix/development/conan", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML", "boto", "passlib", "colorama", "cfgparse", "pyjwt", "python2-patch", "fasteners", "bottle", "node-semver", "pluginbase"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "648 K", "descl": "Conan is a portable package manager, intended for C and C++ developers, but it is able to manage builds from source, dependencies, and precompiled binaries for any language. https://conan.io/", "path": "./salix/development/conan-0.21.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5872 K", "ver": "0.92", "name": "nant", "descs": "nant (a .NET build tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/nant", "deps": ["mono"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1468 K", "descl": "NAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory, it is kind of like make, but without make's wrinkles. In practice, it's a lot like Ant. Homepage: http://nant.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/nant-0.92-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "0.5.11", "name": "latrace", "descs": "latrace (library call trace)", "source": "source/salix/development/latrace", "deps": ["flex"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "latrace allows you to trace library calls and get their statistics in a manner similar to the strace utility (syscall tracing). latrace was written by Jiri Olsa", "path": "./salix/development/latrace-0.5.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5784 K", "ver": "2.2.10", "name": "snack", "descs": "snack (sound extensions for TCL)", "source": "source/salix/development/snack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1446 K", "descl": "The Snack sound extension adds commands to play and record audio. Snack supports in-memory sound objects, file based audio, and streaming audio, with background audio processing. It handles file formats such as AIFF, AU, MP3, NIST/Sphere, and WAV. http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/", "path": "./salix/development/snack-2.2.10-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2296 K", "ver": "3.6", "name": "git-cola", "descs": "git-cola (The highly caffeinated Git GUI)", "source": "source/salix/development/git-cola", "deps": ["python3-attrs", "Sphinx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "574 K", "descl": "git-cola is a sleek and powerful graphical user interface for Git. git-cola is free software and written in Python (v2 + v3). Homepage: git-cola.github.com/index.html", "path": "./salix/development/git-cola-3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2728 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "SoQt", "descs": "SoQt (Qt GUI bindings for Coin library)", "source": "source/salix/development/SoQt", "deps": ["Coin", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "glu", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "682 K", "descl": "SoQt is a library which provides the glue between Coin high-level 3D visualization library and Troll Tech's Qt 2D user interface library. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/soqt", "path": "./salix/development/SoQt-1.6.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "8.2.0854", "name": "xxd-standalone", "descs": "xxd-standalone (hex dump utility from vim)", "source": "source/salix/development/xxd-standalone", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "xxd is a part of vim. This standalone version can be useful for users of neovim who want to remove the stock vim.", "path": "./salix/development/xxd-standalone-8.2.0854-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "8372 K", "ver": "4.3.0", "name": "omniORB", "descs": "omniORB (A robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python)", "source": "source/salix/development/omniORB", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2093 K", "descl": "It is freely available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (for the libraries), and GNU General Public License (for the tools). omniORB is largely CORBA 2.6 compliant. omniORB is one of only three ORBs to have been awarded the Open Group's Open Brand for CORBA. This means that omniORB has been tested and certified CORBA compliant, to version 2.1 of the CORBA specification. You can find out more about the branding program at the Open Group.", "path": "./salix/development/omniORB-4.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5480 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "poedit", "descs": "poedit (cross-platform gettext catalogs editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/poedit", "deps": ["LucenePlusPlus", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "gtkspell3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1370 K", "descl": "Poedit is an cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor. It aims to provide more convenient approach to editing catalogs than launching vi and editing the file by hand. Homepage: https://www.poedit.net", "path": "./salix/development/poedit-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "dkms", "descs": "dkms (Helper script for creating kernel modules)", "source": "source/salix/development/dkms", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Helper script for creating kernel modules. Homepage: http://linux.dell.com/dkms/", "path": "./salix/development/dkms-3.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "4.1.3", "name": "zope.testing", "descs": "zope.testing (Zope testing framework including the testrunner script)", "source": "source/salix/development/zope.testing", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This package provides a number of testing frameworks. It includes a flexible test runner, and supports both doctest and unittest. https://www.python.org/pypi/zope.testing/", "path": "./salix/development/zope.testing-4.1.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7196 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "racer", "descs": "racer (Rust Code Completion utility)", "source": "source/salix/development/racer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "rustup"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1799 K", "descl": "RACER = Rust Auto-Complete-er. A utility intended to provide Rust code completion for editors and IDEs. Maybe one day the 'er' bit will be exploring + refactoring or something. https://github.com/racer-rust/racer", "path": "./salix/development/racer-2.2.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "364", "name": "libxbgi", "descs": "libxbgi (Xlib-based port of old Borland Graphics Interface to X11)", "source": "source/salix/development/libxbgi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "libXbgi is a compatibility library that can be used to port old programs written for Turbo/Borland C to X11, on Linux and other Unix-like systems.", "path": "./salix/development/libxbgi-364-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "596 K", "ver": "2.1p2", "name": "trf", "descs": "trf (transformer extension library for Tcl)", "source": "source/salix/development/trf", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "149 K", "descl": "Trf extends the TCL language at the C-level with so-called ``transformer'' procedures. With the help of some patches to the core the package is able to intercept all read/write operations on designated channels, thus giving it the ability to transform the buffer contents as desired. This allows things like transparent encryption, compression, charset recoding, etc. https://core.tcl.tk/akupries/soft/trf/index.html", "path": "./salix/development/trf-2.1p2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.10.0", "name": "cycler", "descs": "cycler (composable cycles in python)", "source": "source/salix/development/cycler", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "The cycler python module provides a composable cycle class used for constructing style-cycles. Homepage: http://matplotlib.org/cycler", "path": "./salix/development/cycler-0.10.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1548 K", "ver": "3.3RC8", "name": "THE", "descs": "THE (The Hessling Editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/THE", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "regina-rexx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "387 K", "descl": "The Hessling Editor (THE) is a text editor modelled after the IBM VM/CMS text editor XEDIT with the best features of Mansfield Software's Kedit. THE uses Regina Rexx as its macro language. It uses a command line, key bindings and a prefix area to operate. Homepage: http://hessling-editor.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/THE-3.3RC8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2172 K", "ver": "18.08", "name": "PythonToolkit", "descs": "PythonToolkit (interactive environment for python)", "source": "source/salix/development/PythonToolkit", "deps": ["wxPython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "543 K", "descl": "It was originally designed to provide a python based environment similiar to Matlab for scientists and engineers when used together with the numpy, scipy and matplotlib python packages. However it can also be used as a general purpose interactive python environment especially for interactive gui programming. Homepage: http://pythontoolkit.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/PythonToolkit-18.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2184 K", "ver": "20170415_bb951eb", "name": "wxHexEditor", "descs": "wxHexEditor (a free hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/wxHexEditor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "546 K", "descl": "wxHexEditor is hex editor for Linux, Winodws and MacOSX. It supports files up to 2^64 bytes. Besides editing very big files, wxHexEditor has some unique features like comparing big files, x86 disassembling, low-level Homepage: http://wxhexeditor.sourceforge.net/ Author: Erdem U. Altinyurt", "path": "./salix/development/wxHexEditor-20170415_bb951eb-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "20220128", "name": "byacc", "descs": "byacc (parser generator)", "source": "source/salix/development/byacc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "Berkeley Yacc is an LALR(1) parser generator. Project URL: http://invisible-island.net/byacc/", "path": "./salix/development/byacc-20220128-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "pyenchant", "descs": "pyenchant (a spellchecking library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/development/pyenchant", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "PyEnchant is a spellchecking library for Python, based on the excellent Enchant library. Homepage: https://github.com/rfk/pyenchant", "path": "./salix/development/pyenchant-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1884 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "pylint", "descs": "pylint (python code checker)", "source": "source/salix/development/pylint", "deps": ["astroid", "isort", "functools-lru-cache", "ConfigParser", "singledispatch", "python2-mccabe"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "471 K", "descl": "Pylint is a python tool that checks if a module satisfies a coding standard. Pylint can be seen as another PyChecker since nearly all tests you can do with PyChecker can also be done with Pylint. But Pylint offers some more features. The big advantage with Pylint is that it is highly configurable, customizable, and you can easily write a small plugin to add a personal feature.", "path": "./salix/development/pylint-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5724 K", "ver": "274", "name": "txr", "descs": "txr (pattern-based text extraction language)", "source": "source/salix/development/txr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libffi"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1431 K", "descl": "TXR is a pragmatic, convenient tool ready to take on your daily hacking challenges with its dual personality: its whole-document pattern matching and extraction language for scraping information from arbitrary text sources, and its powerful data-processing language to slice through problems like a hot knife through butter. Many tasks can be accomplished with TXR 'one liners' directly from your system prompt. TXR is relatively new: the project started in 2009.", "path": "./salix/development/txr-274-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "dis", "descs": "dis (statically tracing 6502 disassembler)", "source": "source/salix/development/dis", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "dis creates XASM/MADS-compatible assembly code from a memory dump or an executable. dis statically traces execution paths starting from code entry points to mark which memory locations contain code. All other memory is treated as data. dis traces through JMP, JSR and BXX branch instructions. It stops at RTS, RTI and illegal instructions. dis automatically determines code entry points when disassembling Atari XEX/SAP files and Commodore 64 PRG files.", "path": "./salix/development/dis-0.6-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "uz80as", "descs": "uz80as (Micro Z80 assembler)", "source": "source/salix/development/uz80as", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "uz80as is an assembler for the Z80 and several other microprocessors. Its syntax is compatible with TASM (Telemark cross assembler). uz80as can assemble for the Zilog Z80, Hitachi HD64180, Sharp LR35902 (Nintendo Gameboy CPU), MOS 6502, Rockwell R6501/02/29, California Micro Devices G65SC02, Western Design Center W65C02S, Datapoint 2200 (versions I & II), Intel 4004/40, Intel 8008/21/22/41/48/51/80/85, Motorola 6800/01/HC11. https://jorgicor.niobe.org/uz80as", "path": "./salix/development/uz80as-1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "536 K", "ver": "0.16.1", "name": "obnc", "descs": "obnc (Oberon-07 Compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/obnc", "deps": ["gc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "134 K", "descl": "OBNC is a compiler for Niklaus Wirth's programming language Oberon. It implements the latest version of the language from 2016. OBNC translates Oberon source code to the C programming language and then uses the C compiler of the host operating system to build the final program. http://miasap.se/obnc", "path": "./salix/development/obnc-0.16.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "mstch", "descs": "mstch (templates in C++11)", "source": "source/salix/development/mstch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "mstch is a complete implementation of {{mustache}} templates using modern C++. It's compliant with specifications v1.1.3, including the lambda module. https://github.com/no1msd/mstch", "path": "./salix/development/mstch-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "0.2.6", "name": "opencomal", "descs": "opencomal (interpreter for Comal programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/opencomal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "OpenComal is a portable and free implementation of the Comal programming language written by Jos Visser. Currently supported platforms are Unix, MsDos and Win32. Comal is a crossover between Basic and Pascal, with the best features of both and none of the drawbacks of either.", "path": "./salix/development/opencomal-0.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "6.2.0", "name": "git-extras", "descs": "git-extras (repo summary, repl, changelog population and more )", "source": "source/salix/development/git-extras", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "GIT utilities -- repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more Home-Page : https://github.com/tj/git-extras", "path": "./salix/development/git-extras-6.2.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "17368 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "sdcc", "descs": "sdcc (Small Device C Compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/sdcc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "flex", "gc", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4342 K", "descl": "SDCC is a retargettable, optimizing Standard C (ANSI C89, ISO C99, ISO C11) compiler suite that targets the Intel MCS51 based microprocessors (8031, 8032, 8051, 8052, etc.), Maxim (formerly Dallas) DS80C390 variants, Freescale (formerly Motorola) HC08 based (hc08, s08), Zilog Z80 based MCUs (Z80, Z180, SM83, Rabbit 2000, 2000A, 3000A, TLCS-90), Padauk (pdk14, pdk15) and STMicroelectronics STM8. Work is in progress on supporting the Padauk pdk13 and MOS 6502 targets; Microchip PIC16 and PIC18 targets are unmaintained. SDCC can be retargeted for other microprocessors.", "path": "./salix/development/sdcc-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "4.4", "name": "cxxtest", "descs": "cxxtest (unit testing framework for C++)", "source": "source/salix/development/cxxtest", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "CxxTest is a unit testing framework for C++ that is similar in spirit to JUnit, CppUnit, and xUnit. CxxTest is easy to use because it does not require precompiling a CxxTest testing library, it employs no advanced features of C++ (e.g. RTTI) and it supports a very flexible form of test discovery. Homepage: http://cxxtest.com", "path": "./salix/development/cxxtest-4.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "51496 K", "ver": "3.19.0", "name": "valgrind", "descs": "valgrind (award-winning suite of tools for debugging)", "source": "source/salix/development/valgrind", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12874 K", "descl": "Valgrind is an award-winning suite of tools for debugging and profiling Linux programs. With the tools that come with Valgrind, you can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, avoiding hours of frustrating bug-hunting, making your programs more stable. You can also perform detailed profiling, to speed up and reduce memory use of your programs.", "path": "./salix/development/valgrind-3.19.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "13944 K", "ver": "1.4.10", "name": "mcu8051ide", "descs": "mcu8051ide (A graphical IDE for 8051 Family of Microcontrollers)", "source": "source/salix/development/mcu8051ide", "deps": ["bwidget", "itcl", "tkimg", "tDOM"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3486 K", "descl": "MCU 8051 IDE is integrated development enviroment for microcontrollers based on 8051. Supported programming languages are C and assembly. It has its own assembler and support for 2 external assemblers. For C language it uses SDCC compiler. This IDE contains simulator, source code editor, assembler, HW programmer and much other tools. Simulator supports over 79 MCU primarily from Atmel.", "path": "./salix/development/mcu8051ide-1.4.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2580 K", "ver": "0.1616", "name": "gn", "descs": "gn (Meta-build system)", "source": "source/salix/development/gn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "645 K", "descl": "GN is a meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja. Homepage: https://gn.googlesource.com/gn/", "path": "./salix/development/gn-0.1616-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "MySQL-python", "descs": "MySQL-python (Python interface to MySQL)", "source": "source/salix/development/MySQL-python", "deps": ["mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "MySQLdb is an interface to the popular MySQL database server for Python. The design goals are: * Compliance with Python database API version 2.0 [PEP-0249] * Thread-safety * Thread-friendliness (threads will not block each other) MySQL-3.23 through 5.5 and Python-2.4 through 2.7 are currently supported. homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/MySQL-python", "path": "./salix/development/MySQL-python-1.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "33492 K", "ver": "0.8.4", "name": "robomongo", "descs": "robomongo (Database Software)", "source": "source/salix/development/robomongo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8373 K", "descl": "Robomongo is a shell-centric cross-platform MongoDB management tool. Homepage: https://www.robomongo.org/", "path": "./salix/development/robomongo-0.8.4-i686-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "2.12", "name": "asm6809", "descs": "asm6809 (6809/6309 cross assmbler)", "source": "source/salix/development/asm6809", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "asm6809 is a portable cross assembler targetting the Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 microprocessors. Features arbitrarily complex expressions (with most C-style operators available, forward references, macro expansion and conditional assembly. Output formats are: Raw binary, DragonDOS binary, CoCo RS-DOS (or 'DECB') binary, Motorola SREC, Intel HEX. http://www.6809.org.uk/asm6809", "path": "./salix/development/asm6809-2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4320 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "maude", "descs": "maude (high-performance reflective language)", "source": "source/salix/development/maude", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libsigsegv"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "buddy", "libtecla"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1080 K", "descl": "Maude is a high-performance reflective language and system supporting both equational and rewriting logic specification and programming for a wide range of applications. http://maude.cs.illinois.edu/w/index.php?title=The_Maude_System", "path": "./salix/development/maude-3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3420 K", "ver": "", "name": "ragel", "descs": "ragel (State Machine Compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/ragel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "colm", "kelbt"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "855 K", "descl": "Ragel compiles executable finite state machines from regular languages. Ragel targets C, C++, Objective-C, D, Java and Ruby. Ragel state machines can not only recognize byte sequences as regular expression machines do, but can also execute code at arbitrary points in the recognition of a regular language. Code embedding is done using inline operators that do not disrupt the regular language syntax. homepage: https://www.colm.net/open-source/ragel/", "path": "./salix/development/ragel-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "249708 K", "ver": "1.8.19", "name": "Arduino", "descs": "Arduino (IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/Arduino", "deps": ["apache-ant", "zulu-openjdk8", "guile2.0"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62427 K", "descl": "The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The environment is written in Java and based on Processing and other open-source software. This software can be used with any Arduino board. Homepage: http://www.arduino.cc/", "path": "./salix/development/Arduino-1.8.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "jupyterlab_pygments", "descs": "jupyterlab_pygments (theme for Pygments)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyterlab_pygments", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "jupyterlab_pygments is a syntax coloring theme for pygments making use of the JupyterLab CSS variables.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyterlab_pygments-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "1.0.10", "name": "openvr", "descs": "openvr (VR hardware access library)", "source": "source/salix/development/openvr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "OpenVR is an API and runtime that allows access to VR hardware from multiple vendors without requiring that applications have specific knowledge of the hardware they are targeting. This repository is an SDK that contains the API and samples. The runtime is under SteamVR in Tools on Steam. Homepage: http://steamvr.com", "path": "./salix/development/openvr-1.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7308 K", "ver": "11.3", "name": "love", "descs": "love (Lua 2D game development framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/love", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libmodplug", "libogg", "libtheora", "libvorbis", "luajit", "mpg123", "openal-soft", "zlib", "physfs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1827 K", "descl": "Hi there! LOVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It's free, open source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. http://love2d.org", "path": "./salix/development/love-11.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "34056 K", "ver": "4.0.0.f8a82c09bb5aa62702b9ed396067a25905571c82", "name": "Coin", "descs": "Coin (an Open Inventor API compatible library)", "source": "source/salix/development/Coin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glu", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8514 K", "descl": "Coin is a high-level, retained-mode toolkit for effective 3D graphics development. Cross-platform, full access to source code, no royalties or run-time fees. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/coin/wiki/Home", "path": "./salix/development/Coin-4.0.0.f8a82c09bb5aa62702b9ed396067a25905571c82-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.10.0", "name": "python3-cycler", "descs": "python3-cycler (composable cycles for Python 3)", "source": "source/salix/development/python3-cycler", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "The cycler python module provides a composable cycle class used for constructing style-cycles. This will coexist with SBo's cycler package. Homepage: http://matplotlib.org/cycler", "path": "./salix/development/python3-cycler-0.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.14.4", "name": "spice-protocol", "descs": "spice-protocol (spice protocol headers)", "source": "source/salix/development/spice-protocol", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Spice protocol defines a set of protocol messages for accessing, controlling, and receiving inputs from remote computing devices (e.g., keyboard, video, mouse) across networks, and sending output to them. These are the protocol header files. homepage: https://www.spice-space.org", "path": "./salix/development/spice-protocol-0.14.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7416 K", "ver": "0.10.8", "name": "ola", "descs": "ola (The Open Lighting Architecture)", "source": "source/salix/development/ola", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "avahi", "dbus", "elogind", "protobuf3", "util-linux", "zlib", "cppunit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1854 K", "descl": "The Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) provides a plugin framework for distributing DMX512 control signals on Mac and Linux. It provides C++ and Python libraries which abstract away the underlying DMX over IP protocol or DMX interface. See http://opendmx.net/index.php/OLA for more information.", "path": "./salix/development/ola-0.10.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3760 K", "ver": "1.64", "name": "srecord", "descs": "srecord (tools for EPROM load files)", "source": "source/salix/development/srecord", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "940 K", "descl": "The SRecord package is a collection of powerful tools for manipulating EPROM load files. Many file formats are supported, too many to list here. See http://srecord.sourceforge.net/ for the full list.", "path": "./salix/development/srecord-1.64-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "10052 K", "ver": "3.20.1", "name": "protobuf3", "descs": "protobuf3 (Google's data interchange format)", "source": "source/salix/development/protobuf3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2513 K", "descl": "Protocol Buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. This package contains protobuf API version 3. Project URL: https://github.com/google/protobuf", "path": "./salix/development/protobuf3-3.20.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1184 K", "ver": "4.4", "name": "xsp", "descs": "xsp (Mono's ASP.NET hosting server)", "source": "source/salix/development/xsp", "deps": ["mono"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "296 K", "descl": "This module includes an Apache Module, a FastCGI module that can be hooked to other web servers as well as a standalone server used for testing (similar to Microsoft's Cassini) http://www.mono-project.com/ASP.NET", "path": "./salix/development/xsp-4.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2776 K", "ver": "60.7.0", "name": "tea", "descs": "tea (text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/tea", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "hunspell", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "694 K", "descl": "TEA is the text text editor for UNIX-like systems and Windows. With an ultimate small size TEA provides you hundreds of functions. http://semiletov.org/tea/", "path": "./salix/development/tea-60.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "23060 K", "ver": "2.7.1", "name": "logisim", "descs": "logisim (Logisim is a logic simulator)", "source": "source/salix/development/logisim", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5765 K", "descl": "Logisim is an educational tool for designing and simulating digital logic circuits. Homepage: http://ozark.hendrix.edu/~burch/logisim/", "path": "./salix/development/logisim-2.7.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1220 K", "ver": "2.17.1", "name": "gede", "descs": "gede (Graphical User Interface for GDB)", "source": "source/salix/development/gede", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "305 K", "descl": "Gede is a graphical frontend (GUI) to GDB written in C++ and using the Qt4 (or Qt5) toolkit. Gede supports debugging programs written in FreeBasic, C++, C and Rust. The goals of Gede are: to be fast debugger, to use as few as possible external dependencies, to run using a external GDB instance, and to avoid unnecessary features.", "path": "./salix/development/gede-2.17.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "5.3.4", "name": "lua53", "descs": "lua53 (powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language)", "source": "source/salix/development/lua53", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "This package contains lua version 5.3.x that won't conflicts with lua version 5.1.x and 5.2.x", "path": "./salix/development/lua53-5.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "s51dude", "descs": "s51dude (An In-System programming tool for 8051 MCUs)", "source": "source/salix/development/s51dude", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "s51dude is an In-System programming tool specifically designed to be used with the usbtinyisp board and the Atmel's 8051 family of micrcontrollers. This program is intended to cover the need of the 8051 developer who wants to program the devices with computers without parallel or serial port. The only alternative left is to use the USB port. That is when you will need s51dude. It's written in C.", "path": "./salix/development/s51dude-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "22628 K", "ver": "1.9.17", "name": "lepton-eda", "descs": "lepton-eda (Lepton Electronic Design Automation)", "source": "source/salix/development/lepton-eda", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gc", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkextra", "guile", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5657 K", "descl": "Lepton EDA is a suite of free software tools for designing electronics. It provides schematic capture, netlisting into over 30 netlist formats, and many other features. It was forked from the gEDA/gaf suite in late 2016 by most of its active developers at that time. It's backward compatible with its predecessor and supports the same file format for symbols and schematics. Homepage: https://github.com/lepton-eda/lepton-eda", "path": "./salix/development/lepton-eda-1.9.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "1.3.5", "name": "npm2tgz", "descs": "npm2tgz (node.js modules' Slackware's packager)", "source": "source/salix/development/npm2tgz", "deps": ["nodejs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "Make Slackware packages out of node.js modules. https://github.com/cycojesus/npm2tgz", "path": "./salix/development/npm2tgz-1.3.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3392 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "dao", "descs": "dao (The Dao Programming Language)", "source": "source/salix/development/dao", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "848 K", "descl": "Dao is a lightweight and optionally typed programming language with many interesting features. It includes features that can make concurrent programming much simpler. It has well designed interfaces for easy embedding and extending. Homepage: http://daoscript.org/", "path": "./salix/development/dao-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5564 K", "ver": "2.10.1", "name": "mosml", "descs": "mosml (Moscow Standard ML)", "source": "source/salix/development/mosml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1391 K", "descl": "Moscow ML is a light-weight implementation of Standard ML (SML), a strict functional language used in teaching and research. Homepage: http://mosml.org/", "path": "./salix/development/mosml-2.10.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3812 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "cxxtools", "descs": "cxxtools (reusable c++-components)", "source": "source/salix/development/cxxtools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "953 K", "descl": "cxxtools is a toolbox with reusable c++-components Homepage: www.cxxtools.org", "path": "./salix/development/cxxtools-3.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "238364 K", "ver": "1.8.19", "name": "arduino", "descs": "arduino (IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/arduino", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59591 K", "descl": "The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The environment is written in Java and based on Processing and other open-source software. This software can be used with any Arduino board. Homepage: http://www.arduino.cc/", "path": "./salix/development/arduino-1.8.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7388 K", "ver": "1.4.34", "name": "SQLAlchemy", "descs": "SQLAlchemy (The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper)", "source": "source/salix/development/SQLAlchemy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1847 K", "descl": "SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL. Homepage: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/", "path": "./salix/development/SQLAlchemy-1.4.34-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "13368 K", "ver": "142_bld207", "name": "asl", "descs": "asl (portable macro cross assembler)", "source": "source/salix/development/asl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3342 K", "descl": "ASL is a portable macro cross assembler for a variety of microprocessors and microcontrollers. Though it is mainly targeted at embedded processors and single-board computers, there are also CPU families in the target list that are used in workstations and PCs. Homepage: http://john.ccac.rwth-aachen.de:8000/as/ Build options: UTF8='no'", "path": "./salix/development/asl-142_bld207-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "8304 K", "ver": "20211128_4a776d5", "name": "kdesvn", "descs": "kdesvn (a subversion/cervisa client for KDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/kdesvn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "apr", "apr-util", "brotli", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knotifications", "kparts", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwallet", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXtst", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libogg", "libplist", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "serf", "solid", "sonnet", "sqlite", "subversion", "utf8proc", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2076 K", "descl": "kdesvn is client for subversion. It uses native KDE API instead of an extra lib like GAMBAS and it is using the native subversion delevelopment API instead of just parsing the output of the commandline tool like most other clients do. It tries to setup a look and feel like the standard filemanager of KDE and is integrated into it via KPart.a", "path": "./salix/development/kdesvn-20211128_4a776d5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "684 K", "ver": "1.9.0", "name": "leveldb", "descs": "leveldb (Google key-vale database)", "source": "source/salix/development/leveldb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "171 K", "descl": "LevelDB is an open source on-disk key-value store written by Google Fellows Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, who built parts of Google's platform. Inspired by BigTable, LevelDB is hosted on Google Code under the New BSD License and has been ported to a variety of Unix-based systems, Mac OS X, Windows, and Android. webOS's DB8 database service uses it as a backend.", "path": "./salix/development/leveldb-1.9.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2496 K", "ver": "20201006_32985f7", "name": "simulavr", "descs": "simulavr (A Simulator for Atmel AVR Family of Microcontrollers)", "source": "source/salix/development/simulavr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "tcl", "zlib", "avr-gcc", "avr-libc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "624 K", "descl": "SimulAVR can be used either standalone or as a remote target for avr-gdb. There is a Python and TCL interface. When used in gdbserver mode, the simulator is used as a back-end so that avr-gdb can be used as a source level debugger for AVR programs.", "path": "./salix/development/simulavr-20201006_32985f7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.11.1", "name": "jupyter_packaging", "descs": "jupyter_packaging (Jupyter Packaging Utilities)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter_packaging", "deps": ["python3-deprecation", "python3-tomlkit", "wheel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Jupyter Packaging contains tools to help build and install Jupyter Python packages.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter_packaging-0.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "840 K", "ver": "0.8.3", "name": "gtkdialog", "descs": "gtkdialog (GTK2 UI builder)", "source": "source/salix/development/gtkdialog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "210 K", "descl": "Gtkdialog is a small utility for fast and easy GUI building. It can be used to create dialog boxes for almost any interpreted and compiled programs which is a very attractive feature since the developer does not have to learn various GUI languages for the miscellaneous programming languages. Homepage: https://github.com/oshazard/gtkdialog", "path": "./salix/development/gtkdialog-0.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3284 K", "ver": "2.12a", "name": "gplcver", "descs": "gplcver (open-source Verilog simulator)", "source": "source/salix/development/gplcver", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "821 K", "descl": "Open-source interpreted Verilog simulator with a feature set and performance similar to Verilog-XL. Implements all IEEE 1364-1995 features along with some Verilog-2001 features. Full support for Verilog PLIs. homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gplcver/", "path": "./salix/development/gplcver-2.12a-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "1.18", "name": "bas55", "descs": "bas55 (ECMA-55 Minimal BASIC System)", "source": "source/salix/development/bas55", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libedit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "bas55 is an implementation of the Minimal BASIC programming language as defined by the ECMA 55 standard. It provides an interpreter and an editor with line renumbering capabilities. https://jorgicor.niobe.org/bas55", "path": "./salix/development/bas55-1.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4464 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "notepadqq", "descs": "notepadqq (Notepad++-like editor for the Linux desktop)", "source": "source/salix/development/notepadqq", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1116 K", "descl": "It helps developers by providing all you can expect from general purpose text editor, such as syntax highlighting for more than 100 different languages, code folding, color schemes, file monitoring, multiple selection and much more. You can search text using the power of regular expressions. You can organize documents side by side. You can use real-time highlighting to find near identifiers in no time.", "path": "./salix/development/notepadqq-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "146440 K", "ver": "2.8.0", "name": "staruml", "descs": "staruml (A sophisticated software UML modeler)", "source": "source/salix/development/staruml", "deps": ["libgpg-error"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36610 K", "descl": "StarUML 2 is compatible with UML 2.x standard and supports totally 11 kinds of UML diagrams: Class, Object, Use Case, Component, Deployment, Composite Structure, Sequence, Communication, Statechart, Activity and Profile Diagram. Homepage: http://staruml.io", "path": "./salix/development/staruml-2.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "6132 K", "ver": "1.9.3", "name": "kdiff3", "descs": "kdiff3 (A compare and merge tool for KDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/kdiff3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kparts", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libplist", "libusbmuxd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "solid", "sonnet", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1533 K", "descl": "KDiff3 is a file and directory diff and merge tool which compares and merges two or three text input files or directories, shows the differences line by line and character by character, provides an automatic merge-facility, has an editor for comfortable solving of merge-conflicts, provides network transparency via KIO, has options to highlight or hide changes in whitespace or comments, supports Unicode, UTF-8 and other file encodings, prints differences, supports version control keyword and history merging. homepage: https://apps.kde.org/kdiff3/", "path": "./salix/development/kdiff3-1.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "83124 K", "ver": "17.9.0", "name": "nodejs", "descs": "nodejs (JavaScript runtime)", "source": "source/salix/development/nodejs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20781 K", "descl": "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. https://nodejs.org/", "path": "./salix/development/nodejs-17.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4540 K", "ver": "3.1.9", "name": "source-highlight", "descs": "source-highlight (reproduces a doc with syntax highlighting)", "source": "source/salix/development/source-highlight", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "icu4c"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1135 K", "descl": "Source-highlight reads source language specifications dynamically, thus it can be easly extended for handling new languages. It also reads output format specifications dynamically, and thus it can be easily extended for handling output formats. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/src-highlite/", "path": "./salix/development/source-highlight-3.1.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3588 K", "ver": "10.6.2", "name": "newlisp", "descs": "newlisp (newLISP, a Lisp-like, general-purpose scripting language)", "source": "source/salix/development/newlisp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "897 K", "descl": "newLISP is a Lisp-like, general-purpose scripting language. It has all the magic of traditional Lisp but is easier to learn and use. newLISP is friendly, fast, and small. Most of the functions you will ever need are already built in. newLISP runs on most operating systems. http://www.newlisp.org/", "path": "./salix/development/newlisp-10.6.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "urn", "descs": "urn (Lisp dialect that compiles to Lua.)", "source": "source/salix/development/urn", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "Urn is a new language developed by SquidDev, and demhydraz. Urn is a Lisp dialect with a focus on minimalism which compiles to Lua. Homepage: https://urn-lang.com", "path": "./salix/development/urn-0.7.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1456 K", "ver": "42.1", "name": "ghex", "descs": "ghex (hex editor with GTK4 GUI)", "source": "source/salix/development/ghex", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphene", "graphite2", "gtk4", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lzo", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "364 K", "descl": "GHex allows the user to load data from any file, view and edit it in either hex or ASCII. Useful for debugging problems with object code or encodings. Also used by kids who cheat at computer games, by adding score or lives to saved games.", "path": "./salix/development/ghex-42.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "9724 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "dune", "descs": "dune (ocaml build system - formerly jbuilder)", "source": "source/salix/development/dune", "deps": ["ocaml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2431 K", "descl": "Dune is a build system designed for OCaml/Reason projects only. It focuses on providing the user with a consistent experience and takes care of most of the low-level details of OCaml compilation. All you have to do is provide a description of your project and dune will do the rest. homepage: https://github.com/ocaml/dune", "path": "./salix/development/dune-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "223020 K", "ver": "0101E0014", "name": "energia", "descs": "energia (IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/energia", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55755 K", "descl": "Energia is an open-source electronics prototyping platform started by Robert Wessels in January 2012 with the goal to bring the Wiring and Arduino framework to the Texas Instruments MSP430 based LaunchPad The Energia IDE is cross platform and supported on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. Energia uses mspgcc compiler by Peter Bigot and is based on the Wiring and Arduino framework. Energia includes an integrated development environment (IDE) that is based on Processing. Homepage: http://energia.nu/", "path": "./salix/development/energia-0101E0014-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "55084 K", "ver": "10.2.0", "name": "arm-gcc", "descs": "arm-gcc (Cross compiling gcc for the ARM platform)", "source": "source/salix/development/arm-gcc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libmpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "zlib", "arm-binutils"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13771 K", "descl": "This package contains cross compiling version of GNU gcc, which can be used to compile C and C++ programs for the ARM platform.", "path": "./salix/development/arm-gcc-10.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3580 K", "ver": "20220128_3f86457", "name": "enki", "descs": "enki (a text editor for programmers)", "source": "source/salix/development/enki", "deps": ["qutepart"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "895 K", "descl": "Enki is a text editor for programmers. https://github.com/andreikop/enki", "path": "./salix/development/enki-20220128_3f86457-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.28", "name": "src-vcs", "descs": "src-vcs (Simple Revision Control)", "source": "source/salix/development/src-vcs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "Simple Revision Control is RCS reloaded - a comfortable small version control system for single-file, solo-developer projects like all those little scripts in your ~/bin directory. http://www.catb.org/~esr/src/", "path": "./salix/development/src-vcs-1.28-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "338976 K", "ver": "5.5.1", "name": "gradle", "descs": "gradle (Build Automation)", "source": "source/salix/development/gradle", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84744 K", "descl": "Gradle is build automation evolved. Gradle can automate the building, testing, publishing, deployment and more of software packages or other types of projects such as generated static websites, generated documentation or indeed anything else. Homepage: http://www.gradle.org/", "path": "./salix/development/gradle-5.5.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "106", "name": "diffoscope", "descs": "diffoscope (in-depth comparison tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/diffoscope", "deps": ["python-libarchive-c", "python-magic"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "diffoscope will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different. It will recursively unpack archives of many kinds and transform various binary formats into more human readable form to compare them. https://diffoscope.org/", "path": "./salix/development/diffoscope-106-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "1.3.4_20200120", "name": "mawk", "descs": "mawk (fast awk implementation)", "source": "source/salix/development/mawk", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "mawk (Mike's AWK) is an interpreter for the AWK Programming Language. It's a very fast AWK implementation based on a bytecode interpreter. Originally written by Mike Brennan, mawk is currently maintained by Thomas E. Dickey. Package built with mawk's built-in regular expression engine.", "path": "./salix/development/mawk-1.3.4_20200120-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "7.3.1", "name": "jupyter_client", "descs": "jupyter_client (Jupyter protocol client APIs)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter_client", "deps": ["entrypoints", "jupyter_core", "nest_asyncio", "python3-dateutil", "python3-pyzmq", "python3-tornado"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "jupyter_client contains the reference implementation of the Jupyter protocol. It also provides client and kernel management APIs for working with kernels.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter_client-7.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "mtd-utils", "descs": "mtd-utils (mobile technology device utilities)", "source": "source/salix/development/mtd-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "lzo", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "Tools for accessing jffs2 images and other such utilities; helpful for working with mobile platforms. Homepage http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org", "path": "./salix/development/mtd-utils-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "924 K", "ver": "0.1.31", "name": "Naked", "descs": "Naked (Command line application framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/Naked", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "231 K", "descl": "Naked is a new Python command line application framework that is in development.", "path": "./salix/development/Naked-0.1.31-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "6692 K", "ver": "2.3.9", "name": "spyder", "descs": "spyder (interactive Python IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/spyder", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1673 K", "descl": "Spyder (previously known as Pydee) is a powerful interactive development environment for the Python language with advanced editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection features. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/spyderlib/", "path": "./salix/development/spyder-2.3.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "596 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "g3log", "descs": "g3log (Asynchronous logger with Dynamic Sinks)", "source": "source/salix/development/g3log", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "149 K", "descl": "G3log is an asynchronous, 'crash safe', logger that is easy to use with default logging sinks or you can add your own. G3log is made with plain C++11 with no external libraries. https://github.com/KjellKod/g3log", "path": "./salix/development/g3log-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "627876 K", "ver": "17.0.2", "name": "zulu-openjdk17", "descs": "zulu-openjdk17 (Open Implementation of JDK)", "source": "source/salix/development/zulu-openjdk17", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156969 K", "descl": "Prebuild binary of ZuluOpenJDK17 LTS (Long Term Support) from Azul that is compliant with the latest Java SE standard. Zulu has been verified by passing all tests in the latest Java SE version of the OpenJDK Community TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit). https://www.azul.com/downloads/", "path": "./salix/development/zulu-openjdk17-17.0.2-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "5.1.17", "name": "php-apcu", "descs": "php-apcu (APCu is userland caching)", "source": "source/salix/development/php-apcu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "APC stripped of opcode caching in preparation for the deployment of Zend Optimizer+ as the primary solution to opcode caching in future versions of PHP. Homepage: http://pecl.php.net/package/APCu/", "path": "./salix/development/php-apcu-5.1.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1200 K", "ver": "0.3.6", "name": "swfmill", "descs": "swfmill (Xml2swf and Swf2xml processor)", "source": "source/salix/development/swfmill", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libxml2", "libxslt", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "300 K", "descl": "Swfmill an xml2swf and swf2xml processor with import functionalities It's most common use is the generation of asset libraries containing images (PNG and JPEG), fonts (TTF) or other SWF movies for use with MTASC- or haXe-compiled ActionScript, although swfmill can be used to produce both simple and complex SWF structures. Homepage: http://swfmill.org/", "path": "./salix/development/swfmill-0.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3440 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "cgit", "descs": "cgit (web frontend for git repositories)", "source": "source/salix/development/cgit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "860 K", "descl": "cgit is a web interface (cgi) for git repositories, written in C. Homepage: https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/about/", "path": "./salix/development/cgit-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "2.14", "name": "avarice", "descs": "avarice (GDB for the AVR platform)", "source": "source/salix/development/avarice", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "binutils", "avr-gdb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "AVaRICE is a program which interfaces the GNU Debugger GDB with the AVR JTAG ICE available from Atmel.", "path": "./salix/development/avarice-2.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5280 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "medit", "descs": "medit (Multiplatform GTK text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/medit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1320 K", "descl": "It features: Configurable syntax highlighting, keyboard accelerators, and tools available from the main and context menus that can be written in Python, MooScript (simple builtin scripting lanugage) or shell script. Plugins can be written in C or Python. Incremental search, regular expression search/replace, grep and find frontends, builtin file selector and whatnot. http://mooedit.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/medit-1.2.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "patchutils", "descs": "patchutils (utilities to operate on patch files)", "source": "source/salix/development/patchutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], "pcre2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "patchutils is a collection of tools that operate on patch files. Homepage: http://cyberelk.net/tim/software/patchutils/", "path": "./salix/development/patchutils-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "144196 K", "ver": "15.0", "name": "codelite", "descs": "codelite (A Free, open source, cross platform C/C++/PHP IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/codelite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hunspell", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libdrm", "libedit", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libssh", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "llvm", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "python3", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36049 K", "descl": "CodeLite is an open source, free, cross platform IDE for the C/C++ and PHP programming languages which runs best on all major platforms (OS X, Windows and Linux). CodeLite has Generic support for compilers with built-in support for GCC/clang/VC++. CodeLite features project management (workspace/projects), code completion, code refactoring, source browsing, syntax highlight, Subversion integration, cscope integration, UnitTest++ integration, an interactive debugger built over GDB/LLDB and a source code editor (based on Scintilla).", "path": "./salix/development/codelite-15.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4592 K", "ver": "4.1", "name": "highlight", "descs": "highlight (a universal syntax highlighter)", "source": "source/salix/development/highlight", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "lua", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1148 K", "descl": "Highlight is a universal converter from source code to HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX, and XML. (X)HTML output is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets. It supports more than 100 programming languages, and includes 40 highlighting color themes. It's possible to easily enhance the parsing database. The converter includes some features to provide a consistent layout of the input code.", "path": "./salix/development/highlight-4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1384 K", "ver": "1.16.6", "name": "mockpp", "descs": "mockpp (Unit testing framework for C++)", "source": "source/salix/development/mockpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "cppunit"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "346 K", "descl": "Mockpp is a platform independent generic unit testing framework for C++. It's goal is to facilitate developing unit tests in the spirit of Mock Objects for Java, EasyMock and jMock. Mock objects allow you to set up predictible behaviour to help you test your production code by emulating (mocking) some functionality your code depends on.", "path": "./salix/development/mockpp-1.16.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "teensy_loader_cli", "descs": "teensy_loader_cli (Teensy CLI downloader)", "source": "source/salix/development/teensy_loader_cli", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "The Teensy is a complete USB-based microcontoller development system, in a very small footprint, capable of implementing many types of projects. All programming is done via the USB port. No special programmer is needed, only a standard 'Mini-B' USB cable. The Teensy Loader program communicates with your Teensy board when the HalfKay bootloader is running, so you can download new programs and run them. The Teensy CLI Loader is a command line version to automate programming, typically using a Makefile.", "path": "./salix/development/teensy_loader_cli-2.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "892 K", "ver": "5.1.5", "name": "lua", "descs": "lua (a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language)", "source": "source/salix/development/lua", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "223 K", "descl": "Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode for a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.", "path": "./salix/development/lua-5.1.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2644 K", "ver": "5.0.1", "name": "robotframework", "descs": "robotframework (test automation framework for acceptance testing)", "source": "source/salix/development/robotframework", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "661 K", "descl": "Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.", "path": "./salix/development/robotframework-5.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "LLgen", "descs": "LLgen (an ELL(1)", "source": "source/salix/development/LLgen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "LLgen is a tool for generating an efficient recursive descent parser from an ELL(1) grammar. The grammar may be ambiguous or more general than ELL(1): there are both static and dynamic facilities to resolve the ambiguities.", "path": "./salix/development/LLgen-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "61048 K", "ver": "9.0.5", "name": "smartsvn", "descs": "smartsvn (Desktop SVN Client)", "source": "source/salix/development/smartsvn", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15262 K", "descl": "SmartSvn is a commercial desktop svn client that provides trial edition for a limited time (31 days) Homepage: http://www.smartsvn.com/", "path": "./salix/development/smartsvn-9.0.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "rarian", "descs": "rarian (documentation metadata library)", "source": "source/salix/development/rarian", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "Rarian is a documentation metadata library based on the proposed Freedesktop.org spec. Rarian is a replacement for ScrollKeeper. Homepage: http://rarian.freedesktop.org/", "path": "./salix/development/rarian-0.8.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "php-xdebug", "descs": "php-xdebug (A PHP extension for debugging PHP scripts)", "source": "source/salix/development/php-xdebug", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of valuable debug information. The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following: stack traces and function traces in error messages, memory allocation and protection for infinite recursions. Xdebug also provides profiling information for PHP, scripts, code coverage analysis and capabilities to debug PHP scripts interactively with a debug client. Homepage: https://xdebug.org/", "path": "./salix/development/php-xdebug-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4520 K", "ver": "3.0.0_beta", "name": "ParadisEO", "descs": "ParadisEO (ANSI-C++ evolutionary computation library)", "source": "source/salix/development/ParadisEO", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1130 K", "descl": "EO is a template-based, ANSI-C++ evolutionary computation library which helps you to write your own stochastic optimization algorithms insanely fast. With the help of EO, you can easily design evolutionary algorithms that will find solutions to virtually all kind of hard optimization problems, from continuous to combinatorial ones.", "path": "./salix/development/ParadisEO-3.0.0_beta-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "egypt", "descs": "egypt (generate dotty callgraphs from C source code)", "source": "source/salix/development/egypt", "deps": ["graphviz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Egypt is a simple tool for creating call graphs of C programs. Egypt neither analyzes source code nor lays out graphs. Instead, it leaves the source code analysis to GCC and the graph layout to Graphviz, both of which are better at their respective jobs than egypt itself could ever hope to be. Egypt is simply a very small Perl script that glues these existing tools together.", "path": "./salix/development/egypt-1.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2380 K", "ver": "7.0.10", "name": "javacc", "descs": "javacc (Java Compiler Compiler [tm])", "source": "source/salix/development/javacc", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "595 K", "descl": "JavaCC [tm] is the most popular parser generator for use with Java[tm] applications. A parser generator is a tool thar reads a grammar specification and converts it to a Java program that can recognize matches to the grammar. Homepage: https://javacc.org/", "path": "./salix/development/javacc-7.0.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.9.8", "name": "obcpl", "descs": "obcpl (BCPL compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/obcpl", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "This is an x86 (IA-32) port of the 'classic' old BCPL compiler (around 1980) from the Tripos Research Group at Cambridge University.", "path": "./salix/development/obcpl-0.9.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "10116 K", "ver": "1.24.3", "name": "rustup", "descs": "rustup (The Rust toolchain installer)", "source": "source/salix/development/rustup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2529 K", "descl": "rustup installs The Rust Programming Language from the official release channels, enabling you to easily switch between stable, beta, and nightly compilers and keep them updated. https://github.com/rust-lang/rustup", "path": "./salix/development/rustup-1.24.3-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1184 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "phantomjs", "descs": "phantomjs (Headless WebKit browser with JS API)", "source": "source/salix/development/phantomjs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "296 K", "descl": "PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG. Homepage: http://phantomjs.org/", "path": "./salix/development/phantomjs-2.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3072 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "gtest", "descs": "gtest (Google C++ Testing Framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/gtest", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "768 K", "descl": "Google's framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Cygwin, Windows CE, and Symbian). Based on the xUnit architecture. Supports automatic test discovery, a rich set of assertions, user-defined assertions, death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, value- and type-parameterized tests, various options for running the tests, and XML test report generation. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/googletest", "path": "./salix/development/gtest-1.10.0-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "050325", "name": "ex-vi", "descs": "ex-vi (traditional vi)", "source": "source/salix/development/ex-vi", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "Bill Joy's original vi for UNIX. This port of vi has generally preserved the original style, terminal control, and feature set. It adds support for international character sets, including multibyte encodings such as UTF-8, and some minor enhancements that were not present in BSD vi 3.7, but had been included in later vi versions for System V or in POSIX.2.", "path": "./salix/development/ex-vi-050325-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "12752 K", "ver": "2.0.14", "name": "guile2.0", "descs": "guile2.0 (GNU's extension language library)", "source": "source/salix/development/guile2.0", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "gc", "libunistring"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3188 K", "descl": "Guile is the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. Guile is an interpreter for Scheme, packaged as a library that you can link into your applications to give them their own scripting language. Guile will eventually support other languages as well, giving users of Guile-based applications a choice of languages. This is Guile 2.0 (legacy version) needed by some packages in SBo.", "path": "./salix/development/guile2.0-2.0.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "shc", "descs": "shc (Shell script compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/shc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "SHC is a generic shell script compiler. It takes a script, which is specified on the command line and produces C source code. The generated source code is then compiled and linked to produce a stripped binary. Home Page: http://neurobin.github.io/shc", "path": "./salix/development/shc-4.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "2.0.4", "name": "icdiff", "descs": "icdiff (improved color diff)", "source": "source/salix/development/icdiff", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Show differences between files in a colorful two column view. Can be used with as a 'git diff' replacement, via 'git-icdiff' command.", "path": "./salix/development/icdiff-2.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "3.5", "name": "mg-troglobit", "descs": "mg-troglobit (Portable self hosting version of the mg-openbsd editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/mg-troglobit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "The intention is to be a small, fast, and portable Emacs-like editor for users who cannot, or do not want to, run the real Emacs for one reason or another. Compatibility with GNU Emacs is key for Mg, separating it from other ErsatzEmacs clones, because there should never be any reason to learn more than one Emacs flavor. homepage: https://github.com/troglobit/mg", "path": "./salix/development/mg-troglobit-3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "588 K", "ver": "2.1.12_20210820", "name": "rmac", "descs": "rmac (cross assembler for 6502 and 68000)", "source": "source/salix/development/rmac", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "147 K", "descl": "RMAC began its life as MADMAC. It was initially written at Atari Corporation by programmers who needed a high performance assembler for their work. Then, more than 20 years later, because there was still a need for such an assembler and what was available wasn't up to expectations, Subqmod and eventually Reboot continued work on the freely released source, adding Jaguar extensions and fixing bugs. And of course recently 6502 support was added back! This package was built from git commit c0ef609", "path": "./salix/development/rmac-2.1.12_20210820-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "9408 K", "ver": "9.5.1_674e218", "name": "ChezScheme", "descs": "ChezScheme (A scheme implementation)", "source": "source/salix/development/ChezScheme", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2352 K", "descl": "Chez Scheme is a complete implementation of the language of the Revised^6 Report on Scheme (R6RS), with numerous extensions. It sports a fast compiler that generates native code for x86, x86_64, and 32-bit PowerPC architectures. Formerly a commercial product, it was open-sourced by Cisco Systems in April 2016. https://cisco.github.io/ChezScheme/", "path": "./salix/development/ChezScheme-9.5.1_674e218-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "sauce", "descs": "sauce (C++ Dependency Injection Framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/sauce", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "Sauce is a C++ dependency injection framework. The design and name are inspired by Google's excellent Guice framework. https://github.com/phs/sauce", "path": "./salix/development/sauce-0.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "124616 K", "ver": "10.2.0", "name": "avr-gcc", "descs": "avr-gcc (Cross compiling gcc for the AVR platform)", "source": "source/salix/development/avr-gcc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libmpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "zlib", "avr-binutils"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31154 K", "descl": "This package contains cross compiling version of GNU gcc, which can be used to compile C and C++ programs for the AVR platform.", "path": "./salix/development/avr-gcc-10.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4596 K", "ver": "9.8t", "name": "vile", "descs": "vile (VI Like Emacs)", "source": "source/salix/development/vile", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1149 K", "descl": "Vile retains the 'finger-feel', if you will, of vi, while adding the multiple buffer and multiple window features of emacs and other editors. It contains both console and X11 interfaces as well as text colorization for many popular content types. Homepage: http://invisible-island.net/vile", "path": "./salix/development/vile-9.8t-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "avra", "descs": "avra (Atmel AVR Microcontrollers Assembler)", "source": "source/salix/development/avra", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "AVRA is an assembler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers, and it is almost compatible with Atmel's own assembler AVRASM32. The programming principles and conceptions are based on the ANSI programming language 'C'. Homepage: http://avra.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/development/avra-1.4.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "236064 K", "ver": "4.13.1", "name": "ocaml", "descs": "ocaml (A functional programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/ocaml", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "59016 K", "descl": "Caml is a general-purpose programming language, designed with program safety and reliability in mind. It is very expressive, yet easy to learn and use. Caml supports functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming styles. The Objective Caml system is the main implementation of the Caml language. It features a powerful module system and a full-fledged object-oriented layer. It comes with a native-code compiler that supports numerous architectures, for high performance; a bytecode compiler, for increased portability; and an interactive loop, for experimentation and rapid development.", "path": "./salix/development/ocaml-4.13.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "dfu-programmer", "descs": "dfu-programmer (USB programmer for USB AVR chips)", "source": "source/salix/development/dfu-programmer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "dfu-programmer is a Device Firmware Update based USB programmer for Atmel chips with a USB bootloader. Homepage: http://dfu-programmer.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/dfu-programmer-0.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "bviplus", "descs": "bviplus (hex editor with vi-style user interface)", "source": "source/salix/development/bviplus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "Bviplus is an ncurses based hex editor with a vim-like interface. It was originally a fork of Binary VIsual editor (bvi) by Gerhard Burgmann, but has now been completely rewritten (since version 0.3).", "path": "./salix/development/bviplus-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1512 K", "ver": "1.73.29", "name": "fasm", "descs": "fasm (fast assembler for the x86 and x86-64 architectures)", "source": "source/salix/development/fasm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "378 K", "descl": "The flat assembler (abbreviated to fasm, intentionally stylized with lowercase letters) is a fast assembler running in a variety of operating systems, in continued development since 1999. It was designed primarily for the assembly of x86 instructions and it supports x86 and x86-64 instruction sets with extensions like MMX, 3DNow!, SSE up to SSE4, AVX, AVX2, XOP, and AVX-512. It can produce output in plain binary, MZ, PE, COFF or ELF format.", "path": "./salix/development/fasm-1.73.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1192 K", "ver": "2.7.7", "name": "antlr2", "descs": "antlr2 (a parser generator that uses LL(*) for parsing)", "source": "source/salix/development/antlr2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "298 K", "descl": "ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. https://www.antlr2.org/", "path": "./salix/development/antlr2-2.7.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "30796 K", "ver": "2.7.0", "name": "bzr", "descs": "bzr (Bazaar revision control system)", "source": "source/salix/development/bzr", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7699 K", "descl": "Bazaar ('bzr') is a decentralized revision control system, designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Bazaar is part of the GNU project to develop a complete free operating system. Homepage: http://bazaar.canonical.com/", "path": "./salix/development/bzr-2.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "14884 K", "ver": "20140202", "name": "gnulib", "descs": "gnulib (GNU portability library)", "source": "source/salix/development/gnulib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3721 K", "descl": "The GNU portability library is a macro system and C declarations and definitions for commonly-used API elements and abstracted system behaviors.", "path": "./salix/development/gnulib-20140202-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1104 K", "ver": "1.07d", "name": "atasm", "descs": "atasm (a mostly mac/65 compatible cross-assembler)", "source": "source/salix/development/atasm", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "276 K", "descl": "ATasm is a 6502 command-line cross-assembler that is compatible with the original Mac/65 macroassembler released by OSS software. Code development can now be performed using modern editors and compiles with lightning speed.", "path": "./salix/development/atasm-1.07d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "408 K", "ver": "1.0.18", "name": "svn-all-fast-export", "descs": "svn-all-fast-export (A fast-import based converter for svn to git)", "source": "source/salix/development/svn-all-fast-export", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "apr", "apr-util", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "file", "icu4c", "lz4", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "qt4", "sqlite", "subversion", "utf8proc", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "102 K", "descl": "This project contains all the tools required to do a conversion of an svn repository (server side, not a checkout) to one or more git repositories. This is the tool used to convert KDE's Subversion into multiple Git repositories. https://github.com/svn-all-fast-export/svn2git", "path": "./salix/development/svn-all-fast-export-1.0.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "unittest-cpp", "descs": "unittest-cpp (unit testing framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/unittest-cpp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "UnitTest++ is a lightweight unit testing framework for C++. It was designed to do test-driven development on a wide variety of platforms. Simplicity, portability, speed, and small footprint are all very important aspects of UnitTest++. UnitTest++ is mostly standard C++ and makes minimal use of advanced library and language features, which means it should be easily portable to just about any platform.", "path": "./salix/development/unittest-cpp-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "27240 K", "ver": "0.9.11", "name": "gauche", "descs": "gauche (Gauche Scheme)", "source": "source/salix/development/gauche", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6810 K", "descl": "Gauche is an R7RS Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script interpreter, which allows programmers and system administrators to write small to large scripts for their daily chores. Quick startup, built-in system interface, native multilingual support are some of the goals. http://practical-scheme.net/gauche/", "path": "./salix/development/gauche-0.9.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "5.3.0", "name": "jupyter-qtconsole", "descs": "jupyter-qtconsole (Jupyter Qt Console)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter-qtconsole", "deps": ["jupyter-ipykernel", "QtPy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "jupyter-qtconsole jupyter-qtconsole provides a rich Qt-based console for working with Jupyter kernels, supporting rich media output, session export, and more.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter-qtconsole-5.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "2.0.20", "name": "gob2", "descs": "gob2 (a preprocessor for making GObjects with inline C code)", "source": "source/salix/development/gob2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "flex"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "GOB (GOB2 anyway) is a preprocessor for making GObjects with inline C code so that generated files are not edited. Syntax is inspired by Java and Yacc or Lex. The implementation is intentionally kept simple, and no C actual code parsing is done. http://www.5z.com/jirka/gob.html", "path": "./salix/development/gob2-2.0.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "12.6.1", "name": "jeex", "descs": "jeex (GTK+ Hex Editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/jeex", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "Jeex is a simple hexadecimal editor which allows user to create, open and edit files in hexadecimal, binary, octal and ASCII. The features include insert, delete, copy-and-paste, search and many others. It also shows several information about the opened file, like file mode bits, ownership, last access and modification timestamps. Homepage: http://www.hds619.net/jeex.php", "path": "./salix/development/jeex-12.6.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5284 K", "ver": "5.2.1", "name": "scite", "descs": "scite (SCIntilla based Text Editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/scite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1321 K", "descl": "SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs. There are more language files for SciTE on http://code.google.com/p/scite-files/wiki/Customization", "path": "./salix/development/scite-5.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "724 K", "ver": "5.1_20210713", "name": "bashdb", "descs": "bashdb (The BASH Debugger Project)", "source": "source/salix/development/bashdb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "181 K", "descl": "The BASH Debugger Project contains the most comprehensive source-code debugger for bash that has been written. It has a similar command interface as gdb. http://bashdb.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/bashdb-5.1_20210713-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "dasht", "descs": "dasht (Search API docs offline, in your terminal or browser)", "source": "source/salix/development/dasht", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "dasht is a collection of shell scripts for searching, browsing, and managing API documentation (in the form of 150+ offline documentation sets, courtesy of Dash for OS X) all from the comfort of your own terminal! Homepage: https://github.com/sunaku/dasht", "path": "./salix/development/dasht-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3624 K", "ver": "2.1.3", "name": "mads", "descs": "mads (cross assembler for 6502, targetting the Atari 8-bit)", "source": "source/salix/development/mads", "deps": ["fpc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "906 K", "descl": "MADS is oriented toward users of QA, XASM, and FA. The syntax is borrowed from QA, some macro commands and syntax come from XASM, and SpartaDOS X (SDX) syntax is inherited from FA. Additional characters are allowed in label names. Also added are support for the 65816 CPU, macros, procedures, splitting across virtual memory banks, and nested label names.", "path": "./salix/development/mads-2.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "samurai", "descs": "samurai (ninja-compatible build tool written in C)", "source": "source/salix/development/samurai", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "samurai is a ninja-compatible build tool written in C99 with a focus on simplicity, speed, and portability. Homepage: https://github.com/michaelforney/samurai", "path": "./salix/development/samurai-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "2.7", "name": "tkdnd", "descs": "tkdnd (Tk Drag and Drop Interface)", "source": "source/salix/development/tkdnd", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "The tkdnd family commands provide a Tcl interface to native, platform specific drag and drop mechanism. Under unix the drag&drop protocol in use is the XDND protocol version 5 (also used by the Qt toolkit, and the KDE and GNOME desktops). https://tkdnd.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/tkdnd-2.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4456 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "cppcms", "descs": "cppcms (High Performance C++ Web Framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/cppcms", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "icu4c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1114 K", "descl": "What is CppCMS? CppCMS is a Free High Performance Web Development Framework (not a CMS) aimed for Rapid Web Application Development. It differs from most of other web development frameworks like: Python Django, Java Servlets in following: 1. It is designed and tuned to handle extremely high loads. 2. It uses modern C++ as primary development language in order to achieve first goal. 3. It is aimed on development of Web Sites rather then 'GUI Like' web applications.", "path": "./salix/development/cppcms-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "jenv", "descs": "jenv (Java environment management tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/jenv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "jEnv is a command line tool to help you forget how to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Homepage: https://www.jenv.be Release date: Aug 22, 2020", "path": "./salix/development/jenv-0.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "2.7.0", "name": "evemu", "descs": "evemu (Device descriptions and events recording and replaying tools)", "source": "source/salix/development/evemu", "deps": ["libevdev"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "evemu records and replays device descriptions and events, making it possible to emulate input devices through the kernel's input system. Emulated devices are for most practical purposes indistinguishable from real devices. Homepage: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Evemu/", "path": "./salix/development/evemu-2.7.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5868 K", "ver": "2.38", "name": "avr-binutils", "descs": "avr-binutils (Cross compiling binutils for the AVR platform)", "source": "source/salix/development/avr-binutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "binutils", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "flex", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1467 K", "descl": "This package contains cross compiling version of GNU binutils, which can be used to assemble and link binaries for the AVR platform. It includes a patch to make 'avr-size' report how much memory (RAM and flash) is taken up by the binary image on the target processor. (obtained from https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/32504)", "path": "./salix/development/avr-binutils-2.38-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1360 K", "ver": "6.4", "name": "avrdude", "descs": "avrdude (utility to interface with AVR microcontrollers using ISP)", "source": "source/salix/development/avrdude", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "340 K", "descl": "Avrdude is an open source utility to download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers using the in-system programming technique (ISP). Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/avrdude/", "path": "./salix/development/avrdude-6.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5896 K", "ver": "0.10.3", "name": "omake", "descs": "omake (The OMake build system)", "source": "source/salix/development/omake", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "ocaml-findlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1474 K", "descl": "OMake is a build system designed for scalability and portability. It uses a syntax similar to make utilities you may have used, but it features many additional enhancements. Homepage: http://omake.metaprl.org/", "path": "./salix/development/omake-0.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "2.26", "name": "sloccount", "descs": "sloccount (Source Lines of Code Counter)", "source": "source/salix/development/sloccount", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "SLOCCount is a set of tools for counting physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) in a large number of languages. It can measure 19 different languages, including C, C++, Perl, LISP/Scheme, and Python (A complete list is available on the home page). SLOCcount home page is: https://www.dwheeler.com/sloccount/", "path": "./salix/development/sloccount-2.26-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "1.40_18", "name": "beav", "descs": "beav (curses-based binary/hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/beav", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "BEAV (Binary Editor And Viewer), is a full featured binary file editor. Just about any operation that you could want to do to a binary file is possible with BEAV. You can insert or delete in the middle of a file thereby changing it's size. You can edit multiple files in multiple windows and cut and paste between them. You can display and edit data in hex, octal, decimal, binary, ascii, or ebcdic formats. You can display data in byte, word, or long word formats in either Intel or Motorola byte ordering. You can send the formatted display mode to a file or printer.", "path": "./salix/development/beav-1.40_18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1676 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "gnats", "descs": "gnats (set of tools for tracking bugs)", "source": "source/salix/development/gnats", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "419 K", "descl": "GNU GNATS is a set of tools for tracking bugs reported by users to a central site. It allows problem report management and communication with users via various means. GNATS stores all the information about problem reports in its databases and provides tools for querying, editing, and maintenance of the databases. Homepage: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnats/", "path": "./salix/development/gnats-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5892 K", "ver": "0.12.1", "name": "vala-12", "descs": "vala-12 (Compiler for the GObject type system)", "source": "source/salix/development/vala-12", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1473 K", "descl": "Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C.", "path": "./salix/development/vala-12-0.12.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2520 K", "ver": "4.3.1", "name": "julius", "descs": "julius (speech recognition software)", "source": "source/salix/development/julius", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "audiofile", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "esound", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "630 K", "descl": "Julius is a high-performance, two-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) decoder software for speech-related researchers and developers. Homepage: http://julius.sourceforge.jp/en_index.php", "path": "./salix/development/julius-4.3.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "25748 K", "ver": "5.1.1", "name": "radare2", "descs": "radare2 (the reverse engineering framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/radare2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "capstone", "gnutls", "libunistring", "libuv", "libzip", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6437 K", "descl": "This is the rewrite of radare (1.x branch) to provide a framework with a set of libraries and programs to work with binary data. Radare project started as a forensics tool, an scriptable commandline hexadecimal editor able to open disk files, but later support for analyzing binaries, disassembling code, debugging programs, attaching to remote gdb servers, ... radare2 is portable.", "path": "./salix/development/radare2-5.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4544 K", "ver": "1.00.99", "name": "freetds", "descs": "freetds (free implementation of the Tabular Data Stream protocol)", "source": "source/salix/development/freetds", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libiodbc", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1136 K", "descl": "FreeTDS is a free implementation of Sybase's db-lib, ct-lib, and ODBC libraries. FreeTDS builds and runs on every flavor of unix-like systems we've heard of, as well as Win32 (with or without Cygwin), VMS, and Mac OS X. Failure to build on your system is probably considered a bug. It has C language bindings, and works also with Perl and PHP, among others. Homepage: http://www.freetds.org/", "path": "./salix/development/freetds-1.00.99-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "4.7t", "name": "cproto", "descs": "cproto (generate function prototypes for C code)", "source": "source/salix/development/cproto", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Cproto is a program that generates function prototypes and variable declarations from C source code. It can also convert function definitions between the old style and the ANSI C style. This conversion overwrites the original files, so make a backup copy of your files in case something goes wrong.", "path": "./salix/development/cproto-4.7t-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.31.0", "name": "icoutils", "descs": "icoutils (Windows Icon and Cursor Utilities)", "source": "source/salix/development/icoutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "The icoutils are a set of program for extracting and converting images in Microsoft Windows(R) icon and cursor files. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/icoutils/", "path": "./salix/development/icoutils-0.31.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1788 K", "ver": "6.5.0", "name": "jupyter-nbconvert", "descs": "jupyter-nbconvert (Jupyter notebook conversion)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter-nbconvert", "deps": ["bleach", "python3-defusedxml", "jupyter-nbclient", "jupyterlab_pygments", "mistune", "pandocfilters", "testpath", "BeautifulSoup4", "tinycss2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "447 K", "descl": "jupyter-nbconvert tool converts notebooks to various other formats via Jinja templates.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter-nbconvert-6.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1272 K", "ver": "0.4.8", "name": "diffuse", "descs": "diffuse (tool for merging and comparing text files)", "source": "source/salix/development/diffuse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "318 K", "descl": "Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of files of files side-by-side and gives users the ability to manually adjust line matching and directly edit files. Support Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial,Monotone, RCS, Subversion, and SVK repositories for comparison and merging. Homepage: http://diffuse.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/development/diffuse-0.4.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "216240 K", "ver": "5.4.3", "name": "apache-jmeter", "descs": "apache-jmeter (Java-based testing tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/apache-jmeter", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "54060 K", "descl": "JMeter is a pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing web applications but has since expanded to other test functions. Homepage: http://jmeter.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/development/apache-jmeter-5.4.3-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "572 K", "ver": "2bf0cd7", "name": "QStlink", "descs": "QStlink (cross-platform STLinkV2 GUI)", "source": "source/salix/development/QStlink", "deps": ["QtUsb", ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "143 K", "descl": "QSTLink is a cross-platform STLinkV2 GUI for writing, reading verifing and erasing.", "path": "./salix/development/QStlink-2bf0cd7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4588 K", "ver": "", "name": "xmlcopyeditor", "descs": "xmlcopyeditor (XML editor based on Scintilla)", "source": "source/salix/development/xmlcopyeditor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1147 K", "descl": "XML Copy Editor is a fast, free, validating XML editor. Homepage: http://xml-copy-editor.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/xmlcopyeditor-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3064 K", "ver": "p5.9.20211205.0", "name": "universal-ctags", "descs": "universal-ctags (generate tag files for source code)", "source": "source/salix/development/universal-ctags", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "jansson", "libseccomp", "libxml2", "libyaml", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "766 K", "descl": "universal-ctags has the objective of continuing the development from what existed in the Sourceforge area. Github exuberant-ctags repository was started by Reza Jelveh and was later moved to the universal-ctags organization. The goal of the project is preparing and maintaining common/unified working space where people interested in making ctags better can work together.", "path": "./salix/development/universal-ctags-p5.9.20211205.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5476 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "phpDocumentor", "descs": "phpDocumentor (The complete documentation solution for PHP)", "source": "source/salix/development/phpDocumentor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1369 K", "descl": "phpDocumentor is the standard auto-documentation tool for PHP. Written in PHP, phpDocumentor can be used directly from the command-line, or through an easy to use web interface. It can be used to generate professional documentation directly from the source code of your PHP project. Support for linking between documentation, automatic class inheritance and generation of highlighted source code with cross-referencing to php general documentation are just a few of the features of phpDocumentor.", "path": "./salix/development/phpDocumentor-1.4.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.0.11", "name": "tcludp", "descs": "tcludp (UDP support for Tcl)", "source": "source/salix/development/tcludp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Tcludp provides support for using UDP through Tcl. The package provides a new channel type and attempts to permit the use of packet oriented UDP over stream oriented Tcl channels. http://tcludp.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/tcludp-1.0.11-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "41828 K", "ver": "", "name": "gnuradio", "descs": "gnuradio (free software toolkit for building SDRs)", "source": "source/salix/development/gnuradio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "boost", "celt", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "flac", "gsl", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "log4cpp", "opus", "orc", "portaudio", "python3", "sdl", "volk", "zlib", "cheetah3", "pybind11", "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10457 K", "descl": "GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in hobbyist, academic and commercial environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems. homepage: http://gnuradio.org", "path": "./salix/development/gnuradio-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "1.16.8", "name": "le", "descs": "le (text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/le", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "gnulib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "le has many block operations with stream and rectangular blocks, can edit both unix and dos style files (LF/CRLF), is binary clean, has hex mode, can edit text with multi-byte character encoding, has full undo/redo, can edit files and mmap-able devices in mmap shared mode (only replace), has tunable syntax highlighting, tunable color scheme (can use default colors), tunable key map. It is slightly similar to Norton Editor, but has more features. Homepage: http://lav.yar.ru/programs.html", "path": "./salix/development/le-1.16.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "0.7.3_6", "name": "ltrace", "descs": "ltrace (library call trace utility)", "source": "source/salix/development/ltrace", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libunwind", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "ltrace intercepts and records dynamic library calls which are called by an executed process and the signals received by that process. It can also intercept and print the system calls executed by the program.", "path": "./salix/development/ltrace-0.7.3_6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1092 K", "ver": "20191024+0802230", "name": "digikey-kicad-library", "descs": "digikey-kicad-library (DigiKey library for KiCad EDA Suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/digikey-kicad-library", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "273 K", "descl": "KiCad schematic, pcb libraries. Homepage: https://github.com/digikey/digikey-kicad-library/", "path": "./salix/development/digikey-kicad-library-20191024+0802230-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "", "name": "glm", "descs": "glm (OpenGL Mathematics)", "source": "source/salix/development/glm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification. GLM provides classes and functions designed and implemented with the same naming conventions and functionalities than GLSL so that when a programmer knows GLSL, he knows GLM as well which makes it really easy to use. homepage: http://glm.g-truc.net/", "path": "./salix/development/glm-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "pycscope", "descs": "pycscope (cscope index genereator for python)", "source": "source/salix/development/pycscope", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "A python script that generates a cscope index of Python source trees pycscope uses Python's own parser and AST to generate the index, so it is a bit more accurate than plain cscope. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycscope/", "path": "./salix/development/pycscope-0.3-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "cmocka", "descs": "cmocka (Unit testing framework for C)", "source": "source/salix/development/cmocka", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "CMocka is an elegant unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects. It provides a powerful testing framework for C, on on different platforms and operating systems, which only requires the standard C library. It includes support for mock objects, a fully documented API, test fixtures, exception handling for singlas, testing of memory leaks and buffer overflows and underflows.", "path": "./salix/development/cmocka-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3016 K", "ver": "4.3.0", "name": "omniORBpy", "descs": "omniORBpy (A robust high-performance CORBA ORB for Python.)", "source": "source/salix/development/omniORBpy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "omniORB", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "754 K", "descl": "The bindings adhere to the standard IDL to Python mapping. omniORBpy makes use of the C++ omniORB library. omniORBpy version 4.2.x can only be used with omniORB 4.2.x.", "path": "./salix/development/omniORBpy-4.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "20120305", "name": "hexe", "descs": "hexe (minimalist hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/hexe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "hexe is a hex editor with emacs-like key bindings. It runs in a terminal and allows editing in hex or ASCII.", "path": "./salix/development/hexe-20120305-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1016 K", "ver": "98", "name": "golang-googlecode-gonet", "descs": "golang-googlecode-gonet (networking libraries for golang)", "source": "source/salix/development/golang-googlecode-gonet", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "254 K", "descl": "Supplementary networking libraries for golang.", "path": "./salix/development/golang-googlecode-gonet-98-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "mmtf-cpp", "descs": "mmtf-cpp (pure C++ implementation of the MMTF API)", "source": "source/salix/development/mmtf-cpp", "deps": ["msgpack-c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The MacroMolecular Transmission Format (MMTF) is a binary encoding of biological structures homepage: https://github.com/rcsb/mmtf-cpp", "path": "./salix/development/mmtf-cpp-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "6320 K", "ver": "5.5.2", "name": "polyml", "descs": "polyml (full implementation of Standard ML)", "source": "source/salix/development/polyml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1580 K", "descl": "Poly/ML is a full implementation of Standard ML available as open-source. Website: https://www.polyml.org/", "path": "./salix/development/polyml-5.5.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.4.6", "name": "vispatch", "descs": "vispatch (VIS Patching for Quake BSPs)", "source": "source/salix/development/vispatch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "VisPatch is a tool for patching quake maps for transparent water in glquake. Original quake didn't have their maps water-vised, so people did that by themselves and prepared patch data files. This tool is used for preparing and applying those patch files. Homepage: http://vispatch.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/vispatch-1.4.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "2.0.24", "name": "pyvim", "descs": "pyvim (Vim in Python)", "source": "source/salix/development/pyvim", "deps": ["prompt_toolkit", "pyflakes", "docopt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "An implementation of Vim in Python. The editor is written completely in Python. (There are no C extensions). This makes development a lot faster. It's easy to prototype and integrate new features. Homepage: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/pyvim", "path": "./salix/development/pyvim-2.0.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "20130329", "name": "jsmin", "descs": "jsmin (The JavaScript Minifier)", "source": "source/salix/development/jsmin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "JSMin is a filter which removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files. It typically reduces filesize by half, resulting in faster downloads. It also encourages a more expressive programming style because it eliminates the download cost of clean, literate self-documentation. http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.html", "path": "./salix/development/jsmin-20130329-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7744 K", "ver": "3.62.5", "name": "4th", "descs": "4th (The friendly Forth compiler/interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/development/4th", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1936 K", "descl": "It detects virtually every error and reports what and where they occur, but is still fast and compact. http://www.gnu.org/software/4th/ Licence: GNU LGPL V3", "path": "./salix/development/4th-3.62.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "688 K", "ver": "2.12", "name": "noweb", "descs": "noweb (literate programming tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/noweb", "deps": ["icon"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "172 K", "descl": "noweb is a simple, extensible tool for literate programming. It is designed to meet the needs of literate programmers while remaining as simple as possible. Its primary advantages are simplicity, extensibility, and language-independence -- especially noticeable when compared with other literate-programming tools.", "path": "./salix/development/noweb-2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "876 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "nose", "descs": "nose (a discovery-based unittest extension)", "source": "source/salix/development/nose", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "219 K", "descl": "nose provides an alternate test discovery and running process for unittest, one that is intended to mimic the behavior of py.test as much as is reasonably possible without resorting to too much magic. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nose/", "path": "./salix/development/nose-1.3.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5072 K", "ver": "0.5.8p", "name": "setedit", "descs": "setedit (SET's Editor, a friendly text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/setedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], "aalib", "allegro4", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "librhtv", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib", "libmigdb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1268 K", "descl": "SETEdit is a friendly text editor. It is a text mode application with windows, buttons, mouse support, etc. The main target of the project are programmers so the editor is mainly oriented to programming. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/setedit/", "path": "./salix/development/setedit-0.5.8p-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "mphidflash", "descs": "mphidflash (command-line tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/mphidflash", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "MPHidFlash is a command-line tool for communicating with the USB-Bootloader in PIC microcontrollers. It supports Microchips HID-Bootloader protocol and runs on various plattforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS X). see: https://code.google.com/p/mphidflash/", "path": "./salix/development/mphidflash-1.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "pip2tgz", "descs": "pip2tgz (Make Slackware package of any package in PyPI)", "source": "source/salix/development/pip2tgz", "deps": ["pipdeptree"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "pip2tgz builds a Slackware install file from any package archive fetched from PyPI (the Python Package Index, analogous to perl's CPAN). PyPI is at https://pypi.python.org/pypi pip2tgz comes with a man page describing how to use it. Home page: https://github.com/duncan-roe/pip2tgz", "path": "./salix/development/pip2tgz-0.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "20180430", "name": "hackrf", "descs": "hackrf (radio platform)", "source": "source/salix/development/hackrf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "fftw"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "HackRF, a project to produce a low cost, open source software radio platform. homepage: https://github.com/mossmann/hackrf", "path": "./salix/development/hackrf-20180430-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "ghi", "descs": "ghi (command line tool for git issues)", "source": "source/salix/development/ghi", "deps": ["rubygem-pygments"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "ghi is a CLI tool for working with git issues in your editor.", "path": "./salix/development/ghi-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "1.14", "name": "lcov", "descs": "lcov (the LTP GCOV extension)", "source": "source/salix/development/lcov", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "LCOV is a graphical front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov. It collects gcov data for multiple source files and creates HTML pages containing the source code annotated with coverage information. It also adds overview pages for easy navigation within the file structure. LCOV supports statement, function and branch coverage measurement. Homepage: http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php", "path": "./salix/development/lcov-1.14-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1180 K", "ver": "0.10.3", "name": "blassic", "descs": "blassic (BASIC interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/development/blassic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "295 K", "descl": "Blassic is a classic Basic interpreter. The line numbers are mandatory, and it has PEEK & POKE. The main goal is to execute programs written in old interpreters, even those that use peculiar control flow constructs or automodifiable code. However, it can be used as a scripting language, and has some not-so-classic instructions. It has graphics modes that are compatible with some classic systems and user defined.", "path": "./salix/development/blassic-0.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "21908 K", "ver": "1.09.0", "name": "FreeBASIC", "descs": "FreeBASIC (BASIC compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/FreeBASIC", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "5477 K", "descl": "Open-source, free, multi-platform BASIC compiler, with syntax similar MS-QuickBASIC (including the GFX statements), that adds new features such as pointers, unsigned data types, inline assembly, a pre-processor and many others. Homepage: http://www.freebasic.net", "path": "./salix/development/FreeBASIC-1.09.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2432 K", "ver": "0.74.0", "name": "uncrustify", "descs": "uncrustify (source code beautifier)", "source": "source/salix/development/uncrustify", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "608 K", "descl": "Uncrustify works with C, C++, C#, D, Java, and Pawn and indents (with spaces only, tabs and spaces, and tabs only), adds and removes newlines, has a high degree of control over operator spacing, aligns code, is extremely configurable, and is easy to modify. Uncrustify home page is http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/uncrustify-0.74.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "17004 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "pgmodeler", "descs": "pgmodeler (PostgreSQL Database Modeler)", "source": "source/salix/development/pgmodeler", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4251 K", "descl": "pgModeler - PostgreSQL Database Modeler - is an open-source data-modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more DDL commands written by hand, let pgModeler do the job for you! This software unites the concepts of entity-relationship diagrams and the features that PostgreSQL implements as extensions of SQL standards. Homepage: https://pgmodeler.io", "path": "./salix/development/pgmodeler-0.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1236 K", "ver": "0.53.0", "name": "kaaedit", "descs": "kaaedit (console text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/kaaedit", "deps": ["curses_ex", "pyjf3", "setproctitle", "kaadbg", "GitPython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "309 K", "descl": "kaa is a small and easy CUI text editor for console/terminal emulator environments. Homepage: https://github.com/kaaedit/kaa", "path": "./salix/development/kaaedit-0.53.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2015.12.11", "name": "osmo-sdr", "descs": "osmo-sdr (free software toolkit for building SDRs)", "source": "source/salix/development/osmo-sdr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. If you are familiar with existing SDR receivers, then OsmoSDR can be thought of something in between a FunCube Dongle (only 96kHz bandwidth) and a USRP (much more expensive) homepage: http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/", "path": "./salix/development/osmo-sdr-2015.12.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "67764 K", "ver": "", "name": "clojure", "descs": "clojure (Dynamic programming language for JVM)", "source": "source/salix/development/clojure", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8", "rlwrap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16941 K", "descl": "Clojure is a dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine. It is desgined to be a general-purpose language, combining the approachability and interactive development of a scripting language with an efficient and robust infrastructure for multithreaded programming. Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, and shares with Lisp the code-as-data philosophy and a powerful macro system. Homepage: https://clojure.org/", "path": "./salix/development/clojure-", "arch": "x86"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5436 K", "ver": "5.1.6", "name": "kicad-templates", "descs": "kicad-templates (templates for KiCad EDA Suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/kicad-templates", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1359 K", "descl": "KiCad additional templates. Homepage: http://kicad-pcb.org/", "path": "./salix/development/kicad-templates-5.1.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1089072 K", "ver": "10.1.4", "name": "ghidra", "descs": "ghidra (Software Reverse Engineering Tools developed by NSA)", "source": "source/salix/development/ghidra", "deps": ["jdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "272268 K", "descl": "Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework created and maintained by the National Security Agency Research Directorate. Capabilities include disassembly, assembly, decompilation, graphing, and scripting, along with hundreds of other features. Ghidra supports a wide variety of processor instruction sets and executable formats and can be run in both user-interactive and automated modes. Homepage: https://ghidra-sre.org/", "path": "./salix/development/ghidra-10.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1848 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "bless", "descs": "bless (GUI hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/bless", "deps": ["gtk-sharp"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "462 K", "descl": "bless is a full featured hexadecimal editor, written in C#, using Gtk# for the user interface. Its purpose is to edit files as a sequence of bytes, allowing read/write, search, pattern finding, efficient query-replace, multi-tabbing, customized data-views, plug-ins, and many other features.", "path": "./salix/development/bless-0.6.0-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "8164 K", "ver": "20220210", "name": "menhir", "descs": "menhir (OCaml parser generator)", "source": "source/salix/development/menhir", "deps": ["dune", "ocaml-findlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2041 K", "descl": "Menhir is a LR(1) parser generator for the OCaml programming language. That is, Menhir compiles LR(1) grammar specifications down to OCaml code. Homepage: http://cristal.inria.fr/~fpottier/menhir/", "path": "./salix/development/menhir-20220210-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1976 K", "ver": "1.15.1", "name": "cppunit", "descs": "cppunit (C++ unit testing framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/cppunit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "494 K", "descl": "CppUnit is a C++ unit testing framework. It started its life as a port of JUnit to C++ by Michael Feathers.", "path": "./salix/development/cppunit-1.15.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "4.10.0", "name": "jupyter_core", "descs": "jupyter_core (core common functionality of Jupyter projects)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter_core", "deps": ["traitlets"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "The Jupyter core contains the base application classes and configuration used by other Jupyter projects.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter_core-4.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "16320 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "OpenHantek6022", "descs": "OpenHantek6022 (Free software for Hantek6022 USB oscilloscopes)", "source": "source/salix/development/OpenHantek6022", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "fftw", "glu", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4080 K", "descl": "Free software for Hantek6022 and compatible (Voltcraft/Darkwire /Protek/Acetech) USB digital oscilloscopes. It resembles the typical view of a real hardware oscilloscope, and supports spectrum analysis via FFT. Homepage: http://openhantek.org/", "path": "./salix/development/OpenHantek6022-3.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "bvi", "descs": "bvi (binary vi editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/bvi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "Bvi stands for Binary VIsual editor. It is a display oriented editor for binary files its command set is based on those of the vi texteditor.", "path": "./salix/development/bvi-1.4.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "16000 K", "ver": "1.9.14", "name": "apache-ant", "descs": "apache-ant (Java-based build tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/apache-ant", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4000 K", "descl": "Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool - like make but without make's wrinkles. Ant is extended using Java classes. The configuration files are XML-based, calling out a target tree where tasks get executed. Each task is run by an object that implements a Task interface. Homepage: http://ant.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/development/apache-ant-1.9.14-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "15716 K", "ver": "10.1", "name": "avr-gdb", "descs": "avr-gdb (Gdb for the AVR platform)", "source": "source/salix/development/avr-gdb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "expat", "gc", "guile2.2", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python3", "xxHash", "zlib", "avr-gcc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3929 K", "descl": "This package contains cross compiling version of GNU gdb, which can be used to debug programs for the AVR platform.", "path": "./salix/development/avr-gdb-10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "465384 K", "ver": "1.17.9", "name": "google-go-lang", "descs": "google-go-lang (Google's Go Language kit with gc tool chain)", "source": "source/salix/development/google-go-lang", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116346 K", "descl": "The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction.", "path": "./salix/development/google-go-lang-1.17.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "0.5.33", "name": "slibtool", "descs": "slibtool (skinny libtool implementation)", "source": "source/salix/development/slibtool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "slibtool is an independent reimplementation of the widely used libtool, written in C. slibtool is designed to be a clean, fast, easy-to-use written in C. Homepage: https://git.foss21.org/slibtool", "path": "./salix/development/slibtool-0.5.33-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "6408 K", "ver": "2.35", "name": "arm-binutils", "descs": "arm-binutils (Cross compiling binutils for the ARM platform)", "source": "source/salix/development/arm-binutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "flex", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1602 K", "descl": "This package contains cross compiling version of GNU binutils, which can be used to assemble and link binaries for the ARM platform.", "path": "./salix/development/arm-binutils-2.35-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "QtPy", "descs": "QtPy (Qt abstraction layer for Python)", "source": "source/salix/development/QtPy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "QtPy is a small abstraction layer that lets you write applications using a single API call to either PyQt or PySide. It provides support for PyQt5, PyQt4, PySide2 and PySide using the Qt5 layout (where the QtGui module has been split into QtGui and QtWidgets).", "path": "./salix/development/QtPy-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "2.13.0", "name": "jupyterlab_server", "descs": "jupyterlab_server (Launch an application built using JupyterLab)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyterlab_server", "deps": ["jupyter_server", "python3-babel", "python3-json5"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "JupyterLab Server sits between JupyterLab and Jupyter Server, and provides a set of REST API handlers and utilities that are used by JupyterLab. It is a separate project in order to accommodate creating JupyterLab-like applications from a more limited scope.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyterlab_server-2.13.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "189812 K", "ver": "12.0.1", "name": "komodo-edit", "descs": "komodo-edit (Multi-Language Editor for Professional Developers)", "source": "source/salix/development/komodo-edit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47453 K", "descl": "Komodo is the professional Editor for major web languages, including Python, PHP, Ruby, Perl, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You'll enjoy developing faster with Komodo Editor's complete set of tools. http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit/", "path": "./salix/development/komodo-edit-12.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "20080503", "name": "tclvfs", "descs": "tclvfs (virtial filesystem extension for Tcl)", "source": "source/salix/development/tclvfs", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "The TclVfs project aims to provide an extension to the Tcl language which allows Virtual Filesystems to be built using Tcl scripts only. https://sourceforge.net/projects/tclvfs/", "path": "./salix/development/tclvfs-20080503-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "2.3.11", "name": "xa", "descs": "xa (Andre Fachat's open-source 6502 cross assembler)", "source": "source/salix/development/xa", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "xa is a high-speed, two-pass, portable cross-assembler. It understands mnemonics and generates code for NMOS 6502s (such as 6502A, 6504, 6507, 6510, 7501, 8500, 8501, 8502 ...), CMOS 6502s (65C02, Rockwell R65C02) and the 65816.", "path": "./salix/development/xa-2.3.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "6.0.1", "name": "beautysh", "descs": "beautysh (A Bash beautifier for the masses)", "source": "source/salix/development/beautysh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This program takes upon itself the hard task of beautifying Bash scripts. Homepage: https://github.com/lovesegfault/beautysh", "path": "./salix/development/beautysh-6.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "12992 K", "ver": "1.4.8", "name": "nim", "descs": "nim (programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/nim", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3248 K", "descl": "Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula.", "path": "./salix/development/nim-1.4.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2360072 K", "ver": "2022.1", "name": "idea", "descs": "idea (Development IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/idea", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "590018 K", "descl": "Out of the box, IntelliJ IDEA provides a comprehensive feature set including tools and integrations with the most important modern technologies and frameworks for enterprise and web development with Java, Scala, Groovy and other languages.", "path": "./salix/development/idea-2022.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "15644 K", "ver": "6.35_r2", "name": "inform", "descs": "inform (interactive fiction compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/inform", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3911 K", "descl": "Inform 6 is version 6 of Inform, an interactive fiction programming language created by Graham Nelson. Inform 6 made its debut on April 30th, 1996, and it continues to be one of the most popular IF development systems even after the introduction of Inform 7 in 2006. Inform 6, like all other versions of Inform, compiles to code not only for the Z-machine, the same virtual machine used by Infocom, but also for the more powerful and flexible virtual machine called Glulx.", "path": "./salix/development/inform-6.35_r2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "ruff", "descs": "ruff (Runtime function formatter)", "source": "source/salix/development/ruff", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "Ruff! is a documentation generation system for programs written in the Tcl programming language. Ruff! is included with Woof! but can be used independently of it. Ruff! uses runtime introspection in conjunction with comment analysis to generate reference manuals for Tcl programs.", "path": "./salix/development/ruff-2.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "11088 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "frobtads", "descs": "frobtads (interactive fiction compiler and interpreter for TADS)", "source": "source/salix/development/frobtads", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2772 K", "descl": "FrobTADS is a full version of TADS for Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X, by Nikos Chantziaras. It includes everything you need for playing and writing TADS games, including a text-only TADS interpreter and the compilers for both TADS 2 and 3. The latest text-only TADS features are supported, including colored text and backgrounds, TADS 3 banner windows, and timed input.", "path": "./salix/development/frobtads-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4340 K", "ver": "20220219_d4432be", "name": "xxdiff", "descs": "xxdiff (graphical file and directories comparator and merge tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/xxdiff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1085 K", "descl": "This program is an essential software development tool that can be used to: * visualize the differences between files or directories * merge files with differences, resolving conflicts and saving output to a new file or patch * assist file changes reviewing and comment production (e.g. approving source code changes before they get merged into a source tree). homepage: http://furius.ca/xxdiff/", "path": "./salix/development/xxdiff-20220219_d4432be-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "11116 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "newlib", "descs": "newlib (C library)", "source": "source/salix/development/newlib", "deps": ["arm-gcc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2779 K", "descl": "Newlib is a C library intended for use on embedded systems. It is a conglomeration of several library parts, all under free software licenses that make them easily usable on embedded products. Newlib is only available in source form. It can be compiled for a wide array of processors, and will usually work on any architecture with the addition of a few low-level routines.", "path": "./salix/development/newlib-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "44576 K", "ver": "2.098.1", "name": "dmd", "descs": "dmd (Digital Mars D Compiler Package)", "source": "source/salix/development/dmd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11144 K", "descl": "D is a general-purpose programming language with static typing, systems-level access, and C-like syntax. It combines efficiency, control and modeling power with safety and programmer productivity. Homepage: https://dlang.org", "path": "./salix/development/dmd-2.098.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "jupyter-notebook_shim", "descs": "jupyter-notebook_shim (shim layer for Jupyter Notebook)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter-notebook_shim", "deps": ["jupyter_server"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Notebook Shim provides a way for JupyterLab and other frontends to switch to Jupyter Server for their Python Web application backend.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter-notebook_shim-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "275824 K", "ver": "1.6.21", "name": "kotlin", "descs": "kotlin (Kotlin Compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/kotlin", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8", "setconf"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68956 K", "descl": "Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for modern multiplatform applications. It's 100% interoperable with Java(tm) and Android(tm) Project URL: https://kotlinlang.org/", "path": "./salix/development/kotlin-1.6.21-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "0.13.1", "name": "scikit-build", "descs": "scikit-build (Improved build system generator for CPython extensions)", "source": "source/salix/development/scikit-build", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "The scikit-build package is fundamentally just glue between the setuptools Python module and CMake. Better support is provided for additional compilers, build systems, cross compilation and locating dependencies and determining their build requirements.", "path": "./salix/development/scikit-build-0.13.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "14648 K", "ver": "3.4.2", "name": "jupyterlab", "descs": "jupyterlab (Jupyter next-generation user interface)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyterlab", "deps": ["jupyter-notebook_shim", "nodejs", "jupyterlab_server", "jupyter-ipykernel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3662 K", "descl": "JupyterLab is the next-generation user interface for Project Jupyter offering all the familiar building blocks of the classic Jupyter Notebook (notebook, terminal, text editor, file browser, rich outputs, etc.) in a flexible and powerful user interface. JupyterLab will eventually replace the classic Jupyter Notebook.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyterlab-3.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2256 K", "ver": "5.6a", "name": "nedit", "descs": "nedit (text editor with GUI)", "source": "source/salix/development/nedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "564 K", "descl": "NEdit is a powerful plain text editor with a Motif GUI. It features advanced macros, line numbering and syntax highlighting. Despite being feature rich it is easy to use, even for casual users. https://sourceforge.net/projects/nedit/", "path": "./salix/development/nedit-5.6a-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1032 K", "ver": "1.15", "name": "mtasc", "descs": "mtasc (Free software ActionScript 2 compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/mtasc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "258 K", "descl": "MTASC is the first ActionScript 2 free software compiler. It can compile a large number of .as class files in a very short time and generate directly the corresponding SWF bytecode without relying on Macromedia Flash or other. This version is a community fork of MTASC. Homepage: http://mtasc.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/mtasc-1.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1148 K", "ver": "41.2", "name": "devhelp", "descs": "devhelp (an API documentation browser for GTK+ and GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/development/devhelp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "287 K", "descl": "Devhelp is an API documentation browser for GTK+ and GNOME. It works natively with gtk-doc (the API reference framework developed for GTK+ and used throughout GNOME for API documentation). If you use gtk-doc with your project, you can use Devhelp to browse the documentation. https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Devhelp", "path": "./salix/development/devhelp-41.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4580 K", "ver": "5.5.0", "name": "rr", "descs": "rr (Record and Replay Framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/rr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "capnproto"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1145 K", "descl": "rr aspires to be your primary C/C++ debugging tool for Linux, enhancing gdb. You record a failure once, then debug the recording, deterministically, as many times as you want. The same execution is replayed every time. https://rr-project.org/", "path": "./salix/development/rr-5.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "13556 K", "ver": "0.4.18", "name": "mdbook", "descs": "mdbook (mdBook Rust Tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/mdbook", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3389 K", "descl": "Create book from markdown files, like Gitbook but implemented in Rust. Homepage: https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook", "path": "./salix/development/mdbook-0.4.18-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7304 K", "ver": "31.0.3p1", "name": "android-tools", "descs": "android-tools (adb and fastboot tools)", "source": "source/salix/development/android-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "lz4", "protobuf3", "zlib", "gtest"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1826 K", "descl": "These are the adb and fastboot tools from the android sdk.", "path": "./salix/development/android-tools-31.0.3p1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "22164 K", "ver": "3.4.3", "name": "python3-matplotlib", "descs": "python3-matplotlib (a Python 2D plotting library)", "source": "source/salix/development/python3-matplotlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "numpy3", "python3-dateutil", "pytz", "python3-cycler", "python3-kiwisolver", "python3-tornado"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5541 K", "descl": "Matplotlib is a plotting library for Python which uses syntax similar to MATLAB. Matplotlib produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. Homepage: https://matplotlib.org/ This is the Python 3 version of matplotlib and can coexist with SBo's matplotlib package.", "path": "./salix/development/python3-matplotlib-3.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1216 K", "ver": "1.23", "name": "pahole", "descs": "pahole (shows and manipulates program's data structure layout)", "source": "source/salix/development/pahole", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "elfutils", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "304 K", "descl": "pahole shows data structure layouts encoded in debugging information formats, DWARF and CTF being supported. This is useful for, among other things: optimizing important data structures by reducing their size, figuring out what is the field sitting at an offset from the start of a data structure, investigating ABI changes and more generally understanding a new codebase you have to work with.", "path": "./salix/development/pahole-1.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "12192 K", "ver": "0.7.20", "name": "Editra", "descs": "Editra (A Developer's Text Editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/Editra", "deps": ["wxPython"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3048 K", "descl": "Editra is a multi-platform text editor with an implementation that focuses on creating an easy to use interface and features that aid in code development. Currently it supports syntax highlighting and variety of other useful features for over 60 programming languages. Editra is freely available for use under the terms of the wxWindows License. Homepage : http://www.editra.org/", "path": "./salix/development/Editra-0.7.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1064 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "eovim", "descs": "eovim (Neovim client)", "source": "source/salix/development/eovim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "efl", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libunwind", "libxcb", "libxml2", "luajit", "msgpack-c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib", "neovim"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "266 K", "descl": "Eovim is a client for Neovim written using the Enlightenment Foundation Library.", "path": "./salix/development/eovim-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "39072 K", "ver": "3.2.11", "name": "sublime_text", "descs": "sublime_text (A sophisticated text editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/sublime_text", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9768 K", "descl": "Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features. For more information, visit http://www.sublimetext.com/", "path": "./salix/development/sublime_text-3.2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "2.15.10", "name": "checkbashisms", "descs": "checkbashisms (Check for bashisms)", "source": "source/salix/development/checkbashisms", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Check for bashisms in /bin/sh scripts. Homepage: http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/devscripts.html", "path": "./salix/development/checkbashisms-2.15.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1552 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "bed", "descs": "bed (ncurses-based adjustable data format binary/hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/bed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "file", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "388 K", "descl": "Bed is a binary editor that supports editing/viewing data in a wide variety of formats, including ASCII, unsigned and signed integers, float, bit-flags, bit-fields, labels, EBCDIC and time_t. Different sizes and byte orderings are possible. Data types can be used in structures. Other data formats, filters and procedures can be defined in plugins. Build options: hyperscan=no re2=no", "path": "./salix/development/bed-3.0.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "3.8.0", "name": "blocksruntime", "descs": "blocksruntime (BlocksRunTime library)", "source": "source/salix/development/blocksruntime", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "This project provides a convenient way to install the BlocksRuntime library from the compiler-rt project (see http://compiler-rt.llvm.org/). Homepage: http://compiler-rt.llvm.org/", "path": "./salix/development/blocksruntime-3.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "34428 K", "ver": "20.03", "name": "codeblocks", "descs": "codeblocks (a free C++ and Fortran IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/codeblocks", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8607 K", "descl": "Code::Blocks is a free C++ and Fortran IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed to be very extensible and fully configurable. Homepage: http://www.codeblocks.org/", "path": "./salix/development/codeblocks-20.03-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.6.8", "name": "cpan2tgz", "descs": "cpan2tgz (create Slackware packages from CPAN Perl modules)", "source": "source/salix/development/cpan2tgz", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "cpan2tgz is a utility used to create Slackware packages from CPAN perl modules. cpan2tgz was written by Jason Woodward https://software.jaos.org/", "path": "./salix/development/cpan2tgz-0.6.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5284 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "avr8-burn-o-mat", "descs": "avr8-burn-o-mat (GUI for avrdude)", "source": "source/salix/development/avr8-burn-o-mat", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8", "avrdude"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1321 K", "descl": "AVR8 Burn-O-Mat is a cross-platform GUI for avrdude written in Java. It simplifies programing and configuration of AVR microcontrollers with easy to use dialogs. Homepage: http://avr8-burn-o-mat.aaabbb.de/", "path": "./salix/development/avr8-burn-o-mat-2.1.2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "8620 K", "ver": "3.9.4", "name": "regina-rexx", "descs": "regina-rexx (is a Rexx interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/development/regina-rexx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2155 K", "descl": "Rexx is a programming language that was designed to be easy to use for inexperienced programmers yet powerful enough for experienced users. Homepage: http://regina-rexx.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/regina-rexx-3.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "1.3.5", "name": "ucpp", "descs": "ucpp (C preprocessor compliant to ISO-C99)", "source": "source/salix/development/ucpp", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "A C preprocessor designed to be embeddable, quick, light and fully compliant to ISO Standard 9899:1999, aka ISO C99, or simply, C99. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/scarabeusiv/ucpp", "path": "./salix/development/ucpp-1.3.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "47688 K", "ver": "1.13.0", "name": "bfg", "descs": "bfg (git repo cleaner)", "source": "source/salix/development/bfg", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11922 K", "descl": "The BFG is a simpler, faster alternative to git-filter-branch for cleansing bad data out of your Git repository history. https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/", "path": "./salix/development/bfg-1.13.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "948 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "cppdb", "descs": "cppdb (stand alone connectivity library)", "source": "source/salix/development/cppdb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "237 K", "descl": "stand alone C++ connectivity library that supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3 databases and generic ODBC drivers. Homepage: http://cppcms.com", "path": "./salix/development/cppdb-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "456 K", "ver": "cd8efea6bc572a31b1a325f4201ac52cf6760d7e", "name": "sam", "descs": "sam (fork of the standard text editor for Plan 9 from Bell Labs)", "source": "source/salix/development/sam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "114 K", "descl": "sam is a text editor originally written for the Blit graphical terminal connected to a machine running 9th Edition Research Unix. It contained many useful innovations, the most famous of which was its use of structural regular expressions. Homepage: http://www.deadpixi.com/an-updated-version-of-sam", "path": "./salix/development/sam-cd8efea6bc572a31b1a325f4201ac52cf6760d7e-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1628 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "sphinx_rtd_theme", "descs": "sphinx_rtd_theme (sphinx theme for readthedocs.org)", "source": "source/salix/development/sphinx_rtd_theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "407 K", "descl": "The sphinx_rtd_theme is a sphinx theme designed to look modern and be mobile-friendly. This theme is primary focused to be used on readthedocs.org but can work with your own sphinx projects. Homepage: https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx_rtd_theme", "path": "./salix/development/sphinx_rtd_theme-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5216 K", "ver": "0.11.0", "name": "apache-log4cxx", "descs": "apache-log4cxx (A logging framework for C++)", "source": "source/salix/development/apache-log4cxx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], "apr", "apr-util", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "icu4c", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1304 K", "descl": "Apache log4cxx is a logging framework for C++ patterned after Apache log4j, which uses Apache Portable Runtime for most platform-specific code and should be usable on any platform supported by APR. Apache log4cxx is licensed under the Apache License, an open source license certified by the Open Source Initiative. Log4cxx is designed to be reliable, fast and extensible. Since logging is rarely the main focus of an application, the log4cxx API strives to be simple to understand and to use.", "path": "./salix/development/apache-log4cxx-0.11.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "6.4.3", "name": "jupyter_console", "descs": "jupyter_console (console frontend for Jupyter kernels)", "source": "source/salix/development/jupyter_console", "deps": ["jupyter_client", "jupyter-ipykernel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "A terminal-based console frontend for Jupyter kernels, including non-Python kernels such as IJulia and IRKernel.", "path": "./salix/development/jupyter_console-6.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "11784 K", "ver": "3.1.4", "name": "git-lfs", "descs": "git-lfs (Git extension)", "source": "source/salix/development/git-lfs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2946 K", "descl": "Git LFS is a command line extension and specification for managing large files with Git. The client is written in Go, with pre-compiled binaries available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD. Project URL: https://git-lfs.github.com/", "path": "./salix/development/git-lfs-3.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7832 K", "ver": "42.0", "name": "gedit", "descs": "gedit (GNOME Text Editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/gedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtksourceview4", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libpeas", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1958 K", "descl": "gedit is the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. While aiming at simplicity and ease of use, gedit is a powerful general-purpose text editor. homepage: http://projects.gnome.org/gedit", "path": "./salix/development/gedit-42.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3004 K", "ver": "3.0.10", "name": "ebe", "descs": "ebe (easy beginner environment)", "source": "source/salix/development/ebe", "deps": ["astyle"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "751 K", "descl": "Ebe is an integrated development environment developed primarily for teaching assembly language. It also allows development in C, C++ and Fortran. The primary goal is to make development as simple as possible for beginners. To that end a program can consist of a single source code file and the Run button builds the program and runs it using gdb internally as a debugger. Home: http://www.rayseyfarth.com/ebe/", "path": "./salix/development/ebe-3.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2172 K", "ver": "3.3.3", "name": "gtkextra", "descs": "gtkextra (extra widgets for GTK+)", "source": "source/salix/development/gtkextra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "543 K", "descl": "GtkExtra is a useful set of widgets for creating GUI's for the Xwindows system using GTK+. You can use it complementary to GTK+ and it is written in C. It is also Free Software and released under the LGPL license. Homepage: http://gtkextra.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/gtkextra-3.3.3-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "20160504+f0c4858", "name": "cc-tool", "descs": "cc-tool (support for Texas Instruments CC Debugger)", "source": "source/salix/development/cc-tool", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "boost", "icu4c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "cc-tool provides support for Texas Instruments CC Debugger for Linux OS in order to program 8051-based System-On-Chip devices: CC254x CC253x CC243x CC251x CC111x", "path": "./salix/development/cc-tool-20160504+f0c4858-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "632 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "codespell", "descs": "codespell (spell checker for source code)", "source": "source/salix/development/codespell", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "158 K", "descl": "codespell fixes common misspellings in text files. It's designed primarily for checking misspelled words in source code, but it can be used with other files as well.", "path": "./salix/development/codespell-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "11580 K", "ver": "3.2.5", "name": "smalltalk", "descs": "smalltalk (GNU Smalltalk)", "source": "source/salix/development/smalltalk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libsigsegv"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "sqlite", "tcl", "tk", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2895 K", "descl": "GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language. It runs on most POSIX compatible operating systems (including GNU/Linux, of course), as well as under Windows. Smalltalk is a dynamic object-oriented language, well-versed to scripting tasks. http://smalltalk.gnu.org/", "path": "./salix/development/smalltalk-3.2.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "175232 K", "ver": "0.24.2", "name": "nwjs", "descs": "nwjs (an app runtime based on Chromium and node.js)", "source": "source/salix/development/nwjs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43808 K", "descl": "NW.js lets you call all Node.js modules directly from DOM and enables a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies. It was previously known as 'node-webkit' project.", "path": "./salix/development/nwjs-0.24.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "109808 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "gisto", "descs": "gisto (Code snippet manager for GitHub)", "source": "source/salix/development/gisto", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27452 K", "descl": "Gisto is a code snippet manager that runs on GitHub Gists and adds additional features such as searching, tagging and sharing gists while including a rich code editor. https://www.gistoapp.com/", "path": "./salix/development/gisto-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.60.0", "name": "hexcurse", "descs": "hexcurse (ncurses-based hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/hexcurse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Hexcurse is a curses-based hex editing utility that can open, edit, and save files, editing both the hexadecimal and decimal values. It currently supports searching, hex and decimal address output, jumping to specified locations in the file, 'undo' capabilities, 'bolded' modifications, EBCDIC mode, and quick keyboard shortcuts to commands.", "path": "./salix/development/hexcurse-1.60.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1616 K", "ver": "11.0.1", "name": "ioncube-loader", "descs": "ioncube-loader (Loader for ionCube Secured Files)", "source": "source/salix/development/ioncube-loader", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "404 K", "descl": "Using ionCube encoded and secured PHP files requires a file called the ionCube Loader to be installed on the web server and made available to PHP. Homepage: https://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php", "path": "./salix/development/ioncube-loader-11.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "744 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "alembic", "descs": "alembic (database migration tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/alembic", "deps": ["SQLAlchemy", "python2-MarkupSafe", "python2-editor", "python2-dateutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "186 K", "descl": "Alembic is a lightweight database migration tool for use with the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python.", "path": "./salix/development/alembic-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "597384 K", "ver": "", "name": "zulu-openjdk11", "descs": "zulu-openjdk11 (Open Implementation of JDK)", "source": "source/salix/development/zulu-openjdk11", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "149346 K", "descl": "Prebuild binary of ZuluOpenJDK11 LTS (Long Term Support) from Azul that is compliant with the latest Java SE standard. Zulu has been verified by passing all tests in the latest Java SE version of the OpenJDK Community TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit). https://www.azul.com/downloads/", "path": "./salix/development/zulu-openjdk11-", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "0.117", "name": "osc", "descs": "osc (command line interface to the OpenSUSE Build Service)", "source": "source/salix/development/osc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "osc is a subversion-like client to the OpenSUSE Build Service. It serves as client for the source code repository part of the build service, and it can be used to edit metadata, query about build results, and do virtually everything accessible from the web interface. Home page: https://en.opensuse.org/Build_Service/CLI", "path": "./salix/development/osc-0.117-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "4.19", "name": "lwtools", "descs": "lwtools (6809/6309 cross-development tools)", "source": "source/salix/development/lwtools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "LWTOOLS is a set of cross-development tools for the Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 microprocessors. It supports assembling to raw binaries, CoCo LOADM binaries, and a proprietary object file format for later linking. It also supports macros and file inclusion among other things. http://lwtools.projects.l-w.ca", "path": "./salix/development/lwtools-4.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "21.1", "name": "CVSTools", "descs": "CVSTools (PADL's CVS-based versioning system)", "source": "source/salix/development/CVSTools", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "The CVSTools provide a simple project versioning system built upon CVS which is used by all PADL software. These tools are also required to build NetInfo for Linux and our commercial software. Homepage: https://www.padl.com/OSS/CVSTools.html", "path": "./salix/development/CVSTools-21.1-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "0.6.16", "name": "generatorrunner", "descs": "generatorrunner (Binding generation process controller)", "source": "source/salix/development/generatorrunner", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "apiextractor", "libxml2", "libxslt", "qt4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "The Generator Runner is a program that controls the bindings generation process according to the rules given by the user through headers, typesystem files and generator front-ends (such as Shiboken Generator). It depends on API Extractor library.", "path": "./salix/development/generatorrunner-0.6.16-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "2007", "name": "pd-psql", "descs": "pd-psql (postgresql support for pd)", "source": "source/salix/development/pd-psql", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib", "pd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "psql allows you to send SQL messages to a PostgreSQL database from Pd and retrieve the results. Please check the README file after installation.", "path": "./salix/development/pd-psql-2007-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "972 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "ocaml-num", "descs": "ocaml-num (arbitrary precision arithmetic for OCaml)", "source": "source/salix/development/ocaml-num", "deps": ["ocaml-findlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "243 K", "descl": "Num is an OCaml library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic. It provides arbitrary-precision integers ('bignums') and rational numbers. Num used to be part of the OCaml standard library, but in OCaml 4.06 it was moved to a separate package. Home page: https://github.com/ocaml/num", "path": "./salix/development/ocaml-num-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "ignition-math", "descs": "ignition-math (small, fast, and high performance math library)", "source": "source/salix/development/ignition-math", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "A small, fast, and high performance math library. This library is a self-contained set of classes and functions suitable for robot applications.", "path": "./salix/development/ignition-math-1.0.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1112652 K", "ver": "2019.2.1", "name": "PhpStorm", "descs": "PhpStorm (Lightning-smart PHP IDE)", "source": "source/salix/development/PhpStorm", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "278163 K", "descl": "PhpStorm is perfect for working with Symfony, Drupal, WordPress, Zend Framework, Laravel, Magento, Joomla!, CakePHP, Yii, and other frameworks.", "path": "./salix/development/PhpStorm-2019.2.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "6084 K", "ver": "", "name": "arcan", "descs": "arcan (Display Server, Multimedia Framework, Game Engine)", "source": "source/salix/development/arcan", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "leptonica", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libarchive", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libseccomp", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvncserver", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lua", "lz4", "lzo", "mesa", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tesseract", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "wayland", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-wm", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1521 K", "descl": "Arcan is a powerful development framework for creating virtually anything from user interfaces for specialized embedded applications all the way to full-blown standalone desktop environments. Home: https://arcan-fe.com", "path": "./salix/development/arcan-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1468 K", "ver": "", "name": "colm", "descs": "colm (Programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/colm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "367 K", "descl": "Colm is a programming language designed for the analysis and and transformation of computer languages. Colm is influenced primarily by TXL. It is in the family of program transformation languages. homepage: https://www.colm.net/open-source/colm/", "path": "./salix/development/colm-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "hexnet", "descs": "hexnet (network terminal)", "source": "source/salix/development/hexnet", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Hexnet hexnet is minimalistic network terminal for testing of binary network IP based communications. It accepts multiple pairs of characters interpreting each pair as a hexadecimal number. Pairs may optionally be delimited by any character. Data is send to a host specified by IP address and port, received data can be displayed in different formats. Home page: http://abergerhoff.de/hexnet/", "path": "./salix/development/hexnet-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "likepython", "descs": "likepython (modern dialect support for Python)", "source": "source/salix/development/likepython", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "Like, Python allows the programmer to write Python code in the same way they would read it, including verbal stops and cues. Allows the use of such dialects as Valley Girl, Frat Guy, Internets, Snoop, and Local when coding. Homepage: http://www.staringispolite.com/likepython/", "path": "./salix/development/likepython-0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.12", "name": "dis6502", "descs": "dis6502 (flow-tracing disassembler for 6502)", "source": "source/salix/development/dis6502", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "dis6502 is a 6502 disassembler that supports Atari 8-bit and Commodore executables, as well as raw memory dumps. It attempts to separate code sections from data by tracing the flow of execution, and supports a config file for manually defining code sections that aren't reached by the trace.", "path": "./salix/development/dis6502-0.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1820 K", "ver": "2.0.5", "name": "luajit", "descs": "luajit (just-in-time compiler for Lua)", "source": "source/salix/development/luajit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "lua"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "455 K", "descl": "LuaJIT is a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for the Lua programming language. Project Homepage: http://luajit.org/", "path": "./salix/development/luajit-2.0.5-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1256 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "valkyrie", "descs": "valkyrie (gui frontend for valgrind)", "source": "source/salix/development/valkyrie", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib", "valgrind"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "314 K", "descl": "Valkyrie is an open-source graphical user interface for Valgrind. Valkyrie uses the Qt widget library and is based on Valgrind`s XML output capabilities. Valkyrie is designed for simplicity and ease of use while allowing access to the full range of Valgrind command line options. Currently, Valkyrie only supports Memcheck, although work is in progress to handle Cachegrind and Massif.", "path": "./salix/development/valkyrie-2.0.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1636 K", "ver": "5.4.0", "name": "zope.interface", "descs": "zope.interface (Zope 3 Interface Infrastructure)", "source": "source/salix/development/zope.interface", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "409 K", "descl": "Interfaces are a mechanism for labeling objects as conforming to a given API or contract. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.interface/", "path": "./salix/development/zope.interface-5.4.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "2.8.2", "name": "thread", "descs": "thread (TCL Thread Extension)", "source": "source/salix/development/thread", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "It allows to gain script-level access to TCL threading capabilities. Can be used with Tcl cores starting from Tcl8.4 and later. You need to have your Tcl core compiled with '--enable-threads' in order to turn on internal directives supporting thread-specific details of the TCL API. The extension will not load in an Tcl shell built w/o thread support. Homepage: http://tcl.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/thread-2.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "20160102", "name": "gitstats", "descs": "gitstats (git history statistics generator)", "source": "source/salix/development/gitstats", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "GitStats is a statistics generator for git (a distributed revision control system) repositories. It examines the repository and produces some interesting statistics from the history of it. Project URL: http://gitstats.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/gitstats-20160102-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.2.12", "name": "hexedit", "descs": "hexedit (Simple hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/hexedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "hexedit shows a file both in ASCII and in hexadecimal. The file can be a device as the file is read a piece at a time. You can modify the file and search through it. Homepage: http://prigaux.chez.com/hexedit.html", "path": "./salix/development/hexedit-1.2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "145536 K", "ver": "3.2.2", "name": "fpc", "descs": "fpc (free pascal compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/fpc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36384 K", "descl": "Free Pascal (aka FPK Pascal) is a 32 and 64 bit professional Pascal compiler. It is available for different processors: Intel x86, Amd64/x86_64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, Sparc, ARM. The discontinued 1.0 version also supports the Motorola 680x0. The following operating systems are supported: Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X/Darwin, DOS, Win32, Win64, WinCE, OS/2, Netware (libc and classic) and MorphOS. Homepage: http://www.freepascal.org/", "path": "./salix/development/fpc-3.2.2-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "616884 K", "ver": "17.0.3", "name": "OpenJDK17", "descs": "OpenJDK17 (open implementation of JDK 17 LTS)", "source": "source/salix/development/OpenJDK17", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "154221 K", "descl": "OpenJDK17 is an open source implementation of version 17 (LTS) of the Java Development Kit, Standard Edition. It includes tools for developing, testing, and running programs written in Java. homepage: https://OpenJDK.java.net/", "path": "./salix/development/OpenJDK17-17.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "dwz", "descs": "dwz (a dwarf compressor)", "source": "source/salix/development/dwz", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "DWARF optimization and duplicate removal tool dwz is a program that attempts to optimize DWARF debugging information contained in ELF shared libraries and ELF executables for size, by replacing DWARF information representation with equivalent smaller representation where possible and by reducing the amount of duplication using techniques from DWARF standard appendix E - creating DW_TAG_partial_unit compilation units (CUs) for duplicated information and using DW_TAG_imported_unit to import it into each CU that needs it. see https://sourceware.org/git/?p=dwz.git;a=summary", "path": "./salix/development/dwz-0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "10544 K", "ver": "3.12.2", "name": "sqlitebrowser", "descs": "sqlitebrowser (light QT-based GUI editor for SQLite databases)", "source": "source/salix/development/sqlitebrowser", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2636 K", "descl": "SQLite Database Browser is a freeware, public domain, open source visual tool used to create, design and edit database files compatible with SQLite. It is meant to be used for users and developers who want to create, edit, and search data using a spreadsheet-like interface, without the need to learn complicated SQL commands. Homepage: http://sqlitebrowser.org/", "path": "./salix/development/sqlitebrowser-3.12.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2072 K", "ver": "1.5.2p1", "name": "kforth", "descs": "kforth (A Forth programming language and environment)", "source": "source/salix/development/kforth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "518 K", "descl": "kForth is an implementation of the Forth programming language and environment. The user may write Forth programs with an editor, load these program files from kForth, and run them. kForth, like other implementations of Forth, provides an interactive environment, allowing the user to examine or define variables and execute or define individual words.", "path": "./salix/development/kforth-1.5.2p1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "580 K", "ver": "2020.1", "name": "pudb", "descs": "pudb (A console-based Python debugger)", "source": "source/salix/development/pudb", "deps": ["python-urwid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "145 K", "descl": "Its goal is to provide all the niceties of modern GUI-based debuggers in a more lightweight and keyboard-friendly package. PuDB allows you to debug code right where you write and test it--in a terminal. If you've worked with the excellent (but nowadays ancient) DOS-based Turbo Pascal or C tools, PuDB's UI might look familiar. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pudb https://github.com/inducer/pudb", "path": "./salix/development/pudb-2020.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4764 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "trac", "descs": "trac (enhanced wiki and issue tracking system)", "source": "source/salix/development/trac", "deps": ["MySQL-python", "genshi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1191 K", "descl": "Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission is to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies. Website: http://trac.edgewall.org/", "path": "./salix/development/trac-1.0.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "", "name": "kconfig-frontends", "descs": "kconfig-frontends (kconfig language frontends)", "source": "source/salix/development/kconfig-frontends", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "kconfig-frontends project aims at centralising the effort of keeping an up-to-date, out of the Linux source tree, packaging of the kconfig infrastructure, ready for use by third party projects. Homepage: http://ymorin.is-a-geek.org/projects/kconfig-frontends", "path": "./salix/development/kconfig-frontends-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.9.7_7.1", "name": "nchexedit", "descs": "nchexedit (ncurses-based hex editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/nchexedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "NCurses Hexedit is a full screen text mode Hex editor using the curses library. nchexedit lets you edit any file as its byte-for-byte representation. It can even let you view and edit your fixed disks on your Linux system.", "path": "./salix/development/nchexedit-0.9.7_7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4516 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "epydoc", "descs": "epydoc (python api documentation tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/epydoc", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1129 K", "descl": "Epydoc is a tool for generating API documentation for Python modules, based on their docstrings. For an example of epydoc's output, see the API documentation for epydoc itself (html, pdf). A lightweight markup language called epytext can be used to format docstrings, and to add information about specific fields, such as parameters and instance variables. Epydoc also understands docstrings written in reStructuredText, Javadoc, and plaintext. Home page: http://epydoc.sf.net", "path": "./salix/development/epydoc-3.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1860 K", "ver": "1.22", "name": "idlex", "descs": "idlex (IDLE Extensions for Python)", "source": "source/salix/development/idlex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "465 K", "descl": "IdleX is a collection of over twenty extensions and plugins that provide additional functionality to IDLE, a Python IDE provided in the standard library. It transforms IDLE into a more useful tool for academic research and development as well as exploratory programming. IdleX runs with Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.x. Homepage: http://idlex.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/idlex-1.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2648 K", "ver": "20200408_bdb5276", "name": "mono-basic", "descs": "mono-basic (Visual Basic.NET support for Mono)", "source": "source/salix/development/mono-basic", "deps": ["gtk-sharp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "662 K", "descl": "A native compiler for Visual Basic in the mono framework. Also allows applications that depend on the CodeDOM (ASP.NET for example) to be developed using Visual Basic. http://www.mono-project.com/VisualBasic.NET_Support", "path": "./salix/development/mono-basic-20200408_bdb5276-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "166960 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "zig", "descs": "zig (toolchain)", "source": "source/salix/development/zig", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "41740 K", "descl": "Zig is a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.", "path": "./salix/development/zig-0.9.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2248 K", "ver": "5.0", "name": "texi2html", "descs": "texi2html (convert texinfo documents to various formats)", "source": "source/salix/development/texi2html", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "562 K", "descl": "texi2html converts texinfo documents to HTML, Info, docbook, and XML.", "path": "./salix/development/texi2html-5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "447832 K", "ver": "3.15.2_01", "name": "nexus", "descs": "nexus (Maven repository manager)", "source": "source/salix/development/nexus", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111958 K", "descl": "Nexus Repository OSS is the single warehouse that reliably serves components to every part of your software supply chain. It is a universal repository manager with support for all major package formats and types: Maven, Docker, NuGet, npm, Bower Homepage: https://nexus.sonatype.org", "path": "./salix/development/nexus-3.15.2_01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "612 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "device-tree-compiler", "descs": "device-tree-compiler (Device Tree Compiler for Flat Device Trees)", "source": "source/salix/development/device-tree-compiler", "deps": ["dtc", "libyaml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153 K", "descl": "Device Tree Compiler, 'dtc', transforms a textual description of a device tree ('DTS') into a binary object ('DTB'). DTS is most commonly used on embedded platforms. This tool is particularly useful for building a DTS-enabled 'U-Boot' binary.", "path": "./salix/development/device-tree-compiler-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "114060 K", "ver": "10.1.11", "name": "mit-scheme", "descs": "mit-scheme (MIT/GNU Scheme)", "source": "source/salix/development/mit-scheme", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28515 K", "descl": "MIT/GNU Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, providing an interpreter, compiler, source-code debugger, integrated Emacs-like editor, and a large runtime library. MIT/GNU Scheme is best suited to programming large applications with a rapid development cycle. http://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/", "path": "./salix/development/mit-scheme-10.1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "7360 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "howl", "descs": "howl (The Howl Editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/howl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1840 K", "descl": "Howl is a general purpose editor that aims to be both lightweight and fully customizable. It's built on top of the very fast LuaJIT runtime, and can be extended in either Lua or Moonscript. It has a minimalistic UI driven mainly by the keyboard. Homepage: https://howl.io/", "path": "./salix/development/howl-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "6180 K", "ver": "2.38", "name": "rtags", "descs": "rtags (A C/C++ client/server indexer with integration for Emacs)", "source": "source/salix/development/rtags", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "llvm", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1545 K", "descl": "RTags is a client/server application that indexes C/C++ code and keeps a persistent file-based database of references, declarations, definitions, symbolnames etc. There's also limited support for ObjC/ObjC++. It allows you to find symbols by name (including nested class and namespace scope).", "path": "./salix/development/rtags-2.38-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "20141208", "name": "uemacs", "descs": "uemacs (Full screen editor based on MicroEMACS 3.9e)", "source": "source/salix/development/uemacs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "uEmacs/PK 4.0 is an enhanced version of MicroEMACS 3.9e. Enhancements have been incorporated by Petri H. Kutvonen, University of Helsinki, Finland. uEmacs is currently maintained by Linus Torvalds. MicroEMACS was written by Dave G. Conroy and greatly modified by Daniel M. Lawrence. http://git.kernel.org/?p=editors/uemacs/uemacs.git;a=summary", "path": "./salix/development/uemacs-20141208-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "1.20.0", "name": "happy", "descs": "happy (Parser generator for Haskell)", "source": "source/salix/development/happy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-mtl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "Happy is a parser generator system for Haskell, similar to the tool `yacc' for C. Like `yacc', it takes a file containing an annotated BNF specification of a grammar and produces a Haskell module containing a parser for the grammar. https://haskell.org/happy/", "path": "./salix/development/happy-1.20.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "9056 K", "ver": "21.2.1", "name": "ecl", "descs": "ecl (Embeddable Common-Lisp)", "source": "source/salix/development/ecl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "gc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2264 K", "descl": "ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) is an interpreter of the Common-Lisp language as described in the X3J13 Ansi specification, featuring CLOS (Common-Lisp Object System), conditions, loops, etc, plus a translator to C, which can produce standalone executables Homepage: https://common-lisp.net/project/ecl/", "path": "./salix/development/ecl-21.2.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "8192 K", "ver": "1.27.0", "name": "gnustep-base", "descs": "gnustep-base (GNUstep Base Library)", "source": "source/salix/development/gnustep-base", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "binutils", "gcc-objc", "gnutls", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib", "gnustep-make"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2048 K", "descl": "The GNUstep Base Library is a library of general-purpose, non- graphical Objective C objects. For example, it includes classes for strings, object collections, byte streams, typed coders, invocations, notifications, notification dispatchers, moments in time, network ports, remote object messaging support (distributed objects), and event loops. It provides functionality that aims to implement the non-graphical portion of the Apple's Cocoa frameworks (the Foundation library).", "path": "./salix/development/gnustep-base-1.27.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "bats-core", "descs": "bats-core (Bash Automated Testing System)", "source": "source/salix/development/bats-core", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Bats is a TAP-compliant testing framework for Bash. It provides a simple way to verify that the UNIX programs you write behave as expected. Homepage: https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core", "path": "./salix/development/bats-core-1.5.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2412 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "tklib", "descs": "tklib (utility modules for TCL/Tk)", "source": "source/salix/development/tklib", "deps": ["tcllib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "603 K", "descl": "Tklib is intended to be a collection of Tcl packages that provide Tk utility functions and widgets useful to a large collection of Tcl/Tk programmers. Homepage: http://www.tcl.tk/software/tklib/", "path": "./salix/development/tklib-0.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2180 K", "ver": "0.14.0", "name": "pasdoc", "descs": "pasdoc (documentation tool for ObjectPascal source code)", "source": "source/salix/development/pasdoc", "deps": ["fpc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "545 K", "descl": "Documentation is generated from comments found in source code. Available output formats are HTML, HtmlHelp, LaTeX, latex2rtf, simplexml. More output formats may be added in the future.", "path": "./salix/development/pasdoc-0.14.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4664 K", "ver": "0.9.10d", "name": "pli", "descs": "pli (Iron Spring PL/I Compiler for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/development/pli", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1166 K", "descl": "pli is a compiler for the PL/I programming language, which implements most of the 'PL/I General-Purpose Subset' (aka 'Subset G'). The compiler itself is closed-source, but it may be used and copied freely. The runtime library (libprf.a) is released under the GNU LGPL, so that programs linked with it can be distributed freely.", "path": "./salix/development/pli-0.9.10d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "6196 K", "ver": "1.99B", "name": "z88dk", "descs": "z88dk (C cross compiler targetting the Z80)", "source": "source/salix/development/z88dk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1549 K", "descl": "z88dk is a z80 C cross compiler supplied with an assembler/linker and a set of libraries implementing the C standard library for a number of different z80 based machines. The name z88dk originates from the time when the project was founded and targetted only the Cambridge z88 portable.", "path": "./salix/development/z88dk-1.99B-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "11936 K", "ver": "1.21.7", "name": "dpkg", "descs": "dpkg (Debian package management system)", "source": "source/salix/development/dpkg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2984 K", "descl": "This package provides the development tools (including dpkg-source) required to unpack, build and upload Debian source packages. It can also be used to install debian packages on your system with possible DISASTROUS effects. Do not do it. Home page: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg", "path": "./salix/development/dpkg-1.21.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1000 K", "ver": "20220221_308d8d1", "name": "tcc", "descs": "tcc (Tiny C Compiler)", "source": "source/salix/development/tcc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "250 K", "descl": "Tiny C Compiler is a very fast C compiler. Unlike other C compilers, it is meant to be self-relying: you do not need an external assembler or linker because TCC does that for you. TCC supports ANSI C and most of ISO C99 and many GNUC extensions, including inline assembly. tcc was written by Fabrice Bellard and is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Homepage: http://www.tinycc.org/", "path": "./salix/development/tcc-20220221_308d8d1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4700 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "edb-debugger", "descs": "edb-debugger (Evan's Debugger)", "source": "source/salix/development/edb-debugger", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "capstone", "double-conversion", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "graphviz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1175 K", "descl": "Evan's Debugger is a graphical, Qt4-based debugger, similar to OllyDbg. It is built on top of the ptrace API and implements a plugin-based architecture. It boasts numerous features, and is well tailored to reverse engineering applications. Homepage: http://codef00.com/projects#debugger", "path": "./salix/development/edb-debugger-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "20220221_6aa1010", "name": "pforth", "descs": "pforth (portable Forth)", "source": "source/salix/development/pforth", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "pForth is a portable ANS-like Forth written in ANSI 'C' http://www.softsynth.com/pforth/", "path": "./salix/development/pforth-20220221_6aa1010-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "3.18.0", "name": "gnome-common", "descs": "gnome-common (GNOME development scripts and macros)", "source": "source/salix/development/gnome-common", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "Common scripts and macros to develop with GNOME 2.0.", "path": "./salix/development/gnome-common-3.18.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3412 K", "ver": "", "name": "squeak-vm", "descs": "squeak-vm (squeak virtual machine)", "source": "source/salix/development/squeak-vm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gstreamer0", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "853 K", "descl": "Squeak is a full-featured implementation of the Smalltalk programming language and environment based on the original Smalltalk-80 system. Squeak has very powerful 2- and 3-D graphics, sound, video, MIDI, animation and other multimedia capabilities. Project Site: http://squeakvm.org/index.html", "path": "./salix/development/squeak-vm-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "17540 K", "ver": "8.0", "name": "camlp5", "descs": "camlp5 (an ocaml preprocessor and pretty-printer)", "source": "source/salix/development/camlp5", "deps": ["ocaml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4385 K", "descl": "Camlp5 is a preprocessor-pretty-printer of ocaml. It also provides parsing and printing tools. Homepage: http://camlp5.gforge.inria.fr/", "path": "./salix/development/camlp5-8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "13064 K", "ver": "1.16.0", "name": "qbs", "descs": "qbs (Qt Build Suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/qbs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3266 K", "descl": "Qbs is a build automation tool designed to conveniently manage the build process of software projects across multiple platforms. Qbs can be used for any software project, regardless of programming language, toolkit or libraries used. Homepage: https://wiki.qt.io/Qbs", "path": "./salix/development/qbs-1.16.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "219112 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "squirrel-sql", "descs": "squirrel-sql (universal database client)", "source": "source/salix/development/squirrel-sql", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54778 K", "descl": "SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables and issue SQL commands.", "path": "./salix/development/squirrel-sql-4.0.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "20328 K", "ver": "1.27", "name": "VisUAL", "descs": "VisUAL (visual ARM emulator)", "source": "source/salix/development/VisUAL", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5082 K", "descl": "VisUAL has been developed as a cross-platform tool to make learning ARM UAL instruction set, it provides visualisations of key concepts unique to assembly language programming and therefore helps make programming ARM assembly more accessible. Homepage: https://salmanarif.bitbucket.io/visual/", "path": "./salix/development/VisUAL-1.27-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "2.12", "name": "unifdef", "descs": "unifdef (selectively processes C conditional compilation)", "source": "source/salix/development/unifdef", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "The unifdef utility selectively processes conditional C preprocessor #if and #ifdef directives. It removes from a file both the directives and the additional text that they delimit, while otherwise leaving the file alone.", "path": "./salix/development/unifdef-2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "162136 K", "ver": "2.10.4", "name": "dart-sdk", "descs": "dart-sdk (An SDK for application programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/dart-sdk", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40534 K", "descl": "Dart is an application programming language that's easy to learn, easy to scale, and deployable everywhere. The Dart SDK has the libraries and command-line tools that you need to develop Dart web, command-line, and server apps. This SBo script packages the binary release from Google. Homepage: http://www.dartlang.org", "path": "./salix/development/dart-sdk-2.10.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "196168 K", "ver": "7.0.332", "name": "zulu-openjdk7", "descs": "zulu-openjdk7 (Open Implementation of JDK)", "source": "source/salix/development/zulu-openjdk7", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49042 K", "descl": "Zulu is a Java Development Kit (JDK), and a compliant implementation of the Java Standard Edition (SE) specification that contains all the Java components needed to build and run Java SE applications. Zulu has been verified by passing all tests in the Java SE 7 version of the OpenJDK Community Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK). http://zulu.org/", "path": "./salix/development/zulu-openjdk7-7.0.332-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "101964 K", "ver": "v3", "name": "pingendo", "descs": "pingendo (An WYSIWYG HTML5 editor focused on Bootstrap UI)", "source": "source/salix/development/pingendo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25491 K", "descl": "The simplest app for Bootstrap prototyping Homepage: http://www.pingendo.com", "path": "./salix/development/pingendo-v3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "27040 K", "ver": "0.8b3", "name": "kompozer", "descs": "kompozer (Easy Web Authoring)", "source": "source/salix/development/kompozer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6760 K", "descl": "KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing. KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-technical computer users who want to create an attractive professional-looking web site without needing to know HTML or web coding.", "path": "./salix/development/kompozer-0.8b3-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "908 K", "ver": "0.9.10", "name": "mm-common", "descs": "mm-common (build infrastructure and utilities for GNOME C++ bindings)", "source": "source/salix/development/mm-common", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "227 K", "descl": "The mm-common module provides the build infrastructure and utilities shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries. It is only a required dependency for building the C++ bindings from the gnome.org version control repository. An installation of mm-common is not required for building tarball releases, unless configured to use maintainer-mode. Homepage: https://www.gtkmm.org/", "path": "./salix/development/mm-common-0.9.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "585444 K", "ver": "11.0.15", "name": "OpenJDK11", "descs": "OpenJDK11 (open implementation of JDK 11 LTS)", "source": "source/salix/development/OpenJDK11", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146361 K", "descl": "OpenJDK11 is an open source implementation of LTS version 11 of the Java Development Kit, Standard Edition. It includes tools for developing, testing, and running programs written in Java. homepage: https://OpenJDK.java.net/", "path": "./salix/development/OpenJDK11-11.0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.1.18", "name": "peg", "descs": "peg (recursive-descent parser generators for C)", "source": "source/salix/development/peg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Utilities to generate recursive-descent parsers for parsing expression grammars (PEGs).", "path": "./salix/development/peg-0.1.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "350324 K", "ver": "3.2.8", "name": "grails", "descs": "grails (Groovy on Rails)", "source": "source/salix/development/grails", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87581 K", "descl": "Web framework based on the Groovy It is intended to be a high-productivity framework by following the 'coding by convention' paradigm, providing a stand-alone development environment and hiding much of the configuration detail from the developer. http://www.grails.org/", "path": "./salix/development/grails-3.2.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "1.92", "name": "cloc", "descs": "cloc (Count Lines of Code)", "source": "source/salix/development/cloc", "deps": ["perl-Algorithm-Diff", "perl-Regexp-Common", "perl-parallel-forkmanager"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages. HOMEPAGE: https://github.com/AlDanial/cloc/", "path": "./salix/development/cloc-1.92-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "6836 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "Sphinx", "descs": "Sphinx (Documentation generator)", "source": "source/salix/development/Sphinx", "deps": ["alabaster", "imagesize", "python3-babel", "snowballstemmer", "sphinxcontrib-applehelp", "sphinxcontrib-devhelp", "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp", "sphinxcontrib-jsmath", "sphinxcontrib-qthelp", "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1709 K", "descl": "Sphinx is a tool that translates a set of reStructuredText source files into various output formats, including HTML, ePub, LaTeX and plain text. Sphinx was originally created for the Python documentation, but it has excellent facilities for the documentation of software projects in a range of languages.", "path": "./salix/development/Sphinx-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "14432 K", "ver": "10.1", "name": "arm-gdb", "descs": "arm-gdb (Gdb for the ARM platform)", "source": "source/salix/development/arm-gdb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "expat", "gc", "guile", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "xxHash", "zlib", "arm-gcc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3608 K", "descl": "This package contains cross compiling version of GNU gdb, which can be used to debug programs for the ARM platform.", "path": "./salix/development/arm-gdb-10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "18640 K", "ver": "1.21.2", "name": "numpy3", "descs": "numpy3 (Python3 extension for scientific computing)", "source": "source/salix/development/numpy3", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4660 K", "descl": "NumPy is an extension to the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices along with a large library of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. This packages contains NumPy for python3 Homepage: http://www.numpy.org/", "path": "./salix/development/numpy3-1.21.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1284 K", "ver": "1.3.5", "name": "mono-addins", "descs": "mono-addins (a framework for creating extensible applications)", "source": "source/salix/development/mono-addins", "deps": ["gtk-sharp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "321 K", "descl": "Mono.Addins has been designed to be easy to use and useful for a wide range of applications: from simple applications with small extensibility needs, to complex applications which need support for large add-in structures. This new framework intends to set an standard for building extensible applications and add-ins in Mono. https://github.com/mono/mono-addins", "path": "./salix/development/mono-addins-1.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "9272 K", "ver": "2.90", "name": "nickle", "descs": "nickle (programming language)", "source": "source/salix/development/nickle", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2318 K", "descl": "Nickle is a programming language based prototyping environment with powerful programming and scripting capabilities. Nickle supports a variety of datatypes, especially arbitrary precision numbers. The programming language vaguely resembles C. Some things in C which do not translate easily are different, some design choices have been made differently, and a very few features are simply missing. Nickle pro- vides the functionality of UNIX bc, dc and expr in much-improved form. http://nickle.org/", "path": "./salix/development/nickle-2.90-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "605148 K", "ver": "2.0.12", "name": "lazarus", "descs": "lazarus (rapid application development tool for freepascal)", "source": "source/salix/development/lazarus", "deps": ["fpc"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "151287 K", "descl": "Lazarus is a Rapid Application Development Tool for FreePascal. It comes with the LCL - Lazarus component library, which contains platform independent visual components like buttons, windows, checkbox, treeview and many, many more. The LCL is platform independent, so you can write an application once and then compile for various platforms without changing code. Homepage: http://lazarus.freepascal.org", "path": "./salix/development/lazarus-2.0.12-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "1.7.2", "name": "udis86", "descs": "udis86 (x86 disassembler)", "source": "source/salix/development/udis86", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Udis86 is an easy-to-use minimalistic disassembler library (libudis86) for the x86 and AMD64 (x86-64) range of instruction set architectures. Also included is udcli, a small command-line tool for your quick disassembly needs.", "path": "./salix/development/udis86-1.7.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "15372 K", "ver": "4.6.8", "name": "gambit", "descs": "gambit (a Scheme compiler and interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/development/gambit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3843 K", "descl": "Gambit is a compiler and interpreter for the Scheme programming language, a member of the Lisp family.", "path": "./salix/development/gambit-4.6.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "2.13.8", "name": "Catch", "descs": "Catch (Unit-tests, TDD and BDD C++ framework)", "source": "source/salix/development/Catch", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "Catch stands for C++ Automated Test Cases in Headers and is a multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C (and, maybe, C). It is implemented entirely in a set of header files, but is packaged up as a single header for extra convenience. https://github.com/philsquared/Catch", "path": "./salix/development/Catch-2.13.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "", "name": "roswell", "descs": "roswell (Common Lisp environment setup utility)", "source": "source/salix/development/roswell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "Roswell is a full-stack environment for Common Lisp development and provides many features that make it easy to test, share and distribute your Lisp applications. Roswell is still in beta. Despite this, the basic interfaces are stable and not likely to change. Homepage: https://roswell.github.io/", "path": "./salix/development/roswell-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "5.6.0", "name": "mg-openbsd", "descs": "mg-openbsd (Portable version of the OpenBSD mg editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/mg-openbsd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "mg is intended to be a small, fast, and portable editor for people who can't (or don't want to) run emacs for one reason or another, or are not familiar with the vi editor. It is compatible with emacs because there shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi. homepage: https://github.com/scott-parker/mg-openbsd", "path": "./salix/development/mg-openbsd-5.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "valabind", "descs": "valabind (bindings from vapi to nodejs/python/swig/c++)", "source": "source/salix/development/valabind", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "vala"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Valabind is a tool to parse vala or vapi files to transform them into swig interface files, C++, NodeJS-ffi or GIR. With swig, you can create language bindings for any API written in vala or C with a vapi interface. It can also generate bindings for C++.", "path": "./salix/development/valabind-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "reckless", "descs": "reckless (low-latency and high-throughput logging library)", "source": "source/salix/development/reckless", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Reckless is an extremely low-latency, high-throughput logging library. It was created to perform extensive diagnostic logging without worrying about performance. Reckless boasts the ability to keep all log messages, without worrying about the performance impact. https://github.com/mattiasflodin/reckless", "path": "./salix/development/reckless-3.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "199944 K", "ver": "10.0.0_beta.1", "name": "electron", "descs": "electron (Library for building cross-platform applications)", "source": "source/salix/development/electron", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49986 K", "descl": "Electron is an open source library developed by GitHub for building cross-platform desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Electron accomplishes this by combining Chromium and Node.js into a single runtime and apps can be packaged for Mac, Windows, and Linux. This is electron binary repackaged in Slackware style.", "path": "./salix/development/electron-10.0.0_beta.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "hexer", "descs": "hexer (hex editor with vi-like UI)", "source": "source/salix/development/hexer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "Hexer is a multi-buffer editor for binary files for Unix-like systems that displays its buffer(s) as a hex dump. The user interface is kept similar to vi/ex.", "path": "./salix/development/hexer-1.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2460 K", "ver": "3.20.4", "name": "meld3", "descs": "meld3 (a visual diff and merge tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/meld3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "615 K", "descl": "Meld is a visual diff and merge tool. You can compare two or three files and edit them in place (diffs update dynamically). You can compare two or three folders and launch file comparisons. You can browse and view a working copy from popular version control systems such as CVS, Subversion, Bazaar-ng and Mercurial. Look at the screenshots page for more detailed features. This version uses GTK+3 instead of GTK+2.", "path": "./salix/development/meld3-3.20.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "2.1_3", "name": "cunit", "descs": "cunit (unit testing framework for C)", "source": "source/salix/development/cunit", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "CUnit is a lightweight system for writing, administering, and running unit tests in C. It provides C programmers a basic testing functionality with a flexible variety of user interfaces. http://cunit.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/development/cunit-2.1_3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "29020 K", "ver": "git5859a97", "name": "tora", "descs": "tora (database management)", "source": "source/salix/development/tora", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "postgresql", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7255 K", "descl": "TOra is an open-source multi-platform database management GUI that supports accessing most of the common database platforms in use, including Oracle, MySQL, and Postgres, as well as limited support for any target that can be accessed through Qt's ODBC support. Homepage: http://torasql.com", "path": "./salix/development/tora-git5859a97-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1124 K", "ver": "5.8.0", "name": "mlr", "descs": "mlr (structured text processor)", "source": "source/salix/development/mlr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "281 K", "descl": "miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON http://johnkerl.org/mlr/doc", "path": "./salix/development/mlr-5.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "0.6.6", "name": "cgdb", "descs": "cgdb (A curses interface for cgdb)", "source": "source/salix/development/cgdb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "CGDB is a curses (terminal-based) interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB). Its goal is to be lightweight and responsive; not encumbered with unnecessary features. Homepage: http://cgdb.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/development/cgdb-0.6.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4668 K", "ver": "9.8t", "name": "xvile", "descs": "xvile (vile with X-Windows Interface)", "source": "source/salix/development/xvile", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1167 K", "descl": "Vile retains the 'finger-feel', if you will, of vi, while adding the multiple buffer and multiple window features of emacs and other editors. It contains both console and X11 interfaces as well as text colorization for many popular content types. Homepage: http://invisible-island.net/vile", "path": "./salix/development/xvile-9.8t-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1788 K", "ver": "6.6.7", "name": "global", "descs": "global (source code tagging system)", "source": "source/salix/development/global", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "447 K", "descl": "GNU GLOBAL is a source code tagging system that works the same way across diverse environments (emacs, vi, less, bash, web browser, etc). You can locate objects in source files and move there easily. It is useful for hacking a large project containing many subdirectories, many #ifdef and many main() functions. It is similar to ctags or etags but is different from them at the point of independence of any editor. It runs on a UNIX(POSIX) compatible operating system like GNU and BSD. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/global/", "path": "./salix/development/global-6.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "3.02+20200601", "name": "tweak", "descs": "tweak (ncurses-based hex editor, with emacs-like keybindings)", "source": "source/salix/development/tweak", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "Tweak is a hex editor. It allows you to edit a file at very low level, letting you see the full and exact binary contents of the file. It can be useful for modifying binary files such as executables, editing disk or CD images, debugging programs that generate binary file formats incorrectly, and many other things. Tweak uses a complex data structure based on B-trees, designed to make almost all editing operations extremely fast, even when they are working on huge amounts of data.", "path": "./salix/development/tweak-3.02+20200601-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5996 K", "ver": "0.7.11", "name": "guzzle_sphinx_theme", "descs": "guzzle_sphinx_theme (Sphinx theme used by Guzzle)", "source": "source/salix/development/guzzle_sphinx_theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1499 K", "descl": "Sphinx theme used by Guzzle. Homepage: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle_sphinx_theme", "path": "./salix/development/guzzle_sphinx_theme-0.7.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "5420 K", "ver": "1.8.8", "name": "guile1.8", "descs": "guile1.8 (GNU's extension language library)", "source": "source/salix/development/guile1.8", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "1355 K", "descl": "Guile is the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. Guile is an interpreter for Scheme, packaged as a library that you can link into your applications to give them their own scripting language. Guile will eventually support other languages as well, giving users of Guile-based applications a choice of languages. This is Guile 1.8 (legacy version) needed by some packages in SBo.", "path": "./salix/development/guile1.8-1.8.8-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3884 K", "ver": "2021.11.08", "name": "kakoune", "descs": "kakoune (Kakoune code editor)", "source": "source/salix/development/kakoune", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "971 K", "descl": "Kakoune is a code editor that implements Vi's 'keystrokes as a text editing language' model. As it's also a modal editor, it's somewhat similar to the Vim editor. Homepage: https://kakoune.org/", "path": "./salix/development/kakoune-2021.11.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2412 K", "ver": "0.43", "name": "cream", "descs": "cream (modern configuration of VIM)", "source": "source/salix/development/cream", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "603 K", "descl": "Cream shapes Vim into an interface you probably already know (sometimes called Common User Access). Whether you are writing emails or developing large software applications, Cream saves you time and gets you up and running quickly. Homepage: http://cream.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/cream-0.43-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1184 K", "ver": "20160102", "name": "f2c", "descs": "f2c (a Fortran-to-C converter)", "source": "source/salix/development/f2c", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "296 K", "descl": "by S. I. Feldman, David M. Gay, Mark W. Maimone, and N. L. Schryer From netlib. Includes libf2c. The general idea: f2c foo.f; gcc foo.c -lf2c If combining with gfortran, see the -ff2c option in the gfortran man page.", "path": "./salix/development/f2c-20160102-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3364 K", "ver": "2021.03", "name": "urjtag", "descs": "urjtag (Universal JTAG Library)", "source": "source/salix/development/urjtag", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "841 K", "descl": "UrJTAG aims to create an enhanced, modern tool for communicating over JTAG with flash chips, CPUs, and many more. It is a descendant of the popular openwince JTAG tools with a lot of additional features and enhancements.", "path": "./salix/development/urjtag-2021.03-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "4468 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "gputils", "descs": "gputils (GNU PIC Utilities)", "source": "source/salix/development/gputils", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1117 K", "descl": "GPUTILS is a collection of tools for the Microchip (TM) PIC microcontrollers. It includes gpasm, gplink, and gplib. It's distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. See the gnupic page for other GNU PIC tools such as gpsim, a gputils compatible simulator. Homepage: http://gputils.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/gputils-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "25284 K", "ver": "7.1.0", "name": "cf-cli", "descs": "cf-cli (Cloud Foundry command-line interface)", "source": "source/salix/development/cf-cli", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6321 K", "descl": "The cf CLI is the official command line client for Cloud Foundry. Cloud Foundry is an open-source cloud platform that lets anyone deploy network apps or services and make them available to the world in a few minutes. Homepage: https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/cf-cli Release date: Sep 9, 2020", "path": "./salix/development/cf-cli-7.1.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "9548 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "CImg", "descs": "CImg (open-source C++ toolkit for image processing)", "source": "source/salix/development/CImg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2387 K", "descl": "It mainly consists of a (big) single header file CImg.h providing a set of C++ classes and functions that can be used in your own sources, to load/save, manage/process and display generic images. It's actually a very simple and pleasant toolkit for coding image processing stuff in C++: just include the header file CImg.h, and you are ready to handle images in your C++ programs. Homepage: http://cimg.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/development/CImg-3.0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "20220303_2402014", "name": "onetrueawk", "descs": "onetrueawk (port of original UNIX awk)", "source": "source/salix/development/onetrueawk", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "This is the version of awk described in 'The AWK Programming Language', by Al Aho, Brian Kernighan, and Peter Weinberger (Addison-Wesley, 1988, ISBN 0-201-07981-X). It is still maintained, and has received many bug fixes since the book was released.", "path": "./salix/development/onetrueawk-20220303_2402014-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1412 K", "ver": "6.5.2", "name": "spin", "descs": "spin (Spin model checker)", "source": "source/salix/development/spin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "353 K", "descl": "Spin is a popular open-source software tool, used by thousands of people worldwide, that can be used for the formal verification of distributed software systems. In April 2002 the tool was awarded the prestigious System Software Award for 2001 by the ACM. https://spinroot.com/", "path": "./salix/development/spin-6.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.7.2", "name": "pkgdiff", "descs": "pkgdiff (visualize changes in tgz/rpm/deb/etc archives)", "source": "source/salix/development/pkgdiff", "deps": ["wdiff"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Package Changes Analyzer (pkgdiff) - a tool for visualizing changes in Linux software packages (RPM, DEB, TAR.GZ, etc). The tool is intended for Linux maintainers who are interested in ensuring compatibility of old and new versions of packages. It's useful for both source and binary packages.", "path": "./salix/development/pkgdiff-1.7.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "10296 K", "ver": "1.14.3", "name": "numpy", "descs": "numpy (a Python extension for scientific computing)", "source": "source/salix/development/numpy", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2574 K", "descl": "NumPy is an extension to the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices along with a large library of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. Homepage: http://www.numpy.org/", "path": "./salix/development/numpy-1.14.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "11180 K", "ver": "2.6", "name": "cppcheck", "descs": "cppcheck (A tool for static C/C++ code analysis)", "source": "source/salix/development/cppcheck", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "2795 K", "descl": "Cppcheck is a static analysis tool for C/C++ code. Unlike C/C++ compilers and many other analysis tools, it doesn't detect syntax errors. Cppcheck only detects the types of bugs that the compilers normally fail to detect. The goal is no false positives.", "path": "./salix/development/cppcheck-2.6-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.0.24", "name": "cvsd", "descs": "cvsd (a cvs pserver daemon)", "source": "source/salix/development/cvsd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "cvsd is a wrapper program for cvs in pserver mode. It will run 'cvs pserver' under a special uid/gid in a chroot jail. cvsd is run as a daemon and is controlled through a configuration file. It is relatively easy to configure and tools are provided for setting up a rootjail. Home: http://arthurdejong.org/cvsd/", "path": "./salix/development/cvsd-1.0.24-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "23692 K", "ver": "5.5", "name": "leo", "descs": "leo (Leonine Editor with Outlines)", "source": "source/salix/development/leo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5923 K", "descl": "Leo is a PIM, IDE and outliner that accelerates the work flow of programmers, authors and web designers. Homepage: http://leoeditor.com", "path": "./salix/development/leo-5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "2496 K", "ver": "5.18.14", "name": "autogen", "descs": "autogen (configure generator)", "source": "source/salix/development/autogen", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gc", "guile2.2", "libunistring", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "624 K", "descl": "autogen generates program files from repetitive text with varied substitutions. Its goal is to simplify the maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitive text. This is especially valuable if there are several blocks of such text that must be kept synchronized in parallel tables. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/autogen", "path": "./salix/development/autogen-5.18.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "948 K", "ver": "3.3.1", "name": "ftnchek", "descs": "ftnchek (a static analyzer for Fortran 77 programs)", "source": "source/salix/development/ftnchek", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "237 K", "descl": "ftnchek (short for Fortran checker) is designed to detect certain errors in a Fortran program that a compiler usually does not. ftnchek is not primarily intended to detect syntax errors. Its purpose is to assist the user in finding semantic errors. Semantic errors are legal in the Fortran language but are wasteful or may cause incorrect operation.", "path": "./salix/development/ftnchek-3.3.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1384 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "stgit", "descs": "stgit (Push/pop utility on top of Git)", "source": "source/salix/development/stgit", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "346 K", "descl": "StGIT is a Python application providing similar functionality to Quilt (i.e. pushing/popping patches to/from a stack) on top of GIT. These operations are performed using GIT commands and the patches are stored as GIT commit objects, allowing easy merging of the StGIT patches into other repositories using standard GIT functionality. Home Page: http://procode.org/stgit/", "path": "./salix/development/stgit-0.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "1880 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "zeal", "descs": "zeal (offline documentation browser)", "source": "source/salix/development/zeal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "470 K", "descl": "Zeal is an offline documentation browser inspired by Dash (http://kapeli.com/dash/), available for Linux and Windows. Homepage: https://zealdocs.org/", "path": "./salix/development/zeal-0.6.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "git-crypt", "descs": "git-crypt (transparent file encryption in git)", "source": "source/salix/development/git-crypt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "git-crypt enables transparent encryption and decryption of files in a a git repository. Files which you choose to protect are encrypted when committed, and decrypted when checked out. git-crypt lets you freely share a repository containing a mix of public and private content. git-crypt gracefully degrades, so developers without the secret key can still clone and commit to a repository with encrypted files. This lets you store your secret material (such as keys or passwords) in the same repository as your code, without requiring you to lock down your entire repository", "path": "./salix/development/git-crypt-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "50352 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "ccl", "descs": "ccl (Clozure Common Lisp)", "source": "source/salix/development/ccl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12588 K", "descl": "Clozure CL (often called CCL for short) is a free Common Lisp implementation with a long history. Some distinguishing features of the implementation include fast compilation speed, native threads, a precise, generational, compacting garbage collector, and a convenient foreign-function interface. For additional information : http://ccl.clozure.com", "path": "./salix/development/ccl-1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "2.8.1", "name": "leiningen", "descs": "leiningen (automation tool for Clojure projects)", "source": "source/salix/development/leiningen", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Leiningen is for automating Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire. Working on Clojure projects with tools designed for Java can be an exercise in frustration. With Leiningen, you just write Clojure. https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/", "path": "./salix/development/leiningen-2.8.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3248 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "ninja-ide", "descs": "ninja-ide (Cross-platform IDE focused on Python app. development)", "source": "source/salix/development/ninja-ide", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "812 K", "descl": "NINJA-IDE (from the recursive acronym: 'Ninja-IDE Is Not Just Another IDE'), is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE). NINJA-IDE runs on Linux/X11, Mac OS X and Windows desktop operating systems, and allows developers to create applications for several purposes using all the tools and utilities of NINJA-IDE, making the task of writing software easier and more enjoyable. Homepage: http://ninja-ide.org/", "path": "./salix/development/ninja-ide-2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "3152 K", "ver": "20211217", "name": "acpica", "descs": "acpica (ACPI Source Language [ASL] Utils)", "source": "source/salix/development/acpica", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "788 K", "descl": "ACPI CA includes: - iasl, an ASL compiler/decompiler - acpisrc, a source code conversion tool - acpiexec, a user-space AML interpreter - acpixtract, convert ascii ACPI tables to binary Homepage: http://acpica.org", "path": "./salix/development/acpica-20211217-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "stlink", "descs": "stlink (stm32 discovery line linux programmer)", "source": "source/salix/development/stlink", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "Open source version of the STMicroelectronics Stlink Tools", "path": "./salix/development/stlink-1.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "xmlstarlet", "descs": "xmlstarlet (command line xml tool)", "source": "source/salix/development/xmlstarlet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libxml2", "libxslt", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "XMLStarlet is a command line XML toolkit that can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using a simple set of shell commands, which work similarly to 'grep', 'sed', 'awk', 'tr', 'diff', or 'patch' on plain text files. Homepage https://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlstar/", "path": "./salix/development/xmlstarlet-1.6.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "development", "sizeu": "52832 K", "ver": "5.1.9", "name": "kicad", "descs": "kicad (Open Source EDA Suite)", "source": "source/salix/development/kicad", "deps": ["OpenCASCADE", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glew", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", "ngspice", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "python2", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib", "wxPython3", "glm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13208 K", "descl": "The KiCad project aims at creating a portable, cross-platform, Free/Libre/Open-Source EDA Suite, capable of schematic and printed circuit board design. The suite consist of a project manager, schematic editor, netlist converter, pcb designer and a gerber viewer. Homepage: http://kicad.sourceforge.net/wiki", "path": "./salix/development/kicad-5.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "65952 K", "ver": "0.9.27", "name": "tuxpaint", "descs": "tuxpaint (A drawing program for young children)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/tuxpaint", "deps": ["SDL_Pango", "SDL_gfx", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libpaper", "librsvg", "libunibreak", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib", "pngquant"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16488 K", "descl": "'Tux Paint' is a drawing program for young children. It provides a simple interface and fixed canvas size, and provides access to previous images using a thumbnail browser (e.g., no access to the underlying file-system). tuxpaint-config is included as a gui for configuring tuxpaint.", "path": "./salix/graphics/tuxpaint-0.9.27-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1220 K", "ver": "", "name": "converseen", "descs": "converseen (image converter and resizer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/converseen", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "305 K", "descl": "Converseen is an open source image converter and resizer. It allows you to convert, resize, rotate and flip automatically an unlimited number of images. It supports more than 100 image formats like DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF and many others. Project URL: http://converseen.fasterland.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/converseen-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "2.44", "name": "xdaliclock", "descs": "xdaliclock (melting digital clock)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xdaliclock", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "xdaliclock displays a melting time or date the digits are melting into their new shape Click and hold the mouse ot switch from time to date inspired by Alto and Macintosh programmes written by Steve Capps", "path": "./salix/graphics/xdaliclock-2.44-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "760 K", "ver": "1.9.7", "name": "gliv", "descs": "gliv (openGL Image Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gliv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkglext", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "190 K", "descl": "GLiv is an OpenGL image viewer, image loading is done via Gdk-pixbuf bundled with GTK+, rendering with OpenGL and the graphical user interface uses GTK+ with GtkGLExt Last information can be found at http://guichaz.free.fr/gliv/", "path": "./salix/graphics/gliv-1.9.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "407644 K", "ver": "7.32.4", "name": "brlcad", "descs": "brlcad (Open-source solid modeling system)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/brlcad", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "101911 K", "descl": "BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform open source solid modeling system that includes interactive geometry editing, high-performance ray-tracing for rendering and geometric analysis, image and signal- processing tools, a system performance analysis benchmark suite, libraries for robust geometric representation, with more than 20 years of active development. http://brlcad.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/brlcad-7.32.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.9.5", "name": "kim4", "descs": "kim4 (KDE4 image manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/kim4", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "Kim is a kde service menu which allows you to resize, convert, rotate etc your images without using a graphical application like, for example, Gimp. This service menu can be considered like a frontend of ImageMagick. Project website: http://bouveyron.free.fr/kim/", "path": "./salix/graphics/kim4-0.9.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "26", "name": "sxiv", "descs": "sxiv (Simple X Image Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/sxiv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libexif", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "sxiv is an alternative to feh and qiv. Its only dependencies besides xlib are imlib2 and giflib. The primary goal for writing sxiv is to create an image viewer, which only has the most basic features required for fast image viewing. It has vi key bindings and works nicely with tiling window managers. Its code base should be kept small and clean to make it easy for you to dig into it and customize it for your needs.", "path": "./salix/graphics/sxiv-26-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "860 K", "ver": "8.14.2", "name": "abcm2ps", "descs": "abcm2ps (converts abc music notation to ps or SVG)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/abcm2ps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "215 K", "descl": "abcm2ps is a C program which converts music tunes from the ABC music notation to PostScript or SVG. Based on the abc2ps version 1.2.5 from Michael Methfessel, it was first developped to print barock organ scores that have independant voices played on one or many keyboards and a pedal-board (the 'm' of abcm2ps stands for many or multi staves/voices). Since this time, it has evolved so it can render many more music kinds.", "path": "./salix/graphics/abcm2ps-8.14.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "0.6.22", "name": "exif", "descs": "exif (command-line utility to show EXIF information)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/exif", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "popt"], "libexif"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "'exif' is a small command-line utility to show EXIF information hidden in JPEG files. It is written to demonstrate the power of libexif.", "path": "./salix/graphics/exif-0.6.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1548 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "dvisvgm", "descs": "dvisvgm (converts DVI and EPS files to SVG -Scalable Vector Graphics)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/dvisvgm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "ghostscript", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libwebp", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "potrace", "texlive", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "387 K", "descl": "dvisvgm a tool for TeX/LaTeX users to converts DVI and EPS files to the XML-based scalable vector graphics format SVG version 1.1. It currently supports standard DVI files (format 2) as well as DVI output created by pTeX in vertical mode (format 3), and XeTeX (format 5 and 6, also known as XDV). Option --eps allows to convert EPS files to SVG. http://dvisvgm.bplaced.net", "path": "./salix/graphics/dvisvgm-1.12-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "9524 K", "ver": "3.1.3", "name": "frescobaldi", "descs": "frescobaldi (LilyPond sheet music editor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/frescobaldi", "deps": ["lilypond", "python-poppler-qt5", "python-ly"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2381 K", "descl": "Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music text editor for KDE4. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use. homepage: http://frescobaldi.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/frescobaldi-3.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.4.4", "name": "textext", "descs": "textext (An extension of Inkscape to create equations)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/textext", "deps": ["inkscape", "lxml", "pdf2svg"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This is an extension of Inkscape which is very useful to create editable LaTeX mathematical equations in drawings. This requires installation of LaTeX.", "path": "./salix/graphics/textext-0.4.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "fyre", "descs": "fyre (A tool for producing computational artwork)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fyre", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "openexr", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "Fyre is a tool for producing computational artwork based on histograms of iterated chaotic functions. At the moment, it implements the Peter de Jong map in a fixed-function pipeline with an interactive GTK+ frontend and a command line interface for easy and efficient rendering of high-resolution, high quality images.", "path": "./salix/graphics/fyre-1.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "20191012_d6bea52", "name": "heif-gimp-plugin", "descs": "heif-gimp-plugin (HEIF plugin for GIMP)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/heif-gimp-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libde265", "libglvnd", "libheif", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "x265", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This is a GIMP plugin for loading and saving HEIF images (High Efficiency Image File Format). Homepage: https://github.com/strukturag/heif-gimp-plugin", "path": "./salix/graphics/heif-gimp-plugin-20191012_d6bea52-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "pdf2svg", "descs": "pdf2svg (A utility to convert PDF files to SVG files)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pdf2svg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pixman", "poppler", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "A very small utility to convert PDF files to SVG files using Poppler and Cairo.", "path": "./salix/graphics/pdf2svg-0.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2444 K", "ver": "4.10.6", "name": "djview4", "descs": "djview4 (viewer and plugin using djvulibre)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/djview4", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "djvulibre", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "611 K", "descl": "DjView4 is an open source (GPL'ed) implementation of DjVu, including viewer & browser plugin using djview4 to view djvu files. Homepage: http://djvu.sourceforge.net/djview4.html", "path": "./salix/graphics/djview4-4.10.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "138160 K", "ver": "3.22", "name": "yed", "descs": "yed (graph editor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/yed", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34540 K", "descl": "yEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. Create diagrams manually, or import your external data for analysis. Automatic layout algorithms arrange even large data sets with just the press of a button. Homepage: https://www.yworks.com/products/yed *Please read licenses informations below or in /usr/share/doc/yed-?*", "path": "./salix/graphics/yed-3.22-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3712 K", "ver": "42.1", "name": "simple-scan", "descs": "simple-scan (scanning utility)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/simple-scan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgusb", "libhandy", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sane", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "928 K", "descl": "simple-scan is a document scanning application. It allows you to capture images using image scanners (e.g. flatbed scanners) that have suitable SANE drivers installed. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/simple-scan", "path": "./salix/graphics/simple-scan-42.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "952 K", "ver": "1.30", "name": "deskew", "descs": "deskew (command line tool for automatic deskewing text images)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/deskew", "deps": ["fpc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "238 K", "descl": "Deskew is a command line tool for deskewing scanned text documents. It uses Hough transform to detect 'text lines' in the image. As an output, you get an image rotated so that the lines are horizontal. Homepage: http://galfar.vevb.net/deskew Development: https://bitbucket.org/galfar/app-deskew", "path": "./salix/graphics/deskew-1.30-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "988 K", "ver": "160326", "name": "dxftoqet", "descs": "dxftoqet (Element DXF Converter)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/dxftoqet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "247 K", "descl": "This is a utility that converts a DXF element to an elmt element, for use with QElectroTech.", "path": "./salix/graphics/dxftoqet-160326-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3480 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "mapcrafter", "descs": "mapcrafter (High performance Minecraft map renderer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mapcrafter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "870 K", "descl": "Mapcrafter is a high performance Minecraft map renderer written in C++ which renders your Minecraft worlds to fancy maps viewable in any webbrowser. Homepage: https://mapcrafter.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/mapcrafter-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "5692 K", "ver": "8.12.2", "name": "vips", "descs": "vips (Free Image Processing System)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/vips", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cairo", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dav1d", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libXt", "libde265", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "libheif", "librsvg", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "util-linux", "x265", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1423 K", "descl": "VIPS is a free image processing system. It includes a range of filters, arithmetic operations, colour processing, histograms, and geometric transforms. It supports ten pixel formats, from 8-bit unsigned int to 128-bit complex. As well as the usual JPEG, TIFF, PNG and WebP images, it also supports scientific formats like FITS, OpenEXR, Matlab, Analyze, PFM, Radiance, OpenSlide and DICOM (via libMagick). http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/index.php?title=VIPS", "path": "./salix/graphics/vips-8.12.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1120 K", "ver": "0.76", "name": "graph-easy", "descs": "graph-easy (Convert or render graphs)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/graph-easy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "280 K", "descl": "This module lets you create graphs (nodes/vertices connected by edges/arcs, not pie charts!) and then lay them out on a flat surface. Once laid out, the graph can be converted into various output formats like ASCII art, HTML or SVG. You can also output the graph in graphviz format and let dot/neato/circo etc. do the layout for you. Homepage: http://bloodgate.com/perl/graph/manual/index.html", "path": "./salix/graphics/graph-easy-0.76-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.1.6", "name": "kColorPicker", "descs": "kColorPicker (Qt based Color Picker with popup menu)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/kColorPicker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "QToolButton with color popup menu which lets you select a color. The popup features a color dialog button which can be used to add custom colors to the popup menu. Homepage: https://github.com/ksnip/kColorPicker", "path": "./salix/graphics/kColorPicker-0.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1192 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "yafaray-blender", "descs": "yafaray-blender (export your scene from within Blender to Yafaray)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/yafaray-blender", "deps": ["yafaray", "Blender"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "298 K", "descl": "This package lets you export your scene from within Blender to Yafaray Homepage: http://www.yafaray.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/yafaray-blender-3.2.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "gdk-pixbuf-psd", "descs": "gdk-pixbuf-psd (gdk-pixbuf2 loader for Photoshop PSD files)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gdk-pixbuf-psd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This project aims to provide a GdkPixbuf loader for the PSD file format. GdkPixbuf is part of GTK and applications like Eye of GNOME and gThumb use it to handle image loading. The loader provided by this project will let those applications open PSD images and enable thumbnails in nautilus, too. Installing this allows qiv to display PSD images.", "path": "./salix/graphics/gdk-pixbuf-psd-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "2.8", "name": "imgp", "descs": "imgp (Multi-core batch image resizer and rotator)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/imgp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "imgp is a command line image resizer and rotator for JPEG and PNG images. It can resize (or thumbnail) and rotate thousands of images in a go, at lightning speed, while saving significantly on storage. Homepage: https://github.com/jarun/imgp", "path": "./salix/graphics/imgp-2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2156 K", "ver": "2.1.5", "name": "azpainter", "descs": "azpainter (a full color painting software for illustration drawing)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/azpainter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "539 K", "descl": "AzPainter is mainly a full color painting software for illustration drawing. Homepage: https://github.com/Symbian9/azpainter", "path": "./salix/graphics/azpainter-2.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "125684 K", "ver": "7.3.0", "name": "OpenCASCADE", "descs": "OpenCASCADE (3D modeling & numerical simulation)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/OpenCASCADE", "deps": ["VTK", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "31421 K", "descl": "OpenCASCADE is a software development platform freely available in open source. It includes components for 3D surface and solid modelling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development. https://www.opencascade.com/", "path": "./salix/graphics/OpenCASCADE-7.3.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "flpsed", "descs": "flpsed (WYSIWYG PostScript annotator)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/flpsed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "flpsed is a WYSIWYG PostScript annotator. You can't remove or modify existing elements of a document, but flpsed lets you add arbitrary text lines to existing PostScript documents. Added lines can later be reedited with flpsed. Using pdftops, which is part of xpdf, one can convert PDF documents to PostScript and also add text to them. flpsed is useful for filling in forms, adding notes, etcetera. Homepage: http://www.flpsed.org/flpsed.html", "path": "./salix/graphics/flpsed-0.7.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "wine-nine-standalone", "descs": "wine-nine-standalone (Gallium Nine support for wine)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/wine-nine-standalone", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "wine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "Gallium Nine allows to run any Direct3D 9 application with nearly no CPU overhead, which provides a smoother gaming experience and increased FPS. Gallium Nine Standalone, as the name implies, is a standalone version of the WINE parts of Gallium Nine. Homepage: https://github.com/iXit/wine-nine-standalone", "path": "./salix/graphics/wine-nine-standalone-0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "raw-thumbnailer", "descs": "raw-thumbnailer (thumbnailer for RAW camera files)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/raw-thumbnailer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "libopenraw", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This simple program generates thumbnails of digital camera raw image files using libopenraw and GDK. It supports the same file formats as libopenraw. This thumbnailer is designed to be small, lightweight and fast. It is primarily intended to be used with file managers (although it could easily be used by a photograph management program) and is used by thunar-thumbnailers.", "path": "./salix/graphics/raw-thumbnailer-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "576 K", "ver": "0.11.1", "name": "mirage", "descs": "mirage (GTK+ Image Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mirage", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "gexiv2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "144 K", "descl": "Mirage is a fast and simple GTK+ image viewer. Because it depends only on PyGTK, Mirage is ideal for users who wish to keep their computers lean while still having a clean image viewer. https://sourceforge.net/projects/mirageiv.berlios/", "path": "./salix/graphics/mirage-0.11.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "img2pdf", "descs": "img2pdf (Lossless conversion of raster images to PDF.)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/img2pdf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "A Python package to losslessly convert raster images to PDF. Created and currently maintained by josch https://pypi.org/user/josch/ Homepage: https://gitlab.mister-muffin.de/josch/img2pdf", "path": "./salix/graphics/img2pdf-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "2019", "name": "icc_profiles", "descs": "icc_profiles (Rec709 and ITU profiles for color management workflows)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/icc_profiles", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "ICC Profiles help maintain consistent color across different media and applications. This installs the Rec709 and related profiles as defined by ITU, used in high-definition (HD) video production. The color profiles installed are CC-BY-SA implementations of the ITU specifications. https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.709-6-201506-I/en http://color.support/iccprofiles.html", "path": "./salix/graphics/icc_profiles-2019-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "5.1b", "name": "xbmbrowser", "descs": "xbmbrowser (xbm and xpm browser)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xbmbrowser", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "A program to allow the user to view a complete directory of X bitmaps and X pixmaps all in one go, and to perform user defined actions on these images.", "path": "./salix/graphics/xbmbrowser-5.1b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "peek", "descs": "peek (an animated GIF recorder)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/peek", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "keybinder3", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "Peek makes it easy to create short screencasts of a screen area. With Peek, you simply place the Peek window over the area you want to record and press 'Record'. Peek is optimized for generating animated GIFs, but you can also directly record to WebM or MP4 if you prefer. Homepage: https://github.com/phw/peek", "path": "./salix/graphics/peek-1.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "24704 K", "ver": "9f2c32d", "name": "librecad", "descs": "librecad (2D CAD program)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/librecad", "deps": ["muParser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6176 K", "descl": "LibreCAD (former CADuntu) is a free and open source 2D CAD application, started as a fork of QCad Community Edition. Homepage: https://librecad.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/librecad-9f2c32d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "17116 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "jUploadr", "descs": "jUploadr (photo uploader)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/jUploadr", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4279 K", "descl": "jUploadr is a cross platform, cross-site Photo uploader. Currently it runs on Windows Linux and OS X and supports both Flickr and Zooomr. It allows you to set all properties of a photo before you upload it. It also supports batch editing, so you can make short work of uploading a bunch of files.", "path": "./salix/graphics/jUploadr-1.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.45", "name": "aaphoto", "descs": "aaphoto (automatic color correction of photo)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/aaphoto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Auto Adjust Photo is a tiny command-line image manipulation tool for automatic color correction of photos. It tries to make the picture look better. The program does this by analyzing the input image and then sets the most optimal contrast, gamma, color balance and saturation for it. Homepage: http://log69.com/aaphoto_en.html", "path": "./salix/graphics/aaphoto-0.45-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "76200 K", "ver": "1.876", "name": "white_dune", "descs": "white_dune (X3DV/VRML97 editor/animation tool/simple 3D modeller)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/white_dune", "deps": ["OpenSubdiv", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrender", "libXt", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib", "CGAL", "vcglib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19050 K", "descl": "white_dune is a graphical VRML97/X3D editor, simple NURBS/Superformula 3D modeller, animation tool and VRML97/X3DV commandline compiler. Project URL: http://wdune.ourproject.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/white_dune-1.876-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "bdfedit", "descs": "bdfedit (Tcl/TK based editor for BDF fonts)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/bdfedit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "bdfedit is a lightweight and simple font editor, with an intuitive user interface.", "path": "./salix/graphics/bdfedit-1.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "20140824.6211fd8", "name": "pcx-pixbuf-loader", "descs": "pcx-pixbuf-loader (PCX loader for gdk-pixbuf2)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pcx-pixbuf-loader", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "This allows gdk-pixbuf2 (and software using it) to load .pcx images. In particular it allows qiv and geeqie to display PCX images.", "path": "./salix/graphics/pcx-pixbuf-loader-20140824.6211fd8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1728 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "entangle", "descs": "entangle (Digital camera control GUI)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/entangle", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gexiv2", "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "jasper", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libgphoto2", "libgudev", "libpeas", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "432 K", "descl": "Entangle provides a graphical interface for 'tethered shooting' aka taking photographs with a digital camera completely controlled from the computer. homepage: http://entangle-photo.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/entangle-0.7.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "4104 K", "ver": "2.6", "name": "plotutils", "descs": "plotutils (Plotting/Graphics library and tools)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/plotutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "flex", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1026 K", "descl": "The GNU plotutils package contains software for both programmers and technical users. Its centerpiece is libplot, a powerful C/C++ function library for exporting 2-D vector graphics in many file formats, both vector and raster. It can also do vector graphics animations. Homepage: https://www.gnu.org/software/plotutils", "path": "./salix/graphics/plotutils-2.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "101140 K", "ver": "2017_08_27", "name": "icc_profiles_from_eci", "descs": "icc_profiles_from_eci (ECI ICC profiles for color management)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/icc_profiles_from_eci", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25285 K", "descl": "ICC Profiles help maintain consistent color across different media and applications. This installs ECI RGB, CMYK, and DeviceLink ICC profiles. (For specific profiles, see the website of your printer, scanner, or specialty paper and install to /usr/share/color/icc). http://www.eci.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/icc_profiles_from_eci-2017_08_27-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "20480 K", "ver": "3.10.4", "name": "gthumb", "descs": "gthumb (an image viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gthumb", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "jasper", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "librsvg", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5120 K", "descl": "gThumb is an image viewer and browser for the GNOME desktop. It also includes an importer tool for transferring photos from cameras. gThumb supports printing multiple images on a single page using a printer while many other image viewers don't support it. Homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Apps/Gthumb", "path": "./salix/graphics/gthumb-3.10.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "808 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "advancecomp", "descs": "advancecomp (collection of recompression utilities)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/advancecomp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "202 K", "descl": "advancecom is a collection of recompression utilities for your .ZIP archives, PNG snapshots, .MNG video clips and .GZ files. Homepage: http://advancemame.sourceforge.net/comp-readme.html", "path": "./salix/graphics/advancecomp-2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1008 K", "ver": "1.8.13", "name": "pngcrush", "descs": "pngcrush (optimizer for PNG)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pngcrush", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "252 K", "descl": "Its main purpose is to reduce the size of the PNG IDAT datastream by trying various compression levels and PNG filter methods. It also can be used to remove unwanted ancillary chunks, or to add certain chunks including gAMA, tRNS, iCCP, and textual chunks. Homepage: http://pmt.sourceforge.net/pngcrush/", "path": "./salix/graphics/pngcrush-1.8.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "gpaint", "descs": "gpaint (GNU Paint: a small-scale GTK2 painting program)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gpaint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "This is gpaint (GNU Paint), a small-scale GTK2 painting program, on xpaint, along the lines of 'Paintbrush'.", "path": "./salix/graphics/gpaint-0.3.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "900 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "psftools", "descs": "psftools (tools for converting between bitmap font formats)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/psftools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "225 K", "descl": "The PSF Tools are an attempt to do something similar to NetPBM, for simple fixed-width bitmap fonts.", "path": "./salix/graphics/psftools-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "6020 K", "ver": "21.06", "name": "leocad", "descs": "leocad (CAD program for toy bricks)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/leocad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "leocad_pieces"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1505 K", "descl": "LeoCAD is a CAD program that uses bricks similar to those found in many toys (but they don't represent any particular brand). Currently it uses a library of more than 7000 different pieces. https://www.leocad.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/leocad-21.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "triangulizor", "descs": "triangulizor (triangulize your images)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/triangulizor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Triangulizor is a little Python script to apply a 'triangular pixel' effect to images. Homepage: https://github.com/mccutchen/triangulizor", "path": "./salix/graphics/triangulizor-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "qiv", "descs": "qiv (Quick Image Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/qiv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "Quick Image Viewer (qiv) is a very small and pretty fast GDK/Imlib image viewer. Features include zoom, maxpect, scale down, fullscreen, brightness/contrast/gamma correction, slideshow, pan with keyboard and mouse, rotate left/right, flip, delete (move to .qiv-trash/), jump to image x, jump forward/backward x images, filename filter, and you can use qiv to set your X11-Desktop background.", "path": "./salix/graphics/qiv-2.3.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "gcolor2", "descs": "gcolor2 (GTK+2 color selector)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gcolor2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "gcolor2 is a simple color selector application that is not dependent on any specific desktop environment. It provides the color wheel method, input box method, color-picker method, and the ability to save user-defined colors. Homepage: http://gcolor2.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/gcolor2-0.4-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "20021208", "name": "png2ico", "descs": "png2ico (PNG to icon converter)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/png2ico", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files.", "path": "./salix/graphics/png2ico-20021208-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "pygifme", "descs": "pygifme (simple command line tool to generate GIFs)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pygifme", "deps": ["argcomplete"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Pygifme is a simple command line tool to generate animated GIFs. It is a python port from the original ruby script gifme created by Zach Holman. Homepage: https://github.com/shakaran/pygifme", "path": "./salix/graphics/pygifme-0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "trimage", "descs": "trimage (image compressor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/trimage", "deps": ["optipng", "pngcrush", "jpegoptim", "advancecomp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Trimage is a cross-platform GUI and command-line interface to optimize image files via optipng, pngcrush, advpng and jpegoptim, depending on the filetype (currently, PNG and JPG files are supported). All image files are losslessly compressed on the highest available compression levels, and EXIF and other metadata is removed. https://trimage.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/trimage-1.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "2018.07.28", "name": "gimp-feca_hdr-plugin", "descs": "gimp-feca_hdr-plugin (HDR (tone mapping)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gimp-feca_hdr-plugin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "Open as layers 3 images with -1 EV, normal and +1 EV and let the script do the magic.", "path": "./salix/graphics/gimp-feca_hdr-plugin-2018.07.28-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "4036 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "exact-image", "descs": "exact-image (fast generic image processing library)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/exact-image", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "agg", "brotli", "expat", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jasper", "lcms", "libwebp", "openexr", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1009 K", "descl": "ExactImage is an image processing library which reimplements ImageMagick functions with a significant speed improvement. The library also provides several new algorithms, e.g. lossless JPEG transforms and the creation of searchable PDFs from hOCR annotated HTML. There are bindings for PHP, Lua, Python and Perl.", "path": "./salix/graphics/exact-image-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "30772 K", "ver": "2_0", "name": "GPS", "descs": "GPS (GIMP Paint Studio)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/GPS", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7693 K", "descl": "Gimp Paint Studio is a set of tool and brush presets, patterns, color swatches, and tool presets for painting, illustration, photo re-touching, and airbrushing. https://github.com/draekko-rand/gps-gimp-paint-studio/", "path": "./salix/graphics/GPS-2_0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "meh", "descs": "meh (image viewer for X)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/meh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "giflib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "meh is a small, simple, super fast image viewer using raw XLib. It is similar to feh, but faster and simpler. It can use ImageMagick's convert to view almost 200 file formats, though it is slower for these formats. Built in formats are JPEG, PNG, BMP, and netpbm. Homepage: https://www.johnhawthorn.com/meh/", "path": "./salix/graphics/meh-0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "56828 K", "ver": "5.8", "name": "rawtherapee", "descs": "rawtherapee (High Image Quality)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/rawtherapee", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "elogind", "expat", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "lensfun", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcanberra", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libiptcdata", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsigc++", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14207 K", "descl": "The powerful open source raw converter, all the standard features you would expect from a raw developer and much more a processing queue to make tweaking a photo as fast as possible while leaving the CPU grunt work queued up for later, a snapshot panel to work with multiple versions of changes to a photo, localization in almost 30 different languages. Homepage: http://www.rawtherapee.com/", "path": "./salix/graphics/rawtherapee-5.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2320 K", "ver": "3.50", "name": "ralcgm", "descs": "ralcgm (view/convert CGM vector image files)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/ralcgm", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "580 K", "descl": "RAL-CGM is a program to translate or interpret CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) files, either to a different encoding (Binary, Character or Clear Text) or to view on a terminal or to send to a plotter (PostScript or HPGL). It can be used as an ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick delegate to convert from CGM format.", "path": "./salix/graphics/ralcgm-3.50-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "19308 K", "ver": "2021.01", "name": "openscad", "descs": "openscad (CAD software for creating solid 3D objects)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/openscad", "deps": ["OpenCSG", "QScintilla", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "double-conversion", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glew", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hidapi", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib", "CGAL"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4827 K", "descl": "OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes an object and renders the 3D model from the script file. Homepage: http://www.openscad.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/openscad-2021.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1924 K", "ver": "0.9.5", "name": "yagf", "descs": "yagf (graphical interface for cuneiform)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/yagf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib", "cuneiform"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "481 K", "descl": "YAGF is a graphical interface for the cuneiform text recognition program on the Linux platform. With YAGF you can scan images via XSane, perform images preprocessing and recognize texts using cuneiform from a single command centre. YAGF also makes it easy to scan and recognize several images sequentially. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/yagf-ocr/", "path": "./salix/graphics/yagf-0.9.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "688 K", "ver": "2.14", "name": "fbida", "descs": "fbida (image and PDF viewer for framebuffer console)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fbida", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mesa", "motif", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pixman", "poppler", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "172 K", "descl": "The fbida project contains a few applications for viewing and editing images, with the main focus being photos. Homepage: http://linux.bytesex.org/fbida/", "path": "./salix/graphics/fbida-2.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "47852 K", "ver": "2021.0.0", "name": "hugin", "descs": "hugin (Panorama photo stitcher)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/hugin", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glew", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libaec", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libpano13", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", "openexr", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "vigra", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib", "enblend-enfuse", "exiftool", "tclap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11963 K", "descl": "An easy to use cross-platform panoramic imaging toolchain based on Panorama Tools. With hugin you can assemble a mosaic of photographs into a complete immersive panorama, stitch any series of overlapping pictures and much more. http://hugin.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/hugin-2021.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "8656 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "FSPViewer", "descs": "FSPViewer (spherical panorama viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/FSPViewer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libpng-legacy12", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2164 K", "descl": "FSPViewer is a free viewer for spherical (equirectangular) panoramic images. It is designed for viewing local (hard-disk, network or CD) high resolution panoramic images at full screen and with very high image quality. It uses advanced interpolation algorithms to show you smooth images without losing sharpness. http://www.fsoft.it/FSPViewer/", "path": "./salix/graphics/FSPViewer-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "29", "name": "nsxiv", "descs": "nsxiv (Neo Simple X Image Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/nsxiv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libexif", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "nsxiv is a fork of now unmaintained sxiv with the purpose of being a drop-in replacement of sxiv, maintaining it and adding simple, sensible features. nsxiv is free software licensed under GPLv2 and aims to be easy to modify and customize.", "path": "./salix/graphics/nsxiv-29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "35876 K", "ver": "20201107", "name": "fontforge", "descs": "fontforge (an outline font editor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fontforge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "python3", "util-linux", "wayland", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "8969 K", "descl": "FontForge is an outline font editor that lets you create your own postscript, truetype, opentype, cid-keyed, multi-master, cff, svg and bitmap (bdf, FON, NFNT) fonts, or edit existing ones. It also lets you convert one format to another. FontForge has support for many Macintosh font formats. Homepage: http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/fontforge-20201107-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "5776 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "mypaint-brushes2", "descs": "mypaint-brushes2 (brushes for libmypaint)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mypaint-brushes2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1444 K", "descl": "Brushes used by MyPaint and other software using libmypaint. Homepage: https://github.com/mypaint/mypaint-brushes", "path": "./salix/graphics/mypaint-brushes2-2.0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "148120 K", "ver": "202201", "name": "LDraw_data", "descs": "LDraw_data (data files for LDRAW utilities)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/LDraw_data", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37030 K", "descl": "LDraw_data is a package of data files needed by several utilities based on LDRAW. http://www.ldraw.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/LDraw_data-202201-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "18252 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "mypaint", "descs": "mypaint (graphic painting application)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mypaint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libmypaint", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "numpy3", "mypaint-brushes2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4563 K", "descl": "MyPaint is a fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters. It lets you focus on the art instead of the program. You work on your canvas with minimal distractions, bringing up the interface only when you need it. homepage: http://mypaint.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/mypaint-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1184 K", "ver": "3.120.3", "name": "libplacebo", "descs": "libplacebo (GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives library)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/libplacebo", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glfw3", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "vulkan-sdk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "296 K", "descl": "libplacebo is essentially the core rendering algorithms and ideas of mpv turned into a library. Homepage: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libplacebo", "path": "./salix/graphics/libplacebo-3.120.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2216 K", "ver": "3.50", "name": "mtpaint", "descs": "mtpaint (Mark Tyler's Painting Program)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mtpaint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "openjpeg", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "554 K", "descl": "mtPaint is a GTK+ painting program which is scratch is aimed to be simple and easy to use. It can edit indexed palette or 24 bit RGB images and offers basic painting and palette manipulation tools. It also can handle JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, XPM, and XBM files. Home: http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/mtpaint-3.50-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "5548 K", "ver": "0.94.3", "name": "shutter", "descs": "shutter (a feature-rich screenshot program)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/shutter", "deps": ["perl-gnome2", "perl-file-basedir", "perl-File-Copy-Recursive", "perl-File-Which", "perl-gnome2-wnck", "perl-goo-canvas", "perl-gtk2-imageview", "perl-Gtk2-Unique", "exiftool", "perl-JSON", "perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS", "perl-JSON-MaybeXS", "perl-net-dbus", "perl-Path-Class", "perl-Proc-ProcessTable", "perl-Proc-Simple", "perl-www-mechanize", "perl-x11-protocol", "perl-Sort-Naturally", "perl-http-message", "libwww-perl", "perl-LWP-Protocol-https", "perl-LWP-Protocol-socks", "perl-URI-Simple", "perl-WebService-Gyazo-B"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1387 K", "descl": "Shutter is a feature-rich screenshot program. You can take a screenshot of a specific area, window, your whole screen, or even of a website - apply different effects to it, draw on it to highlight points, and then upload to an image hosting site, all within one window. Shutter is free, open-source, and licensed under GPL v3. This slackbuild script does not include Dropbox integration. Homepage: http://shutter-project.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/shutter-0.94.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "xcur2png", "descs": "xcur2png (convert idiotic Xcursor format files to PNG)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xcur2png", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "xcur2png is a program which lets you take PNG images from X cursors, and generate a config file which is reusable by xcursorgen. To put it simply, it converts from the X cursor format to PNG images.", "path": "./salix/graphics/xcur2png-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2516 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "screencloud", "descs": "screencloud (Easy to use screenshot tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/screencloud", "deps": ["PythonQt", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "glu", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "python3", "qt5", "quazip", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "629 K", "descl": "Take a screenshot using one of the 3 hotkeys or simply click the ScreenCloud tray icon. You can choose where you want to save your screenshot. If you choose to upload it to the screencloud website, a link will automatically be copied to your clipboard. You can share this link with your friends or colleagues via email or in an IM conversation. ScreenCloud also offers FTP and SFTP uploading if you want to use your own server. Homepage: https://screencloud.net", "path": "./salix/graphics/screencloud-1.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3084 K", "ver": "2018.05.0.TIF", "name": "veles", "descs": "veles (A new age tool for binary analysis)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/veles", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "msgpack-c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "771 K", "descl": "It is a very difficult task for a human to notice subtle patterns in large amounts of binary data, however, us humans are very good at finding patterns in images. Statistical visualizations let you find the important bits in a sea of binary data - all at a glance.", "path": "./salix/graphics/veles-2018.05.0.TIF-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "2.9.0", "name": "pngquant", "descs": "pngquant (PNG conversion tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pngquant", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "lcms2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "pngquant is a command-line utility for converting 24/32-bit PNG images to paletted (8-bit) PNGs. The conversion reduces file sizes significantly (often as much as 70%) and preserves full alpha transparency. Generated images are compatible with all modern web browsers, and have better fallback in IE6 than 24-bit PNGs.", "path": "./salix/graphics/pngquant-2.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "93852 K", "ver": "3.8.0_beta.2", "name": "povray", "descs": "povray (3D graphics tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/povray", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libwebp", "libxcb", "openexr", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23463 K", "descl": "The Persistence of Vision Raytracer is a high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning three-dimensional graphics. http://www.povray.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/povray-3.8.0_beta.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "668 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "gtkam", "descs": "gtkam (GTK2 graphical front-end to libgphoto2)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gtkam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libexif", "libexif-gtk", "libglvnd", "libgphoto2", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "167 K", "descl": "libgphoto2 is a portable library which gives access to literally hundreds of digital cameras. This package includes a graphical GTK2 frontend and a GIMP plugin. Homepage: http://www.gphoto.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/gtkam-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "4", "name": "farbfeld", "descs": "farbfeld (lossless image format)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/farbfeld", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "farbfeld is a lossless image format which is easy to parse, pipe and compress. Homepage: https://tools.suckless.org/farbfeld/", "path": "./salix/graphics/farbfeld-4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "20141220_8b81199", "name": "cam", "descs": "cam (display images in a terminal)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/cam", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "The cam utility outputs an image file to stdout, using ANSI escape codes. 256 color mode is supported, but only solid blocks are used as pixels.", "path": "./salix/graphics/cam-20141220_8b81199-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "4728 K", "ver": "20191019_4c30a326b3f4", "name": "enblend-enfuse", "descs": "enblend-enfuse (Image Blending and Enfusing tools)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/enblend-enfuse", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "gsl", "hdf5", "lcms2", "libaec", "libunistring", "libwebp", "nghttp2", "openexr", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "vigra", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1182 K", "descl": "Enblend combines images that overlap into a single large image with no seams. Enfuse combines images that overlap into a single image with good exposure and good focus. Both programs assume that your images are already lined up. To make panoramas with Enblend and/or Enfuse, use Hugin. http://enblend.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/enblend-enfuse-20191019_4c30a326b3f4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "15048 K", "ver": "", "name": "openimageio", "descs": "openimageio (Image File Library)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/openimageio", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dcmtk", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "jasper", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "opencolorio", "opencv", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "xine-lib", "zlib", "robin-map", "tbb", "fmt", "hdf5"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3762 K", "descl": "OpenImageIO is a library for reading and writing images, and a bunch of related classes, utilities, and applications. There is a particular emphasis on formats and functionality used in professional, large-scale animation and visual effects work for film. OpenImageIO is used extensively in animation and VFX studios all over the world, and is also incorporated into several commercial products.", "path": "./salix/graphics/openimageio-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "5808 K", "ver": "20180108.eb42b85", "name": "xcf-pixbuf-loader", "descs": "xcf-pixbuf-loader (gdk-pixbuf2 loader for Gimp image files)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xcf-pixbuf-loader", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1452 K", "descl": "XCF is the Gimp's native file format, as created by its Save command. This loader allows applications using gdk-pixbuf2 to load .xcf files. In particular, it works with qiv.", "path": "./salix/graphics/xcf-pixbuf-loader-20180108.eb42b85-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "0.99", "name": "barcode", "descs": "barcode (GNU Barcode)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/barcode", "deps": ["libpaper"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "GNU Barcode is a tool to convert text strings to printed bars. It supports a variety of standard codes to represent the textual strings and creates postscript output. Home page: http://www.gnu.org/software/barcode/", "path": "./salix/graphics/barcode-0.99-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "0.22.1", "name": "fig2sxd", "descs": "fig2sxd (Fig to SXD image converter)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fig2sxd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "fig2sxd converts images in fig format (used by XFig) to OpenOffice.org Draw format.", "path": "./salix/graphics/fig2sxd-0.22.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "16400 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "pyformex", "descs": "pyformex (program to create 3D geometry from Python scripts)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pyformex", "deps": ["python2", "PyOpenGL", "numpy", "pyside"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4100 K", "descl": "pyFormex is a program for generating, transforming and manipulating large geometrical models of 3D structures by sequences of mathematical operations. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/pyformex/", "path": "./salix/graphics/pyformex-1.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "5140 K", "ver": "3.0.9", "name": "gallery", "descs": "gallery (web-based photo album organizer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gallery", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1285 K", "descl": "gallery is a web-based photo album organizer. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website. Home Page: http://galleryproject.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/gallery-3.0.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "42688 K", "ver": "2.9.4", "name": "gmic", "descs": "gmic (image processing framework)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gmic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "exiv2", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "json-glib", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "opencv", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "xine-lib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10672 K", "descl": "G'MIC is a full-featured open-source framework for image processing. It provides several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/ filter/visualize generic image datasets, ranging from 1d scalar signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images, thus including 2d color images. Homepage http://gmic.eu", "path": "./salix/graphics/gmic-2.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.35", "name": "scour", "descs": "scour (python SVG cleaner)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/scour", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Scour is a Python tool that takes an SVG file and produces a cleaner and more concise file. It is intended to be used after exporting to SVG with a GUI editor, such as Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator. Scour is open-source and licensed under Apache License 2.0.", "path": "./salix/graphics/scour-0.35-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "10220 K", "ver": "20211016_483f4b3", "name": "mcomix3", "descs": "mcomix3 (comic book reader)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mcomix3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2555 K", "descl": "MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image viewer. It is specifically designed to handle comic books (both Western comics and manga) and supports a variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ, CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix, and MComix3 is a Python3 fork of MComix.", "path": "./salix/graphics/mcomix3-20211016_483f4b3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1248 K", "ver": "6.1", "name": "unpaper", "descs": "unpaper (for post-processing scanned and photocopied book pages)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/unpaper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "312 K", "descl": "It is a post-processing tool for scanned sheets of paper, especially for book pages that have been scanned from previously created photocopies. Main purpose is to make scanned book pages better readable on screen after conversion to PDF. Additionally, it might be useful to enhance the quality of scanned pages before performing optical character recognition (OCR). This is an active fork by D.E. 'Flameeyes' Petteno'. Homepage: https://www.flameeyes.com/projects/unpaper", "path": "./salix/graphics/unpaper-6.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "38916 K", "ver": "5.0.1", "name": "tesseract", "descs": "tesseract (OCR Engine)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/tesseract", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "leptonica", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9729 K", "descl": "Tesseract is a commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005.", "path": "./salix/graphics/tesseract-5.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "5264 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "oyranos", "descs": "oyranos (Colour Management System)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/oyranos", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jasper", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcm", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pixman", "qt4", "sane", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1316 K", "descl": "Oyranos is a Colour Management System (CMS) on operating system level. It allows to match predictably input device colours to output device colours accross supporting applications. One goal is to make colour management useful for all users in a automated fashion and regardless of any technical knowledge. Homepage: https://www.oyranos.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/oyranos-0.9.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1076 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "phototonic", "descs": "phototonic (image viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/phototonic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "269 K", "descl": "Phototonic is an image viewer and organize for Linux written in C++ and Qt. Homepage: https://github.com/oferkv/phototonic", "path": "./salix/graphics/phototonic-2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "856 K", "ver": "20170617", "name": "pr0ntools", "descs": "pr0ntools (Integrated Circuit (IC) Reverse Engineering (RE) tools)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pr0ntools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "214 K", "descl": "This is a collection of tools for automating tasks while learning about ICs. The most developed tools are related to image stitching and are certainly useful for more than just IC work.", "path": "./salix/graphics/pr0ntools-20170617-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "scrot", "descs": "scrot (commandline screen capture program)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/scrot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "giblib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "scrot is a commandline screen capture util like 'import', but using the imlib2 library. It has lots of options for autogenerating filenames, and can do fun stuff like taking screenshots of multiple displays and glueing them together. Homepage: https://github.com/dreamer/scrot", "path": "./salix/graphics/scrot-0.8-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "53116 K", "ver": "3.1_April2012", "name": "nvidia-cg-toolkit", "descs": "nvidia-cg-toolkit (GPU Shader Authoring Language)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/nvidia-cg-toolkit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glu", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13279 K", "descl": "The award-winning Cg Toolkit enables software developers to add the latest interactive effects to real-time applications with a comprehensive solution that works across platforms and graphics API containing: - Compiler for the Cg 3.1 language - Cg/CgFX Runtime libraries for OpenGL and Direct3D - User's Manual and documentation - Numerous Cg examples", "path": "./salix/graphics/nvidia-cg-toolkit-3.1_April2012-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.0.2", "name": "fbpic", "descs": "fbpic (display an image on the framebuffer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fbpic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "A simple command line app to display an image on the framebuffer. Homepage: http://keithhedger.hostingsiteforfree.com", "path": "./salix/graphics/fbpic-0.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "8420 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "yafaray", "descs": "yafaray (raytracing engine)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/yafaray", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opencv", "openexr", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2105 K", "descl": "YafaRay is a free open-source raytracing engine. Raytracing is a rendering technique for generating realistic images by tracing the path of light through a 3D scene. Homepage: http://www.yafaray.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/yafaray-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1600 K", "ver": "2.12.4", "name": "gscan2pdf", "descs": "gscan2pdf (A GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gscan2pdf", "deps": ["perl-Image-Sane", "perl-IPC-System-Simple", "perl-Date-Calc", "perl-config-general", "perl-html-parser", "perl-Log-Log4perl", "perl-Carp-Clan", "perl-Sub-Override", "perl-PDF-Builder", "perl-Proc-ProcessTable", "perl-Gtk3-SimpleList", "perl-Gtk3-ImageView", "perl-Set-IntSpan", "perl-List-MoreUtils", "perl-Filesys-Df", "perl-Locale-Codes", "perl-Data-UUID", "perl-GooCanvas2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "400 K", "descl": "A GUI to ease the process of producing a multipage PDF from a scan. gscan2pdf should work on almost any Linux/BSD machine. -> Scan one or several pages in with File/Scan, -> Create PDF of selected pages with File/Save.", "path": "./salix/graphics/gscan2pdf-2.12.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "asciiquarium", "descs": "asciiquarium (ASCII art)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/asciiquarium", "deps": ["perl-Term-Animation"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "aquarium/sea animation in ASCII art", "path": "./salix/graphics/asciiquarium-1.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "6368 K", "ver": "0.6.5", "name": "pencil2d", "descs": "pencil2d (animation/drawing software)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pencil2d", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib", "pyudev", "python-evdev", "graphviz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1592 K", "descl": "Pencil2D is an animation/drawing software for Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil2D is free and open source. https://www.pencil2d.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/pencil2d-0.6.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "2020.10.09.1ea4022", "name": "openscad-mcad", "descs": "openscad-mcad (Parametric CAD Library)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/openscad-mcad", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "This library contains components commonly used in designing and mocking up mechanical designs. It is currently unfinished and you can expect some API changes, however many things are already working. Homepage: https://github.com/openscad/MCAD/", "path": "./salix/graphics/openscad-mcad-2020.10.09.1ea4022-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "Shellpic", "descs": "Shellpic (display images in terminal)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/Shellpic", "deps": ["python2-pillow"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Shellpic uses escape codes to display images in a terminal or irc-client. Homepage: https://github.com/larsjsol/shellpic", "path": "./salix/graphics/Shellpic-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "160920 K", "ver": "0.99.7", "name": "XnViewMP", "descs": "XnViewMP (A Picture Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/XnViewMP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40230 K", "descl": "XnView MP is the enhanced version of XnView Classic. It is a powerful cross-platform media browser, viewer and converter. Compatible with more than 500 formats.", "path": "./salix/graphics/XnViewMP-0.99.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "5436 K", "ver": "0.3.10", "name": "dblatex", "descs": "dblatex (DocBook to LaTeX Publishing)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/dblatex", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1359 K", "descl": "Dblatex transforms a DocBook XML/SGML document to LaTeX. Once transformed into LaTeX, standard LaTeX tools are used to produce DVI, Postcript or PDF files.", "path": "./salix/graphics/dblatex-0.3.10-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "11960 K", "ver": "2.32.0", "name": "birdfont", "descs": "birdfont (free font editor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/birdfont", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libgee", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxmlbird", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2990 K", "descl": "Birdfont is a free font editor which lets you create vector graphics and export TTF, OTF and SVG fonts. The editor has good support for both monochrome and color font formats. Homepage: https://www.birdfont.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/birdfont-2.32.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "15272 K", "ver": "2.0.5", "name": "evolus-pencil", "descs": "evolus-pencil (Opensource GUI Prototyping Tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/evolus-pencil", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3818 K", "descl": "The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use. Homepage: http://pencil.evolus.vn/", "path": "./salix/graphics/evolus-pencil-2.0.5-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "0.2.5", "name": "gpicview", "descs": "gpicview (A Simple and Fast Image Viewer for X)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gpicview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "GPicView is a simple image viewer made for the lxde desktop, but has minimal dependencies and low memory usage, depending only on gtk+ system libraries", "path": "./salix/graphics/gpicview-0.2.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "3.6.1", "name": "feh", "descs": "feh (image viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/feh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libunistring", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "feh features include simple image viewing, multiple image viewing (slideshow), multiple image viewing in multiwindows, image viewing in fullscreen, image list mode, loadable/unloadable listing, recursive file opening, saving/loading filelists, loading images via http, reloading after delay, montage creation, and more. Homepage: https://feh.finalrewind.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/feh-3.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "8996 K", "ver": "1.3.36", "name": "GraphicsMagick", "descs": "GraphicsMagick (Image Processing System)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/GraphicsMagick", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jasper", "jbigkit", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libwebp", "libwmf", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2249 K", "descl": "GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing. Provides a robust and efficient collection of tools and libraries which support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over 88 major formats including important formats like DPX, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, PDF, PNM, and TIFF. This package built WITH OpenMP This package built WITH Perl support (PerlMagick) This package built WITH Tcl/Tk support (TclMagick)", "path": "./salix/graphics/GraphicsMagick-1.3.36-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "29304 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "qelectrotech", "descs": "qelectrotech (A Free Electrical Drawing Program)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/qelectrotech", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "kcoreaddons", "kwidgetsaddons", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7326 K", "descl": "qelectrotech is a free software for making electrical drawings", "path": "./salix/graphics/qelectrotech-0.8.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "0.31.1", "name": "autotrace", "descs": "autotrace (Bitmap to vector graphics converter)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/autotrace", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib", "pstoedit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "AutoTrace is a utility for converting bitmap into vector graphics and is a free replacement of CorelTrace & Adobe Streamline. Features: - Tracing outline and midline - Color reduction and Despeckling - Import Formats: BMP, TGA, PNM, PPM, PGM, PBM and those supported by ImageMagick. - Export Formats: Postscript, svg,xfig, swf, pstoedit, emf, dxf, cgm, mif, p2e and sk. Homepage: http://autotrace.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/autotrace-0.31.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2440 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "gimp-lqr-plugin", "descs": "gimp-lqr-plugin (Liquid Rescale GIMP plugin)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gimp-lqr-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblqr", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "610 K", "descl": "The GIMP Liquid Rescale plugin is a frontend to the Liquid Rescale Library, which provides an implementation of the Seam Carving algorithm as described in this paper (http://www.faculty.idc.ac.il/arik/imret.pdf) by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir.", "path": "./salix/graphics/gimp-lqr-plugin-0.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "2.19.1", "name": "findimagedupes", "descs": "findimagedupes (find visually similar or duplicate images)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/findimagedupes", "deps": ["perl-Inline-C", "perl-file-mimeinfo", "GraphicsMagick"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "findimagedupes compares a list of files for visual similarity, by comparing 'visual fingerprints'.", "path": "./salix/graphics/findimagedupes-2.19.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.2.20", "name": "mftrace", "descs": "mftrace (Generate scalable fonts for TeX)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mftrace", "deps": ["potrace"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "Mftrace is a small Python program that lets you trace a TeX bitmap font into a PFA or PFB font (A PostScript Type1 Scalable Font). Type1 fonts offer many advantages over bitmaps, as they allow PostScript files to render correctly on printers with many resolutions. Moreover, Ghostscript can generate much better PDF, if given scalable fonts.", "path": "./salix/graphics/mftrace-1.2.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "808 K", "ver": "9.28.0", "name": "dcraw", "descs": "dcraw (command line tool to decode raw digital photos)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/dcraw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "lcms2", "libwebp", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "202 K", "descl": "dcraw is a command line tool to decode raw digital photos written by Dave Coffin. It supports many raw photo formats for numerous digital camera manufacturers. Home Page: https://www.dechifro.org/dcraw/", "path": "./salix/graphics/dcraw-9.28.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "47872 K", "ver": "5.7.0", "name": "kphotoalbum", "descs": "kphotoalbum (a photo management application)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/kphotoalbum", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "jasper", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libkdcraw", "libogg", "libplist", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libusbmuxd", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "marble", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "phonon", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "purpose", "qt5", "samba", "solid", "sonnet", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11968 K", "descl": "Kphotoalbum (previously known as KimDaBa) is an image viewer and organizer for KDE 4. It makes use of kipi plugins and exiv2 if they are installed (both recommended).", "path": "./salix/graphics/kphotoalbum-5.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3024 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "qcomicbook", "descs": "qcomicbook (Comic Book Reader)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/qcomicbook", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "poppler", "qt5", "zlib", "unrar"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "756 K", "descl": "QComicBook is a graphical application that allows sequential display of archived (zip or rar) images, a well known technique for distributing digital copies of comic books. Homepage: https://github.com/stolowski/QComicBook", "path": "./salix/graphics/qcomicbook-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1156 K", "ver": "2.0.4", "name": "goocanvas2", "descs": "goocanvas2 (Cairo Canvas Widget for GTK+)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/goocanvas2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "289 K", "descl": "GooCanvas is a new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GooCanvas This is the new 2.x version.", "path": "./salix/graphics/goocanvas2-2.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "72412 K", "ver": "", "name": "vsxu", "descs": "vsxu (OpenGL Music Visualisation and Graphics Effects)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/vsxu", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "freetype", "glew", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio", "zlib", "glfw3", "ftgl"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18103 K", "descl": "VSXu (VSX Ultra) is an OpenGL-based (hardware-accelerated), modular programming environment with its main purpose to visualize music and create graphic effects in real-time.", "path": "./salix/graphics/vsxu-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "jpeg2ps", "descs": "jpeg2ps (convert JPEG compressed images to PostScript Level 2 or 3)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/jpeg2ps", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "jpeg2ps converts JPEG files to PostScript Level 2 or 3 EPS. In fact jpeg2ps is not really a converter but a 'wrapper'. Homepage: https://www.pdflib.com/", "path": "./salix/graphics/jpeg2ps-1.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "4508 K", "ver": "4.2.5", "name": "tgif-QPL", "descs": "tgif-QPL (Interactive 2-D drawing facility under X11)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/tgif-QPL", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1127 K", "descl": "Tgif is an interactive 2-D drawing facility under X11, based on Xlib. It supports hierarchical construction of drawings and easy navigation between sets of drawings. It's also a hyper-graphics (or hyper- structured-graphics) browser on the World-Wide-Web. This package includes the QPL-licensed version of Tgif.", "path": "./salix/graphics/tgif-QPL-4.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "15560 K", "ver": "", "name": "phatch", "descs": "phatch (GUI photo batch processor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/phatch", "deps": ["wxPython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3890 K", "descl": "Phatch is a simple to use cross-platform GUI Photo Batch Processor which handles all popular image formats and can duplicate (sub)folder hierarchies. Phatch can batch resize, rotate, apply perspective, shadows, rounded corners, ... and more in minutes instead of hours or days if you do it manually. Homepage: http://photobatch.stani.be", "path": "./salix/graphics/phatch-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "391872 K", "ver": "4e7628c", "name": "mitsuba2", "descs": "mitsuba2 (computer graphics renderer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mitsuba2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97968 K", "descl": "A modular, experimental graphics renderer, placing an emphasis upon experimental techniques. Homepage: http://mitsuba-renderer.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/mitsuba2-4e7628c-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "21788 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "PyMOL", "descs": "PyMOL (molecular visualization system)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/PyMOL", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "freeglut", "freetype", "glew", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "python2", "zlib", "python2-pmw", "msgpack-c", "glm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5447 K", "descl": "PyMOL is a Python-enhanced molecular graphics tool. It excels at 3D visualization of proteins, small molecules, density, surfaces, and trajectories. It also includes molecular editing, ray tracing, and movies. Homepage: http://pymol.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/PyMOL-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1376 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "uniconvertor", "descs": "uniconvertor (universal vector graphics translator)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/uniconvertor", "deps": ["python2", "sk1libs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "344 K", "descl": "UniConvertor is a universal vector graphics translator. It uses sK1 engine to convert one format to another. Homepage: https://sk1project.net", "path": "./salix/graphics/uniconvertor-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.0.10", "name": "gimp-wideangle-plugin", "descs": "gimp-wideangle-plugin (distortion plug-in / filter for gimp)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gimp-wideangle-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "The Wideangle filter is used to correct (or simulate) the distortion typically seen on photographs taken with a wideangle lens. There are six controls.", "path": "./salix/graphics/gimp-wideangle-plugin-1.0.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "396 K", "ver": "0.7.7", "name": "optipng", "descs": "optipng (Advanced PNG Optimizer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/optipng", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "99 K", "descl": "OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information. This program also converts external formats (BMP, GIF, PNM and TIFF) to optimized PNG, and performs PNG integrity checks and corrections. Homepage: http://optipng.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/optipng-0.7.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "784 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "gpscorrelate", "descs": "gpscorrelate (write EXIF GPS tags to photos using a GPX tracklog)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gpscorrelate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "196 K", "descl": "A GTK+ app and command line utility for geocoding JPEG photos. The date/time of each photo is correlated with a GPS tracklog (in GPX format) and the photos are tagged with appropriate EXIF GPS tags. Homepage: https://github.com/freefoote/gpscorrelate", "path": "./salix/graphics/gpscorrelate-2.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "11100 K", "ver": "9.0", "name": "apitrace", "descs": "apitrace (Tools for tracing OpenGL and other graphics APIs)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/apitrace", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "procps-ng", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2775 K", "descl": "apitrace consists of a set of tools to: trace OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D, and DirectDraw APIs calls to a file; replay OpenGL and OpenGL ES calls from a file; inspect OpenGL state at any call while retracing; visualize and edit trace files. Homepage: https://apitrace.github.io/", "path": "./salix/graphics/apitrace-9.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1796 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "kuickshow", "descs": "kuickshow (image viewer for kde)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/kuickshow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imlib", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kservice", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libplist", "libusbmuxd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "solid", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "449 K", "descl": "KuickShow displays images using all the available space, without being wasted in bars or menus. It also has a smart automatic zooming that scales images according to its size. You can use the integrated file browser to choose images, or navigate through a folder with the mousewheel or the keyboard. It also has fullscreen view and slideshow, and supports a wide range of image formats. Homepage: http://userbase.kde.org/KuickShow", "path": "./salix/graphics/kuickshow-0.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.18", "name": "lcdtest", "descs": "lcdtest (utility to display LCD monitor test patterns)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/lcdtest", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libwebp", "libxcb", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "lcdtest is a utility to display LCD monitor test patterns. It may be useful for adjusting the pixel clock frequency and phase on LCD monitors when using analog inputs, and for finding pixels that are stuck on or off. lcdtest uses the SDL library. Homepage: http://www.brouhaha.com/~eric/software/lcdtest/", "path": "./salix/graphics/lcdtest-1.18-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "613264 K", "ver": "2021.11.25", "name": "tuxpaint-stamps", "descs": "tuxpaint-stamps (Rubber stamps collection for Tux Paint)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/tuxpaint-stamps", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153316 K", "descl": "This package contains a set of 'Rubber Stamp' images which can be used with the 'Stamp' tool within Tux Paint.", "path": "./salix/graphics/tuxpaint-stamps-2021.11.25-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "lddot", "descs": "lddot (graphically display shared library dependencies)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/lddot", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "lddot is a wrapper over ldd, which produces output in Graphviz format. Example: lddot $(which bash) | graph-easy --as boxart", "path": "./salix/graphics/lddot-0.2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "21104 K", "ver": "2.22.2", "name": "lilypond", "descs": "lilypond (music typesetter)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/lilypond", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "guile1.8", "harfbuzz", "libxml2", "pango", "util-linux", "zlib", "fontforge", "texi2html"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5276 K", "descl": "LilyPond is a music typesetter. It produces beautiful sheet music using a description file as input.", "path": "./salix/graphics/lilypond-2.22.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "", "name": "g3dviewer", "descs": "g3dviewer (3-D model viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/g3dviewer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkglext", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libg3d", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "G3D-Viewer is a application which employs the OpenGL and GtkGLExt libraries to render a three-dimensional model in a graphical window. There is also a feature for rendering a thumbnail for use in a graphical file manager. A number of different input file formats are supported.", "path": "./salix/graphics/g3dviewer-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "14524 K", "ver": "2.22.0", "name": "gnome-themes-extras", "descs": "gnome-themes-extras (gnome metathemes and icons)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gnome-themes-extras", "deps": ["gtk-engines"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3631 K", "descl": "GNOME Themes Extras is a collection of metathemes for the GNOME desktop environment. This package provides GNOME users an extra set of themes that are functional and attractive, often sporting a distinct appearance that you won't find in the primary themes package. Most of the graphics in these themes contain SVG vector graphics. http://librsvg.sourceforge.net/theme.php", "path": "./salix/graphics/gnome-themes-extras-2.22.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2368 K", "ver": "3.3.1", "name": "gimp-plugin-export-layers", "descs": "gimp-plugin-export-layers (Export Layers Plugin for GIMP)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gimp-plugin-export-layers", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "592 K", "descl": "With gimp-plugin-export-layers you can export layers as individual images exporting to any file format provided by GIMP. Homepage: https://github.com/khalim19/gimp-plugin-export-layers", "path": "./salix/graphics/gimp-plugin-export-layers-3.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "2.6", "name": "xfishtank", "descs": "xfishtank (X11 aquarium)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xfishtank", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "The X11 aquarium Does not like KDE or Gnome Awesome on FVWM Crystal on my screen 1280 x 720 has more impact than higher resolution", "path": "./salix/graphics/xfishtank-2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "19068 K", "ver": "2.6.0", "name": "luminance-hdr", "descs": "luminance-hdr (HDR imaging application)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/luminance-hdr", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gsl", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "jasper", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "llvm", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4767 K", "descl": "Luminance HDR is an application that provides a workflow for HDR imaging. Homepage: http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/luminance-hdr-2.6.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "27788 K", "ver": "2021.10", "name": "meshlab", "descs": "meshlab (process and edit unstructured 3D triangular meshes)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/meshlab", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glew", "glu", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "muParser", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "xerces-c", "zlib", "levmar", "mpir"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6947 K", "descl": "MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extensible system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes. The system is aimed to help the processing of the typical not-so-small unstructured models arising in 3D scanning, providing a set of tools for editing, cleaning, healing, inspecting, rendering and converting this kind of mesh. Homepage: https://www.meshlab.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/meshlab-2021.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "11380 K", "ver": "0.24.0", "name": "shotwell", "descs": "shotwell (Open source photo manager for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/shotwell", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gexiv2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "jasper", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libexif", "libgcrypt", "libgee", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgphoto2", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib", "libunique", "rest"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2845 K", "descl": "Digital photo organizer for Linux. Homepage: http://www.yorba.org/shotwell/", "path": "./salix/graphics/shotwell-0.24.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "4768 K", "ver": "7.2.13", "name": "ipe", "descs": "ipe (The Ipe extensible drawing editor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/ipe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua53", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1192 K", "descl": "Ipe is a drawing editor for creating figures in PDF format. It supports making small figures for inclusion into LaTeX-documents as well as making multi-page PDF presentations. Homepage: http://ipe.otfried.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/ipe-7.2.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "2.6", "name": "gimp-plugin-bimp", "descs": "gimp-plugin-bimp (Batch Image Manipulation Plugin for GIMP)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gimp-plugin-bimp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "With BIMP you can apply a set of GIMP manipulations on groups of images. It provides an easy to use interface and a lot of batch functions. Homepage: https://github.com/alessandrofrancesconi/gimp-plugin-bimp", "path": "./salix/graphics/gimp-plugin-bimp-2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "xdot", "descs": "xdot (viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xdot", "deps": ["numpy3", "graphviz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "xdot.py is an interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language. It uses internally the graphviz's xdot output format as an intermediate format, and PyGTK and Cairo for rendering. xdot.py can be used either as a standalone application from command line, or as a library embedded in your python application.", "path": "./salix/graphics/xdot-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "18.1.8", "name": "ueberzug", "descs": "ueberzug (An alternative to w3mimgdisplay)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/ueberzug", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "docopt", "psutil", "python-xlib", "python3-attrs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Uberzug is a command line util which allows to draw images on terminals by using child windows. Homepage: https://github.com/seebye/ueberzug", "path": "./salix/graphics/ueberzug-18.1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.9.8", "name": "pho", "descs": "pho (photo viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pho", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Photo viewer http://www.shallowsky.com/software/pho/", "path": "./salix/graphics/pho-0.9.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2528 K", "ver": "2.5.1960", "name": "grafx2", "descs": "grafx2 (The Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/grafx2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "632 K", "descl": "GrafX2 is a drawing program dedicated to pixelart and low-color graphics. Its layout is not very different from the famous Deluxe Paint or Brilliance. Homepage: http://pulkomandy.tk/projects/GrafX2", "path": "./salix/graphics/grafx2-2.5.1960-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "6692 K", "ver": "", "name": "yacreader", "descs": "yacreader (comic book reader)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/yacreader", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "poppler", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "unarr", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1673 K", "descl": "YACReader is a comic reader and manager with support for many different comic files formats. homepage: https://www.yacreader.com", "path": "./salix/graphics/yacreader-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "svp", "descs": "svp (A ghostscript front end for svgalib)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/svp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This program uses ghostscript to display postscript and PDF files using svgalib. The interface is similar to tmview (dvi viewer for svgalib).", "path": "./salix/graphics/svp-0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.0.7", "name": "jp2a", "descs": "jp2a (Image converter)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/jp2a", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "jp2a is a small utility that converts JPG images to ASCII. It's written in C and released under the GPL. Homepage: https://csl.name/jp2a/", "path": "./salix/graphics/jp2a-1.0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "122212 K", "ver": "3.4.4", "name": "OpenSubdiv", "descs": "OpenSubdiv (The OpenSubdiv Library)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/OpenSubdiv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "ocl-icd"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30553 K", "descl": "OpenSubdiv is a set of open source libraries that implement high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) evaluation on massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures. This code path is optimized for drawing deforming surfaces with static topology at interactive framerates. Project URL: http://graphics.pixar.com/opensubdiv/", "path": "./salix/graphics/OpenSubdiv-3.4.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.5.3", "name": "ttyload", "descs": "ttyload (A color-coded console load graph)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/ttyload", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "ttyload is a little *NIX utility which gives a color-coded graph of load averages over time. Homepage: http://www.daveltd.com/src/util/ttyload/", "path": "./salix/graphics/ttyload-0.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1764 K", "ver": "0.21.2", "name": "xmedcon", "descs": "xmedcon (Medical Image Conversion)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xmedcon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "441 K", "descl": "a medical image conversion utility & library; hereby hoping to lower at least one barrier in medical research projects. http://xmedcon.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/xmedcon-0.21.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "tkpng", "descs": "tkpng (PNG photo image support for Tcl/Tk)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/tkpng", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "TkPNG is an open source binary package that adds PNG photo image support to Tcl/Tk. Although other extensions such as Img also add support for PNG images, this package was designed to be lightweight, not depending on libpng nor implementing other image formats, and suitable for inclusion in the Tk core.", "path": "./salix/graphics/tkpng-0.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3160 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "gimagereader", "descs": "gimagereader (GUI for tesseract)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gimagereader", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "djvulibre", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "leptonica", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "podofo", "poppler", "qt5", "qtspell", "quazip", "sane", "tesseract", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "790 K", "descl": "Gimagereader is a simple Gtk/Qt front-end to tesseract. http://sourceforge.net/projects/gimagereader/", "path": "./salix/graphics/gimagereader-3.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3852 K", "ver": "0.9.5b", "name": "xpe", "descs": "xpe (neXtgen Povray Editor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xpe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "963 K", "descl": "The neXtgen Povray Editor is a graphical editor for POV-Ray based on the wxWidgets library. http://nextpe.sourceforge.net//", "path": "./salix/graphics/xpe-0.9.5b-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "956 K", "ver": "5.9", "name": "zgv", "descs": "zgv (svgalib picture viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/zgv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libwebp", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "239 K", "descl": "zgv is a picture viewer with a thumbnail-based file selector. It supports most popular formats and allows panning and fit-to-screen methods of viewing, slideshows, scaling, gamma adjustment, etc. Homepage: http://www.svgalib.org/rus/zgv", "path": "./salix/graphics/zgv-5.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1824 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "mozjpeg", "descs": "mozjpeg (Mozilla JPEG Encoder Project)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mozjpeg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "456 K", "descl": "mozjpeg is a fork of libjpeg-turbo from Mozilla Research. Its goal is to reduce the size of JPEG files without reducing quality or compatibility with the vast majority of the world's deployed decoders. The idea is to reduce transfer times for JPEGs on the Web, thus reducing page load times. This package was built with these options: libjpeg API version: 6b Java support: no", "path": "./salix/graphics/mozjpeg-4.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "848 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "screengrab", "descs": "screengrab (screenshot grabber)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/screengrab", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "kwindowsystem", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "libqtxdg", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "212 K", "descl": "Screengrab is an application for taking screenshots written in Qt. It can grab screenshot (also with a delay and using shortcuts) of the desktop, of the active window and of a selected area; it can copy the result in the clipboard and save it in jpg or png format. homepage: http://screengrab.doomer.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/screengrab-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "xzgv", "descs": "xzgv (a keyboard-controllable fast picture viewer for X)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xzgv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "xzgv's thumbnail-based file selector can copy, rename and move images, rotate by multiples of 90 degrees and mirror them. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv/", "path": "./salix/graphics/xzgv-0.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "3.4.4", "name": "hp2xx", "descs": "hp2xx (vector graphics conversion)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/hp2xx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libwebp", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "The hp2xx program is a versatile tool to convert vector-oriented graphics data given in Hewlett-Packard's HP-GL plotter language into a variety of popular graphics formats, both vector- and raster-oriented. The various supported output formats include Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), PCX, IMG, and several formats intended to facilitate the generation of graphics within TeX documents. In addition, hp2xx output is printable on the HP Laserjet/Deskjet printer series, and it may be used as a HP-GL previewer on many platforms.", "path": "./salix/graphics/hp2xx-3.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "pdf2png", "descs": "pdf2png (Converts pdf files to various image formats)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pdf2png", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "pdf2png converts PDF files to various image formats with a simple graphical interface based on python, using ghostscript. It supports up to 4 different image extensions like PNG, JPEG, BMP and TIFF. Homepage: https://github.com/aadityabagga/pdf2png", "path": "./salix/graphics/pdf2png-0.5-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "4.3.0", "name": "imv", "descs": "imv (image viewer for X and/or Wayland)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/imv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aom", "brotli", "cairo", "dav1d", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "inih", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libde265", "libglvnd", "libheif", "librsvg", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "x265", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "imv is a command line image viewer intended for use with tiling window managers. Package built with support for: FreeImage: no libnsgif: no libheif: yes", "path": "./salix/graphics/imv-4.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "776 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "gbdfed", "descs": "gbdfed (bitmap font editor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gbdfed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "194 K", "descl": "gbdfed lets you interactively create new bitmap font files or modify existing ones. It allows editing multiple fonts and multiple glyphs, it allows cut and paste operations between fonts and glyphs and editing font properties. The editor works natively with BDF fonts.", "path": "./salix/graphics/gbdfed-1.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "wavelet-denoise", "descs": "wavelet-denoise (GIMP plugin)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/wavelet-denoise", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "the wavelet denoise plugin is a tool to reduce noise in each channel of an image separately. The default colour space to do denoising is YCbCr which has the advantage that chroma noise can be reduced without affecting image details. Denoising in CIELAB or RGB is available as an option. http://registry.gimp.org/node/4235", "path": "./salix/graphics/wavelet-denoise-0.3.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "6740 K", "ver": "0.8.5", "name": "flameshot", "descs": "flameshot (screenshot software)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/flameshot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1685 K", "descl": "Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software. Features: Customizable appearance. In-app screenshot edition. DBus interface. Upload to Imgur. Homepage: flameshot.js.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/flameshot-0.8.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "ldglite", "descs": "ldglite (view and edit Lego brick models in LDRAW format)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/ldglite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "freeglut", "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "zlib", "LDraw_data"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "ldglite is a program that lets you view and edit Lego brick models stored in LDRAW format. ldglite can also be used as a command-line utility to create images from models. http://ldglite.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/ldglite-1.2.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "512 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "pygraphviz", "descs": "pygraphviz (Python interface to Graphviz)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pygraphviz", "deps": ["graphviz", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "128 K", "descl": "PyGraphviz is a Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package. Homepage: http://pygraphviz.github.io/", "path": "./salix/graphics/pygraphviz-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "4156 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "HotShots", "descs": "HotShots (screenshot tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/HotShots", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libqxt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1039 K", "descl": "HotShots is an application for capturing screens and saving them in a variety of image formats as well as adding annotations and graphical data (arrows, lines, texts, ...). homepage - https://sourceforge.net/projects/hotshots", "path": "./salix/graphics/HotShots-2.1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "imgmin", "descs": "imgmin (Automated lossy JPEG optimization)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/imgmin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib", "pngnq-s9", "pngcrush", "pngquant"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "imgmin is a CLI app uses a lossless mechanism to generate the optimized images by manipulating pixel blocks. imgmin offers an automated means for enforcing image quality as a standalone tool and as a webserver module. This software is licensed under the MIT license.", "path": "./salix/graphics/imgmin-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1050384 K", "ver": "0.19.2", "name": "FreeCAD", "descs": "FreeCAD (General purpose 3D CAD modeler)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/FreeCAD", "deps": ["OpenCASCADE", "Pivy", "pyside2", "shiboken2", "xerces-c", "Coin", "qt5-webkit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "262596 K", "descl": "FreeCAD is a general purpose 3D CAD modeler, aimed at mechanical engineering and product design, but also fits in a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/free-cad", "path": "./salix/graphics/FreeCAD-0.19.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "8720 K", "ver": "3.17.2206", "name": "nomacs", "descs": "nomacs (Qt image viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/nomacs", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "icu4c", "jasper", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "nghttp2", "opencv", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "quazip", "zlib", "lcov"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2180 K", "descl": "nomacs is a free image viewer for windows and linux systems. nomacs is small,fast and able to handle the most common image formats. Additionally it is possible to synchronize multiple viewers. homepage: http://www.nomacs.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/nomacs-3.17.2206-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1188 K", "ver": "1.2r1", "name": "baires", "descs": "baires (graphical batch image resizer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/baires", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "297 K", "descl": "Baires is a small batch image resizer Qt GUI.", "path": "./salix/graphics/baires-1.2r1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "fbgrab", "descs": "fbgrab (framebuffer screenshot program)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fbgrab", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "FBGrab is a framebuffer screenshot program, capturing the linux frambuffer and converting it to a png-picture. Homepage: https://github.com/GunnarMonell/fbgrab", "path": "./salix/graphics/fbgrab-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "3.00", "name": "jhead", "descs": "jhead (JPEG Exif header manipulation tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/jhead", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "jhead displays and manipulates data contained in the Exif header of JPEG images from digital cameras. For many tasks, jhead remains the simplest and most effective tool for the job, especially if used for automated or scripted tasks. Homepage: http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/", "path": "./salix/graphics/jhead-3.00-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "836 K", "ver": "5.5.3", "name": "maim", "descs": "maim (make image)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/maim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "glew", "glu", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "slop", "util-linux", "zlib", "imlib2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "209 K", "descl": "maim is a utility that takes screenshots of your desktop. It's meant to overcome shortcomings of scrot and performs better in several ways https://github.com/naelstrof/maim", "path": "./salix/graphics/maim-5.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "16316 K", "ver": "2.2.6", "name": "Pixie", "descs": "Pixie (3D renderer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/Pixie", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "openexr", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4079 K", "descl": "Pixie is an open source RenderMan renderer for generating photorealistic images. It is free-as-in-freedom - just like K-3D.", "path": "./salix/graphics/Pixie-2.2.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "832 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "goocanvas", "descs": "goocanvas (Cairo Canvas Widget for GTK+)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/goocanvas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "208 K", "descl": "GooCanvas is a new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GooCanvas", "path": "./salix/graphics/goocanvas-0.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "144016 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "Blender", "descs": "Blender (3D Content Creation Suite)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/Blender", "deps": ["LibRaw", "OpenSubdiv", "SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "cairo", ["cmake", "httpd"], "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dcmtk", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "jasper", "jemalloc", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lzo", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "opencollada", "opencolorio", "opencv", "openexr", "openimageio", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "potrace", "pugixml", "pulseaudio", "python3", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tbb", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "xine-lib", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36004 K", "descl": "Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License. http://blender.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/Blender-3.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.4.6", "name": "jpegoptim", "descs": "jpegoptim (utility to optimize/compress JPEG files)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/jpegoptim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "jpegoptim is used to optimize/compress jpeg files. It supports lossless optimization (based on optimizing the Huffman tables) and so called 'lossy' optimization where in addition to optimizing the Huffman tables, the user can specify an upper limit for image quality, or a target file size.", "path": "./salix/graphics/jpegoptim-1.4.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "1.01", "name": "exiftags", "descs": "exiftags (three utilities for manipulating Exif tags)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/exiftags", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "exiftags package consists of three utilities for displaying and modifying Exif tags in digital camera JPEG files: 1) exiftags spits out Exif tags; 2) exifcom displays and writes the UserComment tag; and 3) exiftime displays, adjusts, and writes date/time tags or lists files in date/time order. The program uses BSD licence.", "path": "./salix/graphics/exiftags-1.01-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1045052 K", "ver": "0.19", "name": "openclipart", "descs": "openclipart (Freely usable clip art)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/openclipart", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "261263 K", "descl": "This project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used. All graphics submitted to the project should be placed into the Public Domain according to the statement by the Creative Commons. Homepage: https://openclipart.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/openclipart-0.19-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1128 K", "ver": "0.41.1", "name": "whyteboard", "descs": "whyteboard (A simple image, pdf and postcript annotator)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/whyteboard", "deps": ["wxPython"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "282 K", "descl": "Whyteboard is a painting application that allows the annotation of pdf, postcript documents and various image formats with common drawing tools (pen, rectangles, ellipses, text)", "path": "./salix/graphics/whyteboard-0.41.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "9600 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "photoqt", "descs": "photoqt (Qt image viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/photoqt", "deps": ["GraphicsMagick", "LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jasper", "jbigkit", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libarchive", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libwmf", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "poppler", "pugixml", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2400 K", "descl": "Photoqt is a fast, simple, good looking, yet powerful and highly configurable image viewer. homepage: https://photoqt.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/photoqt-2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1252 K", "ver": "0.5.3", "name": "kImageAnnotator", "descs": "kImageAnnotator (Tool for annotating images)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/kImageAnnotator", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "kColorPicker", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "313 K", "descl": "Tool for annotating images Homepage: https://github.com/ksnip/kImageAnnotator", "path": "./salix/graphics/kImageAnnotator-0.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "65192 K", "ver": "3.27.1", "name": "OpenVSP", "descs": "OpenVSP (3D aircraft modeling tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/OpenVSP", "deps": ["fltk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16298 K", "descl": "OpenVSP is a parametric aircraft geometry tool that allows the user to create a 3D model of an aircraft defined by common engineering parameters. This model can be processed into formats suitable for engineering analysis. OpenVSP was released as an open source project under the NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA) version 1.3. homepage: http://openvsp.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/OpenVSP-3.27.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "xcalib", "descs": "xcalib (color profile manager)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xcalib", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "xcalib is an open-source monitor calibration loader for applying the calibration stored in ICC color profiles to a Linux system. https://github.com/OpenICC/xcalib", "path": "./salix/graphics/xcalib-0.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "74436 K", "ver": "", "name": "teighafileconverter", "descs": "teighafileconverter (DWG and DXF file converter)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/teighafileconverter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18609 K", "descl": "TeighaFileConverter is a free application that converts files between the .dwg and .dxf CAD file formats (used by AutoCAD, among others). Homepage: https://www.opendesign.com/guestfiles/TeighaFileConverter", "path": "./salix/graphics/teighafileconverter-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "8772 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "opencolorio", "descs": "opencolorio (Color Management System)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/opencolorio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "expat", "freeglut", "glew", "glu", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux", "pybind11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2193 K", "descl": "OpenColorIO (OCIO) is a complete color management solution geared towards motion picture production with an emphasis on visual effects and computer animation. OCIO provides a straightforward and consistent user experience across all supporting applications while allowing for sophisticated back-end configuration options suitable for high-end production usage. OCIO is compatible with the Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES) and is LUT-format agnostic, supporting many popular formats.", "path": "./salix/graphics/opencolorio-2.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2620 K", "ver": "0.51", "name": "gource", "descs": "gource (software VCS vizualization tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gource", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "freetype", "glew", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "zlib", "glm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "655 K", "descl": "Software projects are displayed by Gource as an animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre: directories appear as branches with files as leaves; developers can be seen working on the tree at the times they contributed to the project. Currently there is first party support for Git, Mercurial and Bazaar, and third party (using additional steps) for CVS and SVN. gource homepage: https://gource.io", "path": "./salix/graphics/gource-0.51-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2980 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "fotowall", "descs": "fotowall (creative tool that allows you to layout your photos)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fotowall", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "745 K", "descl": "FotoWall is a creative tool that allows you to layout your photos or pictures in a personal way. You can add pictues, then resize, move, change colors, text, shadows, etc. to create your composition or collage. The focus of this application is on simplicity. Homepage: https://www.enricoros.com/opensource/fotowall/", "path": "./salix/graphics/fotowall-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1424 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "nvidia-texture-tools", "descs": "nvidia-texture-tools (NVIDIA Texture Tools)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/nvidia-texture-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "356 K", "descl": "The NVIDIA Texture Tools is a collection of image processing and texture manipulation tools, designed to be integrated in game tools and asset processing pipelines. The primary features of the library are mipmap and normal map generation, format conversion, and DXT compression.", "path": "./salix/graphics/nvidia-texture-tools-2.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1860 K", "ver": "0.6_trunk", "name": "fim", "descs": "fim (highly customizable and scriptable image viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang1"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aalib", "brotli", "djvulibre", "fontconfig", "freetype", "ghostscript", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libexif", "libspectre", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "465 K", "descl": "It is based on the Fbi image viewer (by Gerd Hoffmann), and works primarily in the Linux frame buffer console. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/fbi-improved/", "path": "./salix/graphics/fim-0.6_trunk-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "2996 K", "ver": "20210427_684af05", "name": "ufraw", "descs": "ufraw (Unindentified Flying RAW)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/ufraw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkimageview", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lcms2", "lensfun", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "dcraw"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "749 K", "descl": "ufraw is a utility to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras. It can be used on its own or as a Gimp plug-in. It reads raw images using Dave Coffin's raw conversion utility DCRaw. UFRaw supports basic color management using Little CMS, allowing the user to apply color profiles. homepage: https://github.com/sergiomb2/ufraw/", "path": "./salix/graphics/ufraw-20210427_684af05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.0b", "name": "fbv", "descs": "fbv (image viewer for framebuffer console)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/fbv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "giflib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "fbv (FrameBuffer Viewer) is a simple program to view pictures on a linux framebuffer device. In 2000, when fbv was created, there were no other suitable programs performing the same task, so the authors decided to follow the rule: 'If you need a tool - write it yourself!' :-)", "path": "./salix/graphics/fbv-1.0b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "20151107_de613ca", "name": "imgcurses", "descs": "imgcurses (smart character-based image viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/imgcurses", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "imgcurses displays images in a console or terminal using color ASCII art.", "path": "./salix/graphics/imgcurses-20151107_de613ca-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3524 K", "ver": "4.4.1", "name": "LDView", "descs": "LDView (LDraw model viewer)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/LDView", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "glu", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "tinyxml", "zlib", "LDraw_data"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "881 K", "descl": "LDView is a real-time 3D viewer for displaying LDraw models using hardware-accelerated 3D graphics. The program can read LDraw DAT files as well as MPD files. It then allows you to rotate the model around to any angle with the mouse. http://ldview.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/LDView-4.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "4936 K", "ver": "20200531_3d1e74e", "name": "scantailor-advanced", "descs": "scantailor-advanced (post-processing tool for scanned pages)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/scantailor-advanced", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1234 K", "descl": "ScanTailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages. Homepage: https://github.com/4lex4/scantailor-advanced", "path": "./salix/graphics/scantailor-advanced-20200531_3d1e74e-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "580 K", "ver": "1.93", "name": "gifsicle", "descs": "gifsicle (command line tool for manipulating GIF images)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gifsicle", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "145 K", "descl": "Gifsicle is a command-line tool for creating, editing, and getting information about GIF images and animations.", "path": "./salix/graphics/gifsicle-1.93-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1020 K", "ver": "0.23.90", "name": "zbar", "descs": "zbar (bar code reader)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/zbar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXv", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "255 K", "descl": "ZBar Bar Code Reader is an open source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources, such as video streams, image files and raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. Included with the library are basic applications for decoding captured bar code images and using a video device (eg, webcam) as a bar code scanner. For application developers, language bindings are included for C, C++, Python and Perl as well as GUI widgets for Qt, GTK and PyGTK.", "path": "./salix/graphics/zbar-0.23.90-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "CairoSVG", "descs": "CairoSVG (SVG Converter)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/CairoSVG", "deps": ["cairocffi", "cssselect2", "python3-defusedxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "CairoSVG is a SVG converter based on Cairo. It can export SVG files to PDF, PostScript and PNG files. Homepage: https://cairosvg.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/CairoSVG-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "sng", "descs": "sng (lossless editing of PNGs via text representation)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/sng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "SNG (Scriptable Network Graphics) is a minilanguage designed specifically to represent the entire contents of a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file in an editable form. http://sng.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/sng-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "resynthesizer", "descs": "resynthesizer (Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/resynthesizer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "Resynthesizer is a Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis. Given a sample of a texture, it can create more of that texture. This has a surprising number of uses: * Creating more of a texture * Removing objects from images * Creating themed images", "path": "./salix/graphics/resynthesizer-2.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "8164 K", "ver": "2.5.3", "name": "tclblt", "descs": "tclblt (Tcl/Tk Extension)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/tclblt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2041 K", "descl": "Tcl blt is an extension to Tcl/Tk. It adds plotting widgets (X-Y graph, barchart, stripchart), a powerful geometry manager, a new canvas item, and several new commands to Tk.", "path": "./salix/graphics/tclblt-2.5.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "15416 K", "ver": "1.6.68", "name": "opencollada", "descs": "opencollada (COLLADA plugin library & SDK)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/opencollada", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3854 K", "descl": "OpenCOLLADA provides COLLADAMax and COLLADAMaya plugins for 3ds Max or Maya to interchange scene information, via the COLLADA framework, with other COLLADA supporting software e.g. blender", "path": "./salix/graphics/opencollada-1.6.68-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "1.17", "name": "xli", "descs": "xli (X11 Image Loading Utility)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/xli", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "This utility will view several types of images under X11, or load images onto the X11 root window. Supported image formats include GIF, JPEG, JFIF, Faces, PNG, PPM and friends, XPM, and XWUD. A variety of options are available to modify images prior to viewing. These options include clipping, dithering, depth reduction, zoom (either X or Y axis independently or both at once), brightening or darkening, input gamma correction, and image merging.", "path": "./salix/graphics/xli-1.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "2.11", "name": "pqiv", "descs": "pqiv (Powerful image viewer with minimal UI)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pqiv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "ghostscript", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imagemagick", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libarchive", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libspectre", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libzip", "lz4", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "pqiv is a powerful GTK 3 based command-line image viewer with a minimal UI. It is highly customizable, can be fully controlled from scripts, and has support for various file formats including PDF, Postscript, video files and archives. It is optimized to be quick and responsive. Homepage: http://www.pberndt.com/Programme/Linux/pqiv/index.html", "path": "./salix/graphics/pqiv-2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "1736 K", "ver": "1.9.2", "name": "ksnip", "descs": "ksnip (screenshot tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/ksnip", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "kColorPicker", "kImageAnnotator", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "434 K", "descl": "Ksnip is a Qt-based cross-platform screenshot tool that provides many annotation features for your screenshots. Homepage: https://github.com/ksnip/ksnip", "path": "./salix/graphics/ksnip-1.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "323604 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "pencil3", "descs": "pencil3 (Sketching and GUI prototyping tool)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/pencil3", "deps": ["nodejs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80901 K", "descl": "Pencil is built for the purpose of providing a free and open-source GUI prototyping tool that people can easily install and use to create mockups in popular desktop platforms.", "path": "./salix/graphics/pencil3-3.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "455292 K", "ver": "2013_2.01_en", "name": "VariCAD", "descs": "VariCAD (3D/2D CAD system for mechanical engineering)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/VariCAD", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113823 K", "descl": "VariCAD is a 3D/2D CAD system primarily intended for mechanical engineering design. This installs the trial-version. A license-key must be obtained to use the program after the 30-day trial period. Homepage: http://www.varicad.com/", "path": "./salix/graphics/VariCAD-2013_2.01_en-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.0.01", "name": "aewan", "descs": "aewan (animation editor)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/aewan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Aewan is a multi-layered ascii-art/animation editor that produces both stand-alone cat-able art files and an easy-to-parse format for integration in your terminal applications. It is primarily designed for Linux, although it currently also compiles under FreeBSD and other *NIX systems.", "path": "./salix/graphics/aewan-1.0.01-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "4100 K", "ver": "1.3.1_10", "name": "libfpx", "descs": "libfpx (A library for manipulating FlashPIX images)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/libfpx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1025 K", "descl": "FlashPix is a bitmapped computer graphics file format where the image is saved in more than one resolution. Although this makes it larger even than a TIFF file of the same resolution, its design anticipated that when an HTTP request is sent for the file by a browser plugin implementing the format, only the image compatible with the current screen resolution is returned to the browser, saving on bandwidth and download time.", "path": "./salix/graphics/libfpx-1.3.1_10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.22", "name": "shalbum", "descs": "shalbum (Image Gallery Creator)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/shalbum", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "shalbum is a powerful shell script to create HTML image galleries. It has heaps of great features such as slideshow, config files, picture subtitles, watermarks and much more. Official website: http://www.shalbum.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/shalbum-1.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3280 K", "ver": "3.14.1", "name": "gnofract4d", "descs": "gnofract4d (A program to create fractal images)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/gnofract4d", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "820 K", "descl": "Gnofract 4D is a program which allows you to create varied fractal images such as the Mandelbrot set and many more. It provides a compiler so you can create your own formulas. Homepage: http://gnofract4d.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/graphics/gnofract4d-3.14.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "30432 K", "ver": "1.2.0+20201105183027", "name": "makehuman", "descs": "makehuman (Generate 3D humanoid models)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/makehuman", "deps": ["PyOpenGL"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7608 K", "descl": "MakeHuman is an open source (so it's completely free), innovative and professional software for the modelling of 3-Dimensional humanoid characters. http://www.makehuman.org", "path": "./salix/graphics/makehuman-1.2.0+20201105183027-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "214108 K", "ver": "20.03", "name": "leocad_pieces", "descs": "leocad_pieces (LeoCAD pieces library)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/leocad_pieces", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53527 K", "descl": "leocad_pieces contains the library of pieces needed by the LeoCAD program. https://www.leocad.org/", "path": "./salix/graphics/leocad_pieces-20.03-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "graphics", "sizeu": "3264 K", "ver": "", "name": "mangohud", "descs": "mangohud (Vulkan/OpenGL Overlay)", "source": "source/salix/graphics/mangohud", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glfw3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "816 K", "descl": "MangoHud is a Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more. Homepage: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud", "path": "./salix/graphics/mangohud-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "46596 K", "ver": "1.02e+20180818_a5be73c", "name": "mrrescue", "descs": "mrrescue (2d platform game)", "source": "source/salix/games/mrrescue", "deps": ["love"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "11649 K", "descl": "Mr. Rescue is an arcade styled 2d action game centered around evacuating civilians from burning buildings. The game features fast paced fire extinguishing action, intense boss battles, a catchy soundtrack and lots of throwing people around in pseudo-randomly generated buildings.", "path": "./salix/games/mrrescue-1.02e+20180818_a5be73c-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "17972 K", "ver": "6.6", "name": "atanks", "descs": "atanks (Atomic Tanks - A Scorched Earth clone)", "source": "source/salix/games/atanks", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "allegro4", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4493 K", "descl": "Annihilate the other tanks to earn money, then spend it on bigger and better shields and weapons to wipe out the opposition. Features a wide array of weapons, AI players, destructible landscape, weather, parachutes, teleports and a wide range of other features. Homepage: http://atanks.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/games/atanks-6.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "4304 K", "ver": "", "name": "ags", "descs": "ags (Adventure Game Studio engine)", "source": "source/salix/games/ags", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "allegro4", "dumb", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libogg", "libtheora", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1076 K", "descl": "This is the Linux port of the Adventure Game Studio engine. https://github.com/adventuregamestudio/ags", "path": "./salix/games/ags-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "599616 K", "ver": "0.6.2_rc.1", "name": "supertux", "descs": "supertux (classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game)", "source": "source/salix/games/supertux", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "freetype", "glew", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "nghttp2", "openal-soft", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "physfs", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "149904 K", "descl": "SuperTux is a open-source classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original Super Mario games. Homepage: https://www.supertux.org", "path": "./salix/games/supertux-0.6.2_rc.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "137184 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "lincity-ng", "descs": "lincity-ng (SDL city simulation game)", "source": "source/salix/games/lincity-ng", "deps": ["SDL_gfx", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "physfs", "sdl", "zlib", "jam"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34296 K", "descl": "LinCity-NG is a city simulation game. It is a polished and improved version of the classic LinCity game. In the game,you are required to build and maintain a city. You can win the game either by building a sustainable economy or by evacuating all citizens with spaceships.", "path": "./salix/games/lincity-ng-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "10840 K", "ver": "20110620", "name": "nottetris2", "descs": "nottetris2 (tetris clone with physics)", "source": "source/salix/games/nottetris2", "deps": ["love-legacy072"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2710 K", "descl": "Not Tetris 2 is the spiritual successor of the classic Tetris mixed with physics. The result is a fun spinoff in which blocks are no longer bound to the usual grid. Blocks can be rotated and placed at any angle, resulting in a complete mess if not careful. And with the newest cutting edge technology, Not tetris 2 allows line clears when the lines are sufficiently filled. The old mode is still available for play and is now called Stack.", "path": "./salix/games/nottetris2-20110620-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "36516 K", "ver": "100", "name": "Sokoban", "descs": "Sokoban (Sokoban clone)", "source": "source/salix/games/Sokoban", "deps": ["pygame"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9129 K", "descl": "A cute Sokoban clone with fancy graphics and sound. Features undo, high scores and custom level creation (text files in Levels directory). Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sokoban", "path": "./salix/games/Sokoban-100-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "mednaffe", "descs": "mednaffe (frontend for mednafen)", "source": "source/salix/games/mednaffe", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "Mednaffe is a GUI front-end for the mednafen emulator.", "path": "./salix/games/mednaffe-0.9.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "5640 K", "ver": "3.3.3", "name": "adom", "descs": "adom (a rogue-like game)", "source": "source/salix/games/adom", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1410 K", "descl": "Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM for short) is a rogue-like game which means that it is a single-user game featuring the exploration of a dungeon complex. You control a fictional character described by race, class, attributes, skills, and equipment. ADOM is written by Thomas Biskup https://www.adom.de/home/index.html", "path": "./salix/games/adom-3.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "131180 K", "ver": "8.4", "name": "noteye", "descs": "noteye (fontend for roguelike games; includes hydraslayer)", "source": "source/salix/games/noteye", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", "SDL2_mixer", "SDL2_net", "SDL2_ttf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libmad", "libwebp", "libxcb", "luajit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32795 K", "descl": "Necklace of the Eye (NotEye for short) is a roguelike frontend. It can modify the output of console and libtcod roguelikes, and it also works as a library which allows easily porting old ASCII roguelikes like ADOM into 21st century. Hydra Slayer is a Roguelike game focused on one thing: slaying Hydras. It is inspired by Greek mythology, Dungeon Crawl, MathRL seven day roguelike, and some mathematical puzzles about brave heroes slaying many headed beasts.", "path": "./salix/games/noteye-8.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "10396 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "mangband", "descs": "mangband (graphical dungeon adventure game)", "source": "source/salix/games/mangband", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_ttf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2599 K", "descl": "MAngband is a free online multiplayer real-time roguelike game, derived from the single player game Angband. homepage: https://mangband.org/ forum: http://angband.oook.cz/forum/ Usenet newsgroup: nntp://rec.games.roguelike.angband (Currently only the text-based map version may compile on Slackware.)", "path": "./salix/games/mangband-1.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1704 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "notpacman", "descs": "notpacman (rotating pac-man game)", "source": "source/salix/games/notpacman", "deps": ["love-legacy072"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "426 K", "descl": "Ever wondered what Pacman would be like with physics? No? Well, it's revolutionary. This mashup of 'Not' and 'Pacman' puts The Pac and the Ghosts in a Pacworld cage, at the mercy of gravity and the level's shape, controlled solely by you. Ghosts still don't like you very much, so you should be careful to make Pacman avoid them.", "path": "./salix/games/notpacman-1.0.4-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "448 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "yetris", "descs": "yetris (Tetris(tm)", "source": "source/salix/games/yetris", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "112 K", "descl": "yetris is a customizable Tetris(tm) clone for the terminal. It has some features found on modern adaptations and aims to please both casual players and Tetris(tm) enthusiasts. Homepage: https://github.com/alexdantas/yetris", "path": "./salix/games/yetris-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "5840 K", "ver": "1.6.4", "name": "solarus", "descs": "solarus (an ARPG game engine)", "source": "source/salix/games/solarus", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", "SDL2_ttf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libmodplug", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "luajit", "openal-soft", "pcre2", "physfs", "qt5", "zlib", "glm"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1460 K", "descl": "Solarus is a free and open-source Action-RPG game engine, licensed under GPL, and written in C++. It runs quests in Lua, and can work on a great number of platforms. Homepage: https://www.solarus-games.org/", "path": "./salix/games/solarus-1.6.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "15548 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "qtads", "descs": "qtads (a multimedia interpreter for TADS games)", "source": "source/salix/games/qtads", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3887 K", "descl": "QTads is a so called 'interpreter' for games created with the Text Adventure Development System, or 'Tads' for short, a C-like object oriented programming language for authoring Interactive Fiction (similar to the Infocom or Legend Entertainment games, like 'Zork'). Yes, we are talking about text adventures here.", "path": "./salix/games/qtads-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "fortune_firefly", "descs": "fortune_firefly (fortunes from the TV series 'Firefly')", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune_firefly", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "This package contains fortunes from the TV series 'Firefly', and its movie 'Serenity', by Joss Whedon. The series survived only one season on Fox; the network scheduled a bad timeslot, played the episodes out of order, and in general helped seal its fate. Nonetheless, the series built up a cult following; as DVD sales skyrocketted, Universal decided to sponsor a movie based on the series.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune_firefly-2.1.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "2596 K", "ver": "1.84", "name": "atari++", "descs": "atari++ (Atari 400/800/XL/XE/5200 emulator)", "source": "source/salix/games/atari++", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "649 K", "descl": "The Atari++ Emulator is a Unix based emulator of the Atari eight bit computers, namely the Atari 400 and 800, the Atari 600XL, 800XL and 130XE, and the Atari 5200 game console. The emulator is auto-configurable and will compile on a variety of systems (Linux, Solaris, Irix), and supports many emulation features.", "path": "./salix/games/atari++-1.84-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "71120 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "freeciv", "descs": "freeciv (turn-based multiplayer strategy game)", "source": "source/salix/games/freeciv", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_mixer", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libmad", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17780 K", "descl": "Freeciv is a free turn-based multiplayer strategy game, in which each player becomes the leader of a civilization, fighting to obtain the ultimate goal: To become the greatest civilization. http://freeciv.wikia.com/", "path": "./salix/games/freeciv-3.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "20141006_0ceeca7", "name": "ncursesoflife", "descs": "ncursesoflife (console Conway's Game of Life)", "source": "source/salix/games/ncursesoflife", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "ncursesoflife is a simple Conway's Life simulator, with the ability to draw your own patterns and run the simulation one step at a time or continuously. It runs in a terminal and uses keyboard controls.", "path": "./salix/games/ncursesoflife-20141006_0ceeca7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1108 K", "ver": "20201030", "name": "fortune-noobfarm", "descs": "fortune-noobfarm (fortunes from noobfarm.org)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-noobfarm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "277 K", "descl": "This is a fortune(6) file of quotes from https://noobfarm.org, distributed with permission from the site owner. Also included is a file of quotes that got lost in the transition from the previous incarnation of noobfarm.org.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-noobfarm-20201030-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "632 K", "ver": "20200923", "name": "fortune_doctor_who", "descs": "fortune_doctor_who (quotes from Doctor Who)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune_doctor_who", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "158 K", "descl": "This is a collection of quotations from the BBC TV series 'Doctor Who' for use with the fortune command. The quotes come from the original series (1963-1989), the new series (2005-present), and a few from the novels.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune_doctor_who-20200923-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "3.03", "name": "cowsay", "descs": "cowsay (A Configurable Speaking/Thinking Cow)", "source": "source/salix/games/cowsay", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "_________________________________________ / cowsay is basically a text filter. Send \\ | some text into it, and you get a cow | \\ saying your text. / ----------------------------------------- \\ ^__^ \\ (oo)\\_______ (__)\\ )\\/\\ ||----w | || ||", "path": "./salix/games/cowsay-3.03-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "2424 K", "ver": "3.1.5", "name": "gtkballs", "descs": "gtkballs (clone of Lines - logic game about balls)", "source": "source/salix/games/gtkballs", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "606 K", "descl": "GtkBalls is a clone of the well-known MS-DOS game 'Lines'. See the man page or press F1 in the game, to see the rules. Homepage: http://gtkballs.antex.ru/", "path": "./salix/games/gtkballs-3.1.5-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "xcowsay", "descs": "xcowsay (display a cute cow and speech bubble)", "source": "source/salix/games/xcowsay", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "xcowsay displays a cute cow and message on your desktop. Inspired by the original cowsay.", "path": "./salix/games/xcowsay-1.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "9584 K", "ver": "1.01+20211016_b90417ed8", "name": "nblood", "descs": "nblood (game engine for Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, and Powerslave/Exhumed)", "source": "source/salix/games/nblood", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2396 K", "descl": "nblood is a collection of reverse-engineered ports of Build games using EDuke32 engine technology and development principles. This package does not include the Blood game data.", "path": "./salix/games/nblood-1.01+20211016_b90417ed8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "2412 K", "ver": "5.2", "name": "gtklife", "descs": "gtklife (Conway's Life program)", "source": "source/salix/games/gtklife", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "603 K", "descl": "GtkLife is a fast, featureful, open-source Conway's Life program for *nix.", "path": "./salix/games/gtklife-5.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "90180 K", "ver": "4.2.4", "name": "angband", "descs": "angband (graphical dungeon adventure game)", "source": "source/salix/games/angband", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22545 K", "descl": "Angband is a graphical dungeon adventure game that uses textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants therein, in the vein of games like NetHack and Rogue. If you need help in-game, press '?'. For more information about the game, its variants, and somewhere to upload your characters and screenshots, please see http://angband.oook.cz/. home: http://rephial.org/ forum: http://angband.oook.cz/forum/ Usenet newsgroup: nntp://rec.games.roguelike.angband", "path": "./salix/games/angband-4.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1812 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "atari800", "descs": "atari800 (Atari 8-bit computer emulator)", "source": "source/salix/games/atari800", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "453 K", "descl": "This is a free and portable Atari 8-bit computer and 5200 console emulator, originally written by David Firth and now developed by the Atari800 Development Team. This program is copyrighted and released under the GPL. This package built with OpenGL support.", "path": "./salix/games/atari800-4.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "163912 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "neverball", "descs": "neverball (Puzzle & Action Game)", "source": "source/salix/games/neverball", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_ttf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "physfs", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40978 K", "descl": "Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course before time runs out. Neverball is part puzzle game, part action game, and entirely a test of skill. Also found here is Neverputt, a hot-seat multiplayer miniature golf game using the physics and graphics of Neverball. Homepage: https://neverball.org/", "path": "./salix/games/neverball-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "rejoystick", "descs": "rejoystick (translates joystick movement/buttons to keystrokes)", "source": "source/salix/games/rejoystick", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Rejoystick is a program that maps movement and button presses on your gamepad/joypad/joystick to keypresses on a keyboard when you are running X. Since it uses SDL to communicate with the gamepad device, it can work on every platform that provides SDL and an X environment. (Though it is yet to be tested on Cygwin e.g.)", "path": "./salix/games/rejoystick-0.8.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "129992 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "xmoto", "descs": "xmoto (2D motocross platform game)", "source": "source/salix/games/xmoto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxdg-basedir", "libxml2", "nghttp2", "ode", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sdl", "sqlite", "zlib", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32498 K", "descl": "X-Moto is a challenging 2D motocross platform game, where physics playan all important role in the gameplay. You need to control your bike to its limit, if you want to have a chance finishing the more difficult of the challenges. Homepage: http://xmoto.tuxfamily.org/", "path": "./salix/games/xmoto-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "3144 K", "ver": "2.6.1um", "name": "prboom-plus", "descs": "prboom-plus (Doom source port)", "source": "source/salix/games/prboom-plus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "786 K", "descl": "PrBoom+ is a Doom source port developed from the original PrBoom project. Features uncapped framerate, widescreen aspect ratios, FluidSynth support, variable gamespeed, re-record, walkcam, chasecam, full mouselook, variable fov and other features along with full compatibility with the original Doom/Doom2 engines. http://prboom-plus.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/games/prboom-plus-2.6.1um-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "20051125", "name": "fortune-starwars", "descs": "fortune-starwars (Star Wars fortune file)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-starwars", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "fortune-starwars is a collection of quotes from the movies 'Star Wars', 'The Empire Strikes Back', and 'Return Of The Jedi'. It is meant for use with the fortune program. It does not contain quotes from Episodes One to Three, because the author doesn't really like them.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-starwars-20051125-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "3712 K", "ver": "1.51.1", "name": "nestopia", "descs": "nestopia (Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/games/nestopia", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "928 K", "descl": "Nestopia is a portable Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. It strives for the most accurate emulation possible at the pixel-by- pixel and sample-by-sample level. It was also one of the inspirations for bsnes. http://0ldsk00l.ca/nestopia/", "path": "./salix/games/nestopia-1.51.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "20140424", "name": "atari800_roms", "descs": "atari800_roms (system ROMs for Atari 8-bit computers)", "source": "source/salix/games/atari800_roms", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "The operating system and BASIC language ROM images from the Atari 800 and 800XL computers. The ROM images are installed in /usr/share/atari800/, for use with the atari800 emulator, but may be used with other emulators such as Atari++. Also included are bootable disk images for Atari DOS 2.5 and MyDOS 4.5d, and a couple of disks of demo software. These are installed in /usr/share/atari800/disks.", "path": "./salix/games/atari800_roms-20140424-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "6000 K", "ver": "", "name": "armagetronad", "descs": "armagetronad (old school Tron lightcycles openGL game)", "source": "source/salix/games/armagetronad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libtiff", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "sdl", "zlib", "zstd"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1500 K", "descl": "A Tron lightcycles game clone that offers up to 16 players, an highly advanced AI, and network/internet play in a full 3D environment. This build includes the game client and Master server. It will install a system-wide configuration and server initscripts into /etc & /etc/rc.d. This build does NOT create the 'armagetronad' user for use with the Master server. The dedicated server is NOT built. homepage: http://www.armagetronad.org", "path": "./salix/games/armagetronad-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "fortune-ASR", "descs": "fortune-ASR (Quotes from Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-ASR", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "It includes quotes about computers, life and anything else from sysadmins and regulars at Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery. They're collected by Heather Garvey, BOFH.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-ASR-1.0.0-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "fortune-futurama", "descs": "fortune-futurama (Futurama quotes for fortune)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-futurama", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "fortune-futurama is a compilation of quotes from the Fox TV Series 'Futurama' by Matt Groening. The quotes have been compiled from various sources on the Web.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-futurama-0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "fortune-dharma", "descs": "fortune-dharma (dharma for fortune)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-dharma", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Bringing dharma teachings, to your fortune cookies.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-dharma-1.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "10868 K", "ver": "20201205_2034", "name": "OpenXcom", "descs": "OpenXcom (clone of the UFO: Enemy Unknown)", "source": "source/salix/games/OpenXcom", "deps": ["SDL_gfx", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "sdl", "zlib", "yaml-cpp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2717 K", "descl": "OpenXcom is an open-source clone of the original UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-Com: UFO Defense in USA), licensed under the GPL and written in C++ / SDL. Homepage: https://openxcom.org", "path": "./salix/games/OpenXcom-20201205_2034-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "295064 K", "ver": "2.7", "name": "boswars", "descs": "boswars (Real time strategy game)", "source": "source/salix/games/boswars", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "73766 K", "descl": "Bos Wars is a futuristic real time strategy game (RTS). In a RTS game, the player has to combat his enemies while developing his war economy. Homepage: http://www.boswars.org", "path": "./salix/games/boswars-2.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "988 K", "ver": "20211011", "name": "zork", "descs": "zork (interactive fiction games in z-code format)", "source": "source/salix/games/zork", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "247 K", "descl": "Zork was one of the earliest interactive fiction computer games, with roots drawn from the original genre game, Colossal Cave Adventure. This package includes Zork I, Zork II, Zork III, and Zork: The Undiscovered Underground. They are owned by Activision, which released them as free downloads some time ago. The first 3 Zork games were originally developed by Infocom. If you get stuck, see /usr/doc/zork-20211011/invisiclues/", "path": "./salix/games/zork-20211011-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "3719192 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "redeclipse", "descs": "redeclipse (Fast-paced futuristic FPS)", "source": "source/salix/games/redeclipse", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", "SDL2_mixer", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libmad", "libwebp", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "929798 K", "descl": "Red Eclipse is a single-player and multi-player first-person ego-shooter, built as a total conversion of Cube Engine 2, which lends itself toward a balanced gameplay, completely at the control of map makers, while maintaining a general theme of agility in a variety of environments. This package is a re-build rather than a re-packaging of the Red Eclipse release, respecting your custom SLKCFLAGS. homepage: https://www.redeclipse.net", "path": "./salix/games/redeclipse-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1672 K", "ver": "3.7", "name": "xmahjongg", "descs": "xmahjongg (solitaire tile game)", "source": "source/salix/games/xmahjongg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "418 K", "descl": "Mahjongg Solitaire game for X11 with minimal dependencies. Home: http://www.lcdf.org/xmahjongg/", "path": "./salix/games/xmahjongg-3.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "48292 K", "ver": "0.12.1", "name": "freedoom", "descs": "freedoom (Free Software replacement for Doom/Doom2 game data)", "source": "source/salix/games/freedoom", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12073 K", "descl": "The Freedoom project aims to create a complete Doom-based game which is Free Software. Combined with a free source port, people will also be able to play the back catalog of extensions made to Doom by hobbyists over the last 15 years.", "path": "./salix/games/freedoom-0.12.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "20068 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "qzdoom", "descs": "qzdoom (software-rendered engine for Doom and related games)", "source": "source/salix/games/qzdoom", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "5017 K", "descl": "QZDoom is a continuation of dpJudas's truecolor software rendering for ZDoom, merged with and forked from GZDoom. It supports Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and most other IWAD games.", "path": "./salix/games/qzdoom-2.1.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "105296 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "pysolfc-extra-cardsets", "descs": "pysolfc-extra-cardsets (extra card graphics for pysolfc)", "source": "source/salix/games/pysolfc-extra-cardsets", "deps": ["pysolfc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26324 K", "descl": "Almost 30MB of extra cardsets for use with pysolfc, including large cards for high resolution displays (or for the vision impaired).", "path": "./salix/games/pysolfc-extra-cardsets-2.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "86092 K", "ver": "git_20170702_d6a0291", "name": "frozen-bubble", "descs": "frozen-bubble (an SDL game)", "source": "source/salix/games/frozen-bubble", "deps": ["SDL_Pango", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-Compress-Bzip2", "perl-File-Slurp", "perl-IPC-System-Simple", "perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon", "perl-SDL", "perl-File-ShareDir", "perl-Capture-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21523 K", "descl": "Frozen Bubble has colorful 3D rendered penguin animations, 100 levels of 1p game, hours and hours of 2p game, nights and nights of 2p/3p/4p/5p game over LAN or Internet, a level- editor, 3 professional quality digital soundtracks, 15 stereo sound effects, 8 unique graphical transition effects, 8 unique logo eye-candies. Homepage: http://www.frozen-bubble.org/", "path": "./salix/games/frozen-bubble-git_20170702_d6a0291-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "788 K", "ver": "2009.03.17", "name": "arnold-cpc", "descs": "arnold-cpc (Amstrad CPC emulator)", "source": "source/salix/games/arnold-cpc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "197 K", "descl": "Arnold is an Amstrad CPC, Amstrad CPC+ andc KC Compact emulator. Arnold is accurate and emulates the Amstrad systems to the cycle level. It also emulates 99% of all demo effects. Homepage: http://arnold.berlios.de", "path": "./salix/games/arnold-cpc-2009.03.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "16548 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "gzdoom-legacy", "descs": "gzdoom-legacy (OpenGL port of DOOM, older version)", "source": "source/salix/games/gzdoom-legacy", "deps": ["SDL2", "fmodapi"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "4137 K", "descl": "Enhanced OpenGL port of the official DOOM source code that also supports Heretic, Hexen, and Strife. This is an older version of gzdoom, for use on older/slower systems.", "path": "./salix/games/gzdoom-legacy-2.4.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "2080 K", "ver": "1.5.5", "name": "fuse-emulator", "descs": "fuse-emulator (the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/games/fuse-emulator", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "audiofile", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libspectrum", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "520 K", "descl": "Fuse (the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator) was originally, and somewhat unsurprisingly, a ZX Spectrum emulator for Unix. However, it has now also been ported to Mac OS X, which may or may not count as a Unix variant depending on your advocacy position. It has also been ported to Windows, the Wii, AmigaOS and MorphOS, which are definitely not Unix variants. Homepage: http://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/games/fuse-emulator-1.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "29304 K", "ver": "0.11.9", "name": "bomberclone", "descs": "bomberclone (Clone of the game AtomicBomberMan)", "source": "source/salix/games/bomberclone", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7326 K", "descl": "This game, i hope it will soon be a good Clone of the game AtomicBomberMan or even something new, depends on what you all want to have. The Network will support from the beginning only TCP/IP (UDP Port 11000 for the Game and UDP Port 11111 for the OpenGameCache Server). So everyone can play it over the internet. Homepage: http://www.bomberclone.de", "path": "./salix/games/bomberclone-0.11.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1088 K", "ver": "5.6", "name": "moria", "descs": "moria (a roguelike game)", "source": "source/salix/games/moria", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "272 K", "descl": "A single player roguelike game with a regenerating dungeon, moria is the predecessor of angband with a fullscreen, text-based, turn-based interface. It features scrolling maps, and an infinite (constantly regenerated) dungeon.", "path": "./salix/games/moria-5.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "nSnake", "descs": "nSnake (snake game on the console)", "source": "source/salix/games/nSnake", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "nsnake is a clone of the classic snake game that we all used to play on our cellphones. You play this game on the terminal, with textual interface. Homepage: https://github.com/alexdantas/nSnake", "path": "./salix/games/nSnake-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1671952 K", "ver": "1.16.2", "name": "wesnoth", "descs": "wesnoth (The Battle for Wesnoth)", "source": "source/salix/games/wesnoth", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", "SDL2_mixer", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libmad", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "417988 K", "descl": "The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game set in a fantasy environment, where players can build an army of different kinds of fighters from races such as elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls, and more. It is a turn-based strategy game on a hexgrid with single-player campaigns and multi-player matches. Homepage: http://www.wesnoth.org", "path": "./salix/games/wesnoth-1.16.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "24572 K", "ver": "2.14.1", "name": "pysolfc", "descs": "pysolfc (solitaire card game suite)", "source": "source/salix/games/pysolfc", "deps": ["configobj", "python3-attrs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6143 K", "descl": "PySolFC is a colection of more than 1000 solitaire card games. It is a fork of the no longer maintained PySol Solitaire. There are games that use the 52 card International Pattern deck, games for the 78 card Tarock deck, eight and ten suite Ganjifa games, Hanafuda games, Matrix games, Mahjongg games, and games for an original hexadecimal-based deck. PySolFC features a modern look and feel, multiple cardsets and backgrounds, sound, unlimited undo, player statistics, and much more. PySolFC is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.", "path": "./salix/games/pysolfc-2.14.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "16068 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "tuxkart", "descs": "tuxkart (A 3D racing game featuring tux)", "source": "source/salix/games/tuxkart", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux", "plib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4017 K", "descl": "TuxKart is a 3D racing game featuring tux with six racetracks. Homepage: http://tuxkart.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/games/tuxkart-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.99", "name": "yar", "descs": "yar (2d shooting game)", "source": "source/salix/games/yar", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Yar's Revenge, a rather weird shoot-em-up game that originated on the Atari 2600.", "path": "./salix/games/yar-0.99-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "73672 K", "ver": "12.2", "name": "openttd", "descs": "openttd (open-source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe)", "source": "source/salix/games/openttd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18418 K", "descl": "OpenTTD is a clone of the Microprose game 'Transport Tycoon Deluxe,' a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. Significant enhancements from the original game include bigger maps, new AI, stable multiplayer mode, dedicated server mode, and many in-game updates. Homepage: http://www.openttd.org", "path": "./salix/games/openttd-12.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "5000 K", "ver": "", "name": "chromium-bsu", "descs": "chromium-bsu (a fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling shooter)", "source": "source/salix/games/chromium-bsu", "deps": ["freealut", "quesoglc", "libglpng"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1250 K", "descl": "Chromium B.S.U. is a fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling shooter. It uses OpenGL for graphics, and OpenAL for sound effects. Homepage: http://chromium-bsu.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/games/chromium-bsu-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "2644 K", "ver": "1.0.8", "name": "lmarbles", "descs": "lmarbles (2D puzzle game)", "source": "source/salix/games/lmarbles", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "661 K", "descl": "LMarbles is an Atomix clone with a slight change in concept. Instead of assembling molecules you create figures out of marbles. Nevertheless, the basic game play is the same: If a marble starts to move it will not stop until it hits a wall or another marble. To make it more interesting there are obstacles like one-way streets, crumbling walls and portals.", "path": "./salix/games/lmarbles-1.0.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "enigma", "descs": "enigma (puzzle game involving falling blocks)", "source": "source/salix/games/enigma", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Enigma is a puzzle game involving falling blocks, exploding bombs, and pushing stuff around. It has elements of Boulderdash and elements of Sokoban, and anybody old enough to remember XOR on the Spectrum will see large elements of that in it. Homepage: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/enigma/", "path": "./salix/games/enigma-1.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "23400 K", "ver": "3.22.22", "name": "aisleriot", "descs": "aisleriot (card games collection)", "source": "source/salix/games/aisleriot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gc", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "guile", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcanberra", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libogg", "librsvg", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5850 K", "descl": "AisleRiot (also known as Solitaire or sol) is a collection of card games which are easy to play with the aid of a mouse. Over 80 card games are included. homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Aisleriot", "path": "./salix/games/aisleriot-3.22.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "9712 K", "ver": "2.6.5", "name": "lbreakout2", "descs": "lbreakout2 (Breakout-style Arcade Game)", "source": "source/salix/games/lbreakout2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2428 K", "descl": "LBreakout2 is a breakout-style arcade game in the manner of Arkanoid. Use your paddle to aim a ball at bricks until all bricks are destroyed. Lots of power-ups will help you with that task: extra balls, energy balls, extra lifes, weapons, glue, bonus floors, paddle expansion and extra score. Homepage: http://lgames.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/games/lbreakout2-2.6.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "3608 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "pacman", "descs": "pacman (an arcade game)", "source": "source/salix/games/pacman", "deps": ["SDL2_mixer", "SDL2_ttf", "SDL2_image"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "902 K", "descl": "This is a clone of the original pacman by Namco.", "path": "./salix/games/pacman-0.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "8008 K", "ver": "0.97.8+svn37", "name": "ceferino", "descs": "ceferino (2d balloon-breaking game)", "source": "source/salix/games/ceferino", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2002 K", "descl": "A game similar to 'Super Pang'. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn't just vanish, but breaks apart into two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if needed.", "path": "./salix/games/ceferino-0.97.8+svn37-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.7B", "name": "nsuds", "descs": "nsuds (the ncurses sudoku system)", "source": "source/salix/games/nsuds", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "NSuds is an in-development text-graphical sudoku game, with pencil marking support and very few dependencies.", "path": "./salix/games/nsuds-0.7B-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "11176 K", "ver": "4.2.3", "name": "doomretro", "descs": "doomretro (The classic, refined DOOM source port.)", "source": "source/salix/games/doomretro", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2794 K", "descl": "DOOM Retro is the classic, refined DOOM source port. It represents what DOOM should be today, in all its dark, gritty, unapologetically pixellated glory. DOOM Retro's source code is forked from Chocolate DOOM, with enhancements from other DOOM source ports, as well as many orignal ideas. DOOM Retro is deliberately minimalist by design, and does a few things differently when compared with other source ports. https://www.doomretro.com", "path": "./salix/games/doomretro-4.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1676 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "prboom", "descs": "prboom (a port of the classic fps game Doom by id Software)", "source": "source/salix/games/prboom", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "419 K", "descl": "Aims to be the most stable Doom port with the highest compatibility to the major Doom versions. Highres software and nice OpenGL rendering. Full Boom and most if not all MBF features. Homepage: http://prboom.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/games/prboom-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "fortune-dune", "descs": "fortune-dune (quotes from Frank Herbert's Dune series)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-dune", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "This contains quotes from: Dune Dune Messiah Children of Dune God Emperor of Dune Heretics of Dune Chapterhouse: Dune As well as the prequel series by Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-dune-2.0.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "78640 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "megamario", "descs": "megamario (Super Mario Brothers clone)", "source": "source/salix/games/megamario", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19660 K", "descl": "Mega Mario is a Super Mario Brothers 1 clone. It features everything the original features - with better graphics, higher resolution, smoother movement and new levels. The story of Mario and Luigi continues in old-school style.", "path": "./salix/games/megamario-1.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1032 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "barrage", "descs": "barrage (action game)", "source": "source/salix/games/barrage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "258 K", "descl": "Barrage is a rather destructive action game that puts you on a shooting range with the objective to hit as many dummy targets as possible within 3 minutes. You control a gun which may either fire small or large grenades at dummy soldiers, jeeps and tanks. The gameplay is simple but it is not that easy to get high scores. homepage: http://lgames.sourceforge.net/index.php?project=Barrage", "path": "./salix/games/barrage-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "684 K", "ver": "2.53", "name": "frotz", "descs": "frotz (Z-machine interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/games/frotz", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_mixer", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "flac", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libao", "libmad", "libmodplug", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "171 K", "descl": "Frotz is an interpreter for Infocom games and other Z-machine games. It complies with standard 1.0 of Graham Nelson's specification. Games can be found at: http://www.ifarchive.org/ Build options: * curses frotz sound support: yes * x no", "path": "./salix/games/frotz-2.53-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1206488 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "naev", "descs": "naev (2d space trading game)", "source": "source/salix/games/naev", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "301622 K", "descl": "Naev is a 2D space trading and combat game, taking inspiration from the Escape Velocity series, among others. Home: http://blog.naev.org/", "path": "./salix/games/naev-0.7.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "0.57", "name": "vitetris", "descs": "vitetris (ncurses tetris game)", "source": "source/salix/games/vitetris", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "vitetris is a terminal-based Tetris clone by Victor Nilsson. Gameplay is much like the early Tetris games by Nintendo. Features include: - Configurable keys - Highscore table - Two-player mode with garbage - Network play - Joystick (gamepad) support on Linux or with Allegro", "path": "./salix/games/vitetris-0.57-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "11332 K", "ver": "1.29.0", "name": "mednafen", "descs": "mednafen (Multi Game-system Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/games/mednafen", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "flac", "jack2", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "lzo", "opus", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2833 K", "descl": "Mednafen is a multi-game-system emulator, for various platforms, including emulation of Atari Lynx, Famicom, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Neo Geo Pocket (Color), NES - both NTSC and PAL, PC-FX, WonderSwan (Color), PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD) and SuperGrafx. https://mednafen.github.io/", "path": "./salix/games/mednafen-1.29.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "13420 K", "ver": "4.9", "name": "mrboom", "descs": "mrboom (Bomberman clone)", "source": "source/salix/games/mrboom", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libmodplug", "libminizip"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3355 K", "descl": "Mr.Boom is an 8 players Bomberman clone. This is an SDL2 version of the original 1999 version of Mr. Boom. The goal of the game is to bomb away your enemies and other players. RetroArch is an optional dependency required to run the libretro core.", "path": "./salix/games/mrboom-4.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "20191224", "name": "fortune-farscape", "descs": "fortune-farscape (Farscape quotes for fortune)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-farscape", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Farscape is a science-fiction TV series (1999-2004) about an astronaut who ends up on the other side of the galaxy after crashing into a wormhole during the test flight of his space module Farscape-1. Here he joins a group of escaping prisoners on board a living ship.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-farscape-20191224-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "14964 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "hatari", "descs": "hatari (Atari ST/STE/Falcon emulator)", "source": "source/salix/games/hatari", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3741 K", "descl": "Hatari is an Atari ST/STE/Falcon emulator for Linux and other systems that are supported by the SDL library. The Atari ST was a 16/32 bit computer system which was first released by Atari in 1985. Hatari tries to emulate the hardware of an ST as close as possible so that it is able to run most of the old ST games and demos. This package was built with SDL-2.0 support, and without libcapsimage support.", "path": "./salix/games/hatari-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "1.15", "name": "fortune-slackware", "descs": "fortune-slackware (alt.os.linux.slackware quotes for fortune)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-slackware", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "alt.os.linux.slackware (aka AOLS) is a UseNET newsgroup dedicated to discussion of Slackware. This fortune file is a collection of quotes either seen on AOLS or by AOLS regulars that were deemed so wise, funny, inflammatory or any combination of those that they were submitted for inclusion.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-slackware-1.15-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "403372 K", "ver": "1.90", "name": "oolite", "descs": "oolite (an open-world space opera)", "source": "source/salix/games/oolite", "deps": ["gnustep-base"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100843 K", "descl": "Oolite is inspired by the 8-bit classic Elite, and many aspects of gameplay will be familiar to players of that game. In the tradition of open-world games, there's no overall story: you can be a millionaire trader, a veteran combateer, a feared pirate, a lonely miner, a notorious smuggler, or all of them, or something else entirely, based on your own actions. http://www.oolite.org/", "path": "./salix/games/oolite-1.90-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "226652 K", "ver": "1.6.4", "name": "solarus-quest-editor", "descs": "solarus-quest-editor (GUI to edit quests for the Solarus engine)", "source": "source/salix/games/solarus-quest-editor", "deps": ["solarus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56663 K", "descl": "Solarus Quest Editor is a free and open-source game editor for Solarus, licensed under GPL. It is written in C++ with Qt. It helps you managing your project, and editing maps, sprites, tilesets, dialogs, scripts, musics and sounds. Homepage: https://www.solarus-games.org/", "path": "./salix/games/solarus-quest-editor-1.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "796 K", "ver": "20210128", "name": "fortune-game_of_thrones", "descs": "fortune-game_of_thrones (fortune file)", "source": "source/salix/games/fortune-game_of_thrones", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "199 K", "descl": "Quotes from HBO's Game of Thrones TV series, for use with the fortune command. To see Game of Thrones quotes upon login, edit the file /etc/profile.d/bsd-games-login-fortune.sh and add 'game_of_thrones' to the line that reads 'fortune fortunes fortunes2 linuxcookie'. If you want *only* Game of Thrones quotes, make this line read 'fortune game_of_thrones'.", "path": "./salix/games/fortune-game_of_thrones-20210128-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "12152 K", "ver": "0.32", "name": "dmagnetic", "descs": "dmagnetic (interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games)", "source": "source/salix/games/dmagnetic", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3038 K", "descl": "dMagnetic is an interpreter for classic adventure games, or interactive fiction, using the Magnetic Scrolls game engine. Supported games are 'The Pawn', 'The Guild of Thieves', 'Jinxter', 'Fish!', 'Myth', 'Corruption', and 'Wonderland'.", "path": "./salix/games/dmagnetic-0.32-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "npush", "descs": "npush (logic game)", "source": "source/salix/games/npush", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "nPush is a logic game similar to Sokoban and Boulder Dash. You need to collect all the gold on the level and reach the exit. To make it hard there are some rocks that stand in your way, and you also have some dynamite to blast them away. Main difference from Sokoban, KSokoban and similar games is that you can have multiple player-controlled characters you can move on the screen. Homepage: http://npush.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/games/npush-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "3332 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "chocolate-doom", "descs": "chocolate-doom (Doom source port)", "source": "source/salix/games/chocolate-doom", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "833 K", "descl": "Chocolate Doom is a Doom source port that accurately reproduces the experience of Doom and Doom II as they were played in the 1990s. Starting with version 2.3.0, Chocolate Doom also supports Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and Chex Quest.", "path": "./salix/games/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "5104 K", "ver": "", "name": "rocksndiamonds", "descs": "rocksndiamonds (collection of boulder dash-like arcade games)", "source": "source/salix/games/rocksndiamonds", "deps": ["smpeg"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1276 K", "descl": "- arcade style game for Slackware in the tradition of: + 'Boulder Dash' (C 64) + 'Emerald Mine' (Amiga) + 'Supaplex' (Amiga/PC) + 'Sokoban' (PC)", "path": "./salix/games/rocksndiamonds-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "760 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "innoextract", "descs": "innoextract (Unpacker for Inno Setup installers)", "source": "source/salix/games/innoextract", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "190 K", "descl": "While Inno Setup is a tool to create installers for Microsoft Windows applications, innoextract allows you to extract such installers without using Wine. In particular, innoextract supports GOG.com installers and Arx Fatalis patches. http://constexpr.org/innoextract/", "path": "./salix/games/innoextract-1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "16108 K", "ver": "20100418", "name": "micropolis", "descs": "micropolis (GPL'd original SimCity game)", "source": "source/salix/games/micropolis", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "4027 K", "descl": "Micropolis is a simulation game based on the original source code of SimCity, donated to the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project by Electronic Arts under the GPL v3. Micropolis is developed by Don Hopkins, one of the game's original authors. http://www.donhopkins.com/home/micropolis", "path": "./salix/games/micropolis-20100418-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "5.4.5", "name": "rogue", "descs": "rogue (visual CRT based fantasy game)", "source": "source/salix/games/rogue", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "Rogue is a visual CRT based fantasy game which runs under the UNIX timesharing system. homepage: https://github.com/Davidslv/rogue", "path": "./salix/games/rogue-5.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1840 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "zoom", "descs": "zoom (play interactive fiction games)", "source": "source/salix/games/zoom", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "460 K", "descl": "Zoom is a player for Z-Code stories or games. These are usually text adventures ('interactive fiction'), and were first created by Infocom with the Zork series of games. Throughout the '80s, Infocom released many interactive fiction stories before their ambitions to enter the database market finally brought them low.", "path": "./salix/games/zoom-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "42836 K", "ver": "4.7.0", "name": "gzdoom", "descs": "gzdoom (OpenGL port of DOOM)", "source": "source/salix/games/gzdoom", "deps": ["zmusic"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10709 K", "descl": "Enhanced OpenGL port of the official DOOM source code that also supports Heretic, Hexen, and Strife.", "path": "./salix/games/gzdoom-4.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "261552 K", "ver": "2.00", "name": "blobwars", "descs": "blobwars (An SDL2 based platform game)", "source": "source/salix/games/blobwars", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "65388 K", "descl": "Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid Episode 1 is a platform game in which you have to collect MIA (missing in action) blobs scattered around many areas. There are other things to collect, keys to open doors, bosses at the end of different levels, etc. You can also re-visit levels to collect things you missed earlier.", "path": "./salix/games/blobwars-2.00-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "2424604 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "supertuxkart", "descs": "supertuxkart (A 3D Kart racing game)", "source": "source/salix/games/supertuxkart", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "bluez", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libogg", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "nghttp2", "openal-soft", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "606151 K", "descl": "A new and improved version of TuxKart, a kart racing game featuring Tux and his friends. Homepage: http://supertuxkart.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/games/supertuxkart-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "1776 K", "ver": "1.0.19", "name": "ltris", "descs": "ltris (tetris clone)", "source": "source/salix/games/ltris", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "444 K", "descl": "LTris as a tetris clone which means you have a bowl with blocks falling down. By rotating and moving the blocks you try to to assemble whole lines which then disappear. Homepage: http://lgames.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/games/ltris-1.0.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.2.5", "name": "term2048", "descs": "term2048 (2048 in your terminal)", "source": "source/salix/games/term2048", "deps": ["colorama"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Homepage: https://github.com/bfontaine/term2048", "path": "./salix/games/term2048-0.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "20140825", "name": "hatari_tos_roms", "descs": "hatari_tos_roms (TOS ROM images for Atari ST emulators)", "source": "source/salix/games/hatari_tos_roms", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "TOS (Tramiel Operating System) ROM images for use with hatari or other ST emulators. US and UK versions 1.02, 1.04, and 2.06 included. These images are copyrighted by Atari, Inc. It may be illegal to install this package in your jurisdiction! On the other hand, they're freely available on various web sites, and have been for many years with no legal action taken.", "path": "./salix/games/hatari_tos_roms-20140825-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "32368 K", "ver": "", "name": "teeworlds", "descs": "teeworlds (Online multiplayer game)", "source": "source/salix/games/teeworlds", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8092 K", "descl": "Teeworlds is a free online multiplayer game, available for all major operating systems. Battle with up to 16 players in a variety of game modes, including Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag. You can even design your own maps! Homepage: https://www.teeworlds.com/", "path": "./salix/games/teeworlds-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "nsudoku", "descs": "nsudoku (A Sudoku game in ncurses)", "source": "source/salix/games/nsudoku", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "nsudoku is a very simple ncurses-based Sudoku game. Homepage: http://www.sh1fty.com/nsudoku/", "path": "./salix/games/nsudoku-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "34008 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "wordwarvi", "descs": "wordwarvi (retro styled side scrolling shoot'em up arcade game)", "source": "source/salix/games/wordwarvi", "deps": ["portaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8502 K", "descl": "Word War vi is your basic side-scrolling shoot 'em up '80s style arcade game. You pilot your 'vi'per craft through core memory, rescuing lost .swp files, avoiding OS defenses, and wiping out those memory hogging emacs processes. When all the lost .swp files are rescued, head for the socket which will take you to the next node in the cluster.", "path": "./salix/games/wordwarvi-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "games", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "0.9.4a_r7.1", "name": "sms_sdl", "descs": "sms_sdl (Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator)", "source": "source/salix/games/sms_sdl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "SMS Plus is Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator. Originally, it was written to run under DOS. Since Charles Mac Donald released his emulator under the GPL terms, this emulator has been ported to different platforms.", "path": "./salix/games/sms_sdl-0.9.4a_r7.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "business", "sizeu": "2084 K", "ver": "3.0.4", "name": "trytond", "descs": "trytond (ERP -server part)", "source": "source/salix/business/trytond", "deps": ["lxml", "polib", "python2-psycopg2", "pydot", "python2-dateutil", "pytz", "relatorio", "simplejson", "sql"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "521 K", "descl": "Tryton is a complete ERP written in Python. This package is for the server only - the modules needed for actual usage must be installed separately. Homepage: http://www.tryton.org", "path": "./salix/business/trytond-3.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "business", "sizeu": "5068 K", "ver": "3.2.1", "name": "ledger", "descs": "ledger (a command-line accounting program)", "source": "source/salix/business/ledger", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "icu4c", "libedit", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1267 K", "descl": "Ledger is an accounting program which is invoked from the command-line using a textual ledger file. Homepage: https://ledger-cli.org", "path": "./salix/business/ledger-3.2.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "business", "sizeu": "2388 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "tryton", "descs": "tryton (Tryton ERP -client part)", "source": "source/salix/business/tryton", "deps": ["simplejson", "pytz", "trytond"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "597 K", "descl": "Tryton is a complete ERP written in Python. This package is for the client only - trytond (server) package must be installed somewhere that the client can reach. Homepage: http://www.tryton.org", "path": "./salix/business/tryton-3.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "business", "sizeu": "51152 K", "ver": "2.27.0", "name": "skrooge", "descs": "skrooge (KDE4 Finance Application)", "source": "source/salix/business/skrooge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "attica", "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glib2", "grantlee", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "kactivities", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kdeclarative", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knewstuff", "knotifications", "knotifyconfig", "kpackage", "kparts", "krunner", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwallet", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libofx", "libogg", "libplist", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "linuxdoc-tools", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "plasma-framework", "qca", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "solid", "sonnet", "sqlcipher", "sqlite", "syndication", "threadweaver", "util-linux", "wayland", "woff2", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12788 K", "descl": "Skrooge is a personal finances manager for KDE4, aiming at being simple and intuitive. Homepage: https://skrooge.org/", "path": "./salix/business/skrooge-2.27.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "business", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "0.3.9", "name": "reckon", "descs": "reckon (ledger csv converter)", "source": "source/salix/business/reckon", "deps": ["rubygem-highline", "rubygem-terminal-table", "rubygem-fastercsv", "chronic"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Reckon automagically converts CSV files for use with the command-line accounting tool Ledger. It also helps you to select the correct accounts associated with the CSV data using Bayesian machine learning. Home: https://github.com/cantino/reckon", "path": "./salix/business/reckon-0.3.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "business", "sizeu": "39564 K", "ver": "7.26", "name": "stansoft", "descs": "stansoft (Linux Financial Accounting)", "source": "source/salix/business/stansoft", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9891 K", "descl": "Stansoft is Linux financial accounting software for business. There is no limit on the number of users per installation, which allows for scalability from small to large companies. The user interface is ncurses / terminal based to optimize data entry efficiency. It can be run locally or deployed remotely on a virtual cloud server. After installing the Slackbuild you must run the Stansoft installation script /opt/stansoft/install", "path": "./salix/business/stansoft-7.26-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "business", "sizeu": "350656 K", "ver": "", "name": "maltego", "descs": "maltego (osint and forensics)", "source": "source/salix/business/maltego", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87664 K", "descl": "Maltego is proprietary software used for open-source intelligence and forensics, developed by Paterva. Maltego focuses on providing a library of transforms for discovery of data from open sources, and visualizing that information in a graph format, suitable for link analysis and data mining. Note: You need to request a free license to use this software.", "path": "./salix/business/maltego-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "business", "sizeu": "3380 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "beancount", "descs": "beancount (command-line double-entry accounting)", "source": "source/salix/business/beancount", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "845 K", "descl": "Beancount is a double-entry accounting system that uses a simple text file format as input. The ideas and syntax is entirely inspired by John Wiegley's ledger, and the syntax is pretty much compatible with it. A few Python scripts are used to parse the contents of the file, for example, to serve the contents as a locally running web server. Scripts are provided to convert from OFX files into Ledger input format, and other formats (easily extensible). Home: http://furius.ca/beancount/", "path": "./salix/business/beancount-1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "3.2.1", "name": "mimms", "descs": "mimms (an mms stream downloader)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mimms", "deps": ["libmms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "mimms is a program designed to allow you to download streams using the MMS protocol and save them to your computer. The mimms 3.x series is implemented entirely in python.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mimms-3.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "6296 K", "ver": "4.16.0", "name": "devedeng", "descs": "devedeng (create video CDs and DVDs)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/devedeng", "deps": ["vcdimager"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1574 K", "descl": "DevedeNG is a program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD) suitable for home players, from any number of video files, in any of the formats supported by Mplayer. Homepage: http://www.rastersoft.com/programas/devede.html", "path": "./salix/multimedia/devedeng-4.16.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "4820 K", "ver": "0.94", "name": "ccextractor", "descs": "ccextractor (A fast closed captions extractor for MPEG files)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/ccextractor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "leptonica", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tesseract", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1205 K", "descl": "CCExtractor is a tool that analyzes video files and produces independent subtitle files from the closed captions data. CCExtractor is portable, small, and very fast.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/ccextractor-0.94-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "2392 K", "ver": "1.6.8", "name": "bino", "descs": "bino (3D video player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/bino", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glew", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libass", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "598 K", "descl": "Bino is a 3D video player with multi-display support. 3D videos are more accurately called stereoscopic videos. Such videos have separate views for the left and right eyes and thus allow depth perception through stereopsis. The left and right view of a stereoscopic video can be stored using different layouts. Bino supports all commonly used layouts.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/bino-1.6.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "456 K", "ver": "35", "name": "abcMIDI", "descs": "abcMIDI (abc tools abc2midi, midi2abc, abc2abc, yaps)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/abcMIDI", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "114 K", "descl": "abc2midi: to convert abc notation to MIDI files. midi2abc: to produce crude abc from a MIDI file. abc2abc: to do transposition, error checking and re-formatting on an abc file. yaps: to convert abc to PostScript based on Michael Methfessel's PostScript library for abc2ps.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/abcMIDI-35-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "4328 K", "ver": "0.10.31", "name": "gst0-plugins-good", "descs": "gst0-plugins-good (good set of GStreamer plugins, v0)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gst0-plugins-good", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang1"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aalib", "audiofile", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "esound", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libavc1394", "libcaca", "libdv", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libiec61883", "libogg", "libraw1394", "libsamplerate", "libshout", "libsndfile", "libsoup", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "speex", "sqlite", "taglib", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "wavpack", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1082 K", "descl": "GStreamer Good Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that have good quality code, correct functionality, and a good license (LGPL for the plug-in code, LGPL or LGPL-compatible for the supporting library).", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gst0-plugins-good-0.10.31-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "11604 K", "ver": "2021.05", "name": "pitivi", "descs": "pitivi (video editor)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/pitivi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "elfutils", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pixman", "python3", "zlib", "appstream-glib", "gsound", "gst-editing-services", "gst-python", "libpeas", "python3-matplotlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2901 K", "descl": "Pitivi is a Free video editor with a beautiful and intuitive user interface, a clean codebase and a fantastic community. It uses the gstreamer media framework, so it has support for most audio/video formats. It includes hundreds of animated effects, transitions and filters. http://www.pitivi.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/pitivi-2021.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "23456 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "strawberry", "descs": "strawberry (fork of Clementine)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/strawberry", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "chromaprint", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libcdio", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgpod", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libmtp", "libogg", "libplist", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libusbmuxd", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "protobuf3", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "speex", "sqlite", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5864 K", "descl": "Strawberry is a audio player and music collection organizer. It is a fork of Clementine released in 2018 aimed at music collectors, audio enthusiasts and audiophiles. The name is inspired by the band Strawbs. It's based on a heavily modified version of Clementine created in 2012-2013. It's written in C++ and Qt 5. https://www.strawbs.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/strawberry-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.1.18d", "name": "vkeybd", "descs": "vkeybd (virtual piano keyboard)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vkeybd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "vkeybd is a virtual keyboard for AWE/OSS, MIDI/OSS and ALSA drivers. It's a simple fake of a MIDI keyboard on X-window system. Enjoy music with your mouse and computer keyboard :-)", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vkeybd-0.1.18d-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "emoc", "descs": "emoc (Easy Movie Converter)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/emoc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Emoc is simple application, front end for 'ffmpeg' and 'mencoder' command line programs, that enables you to convert video files from one format to another, resize and resample them (usually to deminish video file in size on disk). Additionally, Emoc can join various files into one video file. It is designed to be simple to use.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/emoc-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "xvid4conf", "descs": "xvid4conf (XviD configuration tool)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/xvid4conf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "This tool creates XviD configuration files. The generated configuration file is meant to be read by transcode's xvid4 export module. This module (and so the configuration file) is intended to be used with XviD 1.0 (dev-api-4)", "path": "./salix/multimedia/xvid4conf-1.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "mpgtx", "descs": "mpgtx (command line MPEG toolbox)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mpgtx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "mpgtx a command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox, that slices and joins audio and video files, including MPEG1, MPEG2 and MP3. mpgtx was designed with the good old Unix philosophy in mind : do few but do it well and provide end user an austary yet powerful command line interface. homepage: http://mpgtx.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mpgtx-1.3.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "70936 K", "ver": "3.2.2", "name": "opencaster", "descs": "opencaster (MPEG-TS stream data generator and packet manipulator)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/opencaster", "deps": ["libdvbcsa", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17734 K", "descl": "OpenCaster is a collection of tools for Linux system to play out and multiplex MPEG2 transport stream format. Homepage: http://www.avalpa.com/the-key-values/15-free-software/33-opencaster", "path": "./salix/multimedia/opencaster-3.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "", "name": "cowbell", "descs": "cowbell (an elegant music organizer)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/cowbell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "taglib", "zlib", "gtk-sharp"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Infused with Amazon Web Services SOAP-fu, Cowbell can whip your music platoon into shape without even getting your boots muddy. And, if that isn't enough to make you want to rush to the Download link, Cowbell can also snatch album art and rename your music like a pro. More information can be found at: http://more-cowbell.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/cowbell-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.2pre4", "name": "tivodecode", "descs": "tivodecode (TiVo File Decoder)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/tivodecode", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "This software converts a .TiVo files to a normal MPEG file. The conversion requires the valid MAK of the TiVo which recorded the file, so it cannot be used to circumvent their protection, simply to provide the same level of access as is already available on Windows.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/tivodecode-0.2pre4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "pngnq-s9", "descs": "pngnq-s9 (PNG Image Converter)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/pngnq-s9", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "pngnq-s9 is a modified version of pngnq, the neural network colour quantizer for png images. pngnq-s9 adds several new options to pngnq including the ability to augment a user-supplied palette, the ability to quantize in the YUV colour space, and the ability to give more or less weight to specific colour components when quantizing. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pngnqs9/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/pngnq-s9-2.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1240 K", "ver": "2.14.5", "name": "l-smash", "descs": "l-smash (open source mp4 handler)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/l-smash", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "310 K", "descl": "l-smash is a set of simple open source tools for the mp4 container. It rivals Mp4Box from GPAC in muxing, demuxing and tagging mp4, mov, 3gp, 3g2, m4a and m4v files. Included in the package are four executables: boxdumper, muxer, remuxer, and timelineeditor. There are no man pages for these, but each one can be run with --help to see usage information.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/l-smash-2.14.5-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "clamz", "descs": "clamz (command-line program to download MP3s from amazon.com)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/clamz", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Clamz is a command-line tool for downloading songs from the amazon.com mp3 store. Homepage: https://github.com/wlevine/clamz", "path": "./salix/multimedia/clamz-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "2480 K", "ver": "3.10.17", "name": "gpodder", "descs": "gpodder (GTK2 media aggregator)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gpodder", "deps": ["podcastparser", "mygpoclient"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "620 K", "descl": "gPodder is a podcast receiver/catcher written in Python utilizing PyGTK for its user interface. gPodder allows the user to subscribe to RSS feeds for podcasts, videocasts, and other similar content and download media files found in those feeds. gPodder has system-tray notifications, support for optional iPod synchronization, and MP3/Ogg id3 tag editing. Homepage: http://gpodder.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gpodder-3.10.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "262052 K", "ver": "1.0.72", "name": "spotify", "descs": "spotify (digital music client)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/spotify", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libcurl-gnutls", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "rtmpdump", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "65513 K", "descl": "Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs. https://www.spotify.com", "path": "./salix/multimedia/spotify-1.0.72-i386-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "22356 K", "ver": "", "name": "google-talkplugin", "descs": "google-talkplugin (Google Voice and Video Browser Plugin)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/google-talkplugin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5589 K", "descl": "Google TalkPlugin enables Voice and Video chat right from Gmail, iGoogle, and orkut. This is a binary repackage.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/google-talkplugin-", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.3_4", "name": "subtitleripper", "descs": "subtitleripper (DVD Subtitle Ripper for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/subtitleripper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "netpbm", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "If you want to convert DVD subtitles into text format or VobSub format this program could be useful for you. However, it is only one tiny tool that you need in the process of producing srt files. This software depends heavily on transcode for its input and is therefore part of the transcode package Homepage: http://subtitleripper.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/subtitleripper-0.3_4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "480 K", "ver": "20210219_f1b83c1", "name": "rtmpdump", "descs": "rtmpdump (RTMP streams toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/rtmpdump", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "120 K", "descl": "rtmpdump is a toolkit for RTMP streams. All forms of RTMP are supported, including rtmp://, rtmpt://, rtmpe://, rtmpte://, and rtmps://. This package contains the library, librtmp, and the binaries rtmpdump, rtmpgw, rtmpsrv and rtmpsuck. Homepage: http://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/rtmpdump-20210219_f1b83c1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "srt-to-vtt-cl", "descs": "srt-to-vtt-cl (convert srt files to webtvv)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/srt-to-vtt-cl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "A command line tool that converts subtitle files from SubRib (.srt) format to WebVTT (.vtt) format.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/srt-to-vtt-cl-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "6812 K", "ver": "0.24.1", "name": "telepathy-glib", "descs": "telepathy-glib (C library using GLib for use in Telepathy clients)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/telepathy-glib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1703 K", "descl": "telepathy-glib is a C library using GLib, for use in Telepathy clients, connection managers (protocol backends) and other components. It can also be used from C++ via extern 'C' linkage, and from higher-level languages including Python and JavaScript via GObject-Introspection. Home: https://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/telepathy-glib-0.24.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "xmms-cue", "descs": "xmms-cue (XMMS Cuesheet reader plugin)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/xmms-cue", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb", "xmms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "VirtualCueXmms is an XMMS input plugin for playing CUE files. http://virtualcuexmms.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/xmms-cue-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "480 K", "ver": "3.30", "name": "get_iplayer", "descs": "get_iplayer (allows you to search, index and record/streams)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/get_iplayer", "deps": ["perl-LWP-Protocol-https", "perl-JSON", "perl-xml-libxml", "perl-Mojolicious", "AtomicParsley"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "120 K", "descl": "BBC iPlayer TV - up to 3200 kbps HD 720p H.264 / Quicktime /MP4 BBC Live TV - 500 kbps H.264 / MP4 BBC iPlayer Radio - up to 192 kbps MP3 / AAC and Realaudio BBC Live Radio - up to 192 kbps MP3 / AAC, WMA and Realaudio BBC Podcasts - up to 192 kbps MP3 / AAC BBC iPlayer TV subtitles - SubRip / srt This is a fork of the original project, now withdrawn.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/get_iplayer-3.30-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "aces_container", "descs": "aces_container (ACES file writer)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/aces_container", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "A reference implementation for an ACES container file writer for use with the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES). The resulting file is compliant with the ACES container specification (SMPTE S2065-4). Info: http://www.oscars.org/aces Source: https://github.com/ampas/aces_container", "path": "./salix/multimedia/aces_container-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "32580 K", "ver": "3.1.2", "name": "dvdstyler", "descs": "dvdstyler (dvd authoring gui)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dvdstyler", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libexif", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libogg", "librsvg", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libssh", "libtasn1", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "vid.stab", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "wxsvg", "zlib", "libavc1394", "libmspack", "libquicktime", "mjpegtools", "mpgtx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8145 K", "descl": "DVDStyler is a cross-platform free DVD authoring application that makes possible for video enthusiasts to create professional-looking DVDs. It allows not only burning of video files on DVD that can be played practically on any standalone DVD player, but also creation of individually designed DVD menus. homepage: http://www.dvdstyler.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dvdstyler-3.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "19940 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "gpac", "descs": "gpac (multimedia framework oriented towards rich media)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gpac", "deps": ["SDL2", "a52dec", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "faad2", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libmad", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "xvidcore", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4985 K", "descl": "GPAC is a multimedia framework oriented towards rich media GPAC supports many multimedia formats, from simple audiovisual containers (avi, mov, mpg) to complex presentation formats (MPEG-4 Systems, VRML/X3D, some SVG). GPAC supports scripting of presentation for MPEG4/VRML/X3D through mozilla SpiderMonkey javascript engine. GPAC also features MP4Box, a multimedia swiss-army knife. Website : http://gpac.wp.institut-telecom.fr/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gpac-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1208 K", "ver": "0.40.9", "name": "vgmplay", "descs": "vgmplay (the official player for VGM files)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vgmplay", "deps": ["libao", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "302 K", "descl": "vgmplay is a player of the VGM chiptune format. Homepage: https://github.com/vgmrips/vgmplay", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vgmplay-0.40.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "1.0.10", "name": "glyr", "descs": "glyr (a search engine for music related metadata)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/glyr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "Glyr is a search engine for music related metadata. It comes in a commandline interface (glyrc) as well as a library (libglyr). https://github.com/sahib/glyr", "path": "./salix/multimedia/glyr-1.0.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "94452 K", "ver": "", "name": "serviio", "descs": "serviio (Java-based DNLA media server)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/serviio", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23613 K", "descl": "Serviio DNLA Server is a free media server. It allows you to stream your media files (music, video or images) to renderer devices (e.g. a TV set, Bluray player, games console or mobile phone) on your connected home network. There is also a paid for Pro edition. If you don't buy a Pro edition licence, Serviio automatically will turn to Free version after 14 days. This SlackBuild provides no Pro edition licence.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/serviio-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1416 K", "ver": "0.2.35", "name": "zvbi", "descs": "zvbi (Zapping VBI library)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/zvbi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "354 K", "descl": "ZVBI provides functions to capture and decode VBI data. It is written in plain ANSI C with few dependencies on other tools and libraries, licensed under GPL.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/zvbi-0.2.35-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "4620 K", "ver": "3.9.3", "name": "minitube", "descs": "minitube (YouTube desktop client)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/minitube", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libarchive", "libass", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libdvdnav", "libdvdread", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "mesa", "mpv", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "vulkan-sdk", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1155 K", "descl": "Minitube is a YouTube desktop client. With it you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube does not require the Flash Player. Minitube is not about cloning the original YouTube web interface, it aims to create a new TV-like experience. https://flavio.tordini.org/minitube", "path": "./salix/multimedia/minitube-3.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "54620 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "aces-dev", "descs": "aces-dev (reference dev kit for colour transforms and images)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/aces-dev", "deps": ["numpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13655 K", "descl": "The Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) is a set of components that facilitates a wide range of motion picture and television workflows while eliminating the ambiguity of legacy file formats. The system is designed to support both all-digital and hybrid film-digital motion picture workflows. https://www.oscars.org/science-technology/sci-tech-projects/aces", "path": "./salix/multimedia/aces-dev-1.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "3880 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "dirac", "descs": "dirac (free video compression format codec)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dirac", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "970 K", "descl": "Dirac is an advanced royalty-free video compression format designed for a wide range of uses, from delivering low-resolution web content to broadcasting HD and beyond, to near-lossless studio editing. Homepage: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/Dirac", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dirac-1.0.2-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "7576 K", "ver": "6.2", "name": "anyremote", "descs": "anyremote (Remote control service)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/anyremote", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "bluez", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXtst", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1894 K", "descl": "Remote control service through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP The overall goal of this project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or just TCP/IP connection. anyRemote supports wide range of modern cell phones like Nokia, SonyEricsson, Motorola and others. Homepage: http://anyremote.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/multimedia/anyremote-6.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "cuetools", "descs": "cuetools (cue and toc file parsers and utilities)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/cuetools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "cuetools is a set of utilities for working with Cue Sheet (cue) and Table of Contents (toc) files. Homepage: http://developer.berlios.de/projects/cuetools/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/cuetools-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "3.4", "name": "dvblast", "descs": "dvblast (MPEG-2 demux and streaming application)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dvblast", "deps": ["libev", "bitstream"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "DVBlast is a simple and powerful MPEG-2/TS demux and streaming application. Homepage: https://www.videolan.org/projects/dvblast.html", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dvblast-3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "mp3fm", "descs": "mp3fm (Packing the Songs into folders)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mp3fm", "deps": ["mutagen", "musicbrainzngs", "easygui"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "PACK Songs into folders according to ALBUM/YEAR/TITLE/ARTIST. UNPACK Songs from folders present for updating them and packing again or for other purposes. UPDATE Song properties using MusicBrainz Online Database. GENERATE LOG file after every operation, like generate. Simple GUI helps in running it smoothly. Homepage : http://aki92.github.io/mp3fm/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mp3fm-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "31052 K", "ver": "2.8.0", "name": "avidemux", "descs": "avidemux (Video editor)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/avidemux", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "audiofile", "brotli", "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "esound", "faac", "faad2", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXv", "libasyncns", "libdca", "libdrm", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opencore-amr", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "sqlite", "twolame", "x264", "x265", "xvidcore", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7763 K", "descl": "Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting filtering and encoding tasks.It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting capabilities.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/avidemux-2.8.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "47708 K", "ver": "2.6.0", "name": "gimp-gap", "descs": "gimp-gap (GIMP Animation Package)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gimp-gap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "babl", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "faac", "faad2", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gegl", "gexiv2", "gimp", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "xvidcore", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11927 K", "descl": "GIMP-GAP, the GIMP Animation Package, is a collection of plug-ins to extend GIMP 2.6 and above with capabilities to edit and create animations as sequences of single frames. Homepage: http://www.gimp.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gimp-gap-2.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "3008 K", "ver": "R52", "name": "vapoursynth", "descs": "vapoursynth (video processing framework)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vapoursynth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imagemagick", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "leptonica", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libXt", "libarchive", "libass", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "lz4", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "python3", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tesseract", "tevent", "util-linux", "zimg", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "752 K", "descl": "A video processing framework with simplicity in mind. Homepage: https://www.vapoursynth.com/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vapoursynth-R52-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1400 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "munt", "descs": "munt (Roland MIDI device emulator)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/munt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "portaudio", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "350 K", "descl": "Munt is a multi-platform software synthesizer emulating (somewhat inaccurately) pre-GM MIDI devices such as the Roland MT-32, CM-32L, CM-64 and LAPC-1. http://munt.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/munt-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "2956 K", "ver": "20151030_db1f79f", "name": "tstools", "descs": "tstools (Command line tools for working with MPEG data)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/tstools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "739 K", "descl": "TStools are relatively simple tools which concentrate on MPEG (H.264 and H.262) data packaged according to H.222 (i.e., TS or PS), with a particular interest in checking for conformance. Transport Stream (TS) is typically used for distribution of cable and satellite data. Program Stream (PS) is typically used to store data on DVDs. Homepage: https://github.com/kynesim/tstools", "path": "./salix/multimedia/tstools-20151030_db1f79f-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "0.99.8", "name": "gnupod", "descs": "gnupod (CLI iPod tools)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gnupod", "deps": ["perl-MP3-Info", "perl-TimeDate", "perl-Unicode-String", "perl-digest-sha1"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "GNUpod is a collection of tools which allow you to use your iPod with Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems. All iPod models are supported. http://www.gnu.org/software/gnupod/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gnupod-0.99.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "13164 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "bombono-dvd", "descs": "bombono-dvd (Author DVD Freely)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/bombono-dvd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libdvdread", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsigc++", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml++", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib", "mjpegtools", "twolame"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3291 K", "descl": "Bombono DVD is a DVD authoring program for Linux. It is made easy to use and has a nice and clean GUI (Gtk). The main features are: - Excellent MPEG viewer: Timeline and Monitor - Real WYSIWYG Menu Editor with live thumbnails - Comfortable Drag-n-Drop support - You can author to folder, make ISO-image or burn directly to DVD - Reauthoring: you can import video from DVD discs. Home Page: http://www.bombono.org", "path": "./salix/multimedia/bombono-dvd-1.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "20170309", "name": "castnow", "descs": "castnow (commandline chromecast player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/castnow", "deps": ["nodejs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "castnow is a command-line utility that can be used to play back media files on your Chromecast device. It supports playback of local video files, videos on the web and torrents. https://github.com/xat/castnow", "path": "./salix/multimedia/castnow-20170309-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "31468 K", "ver": "65.0.0", "name": "mkvtoolnix", "descs": "mkvtoolnix (tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mkvtoolnix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "cmark", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libdvdread", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7867 K", "descl": "MKVToolnix is a set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files. With these tools one can: * Get information about Matroska files (mkvinfo) * Extract tracks/data from Matroska files (mkvextract) * Create Matroska files from other media files (mkvmerge) * Modify properties of existing Matroska files (mkvpropedit) Home Page: https://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mkvtoolnix-65.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "13204 K", "ver": "alpha_0.602", "name": "stills2dv", "descs": "stills2dv (make movies from still images)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/stills2dv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib", "libdv"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3301 K", "descl": "stills2dv is an open source solution to make a movie out of still pictures; stills can be of any resolution (highest preferably for best results). The output also could be of any resolution, from a small video for youtube to a full HD (or more if you know what you're doing). Since we now can make JPGs for ffmpeg and mencoder as well as PPMs for encodedv this application could also be called stills2mpeg Homepage: http://www.deniscarl.com/stills2dv/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/stills2dv-alpha_0.602-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "480 K", "ver": "2.8.0", "name": "ripperX", "descs": "ripperX (audio CD-ROM ripper)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/ripperX", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "120 K", "descl": "RipperX is a GTK program to rip CD audio tracks and encode them to the Ogg, MP3, or FLAC formats. It's goal is to be easy to use, requiring only a few mouse clicks to convert an entire album. It supports CDDB lookups for album and track information. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ripperx", "path": "./salix/multimedia/ripperX-2.8.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.01", "name": "dsmidiwifi", "descs": "dsmidiwifi (Music Interface for Mobile Interfaces)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dsmidiwifi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "An application that runs on the computer and forwards the MIDI messages received via Wifi to MIDI applications.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dsmidiwifi-1.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.10.2", "name": "vlsub", "descs": "vlsub (VLC extension)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vlsub", "deps": ["vlc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "VLC extension to download subtitles from opensubtitles.org Homepage: https://github.com/exebetche/vlsub", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vlsub-0.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "0.3.8", "name": "gtk-recordmydesktop", "descs": "gtk-recordmydesktop (gtk frontend for recordmydesktop)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gtk-recordmydesktop", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "This is a front-end to recordmydesktop.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gtk-recordmydesktop-0.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "4872 K", "ver": "20191130_4c215f4", "name": "subtitleeditor", "descs": "subtitleeditor (GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/subtitleeditor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gstreamermm", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml++", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1218 K", "descl": "It can be used for new subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit, correct and refine existing subtitle. This program also shows sound waves, which makes it easier to synchronise subtitles to voices.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/subtitleeditor-20191130_4c215f4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "263400 K", "ver": "27.2.3", "name": "obs-studio", "descs": "obs-studio (Open Broadcaster Software)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/obs-studio", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libfdk-aac", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "luajit", "mbedtls", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "python3", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "speexdsp", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "wayland", "x264", "xcb-util", "xcb-util-image", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm", "zlib", "faac", "rtmpdump", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65850 K", "descl": "This project is a rewrite of what was formerly known as 'Open Broadcaster Software', software originally designed for recording and streaming live video content, efficiently. Homepage: https://obsproject.com/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/obs-studio-27.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "r389", "name": "smpeg", "descs": "smpeg (SDL MPEG Player Library)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/smpeg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "SMPEG is a free MPEG1 video player library with sound support. Video playback is based on the ubiquitous Berkeley MPEG player, mpeg_play. Audio is played through a slightly modified mpegsound library, part of Splay v0.8.2. SMPEG supports MPEG audio (MP3), MPEG-1 video, and MPEG system streams.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/smpeg-r389-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "4016 K", "ver": "2.5.2", "name": "xvst", "descs": "xvst (Qt Gui for downloading favorite video clips from the web)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/xvst", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1004 K", "descl": "xVideoServiceThief is a tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites. xVideoServiceThief also provides you the ability to convert each video in most popular formats: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file formats. Homepage: https://www.xvideothief.com/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/xvst-2.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1228 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "haruna", "descs": "haruna (Video Player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/haruna", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kdoctools", "kfilemetadata", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kirigami2", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kservice", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libarchive", "libass", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libdvdnav", "libdvdread", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libogg", "libplist", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libusbmuxd", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lz4", "mesa", "mpv", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "solid", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "vulkan-sdk", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib", "youtube-dl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "307 K", "descl": "Haruna is an open source video player built with Qt/QML and libmpv Homepage: https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/haruna/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/haruna-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "0.1.8", "name": "pipe-viewer", "descs": "pipe-viewer (search and stream videos from youtube)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/pipe-viewer", "deps": ["perl-data-dump", "perl-JSON", "perl-http-message", "perl-LWP-Protocol-https", "perl-Module-Build", "perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "pipe-viewer is lightweight application (fork of straw-viewer) for searching and playing videos from YouTube. This fork parses the YouTube website directly and relies on invidious instances only as a fallback method.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/pipe-viewer-0.1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "sinthgunt", "descs": "sinthgunt (a ffmpeg gui)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/sinthgunt", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "Sinthgunt is an open source graphical user interface for ffmpeg, a computer program that can convert digital audio and video into numerous formats. Using pre-configured conversion settings, it makes the task of converting between different media formats very easy. http://code.google.com/p/sinthgunt/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/sinthgunt-2.1.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "radiotray", "descs": "radiotray (online radio streaming player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/radiotray", "deps": ["gst0-ffmpeg", "gst0-plugins-ugly", "gst0-python", "lxml", "gst0-plugins-good", "notify-python"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "Radio Tray is an online radio streaming player that runs on a Linux system tray. Its goal is to have the minimum interface possible. Homepage: http://radiotray.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/radiotray-0.7.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "22380 K", "ver": "4.2.8", "name": "tvheadend", "descs": "tvheadend (PVR server)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/tvheadend", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "uriparser", "util-linux", "vid.stab", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5595 K", "descl": "Tvheadend is a TV streaming server and recorder for Linux, FreeBSD and Android supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, ATSC, IPTV, SAT>IP and HDHomeRun as input sources. Tvheadend offers the HTTP (VLC, MPlayer), HTSP (Kodi, Movian) and SAT>IP streaming.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/tvheadend-4.2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "9028 K", "ver": "21.12.24", "name": "shotcut", "descs": "shotcut (cross-platform video editor)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/shotcut", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "mlt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib", "jack", "x264", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2257 K", "descl": "Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor. Home page: https://www.shotcut.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/shotcut-21.12.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "724 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "tragtor", "descs": "tragtor (GUI for ffmpeg/avconv)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/tragtor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "181 K", "descl": "traGtor is a graphical user interface for ffmpeg and avconv, designed for easy media files conversion. Homepage: http://mein-neues-blog.de/tragtor-gui-for-ffmpeg", "path": "./salix/multimedia/tragtor-0.9.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "3164 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "beets", "descs": "beets (music tagger and library organizer)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/beets", "deps": ["mutagen", "munkres", "Unidecode", "musicbrainzngs", "jellyfish", "python-confuse", "python-mediafile"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "791 K", "descl": "Beets is the media library management system for obsessive-compulsive music geeks. homepage: https://beets.io/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/beets-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "oggconvert", "descs": "oggconvert (program to convert media to ogg/theora)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/oggconvert", "deps": ["ffmpeg2theora", "gst0-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "This is a simple gui to convert every multimedia format supported by ffmpeg to ogg/theora. Oggconvert is a graphical front end for ffmpeg2theora. Home Page: Homepage: http://oggconvert.tristanb.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/oggconvert-0.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "castget", "descs": "castget (A command line tool to download podcasts)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/castget", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "id3lib", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "castget is a simple, command-line based RSS enclosure downloader. It is primarily intended for automatic, unattended downloading of podcasts. It features - simple configuration - automatic tagging of downloaded MP3 files using ID3v2 - automatic M3U playlists - and support for all RSS versions and Media RSS", "path": "./salix/multimedia/castget-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "11872 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "rosa-media-player", "descs": "rosa-media-player (Media Player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/rosa-media-player", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2968 K", "descl": "Rosa Media Player (rosa-media-player) - multimedia player that supports most of audio and video formats such as Audio CD, DVD, Video CD, multimedia files in AVi, ASF/WMV/WMA, MOV/MP4, RealMedia, Ogg Vorbis, NUT, NSV, VIVO, FLI, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM (.cpk), RoQ, PVA and Matroska formats recorded with video codecs - DivX , MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Sorenson, WMV, RealVideo, x264 and audio codecs MP3, Musepack, Vorbis, RealAudio, AC3/A52 (Dolby Digital), AAC (MPEG-4 audio), QuickTime, VIVO audio and WMA and many other less widespread video and audio codecs. It also supports streaming.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/rosa-media-player-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "coriander", "descs": "coriander (a program to control IEEE-1394 digital cameras)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/coriander", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "ftplib", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libbonoboui", "libcanberra", "libdc1394", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnome-keyring", "libgnomecanvas", "libgnomeui", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libraw1394", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "Coriander is a full-featured graphical interface for controlling digital cameras through the IEEE-1394 bus (i.e. FireWire or iLink). It can also record videos, send images to an FTP site and convert videos to V4L streams. A live display is also provided. The program will work with IIDC-compatible devices (v1.04 or later) including most 1394 webcams and many industrial and scientific cameras. Homepage: https://damien.douxchamps.net/ieee1394/coriander/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/coriander-2.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "mirage2iso", "descs": "mirage2iso (extract iso images from CD images)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mirage2iso", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libmirage", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "mirage2iso is a simple tool to convert various CD/DVD image formats into .iso images through use of libmirage (same one as used by cdemu).", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mirage2iso-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1496 K", "ver": "0.0.31", "name": "farsight2", "descs": "farsight2 (Audio/Video Communications Framework)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/farsight2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "glib2", "gnutls", "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "libnice", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib", "gst0-plugins-ugly", "gst0-python"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "374 K", "descl": "The Farsight project is an effort to create a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols. On one side it offers a generic API that makes it possible to write plugins for different streaming protocols, on the other side it offers an API for clients to use those plugins. Homepage: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/Farstream/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/farsight2-0.0.31-i686-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "mtpfs", "descs": "mtpfs (mount MS Media Transport Protocol devices as a filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mtpfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libid3tag", "libmad", "libmtp", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "MTPfs is a FUSE filesystem that supports reading and writing from any MTP device, as supported by libmtp. MTPfs includes extra features such as playlist and meta information support for MP3 players.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mtpfs-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "10680 K", "ver": "3.6", "name": "imagination", "descs": "imagination (simple DVD slide show maker)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/imagination", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "file", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libao", "libasyncns", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libid3tag", "libmad", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "opus", "opusfile", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "sox", "util-linux", "wavpack", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2670 K", "descl": "Imagination is a lightweight and simple DVD slide show maker written in C language and built with the GTK+2 toolkit. Imagination has been designed from the ground up to be fast, light and easy-to-use. Home Page: http://imagination.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/imagination-3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "2.4.1", "name": "playerctl", "descs": "playerctl (MPRIS media player controller)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/playerctl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "Playerctl is a command-line utility and library for controlling media players that implement the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification. Playerctl makes it easy to bind player actions, such as play and pause, to media keys. Homepage: https://github.com/acrisci/playerctl", "path": "./salix/multimedia/playerctl-2.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "hexter", "descs": "hexter (DX7 modeling DSSI plugin)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/hexter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "dssi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "hexter is a software synthesizer that models the sound generation of a Yamaha DX7 synthesizer. It can easily load most DX7 patch bank files, accept patch editing commands via MIDI sys-ex messages (ALSA systems only), and recreate the sound of the DX7 with greater accuracy than any previous open-source emulation (that the author is aware of....) hexter operates as a plugin for the Disposable Soft Synth Interface (DSSI).", "path": "./salix/multimedia/hexter-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1196 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "xmltv", "descs": "xmltv (Utilities to manage your TV viewing)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/xmltv", "deps": ["libwww-perl", "perl-Date-Manip", "perl-File-Slurp", "perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate", "perl-Lingua-Preferred", "perl-Term-ProgressBar", "perl-Unicode-String", "perl-XML-Writer", "perl-xml-libxml", "perl-xml-twig", "perl-XML-TreePP"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "299 K", "descl": "XMLTV is a set of utilities to manage your TV viewing. They work with TV listings stored in the XMLTV format, which is based on XML. Homepage: http://xmltv.org/wiki", "path": "./salix/multimedia/xmltv-0.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "8800 K", "ver": "0.8.11dev_20190130", "name": "gnash", "descs": "gnash (SWF movie player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gnash", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "agg", "atk", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "jemalloc", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdca", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "qt4", "samba", "sdl", "speex", "speexdsp", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2200 K", "descl": "Gnash is the GNU SWF movie player, which can be run standalone on the desktop or an embedded device, as well as as a plugin for several browsers.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gnash-0.8.11dev_20190130-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "13428 K", "ver": "3.2.2", "name": "aegisub", "descs": "aegisub (General-purpose subtitle editor)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/aegisub", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "ffmpeg", "ffms2", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hunspell", "hyphen", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libass", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libsoup", "libssh", "libtasn1", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "portaudio", "pulseaudio", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib", "lua"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "3357 K", "descl": "A general-purpose subtitle editor with ASS/SSA support Project Site: https://code.google.com/p/aegisub/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/aegisub-3.2.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1472 K", "ver": "0.35.2", "name": "tovid", "descs": "tovid (a collection of GPL video disc authoring tools)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/tovid", "deps": ["mjpegtools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "368 K", "descl": "tovid is a collection of GPL video disc authoring tools; it can help you create your own DVDs, VCDs, and SVCDs for playback on your home DVD player. Note: The scripts rely heavily on external tools, please take care that all dependencies are met. Homepage: http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Tovid_Wiki", "path": "./salix/multimedia/tovid-0.35.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1752 K", "ver": "0.19.2", "name": "gaupol", "descs": "gaupol (Subtitle Editor)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gaupol", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "438 K", "descl": "Gaupol is an editor for text-based subtitle files. It supports multiple subtitle file formats and provides means of correcting texts and timing subtitles to match video. The user interface is designed with attention to batch processing of multiple documents and convenience of translating. Homepage: https://github.com/otsaloma/gaupol", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gaupol-0.19.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "dssi", "descs": "dssi (the 'dizzy' audio plugin API)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dssi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "celt", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "liblo", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "DSSI (pronounced 'dizzy') is an API for audio processing plugins, particularly useful for software synthesis plugins with user interfaces. DSSI is an open and well-documented specification developed for use in Linux audio applications, although portable to other platforms. It may be thought of as LADSPA-for-instruments, or something comparable to VSTi.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dssi-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "22496 K", "ver": "0.94", "name": "Gem", "descs": "Gem (Graphics Environment for Multimedia)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/Gem", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cyrus-sasl", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "ftgl", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libdv", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libiec61883", "libquicktime", "libraw1394", "libunistring", "libvncserver", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "lzo", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "sdl", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "zlib", "pd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5624 K", "descl": "A pd external (plugin) for OpenGL graphics.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/Gem-0.94-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1208 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "qsampler", "descs": "qsampler (frontend for linuxsampler)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/qsampler", "deps": ["e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libgig", "libglvnd", "liblscp", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "302 K", "descl": "QSampler is a light-weight frontend written in C++, using straightforward native graphical controls of the underlying operating system. That way the appearance of QSampler on the screen is very fast and it only consumes very little resources.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/qsampler-0.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "12796 K", "ver": "2.0.5", "name": "OpenLP", "descs": "OpenLP (Open Source Worship Presentation)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/OpenLP", "deps": ["lxml", "pyenchant", "SQLAlchemy"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3199 K", "descl": "OpenLP stands for 'Open Lyrics Projection' and is presentation software developed or churches to provide a single easy to use nterface for the projection needs of a typical worship service. First created in 2004, it has steadily grown in features and maturity that it is now a mainstay in hundreds of churches around the world. Homepage: https://openlp.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/OpenLP-2.0.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1252 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "vcdimager", "descs": "vcdimager (VCD/SVCD Mastering Suite)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vcdimager", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libcdio", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "313 K", "descl": "GNU VCDImager is a full-featured mastering suite for authoring, disassembling and analyzing Video CDs and Super Video CDs. Features include: Support for VCD 1.1 and 2.0, Support for SVCD 1.0 full playback control, automatic padding of MPEG streams on the fly ... and more! Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/vcdimager/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vcdimager-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "984 K", "ver": "dac5623", "name": "picard-plugins", "descs": "picard-plugins (MusicBrainz Picard Plugins)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/picard-plugins", "deps": ["picard"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "246 K", "descl": "MusicBrainz Picard Plugins. Homepage: https://picard.musicbrainz.org/plugins/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/picard-plugins-dac5623-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1340 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "pragha", "descs": "pragha (lightweight music player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/pragha", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glyr", "gobject-introspection", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "keybinder3", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcddb", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmtp", "libnotify", "libpeas", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxfce4ui", "libxfce4util", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "startup-notification", "taglib", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "335 K", "descl": "Pragha is a Lightweight Music Player for GNU/Linux, based on Gtk, sqlite, and completely written in C, constructed to be fast, light, and simultaneously tries to be complete without obstructing the daily work. ;)", "path": "./salix/multimedia/pragha-1.3.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "vitunes-mplayer", "descs": "vitunes-mplayer (frontend for mplayer, with vi key bindings)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vitunes-mplayer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "vitunes is a curses-based music player and playlist manager for *nix whose goals are: 1. a minimalistic appearance, 2. strong vi-like bindings, and 3. quick playlist creation/management. vitunes does not strive to be a feature-rich media player, but rather a quick, vi-like media indexer and playlist manager, that just happens to be able to play the music it indexes.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vitunes-mplayer-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "42404 K", "ver": "", "name": "vlc", "descs": "vlc (VLC media player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vlc", "deps": ["SDL2", "a52dec", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "chromaprint", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "faad2", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libarchive", "libass", "libasyncns", "libavc1394", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcddb", "libdc1394", "libdca", "libdrm", "libdvbpsi", "libdvdnav", "libdvdread", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libkate", "libmad", "libmpeg2", "libmtp", "libnfs", "libnotify", "libogg", "libraw1394", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsecret", "libshout", "libsidplay2", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtar", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvncserver", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "live555", "lua", "lz4", "lzo", "mpg123", "musepack-tools", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "projectM", "protobuf3", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "schroedinger", "sdl", "speex", "speexdsp", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "twolame", "util-linux", "wayland", "x264", "x265", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib", "zvbi", "portaudio", "gsm", "faac", "jack", "libmodplug", "vcdimager", "dirac", "gnome-vfs", "rtmpdump", "libdvdcss", "libminizip"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "10601 K", "descl": "VLC media player is a free and open source media player and multi- media framework written by the VideoLAN project. VLC is a portable multimedia player, encoder, and streamer supporting many audio and video codecs and file formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It is able to stream over networks and to transcode multimedia files and save them into various formats. homepage: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vlc-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "548 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "gtick", "descs": "gtick (A Metronome Application for GNU Linux)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gtick", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "137 K", "descl": "GTick is a metronome application written for GNU/Linux and other UN*X-like operting systems supporting different meters (Even, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and more) and speeds ranging from 10 to 1000 bpm. It utilizes GTK+ and OSS (ALSA compatible). It is part of the GNU Project.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gtick-0.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "756 K", "ver": "0.8.10", "name": "xjadeo", "descs": "xjadeo (software video player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/xjadeo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imlib2", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "liblo", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "portmidi", "samba", "sdl", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "189 K", "descl": "Xjadeo is a software video player that displays a video-clip in sync with an external time source (MTC, LTC, JACK-transport). Xjadeo is useful in soundtrack composition, video monitoring or any task that requires to synchronizing movie frames with audio events. Xjadeo supports a multitude of video file formats, display libraries and sync sources. It includes an optional GUI called qjadeo that provides setup options, file history, video import/transcoding and control of Xjadeo's run-time parameters.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/xjadeo-0.8.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "616 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "minidlna", "descs": "minidlna (mini DLNA server)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/minidlna", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libexif", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libid3tag", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "154 K", "descl": "MiniDLNA (aka ReadyDLNA) is server software with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients. Homepage: http://minidlna.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/minidlna-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "2560 K", "ver": "1.0.11", "name": "tvtime", "descs": "tvtime (high quality television application)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/tvtime", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "640 K", "descl": "tvtime is a high quality television application for use with video capture cards on Linux systems. tvtime processes the input from a capture card and displays it on a computer monitor or projector. Homepage: http://tvtime.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/multimedia/tvtime-1.0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "7724 K", "ver": "2.7.3", "name": "picard", "descs": "picard (Music Tagger)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/picard", "deps": ["chromaprint", "python3-fasteners", "mutagen", "python3-dateutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1931 K", "descl": "MusicBrainz Picard is a cross-platform (Linux/Mac OS X/Windows) application written in Python. It supports the majority of audio file formats, uses PUID audio fingerprints, performs CD lookups and disc ID submissions, and it has excellent Unicode support. This application is the official MusicBrainz tagging application. Homepage: http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Picard_Tagger", "path": "./salix/multimedia/picard-2.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "1.3.11", "name": "gmtp", "descs": "gmtp (A basic MTP client)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gmtp", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libid3tag", "libmtp", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "Supports MTP devices including those with multiple storage devices (typically mobile phones). Supports Drag'n'Drop interface for upload/download of files. Home: http://gmtp.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gmtp-1.3.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "nrg2iso", "descs": "nrg2iso (Converts Nero image files to ISO image files)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/nrg2iso", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "nrg2iso is a simple appplication that converts Nero(tm) image files (nrg) to ISO image files. Written by Gregory Kokanosky Homepage: http://gregory.kokanosky.free.fr/v4/linux/nrg2iso.en.html", "path": "./salix/multimedia/nrg2iso-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "2009.10.03", "name": "sfnt2woff", "descs": "sfnt2woff (Font converter)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/sfnt2woff", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Utility to convert TrueType and OpenType fonts to WOFF. A utility to perform the reverse (woff2sfnt) is also included.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/sfnt2woff-2009.10.03-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "4428 K", "ver": "1.1.7", "name": "transcode", "descs": "transcode (Audio/Video transcoding)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/transcode", "deps": ["a52dec", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imagemagick", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXv", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libdvdread", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "lzo", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "sdl", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "6salix15.0", "sizec": "1107 K", "descl": "transcode is a text-console utility for video stream processing. Decoding and encoding is done by loading modules that are responsible for feeding transcode with raw video/audio streams (import modules) and encoding the frames (export modules). It supports elementary video and audio frame transformations, including de-interlacing or fast resizing of video frames and loading of external filters. Homepage: http://www.transcoding.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/transcode-1.1.7-i586-6salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "88812 K", "ver": "4.7.9", "name": "filebot", "descs": "filebot (The ultimate TV and Movie Renamer)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/filebot", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8", "chromaprint", "libmediainfo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22203 K", "descl": "FileBot is the ultimate tool for organizing and renaming your movies, tv shows, anime, and music, as well as downloading subtitles and artwork. It's smart and just works. Many examples of renaming conventions, including automating renaming, can be found on their website and forum. Homepage: http://www.filebot.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/filebot-4.7.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "940 K", "ver": "0.10.19", "name": "gst0-plugins-ugly", "descs": "gst0-plugins-ugly (a set of GStreamer-0.10.x plugins)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gst0-plugins-ugly", "deps": ["a52dec", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "lame", "libcdio", "libdvdread", "libmad", "libmpeg2", "libsidplay", "libxml2", "opencore-amr", "orc", "twolame", "x264", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "235 K", "descl": "GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that have good quality and correct functionality, but distributing them might pose problems. The license on either the plug-ins or the supporting libraries might not be how we'd like. The code might be widely known to present patent problems. plugins-ugly is a set of good-quality plug-ins that might pose distribution problems", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gst0-plugins-ugly-0.10.19-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "9044 K", "ver": "", "name": "lightspark", "descs": "lightspark (Open source flash player implementation)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/lightspark", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_mixer", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glew", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libmad", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "rtmpdump", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2261 K", "descl": "Lightspark is an open source Flash player implementation for playing files in SWF format. Lightspark can run as a web browser plugin or as a standalone application. Homepage: https://lightspark.github.io/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/lightspark-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "2204 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "gigedit", "descs": "gigedit (instrument editor for gig files)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gigedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "celt", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libgig", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "linuxsampler", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "551 K", "descl": "gigedit allows you to edit and create instruments for the Gigasampler format, which can be used with LinuxSampler as well as with Tascam's Gigastudio. Following our line of modularity we also made the instrument editors independent applications.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gigedit-0.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "2340 K", "ver": "1.10.1", "name": "musique", "descs": "musique (cross-platform music player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/musique", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libarchive", "libass", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libdvdnav", "libdvdread", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "mesa", "mpv", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "vulkan-sdk", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "585 K", "descl": "Musique is just another music player, only better. Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. Homepage: https://flavio.tordini.org/musique", "path": "./salix/multimedia/musique-1.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1088 K", "ver": "20.6.0", "name": "smtube", "descs": "smtube (small YouTube videos browser)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/smtube", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "272 K", "descl": "SMTube is an application that allows to browse, search and play YouTube videos. Videos are played back with a media player instead of a flash player, this allows better performance, particularly with HD content. Homepage: https://www.smtube.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/smtube-20.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "5124 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "yarock", "descs": "yarock (Music player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/yarock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "htmlcxx", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "phonon", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1281 K", "descl": "Yarock is a modern looking music player, packed with features, that doesn't depend on any specific desktop environment. Yarock is designed to provide an easy and pretty music browser based on cover art. Homepage: http://seb-apps.github.io/yarock/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/yarock-1.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "792 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "audio-recorder", "descs": "audio-recorder (Open Source audio recorder)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/audio-recorder", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "198 K", "descl": "This amazing program allows you to record your favourite music and audio to a file. It can record audio from your system's sound card, microphones, browsers, webcams & more. Put simply; if it plays out of your loudspeakers you can record it. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/~audio-recorder", "path": "./salix/multimedia/audio-recorder-2.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "telepathy-farstream", "descs": "telepathy-farstream (client library for farstream)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/telepathy-farstream", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "glib2", "gstreamer", "telepathy-glib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "Telepathy Farstream is a Telepathy client library that uses Farstream to handle Call channels. Home: https://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/telepathy-farstream-0.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "246884 K", "ver": "0.3.10", "name": "popcorntime", "descs": "popcorntime (BitTorrent Client)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/popcorntime", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61721 K", "descl": "Stream movies from torrents. Skip the downloads. Launch, click, watch. Homepage: https://get.popcorntime.sh", "path": "./salix/multimedia/popcorntime-0.3.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "10572 K", "ver": "0.10.13", "name": "gst0-ffmpeg", "descs": "gst0-ffmpeg (A GStreamer 0.10.x FFmpeg plugin)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gst0-ffmpeg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "libxml2", "orc", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2643 K", "descl": "This module contains a GStreamer plugin for FFmpeg, as well as an internal copy of the FFmpeg source code. http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ gst-ffmpeg is released under the GPL.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gst0-ffmpeg-0.10.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1652 K", "ver": "3.107", "name": "xawtv", "descs": "xawtv (TV and webcam tools)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/xawtv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang1"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aalib", "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXv", "libXxf86dga", "libXxf86vm", "libdv", "libglvnd", "libquicktime", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "zlib", "zvbi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "413 K", "descl": "xawtv is software that allows watching and recording of TV using a TV-card or capturing images and video with a Video4Linux device, such as a webcam.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/xawtv-3.107-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "apetag", "descs": "apetag (command line APE 2.0 tagger)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/apetag", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Apetag is command line tagging tool for music files such as Monkey's Audio and Musepack using the APE 2.0 standard.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/apetag-1.12-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "6800 K", "ver": "3.3.0", "name": "aom", "descs": "aom (Open Source Video Codec)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/aom", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1700 K", "descl": "AOMedia Video 1 (AV1) is designed to be the successor to VP9 and also to eventually be a direct competitor for HEVC/H.265. This Slackbuild builds the 'reference' encoder aomenc as well as the 'reference' decoder aomdec. Homepage: https://aomedia.googlesource.com/aom", "path": "./salix/multimedia/aom-3.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "34520 K", "ver": "24564a", "name": "flowblade", "descs": "flowblade (non-linear video editor)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/flowblade", "deps": ["mlt-bindings"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8630 K", "descl": "Flowblade employs film style editing paradigm in which clips are usually automatically placed tightly after the previous clip - or between two existing clips - when they are inserted on the timeline. It is efficient, effective, and includes powerful tools to mix, filter, and affect video and audio. https://github.com/jliljebl/flowblade", "path": "./salix/multimedia/flowblade-24564a-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "pyradio", "descs": "pyradio (Internet Radio Player for the CLI)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/pyradio", "deps": ["MPlayer", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "PyRadio is a console based Internet Radio player. It uses mplayer for media playback. You can configure radio stations by editing stations.csv file. Homepage: http://www.coderholic.com/pyradio/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/pyradio-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "64328 K", "ver": "20110131", "name": "mplayer-codecs32", "descs": "mplayer-codecs32 (32-bit Codecs for MPlayer)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mplayer-codecs32", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16082 K", "descl": "This is a repackaging of the codecs distributed by the MPlayer team.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mplayer-codecs32-20110131-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "25800 K", "ver": "21.10.0", "name": "smplayer", "descs": "smplayer (graphical user interface for MPlayer)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/smplayer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", ["mpv", "MPlayer"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6450 K", "descl": "SMPlayer is a free media player with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats. It doesn't need any external codecs. Just install SMPlayer and you'll be able to play all formats without the hassle to find and install codec packs. Homepage: https://www.smplayer.info/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/smplayer-21.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "46128 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "HandBrake", "descs": "HandBrake (DVD ripper)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/HandBrake", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libass", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libogg", "libtheora", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "numactl", "opus", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "speex", "util-linux", "wayland", "x264", "x265", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "11532 K", "descl": "HandBrake is a DVD ripper that reads DVD movies and outputs them to a variety of video and audio formats, with subtitle options, options for alternate audio streams, and a number of presets. Homepage: http://www.handbrake.fr", "path": "./salix/multimedia/HandBrake-1.5.1-i686-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "6384 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "k9copy-reloaded", "descs": "k9copy-reloaded (DVD backup program)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/k9copy-reloaded", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kdesu", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kpty", "kservice", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libmpeg2", "libogg", "libplist", "libsndfile", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "phonon", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "solid", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "xine-lib", "zlib"], "rel": "6salix15.0", "sizec": "1596 K", "descl": "K9Copy Reloaded is a continuation of the original K9Copy program. It allows you to make 1:1 backups of both single- and dual-layer DVDs, as well as compress a dual-layer DVD to single-layer. Note: There is NO CSS decryption library included in this package. If you want decryption, you will need the libdvdcss package. Homepage: http://k9copy-reloaded.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/multimedia/k9copy-reloaded-3.0.3-i586-6salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "AtomicParsley", "descs": "AtomicParsley (mpeg4 tag tool)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/AtomicParsley", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "AtomicParsley is a lightweight command line program for reading, parsing and setting metadata into MPEG-4 files. https://github.com/wez/atomicparsley", "path": "./salix/multimedia/AtomicParsley-0.9.6-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "webvfx", "descs": "webvfx (video effects engine)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/webvfx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "webvfx is a video effects engine based on the mlt framework. Website: https://github.com/mltframework/webvfx", "path": "./salix/multimedia/webvfx-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "5312 K", "ver": "0.98.11", "name": "dvdrip", "descs": "dvdrip (DVD copy program)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dvdrip", "deps": ["perl-event", "perl-gtk2", "perl-libintl", "transcode"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1328 K", "descl": "dvd::rip is a full featured DVD copy program written in Perl. It provides an easy to use but feature-rich Gtk+ GUI to control almost all aspects of the ripping and transcoding process. It uses the widely known video processing swissknife transcode and many other Open Source tools. dvd::rip itself is licensed under GPL / Perl Artistic License. Homepage: http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dvdrip-0.98.11-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "15132 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "JSampler", "descs": "JSampler (Java GUI frontend for LinuxSampler)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/JSampler", "deps": ["apache-ant", "jlscp"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3783 K", "descl": "Java GUI frontend for LinuxSampler, allowing you to load in sample banks, audition sounds, and play on a virtual keyboard. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsampler/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/JSampler-0.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1996 K", "ver": "1.10.18_12", "name": "nted", "descs": "nted (musical score editor)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/nted", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "499 K", "descl": "NtEd is a GTK+ score editor. It intends to be really WYSIWYG: what you see on the screen is exactly what you get on printer output. It supports up to 4 voices per staff, drum notes, 5 lyrics lines, N-Tuplets, context changes, repeats with alternatives, configurable music instruments per staff, MIDI import/export, MusicXML import, Postscript export. Scores can be played through the ALSA sequencer.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/nted-1.10.18_12-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "3.6", "name": "gmidimonitor", "descs": "gmidimonitor (shows MIDI events)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gmidimonitor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "GMIDImonitor is GTK+ application that shows MIDI events via ALSA or JACK", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gmidimonitor-3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "2.1.6", "name": "mozplugger", "descs": "mozplugger (Mozilla media plugin)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mozplugger", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "The goal of the project is to provide a minimalist, clean and stable general purpose Mozilla plugin module that allows the user to embed and launch their favourite application to handle the various different types of media found on the Internet. Homepage: http://mozplugger.mozdev.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mozplugger-2.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "920 K", "ver": "0.8a", "name": "oggvideotools", "descs": "oggvideotools (ogg video toolbox)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/oggvideotools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libogg", "libtheora", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "230 K", "descl": "Ogg Video Tools is a toolbox for manipulating ogg video files. Homepage: http://dev.streamnik.de/oggvideotools.html", "path": "./salix/multimedia/oggvideotools-0.8a-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "24800 K", "ver": "1.14.4", "name": "makemkv", "descs": "makemkv (a DVD/Blu-ray ripper and transcoder)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/makemkv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libdrm", "libglvnd", "libogg", "librsvg", "libtheora", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "speex", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6200 K", "descl": "MakeMKV converts video that you own into a free and patents- unencumbered format that can be played everywhere. It converts the video clips from proprietary (and usually encrypted) discs into a set of MKV files, preserving most information but not changing it in any way. MakeMKV can also instantly stream decrypted video without intermediate conversion to a wide range of players, so you may watch Blu-ray and DVD discs with your favorite player on your favorite OS or on your favorite device. http://makemkv.com/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/makemkv-1.14.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "5580 K", "ver": "0.10.36", "name": "gstreamer0", "descs": "gstreamer0 (streaming multimedia framework, v0)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gstreamer0", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1395 K", "descl": "GStreamer is a library that allows the construction of graphs of a media-handling components, ranging from simple Ogg/Vorbis playback to complex audio (mixing) and video (non-linear editing) processing. Applications can take advantage of advances in codec and filter technology transparently. Developers can add new codecs and filters by writing a simple plugin with a clean, generic interface. GStreamer is released under the LGPL.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gstreamer0-0.10.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1004 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "Mopidy", "descs": "Mopidy (Music server)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/Mopidy", "deps": ["Pykka", "gst-python", "tornado"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "251 K", "descl": "Mopidy is a music server which can play music both from multiple sources, like your local hard drive, radio streams, and from Spotify and SoundCloud. Homepage: https://www.mopidy.com/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/Mopidy-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "3.9.0", "name": "ripit", "descs": "ripit (command line audio CD ripper)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/ripit", "deps": ["perl-CDDB-get"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "RipIT is used to create MPEG-1 Layer 3 (mp3) using Lame, or uses Flac (flac), Ogg Vorbis (ogg), Faac (m4a), Musepack (mpc), mp4als (als), Wavpack (wv) or ffmpeg to convert audio files (wav) extracted from an audio cd. Homepage: http://www.suwald.com/ripit/news.php", "path": "./salix/multimedia/ripit-3.9.0-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.17", "name": "lsdvd", "descs": "lsdvd (list the contents of a DVD)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/lsdvd", "deps": ["libdvdread"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "lsdvd is a console application that displays the content of a dvd. It provides output about the types of video and audio tracks, subtitles etc... output is available in a number of formats including human readable, perl, ruby or xml.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/lsdvd-0.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "948 K", "ver": "21.3.1", "name": "intel-gmmlib", "descs": "intel-gmmlib (The Intel(R) Graphics Memory Management Library)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/intel-gmmlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "237 K", "descl": "The Intel(R) Graphics Memory Management Library provides device specific and buffer management for the Intel(R) Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL(TM) and the Intel(R) Media Driver for VAAPI.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/intel-gmmlib-21.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "dvdbackup", "descs": "dvdbackup (simple commandline DVD backup software)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dvdbackup", "deps": ["libdvdread"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "dvdbackup is a tool to backup video DVDs from the command line. It has the advantages of being small, fast, and easy to use. Homepage: http://dvdbackup.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dvdbackup-0.4.2-i686-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "5064 K", "ver": "0.10.36", "name": "gst0-plugins-base", "descs": "gst0-plugins-base (base set of GStreamer plugins, v0)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gst0-plugins-base", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "glib2", "gstreamer0", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXv", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1266 K", "descl": "GStreamer Base Plug-ins is a well-groomed and well-maintained collection of GStreamer plug-ins and elements, spanning the range of possible types of elements one would want to write for GStreamer. It also contains helper libraries and base classes useful for writing elements. A wide range of video and audio decoders, encoders, and filters are included.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gst0-plugins-base-0.10.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "0.8.6_1", "name": "dvd-slideshow", "descs": "dvd-slideshow (Creates a slideshow-style DVD from pictures)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dvd-slideshow", "deps": ["oggvideotools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "dvd-slideshow is a group of Linux commandline programs that creates a slideshow-style dvd from groups of pictures. Slideshow videos can be made from a directory or some online photo albums. You can add fancy effects like fades, titles, and the Ken Burns effect along with audio to make your slideshows even nicer. Home Page: http://dvd-slideshow.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dvd-slideshow-0.8.6_1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "audiopreview", "descs": "audiopreview (command-line tool that can play previews)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/audiopreview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "glib2", "gstreamer0", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "AudioPreview is a small command-line tool that can play previews of: * Audio Files o mp3, ogg, flac, rm, wma... * Video Files o avi, mpg, ogg, mkv, ... * Internet Streams o radio stations, video streams and audio streams, ... Homepage: https://launchpad.net/audiopreview/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/audiopreview-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "0.8.3_07c13da27d", "name": "spek", "descs": "spek (Acoustic Spectrum Analyser)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/spek", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libogg", "librsvg", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libssh", "libtasn1", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "Spek is an acoustic spectrum analyser written in C and C++. It uses FFmpeg libraries for audio decoding and wxWidgets for the GUI. Spek is available on *BSD, GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Find out more about Spek on its website: http://spek.cc/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/spek-0.8.3_07c13da27d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "20150221", "name": "ucview", "descs": "ucview (video capture and display program)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/ucview", "deps": ["GConf", "aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gstreamer0", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libtheora", "libucil", "libunicap", "libunicapgtk", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "UCView is a video capture and display program based on the Unicap imaging library. It allows high performance live video display, by using XVideo hardware acceleration where possible. It supports a broad range of video capture devices via the Unicap library. It allows audio and video recording and encoding, by using the free Ogg Vorbis and Theora high performance codecs. It can also be extended via plugins. Homepage: https://github.com/unicap", "path": "./salix/multimedia/ucview-20150221-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "1.18.5", "name": "gst-plugins-bad-nonfree", "descs": "gst-plugins-bad-nonfree (encumbered set of GStreamer plugins)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gst-plugins-bad-nonfree", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "chromaprint", "elfutils", "faac", "faad2", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcc", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libass", "libdc1394", "libdca", "libdrm", "libfdk-aac", "libglvnd", "libgme", "libkate", "libmms", "libmodplug", "libofa", "libogg", "libraw1394", "librsvg", "libtheora", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mjpegtools", "musepack-tools", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", "opus", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "speex", "util-linux", "x265", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. Since gst-plugins-bad-free is part of Slackware, this package only includes the plugins that are not already in gst-plugins-bad-free.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gst-plugins-bad-nonfree-1.18.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "0.1.7", "name": "iat", "descs": "iat (iso9660 analyzer tool)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/iat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "IAT (Iso9660 Analyzer Tool) is a tool for detecting the structure of many types of CD/DVD images and is part of iGnus Project. With Iso9660 Analyzer Tool you can: * Create Cuesheet file from image CD/DVD * Create TOC file from image CD/DVD * Convert image CD/DVD to ISO9660 * Debug image", "path": "./salix/multimedia/iat-0.1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "bdtools", "descs": "bdtools (Blu-ray disc utilities)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/bdtools", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Blu-ray disc utilities. Homepage: https://github.com/koying/bdtools", "path": "./salix/multimedia/bdtools-1.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "cfourcc", "descs": "cfourcc (FourCC code tool)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/cfourcc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Identifies the codec used in AVI files (*.avi) and allow the user to change the FourCC description code (like fourcc-changer in Windows). Useful for people working with Microsoft AVI file. A Linux clone of AviC fourcc changer tool.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/cfourcc-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "fdkaac", "descs": "fdkaac (a command line encoder frontend for libfdk-aac)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/fdkaac", "deps": ["libfdk-aac"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "fdkaac is commandline front end for libfdk-aac which currently allows creation of the best aac sound from a native Linux library. https://github.com/nu774/fdkaac", "path": "./salix/multimedia/fdkaac-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "13036 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "cantata", "descs": "cantata (MPD client)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/cantata", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcddb", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libmtp", "libmusicbrainz", "libogg", "libproxy", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mpg123", "neon", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3259 K", "descl": "Cantata is a feature-rich graphical client for MPD.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/cantata-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "10024 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "genpuid", "descs": "genpuid (generates PUID's)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/genpuid", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2506 K", "descl": "GenPUID is a MusicIP (now known as AmpliFIND Music Services) proprietary closed source command line utility for performing music analysis and audio fingerprinting of music files. GenPUID runs under Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. If MusicBrainz Picard can not find a PUID for a file, it may need to be run through GenPUID to be analyzed first.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/genpuid-1.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "3.5", "name": "dvgrab", "descs": "dvgrab (DV video and audio data via IEEE1394 links)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/dvgrab", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], "libavc1394", "libdv", "libiec61883", "libquicktime", "libraw1394", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "dvgrab is a program that captures DV video and audio data from digital camcorders via an IEEE1394 link (IEEE1394 is also known under the various trademarks FireWire, i.Link, or Lynx). The DV data is stored in one or several files and can later be processed by video editing soft- ware. dvgrab can remote control the camcorder but it does not show the video's content on screen. https://web.archive.org/web/20171215152504/http://www.kinodv.org/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/dvgrab-3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "1.0pre7", "name": "vobsub2srt", "descs": "vobsub2srt (convert VOBSUB subtitles to SRT)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vobsub2srt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "giflib", "leptonica", "libarchive", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lz4", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "tesseract", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Converts VobSub subtitles (.idx/.srt format) into .srt subtitles homepage: https://github.com/ruediger/VobSub2SRT", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vobsub2srt-1.0pre7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.0.15", "name": "ccxstream", "descs": "ccxstream (Streaming media server for XBMC)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/ccxstream", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "ccXStream streams media to XBMC via the XBMSP. This is a package implementing a xbmsp streaming protocol server and a (test) client.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/ccxstream-1.0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "16420 K", "ver": "21.3.5", "name": "intel-media-sdk", "descs": "intel-media-sdk (Intel(R) Media SDK)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/intel-media-sdk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libva"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4105 K", "descl": "Intel(R) Media SDK provides a plain C API to access hardware-accelerated video decode, encode and filtering on Intel(R) Gen graphics hardware platforms. Implementation written in C++ 11 with parts in C-for-Media (CM).", "path": "./salix/multimedia/intel-media-sdk-21.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1312 K", "ver": "1.0.8", "name": "gnome-mplayer", "descs": "gnome-mplayer (GTK2/GTK3 MPlayer frontend)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/gnome-mplayer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gmtk", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libgpod", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libnotify", "libogg", "libplist", "libsndfile", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "328 K", "descl": "A GTK2/GTK3 interface to MPlayer. Homepage: http://sites.google.com/site/kdekorte2/gnomemplayer", "path": "./salix/multimedia/gnome-mplayer-1.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "21.09", "name": "mediainfo", "descs": "mediainfo (supplies information about a video or audio file)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mediainfo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "graphviz", "libunistring", "libzen", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "libmediainfo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "MediaInfo supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file. Homepage: https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mediainfo-21.09-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "2344 K", "ver": "1.7.2", "name": "droidcam", "descs": "droidcam (Use your phone as a webcam!)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/droidcam", "deps": ["android-tools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "586 K", "descl": "DroidCam turns your phone/tablet into a webcam for your PC. Use it with chat programs like Zoom, MS Teams, and Skype. The app works with a PC Client component that installs the webcam drivers, and connects the computer to your mobile. https://www.dev47apps.com/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/droidcam-1.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "whistle", "descs": "whistle (ncurses audio player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/whistle", "deps": ["perl-Curses-UI", "perl-Audio-FLAC-Header", "perl-IPC-Run", "perl-IPC-System-Simple", "perl-MP3-Info", "perl-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl", "perl-extutils-depends", "perl-extutils-pkgconfig", "perl-file-mimeinfo", "libwww-perl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "whistle is a minimalistic audio player with mplayer backend homepage: https://github.com/ap0calypse/whistle/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/whistle-0.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "tabu_audio_player", "descs": "tabu_audio_player (gstreamer audio player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/tabu_audio_player", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gstreamer0", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Simple gstreamer audio player with client-side decorations and playback controls drawn with cairo. Homepage: https://github.com/kalmbach/tabu_audio_player", "path": "./salix/multimedia/tabu_audio_player-2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1624 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "SimpleSysexxer", "descs": "SimpleSysexxer (a MIDI device memory backup tool)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/SimpleSysexxer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "406 K", "descl": "Simple Sysexxer is a GUI tool to create backups of the memory contents from MIDI devices.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/SimpleSysexxer-0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "videocut", "descs": "videocut (capture screenshots from video files)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/videocut", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "xine-lib", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "VideoCut is an open source desktop application specially created for capturing screenshots from video files. It is using xine-lib.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/videocut-0.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "800 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "jlscp", "descs": "jlscp (Java Linux Sampler Control Protocol)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/jlscp", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8", "linuxsampler"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "200 K", "descl": "This library provides client API for retrieving information and configuring a running LinuxSampler instance. Particularly useful for the jSampler frontend to Linux Sampler. For more information about LinuxSampler visit linuxsampler.org Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jlscp/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/jlscp-0.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "podcastparser", "descs": "podcastparser (Python RSS feed parser)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/podcastparser", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "podcastparser is a podcast parser written in Python. Homepage: http://gpodder.org/podcastparser/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/podcastparser-0.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1532 K", "ver": "23", "name": "vapoursynth-mvtools", "descs": "vapoursynth-mvtools (motion estimation vapoursynth plugin)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vapoursynth-mvtools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "fftw", "vapoursynth"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "383 K", "descl": "MVTools is a set of filters for motion estimation and compensation. Homepage: https://github.com/dubhater/vapoursynth-mvtools", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vapoursynth-mvtools-23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.30", "name": "ffmpeg2theora", "descs": "ffmpeg2theora (simple command line video transcoder)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/ffmpeg2theora", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libkate", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "ffmpeg2theora is a simple command line video transcoder to convert files to Ogg Theora using ffmpeg. Home Page http://v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/ffmpeg2theora-0.30-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "6972 K", "ver": "22.03.19", "name": "QMPlay2", "descs": "QMPlay2 (video/audio player)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/QMPlay2", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcc", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libass", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcddb", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgme", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1743 K", "descl": "QMPlay2 is a video and audio player. It can play all formats supported by FFmpeg, libmodplug (including J2B and SFX). It also supports Audio CD, raw files, Rayman 2 music and chiptunes. It contains YouTube and Prostopleer browser. Home page: https://github.com/zaps166/QMPlay2", "path": "./salix/multimedia/QMPlay2-22.03.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "ivtv-utils", "descs": "ivtv-utils (Userspace utilities for Hauppauge PVR cards)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/ivtv-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "Userspace utilities and firmware for Hauppauge PVR cards. Note that the project homepage no longer exists. http://debian.mirror.neology.co.za/debian/pool/contrib/i/ivtv-utils/ http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/ivtv-firmware/ Requires v4l-utils if you did not do a full Slackware installation.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/ivtv-utils-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "flvtool2", "descs": "flvtool2 (manipulation tool for flv files)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/flvtool2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "FLVTool2 is a manipulation tool for Macromedia Flash Video files (FLV). It can calculate a lot of meta data, insert an onMetaData tag, cut FLV files, add cue points (onCuePoint), show the FLV structure and print meta data information in XML or YAML. Homepage: https://rubygems.org/gems/flvtool2/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/flvtool2-1.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "1428 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "wxcam", "descs": "wxcam (webcam application for linux)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/wxcam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mjpegtools", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "xvidcore", "zlib", "CImg"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "357 K", "descl": "wxCam is a webcam application for linux. It supports video recording (in an avi uncompressed and Xvid format), snapshot taking, and some special commands for philips webcams, so you can also use the program for astronomy purposes. It supports both video4linux 1 and 2 drivers, so it should work on a very large number of devices. Homepage: http://wxcam.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/wxcam-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "4460 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "ctl", "descs": "ctl (colour transform language and ctlrender application)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/ctl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aces_container", "libwebp", "openexr", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1115 K", "descl": "CTL is a colour transform language to aid in colour space conversion provided by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). This package also provides 'ctlrender', a colour transformation application for the shell. https://github.com/ampas/CTL", "path": "./salix/multimedia/ctl-1.5.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "8692 K", "ver": "0.9.7", "name": "telepathy-qt", "descs": "telepathy-qt (Library for Qt-based Telepathy clients)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/telepathy-qt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "glib2", "gstreamer", "qt4", "telepathy-farstream", "telepathy-glib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2173 K", "descl": "This is a library for Qt-based Telepathy clients. Home: https://telepathy.freedesktop.org/doc/telepathy-qt/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/telepathy-qt-0.9.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "424 K", "ver": "0.34", "name": "DivFix++", "descs": "DivFix++ (CLI 'DivFix' clone)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/DivFix++", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "106 K", "descl": "This program repairs broken AVI file streams by rebuilding the index part of the file. This is very useful when trying to preview movies which have no index part, like files that are partially downloaded from ed2k (eMule) or bittorent networks. DivFix++ is specially desigmed for previewing video download files from P2P networks before they have finished downloading. Homepage: http://divfixpp.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/multimedia/DivFix++-0.34-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "vobcopy", "descs": "vobcopy (decrypts and copies the dvd vob files)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vobcopy", "deps": ["libdvdread"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "vobcopy decrypts and copies the dvd vob files to your local hard drive. It uses libdvdread and libdvdcss (for decryption) Home page http://www.vobcopy.org", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vobcopy-1.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "6632 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "vokoscreenNG", "descs": "vokoscreenNG (screencast creator)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/vokoscreenNG", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "flac", "gstreamer", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1658 K", "descl": "vokoscreenNG is an easy to use screencast creator to record educational videos, live recordings of browser, installation, videoconferences, etc. http://linuxecke.volkoh.de/vokoscreen/vokoscreen.html", "path": "./salix/multimedia/vokoscreenNG-3.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "224084 K", "ver": "2.6.1", "name": "openshot", "descs": "openshot (open-source video editor)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/openshot", "deps": ["python3-pyzmq", "libopenshot", "httplib2", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56021 K", "descl": "OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor. It can create and edit videos and movies using many popular video, audio, and image formats. homepage: http://www.openshot.org", "path": "./salix/multimedia/openshot-2.6.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "20141122", "name": "w_scan", "descs": "w_scan (DVB and ATSC channel scanner)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/w_scan", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "w_scan is a command line utility which performs frequency scans of DVB and ATSC transmissions; it provides several output formats to be used as channels configuration files for multimedia applications such as MPlayer, VLC, Xine, etc. Homepage: http://wirbel.htpc-forum.de/w_scan/index2.html", "path": "./salix/multimedia/w_scan-20141122-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "kaffeine-mozilla", "descs": "kaffeine-mozilla (browser plugin)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/kaffeine-mozilla", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux", "kaffeine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The kaffeine-mozilla plugin is a browser plugin that lanches kaffeine for supported media types. This mozilla plugin launches kaffeine, the xine-based media player for KDE, when a page containing a supported media format is loaded.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/kaffeine-mozilla-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "multimedia", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.91", "name": "mp3fs", "descs": "mp3fs (mount dir with flac as mountpoint, presented as mp3)", "source": "source/salix/multimedia/mp3fs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "flac", "lame", "libid3tag", "libogg", "zlib", "libvorbisidec"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "mp3fs is a read-only FUSE filesystem which transcodes between audio formats (currently FLAC to MP3) on the fly when files are opened and read. It can let you use a FLAC collection with software and/or hardware which only understands the MP3 format, or transcode files through simple drag-and-drop in a file browser.", "path": "./salix/multimedia/mp3fs-0.91-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.430", "name": "perl-List-MoreUtils-XS", "descs": "perl-List-MoreUtils-XS (Perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-List-MoreUtils-XS", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "List::MoreUtils::XS is a backend for List::MoreUtils", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-List-MoreUtils-XS-0.430-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "1.017", "name": "perl-PAR", "descs": "perl-PAR (Perl Archive Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-PAR", "deps": ["perl-PAR-Dist", "perl-Archive-Zip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "This module lets you use special zip files, called Perl Archives, as libraries from which Perl modules can be loaded. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/PAR", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-PAR-1.017-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "796 K", "ver": "0.04", "name": "perl-Encode-JISX0213", "descs": "perl-Encode-JISX0213 (JIS X 0213 encodings for perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Encode-JISX0213", "deps": ["perl-Encode-ISO2022"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "199 K", "descl": "This perl package provides following modules: Encode::JISX0213 JIS X 0213 encodings Encode::JISX0213::CCS JIS X 0213 coded character sets Encode::ShiftJIS2004 shift_jis-2004 - JIS X 0213 Annex 1 encoding Module Encode::JISX0213 is an optional dependency of of perl-MIME-Charset.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Encode-JISX0213-0.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.25", "name": "perl-Sys-Syscall", "descs": "perl-Sys-Syscall (perl System Call access)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sys-Syscall", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Sys::Syscall gives access to system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide. This module is required by Danga::Socket", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sys-Syscall-0.25-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.003", "name": "perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable", "descs": "perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.003-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.52", "name": "perl-Mail-DKIM", "descs": "perl-Mail-DKIM (Mail::DKIM)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mail-DKIM", "deps": ["perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA", "perl-MailTools", "perl-net-dns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "perl-Mail-DKIM - Signs/verifies Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Mail-DKIM", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mail-DKIM-0.52-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.30", "name": "perl-Params-ValidationCompiler", "descs": "perl-Params-ValidationCompiler (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Params-ValidationCompiler", "deps": ["perl-Exception-Class", "perl-Eval-Closure"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.30-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.01", "name": "perl-Test-utf8", "descs": "perl-Test-utf8 (useful tests for dealing with UTF-8 strings)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-utf8", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "The Test-utf8 perl distribution contains a collection of tests useful for dealing with UTF-8 strings in perl.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-utf8-1.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA", "descs": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA (Perl extension for OpenSSL ECDSA)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module provides an interface to the ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) functions in OpenSSL. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::OpenSSL::ECDSA", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA-0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.37", "name": "perl-Test-Most", "descs": "perl-Test-Most (Perl module with test functions and features)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Most", "deps": ["perl-Exception-Class", "perl-Test-Deep", "perl-Test-Differences", "perl-Test-Exception", "perl-test-warn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Most commonly needed test functions and features. This module provides you with the most commonly used testing functions and gives you a bit more fine-grained control over your test suite.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Most-0.37-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "1.01", "name": "perl-XML-Filter-BufferText", "descs": "perl-XML-Filter-BufferText (all characters()", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-Filter-BufferText", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Filter to put all characters() in one event. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/RBERJON/XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.55", "name": "perl-Class-ReturnValue", "descs": "perl-Class-ReturnValue (a return-value object)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-ReturnValue", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install", "perl-Devel-StackTrace"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This returns an object that can be treated as a boolean, array, or object. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/JESSE/Class-ReturnValue-0.55", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-ReturnValue-0.55-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.17", "name": "perl-Test-MockTime", "descs": "perl-Test-MockTime (Replaces actual time with simulated time)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-MockTime", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "This module was created to enable test suites to test code at specific points in time. Specifically it overrides local_time, gmtime, and time at compile time. It then relies on the user supplying a mock time via set relative_time, set absolute_time, or set fixed_time to alter future calls to gmtime, time, or localtime. https://metacpan.org/release/Test-MockTime", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-MockTime-0.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.02", "name": "perl-Data-IEEE754", "descs": "perl-Data-IEEE754 (Support for IEEE754 floats)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Data-IEEE754", "deps": ["perl-Test-Bits"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This module provides Perl availability to work with IEEE754 floats and doubles. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::IEEE754", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Data-IEEE754-0.02-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.07", "name": "perl-net-mpd", "descs": "perl-net-mpd (perl Module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-net-mpd", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Net::MPD is designed as a lightweight replacment for Audio::MPD which depends on Moose and is no longer maintained", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-net-mpd-0.07-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "6.02", "name": "perl-lwp-mediatypes", "descs": "perl-lwp-mediatypes (guess media type for file/URL)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-lwp-mediatypes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This perl module provides functions for handling media (also known as MIME) types and encodings. The mapping from file extensions to media types is defined by the media.types file. https://metacpan.org/release/LWP-MediaTypes", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-lwp-mediatypes-6.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "perl-Data-Random", "descs": "perl-Data-Random (Perl module to generate random data)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Data-Random", "deps": ["perl-Date-Calc", "perl-GD", "perl-YAML-Tiny", "perl-Test-Pod", "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage", "perl-File-ShareDir-Install", "perl-Test-MockTime"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "A module used to generate random data. Useful mostly for test programs. https://metacpan.org/release/Data-Random", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Data-Random-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "9124 K", "ver": "2.546", "name": "perl-SDL", "descs": "perl-SDL (Simple DirectMedia Library Bindings for Perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-SDL", "deps": ["SDL_Pango", "SDL_gfx", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-Alien-SDL", "perl-Tie-Simple", "perl-Test-Most"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2281 K", "descl": "perl-SDL is glue (bindings) between SDL and Perl. Homepage: http://sdl.perl.org/", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-SDL-2.546-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "2.17", "name": "perl-Switch", "descs": "perl-Switch (Switch perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Switch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Switch implements a generalized case mechanism that covers most of the numerous possible combinations of switch and case values. homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Switch", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Switch-2.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "3356 K", "ver": "8.11", "name": "perl-Mojolicious", "descs": "perl-Mojolicious (next-generation web framework for Perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mojolicious", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "839 K", "descl": "Back in the early days of the web, many people learned Perl because of a wonderful Perl library called CGI. It was simple enough to get started without knowing much about the language and powerful enough to keep you going, learning by doing was much fun. While most of the techniques used are outdated now, the idea behind it is not. Mojolicious is a new endeavor to implement this idea using bleeding edge technologies. Homepage: https://mojolicious.org/", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mojolicious-8.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.01", "name": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC", "descs": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC (OpenSSL EC extension)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Perl extension for OpenSSL EC (Elliptic Curves) library. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::OpenSSL::EC", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC-1.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.28", "name": "perl-Try-Tiny", "descs": "perl-Try-Tiny (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Try-Tiny", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Try-Tiny-0.28-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.26", "name": "perl-Config-Find", "descs": "perl-Config-Find (Find configuration files in the native OS fashion)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Config-Find", "deps": ["perl-File-HomeDir"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "Every OS has different rules for configuration files placement, this module allows to easily find and create your app configuration files following those rules.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Config-Find-0.26-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-List-UtilsBy", "descs": "perl-List-UtilsBy (High level list methods)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-List-UtilsBy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This module provides another utilities missing in List::Util Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/List::UtilsBy", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-List-UtilsBy-0.11-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1572 K", "ver": "0.73", "name": "perl-Math-Prime-Util", "descs": "perl-Math-Prime-Util (Utilities related to prime numbers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Prime-Util", "deps": ["perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "393 K", "descl": "Math::Prime::Util - Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring. https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Prime::Util", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Prime-Util-0.73-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.012", "name": "perl-file-slurper", "descs": "perl-file-slurper (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-file-slurper", "deps": ["perl-Test-Warnings"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "A simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-file-slurper-0.012-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.07", "name": "perl-data-section-simple", "descs": "perl-data-section-simple (extracts data from __DATA__ section)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-data-section-simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Data::Section::Simple is a simple module to extract data from the '__DATA__' section of a file.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-data-section-simple-0.07-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "perl-Locale-Msgfmt", "descs": "perl-Locale-Msgfmt (Compile .po files to .mo files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Locale-Msgfmt", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Locale::Msgfmt is a pure Perl reimplementation of msgfmt from GNU gettext-tools. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Locale::Msgfmt", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Locale-Msgfmt-0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.049", "name": "perl-Glib-Object-Introspection", "descs": "perl-Glib-Object-Introspection (create Perl language bindings)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Glib-Object-Introspection", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-glib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "Dynamically create Perl language bindings Home page: https://metacpan.org/release/Glib-Object-Introspection", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Glib-Object-Introspection-0.049-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.006", "name": "perl-File-HomeDir", "descs": "perl-File-HomeDir (Find your home and other directories)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-HomeDir", "deps": ["perl-File-Which"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "File::HomeDir is a module for locating the directories that are 'owned' by a user (typicaly your user) and to solve the various issues that arise trying to find them consistently across a wide variety of platforms. The end result is a single API that can find your resources on any platform, making it relatively trivial to create Perl software that works elegantly and correctly no matter where you run it.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-HomeDir-1.006-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "6.09", "name": "perl-net-http", "descs": "perl-net-http (Low-level HTTP connection client)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-net-http", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "The Net::HTTP class is a low-level HTTP client. An instance of the Net::HTTP class represents a connection to an HTTP server. The HTTP protocol is described in RFC 2616. The Net::HTTP class supports HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-net-http-6.09-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks", "descs": "perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks (HTML to text with links as footnotes)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks", "deps": ["perl-HTML-Tree", "perl-HTML-Formatter"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "HTML::FormatText::WithLinks takes HTML and turns it into plain text but prints all the links in the HTML as footnotes. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::FormatText::WithLinks", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.001002", "name": "perl-Test-File-ShareDir-Dist", "descs": "perl-Test-File-ShareDir-Dist (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-File-ShareDir-Dist", "deps": ["perl-File-ShareDir", "perl-File-Copy-Recursive", "perl-Scope-Guard", "perl-Test-Fatal", "perl-Class-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Simplified dist oriented ShareDir tester", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-File-ShareDir-Dist-1.001002-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.999.1", "name": "perl-Mail-SPF-Query", "descs": "perl-Mail-SPF-Query (query Sender Policy Framework)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mail-SPF-Query", "deps": ["perl-net-dns", "perl-Net-CIDR-Lite", "perl-Sys-Hostname-Long"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "The SPF protocol relies on sender domains to describe their designated outbound mailers in DNS. Given an email address Mail::SPF::Query determines the legitimacy of an SMTP client IP address. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/JMEHNLE/Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "perl-Sub-Identify", "descs": "perl-Sub-Identify (Retrieve names of code references)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sub-Identify", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Sub::Identify allows you to retrieve the real name of code references. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Sub::Identify", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sub-Identify-0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1200 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "perl-Font-TTF", "descs": "perl-Font-TTF (Perl module for TrueType Font hacking)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Font-TTF", "deps": ["perl-IO-String"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "300 K", "descl": "This module allows you to do almost anything to a TrueType/OpenType Font including modify and inspect nearly all tables. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Font::TTF", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Font-TTF-1.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.24", "name": "perl-MP3-Info", "descs": "perl-MP3-Info (Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MP3-Info", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "This is MP3::Info, for getting info out of and into MP3 files. https://metacpan.org/release/DANIEL/MP3-Info-1.24", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MP3-Info-1.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "7936 K", "ver": "804.036", "name": "perl-tk", "descs": "perl-tk (Tk graphical interface for Perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-tk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1984 K", "descl": "Perl/Tk is an extension for writing Perl programs with a GUI. Tk was originally developed as an extension to the Tcl language for use with the X Window System on Unix. With its port to perl, Tk gives Perl programmers the same control over the graphical desktop that Tcl programmers have taken for granted.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-tk-804.036-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "3.030", "name": "perl-MIME-Lite", "descs": "perl-MIME-Lite (low-calorie MIME generator)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MIME-Lite", "deps": ["perl-Email-Date-Format"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MIME-Lite-3.030-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1224 K", "ver": "20130922", "name": "perl-Tidy", "descs": "perl-Tidy (Parses and beutifies perl source)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Tidy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "306 K", "descl": "Perltidy is a tool to indent and reformat perl scripts. It can also write scripts in html format. Project URL: https://metacpan.org/release/SHANCOCK/Perl-Tidy-20130922", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Tidy-20130922-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.12", "name": "perl-Devel-Trace", "descs": "perl-Devel-Trace (Print out each line before it is executed)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Devel-Trace", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "If you run your program with perl -d:Trace program, this module will print a message to standard error just before each line is executed. This is something like the shell's -x option. HOMEPAGE: https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Trace", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Devel-Trace-0.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "6.02", "name": "perl-www-robotrules", "descs": "perl-www-robotrules (DB of robots.txt-derived perms)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-www-robotrules", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This perl module parses /robots.txt files as specified in 'A Standard for Robot Exclusion'. Webmasters can use the /robots.txt file to forbid conforming robots from accessing parts of their web site https://metacpan.org/release/WWW-RobotRules", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-www-robotrules-6.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.27", "name": "perl-Data-Validate-IP", "descs": "perl-Data-Validate-IP (IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Data-Validate-IP", "deps": ["perl-NetAddr-IP", "perl-Test-Requires"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This module provides validation methods for IP address formats. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::Validate::IP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Data-Validate-IP-0.27-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "perl-Net-IPv6Addr", "descs": "perl-Net-IPv6Addr (check validity of IPv6 addresses)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-IPv6Addr", "deps": ["perl-Net-IPv4Addr", "perl-Math-Base85"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Net::IPv6Addr checks strings for valid IPv6 addresses, as specified in RFC1884. You throw possible addresses at it, it either accepts them or throws an exception.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-IPv6Addr-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-Text-Glob", "descs": "perl-Text-Glob (Text::Glob perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Glob", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Text::Glob implements glob(3) style matching that can be used to match against text, rather than fetching names from a filesystem.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Glob-0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "408 K", "ver": "0.70", "name": "perl-Pegex", "descs": "perl-Pegex (Acmeist PEG Parser Framework)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Pegex", "deps": ["perl-File-ShareDir-Install", "perl-YAML-LibYAML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "102 K", "descl": "Pegex is an Acmeist parser framework. It allows you to easily create parsers that will work equivalently in lots of programming languages!", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Pegex-0.70-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.30", "name": "perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable", "descs": "perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable (Generate pronounceable passwords)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Generate pronouncable passwords.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable-0.30-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.001", "name": "perl-IO-HTML", "descs": "perl-IO-HTML (Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-HTML", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "IO::HTML provides an easy way to open a file containing HTML while automatically determining its encoding. It uses the HTML5 encoding sniffing algorithm specified in section of the draft standard.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-HTML-1.001-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "0.18", "name": "perl-Net-Pcap", "descs": "perl-Net-Pcap (Interface to pcap(3)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Pcap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "perl-IO-Interface"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "The Net::Pcap module is a Perl binding to the LBL pcap(3) packet capture library.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Pcap-0.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.32", "name": "perl-IO-Socket-Timeout", "descs": "perl-IO-Socket-Timeout (IO::Socket::Timeout)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-Socket-Timeout", "deps": ["perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "IO::Socket with read/write timeout https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Socket::Timeout", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-Socket-Timeout-0.32-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.110", "name": "perl-Data-OptList", "descs": "perl-Data-OptList (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Data-OptList", "deps": ["perl-Params-Util", "perl-Sub-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Data-OptList-0.110-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "perl-Test-LongString", "descs": "perl-Test-LongString (tests strings for equality)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-LongString", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/RGARCIA/Test-LongString-0.15", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-LongString-0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "0.425", "name": "perl-List-MoreUtils", "descs": "perl-List-MoreUtils (Adds missing functionality from List::Util)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-List-MoreUtils", "deps": ["perl-Exporter-Tiny", "perl-List-MoreUtils-XS"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Provides the missing functionality from List::Util (see 'SUGGESTED ADDITIONS' in its manpage).", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-List-MoreUtils-0.425-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "1.01", "name": "perl-Encode-Detect", "descs": "perl-Encode-Detect (Encode::Detect)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Encode-Detect", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "perl-Encode-Detect detects charset of the input data and detects it using the encoder of the detected charsets. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Encode-Detect", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Encode-Detect-1.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.35", "name": "perl-Test-SharedFork", "descs": "perl-Test-SharedFork (Test::SharedFork)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-SharedFork", "deps": ["perl-Test-Requires"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "perl module for testing process forks Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-SharedFork", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-SharedFork-0.35-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "6.4", "name": "perl-Date-Calc", "descs": "perl-Date-Calc (Date::Calc)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Date-Calc", "deps": ["perl-Bit-Vector"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "perl-Date-Calc provides Gregorian calendar date calculations. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Date-Calc", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Date-Calc-6.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.018", "name": "perl-Test-TempDir-Tiny", "descs": "perl-Test-TempDir-Tiny (temp dirs that stick around if tests fail)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-TempDir-Tiny", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "This module works with Test::More to create temporary directories that stick around if tests fail. It is loosely based on Test::TempDir, but with less complexity, greater portability and zero non-core dependencies.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-TempDir-Tiny-0.018-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.27", "name": "perl-Proc-PID-File", "descs": "perl-Proc-PID-File (a module to manage process id files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Proc-PID-File", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "The Proc::PID::File is useful for writers of daemons and other processes that need to tell whether they are already running, in order to prevent multiple process instances. The module accomplishes this via *nix-style pidfiles, which are files that store a process identifier. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Proc::PID::File", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Proc-PID-File-1.27-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "948 K", "ver": "0.51", "name": "perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP", "descs": "perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP (module for number theory in Perl using GMP)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "237 K", "descl": "Math::Prime::Util::GMP - Utilities related to prime numbers and factoring, using GMP. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Prime::Util::GMP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP-0.51-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "perl-Net-UPnP", "descs": "perl-Net-UPnP (Net-UPnP)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-UPnP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Perl extension for UPnP. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Net-UPnP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-UPnP-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.20140408", "name": "perl-Test-MockObject", "descs": "perl-Test-MockObject (extension for emulating troublesome interfaces)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-MockObject", "deps": ["perl-Test-Exception", "perl-test-warn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "Test::MockObject allows you to create objects that conform to particular interfaces with very little code. You don't have to reimplement the behavior, just the input and the output.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-MockObject-1.20140408-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.003002", "name": "perl-TryCatch", "descs": "perl-TryCatch (Try - Catch operators for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-TryCatch", "deps": ["perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope", "perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check", "perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr", "perl-Devel-Declare", "perl-Moose", "perl-MooseX-Types", "perl-namespace-clean", "perl-Parse-Method-Signatures", "perl-Scope-Upper", "perl-Sub-Exporter", "perl-Variable-Magic"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "This module aims to provide a nicer syntax and method to catch errors in Perl, similar to what is found in other languages (such as Java Python or C++). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/TryCatch", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-TryCatch-1.003002-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.45", "name": "perl-Clone", "descs": "perl-Clone (Recursively copy Perl datatypes)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Clone", "deps": ["perl-B-COW"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module provides a clone() method which makes recursive copies of nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied variables and objects. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Clone", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Clone-0.45-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "2.18", "name": "perl-Devel-Symdump", "descs": "perl-Devel-Symdump (Dump symbol names or the symbol table)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Devel-Symdump", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This little package serves to access the symbol table of perl.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Devel-Symdump-2.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "perl-IO-Socket-Multicast", "descs": "perl-IO-Socket-Multicast (Send and receive multicast messages)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-Socket-Multicast", "deps": ["perl-IO-Interface"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "The IO::Socket::Multicast module subclasses IO::Socket::INET to enable you to manipulate multicast groups. With this module (and an operating system that supports multicasting), you will be able to receive incoming multicast transmissions and generate your own outgoing multicast packets.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-Socket-Multicast-1.12-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "1.227", "name": "perl-pango", "descs": "perl-pango (Layout and render international text)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-pango", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-cairo", "perl-glib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "Perl bindings to the Pango library. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Pango", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-pango-1.227-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "2.19.3", "name": "perl-DBD-Pg", "descs": "perl-DBD-Pg (PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DBD-Pg", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "DBD::Pg is a Perl module that works with the DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases. https://metacpan.org/release/DBD-Pg", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DBD-Pg-2.19.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "2.000006", "name": "perl-strictures", "descs": "perl-strictures (Turn on strict and make all warnings fatal)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-strictures", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This module turn on strict and make all warnings fatal", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-strictures-2.000006-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "perl-MRO-Compat", "descs": "perl-MRO-Compat (mro::* interface compatibility)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MRO-Compat", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "The 'mro' namespace provides several utilities for dealing with method resolution order and method caching in general in Perl 5.9.5 and higher. This module provides those interfaces for earlier versions of Perl (back to 5.6.0 anyways). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/MRO::Compat", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MRO-Compat-0.13-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "1.99", "name": "perl-Text-CSV", "descs": "perl-Text-CSV (Perl Text::CSV module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-CSV", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "Text::CSV provides facilities for the composition and decomposition of comma-separated values using Text::CSV_XS or its pure Perl version.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-CSV-1.99-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "perl-Device-SerialPort", "descs": "perl-Device-SerialPort (Perl serial port access library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Device-SerialPort", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "Provides Linux/POSIX emulation of Win32::SerialPort functions.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Device-SerialPort-1.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.002005", "name": "perl-Import-Into", "descs": "perl-Import-Into (import packages into other packages)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Import-Into", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This module import packages into other packages.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Import-Into-1.002005-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.36", "name": "perl-test-warn", "descs": "perl-test-warn (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-test-warn", "deps": ["perl-Sub-Uplevel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Perl extension to test methods for warnings. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-Warn", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-test-warn-0.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "2.20", "name": "perl-ExtUtils-Install", "descs": "perl-ExtUtils-Install (install files from here to there)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-Install", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "ExtUtils::Install - Handles the installing and uninstalling of perl modules, scripts, man pages, etc... Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/ExtUtils::Install", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-Install-2.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.124", "name": "perl-Convert-BinHex", "descs": "perl-Convert-BinHex (Convert::BinHex)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Convert-BinHex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "perl-Convert-BinHex extracts data from Macintosh BinHex files Home Page: https://metacpan.org/release/Convert-BinHex", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Convert-BinHex-1.124-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.076", "name": "perl-http-tiny", "descs": "perl-http-tiny (small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-http-tiny", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "HTTP::Tiny is a very simple HTTP/1.1 client, designed for doing simple requests without the overhead of a large framework like LWP::UserAgent It is more correct and more complete than HTTP::Lite. It supports proxies and redirection. It also correctly resumes after EINTR. If IO::Socket::IP 0.25 or later is installed, HTTP::Tiny will use it instead of IO::Socket::INET for transparent support for both IPv4 and IPv6. Cookie support requires HTTP::CookieJar or an equivalent class.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-http-tiny-0.076-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.82", "name": "perl-FCGI", "descs": "perl-FCGI (Fast CGI module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-FCGI", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This is a Fast CGI module for perl. It's based on the FCGI module that comes with Open Market's FastCGI Developer's Kit, but does not require you to recompile perl. This package enables you to use CGI::Fast, a subclass of CGI, which already is a part of Slackware's Perl package.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-FCGI-0.82-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "perl-Text-Tabulate", "descs": "perl-Text-Tabulate (pretty text data tabulator)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Tabulate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This perl module takes an array of line text data, each line separated by some string matching a given regular expression, and returns a minimal width text table with each column aligned. https://metacpan.org/release/ARIF/Text-Tabulate-1.1.1", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Tabulate-1.1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.03", "name": "perl-IO-Stty", "descs": "perl-IO-Stty (perl module IO::Stty)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-Stty", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This is the PERL POSIX compliant stty. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Stty", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-Stty-0.03-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "892 K", "ver": "1.302067", "name": "perl-Test-Simple", "descs": "perl-Test-Simple (yet another framework for writing test scripts)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Simple", "deps": ["perl-Test-Harness"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "223 K", "descl": "This is an extremely simple, extremely basic module for writing tests suitable for CPAN modules and other pursuits. If you wish to do more complicated testing, use the Test::More module (a drop-in replacement for this one). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Simple", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Simple-1.302067-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "6.07", "name": "perl-html-form", "descs": "perl-html-form (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-html-form", "deps": ["perl-http-message"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Class that represents an HTML form element. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/HTML-Form", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-html-form-6.07-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "940 K", "ver": "4.25", "name": "perl-EV", "descs": "perl-EV (perl interface to libev)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-EV", "deps": ["perl-common-sense", "perl-Canary-Stability"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "235 K", "descl": "This module is very fast and scalable. It is actually so fast that you can use it through the AnyEvent module, stay portable to other event loops and still be faster than with any other event loop currently supported in Perl. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/EV", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-EV-4.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.05", "name": "perl-Gtk2-Unique", "descs": "perl-Gtk2-Unique (use single instance applications)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Gtk2-Unique", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunique", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Gtk2::Unique is a Perl binding for the C library libunique which provides a way for writing single instance application. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Gtk2-Unique", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Gtk2-Unique-0.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "8948 K", "ver": "1.70", "name": "perl-DBD-SQLite", "descs": "perl-DBD-SQLite (RDBMS perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DBD-SQLite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2237 K", "descl": "DBD::SQLite - Self-contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DBD-SQLite-1.70-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "4.02", "name": "perl-JSON", "descs": "perl-JSON (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-JSON", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "perl implementation of JSON encoder/decoder", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-JSON-4.02-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.24", "name": "perl-Class-Load", "descs": "perl-Class-Load (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Load", "deps": ["perl-Package-Stash", "perl-Module-Build-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "A working (require 'Class::Name') and more.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Load-0.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.26", "name": "perl-Sub-Name", "descs": "perl-Sub-Name (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sub-Name", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This module assigns a new name to referenced sub.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sub-Name-0.26-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "perl-File-Tail", "descs": "perl-File-Tail (Perl extension for reading continously updated files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Tail", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Perl-File-Tail is used for reading from continously updated files, such as reading and analysing log files while they are being written, which is especialy usefull if you are monitoring the logging process. https://metacpan.org/pod/release/MGRABNAR/File-Tail-0.99.3/Tail.pm", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Tail-1.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.80", "name": "perl-Inline", "descs": "perl-Inline (Perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Inline", "deps": ["perl-Parse-RecDescent", "perl-test-warn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "The Inline module allows you to put source code from other programming languages directly 'inline' in a Perl script or module. The code is automatically compiled as needed, and then loaded for immediate access from Perl. This also installs the sub-module perl-Inline-C. https://metacpan.org/release/SISYPHUS/Inline-0.53", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Inline-0.80-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.20", "name": "perl-File-Inplace", "descs": "perl-File-Inplace (Perl module for in-place editing of files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Inplace", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "File::Inplace is a perl module intended to ease the common task of editing a file in-place. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Inplace", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Inplace-0.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "perl-Unix-Syslog", "descs": "perl-Unix-Syslog (interface to the UNIX syslog calls)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Unix-Syslog", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Unix-Syslog", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Unix-Syslog-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.16", "name": "perl-extutils-pkgconfig", "descs": "perl-extutils-pkgconfig (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-extutils-pkgconfig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "ExtUtils::PkgConfig is a very simplistic interface to pkg-config, intended for use in the Makefile.PL of perl extensions which bind libraries that pkg-config knows. It is really just boilerplate code that you would've written yourself. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/ExtUtils::PkgConfig", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-extutils-pkgconfig-1.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "1.28", "name": "perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext", "descs": "perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext (Joins gettext and Maketext frameworks)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Locale::Maketext::Gettext joins the GNU gettext and Maketext frameworks. It is a subclass of Locale::Maketext(3) that follows the way GNU gettext works. It works seamlessly, both in the sense of GNU gettext and Maketext. As a result, you enjoy both their advantages, and get rid of both their problems, too. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Locale::Maketext::Gettext", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext-1.28-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "780 K", "ver": "5.506", "name": "perl-MIME-tools", "descs": "perl-MIME-tools (MIME::Tools)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MIME-tools", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install", "perl-Convert-BinHex", "perl-IO-stringy", "perl-MailTools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "195 K", "descl": "perl-MIME-tools is a collection of perl modules for parsing (and creating) MIME entities. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/MIME-tools", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MIME-tools-5.506-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "perl-Test-Number-Delta", "descs": "perl-Test-Number-Delta (Compare the difference between numbers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Number-Delta", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "At some point or another, most programmers find they need to compare floating-point numbers for equality. The typical idiom is to test if the absolute value of the difference of the numbers is within a desired tolerance, usually called epsilon. This module provides such a function for use with Test::Harness. Usage is similar to other test functions described in Test::More. https://metacpan.org/release/DAGOLDEN/Test-Number-Delta-1.03", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Number-Delta-1.06-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "3.75", "name": "perl-common-sense", "descs": "perl-common-sense (perl common defaults with lower memory usage)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-common-sense", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "common::sense module implements some sane defaults for Perl programs, as defined by two typical, (or not so typical - use your common sense) specimens of Perl coders. https://metacpan.org/pod/common::sense", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-common-sense-3.75-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "2.002004", "name": "perl-Role-Tiny", "descs": "perl-Role-Tiny (role composition tool)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Role-Tiny", "deps": ["perl-Test-Fatal"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This module provides minimalist role composition tool", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Role-Tiny-2.002004-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "20130104", "name": "perl-Test-PerlTidy", "descs": "perl-Test-PerlTidy (check that all your files are tidy)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-PerlTidy", "deps": ["perl-Tidy", "perl-File-Finder", "perl-File-Slurp", "perl-Text-Diff"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Runs perltidy on files and reports errors if any of the files differ after having been tidied. Does not permanently modify the files being tested. By default, perltidy will be run on files under the current directory and its subdirectories with extensions matching: .pm .pl .PL .t Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::PerlTidy", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-PerlTidy-20130104-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.07", "name": "perl-Params-Util", "descs": "perl-Params-Util (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Params-Util", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Params-Util-1.07-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.17", "name": "perl-Test-TCP", "descs": "perl-Test-TCP (Test::TCP)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-TCP", "deps": ["perl-Test-SharedFork"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "perl module to test tcp connections. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-TCP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-TCP-2.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.003", "name": "perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts", "descs": "perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts (Info on conflicts for Module::Runtime)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts", "deps": ["perl-Dist-CheckConflicts"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module provides conflicts checking for Module::Runtime, which had a recent release that broke some versions of Moose. It is called from Moose::Conflicts and moose-outdated. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Module::Runtime::Conflicts", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts-0.003-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "perl-String-ShellQuote", "descs": "perl-String-ShellQuote (String::ShellQuote)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-String-ShellQuote", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "quote strings for passing through the shell. Home Page https://metacpan.org/release/String-ShellQuote", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-String-ShellQuote-1.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "18356 K", "ver": "2022.04", "name": "rakudo", "descs": "rakudo (compiler for the Raku programming language)", "source": "source/salix/perl/rakudo", "deps": ["MoarVM", ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libuv", "nqp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4589 K", "descl": "Rakudo is an implementation of the Raku programming language. Homepage: https://rakudo.org/", "path": "./salix/perl/rakudo-2022.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.21", "name": "perl-Gtk3-SimpleList", "descs": "perl-Gtk3-SimpleList (interface to Gtk3's Widget)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Gtk3-SimpleList", "deps": ["perl-Gtk3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Gtk3 has a powerful, but complex MVC (Model, View, Controller) system used to implement list and tree widgets. Gtk3::SimpleList automates the complex setup work and allows you to treat the list model as a more natural list of lists structure.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Gtk3-SimpleList-0.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "1.109", "name": "perl-cairo", "descs": "perl-cairo (perl bindings for Cairo)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-cairo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pixman", "zlib", "perl-extutils-depends", "perl-extutils-pkgconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "Perl bindings to the Cairo graphics library. Home page: https://metacpan.org/release/Cairo", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-cairo-1.109-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.000000", "name": "perl-Exporter-Tiny", "descs": "perl-Exporter-Tiny (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Exporter-Tiny", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Exporter::Tiny - an exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Exporter-Tiny-1.000000-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.001", "name": "perl-Test-HexDifferences", "descs": "perl-Test-HexDifferences (Test binary as hexadecimal)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-HexDifferences", "deps": ["perl-Sub-Exporter", "perl-Test-Differences", "perl-Test-NoWarnings", "perl-Text-Diff"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module provides tests converting binary to hexadecimal strings Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test-HexDifferences", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-HexDifferences-1.001-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.61", "name": "perl-Sys-CPU", "descs": "perl-Sys-CPU (perl module for getting CPU information)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sys-CPU", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "In response to a post on perlmonks.org, a module for counting the number of CPU's on a system. Support has now also been added for type of CPU and clock speed. Currently only number of CPU's supported. Homepage: https://github.com/mzsanford/perl-sys-cpu", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sys-CPU-0.61-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "6.04", "name": "perl-file-listing", "descs": "perl-file-listing (parse directory listing)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-file-listing", "deps": ["perl-http-date"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "This perl module exports a single function called parse_dir(), which can be used to parse directory listings. https://metacpan.org/release/File-Listing", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-file-listing-6.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown", "descs": "perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown (Convert HTML to Markdown markup)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown", "deps": ["perl-html-tagset", "perl-HTML-WikiConverter", "perl-Params-Validate"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This module contains rules for converting HTML into Markdown markup. You should not use this module directly; HTML::WikiConverter is the entry point for html->wiki conversion. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "perl-List-AllUtils", "descs": "perl-List-AllUtils (All List utilities)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-List-AllUtils", "deps": ["perl-Scalar-List-Utils", "perl-List-SomeUtils", "perl-List-UtilsBy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "This module provides colection of List utilities from modules List::Util, List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/List-AllUtils", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-List-AllUtils-0.16-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.30", "name": "perl-cgi-minimal", "descs": "perl-cgi-minimal (a micro-weight alternative to the CGI.pm module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-cgi-minimal", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "Rather than attempt to address every possible need of a CGI programmer, it provides the _minimum_ functions needed for CGI such as form decoding (including file upload forms), URL encoding and decoding, HTTP usable date generation (RFC1123 compliant dates) and basic escaping and unescaping of HTMLized text. https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/CGI-Minimal/lib/CGI/Minimal.pod", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-cgi-minimal-1.30-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "2.28", "name": "perl-Compress-Bzip2", "descs": "perl-Compress-Bzip2 (Interface to Bzip2 compression library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Compress-Bzip2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "The Compress::Bzip2 module provides a Perl interface to the Bzip2 compression library. A relevant subset of the functionality provided by Bzip2 is available in Compress::Bzip2.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Compress-Bzip2-2.28-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.0405", "name": "perl-WebService-Gyazo-B", "descs": "perl-WebService-Gyazo-B (a Perl image upload library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-WebService-Gyazo-B", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build", "perl-Test-Pod", "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage", "perl-http-message", "perl-LWP-Protocol-https", "perl-LWP-Protocol-socks", "perl-URI-Simple"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "A Perl image upload library for gyazo.com https://metacpan.org/release/WebService-Gyazo-B", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-WebService-Gyazo-B-0.0405-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.2.4", "name": "perl-Lingua-Preferred", "descs": "perl-Lingua-Preferred (Pick a language based on user's preferences)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Lingua-Preferred", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Pick a language based on user's preferences. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/author/EDAVIS", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Lingua-Preferred-0.2.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction", "descs": "perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction (GlobalDestruction module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction", "deps": ["perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "This module provides function returning the equivalent of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'DESTRUCT' for older perls.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "perl-NetPacket", "descs": "perl-NetPacket (modules to assemble/disassemble network packets)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-NetPacket", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "NetPacket provides a base class for a cluster of modules related to decoding and encoding of network protocols. Each NetPacket descendent module knows how to encode and decode packets for the network protocol it implements.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-NetPacket-1.6.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-Time-Out", "descs": "perl-Time-Out (Time::Out)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Time-Out", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Provides perl module for easy timeout for long running operations. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Time-Out", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Time-Out-0.11-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.07", "name": "perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Humane", "descs": "perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Humane (Mojolicious integration for humane.js)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Humane", "deps": ["perl-Mojolicious", "perl-File-ShareDir", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Humane is a Mojolicious plugin allowing easy use of humane.js, a browser notification handler (http://wavded.github.com/humane-js/).", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Humane-0.07-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.37", "name": "perl-Path-Class", "descs": "perl-Path-Class (Cross-platform path specification manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Path-Class", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "Path::Class is a module for manipulation of file and directory specifications (strings describing their locations, like '/home/ken/foo.txt' or 'C:Windows\\Foo.txt') in a cross-platform manner. https://metacpan.org/pod/Path::Class", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Path-Class-0.37-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "952 K", "ver": "2.01", "name": "perl-DateTime-TimeZone", "descs": "perl-DateTime-TimeZone (Time zone object base class and factory)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DateTime-TimeZone", "deps": ["perl-Class-Load", "perl-Class-Singleton", "perl-Params-Validate", "perl-List-AllUtils"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "238 K", "descl": "DateTime::TimeZone - Time zone object base class and factory.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DateTime-TimeZone-2.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "692 K", "ver": "0.9609", "name": "perl-Curses-UI", "descs": "perl-Curses-UI (curses based user interface framework)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Curses-UI", "deps": ["perl-Curses", "perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "173 K", "descl": "A UI framework based on the curses library. Curses::UI contains several widgets which can be used to build a user interface. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Curses-UI", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Curses-UI-0.9609-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.048", "name": "perl-IPC-Run3", "descs": "perl-IPC-Run3 (run a subprocess with input/ouput redirection)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IPC-Run3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "IPC-Run3 module allows you to run a subprocess and redirect stdin, stdout, and/or stderr to files and perl data structures. It aims to satisfy 99% of the need for using system, qx, and open3 with a simple, extremely Perlish API and none of the bloat and rarely used features of IPC::Run.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IPC-Run3-0.048-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.03", "name": "perl-Regexp-IPv6", "descs": "perl-Regexp-IPv6 (Regular expression for IPv6 addresses)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Regexp-IPv6", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "https://metacpan.org/release/SALVA/Regexp-IPv6-0.03", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Regexp-IPv6-0.03-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "580 K", "ver": "4.19", "name": "perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS", "descs": "perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS (cPanel fork of JSON::XS)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "145 K", "descl": "This module converts Perl data structures to JSON and vice versa. Its primary goal is to be correct and its secondary goal is to be fast. To reach the latter goal it was written in C. As this is the n-th something JSON module on CPAN, what was the reason to write yet another JSON module? While it seems there are many JSON modules, none of them correctly handle all corner cases, and in most cases their maintainers are unresponsive, gone missing, or not listening to bug reports for other reasons.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "perl-Net-Write", "descs": "perl-Net-Write (to open and send raw data to network)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Write", "deps": ["perl-Class-Gomor", "perl-Net-Pcap", "perl-Socket6", "perl-Socket-GetAddrinfo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Net::Write provides a portable interface to open a network interface, and be able to write raw data directly to the network. It just provides three methods when a Net::Write object has been created for an interface: open, send, close.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Write-1.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.005", "name": "perl-Devel-OverloadInfo", "descs": "perl-Devel-OverloadInfo (Introspect overloaded operators)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Devel-OverloadInfo", "deps": ["perl-Sub-Identify", "perl-Test-Fatal", "perl-Package-Stash", "perl-MRO-Compat"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Devel::OverloadInfo returns information about overloaded operators for a given class (or object), including where in the inheritance hierarchy the overloads are declared and where the code implementing it is. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::OverloadInfo", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Devel-OverloadInfo-0.005-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "2.03", "name": "perl-Devel-StackTrace", "descs": "perl-Devel-StackTrace (An object representing a stack trace)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Devel-StackTrace", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "The Devel::StackTrace module contains two classes, Devel::StackTrace and Devel::StackTrace::Frame. The goal of this object is to encapsulate the information that can found through using the caller() function, as well as providing a simple interface to this data. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::StackTrace", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Devel-StackTrace-2.03-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "perl-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl", "descs": "perl-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl (interface to Ogg Vorbis information)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "An object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis information and comment fields, implemented entirely in Perl. Intended to be a drop in replacement for Ogg::Vorbis::Header. https://metacpan.org/release/DANIEL/Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl-1.0", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "2013.0523", "name": "perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap", "descs": "perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap (expand and unexpand tabs + line wrapping)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Text::Tabs does most of what the unix utilities expand(1) and unexpand(1) do. Text::Wrap::wrap() is a very simple paragraph formatter.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "2.20", "name": "perl-MailTools", "descs": "perl-MailTools (MailTools)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MailTools", "deps": ["perl-TimeDate"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "MailTools is a set of Perl modules related to mail applications. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/MailTools", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MailTools-2.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1524 K", "ver": "7.17", "name": "perl-AnyEvent", "descs": "perl-AnyEvent (the DBI of event loop programming)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-AnyEvent", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "381 K", "descl": "AnyEvent provides a uniform interface to various event loops. This allows module authors to use event loop functionality without forcing module users to use a specific event loop implementation (since more than one event loop cannot coexist peacefully).", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-AnyEvent-7.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.09", "name": "perl-file-basedir", "descs": "perl-file-basedir (Find directories and files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-file-basedir", "deps": ["perl-File-Which", "perl-Module-Build", "perl-IPC-System-Simple"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This module can be used to find directories and files as specified by the Freedesktop.org Base Directory Specification.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-file-basedir-0.09-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.21", "name": "perl-Net-CIDR-Lite", "descs": "perl-Net-CIDR-Lite (ext. for merging IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR addresses)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-CIDR-Lite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Faster alternative to Net::CIDR when merging a large number of CIDR address ranges. Works for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/DOUGW/Net-CIDR-Lite-0.21", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.21-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "1.000004", "name": "perl-Data-Printer", "descs": "perl-Data-Printer (Pretty Data::Dumper)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Data-Printer", "deps": ["perl-Clone-PP", "perl-File-HomeDir", "perl-Package-Stash", "perl-Sort-Naturally"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "This module provides Perl colored pretty-print ofdata structures and objects Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::Printer", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Data-Printer-1.000004-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "libpurple-kwallet-plugin", "descs": "libpurple-kwallet-plugin (pidgin kwallet plugin)", "source": "source/salix/perl/libpurple-kwallet-plugin", "deps": ["perl-net-dbus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "libpurple-kwallet-plugin is a perl plugin that encrypts pidgin passwords and saves them in kwallet. Website : http://bit.ly/2pp3jSs", "path": "./salix/perl/libpurple-kwallet-plugin-0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "perl-xml-parser-lite-tree", "descs": "perl-xml-parser-lite-tree (XML tree parser module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-xml-parser-lite-tree", "deps": ["perl-xml-parser-lite"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This is a singleton class for parsing XML into a tree structure. How does this differ from other XML tree generators? By using XML::Parser::Lite, which is a pure perl XML parser. Using this module you can tree-ify simple XML without having to compile any C.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-xml-parser-lite-tree-0.14-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.6010", "name": "perl-Math-BigInt-GMP", "descs": "perl-Math-BigInt-GMP (Use the GMP library for Math::BigInt routines)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-BigInt-GMP", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "perl-Math-MPC"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "perl-Math-BigInt-GMP provides support for big integer calculations by means of the GMP c-library. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::BigInt::GMP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-BigInt-GMP-1.6010-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "perl-HTML-HTMLDoc", "descs": "perl-HTML-HTMLDoc (HTML to PDF convertor)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-HTMLDoc", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build-Tiny", "htmldoc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This module provides Perl interface to the htmldoc program for producing PDF Files from HTML content. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::HTMLDoc", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-HTMLDoc-0.16-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "1.083", "name": "perl-gnome2-vfs", "descs": "perl-gnome2-vfs (interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-gnome2-vfs", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-glib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "Gnome2::VFS - Perl bindings for GNOME VFS library. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gnome2::VFS", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-gnome2-vfs-1.083-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.02", "name": "perl-Class-Gomor", "descs": "perl-Class-Gomor (another class and object builder)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Gomor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Class::Gomor is yet another class builder. This one adds parameter checking in new constructor, that is to check for attributes existence, and definedness.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Gomor-1.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.81", "name": "perl-DateTime-Format-Builder", "descs": "perl-DateTime-Format-Builder (Create DateTime parser classes/objects)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Format-Builder", "deps": ["perl-Class-Factory-Util", "perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime", "perl-Task-Weaken"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "DateTime::Format::Builder Create DateTime parser classes and objects.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Format-Builder-0.81-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.33", "name": "perl-Time-Piece", "descs": "perl-Time-Piece (Perl Time::Piece module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Time-Piece", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This module replaces the standard localtime and gmtime functions with implementations that return objects. It does so in a backwards compatible manner, so that using localtime/gmtime in the way documented in perlfunc will still return what you expect.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Time-Piece-1.33-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.32", "name": "perl-Class-Inspector", "descs": "perl-Class-Inspector (get information about a loaded class)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Inspector", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Class::Inspector allows you to get information about a loaded class. Most or all of this information can be found in other ways, but they aren't always very friendly, and usually involve a relatively high level of Perl wizardry, or strange and unusual looking code. Class::Inspector attempts to provide an easier, more friendly interface to this information. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/ADAMK/Class-Inspector-1.25", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Inspector-1.32-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "4.58", "name": "perl-Config-Simple", "descs": "perl-Config-Simple (simple configuration file class)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Config-Simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Config::Simple is a class representing configuration file object. It supports several configuration file syntax and tries to identify the file syntax automatically.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Config-Simple-4.58-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.08", "name": "perl-lwp-useragent-cached", "descs": "perl-lwp-useragent-cached (LWP::UserAgent caching mechanism)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-lwp-useragent-cached", "deps": ["libwww-perl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "LWP::UserAgent::Cached is yet another LWP::UserAgent subclass with cache support. It stores cache in the files on local filesystem and if response already available in the cache returns it instead of making HTTP request.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-lwp-useragent-cached-0.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.03", "name": "perl-Sort-Naturally", "descs": "perl-Sort-Naturally (sort lexically, but numeral parts numerically)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sort-Naturally", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This Perl module exports two functions, nsort and ncmp; they are used in implementing one idea of a 'natural sorting' algorithm. Under natural sorting, numeric substrings are compared numerically, and other word-characters are compared lexically.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sort-Naturally-1.03-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "perl-Unicode-UTF8simple", "descs": "perl-Unicode-UTF8simple (Conversions to UTF8 from charactersets)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Unicode-UTF8simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "Provides UTF-8 conversion for perl versions from 5.00 and up. It was mainly written for use with perl 5.00 to 5.6.0 because those perl versions do not support Unicode::MapUTF8 or Encode. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/GUS/Unicode-UTF8simple-1.06", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Unicode-UTF8simple-1.06-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.08", "name": "perl-Module-Manifest", "descs": "perl-Module-Manifest (Parse and examine a distribution MANIFEST file)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Module-Manifest", "deps": ["perl-Params-Util", "perl-Test-Exception", "perl-test-warn", "perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Module::Manifest is a simple utility module created originally for use in Module::Inspector. It can load a MANIFEST file that comes in a Perl distribution tarball, examine the contents, and perform some simple tasks. It can also load the MANIFEST.SKIP file and check that.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Module-Manifest-1.08-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "2.000024", "name": "perl-local-lib", "descs": "perl-local-lib (create and use a local lib/ for perl modules)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-local-lib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "This module provides a quick, convenient way of bootstrapping a user-local Perl module library located within the user's home directory. It also constructs and prints out for the user the list of environment variables using the syntax appropriate for the user's current shell, suitable for directly adding to one's shell configuration file.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-local-lib-2.000024-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.20", "name": "perl-Font-AFM", "descs": "perl-Font-AFM (interface to Adobe Font Metrics files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Font-AFM", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/release/GAAS/Font-AFM-1.20/AFM.pm", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Font-AFM-1.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.25", "name": "perl-File-Share", "descs": "perl-File-Share (perl module File::Share)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Share", "deps": ["perl-File-ShareDir"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module is a drop-in replacement for File::ShareDir. It supports the dist_dir and dist_file functions, except these functions have been enhanced to understand when the developer's local ./share/ directory should be used.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Share-0.25-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1184 K", "ver": "0.65", "name": "perl-Net-LDAP", "descs": "perl-Net-LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-LDAP", "deps": ["perl-Convert-ASN1", "perl-Text-Soundex", "perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "296 K", "descl": "A collection of modules that implements a LDAP services API for Perl programs. This module may be used to search directories or perform maintenance functions such as adding, deleting or modifying entries. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/MARSCHAP/perl-ldap-0.57", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-LDAP-0.65-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "4.50", "name": "perl-CGI-Application", "descs": "perl-CGI-Application (Framework for building web-applications)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-CGI-Application", "deps": ["perl-CGI", "perl-Class-ISA", "perl-HTML-Template"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "CGI::Application is intended to make it easier to create sophisticated, reusable web-based applications. This module implements a methodology which, if followed, will make your web software easier to design, easier to document, easier to write, and easier to evolve. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/CGI::Application", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-CGI-Application-4.50-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.51", "name": "perl-PAR-Dist", "descs": "perl-PAR-Dist (Create and manipulate PAR distributions)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-PAR-Dist", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This module creates and manipulates PAR distributions. They are architecture-specific of CPAN distributions after their make or Build stage, a META.yml describing metadata of the original CPAN distribution, and a MANIFEST detailing all files within it.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-PAR-Dist-0.51-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.33", "name": "perl-Crypt-CBC", "descs": "perl-Crypt-CBC (perl Cipher Block Chaining Mode cipher)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-CBC", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This module is a Perl-only implementaiton of the cryptographic cipher block chaining mode (CBC). In combination with a block cipher such as DES or IDEA, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily long length. The encrypted messages are compatible with the encryption format used by the OpenSSL package. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/LDS/Crypt-CBC-2.33", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-CBC-2.33-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "3.04", "name": "perl-Net-Telnet", "descs": "perl-Net-Telnet (interact with TELNET port or other TCP ports)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Telnet", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Net::Telnet allows you to make client connections to a TCP port and do network I/O, especially to a port using the TELNET protocol. Simple I/O methods such as print, get, and getline are provided. More sophisticated interactive features are provided because connecting to a TELNET port ultimately means communicating with a program designed for human interaction. These interactive features include the ability to specify a time-out and to wait for patterns to appear in the input stream, such as the prompt from a shell.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Telnet-3.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-I18N", "descs": "perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-I18N (I18n Plugin for Mojolicious)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-I18N", "deps": ["perl-Mojolicious", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N is an internationalization plugin for Mojolicious. It works with Mojolicious 4.0+.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-I18N-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "860 K", "ver": "1.22", "name": "perl-SOAP-Lite", "descs": "perl-SOAP-Lite (lightweight interface to SOAP)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-SOAP-Lite", "deps": ["libwww-perl", "perl-Class-Inspector", "perl-MIME-Lite", "perl-Task-Weaken", "perl-IO-SessionData", "Crypt-SSLeay"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "215 K", "descl": "SOAP::Lite is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and lightweight interface to the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) both on client and server side. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/MKUTTER/SOAP-Lite-1.07", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-SOAP-Lite-1.22-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "0.98", "name": "perl-Net-Libdnet", "descs": "perl-Net-Libdnet (binding for Dug Song's libdnet)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Libdnet", "deps": ["libdnet", "perl-Class-Gomor"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "Net::Libdnet provides a simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines, including network address manipulation, kernel arp cache and route table lookup and manipulation, network firewalling, network interface lookup and manipulation, network traffic interception via tunnel interfaces, and raw IP packet and Ethernet frame transmission. It is intended to complement the functionality provided by libpcap.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Libdnet-0.98-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.48", "name": "perl-Net-Daemon", "descs": "perl-Net-Daemon (perl extention for portable daemons)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Daemon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Net::Daemon is an abstract base class for implementing portable server applications in a very simple way. It offers methods for the most commons tasks a daemon needs. Website: https://metacpan.org/release/MNOONING/Net-Daemon-0.48", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Daemon-0.48-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.006", "name": "perl-Class-Mix", "descs": "perl-Class-Mix (Perl dynamic class mixing)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Mix", "deps": ["perl-Params-Classify"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "The mix_class function provided by this module dynamically generates `anonymous' classes with specified inheritance. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Mix", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Mix-0.006-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.400", "name": "perl-palm-pdb", "descs": "perl-palm-pdb (modules for PalmOS database files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-palm-pdb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "This distribution contains Palm::PDB and Palm::Raw, a pair of Perl 5 modules for reading, manipulating, and writing the .pdb and .prc database files used by PalmOS devices such as the PalmPilot and its successors.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-palm-pdb-1.400-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1256 K", "ver": "3.99", "name": "perl-Sidef", "descs": "perl-Sidef (A modern object-oriented programming language)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sidef", "deps": ["perl-data-dump", "perl-Module-Build", "perl-Math-MPC", "perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP", "perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics", "perl-Algorithm-Loops", "perl-Math-Prime-Util"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "314 K", "descl": "Sidef is a modern object-oriented programming language, implemented in Perl. Home page: https://github.com/trizen/sidef", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sidef-3.99-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.005", "name": "perl-Email-Date-Format", "descs": "perl-Email-Date-Format (produce RFC 2822 date strings)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Email-Date-Format", "deps": ["perl-Capture-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module provides a simple means for generating an RFC 2822 compliant datetime string.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Email-Date-Format-1.005-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.23", "name": "perl-file-libmagic", "descs": "perl-file-libmagic (determine MIME types of data/files with libmagic)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-file-libmagic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "file", "zlib", "perl-Capture-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "File::LibMagic is a simple perl interface to libmagic from the file package.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-file-libmagic-1.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.07", "name": "perl-Math-Round", "descs": "perl-Math-Round (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Round", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Perl extension for rounding numbers.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Round-0.07-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.000014", "name": "perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader", "descs": "perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader (MaxMind DB reader)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader", "deps": ["perl-Data-IEEE754", "perl-Data-Printer", "perl-Data-Validate-IP", "perl-DateTime", "perl-List-AllUtils", "perl-Math-BigInt", "perl-MaxMind-DB-Common", "perl-Module-Implementation", "perl-MooX-StrictConstructor", "perl-namespace-autoclean", "perl-Role-Tiny", "perl-Path-Class", "perl-Test-Number-Delta"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This module provides searching in MaxMind DB mmdb files. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/MaxMind-DB-Read", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-1.000014-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.92", "name": "perl-Filesys-Df", "descs": "perl-Filesys-Df (filesystem disk space information)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Filesys-Df", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module provides a way to obtain filesystem disk space information. This is a Unix only distribution. If you want to gather this information for Unix and Windows, use Filesys::DfPortable. The only major benefit of using Filesys::Df over Filesys::DfPortable, is that Filesys::Df supports the use of open filehandles as arguments. df() requires a argument that represents the filesystem you want to query. The argument can be either a scalar directory/file name or a open filehandle.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Filesys-Df-0.92-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.05", "name": "perl-gtk2-imageview", "descs": "perl-gtk2-imageview (Perl bindings to the GtkImageView)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-gtk2-imageview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkimageview", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Perl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer widget. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gtk2::ImageView", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-gtk2-imageview-0.05-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate", "descs": "perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate (go from cardinal number to ordinal)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Go from cardinal number (3) to ordinal ('3rd'). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/SBURKE/Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.02", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.86", "name": "perl-Archive-Extract", "descs": "perl-Archive-Extract (Generic archive extracting mechanism)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Archive-Extract", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Archive::Extract allows you to extract any archive file of the type .tar, .tar.gz, .gz, .Z, tar.bz2, .tbz, .bz2, .zip, .xz, .txz, .tar.xz or .lzma without having to worry how it does so, or use different interfaces for each type by using either Perl modules, or command-line tools on your system. For more info, visit: https://metacpan.org/release/Archive-Extract", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Archive-Extract-0.86-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "6340 K", "ver": "2022.04", "name": "MoarVM", "descs": "MoarVM (virtual machine for Rakudo and NQP)", "source": "source/salix/perl/MoarVM", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libuv", "libtommath"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1585 K", "descl": "MoarVM, short for 'Metamodel On A Runtime Virtual Machine', is a modern virtual machine built for the Rakudo compiler and the NQP compiler toolchain. Homepage: https://moarvm.org/", "path": "./salix/perl/MoarVM-2022.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "2.07", "name": "perl-Crypt-DES", "descs": "perl-Crypt-DES (DES encryption module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-DES", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module implements DES encryption Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/DPARIS/Crypt-DES-2.07", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-DES-2.07-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "4644 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "perl-Math-Decimal64", "descs": "perl-Math-Decimal64 (perl interface to C's _Decimal64 operations)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Decimal64", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1161 K", "descl": "perl interface to C's _Decimal64 operations. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Decimal64", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Decimal64-0.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.928", "name": "perl-Sub-Install", "descs": "perl-Sub-Install (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sub-Install", "deps": ["perl-Test-Pod", "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Install subroutines into packages easily.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sub-Install-0.928-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1220 K", "ver": "1.270", "name": "perl-PPI", "descs": "perl-PPI (Perl source processor for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-PPI", "deps": ["perl-Clone", "perl-IO-String", "perl-Params-Util", "perl-Task-Weaken", "perl-Test-Object", "perl-Class-Inspector", "perl-Test-SubCalls", "perl-Test-Deep"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "305 K", "descl": "This module is useful for the ability to read, and manipulate Perl (the language) programmatically other than with perl (the application). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/PPI", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-PPI-1.270-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "836 K", "ver": "0.19", "name": "perl-gstreamer", "descs": "perl-gstreamer (GStreamer Perl library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-gstreamer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gstreamer0", "libxml2", "zlib", "perl-glib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "209 K", "descl": "This module allows you to use the GStreamer library from Perl", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-gstreamer-0.19-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "1.25", "name": "perl-DateTime", "descs": "perl-DateTime (A date and time object)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DateTime", "deps": ["perl-DateTime-Locale", "perl-DateTime-TimeZone", "perl-Math-Round", "perl-Test-Exception", "perl-Test-Warnings", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "A date and time object.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DateTime-1.25-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.219", "name": "perl-Data-UUID", "descs": "perl-Data-UUID (extension for generating UUIDs)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Data-UUID", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This module provides a framework for generating v3 UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers, also known as GUIDS (Globally Unique Identifiers)). A UUID is 128 bits long, and is guaranteed to be different from all other UUIDs/GUIDs generated until 3400 CE. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/RJBS/Data-UUID-1.219", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Data-UUID-1.219-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.16", "name": "perl-TeX-Hyphen", "descs": "perl-TeX-Hyphen (hyphenate words using TeX's patterns)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-TeX-Hyphen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "TeX::Hyphen module uses TeX style hyphenation patterns to find places in words to hyphenate. You can use any hyphenation file you like, but it will use the built-in Plain TeX hyphenation tables if no file is supplied. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/TeX::Hyphen", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-TeX-Hyphen-1.16-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.23", "name": "perl-Tie-IxHash", "descs": "perl-Tie-IxHash (implements ordered in-memory associative arrays)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Tie-IxHash", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "If you have been led to believe that associative arrays in perl don't preserve order, and if you have ever craved for that feature, this module is for you. Simply declare a 'tie' for the hash variable that you want to be order-preserving, and forget that limitation ever existed. You can do other nifty things with the tied hash object that you may be used to doing with arrays, like Push(), Pop() and Splice(). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Tie-IxHash", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Tie-IxHash-1.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.8", "name": "perl-Text-Patch", "descs": "perl-Text-Patch (Patches text with given patch)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Patch", "deps": ["perl-Text-Diff"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Text::Patch combines source text with given diff (difference) data. Diff data is produced by Text::Diff module or by the standard diff utility (man diff, see -u option).", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Patch-1.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "1.28", "name": "perl-Curses", "descs": "perl-Curses (perl module for Curses)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Curses", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "terminal screen handling and optimization", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Curses-1.28-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "548 K", "ver": "2.24", "name": "perl-Class-MethodMaker", "descs": "perl-Class-MethodMaker (Create generic methods for OO Perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-MethodMaker", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "137 K", "descl": "This module solves the problem of having to continually write accessor methods for your objects that perform standard tasks. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/SCHWIGON/Class-MethodMaker-2.17", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-MethodMaker-2.24-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "perl-Class-Factory-Util", "descs": "perl-Class-Factory-Util (Provides utility methods for factory classes)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Factory-Util", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module exports a method that is useful for factory classes.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Factory-Util-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.53", "name": "perl-File-Finder", "descs": "perl-File-Finder (nice wrapper for File::Find ala find(1)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Finder", "deps": ["perl-Text-Glob"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "File::Find is great, but constructing the wanted routine can sometimes be a pain. This module provides a wanted-writer, using syntax that is directly mappable to the find command's syntax. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Finder", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Finder-0.53-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-Digest-GOST", "descs": "perl-Digest-GOST (perl module Digest::GOST)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Digest-GOST", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This perl module provides an interface to the GOST R 34.11-94 message digest algorithm. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Digest::GOST", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Digest-GOST-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "2964 K", "ver": "2.2012", "name": "perl-Moose", "descs": "perl-Moose (A postmodern object system for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Moose", "deps": ["perl-Class-Load-XS", "perl-Data-OptList", "perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction", "perl-Devel-OverloadInfo", "perl-Devel-StackTrace", "perl-Dist-CheckConflicts", "perl-Eval-Closure", "perl-MRO-Compat", "perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts", "perl-Package-DeprecationManager", "perl-Package-Stash", "perl-Package-Stash-XS", "perl-Params-Util", "perl-Sub-Exporter", "perl-Sub-Identify", "perl-Sub-Name", "perl-Try-Tiny", "perl-CPAN-Meta-Check", "perl-Test-CleanNamespaces", "perl-Scalar-List-Utils", "perl-Role-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "741 K", "descl": "Moose is an extension of the Perl 5 object system. The main goal of Moose is to make Perl 5 Object Oriented programming easier, more consistent, and less tedious. With Moose you can think more about what you want to do and less about the mechanics of OOP. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Moose", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Moose-2.2012-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1292 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate", "descs": "perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate (kate highlight for perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate", "deps": ["perl-Test-Differences", "perl-test-warn", "perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "323 K", "descl": "Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate - a port to Perl of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate text editor. Homepage: https://github.com/szabgab/Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate-0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "1.09", "name": "perl-CSS", "descs": "perl-CSS (Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-CSS", "deps": ["perl-Parse-RecDescent", "perl-Test-Simple"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "This module can be used, along with a CSS::Parse::* module, to parse CSS data and represent it as a tree of objects. Using a CSS::Adaptor::* module, the CSS data tree can then be transformed into other formats. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/CSS", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-CSS-1.09-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.016", "name": "perl-File-pushd", "descs": "perl-File-pushd (change directory temporarily for a limited scope)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-pushd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "File::pushd does a temporary chdir that is easily and automatically reverted, similar to pushd in some Unix command shells. It works by creating an object that caches the original working directory. When the object is destroyed, the destructor calls chdir to revert to the original working directory. By storing the object in a lexical variable with a limited scope, this happens automatically at the end of the scope.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-pushd-1.016-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.722", "name": "perl-xml-parser-lite", "descs": "perl-xml-parser-lite (pure-perl XML parser module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-xml-parser-lite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "XML::Parser::Lite - Lightweight pure-perl XML Parser (based on regexps)", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-xml-parser-lite-0.722-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.87", "name": "perl-IO-All", "descs": "perl-IO-All (IO modules)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-All", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "IO::All combines all of the best Perl IO modules into a single nifty object oriented interface to greatly simplify your everyday Perl IO idioms. It exports a single function called io, which returns a new IO::All object. And that object can do it all!", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-All-0.87-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.23", "name": "perl-Net-Ident", "descs": "perl-Net-Ident (Net::Ident)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Ident", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "perl-Net-Ident - lookup the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Net-Ident", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Ident-1.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "perl-Crypt-IDEA", "descs": "perl-Crypt-IDEA (IDEA block cipher)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-IDEA", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This perl extension is an implementation of the IDEA block cipher algorithm. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/DPARIS/Crypt-IDEA-1.10", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-IDEA-1.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "2.73", "name": "perl-GD", "descs": "perl-GD (perl bindings for GD image library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-GD", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib", "perl-extutils-pkgconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "GD.pm is a Perl interface to Thomas Boutell's gd graphics library. GD allows you to create color drawings using a large number of graphics primitives, and emit the drawings as PNG files. This package was built without FastCGI support.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-GD-2.73-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-Dist-CheckConflicts", "descs": "perl-Dist-CheckConflicts (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Dist-CheckConflicts", "deps": ["perl-List-MoreUtils", "perl-Sub-Exporter", "perl-Test-Fatal"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Declare version conflicts for your dist.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.19", "name": "perl-Set-IntSpan", "descs": "perl-Set-IntSpan (Manages sets of integers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Set-IntSpan", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Set::IntSpan manages sets of integers. It is optimized for sets that have long runs of consecutive integers. These arise, for example, in .newsrc files, which maintain lists of articles: alt.foo: 1-21,28,31 alt.bar: 1-14192,14194,14196-14221 A run of consecutive integers is also called a span.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Set-IntSpan-1.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "0.112", "name": "perl-Unicode-Map", "descs": "perl-Unicode-Map (convert string to 2-byte unicode)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Unicode-Map", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "perl-Unicod-Map converts strings from and to 2-byte Unicode UCS2 format. All mappings happen via 2 byte UTF16 encodings, not via 1 byte UTF8 encoding. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/MSCHWARTZ/Unicode-Map-0.112", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Unicode-Map-0.112-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "5004 K", "ver": "2.20", "name": "perl-Geo-Coordinates-OSGB", "descs": "perl-Geo-Coordinates-OSGB (convert between Lat/Long and British Grid)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Geo-Coordinates-OSGB", "deps": ["perl-File-Share", "perl-File-ShareDir-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1251 K", "descl": "Perl module to convert latitude and longitude coordinates to and from British National Grid references, using formulae from the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, including an implementation of OSTN02. https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::Coordinates::OSGB", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Geo-Coordinates-OSGB-2.20-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.008", "name": "perl-ExtUtils-Config", "descs": "perl-ExtUtils-Config (Perl's configuration wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-Config", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "ExtUtils::Config is an abstraction around the %Config hash.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-Config-0.008-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "1.967015", "name": "perl-Parse-RecDescent", "descs": "perl-Parse-RecDescent (generate recursive-descent parsers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Parse-RecDescent", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "RecDescent incrementally generates top-down recursive-descent text parsers from simple yacc-like grammar specifications. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/DCONWAY/Parse-RecDescent-1.966_000", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Parse-RecDescent-1.967015-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "2.44", "name": "perl-Log-Dispatch", "descs": "perl-Log-Dispatch (Dispatches messages to one or more outputs)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Log-Dispatch", "deps": ["perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction", "perl-Dist-CheckConflicts", "perl-Params-Validate"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "The Log::Dispatch manages a set of Log::Dispatch::* output objects that can be logged to via a unified interface. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Dispatch", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Log-Dispatch-2.44-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.23", "name": "perl-File-Which", "descs": "perl-File-Which (Portable implementation of the `which' utility)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Which", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "File::Which was created to be able to get the paths to executable programs on systems under which the `which' program wasn't implemented in the shell.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Which-1.23-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.1.6", "name": "raku-Readline", "descs": "raku-Readline (Raku interface to the GNU Readline library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/raku-Readline", "deps": ["rakudo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "A thin OO wrapper around the GNU Readline library for the Raku programming language. This module adds command line editing to the Rakudo interpreter. Homepage: https://github.com/fooist/perl6-readline", "path": "./salix/perl/raku-Readline-0.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.14", "name": "perl-IO-Tty", "descs": "perl-IO-Tty (Pseudo TTY object class)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-Tty", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Perl extension that provides an interface to allow the creation of a pseudo tty.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-Tty-1.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.25", "name": "perl-Data-Compare", "descs": "perl-Data-Compare (compare perl data structures)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Data-Compare", "deps": ["perl-File-Find-Rule"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "The Data::Compare compares two perl data structures recursively. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::Compare", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Data-Compare-1.25-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.009", "name": "perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish", "descs": "perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish (Perl Eksblowfish password hash)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build", "perl-Class-Mix"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt - Blowfish-based Unix crypt() password hash. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish-0.009-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random", "descs": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random (Crypt::OpenSSL::Random)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random provides the ability to seed and query the OpenSSL library's pseudo-random number generator. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Crypt-OpenSSL-Random", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1256 K", "ver": "2.0134", "name": "perl-xml-libxml", "descs": "perl-xml-libxml (XML::LibXML perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-xml-libxml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "314 K", "descl": "Perl binding for libxml2.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-xml-libxml-2.0134-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.50", "name": "perl-MooseX-Types", "descs": "perl-MooseX-Types (Moose types for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MooseX-Types", "deps": ["perl-Carp-Clan", "perl-Moose", "perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "This module organises your Moose types in libraries. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/MooseX::Types", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MooseX-Types-0.50-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.54", "name": "perl-Math-Int64", "descs": "perl-Math-Int64 (Manipulate 64 bits integers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Int64", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "This module provides Perl availability to work with 64 bits integers. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Int64", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Int64-0.54-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-Package-Constants", "descs": "perl-Package-Constants (List all constants declared in a package)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Package-Constants", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Package::Constants lists all the constants defined in a certain package. This can be useful for, among others, setting up an autogenerated @EXPORT/@EXPORT_OK for a Constants.pm file. For more info, visit: https://metacpan.org/release/Package-Constants", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Package-Constants-0.06-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.62", "name": "perl-Variable-Magic", "descs": "perl-Variable-Magic (Associate user-defined magic to variables)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Variable-Magic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Magic is Perl's way of enhancing variables. This mechanism lets the user add extra data to any variable and hook syntactical operations (such as access, assignment or destruction) that can be applied to it. With this module, you can add your own magic to any variable without having to write a single line of XS. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Variable::Magic", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Variable-Magic-0.62-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "860 K", "ver": "6.57", "name": "perl-Coro", "descs": "perl-Coro (the only real threads in perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Coro", "deps": ["perl-EV", "perl-AnyEvent", "perl-common-sense", "perl-Guard", "perl-event"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "215 K", "descl": "Coro provides a full shared address space, which makes communication between threads very easy. And coro threads are fast, too: disabling the Windows process emulation code in your perl and using Coro can easily result in a two to four times speed increase for your programs. A parallel matrix multiplication benchmark (very communication-intensive) runs over 300 times faster on a single core than perls pseudo-threads on a quad core using all four cores. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Coro", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Coro-6.57-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "0.04", "name": "perl-Encode-ISO2022", "descs": "perl-Encode-ISO2022 (JISO/IEC 2022 character encoding scheme)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Encode-ISO2022", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "This perl package provides following modules: Encode::ISO2022 ISO/IEC 2022 character encoding scheme Encode::ISO2022JP2 iso-2022-jp-2 - Extended iso-2022-jp charset Encode::ISOIRSingle ISO-IR single byte coded character sets Encode::JISLegacy Coded character sets for legacy JIS Module Encode::ISO2022 is a dependency of perl-Encode-JISX0213.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Encode-ISO2022-0.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.008", "name": "perl-Class-Tiny", "descs": "perl-Class-Tiny (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Tiny", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Minimalist class construction", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Tiny-1.008-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "6320 K", "ver": "3.023", "name": "perl-PDF-Builder", "descs": "perl-PDF-Builder (facilitates the creation and modification of PDFs)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-PDF-Builder", "deps": ["perl-Font-TTF", "perl-Test-Memory-Cycle", "perl-Test-Exception"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1580 K", "descl": "homepage : https://metacpan.org/pod/PDF::Builder", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-PDF-Builder-3.023-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "perl-Net-IPv4Addr", "descs": "perl-Net-IPv4Addr (perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-IPv4Addr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Net::IPv4Addr provides functions for parsing IPv4 addresses both in traditional address/netmask format and in the new CIDR format. There are also methods for calculating the network and broadcast address and also to see check if a given address is in a specific network.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-IPv4Addr-0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.07", "name": "perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables", "descs": "perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables (HTML to Text with tables)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables", "deps": ["perl-HTML-Formatter", "perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks", "perl-HTML-Tree"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables converts HTML to Text with tables intact. The module was inspired by HTML::FormatText::WithLinks which has proven to be a useful `lynx -dump` work-alike Homepage: https://github.com/daleevans/HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables-0.07-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "perl-Mail-DomainKeys", "descs": "perl-Mail-DomainKeys (perl implementation of DomainKeys)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mail-DomainKeys", "deps": ["perl-net-dns", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA", "perl-MailTools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Perl implementation of Yahoo's mail signature protocol. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/ANTHONYU/Mail-DomainKeys-1.0", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mail-DomainKeys-1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "3.0609", "name": "perl-Statistics-Descriptive", "descs": "perl-Statistics-Descriptive (descriptive statistics functions)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Statistics-Descriptive", "deps": ["perl-List-MoreUtils"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Statistics::Descriptive provides basic functions used in descriptive statistics. It has an object oriented design and supports two different types of data storage and calculation objects: sparse and full. With the sparse method, none of the data is stored and only a few statistical measures are available. Using the full method, the entire data set is retained and additional functions are available. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Statistics::Descriptive", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Statistics-Descriptive-3.0609-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.002006", "name": "perl-Test-Needs", "descs": "perl-Test-Needs (Perl module with test functions and features)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Needs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Skip tests when modules not available", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Needs-0.002006-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "6.11", "name": "perl-http-message", "descs": "perl-http-message (HTTP style message base class)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-http-message", "deps": ["perl-encode-locale", "perl-html-parser", "perl-http-date", "perl-lwp-mediatypes", "perl-IO-HTML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "An HTTP::Message object contains some headers and a content body. https://metacpan.org/release/HTTP-Message", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-http-message-6.11-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "perl-Log-Message-Simple", "descs": "perl-Log-Message-Simple (Simplified interface to Log::Message)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Log-Message-Simple", "deps": ["perl-Log-Message"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Log::Message::Simple provides standardized logging facilities using the Log::Message module. For more info, visit: https://metacpan.org/release/Log-Message-Simple", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Log-Message-Simple-0.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.25", "name": "perl-Net-RawIP", "descs": "perl-Net-RawIP (manipulate raw IP packets)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-RawIP", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "This package provides a class which can be used for creating, manipulating and sending raw IP packets with optional features for manipulating Ethernet headers.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-RawIP-0.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.100052", "name": "perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods", "descs": "perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods (helper routines for Sub::Exporter)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods", "deps": ["perl-Sub-Exporter", "perl-Sub-Name", "perl-namespace-autoclean"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Sub::Exporter::ForMethods", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods-0.100052-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "772 K", "ver": "5.07", "name": "perl-HTML-Tree", "descs": "perl-HTML-Tree (build and scan parse-trees of HTML)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-Tree", "deps": ["perl-Test-Exception", "perl-Test-Fatal", "perl-html-parser", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "193 K", "descl": "HTML-Tree is a suite of Perl modules for making parse trees out of HTML source. It consists of mainly two modules, whose documentation you should refer to: HTML::TreeBuilder and HTML::Element. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/CJM/HTML-Tree-5.03", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-Tree-5.07-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "perl-String-Similarity", "descs": "perl-String-Similarity (calculate the similarity of two strings)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-String-Similarity", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "The similarity-function calculates the similarity index of its two arguments. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/String::Similarity", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-String-Similarity-1.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "0.85", "name": "perlbrew", "descs": "perlbrew (Manage perl installations in your $HOME)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perlbrew", "deps": ["perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases", "perl-Capture-Tiny", "perl-Devel-PatchPerl", "perl-File-Which", "perl-Module-Build-Tiny", "perl-IO-All", "perl-Path-Class", "perl-Test-Exception", "perl-Test-NoWarnings", "perl-Test-Output", "perl-Test-Spec", "perl-Test-TempDir-Tiny", "perl-local-lib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "perlbrew is a program to automate the building and installation of perl in an easy way. It provides multiple isolated perl environments, and a mechanism for you to switch between them. Everything is installed under ~/perl5/perlbrew. You then need to include a bashrc/cshrc provided by perlbrew to tweak the PATH for you. Website: https://perlbrew.pl/", "path": "./salix/perl/perlbrew-0.85-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "2.61", "name": "perl-config-general", "descs": "perl-config-general (generic config module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-config-general", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "This perl module is a generic config parser. It is heavily inspired by and compatible with the well known apache config format. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Config-General", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-config-general-2.61-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.78", "name": "perl-Inline-C", "descs": "perl-Inline-C (C language support for Inline)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Inline-C", "deps": ["perl-Inline", "perl-IO-All", "perl-Pegex", "perl-File-Copy-Recursive"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "Inline::C is a module that allows you to write Perl subroutines in C. Since version 0.30 the Inline module supports multiple programming languages and each language has its own support module.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Inline-C-0.78-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.21", "name": "perl-Scope-Guard", "descs": "perl-Scope-Guard (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Scope-Guard", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "This module provides a convenient way to perform cleanup or other forms of resource management at the end of a scope.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Scope-Guard-0.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.08", "name": "perl-Class-Data-Inheritable", "descs": "perl-Class-Data-Inheritable (Inheritable, overridable class data)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Data-Inheritable", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Class::Data::Inheritable is for creating accessor/mutators to class data. That is, if you want to store something about your class as a whole (instead of about a single object). This data is then inherited by your subclasses and can be overriden.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.28", "name": "perl-Socket6", "descs": "perl-Socket6 (IPv6 related part of the C socket.h)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Socket6", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "This module provides glue routines to the various IPv6 functions.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Socket6-0.28-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.446", "name": "perl-Alien-SDL", "descs": "perl-Alien-SDL (Building, finding and using SDL binaries)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Alien-SDL", "deps": ["perl-File-Which", "perl-File-ShareDir", "perl-Text-Patch", "perl-Capture-Tiny", "perl-Archive-Zip", "perl-Module-Build", "perl-Archive-Extract"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "In short Alien::SDL can be used to detect and get configuration settings from an installed SDL and related libraries. Based on your platform it offers the possibility to download and install pre-built binaries or to build SDL & co. from source codes.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Alien-SDL-1.446-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "2.02", "name": "perl-lirc-client", "descs": "perl-lirc-client (A client library for LIRC)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-lirc-client", "deps": ["perl-class-accessor", "perl-file-path-expand", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module provides a simple interface to the Linux Infrared Remote Control (Lirc). The module encasuplates parsing the Lirc config file (.lircrc), openning a connection to the Lirc device, and retrieving events from the device.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-lirc-client-2.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "2.97", "name": "perl-HTML-Template", "descs": "perl-HTML-Template (HTML::Template)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-Template", "deps": ["perl-CGI"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "Perl module to use HTML-like templating language", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-Template-2.97-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "5384 K", "ver": "0.45", "name": "perl-DateTime-Locale", "descs": "perl-DateTime-Locale (provides localization data for DateTime class)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Locale", "deps": ["perl-List-MoreUtils", "perl-Params-Validate"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1346 K", "descl": "The DateTime::Locale modules provide localization data for the DateTime.pm class.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Locale-0.45-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.22", "name": "perl-Net-Patricia", "descs": "perl-Net-Patricia (Net::Patricia)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Patricia", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "perl-Net-CIDR-Lite", "perl-Socket6"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Net-Patricia", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Patricia-1.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.03", "name": "perl-digest-hmac", "descs": "perl-digest-hmac (Create standard message integrity checks)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-digest-hmac", "deps": ["perl-digest-sha1"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Digest::HMAC is used for message integrity checks between two parties that share a secret key, and works in combination with some other Digest algorithm, usually MD5 or SHA-1. The HMAC mechanism is described in RFC 2104. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Digest-HMAC", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-digest-hmac-1.03-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "perl-Test-Memory-Cycle", "descs": "perl-Test-Memory-Cycle (Check for memory leaks/circular memory refs)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Memory-Cycle", "deps": ["perl-Devel-Cycle"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "homepage : https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Memory::Cycle", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Memory-Cycle-1.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "perl-Devel-Cycle", "descs": "perl-Devel-Cycle (find memory cycles in objects)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Devel-Cycle", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "homepage : https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Cycle", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Devel-Cycle-1.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "0.76", "name": "perl-YAML-LibYAML", "descs": "perl-YAML-LibYAML (Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-YAML-LibYAML", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "provides YAML::LibYAML and YAML::XS. Kirill Siminov's libyaml is arguably the best YAML implementation. The C library is written precisely to the YAML 1.1 specification. It was originally bound to Python and was later bound to Ruby. This module is a Perl XS binding to libyaml which offers Perl the best YAML support to date.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.76-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.004", "name": "perl-B-COW", "descs": "perl-B-COW (additional B helpers to check COW status)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-B-COW", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This module provides additional B helpers to check COW status Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/B::COW", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-B-COW-0.004-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.023", "name": "perl-Guard", "descs": "perl-Guard (safe cleanup blocks)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Guard", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This module implements so-called 'guards'. A guard is something (usually an object) that 'guards' a resource, ensuring that it is cleaned up when expected. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Guard", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Guard-1.023-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "1.002", "name": "perl-gnome2-canvas", "descs": "perl-gnome2-canvas (perl bindings for libgnomecanvas)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-gnome2-canvas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libglvnd", "libgnomecanvas", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "The Gnome2::Canvas module allows a perl developer to use the GnomeCanvas widget with Gtk2-Perl. Like the Gtk2 module on which it depends, Gnome2::Canvas follows the C API of libgnomecanvas-2.0 as closely as possible while still being perlish. Thus, the C API reference remains the canonical documentation. Home page: https://metacpan.org/release/Gnome2-Canvas", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-gnome2-canvas-1.002-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.31", "name": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA", "descs": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA (Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA - RSA encoding and decoding, using the openSSL libraries. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.31-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "0.56", "name": "perl-x11-protocol", "descs": "perl-x11-protocol (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-x11-protocol", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "X11::Protocol and the related modules in this distribution are a rough equivalent of Xlib (libX11.a, with a bit of Xau and Xext mixed in) used for drawing windows on and otherwise manipulating X11 window servers. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/X11-Protocol", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-x11-protocol-0.56-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage", "descs": "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage (Check for pod coverage in your distribution)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Pod-Coverage", "deps": ["perl-Pod-Coverage"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Checks for POD coverage in files for your distribution.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "716 K", "ver": "4.40", "name": "perl-CGI", "descs": "perl-CGI (Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-CGI", "deps": ["perl-html-parser", "perl-Test-Deep", "perl-test-warn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "179 K", "descl": "Perl module, see https://metacpan.org/release/CGI", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-CGI-4.40-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.20", "name": "perl-Devel-PartialDump", "descs": "perl-Devel-PartialDump (Partial dumping of data structures)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Devel-PartialDump", "deps": ["perl-Class-Tiny", "perl-namespace-clean", "perl-Sub-Exporter", "perl-Test-Warnings"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This module partialy dumps the data structures, It is optimized for argument printing. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::PartialDump", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Devel-PartialDump-0.20-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.026", "name": "perl-ExtUtils-Helpers", "descs": "perl-ExtUtils-Helpers (Portability utilities for module builders)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-Helpers", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module provides various portable helper functions for module building modules.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.44", "name": "perl-Cache-FastMmap", "descs": "perl-Cache-FastMmap (Cache::FastMmap)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Cache-FastMmap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Cache::FastMmap perl module uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Cache-FastMmap", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Cache-FastMmap-1.44-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "2.21", "name": "perl-Term-ProgressBar", "descs": "perl-Term-ProgressBar (progress meter on a standard terminal)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Term-ProgressBar", "deps": ["perl-Class-MethodMaker", "perl-Capture-Tiny", "perl-Test-Exception"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Term::ProgressBar provides a simple progress bar on the terminal, to let the user know that something is happening, roughly how much stuff has been done, and maybe an estimate at how long remains. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/FLUFFY/Term-ProgressBar-2.14", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Term-ProgressBar-2.21-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "1.38", "name": "perl-Text-CSV_XS", "descs": "perl-Text-CSV_XS (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-CSV_XS", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "Text::CSV_XS - comma-separated values manipulation routines Text::CSV_XS provides facilities for the composition and decomposition of comma-separated values.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-CSV_XS-1.38-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP", "descs": "perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP (Perl Blowfish encryption implementation)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module provides the Blowfish encryption algorithm in implemented completely in perl. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/MATTBM/Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.12", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.12-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.23", "name": "perl-Pod-Coverage", "descs": "perl-Pod-Coverage (Check if module documentation is comprehensive)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Pod-Coverage", "deps": ["perl-Devel-Symdump", "perl-Pod-Parser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "This module provides a mechanism for determining if the pod for a given module is comprehensive.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Pod-Coverage-0.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "5976 K", "ver": "1.24993", "name": "perl-gtk2", "descs": "perl-gtk2 (Perl bindings for GTK2)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-gtk2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-pango"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1494 K", "descl": "Perl bindings to the 2.x series of the Gtk+ graphical user interface library. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gtk2/", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-gtk2-1.24993-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.24", "name": "perl-Test-CleanNamespaces", "descs": "perl-Test-CleanNamespaces (Check for uncleaned imports)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-CleanNamespaces", "deps": ["perl-File-pushd", "perl-Test-Deep", "perl-Test-Warnings", "perl-namespace-clean", "perl-Sub-Exporter", "perl-Sub-Identify"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "This module lets you check your module's namespaces for imported functions you might have forgotten to remove with namespace::autoclean or namespace::clean and are therefore available to be called as methods, which usually isn't want you want. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::CleanNamespaces", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-CleanNamespaces-0.24-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess", "descs": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess (Crypt::OpenSSL::Guess)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess", "deps": ["perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess provides helpers to guess OpenSSL include path on any platforms. homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::OpenSSL::Guess", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess-0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.48", "name": "perl-Object-Accessor", "descs": "perl-Object-Accessor (Create per object getters and setters)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Object-Accessor", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Object::Accessor provides an interface to create per object accessor and mutator methods (as opposed to per Class accessors, as, for example, Class::Accessor provides). For more info, visit: https://metacpan.org/release/Object-Accessor", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Object-Accessor-0.48-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.22", "name": "perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check", "descs": "perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check (Hook into XS modules)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check", "deps": ["perl-extutils-depends"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This module provides a C API for XS modules to hook into the callbacks of PL_check. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/B::Hooks::OP::Check", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.03", "name": "perl-Probe-Perl", "descs": "perl-Probe-Perl (Information about the currently running perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Probe-Perl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Probe-Perl module provides methods for obtaining information about the currently running perl interpreter. It originally began life as code in the Module::Build project, but has been externalized here for general use.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Probe-Perl-0.03-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.32", "name": "perl-Scope-Upper", "descs": "perl-Scope-Upper (Act on upper scopes)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Scope-Upper", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "This module lets you defer actions at run-time that will take place when the control flow returns into an upper scope. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Scope::Upper", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Scope-Upper-0.32-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-Number-Bites-Human", "descs": "perl-Number-Bites-Human (Convert byte count to human readable format)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Number-Bites-Human", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This module provides a formatter which turns byte counts to usual readable format, like '2.0K', '3.1G', '100B'. It was inspired in the -h option of Unix utilities like du, df and ls for 'human-readable' output. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Number::Bytes::Human", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Number-Bites-Human-0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-Math-Complex_C-L", "descs": "perl-Math-Complex_C-L (perl interface to C's long double complex)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Complex_C-L", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "perl interface to C's long double complex operations. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Complex_C::L", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Complex_C-L-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.02", "name": "perl-file-path-expand", "descs": "perl-file-path-expand (expand filenames)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-file-path-expand", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "File::Path::Expand expands user directories in filenames. For the simple case it's no more complex than s{^~/}{$HOME/}, but or other cases it consults getpwent and does the right thing.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-file-path-expand-1.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.02", "name": "perl-data-page-pageset", "descs": "perl-data-page-pageset (shorten page lists)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-data-page-pageset", "deps": ["perl-data-page"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This module lets you change long page list to be shorter and well navigate. homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Data-Page-Pageset", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-data-page-pageset-1.02-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "1.21", "name": "perl-event", "descs": "perl-event (Event loop processing)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-event", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "The Event module provide a central facility to watch for various types of events and invoke a callback when these events occur. The idea is to delay the handling of events so that they may be dispatched in priority order when it is safe for callbacks to execute.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-event-1.21-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "2.008", "name": "perl-Net-Server", "descs": "perl-Net-Server (Net::Server)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Server", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "perl-Net-Server - Extensible, general Perl server engine. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Net-Server", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Server-2.008-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "perl-MooseX-Traits", "descs": "perl-MooseX-Traits (Moose traits for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MooseX-Traits", "deps": ["perl-Moose", "perl-namespace-autoclean"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "This module automatically apply roles at object creation time. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/MooseX::Traits", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MooseX-Traits-0.13-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.09", "name": "perl-text-aspell", "descs": "perl-text-aspell (Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-text-aspell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "aspell"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Text::Aspell as a module provides a Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library. This module is to meet the need of looking up many words, one at a time, in a single session, such as spell-checking a document in memory. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/HANK/Text-Aspell-0.09", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-text-aspell-0.09-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.01", "name": "perl-Number-Convert-Roman", "descs": "perl-Number-Convert-Roman (Roman-Arabic numeral converter)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Number-Convert-Roman", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This module is useful for conversion between Roman and Arabic numbers. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Number::Convert::Roman", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Number-Convert-Roman-0.01-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.17", "name": "perl-Net-CIDR", "descs": "perl-Net-CIDR (Net::CIDR)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-CIDR", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "perl-Net-CIDR perl module to manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Net-CIDR", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-CIDR-0.17-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.42", "name": "perl-XML-XPath", "descs": "perl-XML-XPath (modules for parsing and evaluating XPath statements)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-XPath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "This module aims to comply exactly to the XPath specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath and yet allow extensions to be added in the form of functions. Modules such as XSLT and XPointer may need to do this as they support functionality beyond XPath.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-XPath-1.42-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-GooCanvas2", "descs": "perl-GooCanvas2 (Perl binding for GooCanvas2 widget)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-GooCanvas2", "deps": ["goocanvas2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "GooCanvas2 is a new canvas widget for use with Gtk3 that uses the Cairo 2d library for drawing. This is a simple and basic implementation of this wonderful Canvas widget. For more informations see : https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Projects/GooCanvas", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-GooCanvas2-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.0.11", "name": "perl-Net-ARP", "descs": "perl-Net-ARP (Perl extension for creating ARP packets)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-ARP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module can be used to create and send ARP packets and to get the mac address of an ethernet interface or ip address. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::ARP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-ARP-1.0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.32", "name": "perl-Proc-Simple", "descs": "perl-Proc-Simple (launch and control background processes)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Proc-Simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "The Proc::Simple package provides objects mimicking real-life processes from a user's point of view.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Proc-Simple-1.32-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.1903", "name": "perl-Algorithm-Diff", "descs": "perl-Algorithm-Diff (Compute differences between two files / lists)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Algorithm-Diff", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "This module provides five exportable functions for diffing: LCS, diff, sdiff, traverse_sequences, and traverse_balanced. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/TYEMQ/Algorithm-Diff-1.1902", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Algorithm-Diff-1.1903-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "972 K", "ver": "3.70", "name": "perl-Locale-Codes", "descs": "perl-Locale-Codes (distribution of modules to handle locale codes)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Locale-Codes", "deps": ["perl-Test-Inter"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "243 K", "descl": "Locale-Codes is a distribution containing a set of modules designed to work with sets of codes which uniquely identify something. For example, there are codes associated with different countries, different currencies, different languages, etc. Each module will work with one specific type of code sets.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Locale-Codes-3.70-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "2.09", "name": "perl-Unicode-String", "descs": "perl-Unicode-String (experimental Perl Unicode modules)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Unicode-String", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "These are experimental modules to handle various Unicode issues. They were made before perl included native UTF8 support. Unicode::String - represent strings of Unicode chars Unicode::CharName - look up character names https://metacpan.org/release/GAAS/Unicode-String-2.09", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Unicode-String-2.09-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.004", "name": "perl-File-Slurp-Tiny", "descs": "perl-File-Slurp-Tiny (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Slurp-Tiny", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "File::Slurp::Tiny is a simple, sane and efficient file slurper. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/File-Slurp-Tiny", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Slurp-Tiny-0.004-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "perl-Test-Trap", "descs": "perl-Test-Trap (Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc.)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Trap", "deps": ["perl-data-dump"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Primarily (but not exclusively) for use in test scripts: A block eval on steroids, configurable and extensible, but by default trapping (Perl) STDOUT, STDERR, warnings, exceptions, would-be exit codes, and return values from boxed blocks of test code. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-Trap", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Trap-0.3.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "0.987", "name": "perl-Sub-Exporter", "descs": "perl-Sub-Exporter (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sub-Exporter", "deps": ["perl-Data-OptList"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "A sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sub-Exporter-0.987-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.37", "name": "perl-Package-Stash", "descs": "perl-Package-Stash (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Package-Stash", "deps": ["perl-Dist-CheckConflicts", "perl-Package-Stash-XS", "perl-Module-Implementation"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Routines for manipulating stashes.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Package-Stash-0.37-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.19", "name": "perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom", "descs": "perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom (Measure readability of English text)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom", "deps": ["perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module analyses English text in either a string or file. Totals are then calculated for the number of characters, words, sentences, blank and non blank (text) lines and paragraphs. Homepage: https://github.com/kimryan/Lingua-EN-Fathom", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom-1.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "perl-IPTables-Parse", "descs": "perl-IPTables-Parse (parsing iptables and ip6tables policies)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IPTables-Parse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The IPTables::Parse package provides an interface to parse iptables or ip6tables rules on Linux systems through the direct execution of iptables/ip6tables commands, or from parsing a file that contains an iptables/ip6tables policy listing.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IPTables-Parse-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "6.01", "name": "perl-http-daemon", "descs": "perl-http-daemon (a simple http server class)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-http-daemon", "deps": ["perl-http-message"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Instances of the HTTP::Daemon class are HTTP/1.1 servers that listen on a socket for incoming requests. The HTTP::Daemon is a subclass of IO::Socket::INET, so you can perform socket operations directly on it too. https://metacpan.org/release/HTTP-Daemon", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-http-daemon-6.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "4020 K", "ver": "0.23", "name": "perl-Encode-HanExtra", "descs": "perl-Encode-HanExtra (Extra sets of Chinese encodings)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Encode-HanExtra", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1005 K", "descl": "Encode::HanExtra provides a set of extra Chinese encodings that complement those already shipped with perl 5.7.3 and later.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Encode-HanExtra-0.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.1104", "name": "perl-IO-CaptureOutput", "descs": "perl-IO-CaptureOutput (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-CaptureOutput", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "This module provides routines for capturing STDOUT and STDERR from perl subroutines, forked system calls (e.g. system(), fork()) and from XS or C modules. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/DAGOLDEN/IO-CaptureOutput-1.1104", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-CaptureOutput-1.1104-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.13", "name": "perl-IO-Multiplex", "descs": "perl-IO-Multiplex (IO::Multiplex perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-Multiplex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Manage IO on many file handles Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/IO-Multiplex", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-Multiplex-1.13-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.026", "name": "perl-Test-Warnings", "descs": "perl-Test-Warnings (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Warnings", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Test::Warnings - Test for warnings and the lack of them", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Warnings-0.026-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "776 K", "ver": "1.047", "name": "perl-gnome2", "descs": "perl-gnome2 (Perl bindings for Gnome libraries)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-gnome2", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libbonoboui", "libcanberra", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnome-keyring", "libgnomecanvas", "libgnomeui", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-gnome2-canvas", "perl-gnome2-vfs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "194 K", "descl": "Perl bindings to the 2.x series of the GNOME libraries. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gnome2", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-gnome2-1.047-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.004000", "name": "perl-JSON-MaybeXS", "descs": "perl-JSON-MaybeXS (CPAN module JSON::MaybeXS)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-JSON-MaybeXS", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module first checks to see if either Cpanel::JSON::XS or JSON::XS is already loaded, in which case it uses that module. Otherwise it tries to load Cpanel::JSON::XS, then JSON::XS, then JSON::PP in order, and either uses the first module it finds or throws an error.The mmap module uses the POSIX mmap call to map in a file as a Perl", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-JSON-MaybeXS-1.004000-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.003019", "name": "perl-Parse-Method-Signatures", "descs": "perl-Parse-Method-Signatures (Parse signatures for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Parse-Method-Signatures", "deps": ["perl-Test-Differences", "perl-MooseX-Traits", "perl-MooseX-Types", "perl-MooseX-Types-Structured", "perl-PPI", "perl-aliased"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "It is inspired by Perl6::Signature but streamlined to just support the subset deemed useful for TryCatch and MooseX::Method::Signatures. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Parse::Method::Signatures", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Parse-Method-Signatures-1.003019-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "1.84", "name": "perl-www-mechanize", "descs": "perl-www-mechanize (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-www-mechanize", "deps": ["perl-html-form", "perl-http-response-encoding", "perl-http-server-simple", "perl-test-warn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "Perl module to assist in interaction with websites. Handles link scrubbing and form processing. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/WWW-Mechanize", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-www-mechanize-1.84-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "2136 K", "ver": "2022.04", "name": "nqp", "descs": "nqp (compiler toolchain for MoarVM)", "source": "source/salix/perl/nqp", "deps": ["MoarVM", ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libuv"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "534 K", "descl": "NQP, short for 'Not Quite Perl', is a compiler toolchain for MoarVM, the JVM, and others. Homepage: https://rakudo.org/", "path": "./salix/perl/nqp-2022.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "1.05", "name": "perl-Net-XMPP", "descs": "perl-Net-XMPP (XMPP Perl Library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-XMPP", "deps": ["perl-XML-Stream", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "Net::XMPP provides a Perl user with access to the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::XMPP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-XMPP-1.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "perl-Math-Base85", "descs": "perl-Math-Base85 (extension for base 85 numbers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Base85", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "RFC 1924 describes a compact, fixed-size representation of IPv6 addresses which uses a base 85 number system. This module handles some of the uglier details of it.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Base85-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.02", "name": "perl-Test-Bits", "descs": "perl-Test-Bits (Test single bits)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Bits", "deps": ["perl-List-AllUtils"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "This module provides Perl availability to test single bits. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Bits", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Bits-0.02-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.27", "name": "perl-Locale-PO", "descs": "perl-Locale-PO (Manipulate .po entries from GNU gettext)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Locale-PO", "deps": ["perl-File-Slurp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Object-oriented interface to gettext po-file entries Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Locale::PO", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Locale-PO-0.27-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.014", "name": "perl-Test-DistManifest", "descs": "perl-Test-DistManifest (Author test that validates a package MANIFEST)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-DistManifest", "deps": ["perl-Test-NoWarnings", "perl-Module-Manifest"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module provides a simple method of testing that a MANIFEST matches the distribution.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-DistManifest-1.014-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "6.10", "name": "perl-LWP-Protocol-https", "descs": "perl-LWP-Protocol-https (LWP::UserAgent module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-LWP-Protocol-https", "deps": ["libwww-perl", "perl-Mozilla-CA", "perl-Test-RequiresInternet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Provides https support for LWP::UserAgent. Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/LWP-Protocol-https-6.03/", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-LWP-Protocol-https-6.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "20090413", "name": "perl-Geography-Countries", "descs": "perl-Geography-Countries (Geography::Countries)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Geography-Countries", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "perl-Geography-Countries module maps country names, and their 2-letter, 3-letter and numerical codes, as defined by the ISO-3166 maintenance agency, and defined by the UNSD. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Geography-Countries", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Geography-Countries-20090413-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.30", "name": "perl-String-Random", "descs": "perl-String-Random (Random string generator)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-String-Random", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This module generates random strings based on a pattern Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/String-Random", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-String-Random-0.30-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.19", "name": "perl-image-bmp", "descs": "perl-image-bmp (module to read .bmp images)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-image-bmp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Image::BMP objects can parse and even ascii view bitmaps of the .BMP format. It can read most of the common forms of this format.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-image-bmp-1.19-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.22", "name": "perl-File-Type", "descs": "perl-File-Type (Determine file type using magic)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Type", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "File::Type uses magic numbers (typically at the start of a file) to determine the MIME type of that file. File::Type can use either a filename, or file contents, to determine the type of a file. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Type", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Type-0.22-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "perl-Convert-UUlib", "descs": "perl-Convert-UUlib (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Convert-UUlib", "deps": ["perl-Canary-Stability"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Perl interface to the uulib library. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Convert-UUlib", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Convert-UUlib-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "3452 K", "ver": "6.86", "name": "perl-Date-Manip", "descs": "perl-Date-Manip (Date manipulation routines)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Date-Manip", "deps": ["perl-Test-Inter", "perl-Test-Pod", "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage", "perl-YAML-Syck"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "863 K", "descl": "A series of modules which can do pretty much any date/time manipulation you could ever want.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Date-Manip-6.86-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "3.86", "name": "perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases", "descs": "perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases (Mapping Perl releases to their locations)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "CPAN::Perl::Releases is a module that contains the mappings of all perl releases that have been uploaded to CPAN to the authors/id/ path that the tarballs reside in. This is static data, but newer versions of this module will be made available as new releases of perl are uploaded to CPAN.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases-3.86-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.36", "name": "perl-MooseX-Types-Structured", "descs": "perl-MooseX-Types-Structured (Structured Moose types for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MooseX-Types-Structured", "deps": ["perl-Devel-PartialDump", "perl-MooseX-Types", "perl-Sub-Exporter", "perl-Test-Needs", "perl-DateTime"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "This module organises your Structured Moose types in libraries. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/MooseX::Types::Structured", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MooseX-Types-Structured-0.36-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.05", "name": "perl-Crypt-CAST5", "descs": "perl-Crypt-CAST5 (CAST5 block cipher)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-CAST5", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This module provides an implementation of the CAST5 block cipher using compiled C code for increased speed. CAST5 is also known as CAST-128. It is a product of the CAST design procedure developed by C. Adams and S. Tavares. The CAST5 cipher is available royalty-free. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/BOBMATH/Crypt-CAST5-0.05", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-CAST5-0.05-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.58", "name": "perl-List-SomeUtils", "descs": "perl-List-SomeUtils (Missing methods from List::Util)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-List-SomeUtils", "deps": ["perl-Module-Implementation"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "This module provides utilities missing in List::Util Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/List::SomeUtils", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-List-SomeUtils-0.58-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.012", "name": "perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths", "descs": "perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths (Build.PL install path logic made easy)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths", "deps": ["perl-ExtUtils-Config"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This module tries to make install path resolution as easy as possible", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.6", "name": "perl-Term-Animation", "descs": "perl-Term-Animation (ASCII sprite animation framework)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Term-Animation", "deps": ["perl-Curses"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "This module provides a framework to produce sprite animations using ASCII art. Each ASCII 'sprite' is given one or more frames, and placed into the animation as an 'animation object'. An animation object can have a callback routine that controls the position and frame of the object.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Term-Animation-2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.43", "name": "perl-Text-Diff", "descs": "perl-Text-Diff (Perform diffs on files and record sets)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Diff", "deps": ["perl-Algorithm-Diff"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "diff() provides a basic set of services akin to the GNU diff utility. It is not anywhere near as feature complete as GNU diff, but it is better integrated with Perl and available on all platforms. It is often faster than shelling out to a system's diff executable for small files, and generally slower on larger files. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/OVID/Text-Diff-1.41", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Diff-1.43-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "perl-Sort-Versions", "descs": "perl-Sort-Versions (sorting of revision-like numbers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sort-Versions", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Sort::Versions allows easy sorting of mixed non-numeric and numeric strings, like the 'version numbers' that many shared library systems and revision control packages use. This is quite useful if you are trying to deal with shared libraries. It can also be applied to applications that intersperse variable-width numeric fields within text. Other applications can undoubtedly be found. https://metacpan.org/pod/release/EDAVIS/Sort-Versions-1.5/Versions.pm", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sort-Versions-1.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "2.05", "name": "perl-Readonly", "descs": "perl-Readonly (module for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Readonly", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This is a facility for creating non-modifiable variables. This is useful for configuration files, headers, etc. It can also be useful as a development and debugging tool, for catching updates to variables that should not be changed. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Readonly", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Readonly-2.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "5228 K", "ver": "2.038", "name": "perl-PDF-API2", "descs": "perl-PDF-API2 (Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-PDF-API2", "deps": ["perl-Font-TTF"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1307 K", "descl": "homepage : https://metacpan.org/pod/PDF::API2", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-PDF-API2-2.038-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.01", "name": "perl-Types-Serialiser", "descs": "perl-Types-Serialiser (simple data types for serialisation formats)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Types-Serialiser", "deps": ["perl-common-sense"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module provides some extra datatypes that are used by common serialisation formats such as JSON or CBOR. The idea is to have a shared repository of simple/small constants and containers that can be shared by different implementations so they become interoperable between each other. https://metacpan.org/release/Types-Serialiser", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Types-Serialiser-1.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.61", "name": "perl-Danga-Socket", "descs": "perl-Danga-Socket (epoll()", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Danga-Socket", "deps": ["perl-Sys-Syscall"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "An event loop and event-driven async socket base class", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Danga-Socket-1.61-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "2.9.0", "name": "perl-Mail-SPF", "descs": "perl-Mail-SPF (Mail::SPF)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mail-SPF", "deps": ["perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable", "perl-NetAddr-IP", "perl-net-dns", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "perl-Mail-SPF is an object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework (SPF). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Mail-SPF", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mail-SPF-2.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.25", "name": "perl-Sub-Uplevel", "descs": "perl-Sub-Uplevel (Sub::Uplevel)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sub-Uplevel", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "perl-Sub-Uplevel allows to run a function in a higher stack frame. Home Page: https://metacpan.org/release/Sub-Uplevel", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sub-Uplevel-0.25-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.50", "name": "perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List", "descs": "perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List", "deps": ["perl-gtk2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "SimpleList is a simple interface to the powerful but complex Gtk2::TreeView and Gtk2::ListStore combination, implementing using tied arrays to make thing simple and easy. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.50-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.50", "name": "perl-Config-File", "descs": "perl-Config-File (Parse a simple configuration file)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Config-File", "deps": ["perl-Test-Pod-Coverage", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "The Config::File parses a simple configuration file and stores its values in an anonymous hash reference. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Config::File", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Config-File-1.50-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "2.10", "name": "perl-Text-Quoted", "descs": "perl-Text-Quoted (Extract the structure of a quoted mail message)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Quoted", "deps": ["perl-Text-Autoformat", "perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Quoted", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Quoted-2.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "perl-Class-Singleton", "descs": "perl-Class-Singleton (Implementation of a 'Singleton' class)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Singleton", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Class::Singleton - Implementation of a 'Singleton' class.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Singleton-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.54", "name": "perl-Test-Spec", "descs": "perl-Test-Spec (Write tests in a declarative specification style)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Spec", "deps": ["perl-Test-Deep", "perl-Test-Trap", "perl-Tie-IxHash", "perl-Package-Stash"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "This is a declarative specification-style testing system for behavior-driven development (BDD) in Perl. The tests (a.k.a. examples) are named with strings instead of subroutine names, so your fingers will suffer less fatigue from underscore-itis, with the side benefit that the test reports are more ligeble. This module is inspired by and borrows heavily from RSpec (http://rspec.info/documentation/), a BDD tool for the Ruby programming language.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Spec-0.54-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.95", "name": "perl-XML-LibXSLT", "descs": "perl-XML-LibXSLT (Interface to the gnome libxslt library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-LibXSLT", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "e2fsprogs", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libxml2", "libxslt", "zlib", "perl-xml-libxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "This module is an interface to the gnome project's libxslt. This is an extremely good XSLT engine, highly compliant and also very fast. I have tests showing this to be more than twice as fast as Sablotron. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/SHLOMIF/XML-LibXSLT-1.82", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-LibXSLT-1.95-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "perl-Audio-FLAC-Header", "descs": "perl-Audio-FLAC-Header (interface to FLAC header metadata)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Audio-FLAC-Header", "deps": ["flac", "libogg", "perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This package provides the Audio::FLAC::Header Perl module, which provides an interface to FLAC header metadata. https://metacpan.org/release/DANIEL/Audio-FLAC-Header-2.4", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Audio-FLAC-Header-2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "1.047", "name": "perl-gnome2-gconf", "descs": "perl-gnome2-gconf (Perl wrappers for the GConf configuration engine)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-gnome2-gconf", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-glib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "Gnome2::GConf - Perl wrappers for the GConf configuration engine. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gnome2::GConf", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-gnome2-gconf-1.047-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID", "descs": "perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID (calculate a disc ID from an audio CD)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID", "deps": ["libdiscid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "MusicBrainz::DiscID is an interface to the libdiscid library, which calculates a MusicBrainz disc ID from an audio CD in the CD-ROM drive. abcde can use MusicBrainz::DiscID to calculate disc IDs. For more info, visit: https://musicbrainz.org/ and https://metacpan.org/release/MusicBrainz-DiscID", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "0.68", "name": "perl-HTML-WikiConverter", "descs": "perl-HTML-WikiConverter (Convert HTML to wiki markup)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-WikiConverter", "deps": ["perl-Class-Data-Inheritable", "perl-Params-Validate", "perl-HTML-Tree", "perl-html-tagset", "perl-CSS", "perl-CGI-Application", "perl-XML-Writer"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "HTML::WikiConverter is an HTML to wiki converter. It can convert HTML source into a variety of wiki markups, called wiki 'dialects'. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::WikiConverter", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-WikiConverter-0.68-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "0.94", "name": "perl-IPC-Run", "descs": "perl-IPC-Run (IPC::Run)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IPC-Run", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/IPC-Run", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IPC-Run-0.94-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "perl-Module-Versions-Report", "descs": "perl-Module-Versions-Report (report versions of all modules in memory)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Module-Versions-Report", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/JESSE/Module-Versions-Report-1.06", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Module-Versions-Report-1.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.29", "name": "perl-namespace-autoclean", "descs": "perl-namespace-autoclean (Keep imports out of your namespace)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-namespace-autoclean", "deps": ["perl-Role-Tiny", "perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope", "perl-Sub-Identify", "perl-namespace-clean", "perl-Sub-Name", "perl-Test-Needs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "The namespace::autoclean pragma will remove all imported symbols at the end of the current package's compile cycle. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/namespace::autoclean", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-namespace-autoclean-0.29-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.8001", "name": "perl-extutils-depends", "descs": "perl-extutils-depends (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-extutils-depends", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions. This means that a perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides a C and an XS interface besides the perl one. Home page: https://metacpan.org/release/ExtUtils-Depends", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-extutils-depends-0.8001-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.74", "name": "perl-IO-Socket-Socks", "descs": "perl-IO-Socket-Socks (Provides a way to create socks client/server)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-Socket-Socks", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "IO::Socket::Socks connects to a SOCKS proxy, and tells it to open a connection to a remote host/port when the object is created. The object you receive can be used directly as a socket (with IO::Socket interface) for sending and receiving data from the remote host. In addition to creating a socks client this module can also be used to create socks server. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Socket::Socks", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-Socket-Socks-0.74-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.08", "name": "perl-text-unaccent", "descs": "perl-text-unaccent (perl module to remove accents from a string)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-text-unaccent", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Text::Unaccent is a module that remove accents from a string. unac_string converts the input string from the specified charset to UTF-16 and calls unac_string_utf16 to return the unaccented equivalent. The conversion from and to UTF-16 is done with iconv(1).", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-text-unaccent-1.08-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.038", "name": "perl-Gtk3", "descs": "perl-Gtk3 (Perl interface to GTK+3)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Gtk3", "deps": ["perl-Glib-Object-Introspection", "perl-Cairo-GObject"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "The Gtk3 module allows a Perl developer to use the gtk+ graphical user interface library. Find out more about gtk+ at http://www.gtk.org.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Gtk3-0.038-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.34", "name": "perl-aliased", "descs": "perl-aliased (Use shorter versions of class names)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-aliased", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build-Tiny"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "aliased is simple in concept but is a rather handy module. It loads the class you specify and exports into your namespace a subroutine that returns the class name. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/aliased", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-aliased-0.34-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "1.24", "name": "perl-XML-Stream", "descs": "perl-XML-Stream (Creates an XML Stream connection)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-Stream", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "XML::Stream is an attempt at solidifying the use of XML via streaming. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/XML::Stream", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-Stream-1.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.30", "name": "perl-yaml", "descs": "perl-yaml (YAML Ain't a Markup Language)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-yaml", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "The YAML.pm module implements a YAML Loader and Dumper based on the YAML 1.0 specification. YAML is a generic data serialization language that is optimized for human readability. It can be used to express the data structures of most modern programming languages. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/YAML", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-yaml-1.30-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "2.82", "name": "perl-Config-IniFiles", "descs": "perl-Config-IniFiles (Config::IniFiles)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Config-IniFiles", "deps": ["perl-List-MoreUtils", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "perl-Config-IniFiles perl module to read .ini-style configuration files. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Config-IniFiles", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Config-IniFiles-2.82-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "25176 K", "ver": "2.01", "name": "perl-Religion-Islam-Quran", "descs": "perl-Religion-Islam-Quran (Holy Quran searchable database)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Religion-Islam-Quran", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6294 K", "descl": "This module contains the full Holy Quran Book database searchable and provides many methods for retriving whole quran, specific surahs, or specific ayats and information about Quran and each surah in different languages and transliterations.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Religion-Islam-Quran-2.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "6.06", "name": "perl-Carp-Clan", "descs": "perl-Carp-Clan (error reporting module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Carp-Clan", "deps": ["perl-Test-Exception"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Carp::Clan report errors from perspective of caller of a 'clan' of modules.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Carp-Clan-6.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "perl-Class-Load-XS", "descs": "perl-Class-Load-XS (XS implementation of parts of Class::Load)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Load-XS", "deps": ["perl-Class-Load", "perl-Test-Fatal", "perl-Module-Implementation", "perl-Data-OptList"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This module provides an XS implementation for portions of Class::Load. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Load::XS", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Load-XS-0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "perl-gnome2-wnck", "descs": "perl-gnome2-wnck (Perl interface to the libwnck)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-gnome2-wnck", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libglvnd", "libwnck", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "Perl bindings to the Window Navigator Construction Kit (libwnck). Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gnome2::Wnck", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-gnome2-wnck-0.16-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.26", "name": "perl-net-ip", "descs": "perl-net-ip (perl IP address manipulation module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-net-ip", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "It is designed to allow easy manipulation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Net-IP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-net-ip-1.26-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.032", "name": "perl-Algorithm-Loops", "descs": "perl-Algorithm-Loops (Looping constructs)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Algorithm-Loops", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Algorithm::Loops - Looping constructs: NestedLoops, MapCar*, Filter, and NextPermute* Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Algorithm::Loops", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Algorithm-Loops-1.032-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "5.4", "name": "perl-XML-TreeBuilder", "descs": "perl-XML-TreeBuilder (perl library for tree of XML::Element objects)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-TreeBuilder", "deps": ["perl-HTML-Tree", "perl-html-tagset", "perl-Test-Simple", "perl-XML-Catalog"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This module uses XML::Parser to make XML document trees constructed of XML::Element objects (and XML::Element is a subclass of HTML::Element adapted for XML). XML::TreeBuilder is meant particularly for people who are used to the HTML::TreeBuilder / HTML::Element interface to document trees, and who don't want to learn some other document interface like XML::Twig or XML::DOM. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/XML::TreeBuilder", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-TreeBuilder-5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.64", "name": "perl-Test-Differences", "descs": "perl-Test-Differences (Test string and data structure differences)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Differences", "deps": ["perl-Text-Diff", "perl-Module-Build", "perl-Capture-Tiny"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "When the code you're testing returns multiple lines, records or data structures and they're just plain wrong, an equivalent to the Unix diff utility may be just what's needed. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/OVID/Test-Differences-0.61", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Differences-0.64-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.32", "name": "perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout", "descs": "perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout (PerlIO::via::Timeout)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout", "deps": ["perl-Time-Out", "perl-Test-SharedFork", "perl-Test-TCP"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "PerlIO layer that adds read & write timeout to a handle. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/PerlIO::via::Timeout", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout-0.32-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.07", "name": "perl-Clone-PP", "descs": "perl-Clone-PP (Recursive copy)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Clone-PP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "This module provides recursive copy Perl datatypes. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Clone::PP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Clone-PP-1.07-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "1.59", "name": "perl-Archive-Zip", "descs": "perl-Archive-Zip (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Archive-Zip", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "The Archive::Zip module allows a Perl program to create, manipulate, read, and write Zip archive files. Zip archives can be created, or you can read from existing zip files. Once created, they can be written to files, streams, or strings. Members can be added, removed, extracted, replaced, rearranged, and enumerated. They can also be renamed or have their dates, comments, or other attributes queried or modified. Their data can be compressed or uncompressed as needed.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Archive-Zip-1.59-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.56", "name": "perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime", "descs": "perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime (parse and format time patterns)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime", "deps": ["perl-DateTime"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "DateTime-Format-Strptime will parse and format strp and strf time patterns.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.56-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1404 K", "ver": "1.46", "name": "perl-Log-Log4perl", "descs": "perl-Log-Log4perl (Log4j implementation for Perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Log-Log4perl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "351 K", "descl": "Log::Log4perl lets you remote-control and fine-tune the logging behaviour of your system from the outside. It implements the widely popular (Java-based) Log4j logging package in pure Perl.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Log-Log4perl-1.46-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "6.0.1", "name": "perl-Net-SNMP", "descs": "perl-Net-SNMP (Object oriented interface to SNMP)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-SNMP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "The Net::SNMP module implements an object oriented interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::SNMP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-SNMP-6.0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "2.023", "name": "perl-Data-Dumper-Concise", "descs": "perl-Data-Dumper-Concise (Beter Data::Dumper)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Data-Dumper-Concise", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This module provides Data::Dumper with less indentatioms and newlines. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Data-Dumper-Concise", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Data-Dumper-Concise-2.023-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.9022", "name": "perl-Net-Netmask", "descs": "perl-Net-Netmask (Net::Netmask)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Netmask", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "The Net::Netmask perl module parses and manipulates IPv4 network blocks. Although it lacks support for IPv6, it has a few features missing from similar modules, such as Net::CIDR.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Netmask-1.9022-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.37", "name": "perl-DBIx-Simple", "descs": "perl-DBIx-Simple (Very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DBIx-Simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "DBIx::Simple provides a simplified interface to DBI, Perl's powerful database module. For more info, visit: https://metacpan.org/release/DBIx-Simple", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DBIx-Simple-1.37-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "0.304", "name": "perl-HTTP-Proxy", "descs": "perl-HTTP-Proxy (a pure Perl HTTP proxy)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTTP-Proxy", "deps": ["libwww-perl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "This module implements an HTTP proxy, using an HTTP::Daemon to accept client connections, and a LWP::UserAgent to ask for the requested pages. The most interesting feature of this proxy object is its ability to filter the HTTP requests and responses through user- defined filters.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTTP-Proxy-0.304-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "perl-Crypt-Rijndael", "descs": "perl-Crypt-Rijndael (Rijndael encryption module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-Rijndael", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This module implements the Rijndael cipher, which has just been selected as the Advanced Encryption Standard. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/BDFOY/Crypt-Rijndael-1.09", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-Rijndael-1.11-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "perl-Math-Complex_C", "descs": "perl-Math-Complex_C (perl interface to C's double precision)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Complex_C", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "perl interface to C's double precision complex operations. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Complex_C", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Complex_C-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "2.13", "name": "perl-digest-sha1", "descs": "perl-digest-sha1 (Perl interface to the SHA-1 algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-digest-sha1", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "It allows you to use the NIST SHA-1 message digest algorithm from within Perl programs. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 160-bit 'fingerprint' or 'message digest' of the input. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Digest-SHA1", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-digest-sha1-2.13-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.00", "name": "perl-data-messagepack", "descs": "perl-data-messagepack (data structure <--> MessagePack converter)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-data-messagepack", "deps": ["perl-inc-module-install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "This module converts Perl data structures to MessagePack and vice versa. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::MessagePack", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-data-messagepack-1.00-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "4.079", "name": "perl-NetAddr-IP", "descs": "perl-NetAddr-IP (NetAddr::IP)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-NetAddr-IP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "perl-NetAddr-IP provides perl modules to manage IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/NetAddr-IP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-NetAddr-IP-4.079-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.34", "name": "perl-class-accessor", "descs": "perl-class-accessor (Automated accessor generation)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-class-accessor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This perl module automagically generates accessors/mutators for your class.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-class-accessor-0.34-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.36", "name": "perl-Class-ISA", "descs": "perl-Class-ISA (report the search path for a class's ISA tree)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-ISA", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "This library, Class::ISA, provides functions that return the list (in order) of names of classes Perl would search to find a method, with no duplicates. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::ISA", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-ISA-0.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.51", "name": "perl-Test-Pod", "descs": "perl-Test-Pod (Test::Pod)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Pod", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "perl-Test-Pod - checks for POD errors in files Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-Pod", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Pod-1.51-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.09", "name": "perl-Sub-Override", "descs": "perl-Sub-Override (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sub-Override", "deps": ["perl-Test-Fatal", "perl-Test-Simple"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Sub::Override", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sub-Override-0.09-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.05", "name": "perl-Gtk2-Notify", "descs": "perl-Gtk2-Notify (Perl interface to libnotify)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Gtk2-Notify", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-gtk2", "perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Perl interface to libnotify. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gtk2::Notify", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Gtk2-Notify-0.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.20200211", "name": "perl-Modern-Perl", "descs": "perl-Modern-Perl (enable features of Modern Perl with one import)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Modern-Perl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Modern Perl programs use several modules to enable additional features of Perl and of the CPAN. Instead of copying and pasting all of these use lines, instead write only one: use Modern::Perl;", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Modern-Perl-1.20200211-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "2.51", "name": "txt2html", "descs": "txt2html (Text to HTML converter)", "source": "source/salix/perl/txt2html", "deps": ["perl-YAML-Syck"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "txt2html is a Perl program that converts plain text to HTML. It uses the HTML::TextToHTML perl module to do so.", "path": "./salix/perl/txt2html-2.51-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "perl-File-ShareDir-Install", "descs": "perl-File-ShareDir-Install (install shared files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-ShareDir-Install", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "allows you to install read-only data files from a distribution. It is a companion module to File::ShareDir, which allows you to locate these files after installation", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-ShareDir-Install-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.05", "name": "perl-File-ReadBackwards", "descs": "perl-File-ReadBackwards (Read a file backwards by lines)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-ReadBackwards", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This module reads a file backwards line by line. It is simple to use, memory efficient and fast.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-ReadBackwards-1.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.05", "name": "perl-encode-locale", "descs": "perl-encode-locale (Determine the locale encoding)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-encode-locale", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "It is a perl module used to determine the local encoding. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Encode-Locale", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-encode-locale-1.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.08", "name": "perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601", "descs": "perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 (Parses ISO8601 date and time formats)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601", "deps": ["perl-DateTime-Format-Builder", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "DateTime::Format::ISO8601 Parses almost all ISO8601 date and time formats. ISO8601 time-intervals will be supported in a later release.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-Gnome2-Vte", "descs": "perl-Gnome2-Vte (perl module Gnome2::Vte)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Gnome2-Vte", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte2", "zlib", "perl-glib", "perl-gtk2", "perl-extutils-depends", "perl-extutils-pkgconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Perl interface to the Virtual Terminal Emulation library. This module allows a Perl developer to use the Virtual Terminal Emulator library (libvte for short). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Gnome2::Vte", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Gnome2-Vte-0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "988 K", "ver": "1.7044", "name": "cpanminus", "descs": "cpanminus (App::cpanminus)", "source": "source/salix/perl/cpanminus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "247 K", "descl": "cpanminus (or cpanm) is a script to get, unpack, build, and install modules from CPAN without needing configuration.", "path": "./salix/perl/cpanminus-1.7044-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.09", "name": "perl-audio-sndfile", "descs": "perl-audio-sndfile (perl bindings for libsndfile)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-audio-sndfile", "deps": ["flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Audio::SndFile is a perl interface to the sndfile (soundfile) library. It provides a portable API for reading and writing sound files in different formats. See the documentation for a full list of supported file formats. Wav, flac, and ogg are supported, but mp3 is not.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-audio-sndfile-0.09-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "2820 K", "ver": "1.32", "name": "perl-libintl", "descs": "perl-libintl (Perl Interface to Uniforum Message Translation)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-libintl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "705 K", "descl": "The module Locale::TextDomain(3pm) provides a high-level interface to Perl message translation.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-libintl-1.32-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "512 K", "ver": "0.55", "name": "perl-BerkeleyDB", "descs": "perl-BerkeleyDB (BerkeleyDB)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-BerkeleyDB", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "128 K", "descl": "perl-BerkeleyDB is a Perl extension for Berkeley DB version 2, 3 or 4 Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/BerkeleyDB", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-BerkeleyDB-0.55-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "4.21", "name": "perl-Math-MPFR", "descs": "perl-Math-MPFR (perl interface to the MPFR library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-MPFR", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], "gcc", "perl-Math-GMPq", "perl-Math-GMPz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "perl-Math-MPFR is a A bigfloat module utilising the MPFR library. Basically this module simply wraps the 'mpfr' floating point functions provided by that library. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::MPFR", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-MPFR-4.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.09", "name": "perl-Module-Implementation", "descs": "perl-Module-Implementation (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Module-Implementation", "deps": ["perl-Test-Fatal", "perl-Test-Requires"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Module-Implementation", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Module-Implementation-0.09-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-String-PerlIdentifier", "descs": "perl-String-PerlIdentifier (Generate a random name for Perl variable)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-String-PerlIdentifier", "deps": ["perl-Test-Simple"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "String::PerlIdentifier - Generate a random name for a Perl variable. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/String::PerlIdentifier", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-String-PerlIdentifier-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "perl-IPC-DirQueue", "descs": "perl-IPC-DirQueue (disk-based many-to-many queueing system)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IPC-DirQueue", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "This module implements a FIFO queueing infrastructure, using a directory as the communications and storage media. No daemon process is required to manage the queue; all communication takes place via the filesystem.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IPC-DirQueue-1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "1.41", "name": "perl-Image-Info", "descs": "perl-Image-Info (Image::Info)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Image-Info", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "perl-Image-Info extracts meta information from image files. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Image-Info", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Image-Info-1.41-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "perl-Task-Weaken", "descs": "perl-Task-Weaken (ensure that a platform has weaken support)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Task-Weaken", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Task::Weaken - Ensure that a platform has weaken support.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Task-Weaken-1.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "592 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-goo-canvas", "descs": "perl-goo-canvas (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-goo-canvas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "goocanvas", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "148 K", "descl": "Perl bindings to the goocanvas. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Goo-Canvas", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-goo-canvas-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "perl-Parser-MGC", "descs": "perl-Parser-MGC (build simple recursive-descent parsers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Parser-MGC", "deps": ["perl-File-Slurp-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "This base class provides a low-level framework for building recursive-descent parsers that consume a given input string from left to right, returning a parse structure. It takes its name from the m//gc regexps used to implement the token parsing behaviour. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Parser-MGC", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Parser-MGC-0.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "6.02", "name": "perl-http-date", "descs": "perl-http-date (date conversion routines)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-http-date", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "This perl module provides functions that deal the date formats used by the HTTP protocol (and then some more). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/HTTP-Date", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-http-date-6.02-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "2.16", "name": "perl-HTML-Formatter", "descs": "perl-HTML-Formatter (Base class for HTML formatters)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-Formatter", "deps": ["perl-Font-AFM", "perl-File-Slurp", "perl-HTML-Tree", "perl-Test-Warnings"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "HTML::Formatter is a base class for classes that take HTML and format it to some output format. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::Formatter", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-Formatter-2.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM", "descs": "perl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM (convert between Lat/Long and UTM)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Perl module to convert latitude and longitude coordinates to and from Universal Transverse Mercator. https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::Coordinates::UTM", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-0.11-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.32", "name": "perl-file-mimeinfo", "descs": "perl-file-mimeinfo (Determine file type)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-file-mimeinfo", "deps": ["perl-file-basedir", "perl-file-desktopentry", "perl-encode-locale"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "This module can be used to determine the mime type of a file. It tries to implement the freedesktop specification for a shared MIME database.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-file-mimeinfo-0.32-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.41", "name": "perl-Exception-Class", "descs": "perl-Exception-Class (allows you to declare real exception classes)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Exception-Class", "deps": ["perl-Class-Data-Inheritable", "perl-Devel-StackTrace"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Exception::Class allows you to declare exception hierarchies in your modules in a 'Java-esque' manner. It features a simple interface allowing programmers to 'declare' exception classes at compile time. It also has a base exception class, Exception::Class::Base, that can be easily extended. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Exception::Class", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Exception-Class-1.41-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "1.34", "name": "perl-YAML-Syck", "descs": "perl-YAML-Syck (Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-YAML-Syck", "deps": ["perl-yaml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-YAML-Syck-1.34-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.09", "name": "perl-Test-Inter", "descs": "perl-Test-Inter (framework for more readable interactive test scripts)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Inter", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "This is another framework for writing test scripts. It is loosely inspired by Test::More, and has most of it's functionality, but it is not a drop-in replacement.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Inter-1.09-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "6.01", "name": "perl-http-negotiate", "descs": "perl-http-negotiate (choose a variant to serve)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-http-negotiate", "deps": ["perl-http-message"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This perl module provides a complete implementation of the HTTP content negotiation algorithm specified in draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps chapter 12 https://metacpan.org/release/HTTP-Negotiate", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-http-negotiate-6.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.127", "name": "perl-Test-Deep", "descs": "perl-Test-Deep (Test::Deep)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Deep", "deps": ["perl-Test-NoWarnings"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "perl-Test-Deep - Extremely flexible deep comparison Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-Deep", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Deep-1.127-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.02", "name": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES", "descs": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES (Crypt::OpenSSL::AES)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES - AES encoding and decoding, using the openSSL libraries. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Crypt-OpenSSL-AES", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES-0.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.12", "name": "perl-Text-Hyphen", "descs": "perl-Text-Hyphen (hyphenate words in text)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Hyphen", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Text::Hyphen module is the implementation of the famous Knuth-Liang algorithm to hyphenate words in text. That means using this module you can determine positions inside words where it is possible to insert a hyphen to break a line of text. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Hyphen", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Hyphen-0.12-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "0.63", "name": "perl-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker", "descs": "perl-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker (Better than h2xs for creating modules)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker", "deps": ["perl-File-HomeDir"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "ExtUtils::ModuleMaker - Better than h2xs for creating modules Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/ExtUtils::ModuleMaker", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker-0.63-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.28.1", "name": "perl-CDDB-get", "descs": "perl-CDDB-get (read the CDDB entry for an audio CD)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-CDDB-get", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This module/script gets the CDDB info for an audio cd. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/CDDB_get", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-CDDB-get-2.28.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "20200520", "name": "perl-Mozilla-CA", "descs": "perl-Mozilla-CA (Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mozilla-CA", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/ABH/Mozilla-CA-20130114", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mozilla-CA-20200520-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.443", "name": "perl-Test-File", "descs": "perl-Test-File (routines for testing file attributes and data)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-File", "deps": ["perl-Test-utf8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "The Test-File perl distribution provides convenience test functions to check file attributes and data in a Test::More fashion.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-File-1.443-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.015", "name": "perl-Params-Classify", "descs": "perl-Params-Classify (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Params-Classify", "deps": ["perl-Test-Pod", "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Argument type classification.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Params-Classify-0.015-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.46", "name": "perl-Term-UI", "descs": "perl-Term-UI (User interfaces via Term::ReadLine made easy)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Term-UI", "deps": ["perl-Log-Message-Simple"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Term::UI is a transparent way of eliminating the overhead of having to format a question and then validate the reply, informing the user if the answer was not proper and re-issuing the question. Simply give it the question you want to ask, optionally with choices users can pick from and a default and Term::UI will do what you mean For more info, visit: https://metacpan.org/release/Term-UI", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Term-UI-0.46-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "perl-IPTables-ChainMgr", "descs": "perl-IPTables-ChainMgr (manipulate iptables and ip6tables policies)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IPTables-ChainMgr", "deps": ["perl-IPTables-Parse", "perl-NetAddr-IP"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The IPTables::ChainMgr package provides an interface to manipulate iptables and ip6tables policies on Linux systems through the direct execution of iptables/ip6tables commands.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IPTables-ChainMgr-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.02", "name": "perl-Net-DNS-SEC", "descs": "perl-Net-DNS-SEC (DNSSEC extensions to Net::DNS)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-DNS-SEC", "deps": ["perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA", "perl-Digest-GOST", "perl-net-dns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "DNSSEC extension to Net::DNS. It implements the cryptographic signature generation and verification functions that are relevant for DNSSEC operations. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::DNS::SEC", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-DNS-SEC-1.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.08", "name": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum", "descs": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum (Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum is a perl module designed to provide basic access to the OpenSSL multi- precision integer arithmetic libraries. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "perl-Tie-Simple", "descs": "perl-Tie-Simple (Variable ties made easier: much, much, much easier)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Tie-Simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This module adds the ability to quickly create new types of tie objects without creating a complete class. It does so in such a way as to try and make the programmers life easier when it comes to single-use ties that I find myself wanting to use from time-to-time.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Tie-Simple-1.04-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "perl-File-Save-Home", "descs": "perl-File-Save-Home (Place file safely under user home directory)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Save-Home", "deps": ["perl-String-PerlIdentifier"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "File::Save::Home - Place file safely under user home directory. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Save::Home", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Save-Home-0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "2013.0912", "name": "perl-Time-modules", "descs": "perl-Time-modules (Time manipulations)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Time-modules", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Includes Time::CTime, Time::DaysInMonth, Time::JulianDay, Time::ParseDate, Time::Timezone.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Time-modules-2013.0912-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "perl-Eval-Closure", "descs": "perl-Eval-Closure (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Eval-Closure", "deps": ["perl-Test-Requires", "perl-Test-Fatal"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "safely and cleanly create closures via string eval", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Eval-Closure-0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1532 K", "ver": "0.13.7", "name": "zef", "descs": "zef (module management for the Raku programming language)", "source": "source/salix/perl/zef", "deps": ["rakudo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "383 K", "descl": "The zef package manager downloads and installs Raku modules. Homepage: https://github.com/ugexe/zef", "path": "./salix/perl/zef-0.13.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent", "descs": "perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent (Cache the result of http get-requests)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent", "deps": ["libwww-perl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Cache the result of http get-requests persistently Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTTP::Cache::Transparent", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "4.03", "name": "perl-JSON-XS", "descs": "perl-JSON-XS (JSON serialising/deserialising)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-JSON-XS", "deps": ["perl-Canary-Stability", "perl-Types-Serialiser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "This module converts Perl data structures to JSON and vice versa. Its primary goal is to be correct and its secondary goal is to be fast. To reach the latter goal it was written in C. https://metacpan.org/release/JSON-XS", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-JSON-XS-4.03-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.19", "name": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA", "descs": "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm using OpenSSL)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Perl module implementing Digital Signature Algorithm using OpenSSL Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA-0.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "perl-CSS-Squish", "descs": "perl-CSS-Squish (Compact many CSS files into one big file)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-CSS-Squish", "deps": ["perl-Test-LongString"], "rel": "0salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/TSIBLEY/CSS-Squish-0.10", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-CSS-Squish-0.10-i586-0salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.44", "name": "perl-File-Copy-Recursive", "descs": "perl-File-Copy-Recursive (perl extension)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Copy-Recursive", "deps": ["perl-Test-Deep", "perl-Test-File", "perl-Test-Warnings", "perl-Test-Fatal"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This module copies and moves directories recursively (or single files, well... singly) to an optional depth and attempts to preserve each file or directory's mode.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Copy-Recursive-0.44-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.08", "name": "perl-Test-Object", "descs": "perl-Test-Object (Test objects for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Object", "deps": ["perl-Test-Simple"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This module thoroughly tests objects via registered handlers. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Object", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Object-0.08-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "528 K", "ver": "2013031301", "name": "perl-Regexp-Common", "descs": "perl-Regexp-Common (commonly requested regular expressions)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Regexp-Common", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "132 K", "descl": "This Perl module provides commonly needed regular expressions. Patterns like balanced parentheses and brackets, delimited text (with escapes), integers and floating-point numbers in any base (up to 36), comments in 44 programming languages, offensive language, lists of any pattern, IPv4 addresses, URIs, and zip codes are included. More complex patters can be built based on the patterns provided.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Regexp-Common-2013031301-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1916 K", "ver": "3.08", "name": "perl-SNMP-Info", "descs": "perl-SNMP-Info (SNMP::Info)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-SNMP-Info", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "479 K", "descl": "SNMP::Info is a Perl5 Module that provides an object-oriented interface to Network Devices and data stored in SNMP MIB. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/SNMP-Info", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-SNMP-Info-3.08-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "3.44", "name": "perl-Test-Harness", "descs": "perl-Test-Harness (Run test scripts with statistics)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Harness", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This is a simple test harness which allows tests to be run and results automatically aggregated and output to STDOUT.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Harness-3.44-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.007", "name": "Gtk2-GladeXML", "descs": "Gtk2-GladeXML (Gtk2-GladeXML perl bindings for Glade 2.x)", "source": "source/salix/perl/Gtk2-GladeXML", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This package adds perl support for Glade 2.x to Gtk2-Perl. Homepage: http://gtk2-perl.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/perl/Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "656 K", "ver": "6.13", "name": "libwww-perl", "descs": "libwww-perl (WWW client/server library for perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/libwww-perl", "deps": ["perl-file-listing", "perl-http-cookies", "perl-http-daemon", "perl-http-negotiate", "perl-net-http", "perl-www-robotrules"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "164 K", "descl": "It is a set of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent application programming interface to the World-Wide Web. The main focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you to write WWW clients. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/libwww-perl", "path": "./salix/perl/libwww-perl-6.13-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "2.111", "name": "perl-IO-stringy", "descs": "perl-IO-stringy (IO::stringy)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-stringy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "perl-IO-stringy provides perl modules for performing both traditional and object-oriented i/o on things other than normal filehandles. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/IO-stringy", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-stringy-2.111-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.040001", "name": "perl-MaxMind-DB-Common", "descs": "perl-MaxMind-DB-Common (Common code/metadata for Reader & Writer)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MaxMind-DB-Common", "deps": ["perl-Data-Dumper-Concise", "perl-DateTime", "perl-List-AllUtils", "perl-Math-BigInt", "perl-MooX-StrictConstructor", "perl-namespace-autoclean", "perl-Scalar-List-Utils"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This module provides a common code and metadata for MaxMind DB Reader and Writer. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/MaxMind-DB-Common", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MaxMind-DB-Common-0.040001-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.27", "name": "perl-Convert-ASN1", "descs": "perl-Convert-ASN1 (ASN.1 Encode/Decode library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Convert-ASN1", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Convert::ASN1 encodes and decodes ASN.1 data structures using BER/DER rules. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/GBARR/Convert-ASN1-0.22", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Convert-ASN1-0.27-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "perl-ZMQ-Constants", "descs": "perl-ZMQ-Constants (ZMQ::Constants perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-ZMQ-Constants", "deps": ["perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Constants for libzmq Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/ZMQ-Constants", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-ZMQ-Constants-1.04-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "6.01", "name": "perl-http-cookies", "descs": "perl-http-cookies (HTTP cookie jars)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-http-cookies", "deps": ["perl-http-message"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "This class is for objects that represent a 'cookie jar' that is, a database of all the HTTP cookies that a given LWP::UserAgent object knows about https://metacpan.org/release/HTTP-Cookies", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-http-cookies-6.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.07", "name": "perl-Test-Script", "descs": "perl-Test-Script (Basic cross-platform tests for scripts)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Script", "deps": ["perl-IPC-Run3", "perl-Probe-Perl", "perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "The intent of Test-Script module is to provide a series of basic tests for 80% of the testing you will need to do for scripts in the script (or bin as is also commonly used) paths of your Perl distribution. Further, it aims to provide this functionality with perfect platform-compatibility, and in a way that is as unobtrusive as possible.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Script-1.07-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.011", "name": "perl-MooX-StrictConstructor", "descs": "perl-MooX-StrictConstructor (Force attributes check in Moo)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MooX-StrictConstructor", "deps": ["perl-Class-Method-Modifiers", "perl-Role-Tiny", "perl-strictures"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "This module forces attributes check on objects based on Moo. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Moox::StrictConstructor", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MooX-StrictConstructor-0.011-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.03", "name": "perl-XML-Catalog", "descs": "perl-XML-Catalog (perl library for handling xml catalogs)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-Catalog", "deps": ["libwww-perl", "perl-Test-Simple"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "This module implements draft 0.4 of John Cowan's XML Catalog (formerly known as XCatalog) proposal (). Catalogs may be written in either SOCAT or XML syntax (see the proposal for syntax details); XML::Catalog will assume SOCAT syntax if the catalog is not in well-formed XML syntax. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/XML::Catalog", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-Catalog-1.03-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-http-response-encoding", "descs": "perl-http-response-encoding (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-http-response-encoding", "deps": ["libwww-perl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Adds encoding() to HTTP::Response. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/HTTP-Response-Encoding", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-http-response-encoding-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "2.21", "name": "perl-AnyEvent-HTTP", "descs": "perl-AnyEvent-HTTP (simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-AnyEvent-HTTP", "deps": ["perl-AnyEvent", "perl-common-sense"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "This module implements a simple, stateless and non-blocking HTTP client. It supports GET, POST and other request methods, cookies and more, all on a very low level. It can follow redirects, supports proxies, and automatically limits the number of connections to the values specified in the RFC. It should generally be a 'good client' that is enough for most HTTP tasks. Simple tasks should be simple, but complex tasks should still be possible as the user retains control over HTTP message headers.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.21-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "2.71", "name": "perl-IO-Socket-INET6", "descs": "perl-IO-Socket-INET6 (interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-Socket-INET6", "deps": ["perl-Socket6"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "IO::Socket::INET6 provides an object interface to creating and using sockets in either AF_INET or AF_INET6 domains. It is built upon the IO::Socket interface and inherits all the methods defined by IO::Socket.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-Socket-INET6-2.71-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.17", "name": "perl-xml-fast", "descs": "perl-xml-fast (XML::Fast module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-xml-fast", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "XML::Fast - Simple and very fast XML to hash conversion", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-xml-fast-0.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.13", "name": "perl-Class-Method-Modifiers", "descs": "perl-Class-Method-Modifiers (Moose-like method modifiers)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Class-Method-Modifiers", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build-Tiny", "perl-Test-Fatal", "perl-Test-Requires"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This module provides Moose-like method modifiers", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "2006", "name": "perl-Canary-Stability", "descs": "perl-Canary-Stability (Canary::Stability)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Canary-Stability", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/MLEHMANN/Canary-Stability-2006", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Canary-Stability-2006-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.05", "name": "perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse", "descs": "perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse (perl parses Date::Parse format)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse", "deps": ["perl-DateTime", "perl-TimeDate"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This module is a compatibility wrapper around Date::Parse. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime::Format::DateParse", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse-0.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "2.30", "name": "perl-TimeDate", "descs": "perl-TimeDate (TimeDate)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-TimeDate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "perl-TimeDate provides perl modules for Time and Date manipulation. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/TimeDate", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-TimeDate-2.30-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "0.43", "name": "perl-Math-GMPf", "descs": "perl-Math-GMPf (perl interface to the GMP library's floating point)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-GMPf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "perl interface to the GMP library's floating point (mpf) functions. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::GMPf", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-GMPf-0.43-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.60", "name": "perl-HTML-Tidy", "descs": "perl-HTML-Tidy (HTML validation)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-Tidy", "deps": ["tidyp", "perl-Test-Exception", "perl-Sub-Uplevel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This module provides HTML and XHTML validation. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML-Tidy", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-Tidy-1.60-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.05", "name": "perl-Test-MockModule", "descs": "perl-Test-MockModule (Override subroutines in a module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-MockModule", "deps": ["perl-CGI"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Test::MockModule lets you temporarily redefine subroutines in other packages for the purposes of unit testing.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-MockModule-0.05-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.99", "name": "perl-Sys-MemInfo", "descs": "perl-Sys-MemInfo (total free and used memory)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sys-MemInfo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Sys::MemInfo returns the total amount of free and used physical memory in bytes in totalmem and freemem variables. Total amount of free and used swap memory are also returned in totalswap and freeswap variables. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Sys::MemInfo", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sys-MemInfo-0.99-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "1.15", "name": "perl-Math-MPC", "descs": "perl-Math-MPC (perl interface to the MPC library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-MPC", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libmpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], "perl-Math-MPFR"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "perl-Math-MPC is a multiple precision complex number module utilising the MPC library. Basically, this module simply wraps the 'mpc' complex number functions provided by that library. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::MPC", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-MPC-1.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "perl-Net-Jabber", "descs": "perl-Net-Jabber (Jabber Perl Library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-Jabber", "deps": ["perl-Net-XMPP"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "Net::Jabber provides a Perl user with access to the Jabber Instant Messaging Protocol. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/REATMON/Net-Jabber-2.0", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-Jabber-2.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1064 K", "ver": "2.28", "name": "perl-IP-Country", "descs": "perl-IP-Country (IP::Country)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IP-Country", "deps": ["perl-Geography-Countries"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "266 K", "descl": "perl-IP-Country - fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/IP-Country", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IP-Country-2.28-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "1.71", "name": "perl-AppConfig", "descs": "perl-AppConfig (module for reading config files and arguments)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-AppConfig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "AppConfig is a Perl5 module for managing application configuration information. It maintains the state of any number of variables and provides methods for parsing configuration files, command line arguments and CGI script parameters.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-AppConfig-1.71-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.014", "name": "perl-CPAN-Meta-Check", "descs": "perl-CPAN-Meta-Check (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-CPAN-Meta-Check", "deps": ["perl-Test-Deep"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-CPAN-Meta-Check-0.014-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "9999.27", "name": "perl-File-Slurp", "descs": "perl-File-Slurp (File::Slurp perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Slurp", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This module provides subs that allow you to read or write entire files with one simple call. They are designed to be simple to use, have flexible ways to pass in or get the file contents, and to be very efficient. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/File-Slurp", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Slurp-9999.27-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.001013", "name": "perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive", "descs": "perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive (Perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Sub::Exporter is an incredibly powerful module, but with that power comes great responsibility, as well as some runtime penalties. This module is a Sub::Exporter wrapper that will let your users just use Exporter if all they are doing is picking exports, but use Sub::Exporter if your users try to use Sub::Exporter's more advanced features, like renaming exports, if they try to use them. https://metacpan.org/release/LEONT/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001011", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.15", "name": "perl-HTML-TableExtract", "descs": "perl-HTML-TableExtract (extract content contained in HTML tables)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-HTML-TableExtract", "deps": ["perl-html-parser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Perl module for extracting the content contained in tables within an HTML document, either as text or encoded element trees. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/MSISK/HTML-TableExtract-2.11", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-HTML-TableExtract-2.15-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "perl-String-Scanf", "descs": "perl-String-Scanf (emulate sscanf() of the C library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-String-Scanf", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "String::Scanf supports scanning strings for data using formats similar to the libc/stdio sscanf(). It supports %d, %u, %x, %o, %e, %f, %g, %s and %c formats. Formats %p, %n, %S, %C are not supported. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/String-Scanf", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-String-Scanf-2.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.22", "name": "perl-Socket-GetAddrinfo", "descs": "perl-Socket-GetAddrinfo (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Socket-GetAddrinfo", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "address-family independent name resolving functions", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Socket-GetAddrinfo-0.22-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.34", "name": "perl-File-Find-Rule", "descs": "perl-File-Find-Rule (File::Find::Rule perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Find-Rule", "deps": ["perl-Number-Compare", "perl-Text-Glob"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "File::Find::Rule is a friendlier interface to File::Find. It allows you to build rules which specify the desired files and directories.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Find-Rule-0.34-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.22", "name": "perl-Math-LongDouble", "descs": "perl-Math-LongDouble (perl interface to C's long double operations)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-LongDouble", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "perl interface to C's long double operations. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::LongDouble", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-LongDouble-0.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.43", "name": "perl-XML-TreePP", "descs": "perl-XML-TreePP (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-TreePP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing XML documents.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-TreePP-0.43-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1292 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "perl-net-dns", "descs": "perl-net-dns (perl DNS resolver module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-net-dns", "deps": ["perl-digest-hmac", "perl-net-ip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "323 K", "descl": "This is a DNS resolver implemented in Perl. It allows the programmer to perform nearly any type of DNS query from a Perl script. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Net-DNS", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-net-dns-1.06-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.24", "name": "perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope", "descs": "perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope (execute code on finished compilation)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope", "deps": ["perl-Module-Implementation", "perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive", "perl-Variable-Magic"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Execute code after a scope finished compilation Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/B::Hooks::EndOfScope", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.24-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.014", "name": "perl-Test-Fatal", "descs": "perl-Test-Fatal (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Fatal", "deps": ["perl-Try-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Fatal-0.014-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "perl-Test-SubCalls", "descs": "perl-Test-SubCalls (Tests for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-SubCalls", "deps": ["perl-Hook-LexWrap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "There are a number of different situations where you want to want to do a number of tests, and then verify that some underlying subroutine deep within the code was called a specific number of times. This module provides a number of functions for doing testing in this way. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::SubCalls", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-SubCalls-1.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.625", "name": "perl-XML-Writer", "descs": "perl-XML-Writer (Perl extension for writing XML documents)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-Writer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Easily generate well-formed, namespace-aware XML Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/JOSEPHW/XML-Writer-0.623", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-Writer-0.625-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.17", "name": "perl-Sys-Mmap", "descs": "perl-Sys-Mmap (uses mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sys-Mmap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "The mmap module uses the POSIX mmap call to map in a file as a Perl variable. Memory access by mmap may be shared between threads or forked processes, and may be a disc file that has been mapped into memory.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sys-Mmap-0.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.039", "name": "perl-Module-Build-Tiny", "descs": "perl-Module-Build-Tiny (A tiny replacement for Module::Build)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Module-Build-Tiny", "deps": ["perl-ExtUtils-Config", "perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths", "perl-ExtUtils-Helpers", "perl-Test-Harness", "perl-JSON"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This module provides a simple, lightweight, drop-in replacement for Module::Build", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Module-Build-Tiny-0.039-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "1.19", "name": "perl-inc-module-install", "descs": "perl-inc-module-install (@INC refresher)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-inc-module-install", "deps": ["perl-File-Remove", "perl-Module-Build", "perl-Module-ScanDeps", "perl-YAML-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "This module first checks whether the inc/.author directory exists, and removes the whole inc/ directory if it does, so the module author always get a fresh inc every time they run Makefile.PL. Next, it unshifts inc into @INC, then loads Module::Install from there.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-inc-module-install-1.19-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "perl-Test-NoWarnings", "descs": "perl-Test-NoWarnings (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-NoWarnings", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Test::NoWarnings - Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-NoWarnings-1.04-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.27", "name": "perl-namespace-clean", "descs": "perl-namespace-clean (Keep imports out of your namespace)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-namespace-clean", "deps": ["perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope", "perl-Package-Stash"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "The namespace::clean pragma will remove all previously declared or imported symbols at the end of the current package's compile cycle. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/namespace::clean", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-namespace-clean-0.27-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "3.52", "name": "perl-xml-twig", "descs": "perl-xml-twig (Perl XML transformation module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-xml-twig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "XML::Twig is (yet another!) XML transformation module. Its strong points: can be used to process huge documents while still being in tree mode; not bound by DOM or SAX, so it is very perlish and offers a very comprehensive set of methods; simple to use; DWIMs as much as possible. Homepage: http://xmltwig.org/xmltwig/", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-xml-twig-3.52-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.21", "name": "perl-Proc-Daemon", "descs": "perl-Proc-Daemon (Run Perl program as a daemon process)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Proc-Daemon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Proc::Daemon provides the capability for a Perl program to run as a Unix daemon process.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Proc-Daemon-0.21-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "perl-Text-Iconv", "descs": "perl-Text-Iconv (Perl interface to the iconv()", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Iconv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This module provides a Perl interface to the iconv() codeset conversion function. It was written by Michael Piotrowski. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Text-Iconv", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Iconv-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.005", "name": "perl-Cairo-GObject", "descs": "perl-Cairo-GObject (Integrate Cairo into the Glib type system)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Cairo-GObject", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pixman", "zlib", "perl-glib", "perl-cairo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Cairo::GObject registers Cairo's types (Cairo::Context, Cairo::Surface, etc.) with Glib's type systems so that they can be used normally in signals and properties.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Cairo-GObject-1.005-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.28", "name": "perl-Package-Stash-XS", "descs": "perl-Package-Stash-XS (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Package-Stash-XS", "deps": ["perl-Test-Requires", "perl-Test-Fatal"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Package-Stash-XS-0.28-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.53", "name": "perl-XML-SAX-Writer", "descs": "perl-XML-SAX-Writer (SAX2 writer)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-XML-SAX-Writer", "deps": ["perl-XML-Filter-BufferText", "perl-Module-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Perl XML SAX2 writer. https://metacpan.org/release/PERIGRIN/XML-SAX-Writer-0.53", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-XML-SAX-Writer-0.53-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "1.42", "name": "perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu", "descs": "perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu (line-editing and history capabilities)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "Term::ReadLine::Gnu provides functions for use by interactive Perl programs that allow users to edit command lines as they are typed in. The module includes additional functions to maintain a list of previously-entered command lines, to recall and perhaps reedit those lines.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.42-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.30", "name": "perl-IPC-System-Simple", "descs": "perl-IPC-System-Simple (Run commands, with detailed diagnostics)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IPC-System-Simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Calling Perl's in-built 'system()' function is easy; determining if it was successful is _hard_. Let's face it, '$?' isn't the nicest variable in the world to play with, and even if you _do_ check it, producing a well-formatted error string takes a lot of work. 'IPC::System::Simple' takes the hard work out of calling external commands.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IPC-System-Simple-1.30-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.27", "name": "perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics", "descs": "perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics (generation of combinatorial sequences)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Algorithm::Combinatorics - Efficient generation of combinatorial sequences. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Algorithm::Combinatorics", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics-0.27-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.118", "name": "perl-File-ShareDir", "descs": "perl-File-ShareDir (Locate per-dist and per-module shared files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-ShareDir", "deps": ["perl-Class-Inspector", "perl-File-ShareDir-Install"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "The intent of File::ShareDir is to provide a companion to Class::Inspector and File::HomeDir, modules that take a process that is well-known by advanced Perl developers but gets a little tricky, and make it more available to the larger Perl community.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-ShareDir-1.118-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "1.35", "name": "perl-Expect", "descs": "perl-Expect (perl module Expect)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Expect", "deps": ["perl-IO-Tty"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Expect is a tool to automate interactions with command line programs that expose a text terminal interface. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Expect", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Expect-1.35-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.55", "name": "perl-Scalar-List-Utils", "descs": "perl-Scalar-List-Utils (General-utility scalar subroutines)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Scalar-List-Utils", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Scalar::Util contains a selection of subroutines that people have expressed would be nice to have in the perl core, but the usage would not really be high enough to warrant the use of a keyword, and the size would be so small that being individual extensions would be wasteful. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Scalar::Util", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.55-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.005", "name": "perl-Mutex", "descs": "perl-Mutex (Process synchronization primitives)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Mutex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This module provides various locking implementations supporting processes and threads. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Mutex", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Mutex-1.005-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "1.00", "name": "perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon", "descs": "perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon (Use other catalog formats in Maketext)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon - Use other catalog formats in Maketext", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-1.00-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.52", "name": "perl-http-server-simple", "descs": "perl-http-server-simple (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-http-server-simple", "deps": ["perl-CGI"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Lightweight HTTP server. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/HTTP-Server-Simple", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-http-server-simple-0.52-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "564 K", "ver": "7.3", "name": "perl-Bit-Vector", "descs": "perl-Bit-Vector (perl math library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Bit-Vector", "deps": ["perl-Carp-Clan"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "141 K", "descl": "Bit::Vector is an efficient bit vector, set of integers and 'big int' math library", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Bit-Vector-7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.08", "name": "perl-Log-Message", "descs": "perl-Log-Message (Powerful and flexible message storage mechanism)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Log-Message", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Log::Message is a generic message storage mechanism. It allows you to store messages on a stack and assign meta-data to it. Some meta-data will automatically be added for you, like a timestamp and a stack trace. For more info, visit: https://metacpan.org/release/Log-Message", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Log-Message-0.08-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "716 K", "ver": "1.999829", "name": "perl-Math-BigInt", "descs": "perl-Math-BigInt (arbitrary size integer/float math package)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-BigInt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "179 K", "descl": "Arbitrary size integer/float math package Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::BigInt", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-BigInt-1.999829-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.02", "name": "perl-File-Grep", "descs": "perl-File-Grep (Find matches to a pattern in a series of files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-File-Grep", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "File::Grep mimics the functionality of the grep function in perl, but applying it to files instead of a list. This is similar in nature to the UNIX grep command, but more powerful as the pattern can be any legal perl function. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Grep", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-File-Grep-0.02-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "perl-Unicode-Map8", "descs": "perl-Unicode-Map8 (Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Unicode-Map8", "deps": ["perl-Unicode-String"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "The Unicode::Map8 class implement efficient mapping tables between 8-bit character sets and 16 bit character sets like Unicode. About 170 different mapping tables between various known character sets and Unicode is distributed with this package. The source of these tables is the vendor mapping tables provided by Unicode, Inc. and the code tables in RFC 1345. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/GAAS/Unicode-Map8-0.13", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Unicode-Map8-0.13-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.400002", "name": "perl-CPAN-Changes", "descs": "perl-CPAN-Changes (read and write Changes files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-CPAN-Changes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This module will help users programmatically read and write Changes files that conform to the specification. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/CPAN-Changes", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-CPAN-Changes-0.400002-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.00", "name": "perl-URI-Simple", "descs": "perl-URI-Simple (A simple way to parse uri.)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-URI-Simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "This module is a direct port of JavaScript parseURI regex by Steven Levithan. This module will attempt to split URIs according to RFC 3986. https://metacpan.org/pod/URI::Simple", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-URI-Simple-1.00-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "2.02", "name": "perl-parallel-forkmanager", "descs": "perl-parallel-forkmanager (A simple parallel processing fork manager)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-parallel-forkmanager", "deps": ["perl-Role-Tiny", "perl-test-warn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "This module is intended for use in operations that can be done in parallel where the number of processes to be forked off should be limited. Typical use is a downloader which will be retrieving hundreds/thousands of files. HOMEPAGE: https://github.com/dluxhu/perl-parallel-forkmanager", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-parallel-forkmanager-2.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "2.02", "name": "perl-data-page", "descs": "perl-data-page (help when paging through sets of results)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-data-page", "deps": ["perl-class-accessor-chained", "perl-Test-Exception"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "When searching through large amounts of data, it is often the case that a result set is returned that is larger than we want to display on one page. This results in wanting to page through various pages of data. The maths behind this is unfortunately fiddly, hence this module. homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Data-Page", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-data-page-2.02-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "0.51", "name": "perl-Math-GMPq", "descs": "perl-Math-GMPq (perl interface to the GMP library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-GMPq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "perl interface to the GMP library's rational (mpq) functions. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::GMPq", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-GMPq-0.51-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.03", "name": "perl-Number-Compare", "descs": "perl-Number-Compare (Number::Compare perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Number-Compare", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Number::Compare compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine, which you can call with a value to be tested again.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Number-Compare-0.03-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-trayicon", "descs": "perl-trayicon (Tray icon docker for perl applications)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-trayicon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This module allows a Perl developer to embed an arbitrary widget in a System Tray like the Gnome notification area. Homepage: http://gtk2-perl.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-trayicon-0.06-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.17", "name": "perl-Package-DeprecationManager", "descs": "perl-Package-DeprecationManager (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Package-DeprecationManager", "deps": ["perl-List-MoreUtils", "perl-Params-Util", "perl-Package-Stash", "perl-Test-Warnings", "perl-Sub-Name"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Package-DeprecationManager-0.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.25", "name": "perl-data-dump", "descs": "perl-data-dump (Data::Dump - Pretty printing of data structures)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-data-dump", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "This module provide a few functions that traverse their argument and produces a string as its result. The string contains Perl code that, when evaled, produces a deep copy of the original arguments. The main feature of the module is that it strives to produce output that is easy to read.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-data-dump-1.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.20", "name": "perl-Text-Reform", "descs": "perl-Text-Reform (Manual text wrapping and reformatting)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Reform", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "The module supplies a re-entrant, highly configurable replacement for the built-in Perl format() mechanism.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Reform-1.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "3.42", "name": "perl-Cstools", "descs": "perl-Cstools (Tools for dealing with Czech texts)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Cstools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Tools for dealing with Czech texts in Perl. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/JANPAZ/Cstools-3.42", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Cstools-3.42-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "perl-WebService-MusicBrainz", "descs": "perl-WebService-MusicBrainz (retrieve music metadata)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-WebService-MusicBrainz", "deps": ["perl-Mojolicious"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "WebService::MusicBrainz searches the MusicBrainz database, which contains a huge amount of music metadata, through the database's web service and returns objects with the found data. abcde can use WebService::MusicBrainz to look up metadata. For more info, visit: https://musicbrainz.org/ and https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::MusicBrainz", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-WebService-MusicBrainz-1.0.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "10", "name": "perl-Gtk3-ImageView", "descs": "perl-Gtk3-ImageView (Image viewer widget for Gtk3)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Gtk3-ImageView", "deps": ["perl-Gtk3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "The Gtk3::ImageView widget allows the user to zoom, pan and select specified image and provides hooks to allow additional tools, e.g. painter, to be created and used.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Gtk3-ImageView-10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.18", "name": "perl-Convert-TNEF", "descs": "perl-Convert-TNEF (Convert::TNEF)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Convert-TNEF", "deps": ["perl-Convert-BinHex", "perl-IO-stringy", "perl-MailTools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "perl-Convert-TNEF is a perl module read TNEF files. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Convert-TNEF", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Convert-TNEF-0.18-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.43", "name": "perl-Test-Exception", "descs": "perl-Test-Exception (Test::Exception)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Exception", "deps": ["perl-Sub-Uplevel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "perl-Test-Exception provides modules for testing exception based code. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-Exception", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Exception-0.43-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "1.03", "name": "perl-IO-SessionData", "descs": "perl-IO-SessionData (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-SessionData", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "supporting module for SOAP::Lite.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-SessionData-1.03-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "1.29", "name": "perl-tree-dagnode", "descs": "perl-tree-dagnode (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-tree-dagnode", "deps": ["perl-File-Slurp-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "Tree::DAG_Node is a (super)class for representing nodes in a tree. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Tree-DAG_Node", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-tree-dagnode-1.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.08", "name": "perl-IO-String", "descs": "perl-IO-String (file interface for in-core strings)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-String", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "IO::String - Emulate file interface for in-core strings. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::String", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-String-1.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.006022", "name": "perl-Devel-Declare", "descs": "perl-Devel-Declare (Adding keywords to perl, in perl)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Devel-Declare", "deps": ["perl-extutils-depends", "perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check", "perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope", "perl-Sub-Name", "perl-Test-Requires"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "Devel::Declare can install subroutines called declarators which locally take over Perl's parser, allowing the creation of new syntax. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Declare", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Devel-Declare-0.006022-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "perl-LWP-Protocol-socks", "descs": "perl-LWP-Protocol-socks (Adds support for the socks protocol)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-LWP-Protocol-socks", "deps": ["perl-IO-Socket-Socks", "libwww-perl", "perl-LWP-Protocol-https"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Adds support for the socks protocol and proxy facility. https://metacpan.org/release/LWP-Protocol-socks", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-LWP-Protocol-socks-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "3.05", "name": "perl-Text-Soundex", "descs": "perl-Text-Soundex (Text::Soundex)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Soundex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Text::Soundex Perl module.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Soundex-3.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "720 K", "ver": "29", "name": "perl-X11-Protocol-Other", "descs": "perl-X11-Protocol-Other (window manager things for client programs)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-X11-Protocol-Other", "deps": ["perl-x11-protocol"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "180 K", "descl": "This is some window manager related functions for use by client programs, as per the 'Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual' and some of the Net-WM 'Extended Window Manager Hints'. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/X11::Protocol::WM", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-X11-Protocol-Other-29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.05", "name": "perl-Test-RequiresInternet", "descs": "perl-Test-RequiresInternet (Easily test network connectivity)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-RequiresInternet", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "This module is intended to easily test network connectivity before functional tests begin to non-local internet resources. It does not require any modules beyond those supplied in core Perl. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::RequiresInternet", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-RequiresInternet-0.05-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.29", "name": "perl-Params-Validate", "descs": "perl-Params-Validate (Validate method/function parameters)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Params-Validate", "deps": ["perl-Test-Fatal", "perl-Module-Implementation", "perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Params::Validate - Validate method/function parameters", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Params-Validate-1.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.30", "name": "perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable", "descs": "perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable (short description of app)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Lingua::EN::Syllable::syllable() estimates the number of syllables in the word passed to it. Homepage: https://github.com/neilb/Lingua-EN-Syllable", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.30-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.09", "name": "perl-IO-Interface", "descs": "perl-IO-Interface (access to network card configuration information)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-IO-Interface", "deps": ["perl-Module-Build"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "IO::Interface adds methods to IO::Socket objects that allows them to be used to retrieve and change information about the network interfaces on your system. In addition to the object-oriented access methods, you can use a function-oriented style. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Interface", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-IO-Interface-1.09-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.51", "name": "perl-Proc-ProcessTable", "descs": "perl-Proc-ProcessTable (Perl extension to access the process table)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Proc-ProcessTable", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "This module is a first crack at providing a consistent interface to Unix (and maybe other multitasking OS's) process table information. This is mainly for other Perl programs, but there is also a command line tool pswait which takes a list of process IDs or names and then waits for one or all of them to end. This is useful for scripts dealing with process pools or concurrent pipelines.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Proc-ProcessTable-0.51-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.25", "name": "perl-linux-desktop-files", "descs": "perl-linux-desktop-files (perl module to parse .desktop files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-linux-desktop-files", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Linux::DesktopFiles, a very fast and simple way to parse Linux .desktop files.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-linux-desktop-files-0.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.74", "name": "perl-Text-Autoformat", "descs": "perl-Text-Autoformat (Automatic text wrapping and reformatting)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Text-Autoformat", "deps": ["perl-Text-Reform", "perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "Text::Autoformat provides intelligent formatting of plaintext without the need for any kind of embedded mark-up. The module recognizes Internet quoting conventions, a wide range of bulleting and number schemes, centred text, and block quotations, and reformats each appropriately. Other options allow the user to adjust inter-word and inter-paragraph spacing, justify text, and impose various capitalization schemes.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Text-Autoformat-1.74-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.031", "name": "perl-Test-Output", "descs": "perl-Test-Output (Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages.)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Output", "deps": ["perl-Capture-Tiny"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Test::Output provides a simple interface for testing output sent to STDOUT or STDERR. A number of different utilities are included to try and be as flexible as possible to the tester.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Output-1.031-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "1.51", "name": "perl-Geo-IP", "descs": "perl-Geo-IP (Geo::IP perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Geo-IP", "deps": ["GeoIP"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "Geo::IP perl module can be used to automatically select the geographically closest mirror, or to analyze your web server logs to determine the countries of your visiters. Home Page: https://metacpan.org/release/Geo-IP", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Geo-IP-1.51-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "0.28", "name": "perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder", "descs": "perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder (automatic XS glue code generation)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder", "deps": ["perl-Parse-RecDescent", "perl-Tie-IxHash"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "XSBuilder is a set modules to parse C header files and create XS glue code and documentation out of it. Idealy this allows to 'write' an interface to a C library without coding a line. Since no C-API is ideal, some adjuments are necessary most of the time. So to use this module you must still be familar with C and XS programming, but it removes a lot of stupid work and copy&paste from you. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/ExtUtils-XSBuilder", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.28-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2.14", "name": "perl-Crypt-Blowfish", "descs": "perl-Crypt-Blowfish (Perl Blowfish encryption module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Crypt-Blowfish", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Blowfish is capable of strong encryption and can use key sizes up to 56 bytes (a 448 bit key). Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/DPARIS/Crypt-Blowfish-2.12", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Crypt-Blowfish-2.14-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "1512 K", "ver": "1.3293", "name": "perl-glib", "descs": "perl-glib (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-glib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "perl-extutils-depends", "perl-extutils-pkgconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "378 K", "descl": "This module provides perl access to Glib and GLib's GObject libraries. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Glib", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-glib-1.3293-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.26", "name": "perl-Hook-LexWrap", "descs": "perl-Hook-LexWrap (Sub hooks for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Hook-LexWrap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "It is a bundle of lexically scoped subroutine wrappers. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Hook::LexWrap", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Hook-LexWrap-0.26-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.18", "name": "perl-Net-DNS-Native", "descs": "perl-Net-DNS-Native (non-blocking system DNS resolver)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-DNS-Native", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Net::DNS::Native provides several methods for host name resolution. It is designed to be used with event loops. All resolving is done by getaddrinfo(3) implemented in your system library. Since it is blocking function and we don't want to block, calls to this function will be done in separate thread. This class uses system native threads and not perl threads. So overhead shouldn't be too big. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::DNS::Native", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-DNS-Native-0.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.22", "name": "perl-file-desktopentry", "descs": "perl-file-desktopentry (Object to handle .desktop files)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-file-desktopentry", "deps": ["perl-file-basedir"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This module is used to work with .desktop files. The format of these files is specified by the freedesktop 'Desktop Entry' specification. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/File::DesktopEntry", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-file-desktopentry-0.22-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "720 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "perl-net-dbus", "descs": "perl-net-dbus (Net::DBus perl module)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-net-dbus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "perl-xml-twig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "180 K", "descl": "Net::DBus provides a Perl XS API to the dbus inter-application messaging system. The Perl API covers the core base level of the dbus APIs, not concerning itself yet with the GLib or QT wrappers. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::DBus", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-net-dbus-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr", "descs": "perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr (Hook into opcode execution)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr", "deps": ["perl-extutils-depends"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This module provides a C API for XS modules to hook into the execution of perl opcodes. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/B::Hooks::OP::PPAddr", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.12", "name": "perl-Net-LibIDN", "descs": "perl-Net-LibIDN (Perl bindings for GNU Libidn)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Net-LibIDN", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libidn"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Provides bindings for GNU Libidn, a C library for handling Internationalized Domain Names according to IDNA (RFC 3490), in a way very much inspired by Turbo Fredriksson's PHP-IDN.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Net-LibIDN-0.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "0.50", "name": "perl-Test-Class", "descs": "perl-Test-Class (Test for Moose for Perl 5)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Test-Class", "deps": ["perl-MRO-Compat", "perl-Test-Simple", "perl-Try-Tiny", "perl-Test-Exception"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "This module helps to easily create test classes in an xUnit/JUnit style. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Class", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Test-Class-0.50-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "3564 K", "ver": "2.0.12", "name": "mod_perl", "descs": "mod_perl (Perl Interpreter for Apache)", "source": "source/salix/perl/mod_perl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], "apr", "apr-util", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "icu4c", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "perl", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "891 K", "descl": "Mod_perl incorporates a Perl interpreter into the Apache web server so that the Apache web server can directly execute Perl code. Mod_perl links the Perl runtime library into the Apache web server and provides an object-oriented Perl interface for Apache's C language API. The end result is a quicker CGI script turnaround process, since no external Perl interpreter has to be started. Homepage: https://perl.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/perl/mod_perl-2.0.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.01", "name": "perl-class-accessor-chained", "descs": "perl-class-accessor-chained (make chained accessors)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-class-accessor-chained", "deps": ["perl-class-accessor"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "A chained accessor is one that always returns the object when called with parameters (to set), and the value of the field when called with no arguments. This module subclasses Class::Accessor in order to provide the same mk_accessors interface. homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Class-Accessor-Chained", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-class-accessor-chained-0.01-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.48", "name": "perl-Capture-Tiny", "descs": "perl-Capture-Tiny (Capture Everything to STDOUT or STDERR)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Capture-Tiny", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Capture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture almost anything sent to STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS code or from an external program.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Capture-Tiny-0.48-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.208", "name": "perl-LockFile-Simple", "descs": "perl-LockFile-Simple (simple file locking scheme)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-LockFile-Simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "This module provides a simple file locking scheme based on basic file system primitives and properties. Project Site : https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/LockFile-Simple/Simple.pm", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-LockFile-Simple-0.208-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "3.300", "name": "perl-Image-Size", "descs": "perl-Image-Size (Determine the size of images)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Image-Size", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Image::Size - Determine the size of images in several common formats.", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Image-Size-3.300-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.0.2", "name": "perl-Math-GSL-Linalg-SVD", "descs": "perl-Math-GSL-Linalg-SVD (Performing SVD and eigenvector decomp)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-GSL-Linalg-SVD", "deps": ["gsl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "The singular value decomposition (SVD) is an important factorization of a rectangular real matrix. Eigendecomposition is the factorization of a matrix into a canonical form, whereby the matrix is represented in terms of its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. This module implements the SVD and Eigen decomposition routines of the The GSL. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::GSL::Linalg::SVD", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-GSL-Linalg-SVD-0.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "0.54", "name": "perl-Math-GMPz", "descs": "perl-Math-GMPz (perl interface to the GMP library)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-GMPz", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "perl interface to the GMP library's rational (mpz) functions. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::GMPz", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-GMPz-0.54-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "2.22", "name": "perl-MIME-Types", "descs": "perl-MIME-Types (MIME::Types - Definition of MIME types)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-MIME-Types", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "MIME types are used in many applications (for instance as part of e-mail and HTTP traffic) to indicate the type of content which is transmitted. or expected. See RFC2045 at https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt https://metacpan.org/pod/MIME::Types", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-MIME-Types-2.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.22", "name": "perl-Tree-Simple", "descs": "perl-Tree-Simple (a simple tree object)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Tree-Simple", "deps": ["perl-Test-Exception"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Tree::Simple is a fully object-oriented implementation of a simple n-ary tree. Homepage URL: https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Tree-Simple/lib/Tree/Simple.pm", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Tree-Simple-1.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "20201024_2c4c333", "name": "perl-Tk-TableMatrix", "descs": "perl-Tk-TableMatrix (Create and manipulate tables)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Tk-TableMatrix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "perl-tk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "The TableMatrix command creates a 2-dimensional grid of cells. The table can use a Tcl array variable or Tcl command for data storage and retrieval. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/CERNEY/Tk-TableMatrix-1.23", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Tk-TableMatrix-20201024_2c4c333-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "perl-Math-Complex_C-Q", "descs": "perl-Math-Complex_C-Q (perl interface to C's __complex128)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Math-Complex_C-Q", "deps": ["gcc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "perl interface to C's __complex128 (quadmath) operations. Home page: https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Complex_C::Q", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Math-Complex_C-Q-0.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "perl", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "perl-Sys-Hostname-Long", "descs": "perl-Sys-Hostname-Long (Try every way to get full hostname)", "source": "source/salix/perl/perl-Sys-Hostname-Long", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "This module will try every conceivable way to get full hostname. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/SCOTT/Sys-Hostname-Long-1.4", "path": "./salix/perl/perl-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "IMAPClient", "descs": "IMAPClient (Easy-to-use, Pythonic and complete IMAP client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/IMAPClient", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "IMAPClient is an easy-to-use, Pythonic and complete IMAP client library. Homepage: https://imapclient.freshfoo.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/IMAPClient-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2764 K", "ver": "20161119", "name": "libpff", "descs": "libpff (libYAL PFF library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libpff", "deps": ["python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "691 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access the Personal Folder File (PFF) and the Offline Folder File (OFF) format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libpff", "path": "./salix/libraries/libpff-20161119-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.13.1", "name": "libjwt", "descs": "libjwt (JWT C Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libjwt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "jansson", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. See https://jwt.io/ for more information", "path": "./salix/libraries/libjwt-1.13.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3396 K", "ver": "2.2.2", "name": "librhtv", "descs": "librhtv (Turbo Vision TUI Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librhtv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "allegro4", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "849 K", "descl": "This library is based on the Turbo Vision library made by Borland Corporation. That library was released by Borland under a Public Domain license. RHTVision is Borland's Turbo Vision library but with enhancements, some changes and a GPL license. Homepage: http://tvision.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/librhtv-2.2.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "872 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "bamf", "descs": "bamf (Window matching library - shared library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/bamf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXres", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgtop", "libwnck3", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util", "zlib", "gnome-common"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "218 K", "descl": "bamf matches application windows to desktop files. Removes the headache of applications matching into a simple DBus daemon and c wrapper library. Currently features application matching at amazing levels of accuracy (covering nearly every corner case). Home page: https://launchpad.net/bamf", "path": "./salix/libraries/bamf-0.5.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "LuaBitOp", "descs": "LuaBitOp (bitwise operations on numbers for Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/LuaBitOp", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Lua BitOp is a C extension module for Lua 5.1 which adds bitwise operations on numbers. Homepage: http://bitop.luajit.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/LuaBitOp-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.61", "name": "sqlpp11", "descs": "sqlpp11 (A type safe SQL template library for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/sqlpp11", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "sqlpp11 offers you to code SQL in C++ almost naturally. You can use tables, columns and functions. Everything has strong types which allow the compiler to help you a lot. At compile time, it will tell about most of those pesky oversight errors you can make https://github.com/rbock/sqlpp11", "path": "./salix/libraries/sqlpp11-0.61-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "720 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "ta-lib", "descs": "ta-lib (Multi-Platform Tools for Market Analysis)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ta-lib", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "180 K", "descl": "ta-lib is widely used by trading software developers requiring to perform technical analysis of financial market data. Includes 200 indicators as ADX, MACD, RSI, Stochastic, Bollinger Bands etc. Candlestick pattern recognition Open-source API for C/C++, Java, Perl, Python and 100% Managed .NET Homepage: https://www.ta-lib.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ta-lib-0.4.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1376 K", "ver": "2.0.26", "name": "SDL_gfx", "descs": "SDL_gfx (SDL graphics drawing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/SDL_gfx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "344 K", "descl": "SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions. The SDL_gfx library evolved out of the SDL_gfxPrimitives code which provided basic drawing routines such as lines, circles or polygons and SDL_rotozoom which implemented a interpolating rotozoomer for SDL surfaces. homepage: http://www.ferzkopp.net/Software/SDL_gfx-2.0/", "path": "./salix/libraries/SDL_gfx-2.0.26-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2720 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "libhandy", "descs": "libhandy (additional UI components for gtk+3)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libhandy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glade", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "680 K", "descl": "The aim of the Handy library is to help with developing UI for mobile devices using GTK/GNOME.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libhandy-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "libinklevel", "descs": "libinklevel (library to check printer ink levels)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libinklevel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Libinklevel is a linux library to check the ink level of ink jet printers connected via USB or parallel port. Homepage: http://libinklevel.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libinklevel-0.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "7.4.27", "name": "php-pdo_dblib", "descs": "php-pdo_dblib (php pdo_dblib extension)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/php-pdo_dblib", "deps": ["freetds", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This extension enables PHP to connect to and use MSSQL databases. Home: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-dblib.php", "path": "./salix/libraries/php-pdo_dblib-7.4.27-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1436 K", "ver": "2.0.18", "name": "gdata", "descs": "gdata (API to Google services)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gdata", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "359 K", "descl": "The Google Data APIs (Google Data) provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. Though it is possible to use these services with a simple HTTP client, this library provides helpful tools to streamline your code and keep up with server-side changes. Homepage: https://github.com/google/gdata-python-client", "path": "./salix/libraries/gdata-2.0.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "52372 K", "ver": "2.7.1", "name": "xalan", "descs": "xalan (apache-ant XML and XSLT libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xalan", "deps": ["apache-ant", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13093 K", "descl": "Apache Xalan Project is a collaborative software development project dedicated to providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, and freely available XSLT support on a wide variety of platforms. Homepage http://xalan.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/xalan-2.7.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3228 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "libopenraw", "descs": "libopenraw (a library for camera RAW file decoding)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libopenraw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "807 K", "descl": "libopenraw is an ongoing project to provide a free software implementation for camera RAW files decoding. One of the main reasons is that dcraw is not suited for easy integration into applications, and there is a need for an easy to use API to build free software digital image processing application. It also has the goal to address missing features from dcraw like meta-data decoding and easy thumbnail extraction.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libopenraw-0.3.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "fcgi", "descs": "fcgi (Fast CGI library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fcgi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "fcgi is a library implementing Fast CGI. A simple server is also included.", "path": "./salix/libraries/fcgi-2.4.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "libiptcdata", "descs": "libiptcdata (library to manipulate iptc image metadata)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libiptcdata", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "libiptcdata is a library to manipulate IPTC metadata stored within images. Metadata can include captions and keywords used by various photo management softwares. Library also allows parsing, viewing, modifying and saving this metadata. Home Page http://libiptcdata.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libiptcdata-1.0.4-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "libesmtp", "descs": "libesmtp (A library for posting Electronic Mail)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libesmtp", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "LibESMTP is a library to manage posting (or submission of) electronic mail using SMTP to a preconfigured Mail Transport Agent (MTA) such as Exim. It may be used as part of a Mail User Agent (MUA) or another program that must be able to post electronic mail but where mail functionality is not the program's primary purpose. LibESMTP is not intended to be used as part of a program that implements a Mail Transport Agent. Homepage: http://freecode.com/projects/libesmtp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libesmtp-1.0.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2204 K", "ver": "4.2.15", "name": "hdf", "descs": "hdf (HDF4 software libraries and utilities)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/hdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "551 K", "descl": "Hierarchical Data Format is a physical file format for storing scientific data. At its highest level, HDF is a collection of utilities and applications for manipulating, viewing, and analyzing data in HDF files. Between these levels, HDF is a software library that provides high-level APIs and a low-level data interface. This package is for version 4 of the Hierarchical Data Format.", "path": "./salix/libraries/hdf-4.2.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5336 K", "ver": "5.15.0", "name": "plplot", "descs": "plplot (Library for making scientific plots)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/plplot", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libharu", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lua", "pango", "pixman", "python3", "qt4", "tcl", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1334 K", "descl": "PLplot is a cross-platform software package for creating scientific plots whose (UTF-8) plot symbols and text are limited in practice only by what Unicode-aware system fonts are installed on a user's computer. Homepage: http://plplot.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/plplot-5.15.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1608 K", "ver": "0.34", "name": "dietlibc", "descs": "dietlibc (a libc optimized for small size)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/dietlibc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "402 K", "descl": "The diet libc is a libc that is optimized for small size. It can be used to create small statically linked binaries for Linux on various platforms (alpha, arm, hppa, ia64, i386, mips, s390, sparc, sparc64, ppc and x86_64). Originally written by Felix von Leitner, the latest version is available via anonymous CVS: $ cvs -d :pserver:cvs@cvs.fefe.de:/cvs -z9 co dietlibc Homepage: http://www.fefe.de/dietlibc/", "path": "./salix/libraries/dietlibc-0.34-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "3.4.1", "name": "itcl", "descs": "itcl (Object-oriented Programming Contructs to Tcl)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/itcl", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "[incr Tcl] provides the extra language support needed to build large Tcl/Tk applications. It introduces the notion of objects, which act as building blocks for an application. Each object is a bag of data with a set of procedures or 'methods' that are used to manipulate it. Objects are organized into 'classes' with identical characteristics, and classes can inherit functionality from one another. This package contains version 3.4 of itcl which is required by some programs.", "path": "./salix/libraries/itcl-3.4.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "tllist", "descs": "tllist (typed linked list c header file)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tllist", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Tllist is a Typed Linked List C header file only library implemented using pre-processor macros. Homepage: https://codeberg.org/dnk/tllist", "path": "./salix/libraries/tllist-1.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "4.8.0", "name": "pexpect", "descs": "pexpect (Python module for spawning child applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pexpect", "deps": ["ptyprocess"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "Pexpect is a Python module for spawning child applications, controlling them, and responding to expected patterns in their output. Pexpect can be used for automating interactive applications such as ssh, ftp, passwd, telnet, etc. Pexpect is pure Python.", "path": "./salix/libraries/pexpect-4.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "880 K", "ver": "1.11.0", "name": "libfido2", "descs": "libfido2 (Yubico 2UF C Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfido2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "libcbor"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "220 K", "descl": "libfido2 provides library functionality and command-line tools to communicate with a FIDO device over USB, and to verify attestation and assertion signatures. Project URL: https://github.com/Yubico/libfido2", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfido2-1.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "0.11.0", "name": "cal3d", "descs": "cal3d (3D animation library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cal3d", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "Cal3D is a skeletal based 3D character animation library written in C++ in a platform-/graphic API-independent way. Originally designed to be used in a 3D client for Worldforge, it evolved into a stand- alone product which can be used in many different kinds of projects. Homepage: https://mp3butcher.github.io/Cal3D/", "path": "./salix/libraries/cal3d-0.11.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "libdvbcsa", "descs": "libdvbcsa (library for DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdvbcsa", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "libdvbcsa is a free and portable implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling algorithm with decryption and encryption capabilities. It comes in two flavors: a classical single packet implementation and a faster parallel bitslice implementation. Homepage: http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvbcsa.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdvbcsa-1.1.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.0.8", "name": "lua-mpack", "descs": "lua-mpack (implementation of msgpack in C for lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-mpack", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "lua-mpack is a small binary serialization/RPC library that implements both the msgpack and msgpack-rpc specifications for lua.", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-mpack-1.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "xmlgen", "descs": "xmlgen (Tcl --> XML translator)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xmlgen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Every tag is made into a markup command which takes attributes and the element's content as parameters and then prints the XML tagged content. Of course, the content again can contain markup commands. On top of xmlgen there is the package htmlgen which comes with all the typical HTML tags predefined as markup commands. Homepage: http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/xmlgen.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/xmlgen-1.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3088 K", "ver": "2.0.29", "name": "c++-gtk-utils", "descs": "c++-gtk-utils (C++ lightweight library for GTK+)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/c++-gtk-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "772 K", "descl": "It is a lightweight library containing a number of classes and functions to ease the task of programming GTK+ programs with C++ in POSIX (unix-like) environments, including classes to make GTK+ exception safe and for writing threaded programs. Homepage: http://c++-gtk-utils.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/c++-gtk-utils-2.0.29-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "3", "name": "libtsm", "descs": "libtsm (terminal-emulator state machine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtsm", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "TSM is a state machine for DEC VT100-VT520 compatible terminal emulators. It tries to support all common standards while keeping compatibility to existing emulators like xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, .. TSM itself does not provide any rendering nor window management. It is a simple plain state machine without any external dependencies. It can be used to implement terminal emulators, but also to implement other applications that need to interpret terminal escape sequences.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtsm-3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "0.1.3", "name": "libe-book", "descs": "libe-book (reflowable e-book import library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libe-book", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "icu4c", "liblangtag", "librevenge", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "libe-book is a library and a set of tools for reading and converting various reflowable e-book formats. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libebook/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libe-book-0.1.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "zope.configuration", "descs": "zope.configuration (Zope configuration system)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.configuration", "deps": ["zope.i18nmessageid", "zope.schema"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "The zope configuration system provides an extensible system for supporting various kinds of configurations.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.configuration-4.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "856 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "libgsasl", "descs": "libgsasl (GNU SASL Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgsasl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libidn"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "214 K", "descl": "GNU SASL is an implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework and a few common SASL mechanisms. The library includes support for the SASL framework (with authentication functions and application data privacy and integrity functions) and at least partial support for the CRAM-MD5, EXTERNAL, GSSAPI, ANONYMOUS, PLAIN, SECURID, DIGEST-MD5, LOGIN, NTLM and KERBEROS_V5 mechanisms. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/gsasl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgsasl-1.8.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "20140201_c0014bc", "name": "lua-zlib", "descs": "lua-zlib (Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-zlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "lua", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua. Consists of two functions: inflate and deflate. Both functions return 'stream functions' (takes a buffer of input and returns a buffer of output).", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-zlib-20140201_c0014bc-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1276 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "liblightgrep", "descs": "liblightgrep (forensic regexp engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblightgrep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "319 K", "descl": "...not the worst forensics regexp engine Lightgrep is a new regular expression engine, designed specifically for digital forensics.", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblightgrep-1.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1296 K", "ver": "5.0_20160131", "name": "cdk", "descs": "cdk (A library of curses widgets)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cdk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "324 K", "descl": "Cdk stands for 'Curses Development Kit' and it currently contains 21 ready to use widgets which facilitate the speedy development of full screen curses programs. Homepage: http://invisible-island.net/cdk/", "path": "./salix/libraries/cdk-5.0_20160131-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "php-stomp", "descs": "php-stomp (Stomp client php extension)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/php-stomp", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This php extension allows php applications to communicate with any Stomp compliant Message Brokers through easy object oriented and procedural interfaces. Home-Page: https://pecl.php.net/package/stomp", "path": "./salix/libraries/php-stomp-2.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "php-ssh2", "descs": "php-ssh2 (SSH2 bindings for PHP)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/php-ssh2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "This extension enables PHP to connect to and use SSH2 servers. Homepage: http://php.net/manual/en/book.ssh2.php", "path": "./salix/libraries/php-ssh2-1.3.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3652 K", "ver": "1.0.248", "name": "xblas", "descs": "xblas (Extra Precise Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xblas", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "913 K", "descl": "This library of routines is part of a reference implementation for the Dense and Banded BLAS routines, along with their Extended and Mixed Precision versions. Extended Precision is only used internally; the input and output arguments remain the same as in the existing BLAS. Mixed Precision permits some input/output arguments to be of different types (mixing real/complex) or precisions (mixing single/double).", "path": "./salix/libraries/xblas-1.0.248-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "544 K", "ver": "4.34", "name": "libzia", "descs": "libzia (Support lib for tucnak4)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libzia", "deps": ["SDL2", "aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gnutls", "libftdi1", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "136 K", "descl": "Platform abstraction code for tucnak package", "path": "./salix/libraries/libzia-4.34-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "gtkglarea", "descs": "gtkglarea (OpenGL widget for GTK+)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtkglarea", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "GtkGLArea is an OpenGL widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit. Just as GTK+ is built on top of GDK, GtkGLArea is built on top of gdkgl which is basically a wrapper around GLX functions. The widget itself is very similar to the GtkDrawingArea widget and adds only three extra functions. Lower level gdkgl functions make it easy to render on any OpenGL capable widget; rendering to off-screen pixmaps is also supported.", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtkglarea-2.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.2.10", "name": "png++", "descs": "png++ (C++ wrapper for libpng)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/png++", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "PNG++ aims to provide simple yet powerful C++ interface to libpng, the PNG reference implementation library. Homepage: https://www.nongnu.org/pngpp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/png++-0.2.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1904 K", "ver": "7.0.0", "name": "ucommon", "descs": "ucommon (GNU uCommon C++ libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ucommon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "476 K", "descl": "GNU uCommon C++ is meant as a very light-weight C++ library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems using uclibc along with posix threading support.", "path": "./salix/libraries/ucommon-7.0.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2888 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libevtx", "descs": "libevtx (libYAL EVTX library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libevtx", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "722 K", "descl": "Library and tooling to access the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libevtx", "path": "./salix/libraries/libevtx-20181227-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "zope.i18nmessageid", "descs": "zope.i18nmessageid (Message Identifiers for internationalization)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.i18nmessageid", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This package provides facilities for declaring messages, which are unicode strings which carry a translation source domain and possibly a default translation, within program source text.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.i18nmessageid-4.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "protobuf-c", "descs": "protobuf-c (Protocol Buffers in C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/protobuf-c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "protobuf3", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "This is protobuf-c, a C implementation of the Google Protocol Buffers data serialization format. It includes libprotobuf-c, a pure C library that implements protobuf encoding and decoding, and protoc-c, a code generator that converts Protocol Buffer .proto files to C descriptor code, based on the original protoc. protobuf-c formerly included an RPC implementation; that code has been split out into the protobuf-c-rpc project. Homepage: https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c", "path": "./salix/libraries/protobuf-c-1.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "920 K", "ver": "20220109_6322802", "name": "qmltermwidget", "descs": "qmltermwidget (QML terminal widget)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qmltermwidget", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "230 K", "descl": "QMLTermWidget is a QML port of qtermwidget. homepage: https://github.com/Swordfish90/qmltermwidget", "path": "./salix/libraries/qmltermwidget-20220109_6322802-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "libnbcompat", "descs": "libnbcompat (a portable NetBSD compat library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libnbcompat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "libnbcompat is a portable NetBSD-compatibility library that supplies routines used by NetBSD bootstrap tools that are missing on other operating systems. Homepage: https://github.com/archiecobbs/libnbcompat", "path": "./salix/libraries/libnbcompat-1.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "512 K", "ver": "0.2.11", "name": "libdatrie", "descs": "libdatrie (An Implementation of Double-Array Trie)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdatrie", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "128 K", "descl": "LibDatrie is an implementation of double-array structure for representing trie, as proposed by Junichi Aoe. Trie is a kind of digital search tree, an efficient indexing method in which search time is independent of database size. It only takes O(m) search time, where m is the length of the search string. https://linux.thai.net/~thep/datrie/datrie.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdatrie-0.2.11-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1088 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "zimg", "descs": "zimg (Scaling, colorspace conversion, and dithering library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zimg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "272 K", "descl": "The 'z' library implements the commonly required image processing basics of scaling, colorspace conversion, and depth conversion. Homepage: https://github.com/sekrit-twc/zimg", "path": "./salix/libraries/zimg-3.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "0.8.3", "name": "libreadline-java", "descs": "libreadline-java (Java-Readline JNI-wrapper to GNU Readline)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libreadline-java", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libedit", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "Java-Readline is a port of GNU Readline for Java. Or, to be more precise, it is a JNI-wrapper to Readline. It is distributed under the LGPL. https://github.com/aclemons/java-readline", "path": "./salix/libraries/libreadline-java-0.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3168 K", "ver": "2.32.1", "name": "libbonobo", "descs": "libbonobo (Independant CORBA interface support library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libbonobo", "deps": ["ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "glib2", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "792 K", "descl": "The bonobo library supports independant CORBA interfaces for creating reusable components. It provides GNOME with a framework for handling compound documents, such as embedding a spreadsheet in a word processor document.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libbonobo-2.32.1-i486-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4024 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "rapidjson", "descs": "rapidjson (A fast JSON parser/generator for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rapidjson", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1006 K", "descl": "RapidJSON is a JSON parser and generator for C++. It was inspired by RapidXml. Features: SAX and DOM support, fast, self-contained and header-only. memory-friendly, Unicode-friendly. https://github.com/miloyip/rapidjson", "path": "./salix/libraries/rapidjson-1.1.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "1.25.2", "name": "evernote-python", "descs": "evernote-python (Evernote SDK for Python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/evernote-python", "deps": ["python2-oauth2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "This SDK contains wrapper code used to call the Evernote Cloud API from Python. Homepage: http://dev.evernote.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/evernote-python-1.25.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "996 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "html5lib", "descs": "html5lib (HTML parser based on the HTML5 specification)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/html5lib", "deps": ["python3-webencodings"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "249 K", "descl": "HTML parser designed to follow the HTML5 specification. The parser is designed to handle all flavours of HTML and parses invalid documents using well-defined error handling rules compatible with the behaviour of major desktop web browsers. Output is to a tree structure; the current release supports output to DOM, ElementTree and lxml tree formats as well as a simple custom format.", "path": "./salix/libraries/html5lib-1.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "42208 K", "ver": "3.6.5", "name": "OpenSceneGraph", "descs": "OpenSceneGraph (3D graphics toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/OpenSceneGraph", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "gtkglext", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "jasper", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnotify", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvncserver", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lzo", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "pulseaudio", "samba", "sdl", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", ["v4l-utils-nogui", "v4l-utils"], "vid.stab", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10552 K", "descl": "The OpenSceneGraph is an open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit, used by application developers in fields such as visual simulation, games, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modelling. Homepage: http://www.openscenegraph.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/OpenSceneGraph-3.6.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5432 K", "ver": "2.32.1", "name": "libgnome", "descs": "libgnome (Libraries needed for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnome", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "libbonobo", "libcanberra", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib", "recode"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1358 K", "descl": "Libraries needed for GNOME.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnome-2.32.1-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "liboop", "descs": "liboop (event loop management)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liboop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "adns", "glib", "tcl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Liboop is a low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based operating systems. Liboop was written by Dan Egnor", "path": "./salix/libraries/liboop-1.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "5.0.0", "name": "pylast", "descs": "pylast (A Python interface to Last.fm)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pylast", "deps": ["python3-httpx"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Pylast is a python interface to last.fm (and other api-compatible websites). homepage: https://github.com/pylast/pylast", "path": "./salix/libraries/pylast-5.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "zbase32", "descs": "zbase32 (Python base32 encoder/decoder)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zbase32", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "zbase32 is an alternate base32 encoder (not RFC 3548 compliant). Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zbase32/", "path": "./salix/libraries/zbase32-1.1.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "libdaemon", "descs": "libdaemon (Unix daemonizing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdaemon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "libdaemon is a lightweight C library that eases the writing of Unix daemons. Homepage: http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/libdaemon/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdaemon-0.14-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "1.0.93", "name": "tolua++", "descs": "tolua++ (tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tolua++", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "lua"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "Tolua++ is an extended version of tolua, a tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua. tolua++ includes new features oriented to c++ such as: - support for std::string as a basic type (this can be turned off by a command line option); - support for class templates. Homepage: https://github.com/LuaDist/toluapp", "path": "./salix/libraries/tolua++-1.0.93-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "20161122_ada2f4f", "name": "libfilteraudio", "descs": "libfilteraudio (audio filtering library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfilteraudio", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "An easy to use audio filtering library made from webrtc code. Homepage: https://github.com/irungentoo/libfilteraudio", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfilteraudio-20161122_ada2f4f-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1068 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "qt5-pbfimageplugin", "descs": "qt5-pbfimageplugin (PBF image plugin for Qt5)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qt5-pbfimageplugin", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "protobuf3", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "267 K", "descl": "Qt image plugin for displaying Mapbox vector tiles. Homepage: https://github.com/tumic0/QtPBFImagePlugin", "path": "./salix/libraries/qt5-pbfimageplugin-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2208 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "CCfits", "descs": "CCfits (C++ wrappers for the cfitsio library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/CCfits", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "552 K", "descl": "CCfits is an object oriented C++ interface to the cfitsio library for reading and writing FITS format data files. CCfits is designed to make the capabilities of cfitsio available to C++ programmers. Homepage: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/CCfits/", "path": "./salix/libraries/CCfits-2.5-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.13", "name": "libyubikey", "descs": "libyubikey (a library for decrypting and parsing YubiKey OTPs)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libyubikey", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "YubiKey C low-level library (yubico-c, aka libyubikey) is a library for decrypting and parsing YubiKey One-Time Passwords (OTP). http://yubico.github.io/yubico-c/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libyubikey-1.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2424 K", "ver": "20220113", "name": "libfsxfs", "descs": "libfsxfs (libYAL XFS file system library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfsxfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "606 K", "descl": "Library to access the SGI X File System (XFS) Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libfsxfs", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfsxfs-20220113-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "libsrtp", "descs": "libsrtp (Secure RTP libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsrtp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "libSRTP is the Open Source Secure RTP library from Cisco Systems, Inc. RTP is the Real-time Transport Protocol, an IETF standard for the transport of real-time data such as telephony, audio, and video, defined by RFC 3550. Secure RTP (SRTP) is an RTP profile for providing confidentiality to RTP data and authentication to the RTP header and payload. SRTP is an IETF Standard, defined in RFC 3711, and was developed in the IETF Audio/Video Transport (AVT) Working Group. This library supports all of the mandatory features of SRTP, but not all of the optional features.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsrtp-1.6.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "1.0.2+svn16259", "name": "libvorbisidec", "descs": "libvorbisidec (Ogg Vorbis 'Tremor' integer playback codec)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvorbisidec", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisidec] intended for decoding all current and future Vorbis I compliant streams. Homepage: https://www.xiph.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvorbisidec-1.0.2+svn16259-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "2.6.7", "name": "pies", "descs": "pies (Simple way to write Py2 and Py3 program)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pies", "deps": ["pies2overrides"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "The simplest (and tastiest) way to write one program that runs on Python 2.6+ and Python 3. Homepage: https://github.com/timothycrosley/pies", "path": "./salix/libraries/pies-2.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "612 K", "ver": "4.3", "name": "libunibreak", "descs": "libunibreak (a line breaking library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libunibreak", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153 K", "descl": "Libunibreak is an implementation of the line breaking and word breaking algorithms as described in Unicode Standard Annex 14 and Unicode Standard Annex 29. It is designed to be used in a generic text renderer. FBReader is one real-world example, and the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries are another.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libunibreak-4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "trader", "descs": "trader (Technical Analysis for traders)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/trader", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "The trader extension is a free open source stock library based on TA-Lib. It's dedicated to trading software developers requiring to perform technical analysis of financial market data. Alongside many indicators like ADX, MACD, RSI, Stochastic, TRIX the candlestick pattern recognition and several vector arithmetic and algebraic functions are present. Homepage: https://pecl.php.net/package/trader", "path": "./salix/libraries/trader-0.4.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1020 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "pyftpdlib", "descs": "pyftpdlib (High-level asynchronous FTP server library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pyftpdlib", "deps": ["pysendfile", "pyOpenSSL"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "255 K", "descl": "Python FTP server library provides an high-level portable interface to easily write asynchronous FTP servers with Python. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/", "path": "./salix/libraries/pyftpdlib-1.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.3.6", "name": "girara", "descs": "girara (GTK+ based GUI for text-oriented applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/girara", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "girara is a library that implements a user interface that focuses on simplicity and minimalism. girara was designed to replace and enhance the user interface that is used by zathura and jumanji and other features that those applications share.", "path": "./salix/libraries/girara-0.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112460 K", "ver": "1.26.1", "name": "efl", "descs": "efl (graphics library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/efl", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "ghostscript", "giflib", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "ibus", "jasper", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libinput", "librsvg", "libspectre", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libwacom", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "luajit", "mozilla-nss", "mtdev", "nettle", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "util-linux", "zlib", "bullet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28115 K", "descl": "EFL are a set of graphics libraries that grew out of the development of Enlightenment, a window manager and Wayland compositor. It provides the basic building blocks for creating applications and user interfaces. homepage: https://www.enlightenment.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/efl-1.26.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1308 K", "ver": "1.0.8", "name": "libde265", "descs": "libde265 (open h.265 codec implementation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libde265", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "327 K", "descl": "libde265 is an open source implementation of the h.265 video codec. It is written from scratch and has a plain C API to enable a simple integration into other software. Homepage: https://github.com/strukturag/libde265", "path": "./salix/libraries/libde265-1.0.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1828 K", "ver": "20211115", "name": "libvsgpt", "descs": "libvsgpt (libYAL library to access the GUID partition system)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvsgpt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "457 K", "descl": "Library to access to access the GPT partition system. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libvsgpt", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvsgpt-20211115-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1260 K", "ver": "4.4.1", "name": "libxmp", "descs": "libxmp (The Extended Module Player library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxmp", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "315 K", "descl": "Libxmp loads the module and renders the sound as linear PCM samples in a buffer at rate and format specified by the user. Applications for libxmp include players, module information extractors, module- to-mp3 renderers, etc.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxmp-4.4.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "tre", "descs": "tre (regular expression matching library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tre", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "TRE is a lightweight, robust, and efficient POSIX compliant regex matching library with some exciting features such as approximate (fuzzy) matching. This includes the tre C library, python3 library, and the command-line tool 'agrep'.", "path": "./salix/libraries/tre-0.8.0-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1848 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "jreen", "descs": "jreen (Extensible Qt-based asynchronious Jabber library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/jreen", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libgsasl", "qt4", "speex", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "462 K", "descl": "Jreen is extensible Qt-based asynchronious Jabber library Home: https://github.com/euroelessar/jreen", "path": "./salix/libraries/jreen-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "PySoundCard", "descs": "PySoundCard (An audio library based on PortAudio, CFFI and NumPy)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/PySoundCard", "deps": ["portaudio", "numpy", "cffi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "PySoundCard can play and record audio. Audio devices are supported through PortAudio, which is a free, cross-platform, open-source audio I/O library that runs on many operating systems including Windows, OS X and Linux. It is accessed through CFFI, which is a foreign function interface for Python calling C code. CFFI is supported for CPython 2.6+, 3.x and PyPy 2.0+. PySoundCard represents audio data as NumPy arrays. Homepage: https://github.com/bastibe/PySoundCard", "path": "./salix/libraries/PySoundCard-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2312 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "QDarkStyle", "descs": "QDarkStyle (A dark stylesheet for Qt applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/QDarkStyle", "deps": ["QtPy", "python-helpdev"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "578 K", "descl": "This package provides a dark style sheet for PySide/PyQt applications. Homepage: https://github.com/ColinDuquesnoy/QDarkStyleSheet", "path": "./salix/libraries/QDarkStyle-3.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "2.40", "name": "ffms2", "descs": "ffms2 (a cross-platform wrapper library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ffms2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "ffms is a libav/ffmpeg based source library and Avisynth plugin for easy frame accurate access Project Site: https://github.com/FFMS/ffms2", "path": "./salix/libraries/ffms2-2.40-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2252 K", "ver": "1.0.24", "name": "gloox", "descs": "gloox (a rock-solid, full-featured Jabber/XMPP client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gloox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "563 K", "descl": "gloox is a rock-solid, full-featured Jabber/XMPP client library, written in clean ANSI C++. It makes writing spec-compliant clients easy and allows for hassle-free integration of Jabber/XMPP functionality into existing applications. gloox is released under the GNU GPL. Commercial licensing and support are available. https://camaya.net/gloox/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gloox-1.0.24-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "6272 K", "ver": "20220224_6dc55e4", "name": "libsigrok", "descs": "libsigrok (logic analyzers access library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsigrok", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "bluez", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "glibmm", "gnutls", "hidapi", "libftdi1", "libieee1284", "librevisa", "libserialport", "libsigc++", "libunistring", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "python2", "ruby", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1568 K", "descl": "libsigrok is a shared library written in C, which provides the basic hardware access drivers for logic analyzers and other supported devices, as well as input/output file format support. Homepage: https://sigrok.org/wiki/Libsigrok", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsigrok-20220224_6dc55e4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "968 K", "ver": "0.0.8", "name": "libg3d", "descs": "libg3d (3-d environment importing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libg3d", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "file", "flex", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "gtkglext"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "242 K", "descl": "A library of types and methods for abstractly expressing three-dimensional environments. Provides a plugin framework for importing data from specific 3-D model file formats. libg3d is used by g3dviewer: http://automagically.de/g3dviewer/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libg3d-0.0.8-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "24884 K", "ver": "1.9.4", "name": "poco", "descs": "poco (C++ class libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/poco", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "6221 K", "descl": "Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries and frameworks for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems. Homepage: https://pocoproject.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/poco-1.9.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "2012.02.10", "name": "utfcpp", "descs": "utfcpp (utf-8 in C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/utfcpp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way Home: http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/utfcpp-2012.02.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "15320 K", "ver": "6.1.6", "name": "qwt", "descs": "qwt (GUI Components & utility for programs with technical background)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qwt", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pcre2", "qt4", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "3830 K", "descl": "The Qwt library contains GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Beside a 2D plot widget it provides scales, sliders, dials, compasses, thermometers, wheels and knobs to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double.", "path": "./salix/libraries/qwt-6.1.6-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4152 K", "ver": "9.4.0", "name": "dropbox-python", "descs": "dropbox-python (Official Dropbox REST API Client)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/dropbox-python", "deps": ["pytest-runner"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1038 K", "descl": "A Python library for Dropbox's HTTP-based Core and Datastore APIs. Homepage: https://www.dropbox.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/dropbox-python-9.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.19.2", "name": "libmrss", "descs": "libmrss (C RSS library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmrss", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libnxml", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "mRSS is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS (0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0) files or streams. Homepage: http://www2.autistici.org/bakunin/codes.php", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmrss-0.19.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "hoedown", "descs": "hoedown (Standards compliant, fast, secure Markdown library in C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/hoedown", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "Hoedown is a revived fork of Sundown, the Markdown parser based on the original code of the Upskirt library by Natacha Porte'. Homepage: https://github.com/hoedown/hoedown", "path": "./salix/libraries/hoedown-3.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2008 K", "ver": "14.1.0", "name": "CherryPy", "descs": "CherryPy (A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/CherryPy", "deps": ["cheroot", "portend"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "502 K", "descl": "A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework. CherryPy allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program. This results in smaller source code developed in less time. Homepage: http://www.cherrypy.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/CherryPy-14.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "rtrlib", "descs": "rtrlib (RPKI-RTR Client C Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rtrlib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "The RTRlib is a lightweight, open-source C library that implements the RPKI/RTR protocol. Basically, it fetches data from an RPKI cache server and allows for prefix origin validation as well as BGP path validation. The RTRlib is the backend for BGP daemons and monitoring tools.", "path": "./salix/libraries/rtrlib-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1248 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "liblangtag", "descs": "liblangtag (Library to access tags for identifying languages)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblangtag", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "312 K", "descl": "Liblangtag is an interface library to access/deal with tags for identifying languages, which is described in RFC 5646. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/tagoh/liblangtag/wiki/Home", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblangtag-0.6.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1720 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "libkml", "descs": "libkml (KML library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libkml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "expat", "libminizip", "uriparser", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "430 K", "descl": "libkml is Google's reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2. It also includes implementations of Google's gx: extensions used by Google Earth, as well as several utility libraries for working with other formats.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libkml-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "11052 K", "ver": "3.18.0", "name": "FreeImage", "descs": "FreeImage (image library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/FreeImage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2763 K", "descl": "FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who want to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, and multithreading safe. FreeImagePlus is a C++ wrapper for FreeImage. Homepage: http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/FreeImage-3.18.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "liboglappth", "descs": "liboglappth (OpenGL extension library for GTK)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liboglappth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "A library for creating portable OpenGL applications with easy-to-code scene setup and selection operations. It is part of ghemical project.", "path": "./salix/libraries/liboglappth-1.0.0-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "944 K", "ver": "6.4.8", "name": "libpqxx", "descs": "libpqxx (C++ client API for PostgreSQL)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libpqxx", "deps": ["postgresql"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "236 K", "descl": "libpqxx is the official C++ client API for PostgreSQL, the enterprise-strength open-source relational database. If you are writing software in C++ that needs to access databases managed by postgres - on just about any platform - then libpqxx is the library you use. It is the standard C++ language binding for the postgres RDBMS.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libpqxx-6.4.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4644 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "opensaml", "descs": "opensaml (FOSS Implementation of OASIS SAML)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/opensaml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "log4shib", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "xerces-c", "xml-security-c", "xmltooling", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1161 K", "descl": "OpenSAML is an open source implementation of the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language Specification. It contains a set of open source C++ classes that support the SAML 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 specifications. Homepage: https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/OpenSAML/Home", "path": "./salix/libraries/opensaml-3.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1500 K", "ver": "2.4.3", "name": "libsmbios", "descs": "libsmbios (library of functions to access BIOS information)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsmbios", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "375 K", "descl": "The libsmbios project aims towards providing access to as much BIOS information as possible. It does this by providing a library of functions that can be used as well as sample binaries.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsmbios-2.4.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "1.07", "name": "soil", "descs": "soil (C OpenGL texture library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/soil", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "SOIL is a tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL. It is based on stb_image version 1.16, the public domain code from Sean Barrett. The author has extended it to load TGA and DDS files, and to perform common functions needed in loading OpenGL textures. SOIL can also be used to save and load images in a variety of formats (useful for loading height maps, non-OpenGL applications, etc.) Homepage: http://www.lonesock.net/soil.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/soil-1.07-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5692 K", "ver": "1.17", "name": "libtomcrypt", "descs": "libtomcrypt (modular and portable cryptographic toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtomcrypt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "libtommath"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1423 K", "descl": "LibTomCrypt is a fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit that provides developers with a vast array of well known published block ciphers, one-way hash functions, chaining modes, pseudo-random number generators, public key cryptography and a plethora of other routines. Homepage: https://www.libtom.net/LibTomCrypt/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtomcrypt-1.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2124 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libscca", "descs": "libscca (libYAL Windows Prefetch File parser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libscca", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "531 K", "descl": "libscca is a library to access the Windows Prefetch File (SCCA) format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libscca", "path": "./salix/libraries/libscca-20181227-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1216 K", "ver": "74", "name": "pigpio", "descs": "pigpio (GPIO for Raspberry)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pigpio", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "304 K", "descl": "pigpio is a library for the Raspberry which allows control of the General Purpose Input Outputs (GPIO). pigpio works on all versions of the Pi. Homepage: http://abyz.me.uk/rpi/pigpio/index.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/pigpio-74-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "816 K", "ver": "0.3.8", "name": "libxmlb", "descs": "libxmlb (A library to help create and query binary XML blobs)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxmlb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "204 K", "descl": "A library to help create and query binary XML blobs https://github.com/hughsie/libxmlb", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxmlb-0.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "librtfcomp", "descs": "librtfcomp (Library to read compressed RTF files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librtfcomp", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "librtfcomp is a library to read compressed RTF files Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/", "path": "./salix/libraries/librtfcomp-1.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1628 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "jbigkit", "descs": "jbigkit (highly effective lossless compression algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/jbigkit", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "407 K", "descl": "JBIG is a highly effective lossless compression algorithm for high-resolution bi-level images (one bit per pixel), which is particularly suitable for scanned documents or fax pages. JBIG-KIT provides a portable library of compression and decompression functions with a documented interface that you can easily include into your image or document processing software. JBIG-KIT also provides ready-to-use compression and decompression programs with a simple command line interface.", "path": "./salix/libraries/jbigkit-2.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2764 K", "ver": "2.9.1", "name": "gperftools", "descs": "gperftools (multi-threaded malloc implementation & performance tools)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gperftools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "691 K", "descl": "gperftools is a collection of a high-performance multi-threaded malloc() implementation, plus some pretty nifty performance analysis tools. gperftools works particularly well with threads and STL. Also: thread-friendly heap-checker, heap-profiler, and cpu-profiler. https://github.com/gperftools/gperftools", "path": "./salix/libraries/gperftools-2.9.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "20160609", "name": "libunicapgtk", "descs": "libunicapgtk (GTK widget set for unicap)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libunicapgtk", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gstreamer0", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libtheora", "libucil", "libunicap", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. Building applications with a graphical user interface is made especially easy with the unicapgtk widget set. Homepage: https://github.com/unicap", "path": "./salix/libraries/libunicapgtk-20160609-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5384 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "libcangjie", "descs": "libcangjie (Library for Cangjie input method)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcangjie", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1346 K", "descl": "Libcangjie is a C library implementing the Cangjie input method. The library handles all the mappings between the input codes and the desired characters, and provides some filtering options. Homepage: http://cangjians.github.io/projects/libcangjie/ Main site: http://cangjians.github.io/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcangjie-1.3-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1512 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "soci", "descs": "soci (Database Access Library for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/soci", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], "boost", "icu4c", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "unixODBC", "zlib", "postgresql"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "378 K", "descl": "SOCI is a database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within the Standard C++.", "path": "./salix/libraries/soci-4.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3668 K", "ver": "20200114", "name": "libdwarf", "descs": "libdwarf (DWARF parser/generator library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdwarf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "917 K", "descl": "Libdwarf is a library and a set of command-line tools for reading and writing DWARF2 and later debugging information. Libdwarf handles the details of the actual format so coders can focus on the content. - Abstracts away implementation details of DWARF information - Includes DWARF pretty printer (dwarfdump) - tsearch implementations included - Reads elf, mach-o dSYM, and PE object DWARF2-5 information Project Site: https://www.prevanders.net/dwarf.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdwarf-20200114-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "5.0.1", "name": "libnfs", "descs": "libnfs (NFS client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libnfs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "LIBNFS is a client library for accessing NFS shares over a network. Homepage: https://github.com/sahlberg/libnfs", "path": "./salix/libraries/libnfs-5.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1164 K", "ver": "0.63.2", "name": "logilab-common", "descs": "logilab-common (Python modules used by Logilab's projects)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/logilab-common", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "291 K", "descl": "logilab-common is a collection of useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects. It is released under the GNU Public License. Homepage: http://www.logilab.org/848/", "path": "./salix/libraries/logilab-common-0.63.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "libepubgen", "descs": "libepubgen (EPUB generator for librevenge)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libepubgen", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "librevenge"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "libepubgen is a library for generating documents in EPUB format, implementing librevenge document interfaces. It supports conversion of text documents, presentations and vector drawings. Spreadsheets are not supported. As these interfaces are used by multiple libraries, libepubgen can be used to generate EPUB from many sources. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libepubgen/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libepubgen-0.1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "90096 K", "ver": "4.8.7", "name": "qt4", "descs": "qt4 (a C++ graphical user interface toolkit, legacy version)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qt4", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libiodbc", "libmng", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22524 K", "descl": "Qt is a complete and well-developed object-oriented framework for developing graphical user interface (GUI) applications using C++. This is an older 'legacy' version of Qt, only intended to support older applications that have not yet been ported to Qt5. Don't use this for developing new code.", "path": "./salix/libraries/qt4-4.8.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4316 K", "ver": "0.29", "name": "jbig2enc", "descs": "jbig2enc (encoder for JBIG2)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/jbig2enc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "giflib", "leptonica", "libwebp", "openjpeg", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1079 K", "descl": "JBIG2 encodes bi-level (1 bpp) images using a number of clever tricks to get better compression than G4. The package includes shared libraries, headers, docs, and the jbig2(1) command-line conversion tool.", "path": "./salix/libraries/jbig2enc-0.29-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "zita-alsa-pcmi", "descs": "zita-alsa-pcmi (Alsa library for Aeolus)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zita-alsa-pcmi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Aeolus is a high quality pipe organ emulator using additive synthesis Project URL: http://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/index.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/zita-alsa-pcmi-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2184 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libvslvm", "descs": "libvslvm (libYAL Linux LVM library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvslvm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "546 K", "descl": "Library to access the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume system format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libvslvm", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvslvm-20181227-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "844 K", "ver": "0.15.0", "name": "qtermwidget", "descs": "qtermwidget (terminal widget library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qtermwidget", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "lxqt-build-tools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "211 K", "descl": "QTermWidget is an opensource project based on KDE4 Konsole app. The main goal is to provide unicode-enabled, embeddable QT widget for using as a built-in console (or terminal emulator widget). homepage: https://gitorious.org/qtermwidget", "path": "./salix/libraries/qtermwidget-0.15.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "5.3.7", "name": "php-redis", "descs": "php-redis (Redis bindings for PHP)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/php-redis", "deps": ["redis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "This extension enables PHP to work with redis. Homepage: https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis", "path": "./salix/libraries/php-redis-5.3.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "Hypodermic", "descs": "Hypodermic (IoC container for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Hypodermic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Hypodermic was started with the will to mimic the famous .NET Autofac. Although its design evolved, both its behavior and its expressiveness tend to remain the same. https://github.com/ybainier/Hypodermic", "path": "./salix/libraries/Hypodermic-2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.2.1+20200706_0cb9bfc", "name": "libnsgif", "descs": "libnsgif (gif image decoder library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libnsgif", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "The functions provided by this library allow for efficient progressive GIF decoding. This library was originally part of the netsurf browser, before it was distributed as a standalone library.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libnsgif-0.2.1+20200706_0cb9bfc-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.2.7", "name": "libaosd", "descs": "libaosd (Atheme On Screen Display library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libaosd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "libaosd is an advanced on screen display library. It supports many modern features like anti-aliased text and composited rendering via XComposite, as well as support for rendering Cairo and Pango layouts.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libaosd-0.2.7-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "zita-convolver", "descs": "zita-convolver (audio convolution engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zita-convolver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "fftw"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "This package was built with CPU extension options: MMX=yes SSE=yes Check /proc/cpuinfo if you get 'Illegal Instruction' errors.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zita-convolver-4.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2220 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "mpir", "descs": "mpir (Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mpir", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "555 K", "descl": "MPIR is an open source bignum library forked from the GMP project. Homepage: http://www.mpir.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/mpir-3.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "librra", "descs": "librra (Library for SynCE syncronization)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "libmimedir", "librapi2", "libsynce", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "RRA is part of the SynCE project. librra is not required if you don't need syncronization support. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/files/SynCE/", "path": "./salix/libraries/librra-0.13-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "456 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "qgnomeplatform", "descs": "qgnomeplatform (Platform Theme for Qt5 apps)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qgnomeplatform", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "114 K", "descl": "QGnomePlatform is a Qt5 Platform Theme that applies GTK-based Desktop Environments appearance settings to Qt5 applications. Homepage: https://github.com/FedoraQt/QGnomePlatform", "path": "./salix/libraries/qgnomeplatform-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "33464 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "ocaml-batteries", "descs": "ocaml-batteries (OCaml Batteries included)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ocaml-batteries", "deps": ["ocaml-findlib", "ocaml-num", "ocamlbuild"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8366 K", "descl": "OCaml Batteries included (or simply 'Batteries') is a community-driven effort to standardize on an consistent, documented, and comprehensive development platform for the OCaml programming language, inspired in part by what modern industrial languages (Java/.Net) manage to provide out-of-the-box. http://batteries.forge.ocamlcore.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ocaml-batteries-3.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "luadbi", "descs": "luadbi (database interface library for Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/luadbi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "LuaDBI is a database interface library for Lua. It is designed to provide a RDBMS agnostic API for handling database operations. LuaDBI also provides support for prepared statement handles, placeholders and bind parameters for all database operations. Currently LuaDBI supports DB2, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases with native database drivers.", "path": "./salix/libraries/luadbi-0.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "4.0.4", "name": "zope.hookable", "descs": "zope.hookable (Hookable object support)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.hookable", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Support the efficient creation of hookable objects, which are callable objects that are meant to be replaced by other callables, at least optionally.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.hookable-4.0.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "0.9.9", "name": "libfaketime", "descs": "libfaketime (FakeTime Preload Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfaketime", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "libfaketime intercepts various system calls which programs use to retrieve the current date and time. It can then report faked dates and times (as specified by you, the user) to these programs. This means you can modify the system time a program sees without having to change the time system-wide. Homepage: http://www.code-wizards.com/projects/libfaketime/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfaketime-0.9.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "3.11.0", "name": "ZODB3", "descs": "ZODB3 (Zope Object Database)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ZODB3", "deps": ["python2-transaction", "zdaemon", "zope.event", "zope.proxy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "The Zope Object Database provides an object-oriented database for Python that provides a high-degree of transparency. Applications can take advantage of object database features with few, if any, changes to application logic. ZODB includes features such as a plugable storage interface, rich transaction support, and undo.", "path": "./salix/libraries/ZODB3-3.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "12780 K", "ver": "0.3.12", "name": "OpenBLAS", "descs": "OpenBLAS (BLAS library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/OpenBLAS", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3195 K", "descl": "OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.", "path": "./salix/libraries/OpenBLAS-0.3.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "1.2.10", "name": "libspf2", "descs": "libspf2 (Sender Policy Framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libspf2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "libspf2 implements the Sender Policy Framework a part of the SPF/SRS protocol pair. libspf2 is a library which allows email systems such as Sendmail, Postfix, Exim, Zmailer and MS Exchange to check SPF records and make sure that the email is authorized by the domain name that it is coming from. This prevents email forgery, commonly used by spammers, scammers and email viruses/worms.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libspf2-1.2.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1148 K", "ver": "", "name": "qt5-styleplugins", "descs": "qt5-styleplugins (additional style plugins for Qt5)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qt5-styleplugins", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "287 K", "descl": "Additional style plugins for Qt5.", "path": "./salix/libraries/qt5-styleplugins-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.68", "name": "HawkNL", "descs": "HawkNL (game oriented network API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/HawkNL", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "HawkNL is a free, open source, game oriented network API released under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). HawkNL (NL) is a fairly low level API, a wrapper over Berkeley/Unix Sockets and Winsock. Homepage: https://github.com/dfyx/HawkNL", "path": "./salix/libraries/HawkNL-1.68-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "git_f658f88", "name": "libccd", "descs": "libccd (collision detection)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libccd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "libccd is library for a collision detection between two convex shapes. libccd implements variation on Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi algorithm plus Expand Polytope Algorithm (EPA) and also implements algorithm Minkowski Portal Refinement (MPR, a.k.a. XenoCollide) as described in Game Programming Gems 7. https://github.com/danfis/libccd", "path": "./salix/libraries/libccd-git_f658f88-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "1.9.4", "name": "audiere", "descs": "audiere (High-level audio API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/audiere", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "flac", "libcdaudio", "libogg", "libvorbis", "speex"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "Audiere is a high-level audio API. It can play Ogg Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, uncompressed WAV, AIFF, MOD, S3M, XM, and IT files. For audio output, Audiere supports DirectSound or WinMM in Windows, OSS on Linux and Cygwin, and SGI AL on IRIX.", "path": "./salix/libraries/audiere-1.9.4-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "28532 K", "ver": "3.4.1", "name": "MyGUI", "descs": "MyGUI (fast, simple and flexible GUI)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/MyGUI", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "ogre", "util-linux", "zlib", "ois"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7133 K", "descl": "MyGUI is a library for creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for games and 3D applications. The main goals of MyGUI are: speed, flexibility and ease of use. URL: http://mygui.info/", "path": "./salix/libraries/MyGUI-3.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "liblrdf", "descs": "liblrdf (RDF Manipulation Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblrdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "raptor", "zlib", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "liblrdf is a library to make it easy to manipulate RDF files describing LADSPA Plugins, but it can also be used for general RDF Manipulation.", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblrdf-0.6.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1972 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "liborigin", "descs": "liborigin (library to read Origin data files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liborigin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "493 K", "descl": "liborigin is a library for opening Origin data files.", "path": "./salix/libraries/liborigin-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "libixp", "descs": "libixp (A standalone client/server 9P library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libixp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "libixp is a stand-alone client/server 9P library including ixpc client which behaves like wmiir in the past. It consists of less than 2000 lines of code (including ixpc). Homepage: https://github.com/sunaku/libixp", "path": "./salix/libraries/libixp-0.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "uthash", "descs": "uthash (A hash table for C structures)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/uthash", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "Any C structure can be stored in a hash table using uthash. Just add UT_hash_handle to the structure and choose one or more fields in your structure to act as the key. Then use these macros to store, retrieve or delete items from the hash table. See https://troydhanson.github.io/uthash/", "path": "./salix/libraries/uthash-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2068 K", "ver": "0.14.4", "name": "Nevow", "descs": "Nevow (web application construction kit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Nevow", "deps": ["python2-twisted"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "517 K", "descl": "Nevow is designed to allow the programmer to express as much of the view logic as desired in Python, and includes a pure Python XML expression syntax named stan to facilitate this. However it also provides rich support for designer-edited templates, using a very small XML attribute language to provide bi-directional template manipulation capability. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Nevow", "path": "./salix/libraries/Nevow-0.14.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "keybinder", "descs": "keybinder (keyboard shortcut library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/keybinder", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts. Keybinder works with GTK-based applications using the X Window System. This is the gtk+2 version. homepage: http://kaizer.se/wiki/keybinder/", "path": "./salix/libraries/keybinder-0.3.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4096 K", "ver": "3.0.4", "name": "xmltooling", "descs": "xmltooling (OpenSAML XML processing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xmltooling", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "log4shib", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "xerces-c", "xml-security-c", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1024 K", "descl": "The XMLTooling library contains generic XML parsing and processing classes based on the Xerces-C DOM. It adds more powerful facilities for declaring element- and type-specific API and implementation classes to add value around the DOM, as well as signing and encryption support. homepage: https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/OpenSAML/XMLTooling-C", "path": "./salix/libraries/xmltooling-3.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "764 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "ant-contrib", "descs": "ant-contrib (apache-ant task libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ant-contrib", "deps": ["apache-ant"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "191 K", "descl": "The Ant-Contrib project is a collection of tasks (and at one point maybe types and other tools) for Apache Ant. Homepage http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ant-contrib-0.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "12148 K", "ver": "1.8.4", "name": "CoinMP", "descs": "CoinMP (C-API library functionality of CLP, CBC, and CGL projects)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/CoinMP", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3037 K", "descl": "CoinMP is a C-API library that supports most of the functionality of CLP (Coin LP), CBC (Coin Branch-and-Cut), and CGL (Cut Generation Library) projects. Homepage: https://projects.coin-or.org/CoinMP", "path": "./salix/libraries/CoinMP-1.8.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "ccrtp", "descs": "ccrtp (GNU RTP libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ccrtp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "ucommon"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "GNU ccRTP is an implementation of RTP, the real-time transport protocol from the IETF (see RFC 3550, RFC 3551 and RFC 3555).", "path": "./salix/libraries/ccrtp-2.1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "platform", "descs": "platform (support library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/platform", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "Platform support library for libcec. Homepage: https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/platform", "path": "./salix/libraries/platform-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "bzrtp", "descs": "bzrtp (ZRTP Key Exchange Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/bzrtp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "bctoolbox", "icu4c", "libxml2", "mbedtls", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "bzrtp is an opensource implementation of ZRTP keys exchange protocol. The library written in C89 is fully portable and can be executed on many platforms including both ARM processors and x86.", "path": "./salix/libraries/bzrtp-1.0.6-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.7.20", "name": "tcl-tls", "descs": "tcl-tls (OpenSSL Tcl Extension)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tcl-tls", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "TLS is an OpenSSL / RSA-bsafe Tcl extension that provides secure connections on top of the Tcl socket mechanism. Within a few lines of code, users can query https servers (see the tclhttpd project for an https server using TLS).", "path": "./salix/libraries/tcl-tls-1.7.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1052 K", "ver": "41.1", "name": "gnome-desktop", "descs": "gnome-desktop (libgnome-desktop library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gnome-desktop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libseccomp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "263 K", "descl": "gnome-desktop contains the libgnome-desktop library as well as a data file that exports the 'GNOME' version to the Settings Details panel. The libgnome-desktop library provides API shared by several applications on the desktop. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-desktop/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gnome-desktop-41.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "libr3", "descs": "libr3 (high-performance path dispatching library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libr3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "libr3 is a high-performance path dispatching library. It compiles your route paths into a prefix tree (trie). By using the constructed prefix trie in the start-up time, you may dispatch your routes with efficiency. Homepage: https://github.com/c9s/r3", "path": "./salix/libraries/libr3-1.3.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1680 K", "ver": "1.12.2", "name": "libgadu", "descs": "libgadu (Client library for the Gadu-Gadu IM protocol)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgadu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "420 K", "descl": "libgadu is a library used by instant messengers that communicate using the Gadu-Gadu protocol (especially popular in Poland). Project homepage: http://libgadu.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgadu-1.12.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "4.0.1", "name": "ftplib", "descs": "ftplib (routines implementing the FTP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ftplib", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "ftplib is a set of routines that implement the FTP protocol. They allow applications to create and access remote files through function calls, instead of forking and executing an interactive ftp client program. Homepage: http://nbpfaus.net/~pfau/ftplib/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ftplib-4.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "0.5.23", "name": "libhtp", "descs": "libhtp (HTTP parser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libhtp", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "LibHTP is a security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol and the related bits and pieces. Homepage: http://suricata-ids.org/download/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libhtp-0.5.23-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.87", "name": "htmlcxx", "descs": "htmlcxx (HTML parser library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/htmlcxx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "htmlcxx is a simple non-validating html parser library for C++. It allows to fully dump the original html document, character by character, from the parse tree. It also has an intuitive tree traversal API. Homepage: http://htmlcxx.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/htmlcxx-0.87-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "0.13.71", "name": "zziplib", "descs": "zziplib (A lightweight zip library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zziplib", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "The zziplib library is intentionally lightweight, it offers the ability to easily extract data from files archived in a single zip file. Applications can bundle files into a single zip archive and access them. The implementation is based only on the (free) subset of compression with the zlib algorithm which is actually used by the zip/unzip tools. Homepage: http://zziplib.sourceforge.net/zzip-index.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/zziplib-0.13.71-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2320 K", "ver": "4.3.0", "name": "libgig", "descs": "libgig (library for Gigasampler and DLS files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgig", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "580 K", "descl": "C++ library for loading, modifying and creating .gig, .ksf, .kmp, .sf2 and DLS files. Homepage: https://www.linuxsampler.org/libgig/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgig-4.3.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "684 K", "ver": "1.14.12", "name": "libupnp", "descs": "libupnp (Portable SDK for UPnP Devices)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libupnp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "171 K", "descl": "The portable SDK for UPnP Devices (libupnp) provides developers with an API and open source code for building control points, devices, and bridges that are compliant with Version 1.0 of the Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture Specification and support several operating systems like Linux, *BSD, Solaris and others. libupnp is used in UPnP implentations in Open Source projects over the World. It is 100% compatible fork of original libupnp.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libupnp-1.14.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "23272 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "vcglib", "descs": "vcglib (Visualization and Computer Graphics Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/vcglib", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5818 K", "descl": "The Visualization and Computer Graphics Library (VCG for short) is an open source portable C++ templated library for manipulation, processing and displaying with OpenGL of triangle and tetrahedral meshes. Project URL: http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/vcglib/", "path": "./salix/libraries/vcglib-1.0.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "11676 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "gavl", "descs": "gavl (Gmerlin audio video library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gavl", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "2919 K", "descl": "gavl is a library which provides basic support for uncompressed Audio, Video and Image data. gavl homepage: http://gmerlin.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gavl-1.4.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "compizconfig-python", "descs": "compizconfig-python (Python bindings for compiz config)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/compizconfig-python", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcompizconfig", "libxcb", "libxml2", "protobuf3", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Python bindings for the Compiz config library.", "path": "./salix/libraries/compizconfig-python-0.8.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1444 K", "ver": "0.28.2", "name": "vte2", "descs": "vte2 (gtk+2 terminal emulator widget)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/vte2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "361 K", "descl": "VTE2 is a terminal emulator widget for use with GTK+2. This package contains the VTE library and development files and a sample implementation (vte). homepage: https://github.com/GNOME/vte", "path": "./salix/libraries/vte2-0.28.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "860 K", "ver": "3.3.0", "name": "msgpack-c", "descs": "msgpack-c (C/C++ impelmentation of MessagePack)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/msgpack-c", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "215 K", "descl": "msgpack-c is a C/C++ impelmentation of MessagePack, a binary serialisation format.", "path": "./salix/libraries/msgpack-c-3.3.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "6904 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "libcifpp", "descs": "libcifpp (libcif++: manipulate mmCIF and PDB files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcifpp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1726 K", "descl": "Library containing code to manipulate mmCIF and PDB files.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcifpp-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2092 K", "ver": "2.10.0", "name": "pyqode.core", "descs": "pyqode.core (Python/Qt Code Editor widget)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pyqode.core", "deps": ["pyqode.qt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "523 K", "descl": "pyQode is a flexible source code editor widget for Python Qt applications. pyQode is a library/widget, not an IDE. Homepage: https://github.com/pyQode/pyqode.core", "path": "./salix/libraries/pyqode.core-2.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "3.13", "name": "libhoard", "descs": "libhoard (A memory allocator)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libhoard", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "The Hoard memory allocator is a fast, scalable, and memory-efficient memory allocator. It runs on a variety of platforms, including Linux, Solaris, and Windows. Hoard is a drop-in replacement for malloc() that can dramatically improve application performance, especially for multithreaded programs running on multiprocessors. Homepage: http://www.hoard.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libhoard-3.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "4.8.1", "name": "cppzmq", "descs": "cppzmq (C++ binding for zmq)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cppzmq", "deps": ["zeromq", "Catch"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "cppzmq is a C++ binding for libzmq. It has the following design goals: It maps the libzmq C API to C++ concepts. It is a light-weight, header-only binding. You only need to include the header file zmq.hpp (and maybe zmq_addon.hpp) to use it. zmq.hpp is meant to contain direct mappings of the abstractions provided by the libzmq C API, while zmq_addon.hpp provides additional higher-level abstractions.", "path": "./salix/libraries/cppzmq-4.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "5.3", "name": "libdispatch", "descs": "libdispatch (Grand Central Dispatch)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdispatch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "Grand Central Dispatch (GCD or libdispatch) provides comprehensive support for concurrent code execution on multicore hardware. Homepage: https://apple.github.io/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdispatch-5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "5.0.3", "name": "pymediainfo", "descs": "pymediainfo (A Python wrapper for the mediainfo command line tool)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pymediainfo", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "A Python wrapper for the mediainfo command line tool Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pymediainfo", "path": "./salix/libraries/pymediainfo-5.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4640 K", "ver": "4.4.4", "name": "stk", "descs": "stk (The Synthesis ToolKit in C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/stk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1160 K", "descl": "The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK) is a set of open source audio signal processing and algorithmic synthesis classes written in the C++ programming language. STK was designed to facilitate rapid development of music synthesis and audio processing software, with an emphasis on cross-platform functionality, realtime control, ease of use, and educational example code. https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk/", "path": "./salix/libraries/stk-4.4.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.31", "name": "liblo", "descs": "liblo (OSC Protocol Implementation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblo", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "liblo is a lightweight library that provides an easy to use implementation of the OSC protocol. Homepage: http://plugin.org.uk/liblo/", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblo-0.31-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1388 K", "ver": "1.7.4", "name": "libclaw", "descs": "libclaw (C++ Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libclaw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "347 K", "descl": "Claw is a generalist library written in C++ and providing various structures and algorithms, like containers, string algorithms, tweeners, Bezier curves and more. Homepage: http://libclaw.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libclaw-1.7.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "libdvbpsi", "descs": "libdvbpsi (Library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI Tables)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdvbpsi", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "libdvbpsi is a simple library designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables. Homepage: http://developers.videolan.org/libdvbpsi/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdvbpsi-1.3.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1800 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "xml-security-c", "descs": "xml-security-c (Apache XML security C++ library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xml-security-c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "450 K", "descl": "The xml-security-c library is a C++ implementation of the XML Digital Signature and Encryption specifications. The library makes use of the Apache XML project's Xerces-C XML Parser and Xalan-C XSLT processor. The latter is used for processingXPath and XSLT transforms. homepage: http://santuario.apache.org/cindex.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/xml-security-c-2.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "424 K", "ver": "3.0.8", "name": "Smarty", "descs": "Smarty (PHP template engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Smarty", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "106 K", "descl": "Smarty is a template engine for PHP, which facilitates a manageable way to separate application logic and content from its presentation. Homepage: https://www.smarty.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/Smarty-3.0.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "lua-md5", "descs": "lua-md5 (Cryptographic Library for Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-md5", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "MD5 offers basic cryptographic facilities for Lua: a hash (digest) function, a pair crypt/decrypt based on MD5 and CFB, and a pair crypt/decrypt based on DES with 56-bit keys. homepage: http://keplerproject.github.io/md5/", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-md5-1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "gnome-autoar", "descs": "gnome-autoar (Automatic archives creating and extracting library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gnome-autoar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Creating and extracting archives is easy, safe, and automatic. One module is created (gnome-autoar) and three modules are modified (Epiphany, Evolution, Empathy). The two major steps of this project are: * An wrapper for libarchive, GIO, and GTK+, provides GObject-based C API for archives and a few common widgets. * Integrate archives into applications. I try to use existing widgets in applications to show archive works and user preferences settings.", "path": "./salix/libraries/gnome-autoar-0.4.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "11444 K", "ver": "1.10.6", "name": "hdf5", "descs": "hdf5 (HDF5 software libraries and utilities)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/hdf5", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "libaec", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2861 K", "descl": "Hierarchical Data Format 5 defines a file format and and provides a software library for storing arbitrary multidimensional datasets of various types. hdf5 provides also c++ and fortran interfaces. It is released under a BSD-ish license. Homepage: https://www.hdfgroup.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/hdf5-1.10.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4164 K", "ver": "0.18.3", "name": "barry", "descs": "barry (GPL C++ library for interfacing the BlackBerry)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/barry", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglademm", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libtar", "libxcb", "libxml++", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "1041 K", "descl": "Barry is a GPL C++ library for interfacing with the RIM BlackBerry Handheld. It comes with a command line tool for exploring the device and a GUI for making quick backups. This project's goal is to create a fully functional syncing mechanism on Linux. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/barry/", "path": "./salix/libraries/barry-0.18.3-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "python-ntlm", "descs": "python-ntlm (Python NTLM Support)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python-ntlm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Python library that provides NTLM support, including an authentication handler for urllib2. Works with pass-the-hash in additon to password authentication. Home page: https://github.com/mullender/python-ntlm", "path": "./salix/libraries/python-ntlm-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.2.57", "name": "libpng-legacy12", "descs": "libpng-legacy12 (old PNG library for compatibility with old software)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libpng-legacy12", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is an extensible file format for the lossless, portable, well-compressed storage of raster images. This build provides libpng12.so, occasionally needed for running older binary-only software. It can safely be installed without conflicting with Slackware's own libpng (which is version 1.6).", "path": "./salix/libraries/libpng-legacy12-1.2.57-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "uptime", "descs": "uptime (python uptime library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/uptime", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This module provides a cross-platform way to retrieve system uptime and boot time. Homepage: https://github.com/Cairnarvon/uptime", "path": "./salix/libraries/uptime-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "libvidcap", "descs": "libvidcap (cross-platform library for capturing video)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvidcap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Libvidcap is a cross-platform library for capturing video from webcams and other video capture devices.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvidcap-0.2.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3800 K", "ver": "1.1.8", "name": "zmusic", "descs": "zmusic (library for music support in games)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zmusic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "950 K", "descl": "ZMusic is GZDoom's music system separated as a stand-alone music library, providing a unified interface for its components.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zmusic-1.1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "node-xoauth2", "descs": "node-xoauth2 (XOAuth2 token generation with node.js)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/node-xoauth2", "deps": ["nodejs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "xoauth2 generates XOAUTH2 login tokens from provided client and user credentials. https://www.npmjs.com/package/xoauth2", "path": "./salix/libraries/node-xoauth2-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1720 K", "ver": "0.16.2", "name": "ode", "descs": "ode (library for simulating articulated rigid body dynamics)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ode", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "430 K", "descl": "The Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) is a free, industrial quality library for simulating articulated rigid body dynamics. Proven applications include simulating ground vehicles, legged creatures, and moving objects in VR environments. It is fast, flexible and robust, and has built-in collision detection.", "path": "./salix/libraries/ode-0.16.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "luasec", "descs": "luasec (A Lua binding for OpenSSL library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/luasec", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "A binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication over LuaSocket. This version delegates to LuaSocket the TCP connection establishment between the client and server. Then LuaSec uses this connection to start a secure TLS/SSL session.", "path": "./salix/libraries/luasec-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "libavc1394", "descs": "libavc1394 (GNU/Linux 1394 AV/C Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libavc1394", "deps": ["libraw1394"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "libavc1394 is a programming interface for the 1394 Trade Association AV/C (Audio/Video Control) Digital Interface Command Set. It is intended for use with GNU/Linux IEEE-1394. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libavc1394", "path": "./salix/libraries/libavc1394-0.5.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "compiz-bcop", "descs": "compiz-bcop (A BCOP code generator for Compiz Fusion)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/compiz-bcop", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "BCOP is a code generator that provides an easy way to handle plugin options by generating parts of the plugin code directly from the xml metadata file. It is used for most of the Compiz Fusion plugins.", "path": "./salix/libraries/compiz-bcop-0.8.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.01", "name": "libeot", "descs": "libeot (Embedded OpenType Import Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libeot", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Library for parsing Embedded OpenType files (Microsoft embedded font 'standard'), and converting them to other formats Homepage: https://github.com/umanwizard/libeot", "path": "./salix/libraries/libeot-0.01-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5204 K", "ver": "3.2.3", "name": "xerces-c", "descs": "xerces-c (XML Parser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xerces-c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1301 K", "descl": "Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. Xerces-C++ makes it easy to give your application the ability to read and write XML data. A shared library is provided for parsing, generating, manipulating, and validating XML documents. Homepage: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/", "path": "./salix/libraries/xerces-c-3.2.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2060 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libsmraw", "descs": "libsmraw (libYAL RAW image library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsmraw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "515 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access the (split) RAW image format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libsmraw", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsmraw-20181227-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "libfm-extra", "descs": "libfm-extra (pcmanfm library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfm-extra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "LibFM provides file management functions built on top of Glib/GIO, giving a convenient higher-level API. This package contains a library and other files required by menu-cache-gen libexec of the recent menu-cache >= 1.0.0. Homepage: https://wiki.lxde.org/en/Libfm", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfm-extra-1.3.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.1.28build2", "name": "libpaper", "descs": "libpaper (library for handling paper characteristics)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libpaper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "The libpaper paper-handling library automates recognition of many different paper types and sizes for programs that need to deal with printed output.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libpaper-1.1.28build2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5336 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "srt", "descs": "srt (Secure, Reliable, Transport)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/srt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1334 K", "descl": "Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is an open source transport technology that optimizes streaming performance across unpredictable networks, such as the Internet.", "path": "./salix/libraries/srt-1.4.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1880 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libqcow", "descs": "libqcow (libYAL QEMU QCOW image library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libqcow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "470 K", "descl": "Library and tooling to access the QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) image format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libqcow", "path": "./salix/libraries/libqcow-20181227-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "RxCpp", "descs": "RxCpp (The Reactive Extensions for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/RxCpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "The Reactive Extensions for C++ (RxCpp) is a library of algorithms for values-distributed-in-time. https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxCpp", "path": "./salix/libraries/RxCpp-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.2.6", "name": "remglk", "descs": "remglk (remote-procedure-call implementation of the Glk IF API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/remglk", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "remglk is an implementation of the Glk Interactive Fiction library which supports structured input and output. RemGlk does not provide a user interface. Instead, it wraps up the application's output as a JSON data structure and sends it to stdout. It then waits for input to arrive from stdin; the input data must also be encoded as JSON.", "path": "./salix/libraries/remglk-0.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2740 K", "ver": "3.12.2", "name": "libcryptui", "descs": "libcryptui (Interface components for OpenPGP)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcryptui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gpgme", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libassuan", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome-keyring", "libgpg-error", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "685 K", "descl": "libcryptui is a library used for prompting for PGP keys. homepage: http://gnome.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcryptui-3.12.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "20160924_e3455d2", "name": "libdbus-c++", "descs": "libdbus-c++ (C++ API for D-BUS)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdbus-c++", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "elogind", "expat"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "DBus-c++ attempts to provide a C++ API for D-BUS. The library has a glib and an Ecore mainloop integration. It also offers an optional own main loop. Homepage: http://dbus-cplusplus.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdbus-c++-20160924_e3455d2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "6256 K", "ver": "21.8.0", "name": "gevent", "descs": "gevent (A coroutine-based network library for python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gevent", "deps": ["greenlet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1564 K", "descl": "Gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libev event loop. Homepage: http://www.gevent.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gevent-21.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "924 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "dumb", "descs": "dumb (Dynamic Universal Music Bibliotheque)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/dumb", "deps": ["SDL2", "allegro4", "argtable", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "231 K", "descl": "DUMB is a module audio renderer library. It reads module files and outputs audio that can be dumped to the actual audio playback library.", "path": "./salix/libraries/dumb-2.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1172 K", "ver": "3.10.0", "name": "blas", "descs": "blas (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/blas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "293 K", "descl": "The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) are routines that provide standard building blocks for performing basic vector and matrix operations. The Level 1 BLAS perform scalar, vector, and vector-vector operations, the Level 2 BLAS perform matrix-vector operations, and the Level 3 BLAS perform matrix-matrix operations. Because the BLAS are efficient, portable, and widely available, they are commonly used in the development of high quality linear algebra software. Note: This package contains the Netlib reference BLAS library.", "path": "./salix/libraries/blas-3.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "gf2x", "descs": "gf2x (arithmetic library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gf2x", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "gf2x is a C/C++ software package containing routines for fast arithmetic in GF(2)[x] (multiplication, squaring, GCD) and searching for irreducible/primitive trinomials. Project URL: http://gf2x.gforge.inria.fr/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gf2x-1.3.0-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1548 K", "ver": "2020u2", "name": "tbb", "descs": "tbb (Intel Threading Building Blocks)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tbb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "387 K", "descl": "Intel TBB offers a rich and complete approach to expressing parallelism in a C++ program. It is a library that helps you take advantage of multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. Intel TBB is not just a threads-replacement library. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanisms for scalability and performance. Home page: https://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/tbb-2020u2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4600 K", "ver": "6.5.0", "name": "aqbanking", "descs": "aqbanking (library for online banking)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/aqbanking", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gnutls", "gwenhywfar", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nettle", "p11-kit", "xmlsec", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1150 K", "descl": "AqBanking offers an interface to generic online banking tasks, bank information for the US, Germany, Austria and Switzerland and country- and currency-related information. AqBanking can be used by AqFinance, OrgaMon, GnuCash and KMyMoney It supports HBCI (2.01, 2.10, 2.20, FinTS 3.00), EBICS (2.3 and 2.4) and OFX Direct Connect.", "path": "./salix/libraries/aqbanking-6.5.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1128 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "log4cplus", "descs": "log4cplus (A C++ logger very close to Java's log4j)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/log4cplus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "282 K", "descl": "Log4cplus is a simple to use C++ logging API providing thread-safe, flexible, and arbitrarily granular control over log management and configuration. It is modelled after the Java log4j API.", "path": "./salix/libraries/log4cplus-1.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "6220 K", "ver": "5.0.1", "name": "SOPE", "descs": "SOPE (WebObjects framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/SOPE", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "binutils", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gcc-objc", "gnustep-base", "gnutls", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mariadb", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1555 K", "descl": "SOPE is an extensive set of frameworks which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM, XML-RPC), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing. Homepage: https://github.com/inverse-inc/sope", "path": "./salix/libraries/SOPE-5.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "plumbum", "descs": "plumbum (shell combinators library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/plumbum", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "Ever wished the compactness of shell scripts be put into a real language? Say hello to Plumbum Shell Combinators. Homepage: http://plumbum.readthedocs.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/plumbum-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3764 K", "ver": "", "name": "libQuotient", "descs": "libQuotient (Qt5 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libQuotient", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "941 K", "descl": "The Quotient project aims to produce a Qt5-based SDK to develop applications for Matrix. libQuotient is a library that enables client applications. It is the backbone of Quaternion, Spectral and other projects. Versions 0.5.x and older use the previous name - libQMatrixClient. Homepage: https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient", "path": "./salix/libraries/libQuotient-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3224 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "libisoburn", "descs": "libisoburn (Frontend for libburn and libisofs)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libisoburn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libburn", "libisofs", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "806 K", "descl": "libisoburn is a frontend for libraries libburn and libisofs which enables creation and expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems on all CD/DVD/BD media supported by libburn. This includes media like DVD+RW, which do not support multi-session management on media level and even plain disk files or block devices. The price for that is thorough specialization on data files in ISO-9660 filesystem images. Homepage: https://dev.lovelyhq.com/libburnia/web/wikis/Libisoburn", "path": "./salix/libraries/libisoburn-1.5.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3292 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "edelib", "descs": "edelib (C++ library for EDE)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/edelib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "elogind", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib", "jam"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "823 K", "descl": "edelib is small and portable C++ library for EDE (Equinox Desktop Environment). Aims are to provide enough background for easier EDE components construction and development.", "path": "./salix/libraries/edelib-2.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "libxls", "descs": "libxls (Read XLS files from C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxls", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This is libxls, a C library for reading Excel files in the nasty old binary OLE format, plus a command-line tool for converting XLS to CSV (named, appropriately enough, libxls2csv). Note: The command-line tool is, instead, named libxls2csv by this SlackBuild script to avoid conflict with xls2csv tool from catdoc package.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxls-1.5.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2920 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "libqxt", "descs": "libqxt (Qt4 Extension Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libqxt", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "730 K", "descl": "LibQxt is an extension library for Qt providing a suite of cross-platform utility classes to add functionality not readily available in the Qt toolkit. homepage: https://bitbucket.org/libqxt/libqxt/wiki/Home", "path": "./salix/libraries/libqxt-0.6.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "", "name": "gssdp", "descs": "gssdp (GObject-based API for handling resource of SSDP)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gssdp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphene", "graphite2", "gtk4", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lzo", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "GSSDP is a GObject-based API for handling resource discovery and announcement over SSDP. Home page: http://gupnp.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gssdp-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "gtkdatabox", "descs": "gtkdatabox (GTK+ widget)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtkdatabox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glade", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "GtkDatabox is a widget for live display of large amounts of fluctuating numerical data. Data presentation (e.g. on linear or logarithmic scales, as dots or lines, with markers/labels) as well as user interaction (e.g. measuring distances) is easy.", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtkdatabox-1.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1168 K", "ver": "r3.1.1", "name": "mongo-cxx-driver", "descs": "mongo-cxx-driver (C++ driver for MongoDB)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mongo-cxx-driver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "cyrus-sasl", "icu4c", "mongo-c-driver", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "292 K", "descl": "mongo-cxx-driver is the official C++ driver for MongoDB. If you are writing software in C++ that needs to access databases managed by MongoDB on just about any platform, then mongo-cxx-driver is the library you use. It is the standard C++ language binding for MongoDB.", "path": "./salix/libraries/mongo-cxx-driver-r3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1364 K", "ver": "2.14.19", "name": "ORBit2", "descs": "ORBit2 (CORBA ORB library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ORBit2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libidl"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "341 K", "descl": "ORBit is a high-performance CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) ORB (object request broker). It allows programs to send requests and receive replies from other programs, regardless of the locations of the two programs. CORBA is an architecture that enables communication between program objects, regardless of the programming language they're written in or the operating system they run on.", "path": "./salix/libraries/ORBit2-2.14.19-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "0.8.13", "name": "libmigdb", "descs": "libmigdb (A GDB/MI interface library for C and C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmigdb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "libmigdb implements the GDB/MI (GNU DeBugger/Machine Interface) protocol as a library so you can create a GDB frontend without writing the 'dialog' with GDB. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libmigdb/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmigdb-0.8.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.0.3", "name": "tox-extension-messages", "descs": "tox-extension-messages (extension library for tox)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tox-extension-messages", "deps": ["toxext"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This is part of ToxExt, an extension library for tox. Homepage: https://github.com/toxext/tox_extension_messages", "path": "./salix/libraries/tox-extension-messages-0.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3224 K", "ver": "20220131_aa69fe6", "name": "qutepart", "descs": "qutepart (code editor component)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qutepart", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "806 K", "descl": "Code editor component for PyQt and PySide. https://github.com/andreikop/qutepart", "path": "./salix/libraries/qutepart-20220131_aa69fe6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "1.8", "name": "mygpoclient", "descs": "mygpoclient (gpodder.net Client Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mygpoclient", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "The mygpoclient library allows developers to utilize a Pythonic interface to the gpodder.net web services. Homepage: https://github.com/gpodder/mygpoclient", "path": "./salix/libraries/mygpoclient-1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "hidapi", "descs": "hidapi (Library to access HID devices)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/hidapi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "A Simple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Project URL: https://github.com/libusb/hidapi/", "path": "./salix/libraries/hidapi-0.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "2.6.7", "name": "libglademm", "descs": "libglademm (C++ bindings for libglade using gtkmm)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libglademm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "This package provides a C++ interface for libglademm. It is a subpackage of the GTKmm project. The interface provides a convenient interface for C++ programmers to create Gnome GUIs with GTK+'s flexible object-oriented framework. Homepage: https://www.gtkmm.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libglademm-2.6.7-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "924 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "libiio", "descs": "libiio (Linux Industrial I/O library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libiio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "231 K", "descl": "Libiio is a library that has been developed by Analog Devices to ease the development of software interfacing Linux Industrial I/O (IIO). homepage: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libiio", "path": "./salix/libraries/libiio-0.10-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "916 K", "ver": "4.6.3", "name": "qt-assistant-compat", "descs": "qt-assistant-compat (Qt Assistant compatibility)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qt-assistant-compat", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "229 K", "descl": "This package contains the Qt Assistant compatibility version, based on Assistant Document Profile (.adp) files, and the associated QtAssistantClient library, for compatibility with applications providing help in that format. Home page: http://qt-project.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/qt-assistant-compat-4.6.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1488 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "vdk", "descs": "vdk (Visual Development Kit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/vdk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "372 K", "descl": "VDK Library is a framework in C++ that binds GTK+ GUI libraries. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vdklib/", "path": "./salix/libraries/vdk-2.5.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1452 K", "ver": "5.0.0", "name": "dbus-cpp", "descs": "dbus-cpp (dbus-binding C++-11 header)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/dbus-cpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "dbus", "elogind", "libxml2", "process-cpp", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "363 K", "descl": "A header-only dbus-binding leveraging C++-11. HOMEPAGE: https://launchpad.net/dbus-cpp", "path": "./salix/libraries/dbus-cpp-5.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "libaaio", "descs": "libaaio (AAIO Advanced I/O Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libaaio", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "This library provides the functionality of getch(), getche() and kbhit() on UNIX and Linux systems (including Mac OS X). It does not require an initialization (like curses) and does not abuse the terminal (i.e. whenever the mode of the terminal is changed its state is stored so it can be restored). http://aaio.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libaaio-0.3.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "15432 K", "ver": "1.2.16", "name": "libtorrent-rasterbar", "descs": "libtorrent-rasterbar (a bittorrent C++ library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtorrent-rasterbar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3858 K", "descl": "libtorrent is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all of the other bittorrent implementations around. It is a library, not a full featured client, although it comes with an example client. Homepage: https://libtorrent.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtorrent-rasterbar-1.2.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "10028 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "xforms", "descs": "xforms (X11 graphical user interface toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xforms", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "2507 K", "descl": "XForms is a graphical user interface toolkit based on the X11 Xlib library. It comes with a lot of widgets (buttons, menus, input fields scrollbars, you name it) as well as fdesign, a tool that lets you create a GUI using a GUI. In addition, the library is extensible and new objects can easily be created and added to the library. Homepage: http://www.xforms-toolkit.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/xforms-1.2.4-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "0.20.6", "name": "tree-sitter", "descs": "tree-sitter (parser generator)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tree-sitter", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library. It can build a concrete syntax tree for a source file and efficiently update the syntax tree as the source file is edited. https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter", "path": "./salix/libraries/tree-sitter-0.20.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "json-parser", "descs": "json-parser (very low footprint JSON parser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/json-parser", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C. https://github.com/udp/json-parser", "path": "./salix/libraries/json-parser-1.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "87852 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "cuneiform", "descs": "cuneiform (an OCR system)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cuneiform", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21963 K", "descl": "Cuneiform is an OCR system originally developed and open sourced by Cognitive technologies. This project aims to create a fully portable version of Cuneiform. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/cuneiform-linux", "path": "./salix/libraries/cuneiform-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "paho-mqtt", "descs": "paho-mqtt (MQTT Python client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/paho-mqtt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "This code provides a client class which enable applications to connect to an MQTT broker to publish messages, and to subscribe to topics and receive published messages. It supports Python 2.7.9+ or 3.6+. Paho is an Eclipse Foundation project.", "path": "./salix/libraries/paho-mqtt-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "0.13.1", "name": "librapi2", "descs": "librapi2 (SynCE library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librapi2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "libsynce", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Librapi is part of the SynCE project. The RAPI library is an open source implementation that works like RAPI.DLL, available on Microsoft operating systems. The library makes it possible to make remote calls to a computer running device. In order to use librapi, a daemon that the device client connects to must be running on the computer using librapi. Homepage: https://www.msi.umn.edu/sw/librapi2", "path": "./salix/libraries/librapi2-0.13.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "libkqueue", "descs": "libkqueue (portable userspace implementation of kqueue(2)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libkqueue", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "libkqueue is a portable userspace implementation of the kqueue(2) kernel event notification mechanism. It acts as a translator between the kevent structure and the native kernel facilities of the host machine. homepage: https://github.com/mheily/libkqueue", "path": "./salix/libraries/libkqueue-2.3.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "1.7.3", "name": "WebOb", "descs": "WebOb (A Python library that provides wrappers around the WSGI)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/WebOb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "WebOb is a Python library that provides wrappers around the WSGI request environment, and an object to help create WSGI responses. The objects map much of the specified behavior of HTTP, including header parsing, content negotiation and correct handling of conditional and range requests.", "path": "./salix/libraries/WebOb-1.7.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "5.4.0", "name": "GLee", "descs": "GLee (GL Easy Extension library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/GLee", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "GLee (GL Easy Extension library) is a free cross-platform extension loading library for OpenGL. It provides seamless support for OpenGL functions up to version 3.0 and 399 extensions. Homepage: http://elf-stone.com/glee.php", "path": "./salix/libraries/GLee-5.4.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1560 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libfwsi", "descs": "libfwsi (libYAL Windows Shell Item library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfwsi", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "390 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access the Windows Shell Item format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libfwsi", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfwsi-20181227-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.1.4", "name": "munkres", "descs": "munkres (Munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/munkres", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "The Munkres module provides an implementation of the Munkres algorithm (also called the Hungarian algorithm or the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm), useful for solving the Assignment Problem. homepage: http://software.clapper.org/munkres/", "path": "./salix/libraries/munkres-1.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2476 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "SQLObject", "descs": "SQLObject (Object-Relational Manager, aka database wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/SQLObject", "deps": ["FormEncode"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "619 K", "descl": "SQLObject is a popular Object Relational Manager for providing an object interface to your database, with tables as classes, rows as instances, and columns as attributes. SQLObject includes a Python-object-based query language that makes SQL more abstract, and provides substantial database independence for applications. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SQLObject/", "path": "./salix/libraries/SQLObject-2.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2804 K", "ver": "1.9.1", "name": "ocaml-findlib", "descs": "ocaml-findlib (OCaml library manager)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ocaml-findlib", "deps": ["ocaml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "701 K", "descl": "Findlib is a library manager for Objective Caml. It provides a convention how to store libraries, and a file format ('META') to describe the properties of libraries. There is also a tool (ocamlfind) for interpreting the META files, so that it is very easy to use libraries in programs and scripts. http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/findlib.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/ocaml-findlib-1.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "3.3.2", "name": "glfw3", "descs": "glfw3 (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/glfw3", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan development on the desktop. It provides a simple API for creating windows, contexts and surfaces, receiving input and events. Homepage: https://www.glfw.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/glfw3-3.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "5.1", "name": "libcapsimage", "descs": "libcapsimage (decoder library for KyroFlux CTR and IPF disk images)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcapsimage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "libcapsimage is a support library that allows applications to access low-level disk image files stored in the IPF (Interchange Preservation Format) and CTR ('CT Raw') formats. This library is also known as the 'SPS Decoder Library', spsdeclib, and was formerly known as ipflib.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcapsimage-5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "liboauth", "descs": "liboauth (C library implementing OAuth Core RFC 5849)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liboauth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "liboauth is a collection of POSIX-c functions implementing the OAuth Core RFC 5849 standard. liboauth provides functions to escape and encode parameters according to OAuth specification and offers high-level functionality to sign requests or verify OAuth signatures as well as perform HTTP requests. liboauth depends on either on the OpenSSL library or on NSS (Mozilla's Network Security Services), which are used for generating the hash/signature, and optionally libcurl for issuing HTTP requests.", "path": "./salix/libraries/liboauth-1.0.3-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "libunique3", "descs": "libunique3 (a library for writing single instance applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libunique3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Unique is a library for writing single instance applications. Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side. This is the gtk+3 version. Homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Attic/LibUnique", "path": "./salix/libraries/libunique3-3.0.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "", "name": "skalibs", "descs": "skalibs (general-purpose C libraries for skarnet.org softwares)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/skalibs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "skalibs is a package centralizing the free software / open source C development files used for building all software at skarnet.org: it contains essentially general-purpose libraries. You will need to install skalibs if you plan to build skarnet.org software. skalibs can also be used as a general-purpose library. It is very suitable for creating small and secure system programs. Homepage: https://skarnet.org/software/skalibs/", "path": "./salix/libraries/skalibs-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "13020 K", "ver": "3.9.5", "name": "activemq-cpp", "descs": "activemq-cpp (ActiveMQ CPP Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/activemq-cpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "apr", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "3255 K", "descl": "Apache ActiveMQ is the most popular and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns server. Apache ActiveMQ is fast, supports many Cross Language Clients and Protocols, comes with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns and many advanced features while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4. homepage: http://activemq.apache.org/cms/index.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/activemq-cpp-3.9.5-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "1.4.4", "name": "libspectrum", "descs": "libspectrum (emulator support library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libspectrum", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "audiofile", "flac", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "libspectrum is a library designed to make the input and output of some ZX Spectrum emulator files slightly easier. It is intended to be usable on Unix variants, Win32 and Mac OS X. Homepage: http://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net/libspectrum.php", "path": "./salix/libraries/libspectrum-1.4.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5388 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "libfdk-aac", "descs": "libfdk-aac (Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android.)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfdk-aac", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1347 K", "descl": "libfdk-aac is a standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android. https://github.com/mstorsjo/fdk-aac", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfdk-aac-2.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "robin-map", "descs": "robin-map (C++ fast hash map)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/robin-map", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "The robin-map library is a C++ implementation of a fast hash map and hash set using open-addressing and linear robin hood hashing with backward shift deletion to resolve collisions.", "path": "./salix/libraries/robin-map-0.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "312 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "libserialport", "descs": "libserialport (cross-platform serial port access library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libserialport", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "78 K", "descl": "libserialport is a minimal, cross-platform shared library written in C that is intended to take care of the OS-specific details when writing software that uses serial ports. Homepage: https://sigrok.org/wiki/Libserialport", "path": "./salix/libraries/libserialport-0.1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "8668 K", "ver": "2.4.4", "name": "mathgl", "descs": "mathgl (library for scientific data visualization)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mathgl", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libharu", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib", "wxPython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2167 K", "descl": "MathGL is a library for making high-quality scientific graphics under Linux and Windows. It is useful for fast data plotting and data proc- essing of large data arrays. Supports working in window and console modes and for easy embedding into other programs. Has a large and still growing set of graphics. Homepage: mathgl.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/mathgl-2.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "4.0.1", "name": "zope.security", "descs": "zope.security (Zope Security Framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.security", "deps": ["python2", "zope.configuration", "zope.location"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "The Security framework provides a generic mechanism to implement security policies on Python objects.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.security-4.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "3.0_rc1", "name": "luasocket", "descs": "luasocket (Network support for the Lua language)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/luasocket", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "LuaSocket is a Lua extension library that is composed by two parts: a C core that provides support for the TCP and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for functionality commonly needed by applications that deal with the Internet. The library is available under the same terms and conditions as the Lua language, the MIT license. The idea is that if you can use Lua in a project, you should also be able to use LuaSocket.", "path": "./salix/libraries/luasocket-3.0_rc1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "972 K", "ver": "0.16.13", "name": "python-ruamel.yaml", "descs": "python-ruamel.yaml (YAML 1.2 parser and emitter for Python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python-ruamel.yaml", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "243 K", "descl": "ruamel.yaml is a YAML 1.2 parser and emitter for Python that support comment preservation. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/p/ruamel-yaml", "path": "./salix/libraries/python-ruamel.yaml-0.16.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "freexl", "descs": "freexl (library to extract valid data from Excel files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/freexl", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "FreeXL is an open source library to extract valid data from within an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet. FreeXL design goals: to be simple and lightweight; to be stable, robust and efficient; to be easily and universally portable; completely ignoring any GUI-related oddity. Project homepage: https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/freexl/index", "path": "./salix/libraries/freexl-1.0.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2804 K", "ver": "4.10.0", "name": "gtkhtml", "descs": "gtkhtml (lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtkhtml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "701 K", "descl": "GtkHTML is a lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine. It was originally based on KHTMLW, part of the KDE project, but is now being developed independently. GtkHTML is currently maintained by the Evolution team and no longer has its own mailing list. The best place to ask GtkHTML questions is on the 'evolution-hackers' mailing list.", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtkhtml-4.10.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "744 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "libdivecomputer", "descs": "libdivecomputer (Library to communicate with dive computers)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdivecomputer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "bluez"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "186 K", "descl": "Libdivecomputer is a cross-platform and open source library for communication with dive computers from various manufacturers. Homepage: http://www.libdivecomputer.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdivecomputer-0.6.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "ConfigParser", "descs": "ConfigParser (backported configparser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ConfigParser", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "The ancient ConfigParser module available in the standard library 2.x has seen a major update in Python 3.2. This is a backport of those changes so that they can be used directly in Python 2.6 - 2.7. Homepage: http://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/ConfigParser-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "676 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "quazip-qt4", "descs": "quazip-qt4 (Qt/C++ wrapper for the ZIP/UNZIP API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/quazip-qt4", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "qt4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "169 K", "descl": "QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. This script packages the version for the Qt-4.x toolkit. QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and -yes!- that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both reading from and writing to ZIP archives.", "path": "./salix/libraries/quazip-qt4-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "876 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "python-xlrd", "descs": "python-xlrd (Library to extract data from Microsoft Excel)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python-xlrd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "219 K", "descl": "Extract data from Excel spreadsheets (.xls and .xlsx, versions 2.0 onwards) on any platform. Pure Python (2.6, 2.7, 3.2+). Strong support for Excel dates. Unicode-aware. Homepage: http://www.python-excel.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/python-xlrd-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "708 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "libmspub", "descs": "libmspub (Microsoft Publisher Import Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmspub", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "177 K", "descl": "Libmspub is a library that parses the file format of Microsoft Publisher documents of all versions. Homepage: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/DLP/Libraries/libmspub", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmspub-0.1.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.4.8", "name": "md4c", "descs": "md4c (Markdown for C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/md4c", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "C Markdown parser. Fast. SAX-like interface. Compliant to CommonMark specification. Homepage: https://github.com/mity/md4c", "path": "./salix/libraries/md4c-0.4.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3692 K", "ver": "0.4.12", "name": "libwps", "descs": "libwps (Microsoft Works format import library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libwps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "923 K", "descl": "Libwps is a library (for use by word procesors, for example) for importing the Microsoft Works word processor file format. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libwps/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libwps-0.4.12-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "49392 K", "ver": "1.10.1", "name": "Kivy", "descs": "Kivy (rapid development library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Kivy", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", "SDL2_mixer", "SDL2_ttf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "elfutils", "freetype", "graphite2", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libmad", "libwebp", "libxcb", "python2", "zlib", "kivy-garden"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12348 K", "descl": "A software library for rapid development of hardware-accelerated multitouch applications. Homepage: https://kivy.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/Kivy-1.10.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1000 K", "ver": "2.30.3", "name": "libgnomecanvas", "descs": "libgnomecanvas (GNOME canvas library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnomecanvas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "250 K", "descl": "The GNOME canvas is an engine for structured graphics that offers a rich imaging model, high performance rendering, and a powerful, high-level API. It offers a choice of two rendering back-ends, one based on Xlib for extremely fast display, and another based on Libart, a sophisticated, antialiased, alpha-compositing engine. Applications have a choice between the Xlib imaging model or a superset of the PostScript imaging model, depending on the level of graphic sophistication required.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnomecanvas-2.30.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "808 K", "ver": "0.24", "name": "stfl", "descs": "stfl (the Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/stfl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "202 K", "descl": "STFL is a library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals. The STFL API can be used from C, SPL, Python, Perl and Ruby. The public STFL API is only 14 simple function calls big and and there are already generic SWIG bindings. Thus it is very easy to port to additional scripting languages. Homepage: http://www.clifford.at/stfl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/stfl-0.24-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.45", "name": "libglpng", "descs": "libglpng (PNG loader for OpenGL)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libglpng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "glpng is a small toolkit to make loading PNG image files as an OpenGL texture as easy as possible.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libglpng-1.45-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "12248 K", "ver": "11.11", "name": "exiftool", "descs": "exiftool (read, write, and edit EXIF and other meta information)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/exiftool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3062 K", "descl": "ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library (Image::ExifTool) plus a command-line application (exiftool) for reading, writing, and editing meta information in image, audio, and video files. ExifTool supports many different types of metadata including EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, AFCP, FlashPix, AFCP, and ID3, and maker notes of many digital cameras. Homepage: http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/", "path": "./salix/libraries/exiftool-11.11-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "libb64", "descs": "libb64 (C routines for base64 encoding/decoding)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libb64", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "libb64 is a library of ANSI C routines for fast encoding/decoding data into and from a base64-encoded format. C++ wrappers are included, as well as the source code for standalone encoding and decoding executables. Homepage: http://libb64.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libb64-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "zc.lockfile", "descs": "zc.lockfile (Basic inter-process locks)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zc.lockfile", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "The zc.lockfile package provides a basic portable implementation of interprocess locks using lock files.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zc.lockfile-1.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "ptypes", "descs": "ptypes (C++ Portable Types Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ptypes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "Is a simple alternative to the STL that includes multithreading and networking. It defines dynamic strings, character sets, lists and other basic data types along with threads, synchronization primitives, named pipes and IP sockets.", "path": "./salix/libraries/ptypes-2.1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "yajl", "descs": "yajl (Yet Another JSON Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/yajl", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "YAJL is a small event-driven (SAX-style) JSON parser written in ANSI C, and a small validating JSON generator. YAJL is released under the ISC license. http://lloyd.github.com/yajl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/yajl-2.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "OpenCSG", "descs": "OpenCSG (Constructive Solid Geometry rendering library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/OpenCSG", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glew", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "OpenCSG is a library that does image-based Constructive Solid Geometry rendering using OpenGL. Homepage: http://www.opencsg.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/OpenCSG-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "720 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "libsmf", "descs": "libsmf (library for handling MIDI files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsmf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "180 K", "descl": "LibSMF is a BSD-licensed C library for handling standard MIDI ('*.mid') files. It transparently handles conversions between time and pulses, tempo map handling etc. Full API documentation and examples are included. Also included is smfsh, a 'midi shell' useful for debugging and hand-editing MIDI files.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsmf-1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1852 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "swfdec", "descs": "swfdec (decoder/renderer for Macromedia Flash animations)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/swfdec", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liboil", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "463 K", "descl": "Swfdec is a decoder/renderer for Macromedia Flash animations. The decoding and rendering engine is provided in a library that can be used by other applications.", "path": "./salix/libraries/swfdec-0.9.2-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.10.7", "name": "libcli", "descs": "libcli (cisco style telnet commandline interface library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcli", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Libcli provides a shared library for including a Cisco-like command- line interface into other software. It's a telnet interface which supports command-line editing, history, authentication and callbacks for a user-definable function tree. Homepage: https://dparrish.com/pages/libcli", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcli-1.10.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "QR-Code-generator", "descs": "QR-Code-generator (QR Code generator library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/QR-Code-generator", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "High-quality QR Code generator library. Homepage: https://www.nayuki.io/page/qr-code-generator-library", "path": "./salix/libraries/QR-Code-generator-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "4.5.0", "name": "libctl", "descs": "libctl (flexible control of scientific simulations)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libctl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "gc", "guile", "libunistring"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "This software supports the flexible control of scientific simulations, notably MPB and MEEP. Homepage: https://github.com/NanoComp/libctl", "path": "./salix/libraries/libctl-4.5.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "2.2pre2", "name": "rxtx", "descs": "rxtx (Java library for serial and parallel communication)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rxtx", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "RXTX is a Java library providing serial and parallel communication for the Java Development Toolkit (JDK). Homepage: http://rxtx.qbang.org/wiki", "path": "./salix/libraries/rxtx-2.2pre2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4180 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "rudiments", "descs": "rudiments (C++ class library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rudiments", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libedit", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1045 K", "descl": "Rudiments is an Open Source C++ class library providing base classes for things such as daemons, clients and servers, and wrapper classes for the standard C functions for things like regular expressions, semaphores and signal handling. Homepage: http://rudiments.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/rudiments-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "libcbor", "descs": "libcbor (Schema-less binary data format)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcbor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "libcbor is a C library for parsing and generating CBOR, the general-purpose schema-less binary data format.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcbor-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1376 K", "ver": "3.2.6", "name": "libmirage", "descs": "libmirage (cdrom image access library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmirage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "flac", "glib2", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "344 K", "descl": "libmirage aims to provide uniform access to the data stored in various image formats. Supported image formats: ccd, cue, iso, mds, nrg, toc Experimental image parsers: b6t, c2d, cdi, cif, daa libmirage is part of the userspace-cdemu suite. Homepage: https://cdemu.sourceforge.io/about/libmirage/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmirage-3.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "libvdpau-va-gl", "descs": "libvdpau-va-gl (VDPAU driver with VA-API/OpenGL backend)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvdpau-va-gl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libdrm", "libglvnd", "libva", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "VDPAU driver with VA-API/OpenGL backend.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvdpau-va-gl-0.4.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "10216 K", "ver": "3.0.8", "name": "LucenePlusPlus", "descs": "LucenePlusPlus (text search engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/LucenePlusPlus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "icu4c", "zlib", "gtest"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2554 K", "descl": "Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, and full-featured text search engine. Project URL: https://github.com/luceneplusplus/LucenePlusPlus", "path": "./salix/libraries/LucenePlusPlus-3.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2116 K", "ver": "20190303", "name": "libregf", "descs": "libregf (libYAL WinNT Registry File library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libregf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "529 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access the Windows NT Registry File (REGF) format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libregf", "path": "./salix/libraries/libregf-20190303-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "10488 K", "ver": "0.3.17", "name": "libmwaw", "descs": "libmwaw (Import library for some old mac text documents)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmwaw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2622 K", "descl": "Libmwaw is a new project for converting many pre-OSX MAC text formats, some graphic formats and some spreadsheet formats. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/p/libmwaw/wiki/Home/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmwaw-0.3.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "17028 K", "ver": "1.7.77", "name": "fox-toolkit-devel", "descs": "fox-toolkit-devel (FOX C++ Graphical Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fox-toolkit-devel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4257 K", "descl": "FOX is a C++ based Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily and effectively. The FOX toolkit is fast and memory-efficient and has a large selection of Controls available to programmers. This is the development version. Project URL: http://www.fox-toolkit.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/fox-toolkit-devel-1.7.77-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "676 K", "ver": "3.4.6", "name": "libzookeeper", "descs": "libzookeeper (Zookeeper C client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libzookeeper", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "169 K", "descl": "libzookeeper provides a C client interface to Zookeeper server. The Apache ZooKeeper system for distributed coordination is a high-performance service for building distributed applications. Homepage: https://zookeeper.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libzookeeper-3.4.6-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "2.13", "name": "argtable", "descs": "argtable (ANSI C library for parsing command line arguments)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/argtable", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "Argtable is an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments with a minimum of fuss.", "path": "./salix/libraries/argtable-2.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.03", "name": "ucl", "descs": "ucl (portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ucl", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "UCL implements a number of compression algorithms that achieve an excellent compression ratio while allowing *very* fast decompression. Decompression requires no additional memory. Homepage: http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/ucl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ucl-1.03-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "612 K", "ver": "0.2.10", "name": "tff", "descs": "tff (Terminal Filter Framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tff", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153 K", "descl": "This module provides basic interfaces for terminal I/O filter applications, and exports some default implementations such as Scanner, Parser ...etc. Homepage: https://github.com/saitoha/tff", "path": "./salix/libraries/tff-0.2.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "888 K", "ver": "7.4.0", "name": "mlt-bindings", "descs": "mlt-bindings (programming interface for MLT framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mlt-bindings", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "mlt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "222 K", "descl": "Libraries for hooking into the MLT multimedia framework from Python, Perl, PHP, and Ruby. https://www.mltframework.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/mlt-bindings-7.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "7368 K", "ver": "2.9", "name": "pjsip", "descs": "pjsip (multimedia communication library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pjsip", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "gsm", "opencore-amr", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "speex", "speexdsp", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1842 K", "descl": "PJSIP is a free and open source multimedia communication library written in the C language implementing standard based protocols such as SIP, SDP, RTP, STUN, TURN, and ICE.", "path": "./salix/libraries/pjsip-2.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "libsieve", "descs": "libsieve (interpreter for Sieve scripts)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsieve", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "libSieve provides a library to interpret Sieve scripts, and to execute those scripts over a given set of messages. The return codes from the libSieve functions let your program know how to handle the message, and then it's up to you to make it so. libSieve makes no attempt to have knowledge of how SMTP, IMAP, or anything else work; just how to parse and deal with a buffer full of emails. The rest is up to you! homepage: http://sodabrew.com/libsieve/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsieve-2.3.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "8000 K", "ver": "2.6.3", "name": "flint", "descs": "flint (Fast Library for Number Theory)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/flint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2000 K", "descl": "FLINT (Fast Library for Number Theory) is a C library in support of computations in number theory. It's also a research project into algorithms in number theory. http://www.flintlib.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/flint-2.6.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "456 K", "ver": "3.5.1", "name": "php-imagick", "descs": "php-imagick (PHP Wrapper for ImageMagick)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/php-imagick", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "114 K", "descl": "Imagick is a native php extension to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API. Homepage: http://pecl.php.net/package/imagick/", "path": "./salix/libraries/php-imagick-3.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1672 K", "ver": "20190103", "name": "libsigscan", "descs": "libsigscan (libYAL binary signature scanning)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsigscan", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "418 K", "descl": "libsigscan is a library and set of tools that can be used to search a source file for specific binary signatures. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libsigscan", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsigscan-20190103-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "5.0.6", "name": "configobj", "descs": "configobj (configuration file python module)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/configobj", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "A python module for ultra simple handling of configuration files. Also useful for human readable data persistence. Flexible and simple. Homepage: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#configobj", "path": "./salix/libraries/configobj-5.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "0.0.4", "name": "libpagemaker", "descs": "libpagemaker (Adobe PageMaker Import Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libpagemaker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "Libpagemaker is a library that parses the file format of Aldus/Adobe PageMaker documents. Currently it only understands documents created by PageMaker version 6.x and 7.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libpagemaker-0.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "2.19", "name": "pycparser", "descs": "pycparser (C parser in Python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pycparser", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "pycparser is a complete parser of the C language, written in pure Python using the PLY parsing library. It parses C code into an AST and can serve as a front-end for C compilers or analysis tools. Homepage: https://github.com/eliben/pycparser", "path": "./salix/libraries/pycparser-2.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "pyjf3", "descs": "pyjf3 (Japanese text functions for Python 3)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pyjf3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Utility functions to manipulate Japanese texts. Homepage: https://github.com/atsuoishimoto/pyjf3", "path": "./salix/libraries/pyjf3-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "0.11.0", "name": "libaacs", "descs": "libaacs (AACS specification implementation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libaacs", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "libaacs is a research project to implement the Advanced Access Content System specification. Homepage: http://www.videolan.org/developers/libaacs.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libaacs-0.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "libgxps", "descs": "libgxps (library for handling and rendering XPS documents)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgxps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "libgxps is a GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents. More details: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/libgxps", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgxps-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2256 K", "ver": "1.17.3", "name": "mongo-c-driver", "descs": "mongo-c-driver (C driver for MongoDB)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mongo-c-driver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "cyrus-sasl", "icu4c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "564 K", "descl": "mongo-c-driver is the official C driver for MongoDB. If you are writing software in C that needs to access databases managed by MongoDB on just about any platform, then mongo-c-driver is the library you use. It is the standard C language binding for MongoDB.", "path": "./salix/libraries/mongo-c-driver-1.17.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "628 K", "ver": "2.0.6", "name": "daq", "descs": "daq (Data Acquisition libary)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/daq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libmnl", "libnetfilter_queue", "libnfnetlink", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libdnet"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "157 K", "descl": "DAQ supports many different packet access methods including libpcap, netfilterq, IPFW, and afpacket. Homepage: https://www.snort.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/daq-2.0.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "1.1.4", "name": "libticonv", "descs": "libticonv (TI-calculator conversion library for linux)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libticonv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "The ticonv library is a library which handles the various TI charsets and conversion to/from UTF-8/16 through a set of functions which constitutes a common API. Homepage: http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libticonv-1.1.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "2020.12.R1", "name": "libbtbb", "descs": "libbtbb (Bluetooth baseband decoding library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libbtbb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "This is the Bluetooth baseband decoding library, forked from the GR-Bluetooth project. It can be used to extract Bluetooth packet and piconet information from Ubertooth devices as well as GR-Bluetooth/USRP. Homepage: https://github.com/greatscottgadgets/libbtbb", "path": "./salix/libraries/libbtbb-2020.12.R1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "20150430_edb9e09", "name": "pangox-compat", "descs": "pangox-compat (X font support for Pango)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pangox-compat", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "pango", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "X Window System font support for Pango. https://www.pango.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/pangox-compat-20150430_edb9e09-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "ois", "descs": "ois (Oriented Input System)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ois", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "Object Oriented Input System (OIS) is meant to be a cross platform, simple solution for using all kinds of Input Devices (Keyboards, Mice, Joysticks, etc) and feedback devices (e.g. force feedback). Written in C++ using Object Oriented Design pattern. Homepage: https://github.com/wgois/OIS", "path": "./salix/libraries/ois-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "1.1.6", "name": "libunique", "descs": "libunique (a library for writing single instance applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libunique", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "6salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Unique is a library for writing single instance applications. Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side. Homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Attic/LibUnique", "path": "./salix/libraries/libunique-1.1.6-i486-6salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "14712 K", "ver": "1.20", "name": "tcllib", "descs": "tcllib (The Tcl Library, a kitchen-sink of packages.)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tcllib", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "3678 K", "descl": "Tcllib is a collection of utility modules for Tcl. These modules provide a wide variety of functionality, from implementations of standard data structures to implementations of common networking protocols. The intent is to collect commonly used function into a single library, which users can rely on to be available and stable.", "path": "./salix/libraries/tcllib-1.20-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5144 K", "ver": "4.6.1", "name": "wvstreams", "descs": "wvstreams (networking library in C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wvstreams", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "dbus", "elogind", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pam", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1286 K", "descl": "It aims to be an efficient, secure, easy-to-use, and OS-independent library for doing network applications development. https://github.com/apenwarr/wvstreams", "path": "./salix/libraries/wvstreams-4.6.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "90444 K", "ver": "", "name": "allegro4", "descs": "allegro4 (game programming library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/allegro4", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "celt", "glu", "jack2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXxf86dga", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "util-linux", "zlib", "eawpats"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "22611 K", "descl": "The Allegro library provides C/C++ programmers low level routines commonly needed in game programing, such as input, graphics, midi, sound effects, and timing. http://www.allegro.cc/", "path": "./salix/libraries/allegro4-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "pylibpcap", "descs": "pylibpcap (python libcap library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pylibpcap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "Python module for the libpcap packet capture library, based on the original python libpcap module by Aaron Rhodes. Homepage: http://pylibpcap.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/pylibpcap-0.6.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "luaexpat", "descs": "luaexpat (XML Expat parsing for the Lua programming language)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/luaexpat", "deps": ["expat", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "LuaExpat is a SAX XML parser based on the Expat library. LuaExpat is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.1. https://lunarmodules.github.io/luaexpat/index.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/luaexpat-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "3.0.4", "name": "ZConfig", "descs": "ZConfig (Structured Configuration Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ZConfig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "ZConfig supports a hierarchical schema-driven configuration model that allows a schema to specify data conversion routines written in Python.", "path": "./salix/libraries/ZConfig-3.0.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "2020_05_01", "name": "re2", "descs": "re2 (Regular Expression Engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/re2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "icu4c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "Fast, safe, thread-friendly regular expression engine. Homepage: https://github.com/google/re2", "path": "./salix/libraries/re2-2020_05_01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "448 K", "ver": "0.04.14", "name": "ETL", "descs": "ETL (extended template library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ETL", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "112 K", "descl": "ETL is a multi-platform class and template library designed to add new datatypes and functions which combine well with the existing types and functions from the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) http://synfig.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ETL-0.04.14-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2580 K", "ver": "1.8.5", "name": "plib", "descs": "plib (Steve's Portable Game Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/plib", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "645 K", "descl": "PLIB includes sound effects, music, a complete 3D engine, font rendering, a simple Windowing library, a game scripting language, a GUI, networking, 3D math library and a collection of handy utility functions.", "path": "./salix/libraries/plib-1.8.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "gsnmp", "descs": "gsnmp (SNMP library written on top of glib and gnet)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gsnmp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs", "gnet"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "The goal of the project is to provide an efficient, clean, portable implementation of an SNMP stack for management applications.", "path": "./salix/libraries/gsnmp-0.2.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "12136 K", "ver": "1.28.1", "name": "grpc", "descs": "grpc (High performance, open source, general RPC framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/grpc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gflags", "gperftools", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "protobuf3", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3034 K", "descl": "gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems. Homepage: https://grpc.io/", "path": "./salix/libraries/grpc-1.28.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "gtkmm-utils", "descs": "gtkmm-utils (High level utility functions, classes and widgets)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtkmm-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "gnome-common"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "High level utility functions, classes and widgets written on top of gtkmm and glibmm. It consists: logging framework, option parsing, date and string utilities, tile widgets, dialog helpers. The package consists of two shared libraries which will be installed to your pkg-config path, glibmm-utils and gtkmm-utils. homepage: https://github.com/markoa/gtkmm-utils", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtkmm-utils-0.4.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "1.1.8", "name": "libticalcs2", "descs": "libticalcs2 (TI-calculator communications library for linux)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libticalcs2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libarchive", "libticables2", "libticonv", "libtifiles2", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "libticalcs2 allows communication with the Z-80 line of calculators from Texas Instruments. Homepage: http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libticalcs2-1.1.8-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1368 K", "ver": "0.17.0", "name": "libixion", "descs": "libixion (general purpose formula parser & interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libixion", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "mdds"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "342 K", "descl": "Ixion is a general purpose formula parser & interpreter that can calculate multiple named targets, or 'cells'. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/ixion/ixion", "path": "./salix/libraries/libixion-0.17.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "r60", "name": "squish", "descs": "squish (open-source DXT compression library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/squish", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "The squish library (abbreviated to libsquish) is an open source DXT compression library written in C++ with the following features: * Supports the DXT1, DXT3 and DXT5 formats. * Optimised for both SSE and Altivec SIMD instruction sets. * Builds on multiple platforms (x86 and PPC tested). * Very simple interface. homepage: https://github.com/Cavewhere/squish", "path": "./salix/libraries/squish-r60-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "54160 K", "ver": "4.1.1", "name": "wxPython4", "descs": "wxPython4 (Crossplatform GUI Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wxPython4", "deps": ["aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["cmake", "httpd"], "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gst", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXtst", "libXxf86vm", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13540 K", "descl": "wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface simply and easily. It is implemented as a Python extension module (native code) that wraps the popular wxWidgets cross platform GUI library which is written in C++. Homepage: https://wxPython.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/wxPython4-4.1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "8696 K", "ver": "2.18.12", "name": "lablgtk", "descs": "lablgtk (an Objective Caml interface to gtk+/gtk+-2)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lablgtk", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtksourceview", "gtkspell", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libbonoboui", "libcanberra", "libgcrypt", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnome-keyring", "libgnomecanvas", "libgnomeui", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "camlp5", "ocaml-findlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2174 K", "descl": "LablGTK uses the rich type system of Objective Caml 3 to provide a strongly typed, yet very comfortable, object-oriented interface to gtk+.", "path": "./salix/libraries/lablgtk-2.18.12-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "libgringotts", "descs": "libgringotts (gringotts data encapsulation and encryption library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgringotts", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], "libmcrypt", "mhash", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "libGringotts is a small, easy-to-use, thread-safe C library originally developed for Gringotts; its purpose is to encapsulate data (generic:ASCII, but also binary data) in an encrypted and compressed structure, to be written in a file or used elseway.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgringotts-1.2.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.1.11", "name": "libu2f-host", "descs": "libu2f-host (Yubico 2UF C Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libu2f-host", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], "hidapi", "gengetopt"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Libu2f-host provide a C library and command-line tool that implements the host-side of the U2F protocol. Project URL: https://github.com/Yubico/libu2f-host", "path": "./salix/libraries/libu2f-host-1.1.11-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1988 K", "ver": "20190127", "name": "libvshadow", "descs": "libvshadow (libYAL Volume Shadow library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvshadow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "497 K", "descl": "Library to access the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format. The VSS format is used by Windows, as of Vista, to maintain copies of data on a storage media volumes. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libvshadow", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvshadow-20190127-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2248 K", "ver": "20181203", "name": "libwrc", "descs": "libwrc (libYAL WRC library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libwrc", "deps": ["libexe", "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "562 K", "descl": "Library to access the Windows Resource Compiler (WRC) format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libwrc", "path": "./salix/libraries/libwrc-20181203-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1252 K", "ver": "2.18.6", "name": "libgnomeprintui", "descs": "libgnomeprintui (The Gnome 2 print UI library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnomeprintui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libglvnd", "libgnomecanvas", "libgnomeprint", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "313 K", "descl": "This package contains the user interface portion of the gnome print library.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnomeprintui-2.18.6-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "ws4py", "descs": "ws4py (WebSocket library for Python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ws4py", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "WebSocket client and server library for Python 2 and 3. Homepage: https://github.com/Lawouach/WebSocket-for-Python", "path": "./salix/libraries/ws4py-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "bctoolbox", "descs": "bctoolbox (Tools for Linphone components)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/bctoolbox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "mbedtls"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "Utilities library used by Belledonne Communications softwares like belle-sip, mediastreamer2 and linphone. https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/bctoolbox", "path": "./salix/libraries/bctoolbox-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1216 K", "ver": "1.20", "name": "libAfterImage", "descs": "libAfterImage (Generic image manipulation library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libAfterImage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "304 K", "descl": "libAfterImage is a generic image manipulation library. Most of the popular image formats are supported using standard libraries, with XCF, XPM, PPM/PNM, BMP, ICO, TGA and GIF being supported internally. PNG, JPEG and TIFF formats are supported via standard libraries. For convenience, source for libJPEG and libPNG is supplied with libAfterImage. Homepage:http://www.afterstep.org/afterimage/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libAfterImage-1.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "20211118_4dd9d69", "name": "pyPEG2", "descs": "pyPEG2 (plain and simple intrinsic parser interpreter for Python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pyPEG2", "deps": ["lxml"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "pyPEG2 is a plain and simple intrinsic parser interpreter framework for Python version 2.7 and 3.x. Home page: https://fdik.org/pyPEG/", "path": "./salix/libraries/pyPEG2-20211118_4dd9d69-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "", "name": "nv-codec-headers", "descs": "nv-codec-headers (FFmpeg version of Nvidia Codec SDK headers)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/nv-codec-headers", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "FFmpeg version of headers required to interface with Nvidia's codec APIs. Corresponds to Video Codec SDK version 11.1.5. https://github.com/FFmpeg/nv-codec-headers", "path": "./salix/libraries/nv-codec-headers-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "9808 K", "ver": "40.0", "name": "libgweather", "descs": "libgweather (weather library for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgweather", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "geocode-glib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2452 K", "descl": "libgweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgweather", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgweather-40.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3708 K", "ver": "d37b377", "name": "SFGUI", "descs": "SFGUI (Simple and Fast Graphical User Interface)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/SFGUI", "deps": ["SFML", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "927 K", "descl": "A fast, simple, and native C++ GUI library for SFML. SFGUI provides a rich set of widgets and is highly customisable in appearance. SFGUI is distributed under the zlib license, allowing it to be used in both open and non-open source projects. https://github.com/TankOs/SFGUI", "path": "./salix/libraries/SFGUI-d37b377-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "64408 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "compiz-plugins-experimental", "descs": "compiz-plugins-experimental (Experimental plugins for Compiz Fusion)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/compiz-plugins-experimental", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glew", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib", "compiz-plugins-main"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16102 K", "descl": "The plugins in the plugins experimental package are freely available for users to try, but they are not supported.", "path": "./salix/libraries/compiz-plugins-experimental-0.8.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "lxqt-sudo", "descs": "lxqt-sudo (GUI frontend for sudo/su)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lxqt-sudo", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "kwindowsystem", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "liblxqt", "libqtxdg", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "lxqt-sudo is a graphical front-end of commands sudo and su respectively. As such it enables regular users to launch applications with permissions of other users including root.", "path": "./salix/libraries/lxqt-sudo-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "2.0.12", "name": "libgksu", "descs": "libgksu (library for gksu)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgksu", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome-keyring", "libgpg-error", "libgtop", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "libgksu is a library that provides a Gtk+ frontend to su and sudo. It supports login shells and preserving environment when acting as a su frontend. It is useful to menu items or other graphical programs that need to ask a user's password to run another program as another user. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/gksu/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgksu-2.0.12-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "628 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "libtecla", "descs": "libtecla (interactive command line editing)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtecla", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "157 K", "descl": "The tecla library provides UNIX and LINUX programs with interactive command line editing facilities, similar to those of the UNIX tcsh shell. Home: http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~mcs/tecla/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtecla-1.6.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4876 K", "ver": "1.18.2", "name": "asio", "descs": "asio (Asio C++ Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/asio", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1219 K", "descl": "Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous model using a modern C++ approach. Asio provides the basic building blocks for C++ networking, concurrency and other kinds of I/O. http://think-async.com/Asio/", "path": "./salix/libraries/asio-1.18.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "952 K", "ver": "0.1.28", "name": "libthai", "descs": "libthai (A set of Thai language support routines)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libthai", "deps": ["libdatrie"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "238 K", "descl": "LibThai is a set of Thai language support routines aimed to ease developers' tasks to incorporate Thai language support in their applications. It includes important Thai-specific functions e.g. word breaking, input and output methods as well as basic character and string supports. https://linux.thai.net/projects/libthai/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libthai-0.1.28-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1244 K", "ver": "4.10.0", "name": "libxfcegui4", "descs": "libxfcegui4 (old Xfce widget library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxfcegui4", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxfce4util", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "311 K", "descl": "This is a widget library for Xfce. It has been replaced by the use of the libxfce4ui library, but older programs might still need it.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxfcegui4-4.10.0-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "python-librtmp", "descs": "python-librtmp (Python bindings for librtmp)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python-librtmp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "python2", "rtmpdump", "zlib", "cffi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "python-librtmp is a Python interface to librtmp. It uses cffi to interface with the C library librtmp. Homepage: https://github.com/chrippa/python-librtmp", "path": "./salix/libraries/python-librtmp-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "liblqr", "descs": "liblqr (Liquid Rescale Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblqr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "Liquid Rescale is a seam-carving C/C++ library based on the algorithm described in this paper (http://www.faculty.idc.ac.il/arik/imret.pdf) by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir. It aims at resizing pictures non uniformly while preserving their features, i.e. avoiding distortion of the important parts.", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblqr-0.4.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1328 K", "ver": "1.33.16", "name": "xmlrpc-c", "descs": "xmlrpc-c (modular implementation of XML-RPC for C and C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xmlrpc-c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "332 K", "descl": "XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to make procedure calls over the Internet. It converts the procedure call into XML document, sends it to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML. Homepage: http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/xmlrpc-c-1.33.16-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "0.1.15", "name": "boolstuff", "descs": "boolstuff (boolean expression tree toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/boolstuff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "BoolStuff is a small C++ library that supports a few operations on boolean expression binary trees. The main features are: - a boolean expression parser (supports operators AND, OR and NOT, as well as parentheses); - an algorithm to convert a boolean expression binary tree into its Disjunctive Normal Form; - a function that determines if an expression tree is in DNF. A command named `booldnf' that calls this library is also provided.", "path": "./salix/libraries/boolstuff-0.1.15-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "3.26.2", "name": "geocode-glib", "descs": "geocode-glib (convenience library for the geocoding)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/geocode-glib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "glib2", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "geocode-glib is a convenience library for the geocoding (finding longitude, and latitude from an address) and reverse geocoding (finding an address from coordinates). It uses Nominatim service to achieve that. It also caches (reverse-)geocoding requests for faster results and to avoid unnecessary server load. https://git.gnome.org/browse/geocode-glib", "path": "./salix/libraries/geocode-glib-3.26.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2196 K", "ver": "2020.08.19", "name": "live555", "descs": "live555 (C++ libraries for multimedia streaming)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/live555", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "549 K", "descl": "This code forms a set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries can be used to build streaming applications. Homepage: http://www.live555.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/live555-2020.08.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "ytnef", "descs": "ytnef (Yerase's TNEF Stream Reader)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ytnef", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Yerase's TNEF Stream Reader allows you to decode application/ms-tnef e-mail attachments, which are usually entitled 'winmail.dat' and are generally a file container format that is only readable by Microsoft Outlook. Some TNEF streams also include RTF-formatted data. https://github.com/Yeraze/ytnef", "path": "./salix/libraries/ytnef-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3044 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "mowitz", "descs": "mowitz ('More Widgets' library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mowitz", "deps": ["nextaw"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "761 K", "descl": "The project's goal is to create a library of widgets for X applications to use. The widgets have been snarfed from various sources and are all open source (GPL or MIT licenses). http://siag.nu/", "path": "./salix/libraries/mowitz-0.3.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "progressbar", "descs": "progressbar (Text progressbar library for python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/progressbar", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is typically used to display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue that processing is underway. The progressbar module is very easy to use, yet very powerful. And automatically supports features like auto-resizing when available. Home: https://github.com/niltonvolpato/python-progressbar", "path": "./salix/libraries/progressbar-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "26596 K", "ver": "2.17.3", "name": "Botan", "descs": "Botan (C++ crypto library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Botan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "6649 K", "descl": "Botan is a BSD-licensed crypto library for C++. It provides applications with the ability to use a number of cryptographic algorithms, as well as SSL/TLS, X.509 certificates and CRLs, PKCS #10 certificate requests, a filter/pipe message processing system, and a wide variety of other features. Homepage: https://botan.randombit.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/Botan-2.17.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3252 K", "ver": "0.1.10", "name": "libetonyek", "descs": "libetonyek (Apple Keynote Import Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libetonyek", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "liblangtag", "librevenge", "libxml2", "zlib", "glm", "mdds"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "813 K", "descl": "Libetonyek is a library that parses the file format of Apple Keynote documents. It supports Keynote versions 2-5. Version 6 is planned for near future. There is also an initial support for Pages and Numbers.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libetonyek-0.1.10-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "84024 K", "ver": "", "name": "wxPython3", "descs": "wxPython3 (Crossplatform GUI Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wxPython3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "21006 K", "descl": "wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface simply and easily. It is implemented as a Python extension module (native code) that wraps the popular wxWidgets cross platform GUI library which is written in C++. Homepage: http://wxPython.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/wxPython3-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "spdlog", "descs": "spdlog (Fast C++ logging library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/spdlog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "fmt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "Very fast, header-only/compiled, C++ logging library. https://github.com/gabime/spdlog", "path": "./salix/libraries/spdlog-1.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "libdynamite", "descs": "libdynamite (cab extractor)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdynamite", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "The dynamite library is needed by tools to be capable of squeezing out juicy .cab files from self-extracting installation programs created by the Setup Factory installation program.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdynamite-0.1.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "gsound", "descs": "gsound (small library for playing system sounds)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gsound", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], "glib2", "libcanberra", "libogg", "libvorbis", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "GSound is a small library for playing system sounds. It's designed to be used via GObject Introspection, and is a thin wrapper around the libcanberra C library. HOMEPAGE: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GSound", "path": "./salix/libraries/gsound-1.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.20140413", "name": "python3-dvdvideo", "descs": "python3-dvdvideo (Video DVD reader library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python3-dvdvideo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "This library reads and parses video DVD. It includes a UDF parser and video DVD structure parses. It supports unencrypted disks and also encrypted ones using the external libdvdcss. A tool (dvdvideo-backup-image) is provided to make decrypted copies of disks. This disks often contain various defects in the data structures to complicate reading them.", "path": "./salix/libraries/python3-dvdvideo-0.20140413-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.0.7", "name": "libaal", "descs": "libaal (Library that provides reiser4 application abstraction)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libaal", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "libaal is a library that provides an application abstraction mechanism for the reiser4 filesystem. It includes device abstraction, libc independence code, etcetera. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/reiser4/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libaal-1.0.7-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "libsynce", "descs": "libsynce (Common library for SynCE)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsynce", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "Libsynce is a common library for various SynCE project tools, containing various utility and helper functions. It is required to compile (at least) the following parts of the SynCE project: o librapi2 o librra Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsynce-0.13-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "2.0.4", "name": "sparsehash", "descs": "sparsehash (hash_map implementation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/sparsehash", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "The SparseHash library contains several hash-map implementations, including implementations that optimize for space or speed. These hashtable implementations are similar in API to SGI's hash_map class and the tr1 unordered_map class, but with different performance characteristics. It's easy to replace hash_map or unordered_map by sparse_hash_map or dense_hash_map in C++ code. They also contain code to serialize and unserialize from disk. homepage: https://github.com/sparsehash/sparsehash", "path": "./salix/libraries/sparsehash-2.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3772 K", "ver": "0.17.1", "name": "liborcus", "descs": "liborcus (library for processing spreadsheet documents)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liborcus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "libixion", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "943 K", "descl": "Orcus is a library that provides a collection of standalone file processing filters. It is currently focused on providing filters for spreadsheet documents, but filters for other productivity application types (such as wordprocessor and presentation) are in consideration. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/orcus/orcus", "path": "./salix/libraries/liborcus-0.17.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.0.9", "name": "SDL_kitchensink", "descs": "SDL_kitchensink (SDL2 library for audio and video)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/SDL_kitchensink", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libass", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib", "cunit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "FFmpeg and SDL2 based library for audio and video playback, written in C99.", "path": "./salix/libraries/SDL_kitchensink-1.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "batinfo", "descs": "batinfo (Python library to retrieve battery information)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/batinfo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "batinfo is a simple Python library to retrieve battery information on Linux-based operating systems. No ACPI or external software are needed: only the Linux kernel and its /sys/class/power_supply folder. Homepage: https://github.com/nicolargo/batinfo", "path": "./salix/libraries/batinfo-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "1.9.1", "name": "gspell", "descs": "gspell (spell checking library for GTK+ applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gspell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "gspell provides a flexible API to add spell-checking to a GTK+ application. More details: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gspell", "path": "./salix/libraries/gspell-1.9.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1484 K", "ver": "20220224_24ba9e1", "name": "libsigrokdecode", "descs": "libsigrokdecode (protocol decoding library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsigrokdecode", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "python3"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "371 K", "descl": "libsigrokdecode is a shared library written in C, which provides (streaming) protocol decoding functionality. Homepage: https://sigrok.org/wiki/Libsigrokdecode", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsigrokdecode-20220224_24ba9e1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "2.6.7", "name": "pies2overrides", "descs": "pies2overrides (Defines override classes with pies)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pies2overrides", "deps": ["ipaddress"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "Defines override classes that should be included with pies only if running on Python2. Homepage: https://github.com/timothycrosley/pies", "path": "./salix/libraries/pies2overrides-2.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "2.9", "name": "lua-readline", "descs": "lua-readline (Interface to the readline library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-readline", "deps": ["lua-posix"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This Lua module offers a simple calling interface to the GNU Readline/History Library. Homepage: http://www.pjb.com.au/comp/lua/readline.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-readline-2.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "mini18n", "descs": "mini18n (translation library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mini18n", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "mini18n is a small and non-intrusive translation library, designed for small memory and (non-)GNU systems. Homepage: http://yabause.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/mini18n-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "596 K", "ver": "3.13", "name": "python2-PyYAML", "descs": "python2-PyYAML (YAML parser and emitter for Python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python2-PyYAML", "deps": ["libyaml", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "149 K", "descl": "YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages. PyYAML is a YAML parser and emitter for Python. Homepage: https://pyyaml.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/python2-PyYAML-3.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4352 K", "ver": "4.10.1", "name": "antlr4", "descs": "antlr4 (language tool)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/antlr4", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "util-linux", "utfcpp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1088 K", "descl": "ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, interpreters, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing actions in a variety of target languages. This package contains the C++ runtime library only. Project URL: https://www.antlr.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/antlr4-4.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "2.26.0", "name": "gnome-vfsmm", "descs": "gnome-vfsmm (C++ wrapper for gnomevfs2 library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gnome-vfsmm", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "glibmm", "gnome-vfs", "libsigc++", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "This is the GNOME Virtual File System C++ wrapper homepage: https://www.gtkmm.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/gnome-vfsmm-2.26.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "shairplay", "descs": "shairplay (AirPlay server)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/shairplay", "deps": ["libao", "avahi"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Apple airplay and raop protocol server. This program emulates an AirPort Express for the purpose of streaming music from iTunes and compatible iPods. It implements a server for the Apple RAOP protocol. Homepage: https://github.com/qasim/shairplay", "path": "./salix/libraries/shairplay-0.1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1368 K", "ver": "1.12.1", "name": "pugixml", "descs": "pugixml (XML parser for C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pugixml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "342 K", "descl": "pugixml is a C++ XML processing library, which consists of a DOM-like interface with rich traversal/modification capabilities, an extremely fast XML parser which constructs the DOM tree from an XML file/buffer and an XPath 1.0 implementation for complex data-driven tree queries. Full Unicode support is also available, with Unicode interface variants and conversions between different Unicode encodings. Project URL: https://pugixml.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/pugixml-1.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2364 K", "ver": "20210807", "name": "libmodi", "descs": "libmodi (libYAL MacOS disk image formats library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmodi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "591 K", "descl": "Library to access to access the Mac OS disk image formats. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libmodi", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmodi-20210807-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3352 K", "ver": "1.94.2", "name": "libfprint", "descs": "libfprint (library for support fingerprint reader devices)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfprint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libgudev", "libgusb", "mozilla-nss", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "838 K", "descl": "libfprint is an open source software library designed to make it easy for application developers to add support for consumer fingerprint readers to their software. Homepage: https://fprint.freedesktop.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfprint-1.94.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5648 K", "ver": "1.12.0", "name": "flatbuffers", "descs": "flatbuffers (Efficient cross platform serialization library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/flatbuffers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1412 K", "descl": "FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library for games and other memory constrained apps. It allows you to directly access serialized data without unpacking/parsing it first, while still having great forwards/backwards compatibility. https://github.com/google/flatbuffers", "path": "./salix/libraries/flatbuffers-1.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1156 K", "ver": "1.0.17", "name": "redland", "descs": "redland (RDF high-level interface library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/redland", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libiodbc", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mariadb", "mhash", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "raptor", "rasqal", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "289 K", "descl": "Redland is a library that provides a high-level interface for the Resource Description Framework (RDF) allowing the RDF graph to be parsed from XML, stored, queried and manipulated. Redland implements each of the RDF concepts in its own class via an object based API, reflected into the language APIs, currently C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl. homepage: http://librdf.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/redland-1.0.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1640 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "genshi", "descs": "genshi (Python toolkit for generation of output for the web)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/genshi", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "410 K", "descl": "Genshi is a Python library that provides an integrated set of components for parsing, generating, and processing HTML, XML, or other textual content for output generation on the web. Homepage: http://genshi.edgewall.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/genshi-0.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "1.8.4", "name": "clutter-gtk", "descs": "clutter-gtk (GTK+ Integration library for Clutter)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/clutter-gtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "clutter", "cogl", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "Clutter-GTK package is a library providing facilities to integrate Clutter into GTK+ applications and vice versa. Clutter-GTK provides a GTK+ widget, GtkClutterEmbed, for embedding a Clutter stage into any GtkContainer; and GtkClutterActor, a Clutter actor for embedding any GtkWidget inside a Clutter stage. https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Clutter", "path": "./salix/libraries/clutter-gtk-1.8.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "kaadbg", "descs": "kaadbg (Remote debugger runner for kaa)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/kaadbg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Kaadbg is a utility to start debugger session with text editor kaa. Please visit Python debugger section of kaa document for usage. Homepage: https://github.com/kaaedit/kaadbg", "path": "./salix/libraries/kaadbg-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1540 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "libharu", "descs": "libharu (library for generating PDF files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libharu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "385 K", "descl": "libHaru is a free, cross platform, open source library for generating PDF files. http://libharu.org/ https://github.com/libharu/libharu/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libharu-2.3.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "1.6.25", "name": "libupnp-legacy", "descs": "libupnp-legacy (Portable SDK for UPnP Devices)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libupnp-legacy", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "The portable SDK for UPnP Devices (libupnp-legacy) provides developers with an API and open source code for building control points, devices, and bridges that are compliant with Version 1.0 of the Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture Specification and support several operating systems like Linux, *BSD, Solaris and others. libupnp-legacy is the legacy old ABI version.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libupnp-legacy-1.6.25-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3744 K", "ver": "1_7R2", "name": "rhino", "descs": "rhino (javascript library for java)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rhino", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "936 K", "descl": "Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users. Homepage http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/", "path": "./salix/libraries/rhino-1_7R2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "giblib", "descs": "giblib (giblib utility library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/giblib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "giblib incorporates doubly linked lists, string functions, and a wrapper for imlib2. Homepage: http://freecode.com/projects/giblib", "path": "./salix/libraries/giblib-1.2.4-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "libmimic", "descs": "libmimic (Encoding/decoding library for Mimic V2.x)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmimic", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "libmimic is an open source video encoding/decoding library for Mimic V2.x- encoded content (fourCC: ML20), which is the encoding used by MSN Messenger for webcam conversations. Homepage: http://farsight.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmimic-1.0.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "console_bridge", "descs": "console_bridge (Robot OS library for connecting console logging types)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/console_bridge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "console_bridge is a ROS-independent, pure CMake (i.e. non-catkin and non-rosbuild package) that provides logging calls that mirror those found in rosconsole, but for applications that are not necessarily using ROS. Homepage: https://github.com/ros/console_bridge ROS wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/console_bridge", "path": "./salix/libraries/console_bridge-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "libuinputplus", "descs": "libuinputplus (easy-to-use uinput library in C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libuinputplus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "", "path": "./salix/libraries/libuinputplus-0.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "smmap", "descs": "smmap (Git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/smmap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "When reading from many possibly large files in a fashion similar to random access, it is usually the fastest and most efficient to use memory maps. Homepage: https://github.com/Byron/smmap", "path": "./salix/libraries/smmap-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "libzdb", "descs": "libzdb (Source Database Connection Pool Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libzdb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "libzdb is a database library with thread-safe connection pooling. The library can connect transparently to multiple database systems. It has zero runtime configuration and connection is specified via a URL scheme. Homepage: http://www.tildeslash.com/libzdb/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libzdb-3.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "python-meld3", "descs": "python-meld3 (HTML/XML templating engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python-meld3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "meld3 is an HTML/XML templating system for Python which keeps template markup and dynamic rendering logic separate from one another. Homepage: https://github.com/Supervisor/meld3", "path": "./salix/libraries/python-meld3-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "1.9.15", "name": "imlib", "descs": "imlib (General image handling library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/imlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "giflib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libwebp", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Imlib is an advanced replacement library for libraries like libXpm that provides many more features with much greater flexibility and speed. It was originally written for E, now used by the GNOME Project. Project URL: http://freecode.com/projects/imlib/", "path": "./salix/libraries/imlib-1.9.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.1.11", "name": "libmatheval", "descs": "libmatheval (numerical/mathematical evaluation of strings)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmatheval", "deps": ["flex", "guile1.8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "This software allows the evaluation of strings representing mathematical expressions. Homepage: https://www.gnu.org/software/libmatheval/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmatheval-1.1.11-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1188 K", "ver": "2.24.5", "name": "gnome-sharp", "descs": "gnome-sharp (.NET binding for GNOME libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gnome-sharp", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libbonoboui", "libcanberra", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnome-keyring", "libgnomecanvas", "libgnomeui", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "gtk-sharp"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "297 K", "descl": "Gnome# is a .NET language binding for assorted GNOME libraries. Gnome# is free software, licensed under the GNU LGPL. Homepage: https://www.mono-project.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gnome-sharp-2.24.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "724 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "libsidplay2", "descs": "libsidplay2 (SID emulation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsidplay2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "181 K", "descl": "Sidplay 2 is capable of playing all C64 mono/stereo file formats and is cycle accurate for improved sound reproduction. Homepage: http://sidplay2.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsidplay2-2.1.1-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "20150805", "name": "kashmir", "descs": "kashmir (C++ header-only library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/kashmir", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "The Kashmir Library is intended to provide functionality needed in many software projects, but not present in the C++ standard library. Homepage: https://github.com/Corvusoft/kashmir-dependency", "path": "./salix/libraries/kashmir-20150805-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.12.20", "name": "libchamplain", "descs": "libchamplain (C library providing ClutterActor to display maps)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libchamplain", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "clutter", "clutter-gtk", "cogl", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "libchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps. It also provides a Gtk+ widget to display maps in Gtk+ applications. Python and Perl bindings are also available. It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap, OpenAerialMap and Maps for free.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libchamplain-0.12.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "544 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "libmatroska", "descs": "libmatroska (A C++ library to parse Matroska files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmatroska", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libebml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "136 K", "descl": "libmatroska is a C++ libary to parse Matroska files (.mkv and .mka). http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix/source.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmatroska-1.6.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.0.13", "name": "gsm", "descs": "gsm (Lossy speech compression library and tool)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gsm", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "gsm contains command line utilities for libgsm, an implementation of the European GSM 06.10 provisional standard for full-rate speech transcoding, prI-ETS 300 036, which uses RPE/LTP (residual pulse excitation/long term prediction) coding at 13 kbit/s. Homepage: http://kbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~jutta/toast.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/gsm-1.0.13-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "0.9.16", "name": "libotf", "descs": "libotf (Library for handling OpenType fonts)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libotf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Library for handling OpenType fonts. Homepage: http://www.m17n.org/libotf/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libotf-0.9.16-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4052 K", "ver": "20140812", "name": "libewf", "descs": "libewf (libYAL Expert Witness Compression library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libewf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1013 K", "descl": "libewf is library for support of the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF). libewf allows you to read media information of EWF files in the SMART (EWF-S01) format and the EnCase (EWF-E01) format. libewf allows reading of files created by EnCase 1 to 6, linen and FTK Imager. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libewf/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libewf-20140812-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "608 K", "ver": "1.1.6", "name": "libnet", "descs": "libnet (Packet Construction Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libnet", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "152 K", "descl": "Libnet is a high-level API (toolkit) allowing the application programmer to construct and inject network packets. It provides a portable and simplified interface for low-level network packet shaping, handling and injection. http://www.packetfactory.net/projects/libnet/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libnet-1.1.6-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2380 K", "ver": "3b5", "name": "slib", "descs": "slib (IEEE P1178 / Algorithmic Language Scheme schema library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/slib", "deps": ["guile1.8"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "595 K", "descl": "Scheme Library slib-3b1. Slib conforms to Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme and the IEEE P1178 specification. Slib supports Unix and similar systems, VMS, and MS-DOS. The maintainer can be reached at agj @ alum.mit.edu. Homepage: http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/slib-3b5-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2636 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "libdbi", "descs": "libdbi (Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdbi", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "659 K", "descl": "libdbi implements a database-independent abstraction layer in C, similar to the DBI/DBD layer in Perl. Writing one generic set set of code, programmers can leverage the power of multiple databases and multiple simultaneous database connections by using this framework. It can be obtained from http://libdbi.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdbi-0.9.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "libmygpo-qt", "descs": "libmygpo-qt (C++/Qt gpodder client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmygpo-qt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "libmygpo-qt is a Qt Library that wraps the gpodder.net Web API. Project Website: http://wiki.gpodder.org/wiki/Libmygpo-qt", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmygpo-qt-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "824 K", "ver": "1.2.6", "name": "FormEncode", "descs": "FormEncode (HTML form validation, generation, and conversion package)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/FormEncode", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "206 K", "descl": "FormEncode validates and converts nested structures. It allows for a declarative form of defining the validation, and decoupled processes for filling and generating forms. http://FormEncode.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/FormEncode-1.2.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2660 K", "ver": "0.8.4", "name": "PyXML", "descs": "PyXML (Python XML package)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/PyXML", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "665 K", "descl": "This is the Python XML package. The distribution contains a validating XML parser, an implementation of the SAX and DOM programming interfaces, an interface to the Expat parser (and the Expat parser itself), and a C helper module that can speed up xmllib.py by a factor of 5 Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyXML/0.8.4", "path": "./salix/libraries/PyXML-0.8.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "Atlas-C++", "descs": "Atlas-C++ (protocol lib)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Atlas-C++", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "Atlas C++ is the standard implementation of the WorldForge Atlas protocol. Homepage: http://worldforge.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/Atlas-C++-0.6.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "528 K", "ver": "0.0.2", "name": "libqxp", "descs": "libqxp (QuarkXPress documents parser library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libqxp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "132 K", "descl": "libqxp is a library and a set of tools for reading and converting QuarkXPress file format. Homepage: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/DLP/Libraries/libqxp", "path": "./salix/libraries/libqxp-0.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "11608 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "gstreamermm", "descs": "gstreamermm (C++ bindings for the GStreamer Multimedia library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gstreamermm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "elfutils", "glib2", "glibmm", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "libsigc++", "orc", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2902 K", "descl": "gstreamermm provides C++ bindings for the GStreamer streaming multimedia library (http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org). With gstreamermm it is possible to develop applications that work with multimedia in C++. http://www.gnome.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gstreamermm-1.10.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.0.20130412", "name": "librevisa", "descs": "librevisa (implementation of the VISA standard)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librevisa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "LibreVISA aims to be a compliant implementation of the VISA standard in a free software library. Homepage: http://www.librevisa.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/librevisa-0.0.20130412-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1960 K", "ver": "1.0.167", "name": "libyang", "descs": "libyang (YANG data modeling language library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libyang", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "cmocka"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "490 K", "descl": "Libyang is a YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit written (and providing API) in C.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libyang-1.0.167-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "r14.0.4", "name": "libart-lgpl", "descs": "libart-lgpl (graphics library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libart-lgpl", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Libart is a library for high-performance 2D graphics. It was used by both KDE and GNOME. This is the LGPL'd component of the library. Raph Levien is the author of libart. homepage: http://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/cgit/libart-lgpl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libart-lgpl-r14.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1868 K", "ver": "2.9.21", "name": "libpano13", "descs": "libpano13 (part of Panorama Tools)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libpano13", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libwebp", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "467 K", "descl": "This is the pano13 library, part of the Panorama Tools by Helmut Dersch of the University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen. Homepage: http://panotools.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libpano13-2.9.21-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "PrettyTable", "descs": "PrettyTable (Python library to displaying tabular data)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/PrettyTable", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "PrettyTable is a simple Python library designed to make it quick and easy to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/PrettyTable/", "path": "./salix/libraries/PrettyTable-0.7.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "6808 K", "ver": "3.2p4", "name": "xview", "descs": "xview (X11 toolkit for OPEN LOOK applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "flex", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1702 K", "descl": "XView is a cross-platform X11 toolkit which implements OPEN LOOK specification. It was originally created by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle), since then it was developed by community. It comes with several OPEN LOOK applications, including window managers (olwm, olvwm), text editors (oledit, textedit), clock (olclock) and a simple calculator (olcalc). Project URL: https://physionet.org/physiotools/xview/", "path": "./salix/libraries/xview-3.2p4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "8252 K", "ver": "0.2.7", "name": "libopenshot", "descs": "libopenshot (OpenShot Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libopenshot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "imagemagick", "jansson", "jsoncpp", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libXt", "libbluray", "libbsd", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libopenshot-audio", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "opencv", "openexr", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "protobuf3", "python3", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "xine-lib", "zeromq", "zlib", "cppzmq", "unittest-cpp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2063 K", "descl": "OpenShot Library (libopenshot) is an open-source project dedicated to delivering high quality video editing, animation, and playback solutions to the world. For more information visit .", "path": "./salix/libraries/libopenshot-0.2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1884 K", "ver": "6.0", "name": "fuzzylite", "descs": "fuzzylite (control library in C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fuzzylite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "471 K", "descl": "fuzzylite is a free and open-source fuzzy logic control library programmed in C++ for multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS). Its goal is to allow you to easily create fuzzy logic controllers in a few steps utilizing object-oriented programming without requiring any third-party libraries. Homepage: https://www.fuzzylite.com", "path": "./salix/libraries/fuzzylite-6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "curses_ex", "descs": "curses_ex (additional curses functions)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/curses_ex", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "curses_ex is Python extension module to provides some funtions not supported by standard curses package. Homepage: https://github.com/atsuoishimoto/python.curses_ex", "path": "./salix/libraries/curses_ex-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "9000 K", "ver": "", "name": "librfm5", "descs": "librfm5 (Librfm library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librfm5", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libdbh2", "libglvnd", "libtubo0", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2250 K", "descl": "Librfm is the basic library used by some rfm applications, such as Rodent filemanager. Homepage: http://xffm.org/libxffm.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/librfm5-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.64", "name": "Crypt-SSLeay", "descs": "Crypt-SSLeay (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Crypt-SSLeay", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "This module provides support for the https protocol under LWP", "path": "./salix/libraries/Crypt-SSLeay-0.64-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "0.22", "name": "libtermkey", "descs": "libtermkey (keyboard entry processing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtermkey", "deps": ["unibilium"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "This library allows easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal- based programs. It handles all the necessary logic to recognise special keys, UTF-8 combining, and so on, with a simple interface.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtermkey-0.22-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2552 K", "ver": "", "name": "geshi", "descs": "geshi (Generic Syntax Highlighter)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/geshi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "638 K", "descl": "GeSHi is a Generic Syntax Highlighter written in PHP. It supports wide range of popular languages, easy way to add a new language for highlighting and highly customisable output formats. Homepage: http://qbnz.com/highlighter/", "path": "./salix/libraries/geshi-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "17628 K", "ver": "5.7.3", "name": "rocksdb", "descs": "rocksdb (Embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rocksdb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "gflags", "jemalloc", "lz4", "snappy", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4407 K", "descl": "This library forms the core building block for a fast key value server, especially suited for storing data on flash drives. It has a Log-Structured-Merge-Database (LSM) design with flexible tradeoffs between Write-Amplification-Factor (WAF), Read-Amplification-Factor (RAF) and Space-Amplification-Factor (SAF). It has multi-threaded compactions, making it specially suitable for storing multiple terabytes of data in a single database. https://rocksdb.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/rocksdb-5.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "3.0.4", "name": "libilbc", "descs": "libilbc (iLBC codec from WebRTC)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libilbc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "iLBC codec from the WebRTC project. It provides a base for distribution packages and can be used as drop-in replacement for the non-free code from RFC 3591. Homepage: https://github.com/dekkers/libilbc", "path": "./salix/libraries/libilbc-3.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "jcal", "descs": "jcal (Jalali calender)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/jcal", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "Jalali calendar is a small and portable free software library to manipulate date and time in Jalali calendar system. It provides API similar to that of libc's timezone, date and time functions. Home Page: http://www.nongnu.org/jcal/", "path": "./salix/libraries/jcal-0.4.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "2.7.0", "name": "libcacard", "descs": "libcacard (Virtual Smart Card Emulator library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcacard", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "icu4c", "mozilla-nss", "sqlite", "zlib", "pcsc-lite"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "This emulator is designed to provide emulation of actual smart cards to a virtual card reader running in a guest virtual machine. The emulates smart cards can be representations of real smart cards, or the cards could be pure software constructs. Homepage: https://www.spice-space.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcacard-2.7.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "10848 K", "ver": "21.09", "name": "libmediainfo", "descs": "libmediainfo (library for mediainfo)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmediainfo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "graphviz", "libmms", "libunistring", "libzen", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2712 K", "descl": "This package includes the shared library and the development support files. Homepage: https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmediainfo-21.09-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "0.6.8", "name": "libgee1", "descs": "libgee1 (GObject-based interfaces and classes)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgee1", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "libgee is a collection library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes for commonly used data structures. This script build the libgee-1.0 branch. Homepage: http://live.gnome.org/Libgee", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgee1-0.6.8-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "744 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "virglrenderer", "descs": "virglrenderer (virtio GL library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/virglrenderer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "expat", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libxcb", "mesa", "wayland"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "186 K", "descl": "virglrenderer is GL renderer library based on virtio. homepage: https://virgil3d.github.io", "path": "./salix/libraries/virglrenderer-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "pyacoustid", "descs": "pyacoustid (Chromaprint acoustic fingerprinting and the Acoustid API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pyacoustid", "deps": ["audioread", "chromaprint"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Chromaprint and its associated Acoustid Web service make up a high-quality, open-source acoustic fingerprinting system. This package provides Python bindings for both the fingerprinting algorithm library, which is written in C but portable, and the Web service, which provides fingerprint lookups. homepage: https://github.com/sampsyo/pyacoustid", "path": "./salix/libraries/pyacoustid-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "facebook-python", "descs": "facebook-python (Client library for Facebook SDK)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/facebook-python", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This client library is designed to support the Facebook Graph PI and the official Facebook JavaScript SDK, which is the canonical way to implement Facebook authentication. Homepage: https://github.com/pythonforfacebook/facebook-sdk", "path": "./salix/libraries/facebook-python-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "libsuinput", "descs": "libsuinput (Thin userspace library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsuinput", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Uinput is a linux kernel module which allows attaching userspace device drivers into the Linux kernel.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsuinput-0.6.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "liblxqt", "descs": "liblxqt (LXQT library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblxqt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "kwindowsystem", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "libqtxdg", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "liblxqt represents the core library of LXQt providing essential functionality needed by nearly all of its components.", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblxqt-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "660 K", "ver": "0.92", "name": "libstatgrab", "descs": "libstatgrab (system statistics library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libstatgrab", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "165 K", "descl": "libstatgrab is a library that provides cross platform access to statistics about the system on which it's run. It's written in C and presents a selection of useful interfaces which can be used to access key system statistics. The current list of statistics includes CPU usage, memory utilisation, disk usage, process counts, network traffic, disk I/O, and more. homepage: https://www.i-scream.org/libstatgrab/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libstatgrab-0.92-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1004 K", "ver": "1.12.0", "name": "libheif", "descs": "libheif (HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libheif", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "aom", "dav1d", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "libde265", "util-linux", "x265", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "251 K", "descl": "libheif is an ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF and AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) file format decoder and encoder. HEIF and AVIF are new image file formats employing HEVC (h.265) or AV1 image coding, respectively, for the best compression ratios currently possible. HEIF is the default image file format on Apple devices. libheif makes use of libde265 for HEIF image decoding and x265 for encoding. For AVIF, aom is used as codec. homepage: https://github.com/strukturag/libheif", "path": "./salix/libraries/libheif-1.12.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "libaec", "descs": "libaec (Adaptive Entropy Coding library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libaec", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Libaec provides fast lossless compression of 1 up to 32 bit wide signed or unsigned integers (samples). The library achieves best results for low entropy data as often encountered in space imaging instrument data or numerical model output from weather or climate simulations. While floating point representations are not directly supported, they can also be efficiently coded by grouping exponents and mantissa. Libaec can replace SZIP.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libaec-1.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "644 K", "ver": "1.8.7", "name": "libsidplayfp", "descs": "libsidplayfp (SID emulation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsidplayfp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "xa"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "161 K", "descl": "Libsidplayfp (and its console frontend sidplayfp) is a fork of sidplay2 born with the aim to improve the quality of emulating the 6581, 8580 chips and the surrounding C64 system in order to play SID music better. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sidplay-residfp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsidplayfp-1.8.7-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "992 K", "ver": "7.84.0", "name": "libcurl-gnutls", "descs": "libcurl-gnutls (An URL retrieval library linked against gnutls)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcurl-gnutls", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "rtmpdump", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "248 K", "descl": "An URL retrieval library (linked against gnutls)", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcurl-gnutls-7.84.0-i686-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "3.26.0", "name": "totem-pl-parser", "descs": "totem-pl-parser (totem playlist parser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/totem-pl-parser", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "The totem playlist parser is a simple GObject-based library to parse a host of playlist formats, as well as save those.", "path": "./salix/libraries/totem-pl-parser-3.26.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1076 K", "ver": "0.8.2", "name": "guichan", "descs": "guichan (Darkbits Graphical User Interface Library for games)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/guichan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "269 K", "descl": "Guichan is a small, efficient C++ GUI library designed for games. It comes with a standard set of widgets and can use several different objects for displaying graphics and grabbing user input. http://guichan.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/guichan-0.8.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "1.4.6", "name": "pytaglib", "descs": "pytaglib (Python audio tagging library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pytaglib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2", "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "pytaglib is a Python audio tagging library. It is a wrapper around the TagLib C++ library. It supports more than a dozen file formats, including mp3, flac, ogg, wma, and mp4, arbitary, non-standard tag names and multiple values per tag. Homepage: https://github.com/supermihi/pytaglib", "path": "./salix/libraries/pytaglib-1.4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2140 K", "ver": "0.18.1", "name": "cloog", "descs": "cloog (code generation library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cloog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "535 K", "descl": "CLooG is a free software library to generate code for scanning Z-polyhedra which is designed to avoid control overhead and to produce a very effective code. CLooG is a code generation library that is used in the Graphite loop transforms pass of GCC. Project Homepage: http://cloog.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/cloog-0.18.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.3.5", "name": "libexif-gtk", "descs": "libexif-gtk (provides GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libexif-gtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Most digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library allows you to parse an EXIF file and read the data from . those tags. This library provides GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags. Homepage: http://libexif.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/libexif-gtk-0.3.5-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "6740 K", "ver": "1.25.0", "name": "python-efl", "descs": "python-efl (Python bindings to the EFL)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python-efl", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "efl", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libunwind", "libxcb", "libxml2", "luajit", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1685 K", "descl": "Python bindings for EFL. https://www.enlightenment.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/python-efl-1.25.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "gtk-aurora-engine", "descs": "gtk-aurora-engine (Aurora GTK Engine themes)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtk-aurora-engine", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "The Aurora Gtk Engine themes all common Gtk widgets to provide an attractive, complete and consistent look for Gtk applications. Homepage: https://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=56438", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtk-aurora-engine-1.5.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1484 K", "ver": "10.2.0", "name": "psqlodbc", "descs": "psqlodbc (PostgreSQL ODBC driver)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/psqlodbc", "deps": ["libiodbc", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "371 K", "descl": "psqlODBC is the official PosgreSQL ODBC driver. It is released under the Library General Public License, or LGPL.", "path": "./salix/libraries/psqlodbc-10.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "480 K", "ver": "3.4", "name": "libantlr3c", "descs": "libantlr3c (C runtime for the ANTLR parsing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libantlr3c", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "120 K", "descl": "ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. https://www.antlr.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libantlr3c-3.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "7.4.27", "name": "php-pgsql", "descs": "php-pgsql (PostgreSQL bindings for PHP)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/php-pgsql", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "This extension enables PHP to connect to and use PostgreSQL databases. Homepage: http://php.net/manual/en/book.pgsql.php", "path": "./salix/libraries/php-pgsql-7.4.27-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.2.9", "name": "rtorrent-python", "descs": "rtorrent-python (A simple rTorrent interface)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rtorrent-python", "deps": ["rtorrent", "xmlrpc-c"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "The xmlrpc interface to rTorrent is extremely unintuitive and has very little documentation, this project aims to make interfacing with rTorrent much easier. Homepage: https://github.com/cjlucas/rtorrent-python", "path": "./salix/libraries/rtorrent-python-0.2.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "3.0.3+20210820_b1d5212", "name": "libcsv", "descs": "libcsv (library to read/write comma-separated-value data)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcsv", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "libcsv is a small, simple and fast CSV library written in pure ANSI C89 that can read and write CSV data. It provides a straightforward interface using callback functions to handle fields and rows, and can parse improperly formatted CSV files.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcsv-3.0.3+20210820_b1d5212-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "10252 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "reportlab", "descs": "reportlab (PDF generation toolkit using python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/reportlab", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "python2", "zlib", "python2-pillow"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2563 K", "descl": "The ReportLab Open Source PDF library is a proven industry-strength PDF generating solution, suitable for web publishers, developers or creative design professionals who need to quickly and easily create or automate complex (even data-driven) documents. It is released by ReportLab Inc., under BSD license.", "path": "./salix/libraries/reportlab-3.2.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "libgnomecups", "descs": "libgnomecups (gnome library for cups access)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnomecups", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "Library for accessing CUPS from GTK/Gnome applications.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnomecups-0.2.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.2.16", "name": "libevhtp", "descs": "libevhtp (libevent HTTP API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libevhtp", "deps": ["libevent", "oniguruma", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "Libevhtp was created as a replacement API for Libevent's current HTTP API. The reality of libevent's http interface is that it was created as a JIT server, meaning the developer never thought of it being used for creating a full-fledged HTTP service. Infact I am under the impression that the libevent http API was designed almost as an example of what you can do with libevent. It's not Apache in a box, but more and more developers are attempting to use it as so. Homepage: https://github.com/criticalstack/libevhtp", "path": "./salix/libraries/libevhtp-1.2.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2780 K", "ver": "2.6.0", "name": "alglib", "descs": "alglib (A library for numerical analysis and data processing)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/alglib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "695 K", "descl": "ALGLIB is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library.", "path": "./salix/libraries/alglib-2.6.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1776 K", "ver": "3.0.6", "name": "libsoup3", "descs": "libsoup3 (an HTTP client/server library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsoup3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "icu4c", "libunistring", "nghttp2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "444 K", "descl": "Soup is an HTTP client/server library implementation in C. It uses GObjects and the glib main loop to integrate well with GTK+ applications, and has a synchronous API suitable for use in threaded applications.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsoup3-3.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "libast", "descs": "libast (Library of Assorted Spiffy Things)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libast", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "LibAST is the Library of Assorted Spiffy Things. It contains many spiffy things, and it is a library. Thus, the ever-so-creative name. LibAST has been previously known as libmej, the Eterm helper library which nobody really understood and certainly never used. My current plan is to gradually remove some of the neat stuff from Eterm that could be made generic (things like the theme parsing engine, the command-line options parser, perhaps the event engine, ...) and place it here in the hopes that others will find them useful.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libast-0.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2464 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "libgit2", "descs": "libgit2 (C library for custom Git applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgit2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "616 K", "descl": "libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to write native speed custom Git applications in any language which supports C bindings. Homepage: https://libgit2.github.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgit2-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1892 K", "ver": "2.24.5", "name": "libbonoboui", "descs": "libbonoboui (Independant CORBA interface support library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libbonoboui", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libcanberra", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnomecanvas", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "473 K", "descl": "The bonobo library supports independant CORBA interfaces for creating reusable components. It provides GNOME with a framework for handling compound documents, such as embedding a spreadsheet in a word processor document.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libbonoboui-2.24.5-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "3.4.5", "name": "libexttextcat", "descs": "libexttextcat (N-Gram-Based Text Categorization library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libexttextcat", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "Libtextcat is a library with functions that implement the classification technique described in Cavnar & Trenkle, 'N-Gram-Based Text Categorization'. It was primarily developed for language guessing, a task on which it is known to perform with near-perfect accuracy. Homepage: https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/libexttextcat/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libexttextcat-3.4.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "7956 K", "ver": "1.8.4", "name": "irrlicht", "descs": "irrlicht (realtime 3D engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/irrlicht", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1989 K", "descl": "The Irrlicht Engine is an open source high performance realtime 3D engine written and usable in C++. It is completely cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL and its own software renderers. Homepage: http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/irrlicht-1.8.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "gitdb2", "descs": "gitdb2 (IO of git-style object databases)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gitdb2", "deps": ["smmap2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "GitDB allows you to access bare git repositories for reading and writing. It aims at allowing full access to loose objects as well as packs with performance and scalability in mind. It operates exclusively on streams, allowing to handle large objects with a small memory footprint. Homepage: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/gitdb", "path": "./salix/libraries/gitdb2-2.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1320 K", "ver": "20140903_123e525", "name": "qtmimetypes", "descs": "qtmimetypes (qt4 mimetypes)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qtmimetypes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "qt4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "330 K", "descl": "Mimetype library for Qt4. homepage: https://github.com/qtproject/playground-mimetypes", "path": "./salix/libraries/qtmimetypes-20140903_123e525-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "", "name": "pidgin-mra", "descs": "pidgin-mra (a Mail.ru plug-in for libpurple)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pidgin-mra", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "This is a Mail.ru Agent protocol plugin for Pidgin IM. Homepage: https://github.com/dreadatour/pidgin-mra/", "path": "./salix/libraries/pidgin-mra-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2492 K", "ver": "20181229", "name": "libesedb", "descs": "libesedb (libYAL library for ESE databases)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libesedb", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "623 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format. ESEDB is used in may different a applications like Windows Search, Windows Mail, Exchange, Active Directory, etc. https://github.com/libyal/libesedb", "path": "./salix/libraries/libesedb-20181229-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "confuse", "descs": "confuse (configuration file parser library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/confuse", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "Confuse is a configuration file parser library. It supports sections and (lists of) values (strings, integers, floats, booleans or other sections), as well as some other features (such as single/double-quoted strings, environment variable expansion, functions, and nested include statements). http://www.nongnu.org/confuse/", "path": "./salix/libraries/confuse-3.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "4.0", "name": "iniparser", "descs": "iniparser (A free stand-alone INI file parsing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/iniparser", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "It is written in portable ANSI C and should compile anywhere. Iniparser is distributed under an MIT license. Homepage: http://ndevilla.free.fr/iniparser", "path": "./salix/libraries/iniparser-4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "21536 K", "ver": "6.2.0", "name": "libdart", "descs": "libdart (Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdart", "deps": ["Ipopt", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "assimp", "blas", "boost", "bullet", "fcl", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "icu4c", "libccd", "ode", "zlib", "OpenSceneGraph"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5384 K", "descl": "DART is a collaborative, cross-platform, open source library created by the Graphics Lab and Humanoid Robotics Lab at Georgia Institute of Technology. The library provides data structures and algorithms for kinematic and dynamic applications in robotics and computer animation. Homepage: http://dartsim.github.io/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdart-6.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1300 K", "ver": "0.37.2", "name": "libfilezilla", "descs": "libfilezilla (C++ Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfilezilla", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "325 K", "descl": "libfilezilla is a small and modern C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs. libfilezilla is a cross-platform library for all major operating systems, including but not limited to Linux, *BSD, OS X and Windows. This library is free software, it is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License v2+ Project URL: https://lib.filezilla-project.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfilezilla-0.37.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "4.4.2", "name": "zope.schema", "descs": "zope.schema (zope.interface extension for defining data schemas)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.schema", "deps": ["zope.event", "zope.interface"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Schemas extend the notion of interfaces to detailed descriptions of Attributes (but not methods).", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.schema-4.4.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "3.0.27", "name": "clutter-gst", "descs": "clutter-gst (Clutter GStreamer Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/clutter-gst", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "clutter", "cogl", "elfutils", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "Clutter-Gst is an integration library for using GStreamer with an Clutter. It provides a GStreamer sink to upload frames to GL and actor that implements the ClutterGstPlayer interface using playbin. https://gitlab.gnome.org/Archive/clutter-gst", "path": "./salix/libraries/clutter-gst-3.0.27-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.2.11", "name": "libminizip", "descs": "libminizip (compression library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libminizip", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "libminizip is small library to compress and decompress zip files with the help of zlib.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libminizip-1.2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "3.2_latest", "name": "libsearpc", "descs": "libsearpc (C RPC Framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsearpc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "jansson"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "Searpc is a simple C language RPC framework based on GObject system. Searpc handles the serialization/deserialization part of RPC, the transport part is left to users. Homepage: https://github.com/haiwen/libsearpc/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsearpc-3.2_latest-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "pymdstat", "descs": "pymdstat (library to parse /proc/mdstat)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pymdstat", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "PyMDstat is a pythonic library to parse /proc/mdstat, which shows a snapshot of the kernel's RAID/md state. Homepage: https://github.com/nicolargo/pymdstat", "path": "./salix/libraries/pymdstat-0.4.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0ec83acc", "name": "QUSB", "descs": "QUSB (Qt wrapper classes for LibUSB 1.0)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/QUSB", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "qt4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "This project contains a library that wraps LibUSB functionalities into Qt classes to ease usage in Qt applications.", "path": "./salix/libraries/QUSB-0ec83acc-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "libmsym", "descs": "libmsym (molecular point group symmetry)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmsym", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "libmsym is a C library dealing with point group symmetry in molecules. Determine, symmetrize and generate molecules of any point group as well determine and select subgroups. Get symmetrically equivalent elements and symmetrize translation of any element in a molecule. https://github.com/mcodev31/libmsym", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmsym-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.10.6", "name": "suil", "descs": "suil (Lightweight LV2 UI library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/suil", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pcre2", "qt4", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib", "lv2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Suil is a lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs. Homepage: http://drobilla.net/software/suil/", "path": "./salix/libraries/suil-0.10.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.16.8", "name": "sord", "descs": "sord (Lightweight RDF Storing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/sord", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "serd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Sord is a lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory. Homepage: http://drobilla.net/software/sord/", "path": "./salix/libraries/sord-0.16.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1984 K", "ver": "20210425", "name": "libvhdi", "descs": "libvhdi (libYAL VHD library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvhdi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "496 K", "descl": "Library to access the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) image format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libvhdi", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvhdi-20210425-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "660 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "wfmath", "descs": "wfmath (math library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wfmath", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "Atlas-C++"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "165 K", "descl": "The primary focus of WFMath is geometric objects. Thus, it includes several shapes (boxes, balls, lines), in addition to the basic math objects that are used to build these shapes (points, vectors, matricies). Homepage: https://worldforge.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/wfmath-1.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "lockdev", "descs": "lockdev (device locking library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lockdev", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Run-time shared library for locking devices, using _both_ FSSTND and SVr4 methods. Homepage: http://packages.qa.debian.org/l/lockdev.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/lockdev-1.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2520 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "raylib", "descs": "raylib (simple and easy-to-use library for game development)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/raylib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "630 K", "descl": "raylib is a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming. Homepage: https://raylib.com", "path": "./salix/libraries/raylib-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "soundtouch", "descs": "soundtouch (Sound processing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/soundtouch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "soundtouch is an open-source audio processing library that allows changing the sound tempo, pitch and playback rate parameters independently from each other. Using it it's possible to for example change the tempo of a song, while the pitch stays the same.", "path": "./salix/libraries/soundtouch-2.3.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1252 K", "ver": "2.3.7", "name": "unixODBC", "descs": "unixODBC (ODBC for Unix platforms)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/unixODBC", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "313 K", "descl": "The unixODBC Project goals are to develop and promote unixODBC to be the definitive standard for ODBC on non MS Windows platforms. ODBC is an open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data Sources.", "path": "./salix/libraries/unixODBC-2.3.7-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "hurry-filesize", "descs": "hurry-filesize (Python library for human readable file sizes)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/hurry-filesize", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "hurry.filesize a simple Python library that can take a number of bytes and returns a human-readable string with the size in it, in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), etc. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hurry.filesize/0.9", "path": "./salix/libraries/hurry-filesize-0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.1.9", "name": "libestr", "descs": "libestr (some essentials for string handling)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libestr", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "libestr is a library used by rsyslog 7+ ; it includes some essentials for string handling (and a bit more).", "path": "./salix/libraries/libestr-0.1.9-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "4.1.4", "name": "zope.proxy", "descs": "zope.proxy (Generic Transparent Proxies)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.proxy", "deps": ["python2", "zope.interface"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Proxies are special objects which serve as mostly-transparent wrappers around another object, intervening in the apparent behavior of the wrapped object only when necessary to apply the policy (e.g., access checking, location brokering, etc.) for which the proxy is responsible.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.proxy-4.1.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2840 K", "ver": "2.10.5", "name": "gtksourceview", "descs": "gtksourceview (a GTK+ framework for source code editing)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtksourceview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "710 K", "descl": "GtkSourceView is a portable C library that extends the standard GTK+ framework for multiline text editing with support for configurable syntax highlighting, unlimited undo/redo, UTF-8 compliant caseless searching, printing and other features typical of a source code editor. Homepage: http://projects.gnome.org/gtksourceview/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtksourceview-2.10.5-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "928 K", "ver": "0.20", "name": "libftdi", "descs": "libftdi (FTDI USB driver with bitbang mode)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libftdi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "232 K", "descl": "libFTDI is an open source library to talk to FTDI chips: FT232BM, FT245BM, FT2232C, FT2232D, FT245R, FT232H and FT230X including the popular bitbang mode. The library is linked with your program in userspace, no kernel driver required. Homepage: http://www.intra2net.com/en/developer/libftdi/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libftdi-0.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1012 K", "ver": "", "name": "libgit2-glib", "descs": "libgit2-glib (GLIB Wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgit2-glib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libgit2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "253 K", "descl": "libgit2-glib is a glib wrapper library around the libgit2 git access library. Project Homepage: http://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Libgit2-glib", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgit2-glib-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "libticables2", "descs": "libticables2 (TI-calculator cable library for linux)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libticables2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "libticables2 allows connection to the Z80 line of calculators from Texas Instruments on Linux. Homepage: http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libticables2-1.3.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.3.13", "name": "vsqlite++", "descs": "vsqlite++ (SQLite Wrapper Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/vsqlite++", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "A well designed and portable SQLite wrapper library for C++ Project site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitepp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/vsqlite++-0.3.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "692 K", "ver": "", "name": "libmikmod", "descs": "libmikmod (a library for playing many types of mod-format files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmikmod", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "173 K", "descl": "Mikmod is a module player and library supporting many formats, including mod, s3m, it, and xm. Originally a player for MS-DOS, MikMod has been ported to other platforms, such as Unix, Macintosh, BeOS, and Java(!!) Homepage: http://mikmod.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmikmod-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "tcl-promise", "descs": "tcl-promise (A promise/future lib for tcl)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tcl-promise", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This package implements the 'promise' abstraction for asynchronous programming. https://tcl-promise.magicsplat.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/tcl-promise-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1488 K", "ver": "0.9.11", "name": "libofx", "descs": "libofx (OFX parser and API library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libofx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glibmm", "libsigc++", "libunistring", "libxml++", "libxml2", "linuxdoc-tools", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "372 K", "descl": "LibOFX is a parser and an API designed to allow applications to very easily support OFX command responses, usually provided by financial institutions for statement downloads. http://libofx.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libofx-0.9.11-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "9492 K", "ver": "4.8.2", "name": "tlsh", "descs": "tlsh (fuzzy matching library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tlsh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2373 K", "descl": "TLSH is a fuzzy matching library. Given a byte stream with a minimum length of 256 bytes, TLSH generates a hash value which can be used for similarity comparisons. https://github.com/trendmicro/tlsh", "path": "./salix/libraries/tlsh-4.8.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "608 K", "ver": "2.19.7", "name": "libmseed", "descs": "libmseed (C library framework for manipulating SEED data records)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmseed", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "152 K", "descl": "libmseed is a C library framework for manipulating and managing SEED data records. The library should work in Linux, BSD (and derivatives like macOS), Solaris and Win32 environments. Homepage: https://github.com/iris-edu/libmseed", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmseed-2.19.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "2.26.0", "name": "libgnomecanvasmm", "descs": "libgnomecanvasmm (C++ API for libgnomecanvas)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnomecanvasmm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libglvnd", "libgnomecanvas", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "Libgnomecanvasmm is a C++ API for libgnomecanvas Homepage: https://www.gtkmm.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnomecanvasmm-2.26.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2804 K", "ver": "4.8", "name": "restbed", "descs": "restbed (asynchronous C++11 RESTful framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/restbed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "asio", "kashmir"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "701 K", "descl": "Restbed is a comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that require seamless and secure communication over HTTP, with the ability to model a range of business processes, designed to target mobile, tablet, desktop and embedded production environments. https://github.com/corvusoft/restbed", "path": "./salix/libraries/restbed-4.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1888 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "tkimg", "descs": "tkimg (IMG package for Tk)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tkimg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib", "tcllib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "472 K", "descl": "The venerable IMG package by Jan Nijtmans provides the handling of several image formats beyond the standard formats in Tk. The formats supported by Img's latest CVS are: BMP, GIF (with transparency, but without LZW, due to patent restrictions), ico, JPEG, pcx, pixmap, PNG, ppm, postscript, sgi, sun, tga, TIFF, window, XBM, XPM, dted, and raw.", "path": "./salix/libraries/tkimg-1.4.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "log4c", "descs": "log4c (a library of C for flexible logging to files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/log4c", "deps": ["expat", "graphviz"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. Homepage: http://log4c.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/log4c-1.2.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1040 K", "ver": "8.0.0", "name": "tinyxml2", "descs": "tinyxml2 (C++ XML Parser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tinyxml2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "260 K", "descl": "TinyXML-2 is a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. Homepage: http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml2/index.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/tinyxml2-8.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "tmdb3", "descs": "tmdb3 (TheMovieDB.org APIv3 interface)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tmdb3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "This Python module implements the v3 API for TheMovieDb.org, allowing access to movie and cast information, as well as related artwork. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tmdb3/0.6.17", "path": "./salix/libraries/tmdb3-0.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3000 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "compiz-plugins-main", "descs": "compiz-plugins-main (Main supported plugins for Compiz Fusion)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/compiz-plugins-main", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-core", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib", "ccsm"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "750 K", "descl": "compiz-plugins-main is the main plugin package for Compiz Fusion.", "path": "./salix/libraries/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5852 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "libchewing", "descs": "libchewing (The intelligent phonetic input method library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libchewing", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1463 K", "descl": "libchewing is a library for New Chewing Input Method, a good Traditional Chinese intelligent phonetic input method. Homepage: http://chewing.csie.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libchewing-0.5.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "lua-cjson", "descs": "lua-cjson (JSON support for Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-cjson", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Lua CJSON provides JSON support for Lua. It has been tested under Linux, FreeBSD, OSX, Solaris and Windows. Features: * Fast, standards compliant encoding/parsing routines * Full support for JSON with UTF-8, including decoding surrogate pairs * Optional run-time support for common exceptions to the JSON specification (infinity, NaN,..) * No dependencies on other libraries", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-cjson-2.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2948 K", "ver": "3.12.6", "name": "Ipopt", "descs": "Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer, pronounced eye-pea-Opt)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Ipopt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "blas", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "737 K", "descl": "Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer, pronounced eye-pea-Opt) is a software package for large-scale, nonlinear optimization. It is designed to find (local) solutions of mathematical optimization problems. Homepage: https://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt", "path": "./salix/libraries/Ipopt-3.12.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "spread-sheet-widget", "descs": "spread-sheet-widget (GTK+ Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/spread-sheet-widget", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "GNU Spread Sheet Widget is a library for Gtk+ which provides a widget for viewing and manipulating 2 dimensional tabular data in a manner similar to many popular spread sheet programs. Homepage: https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/ssw/", "path": "./salix/libraries/spread-sheet-widget-0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "564 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "yaml-cpp", "descs": "yaml-cpp (YAML parser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/yaml-cpp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "141 K", "descl": "yaml-cpp is a YAML parser and emitter in C++ matching the YAML 1.2 spec. Homepage: https://code.google.com/p/yaml-cpp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/yaml-cpp-0.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "1.0.13", "name": "libEMF", "descs": "libEMF (drawing toolkit based on ECMA-234 to write EMF files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libEMF", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "libEMF is a C/C++ library which provides a drawing toolkit based on ECMA-234. The general purpose of this library is to create vector graphics files on POSIX systems which can be imported into StarOffice or OpenOffice.The library is also used by pstoedit to convert postscript and pdf files to EMF format. Homepage: http://libemf.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/libEMF-1.0.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2720 K", "ver": "1.2.34", "name": "xmlsec", "descs": "xmlsec (C library based on LibXML2)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xmlsec", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gnutls", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "680 K", "descl": "XML Security Library is a C library based on LibXML2. The library supports major XML security standards: * XML Signature * XML Encryption * Canonical XML * Exclusive Canonical XML Project URL: https://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/", "path": "./salix/libraries/xmlsec-1.2.34-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "SDL_Pango", "descs": "SDL_Pango (Pango bindings for SDL)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/SDL_Pango", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Pango is a text rendering engine. SDL_Pango connects the engine to SDL. http://sdlpango.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-i486-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "11.8.17", "name": "libmpd", "descs": "libmpd (library for connecting to mpd servers)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmpd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "libmpd is a libary used to easily connect to a mpd server.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmpd-11.8.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "miniupnpc", "descs": "miniupnpc (UPnP Control Point library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/miniupnpc", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "MiniUPnPc, the client library, enabling applications to access the services provided by an UPnP 'Internet Gateway Device' present on the network. In UPnP terminology, it is a UPnP Control Point. Homepage: http://miniupnp.free.fr/", "path": "./salix/libraries/miniupnpc-2.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "29052 K", "ver": "8.1.0", "name": "libvirt", "descs": "libvirt (The virtualization API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvirt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "audit", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "glib2", "gnutls", "libcap-ng", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libpciaccess", "libssh", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "p11-kit", "parted", "sanlock", "util-linux", "yajl", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7263 K", "descl": "libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). Homepage: http://libvirt.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvirt-8.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "20151112", "name": "manubulon-snmp-plugins", "descs": "manubulon-snmp-plugins (Manubulon SNMP Plugins)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/manubulon-snmp-plugins", "deps": ["perl-Net-SNMP", "monitoring-plugins"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "A set of plugins using snmp to monitor hosts and network equipement. Homepage: https://github.com/dnsmichi/manubulon-snmp", "path": "./salix/libraries/manubulon-snmp-plugins-20151112-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "34400 K", "ver": "1.9.4", "name": "libindi", "descs": "libindi (Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libindi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "gsl", "libnova", "libogg", "libtheora", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8600 K", "descl": "INDI is a distributed control protocol designed to operate astronomical instrumentation. INDI is small, flexible, easy to parse, and scalable. It supports common DCS functions such as remote control, data acquisition, monitoring, and a lot more. https://www.indilib.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libindi-1.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "quesoglc", "descs": "quesoglc (OpenGL Character Renderer)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/quesoglc", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "QuesoGLC is a free (as in free speech) implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC). QuesoGLC is based on the FreeType library, provides Unicode support and is designed to be easily ported to any platform that supports both FreeType and the OpenGL API. Homepage: http://quesoglc.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/quesoglc-0.7.2-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "3.3.0", "name": "rpyc", "descs": "rpyc (Transparent and symmetric RPC library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rpyc", "deps": ["plumbum"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "RPyC (pronounced like are-pie-see), or Remote Python Call, is a transparent library for symmetrical remote procedure calls, clustering, and distributed-computing. Homepage: http://rpyc.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/libraries/rpyc-3.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "7216 K", "ver": "5617460", "name": "libvmime", "descs": "libvmime (library for working with MIME messages)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvmime", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "icu4c", "libgsasl", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1804 K", "descl": "VMime is a free mail library for C++, an open-source solution for working with MIME messages and Internet messaging services like IMAP, POP or SMTP. http://www.vmime.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvmime-5617460-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "libxdg-basedir", "descs": "libxdg-basedir (XDG Base Directory implementation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxdg-basedir", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "The XDG Base Directory Specification defines where should user files be looked for by defining one or more base directories relative in with they should be located. This library implements functions to list the directories according to the specification and provides a few higher-level functions.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxdg-basedir-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "25668 K", "ver": "3.0.5", "name": "wxGTK3", "descs": "wxGTK3 (cross-platform GUI toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wxGTK3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "6417 K", "descl": "wxGTK3 is part of wxWidgets, a cross-platform API for writing GUI applications on multiple platforms that still utilize the native platform's controls and utilities. http://wxwidgets.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/wxGTK3-3.0.5-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "libmimedir", "descs": "libmimedir (Library for MIME Content-Type for Directory Information)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmimedir", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This library parses MIME Directory Profile as defined by RFC 2425. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/libmimedir/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmimedir-0.5.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "3.1.5", "name": "php-memcached", "descs": "php-memcached (PHP extension for memcached via libmemcached)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/php-memcached", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "cyrus-sasl", "libmemcached", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "This extension uses libmemcached library to provide API for communicating with memcached servers. Homepage: https://github.com/php-memcached-dev/php-memcached/", "path": "./salix/libraries/php-memcached-3.1.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2272 K", "ver": "2010.1.260003", "name": "p4api", "descs": "p4api (Perforce C/C++ API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/p4api", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "568 K", "descl": "The Perforce C/C++ API allows you to write your own Perforce tools in C++. It provides you with the same interface that is used by all of the Perforce client programs (P4, P4V, P4Web, and the Perforce IDE Plug-ins).", "path": "./salix/libraries/p4api-2010.1.260003-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.3.9", "name": "skstream", "descs": "skstream (network library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/skstream", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Skstream is an iostream based C++ socket library. Homepage: https://worldforge.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/skstream-0.3.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "liblogging", "descs": "liblogging (an easy to use logging library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblogging", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "liblogging is an easy to use, portable, open source library for system logging. It comes with an BSD-style license. Liblogging was initiated by Rainer Gerhards. Homepage: http://www.liblogging.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblogging-1.0.6-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "chromaprint", "descs": "chromaprint (audio fingerprint library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/chromaprint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Chromaprint is the core component of the Acoustid project. It's a client-side library that implements a custom algorithm for extracting fingerprints from any audio source. homepage: http://acoustid.org/chromaprint", "path": "./salix/libraries/chromaprint-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1048 K", "ver": "8.1.0", "name": "libvirt-python", "descs": "libvirt-python (python bindings for libvirt)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvirt-python", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "audit", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "gnutls", "libcap-ng", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libnl3", "libssh", "libunistring", "libvirt", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "p11-kit", "util-linux", "yajl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "262 K", "descl": "This package provides a python binding to the libvirt.so, libvirt-qemu.so, and libvirt-lxc.so library APIs.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvirt-python-8.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "2.6", "name": "levmar", "descs": "levmar (Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/levmar", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "blas", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "lapack"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "GPL native ANSI C implementations of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm, usable also from C++, Matlab, Perl, Python, Haskell and Tcl. http://users.ics.forth.gr/~lourakis/levmar/", "path": "./salix/libraries/levmar-2.6-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "pykdtree", "descs": "pykdtree (Fast kd-tree implementation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pykdtree", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "python2", "numpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Fast kd-tree implementation with OpenMP-enabled queries. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pykdtree", "path": "./salix/libraries/pykdtree-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "date", "descs": "date (date and time library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/date", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "Date is a date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 header Home: https://github.com/HowardHinnant/date", "path": "./salix/libraries/date-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libfwnt", "descs": "libfwnt (libYAL library to access Windows NT data types)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfwnt", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libfwnt", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfwnt-20181227-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "tcl-inotify", "descs": "tcl-inotify (Tcl inotify extension)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tcl-inotify", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This is a Tcl extension that provides an interface to the inotify file system notification service of the Linux kernel.", "path": "./salix/libraries/tcl-inotify-1.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "456 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "libwebsocketpp", "descs": "libwebsocketpp (Header only C++ library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libwebsocketpp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "114 K", "descl": "WebSocket++ is a header only C++ library that implements RFC6455 The WebSocket Protocol. It allows integrating WebSocket client and server functionality into C++ programs. It uses interchangeable network transport modules including one based on C++ iostreams and one based on Boost Asio. Homepage: https://github.com/zaphoyd/websocketpp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libwebsocketpp-0.7.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.13", "name": "liblxi", "descs": "liblxi (support library for LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblxi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "liblxi is an open source software library which offers a simple API for communicating with LXI compatible instruments. The API allows applications to discover instruments on your network, send SCPI commands, and receive responses. Currently the library supports VXI-11/TCP and RAW/TCP connections. Future work include adding support for the newer and more efficient HiSlip protocol which is used by next generation LXI instruments.", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblxi-1.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5188 K", "ver": "4.2.51", "name": "yaz", "descs": "yaz (a programmers toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/yaz", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gnutls", "icu4c", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "1297 K", "descl": "YAZ is a programmers toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50/ SRW/SRU clients and servers. Z39.50-2003 (version 3) as well as SRW/ SRU version 1.1 are supported in both the client and server roles. The current version of YAZ includes support for the industry standard ZOOM API for Z39.50. This API vastly simplifies the process of writing new clients using YAZ, and it reduces your dependency on any single toolkit.", "path": "./salix/libraries/yaz-4.2.51-i486-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "10208 K", "ver": "19.7", "name": "dlib", "descs": "dlib (machine learning and data analysis toolkit for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/dlib", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "giflib", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2552 K", "descl": "Dlib is a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems. https://github.com/davisking/dlib", "path": "./salix/libraries/dlib-19.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "libevdevplus", "descs": "libevdevplus (easy-to-use event device library in C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libevdevplus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "", "path": "./salix/libraries/libevdevplus-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "urdfdom", "descs": "urdfdom (Unified Robot Description Format headers)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/urdfdom", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "console_bridge", "tinyxml", "urdfdom_headers"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "The Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) library provides core data structures and a simple XML parser for populating the class data structures from an URDF file Homepage: https://github.com/ros/urdfdom ROS wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/urdf", "path": "./salix/libraries/urdfdom-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "3.052", "name": "mysqltcl", "descs": "mysqltcl (Tcl MySQL Interface)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mysqltcl", "deps": ["mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Mysqltcl is a simple API for MySQL Database and Tcl scripting language. Homepage: http://www.xdobry.de/mysqltcl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/mysqltcl-3.052-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "buddy", "descs": "buddy (Binary Decision Diagram library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/buddy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "A Binary Decision Diagram library, with: - many highly efficient vectorized BDD operations, - dynamic variable reordering, - automated garbage collection, - a C++ interface with automatic reference counting, and much more. https://sourceforge.net/projects/buddy/", "path": "./salix/libraries/buddy-2.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "libagentcrypt", "descs": "libagentcrypt (symmetric encryption with ssh agent)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libagentcrypt", "deps": ["libsodium"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "The libagentcrypt library allows using the keys in the SSH Agent to perform symmetric, authenticated encryption and decryption securely without typing passwords. It works with both RSA and ED25519 SSH keys including those made available to a remote host by SSH Agent forwarding. A command line encryption utility 'agentcrypt' is provided. Homepage: https://github.com/ndilieto/libagentcrypt", "path": "./salix/libraries/libagentcrypt-1.0.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "21344 K", "ver": "0.7.9", "name": "CEGUI0.7", "descs": "CEGUI0.7 (windowing and widget library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/CEGUI0.7", "deps": ["FreeImage", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "expat", "freeglut", "freetype", "glew", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "5336 K", "descl": "Crazy Eddie's GUI System is a free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / engines where such functionality is not natively available, or severely lacking. The library is object orientated, written in C++, and targeted at games developers who should be spending their time creating great games, not building GUI sub-systems! Homepage: http://cegui.org.uk/download/cegui-079", "path": "./salix/libraries/CEGUI0.7-0.7.9-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "1.9.2", "name": "jsoncpp", "descs": "jsoncpp (JSON C++ library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/jsoncpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "A C++ library for interacting with JSON. Homepage: https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp", "path": "./salix/libraries/jsoncpp-1.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.16.0", "name": "bcdoc", "descs": "bcdoc (ReST document generation tools for botocore)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/bcdoc", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Tools to help document botocore-based projects. Homepage: https://github.com/boto/bcdoc", "path": "./salix/libraries/bcdoc-0.16.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "libfishsound", "descs": "libfishsound (unified API for xiph.org audio codecs)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfishsound", "deps": ["flac", "libogg", "libvorbis", "speex"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "libfishsound provides a simple programming interface for decoding and encoding audio data using Xiph.Org codecs (FLAC, Speex and Vorbis). This package built with speex support.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfishsound-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2560 K", "ver": "20220427", "name": "libfshfs", "descs": "libfshfs (libYAL HFS file system library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfshfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "640 K", "descl": "Library to access the Mac OS Hierarchical File System (HFS). Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libfshfs", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfshfs-20220427-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4420 K", "ver": "1.11_1335373", "name": "xalan-c", "descs": "xalan-c (XSLT Processor)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xalan-c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "xerces-c", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1105 K", "descl": "XSLT processor for transforming XML into HTML, text, or other XML types Homepage: http://xalan.apache.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/xalan-c-1.11_1335373-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "7460 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "capnproto", "descs": "capnproto (Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/capnproto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1865 K", "descl": "Cap'n Proto is an insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system. Think JSON, except binary. Or think Protocol Buffers, except faster. https://capnproto.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/capnproto-0.9.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.8.5", "name": "libnodave", "descs": "libnodave (Siemens S7 300/400 PLC library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libnodave", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "libnodave is a library that provides the necessary functions to connect to and exchange data with Siemens S7 300/400 PLCs. 200 family and S5 family now also supported.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libnodave-0.8.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "2.6.2", "name": "tinyxml", "descs": "tinyxml (A small xml parser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tinyxml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "TinyXML is a simple, small, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. Homepage: http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml/", "path": "./salix/libraries/tinyxml-2.6.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "0.5alpha", "name": "libmspack", "descs": "libmspack (A library for Microsoft compression formats)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmspack", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "The purpose of libmspack is to provide both compression and decompression of some loosely related file formats used by Microsoft. The intention is to support all of the following formats: COMPRESS.EXE (.??_), Microsoft Help (.HLP), Microsoft Cabinet (.CAB), HTML Help (.CHM), Microsoft eBook (.LIT). Homepage: http://www.cabextract.org.uk/libmspack/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmspack-0.5alpha-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "1.86", "name": "yascreen", "descs": "yascreen (screen library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/yascreen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "yascreen - Yet Another Screen Library (curses replacement for daemons and embedded apps) homepage: https://github.com/bbonev/yascreen", "path": "./salix/libraries/yascreen-1.86-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "54692 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "libxlsxwriter", "descs": "libxlsxwriter (C library for creating Excel XLSX files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxlsxwriter", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13673 K", "descl": "Libxlsxwriter is a C library that can be used to write text, numbers, formulas and hyperlinks to multiple worksheets in an Excel 2007+ XLSX file. https://libxlsxwriter.github.io/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxlsxwriter-1.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "toro", "descs": "toro (Synchronization primitives for Tornado coroutines)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/toro", "deps": ["tornado"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "A set of locking and synchronizing primitives analogous to those in Python's threading module or Gevent's coros, for use with Tornado's gen.engine. Homepage: https://github.com/ajdavis/toro/", "path": "./salix/libraries/toro-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.7.4", "name": "darcsver", "descs": "darcsver (Python darcs versioning utility)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/darcsver", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "darcsver generate a version number from darcs history. http://pypi.python.org/pypi/darcsver/", "path": "./salix/libraries/darcsver-1.7.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "iksemel", "descs": "iksemel (XML parser for Jabber apps)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/iksemel", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "iksemel is an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parser library designed for Jabber applications Homepage: https://github.com/meduketto/iksemel", "path": "./salix/libraries/iksemel-1.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "492 K", "ver": "0.1.3", "name": "libabw", "descs": "libabw (AbiWord Import Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libabw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "librevenge", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "123 K", "descl": "Libabw is a library that parses the file format of AbiWord documents Homepage: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/DLP/Libraries/libabw", "path": "./salix/libraries/libabw-0.1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "804 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "libskk", "descs": "libskk (Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libskk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "json-glib", "libgee1", "util-linux", "zlib", "gnome-common"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "201 K", "descl": "libskk is a GObject-based library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion method. libskk includes basic features of SKK, various typing rules and dictionary types., GOBject based API with gobject-introspection, and, experimental support for intelligent kana-to-kanji conversion based on Viterbi algorithm. https://github.com/ueno/libskk", "path": "./salix/libraries/libskk-1.0.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2516 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "volk", "descs": "volk (Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/volk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "orc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "629 K", "descl": "VOLK is the Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels. It is a free library, currently offered under the GPLv3, that contains kernels of hand-written SIMD code for different mathematical operations. Since each SIMD architecture can be very different and no compiler has yet come along to handle vectorization properly or highly efficiently, VOLK approaches the problem differently. Homepage: https://www.libvolk.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/volk-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "uuid", "descs": "uuid (OSSP Universally Unique Identifier)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/uuid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "OSSP uuid is a ISO-C:1999 application programming interface (API) and corresponding command line interface (CLI) for the generation of DCE 1.1, ISO/IEC 11578:1996 and IETF RFC-4122 compliant Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Homepage: http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/uuid/", "path": "./salix/libraries/uuid-1.6.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "2.28.0", "name": "libgnomeuimm", "descs": "libgnomeuimm (C++ wrappers for libgnomeui)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnomeuimm", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gconfmm", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "gnome-vfs", "gnome-vfsmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libbonoboui", "libcanberra", "libgcrypt", "libglade", "libglademm", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnome-keyring", "libgnomecanvas", "libgnomecanvasmm", "libgnomemm", "libgnomeui", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libsigc++", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "libgnomeui is the library for the GNOME user interface functions. libgnomeuimm is the C++ wrapper for libgnomeui. homepage: https://www.gtkmm.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnomeuimm-2.28.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1576 K", "ver": "0.1.6", "name": "libcdr", "descs": "libcdr (CorelDRAW Import Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcdr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "lcms2", "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "394 K", "descl": "Libcdr is a library that parses the file format of CorelDRAW documents of all versions. Homepage: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/DLP/Libraries/libcdr", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcdr-0.1.6-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "510.60.02", "name": "libxnvctrl", "descs": "libxnvctrl (NVIDIA NV-CONTROL X extension)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxnvctrl", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "nvidia-driver"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "The NV-CONTROL X extension provides a mechanism for X clients to query and set configuration parameters of the NVIDIA X driver. State set by the NV-CONTROL X extension is assumed to be persistent only for the current server generation. This can be useful for programs such as conky, mate-sensors-applet, and xfce4-sensors-plugin to allow for realtime monitoring of your NVIDIA cards temperature, fan speed, memory, etc.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxnvctrl-510.60.02-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "libcpuid", "descs": "libcpuid (C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcpuid", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "libcpuid is a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction. Homepage: http://libcpuid.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcpuid-0.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "808 K", "ver": "8.1.1", "name": "fmt", "descs": "fmt (A modern formatting library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fmt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "202 K", "descl": "{fmt} is an open-source formatting library for C++. It can be used as a safe and fast alternative to (s)printf and iostreams. Homepage: https://fmt.dev/", "path": "./salix/libraries/fmt-8.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "45704 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "med", "descs": "med (Data Modelization and Exchanges)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/med", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "hdf5", "libaec", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "11426 K", "descl": "MED is the Data Exchange Module used by Code_Aster and based on the HDF (hdf5) library. Homepage: https://www.code-aster.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/med-4.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "13932 K", "ver": "2.4.1", "name": "openbabel", "descs": "openbabel (Open Babel 3D Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/openbabel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3483 K", "descl": "Open Babel is a project designed to pick up where Babel left off, as a cross-platform program and library designed to interconvert between many file formats used in molecular modeling, computational chemistry, and many related areas. Homepage: http://openbabel.sourceforge.net/wiki/Main_Page", "path": "./salix/libraries/openbabel-2.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "pyte", "descs": "pyte (VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pyte", "deps": ["pytest-runner", "wcwidth"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "It's an in memory VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator. XXX stands for a series of video terminals, developed by DEC between 1970 and 1995. The first, and probably the most famous one, was VT100 terminal, which is now a de-facto standard for all virtual terminal emulators. pyte follows the suit. Homepage: https://github.com/selectel/pyte", "path": "./salix/libraries/pyte-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4336 K", "ver": "1.82.0", "name": "leptonica", "descs": "leptonica (Image Processing Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/leptonica", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "giflib", "libwebp", "openjpeg", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1084 K", "descl": "Leptonica is an open source C library for efficient image processing and image analysis operations. Homepage: http://www.leptonica.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/leptonica-1.82.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "ordereddict", "descs": "ordereddict (A drop-in substitute for Py2.7's new collections)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ordereddict", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Drop-in substitute for Py2.7's new collections.OrderedDict. The recipe has big-oh performance that matches regular dictionaries (amortized O(1) insertion/deletion/lookup and O(n) iteration/repr/ copy/equality_testing). Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ordereddict/1.1", "path": "./salix/libraries/ordereddict-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.18.3", "name": "libnxml", "descs": "libnxml (library for xmls processing)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libnxml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "libnxml is a C library for parsing, writing and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1 files or streams. http://www.autistici.org/bakunin/libnxml/doc/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libnxml-0.18.3-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1508 K", "ver": "0.4.39", "name": "libzen", "descs": "libzen (mandatory library for libmediainfo)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libzen", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "377 K", "descl": "This package includes the shared library and the development support files. Homepage: https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo", "path": "./salix/libraries/libzen-0.4.39-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "2.1.9", "name": "audioread", "descs": "audioread (multi-library, cross-platform audio decoding)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/audioread", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Decode audio files using whichever backend is available. The library currently supports: - gstreamer via gst-python. - MAD via the pymad bindings. - ffmpeg via its command-line interface. - The standard library wave and aifc modules (for WAV and AIFF files). homepage: https://github.com/sampsyo/audioread", "path": "./salix/libraries/audioread-2.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "54964 K", "ver": "1.12.1", "name": "pcl", "descs": "pcl (2D/3D image library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pcl", "deps": ["VTK", "aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "dbus", "elogind", "flann", "glu", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13741 K", "descl": "The Point Cloud Library (or PCL) is a large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing PCL contains algorithms such as filtering, feature estimation, surface reconstruction, registration, model fitting and segmentation. Homepage: http://pointclouds.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/pcl-1.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "libebml", "descs": "libebml (a C++ library for parsing EBML files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libebml", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "libebml is a C++ libary to parse EBML files. EBML (Extensible Binary Meta-Language library) is a simple XML like binary language for describing data in structured style. http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix/source.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libebml-1.4.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "41096 K", "ver": "3.5.4", "name": "simbody", "descs": "simbody (multibody physics API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/simbody", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "freeglut", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "glu", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux", "lapack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10274 K", "descl": "Simbody is a high-performance, open-source toolkit for science- and engineering-quality simulation of articulated mechanisms, including biomechanical structures such as human and animal skeletons, mechanical systems like robots, vehicles, and machines, and anything else that can be described as a set of rigid bodies interconnected by joints, influenced by forces and motions, and restricted by constraints.", "path": "./salix/libraries/simbody-3.5.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "gallerize", "descs": "gallerize (Web image gallery generator)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gallerize", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Create a static XHTML/CSS image gallery from a bunch of images. Homepage: http://homework.nwsnet.de/releases/cc0e/#gallerize", "path": "./salix/libraries/gallerize-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "10100 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "libgweather4", "descs": "libgweather4 (weather library for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgweather4", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "geocode-glib", "glib2", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2525 K", "descl": "libgweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgweather", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgweather4-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "libgraphqlparser", "descs": "libgraphqlparser (A GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgraphqlparser", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "libgraphqlparser is a parser for GraphQL, a query language created by Facebook for describing data requirements on complex application data models, implemented in C++11. It can be used on its own in C++ code (or in C code via the pure C API defined in the c subdirectory), or you can use it as the basis for an extension module for your favorite programming language instead of writing your own parser from scratch. https://github.com/graphql/libgraphqlparser", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgraphqlparser-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "1.24", "name": "libnids", "descs": "libnids (E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libnids", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "libnet", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Libnids is an implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System. It emulates the IP stack of Linux 2.0.x. Libnids offers IP defragmentation, TCP stream assembly and TCP port scan detection.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libnids-1.24-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "556 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "gupnp", "descs": "gupnp (Object-oriented UPNP framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gupnp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "glib2", "gssdp", "icu4c", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "139 K", "descl": "GUPnP is an elegant, object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. It provides the same set of features as libupnp, but shields the developer from most of UPnP's internals. Homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/GUPnP/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gupnp-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "0.3.5", "name": "glog", "descs": "glog (Google Logging Module)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/glog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gflags", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "C++ implementation of the Google logging module Online documentation available at: https://github.com/google/glog", "path": "./salix/libraries/glog-0.3.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "13032 K", "ver": "5.0.1", "name": "assimp", "descs": "assimp (Open Asset Import Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/assimp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3258 K", "descl": "Open Asset Import Library is a Open Source library designed to load various 3d file formats and convert them into a shared, in-memory format. It supports more than 30 file formats (basically, it is like DevIL for 3D models). It also supports exporting, but the number of export formats is lower. Homepage: http://www.assimp.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/assimp-5.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "lua-std.normalize", "descs": "lua-std.normalize (Normalized Lua Functions)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-std.normalize", "deps": ["lua-std._debug"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "This module can inject deterministic versions of core Lua functions that do not behave identically across all supported Lua implementations into your module's lexical environment. Each function is as thin and fast a version as is possible in each Lua implementation, evaluating to the Lua C implementation with no overhead when semantics allow. Homepage: https://lua-stdlib.github.io/normalize/", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-std.normalize-2.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.2.20", "name": "libtar", "descs": "libtar (tar file manipulation API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtar", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "libtar is a C library for manipulating POSIX tar files. It handles adding and extracting files to/from a tar archive. Homepage: https://github.com/tklauser/libtar", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtar-1.2.20-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "25652 K", "ver": "2.11.0", "name": "xerces", "descs": "xerces (apache-ant XML parsing libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xerces", "deps": ["apache-ant", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6413 K", "descl": "The Apache Xerces Project is responsible for Apache Licensed software intended to create and maintain XML parsing and related software. Homepage http://xerces.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/xerces-2.11.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "20160609", "name": "libucil", "descs": "libucil (simple image processing functions)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libucil", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "gstreamer0", "harfbuzz", "libogg", "libtheora", "libunicap", "libvorbis", "libxml2", "pango", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. The ucil library provides easy to use functions to render text and graphic overlays onto video images. Homepage: https://github.com/unicap", "path": "./salix/libraries/libucil-20160609-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "xine-plugin", "descs": "xine-plugin (Embedded stream playback plugin)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xine-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "xine-lib", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Embedded stream playback plugin for mozilla", "path": "./salix/libraries/xine-plugin-1.0.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "13888 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "libwebsockets", "descs": "libwebsockets (C websocket library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libwebsockets", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3472 K", "descl": "This is the libwebsockets C library for lightweight websocket clients and servers. For support, visit https://libwebsockets.org https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets", "path": "./salix/libraries/libwebsockets-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1392 K", "ver": "1.6.4", "name": "gtkimageview", "descs": "gtkimageview (a simple image viewer widget for GTK)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtkimageview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "348 K", "descl": "GtkImageView is a simple image viewer widget for GTK. Similar to the image viewer panes in gThumb or Eye of Gnome. It makes writing image viewing and editing applications easy. Homepage: https://github.com/GNOME/gtkimageview", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtkimageview-1.6.4-i486-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "20110221", "name": "nacl", "descs": "nacl (Cryptographic library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/nacl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "nacl is a is a new easy-to-use high-speed software library for network communication, encryption, decryption, signatures, etc. NaCl's goal is to provide all of the core operations needed to build higher-level cryptographic tools. Project URL: http://nacl.cr.yp.to/index.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/nacl-20110221-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "784 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "xawplus", "descs": "xawplus (a more modern clone of Xaw library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xawplus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "196 K", "descl": "XawPlus is a clone of the original Xaw library, providing a more up to date look and some extensions to the original Athena widget set. This library is as compatible as possible to the original. XawPlus makes it possible to use XPM pixmaps, tooltips, a truncate mechanism for too long label strings and UTF8 coded UNICODE labels without changing the code of your application.", "path": "./salix/libraries/xawplus-3.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "20170317", "name": "libosmo-dsp", "descs": "libosmo-dsp (library with SDR primitives)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libosmo-dsp", "deps": ["fftw"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "Software Defined Radio helper library homepage: http://openbsc.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/OsmocomOverview", "path": "./salix/libraries/libosmo-dsp-20170317-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1160 K", "ver": "0.9.33", "name": "rasqal", "descs": "rasqal (RDF parsing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rasqal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mhash", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "raptor", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "290 K", "descl": "Rasqal is a library providing full support for querying Resource Description Framework (RDF) including parsing query syntaxes, constructing the queries, executing them and returning result formats. It currently handles the RDF Data Query Language (RDQL) and SPARQL Query language. homepage: http://librdf.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/rasqal-0.9.33-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "lvtk", "descs": "lvtk (LV2 toolkit C++ wrappers)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lvtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "lv2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "LV2 Toolkit is a set C++ wrappers around the LV2 C API. The included libraries ease writing LV2 plugins and UIs in C++ by inheriting from easy to use template classes.", "path": "./salix/libraries/lvtk-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "21596 K", "ver": "3.10.0", "name": "lapack", "descs": "lapack (linear algebra routines)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lapack", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "blas"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5399 K", "descl": "LAPACK provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. The associated matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD, Schur, generalized Schur) are also provided, as are related computations such as reordering of the Schur factorizations and estimating condition numbers. Dense and banded matrices are handled, but not general sparse matrices. In all areas, similar functionality is provided for real and complex matrices, in both single and double precision.", "path": "./salix/libraries/lapack-3.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "15192 K", "ver": "7.0.5p3", "name": "PDFlib-Lite", "descs": "PDFlib-Lite (A library to generate PDF files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/PDFlib-Lite", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "3798 K", "descl": "PDFlib is a library for generating PDF files. It offers an API with support for text, vector graphics, raster image, and hypertext. PDFlib Lite offers a subset of the functionality of PDFlib 7. Home: http://www.pdflib.com/download/pdflib-family/pdflib-lite-7/", "path": "./salix/libraries/PDFlib-Lite-7.0.5p3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "62588 K", "ver": "3.24", "name": "bullet", "descs": "bullet (physics library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/bullet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15647 K", "descl": "Bullet Physics is a professional open source collision detection, rigid body, and soft body dynamics library. It's free for commercial use under the ZLib licence. It can work in concert with 3D modeling software such as 3D Studio Max and Maya. Homepage: http://bulletphysics.org/wordpress/", "path": "./salix/libraries/bullet-3.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "varconf", "descs": "varconf (config library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/varconf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libsigc++"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Varconf is a configuration system designed for the STAGE server. Varconf can parse configuration files, command-line arguments and environment variables. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/worldforge/", "path": "./salix/libraries/varconf-1.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1248 K", "ver": "0.10.10", "name": "apiextractor", "descs": "apiextractor (Api Extractor)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/apiextractor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "libxslt", "qt4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "312 K", "descl": "The API Extractor library is used by the bindings generator to parse the header and typesystem files to create an internal representation of the API. It is based on the QtScriptGenerator codebase. Homepage: https://github.com/pyside/Apiextractor", "path": "./salix/libraries/apiextractor-0.10.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "6.0.5", "name": "libgdiplus", "descs": "libgdiplus (Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgdiplus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pixman", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API. This package is part of the Mono project.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgdiplus-6.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "gitdb", "descs": "gitdb (Git Object Database)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gitdb", "deps": ["python2", "smmap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "GitDB is a pure-Python git object database. Homepage: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/gitdb", "path": "./salix/libraries/gitdb-0.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "zope.location", "descs": "zope.location (Zope Location)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.location", "deps": ["zope.schema", "zope.proxy", "zope.component"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "In Zope3, location are special objects that has a structural location.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.location-4.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "492 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "ganv", "descs": "ganv (interactive Gtk widget library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ganv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "graphviz", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "123 K", "descl": "Ganv is an interactive Gtk widget for interactive 'boxes and lines' or graph-like environments (e.g. modular synths or finite state machine diagrams). https://drobilla.net/software/ganv.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/ganv-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "greenlet", "descs": "greenlet (micro-threads for Python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/greenlet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "The greenlet package is a spin-off of Stackless, a version of CPython that supports micro-threads called 'tasklets'. Tasklets run pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads) and are synchronized with data exchanges on 'channels'. Greenlets are lightweight coroutines for in-process concurrent programming. They are provided as a C extension module for the regular unmodified interpreter.", "path": "./salix/libraries/greenlet-1.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1128 K", "ver": "2.6.7", "name": "oath-toolkit", "descs": "oath-toolkit (OTP Authentication System)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/oath-toolkit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "libxslt", "xmlsec", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "282 K", "descl": "The OATH Toolkit provide components for building one-time password authentication systems. Supported technologies include the event-based HOTP algorithm (RFC4226) and the time-based TOTP algorithm (RFC6238). For managing secret key files, the Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC) format described in RFC6030 is supported. Project URL: http://www.nongnu.org/oath-toolkit/", "path": "./salix/libraries/oath-toolkit-2.6.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "2.30.0", "name": "libgnomemm", "descs": "libgnomemm (C++ wrappers for libgnome)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnomemm", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libbonobo", "libcanberra", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libogg", "libsigc++", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Gnomemm is a powerful C++ binding for the GNOME libraries. Gnomemm includes bindings for all the popular GNOME interfaces like canvas and MDI as well as useful application templates for constructing good looking apps. homepage: https://www.gtkmm.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnomemm-2.30.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1900 K", "ver": "20181128", "name": "libexe", "descs": "libexe (libYAL EXE library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libexe", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "475 K", "descl": "Library to access the executable (EXE) format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libexe", "path": "./salix/libraries/libexe-20181128-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "wjelement", "descs": "wjelement (JSON manipulation, JSON-schema validation, CLI/script tool)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wjelement", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "WJElement is a flexible JSON library. It provides easy-to-use JSON manipulation, JSON-schema validation, and a script-ready CLI tool. WJElement was developed by Netmail: http://netmail.com Written and maintained by Micah N Gorrell and Owen Swerkstrom https://github.com/netmail-open/wjelement", "path": "./salix/libraries/wjelement-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "0.11.0", "name": "rabbitmq-c", "descs": "rabbitmq-c (an AMQP client library for the RabbitMQ broker)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rabbitmq-c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "rabbitmq-server"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "The rabbitmq-c Package is an Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) C-Client Library for use with v2.0+ of the RabbitMQ broker. License: MIT Homepage: https://github.com/alanxz/rabbitmq-c/releases See: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ for info on the RabbitMQ message broker.", "path": "./salix/libraries/rabbitmq-c-0.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1300 K", "ver": "1.13.5", "name": "wimlib", "descs": "wimlib (the open source Windows Imaging (WIM) library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wimlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "ntfs-3g", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "325 K", "descl": "wimlib is an open source, cross-platform library for creating, extracting, and modifying Windows Imaging (WIM) archives. wimlib can be used to back up, install, or restore Windows operating systems; to create customized images of Windows PE; or to archive files on either Windows or UNIX/Linux. wimlib is fully supported on both Windows and UNIX-like systems. https://www.wimlib.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/wimlib-1.13.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "clalsadrv", "descs": "clalsadrv (Alsa library for Aeolus)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/clalsadrv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Alsa library for Aeolus.", "path": "./salix/libraries/clalsadrv-2.0.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "2.28.3", "name": "gconfmm", "descs": "gconfmm (C++ bindings for GConf)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gconfmm", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "glibmm", "libsigc++", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "It's a C++ wrapper for GConf. All classes are in the Gnome::Conf namespace. Website : http://gconfmm.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gconfmm-2.28.3-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "lgi", "descs": "lgi (LUA GObject bindings)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lgi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "util-linux", "zlib", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "lgi is gobject-introspection based dynamic Lua binding to GObject based libraries. It allows using GObject-based libraries directly from Lua. homepage: https://github.com/pavouk/lgi", "path": "./salix/libraries/lgi-0.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1344 K", "ver": "2.0.15", "name": "raptor", "descs": "raptor (RDF Parser & Serializer)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/raptor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "336 K", "descl": "Raptor is a free software/Open Source C library that provides a set of parsers and serializers that generate Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples by parsing syntaxes or serialize the triples into a syntax. The supported parsing syntaxes are RDF/XML, N-Triples, TRiG, Turtle, RSS tag soup including all versions of RSS, Atom 1.0 and 0.3, GRDDL and microformats for HTML, XHTML and XML. Homepage: http://librdf.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/raptor-2.0.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "4.0.1", "name": "zdaemon", "descs": "zdaemon (Daemon process control library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zdaemon", "deps": ["ZConfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "zdaemon is a Python package which provides APIs for managing applications run as daemons.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zdaemon-4.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "18112 K", "ver": "4.13", "name": "CGAL", "descs": "CGAL (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/CGAL", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4528 K", "descl": "CGAL is a C++ library of efficient and reliable geometric algorithms. Homepage: http://www.cgal.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/CGAL-4.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "imlib2_loaders", "descs": "imlib2_loaders (additional image loaders for imlib2)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/imlib2_loaders", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This package contains image loader plugins for Imlib 2 that are not distributed together with the Imlib 2 package itself.", "path": "./salix/libraries/imlib2_loaders-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4372 K", "ver": "0.15.0", "name": "libnova", "descs": "libnova (celestial mechanics, astrometry and astrodynamics library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libnova", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1093 K", "descl": "libnova is a general purpose, double precision, celestial mechanics, astrometry, and astrodynamics library. It is the calculation engine used by the Nova project. The intended audience of libnova are C / C++ programmers, astronomers and anyone else interested in calculating positions of astronomical objects or celestial mechanics. Homepage: http://libnova.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libnova-0.15.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "libee", "descs": "libee (An Event Expression Library inspired by CEE)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libee", "deps": ["libestr"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "CEE is an upcoming standard used to describe network events in a number of normalized formats. Its goal is to unify the many different representations that currently exist in the industry. http://www.libee.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libee-0.4.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3264 K", "ver": "5.2.0", "name": "libprelude", "descs": "libprelude (Prelude SIEM/sensor library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libprelude", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "lua", "nettle", "p11-kit", "python2"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "816 K", "descl": "The Prelude Library is used to make sensor developers' life better by providing features used by every sensor: Manager(s) connection management, interface to communicate with the Prelude Manager, asynchronous message interface, asynchronous timer interface, generic configuration API, wide option managment and generic plugin API. Homepage: https://www.prelude-siem.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libprelude-5.2.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2280 K", "ver": "0.4.9", "name": "aubio", "descs": "aubio (audio labelling library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/aubio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "570 K", "descl": "aubio is a library for audio labelling. Its features include segmenting a sound file before each of its attacks, performing pitch detection, tapping the beat and producing midi streams from live audio. The name aubio comes from 'audio' with a typo: several transcription errors are likely to be found in the results too. Homepage: http://aubio.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/aubio-0.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "libmaa", "descs": "libmaa (general purpose data structures and functions)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmaa", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "The LIBMAA library provides many low-level data structures which are helpful for writing compilers, including hash tables, sets, lists, debugging support, and memory management. Although LIBMAA was designed and implemented as a foundation for the Khepera Transformation System, the data structures are generally applicable to a wide range of programming problems. The memory management routines are especially helpful for improving the performance of memory-intensive applications.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmaa-1.3.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "512 K", "ver": "0.13.1", "name": "liburcu", "descs": "liburcu (RCU Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liburcu", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "128 K", "descl": "liburcu is a LGPLv2.1 userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library. This data synchronization library provides read-side access which scales linearly with the number of cores. Project URL: http://liburcu.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/liburcu-0.13.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "0.0.1", "name": "properties-cpp", "descs": "properties-cpp (library for properties and signals in C++11)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/properties-cpp", "deps": ["graphviz"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "A very simple convenience library for handling properties and signals in C++11. HOMEPAGE: https://launchpad.net/properties-cpp", "path": "./salix/libraries/properties-cpp-0.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "0.23", "name": "libtelnet", "descs": "libtelnet (TELNET protocol handling library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtelnet", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "libtelnet provides safe and correct handling of the core TELNET protocol. In addition to the base TELNET protocol, libtelnet also implements the Q method of TELNET option negotiation. libtelnet can be used for writing servers, clients, or proxies. https://github.com/seanmiddleditch/libtelnet", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtelnet-0.23-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "alure", "descs": "alure (library to manage tasks with OpenAL)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/alure", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "openal-soft"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "ALURE is a utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications. This includes device enumeration and initialization, file loading, and streaming. As of version 1.1, it is X11/MIT licensed, allowing it to be used in open- and closed-source programs, freeware or commercial. Homepage: https://github.com/kcat/alure", "path": "./salix/libraries/alure-1.2-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1556 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "log4shib", "descs": "log4shib (log4j-like logging library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/log4shib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "389 K", "descl": "log4shib is a forked version of log4cpp that has been created for the Shibboleth project to ensure a consistent, working snapshot that builds reliably on the necessary platforms. Log for C++ is a library of classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library and stays as close to its API as is reasonable. homepage: https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/OpenSAML/log4shib", "path": "./salix/libraries/log4shib-2.0.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "111000 K", "ver": "9.0.3", "name": "VTK", "descs": "VTK (The Visualization Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/VTK", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pcre2", "python3", "qt5", "tcl", "tk", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "27750 K", "descl": "The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, modeling, image processing, volume rendering, scientific visualization and information visualization. VTK also includes ancillary support for 3D interaction widgets, two and three-dimensional annotation, and parallel computing. Homepage: http://www.vtk.org/VTK/project/about.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/VTK-9.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4020 K", "ver": "1.15.1", "name": "htslib", "descs": "htslib (High Troughput Sequencing Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/htslib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1005 K", "descl": "HTSlib is an implementation of a unified C library for accessing common file formats, such as SAM, CRAM and VCF, used for high- throughput sequencing data, and is the core library used by samtools and bcftools. It is known to be compatible with gcc, g++ and clang. HTSlib also provides the bgzip, htsfile, and tabix utilities. Homepage: http://www.htslib.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/htslib-1.15.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "572 K", "ver": "0.24.0", "name": "logilab-astng", "descs": "logilab-astng (Python modules used by many python code checkers)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/logilab-astng", "deps": ["logilab-common"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "143 K", "descl": "The aim of this module is to provide a common base representation of python source code for projects such as pychecker, pyreverse, pylint. Homepage:http://logilab-common.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/logilab-astng-0.24.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.10.0", "name": "lxqt-build-tools", "descs": "lxqt-build-tools (tools and scripts for LXQt applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lxqt-build-tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "lxqt-build-tools is a set of various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications. homepage: https://github.com/lxde/lxqt-build-tools", "path": "./salix/libraries/lxqt-build-tools-0.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "33764 K", "ver": "3.6.6", "name": "dcmtk", "descs": "dcmtk (DICOM ToolKit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/dcmtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libwebp", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8441 K", "descl": "This DICOM ToolKit (DCMTK) package consists of source code, documentation and installation instructions for a set of software libraries and applications implementing part of the DICOM/MEDICOM Standard.", "path": "./salix/libraries/dcmtk-3.6.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3004 K", "ver": "0.5.9", "name": "libopenmpt", "descs": "libopenmpt (OpenMPT based module player library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libopenmpt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "jack2", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "mpg123", "opus", "portaudio", "pulseaudio", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "751 K", "descl": "libopenmpt is a cross-platform C++ and C library to decode tracked music files (modules) into a raw PCM audio stream. Is based on the player code of the OpenMPT project (Open ModPlug Tracker). This script packages also openmpt123, a cross-platform command-line or terminal based module file player, shipped with the library. homepage: https://lib.openmpt.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libopenmpt-0.5.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2252 K", "ver": "2.16.8", "name": "mbedtls", "descs": "mbedtls (Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mbedtls", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "563 K", "descl": "mbed TLS is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL/TLS library written in C. mbed TLS makes it easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) applications with as little hassle as possible. https://tls.mbed.org/ NOTE: this project was formerly know as PolarSSL.", "path": "./salix/libraries/mbedtls-2.16.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "3.9", "name": "PDCurses", "descs": "PDCurses (curses library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/PDCurses", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "PDCurses is a public domain curses library for DOS, OS/2,Win32, X11 and SDL, implementing most of the functions available in X/Open and System V R4 curses. It supports many compilers for these platforms. The X11 port lets you recompile existing text-mode curses programs to produce native X11 applications. Homepage: http://pdcurses.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/PDCurses-3.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2440 K", "ver": "20220319", "name": "libfsext", "descs": "libfsext (libYAL EXT file system library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfsext", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "610 K", "descl": "Library to access the Linux Extended File System (EXT) Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libfsext", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfsext-20220319-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "42984 K", "ver": "", "name": "wxPython", "descs": "wxPython (Crossplatform GUI Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wxPython", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "10746 K", "descl": "wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface simply and easily. It is implemented as a Python extension module (native code) that wraps the popular wxWidgets cross platform GUI library which is written in C++. Homepage: http://wxPython.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/wxPython-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3244 K", "ver": "5.9.0", "name": "gwenhywfar", "descs": "gwenhywfar (multi-purpose library for aqbanking)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gwenhywfar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "811 K", "descl": "Gwenhywfar is a multi-purpose library that provides useful functions such as configuration file handling, a full featured message generation and parsing engine, and an operating system abstraction layer. It is used by Libchipcard, AqBanking, QBankManager, OpenHBCI, AqMoney, and various other projects.", "path": "./salix/libraries/gwenhywfar-5.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4744 K", "ver": "3.2.19", "name": "cgicc", "descs": "cgicc (C++ library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cgicc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1186 K", "descl": "GNU Cgicc is an ANSI C++ compliant class library that greatly simplifies the creation of CGI applications for the World Wide Web.", "path": "./salix/libraries/cgicc-3.2.19-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "libxmi", "descs": "libxmi (library for rasterizing 2-D vector graphics)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxmi", "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "GNU libxmi is a C/C++ function library for rasterizing 2-D vector graphics. It can draw 2-D graphical primitives, including wide polygonal lines and circular and elliptical arcs, into a user supplied matrix of pixels. Sophisticated line styles, such as multicolored dashing patterns, can be specified. There is also support for filling and texturing polygons. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/libxmi/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxmi-1.2-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1292 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "libftdi1", "descs": "libftdi1 (A library to talk to FTDI's UART/FIFO chips)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libftdi1", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "confuse"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "323 K", "descl": "A library (using libusb) to talk to FTDI's UART/FIFO chips including the popular bitbang mode. The following chips are supported: FT4232H / FT2232H FT232R / FT245R FT2232L / FT2232D / FT2232C FT232BM / FT245BM (and the BL/BQ variants) FT8U232AM / FT8U245AM", "path": "./salix/libraries/libftdi1-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1140 K", "ver": "0.15.1", "name": "nextaw", "descs": "nextaw (Athena (libXaw)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/nextaw", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "285 K", "descl": "neXtaw is a replacement library for the Athena (libXaw) widget set. It is based on Xaw3d, by Kaleb Keithley and is almost 100% backward compatible with it. Its goal is to try to emulate the look and feel of the N*XTSTEP GUI. http://siag.nu/neXtaw/", "path": "./salix/libraries/nextaw-0.15.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1520 K", "ver": "2.18.8", "name": "libgnomeprint", "descs": "libgnomeprint (The Gnome Printing Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnomeprint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libart-lgpl", "libgnomecups", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "380 K", "descl": "This is an implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture as described at: http://www.levien.com/gnome/print-arch.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnomeprint-2.18.8-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "pysendfile", "descs": "pysendfile (A Python interface to sendfile(2)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pysendfile", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "sendfile(2) is a system call which provides a 'zero-copy' way of copying data from one file descriptor to another (a socket). Homepage: https://github.com/giampaolo/pysendfile", "path": "./salix/libraries/pysendfile-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "discogs-client", "descs": "discogs-client (Official Python API client for Discogs)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/discogs-client", "deps": ["python-oauthlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This is the official Discogs API client for Python. It enables you to query the Discogs database for information on artists, releases, labels, users, Marketplace listings, and more. It also supports OAuth 1.0a authorization, which allows you to change user data such as profile information, collections and wantlists, inventory, and orders. Homepage: https://github.com/discogs/discogs_client", "path": "./salix/libraries/discogs-client-2.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1752 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "meanwhile", "descs": "meanwhile (an open implementation of the Sametime protocol)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/meanwhile", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "6salix15.0", "sizec": "438 K", "descl": "The heart of the Meanwhile Project is the Meanwhile library, providing the basic Lotus Sametime session functionality along with the core services; Presence Awareness, Instant Messaging, Multi-user Conferencing, Preferences Storage, Identity Resolution, and File Transfer. Homepage: http://meanwhile.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/meanwhile-1.0.2-i586-6salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2444 K", "ver": "0.1.10", "name": "guppy", "descs": "guppy (Python Programming Environment)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/guppy", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "611 K", "descl": "Guppy-PE is a library and programming environment for Python. Homepage: http://guppy-pe.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/guppy-0.1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "512 K", "ver": "4.2.1", "name": "zope.component", "descs": "zope.component (Zope Component Architecture)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.component", "deps": ["zope.event", "zope.interface"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "128 K", "descl": "This package represents the core of the Zope Component Architecture. Together with the 'zope.interface' package, it provides facilities for defining, registering and looking up components.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.component-4.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "libg15render", "descs": "libg15render (text and shape rendering library for g15)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libg15render", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "libg15"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "libG15Render is a library to render text and shapes into a buffer usable by the Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard. http://sourceforge.net/projects/g15tools/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libg15render-1.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "freealut", "descs": "freealut (The OpenAL Utility Toolkit (ALUT)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/freealut", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "openal-soft"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "freealut is a free implementation of OpenAL's ALUT standard. http://www.openal.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/freealut-1.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1820 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "liblnk", "descs": "liblnk (libYAL LNK library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblnk", "deps": ["libfwsi", "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "455 K", "descl": "Library and tooling to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) Format. format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/liblnk", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblnk-20181227-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "8848 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "compiz-plugins-extra", "descs": "compiz-plugins-extra (Extra plugins for Compiz Fusion)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/compiz-plugins-extra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib", "ccsm"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2212 K", "descl": "Extra plugins for Compiz Fusion.", "path": "./salix/libraries/compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "unarr", "descs": "unarr (archive library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/unarr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "unarr is a decompression library for RAR, TAR, ZIP and 7z archives. unarr originated as a port of the RAR extraction features from The Unarchiver project required for extracting images from comic book archives (.cbr). It was written as an alternative to libarchive which didn't have support for parsing filters or solid compression at the time. homepage: https://github.com/selmf/unarr", "path": "./salix/libraries/unarr-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1124 K", "ver": "3.34.0", "name": "gdl", "descs": "gdl (GNOME Docking Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gdl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "281 K", "descl": "gdl is part of the GNOME Devtools Library package providing a docking system and several utilities useful to GNOME development tools and GNOME applications in general. Project Site: http://www.gnome.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gdl-3.34.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "seatd", "descs": "seatd (universal seat management library and daemon)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/seatd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "elogind", "scdoc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "A minimal seat management daemon, and a universal seat management library. Supports: seatd, elogind, embedded seatd for standalone operation Homepage: https://sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/seatd/", "path": "./salix/libraries/seatd-0.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2468 K", "ver": "20190104", "name": "libfsntfs", "descs": "libfsntfs (libYAL NTFS library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfsntfs", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "617 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access the New Technology File System (NTFS) Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libfsntfs", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfsntfs-20190104-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.0.5", "name": "imageloader", "descs": "imageloader (An image loader library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/imageloader", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "An image loader library which provides a subset of PIL interface. Homepage: https://github.com/saitoha/python-imageloader", "path": "./salix/libraries/imageloader-0.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.2.12", "name": "libxmlbird", "descs": "libxmlbird (XML parser written in Vala)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxmlbird", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "doit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "XML Bird is developed as a part of the Birdfont project. It is an XML parser for programs written in Vala or C. Homepage: https://birdfont.org/libxmlbird.php", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxmlbird-1.2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "bluez-alsa", "descs": "bluez-alsa (Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/bluez-alsa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "bluez", "dbus", "elogind", "glib2", "sbc", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Bluetooth audio alsa backend, which removesPulseAudio as a dependency in Bluez >=5. BlueALSA registers all known Bluetooth audio profiles in Bluez, so in theory every Bluetooth device (with audio capabilities) can be connected. In order to access the audio stream, one has to connect to the ALSA PCM device called bluealsa. https://github.com/Arkq/bluez-alsa", "path": "./salix/libraries/bluez-alsa-3.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "gumbo-parser", "descs": "gumbo-parser (An HTML5 parsing library in pure C99)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gumbo-parser", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "Gumbo is an implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm implemented as a pure C99 library with no outside dependencies. It's designed to serve as a building block for other tools and libraries such as linters, validators, templating languages, and refactoring and analysis tools. Homepage: https://github.com/google/gumbo-parser", "path": "./salix/libraries/gumbo-parser-0.10.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "756 K", "ver": "2.9", "name": "libmpdclient", "descs": "libmpdclient (mpd client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmpdclient", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "189 K", "descl": "libmpdclient is a stable, documented, asynchronous API library for interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languages.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmpdclient-2.9-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "1.0.8", "name": "gmtk", "descs": "gmtk (Gnome Mplayer Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gmtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "GMTK is the Gnome Mplayer Toolkit. Homepage: http://sites.google.com/site/kdekorte2/gmtk", "path": "./salix/libraries/gmtk-1.0.8-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "qoauth", "descs": "qoauth (A Qt-based C++ library for OAuth authorization scheme)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qoauth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qca", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "QOAuth is a Qt-based C++ implementation of an interface to services using OAuth authorization scheme. Homepage: http://wiki.github.com/ayoy/qoauth/", "path": "./salix/libraries/qoauth-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1328 K", "ver": "2.7.1", "name": "nlopt", "descs": "nlopt (library for nonlinear optimization)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/nlopt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "332 K", "descl": "NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization, providing a common interface for a number of different free optimization routines available online as well as original implementations of various other algorithms. Homepage: https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/libraries/nlopt-2.7.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "libwhisker2", "descs": "libwhisker2 (perl module)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libwhisker2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "Perl extension geared specificly for HTTP testing.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libwhisker2-2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "105", "name": "libeatmydata", "descs": "libeatmydata (a small LD_PRELOAD library designed to disable fsync)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libeatmydata", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "libeatmydata is a small LD_PRELOAD library designed to (transparently) disable fsync (and friends, like open(O_SYNC)). This has two side-effects: making software that writes data safely to disk a lot quicker and making this software no longer crash safe. DO NOT use libeatmydata on software where you care about what it stores. It's called libEAT-MY-DATA for a reason.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libeatmydata-105-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "QtUsb", "descs": "QtUsb (USB Library for Qt)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/QtUsb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "A Cross-platform USB Library for Qt. Relies on libusb-1.0.", "path": "./salix/libraries/QtUsb-0.3.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "ignition-transport", "descs": "ignition-transport (message passing system library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ignition-transport", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libbsd", "protobuf3", "util-linux", "zeromq", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "ignition-transport library combines ZeroMQ with Protobufs to create a fast and efficient message passing system. Asynchronous message publication and subscription is provided along with service calls and discovery. Part of ignition-robotics Homepage: https://ignitionrobotics.org/libraries/transport Ignition Robotics: https://ignitionrobotics.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ignition-transport-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "zita-resampler", "descs": "zita-resampler (C++ library for resampling audio signals)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zita-resampler", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "It is designed to be used within a real-time processing context, to be fast, and to provide high-quality sample rate conversion.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zita-resampler-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "libopenglrecorder", "descs": "libopenglrecorder (audio/video opengl recording library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libopenglrecorder", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "libopenglrecorder is a library allowing optional async readback OpenGL frame buffer with optional audio recording. It will do video and audio encoding together. HOMEPAGE: https://github.com/Benau/libopenglrecorder", "path": "./salix/libraries/libopenglrecorder-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1452 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libsmdev", "descs": "libsmdev (libYAL storage media library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsmdev", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "363 K", "descl": "Library to access to storage media devices. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libsmdev", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsmdev-20181227-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2112 K", "ver": "20220121", "name": "libluksde", "descs": "libluksde (libYAL LUKS Encryption library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libluksde", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "528 K", "descl": "Library to access to access LUKS Disk Encryption encrypted volumes. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libluksde", "path": "./salix/libraries/libluksde-20220121-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "python-gnupg", "descs": "python-gnupg (A wrapper for the GnuPG)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python-gnupg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "This module allows easy access to GnuPG's key management, encryption and signature functionality from Python programs. It is intended for use with Python 2.4 or greater. Homepage: https://pythonhosted.org/python-gnupg/index.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/python-gnupg-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1476 K", "ver": "1.9.0", "name": "libosinfo", "descs": "libosinfo (operating systems library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libosinfo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "glib2", "icu4c", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "osinfo-db"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "369 K", "descl": "GObject based library API for managing information about operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices they can support. It includes a database containing device metadata and provides APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating system on a hypervisor. homepage: http://libosinfo.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libosinfo-1.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1764 K", "ver": "1.5.20", "name": "wxsvg", "descs": "wxsvg (C++ svg library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wxsvg", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libexif", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libogg", "librsvg", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libssh", "libtasn1", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "441 K", "descl": "wxSVG is C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files. Some python bindings and tools are also planned. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxsvg/", "path": "./salix/libraries/wxsvg-1.5.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1968 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "belle-sip", "descs": "belle-sip (A Voice-over-IP phone)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/belle-sip", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "bctoolbox", "libantlr3c", "mbedtls", "zlib", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "492 K", "descl": "Belle-SIP is a C object oriented SIP Stack used by Linphone. http://www.linphone.org/technical-corner/belle-sip/overview", "path": "./salix/libraries/belle-sip-1.6.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "zope.event", "descs": "zope.event (event publishing system)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zope.event", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "The zope.event package provides a simple event system.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zope.event-4.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "3.4", "name": "libx86emu", "descs": "libx86emu (x86 emulation library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libx86emu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "Small x86 emulation library with focus of easy usage and extended execution logging functions.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libx86emu-3.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "20210405_8fa9e2a", "name": "osgQt", "descs": "osgQt (Qt interface to OpenSceneGraph)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/osgQt", "deps": ["OpenSceneGraph", "aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "This is a Qt project for making use of OpenSceneGraph(OSG).", "path": "./salix/libraries/osgQt-20210405_8fa9e2a-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "25008 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "matplotlib", "descs": "matplotlib (a Python 2D plotting library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/matplotlib", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "python2", "zlib", "numpy", "python2-dateutil", "pytz", "cycler", "functools-lru-cache", "subprocess32", "kiwisolver", "tornado"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "6252 K", "descl": "Matplotlib is a plotting library for Python which uses syntax similar to MATLAB. Matplotlib produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. Homepage: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/matplotlib-2.2.3-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2720 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "libfm", "descs": "libfm (pcmanfm library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libexif", "libfm-extra", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "menu-cache", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lxmenu-data"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "680 K", "descl": "LibFM provides file management functions built on top of Glib/GIO, giving a convenient higher-level API. Homepage: https://wiki.lxde.org/en/Libfm", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfm-1.3.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "libstrophe", "descs": "libstrophe (An XMPP library for C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libstrophe", "deps": ["expat", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "libstrophe is a minimal XMPP library written in C. It has almost no external dependencies, only an XML parsing library (expat or libxml are both supported). It is designed for both POSIX and Windows systems. Homepage: http://strophe.im/libstrophe/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libstrophe-0.9.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3476 K", "ver": "1.1.3", "name": "iddawc", "descs": "iddawc (OAuth2 client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/iddawc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "jansson", "libmicrohttpd", "libunistring", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orcania", "p11-kit", "rhonabwy", "ulfius", "yder", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "869 K", "descl": "Handles the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect authentication process flow from client side. Project URL: https://github.com/babelouest/iddawc", "path": "./salix/libraries/iddawc-1.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "528 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "t4k_common", "descs": "t4k_common (tux4kids code library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/t4k_common", "deps": ["SDL_Pango", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "132 K", "descl": "t4k_common is a library of code shared between tuxmath and tuxtype. https://alioth-archive.debian.org/releases/tux4kids/T4KCommon-Source/", "path": "./salix/libraries/t4k_common-0.1.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "604 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "libearth", "descs": "libearth (The shared common library for Earth Reader apps)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libearth", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "151 K", "descl": "Libearth is the shared common library for various Earth Reader apps. Earth Reader try to support many platforms as possible (e.g. web, mobile apps, desktop apps), so there must be a large part of common concepts and implementations they share like subscription lists, synchronization through cloud storages between several devices, and crawler, that libearth actually implements. Homepage: http://libearth.earthreader.org/en/0.1.1/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libearth-0.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.0.3", "name": "toxext", "descs": "toxext (extension library for tox)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/toxext", "deps": ["c-toxcore"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "This is an extension library for tox. Homepage: https://github.com/toxext/toxext", "path": "./salix/libraries/toxext-0.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "776 K", "ver": "0.9998", "name": "sqliteodbc", "descs": "sqliteodbc (SQLite ODBC Driver)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/sqliteodbc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "icu4c", "libxml2", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "194 K", "descl": "The SQLite Database Engine provides a lightweight C library to access database files using a large subset of SQL92 without the overhead of RDBMS server processes. In order to use that functionality as a desktop database, the SQLite library is wrapped into an ODBC driver. Homepage: http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/", "path": "./salix/libraries/sqliteodbc-0.9998-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "rhonabwy", "descs": "rhonabwy (Manage JW* libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rhonabwy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "jansson", "libunistring", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orcania", "p11-kit", "yder", "zlib", "libmicrohttpd", "ulfius"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "Rhonabwy - JWK, JWKS, JWS, JWE and JWT library Project URL: https://github.com/babelouest/rhonabwy", "path": "./salix/libraries/rhonabwy-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "740 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "libslack", "descs": "libslack (General programmers' utilities)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libslack", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "185 K", "descl": "Libslack is a library of general utilities designed to make UNIX/C programming a bit easier on the eye. It is a seemingly random collection of commonly useful modules and functions. It was originally implemented as part of the daemon program (although some of the code dates back much further). homepage: http://libslack.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libslack-0.7.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "mdds", "descs": "mdds (Multi-Dimensional Data Structure)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mdds", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "A collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithm. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/mdds/mdds", "path": "./salix/libraries/mdds-2.0.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "libpar2", "descs": "libpar2 (file corruption detection library for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libpar2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libsigc++"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "libpar2 allows for the generation, modification, verification of PAR v1.0 and PAR v2.0(PAR2) sets used for recovery when data is lost or corrupted. When used with collections of files, missing files can be regenerated. Homepage: http://parchive.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libpar2-0.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "4.1.1", "name": "libotr", "descs": "libotr (OTR Messaging Library and Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libotr", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "This is the portable OTR Messaging Library, as well as the toolkit to help you forge messages. OTR allows you to have private conversations over IM by providing: - Encryption: No one else can read your instant messages. - Authentication: You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is. - Deniability: The messages you send do not have digital signatures - Perfect forward secrecy: If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation is compromised.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libotr-4.1.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "CondConfigParser", "descs": "CondConfigParser (Python library for parsing configuration files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/CondConfigParser", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "CondConfigParser is a Python library designed to help developers of Python applications to parse configuration files. Compared to well- known modules such as ConfigParser and json, CondConfigParser allows the user to define conditions using boolean operators and specific sections in the configuration file, which are only applied when the corresponding condition is fulfilled. Homepage: http://frougon.net/projects/CondConfigParser", "path": "./salix/libraries/CondConfigParser-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2172 K", "ver": "20181231", "name": "libolecf", "descs": "libolecf (libYAL OLE 2 library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libolecf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "543 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access the OLE 2 Compound File (OLECF) format. The OLE 2 Compound File format is used to store certain versions of Microsoft Office files, thumbs.db and other file formats. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libolecf", "path": "./salix/libraries/libolecf-20181231-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "tamu_anova", "descs": "tamu_anova (Contains both single and two factor ANOVA)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tamu_anova", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "ANOVA, or Analysis of Variance, is a method for comparing levels of some continuous response variable between different groups. TAMU ANOVA contains both single and two factor ANOVA. Home: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Tamuanova", "path": "./salix/libraries/tamu_anova-0.2-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.2.2", "name": "orcania", "descs": "orcania (C functions)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/orcania", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Potluck with different functions for different purposes that can be shared among C programs.", "path": "./salix/libraries/orcania-2.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "1.19", "name": "enca", "descs": "enca (Extremely Naive Charset Analyser)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/enca", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "Enca is an Extremely Native Charset Analyser. It detects character set and encoding of text files and can also convert them to other encodings. Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/projects/enca/", "path": "./salix/libraries/enca-1.19-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1168 K", "ver": "1.3.7", "name": "gl2ps", "descs": "gl2ps (OpenGL to PostScript printing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gl2ps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "freeglut", "glu", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "292 K", "descl": "GL2PS is a C library providing high quality vector output for any OpenGL application. The main difference between GL2PS and other similar libraries is the use of sorting algorithms capable of handling intersecting and stretched polygons, as well as non manifold objects. Homepage: http://geuz.org/gl2ps/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gl2ps-1.3.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1124 K", "ver": "2.1a1", "name": "zsi", "descs": "zsi (Zolera SOAP Infrastructure)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zsi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "281 K", "descl": "ZSI, the Zolera SOAP Infrastructure, is a Python package that provides an implementation of SOAP messaging. Homepage: http://pywebsvcs.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/zsi-2.1a1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2380 K", "ver": "20181215", "name": "libfsapfs", "descs": "libfsapfs (libYAL APFS library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfsapfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "595 K", "descl": "Library to access the Apple File System (APFS) Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libfsapfs", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfsapfs-20181215-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "27928 K", "ver": "1.11.1", "name": "vigra", "descs": "vigra (Vision with Generic Algorithms library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/vigra", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "hdf5", "libaec", "libwebp", "openexr", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "6982 K", "descl": "VIGRA stands for 'Vision with Generic Algorithms'. It is a novel computer vision library that puts its main emphasis on customizable algorithms and data structures. Home Page: http://ukoethe.github.io/vigra/", "path": "./salix/libraries/vigra-1.11.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "856 K", "ver": "0.13.0", "name": "cpp-netlib", "descs": "cpp-netlib (The C++ Network Library Project)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cpp-netlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "214 K", "descl": "cpp-netlib is a collection of network related routines geared towards providing a robust cross-platform networking library. cpp-netlib offers the following implementations: Common Message Type; Network protocol message parsers; Adapters and Wrappers, Network protocol client and server implementations. https://cpp-netlib.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/cpp-netlib-0.13.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "glktermw", "descs": "glktermw (library for textmode interactive fiction)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/glktermw", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Glk defines a portable API (programming interface) for applications with text UIs (user interfaces). It was primarily designed for interactive fiction, but it should be suitable for many interactive text utilities, particularly those based on a command line. glktermw is a curses (ncurses) implementation of the Glk API, with wide character (aka Unicode) support.", "path": "./salix/libraries/glktermw-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "6072 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "collada-dom", "descs": "collada-dom (C++ API to the COLLADA XML schema)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/collada-dom", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "boost", "libxml2", "pcre", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1518 K", "descl": "The COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) that provides a C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document. Contact a project admin to become a developer! http://collada-dom.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/collada-dom-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "cchardet", "descs": "cchardet (Universal character encoding detector)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cchardet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "This library is high speed universal character encoding detector. Homepage: https://github.com/PyYoshi/cChardet", "path": "./salix/libraries/cchardet-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.4.9", "name": "libp11", "descs": "libp11 (PKCS#11 wrapper library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libp11", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "libp11 is a library implementing a thin layer on top of PKCS#11 API to make using PKCS#11 implementations easier. Home-Page: https://github.com/OpenSC/libp11/wiki", "path": "./salix/libraries/libp11-0.4.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "gcab", "descs": "gcab (A GObject library to create cabinet files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gcab", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "A GObject library to create cabinet files. Homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/msitools/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gcab-0.6-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "0.0.7", "name": "libuchardet", "descs": "libuchardet (encoding detector library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libuchardet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "uchardet uchardet is a C language binding of the original C++ implementation of the universal charset detection library by Mozilla. uchardet is an encoding detector library, which takes a sequence of bytes in an unknown character encoding without any additional information, and attempts to determine the encoding of the text. Returned encoding names are iconv-compatible. Home page: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/uchardet/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libuchardet-0.0.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "16792 K", "ver": "4.44.61", "name": "fmodapi", "descs": "fmodapi (a cross platform audio library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fmodapi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4198 K", "descl": "Audio library, primarily intended for games, also known as FMODEX. Supports at least 12 platforms, including Linux, Windows, and OSX.", "path": "./salix/libraries/fmodapi-4.44.61-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1136 K", "ver": "4.3.0", "name": "libcoap", "descs": "libcoap (C-Implementation of CoAP)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcoap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "284 K", "descl": "libcoap implements a lightweight application-protocol for devices that are constrained in their resources such as computing power, RF range, memory, bandwith, or network packet sizes. This protocol, CoAP, was standardized in the IETF as RFC 7252. Homepage: https://libcoap.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcoap-4.3.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1068 K", "ver": "1.0.17", "name": "lksctp-tools", "descs": "lksctp-tools (Linux Kernel SCTP Tools)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lksctp-tools", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "267 K", "descl": "This is the lksctp-tools package for Linux Kernel SCTP Reference Implementation. This package is intended for two audiences. For SCTP application developers, this package provides the user-level C language header files and a library for accessing SCTP specific application programming interfaces not provided by the standard sockets. For LKSCTP project developers, this package provides the functional and API regression tests. Homepage: http://lksctp.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/lksctp-tools-1.0.17-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1616 K", "ver": "0.13.7", "name": "libtorrent", "descs": "libtorrent (C++ torrent library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtorrent", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "cppunit", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "404 K", "descl": "LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix with a focus on high performance and good code. Homepage: https://github.com/rakshasa/libtorrent", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtorrent-0.13.7-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "4.2", "name": "DateTime", "descs": "DateTime (DateTime data type)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/DateTime", "deps": ["zope.interface", "pytz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "This package provides a DateTime data type, as known from Zope 2. Unless you need to communicate with Zope 2 APIs, you're probably better off using Python's built-in datetime module. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/DateTime", "path": "./salix/libraries/DateTime-4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "7708 K", "ver": "7.7", "name": "wcslib", "descs": "wcslib (World Coordinate System for FITS)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wcslib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1927 K", "descl": "WCSLIB is a C library, supplied with a full set of Fortran wrappers, that implements the World Coordinate System (WCS) standard in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System). It also includes a PGPLOT-based routine, PGSBOX, for drawing general curvilinear coordinate graticules and a number of utility programs. Homepage: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/mcalabre/WCS/", "path": "./salix/libraries/wcslib-7.7-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "984 K", "ver": "249", "name": "grx", "descs": "grx (a 2D graphics C library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/grx", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "246 K", "descl": "GRX is a 2D graphics C library originaly written by Csaba Biegl for DJ Delorie's DOS port of the GCC compiler. homepage: http://grx.gnu.de/", "path": "./salix/libraries/grx-249-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.4.23", "name": "hoel", "descs": "hoel (Database abstraction library written in C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/hoel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "jansson", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orcania", "sqlite", "yder", "zlib", "ulfius"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Simple and easy to use database access library. Works with SQLite 3, MariaDB/Mysql and PostgreSQL databases. Uses a JSON-based language with jansson to execute simples queries based on one table.", "path": "./salix/libraries/hoel-1.4.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "4.6.6", "name": "libzrtpcpp", "descs": "libzrtpcpp (C++ implementation of Phil Zimmermann's ZRTP)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libzrtpcpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "ccrtp", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "ucommon"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "GNU ZRTP is a C++ implementation of Phil Zimmermann's ZRTP specification and is available under the GPL license. The complete GNU ZRTP implementation consists of two main parts, the GNU ZRTP core (independent from the OS and the RTP/SRTP implementation) and an RTP/SRTP implementation specific glue code. The current GNU ZRTP distribution contains glue code to bind GNU ZRTP to GNU ccRTP. Homepage: http://www.gnutelephony.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libzrtpcpp-4.6.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "14096 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "ocaml-camomile", "descs": "ocaml-camomile (Unicode library for OCaml)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ocaml-camomile", "deps": ["dune", "ocaml-findlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3524 K", "descl": "Camomile is a Unicode library for Objective Caml language. Camomile provides Unicode character type, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 strings, conversion to/from about 200 encodings, collation and locale-sensitive case mappings, and more. The library is currently designed for Unicode Standard 3.2. http://camomile.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ocaml-camomile-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1088 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "liborocos-kdl", "descs": "liborocos-kdl (Kinematics and Dynamics Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liborocos-kdl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "272 K", "descl": "It provides class libraries for geometrical objects, modelling and computation of kinematic chains (such as robots, computer-animated figures, machine tools, etc), their motion specification and interpolation. API documentation http://docs.ros.org/indigo/api/orocos_kdl/html/ http://www.orocos.org/kdl", "path": "./salix/libraries/liborocos-kdl-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.1.7", "name": "flatzebra", "descs": "flatzebra (small engine for 2D video games)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/flatzebra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libwebp", "libxcb", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This engine is used in several games by Pierre Sarrazin, including BurgerSpace, Afternoon Stalker, Cosmosmash, and Batrachians.", "path": "./salix/libraries/flatzebra-0.1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.1.10", "name": "setproctitle", "descs": "setproctitle (library to customize process title)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/setproctitle", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "The library allows a process to change its title (as displayed by system tools such as ps and top). Homepage: https://github.com/dvarrazzo/py-setproctitle", "path": "./salix/libraries/setproctitle-1.1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "656 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "libgta", "descs": "libgta (Generic Tagged Arrays Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgta", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "164 K", "descl": "The GTA project provides a Generic Tagged Arrays file format that - is very easy to use - can store any kind of multidimensional array data - allows generic manipulations of array data - allows conversion to and from other file formats This libgta package is an optional requirement for OpenSceneGraph.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgta-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "", "name": "backports-ssl-match-hostname", "descs": "backports-ssl-match-hostname (The ssl.match_hostname()", "source": "source/salix/libraries/backports-ssl-match-hostname", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "The Secure Sockets layer is only actually secure if you check the hostname in the certificate returned by the server to which you are connecting, and verify that it matches to hostname that you are trying to reach. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/brandon/backports.ssl_match_hostname", "path": "./salix/libraries/backports-ssl-match-hostname-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2904 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "avr-libc", "descs": "avr-libc (C library for programming on the AVR platform)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/avr-libc", "deps": ["avr-gcc"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "726 K", "descl": "This package contains a high quality C library for use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers.", "path": "./salix/libraries/avr-libc-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1268 K", "ver": "0.15.1", "name": "wlroots", "descs": "wlroots (wayland compositor library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/wlroots", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "elogind", "expat", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libdrm", "libevdev", "libglvnd", "libgudev", "libinput", "libwacom", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "mesa", "mtdev", "pixman", "seatd", "wayland", "xcb-util-renderutil", "xcb-util-wm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "317 K", "descl": "Wlroots is a modular wayland compositor library. Home: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wlroots/wlroots/", "path": "./salix/libraries/wlroots-0.15.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.2.7", "name": "libg15", "descs": "libg15 (G11 and G15 keyboard/ Z10 speaker library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libg15", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "The libg15 library gives applications low-level access to the G15 and G11 keyboards and the Z10 speakers. G15Daemon requires it to be installed. It uses libusb for access to the usb bus. http://sourceforge.net/projects/g15tools/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libg15-1.2.7-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "libicns", "descs": "libicns (library for manipulating MacOS X .icns icon format)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libicns", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "jasper", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "libicns currently provides support for reading and writing icns files in most sizes. Also provides some utilities for manipulating files in the .icns format: icns2png icontainer2icns png2icns", "path": "./salix/libraries/libicns-0.8.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "", "name": "php-memcache", "descs": "php-memcache (Memcached bindings for PHP)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/php-memcache", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "This extension enables PHP to work with memcached. Homepage: http://php.net/manual/en/book.memcache.php", "path": "./salix/libraries/php-memcache-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.4.24", "name": "zfec", "descs": "zfec (fast erasure codec)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zfec", "deps": ["python2", "darcsver", "pyutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "Fast, portable, programmable erasure coding a.k.a. 'forward error correction': the generation of redundant blocks of information such that if some blocks are lost then the original data can be recovered from the remaining blocks. The zfec package includes command-line tools, C API, Python API, and Haskell API Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zfec", "path": "./salix/libraries/zfec-1.4.24-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.17.1", "name": "libeditline", "descs": "libeditline (Line editing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libeditline", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "This is a line-editing library. It can be linked into almost any program to provide command-line editing and recall. It is call-compatible with a subset of the FSF readline library, but it is a fraction of the size (and offers fewer features). This package contains the runtime library only. Homepage: https://troglobit.com/projects/editline/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libeditline-1.17.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2312 K", "ver": "20190104", "name": "libfvde", "descs": "libfvde (libYAL FvDE volume library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfvde", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "578 K", "descl": "Library to access FileVault Drive Encryption (FVDE) (or FileVault2) encrypted volumes. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libfvde", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfvde-20190104-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2336 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "GitPython", "descs": "GitPython (Python Git Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/GitPython", "deps": ["gitdb2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "584 K", "descl": "GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. GitPython provides object model read and write access to your git repository. Access repository information conveniently, alter the index directly, handle remotes, or go down to low-level object database access with big-files support. Homepage: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython", "path": "./salix/libraries/GitPython-3.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1504 K", "ver": "3.7.19", "name": "afflib", "descs": "afflib (Advanced Forensic Format support library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/afflib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "376 K", "descl": "afflib is library and set of tools used in support of the Advanced Forensic Format (AFF). (AFF) is on-disk format for storing computer forensic information. Homepage: https://github.com/sshock/AFFLIBv3", "path": "./salix/libraries/afflib-3.7.19-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4996 K", "ver": "20201210_eb6801f", "name": "cpprestsdk", "descs": "cpprestsdk (client-server using a modern asynchronous C++ API design)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cpprestsdk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "icu4c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1249 K", "descl": "The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services. Homepage: https://github.com/Microsoft/cpprestsdk", "path": "./salix/libraries/cpprestsdk-20201210_eb6801f-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "1.13.2", "name": "cffi", "descs": "cffi (Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cffi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "python2", "pycparser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code. The aim of this project is to provide a convenient and reliable way of calling C code from Python. Homepage: http://cffi.readthedocs.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/cffi-1.13.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "libmusicbrainz3", "descs": "libmusicbrainz3 (MusicBrainz 3 Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmusicbrainz3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], "e2fsprogs", "expat", "libdiscid", "libproxy", "neon", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "The libmusicbrainz (also known as mb_client or MusicBrainz Client Library) is a development library geared towards developers who wish to add MusicBrainz lookup capabilities to their applications. Homepage: http://musicbrainz.org/doc/libmusicbrainz", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmusicbrainz3-3.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "612 K", "ver": "0.37", "name": "web.py", "descs": "web.py (Web Framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/web.py", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153 K", "descl": "web.py is a web framework for Python that is as simple as it is powerful. web.py is in the public domain; you can use it for whatever purpose with absolutely no restrictions. Homepage: http://webpy.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/web.py-0.37-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "1.9.8", "name": "bwidget", "descs": "bwidget (A suite of megawidgets for Tk)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/bwidget", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "The BWidget Toolkit is a high-level Widget Set for Tcl/Tk built using native Tcl/Tk 8.x namespaces. The BWidgets have a professional look and feel as in other well known Toolkits (Tix or IncrWidgets), but the concept is radically different because everything is pure Tcl/Tk. No platform dependencies, and no compiling required. The code is 100% Pure Tcl/Tk.", "path": "./salix/libraries/bwidget-1.9.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4060 K", "ver": "1.7.4", "name": "opendht", "descs": "opendht (A C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementation)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/opendht", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "argon2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "jsoncpp", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "msgpack-c"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1015 K", "descl": "OpenDHT is a C++11 Kademlia distributed hash table implementation. Homepage: https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht/", "path": "./salix/libraries/opendht-1.7.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "lxqt-notificationd", "descs": "lxqt-notificationd (LXQt notification daemon and library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lxqt-notificationd", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "kwindowsystem", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "liblxqt", "libqtxdg", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "lxqt-notificationd is LXQt's implementation of a daemon according to the Desktop Notifications Specification.", "path": "./salix/libraries/lxqt-notificationd-1.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "7828 K", "ver": "0.4.8", "name": "libsmi", "descs": "libsmi (A Library to Access SMI MIB Information)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libsmi", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1957 K", "descl": "This software comprises : - a library to parse and maintain MIB and PIB modules, - a set of tools based on the library to check, convert, and compare MIB and PIB modules. - a collection of all published IETF and IANA Standards Track MIB and PIB modules and some more. Homepage: http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/libsmi/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libsmi-0.4.8-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "0.6.6", "name": "slv2", "descs": "slv2 (LV2 Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/slv2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "celt", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mhash", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "raptor", "rasqal", "redland", "util-linux", "zlib", "lv2"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "SLV2 is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using LV2 Plugins as simple as possible (without sacrificing capabilities). Homepage: http://wiki.drobilla.net/SLV2", "path": "./salix/libraries/slv2-0.6.6-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "564 K", "ver": "2.2.6", "name": "libdc1394", "descs": "libdc1394 (1394-Based Digital Camera Control Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdc1394", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "libraw1394"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "141 K", "descl": "libdc1394 is a library that provides a complete high level application programming interface (API) for developers who wish to control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specifications (also known as the IIDC or DCAM Specifications). Homepage: http://damien.douxchamps.net/ieee1394/libdc1394/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdc1394-2.2.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "liblinebreak", "descs": "liblinebreak (a line breaking library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblinebreak", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "liblinebreak is an implementation of the line breaking algorithm as described in Unicode 5.2.0 Standard Annex 14. Homepage: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblinebreak-2.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "libraqm", "descs": "libraqm (text layout library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libraqm", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "fribidi", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Raqm is a small library that encapsulates the logic for complex text layout and provides a convenient API. It currently provides bidirectional text support (using FriBiDi), shaping (using HarfBuzz), and proper script itemization. As a result, Raqm can support most writing systems covered by Unicode.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libraqm-0.5.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2908 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "rrdtool", "descs": "rrdtool (RRDTool Logging and Graphing)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rrdtool", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libdbi", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "ruby", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "727 K", "descl": "RRD is the acronym for Round Robin Database. It is a system to store and display time-series data (i.e. network bandwidth, machine-room temperature, server load average). Homepage: https://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/", "path": "./salix/libraries/rrdtool-1.8.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2324 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "cln", "descs": "cln (class library for numbers)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cln", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "581 K", "descl": "CLN is a library for computations with all kinds of numbers. It has a rich set of number classes, including integers (with unlimited precision), reals with various precisions (including unlimited), rationals, complex numbers and polynomials. The kernel is written in assembly language. It uses garbage collection (automatic, without imposing any burden on the main application). Many efficient algorithms (i.e. for all transcendental functions) are implemented. Check out more at: http://www.ginac.de/CLN/", "path": "./salix/libraries/cln-1.3.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "0.30.4", "name": "serd", "descs": "serd (Lightweight RDF syntax library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/serd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "Serd is a lightweight C library for RDF syntax which supports reading and writing Turtle and NTriples. Homepage: http://drobilla.net/software/serd/", "path": "./salix/libraries/serd-0.30.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2212 K", "ver": "2.9.1", "name": "zint", "descs": "zint (Zint Barcode Generator)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zint", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "553 K", "descl": "Encodes data into any of the following: Australia Post barcode, Aztec Code, Aztec Runes, Channel Code, Codabar, Codablock-F, Code 11, Code 128, Code 16K, Code 2 of 5 (Including IATA, Datalogic, ITF14, Deutsche Post Leitcode and Identcode), Code 32 (Italian Pharmacode), Code 39, Code 39+, Code 49, Code 93, Code One, Data Matrix (ECC200), DotCode, Dutch Post KIX, EAN, Grid Matrix, GS-1 DataBar, Han Xin Code, HIBC, Japan Post, Korea Post, LOGMARS, MaxiCode, MSI, PDF417 and Micro PDF417, Pharmacode, POSTNET, PLANET, QR Code and Micro QR, Royal Mail 4-state (RM4SCC) and Mailmark, Telepen, UPC-A and many more.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zint-2.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "860 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "ctemplate", "descs": "ctemplate (template language for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ctemplate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "215 K", "descl": "CTemplate is a simple but powerful template language for C++. It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is not possible to embed application logic in this template language. Homepage: https://github.com/OlafvdSpek/ctemplate", "path": "./salix/libraries/ctemplate-2.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "20160705", "name": "crossguid", "descs": "crossguid (Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/crossguid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "CrossGuid is a minimal, cross platform, C++ GUID library. It uses the best native GUID/UUID generator on the given platform and had a generic class for parsing, stringifying, and comparing IDs. Homepage: https://github.com/graeme-hill/crossguid", "path": "./salix/libraries/crossguid-20160705-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "musicbrainzngs", "descs": "musicbrainzngs (Python bindings for musicbrainz NGS webservice)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/musicbrainzngs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "Musicbrainz NGS bindings This library implements webservice bindings for the Musicbrainz NGS site, also known as /ws/2. Homeproject : https://github.com/alastair/python-musicbrainzngs", "path": "./salix/libraries/musicbrainzngs-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4304 K", "ver": "5.0.19", "name": "libdbh2", "descs": "libdbh2 (Disk Based Hashtable)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdbh2", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1076 K", "descl": "GNU Libdbh is a small library to create and manage 64-bit disk based hash tables. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/libdbh/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdbh2-5.0.19-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "2.2.28", "name": "udunits", "descs": "udunits (Unidata unit conversion library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/udunits", "deps": ["expat"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "The UDUNITS package supports units of physical quantities. Its C library provides for arithmetic manipulation of units and for conversion of numeric values between compatible units. The package contains an extensive unit database, which is in XML format and user-extendable. The package also contains a command-line utility for investigating units and converting values.", "path": "./salix/libraries/udunits-2.2.28-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "fpconst", "descs": "fpconst (Utilities for IEEE 754 floating point special values)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fpconst", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Utilities for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values. This python module implements constants and functions for working with IEEE754 double-precision special values. It provides constants for Not-a-Number (NaN), Positive Infinity (PosInf), and Negative Infinity (NegInf), as well as functions to test for these values. Homepage: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/fpconst/", "path": "./salix/libraries/fpconst-0.7.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "libversion", "descs": "libversion (advanced version string comparison library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libversion", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "libversion is an advanced version string comparison library used by the Repology project. It is capable of comparing version strings even if they are written in different formats.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libversion-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1576 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "sdformat", "descs": "sdformat (XML format)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/sdformat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "icu4c", "ignition-math2", "tinyxml", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "394 K", "descl": "SDF is an XML format that describes objects and environments for robot simulators, visualization, and control. Over the years, SDF has become a stable, robust, and extensible format capable of describing all aspects of robots, static and dynamic objects, lighting, terrain, and even physics. http://sdformatsim.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/sdformat-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.0.22", "name": "ipaddress", "descs": "ipaddress (IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ipaddress", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Port of the Python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6 and 2.7 Homepage: https://github.com/phihag/ipaddress", "path": "./salix/libraries/ipaddress-1.0.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1992 K", "ver": "20210625", "name": "libcreg", "descs": "libcreg (libYAL CREG library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcreg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "498 K", "descl": "Library to access the Windows 9x/Me Registry File CREG format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libcreg", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcreg-20210625-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "20170312", "name": "secp256k1", "descs": "secp256k1 (Elliptic Curve Library for libbitcoin)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/secp256k1", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1. Project URL: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1/", "path": "./salix/libraries/secp256k1-20170312-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "adns", "descs": "adns (asynchronous DNS client library and utilities)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/adns", "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "GNU adns is a C library that provides easy-to-use DNS resolution functionality. The library is asynchronous, allowing several concurrent calls. The package also includes several command-line utilities for use in scripts. The library is written by Ian Jackson. This is an official GNU package. It's homepage is http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ian/adns", "path": "./salix/libraries/adns-1.6.0-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "13788 K", "ver": "1.18.0", "name": "botocore", "descs": "botocore (Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/botocore", "deps": ["python3-dateutil", "jmespath", "bcdoc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3447 K", "descl": "A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services. The botocore package is the foundation for AWS-CLI. Homepage: https://github.com/boto/botocore", "path": "./salix/libraries/botocore-1.18.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "futures", "descs": "futures (Backport of the concurrent.futures package)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/futures", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This is a backport of the concurrent.futures standard library module to python 2. Homepage: https://github.com/agronholm/pythonfutures", "path": "./salix/libraries/futures-3.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "3.0.6", "name": "libmodbus", "descs": "libmodbus (a fast and portable Modbus library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmodbus", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "libmodbus is a free software library to send/receive data according to the Modbus protocol. This library is written in C and supports RTU (serial) and TCP (Ethernet) communications. Homepage: http://www.libmodbus.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmodbus-3.0.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "ftgl", "descs": "ftgl (font rendering library for OpenGL applications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ftgl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "FTGL is a free, open source library to enable developers to use arbitrary fonts in their OpenGL (www.opengl.org) applications. Unlike other OpenGL font libraries FTGL uses standard font file formats so doesn't need a preprocessing step to convert the high quality font data into a lesser quality, proprietary format. FTGL uses the Freetype (www.freetype.org) font library to open and 'decode' the fonts. It then takes that output and stores it in a format most efficient for OpenGL rendering. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ftgl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ftgl-2.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5784 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "DevIL", "descs": "DevIL (image library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/DevIL", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "jasper", "lcms2", "libwebp", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "1446 K", "descl": "Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's library to develop applications with very powerful image loading capabilities, yet is easy for a developer to learn and use. Ultimate control of images is left to the developer, so unnecessary conversions, etc. are not performed. DevIL utilizes a simple, yet powerful, syntax. DevIL can load, save, convert, manipulate, filter and display a wide variety of image formats. http://openil.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/DevIL-1.8.0-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "tclap", "descs": "tclap (library for defining and accessing command line arguments)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tclap", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "TCLAP is a small templatized library that provides a simple interface for defining and accessing command line arguments. It was initially inspired by the user friendly CLAP libary. Homepage: http://tclap.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/tclap-1.2.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "556 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "dcadec", "descs": "dcadec (DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/dcadec", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "139 K", "descl": "dcadec is a free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder with support for HD extensions. Homepage: https://github.com/foo86/dcadec", "path": "./salix/libraries/dcadec-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3460 K", "ver": "2.24.5", "name": "libgnomeui", "descs": "libgnomeui (User interface library needed for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgnomeui", "deps": ["GConf", "ORBit2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libbonobo", "libbonoboui", "libcanberra", "libgcrypt", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libgnome", "libgnome-keyring", "libgnomecanvas", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "865 K", "descl": "User interface library needed for GNOME.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgnomeui-2.24.5-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "xcb-util-xrm", "descs": "xcb-util-xrm (XCB utility functions for the X resource manager)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xcb-util-xrm", "deps": ["libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "xcb-util"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "XCB util-xrm module provides the following libraries: - xrm: utility functions for the X resource manager https://github.com/Airblader/xcb-util-xrm", "path": "./salix/libraries/xcb-util-xrm-1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "0.8.18", "name": "libcompizconfig", "descs": "libcompizconfig (A configuration library for Compiz Fusion)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcompizconfig", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "protobuf3", "zlib", "compiz-bcop"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "CompizConfig is an alternative configuration system for Compiz Fusion.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcompizconfig-0.8.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4992 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "libopenshot-audio", "descs": "libopenshot-audio (OpenShot Audio library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libopenshot-audio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1248 K", "descl": "OpenShot Audio Library (libopenshot-audio) is a program that allows the high-quality editing and playback of audio, and is based on the amazing JUCE library. For more information visit .", "path": "./salix/libraries/libopenshot-audio-0.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "libfixposix", "descs": "libfixposix (Thin wrapper over POSIX syscalls)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfixposix", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The puspose of the libfixposix is to offer replacements for parts of POSIX whose behavior is inconsistent across *NIX flavours. It's required by 'iolib' common-lisp library. Homepage: https://github.com/sionescu/libfixposix", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfixposix-0.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "816 K", "ver": "0.2.3+c28cc3b", "name": "libwfut", "descs": "libwfut (updates library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libwfut", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libsigc++", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "204 K", "descl": "libwfut is a C++ client side implementation of the WorldForge WFUT application. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/libwfut/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libwfut-0.2.3+c28cc3b-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1216 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "process-cpp", "descs": "process-cpp (C++11 library for handling processes)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/process-cpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "zlib", "properties-cpp"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "304 K", "descl": "A simple convenience library for handling processes in C++11. HOMEPAGE: https://launchpad.net/process-cpp", "path": "./salix/libraries/process-cpp-3.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "732 K", "ver": "1.16.5", "name": "spglib", "descs": "spglib (software library for crystal symmetry search)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/spglib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "183 K", "descl": "Spglib is a library for finding and handling crystal symmetries written in C Homepage: https://spglib.github.io/spglib/", "path": "./salix/libraries/spglib-1.16.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "572 K", "ver": "2.7.9", "name": "ulfius", "descs": "ulfius (HTTP Framework for REST Applications in C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ulfius", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "jansson", "libmicrohttpd", "libunistring", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orcania", "p11-kit", "yder", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "143 K", "descl": "HTTP Framework for REST Applications in C. Based on GNU Libmicrohttpd for the backend web server, Jansson for the json manipulation library, and Libcurl for the http/smtp client API. Used to facilitate creation of web applications in C programs with a small memory footprint, as in embedded systems applications. You can create webservices in HTTP or HTTPS mode, stream data, or implement server websockets.", "path": "./salix/libraries/ulfius-2.7.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "5576 K", "ver": "3.1.6", "name": "PyOpenGL", "descs": "PyOpenGL (Python binding to OpenGL)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/PyOpenGL", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1394 K", "descl": "PyOpenGL is the cross platform Python binding to OpenGL and related APIs. The binding is created using the standard (in Python 2.5 and above) ctypes library, and is provided under an extremely liberal BSD-style Open-Source license.", "path": "./salix/libraries/PyOpenGL-3.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "8.22", "name": "libcitadel", "descs": "libcitadel (Citadel library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcitadel", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "libcitadel contains common code which is shared across all of the components which make up the Citadel system. Its installation is mandatory. Please install it first. (If you are using pre-built packages, or the Easy Install system, this library will be brought in for you automatically.)", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcitadel-8.22-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "17808 K", "ver": "5.4.0", "name": "hyperscan", "descs": "hyperscan (regex matching library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/hyperscan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "ragel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4452 K", "descl": "Hyperscan is a high-performance multiple regex matching library. It follows the regular expression syntax of the commonly-used PCRE library, yet functions as a standalone library with its own API written in C. Homepage: https://www.hyperscan.io/", "path": "./salix/libraries/hyperscan-5.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1488 K", "ver": "5.14", "name": "adodb", "descs": "adodb (PHP database abstraction library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/adodb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "372 K", "descl": "ADOdb is a database abstraction library for PHP. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, Informix, Oracle, MS SQL, Foxpro, Access, ADO, Sybase, FrontBase, DB2, SAP DB, SQLite, Netezza, LDAP, and generic ODBC, ODBTP. Homepage: http://adodb.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/adodb-5.14-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "1.43.0_0", "name": "lua-luv", "descs": "lua-luv (libuv bindings for lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-luv", "deps": ["libuv", "luajit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "This library makes libuv available to lua scripts.", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-luv-1.43.0_0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "0.5.6", "name": "liblscp", "descs": "liblscp (LinuxSampler Control Protocol library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/liblscp", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "liblscp is an implementation of the LinuxSampler control protocol, proposed as a C language API. Homepage: http://www.linuxsampler.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/liblscp-0.5.6-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "libvterm", "descs": "libvterm (terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvterm", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvterm-0.1.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "libasr", "descs": "libasr (ASyncronous Resolver library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libasr", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "libasr is asynchronous resolver library which can be used in place of the resolver functions of libc when blocking is not desirable. https://github.com/OpenSMTPD/libasr", "path": "./salix/libraries/libasr-1.0.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "692 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "muParser", "descs": "muParser (A math parser library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/muParser", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "173 K", "descl": "muParser is an extensible high performance math expression parser library written in C++. It works by transforming a mathematical expression into bytecode and precalculating constant parts of the expression. Home: http://beltoforion.de/article.php?a=muparser", "path": "./salix/libraries/muParser-2.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.1a1", "name": "SlowAES", "descs": "SlowAES (AES in Pure Scripting)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/SlowAES", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "SlowAES is an implementations of AES in pure scripting languages. Project URL: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/slowaes/", "path": "./salix/libraries/SlowAES-0.1a1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3368 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "podofo", "descs": "podofo (a library to work with the PDF file format)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/podofo", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "lua", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "842 K", "descl": "The name comes from the first letter of PDF (Portable Document Format) The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file (for example, the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Homepage: http://podofo.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/podofo-0.9.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "5.0.15", "name": "libtubo0", "descs": "libtubo0 (Libtubo Interprocess Communication)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtubo0", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Libtubo Interprocess Communication is small and simple function set to enable a process to run any other process in the background and communicate via the stdout, stderr and stdin file descriptors. Homepage: http://xffm.org/libtubo.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtubo0-5.0.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "748 K", "ver": "9.23", "name": "stormlib", "descs": "stormlib (Library to handle MPQ)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/stormlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "187 K", "descl": "StomLib is an open-source library that can work with Blizzard MPQ archives.", "path": "./salix/libraries/stormlib-9.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.20", "name": "libscrypt", "descs": "libscrypt (shared library that implements scrypt()", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libscrypt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "The scrypt key derivation function was originally developed for use in the Tarsnap online backup system and is designed to be far more secure against hardware brute-force attacks than alternative functions such as PBKDF2 or bcrypt. Homepage: https://github.com/technion/libscrypt", "path": "./salix/libraries/libscrypt-1.20-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1024 K", "ver": "0.8.3", "name": "tDOM", "descs": "tDOM (XML parsing and generation for TCL)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tDOM", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "256 K", "descl": "tDOM combines high performance XML data processing with easy and powerful Tcl scripting functionality. tDOM should be one of the fastest ways to manipulate XML with a scripting language and uses very little memory in the process (for example the DOM tree of the XML recommendation in XML (160K) needs only about 450K in memory)! The tDOM project was started by Jochen Lower. It is currently maintained by Rolf Ade.", "path": "./salix/libraries/tDOM-0.8.3-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1096 K", "ver": "0.32", "name": "libowfat", "descs": "libowfat (a reimplemented libdjb under GPLv2)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libowfat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "274 K", "descl": "libowfat is a library of general purpose APIs extracted from Dan Bernstein's software, reimplemented and covered by the GNU General Public License Version 2 (no later versions). Originally written by Felix von Leitner, the latest version is available via anonymous CVS: $ cvs -d :pserver:cvs@cvs.fefe.de:/cvs -z9 co libowfat Homepage: http://www.fefe.de/libowfat/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libowfat-0.32-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1108 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "nini", "descs": "nini (.NET configuration library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/nini", "deps": ["mono"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "277 K", "descl": "Nini is an .NET configuration library which designed to help build highly configurable applications quickly. Nini provides a solution that attempts to eliminate the above problems. It provides a large feature set that gives you functionality that you will use in every phase of your project, from concept to mature product. This is accomplished through a simple, yet flexible, API that provides an abstraction over the underlying configuration sources. The website of nini is http://nini.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/nini-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "lua-filesystem", "descs": "lua-filesystem (lua filesystem library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-filesystem", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of functions related to filesystems offered by the standard Lua distribution. LuaFileSystem offers a portable way to access the underlying directory structure and file attributes. homepage: http://keplerproject.github.com/luafilesystem/", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-filesystem-1.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "9504 K", "ver": "2020.3.13", "name": "SimGear", "descs": "SimGear (a set of open-source 3d simulation libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/SimGear", "deps": ["OpenSceneGraph", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", "openal-soft", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "plib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2376 K", "descl": "SimGear is a set of open-source libraries designed to be used as building blocks for quickly assembling 3d simulations, games, and visualization applications. homepage: http://wiki.flightgear.org/SimGear", "path": "./salix/libraries/SimGear-2020.3.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "306576 K", "ver": "13.2.4", "name": "ogre", "descs": "ogre (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ogre", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "76644 K", "descl": "OGRE is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware-accelerated 3D graphics. Homepage: https://www.ogre3d.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ogre-13.2.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1792 K", "ver": "1.5.18", "name": "libdsk", "descs": "libdsk (library for accessing discs)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdsk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "448 K", "descl": "LIBDSK is a library for accessing discs and disc image files. Homepage: http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/Unix/LibDsk", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdsk-1.5.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "688 K", "ver": "3.10.5", "name": "nlohmann_json", "descs": "nlohmann_json (JSON for Modern C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/nlohmann_json", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "172 K", "descl": "nlohmann_json is a JSON library for modern C++ and was designed with three goals in mind: Intuitive syntax, Trivial integration, and Serious testing.", "path": "./salix/libraries/nlohmann_json-3.10.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "2010.03.22", "name": "PyODE", "descs": "PyODE (object-orientated Python-ODE bindings)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/PyODE", "deps": ["ode"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "PyODE is a set of open-source Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine, an open-source physics engine. PyODE also includes an XODE parser. Like ODE, PyODE may be distributed under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License or a BSD-style license. Homepage: http://pyode.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/PyODE-2010.03.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.0.2", "name": "libzmf", "descs": "libzmf (Zoner Callisto/Draw documents parser library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libzmf", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "libzmf is a library and a set of tools for reading and converting Zoner Draw and Zebra file formats. Homepage: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/DLP/Libraries/libzmf", "path": "./salix/libraries/libzmf-0.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3108 K", "ver": "1.26", "name": "flickcurl", "descs": "flickcurl (Flickr API library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/flickcurl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "777 K", "descl": "Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API. Homepage: http://librdf.org/flickcurl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/flickcurl-1.26-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2756 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "libgme", "descs": "libgme (a video game music library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgme", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "gcc", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "689 K", "descl": "libgme/game-music-emu is a library that handles processing of multiple video game music formats. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/wiki/Home", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgme-0.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "gflags", "descs": "gflags (C++ library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gflags", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "The gflags package contains a C++ library that implements commandline flags processing. It includes built-in support for standard types such as string and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they are used. Online documentation available at: https://gflags.github.io/gflags/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gflags-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1340 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "uriparser", "descs": "uriparser (URI parsing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/uriparser", "deps": ["graphviz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "335 K", "descl": "uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library written in C. uriparser is cross-platform, fast, supports Unicode and is licensed under the New BSD license. homepage: https://uriparser.github.io", "path": "./salix/libraries/uriparser-0.9.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "compface", "descs": "compface (48x48x1 image compression and decompression)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/compface", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Compface converts 48x48x1 images to and from a compressed format. The purpose is to allow the inclusion of face images within mail headers using the field name 'X-face:'. It uses the library that can be used to allow the compression and decompression algorithms to be used in other programs such as mail dispatchers and mail notification daemons.", "path": "./salix/libraries/compface-1.5.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4692 K", "ver": "8.0.29", "name": "mysql-connector-c++", "descs": "mysql-connector-c++ (MySQL Connector in C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mysql-connector-c++", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1173 K", "descl": "mysql-connector-c++ is the official c++ driver for MySQL. Website: http://www.mysql.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "Pykka", "descs": "Pykka (A Python implementation of the actor model)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Pykka", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Pykka is a Python implementation of the actor model. The actor model introduces some simple rules to control the sharing of state and cooperation between execution units, which makes it it easier to build concurrent applications. Homepage: http://www.pykka.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/Pykka-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "896 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "mujs", "descs": "mujs (javascript interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mujs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "224 K", "descl": "MuJS is a lightweight Javascript interpreter designed for embedding in other software to extend them with scripting capabilities. It is written in portable C and implements ECMAScript as specified by ECMA-262. Why? Because V8, SpiderMonkey and JavaScriptCore are all too big and complex. MuJS's focus is on small size, correctness and simplicity.", "path": "./salix/libraries/mujs-1.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "physfs", "descs": "physfs (library to provide abstract access to various archives)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/physfs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "It is intended for use in video games, and the design was somewhat inspired by Quake 3's file subsystem. Homepage: http://icculus.org/physfs/", "path": "./salix/libraries/physfs-3.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3752 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "fcl", "descs": "fcl (collision library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fcl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libccd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "938 K", "descl": "Flexible Collision Library is used to perform three main types of proximity queries on a pair of geometric models composed of triangles. https://github.com/flexible-collision-library/fcl", "path": "./salix/libraries/fcl-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "3.6.0", "name": "google-fruit", "descs": "google-fruit (dependency injection framework for C++)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/google-fruit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "Fruit is a dependency injection framework for C++, loosely inspired by the Guice framework for Java. It uses C++ metaprogramming together with some new C++11 features to detect most injection problems at compile-time. https://github.com/google/fruit", "path": "./salix/libraries/google-fruit-3.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "git20130818", "name": "nspluginwrapper", "descs": "nspluginwrapper (proxy plugin)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/nspluginwrapper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "nspluginwrapper is a proxy plug-in and viewer for NPAPI browser plug-ins. It allows browsers to run foreign plug-ins built for a different architecture, most commonly to run a 32-bit plug-in in a 64-bit browser. Homepage: http://nspluginwrapper.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/nspluginwrapper-git20130818-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "944 K", "ver": "0.1.5", "name": "fifechan", "descs": "fifechan (C++ GUI library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fifechan", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "zlib", "allegro4"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "236 K", "descl": "Fifechan is a lightweight cross platform GUI library written in C++ specifically designed for games. Homepage: http://fifengine.github.io/fifechan/", "path": "./salix/libraries/fifechan-0.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "ignition-math2", "descs": "ignition-math2 (small, fast, and high performance math library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ignition-math2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "A small, fast, and high performance math library. This library is a self-contained set of classes and functions suitable for robot applications.", "path": "./salix/libraries/ignition-math2-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.19", "name": "jbig2dec", "descs": "jbig2dec (a JBIG2 decoder)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/jbig2dec", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "jbig2dec is a decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format. JBIG2 is designed for lossy or lossless encoding of 'bilevel' (1-bit monochrome) images at moderately high resolution, and in particular scanned paper documents. In this domain it is very efficient, offering compression ratios on the order of 100:1.", "path": "./salix/libraries/jbig2dec-0.19-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3212 K", "ver": "20191108_9084868", "name": "libmp4v2", "descs": "libmp4v2 (library to read, create, and modify mp4 files)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmp4v2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "803 K", "descl": "This library provides functions to read, create, and modify mp4 files. This is a standalone version of mp4v2 library. It is derived from the mpeg4ip source tree, but for licensing reasons it has been adapted to this form. Homepage: https://github.com/sergiomb2/libmp4v2", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmp4v2-20191108_9084868-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4656 K", "ver": "1.4.19", "name": "xapian-bindings", "descs": "xapian-bindings (SWIG and JNI bindings for Xapian)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xapian-bindings", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "util-linux", "xapian-core", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "1164 K", "descl": "SWIG and JNI bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various other programming languages http://www.xapian.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/xapian-bindings-1.4.19-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "lunatic-python", "descs": "lunatic-python (bridge between Python and Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lunatic-python", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "lua", "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Lunatic Python is a two-way bridge between Python and Lua, allowing these languages to intercommunicate. Being two-way means that it allows Lua inside Python, Python inside Lua, Lua inside Python inside Lua, Python inside Lua inside Python, and so on. Homepage: http://labix.org/lunatic-python", "path": "./salix/libraries/lunatic-python-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "9512 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "qml-material", "descs": "qml-material (Material Design implemented in QtQuick)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qml-material", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2378 K", "descl": "This is a library of QML widgets implementing Google's Material Design. It is completely cross platform, and runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows. It may also run on iOS and Android, though those platforms have not been tested and are not currently officially supported.", "path": "./salix/libraries/qml-material-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1160 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "libdbi-drivers", "descs": "libdbi-drivers (Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdbi-drivers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "libdbi", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "290 K", "descl": "The libdbi-drivers project maintains drivers for the libdbi database abstraction layer written in C. Drivers are distributed seperately from the library itself. Homepage: http://libdbi-drivers.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "5.15.3", "name": "python3-PyQtWebEngine", "descs": "python3-PyQtWebEngine (Python3 QtWebEngine Bindings)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/python3-PyQtWebEngine", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "PyQtWebEngine is a set of Python bindings for The Qt Company's Qt WebEngine libraries. The bindings sit on top of PyQt5 and are implemented as a set of three modules. Prior to v5.12 these bindings were part of PyQt itself.", "path": "./salix/libraries/python3-PyQtWebEngine-5.15.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "lua-std._debug", "descs": "lua-std._debug (Debug Hints Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-std._debug", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Manage an overall debug state, and associated hint substates. Homepage: https://lua-stdlib.github.io/_debug/", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-std._debug-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "smpeg2", "descs": "smpeg2 (MP3 support for SDL2_mixer)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/smpeg2", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "smpeg2 provides MP3 decoding support for SDL_mixer. It comes with an example mplaympeg which will play mp3 files https://www.libsdl.org/projects/smpeg/", "path": "./salix/libraries/smpeg2-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2812 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "mxml", "descs": "mxml (Lightweight xml parsing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mxml", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "703 K", "descl": "Mini-XML is a small XML parsing library that you can use to read XML and XML-like data files in your application without requiring large non-standard libraries. Homepage: http://www.minixml.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/mxml-3.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1516 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "libtpms", "descs": "libtpms (library for emulating TPM 1.2 and 2.0)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtpms", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "379 K", "descl": "libtpms is a library that provides software emulation of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0). Author: Kenneth Goldman Maintainer: Stefan Berger Homepage: https://github.com/stefanberger/libtpms", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtpms-0.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "async", "descs": "async (Async Framework)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/async", "deps": ["nose"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Async is a framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers. Homepage: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/async", "path": "./salix/libraries/async-0.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "656 K", "ver": "2.0.7", "name": "log4net", "descs": "log4net (log tool for mono)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/log4net", "deps": ["mono"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "164 K", "descl": "log4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. log4net is a port of the excellent log4j framework to the .NET runtime. The framework was kept similar in spirit to the original log4j while taking advantage of new features in the .NET runtime. The website of log4net is http://logging.apache.org/log4net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/log4net-2.0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "libircclient", "descs": "libircclient (a small client-server IRC protocol library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libircclient", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "libircclient is a small but powerful library, which implements client-server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible to RFC standards, and most IRC clients.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libircclient-1.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "4652 K", "ver": "4.3.4", "name": "zeromq", "descs": "zeromq (lightweight messaging kernel library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/zeromq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libbsd", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1163 K", "descl": "Zeromq lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products. 0MQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and more.", "path": "./salix/libraries/zeromq-4.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "11.1.11", "name": "xlt", "descs": "xlt (the libXlt library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xlt", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "The Xlt widget set is a group of larger and smaller utility widgets, authored by Rick Scott unless stated otherwise. In addition the Xlt library also suppplied a couple of convenience functions (and macros) to help with certain tasks while programming with the Motif API.", "path": "./salix/libraries/xlt-11.1.11-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3096 K", "ver": "0.0.7", "name": "libstaroffice", "descs": "libstaroffice (StarOffice binary formats import library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libstaroffice", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "774 K", "descl": "The purpose of libstaroffice is to build a filter for old StarOffice documents (.sdc, .sdw, ...) based on librevenge. Homepage: https://github.com/fosnola/libstaroffice", "path": "./salix/libraries/libstaroffice-0.0.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "cyrus-sasl-xoauth2", "descs": "cyrus-sasl-xoauth2 (Cyrus SASL XOAUTH2 Plugin)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cyrus-sasl-xoauth2", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This plugin is for the Cyrus SASL library for implementation of the XOAUTH2 framework. Project URL: https://github.com/moriyoshi/cyrus-sasl-xoauth2", "path": "./salix/libraries/cyrus-sasl-xoauth2-0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "964 K", "ver": "0.9.70", "name": "libmicrohttpd", "descs": "libmicrohttpd (HTTP server C library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmicrohttpd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "241 K", "descl": "GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. GNU libmicrohttpd is free software and part of the GNU project.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmicrohttpd-0.9.70-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.1.11", "name": "librcd", "descs": "librcd (Russian character set autodetection library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librcd", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "librcd is a library for autodetection of Russian charsets. http://rusxmms.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/librcd-0.1.11-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "bitstream", "descs": "bitstream (C headers allowing a simpler access to binary structures)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/bitstream", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "biTStream is a set of C headers allowing a simpler access to binary structures such as specified by MPEG, DVB, IETF, SMPTE, IEEE, SCTE, etc. Homepage: https://www.videolan.org/developers/bitstream.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/bitstream-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "libdockapp", "descs": "libdockapp (library for developing WindowMaker dockapps)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdockapp", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "libDockApp is a library that provides a framework for developing dockapps. It provides functions and structures to define and display command-line options, create a dockable icon, handle events, etc. The goal of the library is to provide a simple, yet clean interface and standardize the ways in which dockapps are developed. A dockapp developed using libDockApp will automatically behave well under most window managers, and especially well under WindowMaker.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdockapp-0.7.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "gtk-layer-shell", "descs": "gtk-layer-shell (Layer Shell GTK applications library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtk-layer-shell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "Gtk-layer-shell is a library to write GTK applications that use Layer Shell. Layer Shell is a Wayland protocol for desktop shell components, such as panels, notifications and wallpapers Home: https://github.com/wmww/gtk-layer-shell", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtk-layer-shell-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "1.1.6", "name": "libtifiles2", "descs": "libtifiles2 (TI-calculator file format library for linux)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtifiles2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libarchive", "libticonv", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "The ticonv library is a library which handles the various TI file formats through a set of functions which constitutes a common API. Homepage: http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtifiles2-1.1.6-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1076 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "libfreehand", "descs": "libfreehand (Adobe FreeHand Import Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfreehand", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "lcms2", "librevenge", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "269 K", "descl": "Libfreehand is a library that parses the file format of Aldus/Macromedia/Adobe FreeHand documents. It supports documents from version 3 to 11.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfreehand-0.1.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "3.5_rc2", "name": "libaudclient", "descs": "libaudclient (legacy dbus audacious client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libaudclient", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "libaudclient is a legacy D-Bus client library that used to be included with Audacious. homepage: https://audacious-media-player.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/libaudclient-3.5_rc2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.24.8", "name": "lilv", "descs": "lilv (LV2 Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lilv", "deps": ["flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "serd", "sord", "sratom", "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "Lilv is a C library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible for applications. Lilv is the successor to SLV2, rewritten to be significantly faster and have minimal dependencies. It is stable, well-tested software (the included test suite covers over 90% of the code) in use by several applications. Homepage: http://drobilla.net/software/lilv/", "path": "./salix/libraries/lilv-0.24.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "62904 K", "ver": "0.8.7", "name": "CEGUI", "descs": "CEGUI (windowing and widget library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/CEGUI", "deps": ["FreeImage", "SDL2", "SDL2_image", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "expat", "freetype", "fribidi", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libwebp", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15726 K", "descl": "Crazy Eddie's GUI System is a free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / engines where such functionality is not natively available, or severely lacking. The library is object orientated, written in C++, and targeted at games developers who should be spending their time creating great games, not building GUI sub-systems! http://www.cegui.org.uk/wiki/index.php/Main_Page", "path": "./salix/libraries/CEGUI-0.8.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "560 K", "ver": "1.1.3", "name": "log4cpp", "descs": "log4cpp (library of C++ classes for flexible logging)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/log4cpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "140 K", "descl": "Log4cpp is library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, IDSA and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log4j Java library, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. http://log4cpp.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/log4cpp-1.1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1244 K", "ver": "1.3.23", "name": "eris", "descs": "eris (client library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/eris", "deps": ["Atlas-C++", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libsigc++", "mercator", "skstream", "wfmath"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "311 K", "descl": "Eris is designed to simplify client development (and promote code reuse) by providing a common system to deal with the back-end Atlas tasks. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/worldforge/", "path": "./salix/libraries/eris-1.3.23-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "libbdplus", "descs": "libbdplus (implementation of BD+ System Specifications)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libbdplus", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "libbdplus is a research project to implement the BD+ System Specifications. Homepage: http://www.videolan.org/developers/libbdplus.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libbdplus-0.1.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "4.33", "name": "libev", "descs": "libev (a high-performance event loop/model)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libev", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "Libev is modelled (very loosely) after libevent and the Event perl module, but is faster, scales better and is more correct, and also more featureful. And also smaller. Yay. Website: ", "path": "./salix/libraries/libev-4.33-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "unibilium", "descs": "unibilium (terminfo parsing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/unibilium", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "Unibilium is a basic terminfo library that does not depend on any other libraries.", "path": "./salix/libraries/unibilium-2.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "smmap2", "descs": "smmap2 (A sliding memory map manager)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/smmap2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Smmap wraps an interface around mmap and tracks the mapped files as well as the amount of clients who use it. If the system runs out of resources, or if a memory limit is reached, it will automatically unload unused maps to allow continued operation. Homepage: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/smmap", "path": "./salix/libraries/smmap2-2.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "0.9.12", "name": "libunicap", "descs": "libunicap (video capture api)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libunicap", "deps": ["libraw1394"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. homepage: http://unicap-imaging.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libunicap-0.9.12-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "0.3.10", "name": "libgusb", "descs": "libgusb (Glib Wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libgusb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1 that makes it easy to do asynchronous control, bulk and interrupt transfers with proper cancellation and integration into a mainloop. This makes it easy to integrate low level USB transfers with your high-level application or system daemon. Project URL: https://github.com/hughsie/libgusb", "path": "./salix/libraries/libgusb-0.3.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "7780 K", "ver": "0.9.21", "name": "Impacket", "descs": "Impacket (Python access to network packets)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Impacket", "deps": ["pyasn1", "python2-pycrypto"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1945 K", "descl": "Impacket is a collection of Python classes focused on providing access to network packets. Impacket allows Python developers to craft and decode network packets in simple and consistent manner. It includes support for low-level protocols such as IP, UDP and TCP, as well as higher-level protocols such as NMB and SMB. Home page: https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket", "path": "./salix/libraries/Impacket-0.9.21-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "0.5.0rc1", "name": "xmpppy", "descs": "xmpppy (XMPP Python Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xmpppy", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "xmpppy is a Python library that is targeted to provide easy scripting with Jabber. Similar projects are Twisted Words and jabber.py.", "path": "./salix/libraries/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2108 K", "ver": "20210807", "name": "libvmdk", "descs": "libvmdk (libYAL VMDK library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvmdk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "527 K", "descl": "Library to access the VMware Virtual Disk (VMDK) image format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libvmdk", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvmdk-20210807-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2308 K", "ver": "20190102", "name": "libbde", "descs": "libbde (libYAL BitLocker library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libbde", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "577 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access the BitLocker Drive Encryption (BDE) format. The BDE format is used by Windows, as of Vista, to encrypt data on a storge media volume. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libbde", "path": "./salix/libraries/libbde-20190102-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "libportal", "descs": "libportal (Flatpak portal library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libportal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "libportal provides GIO-style async APIs for most Flatpak portals. homepage: https://github.com/flatpak/libportal", "path": "./salix/libraries/libportal-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "2.1.9", "name": "libdmapsharing", "descs": "libdmapsharing (library for the DMAP family of protocols)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libdmapsharing", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "brotli", "dbus", "elogind", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gst0-plugins-base", "gstreamer0", "icu4c", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "It is a library you may use to access and share DMAP (DAAP & DPAP) content. The library is written in C using GObject and libsoup. The DMAP family of protocols is used by products such as iTunes(TM), iPhoto(TM), and the Roku SoundBridge(TM) family to share content such as music and photos. Website : http://www.flyn.org/projects/libdmapsharing/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libdmapsharing-2.1.9-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.9.4", "name": "http-parser", "descs": "http-parser (HTTP request/response parser for c)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/http-parser", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "http-parser for HTTP messages written in C. It parses both requests and responses. The parser is designed to be used in performance HTTP applications. Homepage: https://github.com/joyent/http-parser", "path": "./salix/libraries/http-parser-2.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1504 K", "ver": "4.0.4", "name": "libcec", "descs": "libcec (library for the Pulse-Eight USB-HDMI CEC Adapter)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcec", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "platform", "python3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "376 K", "descl": "libCEC is an open-source dual licensed library designed for communicating with the Pulse-Eight USB - HDMI CEC Adaptor. Homepage: http://libcec.pulse-eight.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcec-4.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "libjson-rpc-cpp", "descs": "libjson-rpc-cpp (C++ framework for json-rpc)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libjson-rpc-cpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "argtable", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "jsoncpp", "libmicrohttpd", "libunistring", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "This framework provides cross platform JSON-RPC support for C++. It is fully JSON-RPC 2.0 & 1.0 compatible. Homepage: https://github.com/cinemast/libjson-rpc-cpp", "path": "./salix/libraries/libjson-rpc-cpp-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2720 K", "ver": "", "name": "allegro", "descs": "allegro (The Allegro Gaming Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/allegro", "deps": ["FreeImage", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libtheora", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "openal-soft", "opus", "opusfile", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "680 K", "descl": "The Allegro library provides C/C++ programmers low level routines commonly needed in game programing, such as input, graphics, midi, sound effects, and timing. https://www.allegro.cc/", "path": "./salix/libraries/allegro-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "luacrypto", "descs": "luacrypto (lua openssl frontend)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/luacrypto", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "luacrypto provides a Lua frontend to the OpenSSL cryptographic lib. The OpenSSL features that are currently exposed are digests (MD5, SHA-1, HMAC, and more) and crypto-grade random number generators. luacrypto also supports encryption and decryption, signing and verifying, sealing and opening using the OpenSSL EVP API. homepage: http://mkottman.github.io/luacrypto/", "path": "./salix/libraries/luacrypto-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1916 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libmsiecf", "descs": "libmsiecf (libYAL MSIE Cache library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmsiecf", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "479 K", "descl": "Library and tools to access Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) Cache File (index.dat) files. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libmsiecf", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmsiecf-20181227-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.8beta5", "name": "tsocks", "descs": "tsocks (transparent SOCKS proxying library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/tsocks", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "tsocks' role is to allow these non SOCKS aware applications (e.g telnet, ssh, ftp etc) to use SOCKS without any modification. It does this by intercepting the calls that applications make to establish network connections and negotating them through a SOCKS server as necessary. http://tsocks.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/tsocks-1.8beta5-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "932 K", "ver": "2.5.9", "name": "VitaMTP", "descs": "VitaMTP (Library to interact with Vita's USB MTP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/VitaMTP", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "233 K", "descl": "libVitaMTP is a library based off of libMTP that does low level USB communications with the Vita. It can read and receive MTP commands that the Vita sends, which are a proprietary set of commands that is based on the MTP open standard. Homepage: https://github.com/codestation/vitamtp", "path": "./salix/libraries/VitaMTP-2.5.9-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "mercator", "descs": "mercator (terrain library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/mercator", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "wfmath"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "Mercator is primarily aimed at terrain for multiplayer online games and forms one of the WorldForge core libraries. Homepage: https://worldforge.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/mercator-0.3.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "3.0.10", "name": "gtkspell3", "descs": "gtkspell3 (GTK3 spell checker interface library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtkspell3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "GtkSpell provides word-processor-style highlighting and replacement of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget. Right-clicking a misspelled word pops up a menu of suggested replacements. Homepage: http://gtkspell.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtkspell3-3.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "3.2.10", "name": "olm", "descs": "olm (Implementation of the olm and megolm cryptographic ratchets)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/olm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "An implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet described by: https://whispersystems.org/docs/specifications/doubleratchet/ written in C and C++11 and exposed as a C API. The specification of the Olm ratchet can be found in olm.md. This library also includes an implementation of the Megolm cryptographic ratchet, as specified in megolm.md.", "path": "./salix/libraries/olm-3.2.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3464 K", "ver": "2.32.0", "name": "gnome-media", "descs": "gnome-media (A set of media utilities for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gnome-media", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gstreamer0", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libcanberra", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunique", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "866 K", "descl": "This package contains some utilities for configuring media-related options in GNOME.", "path": "./salix/libraries/gnome-media-2.32.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "pgtcl-ng", "descs": "pgtcl-ng (Tcl/Tk module for accessing PostgreSQL databases)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/pgtcl-ng", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "It extends the pre-8.0 libpgtcl from an early Pgtcl release and from the companion project pgintcl. https://sourceforge.net/projects/pgtclng/", "path": "./salix/libraries/pgtcl-ng-2.1.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "isodate", "descs": "isodate (An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formater)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/isodate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "This module implements ISO 8601 date, time and duration parsing. The implementation follows ISO8601:2004 standard, and implements only date/time representations mentioned in the standard. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/isodate", "path": "./salix/libraries/isodate-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "992 K", "ver": "3.2.2", "name": "libxml++3", "descs": "libxml++3 (C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libxml++3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "glibmm", "libsigc++", "libxml2", "zlib", "mm-common"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "248 K", "descl": "libxml++ is a C++ API for the popular libxml2 XML parser, written in C. libxml2 is famous for its high performance and compliance to standard specifications, but its C API is quite difficult even for common tasks. Homepage: http://libxmlplusplus.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libxml++3-3.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1932 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "libtommath", "descs": "libtommath (LibTomMath library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtommath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "483 K", "descl": "LibTomMath is a free open source portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library written entirely in C.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtommath-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "596 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "hiredis", "descs": "hiredis (Minimalistic C client for Redis)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/hiredis", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "149 K", "descl": "Hiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the Redis database.", "path": "./salix/libraries/hiredis-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "5.15.3_20211130_014c375b", "name": "qt5-postgresql", "descs": "qt5-postgresql (Postgresql plugin for Qt5)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/qt5-postgresql", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "postgresql", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "This is the postgresql plugin for Qt5.", "path": "./salix/libraries/qt5-postgresql-5.15.3_20211130_014c375b-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "604 K", "ver": "35.0", "name": "lua-posix", "descs": "lua-posix (Lua bindings for POSIX)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-posix", "deps": ["lua-std.normalize"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "151 K", "descl": "A library binding various POSIX APIs. POSIX is the IEEE Portable Operating System Interface standard. luaposix is based on lposix. Homepage: https://github.com/luaposix/luaposix/", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-posix-35.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "0.9.7", "name": "librsync", "descs": "librsync (rsync synchronization algorithm library.)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librsync", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "librsync is a free software library that implements the rsync remote-delta algorithm. The rsync remote-delta algorithm is a method of efficiently transmitting a structure (such as a file) across a communications link when the receiving computer already has a different version of the same structure. Slackbuild written by Lyle Sigurdson.", "path": "./salix/libraries/librsync-0.9.7-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "2.0.8", "name": "gnet", "descs": "gnet (simple network library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gnet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "It is writen in C, object-oriented, and built upon GLib. It is intended to be small, fast, easy-to-use, and easy to port. The Gnet homepage is at https://github.com/GNOME/gnet", "path": "./salix/libraries/gnet-2.0.8-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "urdfdom_headers", "descs": "urdfdom_headers (Unified Robot Description Format headers)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/urdfdom_headers", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "The Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) headers provide core data structure headers for URDF. For more information see the wiki pages Homepage: https://github.com/ros/urdfdom_headers ROS wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/urdf", "path": "./salix/libraries/urdfdom_headers-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "rest", "descs": "rest (RESTful Library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rest", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "glib2", "icu4c", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "This library has been designed to make it easier to access web services that claim to be 'RESTful'.", "path": "./salix/libraries/rest-0.8.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "788 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "libqb", "descs": "libqb (part of linux cluster)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libqb", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "197 K", "descl": "libqb is a library with the primary purpose of providing high performance client server reusable features. It provides high performance logging, tracing, ipc, and poll.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libqb-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "13424 K", "ver": "2.12.45", "name": "gtk-sharp", "descs": "gtk-sharp (GUI toolkit for mono)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gtk-sharp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "mono"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "3356 K", "descl": "Gtk# is a Graphical User Interface Toolkit for mono and .Net. The project binds the gtk+ toolkit and assorted GNOME libraries, enabling fully native graphical Gnome application development using Mono and .Net development frameworks. Website: https://www.mono-project.com/docs/gui/gtksharp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/gtk-sharp-2.12.45-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1424 K", "ver": "4.0", "name": "libtins", "descs": "libtins (network packet sniffing library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libtins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "356 K", "descl": "libtins is a high-level, multiplatform C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library. Its main purpose is to provide the C++ developer an easy, efficient, platform and endianess-independent way to create tools which need to send, receive and manipulate specially crafted packets.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libtins-4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1056 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "agg", "descs": "agg (AGG)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/agg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "264 K", "descl": "A High Quality Rendering Engine for C++. AGG was written by Maxim Shemanarev homepage: http://agg.sf.net", "path": "./salix/libraries/agg-2.5-i486-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "rarfile", "descs": "rarfile (RAR archive reader for Python)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/rarfile", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "This is Python module for RAR archive reading. The interface is made as zipfile like as possible. Licensed under ISC license. Homepage: https://github.com/markokr/rarfile", "path": "./salix/libraries/rarfile-3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.4.15", "name": "yder", "descs": "yder (Logging library written in C)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/yder", "deps": ["orcania"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Logging library written in C. Simple and easy to use logging library. You can log messages to the console, a file or syslog. Yder is mono-thread, which mean that you can use only one instance of yder log at the same time in your program.", "path": "./salix/libraries/yder-1.4.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "656 K", "ver": "0.29.0", "name": "cmark", "descs": "cmark (C Reference libraries)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/cmark", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "164 K", "descl": "cmark is the C reference implementation of CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax with a spec. (For the JavaScript reference implementation, see commonmark.js.) Homepage: https://github.com/commonmark/cmark", "path": "./salix/libraries/cmark-0.29.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "lua-lpeg", "descs": "lua-lpeg (pattern matching library for Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/lua-lpeg", "deps": ["lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "LPeg is a new pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Grammars.", "path": "./salix/libraries/lua-lpeg-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2780 K", "ver": "20181227", "name": "libevt", "descs": "libevt (libYAL EVT library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libevt", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "695 K", "descl": "Library and tooling to access the Windows Event Log (EVT) format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libevt", "path": "./salix/libraries/libevt-20181227-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2408 K", "ver": "20220301", "name": "libphdi", "descs": "libphdi (libYAL library to access the PHDI image format)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libphdi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "602 K", "descl": "Library to access the Parallels Hard Disk image (PHDI) format. Homepage: https://github.com/libyal/libphdi", "path": "./salix/libraries/libphdi-20220301-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1868 K", "ver": "0.4.12", "name": "Geraldo", "descs": "Geraldo (Python Reports Engine)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/Geraldo", "deps": ["reportlab"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "467 K", "descl": "Geraldo is a reports engine for Python or Django applications. It uses the power of ReportLab to generate reports with page header and footer, child bands, report begin and summary bands, agreggation and graphic elements, etc. Home: https://github.com/marinho/geraldo", "path": "./salix/libraries/Geraldo-0.4.12-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "menu-cache", "descs": "menu-cache (lightweight replacement of libgnome-menu)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/menu-cache", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libfm-extra", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the manipulation for freedesktop.org defined application menus. It can be used as a replacement of libgnome-menu of gnome-menus. Homepage: https://lxde.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/menu-cache-1.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "9056 K", "ver": "10", "name": "avbin", "descs": "avbin (audio and video decoding library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/avbin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2264 K", "descl": "AVbin is a binary release of a cross-platform, thin wrapper around Libav's video and audio decoding library, providing long-term binary compatibility for applications and languages that need it. AVbin was originally created for the Pyglet project as its media decoding/ decompression library, though we hope others find AVbin useful as well. Homepage: http://avbin.github.io", "path": "./salix/libraries/avbin-10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "sratom", "descs": "sratom (LV2 Serializing to/from RDF)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/sratom", "deps": ["serd", "sord", "lv2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Sratom is a library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF, particularly the Turtle syntax. Homepage: http://drobilla.net/software/sratom/", "path": "./salix/libraries/sratom-0.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "920 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "xylib", "descs": "xylib (x-y data from powder diffraction etc)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/xylib", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "230 K", "descl": "xylib is a portable library for reading files that contain x-y data from powder diffraction, spectroscopy and other experimental methods. It comes with two programs that can convert supported formats to plain text: command-line xyconv and graphical xyconvert. http://xylib.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/libraries/xylib-1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "10700 K", "ver": "", "name": "nx-libs", "descs": "nx-libs (NX libraries by NoMachine for X Display)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/nx-libs", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXfont2", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libfontenc", "libxml2", "pixman", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2675 K", "descl": "NX libraries by NoMachine for X Display redistributed. homepage: http://www.x2go.org", "path": "./salix/libraries/nx-libs-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "12908 K", "ver": "1.6.57", "name": "fox-toolkit", "descs": "fox-toolkit (FOX C++ Graphical Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fox-toolkit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3227 K", "descl": "FOX is a C++ based Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily and effectively. The FOX toolkit is fast and memory-efficient and has a large selection of Controls available to programmers. http://www.fox-toolkit.org/", "path": "./salix/libraries/fox-toolkit-1.6.57-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "6.4.2", "name": "polyclipping", "descs": "polyclipping (Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/polyclipping", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "The Clipper library performs clipping and offsetting for both lines and polygons. All four boolean clipping operations are supported - intersection, union, difference and exclusive-or. Polygons can be of any shape including self-intersecting polygons. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/polyclipping/", "path": "./salix/libraries/polyclipping-6.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "576 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "gaphas", "descs": "gaphas (GTK+ based diagramming widget)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/gaphas", "deps": ["decorator", "nose", "setuptools-git", "simplegeneric"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "144 K", "descl": "Gaphas is a MVC canvas that uses Cairo for rendering. One of the nicer things of this widget is that the user (model) is not bothered with bounding box calculations: this is all done through Cairo.", "path": "./salix/libraries/gaphas-0.7.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.4.3", "name": "luaevent", "descs": "luaevent (binding of libevent to Lua)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/luaevent", "deps": ["libevent", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "This is a binding of libevent to Lua. It will serve as a drop-in replacement for copas, and eventually support more features (async DNS, HTTP, RPC...).", "path": "./salix/libraries/luaevent-0.4.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.99.9", "name": "libfastjson", "descs": "libfastjson (a fork from json-c)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libfastjson", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "libfastjson is a fork from json-c, which is optimized for liblognorm processing. The aim of this project is not to provide a slightly modified clone of json-c. Its aim is to provide a small library with essential json handling functions, sufficiently good json support (not 100% standards compliant), and be very fast in processing. Homepage: https://www.rsyslog.com/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libfastjson-0.99.9-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1172 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "libvirt-glib", "descs": "libvirt-glib (glib wrapper for libvirt)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libvirt-glib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "audit", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "gnutls", "libcap-ng", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libnl3", "libssh", "libunistring", "libvirt", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "p11-kit", "util-linux", "yajl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "293 K", "descl": "libvirt-glib wraps libvirt to provide a high-level object-oriented API better suited for glib-based applications, via three libraries: - libvirt-glib - GLib main loop integration & misc helper APIs - libvirt-gconfig - GObjects for manipulating libvirt XML documents - libvirt-gobject - GObjects for managing libvirt objects libvirt-glib is Free Software and licenced under LGPLv2+.", "path": "./salix/libraries/libvirt-glib-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "1436 K", "ver": "1.0.18", "name": "libmemcached", "descs": "libmemcached (C and C++ client library to the memcached)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libmemcached", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "cyrus-sasl", "libevent", "memcached"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "359 K", "descl": "libmemcached is a C and C++ client library to the memcached server. It has been designed to be light on memory usage, thread safe, and provide full access to server side methods. Home Page: https://libmemcached.org/libMemcached.html", "path": "./salix/libraries/libmemcached-1.0.18-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "librelp", "descs": "librelp (a reliable logging library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/librelp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "librelp is an easy to use library for the RELP protocol. RELP in turn provides reliable event logging over the network (and consequently RELP stands for Reliable Event Logging Protocol). RELP was initiated by Rainer Gerhards after he was finally upset by the lossy nature of plain tcp syslog and wanted a cure for all these dangling issues. Homepage: https://www.rsyslog.com/librelp/", "path": "./salix/libraries/librelp-1.10.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "3388 K", "ver": "0.6.76", "name": "libpst", "descs": "libpst (MS Outlook Personal Folders converter)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libpst", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libgsf", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "847 K", "descl": "The libpst project includes a library and a set of utilities to decode and convert MS Outlook PST files. readpst - convert PST files to mbox and other formats lspst - list PST (MS Outlook Personal Folders) file data pst2ldif - extract contacts from a PST file in .ldif format pst2dii - extract email messages from a PST file in DII load format Homepage: http://www.five-ten-sg.com/libpst/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libpst-0.6.76-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "37916 K", "ver": "11.5.1", "name": "ntl", "descs": "ntl (number theory library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/ntl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "gf2x"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "9479 K", "descl": "NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers, and for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields. Project URL: http://www.shoup.net/ntl/", "path": "./salix/libraries/ntl-11.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2100 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "libcmis", "descs": "libcmis (C++ client library for the CMIS interface)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libcmis", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "525 K", "descl": "Libcmis aims at providing a C/C++ client library for the CMIS protocol. A cmis-client tool is maintained to help testing and showing libcmis features. Hompage: https://github.com/tdf/libcmis", "path": "./salix/libraries/libcmis-0.5.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.2.16", "name": "libhid", "descs": "libhid (libhid is a rewrite of libHID[0])", "source": "source/salix/libraries/libhid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "libhid is a rewrite of libHID[0] and aims to provide the same functionality from a more organised framework. It aims to provide a layer of abstraction for accessing HID-class devices over USB or serial lines (similar to what libusb provides for the base USB protocol). Homepage: https://alioth-archive.debian.org/releases/libhid/libhid/", "path": "./salix/libraries/libhid-0.2.16-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "fcft", "descs": "fcft (font loading and glyph rasterization library)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/fcft", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libxml2", "pixman", "utf8proc", "zlib", "scdoc", "tllist"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Fcft is a library for font loading and glyph rasterization using FontConfig, FreeType and pixman. Homepage: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/fcft", "path": "./salix/libraries/fcft-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "libraries", "sizeu": "2636 K", "ver": "4.7.4", "name": "netcdf", "descs": "netcdf (libraries for storing scientific data)", "source": "source/salix/libraries/netcdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "hdf5", "libaec", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "659 K", "descl": "NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a set of interfaces for array- oriented data access and a freely-distributed collection of data access libraries for C, Fortran, C++, Java, and other languages. The netCDF libraries support a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interfaces, libraries, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/", "path": "./salix/libraries/netcdf-4.7.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "3.7.0", "name": "rubygem-rspec-mocks", "descs": "rubygem-rspec-mocks (test-double framework for rspec)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-mocks", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-diff-lcs", "rubygem-rspec-support"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "spec-mocks is a test-double framework for rspec with support for method stubs, fakes, and message expectations on generated test-doubles and real objects alike. Homepage: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-mocks-3.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "112008 K", "ver": "5.0.16", "name": "passenger", "descs": "passenger (A web server and application server for your web apps)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/passenger", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "apr", "apr-util", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "icu4c", "libunistring", "mariadb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "ruby", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "rubygem-rack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28002 K", "descl": "Phusion Passenger is a web server and application server, designed to be fast, robust and lightweight. It takes a lot of complexity out of deploying web apps, adds powerful enterprise-grade features that are useful in production, and makes administration much easier and less complex. Phusion Passenger supports Ruby, Python and Node.js. https://www.phusionpassenger.com/", "path": "./salix/ruby/passenger-5.0.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "tty-reader", "descs": "tty-reader (set of methods for processing keyboard input in character)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/tty-reader", "deps": ["ruby", "tty-cursor", "tty-screen", "wisper"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "TTY::Reader provides independent reader component for TTY toolkit.", "path": "./salix/ruby/tty-reader-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "852 K", "ver": "3.10.1", "name": "rubygem-ruby_parser", "descs": "rubygem-ruby_parser (ruby parser)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-ruby_parser", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-sexp_processor"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "213 K", "descl": "ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc-which does by default use a C extension). RP's output is the same as ParseTree's output: s-expressions using ruby's arrays and base types. Homepage: https://github.com/seattlerb/ruby_parser", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-ruby_parser-3.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "rubygem-mustache", "descs": "rubygem-mustache (logic-free views)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-mustache", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-mustache-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "rubygem-net-scp", "descs": "rubygem-net-scp (Ruby implementation of the SCP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-net-scp", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-net-ssh"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol. Homepage: https://github.com/net-ssh/net-scp", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-net-scp-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "3llo", "descs": "3llo (The interactive CLI application for Trello)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/3llo", "deps": ["ruby", "tty-prompt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "3llo allows you to work with Trello without exiting your favorite terminal.", "path": "./salix/ruby/3llo-1.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "rubygem-net-sftp", "descs": "rubygem-net-sftp (Ruby implementation of an SFTP client)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-net-sftp", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-net-ssh"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "A pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol. Homepage: https://github.com/net-ssh/net-sftp", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-net-sftp-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "29248 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "rubygem-gosu", "descs": "rubygem-gosu (2D game development library)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-gosu", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mpg123", "openal-soft", "opus", "ruby", "zlib", "FreeImage"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7312 K", "descl": "Gosu is a 2D game development library for the Ruby and C++ programming languages, available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux (including Raspbian). Homepage: https://www.libgosu.org/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-gosu-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "3.7.0", "name": "rubygem-rspec-support", "descs": "rubygem-rspec-support (Support utilities for RSpec gems)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-support", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Common code needed by the other RSpec gems. Not intended for direct use. Homepage: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-support", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-support-3.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "880 K", "ver": "1.5.5", "name": "rubygem-fastercsv", "descs": "rubygem-fastercsv (ruby csv library)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-fastercsv", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "220 K", "descl": "FasterCSV is intended as a complete replacement to the CSV standard library. It is significantly faster and smaller while still being pure Ruby code. It also strives for a better interface. Home: https://rubygems.org/gems/fastercsv", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-fastercsv-1.5.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "rubygem-method_source", "descs": "rubygem-method_source (return the sourcecode for a method)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-method_source", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "method_source provides the source and comment methods to the Method and UnboundMethod and Proc classes. Homepage: https://github.com/banister/method_source", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-method_source-0.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "756 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "rubygem-concurrent-ruby", "descs": "rubygem-concurrent-ruby (Modern concurrency tools for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-concurrent-ruby", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "189 K", "descl": "Modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, actors, supervisors, and more. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Go, JavaScript, actors, and classic concurrency patterns. Homepage: https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-concurrent-ruby-1.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "rubygem-mime-types", "descs": "rubygem-mime-types (MIME content type library)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-mime-types", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-mime-types-data"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME content type definitions. Home: https://github.com/mime-types/ruby-mime-types/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-mime-types-3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "1.2015.2", "name": "rubygem-tzinfo-data", "descs": "rubygem-tzinfo-data (IANA Time Zone database for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-tzinfo-data", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-tzinfo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "TZInfo::Data contains data from the IANA Time Zone database packaged as Ruby modules for use with TZInfo. Homepage: https://tzinfo.github.io/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-tzinfo-data-1.2015.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "1.0.9", "name": "ruby-native-package-installer", "descs": "ruby-native-package-installer (ruby module)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/ruby-native-package-installer", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "native-package-installer helps to install native packages on 'gem install'.", "path": "./salix/ruby/ruby-native-package-installer-1.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1876 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-glib2", "descs": "rubygem-glib2 (ruby glib2 implementation)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-glib2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "ruby", "zlib", "rubygem-pkg-config", "rubygem-native-package-installer"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "469 K", "descl": "Ruby/GLib2 is a Ruby binding of GLib-2.x.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-glib2-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1412 K", "ver": "1.6.21", "name": "rubygem-highline", "descs": "rubygem-highline (ruby command-line interface library)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-highline", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "353 K", "descl": "A high-level IO library that provides validation, type conversion, and more for command-line interfaces. HighLine also includes a complete menu system that can crank out anything from simple list selection to complete shells with just minutes of work. Home: https://rubygems.org/gems/highline", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-highline-1.6.21-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1244 K", "ver": "0.8.6", "name": "rubygem-hpricot", "descs": "rubygem-hpricot (HTML parser)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-hpricot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "311 K", "descl": "A swift, liberal, obsolete HTML parser with a fantastic library.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-hpricot-0.8.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "3.7.0", "name": "rubygem-rspec", "descs": "rubygem-rspec (BDD for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-rspec-core", "rubygem-rspec-expectations", "rubygem-rspec-mocks"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "rspec is a meta-gem, which depends on the rspec-core, rspec-mocks and rspec-expectations gems. Each of these can be installed separately and loaded in isolation using require. Among other benefits, this allows you to use rspec-expectations, for example, in Test::Unit::TestCase if you happen to prefer that style. Homepage: https://github.com/rspec/rspec", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-3.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "rubygem-i18n", "descs": "rubygem-i18n (Internationalization i18n library for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-i18n", "deps": ["rubygem-concurrent-ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "Ruby Internationalization and localization solution. New wave Internationalization support for Ruby. Homepage: https://github.com/svenfuchs/i18n", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-i18n-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-gio2", "descs": "rubygem-gio2 (VFS API Ruby bindings)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-gio2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "ruby", "util-linux", "zlib", "rubygem-gobject-introspection"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "Ruby/GIO2 provide Ruby binding to a VFS API and useful APIs for desktop applications (such as networking and D-Bus support). https://rubygems.org/gems/gio2", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-gio2-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1272 K", "ver": "5.1.4", "name": "rubygem-activesupport", "descs": "rubygem-activesupport (A toolkit of support libraries)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-activesupport", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-i18n", "rubygem-tzinfo"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "318 K", "descl": "A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework. Rich support for multibyte strings, internationalization, time zones, and testing. Homepage: https://rubyonrails.org/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-activesupport-5.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "rubygem-optimist", "descs": "rubygem-optimist (Commandline option parser for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-optimist", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Optimist is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way. One line of code per option is all you need to write. For that, you get a nice automatically-generated help page, robust option parsing, and sensible defaults for everything you don't specify. Homapage: http://manageiq.github.io/optimist/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-optimist-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "4544 K", "ver": "", "name": "rubygem-parser", "descs": "rubygem-parser (a ruby parser written in pure ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-parser", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-ast"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1136 K", "descl": "A production-ready Ruby parser written in pure Ruby. It recognizes as much or more code than Ripper, Melbourne, JRubyParser or ruby_parser, and is vastly more convenient to use. https://github.com/whitequark/parser", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-parser-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "0.15.6", "name": "rubygem-httparty", "descs": "rubygem-httparty (Makes http fun again!)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-httparty", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-multi_xml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy. Homepage: https://github.com/jnunemaker/httparty", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-httparty-0.15.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "3712 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "rubygem-pygments", "descs": "rubygem-pygments (syntax highlighter)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-pygments", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-multi_json"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "928 K", "descl": "pygments.rb exposes the pygments syntax highlighter to Ruby.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-pygments-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "rubygem-ronn", "descs": "rubygem-ronn (manual authoring tool)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-ronn", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-hpricot", "rubygem-mustache", "rubygem-rdiscount"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Ronn converts textfiles to standard roff-formatted UNIX manpages or HTML.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-ronn-0.7.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-cairo-gobject", "descs": "rubygem-cairo-gobject (cairo-gobject Ruby bindings)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-cairo-gobject", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pixman", "ruby", "zlib", "rubygem-cairo", "rubygem-glib2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Ruby/CairoGObject is a Ruby binding of cairo-gobject. https://rubygems.org/gems/cairo-gobject", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-cairo-gobject-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "rubygem-term-ansicolor", "descs": "rubygem-term-ansicolor (ANSI escape sequence library)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-term-ansicolor", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-tins"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "This library uses ANSI escape sequences to control the attributes of terminal output. http://flori.github.io/term-ansicolor/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-term-ansicolor-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "rubygem-sync", "descs": "rubygem-sync (ruby module)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-sync", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "A module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter https://github.com/flori/sync", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-sync-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "4916 K", "ver": "3.43.16", "name": "heroku-client", "descs": "heroku-client (Heroku CLI)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/heroku-client", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1229 K", "descl": "The Heroku CLI is used to manage Heroku apps from the command line. Once installed, you'll have access to the heroku command from your command shell. Log in using the email address and password you used when creating your Heroku account. Homepage: https://toolbelt.heroku.com Release date: Dec 8, 2015", "path": "./salix/ruby/heroku-client-3.43.16-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "780 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "rubygem-coderay", "descs": "rubygem-coderay (Fast syntax highlighting)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-coderay", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "195 K", "descl": "Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages, written in Ruby. Comes with RedCloth integration and LOC counter. Homepage: http://coderay.rubychan.de/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-coderay-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.20.1", "name": "rubygem-parallel", "descs": "rubygem-parallel (run any kind of code in parallel processes)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-parallel", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "parallel processing made simple and fast https://github.com/grosser/parallel", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-parallel-1.20.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "rubygem-manpages", "descs": "rubygem-manpages (man pages support to ruby gems)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-manpages", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "This plugin will add man pages support to ruby gems. Instead of adding a new command like gem-man it will try to link the files to a place the man command automatically discovers. Homepage: https://github.com/bitboxer/manpages", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-manpages-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "rubygem-red-colors", "descs": "rubygem-red-colors (wide array of features for dealing with colors)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-red-colors", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-matrix"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "Red Colors provides a wide array of features for dealing with colors. This includes conversion between colorspaces, desaturation, and parsing colors. https://rubygems.org/gems/red-colors", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-red-colors-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-gdk3", "descs": "rubygem-gdk3 (Ruby binding of GDK-3.x)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-gdk3", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-pango", "rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Ruby/GDK3 is a Ruby binding of GDK-3.x. https://rubygems.org/gems/gdk3", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-gdk3-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "492 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "rubygem-tzinfo", "descs": "rubygem-tzinfo (daylight savings aware transformations)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-tzinfo", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-thread_safe"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "123 K", "descl": "TZInfo provides daylight savings aware transformations between times in different time zones. Homepage: https://tzinfo.github.io/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-tzinfo-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "tty-color", "descs": "tty-color (Terminal color capabilities detection.)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/tty-color", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "TTY::Color provides independent color support detection component for TTY toolkit.", "path": "./salix/ruby/tty-color-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "2164 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "ncurses-ruby", "descs": "ncurses-ruby (A Ruby module for accessing the ncurses library)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/ncurses-ruby", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "541 K", "descl": "This ncurses interface provides access to the functions, macros, global variables and constants of the ncurses library. These are mapped to a Ruby Module named 'Ncurses': Functions and external variables are implemented as singleton functions of the Ncurses module. Home: https://github.com/eclubb/ncurses-ruby", "path": "./salix/ruby/ncurses-ruby-1.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "wisper", "descs": "wisper (provids Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities.)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/wisper", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities", "path": "./salix/ruby/wisper-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-atk", "descs": "rubygem-atk (ATK Ruby binding)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-atk", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-glib2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Ruby/ATK is a Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-atk-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.4.5", "name": "rubygem-terminal-table", "descs": "rubygem-terminal-table (ascii table library)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-terminal-table", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library Home: https://rubygems.org/gems/terminal-table", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-terminal-table-1.4.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "0.10.2", "name": "chronic", "descs": "chronic (Date/time parser)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/chronic", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby. https://github.com/mojombo/chronic", "path": "./salix/ruby/chronic-0.10.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "1.0.10", "name": "rubygem-trogdoro-el4r", "descs": "rubygem-trogdoro-el4r (Emacs programs in Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-trogdoro-el4r", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "El4r enables you to write Emacs programs in Ruby(EmacsRuby) as well as in EmacsLisp. It also enables you to unit-test Emacs programs automatically both in EmacsLisp and in EmacsRuby. Homepage: https://rubygems.org/gems/trogdoro-el4r", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-trogdoro-el4r-1.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.4.6", "name": "rubygem-pkg-config", "descs": "rubygem-pkg-config (ruby pkg-config implementation)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-pkg-config", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "A ruby pkg-config implementation. homepage: https://github.com/rcairo/pkg-config", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-pkg-config-1.4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "tty-cursor", "descs": "tty-cursor (help move the terminal cursor around and manipulate text)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/tty-cursor", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "The purpose of this Ruby library is to help move the terminal cursor around and manipulate text by using intuitive method calls.", "path": "./salix/ruby/tty-cursor-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1800 K", "ver": "1.6.4", "name": "rubygem-rack", "descs": "rubygem-rack (minimal, modular and adaptable interface)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-rack", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "450 K", "descl": "Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. http://rack.github.io/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-rack-1.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "20220426", "name": "ruby-build", "descs": "ruby-build (Compile and install Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/ruby-build", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "ruby-build is an rbenv plugin that provides an rbenv install command to compile and install different versions of Ruby on UNIX-like systems. https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build", "path": "./salix/ruby/ruby-build-20220426-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "gem2tgz", "descs": "gem2tgz (create Slackware packages from Rubygems)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/gem2tgz", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "gem2tgz is a utility to create Slackware packages from Rubygems. https://github.com/gwenhael-le-moine/gem2tgz", "path": "./salix/ruby/gem2tgz-1.3-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "3.2020.0425", "name": "rubygem-mime-types-data", "descs": "rubygem-mime-types-data (MIME media type registry)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-mime-types-data", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "mime-types-data provides a registry for information about MIME type definitions. Home: https://github.com/mime-types/mime-types-data/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-mime-types-data-3.2020.0425-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "4.10.0", "name": "rubygem-sexp_processor", "descs": "rubygem-sexp_processor (branches from ParseTree bringing)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-sexp_processor", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools with it. Sexp, SexpProcessor, Environment, etc... all for your language processing pleasure. Homepage: https://github.com/seattlerb/sexp_processor", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-sexp_processor-4.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "664 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "rubygem-http_parser.rb", "descs": "rubygem-http_parser.rb (simple HTTP request/response parser)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-http_parser.rb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "166 K", "descl": "A simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser for writing http servers, clients and proxies. Homepage: https://github.com/tmm1/http_parser.rb", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-http_parser.rb-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "sqlite3", "descs": "sqlite3 (Database interface module)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/sqlite3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "icu4c", "ruby", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine. https://rubygems.org/gems/sqlite3", "path": "./salix/ruby/sqlite3-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "3.7.0", "name": "rubygem-rspec-core", "descs": "rubygem-rspec-core (RSpec runner and formatters)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-core", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-rspec-support"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "BDD for Ruby. RSpec runner and example groups. Homepage: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-core-3.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.14.0", "name": "rubygem-multi_json", "descs": "rubygem-multi_json (common interface to multiple JSON libraries)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-multi_json", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "A common interface to multiple JSON libraries, including Oj, Yajl, the JSON gem (with C-extensions), the pure-Ruby JSON gem, NSJSONSerialization, gson.rb, JrJackson, and OkJson", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-multi_json-1.14.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.23.1", "name": "tty-prompt", "descs": "tty-prompt (A beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/tty-prompt", "deps": ["ruby", "pastel", "tty-reader"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "TTY::Prompt provides independent prompt component for TTY toolkit.", "path": "./salix/ruby/tty-prompt-0.23.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1972 K", "ver": "1.17.5", "name": "rubygem-cairo", "descs": "rubygem-cairo (Cairo Ruby binding)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-cairo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pixman", "ruby", "zlib", "rubygem-pkg-config", "rubygem-native-package-installer", "rubygem-red-colors"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "493 K", "descl": "Ruby bindings for cairo", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-cairo-1.17.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "rubygem-file-tail", "descs": "rubygem-file-tail (Library to tail files in Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-file-tail", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-tins"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This is a small ruby library that allows it to 'tail' files in Ruby, including following a file, that still is growing like the unix command 'tail -f' can. Homepage: https://github.com/flori/file-tail", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-file-tail-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1260 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "rubygem-msgpack", "descs": "rubygem-msgpack (object serialization library)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-msgpack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "315 K", "descl": "MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small. Homepage: https://msgpack.org/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-msgpack-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1456 K", "ver": "0.12.2", "name": "rubygem-pry", "descs": "rubygem-pry (Alternative IRB shell for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-pry", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-coderay", "rubygem-method_source"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "364 K", "descl": "Pry is a powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby. It features syntax highlighting, a flexible plugin architecture, runtime invocation and source and documentation browsing. Homepage: http://pryrepl.org/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-pry-0.12.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1996 K", "ver": "3.2.16", "name": "rubygems-update", "descs": "rubygems-update (rubygems updates)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygems-update", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "499 K", "descl": "Rubygems is the standard utility for managing and publishing third party software. This is an update for the rubygems included in the stock Slackware ruby package. Homepage: https://rubygems.org/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygems-update-3.2.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2", "descs": "rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2 (ruby gdk_pixbuf2 implementation)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-gio2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "Ruby/GdkPixbuf2 is a Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "rubygem-daemons", "descs": "rubygem-daemons (Ruby daemons)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-daemons", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "Daemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-written server) to be run as a daemon and to be controlled by simple start/stop/restart commands. Homepage: https://github.com/thuehlinger/daemons", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-daemons-1.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "rubygem-sourcify", "descs": "rubygem-sourcify (Workarounds before ruby-core)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-sourcify", "deps": ["rubygem-file-tail", "rubygem-ruby2ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "Workarounds before ruby-core officially supports Proc#to_source (& friends) Homepage: https://github.com/ngty/sourcify", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-sourcify-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "5788 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-gtk3", "descs": "rubygem-gtk3 (Ruby binding of GTK-3.x)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-gtk3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "ruby", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "rubygem-atk", "rubygem-gdk3", "rubygem-gio2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1447 K", "descl": "Ruby/GTK3 is a Ruby binding of GTK-3.x. https://rubygems.org/gems/gtk3", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-gtk3-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1152 K", "ver": "2.7.1", "name": "rubygem-mail", "descs": "rubygem-mail (Ruby Mail handler)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-mail", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-mini_mime"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "288 K", "descl": "Ruby Mail is an internet library for Ruby that is designed to handle emails generation, parsing and sending in a simple, rubyesque manner. https://github.com/mikel/mail", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-mail-2.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "7076 K", "ver": "5.55.0", "name": "sequel", "descs": "sequel (Database toolkit for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/sequel", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1769 K", "descl": "Sequel is a simple, flexible, and powerful SQL database access toolkit for Ruby. http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/", "path": "./salix/ruby/sequel-5.55.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "rubygem-multi_xml", "descs": "rubygem-multi_xml (XML parsing)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-multi_xml", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "A generic swappable back-end for XML parsing. Homepage: https://github.com/sferik/multi_xml", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-multi_xml-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.0.5", "name": "rubygem-string-scrub", "descs": "rubygem-string-scrub (String#scrub for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-string-scrub", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Replace invalid byte sequence with unicode replacement character. Homepage: https://github.com/hsbt/string-scrub", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-string-scrub-0.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "rubygem-sigdump", "descs": "rubygem-sigdump (dumps backtrace of running threads)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-sigdump", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Setup signal handler which dumps backtrace of running threads and number of allocated objects per class. Require 'sigdump/setup', send SIGCONT, and see /tmp/sigdump-.log. Homepage: https://github.com/frsyuki/sigdump", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-sigdump-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.3.5", "name": "rubygem-thread_safe", "descs": "rubygem-thread_safe (Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-thread_safe", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "A collection of thread-safe versions of common core Ruby classes. Homepage: https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/thread_safe", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-thread_safe-0.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "rubygem-diff-lcs", "descs": "rubygem-diff-lcs (Generate difference sets between Ruby sequences)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-diff-lcs", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm. It includes utilities to create a simple HTML diff output format and a standard diff-like tool. Homepage: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-diff-lcs-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1568 K", "ver": "3.4.22", "name": "rubygem-sass", "descs": "rubygem-sass (a CSS extension)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-sass", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "392 K", "descl": "Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin. Homepage: http://sass-lang.com/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-sass-3.4.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "620 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "rubygem-cool.io", "descs": "rubygem-cool.io (Simple evented I/O for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-cool.io", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "155 K", "descl": "Cool.io is an event library for Ruby, built on the libev event library which provides a cross-platform interface to high performance system calls. Homepage: https://coolio.github.io/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-cool.io-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-pango", "descs": "rubygem-pango (Ruby Pango binding)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-pango", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "ruby", "util-linux", "zlib", "rubygem-cairo-gobject", "rubygem-gobject-introspection"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "Ruby/Pango is a Ruby binding of pango-1.x.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-pango-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "876 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "rubygem-gobject-introspection", "descs": "rubygem-gobject-introspection (gobject-introspection Ruby binding)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-gobject-introspection", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "ruby", "util-linux", "zlib", "rubygem-glib2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "219 K", "descl": "Ruby/GObjectIntrospection provides bindings of GObject Introspection and a loader module that can generate dynamically Ruby bindings of any GObject C libraries https://rubygems.org/gems/gobject-introspection", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-gobject-introspection-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "rubygem-trollop", "descs": "rubygem-trollop (commandline option parser for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-trollop", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "Trollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way. One line of code per option is all you need to write. For that, you get a nice automatically-generated help page, robust option parsing, and sensible defaults for everything you don't specify. Homepage: https://rubygems.org/gems/trollop", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-trollop-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "99.9.20", "name": "rubygem-lolcat", "descs": "rubygem-lolcat (Rainbows and unicorns)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-lolcat", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-paint", "rubygem-manpages", "rubygem-optimist"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "Lolcat is an utility for Linux, BSD and OSX which concatenates like similar to cat command and adds rainbow coloring to it. Lolcat is primarily used for rainbow coloring of text in Linux Terminal. Homepage: https://github.com/busyloop/lolcat", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-lolcat-99.9.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "0.12.7", "name": "rubygem-fluentd", "descs": "rubygem-fluentd (data collector for unified logging layer)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-fluentd", "deps": ["rubygem-cool.io", "rubygem-http_parser.rb", "rubygem-msgpack", "rubygem-sigdump", "rubygem-string-scrub", "rubygem-tzinfo-data", "rubygem-yajl-ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "Fluentd is an open source data collector for unified logging layer. Fluentd allows you to unify data collection and consumption for a better use and understanding of data. Homepage: https://www.fluentd.org/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-fluentd-0.12.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "6020 K", "ver": "4.43.0", "name": "sequel4", "descs": "sequel4 (Database toolkit for Ruby, legacy version)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/sequel4", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1505 K", "descl": "Sequel is a simple, flexible, and powerful SQL database access toolkit for Ruby. This is the legacy 4.x.x. version. http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/", "path": "./salix/ruby/sequel4-4.43.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "2984 K", "ver": "0.6.5", "name": "rubygem-xiki", "descs": "rubygem-xiki (A shell console with GUI features)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-xiki", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-activesupport", "rubygem-daemons", "rubygem-httparty", "rubygem-method_source", "rubygem-net-scp", "rubygem-net-sftp", "rubygem-rspec", "rubygem-sourcify", "rubygem-trogdoro-el4r"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "746 K", "descl": "Xiki does what shell consoles do, but lets you edit everything at any time. It's trivial to make your own commands and menus to access other tools. Homepage: http://xiki.org/", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-xiki-0.6.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "1720 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "rubygem-yajl-ruby", "descs": "rubygem-yajl-ruby (Yajl bindings for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-yajl-ruby", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ruby", "zlib", "yajl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "430 K", "descl": "Ruby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library. Homepage: https://www.rubydoc.info/github/brianmario/yajl-ruby", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-yajl-ruby-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "5596 K", "ver": "3.4.3", "name": "rubygem-gtk2", "descs": "rubygem-gtk2 (Ruby GTK2 binding)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-gtk2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "ruby", "util-linux", "zlib", "rubygem-atk", "rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2", "rubygem-pango"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1399 K", "descl": "Ruby/GTK2 is a Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-gtk2-3.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "rbenv", "descs": "rbenv (Groom your app's Ruby environment)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rbenv", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Use rbenv to pick a Ruby version for your application and guarantee that your development environment matches production. Put rbenv to work with Bundler for painless Ruby upgrades and bulletproof deployments. https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv", "path": "./salix/ruby/rbenv-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "rubygem-mini_mime", "descs": "rubygem-mini_mime (A lightweight mime type lookup toy)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-mini_mime", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "https://github.com/discourse/mini_mime", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-mini_mime-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "3.7.0", "name": "rubygem-rspec-expectations", "descs": "rubygem-rspec-expectations (API to express expected outcomes)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-expectations", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-rspec-support", "rubygem-diff-lcs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "rspec-expectations provides a simple, readable API to express expected outcomes of a code example. Homepage: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-expectations", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-rspec-expectations-3.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "pastel", "descs": "pastel (provides independent coloring component for TTY toolkit.)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/pastel", "deps": ["ruby", "tty-color"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Terminal output styling with intuitive and clean API that doesn't monkey patch String class. Pastel is minimal and focused to work in all terminal emulators.", "path": "./salix/ruby/pastel-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "1.24.1", "name": "rubygem-tins", "descs": "rubygem-tins (tools library in Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-tins", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-sync"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "All the stuff that isn't good/big enough for a real library. https://github.com/flori/tins", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-tins-1.24.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "tty-screen", "descs": "tty-screen (Terminal screen size detection)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/tty-screen", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Terminal screen size detection which works on Linux, OS X and Windows/Cygwin platforms and supports MRI, JRuby, TruffleRuby and Rubinius interpreters.", "path": "./salix/ruby/tty-screen-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "rubygem-net-ssh", "descs": "rubygem-net-ssh (Ruby implementation of an SSH client)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-net-ssh", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. It you to write programs that invoke and interact with processes on remote servers, via SSH2. Homepage: https://github.com/net-ssh/net-ssh", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-net-ssh-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "rubygem-ruby2ruby", "descs": "rubygem-ruby2ruby (generating pure ruby code)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-ruby2ruby", "deps": ["ruby", "rubygem-ruby_parser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "uby2ruby provides a means of generating pure ruby code easily from RubyParser compatible Sexps. This makes making dynamic language processors in ruby easier than ever! Homepage: https://github.com/seattlerb/ruby2ruby", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-ruby2ruby-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "3.4.7", "name": "rubygem-slop3", "descs": "rubygem-slop3 (Simple Lightweight Option Parsing)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-slop3", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Slop is a simple option parser with an easy to remember syntax and friendly API. Homepage: https://github.com/leejarvis/slop", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-slop3-3.4.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "rubygem-matrix", "descs": "rubygem-matrix (Matrix and Vector classes implementations.)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-matrix", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "An implementation of Matrix and Vector classes. https://rubygems.org/gems/matrix", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-matrix-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "2.4.2", "name": "rubygem-ast", "descs": "rubygem-ast (a library for working with abstract syntax trees)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-ast", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "ast is a small library for working with immutable abstract syntax trees. https://github.com/whitequark/ast", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-ast-2.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "rubygem-native-package-installer", "descs": "rubygem-native-package-installer (native pkg helper)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-native-package-installer", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Users need to install native packages to install an extension library that depends on native packages. It bores users because users need to install native packages and an extension library separately. native-package-installer helps to install native packages on 'gem install'. Users can install both native packages and an extension library by one action, 'gem install'. https://rubygems.org/gems/native-package-installer", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-native-package-installer-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "rubygem-paint", "descs": "rubygem-paint (Ruby gem for ANSI terminal colors)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-paint", "deps": ["ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "Paint creates terminal colors and effects for you. It combines the strengths of term-ansicolor, rainbow, and similar projects into a simple to use, however still flexible terminal colors gem with no core extensions by default. Homepage: https://github.com/janlelis/paint", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-paint-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "ruby", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "", "name": "rubygem-rdiscount", "descs": "rubygem-rdiscount (Markdown for Ruby)", "source": "source/salix/ruby/rubygem-rdiscount", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "RDiscount converts documents in Markdown syntax to HTML.", "path": "./salix/ruby/rubygem-rdiscount-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.0.1", "name": "gresistor", "descs": "gresistor (a Gnome resistor color code calculator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gresistor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "gResistor helps you translate resistor color codes into a readable value. homepage: http://xtronic.org/download/gresistor/", "path": "./salix/academic/gresistor-0.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "4376 K", "ver": "1.95.1", "name": "avogadroapp", "descs": "avogadroapp (graphic user interface of Avogadro 2)", "source": "source/salix/academic/avogadroapp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "avogadrolibs", "e2fsprogs", "glew", "glu", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libmsym", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "molequeue", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "spglib", "zlib", "hdf5"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1094 K", "descl": "Avogadro Application is the graphic interface of Avogadro 2, an advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. It offers flexible rendering and a powerful application on one plugin architecture. Homepage: https://github.com/OpenChemistry/avogadroapp", "path": "./salix/academic/avogadroapp-1.95.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "15740 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "gpredict", "descs": "gpredict (real-time satellite tracking)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gpredict", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "goocanvas2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "hamlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3935 K", "descl": "Gpredict is a real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application. It can track an unlimited number of satellites and display their position and other data in lists, tables, maps, and polar plots (radar view). Gpredict can also predict the time of future. Homepage, http://gpredict.oz9aec.net", "path": "./salix/academic/gpredict-2.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1520 K", "ver": "5.0.4", "name": "seaview", "descs": "seaview (Multiple sequence alignment and phylogeny GUI)", "source": "source/salix/academic/seaview", "deps": ["PDFlib-Lite", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib", "Gblocks", "PhyML", "clustalo", "muscle"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "380 K", "descl": "SeaView is a multiplatform, graphical user interface for multiple sequence alignment and molecular phylogeny. Home: http://doua.prabi.fr/software/seaview", "path": "./salix/academic/seaview-5.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "5.8.1", "name": "suitesparseconfig", "descs": "suitesparseconfig (SuiteSparse common library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/suitesparseconfig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "SuiteSparse_config is a common configuration library for the SuiteSparse family of sparse matrix packages, including SuiteSparseQR, AMD, CAMD, COLAMD, CCOLAMD, CHOLMOD, KLU, BTF, LDL, CXSparse, RBio, and UMFPACK.", "path": "./salix/academic/suitesparseconfig-5.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "620 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "aris", "descs": "aris (sequential proof program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/aris", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "155 K", "descl": "GNU Aris is a sequential proof program, designed to assist anyone interested in solving logical proofs. Aris supports both propositional and predicate logic, as well as Boolean algebra and arithmetical logic in the form of abstract sequences. It uses a predefined set of both inference and equivalence rules, however gives the user options to use older proofs as lemmas, including Isabelle's Isar proofs. Home page: https://www.gnu.org/software/aris/", "path": "./salix/academic/aris-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2512 K", "ver": "2.0.9", "name": "spqr", "descs": "spqr (sparse matrix factoring routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/spqr", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "amd", "camd", "ccolamd", "cholmod", "colamd", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "suitesparseconfig", "tbb", "blas", "lapack"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "628 K", "descl": "SuiteSparseQR is an implementation of the multifrontal sparse QR factorization method. Parallelism is exploited both in the BLAS and across different frontal matrices using Intel's Threading Building Blocks, a shared-memory programming model for modern multicore architectures. It can obtain a substantial fraction of the theoretical peak performance of a multicore computer.", "path": "./salix/academic/spqr-2.0.9-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "22732 K", "ver": "4.4.5", "name": "extrema", "descs": "extrema (A powerful visualization and data analysis tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/extrema", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "5683 K", "descl": "Extrema is a powerful visualization and data analysis tool that enables researchers to quickly distill their large, complex data sets into meaningful information. Its flexibility, sophistication, and power allow you to easily develop your own commands and create highly customized graphs. Homepage: http://exsitewebware.com/extrema/index.html", "path": "./salix/academic/extrema-4.4.5-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2060 K", "ver": "b09.1", "name": "amplicon", "descs": "amplicon (Design PCR primers on aligned sequences)", "source": "source/salix/academic/amplicon", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "515 K", "descl": "Amplicon is a tool for designing PCR primers where groups of related DNA sequences can be assessed in aligned form. This is especially useful for designing 'group-specific' PCR primer sets that produce amplicons from a targer group of species, but not from other groups of species. Home: http://amplicon.sourceforge.net/ References: /usr/doc/amplicon-b09.1/References", "path": "./salix/academic/amplicon-b09.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "6436 K", "ver": "5.0.7", "name": "nco", "descs": "nco (netCDF Operators Software Stack)", "source": "source/salix/academic/nco", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "gsl", "hdf5", "libaec", "libunistring", "netcdf", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "udunits", "zlib", "antlr2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1609 K", "descl": "The NCO toolkit manipulates and analyzes data stored in netCDF- accessible formats, including DAP, HDF4, and HDF5. It exploits the geophysical expressivity of many CF (Climate & Forecast) metadata conventions, the flexible description of physical dimensions translated by UDUnits, the network transparency of OPeNDAP, the storage features (e.g., compression, chunking, groups) of HDF (the Hierarchical Data Format), and many powerful mathematical and statistical algorithms of GSL (the GNU Scientific Library).", "path": "./salix/academic/nco-5.0.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "6436 K", "ver": "2.12.23", "name": "gri", "descs": "gri (graphics language)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gri", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "hdf5", "libaec", "libunistring", "netcdf", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1609 K", "descl": "Gri is a language for scientific graphics applications. It is a command-driven application and analogous to latex or tex, and shares the property that extensive power is the reward for tolerating a learning curve. Gri output is in PostScript, suitable for incorporation in documents prepared by various text processors. Home: https://github.com/dankelley/gri or http://gri.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/gri-2.12.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "5660 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "eprover", "descs": "eprover (a first-order theorem prover)", "source": "source/salix/academic/eprover", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1415 K", "descl": "E is an automated theorem prover for first-order and equational logic. Homepage: http://www.eprover.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/eprover-2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "4.09.1", "name": "trfind", "descs": "trfind (Tandem repeats finder: a program to analyze DNA sequences)", "source": "source/salix/academic/trfind", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Tandem Repeats Finder is a program to locate and display tandem repeats in DNA sequences. Home: https://tandem.bu.edu/trf/trf.html", "path": "./salix/academic/trfind-4.09.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "sep2002", "name": "topdraw", "descs": "topdraw (A sketchpad for protein topology diagrams)", "source": "source/salix/academic/topdraw", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "TopDraw is a sketchpad for drawing topology cartoons of proteins written in Tcl/Tk. It does not calculate topology from a PDB file, merely allows you to sketch a topology derived from another source. Home: http://crystal.scb.uwa.edu.au/charlie/software/topdraw/ References: /usr/doc/topdraw-sep2002/References", "path": "./salix/academic/topdraw-sep2002-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "7464 K", "ver": "6.54", "name": "xflr5", "descs": "xflr5 (analysis tool for airfoils, wings, and planes)", "source": "source/salix/academic/xflr5", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1866 K", "descl": "XFLR5 is an analysis tool for airfoils, wings, and planes operating at low Reynolds numbers. It includes: 1. XFoil's Direct and Inverse analysis capabilities 2. Wing design and analysis capabilities based on Lifting Line theory, on the Vortex Lattice method, and on a 3D Panel method Homepage: http://www.xflr5.com/xflr5.htm", "path": "./salix/academic/xflr5-6.54-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "15716 K", "ver": "3.22.2", "name": "solfege", "descs": "solfege (music education software)", "source": "source/salix/academic/solfege", "deps": ["TiMidity++", "freepats"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3929 K", "descl": "Use solfege to to train your rhythm, interval, scale, and chord skills. https://www.solfege.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/solfege-3.22.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1008 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "patsy", "descs": "patsy (A Python library for describing statistical models)", "source": "source/salix/academic/patsy", "deps": ["numpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "252 K", "descl": "Patsy (A Python library for describing statistical models) especially linear models, or models that have a linear component) and building design matrices. Patsy brings the convenience of R 'formulas' to Python. https://patsy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/academic/patsy-0.3.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2768 K", "ver": "2.9.5", "name": "gtypist", "descs": "gtypist (universal typing tutor)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gtypist", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "692 K", "descl": "GNU Typist is a universal typing tutor. You can learn correct typing and improve your skills by practicing its exercises on a regular basis. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/gtypist", "path": "./salix/academic/gtypist-2.9.5-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "9364 K", "ver": "1.7.0", "name": "amplifx", "descs": "amplifx (Manage, test and design your primers for PCR)", "source": "source/salix/academic/amplifx", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2341 K", "descl": "The main purpose of AmplifX is to seek in a collection of primers, such as any molecular biologist get in his refrigerators, those which can be use to amplify a fragment into a target sequence, for example, and particularly, to design strategies to screen recombinant clones by PCR.", "path": "./salix/academic/amplifx-1.7.0-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "724 K", "ver": "2.4.6", "name": "amd", "descs": "amd (sparse matrix ordering routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/amd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "7salix15.0", "sizec": "181 K", "descl": "AMD is a set of routines for ordering a sparse matrix prior to Cholesky factorization (or for LU factorization with diagonal pivoting). There are versions in both C and Fortran. Note that this software has nothing to do with AMD the company. This package runs on any platform.", "path": "./salix/academic/amd-2.4.6-i586-7salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "6500 K", "ver": "6.6.0", "name": "EMBASSY", "descs": "EMBASSY (EMBOSS associated software)", "source": "source/salix/academic/EMBASSY", "deps": ["EMBOSS", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1625 K", "descl": "EMBASSY packages include applications with the same look and feel as EMBOSS applications, but which the author wishes to be kept separate from EMBOSS. Home: http://emboss.sourceforge.net/embassy/", "path": "./salix/academic/EMBASSY-6.6.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "5692 K", "ver": "8.0.211", "name": "magic", "descs": "magic (A VLSI layout design tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/magic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1423 K", "descl": "A venerable VLSI layout tool, written in the 1980's at Berkeley by John Ousterhout. Due largely in part to its liberal open-source license, magic has remained popular with universities and small companies.", "path": "./salix/academic/magic-8.0.211-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "csparse", "descs": "csparse (sparse matrix routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/csparse", "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "CSparse is a small yet feature-rich sparse matrix package. Its purpose is to demonstrate a wide range of sparse matrix algorithms in as concise a code as possible.", "path": "./salix/academic/csparse-3.2.0-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "6428 K", "ver": "3.03", "name": "tiemu", "descs": "tiemu (TI-89/92/V200 emulator for linux)", "source": "source/salix/academic/tiemu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libticables2", "libticalcs2", "libticonv", "libtifiles2", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1607 K", "descl": "TiEmu emulates Texas Instruments calculators TI-89/92/92+/V200PLT (no GDB). Homepage: http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tiemu/", "path": "./salix/academic/tiemu-3.03-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1804 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "libghemical", "descs": "libghemical (computational chemistry library from ghemical)", "source": "source/salix/academic/libghemical", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "451 K", "descl": "Libghemical is a software library which contains all of the computational chemistry functionality of the ghemical application.", "path": "./salix/academic/libghemical-3.0.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "16672 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "bibus", "descs": "bibus (bibliographic database)", "source": "source/salix/academic/bibus", "deps": ["wxPython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4168 K", "descl": "Bibus is a bibliographic and reference management software. As with other such tools, Bibus allows one to search, edit, and sort bibliographic records. In addition, Bibus contains features that makes it unique among open source and even commercial bibliographic databases.", "path": "./salix/academic/bibus-1.5.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "193900 K", "ver": "5.0.85", "name": "zotero", "descs": "zotero (Collect, organize, cite, and share research sources)", "source": "source/salix/academic/zotero", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48475 K", "descl": "Zotero automatically senses content in your web browser, allowing you to add it to your personal library. Zotero collects all your research in a single, searchable interface. You can add PDFs, images, audio / video files, snapshots of web pages, and really anything else. Zotero automatically indexes the full-text content of your library, enabling you to find exactly what you are looking for with just a few keystrokes. Homepage: https://www.zotero.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/zotero-5.0.85-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "78588 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "ViennaRNA", "descs": "ViennaRNA (C Library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ViennaRNA", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], "gsl"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19647 K", "descl": "The ViennaRNA Package consists of a C code library and several stand-alone programs for the prediction and comparison of RNA secondary structures. Reference: Lorenz R, Bernhart SH, Honer Zu Siederdissen C, Tafe H, Flamm C, Stadler PF, Hofacker IL. ViennaRNA Package 2.0 Algorithms Mol. Biol., 6:1 26, 2011, doi:10.1186/1748-7188-6-26 Home: https://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/RNA", "path": "./salix/academic/ViennaRNA-2.5.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1612 K", "ver": "0.1.16", "name": "vcftools", "descs": "vcftools (A program package designed for working with VCF files)", "source": "source/salix/academic/vcftools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "403 K", "descl": "VCFtools is a program package designed for working with VCF files such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project. The aim of VCFtools is to provide methods for working with VCF files: validating, merging, comparing and calculate some basic population genetic statistics. Home: http://vcftools.sourceforge.net/ References: /usr/doc/vcftools-0.1.14_33_g1d27c24/References", "path": "./salix/academic/vcftools-0.1.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2396 K", "ver": "20091207", "name": "gnucap", "descs": "gnucap (A modern analog and mixed signal circuit simulator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gnucap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "599 K", "descl": "Gnucap is designed so it can eventually replace Spice. Today, it can replace Spice in some applications. There are some significant technical advantages. It is a work in progress. New features are added regularly as time and demand permits.", "path": "./salix/academic/gnucap-20091207-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.91b", "name": "Gblocks", "descs": "Gblocks (Select blocks of evolutionarily conserved sites)", "source": "source/salix/academic/Gblocks", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Gblocks is a program that eliminates poorly aligned positions and divergent regions of an alignment of DNA or protein sequences. Home: http://molevol.cmima.csic.es/castresana/Gblocks.html References: /usr/doc/Gblocks-0.91b/References", "path": "./salix/academic/Gblocks-0.91b-i386-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "10288 K", "ver": "1.0.27", "name": "genius", "descs": "genius (math tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/genius", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "flex", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtksourceview4", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2572 K", "descl": "genius is an all purpose math toolprogram similar in some aspects to BC, Matlab or Maple. It is useful both as a simple calculator and as a research or educational tool. The syntax is very intuitive and is designed to mimic how mathematics is usually written. Homepage http://www.5z.com/jirka/genius.html", "path": "./salix/academic/genius-1.0.27-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "6100 K", "ver": "20060601", "name": "spidey", "descs": "spidey (mRNA-to-genomic alignment)", "source": "source/salix/academic/spidey", "deps": ["aaa_libraries"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1525 K", "descl": "Spidey is a tool for aligning one or more mRNA sequences to a given genomic sequence. Home: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/spidey/index.html", "path": "./salix/academic/spidey-20060601-i386-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "25680 K", "ver": "36", "name": "ngspice", "descs": "ngspice (mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ngspice", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib", "openmpi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6420 K", "descl": "Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. Its code is based on three open source software packages: Spice3f5, Cider1b1 and Xspice. Ngspice is part of gEDA project, a full GPL'd suite of Electronic Design Automation tools.", "path": "./salix/academic/ngspice-36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3104 K", "ver": "0.97.5346", "name": "smath-studio", "descs": "smath-studio (computer algebra system)", "source": "source/salix/academic/smath-studio", "deps": ["mono"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "776 K", "descl": "SMath Studio is a freeware, closed source, mathematical notebook program similar to Mathcad. Homepage: http://smath.info", "path": "./salix/academic/smath-studio-0.97.5346-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "4668 K", "ver": "1.9.1", "name": "flann", "descs": "flann (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors)", "source": "source/salix/academic/flann", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1167 K", "descl": "FLANN is a library for performing fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces. It contains a collection of algorithms we found to work best for nearest neighbor search and a system for automatically choosing the best algorithm and optimum parameters depending on the dataset. Homepage: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~mariusm/index.php/FLANN/FLANN", "path": "./salix/academic/flann-1.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2540 K", "ver": "1.14.14", "name": "io_lib", "descs": "io_lib (Provides a trace file reading interface)", "source": "source/salix/academic/io_lib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "635 K", "descl": "Io_lib is a library of file reading and writing code to provide a general purpose trace file (and Experiment File) reading interface. Home: http://staden.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/io_lib-1.14.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.2.6", "name": "tabix-legacy", "descs": "tabix-legacy (Legacy version of Tabix)", "source": "source/salix/academic/tabix-legacy", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "Tabix indexes a TAB-delimited genome position file in.tab.bgz and creates an index file in.tab.bgz.tbi when region is absent from the command-line. The input data file must be position sorted and compressed by bgzip which has a gzip like interface. Tabix is able to quickly retrieve data lines overlapping regions specified in the format 'chr:beginPos-endPos'. Home: http://samtools.sourceforge.net/tabix.shtml", "path": "./salix/academic/tabix-legacy-0.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1110468 K", "ver": "20201104_1356", "name": "fiji", "descs": "fiji (Fiji is just ImageJ)", "source": "source/salix/academic/fiji", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "277617 K", "descl": "Fiji is Just ImageJ, with extras. It is a distribution of ImageJ with many plugins useful for scientific image analysis in fields such as life sciences. Home: https://fiji.sc/", "path": "./salix/academic/fiji-20201104_1356-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "920 K", "ver": "1.6.14", "name": "chemtool", "descs": "chemtool (Chemical Molecule Drawing Program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/chemtool", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "230 K", "descl": "Chemtool is a small program for drawing chemical structures on Linux and Unix systems using the GTK toolkit under X11. Homepage: http://ruby.chemie.uni-freiburg.de/~martin/chemtool/", "path": "./salix/academic/chemtool-1.6.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1423488 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "meme-db-tgene", "descs": "meme-db-tgene (MEME Suite T-gene databases)", "source": "source/salix/academic/meme-db-tgene", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "355872 K", "descl": "T-Gene Databases to be used with MEME Suite: Genome + Histone/Expression Data Genomes Only", "path": "./salix/academic/meme-db-tgene-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "20220222_525f481", "name": "sigrok-cli", "descs": "sigrok-cli (command-line frontend for sigrok)", "source": "source/salix/academic/sigrok-cli", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "bluez", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "gnutls", "hidapi", "libftdi1", "libieee1284", "librevisa", "libserialport", "libsigrok", "libsigrokdecode", "libunistring", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "python3", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "sigrok-cli is a command-line frontend for sigrok. It cannot display graphical output, but is still sufficient to run through the whole process of hardware initialization, acquisition, protocol decoding and saving the session. It can display samples on standard output or save them in various file formats. Homepage: https://sigrok.org/wiki/Sigrok-cli", "path": "./salix/academic/sigrok-cli-20220222_525f481-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "70084 K", "ver": "1.17.9", "name": "mendeleydesktop", "descs": "mendeleydesktop (managing and sharing research papers tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/mendeleydesktop", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17521 K", "descl": "Mendeley is a software to organize, share, and discover research papers. Before you download and use this software, make sure you agree with the terms and conditions located at: http://www.mendeley.com/terms/ Homepage: https://www.mendeley.com/", "path": "./salix/academic/mendeleydesktop-1.17.9-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1436 K", "ver": "0.99d", "name": "squizz", "descs": "squizz (A sequence/alignment format checker and converter)", "source": "source/salix/academic/squizz", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "359 K", "descl": "Squizz is a sequence/alignment format checker, but it has some conversion capabilities too. Most common sequence and alignment formats are supported: EMBL, FASTA, GCG, GDE, GENBANK, IG, NBRF, PIR (codata), RAW, SWISSPROT and CLUSTAL, FASTA, MEGA, MSF, NEXUS, PHYLIP (interleaved and sequential) and STOCKHOLM. ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/gensoft/projects/squizz/", "path": "./salix/academic/squizz-0.99d-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "31760 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "tilem2", "descs": "tilem2 (TI-calculator emulator for linux)", "source": "source/salix/academic/tilem2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libticables2", "libticalcs2", "libticonv", "libtifiles2", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7940 K", "descl": "tilem2 serves as an emulator for the Z-80 TI line of calculators from Texas Instruments. This is the 2.0 version and can live concurrently with TiLem 0.97x. Homepage: http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilem/", "path": "./salix/academic/tilem2-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2504 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "lapack95", "descs": "lapack95 (Fortran 95 interface to LAPACK)", "source": "source/salix/academic/lapack95", "deps": ["lapack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "626 K", "descl": "LAPACK95 is a Fortran 95 interface to LAPACK.", "path": "./salix/academic/lapack95-3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2008 K", "ver": "5.7.1", "name": "cryptominisat", "descs": "cryptominisat (SAT solver)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cryptominisat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "502 K", "descl": "This system provides CryptoMiniSat, an advanced SAT solver. The system has 3 interfaces: command-line, C++ library and python. The command-line interface takes a cnf as an input in the DIMACS format with the extension of XOR clauses. The C++ interface mimics this except that it allows for a more efficient system, with assumptions and multiple solve() calls. A C compatible wrapper is also provided. The python interface provides a high-level yet efficient API to use most of the C++ interface with ease.", "path": "./salix/academic/cryptominisat-5.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "23304 K", "ver": "2.7.9", "name": "mathjax2", "descs": "mathjax2 (Beautiful math in all browsers)", "source": "source/salix/academic/mathjax2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5826 K", "descl": "MathJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all modern browsers.", "path": "./salix/academic/mathjax2-2.7.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "artha", "descs": "artha (the open thesaurus)", "source": "source/salix/academic/artha", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "WordNet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "Artha is a free cross-platform English thesaurus that works completely off-line and is based on WordNet. http://artha.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/artha-1.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "692 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "primer3", "descs": "primer3 (Design PCR primers)", "source": "source/salix/academic/primer3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "173 K", "descl": "Primer3 is a widely used program for designing PCR primers (PCR = 'Polymerase Chain Reaction'). PCR is an essential and ubiquitous tool in genetics and molecular biology. Primer3 can also design hybridization probes and sequencing primers. Home: http://primer3.sourceforge.net/ References: /usr/doc/primer3-2.3.7/References", "path": "./salix/academic/primer3-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "20091029", "name": "cap3", "descs": "cap3 (CAP3: A DNA sequence assembly program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cap3", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "CAP3 if the third generation of the CAP sequence assembly program. The program has a capability to clip 5' and 3' low-quality regions of reads. It uses base quality values in computation of overlaps between reads, construction of multiple sequence alignments of reads, and generation of consensus sequences. Home: http://seq.cs.iastate.edu/ References: /usr/doc/cap3-20091029/References", "path": "./salix/academic/cap3-20091029-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "9192 K", "ver": "1.7.2", "name": "sequence-analysis", "descs": "sequence-analysis (Biologic sequences analysis)", "source": "source/salix/academic/sequence-analysis", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2298 K", "descl": "A collage of coding projects for biologic sequences analysis. Home: http://informagen.com/SA/", "path": "./salix/academic/sequence-analysis-1.7.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3224 K", "ver": "", "name": "calc", "descs": "calc (C-style arbitrary precision calculator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/calc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "806 K", "descl": "Calc is arbitrary precision C-like arithmetic system that is a calculator, an algorithm prototyper, and mathematical research tool. Calc comes with a rich set of builtin mathematical and programmatic functions. Homepage: http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/calc/", "path": "./salix/academic/calc-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3112 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "PyAMG", "descs": "PyAMG (Algebraic Multigrid Library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/PyAMG", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2", "nose", "numpy", "scipy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "778 K", "descl": "PyAMG is a library of **Algebraic Multigrid (AMG)** solvers with a convenient Python interface. AMG is a multilevel technique for solving large-scale linear systems with optimal or near-optimal efficiency.", "path": "./salix/academic/PyAMG-2.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "403384 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "x48", "descs": "x48 (HP48 Calculator emulator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/x48", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100846 K", "descl": "x48 is a vintage emulator capable of providing a faithful replication of the HP48 Calculator. It requires a copy of the ROM software. The user can initialize an HP48GX(r) ROM in $HOME/.hp48 with: x48 -initialize -reset -rom /usr/doc/x48-0.6.4/gxrom-r http://www.hpcc.org/calculators/hp48.html", "path": "./salix/academic/x48-0.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3144 K", "ver": "1.4.2_PREVIEW4", "name": "iTest", "descs": "iTest (computer-based tests software)", "source": "source/salix/academic/iTest", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "786 K", "descl": "iTest is an application which allows you to take advantage of the best of computerised examination. iTest consists of two programs -- iTestServer and iTestClient. The server has question and answer database editor. It works as exam server. The client is used by the students to connect to the server. Using this program we can conduct computer-based tests in schools and colleges.", "path": "./salix/academic/iTest-1.4.2_PREVIEW4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "15680 K", "ver": "21.01.0", "name": "wxMaxima", "descs": "wxMaxima (gui for maxima)", "source": "source/salix/academic/wxMaxima", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib", "maxima"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3920 K", "descl": "wxMaxima is a cross platform GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima based on wxWidgets. Homepage: https://wxmaxima-developers.github.io/wxmaxima/", "path": "./salix/academic/wxMaxima-21.01.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "11716 K", "ver": "2.30.0", "name": "bedtools", "descs": "bedtools (A powerful toolset for genome arithmetic)", "source": "source/salix/academic/bedtools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2929 K", "descl": "The bedtools utilities are a swiss-army knife of tools for a wide-range of genomics analysis tasks. The most widely-used tools enable genome arithmetic: that is, set theory on the genome. Home: http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/bedtools-2.30.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "biblesync", "descs": "biblesync (a bible software shared navigation protocol library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/biblesync", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "BibleSync is a shared navigation protocol using LAN multicast. It is useful for a single person when running Bible programs on multiple machines or devices, all of which you wish to navigate through the Bible together, or for a group working closely together, such as translators. Also, it has a 'lecture' mode, where a speaker's Bible program induces the audience's programs to follow along. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnomesword/files/BibleSync/", "path": "./salix/academic/biblesync-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1736 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "gelemental", "descs": "gelemental (A periodic table viewer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gelemental", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "434 K", "descl": "gElemental is a periodic table viewer that provides detailed information on the chemical elements.", "path": "./salix/academic/gelemental-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "20804 K", "ver": "2.13.1", "name": "pari", "descs": "pari (a computer algebra system)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pari", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5201 K", "descl": "PARI/GP is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory (factorizations, algebraic number theory, elliptic curves, modular forms, L functions...), but also contains a large number of other useful functions to compute with mathematical entities such as matrices, polynomials, power series, algebraic numbers etc., and a lot of transcendental functions. Homepage: https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/", "path": "./salix/academic/pari-2.13.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "20700 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "finchtv", "descs": "finchtv (A Brilliant Trace Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/finchtv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5175 K", "descl": "Geospiza's FinchTV is the popular way to view DNA sequence traces. FinchTV started as the only chromatogram viewer that can display an entire trace in a scalable multi-pane view. And it leads the way with raw data views, BLAST searching and the ability to reverse complement sequences and traces. Home: http://www.geospiza.com/Products/finchtv.shtml", "path": "./salix/academic/finchtv-1.3.1-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "7584 K", "ver": "5.6.1", "name": "sundials", "descs": "sundials (Equation Solvers)", "source": "source/salix/academic/sundials", "deps": ["amd", "btf", "colamd", "klu", "suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1896 K", "descl": "SUNDIALS was implemented with the goal of providing robust time integrators and nonlinear solvers that can easily be incorporated into existing simulation codes. The primary design goals were to require minimal information from the user, allow users to easily supply their own data structures underneath the solvers, and allow for easy incorporation of user-supplied linear solvers and preconditioners.", "path": "./salix/academic/sundials-5.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3560 K", "ver": "0.12.0", "name": "speedcrunch", "descs": "speedcrunch (Scientific calculator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/speedcrunch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "890 K", "descl": "SpeedCrunch is a fast, high precision and powerful desktop calculator. Homepage: http://www.speedcrunch.org/en_US/index.html", "path": "./salix/academic/speedcrunch-0.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1032 K", "ver": "0.4.4", "name": "evopedia_qt", "descs": "evopedia_qt (Offline Wikipedia viewer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/evopedia_qt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "258 K", "descl": "Evopedia manages offline Wikipedia snapshots. Handy if you have a slow Internet connection or no Internet access from time to time. You can also use evopedia to host your own local Wikipedia server. http://evopedia.info", "path": "./salix/academic/evopedia_qt-0.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "arka", "descs": "arka (A GUI for genpak)", "source": "source/salix/academic/arka", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb", "genpak"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "Arka is a program that serves as a graphical interface for the programs from the GenPak (GP) package and has some interesting functions on its own. Home: http://www.bioinformatics.org/genpak/", "path": "./salix/academic/arka-0.11-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2208 K", "ver": "3.1.2", "name": "pyfits", "descs": "pyfits (a Python extension for working with FITS files)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pyfits", "deps": ["python2", "python-stsci.distutils", "numpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "552 K", "descl": "PyFITS provides an interface to FITS formatted files in the Python scripting language. PyFITS was a development project of the Science Software Branch at the Space Telescope Science Institute. Homepage: https://github.com/spacetelescope/PyFITS", "path": "./salix/academic/pyfits-3.1.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2272 K", "ver": "1.15.1", "name": "samtools", "descs": "samtools (Sequence Alignment/Map Tools)", "source": "source/salix/academic/samtools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "htslib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "568 K", "descl": "SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments. The original samtools package has been split into three separate but tightly coordinated projects: htslib (C-library for handling high-throughput sequencing data), samtools (for handling SAM, BAM, CRAM), and bcftools (for handling VCF and BCF). Homepage: http://www.htslib.org", "path": "./salix/academic/samtools-1.15.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "6996 K", "ver": "", "name": "locarna", "descs": "locarna (Local RNA alignment on structural basis)", "source": "source/salix/academic/locarna", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], "gsl", "ViennaRNA"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1749 K", "descl": "LocARNA is a collection of alignment tools for the structural analysis of RNA. Given a set of RNA sequences, LocARNA simultaneously aligns and predicts common structures for your RNAs. In this way, LocARNA performs Sankoff-like alignment and is in particular suited for analyzing sets of related RNAs without known common structure. Home:https://www.bioinf.uni-freiburg.de/Software/LocARNA/", "path": "./salix/academic/locarna-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "556 K", "ver": "2.2.6", "name": "ldl", "descs": "ldl (sparse matrix factoring routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ldl", "deps": ["suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "7salix15.0", "sizec": "139 K", "descl": "LDL is a set of concise routines for factorizing symmetric positive-definite sparse matrices, with some applicability to symmetric indefinite matrices.", "path": "./salix/academic/ldl-2.2.6-i586-7salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "5980 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "getdp", "descs": "getdp (Finite Element Solver)", "source": "source/salix/academic/getdp", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "blas", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "gsl", "lapack", "python3", "arpack-ng"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1495 K", "descl": "GetDP a free finite element solver using mixed elements to discretize de Rham-type complexes in one, two and three dimensions. The main feature of GetDP is the closeness between the input data defining discrete problems (written by the user in ASCII data files) and the symbolic mathematical expressions of these problems. GetDP is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.", "path": "./salix/academic/getdp-3.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "20372 K", "ver": "20150820", "name": "cld2", "descs": "cld2 (Compact Language Detection)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cld2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5093 K", "descl": "The Compact Language Detection library can detect the language of text, even with a very small amount of sample data. CLD2 supports over 160 language and works on both plain text and HTML. Home: https://code.google.com/p/cld2/", "path": "./salix/academic/cld2-20150820-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "968920 K", "ver": "4.1.2_p1", "name": "RepeatMasker", "descs": "RepeatMasker (Screen DNA sequence for interspersed repeats)", "source": "source/salix/academic/RepeatMasker", "deps": ["perl-Text-Soundex", "trfind", "HMMER", "ncbi-rmblastn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "242230 K", "descl": "RepeatMasker is a program that screens DNA sequences for inter- spersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences. The output of the program is a detailed annotation of the repeats that are present in the query sequence as well as a modified version of the query sequence in which all the annotated repeats have been masked (default: replaced by Ns). Home: http://www.repeatmasker.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/RepeatMasker-4.1.2_p1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1096 K", "ver": "2.6.0", "name": "gerbv", "descs": "gerbv (viewer for Gerber RS-274X files)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gerbv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "274 K", "descl": "Gerbv is one of the utilities affiliated with the gEDA project, an umbrella organization dedicated to producing free software tools for electronic design. Gerbv is a viewer for Gerber RS-274X files, Excellon drill files, and CSV pick-and-place files. It is a native Linux application, and it runs on many common unix platforms. Gerbv is free / open-source software. The core functionality of gerbv is located in a separate library (libgerbv), allowing developers to include Gerber parsing/editing/exporting/rendering into other programs.", "path": "./salix/academic/gerbv-2.6.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "15556 K", "ver": "20220116_2b8e03e", "name": "Kst", "descs": "Kst (KDE4 Plotting Tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/Kst", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gsl", "hdf5", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libaec", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "scipy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3889 K", "descl": "Kst is the fastest real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool available (You may be interested in some benchmarks) and has built-in data analysis functionality.", "path": "./salix/academic/Kst-20220116_2b8e03e-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "13848 K", "ver": "5.11.0", "name": "suitesparse", "descs": "suitesparse (A collection of sparse matrix libraries)", "source": "source/salix/academic/suitesparse", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], "blas", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "lapack", "chrpath"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3462 K", "descl": "suitesparse is a collection of libraries for computations involving sparse matrices. The package includes the following libraries: AMD, BTF, CAMD, COLAMD, CCOLAMD, CHOLMOD, CXSparse, KLU, LDL, SQPR, UMFPACK, GraphBLAS, Mongoose.", "path": "./salix/academic/suitesparse-5.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "7676 K", "ver": "3.3.20200621", "name": "PhyML", "descs": "PhyML (Phylogenetic estimation using Maximum Likelihood)", "source": "source/salix/academic/PhyML", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], "libevent", "libpciaccess", "openmpi", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1919 K", "descl": "PhyML is a software that estimates maximum likelihood phylogenies from alignments of nucleotide or amino acid sequences. It provides a wide range of options that were designed to facilitate standard phylogenetic analyses. Home: http://code.google.com/p/phyml/ References: /usr/doc/PhyML-3.3.20170530/References", "path": "./salix/academic/PhyML-3.3.20200621-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "396 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "fann", "descs": "fann (Fast Artificial Neural Networks)", "source": "source/salix/academic/fann", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "99 K", "descl": "Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. Bindings to more than 15 programming languages are available. Homepage: http://leenissen.dk/fann/wp/", "path": "./salix/academic/fann-2.2.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1224 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "equalx", "descs": "equalx (equation editor)", "source": "source/salix/academic/equalx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "exempi", "expat", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "306 K", "descl": "Equalx is an equation editor and viewer that uses a latex installation which can export latex math code to eps, png, pdf, jpg, tex, ps, or svg. Homepage:http://equalx.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/academic/equalx-0.7.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "wmcalc", "descs": "wmcalc (calculator dockapp for windowMaker)", "source": "source/salix/academic/wmcalc", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "wmcalc is a program designed to act as a simple four-function calculator. It is different from other calculator programs, however in that it is designed to take up very little desktop space. As such, it can be left running on the desktop at all times.", "path": "./salix/academic/wmcalc-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "40292 K", "ver": "1.8.1", "name": "tuxtype2", "descs": "tuxtype2 (Educational Typing Tutor)", "source": "source/salix/academic/tuxtype2", "deps": ["SDL_Pango", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10073 K", "descl": "'Tux Typing' is an educational typing tutor for children. It features several different types of gameplay, at a variety of difficulty levels. https://alioth-archive.debian.org/releases/tux4kids/TuxType-Source/", "path": "./salix/academic/tuxtype2-1.8.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "26256 K", "ver": "2.2.28", "name": "ncbi-rmblastn", "descs": "ncbi-rmblastn (NCBI RMBlast)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ncbi-rmblastn", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib", "ncbi-blast+"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6564 K", "descl": "RMBlast supports RepeatMasker searches by adding a few necessary features to the stock NCBI blastn program. These include: Support for custom matrices ( without KA-Statistics ) Support for cross_match-like complexity adjusted scoring Support for cross_match-like masklevel filtering", "path": "./salix/academic/ncbi-rmblastn-2.2.28-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "cistrome-conductGO", "descs": "cistrome-conductGO (find the top-n highest expressed TFs)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cistrome-conductGO", "deps": ["R"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "A galaxy tool to find the top-n highest expressed TFs.", "path": "./salix/academic/cistrome-conductGO-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1584 K", "ver": "2.1.8", "name": "ncview", "descs": "ncview (a netCDF visual browser)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ncview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "hdf5", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libaec", "libunistring", "libxcb", "netcdf", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "udunits", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "396 K", "descl": "Ncview displays a 2-dimensional, color representation of data in a netCDF file. You can animate the data in time (making simple movies), flip or enlarge the picture, scan through various axes, change colormaps, etc. You can also plot the data in X-Y plots and then print those.", "path": "./salix/academic/ncview-2.1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "c72c0e", "name": "ed-v6", "descs": "ed-v6 (Old UNIX V6 ed _lightly_ ported to modern systems)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ed-v6", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "The old UNIX version of 'ed', the line editor. This is intended to be for academic interest more than anything and perhaps shouldn't be used for any serious editing of system files etc. You have been warned! :) https://github.com/geocar/ed-v6", "path": "./salix/academic/ed-v6-c72c0e-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "664044 K", "ver": "9", "name": "OpenFOAM", "descs": "OpenFOAM (computational fluid dynamics)", "source": "source/salix/academic/OpenFOAM", "deps": ["openmpi", "CGAL"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "166011 K", "descl": "OpenFOAM has an extensive range of features to simulate anything from turbulent flows in automotive aerodynamics, to fires and fire suppression in buildings, involving combustion, chemical reactions, heat transfer, liquid sprays and films. It includes tools for meshing in and around complex geometries (e.g. a vehicle), and for data processing and visualisation, and more. Almost all computations can be executed in parallel as standard to take full advantage of today's multi-core processors and multi-processor computers.", "path": "./salix/academic/OpenFOAM-9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "15524 K", "ver": "2.61", "name": "gwyddion", "descs": "gwyddion (scanning probe microscopy data analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gwyddion", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkglext", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "jansson", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libaec", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "nghttp2", "openexr", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3881 K", "descl": "Gwyddion is a modular program for SPM (scanning probe microscopy) data visualization and analysis. Primarily it is intended for analysis of height fields obtained by means of scanning probe microscopy techniques (AFM, MFM, STM, SNOM/NSOM), however it can be generally used for any other height field and image analysis.", "path": "./salix/academic/gwyddion-2.61-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "25932 K", "ver": "12.1", "name": "engauge", "descs": "engauge (graphs to number digitizer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/engauge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "log4cpp", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "poppler", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6483 K", "descl": "engauge converts an image file showing a graph or map, into numbers. The image file can come from a scanner, digital camera or screenshot. The numbers can be read on the screen, and written or copied to a spreadsheet. Engauge Digitizer compensates for rotation, scaling and skew (also known as shearing) in graphs. Engauge recognizes BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, PNM, and XPM bitmaps. Homepage: http://markummitchell.github.io/engauge-digitizer/", "path": "./salix/academic/engauge-12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "67200 K", "ver": "6.4.0", "name": "octave", "descs": "octave (Matlab clone)", "source": "source/salix/academic/octave", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", "QScintilla", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "amd", "arpack-ng", "blas", "brotli", "celt", "colamd", "curl", "cxsparse", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "flac", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "glpk", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "icu4c", "jack2", "lapack", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libaec", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["metis", "suitesparse"], "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "portaudio", "qt5", "suitesparse", "suitesparseconfig", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16800 K", "descl": "GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/", "path": "./salix/academic/octave-6.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "7620 K", "ver": "11.0", "name": "verilog", "descs": "verilog (Icarus Verilog Complier)", "source": "source/salix/academic/verilog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1905 K", "descl": "Icarus Verilog is a Verilog simulation and synthesis tool. It operates as a compiler, compling source code writen in Verilog (IEEE-1364) into some target. http://www.icarus.com/eda/verilog/", "path": "./salix/academic/verilog-11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "grpn", "descs": "grpn (graphical reverse polish notation (RPN)", "source": "source/salix/academic/grpn", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "GRPN is written in C and uses the GIMP Toolkit (GTK) on top of X11. GRPN was developed under Linux but has also been tested under SunOS and Solaris. It should work with almost any UNIX, though. GRPN works with real numbers and complex numbers. Numbers can be displayed in 4 different radix modes, and complex numbers can be displayed in either Cartesian or polar form. GRPN uses a stack and reverse polish notation to evaluate expressions. The stack in GRPN is infinite and limited only by available memory. Homepage: http://lashwhip.com/grpn.html", "path": "./salix/academic/grpn-1.1.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "harminv", "descs": "harminv (harmonic inversion from a time series)", "source": "source/salix/academic/harminv", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "lapack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "Harminv is a program and library that solves the problem of harmonic inversion. It takes a discrete-time, finite-length signal, and decomposes it into a sum of finitely-many sinusoids, dettermining the frequencies, decay constants, amplitudes, and phases of those sinusoids. Homepage: https://github.com/NanoComp/harminv", "path": "./salix/academic/harminv-1.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "91260 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "openboard", "descs": "openboard (Interactive whiteboard)", "source": "source/salix/academic/openboard", "deps": ["libpaper", "libass", "x264", "libfdk-aac"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22815 K", "descl": "OpenBoard is an open source cross-platform teaching software for interactive whiteboard designed primarily for use in schools and universities. It can be used both with interactive whiteboards or in a dual-screen setup with a pen-tablet display and a beamer.", "path": "./salix/academic/openboard-1.6.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2280 K", "ver": "1.3.9", "name": "klu", "descs": "klu (sparse matrix factoring routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/klu", "deps": ["amd", "btf", "colamd", "suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "570 K", "descl": "KLU is a sparse LU factorization algorithm well-suited for use in circuit simulation.", "path": "./salix/academic/klu-1.3.9-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "22144 K", "ver": "12.21", "name": "meme-db-motif", "descs": "meme-db-motif (MEME Suite motif databases)", "source": "source/salix/academic/meme-db-motif", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5536 K", "descl": "Motif Databases to be used with MEME Suite.", "path": "./salix/academic/meme-db-motif-12.21-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "31344 K", "ver": "5.3.3", "name": "meme-suite", "descs": "meme-suite (Motif based sequence analysis tools)", "source": "source/salix/academic/meme-suite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libpciaccess", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mpich", "ocl-icd", "zlib", "openmpi", "perl-HTML-Template", "perl-JSON", "meme-db-gomo", "meme-db-motif", "meme-db-tgene"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7836 K", "descl": "The MEME suite: motif based sequence analysis tools The MEME suite provides tools for discovering and using protein and DNA sequence motifs. A motif is a pattern of nucleotides or amino acids that appears repeatedly in a group of related DNA or protein sequences. Home: http://meme-suite.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/meme-suite-5.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "9508 K", "ver": "1.4.1_03", "name": "jpicedt", "descs": "jpicedt (picture creator/editor for LaTeX and PSTricks)", "source": "source/salix/academic/jpicedt", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2377 K", "descl": "JPicEdt is an open source, multi-platform, and interactive picture editor for LaTeX and PSTricks. Homepage: http://jpicedt.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/jpicedt-1.4.1_03-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "19116 K", "ver": "5.4.1", "name": "getfem", "descs": "getfem (finite element modeling software)", "source": "source/salix/academic/getfem", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "blas", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "lapack", "scipy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4779 K", "descl": "GetFEM is an open source library based on collaborative development. It aims to offer the most flexible framework for solving potentially coupled systems of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations with the finite element method. For more information visit: http://getfem.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/getfem-5.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.2.6", "name": "btf", "descs": "btf (matrix permuting routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/btf", "deps": ["suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "7salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "BTF permutes an unsymmetric matrix (square or rectangular) into its block upper triangular form (more precisely, it computes a Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition).", "path": "./salix/academic/btf-1.2.6-i586-7salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "329184 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "meme-db-gomo", "descs": "meme-db-gomo (MEME Suite GOMo databases)", "source": "source/salix/academic/meme-db-gomo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82296 K", "descl": "GOMo Databases to be used with MEME Suite.", "path": "./salix/academic/meme-db-gomo-3.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "9684 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "pspp", "descs": "pspp (Free open source replacement of SPSS)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pspp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gsl", "gtk+3", "gtksourceview3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "postgresql", "spread-sheet-widget", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2421 K", "descl": "GNU PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a Free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS, and appears very similar to it with a few exceptions. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/", "path": "./salix/academic/pspp-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "23824 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "bibletime", "descs": "bibletime (Bible study application for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/academic/bibletime", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "clucene", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "sword", "util-linux", "xapian-core", "zlib", "po4a", "fop"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5956 K", "descl": "BibleTime is based on the K Desktop Environment and uses the Sword programming library to work with Bible texts, commentaries, dictionaries and books provided by the Crosswire Bible Society. http://www.bibletime.info/", "path": "./salix/academic/bibletime-3.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "828 K", "ver": "0.7.17", "name": "bwa", "descs": "bwa (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner)", "source": "source/salix/academic/bwa", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "207 K", "descl": "Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) is an efficient program that aligns relatively short nucleotide sequences against a long reference sequence such as the human genome. It implements two algorithms, bwa-short and BWA-SW. The former works for query sequences shorter than 200bp and the latter for longer sequences up to around 100kbp. Home: http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/bwa-0.7.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "169324 K", "ver": "4.3t", "name": "snpEff", "descs": "snpEff (Genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox)", "source": "source/salix/academic/snpEff", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42331 K", "descl": "SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. It annotates and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid changes). Home: http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/snpEff-4.3t-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "4300 K", "ver": "4.0.1", "name": "Shark", "descs": "Shark (machine learning library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/Shark", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "hdf5", "libaec", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1075 K", "descl": "Shark is a fast, modular, feature-rich open-source C++ machine learning library. It provides methods for linear and nonlinear optimization, kernel-based learning algorithms, neural networks and various other machine learning techniques (see the feature list below). It serves as a powerful toolbox for real world applications as well as research. Shark depends on Boost and CMake.", "path": "./salix/academic/Shark-4.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "gp2fasta", "descs": "gp2fasta (Convert gp files to fasta)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gp2fasta", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "GP2fasta is a QT application converting gp files from NCBI GenPept format to fasta. Its main purpose is to create fasta files with short, but still accurate headers for sequence. Home: http://gp2fasta.netmark.pl/", "path": "./salix/academic/gp2fasta-0.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2624 K", "ver": "1.2.36", "name": "gspiceui", "descs": "gspiceui (A GUI for Ng-Spice and GNUcap)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gspiceui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib", "pangox-compat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "656 K", "descl": "gSpiceUI is intended to provide a GUI for freely available electronic circuit simulation engines ie. NG-Spice and Gnucap.", "path": "./salix/academic/gspiceui-1.2.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "25028 K", "ver": "2.0_b10", "name": "tkgate", "descs": "tkgate (An event driven digital circuit simulator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/tkgate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6257 K", "descl": "TkGate is a event driven digital circuit simulator with a tcl/tk-based graphical editor. TkGate supports a wide range of primitive circuit elements as well as user-defined modules for hierarchical design.", "path": "./salix/academic/tkgate-2.0_b10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "860 K", "ver": "34", "name": "ucsc-blat", "descs": "ucsc-blat (BLAT -- The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ucsc-blat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "215 K", "descl": "BLAT is a bioinformatics software a tool which performs rapid mRNA/DNA and cross-species protein alignments. BLAT is more accurate and 500 times faster than popular existing tools for mRNA/DNA alignments and 50 times faster for protein alignments at sensitivity settings typically used when comparing vertebrate sequences. Home: http://www.kentinformatics.com/ References:/usr/doc/ucsc-blat-34/References", "path": "./salix/academic/ucsc-blat-34-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "aenig4", "descs": "aenig4 (Enigma M4 Cipher Machine Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/aenig4", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "aenig4 emulates the Enigma M4 cipher machine used by the U-boot division of the German Navy during World War II. It can be used as well to emulate the Enigma I machine (M1, M2, M3). https://jorgicor.niobe.org/aenig4", "path": "./salix/academic/aenig4-1.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2004 K", "ver": "4.4.0", "name": "DendroPy", "descs": "DendroPy (A Phylogenetic Computing Library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/DendroPy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "501 K", "descl": "DendroPy is a Python library for phylogenetic computing. It provides classes and functions for the simulation, processing, and manipulation of phylogenetic trees and character matrices, and supports the reading and writing of phylogenetic data in a range of formats, such as NEXUS, NEWICK, NeXML, Phylip, FASTA, etc. https://dendropy.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/DendroPy-4.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1644 K", "ver": "3.5.1", "name": "rpy2", "descs": "rpy2 (R in Python)", "source": "source/salix/academic/rpy2", "deps": ["R", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "e2fsprogs", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "icu4c", "zlib", "cffi", "python3-pytest", "tzlocal"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "411 K", "descl": "rpy2 is an interface to R running embedded in a Python process. The project is mature, stable, documented, and widely used It is also providing features for when working with jupyter notebooks or ipython. home:https://rpy2.github.io/ https://rpy2.github.io/doc/latest/html/index.html", "path": "./salix/academic/rpy2-3.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "36120 K", "ver": "4.13.2", "name": "ITK", "descs": "ITK (image processing library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ITK", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "double-conversion", "expat", "hdf5", "libaec", "libwebp", "zlib", "gtest"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9030 K", "descl": "ITK is an open-source software toolkit for performing registration and segmentation. Segmentation is the process of identifying and classifying data found in a digitally sampled representation. Registration is the task of aligning or developing correspondences between data.", "path": "./salix/academic/ITK-4.13.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "kiwisolver", "descs": "kiwisolver (an implementation of the Cassowary algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/academic/kiwisolver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "This is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm. Kiwi(solver) is an implementation of the algorithm based on the seminal Cassowary paper. It is not a refactoring of the original C++ solver. Kiwi(solver) has been designed from the ground up to be lightweight and fast. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/kiwisolver", "path": "./salix/academic/kiwisolver-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1668 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "pamlX", "descs": "pamlX (A GUI for PAML)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pamlX", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib", "paml"], "rel": "6salix15.0", "sizec": "417 K", "descl": "A graphical user interface for PAML Home: http://abacus.gene.ucl.ac.uk/software/paml.html", "path": "./salix/academic/pamlX-1.3.1-i586-6salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2960 K", "ver": "3.11", "name": "klavaro", "descs": "klavaro (Free touch typing tutor program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/klavaro", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "740 K", "descl": "Klavaro is just another free touch typing tutor program. Klavaro intends to be keyboard and language independent, saving memory and time (and money).", "path": "./salix/academic/klavaro-3.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "2.9.6", "name": "ccolamd", "descs": "ccolamd (sparse matrix ordering routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ccolamd", "deps": ["suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "7salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "CCOLAMD computes a column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm (like COLAMD), but it can also be given a set of ordering constraints.", "path": "./salix/academic/ccolamd-2.9.6-i586-7salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "qrupdate", "descs": "qrupdate (A Fortran library for QR and Cholesky decompositions)", "source": "source/salix/academic/qrupdate", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "blas", "lapack"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "qrupdate is a Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions.", "path": "./salix/academic/qrupdate-1.1.2-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "15580 K", "ver": "0.14.17", "name": "gchemutils", "descs": "gchemutils (gnome-chemistry-utils)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gchemutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "ghostscript", "glib2", "goffice", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "librsvg", "libspectre", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "openbabel", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "chemical-mime-data", "bodr", "gtkglext"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "3895 K", "descl": "A collection of libraries and programs, useful for chemists and science students. These include GChemPaint, GChem3Viewer GCrystal, GChemCalc, GSpectrum and GChemTable. A GOffice plugin allows embedding GChemPaint supported files. A Gnumeric plugin provides a molar mass function for the spreadsheet. Home: http://gchemutils.nongnu.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/gchemutils-0.14.17-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "34820 K", "ver": "1.10.2", "name": "geda-gaf", "descs": "geda-gaf (gnu EDA base package)", "source": "source/salix/academic/geda-gaf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gamin", "gc", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "guile2.2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8705 K", "descl": "gEDA/gaf: Schematic capture, netlister, symbols, symbol checker, and utils. This is the base package for the gnu EDA toolset. gschem is the schematic captur tool. gnetlist is for creating netlists. gattrib allows the batch updating of attributes. http://www.gpleda.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/geda-gaf-1.10.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "656 K", "ver": "1.11.1", "name": "mpb", "descs": "mpb (computation of electromagnetic band structures and modes)", "source": "source/salix/academic/mpb", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "fftw", "gc", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "guile", "hdf5", "libaec", "libctl", "libunistring", "zlib", "lapack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "164 K", "descl": "MPB is a free and open-source software package for computing electromagnetic band structures and modes. Homepage: https://github.com/NanoComp/mpb", "path": "./salix/academic/mpb-1.11.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "16268 K", "ver": "4.218", "name": "verilator", "descs": "verilator (the fastest free Verilog HDL simulator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/verilator", "deps": ["verilog"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4067 K", "descl": "Verilator is invoked with parameters similar to GCC or Synopsys's VCS. It 'Verilates' the specified synthesizable Verilog or SystemVerilog code by reading it, performing lint checks, and optionally inserting assertion checks and coverage-analysis points. It outputs single- or multi-threaded .cpp and .h files, the 'Verilated' code. homepage: https://www.veripool.org/wiki/verilator", "path": "./salix/academic/verilator-4.218-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "25112 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "spiceopus", "descs": "spiceopus (A circuit simulator with optimization utilities)", "source": "source/salix/academic/spiceopus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6278 K", "descl": "SPICE OPUS is a circuit simulation program with optimisation utilities. It is a recompilation of the original Berkeley's source code for Windows 95/98/NT and Linux operating systems with Georgia Tech Research Institute's XSpice mixed-mode simulator. The simulator includes an interpreted programming language called Nutmeg, which allows interactive Spice sessions.", "path": "./salix/academic/spiceopus-2.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "28200 K", "ver": "0.23", "name": "antiprism", "descs": "antiprism (set of polyhedra programs)", "source": "source/salix/academic/antiprism", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "freeglut", "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7050 K", "descl": "Is a set of programs for generating, manipulating, transforming and visualising polyhedra. May be used with Geomview also. Antiprism home page: http://www.antiprism.com", "path": "./salix/academic/antiprism-0.23-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "8144 K", "ver": "1.0.0_rc2", "name": "siril", "descs": "siril (Astronomical Image Processing Tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/siril", "deps": ["LibRaw", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cfitsio", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gsl", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "jasper", "json-glib", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libconfig", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "opencv", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2036 K", "descl": "Siril is meant to be Iris for Linux (sirI-L). It is an astronomical image processing tool, able to convert, pre-process images, help aligning automatically or manually, stack and enhance final images.", "path": "./salix/academic/siril-1.0.0_rc2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "11912 K", "ver": "6.1.5", "name": "chartgeany", "descs": "chartgeany (market analysis tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/chartgeany", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxls", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2978 K", "descl": "Chart Geany is a cross platform software solution for market technical analysis and charting. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/chart-geany/", "path": "./salix/academic/chartgeany-6.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "4000 K", "ver": "7.475", "name": "mafft", "descs": "mafft (A multiple sequence alignment program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/mafft", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1000 K", "descl": "MAFFT is a multiple sequence alignment program for unix-like operating systems. It offers a range of multiple alignment methods, L-INS-i (accurate; for alignment of <~200 sequences), FFT-NS-2 (fast; for alignment of <~10,000 sequences), etc. Home: https://mafft.cbrc.jp/alignment/software/", "path": "./salix/academic/mafft-7.475-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "574924 K", "ver": "6.24.06", "name": "root", "descs": "root (data analysis framework)", "source": "source/salix/academic/root", "deps": ["gl2ps", "libAfterImage", "numpy3", "tbb", "ftgl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "143731 K", "descl": "ROOT provides a set of frameworks with the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in an efficient way. It includes specialized storage methods such as histograms, curve fitting, function evaluation, minimization, graphics, visualization classes; the C++ interpreter cling for fast prototyping; and powerful parallel processing support. Homepage: https://root.cern", "path": "./salix/academic/root-6.24.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "8.1.0", "name": "xsimd", "descs": "xsimd (C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics)", "source": "source/salix/academic/xsimd", "deps": ["gtest"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "xsimd provides a unified means for using SIMD features for library authors. Namely, it enables manipulation of batches of numbers with the same arithmetic operators as for single values. It also provides accelerated implementation of common mathematical functions operating on batches.", "path": "./salix/academic/xsimd-8.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "4348 K", "ver": "8.2.12", "name": "RAxML", "descs": "RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood)", "source": "source/salix/academic/RAxML", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], "libevent", "libpciaccess", "openmpi", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1087 K", "descl": "RAxML is a program for sequential and parallel Maximum Likelihood (ML) based inference of large phylogenetic trees. It can also be used for postanalyses of sets of phylogenetic trees, analyses of alignments and, evolutionary placement of short reads. https://cme.h-its.org/exelixis/web/software/raxml/index.html https://github.com/stamatak/standard-RAxML", "path": "./salix/academic/RAxML-8.2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2784 K", "ver": "1.0.025", "name": "aline", "descs": "aline (A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/aline", "deps": ["perl-tk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "696 K", "descl": "Aline: An Extensible WYSIWYG Protein Sequence Alignment Editor Publication Quality Figures. Aline is an interactive perl/tk application which can read common sequence alignment formats which the user can then alter, embellish, markup etc to produce the kind of sequence figure commonly found in biochemical articles. Home: http://crystal.bcs.uwa.edu.au/px/charlie/software/aline/ References: /usr/doc/aline-1.0.025/References", "path": "./salix/academic/aline-1.0.025-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "arpack", "descs": "arpack (Fortran library for solving large scale eigenvalue problems)", "source": "source/salix/academic/arpack", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "blas", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "lapack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "ARPACK is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems.", "path": "./salix/academic/arpack-2.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "31992 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "WordNet", "descs": "WordNet (large lexical database of English)", "source": "source/salix/academic/WordNet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7998 K", "descl": "WordNet is a large lexical database of English, developed under the direction of George A. Miller. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser. WordNet's structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing.", "path": "./salix/academic/WordNet-3.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "17040 K", "ver": "20200715_f0a4d3c", "name": "abntex", "descs": "abntex (LATEX macros that follow the rules of ABNT)", "source": "source/salix/academic/abntex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4260 K", "descl": "abnTeX are LATEX macros that follow the rules of ABNT (Associacao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas). This lets you write your papers, theses and dissertations in full accordance with ABNT standards without much effort. Homepage: http://www.abntex.net.br/", "path": "./salix/academic/abntex-20200715_f0a4d3c-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3112 K", "ver": "5.7.9", "name": "umfpack", "descs": "umfpack (sparse matrix routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/umfpack", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "amd", "camd", "ccolamd", "cholmod", "colamd", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "suitesparseconfig", "blas"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "778 K", "descl": "UMFPACK is a set of routines for solving unsymmetric sparse linear systems, Ax=b, using the Unsymmetric MultiFrontal method.", "path": "./salix/academic/umfpack-5.7.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "9644 K", "ver": "1.95.1", "name": "avogadrolibs", "descs": "avogadrolibs (Libraries for Avogadro 2)", "source": "source/salix/academic/avogadrolibs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "glew", "glu", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libmsym", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "spglib", "zlib", "molequeue", "mmtf-cpp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2411 K", "descl": "Avogadro libraries provide 3D rendering, visualization, analysis and data processing useful in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. Avogadro 2 is being developed as part of the Open Chemistry project at Kitware, along with companion tools and libraries to support. Homepage: https://github.com/OpenChemistry/avogadrolibs", "path": "./salix/academic/avogadrolibs-1.95.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "25612 K", "ver": "2.0.4", "name": "cdo", "descs": "cdo (Climate Data Operators)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cdo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fftw", "hdf5", "icu4c", "libaec", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "netcdf", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "proj", "sqlite", "udunits", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6403 K", "descl": "CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data. Supported data formats are GRIB 1/2, netCDF 3/4, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG. There are more than 600 operators available.", "path": "./salix/academic/cdo-2.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "kraken", "descs": "kraken (Assign taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences)", "source": "source/salix/academic/kraken", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "jellyfish_k-mer"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "Kraken is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. Kraken aims to achieve high sensitivity and high speed by utilizing exact alignments of k-mers and a novel classification algorithm. Home: http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/kraken/", "path": "./salix/academic/kraken-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "22276 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "bowtie2-legacy", "descs": "bowtie2-legacy (A tool for aligning sequencing reads)", "source": "source/salix/academic/bowtie2-legacy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5569 K", "descl": "Bowtie 2 is an ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences. It is particularly good at aligning reads of about 50 up to 100s or 1,000s of characters, and particularly good at aligning to relatively long (e.g. mammalian) genomes. Home: http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml References: /usr/doc/bowtie2-2.1.0/References", "path": "./salix/academic/bowtie2-legacy-2.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "38820 K", "ver": "2022a", "name": "gretl", "descs": "gretl (Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gretl", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "mpfr"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtksourceview4", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "libpciaccess", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mpich", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "lapack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "9705 K", "descl": "This is a cross-platform software package for econometric analysis, written in the C programming language. It is free, open-source software. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation.", "path": "./salix/academic/gretl-2022a-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "5716 K", "ver": "2020", "name": "latex2html", "descs": "latex2html (convert latex document)", "source": "source/salix/academic/latex2html", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1429 K", "descl": "latex2html is a useful tool to convert latex documents to html form.", "path": "./salix/academic/latex2html-2020-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "127724 K", "ver": "", "name": "jalview", "descs": "jalview (A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/jalview", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31931 K", "descl": "Jalview is a free program developed for the interactive editing, analysis and visualization of multiple sequence alignments (MSA). It can also work with sequence annotation, secondary structure information, phylogenetic trees and 3D molecular structures. Home: http://www.jalview.org/ References: /usr/doc/jalview-2.10.0b1/References", "path": "./salix/academic/jalview-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "41520 K", "ver": "4.10.0", "name": "gmsh", "descs": "gmsh (finite element mesh generator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gmsh", "deps": ["OpenCASCADE", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hdf5", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrender", "libXt", "libaec", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "med", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lapack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10380 K", "descl": "Gmsh is an automatic three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities. Gmsh is copyright (C) 1997-2019 C. Geuzaine and J.-F. Remacle, and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later, with an exception to allow for easier linking with external libraries.", "path": "./salix/academic/gmsh-4.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "13444 K", "ver": "2.0.0b11", "name": "staden", "descs": "staden (DNA sequence assembly, editing, and analysis tools)", "source": "source/salix/academic/staden", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "io_lib", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "tcl", "tk", "zlib", "tklib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3361 K", "descl": "The programs of the Staden package offer excellent and fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly, editing, analysis tools and more. Home: http://staden.sourceforge.net/ References: /usr/doc/staden-2.0.0b11/References", "path": "./salix/academic/staden-2.0.0b11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "132924 K", "ver": "", "name": "celestia", "descs": "celestia (Realtime Space Simulation)", "source": "source/salix/academic/celestia", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkglext", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libtheora", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua53", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33231 K", "descl": "A real-time space simulation that lets you experience our universe in three dimensions. Homepage: https://celestia.space/", "path": "./salix/academic/celestia-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3440 K", "ver": "0.9.36", "name": "diamond", "descs": "diamond (A sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA)", "source": "source/salix/academic/diamond", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "860 K", "descl": "DIAMOND is a sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches, designed for high performance analysis of big sequence data. The key features are: 1) 500x-20,000x speed of BLAST 2) Frameshift alignments for long read analysis. 3) Low resource requirements 4) Various output formats", "path": "./salix/academic/diamond-0.9.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "8520 K", "ver": "4.0.2", "name": "pcb", "descs": "pcb (printed circuit board editor)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pcb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gd", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkglext", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2130 K", "descl": "PCB is an interactive printed circuit board editor for the X11 window system. PCB includes a rats nest feature, design rule checking, and can provide industry standard RS-274-X (Gerber), NC drill, and centroid data (X-Y data) output for use in the board fabrication and assembly process. PCB offers high end features such as an autorouter and trace optimizer which can tremendously reduce layout time. Homepage: http://pcb.gpleda.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/pcb-4.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3956 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "mkDSSP", "descs": "mkDSSP (A program that calculates DSSP entries from PDB entries)", "source": "source/salix/academic/mkDSSP", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "icu4c", "zlib", "libcifpp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "989 K", "descl": "The DSSP program was designed by Wolfgang Kabsch and Chris Sander to standardize secondary structure assignment. DSSP is a database of secondary structure assignments (and much more) for all protein entries in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). DSSP is also the program that calculates DSSP entries from PDB entries. DSSP does not predict secondary structure. Home: http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/gv/dssp/ References: /usr/doc/-2.2.1/References", "path": "./salix/academic/mkDSSP-4.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "10084 K", "ver": "1.17.1", "name": "meep", "descs": "meep (electromagnetics simulation using FDTD)", "source": "source/salix/academic/meep", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "blas", "fftw", "gc", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "gsl", "guile", "harminv", "hdf5", "lapack", "libaec", "libctl", "libunistring", "zlib", "mpb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2521 K", "descl": "Meep is a free and open-source software package for electromagnetics simulation via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method spanning a broad range of applications. Homepage: https://github.com/NanoComp/meep", "path": "./salix/academic/meep-1.17.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "lalnview", "descs": "lalnview (Visualize local alignments)", "source": "source/salix/academic/lalnview", "deps": ["PDFlib-Lite", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "LalnView is a graphical program for visualizing local alignments between two sequences (protein or nucleic acids). Home: http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/software/lalnview.html References: /usr/doc/lalnview-3.0/References", "path": "./salix/academic/lalnview-3.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "95728 K", "ver": "6.15.0", "name": "dakota", "descs": "dakota (optimization toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/academic/dakota", "deps": ["blas", "lapack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "23932 K", "descl": "Dakota contains algorithms for optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods; uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, stochastic expansion, and epistemic methods; parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods; and sensitivity and variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study capabilities.", "path": "./salix/academic/dakota-6.15.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "2.4.6", "name": "camd", "descs": "camd (sparse matrix ordering routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/camd", "deps": ["suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "7salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "CAMD is a set of routines for ordering a sparse matrix prior to Cholesky factorization (or for LU factorization with diagonal pivoting).", "path": "./salix/academic/camd-2.4.6-i586-7salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "8132 K", "ver": "3.3.1", "name": "veusz", "descs": "veusz (A Scientific Plotting Package)", "source": "source/salix/academic/veusz", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2033 K", "descl": "Veusz is a scientific plotting package. It was designed to be easy to use, easily extensible, but powerful. The program features a graphical user interface, which works under Unix/Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. It can also be easily scripted (the saved file formats are similar to Python scripts) or used as module inside Python. Veusz reads data from a number of different types of data file, it can be manually entered, or constructed from other datasets.", "path": "./salix/academic/veusz-3.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "544 K", "ver": "0.26", "name": "genpak", "descs": "genpak (Utilities to manipulate DNA sequences)", "source": "source/salix/academic/genpak", "rel": "7salix15.0", "sizec": "136 K", "descl": "Genpak is a set of small utilities written in ANSI C to manipulate DNA sequences in a Unix fashion, fit for combining within shell and cgi scripts. Home: http://www.bioinformatics.org/genpak/", "path": "./salix/academic/genpak-0.26-i586-7salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2580 K", "ver": "0.1.19", "name": "samtools-legacy", "descs": "samtools-legacy (Sequence Alignment/Map Tools version 0.1.19)", "source": "source/salix/academic/samtools-legacy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "645 K", "descl": "AM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments. SAM Tools provide various utilities for manipulating alignments in the SAM format, including sorting, merging, indexing and generating alignments in a per-position format. Home: http://samtools.sourceforge.net/ References: /usr/doc/samtools-0.1.19/References", "path": "./salix/academic/samtools-legacy-0.1.19-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "7560 K", "ver": "2.5.31", "name": "hyphy", "descs": "hyphy (Hypothesis Testing using Phylogenies)", "source": "source/salix/academic/hyphy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libpciaccess", "libunistring", "libxml2", "mpich", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "openmpi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1890 K", "descl": "HyPhy is a software package for the analysis of genetic sequences, in particular the inference of natural selection, using techniques in phylogenetics, molecular evolution, and machine learning. It features a rich scripting language for limitless customization of analyses. Home: https://veg.github.io/hyphy-site/", "path": "./salix/academic/hyphy-2.5.31-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "0.39", "name": "trimmomatic", "descs": "trimmomatic (A flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data)", "source": "source/salix/academic/trimmomatic", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "Trimmomatic performs a variety of useful trimming tasks for illumina paired-end and single ended data.The selection of trimming steps and their associated parameters are supplied on the command line. Home: http://www.usadellab.org/cms/?page=trimmomatic", "path": "./salix/academic/trimmomatic-0.39-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1240 K", "ver": "4.0.3", "name": "parmetis", "descs": "parmetis (parallel library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/parmetis", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libpciaccess", "libxml2", ["metis", "suitesparse"], "mpich", "ocl-icd", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "310 K", "descl": "ParMETIS is an MPI-based parallel library that implements a variety of algorithms for partitioning unstructured graphs, meshes, and for computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices.", "path": "./salix/academic/parmetis-4.0.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "42336 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "scipy", "descs": "scipy (python library for math, science, and engineering)", "source": "source/salix/academic/scipy", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "python2", "numpy", "lapack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10584 K", "descl": "The SciPy library is built to work with NumPy arrays, and provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines such as routines for numerical integration and optimization. Together, they run on all popular operating systems, are quick to install, and are free of charge. NumPy and SciPy are easy to use, but powerful enough to be depended upon by some of the world's leading scientists and engineers. https://www.scipy.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/scipy-1.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "20170716", "name": "gaw3", "descs": "gaw3 (A Free Gtk Analog Wave viewer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gaw3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "Gaw3 is a Linux software tool for displaying analog waveforms from sampled datas, for example from the output of simulators or input from sound cards. Data can be imported to gaw3 using files, direct tcp/ip connection or directly from the sound card. gaw3 is based on the Gtk2+ toolkit.", "path": "./salix/academic/gaw3-20170716-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1320 K", "ver": "", "name": "lpsolve", "descs": "lpsolve (A free linear programming solver)", "source": "source/salix/academic/lpsolve", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "330 K", "descl": "This is a linear (integer) programming solver based on the revised simplex method and the Branch-and-bound method for the integers.", "path": "./salix/academic/lpsolve-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1316 K", "ver": "6.99", "name": "xfoil", "descs": "xfoil (interactive program for design and analysis of airfoils)", "source": "source/salix/academic/xfoil", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "329 K", "descl": "XFOIL is an interactive program for the design and analysis of subsonic isolated airfoils. It consists of a collection of menu-driven routines which perform various useful functions, such as viscous (or inviscid) analysis of an existing airfoil, design and redesign by interactive modification of surface speed distributions or geometric parameters, blending airfoils, plotting, saving, and reading geometry and polars. Homepage: http://web.mit.edu/drela/Public/web/xfoil/", "path": "./salix/academic/xfoil-6.99-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "49928 K", "ver": "4.2.1", "name": "xiphos", "descs": "xiphos (A bible study application)", "source": "source/salix/academic/xiphos", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "biblesync", "brotli", "cairo", "clucene", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "gtkhtml", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libminizip", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "sword", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "xapian-core", "zlib", "rarian", "appstream-glib", "yelp"], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "12482 K", "descl": "Xiphos is a bible study program for GNOME. Xiphos is based on the Sword project by the CrossWire Bible Society. This project has its home at http://xiphos.org", "path": "./salix/academic/xiphos-4.2.1-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "cistrome-MACS", "descs": "cistrome-MACS (MACS: Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cistrome-MACS", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "Next generation parallel sequencing technologies made chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-Seq) a popular strategy to study genome-wide protein-DNA interactions, while creating challenges for analysis algorithms. We present Model- based Analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS) on short reads sequencers such as Genome Analyzer (Illumina / Solexa). Home: http://liulab.dfci.harvard.edu/MACS/ References: /usr/doc/cistrome-MACS-1.4.2/References", "path": "./salix/academic/cistrome-MACS-1.4.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1380 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "datamash", "descs": "datamash (Basic numeric, textual and statistical operations)", "source": "source/salix/academic/datamash", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "345 K", "descl": "GNU Datamash is a command-line program which performs basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on input textual data files. https://www.gnu.org/software/datamash/", "path": "./salix/academic/datamash-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "964 K", "ver": "16.0.5", "name": "mathomatic", "descs": "mathomatic (a small, portable Computer Algebra System)", "source": "source/salix/academic/mathomatic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "rlwrap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "241 K", "descl": "This is a console mode application that does symbolic math and quick calculations in a standard and generalized way. Mathomatic is designed to be as general an easy to use as general. It implements most of the rules of algebra for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo division, and all forms of exponentiation. All arithmetic is double precision floating point with up to 14 decimal digits accuracy. It is hoped that Mathomatic will show you the true perfect beauty that is mathematics, and be a useful calculating tool, too.", "path": "./salix/academic/mathomatic-16.0.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "5580 K", "ver": "2.0.4", "name": "free42", "descs": "free42 (re-implementation of HP-42S calculator and HP-82240 printer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/free42", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1395 K", "descl": "Free42 is a re-implementation of the HP-42S calculator and the HP-82240 printer. It is a complete rewrite, not using any HP code, and it does not require an HP-42S ROM image. Free42 is an Open Source project. The executables and source code are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. All third-party code used in Free42 is either in the public domain, or licensed under terms compatible with GPLv2, or used with the authors' permission. Homepage: http://thomasokken.com/free42/index.html", "path": "./salix/academic/free42-2.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.6.8", "name": "easy_spice", "descs": "easy_spice (A Simple Frontend for SPICE)", "source": "source/salix/academic/easy_spice", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "geda-gaf", "ngspice"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "easy_spice is a simple to use spice frontend. It uses gschem for schematic entry and ngspice as circuit simulator.", "path": "./salix/academic/easy_spice-0.6.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "10952 K", "ver": "20220225_4efbe9b", "name": "pulseview", "descs": "pulseview (GUI for sigrok)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pulseview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "bluez", "boost", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "glibmm", "gnutls", "hidapi", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libftdi1", "libglvnd", "libieee1284", "librevisa", "libserialport", "libsigc++", "libsigrok", "libsigrokdecode", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pcre2", "python3", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2738 K", "descl": "PulseView is a Qt based logic analyzer, oscilloscope and MSO GUI for sigrok. Homepage: https://sigrok.org/wiki/PulseView", "path": "./salix/academic/pulseview-20220225_4efbe9b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "11256 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "tophat", "descs": "tophat (Splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads)", "source": "source/salix/academic/tophat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2814 K", "descl": "TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads. It aligns RNA-Seq reads to mammalian-sized genomes using the ultra high-throughput short read aligner Bowtie, and then analyzes the mapping results to identify splice junctions between exons. Home: http://tophat.cbcb.umd.edu/ https://github.com/infphilo/tophat/", "path": "./salix/academic/tophat-2.1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "65904 K", "ver": "4.8.12", "name": "z3", "descs": "z3 (a first-order theorem prover and SMT solver)", "source": "source/salix/academic/z3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16476 K", "descl": "Z3 is an automated theorem prover and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver. Given a formula in first-order logic, it attempts to either prove the formula or find a counterexample. Z3 supports arithmetic, reasoning about arrays, and several other built-in theories. Input problems are written in SMT-LIB format. This package includes the z3 program as well as C++ and Python APIs. Homepage: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/wiki", "path": "./salix/academic/z3-4.8.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "34452 K", "ver": "", "name": "Gridcoin-Research", "descs": "Gridcoin-Research (Rewarding Volunteer Distributed Computing)", "source": "source/salix/academic/Gridcoin-Research", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "db48", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "gnutls", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libzip", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pcre2", "qrencode", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8613 K", "descl": "Gridcoin is an open source cryptocurrency (Ticker: GRC) which securely rewards volunteer computing performed on the BOINC platform. BOINC is an open source volunteer computing grid which combines the processing power of individual users for the purposes of scientific research. https://gridcoin.us/", "path": "./salix/academic/Gridcoin-Research-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "70392 K", "ver": "8.2.1", "name": "ds9", "descs": "ds9 (Astronomical tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ds9", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17598 K", "descl": "DS9 is an astronomical imaging and visualization tool. It supports the FITS format and binary tables. It includes many imaging features such as tiling, cropping, as well as advanced features such as multiple 2D, 3D, RGB frame buffers, colormap manipulation and mosaic images. DS9 also supports a variety of coordinate systems and has a user configurable interface. Homepage: https://sites.google.com/cfa.harvard.edu/saoimageds9/home", "path": "./salix/academic/ds9-8.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "4464 K", "ver": "2.1.11", "name": "ggobi", "descs": "ggobi (visualization program for exploring high-dimensional data)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ggobi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1116 K", "descl": "GGobi is an interactive, direct manipulation tool for visualizing high-dimensional data across linked plots. The GUI is built using Gtk+. It reads data in regular ASCII format and more richly using an XML format. Plugins for other formats are also available. http://www.ggobi.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/ggobi-2.1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "996 K", "ver": "1.3.6", "name": "stringtie", "descs": "stringtie (Assembler of RNA-Seq alignments)", "source": "source/salix/academic/stringtie", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "249 K", "descl": "StringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts. It uses a novel network flow algorithm as well as an optional de novo assembly step to assemble and quantitate full-length transcripts representing multiple splice variants for each gene locus. Home: http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/stringtie/", "path": "./salix/academic/stringtie-1.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "21132 K", "ver": "0.16.0", "name": "seqkit", "descs": "seqkit (Ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/academic/seqkit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5283 K", "descl": "A cross-platform ultrafast comprehensive toolkit for FASTA/Q processing. https://bioinf.shenwei.me/seqkit/ https://github.com/shenwei356/seqkit https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0163962", "path": "./salix/academic/seqkit-0.16.0-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "45828 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "genometools", "descs": "genometools (collection of bio-informatics tools)", "source": "source/salix/academic/genometools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11457 K", "descl": "The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named 'libgenometools' which consists of several modules. Home: http://genometools.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/genometools-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "35600 K", "ver": "13.45.58.c355d11", "name": "t_coffee", "descs": "t_coffee (A multiple sequence alignment program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/t_coffee", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8900 K", "descl": "T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment package. You can use T-Coffee to align sequences or to combine the output of your favorite alignment methods (Clustal, Mafft, Probcons, Muscle...) into one unique alignment (M-Coffee). Homepage: http://www.tcoffee.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/t_coffee-13.45.58.c355d11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "14.1", "name": "pal2nal", "descs": "pal2nal (Create a codon-based DNA alignment)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pal2nal", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "PAL2NAL is a program that converts a multiple sequence alignment of proteins and the corresponding DNA (or mRNA) sequences into a codon-based DNA alignment. The resulting codon-based DNA alignment can further be subjected to the calculation of synonymous (Ks) and non-synonymous (Ka) substitution rates. Home: http://www.bork.embl.de/pal2nal/", "path": "./salix/academic/pal2nal-14.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "41284 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "pyCRAC", "descs": "pyCRAC (Next generation sequencing analysis with Python)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pyCRAC", "deps": ["flexbar", "novocraft", "numpy3", "pysam", "scipy3", "pandas", "ruffus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10321 K", "descl": "pyCRAC combines cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP)/ cross-linking and cDNA analysis (CRAC) analysis methods. It can be used to remove duplicate reads, tackles directional libraries and reports sense and anti-sense hits. Included is a pipeline that allows analysis of a group of data-sets. https://bitbucket.org/sgrann/", "path": "./salix/academic/pyCRAC-1.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "3.8.0", "name": "arpack-ng", "descs": "arpack-ng (library for solving large scale eigenvalue problems)", "source": "source/salix/academic/arpack-ng", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "blas", "lapack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "ARPACK-NG is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems.", "path": "./salix/academic/arpack-ng-3.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "844 K", "ver": "9.7.94", "name": "irsim", "descs": "irsim (A digital circuit simulator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/irsim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "211 K", "descl": "IRSIM is a tool developed at Stanford, for simulating digital circuit. It is a 'switch-level' simulator; that is, it treats transistors as ideal switches. IRSIM shares a history with magic, although it is an independent program.", "path": "./salix/academic/irsim-9.7.94-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "4688 K", "ver": "20210925_e022356", "name": "fityk", "descs": "fityk (program for data processing and nonlinear curve fitting)", "source": "source/salix/academic/fityk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lua", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "xylib", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1172 K", "descl": "Fityk is a program for data processing and nonlinear curve fitting. Primarily used: - by scientists who analyze data from powder diffraction, chromatography, photoluminescence and photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and other experimental techniques; - to fit peaks -- bell-shaped functions (Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt, Pearson VII, bifurcated Gaussian, EMG, Doniach-Sunjic, etc.); but it is suitable for fitting any curve to 2D (x,y) data.", "path": "./salix/academic/fityk-20210925_e022356-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "20080128", "name": "ent", "descs": "ent (pseudorandom number sequence test program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ent", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "ent applies various tests to sequences of bytes stored in files and reports the results of those tests. The program is useful for evaluating pseudorandom number generators for encryption and statistical sampling applications, compression algorithms, and other applications where the information density of a file is of interest. Tests performed include Entropy, Chi-square, Arithmetic Mean, Monte Carlo value for Pi, and Serial Correlation Coefficient.", "path": "./salix/academic/ent-20080128-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2224 K", "ver": "1.8.2", "name": "colin", "descs": "colin (a structural analysis application)", "source": "source/salix/academic/colin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "556 K", "descl": "Colin is a structural analysis application with a lightweight interface. This structural analysis software for civil engineering students, provide an easier way to learn civil engineering. Some tutorials (in German) can be found on youtube.com: http://www.youtube.com/user/ognop42 By Prof. Horstmann www.eipg.fr ", "path": "./salix/academic/colin-1.8.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "20130720", "name": "wehi-deid", "descs": "wehi-deid (Flow cytometry De-Identifier)", "source": "source/salix/academic/wehi-deid", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Where flow cytometry data files from the clinic are to be used in research projects, DeID is used to remove patient identification. This is achieved by writing a copy of the data file with selected keyword values removed. Home: http://www.frankbattye.com.au/freesoftware.html", "path": "./salix/academic/wehi-deid-20130720-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "880 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "convertall", "descs": "convertall (unit conversion)", "source": "source/salix/academic/convertall", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "220 K", "descl": "With ConvertAll, you can combine units as necessary or in any way you want. If you want to convert from inches per decade, that's fine. Or from meter-pounds. Or from cubic nautical miles. The units don't have to make sense to anyone but you. Project website: https://www.convertall.bellz.org", "path": "./salix/academic/convertall-0.8.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "6448 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "exonerate", "descs": "exonerate (A generic tool for sequence alignment)", "source": "source/salix/academic/exonerate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1612 K", "descl": "Exonerate is a generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison. It allows you to align sequences using a many alignment models, either exhaustive dynamic programming or a variety of heuristics. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/about/vertebrate-genomics/software/exonerate", "path": "./salix/academic/exonerate-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "80152 K", "ver": "4.28.226", "name": "copasi", "descs": "copasi (tool for modeling and simulation of biochemical networks)", "source": "source/salix/academic/copasi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20038 K", "descl": "COPASI is a stand-alone program that simulates models of biochemical networks using ODE solvers or Gillespie's stochastic simulation algorithm. COPASI is compatible with models in SBML format. It also performs several analyses: stability, parameter sensitivity, elementary modes, Lyapunov exponents, optimization, and parameter estimation. Data can be visualized in plots, histograms and animations of network diagrams. Both GUI and a command line version are included. Homepage: http://www.copasi.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/copasi-4.28.226-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "20050203", "name": "wehi-hackit", "descs": "wehi-hackit (Clip a stream of cells from flow cytometry files)", "source": "source/salix/academic/wehi-hackit", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Where it is feared that a flow cytometry data file has been violated, for example at the start of the file by cells carried over from the previous sample, or at the end of the file by a nozzle blockage, Hackit can be used to clip the offending stream of cells from the file. It may be used also to concatenate the data from a number of files. http://www.frankbattye.com.au/freesoftware.html", "path": "./salix/academic/wehi-hackit-20050203-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1352 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "perlprimer", "descs": "perlprimer (Design primers for PCR and sequencing)", "source": "source/salix/academic/perlprimer", "deps": ["perl-tk", "perl-JSON", "perl-LWP-Protocol-https"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "338 K", "descl": "PerlPrimer is a free, open-source GUI application written in Perl that designs primers for standard PCR, bisulphite PCR, real-time PCR (QPCR) and sequencing. It aims to automate and simplify the process of primer design. Home: http://perlprimer.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/perlprimer-1.2.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "136184 K", "ver": "20201202_git4e4416", "name": "MetaPhlAn2", "descs": "MetaPhlAn2 (Metagenomic Phylogenetic Analysis)", "source": "source/salix/academic/MetaPhlAn2", "deps": ["pysam", "biopython", "msgpack-python", "pandas", "scipy", "DendroPy", "bowtie2", "muscle", "samtools-legacy", "bcftools", "ncbi-blast+", "RAxML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34046 K", "descl": "MetaPhlAn is a computational tool for profiling the composition of microbial communities from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data. MetaPhlAn relies on unique clade-specific marker genes identified from ~17,000 reference genomes (~13,500 bacterial and archaeal, ~3,500 viral, and ~110 eukaryotic). http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/metaphlan2 https://bitbucket.org/biobakery/metaphlan2/", "path": "./salix/academic/MetaPhlAn2-20201202_git4e4416-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "88324 K", "ver": "2.11.0", "name": "ncbi-blast+", "descs": "ncbi-blast+ (BLAST+ Command Line Applications)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ncbi-blast+", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "elfutils", "icu4c", "libuv", "lmdb", "lzo", "nghttp2", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22081 K", "descl": "BLAST+ is a new suite of BLAST tools that utilizes the NCBI C++ Toolkit. The BLAST+ applications have a number of performance and feature improvements over the legacy BLAST applications (ncbi-blast). Home: https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ Databases: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/ ChangeLog: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK131777 Manual: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279690/ Help: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1762/", "path": "./salix/academic/ncbi-blast+-2.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "632 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "cistrome-CEAS", "descs": "cistrome-CEAS (CEAS: Cis-regulatory Element Annotation System)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cistrome-CEAS", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "158 K", "descl": "This is a tool designed to characterize genome-wide protein-DNA interaction patterns from ChIP-chip and ChIP-Seq of both sharp broad binding factors. Home: http://liulab.dfci.harvard.edu/CEAS/ References: /usr/doc/cistrome-CEAS-1.0.2/References", "path": "./salix/academic/cistrome-CEAS-1.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "14476 K", "ver": "4.0.0", "name": "mathics", "descs": "mathics (A free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica)", "source": "source/salix/academic/mathics", "deps": ["numpy", "sympy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3619 K", "descl": "Mathics is a general-purpose computer algebra system (CAS). It is an open-source alternative to Mathematica. It is free both as in 'free beer' and as in 'freedom'. The home page of Mathics is https://mathics.org. Installing and Running See https://mathics-development-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ for instructions on installing and running.", "path": "./salix/academic/mathics-4.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "cxsparse", "descs": "cxsparse (sparse matrix routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cxsparse", "deps": ["suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "CXSparse is an extended version of CSparse, with support for double or complex matrices, with int or long integers.", "path": "./salix/academic/cxsparse-3.2.0-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "8732 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "CAPS_coevolution", "descs": "CAPS_coevolution (Coevolution Analysis using Protein Sequences)", "source": "source/salix/academic/CAPS_coevolution", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2183 K", "descl": "CAPS is aimed at measuring the coevolution between amino acid sites belonging to the same protein (intra-molecular coevolution) or to two functionally or physically interacting proteins (inter- molecular coevolution). In addition, a test which assesses whether two proteins are interacting is implemented. Home: http://bioinf.gen.tcd.ie/~faresm/software/software.html References: /usr/doc/CAPS_coevolution-2.0/References", "path": "./salix/academic/CAPS_coevolution-2.0-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "3.10.0", "name": "cblas", "descs": "cblas (C interface to BLAS)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cblas", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "blas"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "CBLAS is a collection of wrappers that provide a C interface to the FORTRAN BLAS library. The interface can be consulted by opening /usr/include/cblas.h", "path": "./salix/academic/cblas-3.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "815764 K", "ver": "0.21.0", "name": "stellarium", "descs": "stellarium (Virtual planetarium)", "source": "source/salix/academic/stellarium", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203941 K", "descl": "Stellarium shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go. Homepage: http://www.stellarium.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/stellarium-0.21.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "11592 K", "ver": "1.02", "name": "AlphaPlot", "descs": "AlphaPlot (data analysis and visualization)", "source": "source/salix/academic/AlphaPlot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "glu", "gsl", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2898 K", "descl": "Application for statistical analysis and data visualization which can generate different types of publication quality 2D and 3D plots with extensive visual customization.", "path": "./salix/academic/AlphaPlot-1.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "8248 K", "ver": "1.78", "name": "biopython", "descs": "biopython (A set of Python tools for biological computation)", "source": "source/salix/academic/biopython", "deps": ["numpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2062 K", "descl": "Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python. Biopython features include parsers for various Bioinformatics file formats (BLAST, Clustalw, FASTA, Genbank), access to online services (NCBI, Expasy), interfaces to common and not-so-common programs (Clustalw, DSSP, MSMS), a standard sequence class, various clustering modules, a KD tree data structure etc. and even documentation. https://biopython.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/biopython-1.78-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "35268 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "tuxmath", "descs": "tuxmath (Tux of Math Command is a math game for kids)", "source": "source/salix/academic/tuxmath", "deps": ["SDL_Pango", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librsvg", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "t4k_common", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "8817 K", "descl": "'Tux, of Math Command' is a math drill game starring Tux, the Linux Penguin. Lessons are included from simple number typing through addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of positive and negative numbers. It is intended for kids ~4-10. https://alioth-archive.debian.org/releases/tux4kids/TuxMath-Source/", "path": "./salix/academic/tuxmath-2.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "52516 K", "ver": "3.17.0", "name": "petsc", "descs": "petsc (toolkit for scientific computation)", "source": "source/salix/academic/petsc", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "blas", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "lapack", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libevent", "libpciaccess", "libxcb", "openmpi", "zlib", "numpy3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13129 K", "descl": "PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, pronounced PET-see , is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations.", "path": "./salix/academic/petsc-3.17.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "5980 K", "ver": "17.11", "name": "ess", "descs": "ess (Emacs Speaks Statistics)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ess", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1495 K", "descl": "ESS is an add-on package for emacs-based text editors such as GNU Emacs and XEmacs. It is designed to support editing of scripts and interaction with various statistical analysis programs such as S-Plus, R, SAS, Stata, and others. http://ess.r-project.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/ess-17.11-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "20130721", "name": "wehi-cellsymphony", "descs": "wehi-cellsymphony (Audio representation of flow cytometric data)", "source": "source/salix/academic/wehi-cellsymphony", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "The Cellular Symphony is an audio representation of flow cytometric data. Each cell is represented by musical notes of timbre, pitch and volume dependent on its FCM parameters. The program correlates the audio output with 2D and 3D graphical display. Home: http://www.frankbattye.com.au/freesoftware.html", "path": "./salix/academic/wehi-cellsymphony-20130721-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "0.5.1_20100723", "name": "treeviewx", "descs": "treeviewx (Program to display phylogenetic trees)", "source": "source/salix/academic/treeviewx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "TreeView X provides a simple way to view the contents of a NEXUS, PHYLIP, Hennig86, Clustal, or other format tree file.", "path": "./salix/academic/treeviewx-0.5.1_20100723-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "1.13.1", "name": "h5utils", "descs": "h5utils (visualization and conversion of HDF5 data)", "source": "source/salix/academic/h5utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "hdf5", "libaec", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "These utilities provide simple tools for batch visualization of hdf5 datafiles as PNG images. They also allow conversion from hdf5 format into other formats used for visualization, such as plain text, Vis5d, and VTK. Homepage: https://github.com/NanoComp/h5utils", "path": "./salix/academic/h5utils-1.13.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "5880 K", "ver": "4.8.0", "name": "link-grammar", "descs": "link-grammar (syntactic parser of English)", "source": "source/salix/academic/link-grammar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "aspell", "libedit", "apache-ant", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1470 K", "descl": "The Link Grammar Parser is a syntactic parser of English, based on link grammar, an original theory of English syntax. Given a sentence, the system assigns to it a syntactic structure, which consists of a set of labeled links connecting pairs of words. The parser also produces a 'constituent' (Penn tree-bank style phrase tree) representation of a sentence (showing noun phrases, verb phrases, etcetera). Homepage: http://www.abisource.org/projects/link-grammar/", "path": "./salix/academic/link-grammar-4.8.0-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "278892 K", "ver": "6.6.0", "name": "EMBOSS", "descs": "EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite)", "source": "source/salix/academic/EMBOSS", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "69723 K", "descl": "EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. References: /usr/doc/EMBOSS-6.6.0/References Details: /usr/share/EMBOSS/doc/ Home: http://emboss.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/EMBOSS-6.6.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3624 K", "ver": "1.9.0", "name": "sword", "descs": "sword (Bible Text Manipluation Framework)", "source": "source/salix/academic/sword", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "clucene", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "xapian-core", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "906 K", "descl": "The SWORD Project is an effort to create an ever expanding software package for research and study of God and His Word. The SWORD Bible Framework allows easy manipulation of Bible texts, commentaries, lexicons, dictionaries, etc. Many frontends are build using this framework. An installed module set may be shared between any frontend using the framework. Homepage: http://www.crosswire.org/sword", "path": "./salix/academic/sword-1.9.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1000 K", "ver": "2.1.20", "name": "edsim51di", "descs": "edsim51di (An 8051 Simulator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/edsim51di", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "250 K", "descl": "EdSim51Di, developed by James Rogers, is a 8051 microcontroller simulator. Unlike many industry-standard simulators that are widely available this simulator has the student in mind. This simulator will be very helpful to the students to learn programming 8051.", "path": "./salix/academic/edsim51di-2.1.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "6652 K", "ver": "1.9.4", "name": "geomview", "descs": "geomview (3D geometrical package)", "source": "source/salix/academic/geomview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1663 K", "descl": "Geomview is an interactive 3D viewing program for Unix. Geomview lets you view and manipulate three-dimensional objects: you use the mouse to rotate, translate, zoom in and out, and so on. Geomview can be used as a standalone viewer for static objects (it supports a variety of file formats) or as a display engine for other programs which produce dynamically changing geometry. homepage: http://www.geomview.org", "path": "./salix/academic/geomview-1.9.4-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "24192 K", "ver": "2.2.26", "name": "ncbi-blast", "descs": "ncbi-blast (BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ncbi-blast", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "6048 K", "descl": "The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) finds regions of local similarity between sequences. The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance of matches. BLAST can be used to infer functional and evolutionary relationships between sequences as well as help identify members of gene families. Home: https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ More: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/executables/legacy.NOTSUPPORTED/", "path": "./salix/academic/ncbi-blast-2.2.26-i386-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.5.4", "name": "g3data", "descs": "g3data (A tool for extracting data from graphs)", "source": "source/salix/academic/g3data", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "g3data is a tool for extracting data from scanned graphs. For graphs published in scientific articles the actual data is usually not explicitly given g3data makes the process of extracting this data easy.", "path": "./salix/academic/g3data-1.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "9504 K", "ver": "", "name": "cadabra2", "descs": "cadabra2 (a field-theory motivated approach to computer algebra)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cadabra2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "python3", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "python3-matplotlib", "python3-gmpy2", "python3-sympy", "jsoncpp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2376 K", "descl": "Cadabra is a symbolic computer algebra system designed specifically for the solution of problems encountered in field theory. The input format is a subset of TeX. Programmable using Python. Both a command-line and a graphical interface are available. Homepage: https://cadabra.science Development: https://github.com/kpeeters/cadabra2", "path": "./salix/academic/cadabra2-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2192 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "molequeue", "descs": "molequeue (Desktop integration of high quality computing resources)", "source": "source/salix/academic/molequeue", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "548 K", "descl": "This is an open-source, cross-platform, system-tray resident desktop application for abstracting, managing, and coordinating the execution of tasks both locally and on remote computational resources. MoleQueue is a project of OpenChemistry. https://www.openchemistry.org/projects/molequeue/", "path": "./salix/academic/molequeue-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "8972 K", "ver": "3.3.2", "name": "HMMER", "descs": "HMMER (Biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models)", "source": "source/salix/academic/HMMER", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2243 K", "descl": "HMMER is used for searching sequence databases for sequence homologs, and for making sequence alignments. It implements methods using probabilistic models called profile hidden Markov models (profile HMMs). Home: http://hmmer.org/ Publications: http://hmmer.org/publications.html", "path": "./salix/academic/HMMER-3.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "188684 K", "ver": "20201007svn5424", "name": "reduce-algebra", "descs": "reduce-algebra (A portable general-purpose computer algebra system)", "source": "source/salix/academic/reduce-algebra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47171 K", "descl": "REDUCE is an interactive system for general algebraic computations of interest to mathematicians, scientists and engineers. It can be used interactively for simple calculations but also provides a flexible and expressive user programming language. REDUCE primarily runs on either Portable Standard Lisp (PSL) or Codemist Standard Lisp (CSL), both of which are included in the SourceForge distribution. By modern standards, REDUCE is a surprisingly small and compact application. Homepage: https://reduce-algebra.sourceforge.io", "path": "./salix/academic/reduce-algebra-20201007svn5424-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "8044 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "Gabedit", "descs": "Gabedit (Graphical User Interface to computational chemistry)", "source": "source/salix/academic/Gabedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkglext", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangox-compat", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2011 K", "descl": "Gabedit can display a variety of calculation results including support for most major molecular file formats. Home page: http://gabedit.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/Gabedit-2.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "WEVOTE", "descs": "WEVOTE (WEighted VOting Taxonomic idEntification)", "source": "source/salix/academic/WEVOTE", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "WEVOTE is a method that classifies metagenome shotgun sequencing DNA reads based on an ensemble of existing methods using k-mer based, marker-based, and naive-similarity based approaches. Home: https://github.com/aametwally/WEVOTE/", "path": "./salix/academic/WEVOTE-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2004 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "ZeGrapher", "descs": "ZeGrapher (math graphing)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ZeGrapher", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "501 K", "descl": "ZeGrapher is an opensource, ergonomic and fast math graphing software. It can plot functions, sequences, parametric equations and data on the plane. It has been designed to be as easy to use as possible: there's no need for any documentation before use, download it and see!", "path": "./salix/academic/ZeGrapher-3.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "14328 K", "ver": "0.9928b", "name": "archaeopteryx", "descs": "archaeopteryx (Visualise, analyse and edit phylogenetic trees)", "source": "source/salix/academic/archaeopteryx", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3582 K", "descl": "Archaeopteryx is a software tool for the visualization, analysis, and editing of potentially large and highly annotated phylogenetic trees. Home: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home", "path": "./salix/academic/archaeopteryx-0.9928b-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "113384 K", "ver": "5.0.361.0", "name": "GeoGebra", "descs": "GeoGebra (A free software for teaching mathematics)", "source": "source/salix/academic/GeoGebra", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk7"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28346 K", "descl": "GeoGebra is a free interactive geometry, algebra, statistics, and calculus software.", "path": "./salix/academic/GeoGebra-5.0.361.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "Data2FCS", "descs": "Data2FCS (Data2FCS and FCS2Data)", "source": "source/salix/academic/Data2FCS", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Data2FCS converts data from ascii files to FCS data files. The resulting FCS data file can be analysed in regular flow cytometry softwares FCS2Data is a simple application for converting FCS data files into ascii file format. These files contain the single event data of the FCS files, so that the data can be used in other applications.", "path": "./salix/academic/Data2FCS-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "704516 K", "ver": "2.12.0", "name": "knime", "descs": "knime (data analytics tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/knime", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "176129 K", "descl": "KNIME, is a graphical analytics tool for data mining. It has nodes and modules for data acess, transformation, exploration, predictive analytics and data mining. Homepage: http://knime.org", "path": "./salix/academic/knime-2.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2968 K", "ver": "3.0.14", "name": "cholmod", "descs": "cholmod (sparse matrix factoring routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cholmod", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "amd", "camd", "ccolamd", "colamd", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "suitesparseconfig", "blas", "lapack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "742 K", "descl": "CHOLMOD is a set of ANSI C routines for sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate.", "path": "./salix/academic/cholmod-3.0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "12036 K", "ver": "1.27", "name": "aliview", "descs": "aliview (Alignment viewer and editor)", "source": "source/salix/academic/aliview", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3009 K", "descl": "AliView is yet another alignment viewer and editor, but this is probably one of the fastest and most intuitive to use. http://www.ormbunkar.se/aliview/", "path": "./salix/academic/aliview-1.27-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3916 K", "ver": "0.13.2", "name": "ktikz", "descs": "ktikz (LaTeX tikz editor)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ktikz", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "editorconfig-core-c", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kparts", "kservice", "ktexteditor", "ktextwidgets", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libplist", "libunistring", "libusbmuxd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "poppler", "qt5", "solid", "sonnet", "syntax-highlighting", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "979 K", "descl": "KTikZ is a program for making pictures using tikz. You write the tikz code in the editor and KTikZ automatically generates the image in a preview panel. http://www.hackenberger.at/blog/ktikz-editor-for-the-tikz-language", "path": "./salix/academic/ktikz-0.13.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2944 K", "ver": "3.8.1551", "name": "muscle", "descs": "muscle (A multiple sequence alignments program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/muscle", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "736 K", "descl": "MUSCLE is a program for creating multiple alignments of amino acid or nucleotide sequences. A range of options is provided that give you the choice of optimizing accuracy, speed, or some compromise between the two. http://www.drive5.com/muscle/ http://www.drive5.com/muscle/stable.html", "path": "./salix/academic/muscle-3.8.1551-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1464 K", "ver": "2009_11A", "name": "ladr", "descs": "ladr (Mathematical Programs)", "source": "source/salix/academic/ladr", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "366 K", "descl": "LADR includes some mathematical programs like - prover 9 (automated theorem prover for first-order and equational logic) - mace4 (search for finite models and counterexamples) Homepage: https://www.cs.unm.edu/~mccune/prover9/", "path": "./salix/academic/ladr-2009_11A-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "30504 K", "ver": "4.11", "name": "FreeFem", "descs": "FreeFem (A high level multiphysics finite element software)", "source": "source/salix/academic/FreeFem", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "arpack-ng", "blas", "fftw", "freeglut", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "glu", "gsl", "hdf5", "lapack", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libaec", "libevent", "libglvnd", "libpciaccess", "libxcb", "openmpi", "suitesparse", "zlib", "petsc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7626 K", "descl": "FreeFem is a software aimed for non-linear multiphysics in 2D and 3D FreeFem++ offers a fast interpolation algorithm and a language for the manipulation of data on multiple meshes. For more information visit: https://freefem.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/FreeFem-4.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2840 K", "ver": "1.15.1", "name": "bcftools", "descs": "bcftools (BCF calling tools)", "source": "source/salix/academic/bcftools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "htslib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "710 K", "descl": "bcftools contains all the 'vcf...' commands which previously lived in the htslib repository (such as vcfcheck, vcfmerge, vcfisec, etc.) and the samtools BCF calling from bcftools subdirectory of the previous samtools. BCFtools are meant as a faster replacement for most of the perl VCFtools commands. Bcftools comes with its own hstlib sources. Homepage: http://www.htslib.org", "path": "./salix/academic/bcftools-1.15.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2356 K", "ver": "3.10.0", "name": "lapacke", "descs": "lapacke (C interface to LAPACK)", "source": "source/salix/academic/lapacke", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "lapack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "589 K", "descl": "This implementation provides a native C interface to LAPACK routines available at www.netlib.org/lapack to facilitate usage of LAPACK functionality for C programmers.", "path": "./salix/academic/lapacke-3.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1220 K", "ver": "3.5.0", "name": "flexbar", "descs": "flexbar (barcode and adapter removal)", "source": "source/salix/academic/flexbar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "tbb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "305 K", "descl": "The program Flexbar preprocesses high-throughput sequencing data efficiently. It demultiplexes barcoded runs and removes adapter sequences. Moreover, trimming and filtering features are provided. Flexbar increases read mapping rates and improves genome as well as transcriptome assemblies. It supports next-generation sequencing data in fasta and fastq format, e.g. from Roche 454 and the Illumina platform. https://github.com/seqan/flexbar", "path": "./salix/academic/flexbar-3.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "13328 K", "ver": "8.100.0", "name": "armadillo", "descs": "armadillo (C++ linear algebra library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/armadillo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "hdf5", "libaec", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3332 K", "descl": "Armadillo is a high quality C++ linear algebra library, aiming towards balance between speed and ease of use; the syntax (API) is deliberately similar to Matlab. Homepage: http://arma.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/academic/armadillo-8.100.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "18248 K", "ver": "1.9.0_1", "name": "sword-data-kjv", "descs": "sword-data-kjv (King James Version Bible)", "source": "source/salix/academic/sword-data-kjv", "deps": ["sword"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4562 K", "descl": "This packages the King James Version bible with strongs refereneces and the strongs Hebrew and Greek dictionaries for use with the sword engine/library. This and many other bibles and dictionaries can be downloaded from the www.crosswire.org web site. Go to www.crosswire.org/sword/modules/ to find more texts, dictionaries, commentaries and other related stuff which can be used by the sword engine. This data requires sword 1.7.0 or higher.", "path": "./salix/academic/sword-data-kjv-1.9.0_1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "43028 K", "ver": "3.7.7", "name": "xephem", "descs": "xephem (Astronomy program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/xephem", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10757 K", "descl": "The scientific-grade interactive astronomical ephemeris software package for UNIX-like* systems. Note that this is not free software: read the license agreement carefully.", "path": "./salix/academic/xephem-3.7.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "257236 K", "ver": "10.2.5_1", "name": "megax", "descs": "megax (Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis)", "source": "source/salix/academic/megax", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64309 K", "descl": "Sophisticated and user-friendly software suite for analyzing DNA and protein sequence data from species and populations. MEGA can be used with either a graphical user interface, useful for visual exploration of data and results or a command-line interface (useful for batch or scripted execution). Home: https://www.megasoftware.net/ Publications: https://www.megasoftware.net/citations Documentation: https://www.megasoftware.net/web_help_10/index.htm", "path": "./salix/academic/megax-10.2.5_1-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "12548 K", "ver": "4.9j", "name": "paml", "descs": "paml (PAML: Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood)", "source": "source/salix/academic/paml", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3137 K", "descl": "PAML is a package of programs for phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences using maximum likelihood. PAML is not good for tree making. It may be used to estimate parameters and test hypotheses to study the evolutionary process, when you have reconstructed trees using other programs such as PAUP*, PHYLIP, MOLPHY, PhyML, RaxML, etc. Home: http://abacus.gene.ucl.ac.uk/software/paml.html", "path": "./salix/academic/paml-4.9j-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "1.5.9", "name": "matio", "descs": "matio (MAT File I/O Library)", "source": "source/salix/academic/matio", "deps": ["hdf5", "libaec", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "matio is an C library for reading and writing MATLAB MAT files. This library is designed for use by programs/libraries that do not have access or do not want to rely on MATLAB's shared libraries. It is licensed under a Simplified BSD license. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/matio/", "path": "./salix/academic/matio-1.5.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.9.6", "name": "colamd", "descs": "colamd (sparse matrix ordering routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/colamd", "deps": ["suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "7salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "The COLAMD column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm computes a permutation vector P such that the LU factorization of A (:,P) tends to be sparser than that of A. The Cholesky factorization of (A (:,P))'*(A (:,P)) will also tend to be sparser than that of A'*A.", "path": "./salix/academic/colamd-2.9.6-i586-7salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "calcoo", "descs": "calcoo (RPN and Scientific Calculator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/calcoo", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "Calcoo is an RPN and scientific calculator that uses the GTK library. It features both RPN and algebraic modes, bitmapped button labels and display glyths, undo/redo options, copy/paste interaction with the X clipboard, two memory registers with displays, and displays for Y, Z, and T registers. Homepage: http://calcoo.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/calcoo-2.1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "1.14", "name": "cutadapt", "descs": "cutadapt (Trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cutadapt", "deps": ["python2", "xopen"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "Cutadapt finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high- throughput sequencing reads. Home: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cutadapt/ References: /usr/doc/cutadapt-1.13/CITATION", "path": "./salix/academic/cutadapt-1.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "19520 K", "ver": "3.2.7a", "name": "mrbayes", "descs": "mrbayes (MrBayes: Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny)", "source": "source/salix/academic/mrbayes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4880 K", "descl": "MrBayes is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models. MrBayes uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters. Home: http://mrbayes.sourceforge.net/ References: /usr/doc/mrbayes-3.2.6/References", "path": "./salix/academic/mrbayes-3.2.7a-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "60792 K", "ver": "1.8.1", "name": "scipy3", "descs": "scipy3 (python library for math, science, and engineering)", "source": "source/salix/academic/scipy3", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "numpy3", "lapack", "pybind11", "python3-pythran"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15198 K", "descl": "The SciPy library is built to work with NumPy arrays, and provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines such as routines for numerical integration and optimization. Together, they run on all popular operating systems, are quick to install, and are free of charge. NumPy and SciPy are easy to use, but powerful enough to be depended upon by some of the world's leading scientists and engineers. https://www.scipy.org/", "path": "./salix/academic/scipy3-1.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "7848 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "scidavis", "descs": "scidavis (data analysis and visualization)", "source": "source/salix/academic/scidavis", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "freeglut", "gl2ps", "glu", "gsl", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "muParser", "pcre2", "python3", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1962 K", "descl": "SciDAVis is a free interactive application aimed at data analysis and publication-quality plotting. It combines a shallow learning curve and an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface with powerful features such as scriptability and extensibility. For more information visit http://scidavis.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/scidavis-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "9356 K", "ver": "", "name": "papi", "descs": "papi (Performance Application Programming Interface)", "source": "source/salix/academic/papi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2339 K", "descl": "PAPI provides the tool designer and application engineer with a consistent interface and methodology for use of the performance counter hardware found in most major microprocessors. PAPI enables software engineers to see, in near real time, the relation between software performance and processor events. Homepage: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/papi", "path": "./salix/academic/papi-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "7780 K", "ver": "0.19.0", "name": "pysam", "descs": "pysam (read/write genomic data sets)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pysam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "htslib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1945 K", "descl": "Pysam is a python module for reading and manipulating files in the SAM, BAM, CRAM, VCF, and BCF format used for storing and writing genomic data sets. Pysam is a lightweight wrapper of the samtools and htslib C-API's and also includes an interface for tabix. Home: https://github.com/pysam-developers/pysam Howto: https://pysam.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "path": "./salix/academic/pysam-0.19.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2112 K", "ver": "5.1.0", "name": "metis", "descs": "metis (serial graph partitioning and fill-reducing matrix ordering)", "source": "source/salix/academic/metis", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "suitesparse"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "528 K", "descl": "METIS is a set of serial programs for partitioning graphs, partitioning finite element meshes, and producing fill reducing orderings for sparse matrices.", "path": "./salix/academic/metis-5.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "242592 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "gcompris-qt", "descs": "gcompris-qt (an educational software suite)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gcompris-qt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60648 K", "descl": "GCompris is a high quality educational software suite, including a large number of activities for children aged 2 to 10. Some of the activities are game orientated, but nonetheless still educational. Currently GCompris offers more than 100 activities, and more are being developed. Homepage: http://gcompris.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/gcompris-qt-2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2024 K", "ver": "0.9.22_alpha", "name": "FCSalyzer", "descs": "FCSalyzer (Flow cytometry analyser)", "source": "source/salix/academic/FCSalyzer", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "506 K", "descl": "FCSalyzer is a simple application for analysing flow cytometry data. It is based on the 'What you see is what you get' principle. Home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/FCSalyzer", "path": "./salix/academic/FCSalyzer-0.9.22_alpha-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "70972 K", "ver": "5.44.0", "name": "maxima", "descs": "maxima (a computer algebra system)", "source": "source/salix/academic/maxima", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libsigsegv"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libunistring", "tk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17743 K", "descl": "Maxima is a system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, and sets, lists, vectors, matrices, and tensors. Homepage: http://maxima.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/maxima-5.44.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "isoelectric-point", "descs": "isoelectric-point (Isoelectric point calculator)", "source": "source/salix/academic/isoelectric-point", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "A small application to calculate the isoelectric point of a protein. Additionally it outputs the molecular weight of the protein analysed. Home: http://ipc.netmark.pl/", "path": "./salix/academic/isoelectric-point-1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "3256 K", "ver": "1.1.12", "name": "jellyfish_k-mer", "descs": "jellyfish_k-mer (A tool for counting of k-mers in DNA)", "source": "source/salix/academic/jellyfish_k-mer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "814 K", "descl": "Jellyfish is a tool for fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA. A k-mer is a substring of length k, and counting the occurrences of all such substrings is a central step in many analyses of DNA sequence. Jellyfish can count k-mers quickly by using an efficient encoding of a hash table and by exploiting the 'compare-and-swap' CPU instruction to increase parallelism. Home: http://www.genome.umd.edu/jellyfish.html", "path": "./salix/academic/jellyfish_k-mer-1.1.12-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "9248 K", "ver": "3.3.111", "name": "gtkwave", "descs": "gtkwave (gtk+ wave viewer)", "source": "source/salix/academic/gtkwave", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "tcl", "tk", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2312 K", "descl": "GTKWave is a fully featured GTK+ based wave viewer for Unix and Win32 which reads LXT, LXT2, VZT, GHW files as well as standard Verilog VCD EVCD files and allows their viewing http://gtkwave.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/academic/gtkwave-3.3.111-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "12536 K", "ver": "4.61", "name": "glpk", "descs": "glpk (GNU Linear Programming Kit)", "source": "source/salix/academic/glpk", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3134 K", "descl": "The GLPK package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized in the form of a callable library. GLPK supports the GNU MathProg language, which is a subset of the AMPL language. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/", "path": "./salix/academic/glpk-4.61-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "plasmidomics", "descs": "plasmidomics (Plasmid Drawing Program)", "source": "source/salix/academic/plasmidomics", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Plasmidomics is an open source program for easy drawing of plasmids and vector maps with high-quality graphics export. Home: http://www.bioprocess.org/plasmid", "path": "./salix/academic/plasmidomics-0.2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "4516 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "pianobooster", "descs": "pianobooster (educational music software)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pianobooster", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fluidsynth", "freetype", "ftgl", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1129 K", "descl": "PianoBooster is a fun way of playing along with a musical accompaniment and at the same time learning the basics of reading musical notation. The difference between playing along to a CD or a standard midi file is that PianoBooster listens and follows what you are playing on a midi piano keyboard.", "path": "./salix/academic/pianobooster-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "1828 K", "ver": "3.36", "name": "avl", "descs": "avl (program for aerodynamic and flight-dynamic analysis of aircraft)", "source": "source/salix/academic/avl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "457 K", "descl": "AVL is a program for the aerodynamic and flight-dynamic analysis of rigid aircraft of arbitrary configuration. It employs an extended vortex lattice model for the lifting surfaces, together with a slender-body model for fuselages and nacelles. General nonlinear flight states can be specified. The flight dynamic analysis combines a full linearization of the aerodynamic model about any flight state, together with specified mass properties. Homepage: http://web.mit.edu/drela/Public/web/avl/", "path": "./salix/academic/avl-3.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "2040 K", "ver": "3.7.54", "name": "xcircuit", "descs": "xcircuit (circuit design tool)", "source": "source/salix/academic/xcircuit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "510 K", "descl": "XCircuit is a UNIX/X11 (and Windows, if you have an X-Server running, or Windows API, if not) program for drawing publishable-quality electrical circuit schematic diagrams and related figures, and produce circuit netlists through schematic capture. XCircuit regards circuits as inherently hierarchical, and writes both hierarchical PostScript output and hierarchical SPICE netlists. Circuit components are saved in and retrieved from libraries which are fully editable. XCircuit was written and is maintained by Tim Edwards, currently with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.", "path": "./salix/academic/xcircuit-3.7.54-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.2.6", "name": "rbio", "descs": "rbio (sparse matrix I/O routines)", "source": "source/salix/academic/rbio", "deps": ["suitesparseconfig"], "rel": "7salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "RBio - MATLAB toolbox for reading/writing sparse matrices in the Rutherford/Boeing format, and for reading/writing problems in the UF Sparse Matrix Collection from/to a set of files in a directory.", "path": "./salix/academic/rbio-2.2.6-i586-7salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "xoscope", "descs": "xoscope (digital oscilloscope)", "source": "source/salix/academic/xoscope", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkdatabox", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "xoscope is a digital real-time oscilloscope. It graphically displays signal amplitude or bit logic as a function of time. Signals may be displayed, saved, recalled, and manipulated by math functions. Signal input devices currently include ALSA, ESD, and COMEDI.", "path": "./salix/academic/xoscope-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "37992 K", "ver": "0.11.9", "name": "fastqc", "descs": "fastqc (A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data)", "source": "source/salix/academic/fastqc", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9498 K", "descl": "FastQC aims to provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. It provides a modular set of analyses which you can use to give a quick impression of whether your data has any problems of which you should be aware before doing any further analysis. Home: http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/", "path": "./salix/academic/fastqc-0.11.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "4", "name": "pcalc", "descs": "pcalc (command line util for doing hex/dec/oct/bin math quickly)", "source": "source/salix/academic/pcalc", "deps": ["flex"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "pcalc is a programmer's calculator. It simplifies some operations (especially working with multiple bases) that are hard work without this or another programmer's calculator, such as 0x1234 + 0x20. Homepage: https://github.com/vapier/pcalc", "path": "./salix/academic/pcalc-4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "academic", "sizeu": "688 K", "ver": "git_20170829_6334683", "name": "cistrome-extra", "descs": "cistrome-extra (Cistrome Applications Harvard extra apps)", "source": "source/salix/academic/cistrome-extra", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "172 K", "descl": "This is cistrome-extra, part of the Cistrome-Applications-Harvard project.", "path": "./salix/academic/cistrome-extra-git_20170829_6334683-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2324 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "referencer", "descs": "referencer (Organize documents or references)", "source": "source/salix/office/referencer", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "atkmm", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gconfmm", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "poppler", "python2", "util-linux", "zlib", "libgnomeuimm", "rarian"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "581 K", "descl": "Referencer is a GNOME application to organize documents or references, and ultimately generate a BibTeX bibliography file. https://launchpad.net/referencer", "path": "./salix/office/referencer-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "hunspell-id", "descs": "hunspell-id (Indonesian hunspell dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/office/hunspell-id", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "Indonesian hunspell dictionary and hyphenation data.", "path": "./salix/office/hunspell-id-2.0-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "0.24", "name": "mairix", "descs": "mairix (fast mail indexer and search tool)", "source": "source/salix/office/mairix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "mairix is a fast mail indexer and search tool for the console. mairix can be used together with mutt for very fast searching in emails. http://www.rpcurnow.force9.co.uk/mairix", "path": "./salix/office/mairix-0.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.64", "name": "ps2eps", "descs": "ps2eps (Encapsulated PostScript)", "source": "source/salix/office/ps2eps", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "ps2eps is a tool (written in Perl) to produce Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPS/EPSF) from usual one-paged Postscript documents. It calculates correct Bounding Boxes for those EPS files and filters some special postscript command sequences that can produce erroneous results on printers. EPS files are often needed for including (scalable) graphics of high quality into TeX/LaTeX (or even Word) documents. Homepage: http://www.tm.uka.de/~bless/ps2eps", "path": "./salix/office/ps2eps-1.64-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3244 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "hunspell-es", "descs": "hunspell-es (Spanish hunspell dictionaries)", "source": "source/salix/office/hunspell-es", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "811 K", "descl": "Spanish hunspell dictionaries, this includes: * Spanish spell checking for libraries and apps * Spanish hyphenation library functions * Spanish thesaurus", "path": "./salix/office/hunspell-es-2.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "306764 K", "ver": "3.5", "name": "LanguageTool", "descs": "LanguageTool (style and grammar checker)", "source": "source/salix/office/LanguageTool", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76691 K", "descl": "LanguageTool is an Open Source proof reading program for English, French, German, Polish, and more than 20 other languages. Homepage: https://www.languagetool.org/", "path": "./salix/office/LanguageTool-3.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "6676244 K", "ver": "2021.210418", "name": "texlive-docs", "descs": "texlive-docs (TeXLive Documentation)", "source": "source/salix/office/texlive-docs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1669061 K", "descl": "This package contains the documentation appropriate to the texlive package shipped by Slackware.", "path": "./salix/office/texlive-docs-2021.210418-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.2.7", "name": "zathura-ps", "descs": "zathura-ps (zathura plugin, provides PostScript support)", "source": "source/salix/office/zathura-ps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "ghostscript", "girara", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libspectre", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "zathura"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "zathura-ps adds PostScript support to the zathura document viewer.", "path": "./salix/office/zathura-ps-0.2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3496 K", "ver": "2010.12", "name": "flowkeeper", "descs": "flowkeeper (Java-based timer for Pomodoro Technique(R)", "source": "source/salix/office/flowkeeper", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "874 K", "descl": "It is a new desktop software timer for Pomodoro Technique(R), which is a very simple yet effective way to increase personal productivity. This is the first version with somewhat limited functionality. Homepage: http://flowkeeper.org", "path": "./salix/office/flowkeeper-2010.12-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2544 K", "ver": "0.4.18", "name": "qpdfview", "descs": "qpdfview (tabbed document viewer)", "source": "source/salix/office/qpdfview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "djvulibre", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "ghostscript", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libspectre", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pcre2", "poppler", "qt5", "texlive", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "636 K", "descl": "qpdfview is a tabbed document viewer supporting djvu, PDF, and ps. Current features include: Outline, properties, and thumbnail panes, scale, rotate, and fit, continuous and multiple-page layouts, fullscreen and presentation views, search for text and support for links and forms in PDF files, configurable toolbars and keyboard shortcuts, persistent per-file settings, rudimentary annotation and form support and more.", "path": "./salix/office/qpdfview-0.4.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2028 K", "ver": "0.72d", "name": "muttprint", "descs": "muttprint (Pretty printing of your mails)", "source": "source/salix/office/muttprint", "deps": ["perl-Text-Iconv"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "507 K", "descl": "Muttprint formats the output of mail clients to a good-looking printing. It uses the typesetting system LaTeX, which is normally part of every Linux distribution and which is also available for other operating systems like *BSD and Solaris. Muttprint is programmed in Perl and supports the charsets ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-9, Windows-1250, Windows-1252 and UTF-8.", "path": "./salix/office/muttprint-0.72d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "0.4.8", "name": "zathura", "descs": "zathura (a PDF viewer focusing on keyboard interaction)", "source": "source/salix/office/zathura", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "girara", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libseccomp", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "sqlite", "texlive", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "zathura is a highly customizable and functional PDF viewer based on the poppler rendering library and the gtk+ toolkit. The idea behind zathura is an application that provides a minimalistic and space saving interface as well as an easy usage that mainly focuses on keyboard interaction.", "path": "./salix/office/zathura-0.4.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "20200617_f590024", "name": "fbpdf", "descs": "fbpdf (PDF viewer for the Linux framebuffer)", "source": "source/salix/office/fbpdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "djvulibre", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "poppler", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "fbpdf is a framebuffer pdf/djvu file viewer. It can use either mupdf or poppler libraries for rendering pdf files and it uses the djvulibre library for rendering djvu files. This package was built WITHOUT mupdf support.", "path": "./salix/office/fbpdf-20200617_f590024-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "8860 K", "ver": "20110903", "name": "hunspell-gr", "descs": "hunspell-gr (Greek hunspell dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/office/hunspell-gr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2215 K", "descl": "Greek hunspell dictionary. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/grspell/", "path": "./salix/office/hunspell-gr-20110903-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "530220 K", "ver": "2020.4.0", "name": "pdfstudio", "descs": "pdfstudio (PDF editor)", "source": "source/salix/office/pdfstudio", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "132555 K", "descl": "PDF Studio is an all-in-one, easy to use PDF editor that provides all PDF features needed at a fraction of the cost of Adobe Acrobat and other PDF editors. PDF Studio maintains full compatibility with the PDF Standard. PDF Studio is a commercial Java based program. It is available in Standard and Pro editions, and also as a free demo. Home page: https://www.qoppa.com/pdfstudio/", "path": "./salix/office/pdfstudio-2020.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "0.95", "name": "catdoc", "descs": "catdoc (console MS Word files reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/catdoc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "catdoc reads MS Word file and prints readable ASCII text to stdout, just like Unix cat command. It also able to produce correct escape sequences if some UNICODE characters have to be represented specially in your typesetting system such as (La)TeX.", "path": "./salix/office/catdoc-0.95-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "1.8.2", "name": "pdfarranger", "descs": "pdfarranger (rearrange pdf pages)", "source": "source/salix/office/pdfarranger", "deps": ["pikepdf", "python-distutils-extra", "python3-dateutil", "img2pdf", "python-packaging", "pyparsing"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "pdfarranger is a small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface. It is a frontend for pikepdf and a fork of pdfshuffler. PDF Arranger supports image file import if img2pdf is installed Home: https://github.com/pdfarranger/pdfarranger", "path": "./salix/office/pdfarranger-1.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "19796 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "full-pack", "descs": "full-pack (A set of dictionaries for kbgoffice)", "source": "source/salix/office/full-pack", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4949 K", "descl": "It includes a bidirectional English-Bulgarian dictionary, a dictionary of computer terms, a polytechnical dictionary, and a dictionary of the Bulgarian North-West dialect. Homepage: http://bgoffice.sourceforge.net/assistant", "path": "./salix/office/full-pack-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "", "name": "latexdiff", "descs": "latexdiff (diff utility for LaTeX files)", "source": "source/salix/office/latexdiff", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "latexdiff is a Perl script which compares LaTeX files and marks significant differences between them. It can be used with several version control systems (RCS, CVS, Subversion, Mercurial, and Git). The package also contains latexrevise, a tool for selective removal of markup and text from latexdiff output. Homepage: https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/latexdiff", "path": "./salix/office/latexdiff-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "", "name": "pdf2djvu", "descs": "pdf2djvu (creates DjVu files from PDF files)", "source": "source/salix/office/pdf2djvu", "deps": ["GraphicsMagick", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "djvulibre", "e2fsprogs", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jasper", "jbigkit", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwmf", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "poppler", "util-linux", "zlib", "nose"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "pdf2djvu creates DjVu files from PDF files. It's able to extract: * graphics * text layer * hyperlinks * document outline (bookmarks) * metadata (including XMP metadata) Homepage: https://jwilk.net/software/pdf2djvu", "path": "./salix/office/pdf2djvu-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "12148 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "ding", "descs": "ding (German-English Dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/office/ding", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3037 K", "descl": "Ding is a Dictionary lookup program for the X window system. It comes with a German-English dictionary with approximately 270,000 entries. It is based on Tk version >= 8.3 and uses the agrep or egrep tools for searching. It has many configuration options, such as search preferences, interface language (English or German), colors. It has history and help functions and comes with useful key and mouse bindings for quick and easy lookups. Homepage: http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~fri/ding/", "path": "./salix/office/ding-1.7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "20924 K", "ver": "2.5.2", "name": "jpdfbookmarks", "descs": "jpdfbookmarks (pdf bookmarks editor)", "source": "source/salix/office/jpdfbookmarks", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5231 K", "descl": "JPdfBookmarks is a java program that allows you to create and edit bookmarks on existing pdf files. It has a command line and a graphical interface. Author's Blog: http://flavianopetrocchi.blogspot.com Home page: http://jpdfbookmarks.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/office/jpdfbookmarks-2.5.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "868 K", "ver": "20160627_9ab7626", "name": "apvlv", "descs": "apvlv (a PDF viewer which uses Vim keybindigs)", "source": "source/salix/office/apvlv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "217 K", "descl": "Apvlv is a PDF viewer based on GTK+2 and poppler which uses Vim like keybindings. Homepage: http://naihe2010.github.com/apvlv/", "path": "./salix/office/apvlv-20160627_9ab7626-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "42680 K", "ver": "3.44.1", "name": "evolution", "descs": "evolution (Email and calendaring application)", "source": "source/salix/office/evolution", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "clutter", "clutter-gtk", "cmark", "cogl", "cyrus-sasl", "db48", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "evolution-data-server", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "geocode-glib", "glib2", "gnome-autoar", "graphite2", "gspell", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libarchive", "libcanberra", "libchamplain", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libgdata", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libgweather4", "libical", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libogg", "libpst", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lz4", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "openjpeg", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "ytnef", "zlib", "highlight"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10670 K", "descl": "Evolution is the GNOME mailer, calendar, contact manager and communications tool from Ximian, Inc. The tools which make up Evolution are tightly integrated with one another, and together they act as a seamless personal information-management tool. If you have 'demanding' email needs, then this is almost certainly the program you will want to be using. https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution/", "path": "./salix/office/evolution-3.44.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "4688 K", "ver": "2.35", "name": "hevea", "descs": "hevea (LaTeX to HTML translator)", "source": "source/salix/office/hevea", "deps": ["ocamlbuild"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1172 K", "descl": "HEVEA is a LaTeX to HTML translator. The input language is a fairly complete subset of LaTeX2e (old LaTeX style is also accepted) and the output language is HTML that is (hopefully) correct with respect to version 5. Exotic symbols are translated into symbols pertaining to the symbol font of the HTML browser.", "path": "./salix/office/hevea-2.35-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2792 K", "ver": "3.44.1", "name": "evolution-ews", "descs": "evolution-ews (Exchange Web Services)", "source": "source/salix/office/evolution-ews", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "clutter", "clutter-gtk", "cmark", "cogl", "cyrus-sasl", "db48", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "evolution", "evolution-data-server", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "geocode-glib", "glib2", "gnome-autoar", "graphite2", "gspell", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libarchive", "libcanberra", "libchamplain", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libgdata", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libical", "libmanette", "libmspack", "libnotify", "libogg", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lz4", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "openjpeg", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "698 K", "descl": "For accessing Exchange servers using Web Services while using Evolution Email Client. For Microsoft Exchange 2007, 2010 and newer it is recommended to use the package evolution-ews. https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution/", "path": "./salix/office/evolution-ews-3.44.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "130323", "name": "NME", "descs": "NME (Nyctergatis Markup Engine)", "source": "source/salix/office/NME", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libminizip", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "NME, or Nyctergatis Markup Engine, is an open-source ISO-C implementation of a markup parser based on Creole 1.0. Creole is a collaborative effort to create a common markup language to be used across different wikis. It is a work in progress, and currently it is difficult to assess its potential success. Homepage: http://nyctergatis.com/creole", "path": "./salix/office/NME-130323-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "extractpdfmark", "descs": "extractpdfmark (extract page mode and named destinations from PDF)", "source": "source/salix/office/extractpdfmark", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "poppler", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "extractpdfmark extracts page mode, named destinations, etc. from PDF files produced by TeX. This protects these PDF marks from Ghostscript in the process of using Ghostscript to reduce PDF file size, which may otherwise be very large when the PDF is comprised of many small PDFs, each embedding the same full font sets.", "path": "./salix/office/extractpdfmark-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "24976 K", "ver": "3.4", "name": "tellico", "descs": "tellico (KDE application for keeping track of your collections)", "source": "source/salix/office/tellico", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "attica", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exempi", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kfilemetadata", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemmodels", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knewstuff", "kpackage", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwallet", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libcdio", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libkcddb", "libksane", "libogg", "libplist", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libusbmuxd", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "poppler", "qt5", "samba", "sane", "solid", "sonnet", "speex", "sqlite", "syndication", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6244 K", "descl": "Tellico is a KDE application for keeping track of your collections. It provides default templates for books, bibliographies, videos, music, coins, stamps, trading cards, comic books, and wines. Ultimately, the goal is for it to be similar in capability to AVCataloger or Readerware, although it's still got a ways to go. Homepage: http://tellico-project.org", "path": "./salix/office/tellico-3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.2.7", "name": "anorack", "descs": "anorack ('a' vs 'an' checker)", "source": "source/salix/office/anorack", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "The English language has two indefinite articles: a: used before words that begin with a consonant sound (e.g., a program, a host, a user); an: used before words that begin with a vowel sound (e.g., an example, an hour, an undefined variable). anorack is a specialized spell-checker that finds incorrect indefinite articles.", "path": "./salix/office/anorack-0.2.7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "5920 K", "ver": "3.7.1", "name": "taskjuggler", "descs": "taskjuggler (Project Management)", "source": "source/salix/office/taskjuggler", "deps": ["rubygem-term-ansicolor", "rubygem-mail"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1480 K", "descl": "TaskJuggler is a project management tool written in ruby. It covers the complete spectrum of project management tasks from the first idea to the completion of the project. It assists you during project scoping, resource assignment, cost, revenue planning, risk and communication management. Homepage: http://www.taskjuggler.org/", "path": "./salix/office/taskjuggler-3.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "19120 K", "ver": "5.2.2GA", "name": "xtrkcad", "descs": "xtrkcad (Model RR Track Planner)", "source": "source/salix/office/xtrkcad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4780 K", "descl": "XTrackCAD is a CAD program for designing model railroad layouts. You can easily create layouts of any scale or size. Libraries for many brands of track and turnouts are included. Adding new components is easy with the built-in editor. The website is located at http://www.xtrkcad.org and files at http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtrkcad-fork Also check the Yahoo! Group [XtrkCAD]. Note the spelling and CamelCase are inconsistent throughout the app.", "path": "./salix/office/xtrkcad-5.2.2GA-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "djvusmooth", "descs": "djvusmooth (graphical editor for DjVu documents)", "source": "source/salix/office/djvusmooth", "deps": ["wxPython", "python-djvulibre", "subprocess32"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "djvusmooth is a graphical editor for DjVu files, which allows one to: - edit document metadata, - edit document outline (bookmarks), - add, remove or edit hyperlinks, - correct occasional errors in the hidden text layer.", "path": "./salix/office/djvusmooth-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "68220 K", "ver": "2.8.11", "name": "ganttproject", "descs": "ganttproject (free tool for project scheduling and management)", "source": "source/salix/office/ganttproject", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17055 K", "descl": "GanttProject is GPL-licensed (free software) Java based, project management software that runs under the Windows, Linux and Mac OSX operating systems. It features a Gantt chart for project scheduling of tasks, and doing resource management using resource load charts. It has a number of reporting options (MS Project, HTML, PDF, spreadsheets). Homepage: https://www.ganttproject.biz", "path": "./salix/office/ganttproject-2.8.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "1.8", "name": "convertlit", "descs": "convertlit (converts .lit files to .epub)", "source": "source/salix/office/convertlit", "deps": ["libtommath"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Converts Microsoft Reader format eBooks into open format for use with software or devices which are not directly compatible with Microsoft's Reader.", "path": "./salix/office/convertlit-1.8-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "odt2txt", "descs": "odt2txt (simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text)", "source": "source/salix/office/odt2txt", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "odt2txt is a command-line tool which extracts the text out of OpenDocument Texts produced by OpenOffice.org, StarOffice, KOffice and others. odt2txt can also extract text from some file formats similar to OpenDocument Text, such as OpenOffice.org XML (*.sxw), which was used by OpenOffice.org version 1.x and older StarOffice versions. To a lesser extend, odt2txt may be useful to extract content from OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods) and OpenDocument presentations (*.odp).", "path": "./salix/office/odt2txt-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1516 K", "ver": "0.36", "name": "notmuch", "descs": "notmuch (fast mail indexer for maildir)", "source": "source/salix/office/notmuch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "gmime", "gpgme", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "talloc", "util-linux", "xapian-core", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "379 K", "descl": "Notmuch is an answer to Sup. Sup is a very good email program written by William Morgan (and others) and is the direct inspiration for Notmuch. Notmuch began as an effort to rewrite performance-critical pieces of Sup in C rather than ruby. From there, it grew into a separate project. One significant contribution Notmuch makes compared to Sup is the separation of the indexer/searcher from the user interface. (Notmuch provides a library interface so that its indexing/searching/tagging features can be integrated into any email program.)", "path": "./salix/office/notmuch-0.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "784 K", "ver": "0.13.0_beta2+20220110_r312", "name": "impressive", "descs": "impressive (fancy PDF presentation program)", "source": "source/salix/office/impressive", "deps": ["pygame"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "196 K", "descl": "Impressive is a program that displays presentation slides. But unlike OpenOffice.org Impress or other similar applications, it does so with style. Smooth alpha-blended slide transitions are provided for the sake of eye candy, but in addition to this, Impressive offers some unique tools that are really useful for presentations. Homepage: http://impressive.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/office/impressive-0.13.0_beta2+20220110_r312-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3088 K", "ver": "0.39.2", "name": "CherryTree", "descs": "CherryTree (hierarchical note taking application)", "source": "source/salix/office/CherryTree", "deps": ["pygtksourceview"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "772 K", "descl": "A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file. Homepage: http://www.giuspen.com/cherrytree", "path": "./salix/office/CherryTree-0.39.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "844 K", "ver": "4.11.0", "name": "pcal", "descs": "pcal (generate monthly format calendars)", "source": "source/salix/office/pcal", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "211 K", "descl": "PCAL is a multi-platform (Unix/Linux, DOS, DOS+DJGPP, Windows+Cygwin, Amiga) program which generates annotated PostScript or HTML calendars in a monthly or yearly format. It is usually run from the command line but there is an HTML/CGI capability as well, to generate calendars (in either PostScript or HTML format) from a web-browser interface. Homepage: http://pcal.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/office/pcal-4.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3044 K", "ver": "3.77", "name": "pstoedit", "descs": "pstoedit (vector graphics converter for ps and pdf files)", "source": "source/salix/office/pstoedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "761 K", "descl": "pstoedit converts PostScript and PDF files to various vector graphic formats. The resulting files can be edited or imported into various drawing packages. Output formats include: AI, ASY, CGM, DXF, EMF, FIG, GMFA, GMFI, GSCHEM, HPGL, IDRAW, KIL, LATEX2E, LWO, MIF, MNA, MPOST, NOIXML, PCB, PCL, RIB, RPL, RTF, SK, SVG, SVM, TGIF, XAML, WMF, and variants of these. Output is also possible to various text formats, Java, or TK code. Homepage: http://www.pstoedit.net/", "path": "./salix/office/pstoedit-3.77-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "1.05", "name": "mathtex", "descs": "mathtex (LaTeX to html cgi program)", "source": "source/salix/office/mathtex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "mathtex is a cgi program that lets you easily embed LaTeX math in your own html pages, blogs, wikis, etcetera... http://www.forkosh.com/mathtex.html", "path": "./salix/office/mathtex-1.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "13196 K", "ver": "150616", "name": "treesheets", "descs": "treesheets (Free Form Data Organization)", "source": "source/salix/office/treesheets", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3299 K", "descl": "The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc. For more info visit: http://treesheets.com/", "path": "./salix/office/treesheets-150616-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "tasksh", "descs": "tasksh (command-line todo list manager)", "source": "source/salix/office/tasksh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "tasksh provides an interactive shell with readline support for task versions 2.4.0 and later. Home: https://www.taskwarrior.org", "path": "./salix/office/tasksh-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1456 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "timew", "descs": "timew (command-line time tracker)", "source": "source/salix/office/timew", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "364 K", "descl": "Timewarrior is a command line time tracking application, which allows you to record time spent on activities. You may be tracking your time for curiosity, or because your work requires it. Home: https://taskwarrior.org/docs/timewarrior/", "path": "./salix/office/timew-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "39808 K", "ver": "5.0.4", "name": "texmaker", "descs": "texmaker (LaTeX editor)", "source": "source/salix/office/texmaker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9952 K", "descl": "Texmaker is a free LaTeX editor that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX into just one application. Homepage: http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/index.html", "path": "./salix/office/texmaker-5.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "mythes", "descs": "mythes (simple thesaurus)", "source": "source/salix/office/mythes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "MyThes is a simple thesaurus that uses a structured text data file and an index file with binary search to lookup words and phrases and return information on part of speech, meanings, and synonyms. Homepage: https://hunspell.github.io/", "path": "./salix/office/mythes-1.2.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "780 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "taskd", "descs": "taskd (task server daemon)", "source": "source/salix/office/taskd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "195 K", "descl": "Taskwarrior is an open-source command-line task management tool. It allows you to capture, annotate, manipulate and present tasks. taskd is an extension supporting client synchronization. Project home page - https://taskwarrior.org/", "path": "./salix/office/taskd-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "15804 K", "ver": "2.70", "name": "asymptote", "descs": "asymptote (The Vector Graphics Language)", "source": "source/salix/office/asymptote", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libsigsegv"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "freeglut", "gc", "gsl", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "llvm", "mesa", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "glm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3951 K", "descl": "Asymptote is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language that provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. Labels and equations are typeset with LaTeX, for high-quality PostScript output. A major advantage of Asymptote over other graphics packages is that it is a programming language as opposed to just a graphics program. https://asymptote.sourceforge.io/", "path": "./salix/office/asymptote-2.70-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "2.5.3", "name": "ccal", "descs": "ccal (Chinese Lunar Calendar)", "source": "source/salix/office/ccal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "The ccal utility is a simple-to-use command line program which writes a Gregorian calendar together with Chinese calendar to standard output. Its usage is similar to the cal program generally available on Unix platforms. In addition to console output, it can also generate Encapsulated Postscript and HTML table outputs for use in do-it-yourself calendars and web pages. It supports both simplified and traditional Chinese characters. Homepage: http://ccal.chinesebay.com/", "path": "./salix/office/ccal-2.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "lcal", "descs": "lcal (generates graphical 'lunar phase' calendar for an entire year)", "source": "source/salix/office/lcal", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "LCAL is a multi-platform (Unix/Linux, DOS, DOS+DJGPP, Windows+Cygwin) program which generates full-year PostScript lunar (moon phase) calendars in a 2-page format, a compressed 1-page format, or an 'odd-days-only' 1-page format. It is run from the command line. Homepage: http://pcal.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/office/lcal-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1776 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "keepnote", "descs": "keepnote (a note taking application)", "source": "source/salix/office/keepnote", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "444 K", "descl": "With KeepNote, you can store your class notes, TODO lists, research notes, journal entries, paper outlines, etc in a simple notebook hierarchy with rich-text formatting, images, and more. Using full-text search, you can retrieve any note for later reference. Homepage: http://keepnote.org/", "path": "./salix/office/keepnote-0.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "164452 K", "ver": "", "name": "turtl", "descs": "turtl (A secure, collaborative notebook)", "source": "source/salix/office/turtl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41113 K", "descl": "Organize and share your notes on this secure platform. All data is encrypted locally and nothing clear is stored on the server. - Supports Markdown formatting and Tex Math rendering. - Full text search, filter by tag and create/edit date sorting. - Differente note types: text, bookmark, password, image and files - Client-side cryptography to keep all of your data safe https://turtlapp.com", "path": "./salix/office/turtl-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "708 K", "ver": "2020.12.07", "name": "hunspell-en", "descs": "hunspell-en (English hunspell dictionaries)", "source": "source/salix/office/hunspell-en", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "177 K", "descl": "English hunspell dictionaries. http://wordlist.aspell.net/dicts/", "path": "./salix/office/hunspell-en-2020.12.07-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "5436 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "trelby", "descs": "trelby (A screenwriting program)", "source": "source/salix/office/trelby", "deps": ["wxPython", "lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1359 K", "descl": "Trelby is a screenplay writing program. Homepage: https://www.trelby.org/", "path": "./salix/office/trelby-2.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "80888 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "jfbview", "descs": "jfbview (framebuffer PDF and image viewer)", "source": "source/salix/office/jfbview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20222 K", "descl": "jfbview is a PDF and image viewer for the Linux framebuffer. It's fast and has some advanced features including: * Arbitrary zoom (10% - 1000%) and rotation; * Table of Contents (TOC) viewer for PDF documents; * Interactive text search for PDF documents; * Multi-threaded rendering; * Asynchronous background pre-caching; * Customizable multi-threaded caching. This package built with imlib2.", "path": "./salix/office/jfbview-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "42960 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "kbbi-qt", "descs": "kbbi-qt (Indonesian Language Dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/office/kbbi-qt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10740 K", "descl": "GUI-based Indonesian Language Dictionary", "path": "./salix/office/kbbi-qt-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "22628 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "grisbi", "descs": "grisbi (Financial accounting software)", "source": "source/salix/office/grisbi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "ghostscript", "glib2", "goffice", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "librsvg", "libspectre", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5657 K", "descl": "Grisbi is a personal accounting application running under GNU/Linux and Windows. Grisbi can manage multiple accounts, currencies and users. It manages third party, expenditure and receipt categories, as well as budgetary lines, financial years, and other informations that makes it quite adapted for associations (except those that require double entry accounting). Homepage: http://www.grisbi.org/", "path": "./salix/office/grisbi-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2560 K", "ver": "1.6.10", "name": "mu", "descs": "mu (fast mail indexer and search tool)", "source": "source/salix/office/mu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "e2fsprogs", "gc", "glib2", "gmime", "gpgme", "guile", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "util-linux", "xapian-core", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "640 K", "descl": "mu is a tool for dealing with e-mail messages stored in the Maildir-format. mu can be used with the mutt email program. mu includes an emacs-based e-mail client (mu4e), a simple GUI (mug) and bindings for the Guile/Scheme programming language. Home: http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/", "path": "./salix/office/mu-1.6.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "120368 K", "ver": "", "name": "jstock", "descs": "jstock (Stock Market Software)", "source": "source/salix/office/jstock", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30092 K", "descl": "JStock makes it easy to track your stock investment. It provides well organized stock market information, to help you decide your best investment strategy. homepage: http://www.jstock.org", "path": "./salix/office/jstock-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "11376 K", "ver": "2015.25", "name": "mined", "descs": "mined (A terminal-based text editor)", "source": "source/salix/office/mined", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2844 K", "descl": "mined is a terminal-based text editor providing extensive Unicode and CJK support. It features with menus and mouse control support, and key bindings optimized for intuitive and fast navigation. Homepage: http://towo.net/mined/", "path": "./salix/office/mined-2015.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "0.17.0", "name": "khard", "descs": "khard (an address book for the Unix console)", "source": "source/salix/office/khard", "deps": ["Unidecode", "python3-dateutil", "vobject", "python-ruamel.yaml", "atomicwrites", "configobj"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "Khard is an address book for the Unix console. It creates, reads, modifies and removes carddav address book entries at your local machine. Khard is also compatible to the email clients mutt and alot and the SIP client twinkle.", "path": "./salix/office/khard-0.17.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "24012 K", "ver": "1.7.6", "name": "focuswriter", "descs": "focuswriter (distraction-free word processor)", "source": "source/salix/office/focuswriter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "hunspell", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6003 K", "descl": "FocusWriter is a fullscreen, distraction-free word processor designed to immerse you as much as possible in your work. The program autosaves your progress, and reloads the last files you had open to make it easy to jump back in during your next writing session, and has many other features that make it such that only one thing matters: your writing. http://gottcode.org/focuswriter/", "path": "./salix/office/focuswriter-1.7.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "408452 K", "ver": "8update5", "name": "xmind", "descs": "xmind (brainstorming and mind mapping tool)", "source": "source/salix/office/xmind", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "102113 K", "descl": "XMind is an open source brainstorming and mind mapping software tool developed by XMind Ltd. As of version 8, it is crippleware, that is a freeware version of a full program, with a significant number of features advertised, but not available until a paid upgrade is made. The program is intended to assist users in capturing ideas, organizing various charts, and share them with collaboration. Homepage: http://www.xmind.net/", "path": "./salix/office/xmind-8update5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "paps", "descs": "paps (Unicode-aware text to PostScript/PDF/SVG converter)", "source": "source/salix/office/paps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "paps reads a UTF-8 encoded file and generates a PostScript language (or PDF, or SVG) rendering of it, on standard output. The rendering is done by creating outline curves through the pango ft2 backend.", "path": "./salix/office/paps-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "0.1.20", "name": "devtodo", "descs": "devtodo (console based todo list)", "source": "source/salix/office/devtodo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "Developer Todo is a program to assist developers in maintaining a list of outstanding tasks in a heirarchical, colourised, and prioritised list. Additionally, it can automatically list outstanding items when you change into a directory. homepage: http://swapoff.org/DevTodo", "path": "./salix/office/devtodo-0.1.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "4.3.0", "name": "python-gcalcli", "descs": "python-gcalcli (command line google calander application)", "source": "source/salix/office/python-gcalcli", "deps": ["google-api-python-client", "python-parsedatetime"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "gcalcli is a Python application that allows you to access your Google Calendar from a command line. It's easy to get your agenda, search for events, and quickly add new events. Additionally gcalcli can be used as a reminder service to execute any application you want. Homepage: https://github.com/insanum/gcalcli", "path": "./salix/office/python-gcalcli-4.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "0.1.40", "name": "verbiste", "descs": "verbiste (a French conjugation system)", "source": "source/salix/office/verbiste", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "Verbiste Contains a C++ library and two command line programs to conjugate and analyze conjugated verbs and can be run from the command line or from another program, and it also contains a GTK application (verbiste-gtk). The knowledge base is represented in XML and contains over 7000 verbs. There is also a small Italian dictionary of 120 verbs. The graphicalinterface lets the user look up a verb in one or both languages. Webpage : https://perso.b2b2c.ca/~sarrazip/dev/verbiste.html", "path": "./salix/office/verbiste-0.1.40-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "uncsv", "descs": "uncsv (convert to or from CSV streams)", "source": "source/salix/office/uncsv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "uncsv is a filter command converting the lines of a CSV file into non-escaped, non-quoted delimited file (pipe by default). This program will error out if it encounters a character matching the delimiter, it will also replace the carriage return and new-line characters found in quoted values allowing you to use awk to play with your CSVs. csv is the opposite of this command. It takes an unquoted stream of values, separated by the delimiter of your choice (default: pipe '|') and produces a 'standard' CSV file.", "path": "./salix/office/uncsv-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "abook", "descs": "abook (Unix ncurse-based addressbook)", "source": "source/salix/office/abook", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "Abook is a text-based addressbook program designed to use with mutt mail client.", "path": "./salix/office/abook-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "536 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "mdbtools", "descs": "mdbtools (libraries and utilities to read MDB and ACCDB files)", "source": "source/salix/office/mdbtools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "134 K", "descl": "The MDB Tools project is a effort to document the MDB and ACCDB file formats used in Microsoft's Access database packages, and to provide a set of tools and applications to make that data available on other platforms. https://github.com/mdbtools/mdbtools", "path": "./salix/office/mdbtools-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1080 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "elyxer", "descs": "elyxer (Lyx to HTML converter)", "source": "source/salix/office/elyxer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "270 K", "descl": "eLyXer is a LyX to HTML converter, implemented as a Python script. While there are many similar projects, eLyXer has a focus on flexibility and elegant output. Installing eLyXer adds improved HTML export capability to LyX. After installation, in Lyx, select Tools->Reconfigure to configure HTML export to use eLyXer. Project website: http://elyxer.nongnu.org/ User guide: http://elyxer.nongnu.org/userguide.html", "path": "./salix/office/elyxer-1.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "traduisons", "descs": "traduisons (python front-end to Google Translate)", "source": "source/salix/office/traduisons", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "Traduisons! (French for 'Let's Translate!') is a front-end for google translate, allowing translation of words and sentences without opening the browser. It is written in python and optionally uses a gtk-based gui. Traduisons! is focused on being as streamlined and fast as possible. It is designed to be a quick, reference tool, not a large-scale document translator. Internet access is required to use Traduisons!.", "path": "./salix/office/traduisons-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.3.7", "name": "zathura-pdf-mupdf", "descs": "zathura-pdf-mupdf (zathura support for mupdf backend)", "source": "source/salix/office/zathura-pdf-mupdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "girara", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "jbig2dec", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mupdf", "openjpeg", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "zathura"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "The zathura-pdf-mupdf plugin adds PDF support to zathura by using the mupdf rendering library.", "path": "./salix/office/zathura-pdf-mupdf-0.3.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.2.9", "name": "zathura-djvu", "descs": "zathura-djvu (zathura support for DjVu format documents)", "source": "source/salix/office/zathura-djvu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "djvulibre", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "girara", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "zathura"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "The zathura-djvu plugin adds DjVu support to zathura by using the djvulibre library.", "path": "./salix/office/zathura-djvu-0.2.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "75424 K", "ver": "4.0.2", "name": "texstudio", "descs": "texstudio (LaTeX editor)", "source": "source/salix/office/texstudio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pcre2", "poppler", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18856 K", "descl": "Texstudio is a free LaTeX editor that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX into just one application. Homepage: http://www.xm1math.net/texstudio/index.html", "path": "./salix/office/texstudio-4.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "5104 K", "ver": "3.42.1", "name": "lout", "descs": "lout (document formatting system)", "source": "source/salix/office/lout", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1276 K", "descl": "Lout is a document formatting system designed and implemented by Jeffrey Kingston at the Basser Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney, Australia. The system reads a high-level description of a document similar in style to LaTeX and produces a PostScript file which can be printed on most laser printers and graphic display devices. homepage: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lout", "path": "./salix/office/lout-3.42.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "vmd", "descs": "vmd (Terminal Markdown Viewer)", "source": "source/salix/office/vmd", "deps": ["Markdown"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Render markdown in a terminal! Why? Because although Markdown is still readable as-is, if you use Markdown a lot, it's nice to have something to render it with the proper formatting - with bold text and emphasis, etc. Homegage: https://github.com/cpascoe95/vmd", "path": "./salix/office/vmd-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "0.0.43", "name": "mobiperl", "descs": "mobiperl (tools for generating and manipulating MobiPocket files)", "source": "source/salix/office/mobiperl", "deps": ["perl-Image-Size", "perl-GD", "perl-HTML-Tree", "perl-palm-pdb", "perl-image-bmp", "perl-xml-parser-lite-tree"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "MobiPocket (.mobi) is a file format used by e-book readers on desktop PCs and platforms such as the Kindle. Included tools: html2mobi lit2mobi mobi2html mobi2mobi opf2mobi mobils", "path": "./salix/office/mobiperl-0.0.43-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "536 K", "ver": "2.1.3", "name": "diffpdf", "descs": "diffpdf (Compare PDF Files)", "source": "source/salix/office/diffpdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pcre2", "poppler", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "134 K", "descl": "DiffPDF can compare two PDF files. It offers three comparison modes: Words, Characters, and Appearance. Please note that this is the opensource edition that is not developed anymore since 2013 in favour of the commercial DiffPDF solution. Homepage: http://www.qtrac.eu/diffpdf-foss.html", "path": "./salix/office/diffpdf-2.1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "beaver", "descs": "beaver (Beaver is an Early AdVanced EditoR)", "source": "source/salix/office/beaver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "Beaver is a GTK+2 editor designed to be: * Light-weight * Modular * Stylish Homepage: http://beaver-editor.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/office/beaver-0.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "0.1.8", "name": "epdfview", "descs": "epdfview (lightweight, GTK+ based PDF viewer for X)", "source": "source/salix/office/epdfview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "The aim of ePDFView is to make a simple PDF document viewer - very similar to evince, without requiring all of the gnome libraries.", "path": "./salix/office/epdfview-0.1.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1660 K", "ver": "1.30.1", "name": "mytetra", "descs": "mytetra (personal manager for information accumulation)", "source": "source/salix/office/mytetra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "415 K", "descl": "It is powerful program for data memorization and structuring notes. Infinite ramify tree for notes group, WYSIWYG editor, clickable tags, notes encryption by RC5-32/12/16 + PBKDF2 Synchronization over any cloud storage system or version control system (i.e. Git on GitHub.com) HomePage https://webhamster.ru/site/page/index/articles/projectcode/138", "path": "./salix/office/mytetra-1.30.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.7.4", "name": "xlsx2csv", "descs": "xlsx2csv (xlsx to csv converter)", "source": "source/salix/office/xlsx2csv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Converts xlsx files to csv format. Handles large XLSX files. Fast and easy to use. Homepage: https://github.com/dilshod/xlsx2csv", "path": "./salix/office/xlsx2csv-0.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "03.01.16", "name": "remind", "descs": "remind (a command-line calendar)", "source": "source/salix/office/remind", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "Remind is a sophisticated command-line calendar and alarm program with a sophisticated scripting language and intelligent handling of exceptions and holidays. There are a number of graphical front-ends to remind. tkremind is included. http://www.roaringpenguin.com/products/remind", "path": "./salix/office/remind-03.01.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "12608 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "TaskCoach", "descs": "TaskCoach (Task Manager)", "source": "source/salix/office/TaskCoach", "deps": ["wxPython", "python2-twisted"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3152 K", "descl": "Task Coach is a simple open source todo manager to keep track of personal tasks and todo lists. It is designed for composite tasks, and also offers effort tracking, categories, notes and more. Homepage: http://taskcoach.org/", "path": "./salix/office/TaskCoach-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3316 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "featherpad", "descs": "featherpad (text editor)", "source": "source/salix/office/featherpad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "hunspell", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "829 K", "descl": "A lightweight Qt plain-text editor for Linux. It's independent of any desktop environment. It was written in GTK+ at first, then ported to Qt with more features. Homepage: https://github.com/tsujan/FeatherPad", "path": "./salix/office/featherpad-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1092 K", "ver": "8.0", "name": "kchmviewer-qt", "descs": "kchmviewer-qt (a CHM viewer)", "source": "source/salix/office/kchmviewer-qt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "chmlib", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "libzip", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "273 K", "descl": "Kchmviewer is a free, open-source CHM (aka MS HTML help) and EPUB viewer written in C++ for Unix, Mac and Windows systems. Unlike most existing CHM viewers for Unix, it uses Trolltech Qt widget library, and could optionally be compiled for better KDE integration. It does not require KDE, but may be compiled with KDE widget support. Since version 5.0 it uses the Webkit API to show the content. This is Qt-only version. Homepage: http://www.ulduzsoft.com/kchmviewer", "path": "./salix/office/kchmviewer-qt-8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "5808040 K", "ver": "2021.210418", "name": "texlive-extra", "descs": "texlive-extra (extra texmf files for TeXLive)", "source": "source/salix/office/texlive-extra", "deps": ["aaa_libraries"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1452010 K", "descl": "This package contains texmf files which don't fit in the texlive package shipped by Slackware. Appropriate docs are included as well.", "path": "./salix/office/texlive-extra-2021.210418-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "9748 K", "ver": "3.2.59", "name": "coolreader", "descs": "coolreader (e-book reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/coolreader", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunibreak", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pcre2", "qt5", "utf8proc", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2437 K", "descl": "CoolReader is an e-book reader for various platforms. Supported file formats include plain text, HTML, RTF, Microsoft Word (.doc), Palm Pilot (.prc, .pdb, .pml, .mobi), FB2, and EPUB. This package built with the Qt5 user interface. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/crengine/", "path": "./salix/office/coolreader-3.2.59-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "984 K", "ver": "", "name": "pdfchain", "descs": "pdfchain (A GUI for PDF Tool Kit)", "source": "source/salix/office/pdfchain", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "pdftk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "246 K", "descl": "PDF Chain is a Graphical User Interface for the PDF Tool Kit, released under the terms of the GNU Public License verion 3. It includes features designed to handle PDF files in a easy way. Basicaly it can merge, split, add backgrounds or stamps and add attachments. There are some tools for extended needs, too. The gui is written in GTKmm, a C++ library for GTK.", "path": "./salix/office/pdfchain-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "134784 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "freemind", "descs": "freemind (free mind-mapping)", "source": "source/salix/office/freemind", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33696 K", "descl": "FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. We are proud that the operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of MindManager because of one-click 'fold / unfold' and 'follow link' operations. http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page", "path": "./salix/office/freemind-1.0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "880 K", "ver": "7.0.0", "name": "neoleo", "descs": "neoleo (ncurses spreadsheet)", "source": "source/salix/office/neoleo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "220 K", "descl": "neoleo is a lightweight curses spreadsheet based on GNU oleo. Features include: macros, a headless mode for inclusion in UNIX pipelines, and Emacs-like keybindings.", "path": "./salix/office/neoleo-7.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "4.8.0", "name": "xpad", "descs": "xpad (Sticky Notes)", "source": "source/salix/office/xpad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtksourceview3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "Xpad is a virtual sticky pad system using GTK+ 3. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/xpad", "path": "./salix/office/xpad-4.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "8560 K", "ver": "0.99.4", "name": "fbreader", "descs": "fbreader (e-book reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/fbreader", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "e2fsprogs", "expat", "fribidi", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunibreak", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2140 K", "descl": "FBReader is an e-book reader for various platforms. It was orignally written for Sharp Zaurus. http://www.fbreader.org/", "path": "./salix/office/fbreader-0.99.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "tpp", "descs": "tpp (text based presentation tool for the CLI)", "source": "source/salix/office/tpp", "deps": ["ncurses-ruby"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "tpp stands for text presentation program and is an ncurses-based presentation tool. The presentation can be written with your favorite editor in a simple description format and then shown on any text terminal that is supported by ncurses. Home: http://www.ngolde.de/tpp.html", "path": "./salix/office/tpp-1.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "20150330_d236f8f", "name": "x_x", "descs": "x_x (view Excel or CSV files in the terminal)", "source": "source/salix/office/x_x", "deps": ["click", "python-xlrd", "python2-unicodecsv"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "x_x (The Dead Guy CLI) is a command line reader that displays either Excel files or CSVs in your terminal. The purpose of this is to not break the workflow of people who live on the command line and need to access a spreadsheet generated using Microsoft Excel.", "path": "./salix/office/x_x-20150330_d236f8f-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "lumina-calculator", "descs": "lumina-calculator (Scientific Calculator for the Lumina Desktop)", "source": "source/salix/office/lumina-calculator", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "This is a graphical, scientific calculator with history and recall abilities.", "path": "./salix/office/lumina-calculator-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2704 K", "ver": "1.99", "name": "bibtex2html", "descs": "bibtex2html (A translator of BibTeX bibliographies into HTML)", "source": "source/salix/office/bibtex2html", "deps": ["hevea"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "676 K", "descl": "BibTeX2HTML is a collection of tools for automatically producing HTML documents from bibliographies written in the BibTeX format. It consists of three command line tools: - bib2bib - bibtex2html - aux2bib", "path": "./salix/office/bibtex2html-1.99-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "131092 K", "ver": "9.1", "name": "adobe-reader-fontpacks", "descs": "adobe-reader-fontpacks (Asian & Extended Fonts Packs for Adobe Reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/adobe-reader-fontpacks", "deps": ["adobe-reader"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32773 K", "descl": "Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese and Korean Font Packs and Extended Language Font Pack (Hebrew, Arabic, Vietnamese, Thai as well as the Eastern and Central European languages including Cyrillic and Greek scripts). They are needed to correctly display a document when an author does not embed the appropriate font in to the document or for commenting, collaborating or filling out forms.", "path": "./salix/office/adobe-reader-fontpacks-9.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "krop", "descs": "krop (a tool to crop pdf files)", "source": "source/salix/office/krop", "deps": ["python-poppler-qt5", "PyPDF2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Krop is a simple graphical tool to crop the pages of PDF files. It is written in Python and relies on PyQt, python-poppler-qt4, and PyPDF for its functionality. It features automatic margin cropping. Homepage: http://arminstraub.com/computer/krop", "path": "./salix/office/krop-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1208 K", "ver": "0.8.3", "name": "gummi", "descs": "gummi (Lightweight Latex editor)", "source": "source/salix/office/gummi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtksourceview3", "gtkspell3", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "texlive", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "302 K", "descl": "Gummi is a lightweight Latex editor written in Python/GTK released as open source under a dual MIT/Beerware license. Latex is a powerful mark-up language that is widely used for academic and professional documents. https://github.com/alexandervdm/gummi/", "path": "./salix/office/gummi-0.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "cups-pdf", "descs": "cups-pdf (PDF printer for cups)", "source": "source/salix/office/cups-pdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This software is designed to produce PDF files by providing a PDF printer. Homepage: https://www.cups-pdf.de/", "path": "./salix/office/cups-pdf-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "57688 K", "ver": "", "name": "lyx", "descs": "lyx (WYSIWYM document processor)", "source": "source/salix/office/lyx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "enchant", "file", "hunspell", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14422 K", "descl": "LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG). LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease of use of a graphical interface. Homepage: http://www.lyx.org", "path": "./salix/office/lyx-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "10812 K", "ver": "0.6.7", "name": "texworks", "descs": "texworks (lowering the entry barrier to the TeX world)", "source": "source/salix/office/texworks", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hunspell", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pcre2", "poppler", "python3", "qt5", "texlive", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2703 K", "descl": "TeXworks is an effort to build a simple TeX front-end. The integrated PDF viewer supports control-clicking within the source text to locate the corresponding position in the PDF, and vice versa. https://tug.org/texworks/", "path": "./salix/office/texworks-0.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1544 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "hamster", "descs": "hamster (Gnome time tracker)", "source": "source/salix/office/hamster", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "386 K", "descl": "Hamster is time tracking for individuals. It helps you to keep track of how much time you have spent during the day on activities you choose to track. Homepage: https://projecthamster.wordpress.com/", "path": "./salix/office/hamster-3.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2316 K", "ver": "0.6.31", "name": "gnokii", "descs": "gnokii (mobile phone management tools)", "source": "source/salix/office/gnokii", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "bluez", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libical", "libxcb", "mariadb", "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "579 K", "descl": "gnokii provides tools and a user space driver for use with mobile phones under various operating systems. gnokii can deal with SMS, Phonebook, Calendar, Call management and others. Project homepage: http://www.gnokii.org/", "path": "./salix/office/gnokii-0.6.31-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "watson", "descs": "watson (CLI tool to track time)", "source": "source/salix/office/watson", "deps": ["arrow", "click-legacy7"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "Watson is a time tracking tool for the CLI with many useful features. Watson can be used to tracking your projects and tasks. It is written in Python. http://tailordev.github.io/Watson/", "path": "./salix/office/watson-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "13688 K", "ver": "1.1.3", "name": "pyspread", "descs": "pyspread (Python spreadsheet)", "source": "source/salix/office/pyspread", "deps": ["wxPython", "matplotlib", "numpy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3422 K", "descl": "Pyspread is a non-traditional spreadsheet application that is based on and written in the programming language Python. Homepage: https://manns.github.io/pyspread/", "path": "./salix/office/pyspread-1.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "0.10.4", "name": "tudu", "descs": "tudu (todo list program)", "source": "source/salix/office/tudu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "TuDu is a comand line interface to manage hierarchical todos. Each task has a title, a long text description, a deadline (tudu warns you when the date is close), and a scheduled date. https://code.meskio.net/tudu/", "path": "./salix/office/tudu-0.10.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3300 K", "ver": "4.1", "name": "gcal", "descs": "gcal (Gnu terminal calendar application)", "source": "source/salix/office/gcal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "825 K", "descl": "Gcal is a program for calculating and printing calendars. Gcal displays hybrid and proleptic Julian and Gregorian calendar sheets, respectively for one month, three months, or a whole year. It also displays eternal holiday lists for many countries around the globe, and features a very powerful creation of fixed date lists that can be used for reminding purposes. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/gcal/", "path": "./salix/office/gcal-4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "2.12.0", "name": "todo.txt-cli", "descs": "todo.txt-cli (CLI frontend for todo.txt)", "source": "source/salix/office/todo.txt-cli", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.", "path": "./salix/office/todo.txt-cli-2.12.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "21564 K", "ver": "0.9.12", "name": "sigil", "descs": "sigil (Multi-platform WYSIWYG ebook editor)", "source": "source/salix/office/sigil", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hunspell", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "orc", "pcre", "pcre2", "python3", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib", "lxml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5391 K", "descl": "Sigil is a multi-platform WYSIWYG ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format. Homepage: https://sigil-ebook.com/", "path": "./salix/office/sigil-0.9.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "lumina-pdf", "descs": "lumina-pdf (PDF Viewer Utility for the Lumina Desktop)", "source": "source/salix/office/lumina-pdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pcre2", "poppler", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "PDF Viewer Utility", "path": "./salix/office/lumina-pdf-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "docx2txt", "descs": "docx2txt (docx to text converter)", "source": "source/salix/office/docx2txt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "docx2txt is a perl based command line utility to convert Microsoft Office OOXML (docx) documents to equivalent ASCII text documents. Homepage: http://docx2txt.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/office/docx2txt-1.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3588 K", "ver": "1.4.4", "name": "xreader", "descs": "xreader (A generic Document Reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/xreader", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "djvulibre", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "ghostscript", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libspectre", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "sqlite", "texlive", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib", "yelp-tools"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "897 K", "descl": "Xreader is a document viewer capable of displaying multiple and single page document formats like PDF and Postscript. URL: https://github.com/linuxmint/xreader", "path": "./salix/office/xreader-1.4.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "9192 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "wink", "descs": "wink (presentation creator)", "source": "source/salix/office/wink", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2298 K", "descl": "Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add xplanations boxes, buttons, titles etc and generate a highly effective tutorial for your users. Homepage: http://www.debugmode.com/wink/", "path": "./salix/office/wink-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1080 K", "ver": "", "name": "xournal", "descs": "xournal (note taking application)", "source": "source/salix/office/xournal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libglvnd", "libgnomecanvas", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "270 K", "descl": "Xournal is an application for notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal using a stylus. It is free software (GNU GPL) and runs on Linux (recent distributions) and other GTK+/Gnome platforms. It is similar to Microsoft Windows Journal or to other alternatives such as Jarnal and Gournal. Xournal can be downloaded at http://xournal.sourceforge.net/ or http://math.berkeley.edu/~auroux/software/xournal/", "path": "./salix/office/xournal-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "5016 K", "ver": "2.1a", "name": "mtp2-fonts", "descs": "mtp2-fonts (Times-compatible math TeX fonts)", "source": "source/salix/office/mtp2-fonts", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1254 K", "descl": "MathTime Professional ver 2 (MTPro2) fonts are mathematical TeX fonts compatible with the Times Roman text fonts. They were created by Michael Spivak of Publish or Perish Press. These are high-quality commercial fonts. There is a free subset called 'MTPro2 Lite' that consists of 15 fonts and replaces the Computer Modern math fonts. The complete set consists of 68 fonts and provides also script, curly, Fraktur, bold math, blackboard bold fonts, and AMS symbols. Homepage: https://pctex.com/mtpro2.html", "path": "./salix/office/mtp2-fonts-2.1a-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "pstotext", "descs": "pstotext (PostScript to text filter)", "source": "source/salix/office/pstotext", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Pstotext was released as freeware in source-code form by (then) DEC workers Paul McJones and Andrew Birrell around 1995. It's been maintained by a group called ghostgum software since the original developers stopped working there.", "path": "./salix/office/pstotext-1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2156 K", "ver": "2.3.17", "name": "latex2rtf", "descs": "latex2rtf (LaTeX converter)", "source": "source/salix/office/latex2rtf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "539 K", "descl": "It is a translator for converting LaTeX sources into 'Rich Text Format' (RTF), a published standard format by Microsoft. This standard can be ambiguous in places but RTF is supported by many text editors, among which there is Microsoft Word. Thus, latex2rtf allows its users to convert LaTeX files to .doc or .docx format. Homepage: http://latex2rtf.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/office/latex2rtf-2.3.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "6724 K", "ver": "5.1.5", "name": "homebank", "descs": "homebank (Free easy personal accounting for all!)", "source": "source/salix/office/homebank", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1681 K", "descl": "HomeBank is the free software you have always wanted to manage your personal accounts at home. The main concept is to be light, simple and very easy to use. It brings you many features that allows you to analyze your finances in a detailed way instantly and dynamically with powerfull report tools based on filtering and graphical charts. http://homebank.free.fr/", "path": "./salix/office/homebank-5.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "980 K", "ver": "5.0", "name": "bibutils", "descs": "bibutils (Converter library for various bibliography formats)", "source": "source/salix/office/bibutils", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "245 K", "descl": "The bibutils program set interconverts between various bibliography formats using a common MODS-format XML intermediate. These programs operate on the command line and are styled after standard UNIX-like filters. https://sourceforge.net/projects/bibutils", "path": "./salix/office/bibutils-5.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "0.11.2", "name": "lowdown", "descs": "lowdown (simple markdown translator)", "source": "source/salix/office/lowdown", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "lowdown is a Markdown translator producing HTML5 and roff documents in the ms and man formats. It's just clean, secure, open source C code with no dependencies. Its canonical documentation is lowdown(1) for the formatter, lowdown(5) for the syntax, and the library interface at lowdown(3). Homepage: https://github.com/Symbian9/lowdown", "path": "./salix/office/lowdown-0.11.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "12464 K", "ver": "1.5.0_RC2", "name": "goldendict", "descs": "goldendict (dictionary lookup program)", "source": "source/salix/office/goldendict", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "hunspell", "hyphen", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libao", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lzo", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3116 K", "descl": "The GoldenDict project aims to create a feature-rich dictionary lookup program.", "path": "./salix/office/goldendict-1.5.0_RC2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "0.37", "name": "antiword", "descs": "antiword (a free MS Word reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/antiword", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "Antiword is a free MS Word reader for Linux and RISC OS. Antiword converts the binary files from Word 2, 6, 7, 97, 2000, 2002 and 2003 to plain text and to PostScript TM . http://www.winfield.demon.nl/", "path": "./salix/office/antiword-0.37-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "684 K", "ver": "1.15.2", "name": "timetrap", "descs": "timetrap (CLI time tracker)", "source": "source/salix/office/timetrap", "deps": ["sequel", "sqlite3", "chronic"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "171 K", "descl": "Timetrap is a simple command line time tracker written in ruby. It provides an easy to use command line interface for tracking what you spend your time on. Homepage: https://github.com/samg/timetrap", "path": "./salix/office/timetrap-1.15.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "gmdb2", "descs": "gmdb2 (official GUI for mdbtools)", "source": "source/salix/office/gmdb2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mdbtools", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "yelp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "gmdb2 lets you open, inspect, and export Microsoft Access databases (.mdb and .accdb files) on Mac and Unix machines. This is considered beta-quality software. Originally written by Brian Bruns in the early 2000s, the software was recently ported to GTK+3 and has been tested on Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD. https://github.com/mdbtools/gmdb2", "path": "./salix/office/gmdb2-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "816 K", "ver": "1.12.1", "name": "dictd", "descs": "dictd (DICT client and server)", "source": "source/salix/office/dictd", "deps": ["libmaa", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "204 K", "descl": "This package contains client/server software implementing the Dictionary Server Protocol, as described in RFC 2229. The Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT) is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. No dictionaries included for server.", "path": "./salix/office/dictd-1.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "3.4", "name": "t-prot", "descs": "t-prot (a TOFU protection script)", "source": "source/salix/office/t-prot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "You know these misformatted mail or news messages, with full quotes, too long signatures, and lots of exclamation marks? They get on your nerves day by day? That's what this script is for. Please see the documentation for the details. http://www.escape.de/~tolot/mutt/", "path": "./salix/office/t-prot-3.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "17436 K", "ver": "0.9.90", "name": "kbibtex", "descs": "kbibtex (A BibTeX editor for KDE)", "source": "source/salix/office/kbibtex", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "editorconfig-core-c", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kparts", "kservice", "ktexteditor", "ktextwidgets", "kwallet", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libogg", "libplist", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libusbmuxd", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "poppler", "qt5", "samba", "solid", "sonnet", "speex", "sqlite", "syntax-highlighting", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4359 K", "descl": "The program KBibTeX is a bibliography editor by KDE. Its main purpose is to provide a user-friendly interface to BibTeX files. This software, unless noted differently for individual files, materials, or contributions, is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "path": "./salix/office/kbibtex-0.9.90-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "68672 K", "ver": "1.9.3", "name": "ProjectLibre", "descs": "ProjectLibre (Project Management Software)", "source": "source/salix/office/ProjectLibre", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17168 K", "descl": "ProjectLibre is a Project Management Software, based on OpenProj, replacement of Microsoft Project. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/projectlibre/", "path": "./salix/office/ProjectLibre-1.9.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "201116 K", "ver": "1.5.7", "name": "scribus", "descs": "scribus (open-source professional page layout program)", "source": "source/salix/office/scribus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hunspell", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "librevenge", "libunistring", "libvisio", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "pcre2", "pixman", "poppler", "python3", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50279 K", "descl": "Scribus is an open-source program that brings award-winning professional page layout to Linux/Unix, MacOS X and Windows desktops with a combination of 'press-ready' output and new approaches to page layout.", "path": "./salix/office/scribus-1.5.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "text2pdf", "descs": "text2pdf (Converts text files to PDF)", "source": "source/salix/office/text2pdf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "text2pdf makes a 7-bit clean PDF file (version 1.1) from any input file. It reads from standard input or a named file, and writes the PDF file to standard output. You can specify the font, number of lines and columns, paper size and various other options from the command line. By default, long lines will be wrapped, and a formfeed character (^L) will cause a page break.", "path": "./salix/office/text2pdf-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "33244 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "briss", "descs": "briss (The BRIght Snippet Sire)", "source": "source/salix/office/briss", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8311 K", "descl": "briss is a simple cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OSX) application for cropping PDF files. A simple user interface lets you define exactly the crop-region by fitting a rectangle on the visually overlaid pages. It's licensed under GPL. Homepage: http://briss.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/office/briss-0.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "4.24", "name": "hebcal", "descs": "hebcal (perpetual Jewish calendar)", "source": "source/salix/office/hebcal", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "by Danny Sadinoff Prints out the days in the Jewish calendar for a given Gregorian year. Home page: http://hebcal.github.io/", "path": "./salix/office/hebcal-4.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3716 K", "ver": "20170131", "name": "hunspell-pl", "descs": "hunspell-pl (Polish hunspell dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/office/hunspell-pl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "929 K", "descl": "Polish hunspell dictionary. Homepage: https://sjp.pl", "path": "./salix/office/hunspell-pl-20170131-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1428 K", "ver": "20161207", "name": "hunspell-de", "descs": "hunspell-de (German hunspell dictionaries)", "source": "source/salix/office/hunspell-de", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "357 K", "descl": "German hunspell dictionaries. https://www.j3e.de/ispell/igerman98/", "path": "./salix/office/hunspell-de-20161207-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3824 K", "ver": "2.2.b", "name": "aigaion", "descs": "aigaion (Web-based Bibliography Management System)", "source": "source/salix/office/aigaion", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "956 K", "descl": "Aigaion provides a bibliography management software environment that supports a user in organizing and managing a complete bibliography, from small bibliographies to bibliographies for a complete research department. Homepage: http://www.aigaion.nl/index.php?page=home", "path": "./salix/office/aigaion-2.2.b-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "8500 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "bookbinder", "descs": "bookbinder (A program to create a bindable book from a PDF file)", "source": "source/salix/office/bookbinder", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2125 K", "descl": "Bookbinder is a program that will convert a PDF document into signatures suitable for traditional bookbinding. website: http://quantumelephant.co.uk/bookbinder/bookbinder.html", "path": "./salix/office/bookbinder-3.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2180 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "keepassx", "descs": "keepassx (A personal password manager)", "source": "source/salix/office/keepassx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "545 K", "descl": "KeePassX is a lightweight application for secure storage and retrieval of login credentials and other personal data, including URLs, attachments, and comments. Search functionality and features for generating secure passwords are included. https://www.keepassx.org/", "path": "./salix/office/keepassx-2.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "438572 K", "ver": "5.43.0", "name": "calibre-bin", "descs": "calibre-bin (Ebook manager)", "source": "source/salix/office/calibre-bin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109643 K", "descl": "Calibre is a powerful and easy to use e-book manager. It allows to do nearly everything and it takes things a step beyond normal e-book software. It's also completely free and open source and great for both casual users and computer experts. This is a repackaging of the official binary tarball that includes all its dependencies. Homepage: https://calibre-ebook.com", "path": "./salix/office/calibre-bin-5.43.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "732 K", "ver": "2022.4.18", "name": "epy", "descs": "epy (terminal ebook reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/epy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "183 K", "descl": "epy is an ebook viewer that runs in a terminal and displays most ebook formats, including epub, fb2, mobi, azw, and azw3.", "path": "./salix/office/epy-2022.4.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "11372 K", "ver": "", "name": "multivalent-tool-pdf", "descs": "multivalent-tool-pdf (PDF tools)", "source": "source/salix/office/multivalent-tool-pdf", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2843 K", "descl": "Multivalent is a Java toolkit for document manipulation and viewing. In particular, it allows impose, compress, uncompress, info, encrypt, decrypt, split, merge, validate PDF files. This is version 20060102 of Multivalent, the latest version that contains the PDF tools. Hence, it is relevant to PDF manipulations only, for other uses, see newer versions of Multivalent at http://multivalent.sourceforge.net.", "path": "./salix/office/multivalent-tool-pdf-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3356 K", "ver": "2.20.1", "name": "navi", "descs": "navi (interactive cheat tool for command-line and apps launchers)", "source": "source/salix/office/navi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "839 K", "descl": "An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line and application launchers. navi allows you to browse through cheatsheets (that you may write yourself or download from maintainers) and execute commands. Suggested values for arguments are dynamically displayed in a list.", "path": "./salix/office/navi-2.20.1-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "162996 K", "ver": "9.5.5_enu", "name": "adobe-reader", "descs": "adobe-reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/adobe-reader", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "40749 K", "descl": "Adobe's Acrobat Reader application (official binary) repackaged in 'Slackware style' for easier system maintenance.", "path": "./salix/office/adobe-reader-9.5.5_enu-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.14", "name": "diction", "descs": "diction (grammar checker)", "source": "source/salix/office/diction", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "GNU diction and style are free implementations of old standard UNIX commands, that are not available on many modern systems, because they have been unbundled. Diction prints wordy and commonly misused phrases. Style analyses surface characteristics of a document, e.g. sentence length and various readability measures, but unlike the original code, it lacks sentence type, word usage and most sentence beginning processing.", "path": "./salix/office/diction-1.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "200244 K", "ver": "4.10.1", "name": "gnucash-docs", "descs": "gnucash-docs (Gnucash help and user guides)", "source": "source/salix/office/gnucash-docs", "deps": ["gnucash", "rarian", "yelp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50061 K", "descl": "Documentation files for Gnucash 4.x http://www.gnucash.org", "path": "./salix/office/gnucash-docs-4.10.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.0.9", "name": "mdp", "descs": "mdp (command line presentation tool)", "source": "source/salix/office/mdp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "A command-line based markdown presentation tool. https://github.com/visit1985/mdp", "path": "./salix/office/mdp-1.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "7.0.4", "name": "ReText", "descs": "ReText (an editor for Markdown and reStructuredText)", "source": "source/salix/office/ReText", "deps": ["Markups", "python-markdown-math"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "ReText is a simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText markup languages. ReText is written in Python language and works on Linux and other POSIX-compatible platforms. Homepage: https://github.com/retext-project/retext", "path": "./salix/office/ReText-7.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.8.2", "name": "unoconv", "descs": "unoconv (convert document)", "source": "source/salix/office/unoconv", "deps": ["libreoffice"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "unoconv converts between any document format that OpenOffice understands. It uses OpenOffice's UNO bindings for non-interactive conversion of documents. Supported document formats include Open Document Format (.odt), MS Word (.doc), MS Office Open/MS OOXML (.xml), Portable Document Format (.pdf), HTML, XHTML, RTF, Docbook (.xml), and more. Homepage: http://dag.wiee.rs/home-made/unoconv", "path": "./salix/office/unoconv-0.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "8540 K", "ver": "41.3", "name": "evince", "descs": "evince (a simple gtk-based document viewer)", "source": "source/salix/office/evince", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "djvulibre", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "ghostscript", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libhandy", "libsecret", "libspectre", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "t1lib", "texlive", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2135 K", "descl": "Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats. It currently supports pdf, postscript, djvu, tiff, dvi, cbr/cbz, and xps. The goal of evince is to replace the multiple document viewers that exist on the GNOME Desktop with a single simple application. Homepage: http://projects.gnome.org/evince/", "path": "./salix/office/evince-41.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "9140 K", "ver": "2.23", "name": "Ted", "descs": "Ted (a lightweight WYSIWYG wordprocessor)", "source": "source/salix/office/Ted", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libpaper", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2285 K", "descl": "Ted is a lightweight wordprocessor that emphasizes simplicity, but with many features. There are additional packages for different languages to be found on the hompage. Ted is simple to use and easily compiled. It starts up quickly. Homepage: http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/editors/ted/TedDocument-en_US.html", "path": "./salix/office/Ted-2.23-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "vlna", "descs": "vlna (Add the nobreak by Czech typesetting conventions)", "source": "source/salix/office/vlna", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Program vlna adds ties (Czech vlna or vlnka) after nonsyllabic prepositions (instead of spaces) in the TeX source files. This prevents line breaks at undesirable spaces. website: http://math.feld.cvut.cz/olsak/ftp/olsak/vlna/", "path": "./salix/office/vlna-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "0.8.svn.2010.05.06", "name": "minidjvu", "descs": "minidjvu (bitonal DjVu encoder/decoder)", "source": "source/salix/office/minidjvu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libwebp", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "Minidjvu is a command line utility which encodes and decodes single page black-and-white DjVu files, and can compress multiple pages, taking advantage from similarities between pages. Supported bitmap formats are PBM, Windows BMP, and TIFF (through libtiff). Minidjvu is based on DjVuLibre, which is the primary DjVu support library. Minidjvu is not going to support all DjVu functionality; the idea is rather to take the black-and-white part (also called JB2) and experiment with it. Homepage: http://minidjvu.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/office/minidjvu-0.8.svn.2010.05.06-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "tnote", "descs": "tnote (fast note taking tool)", "source": "source/salix/office/tnote", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "tnote is a small note taking program for the terminal. tnote aims to be a small, quick and easy to use note taking app similar to sticky gui note taking apps such as Tomboy notes. http://tnote.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/office/tnote-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1296 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "aiksaurus", "descs": "aiksaurus (CLI/GTK thesaurus)", "source": "source/salix/office/aiksaurus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "324 K", "descl": "Aiksaurus is a set of libraries and applications which provide a thesaurus (currently English only, based on Guttenburg's Moby thesaurus) using native GUI on several platforms UNIX: (GTK+ & Qt), Win32 & MacOSX (Cocoa). The core library itself is platform- independent. The principal language is C++, with some use of Cocoa/ObjC++; wrappers are provided for C and Cocoa/ObjC. Homepage http://aiksaurus.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/office/aiksaurus-1.2.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "824 K", "ver": "0.50", "name": "gocr", "descs": "gocr (open source character recognition)", "source": "source/salix/office/gocr", "deps": ["netpbm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "206 K", "descl": "GOCR is an optical character recognition program released under GNU GPL. It reads images in many formats and outputs a text file and is capable of doing several other tasks. Please refer README in documentation for more info. Home Page http://jocr.sourceforge.net/index.html", "path": "./salix/office/gocr-0.50-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "534248 K", "ver": "2020.4.0", "name": "pdfstudioviewer", "descs": "pdfstudioviewer (PDF reader)", "source": "source/salix/office/pdfstudioviewer", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "133562 K", "descl": "PDF Studio Viewer is a cross-platform PDF reader that is reliable and easy to use. PDF Studio Viewer can annotate PDF documents and fill interactive forms. PDF Studio Viewer is a free proprietary Java based program. Home page: https://www.qoppa.com/pdfstudioviewer/", "path": "./salix/office/pdfstudioviewer-2020.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "88404 K", "ver": "2.7", "name": "fop", "descs": "fop (print formatter)", "source": "source/salix/office/fop", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22101 K", "descl": "Apache FOP is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects. It is a Java application that reads a formatting object tree conforming to the XSL 1.1 Recommendation (05 December 2006) and renders the resulting pages to a specified output. Current outputs supported include PDF, PS, PCL,AFP, XML (area tree representation), Print, AWT, and TXT. The primary output target is PDF. Home: https://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/", "path": "./salix/office/fop-2.7-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "82", "name": "nts", "descs": "nts (fast note taking and organizing tool)", "source": "source/salix/office/nts", "deps": ["python2-dateutil", "wxPython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "nts is an acronym for Note Taking Simplified. It provides a simple, intuitive format for using plain text files to store notes, a command line interface for viewing notes in a variety of convenient ways and a cross-platform, wx(python)-based GUI for creating and modifying notes as well as viewing them. Displayed items can be grouped by path or tag and can be filtered in various ways. Home: http://www.duke.edu/~dgraham/NTS/", "path": "./salix/office/nts-82-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2208 K", "ver": "0.44", "name": "wammu", "descs": "wammu (Mobile-phone manager)", "source": "source/salix/office/wammu", "deps": ["python2-gammu", "wxPython3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "552 K", "descl": "Mobile phone manager using Gammu as its backend. It works with any phone Gammu supports - many Nokias, Siemens, Alcatel, ... Homepage: https://wammu.eu/wammu/", "path": "./salix/office/wammu-0.44-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "744 K", "ver": "0.10.4", "name": "khal", "descs": "khal (terminal/cli calendar program)", "source": "source/salix/office/khal", "deps": ["python3-dateutil", "icalendar", "atomicwrites", "configobj", "tzlocal", "click", "click-log"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "186 K", "descl": "Khal is a standards based CLI and terminal calendar program, able to synchronize with CalDAV servers through vdirsyncer.", "path": "./salix/office/khal-0.10.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "taskopen", "descs": "taskopen (Script for notes with taskwarrior)", "source": "source/salix/office/taskopen", "deps": ["perl-JSON"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Script for taking notes and open urls with taskwarrior https://github.com/ValiValpas/taskopen", "path": "./salix/office/taskopen-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "2044 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "osmo", "descs": "osmo (Handy Personal Organizer)", "source": "source/salix/office/osmo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "db48", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gspell", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libarchive", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libical", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lz4", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "511 K", "descl": "Osmo is a handy personal organizer, which includes calendar, tasks manager, contacts and notes modules. It was designed to be a small, easy to use and good looking PIM tool to help to manage personal information. Homepage: http://clayo.org/osmo/", "path": "./salix/office/osmo-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "39304 K", "ver": "4.10", "name": "gnucash", "descs": "gnucash (financial accounting application)", "source": "source/salix/office/gnucash", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gc", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "guile", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib", "gtest"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "9826 K", "descl": "GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software. Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports. Homepage: http://gnucash.org/", "path": "./salix/office/gnucash-4.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "pdfshuffler", "descs": "pdfshuffler (python pdf manipulator)", "source": "source/salix/office/pdfshuffler", "deps": ["PyPDF2", "pypoppler"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "PDF-Shuffler is a small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface. It is a frontend for python-pyPdf.", "path": "./salix/office/pdfshuffler-0.6.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "11992 K", "ver": "2.49b", "name": "basket", "descs": "basket (KDE note-taking application)", "source": "source/salix/office/basket", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gpgme", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcmutils", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kdeclarative", "kfilemetadata", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knotifications", "kpackage", "kparts", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXtst", "libassuan", "libasyncns", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libogg", "libplist", "libsndfile", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "phonon", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "solid", "sonnet", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "2998 K", "descl": "BasKet Note Pads is a note-taking application for KDE that makes it easy to write down ideas as you think, and quickly find them back later.", "path": "./salix/office/basket-2.49b-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "380 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "re-typeset", "descs": "re-typeset (resize scanned text images)", "source": "source/salix/office/re-typeset", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "95 K", "descl": "This software is a GUI application which re-typesets scanned pages to smaller sizes without changing font sizes. Words are found on pages and placed in a new, smaller image with preserved paragraphs, page numbers, headers, etc.", "path": "./salix/office/re-typeset-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "732 K", "ver": "4.5.0", "name": "pdfpc", "descs": "pdfpc (A presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files.)", "source": "source/salix/office/pdfpc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "discount", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libgee", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "183 K", "descl": "pdfpc is a GTK based presentation viewer application which uses Keynote like multi-monitor output to provide meta information to the speaker during the presentation. It is able to show a normal presentation window on one screen, while showing a more sophisticated overview on the other one providing information like a picture of the next slide, as well as the presentation's remaining time. More information, including screenshots and a demo presentation, can be found at https://pdfpc.github.io/", "path": "./salix/office/pdfpc-4.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "73972 K", "ver": "5.0.1", "name": "SOGo", "descs": "SOGo (open source groupware)", "source": "source/salix/office/SOGo", "deps": ["SOPE", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "binutils", "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gcc-objc", "gnustep-base", "gnutls", "icu4c", "libmemcached", "libsodium", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "libzip", "nettle", "nghttp2", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18493 K", "descl": "SOGo is a fully supported and trusted groupware server with a focus on scalability and open standards. SOGo is released under the GNU GPL/LGPL v2 and above. SOGo provides a rich AJAX-based Web interface and supports multiple native clients through the use of standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV, as well as Microsoft ActiveSync. Homepage: https://sogo.nu", "path": "./salix/office/SOGo-5.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "4144 K", "ver": "3.6.1", "name": "siag", "descs": "siag (free office package)", "source": "source/salix/office/siag", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "e2fsprogs", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "mowitz", "nextaw", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1036 K", "descl": "Siag Office is a tightly integrated, free office package. It consists of the spreadsheet Siag, the word processor PW, the animation program Egon, the text editor XedPlus, the file manager Xfiler and the previewer Gvu. http://siag.nu/", "path": "./salix/office/siag-3.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.1.9", "name": "zathura-cb", "descs": "zathura-cb (comic book plugin for zathura)", "source": "source/salix/office/zathura-cb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "girara", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "zathura"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Adds support for comic book (cbz, cbr, cb7, cbt) files to the zathura document viewer.", "path": "./salix/office/zathura-cb-0.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "1548 K", "ver": "3.2.39", "name": "etmtk", "descs": "etmtk (event and task manager for console and GUI)", "source": "source/salix/office/etmtk", "deps": ["python2-dateutil", "python2-PyYAML", "python-ruamel.yaml"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "387 K", "descl": "etmtk is an acronym for Event and Task Manager. It provides a simple, intuitive format for using plain text files to store data, a command line interface for viewing stored information in a variety of convenient ways and a cross-platform, GUI for creating and modifying tasks as well as viewing them. etmtk also works from the CLI with a set of commands for listing and modifying tasks. Homepage: http://people.duke.edu/~dgraham/etmtk/", "path": "./salix/office/etmtk-3.2.39-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "office", "sizeu": "3816 K", "ver": "2.6.2", "name": "task", "descs": "task (command-line todo list manager)", "source": "source/salix/office/task", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "954 K", "descl": "task is an advanced task manager for the console with an extensive set of features. task maintains a list of tasks that you want to do, allowing you to add/remove, and otherwise manipulate them. Task has a rich list of subcommands that allow you to do sophisticated things with it. Home: http://www.taskwarrior.org", "path": "./salix/office/task-2.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1052 K", "ver": "0.09.1", "name": "vimpc", "descs": "vimpc (mpd console client)", "source": "source/salix/audio/vimpc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libmpdclient", "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "263 K", "descl": "vimpc provides an alternative to other mpd clients (such as ncmpc and ncmpcpp) and tries to provide an interface similar to that of the vim text editor. homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vimpc/", "path": "./salix/audio/vimpc-0.09.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "rumor", "descs": "rumor (Really Unintelligent Music transcriptOR)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rumor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], "guile1.8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "Rumor is a realtime monophonic (with chords) MIDI keyboard to Lilypond converter. It receives MIDI events, quantizes them according to its metronome on the fly and outputs handwritten-like corresponding Lilypond notation.", "path": "./salix/audio/rumor-1.0.5-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "herrie", "descs": "herrie (interactive music playlist player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/herrie", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libid3tag", "libmad", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pulseaudio", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Herrie has a split-screen user interface, with a playlist at the top of the screen and a file browser at the bottom. Herrie supports playlists, streams, many audio subsystems, and XMMS style keyboard shortcuts for playback control. Herrie also has some more exotic features, including support for AudioScrobbler and the ability to chroot() itself into a directory. http://herrie.info/", "path": "./salix/audio/herrie-2.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "5964 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "gogglesmm", "descs": "gogglesmm (Goggles Music Manager)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gogglesmm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "faad2", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libmad", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pulseaudio", "sqlite", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1491 K", "descl": "Goggles Music Manager is a music collection manager and player that automatically categorizes your music files based on genre, artist, album, and song. It supports gapless playback and features easy tag editing. Homepage https://gogglesmm.github.io/", "path": "./salix/audio/gogglesmm-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "9520 K", "ver": "1.5.4", "name": "qmmp-qt5", "descs": "qmmp-qt5 (QT based multimedia player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qmmp-qt5", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "faad2", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libbs2b", "libcddb", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libmad", "libmms", "libmodplug", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mpg123", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "opusfile", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wavpack", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2380 K", "descl": "Qmmp is a QT based multimedia player. Homepage: http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/", "path": "./salix/audio/qmmp-qt5-1.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1784 K", "ver": "0.8.5", "name": "vmpk", "descs": "vmpk (Virtual Midi Piano Keyboard)", "source": "source/salix/audio/vmpk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "drumstick", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "446 K", "descl": "Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. it doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. You can use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player. To do so, connect the other MIDI port to the input port of VMPK.", "path": "./salix/audio/vmpk-0.8.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.2a", "name": "id3tool", "descs": "id3tool (command line utility for manipulating ID3 tags)", "source": "source/salix/audio/id3tool", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "id3tool is a command line utility for easy manipulation of the ID3 tags present in MPEG Layer 3 (mp3) audio files.", "path": "./salix/audio/id3tool-1.2a-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "26424 K", "ver": "3.0.6", "name": "zynaddsubfx", "descs": "zynaddsubfx (a software synthesizer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/zynaddsubfx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lash", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mxml", "ntk", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "portaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6606 K", "descl": "ZynAddSubFX is a fully featured open source software synthesizer capable of making a countless number of instruments, from some common heard from expensive hardware to interesting sounds that you'll boost to an amazing universe of sounds. Beside the standalone application, lv2 and vst plugins are provided. Homepage: https://zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.io/", "path": "./salix/audio/zynaddsubfx-3.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "47444 K", "ver": "20.3", "name": "snd", "descs": "snd (A sound editor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/snd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "gsl", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11861 K", "descl": "Snd is a sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs. It is highly programmable, supports a variety of audio and sample file formats, includes a complete implementation of Common Lisp Music (CLM), can be run sans GUI as a scripting engine, and more. https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/", "path": "./salix/audio/snd-20.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1152 K", "ver": "1.9.2", "name": "gqradio", "descs": "gqradio (a radio tuner application)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gqradio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "288 K", "descl": "GQradio interfaces with radio cards through the video4linux, or the FreeBSD bktr APIs. Stations can be tuned manually, set to presets, or auto seek can find the next available frequency. The application supports theming (skins), and includes a built-in skin editor. http://gqmpeg.sourceforge.net/radio.html", "path": "./salix/audio/gqradio-1.9.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "916 K", "ver": "2.9.1", "name": "cmus", "descs": "cmus (ncurses based music player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/cmus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "faad2", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libao", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcddb", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdiscid", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libmad", "libmodplug", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "opusfile", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wavpack", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "229 K", "descl": "cmus is a small and fast text mode music player for Linux and many other UNIX like operating systems. Homepage: https://cmus.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/audio/cmus-2.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "8280 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "rakarrack", "descs": "rakarrack (realtime audio effects processor for JACK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rakarrack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "flac", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "2070 K", "descl": "Rakarrack is a virtual digitial effects rack, including such effects as distortion, echo, reverb, phaser, flanger, chorus, compressor, etc.", "path": "./salix/audio/rakarrack-0.6.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "10792 K", "ver": "1.8", "name": "MusicMixer", "descs": "MusicMixer (AmpliFIND/MusicIP tool)", "source": "source/salix/audio/MusicMixer", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2698 K", "descl": "MusicIP Mixer is a program by AmpliFIND (formerly MusicIP) that has features used to analyze music files to generate PUIDs on the MusicDNS servers, amongst other added value 'end user' features (recommending similar music, building playlists, etcetera).", "path": "./salix/audio/MusicMixer-1.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "11.8.16", "name": "gmpc-plugins", "descs": "gmpc-plugins (extra plugins for GMPC)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gmpc-plugins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libmpd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib", "gmpc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "This is a bundle of the plugins for GMPC. Homepage: http://gmpc.wikia.com/wiki/Plugins", "path": "./salix/audio/gmpc-plugins-11.8.16-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.9.71", "name": "jack_capture", "descs": "jack_capture (JACK capture client)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jack_capture", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "flac", "jack2", "lame", "liblo", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "jack_capture is a program for recording sound files with JACK. Homepage: http://users.notam02.no/~kjetism/", "path": "./salix/audio/jack_capture-0.9.71-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.79", "name": "id3", "descs": "id3 (a commandline mass ID3 tagger)", "source": "source/salix/audio/id3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "id3 mass tagger is a tool for listing and manipulating ID3 and Lyrics3 tags in multiple files. It can generate tag fields from the filename and other variables, and/or rename files, using an intuitive syntax. id3 currently supports the old-style ID3 format with track-number extension (ID3 v1.1), as well as the more complicated ID3v2 (ID3 v2.2.0, v2.3.0) format. This also means use is pretty much limited to audio files which use these formats, e.g, MPEG-1 Layer III.", "path": "./salix/audio/id3-0.79-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2132 K", "ver": "1.9.5", "name": "nas", "descs": "nas (Network Audio System)", "source": "source/salix/audio/nas", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "533 K", "descl": "The Network Audio System is a network transparent, client/server audio transport system. It can be described as the audio equivalent of an X server. Homepage: http://radscan.com/nas.html", "path": "./salix/audio/nas-1.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "wmusic-xmms", "descs": "wmusic-xmms (xmms remote control dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/audio/wmusic-xmms", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXpm", "libXxf86dga", "libXxf86vm", "libxcb", "xmms"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "wmusic is a dockapp that remote-controls xmms. Features VCR style fast forward and rewind, time and playlist position display, hiding of XMMS window and more.", "path": "./salix/audio/wmusic-xmms-1.5.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "5", "name": "ponymix", "descs": "ponymix (PulseAudio CLI mixer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ponymix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libnotify", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Ponymix is a command line mixer for PulseAudio. For usage, try: ponymix --help", "path": "./salix/audio/ponymix-5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "110444 K", "ver": "20180416", "name": "distrho-ports", "descs": "distrho-ports (LV2 and VST audio plugins)", "source": "source/salix/audio/distrho-ports", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "zlib", "lv2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27611 K", "descl": "This is a dump of Faltx's ports of several audio plugins, including: Arctican, dexed DX7 emulator, drow, easySSP, juce OPL, juced plugins, klangfalter, lufsmeter, luftikus, mverb, ndc, obxd OBX emulator, pitched delay, refine, stereo source separation, TAL plugins, vex synth, and wolpertinger synth. http://distrho.sourceforge.net/ports", "path": "./salix/audio/distrho-ports-20180416-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "3.99_u4_b5_s7", "name": "mac", "descs": "mac (Monkey's Audio Linux port)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mac", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "Monkey's Audio (aka APE) is a lossless audio compression format, similar to FLAC. mac is a console frontend to Monkey's Audio, able to encode and decode APE audio files.", "path": "./salix/audio/mac-3.99_u4_b5_s7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "2.1.5", "name": "soundconverter", "descs": "soundconverter (Audio file converter for the gnome-desktop)", "source": "source/salix/audio/soundconverter", "deps": ["aften", "faad2", "twolame", "gnome-common", "PyXML", "gnome-mime-data", "gst0-python", "faac", "libgnomeui", "gnome-python-desktop", "gnome-media"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "It reads anything GStreamer can read (Ogg Vorbis, AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, AVI, MPEG, MOV, M4A, AC3, DTS, ALAC, MPC, Shorten, APE, SID, MOD, XM, S3M, etc...), and writes to Opus, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV, AAC, and MP3 files, or use any GNOME Audio Profile. Homepage: http://soundconverter.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/soundconverter-2.1.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "2.4.1", "name": "xmms-shn", "descs": "xmms-shn (plugin for playing shorten (.shn)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms-shn", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "This plugin provides playback for shorten (.shn) files with xmms. Homepage: http://shnutils.freeshell.org/xmms-shn/", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms-shn-2.4.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "6968 K", "ver": "0.8.11", "name": "setBfree", "descs": "setBfree (A DSP Tonewheel Organ emulator)", "source": "source/salix/audio/setBfree", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "ftgl", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1742 K", "descl": "MIDI-controlled, software synthesizer designed to imitate the sound and properties of the electromechanical organs and sound modification devices that brought world-wide fame to the names and products of Laurens Hammond and Don Leslie. Homepage https://x42-plugins.com/x42/setBfree", "path": "./salix/audio/setBfree-0.8.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "0.8.10", "name": "podget", "descs": "podget (simple podcast aggregator)", "source": "source/salix/audio/podget", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "Podget is a simple podcast aggregator optimized for running as a scheduled background job (i.e. cron). It features support for: - Downloading podcasts from RSS and ATOM XML feeds. - Sorting the files into folders and categories. - Importing URLs from iTunes PCAST files and OPML lists. - Automatic M3U & ASX playlist creation. - Cleanup of old files. - Automatic UTF-16 conversion for feeds hosted on MS Windows servers. See /usr/doc/podget-*/scripts for additional helper scripts.", "path": "./salix/audio/podget-0.8.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.19", "name": "xmms-jack", "descs": "xmms-jack (xmms output plugin for jack)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms-jack", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Allows XMMS to send audio to the JACK server.", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms-jack-0.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "9812 K", "ver": "1.7.0_stable3", "name": "sayonara-player", "descs": "sayonara-player (small, clear and fast audio player for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/audio/sayonara-player", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2453 K", "descl": "sayonara-player is a small, clear and fast audio player for Linux written in C++, supported by the Qt framework. It uses Gstreamer as audio backend. Home page: https://sayonara-player.com/index.php", "path": "./salix/audio/sayonara-player-1.7.0_stable3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "rev-plugins", "descs": "rev-plugins (LADSPA reverb plugin)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rev-plugins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This is a stereo reverb plugin based on the well-known greverb.", "path": "./salix/audio/rev-plugins-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "ngjackspa", "descs": "ngjackspa (JACK host for LADSPA plugins)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ngjackspa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "ngjackspa is a set of simple user interfaces that host a LADSPA plugin, providing JACK ports for its audio inputs and outputs, and dynamic setting of its control inputs. Additionally, the plugin controls can be exported to or controlled by control voltages on standard JACK audio ports. Build options: QT=no GTKMM=yes", "path": "./salix/audio/ngjackspa-1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "24740 K", "ver": "", "name": "chuck", "descs": "chuck (audio programming language)", "source": "source/salix/audio/chuck", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6185 K", "descl": "ChucK presents a new time-based, concurrent programming model that's highly precise and expressive (we call this strongly-timed), as well as dynamic control rates, and the ability to add and modify code on-the-fly. In addition, ChucK supports MIDI, OSC, HID device, and multi-channel audio. It's fun and easy to learn, and offers composers, researchers, and performers a powerful programming tool for building and experimenting with complex audio synthesis/analysis programs, and real-time interactive control.", "path": "./salix/audio/chuck-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "16576 K", "ver": "0.9.8", "name": "ncspot", "descs": "ncspot (cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ncspot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pulseaudio", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4144 K", "descl": "ncurses Spotify client written in Rust using librespot. It is heavily inspired by ncurses MPD clients, such as ncmpc. A premium Spotify account is needed. ncspot saves its configuration to ~/.config/ncspot/config.toml. Author: Henrik Friedrichsen Homepage: https://github.com/hrkfdn/ncspot", "path": "./salix/audio/ncspot-0.9.8-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "20171105_bcf92b5", "name": "SAM", "descs": "SAM (Software Automatic Mouth)", "source": "source/salix/audio/SAM", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "SAM is a very small Text-To-Speech (TTS) program written in C, that runs on most popular platforms. It is an adaption to C of the speech software SAM (Software Automatic Mouth) for the Commodore C64 published in the year 1982 by Don't Ask Software (now SoftVoice, Inc.). It includes a Text-To-Phoneme converter called reciter and a Phoneme-To-Speech routine for the final output. It is so small that it will work also on embedded computers.", "path": "./salix/audio/SAM-20171105_bcf92b5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.2.6", "name": "libebur128", "descs": "libebur128 (library implementing the EBU R128 loudness standard)", "source": "source/salix/audio/libebur128", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "A library that implements the EBU R 128 standard for loudness normalisation. Libebur128 is MIT licensed. https://github.com/jiixyj/libebur128", "path": "./salix/audio/libebur128-1.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "6500 K", "ver": "20170701", "name": "whysynth", "descs": "whysynth (DSSI softsynth plugin)", "source": "source/salix/audio/whysynth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "dssi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1625 K", "descl": "WhySynth is a versatile softsynth which operates as a plugin for the DSSI Soft Synth Interface and is usable with apps like Qtractor and Ardour. It features 4 oscillators, 2 filters, 3 LFOs, and 5 env generators per voice, plus effects. It also has many pre-sets, so for instant gratification, this is a great soft synth to start with. http://smbolton.com/whysynth.html", "path": "./salix/audio/whysynth-20170701-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.29", "name": "vocoder", "descs": "vocoder (standalone JACK vocoder effect)", "source": "source/salix/audio/vocoder", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "A vocoder is a sound effect that can make a human voice sound synthetic. It is often used to speak like a robot, with a metallic and monotonous voice. Homepage: https://www.sirlab.de/linux/descr_vocoder.html", "path": "./salix/audio/vocoder-0.29-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "4252 K", "ver": "1.3.1001", "name": "ntk", "descs": "ntk (a simple and fast GUI tool kit for audio applications)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ntk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pixman", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1063 K", "descl": "ntk is a simple and fast GUI toolkit for audio applcations. https://git.kx.studio/non/ntk", "path": "./salix/audio/ntk-1.3.1001-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.503_4", "name": "stretchplayer", "descs": "stretchplayer (audio player with time stretch and pitch shift)", "source": "source/salix/audio/stretchplayer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "qt5", "rubberband", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "StretchPlayer is an audio file player that allows you to change the speed of the song without changing the pitch. It will also allow you to transpose the song to another key (while also changing the speed). This is a very powerful tool for musicians who are learning to play a pre-recorded song. Its features include Time Stretch (25% to 125% of song speed, without changing pitch), Pitch Shift (up or down 1 octave), A/B repeat, and lots of keyboard accelerators.", "path": "./salix/audio/stretchplayer-0.503_4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "20200821", "name": "alsacap", "descs": "alsacap (ALSA device capability lister)", "source": "source/salix/audio/alsacap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "alsacap is utility for exploring the capabilities of ALSA sound devices. For full documentation, see the homepage at http://www.volkerschatz.com/noise/alsa.html", "path": "./salix/audio/alsacap-20200821-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "jackmeter", "descs": "jackmeter (console peak meter for jack)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jackmeter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Jack Meter is a basic console based DPM (Digital Peak Meter) for JACK. The author wrote it for quickly checking remote signal levels, without having to run X11 to use a pretty graphical meter such as meterbridge.", "path": "./salix/audio/jackmeter-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "3376 K", "ver": "0.23.5", "name": "mpd", "descs": "mpd (Music Player Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mpd", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "audiofile", "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "chromaprint", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "faad2", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fluidsynth", "fmt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libao", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libid3tag", "libmad", "libmms", "libmodplug", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libshout", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "liburing", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mpg123", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pipewire", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "vid.stab", "wavpack", "zlib", "zziplib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "844 K", "descl": "MPD is designed for integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for music playback over a local network. It is also a great music player using one of many available clients. Homepage: https://www.musicpd.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/mpd-0.23.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "patchage", "descs": "patchage (a modular patch bay for audio)", "source": "source/salix/audio/patchage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "celt", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "expat", "fmt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "ganv", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "graphviz", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "Patchage is a modular patch bay for audio and MIDI systems based on Jack and Alsa. https://drobilla.net/software/patchage.html", "path": "./salix/audio/patchage-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "xforge", "descs": "xforge (a graphical wave editor for UNIX systems with X11 and Motif)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xforge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "The name is derived from popular PC/Windows wave editor Sound Forge, and the goal of Xforge project is to provide similar wave editing facilities to UNIX world, but as free software. Slackbuild by David Woodfall", "path": "./salix/audio/xforge-0.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "20050213", "name": "xmms-mp4", "descs": "xmms-mp4 (plugin to support .mp4/.m4a/.aac files in XMMS 1)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms-mp4", "deps": ["faad2", "glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb", "xmms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "This adds playback support for mp4/m4a/aac files to XMMS 1.", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms-mp4-20050213-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "tta", "descs": "tta (TTA lossless audio codec written in C)", "source": "source/salix/audio/tta", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "TTA is a lossless compressor for multichannel 8,16 and 24 bits audio data, with the ability of password data protection. Being 'lossless' means that no data/quality is lost in the compression - when uncompressed, the data will be identical to the original. Home Page: http://en.true-audio.com/", "path": "./salix/audio/tta-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.8.0rc3", "name": "rubyripper", "descs": "rubyripper (secure audio disk ripper)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rubyripper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "Rubyripper aims to deliver high quality rips from audio cd's to yourcomputer drive. It tries to do so by ripping the same track with cdparanoia multiple times and then comparing the results. It currently has a gtk2 and a command-line interface. Homepage: https://github.com/bleskodev/rubyripper", "path": "./salix/audio/rubyripper-0.8.0rc3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "ladspa-bs2b", "descs": "ladspa-bs2b (improve headphone listening of stereo audio)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ladspa-bs2b", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libbs2b", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "The Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP (bs2b) library and plugins is designed to improveheadphone listening of stereo audio records. Recommended for headphone prolonged listening to disable superstereo fatigue without essential distortions Homepage: http://bs2b.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/ladspa-bs2b-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "880 K", "ver": "1.2.0_0", "name": "invada_studio_plugins_lv2", "descs": "invada_studio_plugins_lv2 (Audio plugins for LV2)", "source": "source/salix/audio/invada_studio_plugins_lv2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lv2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "220 K", "descl": "Plugins include delay, tube warmth/distortion simulation, compression, low and high pass filters, stereo phaser, reverb, an input module, peak/VU/spectrograph meters, and a test tone generator.", "path": "./salix/audio/invada_studio_plugins_lv2-1.2.0_0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "gtklick", "descs": "gtklick (GUI metronome for JACK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gtklick", "deps": ["klick"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "gtklick is a simple metronome with an easy-to-use GTK interface.", "path": "./salix/audio/gtklick-0.6.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "", "name": "celt051", "descs": "celt051 (low delay audio codec - version 0.5.1.x)", "source": "source/salix/audio/celt051", "deps": ["libogg"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "CELT is a very low delay audio codec designed for high-quality communications. Traditional full-bandwidth codecs such as Vorbis and AAC can offer high quality but they require codec delays of hundreds of milliseconds, which makes them unsuitable for real-time interactive applications like teleconferencing. Speech targeted codecs, such as Speex or G.722, have lower 20-40ms delays but their speech focus and limited sampling rates restricts their quality, especially for music.", "path": "./salix/audio/celt051-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2724 K", "ver": "2.15.0", "name": "TiMidity++", "descs": "TiMidity++ (a software midi synthesizer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/TiMidity++", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "audiofile", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "esound", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXaw3d", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libao", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "portaudio", "speex", "tcl", "tk", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "681 K", "descl": "TiMidity++ is a software synthesizer. It can play MIDI files by converting them into PCM waveform data or other various audio file formats.", "path": "./salix/audio/TiMidity++-2.15.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "mktoc", "descs": "mktoc (create TOC files for audio CDs)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mktoc", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "mktoc simplifies the steps needed to create audio CD TOC files for the cdrdao CD burning program. Homepage: https://pythonhosted.org/mktoc/", "path": "./salix/audio/mktoc-1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "856 K", "ver": "56187f6", "name": "nekobee", "descs": "nekobee (TB-303 clone)", "source": "source/salix/audio/nekobee", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "ladspa_sdk", "dssi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "214 K", "descl": "Nekobee is a simple TB-303 clone. https://github.com/gordonjcp/nekobee", "path": "./salix/audio/nekobee-56187f6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "6392 K", "ver": "8.3.0", "name": "flacon", "descs": "flacon (Audio File Encoder)", "source": "source/salix/audio/flacon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libuchardet", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1598 K", "descl": "Flacon extracts individual tracks from one big audio file containing the entire album of music and saves them as separate audio files. Home page: https://flacon.github.io/", "path": "./salix/audio/flacon-8.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "548 K", "ver": "0.1.32", "name": "butt", "descs": "butt (broadcast using this tool)", "source": "source/salix/audio/butt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "celt", "dbus", "elogind", "flac", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libfdk-aac", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "portaudio", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "137 K", "descl": "Butt is a streaming interface that supports Shoutcast and Icecast. Use butt to do live streaming. It is not necessary for pre-recorded streams; for that, you can use only icecast and ices and/or ices-cc. http://butt.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/audio/butt-0.1.32-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "alsa-plugin-jack", "descs": "alsa-plugin-jack (JACK plugin for ALSA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/alsa-plugin-jack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "This is the JACK audio plugin for ALSA. It allows audio to be routed from ALSA applications that aren't JACK-aware. For more information, see https://alsa.opensrc.org/Jack_(plugin)", "path": "./salix/audio/alsa-plugin-jack-1.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "portmidi", "descs": "portmidi (Realtime IO MIDI library)", "source": "source/salix/audio/portmidi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "PortMidi is a computer library for real time input and output of MIDI data. PortMidi is part of the PortMusic project. Homepage: http://portmedia.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/audio/portmidi-2.0.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2484 K", "ver": "7.1.3", "name": "tauonmb", "descs": "tauonmb (Tauon, Advanced player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/tauonmb", "deps": ["libopenmpt", "musicbrainzngs", "mutagen", "pylast", "python3-natsort", "python3-isounidecode", "python3-plexapi", "python3-pulsectl", "python3-pylyrics", "python3-pysdl2", "python3-tekore", "send2trash", "setproctitle", "websocket-client"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "621 K", "descl": "Tauon Music Box is a modern streamlined music player with a minimal interface that's packed with features! An emphasis on playlists and direct file importing puts you in control of your music collection. Uses Phazor and GStreamer for playback. Project URL: https://tauonmusicbox.rocks/ GitHub URL: https://github.com/Taiko2k/TauonMusicBox/", "path": "./salix/audio/tauonmb-7.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "vocoder-ladspa", "descs": "vocoder-ladspa (LADSPA vocoder plugin)", "source": "source/salix/audio/vocoder-ladspa", "deps": ["ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "A vocoder is a sound effect that can make a human voice sound synthetic. It is often used to speak like a robot, with a metallic and monotonous voice.", "path": "./salix/audio/vocoder-ladspa-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "22332 K", "ver": "1.4.0rc1_420_g596cd9b0a", "name": "clementine", "descs": "clementine (music player based on Amarok 1.4)", "source": "source/salix/audio/clementine", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "chromaprint", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glew", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libcdio", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgpod", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libmtp", "libogg", "libplist", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libtheora", "libusbmuxd", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "protobuf3", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "speex", "sqlite", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5583 K", "descl": "Clementine is a modern music player and library organiser. Clementine is a port of Amarok 1.4, with some features rewritten to take advantage of Qt4. http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Clementine?content=120598", "path": "./salix/audio/clementine-1.4.0rc1_420_g596cd9b0a-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "8160 K", "ver": "5.0.0_beta1", "name": "kradio", "descs": "kradio (Linux KDE AM/FM/Internet radio)", "source": "source/salix/audio/kradio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kdelibs4support", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knotifications", "kparts", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kunitconversion", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libmms", "libogg", "libplist", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libusbmuxd", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "samba", "solid", "sonnet", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2040 K", "descl": "KRadio is a comfortable KDE4/Linux internet and AM/FM radio application. Website: http://kradio.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/kradio-5.0.0_beta1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "zita-rev1", "descs": "zita-rev1 (reverb audio effect)", "source": "source/salix/audio/zita-rev1", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "clthreads", "clxclient", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "zlib", "clalsadrv", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "zita-rev1 is a reworked version of the reverb originally developed for Aeolus. Its character is more 'hall' than 'plate', but it can be used on a wide variety of instruments or voices. It is not a spatialiser - the early reflections are different for the L and R inputs, but do not correspond to any real room. They have been tuned to match left and right sources to some extent.", "path": "./salix/audio/zita-rev1-0.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.17", "name": "ladspa_sdk", "descs": "ladspa_sdk (Sound Plugin SDK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ladspa_sdk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "The LADSPA-SDK is a software development kit for simple sound plugins. LADSPA is used by many programs, so it's a simple way to integrate one plugin in various applications. Homepage: http://www.ladspa.org", "path": "./salix/audio/ladspa_sdk-1.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1540 K", "ver": "", "name": "sonata", "descs": "sonata (MPD client)", "source": "source/salix/audio/sonata", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "util-linux", "zlib", "python2-mpd"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "385 K", "descl": "Sonata is an elegant GTK+2 based MPD client. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sonata.berlios/", "path": "./salix/audio/sonata-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.9.0rc2", "name": "alsamixergui", "descs": "alsamixergui (graphical soundcard mixer for ALSA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/alsamixergui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "alsamixergui is an FLTK based mixer program for use with ALSA. It supports multiple soundcards with multiple devices.", "path": "./salix/audio/alsamixergui-0.9.0rc2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "28836 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "helm", "descs": "helm (software synthesiser)", "source": "source/salix/audio/helm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7209 K", "descl": "Helm is a software synthesizer. You use it to create electronic music on your computer. Helm runs in GNU/Linux, Mac OSX and Windows. Run Helm as a standalone synthesizer or as an LV2, VST, VST3 or AU plugin. Comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. https://tytel.org/helm/", "path": "./salix/audio/helm-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "7248 K", "ver": "4.4.0", "name": "quodlibet", "descs": "quodlibet (Music Management Program)", "source": "source/salix/audio/quodlibet", "deps": ["gst-plugins-ugly", "gst-python", "mutagen", "feedparser", "python3-sgmllib3k"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1812 K", "descl": "Quod Libet is a music management program. It provides several different ways to view your audio library, as well as support for Internet radio and audio feeds. It has extremely flexible metadata tag editing and searching capabilities. Ex Falso is a tag editor with the same tag editing interface as Quod Libet. Operon is a command line music tagger. Homepage: https://github.com/quodlibet/quodlibet", "path": "./salix/audio/quodlibet-4.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "45996 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "audacity", "descs": "audacity (sound editor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/audacity", "deps": ["GConf", "SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "expat", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnome-vfs", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libid3tag", "libmad", "libmspack", "libnotify", "libogg", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lilv", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pixman", "portmidi", "serd", "sord", "sratom", "suil", "util-linux", "vamp-plugin-sdk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11499 K", "descl": "Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. With Audacity one can record live audio, convert tapes and records into digital recordings, edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and WAV sound files, and much, much more. Homepage: https://www.audacityteam.org", "path": "./salix/audio/audacity-3.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1280 K", "ver": "1.7.8", "name": "sooperlooper", "descs": "sooperlooper (live audio looping sampler)", "source": "source/salix/audio/sooperlooper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "liblo", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "opus", "orc", "pango", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "rubberband", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "wxGTK3", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "320 K", "descl": "SooperLooper is a live looping sampler capable of immediate loop recording, overdubbing, multiplying, reversing and more. It allows for multiple simultaneous multi-channel loops limited only by your computer's available memory.", "path": "./salix/audio/sooperlooper-1.7.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "2.9.3", "name": "abcde", "descs": "abcde (shell script to encode audio CDs)", "source": "source/salix/audio/abcde", "deps": ["cd-discid", "perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID", "perl-WebService-MusicBrainz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "abcde is a frontend command-line utility (actually, a shell script) that grabs tracks off an audio CD, encodes them to Ogg Vorbis, MP3, MP2, FLAC, Opus, Speex, WAV, WavPack, Musepack, M4A/AAC, MKA, Monkey's Audio and/or True Audio formats and tags them all in one go. Homepage: https://abcde.einval.com/wiki/", "path": "./salix/audio/abcde-2.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.0.0+20190112_c9b4107", "name": "fluidsynth-dssi", "descs": "fluidsynth-dssi (DSSI plugin wrapper for FluidSynth)", "source": "source/salix/audio/fluidsynth-dssi", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib", "dssi"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "fluidsynth-dssi is a wrapper for the FluidSynth SoundFont-playing software synthesizer, allowing it to function as a DSSI plugin.", "path": "./salix/audio/fluidsynth-dssi-1.0.0+20190112_c9b4107-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "772 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "rubberband", "descs": "rubberband (audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rubberband", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "flac", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "vamp-plugin-sdk", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "193 K", "descl": "Rubber Band is a library and utility program that permits you to change the tempo and pitch of an audio recording independently of one another. Homepage: http://breakfastquay.com/rubberband This package was built WITHOUT Java JNI support.", "path": "./salix/audio/rubberband-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "12400 K", "ver": "0.60.11", "name": "bristol", "descs": "bristol (Synthesiser Emulations on Linux)", "source": "source/salix/audio/bristol", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3100 K", "descl": "Bristol is synth emulation package for a diverse range of vintage synthesisers, electric pianos and organs. The application consists of a multithreaded audio synthesizer and a user interface called brighton. Homepage: http://bristol.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/bristol-0.60.11-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "sidplayfp", "descs": "sidplayfp (SID Player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/sidplayfp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsidplayfp", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Libsidplayfp (and its console frontend sidplayfp) is a fork of sidplay2 born with the aim to improve the quality of emulating the 6581, 8580 chips and the surrounding C64 system in order to play SID music better. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sidplay-residfp/", "path": "./salix/audio/sidplayfp-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "4488 K", "ver": "0.13.1beta", "name": "rezound", "descs": "rezound (audio file editor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rezound", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "audiofile", "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "fox-toolkit", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pulseaudio", "soundtouch", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1122 K", "descl": "ReZound aims to be a stable, open source, and graphical audio file editor primarily for but not limited to the Linux operating system.", "path": "./salix/audio/rezound-0.13.1beta-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "jack_delay", "descs": "jack_delay (measure the latency of your sound card)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jack_delay", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "jack_delay is a small command line JACK app you can use to measure the latency of your sound card. It uses a phase measurements on a set of tones to measure the delay from the output to the input. Accuracy is about 1/1000 of a sample.", "path": "./salix/audio/jack_delay-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "13788 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "alsa-tools", "descs": "alsa-tools (tools and firmware for various soundcards)", "source": "source/salix/audio/alsa-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3447 K", "descl": "alsa-tools includes card-specific tools for various soundcards, including firmware loaders for pcmcia and USB devices. This package includes the firmware as well as the loaders (on most other Linux distributions, the firmware is in a separate alsa-firmware package).", "path": "./salix/audio/alsa-tools-1.2.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "1.18.0", "name": "lv2", "descs": "lv2 (LADSPA Version 2)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lv2", "deps": ["flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "sord"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "LV2 is a standard for plugins and matching host applications, primarily targeted at audio processing and generation. LV2 is a successor to LADSPA, created to address the limitations of LADSPA which many applications have outgrown. Homepage: http://lv2plug.in", "path": "./salix/audio/lv2-1.18.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "664 K", "ver": "0a55b49", "name": "Luppp", "descs": "Luppp (looper)", "source": "source/salix/audio/Luppp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ntk", "opus", "pixman", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "166 K", "descl": "Luppp is a music creation tool, intended for live use. The focus is real time processing, MIDI mapping, and a fast intuitive workflow. http://openavproductions.com/luppp/", "path": "./salix/audio/Luppp-0a55b49-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2256 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "swami", "descs": "swami (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments)", "source": "source/salix/audio/swami", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libgnomecanvas", "libinstpatch", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "564 K", "descl": "Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments - is a collection of free software for editing and sharing MIDI instruments and sounds. Swami aims to provide cross platform (Linux, Windows and Mac OSX) instrument editing and sharing software for instrument formats such as SoundFont, DLS and GigaSampler.", "path": "./salix/audio/swami-2.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "840 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "seq24", "descs": "seq24 (pattern based midi sequencer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/seq24", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "210 K", "descl": "Seq24 was created to provide a very simple interface for editing and playing midi 'loops'. The seq24 homepage can be found at http://filter24.org/seq24/ Future developments of seq24 can be found at https://launchpad.net/seq24", "path": "./salix/audio/seq24-0.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "", "name": "mt-daapd", "descs": "mt-daapd (iTunes server for POSIX systems)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mt-daapd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], "libid3tag", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "mt-daapd is a program which acts as an iTunes (DAAP) server for linux and other POSIX unixes.", "path": "./salix/audio/mt-daapd-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "8984 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "DPF-Plugins", "descs": "DPF-Plugins (Collection of DPF-based plugins from DISTRHO)", "source": "source/salix/audio/DPF-Plugins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2246 K", "descl": "These come in LADSPA, DSSI, LV2 and VST2 formats, namely glBars Kars Max-Gen examples (MaBitcrush, MaFreeverb, MaGigaverb, MaPitchshift) Mini-Series (3BandEQ. 3BandSplitter, PingPongPan) ndc-Plugs (Amplitude Imposer, Cycle Shifter, Soul Force) MVerb Nekobi ProM", "path": "./salix/audio/DPF-Plugins-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "4972 K", "ver": "3.8.1", "name": "jamulus", "descs": "jamulus (real-time jam session client/server)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jamulus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "celt", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1243 K", "descl": "The Jamulus software enables musicians to perform real-time jam sessions over the internet. There is one server running the Jamulus server software which collects the audio data from each Jamulus client, mixes the audio data and sends the mix back to each client. This package contains the full client and server.", "path": "./salix/audio/jamulus-3.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1272 K", "ver": "0.99.99", "name": "streamtuner", "descs": "streamtuner (Stream Directory Browser)", "source": "source/salix/audio/streamtuner", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "python2", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "318 K", "descl": "streamtuner is a stream directory browser. Through the use of a plugin system, it offers an intuitive GTK+ 2.0 interface to Internet radio directories such as SHOUTcast and Live365. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/streamtuner/", "path": "./salix/audio/streamtuner-0.99.99-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "1.64.6", "name": "streamripper", "descs": "streamripper (Rip SHOUTcast Radio Streams to MP3 Files)", "source": "source/salix/audio/streamripper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "faad2", "libmad", "libogg", "libvorbis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "Streamripper records SHOUTcast and Icecast compatible streams. It uses meta data within a SHOUTcast stream to determine the beginning and end of each song, and stores the songs on your hard disk as individual mp3 files. In addition, Streamripper includes a relay server for listening to the station while you are recording. Homepage: http://streamripper.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/streamripper-1.64.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2032 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "meterbridge", "descs": "meterbridge (software meter for JACK audio system)", "source": "source/salix/audio/meterbridge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "celt", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libsamplerate", "libwebp", "libxcb", "opus", "sdl", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "508 K", "descl": "It supports a number of different types of meter, rendered using the SDL library and user-editable pixmaps.", "path": "./salix/audio/meterbridge-0.9.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "5100 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "linuxsampler", "descs": "linuxsampler (audio sampler software)", "source": "source/salix/audio/linuxsampler", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "flac", "icu4c", "jack2", "libgig", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1275 K", "descl": "The LinuxSampler project was founded with the goal to produce a free, streaming capable open source pure software audio sampler with professional grade features, comparable to both hardware and commercial Windows/Mac software samplers and to introduce new features not yet available by any other sampler in the world.", "path": "./salix/audio/linuxsampler-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "fmmidi", "descs": "fmmidi ('retro' sounding MIDI player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/fmmidi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libao"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "fmmidi is a player for Standard MIDI music files, emulating a YM2608 FM synthesizer. This makes fmmidi sound more electronic compared to more modern wavetable players.", "path": "./salix/audio/fmmidi-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1172 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "alsamodularsynth", "descs": "alsamodularsynth (realtime modular synthesizer and effect processor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/alsamodularsynth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "celt", "fftw", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "opus", "pcre2", "qt5", "zita-alsa-pcmi", "zlib", "jack", "clalsadrv", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "293 K", "descl": "Alsa Modular Synth is a realtime modular synthesizer and effect processor. It features MIDI controlled modular software synthesis, Realtime effect processing with capture from e.g. 'Line In' or 'Mic In', Full control of all synthesis and effect parameters via MIDI, Integrated LADSPA Browser with search capability and JACK Support. Homepage: http://alsamodular.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/alsamodularsynth-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1136 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "foo-yc20", "descs": "foo-yc20 (Yamaha YC-20 organ emulator for JACK and LV2)", "source": "source/salix/audio/foo-yc20", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack", "slv2"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "284 K", "descl": "This is an implementation of a 1969 designed Yamaha combo organ, the YC-20. Original YC-20 organs have a touch vibrato control, which is vibrato induced by horizontal movement of the keys. As there very few (almost none) midi keyboards which produce such information, this feature has been left out of the emulation. Instead of the touch vibrato control, the control panel hosts a 'realism' switch.", "path": "./salix/audio/foo-yc20-1.3.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "424 K", "ver": "0.4.7", "name": "lxmusic", "descs": "lxmusic (minimalist music player for LXDE)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lxmusic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "xmms2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "106 K", "descl": "LXMusic is based on xmms2, which is lightweight and has server/client design. LXMusic has very few features, it can do nothing more than just playing a list of music files. lxmusic home: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXMusic", "path": "./salix/audio/lxmusic-0.4.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "4736 K", "ver": "2.9.3", "name": "ecasound", "descs": "ecasound (multitrack audio processing)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ecasound", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "audiofile", "celt", "flac", "jack2", "liblo", "libogg", "liboil", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1184 K", "descl": "Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console mode user-interface is included in the package.", "path": "./salix/audio/ecasound-2.9.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.1.13", "name": "apulse", "descs": "apulse (PulseAudio emulation for ALSA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/apulse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Run any program that requires pulseaudio simply by preceding it with 'apulse'. $ apulse [parameters] This package can safely coexist with Slackware's pulseaudio package. Homepage: https://github.com/i-rinat/apulse", "path": "./salix/audio/apulse-0.1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "darkice", "descs": "darkice (live audio streamer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/darkice", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "faac", "flac", "jack2", "lame", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "DarkIce is a live audio streamer. It records audio from an audio interface (e.g. sound card), encodes it and sends it to a streaming server. Homepage: http://www.brain-dump.org/projects/darkice/", "path": "./salix/audio/darkice-1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "27104 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "muse", "descs": "muse (MIDI/Audio Sequencer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/muse", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "celt", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "lash", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libinstpatch", "liblo", "liblrdf", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lilv", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "raptor", "rubberband", "serd", "sord", "sratom", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6776 K", "descl": "MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities written originally by Werner Schweer now developed and maintained by the MusE development team. MusE aims to be a complete multitrack virtual studio for Linux, it is published under the GNU General Public License. Homepage: http://muse-sequencer.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/muse-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "cava", "descs": "cava (Audio Visualizer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/cava", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "iniparser", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Console-based Audio Visualizer for Alsa (MPD and Pulseaudio)", "path": "./salix/audio/cava-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "5280 K", "ver": "20170827_dedc33d", "name": "xmms2", "descs": "xmms2 (XMMS2 music player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms2", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "faad2", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libao", "libasyncns", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdiscid", "libdrm", "libglvnd", "libmad", "libmms", "libmodplug", "libofa", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libshout", "libsndfile", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mpg123", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "opusfile", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "ruby", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wavpack", "zlib", "perl-Pod-Parser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1320 K", "descl": "XMMS2 is the next generation of XMMS. The XMMS2 team is committed to producing a better music player, while diligently maintaining a robust and flexible design. The goal is to make the system easy for developers to maintain and integrate with. In terms of the listening experience, XMMS2 makes it possible for anyone to easily manage their music collection and to interact with it in a flexible manner.", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms2-20170827_dedc33d-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "paman", "descs": "paman (PulseAudio Manager)", "source": "source/salix/audio/paman", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglade", "libglademm", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "A simple GTK frontend for PulseAudio.", "path": "./salix/audio/paman-0.9.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "nnls-chroma", "descs": "nnls-chroma (vamp plugin library)", "source": "source/salix/audio/nnls-chroma", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "vamp-plugin-sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "nnls-chroma is an open source Vamp plugin library for harmony and chord extraction with some features aimed at amateur musicians, and some at music information retrieval researchers. It contains the Chordino, NNLS Chroma and Tuning plugins.", "path": "./salix/audio/nnls-chroma-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "listener", "descs": "listener (listens for sound. If detected, it starts recording)", "source": "source/salix/audio/listener", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "celt", "flac", "jack2", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "portaudio"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "This program listens for sound. If it detects any, it starts recording automatically and also automatically stops when things become silent again. http://www.vanheusden.com/listener", "path": "./salix/audio/listener-2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "volumeicon", "descs": "volumeicon (volume control)", "source": "source/salix/audio/volumeicon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "volumeicon aims to be a lightweight volume control that sits in the systray. Homepage: http://softwarebakery.com/maato/volumeicon.html", "path": "./salix/audio/volumeicon-0.5.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "lsmi", "descs": "lsmi (map keyboard/mouse/joystick input to ALSA MIDI sequencer events)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lsmi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "These simple user-space drivers support using certain homemade, repurposed, or commercial devices as MIDI controllers on Linux, even though the devices themselves are not capable of generating MIDI messages; this does not include things like MIDI-over-serial or PIC based projects, which are true MIDI devices. Reasons for using this software include: achieving MIDI entry on machines without MIDI ports, reusing old hardware, pure frugality, and fun.", "path": "./salix/audio/lsmi-0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "pasystray", "descs": "pasystray (System tray application for PulseAudio)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pasystray", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libasyncns", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libnotify", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Pasystray allows setting the default PulseAudio source/sink and moving streams on the fly between sources/sinks without restarting the client applications.", "path": "./salix/audio/pasystray-0.7.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "gvolwheel", "descs": "gvolwheel (a lightweight notification area volume control app)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gvolwheel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "GVolWheel is a Lightweight application which lets you control the audio volume easily through a tray icon you can scroll on. Easily integrates with minimal desktops (Openbox, Fluxbox, IceWM, XFCE, etc). This package contains the last Gtk2 version. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gvolwheel/", "path": "./salix/audio/gvolwheel-1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "51924 K", "ver": "0.90.3", "name": "calf", "descs": "calf (lv2 audio plugins)", "source": "source/salix/audio/calf", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "flac", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "lash", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack", "slv2"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "12981 K", "descl": "Calf Studio Gear is an audio plug-in pack for LV2 and JACK environments under Linux operating systems. The suite contains lots of effects (delay, modulation, signal processing, filters, equalizers, dynamics, distortion and mastering effects), instruments (SF2 player, organ simulator and a monophonic synthesizer) and tools (analyzer, mono/stereo tools, crossovers). Calf Studio Gear aims for a professional audience. This package was built without SSE support.", "path": "./salix/audio/calf-0.90.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "ezstream", "descs": "ezstream (A command line source client for Icecast media streaming)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ezstream", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libogg", "libshout", "libtheora", "libvorbis", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "speex", "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Ezstream is a command line source client for Icecast media streaming servers. It began as the successor of the old 'shout' utility, and has since gained a lot of useful features. In its basic mode of operation, it streams media files or data from standard input without reencoding and thus requires only very little CPU resources. It can also use various external decoders and encoders to reencode from one format to another, and stream the result to an Icecast server. Additional features include scriptable playlist and metadata handling.", "path": "./salix/audio/ezstream-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "", "name": "gimmix", "descs": "gimmix (graphical frontend to music player daemon [mpd])", "source": "source/salix/audio/gimmix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libmpd", "libnxml", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "Gimmix is a graphical music player daemon (MPD) client written in C using GTK+2. It's very simple and easy to use, yet offers many features to make your audio experience a pleasant one.", "path": "./salix/audio/gimmix-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "676 K", "ver": "", "name": "lash", "descs": "lash (audio session management system)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lash", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "6salix15.0", "sizec": "169 K", "descl": "LASH is a session management system for GNU/Linux audio applications. It allows you to save and restore audio sessions consisting of multiple interconnected applications, restoring program state (i.e. loaded patches) and the connections between them. http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lash", "path": "./salix/audio/lash-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "jvmetro", "descs": "jvmetro (Jack Visual Metronome)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jvmetro", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "celt", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "opus", "sdl", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "JVMetro provides a colorful, realtime visual indication of the passage of bars and beats on the Jack transport; without generating any sound of its own. For simplicity, SDL is used to generate graphics.", "path": "./salix/audio/jvmetro-0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "7524 K", "ver": "0.50_2", "name": "pd", "descs": "pd (Pure Data, by Miller Puckette)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1881 K", "descl": "pd is a real-time audio synthesis/processing package. It is one of the 'MUSIC N' family members, open source (BSD style) successor of the MAX branch. This package contains just the core of Pd, more external objects have been written, many of them are in the CVS at SourceForge. Community resource: http://puredata.info", "path": "./salix/audio/pd-0.50_2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "105696 K", "ver": "12", "name": "eawpats", "descs": "eawpats (MIDI instrument patches)", "source": "source/salix/audio/eawpats", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "26424 K", "descl": "This package contains a patchset for the TiMidity++ MIDI player. A patchset is required for MIDI files to be audible through TiMidity++. These patches also work with applications that use SDL_mixer for MIDI audio.", "path": "./salix/audio/eawpats-12-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "47472 K", "ver": "0.0.19kx", "name": "calf-ladspa", "descs": "calf-ladspa (legacy audio plugin pack for LADSPA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/calf-ladspa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "expat", "fftw", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "11868 K", "descl": "Calf audio plugin pack for LADSPA. Contains effects (flanger, reverb, tape-like delay, phaser, rotary speaker, multi-mode filter, multi-tap chorus and compressor).", "path": "./salix/audio/calf-ladspa-0.0.19kx-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "30372 K", "ver": "2.4.1", "name": "carla", "descs": "carla (host for VST, DSSI, LADSPA, LV2 plugins)", "source": "source/salix/audio/carla", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "file", "flac", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt4", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7593 K", "descl": "carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It's open source and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. Also internal audio and midi file player, remote control via OSC, Rack and Patchbay.", "path": "./salix/audio/carla-2.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.1a", "name": "volume.app", "descs": "volume.app (a simple windowmaker volume control dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/audio/volume.app", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This is a simple volume control for the AfterStep / BlackBox / Window Maker dock. Volume.app is intended to be an extremely simple, efficient, and attractive interface to a system's sound mixer. Currently, only OSS mixer interface is supported. But... ALSA mixer can be used through ALSA's OSS emulation.", "path": "./salix/audio/volume.app-1.1a-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "2.7.2", "name": "jack-keyboard", "descs": "jack-keyboard (virtual MIDI keyboard)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jack-keyboard", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "jack-keyboard is a virtual MIDI keyboard - a program that allows you to send JACK MIDI events (play ;-) using your PC keyboard. It's somewhat similar to vkeybd, except it uses JACK MIDI instead of ALSA, and the default keyboard mapping is much better - it uses the same layout as trackers (like Impulse Tracker) did, so you have two and half octaves under your fingers.", "path": "./salix/audio/jack-keyboard-2.7.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "dssi-vst", "descs": "dssi-vst (VST wrapper plugin)", "source": "source/salix/audio/dssi-vst", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "liblo", "libsamplerate", "opus", "dssi", "wine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "The dssi-vst package contains a wrapper plugin for Windows VSTs that enables them to be used by DSSI hosts running on Linux or similar on i386, using Wine. dssi-vst was written by Chris Cannam.", "path": "./salix/audio/dssi-vst-0.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "4964 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "fabla", "descs": "fabla (LV2 drum machine)", "source": "source/salix/audio/fabla", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ntk", "opus", "pixman", "zlib", "slv2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1241 K", "descl": "Fabla is a drum machine and sample trigger in the style of Akai MPC or Alesis HR-16. It is an LV2 plugin and can be used with most Linux DAWs, as well as with Javl as a stand-alone. http://openavproductions.com/fabla/", "path": "./salix/audio/fabla-1.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "0.4.4", "name": "audioconvert", "descs": "audioconvert (Audio Sync and Conversion Utility)", "source": "source/salix/audio/audioconvert", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "fox-toolkit-devel", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Audio Sync and Conversion Utility Homepage: https://github.com/gogglesmm/audioconvert", "path": "./salix/audio/audioconvert-0.4.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "jnoise", "descs": "jnoise (white and pink noise generator for JACK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jnoise", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "A command line JACK app generating accurate white and pink noise with Gaussian amplitude distribution.", "path": "./salix/audio/jnoise-0.6.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "1.6.6", "name": "jalv", "descs": "jalv (host for LV2 plugins)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jalv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "celt", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lilv", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt4", "qt5", "serd", "sord", "sratom", "suil", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "Jalv is a simple but fully featured LV2 host for Jack. It runs LV2 plugins and exposes their ports as Jack ports, essentially making any LV2 plugin function as a Jack application.", "path": "./salix/audio/jalv-1.6.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1064 K", "ver": "0.4.7", "name": "wireplumber", "descs": "wireplumber (Session / policy manager implementation for PipeWire)", "source": "source/salix/audio/wireplumber", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "elogind", "glib2", "pipewire", "util-linux", "zlib", "lua53"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "266 K", "descl": "WirePlumber is a modular session / policy manager for PipeWire and a GObject-based high-level library that wraps PipeWire's API, providing convenience for writini the daemon's modules as well as external tools for managing PipeWire. It follows a modular design, having plugins that implement the actual management functionality. https://gitlab.com/pipewire/wireplumber", "path": "./salix/audio/wireplumber-0.4.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.8.4", "name": "zita-ajbridge", "descs": "zita-ajbridge (ALSA <=> JACK bridge)", "source": "source/salix/audio/zita-ajbridge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "zita-alsa-pcmi", "zita-resampler", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "zita-ajbridge provides two applications, zita-a2j and zita-j2a. They allow using an ALSA device as a Jack client, to provide additional capture (a2j) or playback (j2a) channels. Functionally these are equivalent to the alsa_in and alsa_out clients that come with JACK, but they provide much better audio quality.", "path": "./salix/audio/zita-ajbridge-0.8.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "wineasio", "descs": "wineasio (an ASIO to JACK driver for WINE)", "source": "source/salix/audio/wineasio", "deps": ["pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "jack", "wine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "WineASIO provides an ASIO to JACK driver for WINE. ASIO is the most common Windows low-latency driver, so is commonly used in audio workstation programs.", "path": "./salix/audio/wineasio-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "2", "name": "lv2dynparam1", "descs": "lv2dynparam1 (dynamic parameter extension for LV2)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lv2dynparam1", "deps": ["lv2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "lv2dynparam is a LV2 plugin interface extension that enables plugin parameters to appear and disappear (i.e. number of voices). It also allows nested grouping of parameters. Groups can be used for things like ADSR abstraction, i.e. group of 4 float parameters. The extension consists of a header describing the extension interface and libraries, one for plugins and one for hosts, to expose functionality in a more usable interface, from the programmer's point of view.", "path": "./salix/audio/lv2dynparam1-2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1560 K", "ver": "0.4.15", "name": "swh-plugins", "descs": "swh-plugins (GPL'd audio plugins for LADSPA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/swh-plugins", "deps": ["fftw"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "390 K", "descl": "GPL'd (free software) audio plugins for LADSPA.", "path": "./salix/audio/swh-plugins-0.4.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.22", "name": "mpdscribble", "descs": "mpdscribble (audioscrobbler daemon for mpd)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mpdscribble", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libmpdclient", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "mpd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "mpdscribble is a music player daemon client which submits information about tracks being played to audioscrobbler. Homepage: https://www.musicpd.org/clients/mpdscribble/", "path": "./salix/audio/mpdscribble-0.22-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "672 K", "ver": "1.0.16", "name": "swh-plugins-lv2", "descs": "swh-plugins-lv2 (GPL free software audio plugins for LV2)", "source": "source/salix/audio/swh-plugins-lv2", "deps": ["fftw", "slv2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "168 K", "descl": "This collection of plugins by Steve Harris includes the usual effects such as EQ, compression, flange, phaser, chorus, echo/delay, reverb, tube amp simulation, etc. 93 plugins are included (too many to list here).", "path": "./salix/audio/swh-plugins-lv2-1.0.16-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1556 K", "ver": "0.125.0", "name": "jack1", "descs": "jack1 (realtime low-latency sound server)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jack1", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "celt", "flac", "glibmm", "jack2", "libconfig", "libffado", "libiec61883", "libogg", "libraw1394", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxml++", "libxml2", "opus", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "389 K", "descl": "JACK is a low-latency audio server written mainly for Linux. It can connect a number of different applications to an audio device as well as allow them to share audio among themselves. This is the deprecated jack 1.x branch.", "path": "./salix/audio/jack1-0.125.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1208 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "qsynth", "descs": "qsynth (GUI Frontend for Fluidsynth)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qsynth", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fluidsynth", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "302 K", "descl": "Qsynth is a fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit using Qt Designer. Eventually, it may evolve into a softsynth management application allowing the user to control and manage a variety of command line softsynths, but for the moment, it wraps the excellent FluidSynth ", "path": "./salix/audio/qsynth-0.6.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.0", "name": "midillo", "descs": "midillo (MIDI file tools)", "source": "source/salix/audio/midillo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "midillo is a library and set of tools for MIDI files manipulation. At this point it consists of simple diagnostic dump of MIDI file (mididump), a filter that strips unwanted events (midifilter), and a converter to SMF format 0 files (midi2f0), so that a keyboard which is not as capable as a computer would understand it.", "path": "./salix/audio/midillo-0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "3.9.0", "name": "clxclient", "descs": "clxclient (X library for aeolus)", "source": "source/salix/audio/clxclient", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib", "clthreads"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "X library for aeolus.", "path": "./salix/audio/clxclient-3.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "3.3.5", "name": "audenc", "descs": "audenc (audio converter)", "source": "source/salix/audio/audenc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Batch script for audio encoding. Supports MP3, AAC, Vorbis, Opus, FLAC, AC3, and WAV (and more) output and is intended to be used on directories with audio files. Filtering through MPlayer and automatic tagging with MediaInfo is also supported. http://audenc.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/audenc-3.3.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "xmms-ladspa", "descs": "xmms-ladspa (LADSPA plugin support for XMMS)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms-ladspa", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "XMMS LADSPA is an Effect for XMMS that provides (some of) the power of the Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API to your everyday MP3 and all-around media player. It's Free Software of course, under the GNU General Public License.", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms-ladspa-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1372 K", "ver": "1.4.24", "name": "mhwaveedit", "descs": "mhwaveedit (edit, play, and record sound files)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mhwaveedit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "343 K", "descl": "mhWaveEdit is a graphical program for editing, playing and recording sound files. It is lightweight, portable, user-friendly and handles large files very well. This package built with: JACK=yes PulseAudio=yes OSS=no Homepage: https://github.com/magnush/mhwaveedit", "path": "./salix/audio/mhwaveedit-1.4.24-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.70", "name": "pulseaudio-ctl", "descs": "pulseaudio-ctl (pulseaudio volume control)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pulseaudio-ctl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Control pulseaudio volume from the shell or mapped to keyboard shortcuts. Home Page: https://github.com/graysky2/pulseaudio-ctl", "path": "./salix/audio/pulseaudio-ctl-1.70-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "992 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "qmidiarp", "descs": "qmidiarp (an arpeggiator, sequencer and MIDI LFO)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qmidiarp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "248 K", "descl": "QMidiArp is an arpeggiator, sequencer and MIDI LFO for ALSA.", "path": "./salix/audio/qmidiarp-0.5.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.14.2", "name": "retrovol", "descs": "retrovol (Volume and mixer control for alsa)", "source": "source/salix/audio/retrovol", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Homepage: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=50744", "path": "./salix/audio/retrovol-0.14.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.1+git20201107", "name": "unsf", "descs": "unsf (converts SoundFont .sf2 files into GUS-type instrument patches)", "source": "source/salix/audio/unsf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "UnSF is a tool to convert SoundFont (sf2) files into GUS patches. libunsf is a library that is used by UnSF.", "path": "./salix/audio/unsf-1.1+git20201107-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "ogmtools", "descs": "ogmtools (Ogg Media Tools)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ogmtools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libdvdread", "libogg", "libvorbis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "Tools to allow information, extraction or creation of Ogg media streams. Utilities include ogmmerge, ogminfo, ogmdemux, ogmsplit, ogmcat and dvdxchap. Homepage: https://www.bunkus.org/videotools/ogmtools/", "path": "./salix/audio/ogmtools-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "1.4.7", "name": "jack-rack", "descs": "jack-rack (LADSPA effects host)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jack-rack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "JACK Rack is an effects 'rack' for the JACK low latency audio API. The rack can be filled with LADSPA effects plugins and can be controlled using the ALSA sequencer. It's phat; it turns your computer into an effects box.", "path": "./salix/audio/jack-rack-1.4.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "0.8.7", "name": "mp3check", "descs": "mp3check (check MP3 files for integrity)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mp3check", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "mp3check can check MP3 files for consistency and print several errors and warnings, list stream attributes (in color). Layer 1, 2, 3, and MPEG1.0+2.0 are currently supported. CRC check for layer 3. Can process directories recursively. Can also fix certain errors. Homepage: https://code.google.com/archive/p/mp3check/", "path": "./salix/audio/mp3check-0.8.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.1.3b", "name": "iripdb", "descs": "iripdb (iRiver DB tool)", "source": "source/salix/audio/iripdb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "iRipDB allows generating the DB files necessary for the iRiver iHP-1xx series of MP3/Ogg HD Player on Linux that will allow you to navigate your files through the artist/album/genre menus. It supports adding MP3 and Ogg files at this point. It is released under the GNU General Public License. Homepage: http://freecode.com/projects/iripdb", "path": "./salix/audio/iripdb-0.1.3b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "3", "name": "dcaenc", "descs": "dcaenc (DTS encoder)", "source": "source/salix/audio/dcaenc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Encode audio into DTS files. https://gitlab.com/patrakov/dcaenc", "path": "./salix/audio/dcaenc-3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "900 K", "ver": "2.9.0", "name": "vamp-plugin-sdk", "descs": "vamp-plugin-sdk (audio analysis API)", "source": "source/salix/audio/vamp-plugin-sdk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "225 K", "descl": "Vamp is an API for C and C++ plugins that process sampled audio data to produce descriptive output (measurements or semantic observations). Homepage: https://www.vamp-plugins.org", "path": "./salix/audio/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "acousticbrainz-gui", "descs": "acousticbrainz-gui (Acoustic Music Scanner)", "source": "source/salix/audio/acousticbrainz-gui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "acousticbrainz-music-extractor"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "This client lets you submit your own audio features to the AcousticBrainz project. This is the GUI version. Homepage: http://acousticbrainz.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/acousticbrainz-gui-0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1396 K", "ver": "1.4.5", "name": "sbagen", "descs": "sbagen (Binaural Beat Generator)", "source": "source/salix/audio/sbagen", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "349 K", "descl": "A Sequenced Binaural Wave Generator for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. May be used to generate sounds that entrain the brain's waves to oscillate at selected frequencies to aid in relaxation, lucid dreaming, meditation, clear thought, out-of-body experiences and more. Homepage: http://uazu.net/sbagen/", "path": "./salix/audio/sbagen-1.4.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "20.11", "name": "FAudio", "descs": "FAudio (Accuracy-focused XAudio reimplementation)", "source": "source/salix/audio/FAudio", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "elfutils", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "orc", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "This is FAudio, an XAudio reimplementation that focuses solely on developing fully accurate DirectX Audio runtime libraries for the FNA project, including XAudio2, X3DAudio, XAPO, and XACT3. Homepage: https://fna-xna.github.io/", "path": "./salix/audio/FAudio-20.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "7916 K", "ver": "1.14", "name": "horgand", "descs": "horgand (organ sounds softsynth)", "source": "source/salix/audio/horgand", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "celt", "flac", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "1979 K", "descl": "horgand is a softsynth, really simple and easy to use, specially designed to produce organ sounds, and is also capable of generating other sound types like Electric Pianos, Jazz Guitar, Strings, Brass, Fretless Bass, Accordion etc. using low CPU resources.", "path": "./salix/audio/horgand-1.14-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "0.17.5", "name": "aacplusenc", "descs": "aacplusenc (High-Efficency AAC (AAC+))", "source": "source/salix/audio/aacplusenc", "deps": ["fftw"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Command-line encoder that outputs aacPlus v2 files (ie. Advanced Audio Coding + Spectral Band Resonation + Parametric Stereo, or AAC + SBR + PS), also known as HE-AAC+ (High Efficiency AAC+). Developed by Coding Technologies, based on the reference code obtained from 3GPP, repackaged to compile on contemporary Linux by Matteo Croce. Home Page: http://teknoraver.net/software/mp4tools/", "path": "./salix/audio/aacplusenc-0.17.5-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "6792 K", "ver": "0.0.2", "name": "lv2-mda-metapiano", "descs": "lv2-mda-metapiano (LV2 port of mdaPiano/mdaEPiano VSTi)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lv2-mda-metapiano", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "lvtk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1698 K", "descl": "mdaEPiano and mdaPiano plugins for the LV2 plugin framework", "path": "./salix/audio/lv2-mda-metapiano-0.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "mp3wrap", "descs": "mp3wrap (wrap multiple mp3 files into one)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mp3wrap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Mp3Wrap is a free independent alternative to AlbumWrap. It's a command-line utility that wraps quickly two or more mp3 files in one single large playable mp3, without losing filenames and ID3 informations (and without need of decoding/encoding). Also with the possibility of including other non mp3 files, such as PlayLists, info files, cover images, inside the mp3. This means that you obtain a large mp3 that you can split in any moment just using mp3splt and in few seconds you have all original files again!", "path": "./salix/audio/mp3wrap-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "3120 K", "ver": "2.4.1", "name": "drumstick", "descs": "drumstick (C++ MIDI libraries using Qt5 objects)", "source": "source/salix/audio/drumstick", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fluidsynth", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "780 K", "descl": "It contains a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface; ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. A complementary library provides classes for SMF (Standard MIDI files: .MID/.KAR), and Cakewalk (.WRK) file formats processing. A multiplatform realtime MIDI I/O library and GUI Widgets are also provided.", "path": "./salix/audio/drumstick-2.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1068 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "qm-vamp-plugins", "descs": "qm-vamp-plugins (audio feature extraction plugins)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qm-vamp-plugins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "267 K", "descl": "Audio feature extraction plugins from Queen Mary, University of London A set of plugins for feature extraction from audio data, using the Vamp plugin format suitable for use in programs such as Sonic Visualiser and Sonic Annotator.", "path": "./salix/audio/qm-vamp-plugins-1.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "53528 K", "ver": "6.9", "name": "ardour", "descs": "ardour (Professional Audio Editing)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ardour", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "ardour", "atk", "atkmm", "aubio", "bluez", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", ["cmake", "httpd"], "curl", "cwiid", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "liblo", "liblrdf", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lilv", "lz4", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "raptor", "rubberband", "samba", "serd", "sord", "speex", "sratom", "suil", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "vamp-plugin-sdk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13382 K", "descl": "Ardour is an application to fit the needs of musicians under Linux. It is designed to be a fully functional professional audio application, that uses the professional sound server jack for sound i/o. Homepage: http://ardour.org", "path": "./salix/audio/ardour-6.9-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "3940 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "easymp3gain", "descs": "easymp3gain (GUI for mp3gain, aacgain, and vorbisgain)", "source": "source/salix/audio/easymp3gain", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "aacgain", "lazarus", "mp3gain", "vorbisgain"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "985 K", "descl": "Easymp3gain allows modifying the loudness of mp3, ogg, vorbis, and mp4 audio files. http://sourceforge.net/projects/easymp3gain/", "path": "./salix/audio/easymp3gain-0.5.0-i386-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "xwax", "descs": "xwax (Digital Vinyl System)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xwax", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "sdl", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "xwax is an open-source Digital Vinyl System (DVS) for Linux. It allows DJs and turntablists to playback digital audio files (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, AAC and more), controlled using a normal pair of turntables via timecoded vinyls. Homepage: http://xwax.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/xwax-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "1.1.9", "name": "exhale", "descs": "exhale (a CLI xHE-AAC encoder)", "source": "source/salix/audio/exhale", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "An Open Source encoder to convert wav files to xHE-AAC (USAC) files. https://gitlab.com/ecodis/exhale", "path": "./salix/audio/exhale-1.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "qmidiroute", "descs": "qmidiroute (MIDI router and filter utility)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qmidiroute", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "QMidiRoute is a MIDI event router and filter. MIDI note, control change, program change and pitch bend events are logged, and can be filtered, redirected and transformed into other events according to MIDI maps defined as tabs in the main control surface.", "path": "./salix/audio/qmidiroute-0.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.1.8", "name": "mp3val", "descs": "mp3val (tool for checking and fixing mp3 file integrity)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mp3val", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "MP3val is a small, high-speed, free software tool for checking MPEG audio files' integrity. It can be useful for finding corrupted files (e.g. incompletely downloaded, truncated, containing garbage). MP3val is also able to fix most of the problems. The most common MPEG audio file type is MPEG 1 Layer III (mp3), but MP3val supports also other MPEG versions and layers. The tool is also aware of the most common types of tags (ID3v1, ID3v2, APEv2). Homepage: http://mp3val.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/mp3val-0.1.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "532 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "xsynth-dssi", "descs": "xsynth-dssi (software synthesizer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xsynth-dssi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "dssi"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "133 K", "descl": "Xsynth-DSSI plugin, a classic-analog (VCOs-VCF-VCA) style software synthesizer with an editor GUI. Xsynth-DSSI was written by Sean Bolton, and was based on Steve Brooke's Xsynth code, but has since aquired polyphonic operation, band-limited oscillators, a better filter mode, and velocity-sensitive envelopes.", "path": "./salix/audio/xsynth-dssi-0.9.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "4532 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "clockchimes", "descs": "clockchimes (plays clock chimes based on the system time)", "source": "source/salix/audio/clockchimes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1133 K", "descl": "Clockchimes creates a cron job that runs a sox based bash script. The script plays clock chime sound files based on the system time. The script plays selectable chime types on the 00 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute, 45 minute. Home: https://www.go4it2day.com/news/clockchimes-0.3-beta.html", "path": "./salix/audio/clockchimes-0.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "7692 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "SongRec", "descs": "SongRec (Shazam client for linux)", "source": "source/salix/audio/SongRec", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1923 K", "descl": "SongRec is an open-source Shazam client for Linux, written in Rust. Features: * Recognize audio from an arbitrary audio file. * Recognize audio from the microphone. * Usage from both GUI and command line (for the file recognition part Homepage: https://github.com/marin-m/SongRec", "path": "./salix/audio/SongRec-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "waon", "descs": "waon (Wave-to-Notes transcriber)", "source": "source/salix/audio/waon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libao", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "WaoN is a Wave-to-Notes transcriber, that is, the inverse of timidity by Tuukka Toivonen (and its descendants timidity++). ('WaoN' also has a meaning of harmony of notes or chord in Japanese!)", "path": "./salix/audio/waon-0.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "wavbreaker", "descs": "wavbreaker (a WAV and MP3 file splitter)", "source": "source/salix/audio/wavbreaker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libao", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mpg123", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "This application takes WAV or MP3 files and breaks them into multiple sections. It also has command line tools which will merge WAV files (wavmerge) and display format information for WAV files (wavinfo). https://wavbreaker.sourceforge.io/", "path": "./salix/audio/wavbreaker-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "12528 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "non", "descs": "non (a simple, fast, and modular nonDAW)", "source": "source/salix/audio/non", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "liblrdf", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nghttp2", "ntk", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pixman", "raptor", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3132 K", "descl": "Non is a collection of applications that together create a digital audio workstation, consisting of a timeline, sequencer, mixer, and session manager. https://git.kx.studio/non", "path": "./salix/audio/non-1.3.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "kanola", "descs": "kanola (basic KDE MPD client)", "source": "source/salix/audio/kanola", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Kanola is a basic KDE MPD client designed in Python. The idea behind Kanola is that KDE needs a light, small, and easy to use MPD client that can compete with the numerous and very eye-pleasing GTK clients.", "path": "./salix/audio/kanola-0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "aeolus", "descs": "aeolus (pipe organ emulator)", "source": "source/salix/audio/aeolus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "celt", "clthreads", "clxclient", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "zita-alsa-pcmi", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "Aeolus is a synthesised (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy playing it. It is a software synthesiser optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that enable the user to voice his instrument. First presented at the 2nd LAD conference in Karlsruhe, end of April 2004.", "path": "./salix/audio/aeolus-0.9.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2128 K", "ver": "0.95.0", "name": "jamin", "descs": "jamin (JACK Audio Mastering Interface)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jamin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "532 K", "descl": "JAMin is the JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Audio Mastering interface. JAMin is an open source application designed to perform professional audio mastering of stereo input streams. It uses LADSPA for digital signal processing (DSP).", "path": "./salix/audio/jamin-0.95.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.9.9", "name": "aj-snapshot", "descs": "aj-snapshot (minimalist JACK session manager)", "source": "source/salix/audio/aj-snapshot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "mxml", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Aj-snapshot takes snapshots of JACK sessions, making it simple for you to restore connections later. http://aj-snapshot.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/aj-snapshot-0.9.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "9", "name": "a2jmidid", "descs": "a2jmidid (ALSA sequencer to JACK MIDI bridging for jack2)", "source": "source/salix/audio/a2jmidid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "celt", "dbus", "elogind", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "This project aims to ease the usage of legacy, non JACK enabled applications, in a JACK MIDI enabled system, when using jack2. (e.g. connect bristol/azr3 with qtractor/rosegarden/seq24) Note: The latest jack release contains a2jmidid functionality by itself.", "path": "./salix/audio/a2jmidid-9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "544 K", "ver": "0.8.4", "name": "pyalsaaudio", "descs": "pyalsaaudio (Python Bindings for ALSA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pyalsaaudio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "136 K", "descl": "The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system. This package contains bindings to allow applications written in Python the ability to use ALSA. For more information, see: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pyalsaaudio/", "path": "./salix/audio/pyalsaaudio-0.8.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.0.5", "name": "vcf_plugins", "descs": "vcf_plugins (LADSPA equalizer plugins)", "source": "source/salix/audio/vcf_plugins", "deps": ["ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "LADSPA plugins for audio EQ biquad filters based on the cookbook formulae by Robert Bristow-Johnson. The following filters have been implemented: Two low pass filters, High pass filter, Two band pass filters, Notch filter, Peaking EQ filter, Low shelf filter, High shelf filter", "path": "./salix/audio/vcf_plugins-0.0.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "0.12.2", "name": "klick", "descs": "klick (metronome for jack)", "source": "source/salix/audio/klick", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "flac", "jack2", "liblo", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "rubberband", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "klick is an advanced command-line based metronome for JACK. It allows you to define complex tempo maps for entire songs or performances. Build options: rubberband=yes, liblo=yes", "path": "./salix/audio/klick-0.12.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "pavumeter", "descs": "pavumeter (PulseAudio Volume Meter)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pavumeter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "A PulseAudio volume meter.", "path": "./salix/audio/pavumeter-0.9.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1708 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "ario", "descs": "ario (a GTK2 client for MPD)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ario", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libmpdclient", "libnotify", "libsoup", "libunique", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "python2", "sqlite", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "427 K", "descl": "Ario is a GTK2 client for MPD (Music player daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. Homepage: http://ario-player.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/ario-1.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "0.3.44", "name": "pipewire-native-jack", "descs": "pipewire-native-jack (Use PipeWire instead of JACK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pipewire-native-jack", "deps": ["pipewire"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "This build provides the PipeWire JACK API, to be used as drop-in replacement for jack. Jack apps need to be built with the libraries from this package. Pipewire needs to be enabled, e.g. by /usr/sbin/pipewire-enable.sh, then logout/login. This package conflicts with jack from SBo. Homepage: https://pipewire.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/pipewire-native-jack-0.3.44-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "3688 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "ocp", "descs": "ocp (A module format music file player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ocp", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "flac", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libXxf86vm", "libmad", "libogg", "libsidplay", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "922 K", "descl": "OPENCP is a music file player. It is derived from Cubic Player 2.0 which was developed by Niklas Beisert. It can play MOD, IT, S3M, XM and many other formats. Homepage: http://stian.lunafish.org/project-ocp.php", "path": "./salix/audio/ocp-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "7128 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "distrho-mini-series", "descs": "distrho-mini-series (small audio effects)", "source": "source/salix/audio/distrho-mini-series", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "carla", ["cmake", "httpd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "file", "flac", "fltk", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libgig", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "portaudio", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "sdl", "stk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1782 K", "descl": "Audio effects by KXStudio's Faltx. Includes Ping-Pong Pan, 3-band EQ, and 3-band splitter, Nekobi TB-303 emulator, and Kars plucked-string synth. and the glbars and proM visualizers http://distrho.sourceforge.net/plugins", "path": "./salix/audio/distrho-mini-series-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "9040 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "python-audiotools", "descs": "python-audiotools (collection of audio handling programs)", "source": "source/salix/audio/python-audiotools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "lame", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "mpg123", "opus", "opusfile", "pulseaudio", "python2", "wavpack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2260 K", "descl": "Python Audio Tools are a collection of audio handling programs which work from the command line. These include programs for CD extraction, track conversion from one audio format to another, track renaming and retagging, track identification, CD burning from tracks, and more. Homepage: http://audiotools.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/python-audiotools-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "jaaa", "descs": "jaaa (spectrum analyser for JACK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jaaa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "celt", "clthreads", "clxclient", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "zita-alsa-pcmi", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "jaaa (JACK and ALSA Audio Analyser) is an audio signal generator and spectrum analyser designed to make accurate measurements.", "path": "./salix/audio/jaaa-0.9.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "5724 K", "ver": "2.4.3", "name": "icecast", "descs": "icecast (streaming media server)", "source": "source/salix/audio/icecast", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libkate", "libogg", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "speex", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1431 K", "descl": "Icecast is a streaming media server which currently supports Ogg (Vorbis and Theora), Opus, WebM and MP3 audio streams. It can be used to create an Internet radio station or a privately running jukebox and many things in between. It is very versatile in that new formats can be added relatively easily and supports open standards for commuincation and interaction. Homepage: http://icecast.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/icecast-2.4.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "ices", "descs": "ices (primary source client for icecast)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ices", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libogg", "libshout", "libtheora", "libvorbis", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "speex", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Ices is the primary source client for icecast.", "path": "./salix/audio/ices-2.0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "120224 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "spectmorph", "descs": "spectmorph (Analyze samples and combine them)", "source": "source/salix/audio/spectmorph", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libao", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "qt5", "zlib", "jack", "lv2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30056 K", "descl": "SpectMorph is a free software project which allows to analyze samples of musical instruments, and to combine them (morphing). It can be used to construct hybrid sounds, for instance a sound between a trumpet and a flute; or smooth transitions, for instance a sound that starts as a trumpet and then gradually changes to a flute. In its current version, SpectMorph ships with many ready-to-use instruments which can be combined using morphing. https://www.spectmorph.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/spectmorph-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "multimidicast", "descs": "multimidicast (MIDI <--> ALSA layer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/multimidicast", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "multimidicast sends and receives MIDI from Alsa sequencers over your network. It uses UDP multimidicast datagrams and is thus subscriptionless and plug'n'play. This program currently only works on Linux, since the Alsa API is only available on Linux. It is designed to interoperate with the windows software ipMIDI or multimidicast for windows.", "path": "./salix/audio/multimidicast-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "20904 K", "ver": "2.0.6", "name": "rack", "descs": "rack (The Eurorack Simulator)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rack", "deps": ["jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5226 K", "descl": "VCV Rack is an open-source Eurorack modular synthesizer simulator. https://vcvrack.com/manual/", "path": "./salix/audio/rack-2.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2488 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "tap_plugins", "descs": "tap_plugins (audio plugins for LADSPA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/tap_plugins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "622 K", "descl": "Tom's Audio Processing plugins is a selection of LADSPA plugins for audio engineering on the Linux platform. Intended for use in a professional DAW environment such as Ardour, it includes high quality reverberation, echo, eq, limiter & more. This packages includes the main tap-plugins distribution, plus the tap-plugins-doc and tap-reverbed (TAP Reverb Editor) distributions.", "path": "./salix/audio/tap_plugins-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "1.0.21", "name": "fIcy", "descs": "fIcy (icecast/shoutcast stream grabber suite)", "source": "source/salix/audio/fIcy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "fIcy is a small icecast/shoutcast stream grabber suite for use under shell environment. Its goal is to automatically rip a stream into user customisable files. It will work with ICY compatible streams, allowing you to either to save the stream to disk or to pipe the output to a media player, or even both. fIcy, among other uses, is ideal for batch/unattended recording of radio programs and stream debugging.", "path": "./salix/audio/fIcy-1.0.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "37100 K", "ver": "1.7.2", "name": "yoshimi", "descs": "yoshimi (software synthesiser)", "source": "source/salix/audio/yoshimi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fftw", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mxml", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lv2", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9275 K", "descl": "Yoshimi - software synthesizer for Linux based on the 2.4.0 release of ZynAddSubFX, written by Nasca Octavian Paul. Yoshimi delivers the same synth capabilities, along with very good Jack and Alsa midi/audio functionality. http://yoshimi.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/yoshimi-1.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "908 K", "ver": "20151117_bbec99a", "name": "mididings", "descs": "mididings (MIDI router)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mididings", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "boost", "celt", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus", "jack", "pyliblo", "decorator"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "227 K", "descl": "mididings is a MIDI router and processor based on Python, supporting ALSA and JACK MIDI. It is available under the GNU GPL and currently runs on Linux.", "path": "./salix/audio/mididings-20151117_bbec99a-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "1.5.1", "name": "pithos", "descs": "pithos (Pandora Radio client)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pithos", "deps": ["gst-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "Pithos is a native Pandora Radio client for Linux. It's much more lightweight than the Pandora.com web client and integrates with desktop features such as media keys, notifications, and the sound menu. Homepage: https://github.com/pithos/pithos", "path": "./salix/audio/pithos-1.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "2011jan31", "name": "fst", "descs": "fst (VST audio plugin wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/audio/fst", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack", "wine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "FST is a program by which uses Wine, JACK, and Steinberg's VST Audio Plug-Ins SDK to enable the use of many VST audio plugins. FST was written by Torben Hohn and Paul Davis, with inspiration from Kjetil Mattheussen.", "path": "./salix/audio/fst-2011jan31-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "12704 K", "ver": "8.80", "name": "transcribe", "descs": "transcribe (music transcription tool)", "source": "source/salix/audio/transcribe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3176 K", "descl": "The Transcribe! application is an assistant for people who sometimes want to work out a piece of music from a recording, in order to write it out, or play it themselves, or both. It doesn't do the transcribing for you, but it is essentially a specialised player program which is optimised for the purpose of transcription. It has many transcription-specific features not found on conventional music players.", "path": "./salix/audio/transcribe-8.80-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "qpwgraph", "descs": "qpwgraph (a PipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interface)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qpwgraph", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "pipewire", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "qpwgraph is a graph manager dedicated to PipeWire, using the Qt C++ framework, based and pretty much like the same of QjackCtl Homepage: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/rncbc/qpwgraph", "path": "./salix/audio/qpwgraph-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1684 K", "ver": "0.23.0", "name": "qastools", "descs": "qastools (alsa desktop utilities)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qastools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "421 K", "descl": "QasTools is a collection of Qt-5.x applications for the linux alsa sound system: - QasMixer: mixer for alsa's Simple Mixer Interfaces. - QasHctl: mixer for alsa's High level Control Interface. - QasConfig: browser for the alsa configuration tree. homepage: https://xwmw.org/qastools/", "path": "./salix/audio/qastools-0.23.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "japa", "descs": "japa (audio spectrum analyser for jack)", "source": "source/salix/audio/japa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "celt", "clthreads", "clxclient", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "zita-alsa-pcmi", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "Japa (JACK and ALSA Perceptual Analyser), is a 'perceptual' or 'psychoacoustic' audio spectrum analyser. Possible uses include spectrum monitoring while mixing or mastering, evaluation of ambient noise, and (using pink noise), equalisation of PA systems.", "path": "./salix/audio/japa-0.9.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "14228 K", "ver": "v2.1_beta2", "name": "acousticbrainz-music-extractor", "descs": "acousticbrainz-music-extractor (Acoustic Music Extractor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/acousticbrainz-music-extractor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3557 K", "descl": "This open source toolkit enables the automatic analysis of music. Homepage: http://acousticbrainz.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/acousticbrainz-music-extractor-v2.1_beta2-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.27", "name": "mpc", "descs": "mpc (Music Player Command)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mpc", "deps": ["libmpdclient"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "A client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. mpc connects to a MPD running on a machine via a network. Read more about MPD on https://www.musicpd.org.", "path": "./salix/audio/mpc-0.27-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1696 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "aacgain", "descs": "aacgain (Adjust volume gain for mp3/aac)", "source": "source/salix/audio/aacgain", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "424 K", "descl": "Aacgain enables you to adjust the volume of your files using the replaygain-algorithm. This way only tags are written to your files; they don't get modified themselves. Via these tags, some audio-players are able to change the volume of each song, so that they're all played at the same volume. Homepage: http://aacgain.altosdesign.com/", "path": "./salix/audio/aacgain-1.9-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.4.3rc9", "name": "connie", "descs": "connie (organ synth for JACK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/connie", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "celt", "confuse", "jack2", "libsamplerate", "opus", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "connie is a simple simulation of an electronic organ like e.g. Vox Continental, with JACK MIDI input and JACK audio output. Build options: SSE=yes QT=no", "path": "./salix/audio/connie-0.4.3rc9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "alsaequal", "descs": "alsaequal (10 Band Graphical Equalizer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/alsaequal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], "caps"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Alsaequal is a real-time adjustable equalizer plugin for ALSA. It can be adjusted using an ALSA compatible mixer like alsamixergui or alsamixer. See the included asoundrc-example in the docs directory for ways of setting up alsa.", "path": "./salix/audio/alsaequal-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.84", "name": "lv2file", "descs": "lv2file (apply lv2 plugins to audio files)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lv2file", "deps": ["argtable", "flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "lilv", "opus", "serd", "sord", "sratom"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "lv2file is a simple program which you can use to apply effects to your audio files without much hassle. Possible use cases are: * When you want to apply an effect without having to open a GUI or start a project. * When you want to apply effects to a large number of files, or in an automated manner. * When you need a deterministic environment to debug a plugin. * You like everything to be on the command line.", "path": "./salix/audio/lv2file-0.84-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "acousticbrainz-client", "descs": "acousticbrainz-client (Acoustic Music Scanner)", "source": "source/salix/audio/acousticbrainz-client", "deps": ["acousticbrainz-music-extractor"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This client lets you submit your own audio features to the AcousticBrainz project. This is the CLI version. Homepage: http://acousticbrainz.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/acousticbrainz-client-0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "20070326", "name": "sfarkxtc", "descs": "sfarkxtc (a console utility to extract sfark files on Linux)", "source": "source/salix/audio/sfarkxtc", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "sfarkxtc is a console utility to extract sfark files on Linux. sfArk is a lossless audio compression format optimized for SoundFont files. sfArk is free for non-commercial use.", "path": "./salix/audio/sfarkxtc-20070326-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "536 K", "ver": "0.0.8", "name": "aften", "descs": "aften (Fifty-Two ENcoder)", "source": "source/salix/audio/aften", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "134 K", "descl": "Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content. Homepage: http://aften.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/aften-0.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "3.9", "name": "crip", "descs": "crip (terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool)", "source": "source/salix/audio/crip", "deps": ["perl-CDDB-get", "vorbisgain"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "Crip is a terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool for creating Ogg Vorbis/FLAC/MP3 files under UNIX/Linux. Home page: http://bach.dynet.com/crip/index.html", "path": "./salix/audio/crip-3.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "0.10.0", "name": "whipper", "descs": "whipper (a secure cd ripper preferring accuracy over speed)", "source": "source/salix/audio/whipper", "deps": ["flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus", "mutagen", "musicbrainzngs", "pycdio", "python-ruamel.yaml", "python-discid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "Whipper is a Python command line secure CD-DA ripper preferring accuracy over speed, forked from the morituri project. Homepage: https://github.com/whipper-team/whipper", "path": "./salix/audio/whipper-0.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "1.18", "name": "cmt", "descs": "cmt (Computer Music Toolkit for LADSPA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/cmt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "The Computer Music Toolkit (CMT) is a collection of LADSPA plugins for use with software synthesis and recording packages on Linux.", "path": "./salix/audio/cmt-1.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "34052 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "hydrogen", "descs": "hydrogen (advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux)", "source": "source/salix/audio/hydrogen", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "celt", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libarchive", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "liblo", "liblrdf", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lz4", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "portaudio", "portmidi", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "raptor", "rubberband", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8513 K", "descl": "Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux. It's main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming. See README for optional deps. Homepage: http://www.hydrogen-music.org", "path": "./salix/audio/hydrogen-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "140712 K", "ver": "1.39", "name": "ff8dls", "descs": "ff8dls (DLS soundfont for use with fmodapi)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ff8dls", "deps": ["unrar"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35178 K", "descl": "A soundfont to be used with DLS compatible MIDI devices, including the fmodapi package from slackbuilds.org. This is a General MIDI soundfont designed to sound like the PlayStation, specifically the game 'Final Fantasy 8'. It sounds pretty good with Doom source ports, too (gzdoom and skulltag support FMOD).", "path": "./salix/audio/ff8dls-1.39-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "7328 K", "ver": "0.9.23", "name": "qtractor", "descs": "qtractor (Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qtractor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "atkmm", "aubio", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "liblo", "libmad", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lilv", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pangomm", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "qt5", "rubberband", "samba", "serd", "sord", "speex", "sratom", "suil", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack", "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1832 K", "descl": "Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt4 framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio, and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI, are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux desktop audio workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio. http://qtractor.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/qtractor-0.9.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1224 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "lingot", "descs": "lingot (musical instrument tuner)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lingot", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "306 K", "descl": "Lingot is a musical instrument tuner. It's accurate, easy to use, and highly configurable. Originally conceived to tune electric guitars, its configurability gives it a more general character. Build options: JACK=yes, PulseAudio=yes, OSS=no", "path": "./salix/audio/lingot-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "3844 K", "ver": "1.1.16", "name": "gmusicbrowser", "descs": "gmusicbrowser (open-source jukebox for large collections)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gmusicbrowser", "deps": ["perl-gtk2", "perl-net-dbus", "Markdown"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "961 K", "descl": "A customizable open-source jukebox for large collections. Home page: http://gmusicbrowser.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/gmusicbrowser-1.1.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.1.11", "name": "id3v2", "descs": "id3v2 (id3v2 tag editor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/id3v2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "id3lib", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "id3v2 is a command line editor for id3v2 tags.", "path": "./salix/audio/id3v2-0.1.11-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "4.1.0", "name": "xmp", "descs": "xmp (Extended Module Player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxmp", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "The Extended Module Player, or xmp, is a portable command-line module player for Unix and Unix-like systems. Xmp plays over 90 mainstream and obscure module formats from Amiga, Atari, Acorn, Apple IIgs and PC.", "path": "./salix/audio/xmp-4.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "stops", "descs": "stops (Sound definitions for aeolus)", "source": "source/salix/audio/stops", "deps": ["aeolus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Sound definitions for aeolus.", "path": "./salix/audio/stops-0.3.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1484 K", "ver": "20190805", "name": "schismtracker", "descs": "schismtracker (music tracker/editor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/schismtracker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "371 K", "descl": "Schism Tracker is a music editor that aims to match the look and feel of Impulse Tracker as closely as possible. The player code is based on Modplug, so it supports a wide variety of module formats. Homepage: http://rigelseven.com/schism/", "path": "./salix/audio/schismtracker-20190805-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "mkcue", "descs": "mkcue (generates cue sheets from a CD TOC)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mkcue", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "mkcue generates cue sheets from a CD TOC (Table Of Contents). Cue sheets describe how the tracks of a CD are laid out. abcde uses mkcue when ripping a multi-track audio CD to a single audio file and a cue sheet.", "path": "./salix/audio/mkcue-1.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "800 K", "ver": "", "name": "amrnb", "descs": "amrnb (AMR Narrow Band Speech Codec)", "source": "source/salix/audio/amrnb", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "200 K", "descl": "3GPP Adaptive Multi-Rate Floating-point (AMR) Speech Codec Shared Library. This codec is for example used in mobile-phones. Homepage: http://www.penguin.cz/~utx/amr", "path": "./salix/audio/amrnb-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "opustags", "descs": "opustags (View and edit Ogg Opus comments.)", "source": "source/salix/audio/opustags", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libogg"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "opustags can read and edit the comment header of an Ogg Opus file. Multiple options are available to completely delete all tags, selectively delete and add tags and even to edit tags interactively in Vim. https://github.com/fmang/opustags", "path": "./salix/audio/opustags-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "23664 K", "ver": "3.12.2", "name": "SuperCollider", "descs": "SuperCollider (OO Language for Audio Synthesis)", "source": "source/salix/audio/SuperCollider", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5916 K", "descl": "SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real- time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, real-time sound synthesis server. SuperCollider was written by James McCartney over a period of many years, and is now an open source (GPL) project maintained and developed by various people.", "path": "./salix/audio/SuperCollider-3.12.2-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "4408 K", "ver": "1.02.00", "name": "milkytracker", "descs": "milkytracker (an open source, multi-platform music tracker)", "source": "source/salix/audio/milkytracker", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "lhasa", "zlib", "zziplib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1102 K", "descl": "MilkyTracker is a music editor inspired by the DOS program Fasttracker II. MilkyTracker can export .MOD and .XM file formats. Homepage: http://www.milkytracker.net", "path": "./salix/audio/milkytracker-1.02.00-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "4158c718", "name": "xmms-ctl", "descs": "xmms-ctl (CLI Controller for XMMS)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms-ctl", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb", "xmms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "A simple CLI program to control XMMS. Created for the Quake engine, NGUNIX, but can be used for any program or shell script really. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xmms-ctl/", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms-ctl-4158c718-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "16316 K", "ver": "", "name": "google-musicmanager", "descs": "google-musicmanager (Uploader and downloader for Google Music)", "source": "source/salix/audio/google-musicmanager", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4079 K", "descl": "Google Music Manager is a simple application for uploading and downloading music files to/from your Google Music library.", "path": "./salix/audio/google-musicmanager-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "qmidinet", "descs": "qmidinet (a MIDI network gateway application)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qmidinet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "QmidiNet is a MIDI network gateway application that sends and receives MIDI data(ALSA Sequencer) over the network, using UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast (http://llg.cubic.org/tools) and designed to be compatible with ipMIDI for Windows (http://nerds.de).", "path": "./salix/audio/qmidinet-0.2.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "69704 K", "ver": "3.1.2", "name": "atunes", "descs": "atunes (full-featured audio player and manager)", "source": "source/salix/audio/atunes", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17426 K", "descl": "Currently plays mp3, ogg, wma, wav, flac, mp4 and radio streaming, allowing users to easily edit tags, organize music and rip Audio CDs. website: http://www.atunes.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/atunes-3.1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "8428 K", "ver": "0.12.14", "name": "qmmp", "descs": "qmmp (QT based multimedia player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qmmp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "faad2", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libbs2b", "libcddb", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libmad", "libmms", "libmodplug", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", "mpg123", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "opusfile", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt4", "samba", "speex", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "wavpack", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2107 K", "descl": "Qmmp is a QT based multimedia player. Homepage: http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/", "path": "./salix/audio/qmmp-0.12.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2112 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "azr3", "descs": "azr3 (tonewheel organ simulator for jack)", "source": "source/salix/audio/azr3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkmm2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "528 K", "descl": "azr3 is a JACK port of the free VST plugin AZR-3. It is a tonewheel organ with drawbars, distortion and rotating speakers. The original was written by Rumpelrausch Taips The organ has three sections, two polyphonic with 9 drawbars each and one monophonic bass section with 5 drawbars. The two polyphonic sections respond to events on MIDI channel 1 and 2, and an optional keyboard split function makes the bass section listen to the lower keys on channel 1.", "path": "./salix/audio/azr3-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "97280 K", "ver": "20060219", "name": "freepats", "descs": "freepats (MIDI instrument patches)", "source": "source/salix/audio/freepats", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24320 K", "descl": "freepats is a free and open set of instrument patches. A patchset is required for MIDI files to be audible through TiMidity++. These patches also work with applications that use SDL_mixer for MIDI audio.", "path": "./salix/audio/freepats-20060219-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1904 K", "ver": "4.2.3", "name": "grip", "descs": "grip (graphical CD player and ripper)", "source": "source/salix/audio/grip", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cdparanoia", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "476 K", "descl": "Grip is a gtk-based cd-player and cd-ripper. It has the ripping capabilities of cdparanoia builtin, but can also use external rippers (such as cdda2wav).", "path": "./salix/audio/grip-4.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "20210917_ab297f4", "name": "jack-tools", "descs": "jack-tools (tools for jack)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jack-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "celt", "flac", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "liblo", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "This collection contains a bunch of small tools for JACK, written by Rohan Drape. This package was built WITHOUT Steinberg Linux VST support.", "path": "./salix/audio/jack-tools-20210917_ab297f4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "3.0.10", "name": "shntool", "descs": "shntool (a multi-purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility)", "source": "source/salix/audio/shntool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "shntool is a command-line utility to view and/or modify WAVE data and properties. It runs in several different operating modes, and supports various lossless audio formats. Homepage: http://shnutils.freeshell.org/shntool/", "path": "./salix/audio/shntool-3.0.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.37", "name": "vorbisgain", "descs": "vorbisgain (volume gain adjuster for ogg vorbis)", "source": "source/salix/audio/vorbisgain", "deps": ["libogg", "libvorbis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "Vorbisgain enables you to adjust the volume of your files using the replaygain-algorithm. This way only tags are written to your files; they don't get modified themselves. Via these tags, some audio-players are able to change the volume of each song, so that they're all played at the same volume. Homepage: https://sjeng.org/vorbisgain.html", "path": "./salix/audio/vorbisgain-0.37-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "684 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "pnmixer", "descs": "pnmixer (Volume mixer for the system tray)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pnmixer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "171 K", "descl": "GTK volume mixer applet that runs in the system tray. Homepage: https://github.com/nicklan/pnmixer", "path": "./salix/audio/pnmixer-0.7.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.2.8", "name": "aseqview", "descs": "aseqview (ALSA sequencer event viewer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/aseqview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "ASeqView is an ALSA sequencer user-client which works as an event viewer. It visualizes received events, e.g. note-on/off, controls, pitch wheels, using bar graphs, as often seen in many sequencer programs. Another feature of ASeqView is redirection of events. ASeqView can output the received events to subscription ports with some modification like channel mute or pitch change. Since this works as a real-time filter client, such modifications can be applied also in real-time without complexity.", "path": "./salix/audio/aseqview-0.2.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "volti", "descs": "volti (gtk+ alsa volume control applet)", "source": "source/salix/audio/volti", "deps": ["pyalsaaudio"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "Volti is a GTK+ application for controlling audio volume from the system tray/notification area. It supports ALSA, multimedia keys on the keyboard, and desktop notifications on keys events. Project URL: https://github.com/gen2brain/volti", "path": "./salix/audio/volti-0.2.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "4.1", "name": "audacious-aac", "descs": "audacious-aac (AAC Decoder Plugin used by the Audacious media player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/audacious-aac", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "audacious", "faad2", "icu4c", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This plugin adds Cue Sheet support to the Audacious media player that comes with Slackware stock packages Homepage: https://audacious-media-player.org/", "path": "./salix/audio/audacious-aac-4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.6.0", "name": "pmidi", "descs": "pmidi (command line midi player for alsa)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pmidi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], "glib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "This is a straightforward command line program to play midi files through the ALSA sequencer. As you can specify the client and port to connect to on the command line it is also useful for testing ALSA or clients that need to receive sequencer events. This program works with latest ALSA 1.0 drivers and former O.9 versions.", "path": "./salix/audio/pmidi-1.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "libbs2b", "descs": "libbs2b (improve headphone listening of stereo audio)", "source": "source/salix/audio/libbs2b", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "flac", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "opus"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP (bs2b) library and plugins is designed to improveheadphone listening of stereo audio records. Recommended for headphone prolonged listening to disable superstereo fatigue without essential distortions Homepage: http://bs2b.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/libbs2b-3.1.0-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2160 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "gnump3d", "descs": "gnump3d (streaming server)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gnump3d", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "540 K", "descl": "GNUMP3d is a streaming server for MP3s, OGG vorbis files, movies and other media formats. It is designed to be: * Small, stable, portable, self-contained, and secure. * Simple to install, configure, and use. * Portable across different varieties of Unix, the GNU Operating System, and Microsoft Windows platforms. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/gnump3d/", "path": "./salix/audio/gnump3d-3.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.16", "name": "mppenc", "descs": "mppenc (Musepack encoder)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mppenc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "Musepack is an audio compression format with a strong emphasis on high quality. It's not lossless, but it is designed for transparency so that you won't be able to hear differences between the original wave file and the much smaller MPC file.", "path": "./salix/audio/mppenc-1.16-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "1836 K", "ver": "5.0.2", "name": "xcfa", "descs": "xcfa (Powerful Audio Converter & Splitter for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xcfa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "taglib", "util-linux", "vte", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "459 K", "descl": "XCFA is a tool to extract the contens of Audio-CDs and convert musical audio files conversion to FLAC, WAV, OGG, M4A, MPC, MP3, WavPack and many others. Home Page: http://www.xcfa.tuxfamily.org/static2/xcfa/", "path": "./salix/audio/xcfa-5.0.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "6", "name": "zynjacku", "descs": "zynjacku (LV2 synth host, includes lv2rack)", "source": "source/salix/audio/zynjacku", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lv2dynparam1", "pango", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack-rack", "lash", "slv2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "zynjacku is JACK based, GTK (2.x) host for LV2 synths. It has one JACK MIDI input port (routed to all hosted synths) and one (two for stereo synths) JACK audio output port per plugin. Such design provides multi-timbral sound by running several synth plugins. lv2rack is a host for LV2 effect plugins (like jack-rack is for LADSPA plugins).", "path": "./salix/audio/zynjacku-6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "7432 K", "ver": "1.2.6", "name": "mda-lv2", "descs": "mda-lv2 (instrument and effect plugins)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mda-lv2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "lv2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1858 K", "descl": "MDA-LV2 is an LV2 port of the MDA plugins by Paul Kellett. It contains 36 high-quality plugins for a variety of tasks. This is a more or less faithful port of both the effects and instrument plugins. The only functional difference in code is to support LV2-style toggle ports (> 0.0 is on, rather than 0.5). All the plugins have been tested, and thanks to several bug fixes this collection should be more reliable than the original.", "path": "./salix/audio/mda-lv2-1.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "", "name": "amrwb", "descs": "amrwb (AMR Wide Band Speech Codec)", "source": "source/salix/audio/amrwb", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "3GPP Adaptive Multi-Rate Floating-point (AMR) Speech Codec Shared Library. This codec is for example used in mobile-phones. Homepage: http://www.penguin.cz/~utx/amr", "path": "./salix/audio/amrwb-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "804 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "qmmp-plugin-pack-qt5", "descs": "qmmp-plugin-pack-qt5 (additional plugins for Qmmp)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qmmp-plugin-pack-qt5", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qmmp-qt5", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "201 K", "descl": "Qmmp is a QT based multimedia player. Homepage: http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/index.php Additional plugins found at: http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/plugins.php", "path": "./salix/audio/qmmp-plugin-pack-qt5-1.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "0.018", "name": "sfc", "descs": "sfc (midi router)", "source": "source/salix/audio/sfc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "sfc (SoundFontCombi) is a midi router designed to mix the sounds of your sound devices. Up to 8 sounds can be mixed or split. There are 6 MIDI out ports and 2 MIDI in ports. Up to six different devices can be used to produce combinations of sounds like some synthesizers. The connections with your devices are automated. You can load/save your 'mixes' in banks of sounds, and change them via Midi Program Change message or by the user interface.", "path": "./salix/audio/sfc-0.018-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "2020.11.28", "name": "pianobar", "descs": "pianobar (console Pandora client)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pianobar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libao", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "nghttp2", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "vid.stab", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "pianobar is a console client for the personalized web radio pandora (http://www.pandora.com). Home Page: https://6xq.net/pianobar/", "path": "./salix/audio/pianobar-2020.11.28-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.0.12", "name": "flac123", "descs": "flac123 (a command line FLAC player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/flac123", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "popt"], "flac", "libao", "libogg"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "flac123 is a command line tool for playing audio files stored in the lossless FLAC format. It fills a gap in the existing FLAC tools which provide a standalone tool to encode and decode files, a tool to manipulate metadata but no command line tool for playback. Homepage: http://flac-tools.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/audio/flac123-0.0.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2568 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "ncmpcpp", "descs": "ncmpcpp (clone of ncmpc with some new features written in C++)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ncmpcpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "icu4c", "libmpdclient", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "642 K", "descl": "ncmpcpp is almost exact clone of ncmpc (a curses based MPD client), but it contains some new features ncmpc doesn't have: lyrics, tag editor, playlists editor, fetching artist's info from last.fm, etc... http://unkart.ovh.org/ncmpcpp/", "path": "./salix/audio/ncmpcpp-0.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.4.0", "name": "clthreads", "descs": "clthreads (Threads library for aeolus)", "source": "source/salix/audio/clthreads", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Threads library for aeolus.", "path": "./salix/audio/clthreads-2.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "wmusic", "descs": "wmusic (audio player remote control dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/audio/wmusic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb", "playerctl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "wmusic is a dockapp that remote-controls various music players. Features VCR style fast forward and rewind, time and playlist position display, hiding of player window and more.", "path": "./salix/audio/wmusic-2.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "git2015.8.31", "name": "pd_mrpeach", "descs": "pd_mrpeach (OSC externals for pd)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pd_mrpeach", "deps": ["jack", "pd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "Externals for pd. OSC (Open Sound Control) from mrpeach", "path": "./salix/audio/pd_mrpeach-git2015.8.31-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "3.6.1", "name": "shorten", "descs": "shorten (audio de/compression tool)", "source": "source/salix/audio/shorten", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "shorten reduces the size of waveform files (such as audio) using Huffman coding of prediction residuals and optional additional quantisation. It can do so with both lossy and lossless methods. Homepage: http://shnutils.freeshell.org/shorten/", "path": "./salix/audio/shorten-3.6.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "3.2.6", "name": "mp3blaster", "descs": "mp3blaster (media player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mp3blaster", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libogg", "libsidplay", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "mp3blaster is a ncurses/CLI media player for mp3/ogg files. It supports the same functions other media players have without the big memory footprint and the big dependencies. Homepage: http://mp3blaster.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/audio/mp3blaster-3.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.24", "name": "minimodem", "descs": "minimodem (software audio FSK modem)", "source": "source/salix/audio/minimodem", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Minimodem is a command-line program which decodes (or generates) audio modem tones at any specified baud rate, using various framing protocols. It acts a general-purpose software FSK modem, and includes support for various standard FSK protocols such as Bell103, Bell202, RTTY, NOAA SAME, and Caller-ID.", "path": "./salix/audio/minimodem-0.24-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "224328 K", "ver": "0.42.1", "name": "guitarix", "descs": "guitarix (virtual guitar amplifier for jack)", "source": "source/salix/audio/guitarix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "bluez", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "celt", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "liblo", "liblrdf", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lilv", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "raptor", "serd", "sord", "sratom", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56082 K", "descl": "guitarix offers the range of sounds you would expect from a full-featured universal guitar-amp. You can get crisp clean-sounds, nice overdrive, fat distortion and a diversity of crazy sounds never heard before.", "path": "./salix/audio/guitarix-0.42.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "20844 K", "ver": "11.8.16", "name": "gmpc", "descs": "gmpc (a frontend for the mpd)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gmpc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libdbusmenu", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libmpd", "libsoup", "libunique", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "gob2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5211 K", "descl": "GMPC is a frontend for the mpd (Music Player Daemon). It's focused on being fast and easy to use, while making optimal use of all the functions in mpd. Homepage: http://gmpc.wikia.com/wiki/Gnome_Music_Player_Client", "path": "./salix/audio/gmpc-11.8.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "4236 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "puddletag", "descs": "puddletag (audio tag editor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/puddletag", "deps": ["configobj", "mutagen"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1059 K", "descl": "puddletag is an audio tag editor for GNU/Linux similar to the Windows program Mp3tag. Unlike most taggers for GNU/Linux, it uses a spreadsheet-like layout so that all the tags you want to edit by hand are visible and easily editable. puddletag home: http://puddletag.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/puddletag-2.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "match-vamp-plugin", "descs": "match-vamp-plugin (MATCH Vamp Plugin)", "source": "source/salix/audio/match-vamp-plugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "vamp-plugin-sdk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "A Vamp plugin implementation of the MATCH audio alignment algorithm. For use with sonic-visualiser and other VAMP hosts.", "path": "./salix/audio/match-vamp-plugin-1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "xmms-wma", "descs": "xmms-wma (Plug-in support of format WMA V1/V2 for XMMS)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms-wma", "deps": ["glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb", "xmms"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "Features implemented: 1) Tag conversion from unicode for your locale; 2) Positioning 3) Complete functionality for play, stop and pause; 4) Display files information; 5) Equalizer support;", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms-wma-1.0.5-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "cd-discid", "descs": "cd-discid (Backend utility to retrieve CDDB discid information)", "source": "source/salix/audio/cd-discid", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "cd-discid is a backend utility to get CDDB discid information from a CD-ROM disc. It was originally designed for abcde (AKA cdgrab), but can be used for any purpose requiring CDDB data.", "path": "./salix/audio/cd-discid-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "3300 K", "ver": "3.0.1", "name": "soundkonverter", "descs": "soundkonverter (a frontend to various audio converters)", "source": "source/salix/audio/soundkonverter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cdparanoia", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kbookmarks", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kdelibs4support", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knotifications", "kparts", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kunitconversion", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libkcddb", "libogg", "libplist", "libsndfile", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "phonon", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "solid", "sonnet", "taglib", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "825 K", "descl": "The key features are: - Audio conversion - Replay Gain calculation - CD ripping https://github.com/dfaust/soundkonverter", "path": "./salix/audio/soundkonverter-3.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2596 K", "ver": "", "name": "rebmp", "descs": "rebmp (music player)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rebmp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "audiofile", "brotli", "cairo", "esound", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "id3lib", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "649 K", "descl": "ReBMP - Revitalised Beep Media Player - is a fork of the died project Beep-Media-Player, which is an music player under Linux. Now it has new features: support ape lossless music file with cue sheet file, support FLAC loseless music files with cue sheet file, with a lyrics panel, show lyrics when playing. http://rebmp.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/rebmp-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "480 K", "ver": "0.24", "name": "ncmpc", "descs": "ncmpc (ncurses MPD frontend)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ncmpc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libmpdclient"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "120 K", "descl": "ncmpc is a curses based MPD client. It connects to MPD running running on a machine on the local network, and controls it using and interface inspired to cplay.", "path": "./salix/audio/ncmpc-0.24-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "884 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "eyeD3", "descs": "eyeD3 (Python module and program for processing ID3 tags)", "source": "source/salix/audio/eyeD3", "deps": ["python3-deprecation", "python3-filetype", "pylast"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "221 K", "descl": "eyeD3 is a Python module and program for processing ID3 tags. Information about mp3 files (i.e bit rate, sample frequency, play time, etc.) is also provided. The formats supported are ID3 v1.0/v1.1 and v2.3/v2.4. http://eyed3.nicfit.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/eyeD3-0.9.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "paprefs", "descs": "paprefs (PulseAudio Preferences)", "source": "source/salix/audio/paprefs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsigc++", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "gconfmm", "libglademm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "paprefs is a simple GTK based configuration dialog for the PulseAudio sound server. this program can only configure local servers, and require a special module 'module-gconf' is loaded in the sound server. Website : http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/paprefs/", "path": "./salix/audio/paprefs-1.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "0.12.3", "name": "tagtool", "descs": "tagtool (manage tagfiles for MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files)", "source": "source/salix/audio/tagtool", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "id3lib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "Audio Tag Tool is a program to manage the information fields in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files, commonly called tags. It is available under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tagtool/", "path": "./salix/audio/tagtool-0.12.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "3988 K", "ver": "0.9.26", "name": "caps", "descs": "caps (audio plugin suite for LADSPA)", "source": "source/salix/audio/caps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "ladspa_sdk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "997 K", "descl": "CAPS, the C* Audio Plugin Suite, is a collection of refined LADSPA audio plugins capable of (and mainly intended for) realtime operation. The suite includes DSP units emulating instrument amplifiers, stomp-box classics, versatile 'virtual analogue' oscillators, fractal oscillation, reverb, equalization and more.", "path": "./salix/audio/caps-0.9.26-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "14656 K", "ver": "4.4", "name": "sonic-visualiser", "descs": "sonic-visualiser (audio file visualiser)", "source": "source/salix/audio/sonic-visualiser", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "capnproto", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libfishsound", "libglvnd", "libid3tag", "liblo", "liblrdf", "libmad", "libogg", "liboggz", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "opusfile", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "portaudio", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "raptor", "rubberband", "serd", "sord", "speex", "zlib", "jack", "vamp-plugin-sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3664 K", "descl": "Sonic Visualiser is an application for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files. The aim of Sonic Visualiser is to be the first program you reach for when want to study a musical recording rather than simply listen to it. This package was built WITH PortAudio support.", "path": "./salix/audio/sonic-visualiser-4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2152 K", "ver": "", "name": "nero-aac", "descs": "nero-aac (Nero's AAC Encoder and Decoder)", "source": "source/salix/audio/nero-aac", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "538 K", "descl": "Nero AAC reference quality MPEG-4 and 3GPP audio codec. Reference quality MPEG-4 audio codec, fully compatible with the latest version of the state-of-the-art MPEG-4 audio standard (LC-AAC, HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2). http://www.nero.com/enu/nero-aac-codec.html", "path": "./salix/audio/nero-aac-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "xmms-wavpack", "descs": "xmms-wavpack (plugin for playing WavPack in XMMS)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms-wavpack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libxcb", "wavpack", "xmms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "This plugin provides playback for WavPack files with xmms. Homepage: http://www.wavpack.com/", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms-wavpack-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "2.9.6", "name": "gnomad2", "descs": "gnomad2 (Music Manager for Creative Labs MP3 Players)", "source": "source/salix/audio/gnomad2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libid3tag", "libmtp", "libnjb", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "Music and interface manager for the Creative Labs Nomad and Zen family of MP3 Players. It supports Creative Labs working devices, MTP devices, and other MTP products. Homepage: http://gnomad2.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/gnomad2-2.9.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2608 K", "ver": "0.9.58", "name": "faust", "descs": "faust (Functional Audio Stream)", "source": "source/salix/audio/faust", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "652 K", "descl": "is a functional programming language specifically designed for real-time signal processing and synthesis. FAUST targets high-performance signal processing applications and audio plug-ins for a variety of platforms and standards. homepage: http://faust.grame.fr/", "path": "./salix/audio/faust-0.9.58-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "54272 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "lmms", "descs": "lmms (Linux MultiMedia Studio)", "source": "source/salix/audio/lmms", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "carla", ["cmake", "httpd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fftw", "file", "flac", "fltk", "fluidsynth", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libgig", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "portaudio", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "sdl", "stk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13568 K", "descl": "Linux Multi-Media Studio: multi-track rythm, midi, beat, editor (DAW) http://lmms.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/audio/lmms-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "468532 K", "ver": "3.1_5", "name": "fluid-soundfont", "descs": "fluid-soundfont (Fluid General MIDI SoundFont)", "source": "source/salix/audio/fluid-soundfont", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "117133 K", "descl": "This is a GM SoundFont, for use with any modern MIDI synthesiser: hardware (like the emu10k1 sound card), or software (like FluidSynth).", "path": "./salix/audio/fluid-soundfont-3.1_5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "408 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "tapiir", "descs": "tapiir (software multitap delay with realtime audio I/O)", "source": "source/salix/audio/tapiir", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "102 K", "descl": "tapiir's internal processing modules consist of six delay-lines, each with a mixer at it's input and a gain control at it's output, and a stereo output mixer. Stereo input from an external source, typically a musical instrument, is routed to all input mixers. In addition to this, the output of each delay line is also routed to the input mixers of all delay lines, including itself.", "path": "./salix/audio/tapiir-0.7.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "xmms-pulse", "descs": "xmms-pulse (XMMS PulseAudio plugin)", "source": "source/salix/audio/xmms-pulse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "glib", "gtk+", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio", "xmms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "xmms-pulse is an XMMS output plugin for the PulseAudio sound server. http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/xmms-pulse/", "path": "./salix/audio/xmms-pulse-0.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "jkmeter", "descs": "jkmeter (audio level meter for JACK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/jkmeter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "celt", "clthreads", "clxclient", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "Jkmeter is a horizontal or vertical bargraph level meter based on the ideas of mastering guru Bob Katz. See: https://www.aes.org/technical/documentDownloads.cfm?docID=65 This is the type of meter you want for live recording, mixing and mastering.", "path": "./salix/audio/jkmeter-0.8.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "55640 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "mixxx", "descs": "mixxx (open source DJ software for performing live mixes)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mixxx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "chromaprint", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "fftw", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "hidapi", "icu4c", "jack2", "jansson", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libebur128", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libid3tag", "libmad", "libmodplug", "libmp4v2", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lilv", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "opusfile", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "portaudio", "portmidi", "protobuf3", "qt5", "qtkeychain", "rubberband", "samba", "serd", "sord", "speex", "sqlite", "sratom", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "upower", "util-linux", "wavpack", "zlib", "faad2", "libshout", "opencore-amr", "vamp-plugin-sdk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13910 K", "descl": "Mixxx is been created for DJs, by DJs. It has numerous features including parallel waveform summaries and displays, MP3, OGG, WAVE and FLAC playback, pitch independent time stretch, vinyl emulation, wave recording, BPM detection, multichannel and multiple soundcard support, MIDI controllers support and scripting engine, a skinnable interface https://www.mixxx.org", "path": "./salix/audio/mixxx-2.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "specimen", "descs": "specimen (MIDI controllable audio sampler)", "source": "source/salix/audio/specimen", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libglvnd", "libgnomecanvas", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "phat", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Specimen is an open source, MIDI controllable audio sampler for Linux.", "path": "./salix/audio/specimen-0.5.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "zita-dpl1", "descs": "zita-dpl1 (limiter for JACK)", "source": "source/salix/audio/zita-dpl1", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "clthreads", "clxclient", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "pixman", "zlib", "jack"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "Zita-dpl1 is a look-ahead digital peak level limiter using some special algorithms to allow fast response without excessive LF distortion.", "path": "./salix/audio/zita-dpl1-0.3.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "596 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "pogo", "descs": "pogo (A simple and fast audio player for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/audio/pogo", "deps": ["gst-plugins-ugly", "gst-python", "mutagen"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "149 K", "descl": "Pogo plays your music. Nothing else. It is both fast and easy-to-use. The clear interface uses the screen real-estate very efficiently. Other features include: Fast search on the harddrive and in the playlist, smart album grouping, cover display, desktop notifications and no music library. Home page: https://github.com/jendrikseipp/pogo", "path": "./salix/audio/pogo-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "20628 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "JDSP4Linux", "descs": "JDSP4Linux (Pipewire system equalizer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/JDSP4Linux", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "glib2", "glibmm", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libarchive", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "pipewire", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5157 K", "descl": "Open-source sound effects for PipeWire and PulseAudio Homepage: https://github.com/Audio4Linux/JDSP4Linux", "path": "./salix/audio/JDSP4Linux-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "31500 K", "ver": "21.06.1", "name": "rosegarden", "descs": "rosegarden (Midi / Audio / Notation-Editor)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rosegarden", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "flac", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "liblo", "liblrdf", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pipewire", "pipewire-native-jack", "qt5", "raptor", "util-linux", "zlib", "dssi", "lilypond"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7875 K", "descl": "Rosegarden is an attractive, user-friendly MIDI and audio sequencer, notation editor, and general-purpose music composition and editing application for Unix and Linux. Homepage: https://www.rosegardenmusic.com", "path": "./salix/audio/rosegarden-21.06.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "3.3.2", "name": "rplay", "descs": "rplay (A network audio system)", "source": "source/salix/audio/rplay", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "Rplay is a flexible network audio system that allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote UNIX systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP. Rplay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other.", "path": "./salix/audio/rplay-3.3.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "904 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "phat", "descs": "phat (GTK+ widgets geared toward pro-audio apps)", "source": "source/salix/audio/phat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libart-lgpl", "libglvnd", "libgnomecanvas", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "226 K", "descl": "PHAT is a collection of GTK+ widgets geared toward pro-audio apps. The goal is to eliminate duplication of effort and provide some standardization (well, at least for GTK+ apps). It's open source software, licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2.0 or later. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/phat.berlios/", "path": "./salix/audio/phat-0.4.1-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "mp3gain", "descs": "mp3gain (adjusts mp3 files so they have the same volume)", "source": "source/salix/audio/mp3gain", "deps": ["mpg123"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "MP3Gain does not just do peak normalization, as many normalizers do. Instead, it does some statistical analysis to determine how loud the file actually sounds to the human ear. Also, the changes MP3Gain makes are completely lossless. There is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts the mp3 file directly, without decoding and re-encoding.", "path": "./salix/audio/mp3gain-1.6.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "20210101", "name": "ghostess", "descs": "ghostess (graphical DSSI and LADSPA host)", "source": "source/salix/audio/ghostess", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "dssi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "Based on jack-dssi-host, capable of saving and restoring plugin configuration, as well as specifying MIDI channels and layering synths. ghostess also comes with a universal DSSI GUI, which attempts to provide GUI services for any DSSI or LADSPA plugin, and may be used with any DSSI host.", "path": "./salix/audio/ghostess-20210101-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "2560 K", "ver": "1.12.4", "name": "amSynth", "descs": "amSynth (analogue modelling synthesizer)", "source": "source/salix/audio/amSynth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "liblo", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "libxml2", "opus", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "640 K", "descl": "It mimics the operation of early analog subtractive synthesizers. The aim is to make it easy to create and modify sounds. * Dual oscillators (sine/saw/square/noise) with hard sync * 12/24 dB/oct resonant filter (low-pass/high-pass/band-pass/notch) * Dual ADSR envelope generators (filter & amplitude) * LFO which can modulate the oscillators, filter, and amplitude * Distortion and reverb * Hundreds of presets", "path": "./salix/audio/amSynth-1.12.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "audio", "sizeu": "732 K", "ver": "0.12.2", "name": "qmmp-plugin-pack", "descs": "qmmp-plugin-pack (additional plugins for Qmmp)", "source": "source/salix/audio/qmmp-plugin-pack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "qmmp", "qt4", "samba", "speex", "taglib", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "183 K", "descl": "Qmmp is a QT based multimedia player. Homepage: http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/index.php Additional plugins found at: http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/plugins.php", "path": "./salix/audio/qmmp-plugin-pack-0.12.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "6.7.1", "name": "opensmtpd-extras", "descs": "opensmtpd-extras (backends for OpenSMTPD tables)", "source": "source/salix/network/opensmtpd-extras", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "libevent", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib", "opensmtpd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Allows using different backends for OpenSMTPD tables, schedulers, queues and filters This includes using tables provided by SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL...", "path": "./salix/network/opensmtpd-extras-6.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "vrrpd", "descs": "vrrpd (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)", "source": "source/salix/network/vrrpd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "VRRPd is an implementation of Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol as specified in rfc2338. VRRPd is interoperable with other RFC-based VRRP implementations, including Cisco and Juniper, and is included as a standard feature on ImageStream routers. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vrrpd/", "path": "./salix/network/vrrpd-1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1280 K", "ver": "4.5.2", "name": "coturn", "descs": "coturn (Free open source implementation of TURN and STUN Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/coturn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "hiredis", "icu4c", "libevent", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "320 K", "descl": "The TURN Server is a VoIP media traffic NAT traversal server and gateway. It can be used as a general-purpose network traffic TURN server and gateway, too. Homepage: https://github.com/coturn/coturn", "path": "./salix/network/coturn-4.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.6.8", "name": "PySocks", "descs": "PySocks (Python SOCKS client module)", "source": "source/salix/network/PySocks", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Updated and semi-actively maintained version of SocksiPy, with bug fixes and extra features. Acts as a drop-in replacement to the socket module.", "path": "./salix/network/PySocks-1.6.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "20201203_c62abc3", "name": "mkvserver_mk2", "descs": "mkvserver_mk2 (Matroska Server Mk2)", "source": "source/salix/network/mkvserver_mk2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Stream (almost) anything remuxed as matroska live in real-time over http to multiple clients. https://github.com/klaxa/mkvserver_mk2", "path": "./salix/network/mkvserver_mk2-20201203_c62abc3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "surfraw", "descs": "surfraw (Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web)", "source": "source/salix/network/surfraw", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "Surfraw provides a fast unix command line interface to a variety of popular WWW search engines and other artifacts of power. It reclaims google, altavista, babelfish, dejanews, freshmeat, research index, slashdot and many others from the false-prophet, pox-infested heathen lands of html-forms, placing these wonders where they belong, deep in unix heartland, as god loving extensions to the shell. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/surfraw/Surfraw", "path": "./salix/network/surfraw-2.3.0-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "httpie", "descs": "httpie (command line HTTP client)", "source": "source/salix/network/httpie", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "HTTPie is a command line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI interaction with web services as human-friendly as possible. Homepage: http://httpie.org", "path": "./salix/network/httpie-1.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "urlview", "descs": "urlview (extract URLs from text files)", "source": "source/salix/network/urlview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "urlview is a curses program for extracting URLs from text files and displaying a menu from which you can select a specific URL to view using your favorite browser program. It was originally a part of mutt.", "path": "./salix/network/urlview-0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3576 K", "ver": "6.0.3", "name": "zabbix_java_gateway", "descs": "zabbix_java_gateway (enterprise-class distributed monitoring solution)", "source": "source/salix/network/zabbix_java_gateway", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "894 K", "descl": "Zabbix offers advanced monitoring, alerting and visualization features, including distributed monitoring, auto-discovery, notifications etc. https://www.zabbix.com/", "path": "./salix/network/zabbix_java_gateway-6.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.37", "name": "postgrey", "descs": "postgrey (Postfix Greylisting Policy Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/postgrey", "deps": ["perl-Net-Server", "perl-IO-Multiplex", "perl-BerkeleyDB", "perl-net-dns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Postgrey is a Postfix policy server implementing greylisting developed by David Schweikert. Homepage: http://postgrey.schweikert.ch/", "path": "./salix/network/postgrey-1.37-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1664 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "aircrack-ng", "descs": "aircrack-ng (set of tools for auditing WiFi networks)", "source": "source/salix/network/aircrack-ng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "icu4c", "libnl3", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "416 K", "descl": "aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks. It consists of 802.11 packet capture and injection programs, an utility for static WEP and WPA-PSK cracking and tools which handle (decrypt, convert, merge, etc.) WEP/WPA capture files. Homepage: https://www.aircrack-ng.org", "path": "./salix/network/aircrack-ng-1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "14496 K", "ver": "4.1.0", "name": "glusterfs", "descs": "glusterfs (scalable network filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/network/glusterfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "liburcu", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3624 K", "descl": "GlusterFS is a scalable network filesystem. Using common off-the-shelf hardware, you can create large, distributed storage solutions for media streaming, data analysis, and other data- and bandwidth-intensive tasks. GlusterFS is free and open source software.", "path": "./salix/network/glusterfs-4.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "660 K", "ver": "1.20.0", "name": "NetworkManager-l2tp", "descs": "NetworkManager-l2tp (VPN Plugin for NM)", "source": "source/salix/network/NetworkManager-l2tp", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnma", "libsecret", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "165 K", "descl": "NetworkManager-l2tp is a VPN plugin for NetworkManager 1.2 and later which provides support for L2TP and L2TP/IPsec (i.e. L2TP over IPsec) connections. For L2TP support, it uses xl2tpd ( https://www.xelerance.com/software/xl2tpd/ ) https://github.com/nm-l2tp/network-manager-l2tp", "path": "./salix/network/NetworkManager-l2tp-1.20.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "DenyHosts", "descs": "DenyHosts (script to help thwart SSH server attacks)", "source": "source/salix/network/DenyHosts", "deps": ["ipaddr-py"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "DenyHosts is a python program that automatically blocks ssh attacks by adding entries to /etc/hosts.deny and to iptables. DenyHosts will also inform Linux administrators about offending hosts, attacked users, and suspicious logins. Homepage: http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/DenyHosts-3.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "hg1925", "name": "prosody-mod-throttle-presence", "descs": "prosody-mod-throttle-presence (XEP-0352: Client State Indication Imp)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-throttle-presence", "deps": ["prosody-mod-csi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "For most people 'presence' (status changes) of contacts make up most of the traffic received by their client. However much of the time it is not essential to have highly accurate presence information. This module automatically cuts down on presence traffic when clients indicate they are inactive (using the CSI protocol). https://modules.prosody.im/mod_throttle_presence.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-throttle-presence-hg1925-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "pidgin-toolbar-shrink", "descs": "pidgin-toolbar-shrink (Hide elements in Pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-toolbar-shrink", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "This plugin shrinks the toolbar of the conversation windows by hiding the text of the buttons. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/pidgin-toolbar-shrink", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-toolbar-shrink-1.1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "2.64", "name": "ssmtp", "descs": "ssmtp (extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub)", "source": "source/salix/network/ssmtp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This is sSMTP, a program that replaces sendmail on workstations that should send their mail via the departmental mailhub from which they pick up their mail (via pop, imap, rsmtp or the like). This program accepts mail and sends it to the mailhub, optionally replacing the domain in the From: line with a different one. Homepage: https://github.com/ajwans/sSMTP", "path": "./salix/network/ssmtp-2.64-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "efax", "descs": "efax (send/receive fax)", "source": "source/salix/network/efax", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "It can be used to send and receive faxes with a fax modem and to view, print, and manage faxes received. It can automatically e-mail a received fax to a designated user and automatically print a received fax. This is the command-line version. For a GUI version, install efax-gtk instead.", "path": "./salix/network/efax-0.9-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "1.14", "name": "pidgin-toobars", "descs": "pidgin-toobars (toolbar and statusbar for pidgin buddy list)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-toobars", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "This plugin adds toolbar and statusbar to Pidgin buddy list. Homepage: http://vayurik.ru/wordpress/en/toobars", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-toobars-1.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2500 K", "ver": "2.4.5", "name": "psad", "descs": "psad (Intrusion Detection and Log Analysis with iptables)", "source": "source/salix/network/psad", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "625 K", "descl": "psad is a collection of three lightweight system daemons (two main daemons and one helper daemon) that run on Linux machines and analyze iptables log messages to detect port scans and other suspicious. traffic. A typical deployment is to run psad on the iptables firewall where it has the fastest access to log data. Homepage: http://www.cipherdyne.org/psad/", "path": "./salix/network/psad-2.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "v0.34", "name": "geomyidae", "descs": "geomyidae (A small C-based gopherd)", "source": "source/salix/network/geomyidae", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Features: * gopher menus (see index.gph for an example) * dir listings (if no index.gph was found) * cgi support (.cgi files are executed) * search support in CGI files * logging (-l option) and loglevels (-v option) gopher://bitreich.org/1/scm/geomyidae/log.gph", "path": "./salix/network/geomyidae-v0.34-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3488 K", "ver": "19.10.0", "name": "gui-ufw", "descs": "gui-ufw (GUI for Uncomplicated Firewall)", "source": "source/salix/network/gui-ufw", "deps": ["python-distutils-extra", "ufw", "webkit2gtk"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "872 K", "descl": "A very user-friendly and uncomplicated way to manage ufw. Homepage: https://gufw.org/", "path": "./salix/network/gui-ufw-19.10.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "sshpass", "descs": "sshpass (tool for non-interactive password authentication)", "source": "source/salix/network/sshpass", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Sshpass is a tool for non-interactivly performing password authentication with SSH's so called 'interactive keyboard password authentication'. Most users should use SSH's more secure public key authentiaction instead. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sshpass", "path": "./salix/network/sshpass-1.06-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "0.6.2", "name": "zsync", "descs": "zsync (client-side implementation of the rsync algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/network/zsync", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "zsync is a file transfer program. It allows you to download a file from a remote web server, where you have a copy of an older version of the file on your computer already. zsync downloads only the new parts of the file. It uses the same algorithm as rsync. The zsync web site is at http://zsync.moria.org.uk/", "path": "./salix/network/zsync-0.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "pidgin-visnotes", "descs": "pidgin-visnotes (Notifications for Pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-visnotes", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "visnotes is a plug-in for all KDE users who want to have their pidgin being more integrated into KDE. It informs the users about status changes and new messages with pop-ups generated by knotify.", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-visnotes-0.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8000 K", "ver": "4.6.0", "name": "pdns-recursor", "descs": "pdns-recursor (high-performance recursive nameserver)", "source": "source/salix/network/pdns-recursor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libnl3", "libsodium", "libunistring", "lm_sensors", "lua", "net-snmp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pciutils", "perl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2000 K", "descl": "The PowerDNS Recursor is a versatile, high performance recursive nameserver.", "path": "./salix/network/pdns-recursor-4.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2384 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "firewalld", "descs": "firewalld (dynamically managed firewall gui)", "source": "source/salix/network/firewalld", "deps": ["python-slip", "decorator"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "596 K", "descl": "firewalld provides a dynamically managed firewall with support for network or firewall zones to define the trust level of network connections or interfaces. It has support for IPv4, IPv6 firewall settings and for ethernet bridges and a separation of runtime and permanent configuration options. It also provides an interface for services or applications to add ip*tables and ebtables rules directly. Homepage: https://github.com/t-woerner/firewalld.git", "path": "./salix/network/firewalld-0.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "269044 K", "ver": "5.1.0", "name": "mattermost-desktop", "descs": "mattermost-desktop (open-source Slack alternative)", "source": "source/salix/network/mattermost-desktop", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "67261 K", "descl": "This is the desktop client app for Mattermost, an open-source Slack alternative. Homepage: https://mattermost.com", "path": "./salix/network/mattermost-desktop-5.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "2.4b1", "name": "dsniff", "descs": "dsniff (network auditing and penetration testing)", "source": "source/salix/network/dsniff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXt", "libnet", "libnids", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "dsniff, filesnarf, mailsnarf, msgsnarf, urlsnarf, and webspy passively monitor a network for interesting data (passwords, e-mail, files, etc.). arpspoof, dnsspoof, and macof facilitate the interception of network traffic normally unavailable to an attacker (e.g, due to layer-2 switching). sshmitm and webmitm implement active monkey-in-the-middle attacks against redirected SSH and HTTPS sessions by exploiting weak bindings in ad-hoc PKI.", "path": "./salix/network/dsniff-2.4b1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.1.6", "name": "sipcalc", "descs": "sipcalc (advanced console based ip subnet calculator)", "source": "source/salix/network/sipcalc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Sipcalc is an ip subnet calculator. Sipcalc, in its simplest form takes an ip-address and a subnet mask on the commandline and outputs information about the subnet. Sipcalc has support for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Project homepage: http://www.routemeister.net/projects/sipcalc/", "path": "./salix/network/sipcalc-1.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3248 K", "ver": "1.4.24", "name": "remmina", "descs": "remmina (GTK+ Remote Desktop Client)", "source": "source/salix/network/remmina", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freerdp", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "kconfig", "kwallet", "kwindowsystem", "lame", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libasyncns", "libdbusmenu", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libindicator", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libsodium", "libsoup", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvncserver", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxkbfile", "libxml2", "lz4", "lzo", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "speex", "spice-gtk", "sqlite", "util-linux", "vte", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "812 K", "descl": "Remmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for system administrators and travellers, who need to work with lots of remote computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistant user interface. Currently RDP, VNC, SPICE, and SSH are supported. homepage: https://remmina.org/", "path": "./salix/network/remmina-1.4.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2576 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "barrier", "descs": "barrier (Synergy Fork)", "source": "source/salix/network/barrier", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "avahi", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "644 K", "descl": "Eliminate the barrier between your machines. Barrier is KVM software forked from Symless's synergy 1.9 codebase. Synergy was a commercialized reimplementation of the original CosmoSynergy written by Chris Schoeneman. Whereas synergy has moved beyond its goals from the 1.x era, Barrier aims to maintain that simplicity. Barrier will let you use your keyboard and mouse from machine A to control machine B (or more). It's that simple.", "path": "./salix/network/barrier-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "20160928_dcf2aaa", "name": "toxcore", "descs": "toxcore (the future of online communication)", "source": "source/salix/network/toxcore", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libsodium", "libvpx", "opus"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "Tox is a free (as in liberty and price) peer to peer, distributed, multimedia messenger. Tox can provide a superior instant messaging experience than current market offerings by using existing technologies such as dispersed networking and strong cryptography. Homepage: https://tox.chat/", "path": "./salix/network/toxcore-20160928_dcf2aaa-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "pidgin-sound", "descs": "pidgin-sound (sound plugin for pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-sound", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "A plugin that adds sounds for some sound notifications to pidgin (e.g. 'Incoming Filetransfer' or 'Authentication requested') https://launchpad.net/pidgin-advanced-sound-notification/", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-sound-1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "0.6.3", "name": "bwm-ng", "descs": "bwm-ng (small and simple console-based bandwidth monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/bwm-ng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Bandwidth Monitor NG is a small and simple console-based live network and disk io bandwidth monitor for Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and others. Homepage: https://github.com/vgropp/bwm-ng", "path": "./salix/network/bwm-ng-0.6.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1152 K", "ver": "2.1.6", "name": "nikto", "descs": "nikto (Web Server Scanner)", "source": "source/salix/network/nikto", "deps": ["libwhisker2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "288 K", "descl": "Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 3500 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, versions on over 900 servers, and version specific problems on over 250 servers. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated (if desired). https://cirt.net/nikto2", "path": "./salix/network/nikto-2.1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1092 K", "ver": "3.2.6", "name": "sopcast", "descs": "sopcast (Free P2P internet TV)", "source": "source/salix/network/sopcast", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "273 K", "descl": "SopCast is a simple, free way to broadcast video and audio or watch the video and listen to radio on the Internet. Adopting P2P (Peer-to-Peer) technology, it is very efficient and easy to use. Let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of a powerful server and vast bandwidth. You can build your own TV stations comparable with large commercial sites with minimal resources. Homepage: http://www.sopcast.com/", "path": "./salix/network/sopcast-3.2.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "bip", "descs": "bip (irc proxy server with SSL support)", "source": "source/salix/network/bip", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "Bip can keep you connected to your preferred IRC servers, can store logs for you, and even send them back to your IRC client(s) upon connection.", "path": "./salix/network/bip-0.9.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.89", "name": "sieve-connect", "descs": "sieve-connect (Perl sieveshell-compatible ManageSieve client)", "source": "source/salix/network/sieve-connect", "deps": ["perl-IO-Socket-INET6", "perl-net-dns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Perl sieveshell-compatible ManageSieve client intended both for scripting and interactive use; supports TLS, certificate-based authentication support and tab-completion. Homepage: https://github.com/syscomet/sieve-connect", "path": "./salix/network/sieve-connect-0.89-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "944 K", "ver": "3.1.21", "name": "smstools3", "descs": "smstools3 (SMS Server Tools)", "source": "source/salix/network/smstools3", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "236 K", "descl": "The SMS Server Tools 3 is a SMS Gateway software which can send and receive short messages through GSM modems and mobile phones. Homepage: http://smstools3.kekekasvi.com", "path": "./salix/network/smstools3-3.1.21-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "2.0.15", "name": "host-sflow", "descs": "host-sflow (sFlow protocol metrics)", "source": "source/salix/network/host-sflow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnfnetlink", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "The Host sFlow agent exports physical and virtual server performance metrics using the sFlow protocol. The agent provides scalable, multi-vendor, multi-OS performance monitoring with minimal impact on the systems being monitored.", "path": "./salix/network/host-sflow-2.0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "skype4pidgin", "descs": "skype4pidgin (SkypeWeb Chat for Pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/network/skype4pidgin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "json-glib", "libxml2", "orc", "pidgin", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "Adds Skype client-less chat (text only) to Pidgin using the SkypeWeb protocol. Has many features already, such as group chat. Homepage: https://github.com/EionRobb/skype4pidgin", "path": "./salix/network/skype4pidgin-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "6.8p1", "name": "openntpd", "descs": "openntpd (Network Time Protocol client/server)", "source": "source/salix/network/openntpd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "OpenNTPD is a FREE, easy to use implementation of the Network Time Protocol. It provides the ability to sync the local clock to remote NTP servers and can act as NTP server itself, redistributing the local clock. OpenNTPD is part of the OpenBSD Project, and this is the portable version. Homepage: http://www.openntpd.org/portable", "path": "./salix/network/openntpd-6.8p1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "17800 K", "ver": "1.4.230", "name": "mumble", "descs": "mumble (Low-latency voice chat)", "source": "source/salix/network/mumble", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "poco", "protobuf3", "qt5", "speech-dispatcher", "speex", "speexdsp", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4450 K", "descl": "Mumble is a voice chat application for groups. While it can be used for any kind of activity, it is primarily intended for gaming. It can be compared to programs like Ventrilo or TeamSpeak. Homepage: https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page", "path": "./salix/network/mumble-1.4.230-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3320 K", "ver": "17.1", "name": "nzbget", "descs": "nzbget (cli-based binary newsgrabber for nzb files)", "source": "source/salix/network/nzbget", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "zlib", "libpar2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "830 K", "descl": "NZBGet is a command-line based binary newsgrabber for nzb files, written in C++. It supports client/server mode, automatic par-check/-repair and web-interface (via additional package). NZBGet requires low system resources and runs great on routers, NAS-devices and media players. Homepage: https://github.com/nzbget/nzbget", "path": "./salix/network/nzbget-17.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20332 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "ngrok", "descs": "ngrok (Tunnel local servers to be reachable via the internet)", "source": "source/salix/network/ngrok", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5083 K", "descl": "ngrok allows you to expose TCP/TLS/HTTP servers running on your local machine to the internet. Just tell ngrok what port your server is listening on. Home-Page: https://ngrok.com", "path": "./salix/network/ngrok-3.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "15.10.5", "name": "python-onedrive", "descs": "python-onedrive (CLI interface for MS OneDrive)", "source": "source/salix/network/python-onedrive", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Python and command-line interface for Microsoft LiveConnect OneDrive REST API v5.0 (formerly known as SkyDrive). Homepage: https://github.com/mk-fg/python-onedrive", "path": "./salix/network/python-onedrive-15.10.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "dnstracer", "descs": "dnstracer (tool to trace dns queries)", "source": "source/salix/network/dnstracer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "dnstracer determines where a given Domain Name System (DNS) server gets its information from, it does this by following the query chain back to the servers which know the data. dnstracer was wtitten by Edwin Groothuis", "path": "./salix/network/dnstracer-1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "10336 K", "ver": "20200729", "name": "dokuwiki", "descs": "dokuwiki (simple wiki)", "source": "source/salix/network/dokuwiki", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2584 K", "descl": "DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki. Homepage: https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki", "path": "./salix/network/dokuwiki-20200729-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "20121017", "name": "dnstop", "descs": "dnstop (Stay on Top of Your DNS Traffic)", "source": "source/salix/network/dnstop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "DNSTOP is a libpcap application (ala tcpdump) that displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network, including tables of source and destination IP addresses, query types, top level domains and second level domains. The dnstop tool is written by Duane Wessels and maintained at the Measurement Factory", "path": "./salix/network/dnstop-20121017-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3548 K", "ver": "2.5.3", "name": "yadifa", "descs": "yadifa (Yet Another DNS Implementation For All)", "source": "source/salix/network/yadifa", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "887 K", "descl": "yadifa is a lightweight authoritative Name Server with DNSSEC capabilities. Developed by the passionate people behind the .eu top-level domain, yadifa has been built from scratch to face today's DNS challenges, with no compromise on security, speed and stability, to offer a better and safer Internet experience. Web site: https://www.yadifa.eu/home", "path": "./salix/network/yadifa-2.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "ucarp", "descs": "ucarp (portable implementation of the CARP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/network/ucarp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "UCARP allows a couple of hosts to share common virtual IP addresses in order to provide automatic failover. It is a portable userland implementation of the secure and patent-free Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP, OpenBSD's alternative to the patents-bloated VRRP).", "path": "./salix/network/ucarp-1.5.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "11776 K", "ver": "3.2.4", "name": "cyrus-imapd", "descs": "cyrus-imapd (scalable enterprise mail system)", "source": "source/salix/network/cyrus-imapd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "clamav", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "jansson", "libxml2", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2944 K", "descl": "The Cyrus IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server provides access to personal mail and system-wide bulletin boards through the IMAP protocol. The Cyrus IMAP server is a scalable enterprise mail system designed for use from small to large enterprise environments using standards-based technologies. Homepage: https://www.cyrusimap.org/", "path": "./salix/network/cyrus-imapd-3.2.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "28304 K", "ver": "4.4.6", "name": "seahub", "descs": "seahub (Seafile Web Frontend)", "source": "source/salix/network/seahub", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7076 K", "descl": "Seahub is the web frontend for Seafile. Homepage: http://seafile.com/", "path": "./salix/network/seahub-4.4.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1252 K", "ver": "2.4.2", "name": "sshguard", "descs": "sshguard (SSH brute-force attack protection)", "source": "source/salix/network/sshguard", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "313 K", "descl": "sshguard protects hosts from brute-force attacks against SSH and other services. It aggregates system logs and blocks repeat offenders using one of several firewall backends, including iptables, ipfw, and pf. Homepage: https://www.sshguard.net/", "path": "./salix/network/sshguard-2.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "396 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "identicurse", "descs": "identicurse (status.net microblogging client)", "source": "source/salix/network/identicurse", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "99 K", "descl": "IdentiCurse is a simple but powerful Identi.ca client with a curses- based UI, currently developed by @reality and @psquid (see http://identi.ca). Homepage: http://identicurse.net", "path": "./salix/network/identicurse-0.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20936 K", "ver": "0.8.7", "name": "gns3", "descs": "gns3 (A Graphical Network Simulator)", "source": "source/salix/network/gns3", "deps": ["dynamips"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5234 K", "descl": "GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks.To allow complete simulations, GNS3 is strongly linked with: Dynamips, the core program that allows Cisco IOS emulation. Dynagen, a text-based front-end for Dynamips. Pemu, a Cisco PIX firewall emulator based on Qemu. Homepage: http://www.gns3.net", "path": "./salix/network/gns3-0.8.7-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4928 K", "ver": "4.95", "name": "exim", "descs": "exim (the Exim mail transfer agent)", "source": "source/salix/network/exim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "cyrus-sasl", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1232 K", "descl": "Exim is a mail transfer agent (MTA) used on Unix-like operating systems. It is freely available under the GNU GPL and it aims to be a general and flexible mailer with extensive facilities for checking incoming e-mail. Exim was written by Philip Hazel for use in the University of Cambridge Computing Service's e-mail systems. Homepage: http://www.exim.org/", "path": "./salix/network/exim-4.95-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "4.8", "name": "cowpatty", "descs": "cowpatty (WPA-PSK dictionary attack tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/cowpatty", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "Cowpatty is an implementation of an offline dictionary attack against WPA/WPA2 networks using PSK-based authentication. Cowpatty can carry out an accelerated attack if a precomputed hash table for the target SSID is available. Homepage: http://www.willhackforsushi.com/?page_id=50", "path": "./salix/network/cowpatty-4.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "5.2.8", "name": "shorewall6", "descs": "shorewall6 (IPv6 support package for the Shoreline Firewall)", "source": "source/salix/network/shorewall6", "deps": ["shorewall-core"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "The Shoreline Firewall, more commonly known as 'Shorewall', is a Netfilter (iptables) based firewall that can be used on a dedicated firewall system, a multi-function gateway/router/server or on a standalone GNU/Linux system. This package provides the IPv6 components to shorewall. http://www.shorewall.net/", "path": "./salix/network/shorewall6-5.2.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "820 K", "ver": "0.3.10", "name": "tucan", "descs": "tucan (download and upload manager)", "source": "source/salix/network/tucan", "deps": ["tesseract"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "205 K", "descl": "Tucan Manager is a free file sharing application designed for 1-Click Hosters. Fast and lightweight, Tucan is fully open-source and compatible with Windows, GNU/Linux, and MacOSX. http://www.tucaneando.com/", "path": "./salix/network/tucan-0.3.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "0.8.5", "name": "nethogs", "descs": "nethogs (a small 'net top' tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/nethogs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "NetHogs is a small 'net top' tool. Instead of breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet, like most tools do, it groups bandwidth by process. NetHogs does not rely on a special kernel module to be loaded. If there's suddenly a lot of network traffic, you can fire up NetHogs and immediately see which PID is causing this. This makes it easy to indentify programs that have gone wild and are suddenly taking up your bandwidth.", "path": "./salix/network/nethogs-0.8.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1180 K", "ver": "0.11.13", "name": "prosody", "descs": "prosody (Lua XMPP Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "luasec", "luasocket", "luaexpat", "lua-filesystem"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "295 K", "descl": "Prosody is a modern flexible communications server for Jabber XMPP written in Lua. It aims to be easy to set up and configure, and light on resources. For developers it aims to be easy to extend and give a flexible system on which to rapidly develop added functionality, or prototype new protocols. Prosody is licensed under the permissive MIT/X11 license.", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-0.11.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.92", "name": "mod_bw", "descs": "mod_bw (apache module)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_bw", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The httpd web server doesn't really have a way to control how much resources a given virtual host can have or a user can request. This module should be able to limit access to certain areas of the website and to limit mailicious users. Developer : Ivan Barrera A. Project URL: http://bwmod.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/mod_bw-0.92-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "", "name": "onyx", "descs": "onyx (Gopher protocol engine)", "source": "source/salix/network/onyx", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Onyx provides access to the Gopher protocol to the OverbiteNX extension for Firefox. It is necessary to circumvent the fact that Firefox's WebExtensions framework does not provide TCP/IP access to extensions. This package is useless without Firefox (version 60 or above with the OverbiteNX extension installed. https://github.com/classilla/overbitenx", "path": "./salix/network/onyx-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8136 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "emailrelay", "descs": "emailrelay (SMTP proxy and store-and-forward MTA)", "source": "source/salix/network/emailrelay", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pam", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2034 K", "descl": "E-MailRelay is a simple SMTP proxy and store-and-forward message transfer agent (MTA). When running as a proxy all e-mail messages can be passed through a user-defined program, such as a spam filter, which can drop, re-address or edit messages as they pass through. When running as a store-and-forward MTA incoming messages are stored in a local spool directory, and then forwarded to the next SMTP server on request. http://emailrelay.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/emailrelay-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "hg4879", "name": "prosody-mod-vcard-muc", "descs": "prosody-mod-vcard-muc (vCard for MUC rooms)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-vcard-muc", "deps": ["prosody"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "This module adds the ability to set vCard for MUC rooms. One of the most common use cases is to be able to define an avatar for your own MUC room. https://modules.prosody.im/mod_vcard_muc.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-vcard-muc-hg4879-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "0.9.15", "name": "googlecl", "descs": "googlecl (GoogleCL brings Google services to the command-line)", "source": "source/salix/network/googlecl", "deps": ["gdata"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "GoogleCL is a command-line utility that provides access to the following Google Services: Blogger, Calendar, Contacts, Docs, Picasa, Finance and Youtube Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/", "path": "./salix/network/googlecl-0.9.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3156 K", "ver": "0.9.16", "name": "x11vnc", "descs": "x11vnc (VNC server for real X displays)", "source": "source/salix/network/x11vnc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libvncserver", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lzo", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pixman", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "789 K", "descl": "x11vnc allows one to view remotely and interact with real X displays (i.e. a display corresponding to a physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse) with any VNC viewer. It has built-in SSL encryption and authentication, UNIX account and password support, server-side scaling, single port HTTPS and VNC, mDNS service advertising, and TightVNC and UltraVNC file-transfer.", "path": "./salix/network/x11vnc-0.9.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "564 K", "ver": "0.8.6", "name": "pidgin-whatsapp", "descs": "pidgin-whatsapp (WhatsApp Plugin for Pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-whatsapp", "deps": ["FreeImage", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "libxml2", "orc", "pidgin", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "141 K", "descl": "This is a WhatsApp protocol implementation for libpurple (Pidgin). It supports (voice) messages, profile pictures, group chats and the sending of files. Home: https://github.com/davidgfnet/whatsapp-purple", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-whatsapp-0.8.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "ferm", "descs": "ferm (For Easy Rule Making)", "source": "source/salix/network/ferm", "deps": ["perl-net-dns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "ferm is a tool to maintain complex firewalls, without having the trouble to rewrite the complex rules over and over again. ferm allows the entire firewall rule set to be stored in a separate file, and to be loaded with one command. Homepage: http://ferm.foo-projects.org/", "path": "./salix/network/ferm-2.5.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "576 K", "ver": "", "name": "opendmarc", "descs": "opendmarc (DMARC milter and library)", "source": "source/salix/network/opendmarc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], "libbsd"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "144 K", "descl": "OpenDMARC is a free open source software implementation of the DMARC specification. Homepage: http://www.trusteddomain.org/opendmarc/", "path": "./salix/network/opendmarc-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "0.9.4_774f2e7", "name": "UDR", "descs": "UDR (a wrapper for rsync that improves speed)", "source": "source/salix/network/UDR", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "UDR is a wrapper around rsync that enables rsync to use UDT protocol and thus improves throughput of large data transfers over long distances. HOMEPAGE: https://github.com/martinetd/UDR", "path": "./salix/network/UDR-0.9.4_774f2e7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "7928 K", "ver": "1.12.1", "name": "tahoe-lafs", "descs": "tahoe-lafs (Secure File Store)", "source": "source/salix/network/tahoe-lafs", "deps": ["txtorcon", "txi2p", "simplejson", "python2-pycrypto", "pycryptopp", "zfec", "service_identity", "foolscap", "Nevow"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1982 K", "descl": "Tahoe, the Least-Authority File Store. Tahoe-LAFS is a secure, decentralized, file store. The file store is encrypted and spread over multiple peers in such a way that it remains available even when some of the peers are unavailable, malfunctioning, or malicious. Homepage: https://tahoe-lafs.org/", "path": "./salix/network/tahoe-lafs-1.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4880 K", "ver": "2.7.0", "name": "netperf", "descs": "netperf (Performance benchmark for various types of networking)", "source": "source/salix/network/netperf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1220 K", "descl": "Netperf is a benchmark that can be used to measure the performance of many different types of networking. It provides tests for both uni- directional throughput, and end-to-end latency. The environments currently measureable by netperf include: - TCP and UDP via BSD Sockets for both IPv4 and IPv6 - DLPI - Unix Domain Sockets - SCTP for both IPv4 and IPv6 http://www.netperf.org/netperf", "path": "./salix/network/netperf-2.7.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2508 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "ncrack", "descs": "ncrack (network authentication cracking tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/ncrack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "627 K", "descl": "Ncrack is a high-speed network authentication cracking tool. It was built to help companies secure their networks by proactively testing all their hosts and networking devices for poor passwords. Security professionals also rely on Ncrack when auditing their clients. Ncrack was designed using a modular approach, a command-line syntax similar to Nmap and a dynamic engine that can adapt its behaviour based on network feedback. It allows for rapid, yet reliable large-scale auditing of multiple hosts. Homepage: https://nmap.org/ncrack/", "path": "./salix/network/ncrack-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1624 K", "ver": "1.2.6", "name": "NetworkManager-openconnect", "descs": "NetworkManager-openconnect (Cisco AnyConnect VPN Support for NM)", "source": "source/salix/network/NetworkManager-openconnect", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libproxy", "libsecret", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "openconnect", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "406 K", "descl": "Cisco AnyConnect VPN support for NetworkManager", "path": "./salix/network/NetworkManager-openconnect-1.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "netcat", "descs": "netcat (reads and writes data across network connections)", "source": "source/salix/network/netcat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "Netcat is a featured networking utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol. It is designed to be a reliable 'back-end' tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of connection you would need and has several interesting built-in capabilities. http://netcat.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/netcat-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3336 K", "ver": "1.6.9", "name": "monkey", "descs": "monkey (web server)", "source": "source/salix/network/monkey", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "834 K", "descl": "Monkey is a lightweight and powerful web server and development stack for GNU/Linux. It has been designed to be very scalable with low memory and CPU consumption, the perfect solution for embedded devices. Made for ARM, x86 and x64. Website: ", "path": "./salix/network/monkey-1.6.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "322808 K", "ver": "149.4.4568", "name": "dropbox", "descs": "dropbox (store, sync and share files online)", "source": "source/salix/network/dropbox", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80702 K", "descl": "Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. This means that any file you save to your Dropbox folder will be automatically shared with all your computers, phones and the Dropbox website.", "path": "./salix/network/dropbox-149.4.4568-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6552 K", "ver": "2.3.9", "name": "sabnzbd", "descs": "sabnzbd (Binary newsreader)", "source": "source/salix/network/sabnzbd", "deps": ["python2-cheetah", "python2-yenc", "pyOpenSSL", "unrar", "par2cmdline"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1638 K", "descl": "SABnzbd is an Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python. SABnzbd makes Usenet as simple and streamlined as possible by automating everything we can. All you have to do is add an .nzb. SABnzbd takes over from there, where it will be automatically downloaded, verified, repaired, extracted and filed away with zero human interaction. More information can be found online at https://www.sabnzbd.org/", "path": "./salix/network/sabnzbd-2.3.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "slirp4netns", "descs": "slirp4netns (non-root networking utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/slirp4netns", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libseccomp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "slirp4netns provides user-mode networking ('slirp') for unprivileged network namespaces.", "path": "./salix/network/slirp4netns-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "clusterit", "descs": "clusterit (distributed shell)", "source": "source/salix/network/clusterit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "e2fsprogs", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "The most efficient and simple distributed shell around. ClusterIt provides the dsh and pcp command line tools.", "path": "./salix/network/clusterit-2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20256 K", "ver": "2.1.3", "name": "kea", "descs": "kea (DHCPv4/DHCPv6 server)", "source": "source/salix/network/kea", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", "log4cplus", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5064 K", "descl": "KEA is a new open source DHCPv4/DHCPv6 server being developed by Internet Systems Consortium. The objective of this project is to provide a very high-performance, extensible DHCP server engine for use by enterprises and service providers, either as is or with extensions and modifications. Kea provides DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 servers, a dynamic DNS update module, a portable DHCP library, libdhcp++, and a DHCP benchmarking tool, perfdhcp.", "path": "./salix/network/kea-2.1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "ddgr", "descs": "ddgr (DuckDuckGo from the terminal)", "source": "source/salix/network/ddgr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "ddgr is a cmdline utility to search DuckDuckGo from the terminal. While googler is highly popular among cmdline users, in many forums the need of a similar utility for privacy-aware DuckDuckGo came up. So here's ddgr for you! Homepage: https://github.com/jarun/ddgr", "path": "./salix/network/ddgr-1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "888 K", "ver": "1.0.49", "name": "pure-ftpd", "descs": "pure-ftpd (FTP server)", "source": "source/salix/network/pure-ftpd", "deps": ["libsodium"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "222 K", "descl": "Pure-FTPd is a free (BSD), secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server. It doesn't provide useless bells and whistles, but focuses on efficiency and ease of use. It provides simple answers to common needs, plus unique useful features for personal users as well as hosting providers. Homepage: http://www.pureftpd.org/", "path": "./salix/network/pure-ftpd-1.0.49-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "EarthReader-Web", "descs": "EarthReader-Web (Earth Reader for Web)", "source": "source/salix/network/EarthReader-Web", "deps": ["python-libsass", "Flask", "libearth", "python3-waitress"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "We are trying to make the RSS reader possible to run on various devices and be synchronized without any particular centralized proprietary services. Homepage: http://earthreader.org/", "path": "./salix/network/EarthReader-Web-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "780 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "transmission-remote-gtk", "descs": "transmission-remote-gtk (transmission remote control GUI)", "source": "source/salix/network/transmission-remote-gtk", "deps": ["GeoIP", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libnotify", "libproxy", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "transmission"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "195 K", "descl": "transmission-remote-gtk is a GTK application for remote management of the Transmission BitTorrent client via its RPC interface. Build options: libnotify:yes libmrss:no GeoIP:yes Homepage: https://github.com/transmission-remote-gtk/transmission-remote-gtk/", "path": "./salix/network/transmission-remote-gtk-1.4.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "authbind", "descs": "authbind (allows unprivileged processes to bind to low-numbered ports)", "source": "source/salix/network/authbind", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "authbind allows non-root processes to bind to TCP and UDP ports 1 to 512. Access is controlled by config files located in /etc/authbind, and can be configured per user (or group), per address, and per port.", "path": "./salix/network/authbind-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8504 K", "ver": "2.0.5", "name": "deluge", "descs": "deluge (BitTorrent Client)", "source": "source/salix/network/deluge", "deps": ["rencode", "python3-twisted", "pyOpenSSL", "libtorrent-rasterbar"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2126 K", "descl": "Deluge is a bittorrent client for Linux and other Unix-Like operating systems. Deluge was created because of the lack of a good, native, GTK based torrent solution for Linux. https://www.deluge-torrent.org", "path": "./salix/network/deluge-2.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "13572 K", "ver": "2.4.2", "name": "eiskaltdcpp", "descs": "eiskaltdcpp (QT4 File Sharing)", "source": "source/salix/network/eiskaltdcpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "lua", "miniupnpc", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3393 K", "descl": "EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Homepage: https://github.com/eiskaltdcpp/eiskaltdcpp", "path": "./salix/network/eiskaltdcpp-2.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.4g", "name": "autossh", "descs": "autossh (Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels)", "source": "source/salix/network/autossh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "autossh is a program to start a copy of ssh and monitor it, restarting it as necessary should it die or stop passing traffic. http://www.harding.motd.ca/autossh/", "path": "./salix/network/autossh-1.4g-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "sshblock", "descs": "sshblock (an SSH Dictionary-Attack Blocker)", "source": "source/salix/network/sshblock", "deps": ["swatch"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "SSHblock is intended to dynamically and automatically stop SSH-based dictionary attacks by blocking any IP address that fails an SSH login too many times too quickly, and automatically unblocks it after a while. Project Website: http://kagan.mactane.org/software/sshblock/", "path": "./salix/network/sshblock-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "222", "name": "dirb", "descs": "dirb (Web Content Scanner)", "source": "source/salix/network/dirb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "DIRB main purpose is to help in professional web application auditing. Especially in security related testing. It covers some holes not covered by classic web vulnerability scanners. DIRB looks for specific web objects that other generic CGI scanners can't look for. It doesn't search vulnerabilities nor does it look for web content that could be vulnerable. https://dirb.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/dirb-222-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5952 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "ssllabs-scan", "descs": "ssllabs-scan (SSL Labs API client)", "source": "source/salix/network/ssllabs-scan", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1488 K", "descl": "A command-line reference-implementation client for SSL Labs APIs, designed for automated and/or bulk testing. Project URL: https://github.com/ssllabs/ssllabs-scan", "path": "./salix/network/ssllabs-scan-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "bitlbee-discord", "descs": "bitlbee-discord (Discord protocol plugin for bitlbee)", "source": "source/salix/network/bitlbee-discord", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "bitlbee"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Discord protocol plugin for bitlbee; allows bitlbee to be used as an IRC gateway for your IRC client of choice.", "path": "./salix/network/bitlbee-discord-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "twine", "descs": "twine (Utilities for interacting with PyPI)", "source": "source/salix/network/twine", "deps": ["tqdm", "pkginfo", "requests-toolbelt", "readme_renderer", "python-zipp", "python-keyring"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Twine is a utility for publishing Python packages on PyPI. It provides build system independent uploads of source and binary distribution artifacts for both new and existing projects. Homepage: https://github.com/pypa/twine", "path": "./salix/network/twine-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "dhcping", "descs": "dhcping (checks if a remote DHCP server is alive)", "source": "source/salix/network/dhcping", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "dhcping allows the system administrator to check if a remote DHCP server is still functioning It can be obtained from http://www.mavetju.org", "path": "./salix/network/dhcping-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "etherpoke", "descs": "etherpoke (scriptable network session monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/etherpoke", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libconfig", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "etherpoke defines two events: SESSION_BEGIN, SESSION_END to which a hook (system command) can be assigned. The event hook can be any program installed in the system. Homepage: https://github.com/erlcash/etherpoke", "path": "./salix/network/etherpoke-2.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "3.7", "name": "iperf3", "descs": "iperf3 (bandwidth measurement tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/iperf3", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "Perf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, buffers and protocols (TCP, UDP, SCTP, with IPv4 and IPv6). For each test it reports the bandwidth, loss, and other parameters. This is a new implementation that shares no code with the original iPerf and also is not backwards compatible.", "path": "./salix/network/iperf3-3.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "47104 K", "ver": "", "name": "resilio-sync", "descs": "resilio-sync (Sync All Your Data Across All Your Devices)", "source": "source/salix/network/resilio-sync", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11776 K", "descl": "Resilio Sync Home is a simple yet full featured solution for file sync and sharing that's powered by P2P technology for fast and secure transfers. https://www.resilio.com/individuals/", "path": "./salix/network/resilio-sync-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "4.4.6", "name": "mod_wsgi", "descs": "mod_wsgi (Python WSGI Apache Module)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_wsgi", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "mod_wsgi is a simple to use Apache module which can host any Python application which supports the Python WSGI interface. The module would be suitable for use in hosting high performance production web sites as well as your average personal sites running on commodity web hosting services. Homepage: http://www.modwsgi.org", "path": "./salix/network/mod_wsgi-4.4.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "dma", "descs": "dma (DragonFlyBSD Mail Agent)", "source": "source/salix/network/dma", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "dma is a small Mail Transport Agent (MTA), designed for home and office use. It accepts mails from locally installed Mail User Agents (MUA) and delivers the mails either locally or to a remote destination. Remote delivery includes several features like TLS/SSL support and SMTP authentication.", "path": "./salix/network/dma-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "604 K", "ver": "1.13", "name": "barnyard2", "descs": "barnyard2 (Snort output processor)", "source": "source/salix/network/barnyard2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "151 K", "descl": "Barnyard2 is a fork of the original barnyard project, designed specifically for Snort's new unified2 file format. It is a critical tool for the parsing of Snort's binary log files to a variety of output plugins, capable of asynchronously processing, while Snort continues it's job. Homepage: https://github.com/firnsy/barnyard2", "path": "./salix/network/barnyard2-1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "udns", "descs": "udns (DNS resolver library)", "source": "source/salix/network/udns", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "UDNS is a stub DNS resolver library with the ability to perform both synchronous and asynchronous DNS queries. Homepage: http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/udns.html", "path": "./salix/network/udns-0.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "78688 K", "ver": "1.6.12", "name": "GeoIP", "descs": "GeoIP (GeoIP API and database)", "source": "source/salix/network/GeoIP", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19672 K", "descl": "GeoIP is the proprietary technology that drives MaxMind's IP geolocation data and services. GeoIP provides businesses with a non-invasive way to determine geographical and other information about their Internet visitors in real-time. 'This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com' (CC BY-SA 4.0)", "path": "./salix/network/GeoIP-1.6.12-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "lurch", "descs": "lurch (OMEMO pidgin plugin)", "source": "source/salix/network/lurch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "gstreamer", "icu4c", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libxml2", "mxml", "pidgin", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "This is an OMEMO implementation for libpurple. https://github.com/gkdr/lurch/", "path": "./salix/network/lurch-0.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1216 K", "ver": "2.0.8", "name": "iperf", "descs": "iperf (A tool to measure IP bandwidth using UDP or TCP)", "source": "source/salix/network/iperf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "304 K", "descl": "Iperf is a tool to measure IP bandwidth using UDP or TCP. It allows for tuning various parameters, and reports bandwidth, delay jitter, and packet loss. Itsupports IPv6 and multicast. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/iperf/", "path": "./salix/network/iperf-2.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "", "name": "translate-shell", "descs": "translate-shell (a command-line translator)", "source": "source/salix/network/translate-shell", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "Translate Shell (formerly Google Translate CLI) is a command-line translator powered by Google Translate (default), Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, and Apertium.", "path": "./salix/network/translate-shell-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "704 K", "ver": "1.10.3", "name": "megatools", "descs": "megatools (access Mega.co.nz on the command line)", "source": "source/salix/network/megatools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "176 K", "descl": "Megatools is a collection of programs for accessing Mega service from a command line Megatools allow you to copy individual files as well as entire directory trees to and from the cloud. You can also perform streaming downloads for example to preview videos and audio files, without needing to download the entire file.", "path": "./salix/network/megatools-1.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "2.2.11", "name": "protonvpn-cli", "descs": "protonvpn-cli (ProtonVPN's Linux Command-Line Interface)", "source": "source/salix/network/protonvpn-cli", "deps": ["docopt", "python3-pythondialog", "python-requests"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "Community Linux command line tool for connection to the ProtonVPN. It is a full rewrite of the original bash protonvpn-cli in Python, which adds more features and functionality with the purpose of improving readability, speed, and reliability. Homepage: https://github.com/ProtonVPN/linux-cli-community", "path": "./salix/network/protonvpn-cli-2.2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.1_4", "name": "tinyirc", "descs": "tinyirc (tiny IRC client)", "source": "source/salix/network/tinyirc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "A very small, stripped down IRC client. It doesn't have most of the more advanced commands in the ircII family of IRC clients, nor does it have any color, but it works, and it's tiny. Default server and port: irc.libera.chat:6667", "path": "./salix/network/tinyirc-1.1_4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "4.3.2", "name": "googler", "descs": "googler (Google from the terminal)", "source": "source/salix/network/googler", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "googler is a power tool to Google (Web & News) and Google Site Search from the command-line. It shows the title, URL and abstract for each result, which can be directly opened in a browser from the terminal. Results are fetched in pages (with page navigation). Supports sequential searches in a single googler instance. Homepage: https://github.com/jarun/googler", "path": "./salix/network/googler-4.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "sfeed", "descs": "sfeed (Simple RSS and Atom Parser)", "source": "source/salix/network/sfeed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "sfeed is a simple RSS and Atom Parser.", "path": "./salix/network/sfeed-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "16068 K", "ver": "3.12.0", "name": "lizardfs", "descs": "lizardfs (GPLv3 implementation of GoogleFS)", "source": "source/salix/network/lizardfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "judy", "pam", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4017 K", "descl": "GPLv3-licensed implementation of GoogleFS, with snapshots. LizardFS is FUSE-based, scalable, self-healing, self-replicating distributed filesystem that can be deployed on anything. With it's torrent-like replication scheme, LizardFS performance grows with the number of participating nodes (called chunk nodes). Chunk node can be any machine capable of running Linux, *BSD, MacOSX, or Windows.", "path": "./salix/network/lizardfs-3.12.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "20150609", "name": "libnatpmp", "descs": "libnatpmp (implementation of the NAT-PMP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/network/libnatpmp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "NAT-PMP is the direct concurrent to the UPnP IGD specification. It is providing a way to do NAT traversal. libnatpmp is an attempt to make a portable and fully compliant implementation of the protocol for the client side. It is based on non blocking sockets and all calls of the API are asynchronous. It is therefore very easy to integrate the NAT-PMP code to any event driven code. Homepage: http://miniupnp.free.fr/libnatpmp.html", "path": "./salix/network/libnatpmp-20150609-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "deis", "descs": "deis (Command-line Client for Deis)", "source": "source/salix/network/deis", "deps": ["docopt", "python2-dateutil", "termcolor", "python2-PyYAML", "python2-tabulate", "ndg_httpsclient"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "The Deis client is a Python CLI that issues API calls to a private Deis controller, providing a Heroku-inspired PaaS workflow. Homepage: http://deis.io/", "path": "./salix/network/deis-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "pidgin-authorization-blocker", "descs": "pidgin-authorization-blocker (Blocks unwanted authorization request)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-authorization-blocker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "The plugin blocks the first authorization request of a contact and answers with the order to ask for authorization again. This helps to prevent spam on ICQ accounts. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/pidgin-authorization-blocker", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-authorization-blocker-1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.4.10", "name": "netstat-nat", "descs": "netstat-nat (displays NAT connections)", "source": "source/salix/network/netstat-nat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Netstat-nat is a small program written in C. It displays NAT connections, managed by netfilter/iptables. Homepage: http://tweegy.demon.nl/projects/netstat-nat/index.html", "path": "./salix/network/netstat-nat-1.4.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "1.1.38", "name": "cacti-spine", "descs": "cacti-spine (Poller for Cacti)", "source": "source/salix/network/cacti-spine", "deps": ["mariadb", "net-snmp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "cacti"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "Spine, formerly Cactid, is a poller for Cacti that primarily strives to be as fast as possible. For this reason it is written in native C, makes use of POSIX threads, and is linked directly against the net-snmp library for minmumal SNMP polling overhead. Spine is a replacement for the default cmd.php poller so you must decide if using Spine makes sense for your installation. Homepage: https://www.cacti.net/", "path": "./salix/network/cacti-spine-1.1.38-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "42924 K", "ver": "2022.02.R1", "name": "kismet", "descs": "kismet (wireless network detector)", "source": "source/salix/network/kismet", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "libbtbb", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libwebsockets", "lm_sensors", "mozilla-nss", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "protobuf-c", "protobuf3", "sqlite", "ubertooth", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10731 K", "descl": "Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g and 802.11n traffic. Kismet also supports plugins which allow sniffing other media such as DECT. Homepage: https://kismetwireless.net/", "path": "./salix/network/kismet-2022.02.R1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.8.7", "name": "wsdd2", "descs": "wsdd2 (WSD/LLMNR Discovery/Name Service Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/wsdd2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Provides samba share browsing for clients who don't support netbios or are running ip6 (which netbios does not support). This is based on the NETGEAR implimentation. Don't forget to allow local ip6 connections in your smb.conf file, specifically, fc00::/7 fe80::/64 ::1 Also in your firewall, make sure ports 3702 and 5355 are open. Home Page https://github.com/Netgear/wsdd2", "path": "./salix/network/wsdd2-1.8.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2976 K", "ver": "6.7", "name": "mew", "descs": "mew (A mail reader for Emacs)", "source": "source/salix/network/mew", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "744 K", "descl": "Mew is an acronym for 'Messaging in the Emacs World'. Mew is a user interface for text messages, multimedia messages(MIME), news articles and security functionality including PGP, S/MIME, SSH, and SSL. Also, Mew can work with the recent search services. Author: Kazu Yamamoto Homepage: http://mew.org/", "path": "./salix/network/mew-6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "0.5.6", "name": "pfqueue", "descs": "pfqueue (ncurses interface for postqueue/mailq/postsuper/exim4)", "source": "source/salix/network/pfqueue", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "pfqueue is an effort to give postqueue/mailq/postsuper/exim4 a console interface: it won't add any particular functionality to those provided with MTAs themselves, but will hopefully make them easier to use. It's a real-time queue scanner, that shows per-queue lists of existing messages; the messages can be shown, deleted, put on hold, released or requeued.", "path": "./salix/network/pfqueue-0.5.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "17056 K", "ver": "20.11.4", "name": "slurm", "descs": "slurm (workload manager)", "source": "source/salix/network/slurm", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libdbi", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua", "lz4", "mariadb", "munge", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pam", "pango", "pixman", "rdma-core", "rrdtool", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "4264 K", "descl": "Slurm is an open-source workload manager designed for Linux clusters of all sizes. It provides three key functions. First it allocates exclusive and/or non-exclusive access to resources (computer nodes) to users for some duration of time so they can perform work. Second, It provides a framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (typically a parallel job) on a set of allocated nodes. Finally, it arbitrates contention for resources by managing a queue of pending work. http://slurm.schedmd.com/", "path": "./salix/network/slurm-20.11.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1500 K", "ver": "2.2.3_1", "name": "uget", "descs": "uget (download manager with GTK GUI)", "source": "source/salix/network/uget", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libnotify", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "375 K", "descl": "uGet is a Free and Open Source download manager. It allows for queuing downloads, file type-based classification of downloads, and is lightweight. Build options: GSTREAMER=yes, LIBNOTIFY=yes", "path": "./salix/network/uget-2.2.3_1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "mod_wsgi-metrics", "descs": "mod_wsgi-metrics (Metrics package for Apache/mod_wsgi)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_wsgi-metrics", "deps": ["psutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "The mod_wsgi-metrics package is an add on package for Apache/mod_wsgi. It generates metric information about the run time performance of Apache and mod_wsgi. At least mod_wsgi version 4.2.0 is required. It is also a requirement of mod_wsgi-express, a new developer friendly way to run mod_wsgi under Apache as unprivileged user. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mod_wsgi-metrics/", "path": "./salix/network/mod_wsgi-metrics-1.1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "269916 K", "ver": "16.15.0", "name": "asterisk", "descs": "asterisk (Asterisk Open Source PBX)", "source": "source/salix/network/asterisk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "celt", "codec2", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "glib2", "gmime", "gpgme", "gsm", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libassuan", "libedit", "libgpg-error", "libical", "libnl3", "libogg", "libproxy", "libsamplerate", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lm_sensors", "mariadb", "neon", "net-snmp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pciutils", "perl", "portaudio", "postgresql", "ppp", "sdl", "speex", "speexdsp", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67479 K", "descl": "Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source. Asterisk is sponsored by Digium. Homepage: https://www.asterisk.org", "path": "./salix/network/asterisk-16.15.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "1.8.5", "name": "msmtp", "descs": "msmtp (simple SMTP client)", "source": "source/salix/network/msmtp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "gnutls", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libsecret", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "In the default mode, msmtp transmits a mail to an SMTP server (for example, at a free mail provider) which does the delivery. To use this program with your mail user agent (MUA), create a configuration file with your mail account(s) and tell your MUA to call msmtp instead of /usr/sbin/sendmail. Homepage: http://msmtp.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/msmtp-1.8.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1640 K", "ver": "3.6", "name": "linssid", "descs": "linssid (Wifi Scanner)", "source": "source/salix/network/linssid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "qwt", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "410 K", "descl": "LinSSID is a graphical wireless scanner for Linux, graphically and functionally similar to Inssider (Microsoft Windows)", "path": "./salix/network/linssid-3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4208 K", "ver": "2021_04_11", "name": "limnoria", "descs": "limnoria (Python IRC Bot)", "source": "source/salix/network/limnoria", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1052 K", "descl": "Limnoria is the project which continues development of Supybot since 2010. Supybot is a robust (it doesn't crash), user friendly (it's easy to configure) and programmer friendly (plugins are extremely easy to write) Python IRC bot. It aims to be an adequate replacement for most existing IRC bots. It includes a very flexible and powerful ACL system for controlling access to commands, as well as more than 50 builtin plugins providing around 400 actual commands.", "path": "./salix/network/limnoria-2021_04_11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "1.17", "name": "scrcpy", "descs": "scrcpy (display and control your Android device)", "source": "source/salix/network/scrcpy", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "This application provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access. https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy", "path": "./salix/network/scrcpy-1.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1124 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "wendzelnntpd", "descs": "wendzelnntpd (Easy-to-use NNTP Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/wendzelnntpd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "mhash", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "281 K", "descl": "WendzelNNTPd is an IPv6-ready Usenet server (NNTP daemon) with the main goal to maximize usability on the console level. WendzelNNTPd achieves this by breaking down complicated things into an easy-to-use configuration file and tool. The server is portable (Linux/*BSD/ *nix), supports AUTHINFO authentication, contains support for Access Control Lists (ACL), Role-based Access Control (RBAC) and supports invisible newsgroups. It currently supports MySQL and SQLite backends. Note: This package is compiled without MYSQL support and uses sqlite3 instead.", "path": "./salix/network/wendzelnntpd-2.1.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "724 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "polipo", "descs": "polipo (caching web proxy)", "source": "source/salix/network/polipo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "181 K", "descl": "Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy (a web cache, an HTTP proxy, a proxy server). While Polipo was designed to be used by one person or a small group of people, there is nothing that prevents it from being used by a larger group.", "path": "./salix/network/polipo-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4556 K", "ver": "5.9.5", "name": "strongswan", "descs": "strongswan (ipsec-based VPN)", "source": "source/salix/network/strongswan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "iptables", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1139 K", "descl": "strongSwan is an open source IPsec-based VPN Solution for Linux. This build includes Cisco quirks.", "path": "./salix/network/strongswan-5.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "libmaxminddb", "descs": "libmaxminddb (C Library)", "source": "source/salix/network/libmaxminddb", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "This package provides a C library for reading MaxMind DB files, including the GeoIP2 databases from MaxMind. This is a custom binary format designed to facilitate fast lookups of IP addresses while allowing for great flexibility in the type of data associated with an address. The MaxMind DB format is an open format. The spec is available at https://maxmind.github.io/MaxMind-DB/.", "path": "./salix/network/libmaxminddb-1.4.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "2.1.3", "name": "speedtest-cli", "descs": "speedtest-cli (Testing internet bandwidth)", "source": "source/salix/network/speedtest-cli", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net Homepage: https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli", "path": "./salix/network/speedtest-cli-2.1.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1064 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "arp-scan", "descs": "arp-scan (ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/arp-scan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "266 K", "descl": "Please read the man pages arp-scan(1), arp-fingerprint(1), and get-oui(1) before using this tool. Homepage: https://github.com/royhills/arp-scan", "path": "./salix/network/arp-scan-1.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6184 K", "ver": "2.4.17", "name": "onedrive", "descs": "onedrive (OneDrive Tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/onedrive", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "icu4c", "libnotify", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "dmd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1546 K", "descl": "A complete tool to interact with OneDrive on Linux. Built following the UNIX philosophy. https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive", "path": "./salix/network/onedrive-2.4.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "0.32", "name": "comgt", "descs": "comgt (3G/GPRS datacard management utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/comgt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "comgt is a scripting language interpreter useful for establishing communications on serial lines and through PCMCIA modems as well as GPRS and 3G datacards. comgt has some features that are rarely found in other utilities of the same type. http://comgt.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/comgt-0.32-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "2.5.0", "name": "geoipupdate", "descs": "geoipupdate (GeoIP Update Program)", "source": "source/salix/network/geoipupdate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "MaxMind provides the GeoIP Update program, which performs automatic updates for both GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy binary databases. GeoIP updates require an active GeoIP subscription.", "path": "./salix/network/geoipupdate-2.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1012 K", "ver": "0.8.13", "name": "3proxy", "descs": "3proxy (tiny free proxy server)", "source": "source/salix/network/3proxy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "253 K", "descl": "3Proxy tiny free proxy server previously known as 3[APA3A] is a small cross-platform proxy server set. It includes HTTP proxy with HTTPS and FTP support, SOCKSv4/SOCKSv4.5/SOCKSv5 proxy (socks), POP3 proxy, SMTP proxy, AIM/ICQ proxy (icqpr), MSN messenger/Live messenger proxy (msnpr), FTP proxy, caching DNS proxy, TCP and UDP portmappers. 3proxy is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. Homepage: https://3proxy.ru/", "path": "./salix/network/3proxy-0.8.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "2.7.5", "name": "imapfilter", "descs": "imapfilter (a mail filtering utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/imapfilter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "lua", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "IMAPFilter is a mail filtering utility. It connects to remote mail servers using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), sends searching queries to the server and processes mailboxes based on the results. It can be used to delete, copy, move, flag, etc. messages residing in mailboxes at the same or different mail servers. The 4rev1 and 4 versions of the IMAP protocol are supported. IMAPFilter uses the Lua programming language as a configuration and extension language. ", "path": "./salix/network/imapfilter-2.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1108 K", "ver": "2.10.3", "name": "opendkim", "descs": "opendkim (A DKIM milter to sign and/or verify mail)", "source": "source/salix/network/opendkim", "deps": ["libbsd", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "277 K", "descl": "OpenDKIM is a community effort to develop and maintain a C library for producing DKIM-aware applications and an open source milter for providing DKIM service. The project started from a code fork of version 2.8.3 of the open source dkim-milter package developed and maintained by Sendmail, Inc. Homepage: http://opendkim.org/", "path": "./salix/network/opendkim-2.10.3-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "r550", "name": "vpnc", "descs": "vpnc (VPN client compatible with Cisco's EasyVPN equipment)", "source": "source/salix/network/vpnc", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "Supports IPSec (ESP) with Mode Configuration and Xauth. Supports only shared-secret IPSec authentication with Xauth, AES (256, 192, 128), 3DES, 1DES, MD5, SHA1, DH1/2/5, and IP tunneling. Homepage: https://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/vpnc/", "path": "./salix/network/vpnc-r550-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4952 K", "ver": "5.18.0", "name": "transgui", "descs": "transgui (front-end to remotely control transmission)", "source": "source/salix/network/transgui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lazarus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1238 K", "descl": "Transmission Remote GUI is a feature rich cross platform front-end to remotely control a Transmission Bit-Torrent client daemon via its RPC protocol. Transmission Remote GUI is faster and has more functionality than the built-in Transmission web interface. HOMEPAGE: https://github.com/leonsoft-kras/transmisson-remote-gui", "path": "./salix/network/transgui-5.18.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.18", "name": "sslh", "descs": "sslh (Applicative protocol multiplexer)", "source": "source/salix/network/sslh", "deps": ["libconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "sslh accepts connections on specified ports, and forwards them further based on tests performed on the first data packet sent by the remote client. Probes for HTTP, SSL, SSH, OpenVPN, tinc, XMPP are implemented, and any other protocol that can be tested using a regular expression, can be recognised.", "path": "./salix/network/sslh-1.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3648 K", "ver": "08da1d8", "name": "felinks", "descs": "felinks (A fork of Elinks, the web browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/felinks", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "expat", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "912 K", "descl": "Felinks is a maintained and up-to-date fork of ELinks, an advanced web browser. https://github.com/rkd77/felinks", "path": "./salix/network/felinks-08da1d8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "0.50.0", "name": "csync", "descs": "csync (file synchronizer)", "source": "source/salix/network/csync", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "gnutls", "icu4c", "jansson", "libproxy", "libunistring", "libunwind", "neon", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "samba", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "zlib", "log4c", "iniparser"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "Csync is a file synchronizer especially designed for you, the normal user. Homepage: http://www.csync.org/", "path": "./salix/network/csync-0.50.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4012 K", "ver": "1.13.1", "name": "unbound", "descs": "unbound (a validating, recursive, and caching DNSSEC resolver)", "source": "source/salix/network/unbound", "deps": ["expat", "libevent", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "ldns"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1003 K", "descl": "Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver. The C implementation of Unbound is developed and maintained by NLnet Labs. It is based on ideas and algorithms taken from a java prototype developed by Verisign labs, Nominet, Kirei and ep.net. It is designed as a set of modular components, so that also DNSSEC validation and stub-resolvers are easily possible. Homepage: https://nlnetlabs.nl/projects/unbound/about/", "path": "./salix/network/unbound-1.13.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "20200608_f4593d3", "name": "x11spice", "descs": "x11spice (export X via spice)", "source": "source/salix/network/x11spice", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "elfutils", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "spice", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "x11spice connects a running X server as a Spice server. It owes a debt to the excellent x11vnc project, from the libvncserver project. That project proved that this could be done, and done well. Some of the logic, notably that of scan.c, was inspired by the code in x11vnc. homepage: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/spice/x11spice", "path": "./salix/network/x11spice-20200608_f4593d3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "564 K", "ver": "1.9.1", "name": "gmvault", "descs": "gmvault (gmail backup-restore tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/gmvault", "deps": ["Logbook", "IMAPClient"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "141 K", "descl": "Tool to backup and restore your Gmail emails at will. Homepage: http://gmvault.org/", "path": "./salix/network/gmvault-1.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "hg4785", "name": "prosody-mod-csi", "descs": "prosody-mod-csi (XEP-0352: Client State Indication)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-csi", "deps": ["prosody"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "This module implements Client State Indication, a way for mobile clients to tell the server that they are sitting in someones pocket and would rather not get some less urgent things pushed to it. https://modules.prosody.im/mod_csi.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-csi-hg4785-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "17372 K", "ver": "3.60.1", "name": "filezilla", "descs": "filezilla (the free FTP solution)", "source": "source/salix/network/filezilla", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libfilezilla", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4343 K", "descl": "FileZilla is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS, and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive user interface. Homepage: https://filezilla-project.org/", "path": "./salix/network/filezilla-3.60.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.2.3", "name": "proxymini", "descs": "proxymini (small proxy server)", "source": "source/salix/network/proxymini", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "proxymini is a proxy server that fully supports HTTP, HTTP CONNECT (for HTTPS and so on), SOCKS4 (TCP and TCP bind) and SOCKS5 (TCP, TCP bind and UDP). It's designed to be small and for being used in trusted environments where there is no need of complex or advanced options.", "path": "./salix/network/proxymini-0.2.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "0.6.2+git20130413_11", "name": "wput", "descs": "wput (wget-like FTP uploader)", "source": "source/salix/network/wput", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "wput is a tiny program that looks like wget and is designed to upload files or whole directories to remote FTP servers. It uses ~/.netrc for login names and passwords.", "path": "./salix/network/wput-0.6.2+git20130413_11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "snmptt", "descs": "snmptt (SNMP Trap Translator)", "source": "source/salix/network/snmptt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "SNMPTT (SNMP Trap Translator) is an SNMP trap handler written in Perl for use with the Net-SNMP / UCD-SNMP snmptrapd program Homepage: http://snmptt.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/snmptt-1.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "37808 K", "ver": "2.13.3", "name": "icinga2", "descs": "icinga2 (Network resource monitoring system)", "source": "source/salix/network/icinga2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "boost", "icu4c", "libedit", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "yajl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9452 K", "descl": "Icinga 2 is an open source monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates performance data for reporting. Scalable and extensible, Icinga 2 can monitor large, complex environments across multiple locations. Homepage: https://www.icinga.com/", "path": "./salix/network/icinga2-2.13.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.75", "name": "serialmail", "descs": "serialmail (pass mail over intermittent links)", "source": "source/salix/network/serialmail", "deps": ["mkchroot"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "serialmail is a collection of tools originally designed for passing mail across serial (dialup) links. Nowadays you can use it over intermittently available wifi, e.g. at a conference. serialmail works with qmail: you use qmail to deliver messages to a maildir, and then serialmail to deliver messages out of the maildir. serialmail supports SMTP, including ESMTP PIPELINING, and QMTP. Home page: http://cr.yp.to/serialmail.html", "path": "./salix/network/serialmail-0.75-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "616 K", "ver": "2.0.16", "name": "seadrive-fuse", "descs": "seadrive-fuse (SeaDrive daemon with FUSE interface)", "source": "source/salix/network/seadrive-fuse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "icu4c", "jansson", "libevent", "libsearpc", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "154 K", "descl": "The Drive client enables you to access files on the server without syncing to local disk. It works like a network drive.", "path": "./salix/network/seadrive-fuse-2.0.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "vimb", "descs": "vimb (keyboard-driven, vim-like web browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/vimb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Vimb is a webkit2gtk-based browser inspired by Pentadactyl and Vimprobable. The goal of Vimb is to build a completely keyboard-driven, efficient and pleasurable browsing experience with low memory and CPU usage that is intuitive to use for Vim users. Homepage: https://fanglingsu.github.io/vimb", "path": "./salix/network/vimb-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "10476 K", "ver": "2022.01.21", "name": "yt-dlp", "descs": "yt-dlp (download videos from youtube)", "source": "source/salix/network/yt-dlp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2619 K", "descl": "yt-dlp is a youtube-dl fork based on the now inactive youtube-dlc. The main focus of this project is adding new features and patches while also keeping up to date with the original project.", "path": "./salix/network/yt-dlp-2022.01.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "13332 K", "ver": "2.1.39", "name": "mailman", "descs": "mailman (the GNU Mailing List Manager)", "source": "source/salix/network/mailman", "deps": ["dnspython"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3333 K", "descl": "Mailman is free software for managing electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists. Mailman is integrated with the web, making it easy for users to manage their accounts and for list owners to administer their lists. Mailman supports built-in archiving, automatic bounce processing, content filtering, digest delivery, spam filters, and more. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/index.html", "path": "./salix/network/mailman-2.1.39-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "reaver", "descs": "reaver (brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup)", "source": "source/salix/network/reaver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "Reaver implements a brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) registrar PINs in order to recover WPA/WPA2 passphrases.", "path": "./salix/network/reaver-1.6.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "2.0.14", "name": "policyd2", "descs": "policyd2 (policy server for MTA)", "source": "source/salix/network/policyd2", "deps": ["perl-Cache-FastMmap", "perl-Config-IniFiles", "perl-Mail-SPF", "perl-Net-CIDR", "perl-Net-Server"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "policyd2 is is a multi-platform policy server for popular MTAs. policyd2 aims to implement as many spam combating and email compliance features as possible while at the same time maintaining portability, stability and performance. Home Page: http://www.policyd.org/", "path": "./salix/network/policyd2-2.0.14-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4956 K", "ver": "2.0.13", "name": "sslscan", "descs": "sslscan (Fast SSL Scanner)", "source": "source/salix/network/sslscan", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1239 K", "descl": "SSLScan queries SSL services, such as HTTPS, in order to determine the ciphers that are supported. SSLScan is designed to be easy, lean and fast. The output includes prefered ciphers of the SSL service, the certificate and is in Text and XML formats. Homepage: https://github.com/rbsec/sslscan", "path": "./salix/network/sslscan-2.0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "30268 K", "ver": "1.6.5", "name": "etherpad-lite", "descs": "etherpad-lite (really-real time collaborative editor)", "source": "source/salix/network/etherpad-lite", "deps": ["nodejs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7567 K", "descl": "Etherpad lite is a really-real time collaborative editor spawned from the Hell fire of Etherpad. We're reusing the well tested Etherpad easysync library to make it really realtime. Etherpad Lite is based on node.js ergo is much lighter and more stable than the original Etherpad. Our hope is that this will encourage more users to use and install a realtime collaborative editor. A smaller, manageable and well documented codebase makes it easier for developers to improve the code and contribute towards the project. Homepage: http://etherpad.org/", "path": "./salix/network/etherpad-lite-1.6.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "3.3.bl.3", "name": "xbuffy", "descs": "xbuffy (a multi folder biff for X)", "source": "source/salix/network/xbuffy", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "XBuffy is a multi folder biff program for X. It allows the user to specify multiple mail folders to poll for new mails. Supported formats are mbox, maildir and (experimentally) MH. Homepage: http://www.fiction.net/blong/programs/#xbuffy", "path": "./salix/network/xbuffy-3.3.bl.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "0.3.8", "name": "youtube-dl-gui", "descs": "youtube-dl-gui (GUI for youtube-dl)", "source": "source/salix/network/youtube-dl-gui", "deps": ["wxPython", "youtube-dl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython. Homepage: https://github.com/MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui", "path": "./salix/network/youtube-dl-gui-0.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "2.50", "name": "bpfmon", "descs": "bpfmon (network packet monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/bpfmon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "yascreen"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "BPF based visual packet rate monitor. While tcpdump shows what packets are going through the network, bpfmon will show how much in terms of bytes per second and packets per second in a nice pseudo-graphical terminal interface. bpfmon also supports monitoring an iptables rule that is selected by command line option or selected from a menu. homepage: https://github.com/bbonev/bpfmon", "path": "./salix/network/bpfmon-2.50-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "zmap", "descs": "zmap (network scanner)", "source": "source/salix/network/zmap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "byacc", "gengetopt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "ZMap is a fast network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys. On a typical desktop computer with a gigabit Ethernet connection, ZMap is capable scanning the entire public IPv4 address space in under five minutes. Project URL: https://zmap.io/", "path": "./salix/network/zmap-2.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "dnscrypt-wrapper", "descs": "dnscrypt-wrapper (a server-side dnscrypt proxy)", "source": "source/salix/network/dnscrypt-wrapper", "deps": ["libevent", "libsodium"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "dnscrypt-wrapper is a server-side DNSCrypt proxy that adds DNSCrypt support to any name resolver. https://github.com/Cofyc/dnscrypt-wrapper", "path": "./salix/network/dnscrypt-wrapper-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.0.6", "name": "modemu2k", "descs": "modemu2k (modem emulator)", "source": "source/salix/network/modemu2k", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "modemu2k adds telnet capability to a comm program. It can redirect telnet I/O to a pty so that a comm program can handle the pty as a tty with a real modem, and allows you to use a comm program's scripting and file transfer features over telnet. Now supports IPv6 connections. modemu2k is a fork of modemu, originally developed by Toru Egashira. Homepage: https://github.com/theimpossibleastronaut/modemu2k", "path": "./salix/network/modemu2k-0.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1332 K", "ver": "3.5.1", "name": "bitlbee", "descs": "bitlbee (an IRC instant messaging gateway)", "source": "source/salix/network/bitlbee", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gnutls", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "333 K", "descl": "BitlBee is an IRC instant messaging gateway licensed under the terms of the GPLicense. It communicates with the end user via the IRC protocol whilst interacting with popular chat networks such as AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo and Jabber. The users buddies appear as normal IRC users in a channel and conversations use the private message facility of IRC compiled with: msn, yahoo, jabber and oscar protocols Homepage: http://www.bitlbee.org", "path": "./salix/network/bitlbee-3.5.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1716 K", "ver": "2.9.3", "name": "modsecurity-apache", "descs": "modsecurity-apache (a web application firewall)", "source": "source/salix/network/modsecurity-apache", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "apr", "apr-util", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "lua", "mariadb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "yajl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "429 K", "descl": "ModSecurity is an open source, free web application firewall (WAF) Apache module. WAFs are deployed to establish an external security layer that increases security, detects and prevents attacks before they reach web applications. Homepage: http://www.modsecurity.org/", "path": "./salix/network/modsecurity-apache-2.9.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1972 K", "ver": "20210616_2", "name": "ircII", "descs": "ircII (IRC Client, Second Edition)", "source": "source/salix/network/ircII", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "493 K", "descl": "ircII is a full screen, curses-based interface to Internet Relay Chat. It gives full access to all of the normal IRC functions, plus a variety of additional options. ircII is the oldest IRC client still maintained. Build options: --without-paranoid --with-default-server=SSLIRC/irc.libera.chat:6697", "path": "./salix/network/ircII-20210616_2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "51356 K", "ver": "10.0.50", "name": "sickrage", "descs": "sickrage (Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows.)", "source": "source/salix/network/sickrage", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12839 K", "descl": "SickRage is an automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic: automatic torrent/nzb searching, downloading, and processing at the qualities you want. Homepage: https://sickrage.github.io/", "path": "./salix/network/sickrage-10.0.50-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "tcptunnel", "descs": "tcptunnel (TCP port forwarder)", "source": "source/salix/network/tcptunnel", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Tcptunnel is a simple TCP port forwarder. This tool listens to a local TCP port and all the received data is sent to a remote host. It can be used to redirect TCP based protocols like HTTP, IRC, NNTP, SSH or SMTP. homepage: http://www.vakuumverpackt.de/tcptunnel/", "path": "./salix/network/tcptunnel-0.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2468 K", "ver": "0.11.2", "name": "fail2ban", "descs": "fail2ban (bans IP that makes too many password failures)", "source": "source/salix/network/fail2ban", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "617 K", "descl": "Fail2Ban scans log files like /var/log/pwdfail and bans IP that makes too many password failures. It updates firewall rules to reject the IP address. These rules can be defined by the user. Fail2Ban can read multiple log files such as sshd, Apache web server, postfix and others. Home Page: http://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page", "path": "./salix/network/fail2ban-0.11.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1508 K", "ver": "2.0.0.alpha20140727b", "name": "leafnode", "descs": "leafnode (an NNTP proxy server)", "source": "source/salix/network/leafnode", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "377 K", "descl": "Leafnode-2 is an NNTP proxy server intended for small sites, where there are few users and little disk space, but where a large number of groups is desired. It can also be used to give a regular newsreader off-line functionality. The leafnode program itself is the server while the programs fetchnews and texpire transport the the news and expire old articles respectively. Homepage: http://krusty.dt.e-technik.tu-dortmund.de/~ma/leafnode/beta/", "path": "./salix/network/leafnode-2.0.0.alpha20140727b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.41", "name": "ipcalc", "descs": "ipcalc (An IP Netmask/broadcast/etc calculator)", "source": "source/salix/network/ipcalc", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "ipcalc takes an IP address and netmask and calculates the resulting broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host range. By giving a second netmask, you can design sub- and supernetworks. It is also intended to be a teaching tool and presents the results as easy-to-understand binary values.", "path": "./salix/network/ipcalc-0.41-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "sshuttle", "descs": "sshuttle (SSH proxy server)", "source": "source/salix/network/sshuttle", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn't require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling. Homepage: https://github.com/apenwarr/sshuttle/", "path": "./salix/network/sshuttle-1.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4900 K", "ver": "20201106_b4f24d7", "name": "trojita", "descs": "trojita (Qt IMAP e-mail client)", "source": "source/salix/network/trojita", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "akonadi", "akonadi-contacts", "attica", "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glib2", "gpgme", "grantlee", "grantleetheme", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcontacts", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemmodels", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kmime", "knewstuff", "kpackage", "kpimtextedit", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libassuan", "libdmtx", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libkleo", "libplist", "libsecret", "libusbmuxd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "prison", "qrencode", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "qtkeychain", "solid", "sonnet", "sqlite", "syndication", "syntax-highlighting", "util-linux", "wayland", "woff2", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1225 K", "descl": "Enables you to access your mail anytime, anywhere. Does not slow you down. Respects open standards and facilitate modern technologies. Interoperable as possible and efficient, be it at conserving the network bandwidth, keeping memory use at a reasonable level or not hogging the system's CPU. Can be used on many platforms.", "path": "./salix/network/trojita-20201106_b4f24d7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3912 K", "ver": "2.6.0", "name": "wp-cli", "descs": "wp-cli (A command line interface for WordPress)", "source": "source/salix/network/wp-cli", "deps": ["composer"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "978 K", "descl": "WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. http://wp-cli.org", "path": "./salix/network/wp-cli-2.6.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "pidgin-opensteamworks", "descs": "pidgin-opensteamworks (Steam Friends plugin for Pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-opensteamworks", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "orc", "pidgin", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "A plugin to connect to Steam Friends/Steam IM. The plugin will connect to Steam without Steam running via the Steam mobile API and thus works on Linux and OSX. Home: https://github.com/EionRobb/pidgin-opensteamworks", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-opensteamworks-1.6.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "0.85", "name": "bsflite", "descs": "bsflite (minimalist client for AOL's Instant Messenger(TM)", "source": "source/salix/network/bsflite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "BSFlite is a rather small and minimalist client for AOL's Instant Messenger(TM) service. Instead of having a full screen console interface, BSFlite employs a command line interface that allows your fingers to do all of the work without needlessly sifting through windows. Homepage: http://bsflite.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/bsflite-0.85-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "2.9", "name": "vnstat", "descs": "vnstat (a console-based network traffic monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/vnstat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "vnStat is a network traffic monitor for Linux that keeps a log of daily network traffic for the selected interface(s). vnStat isn't a packetsniffer. The traffic information is analyzed from the /proc filesystem so vnStat can be used without root permissions. This program is open source (GPL) and can be installed in 'single' and 'root' mode. homepage: https://humdi.net/vnstat/", "path": "./salix/network/vnstat-2.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1628 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "purple-telegram", "descs": "purple-telegram (Telegram plugin for libpurple)", "source": "source/salix/network/purple-telegram", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libwebp", "libxml2", "orc", "pidgin", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "407 K", "descl": "Telegram-purple is a Libpurple protocol plugin that adds support for the Telegram messenger. Telegram messanger provides private, secure and powerful messaging platform. Homepage: https://telegram.org Homepage of the plugin: https://github.com/majn/telegram-purple", "path": "./salix/network/purple-telegram-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1988 K", "ver": "6.0.5", "name": "zabbix_agentd", "descs": "zabbix_agentd (Linux agent daemon for zabbix_server)", "source": "source/salix/network/zabbix_agentd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "497 K", "descl": "Zabbix offers advanced monitoring, alerting and visualization features, including distributed monitoring, auto-discovery, notifications etc. This is the agent daemon that communicates with the zabbix_server. https://www.zabbix.com/", "path": "./salix/network/zabbix_agentd-6.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1412 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "spambayes", "descs": "spambayes (Python-based spam filter using statistical analysis)", "source": "source/salix/network/spambayes", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "353 K", "descl": "SpamBayes uses a different set of algorithm to most statistical spam filters, which enables to dramatically lower the number of legitimate mail classified as spam, through the introduction of an 'unsure' category. SpamBayes can be used as a POP3 or an IMAP proxy, as well as a simple mail filter for use with procmail. Homepage: http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/spambayes-1.0.4-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1860 K", "ver": "0.40", "name": "spice-gtk", "descs": "spice-gtk (spice gtk client/libraries)", "source": "source/salix/network/spice-gtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcap-ng", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libva", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "polkit", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "spice"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "465 K", "descl": "A Gtk client and libraries for spice remote desktop servers. Homepage: https://www.spice-space.org", "path": "./salix/network/spice-gtk-0.40-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "888 K", "ver": "0.36", "name": "ufw", "descs": "ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall)", "source": "source/salix/network/ufw", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "222 K", "descl": "Ufw is a program for managing a netfilter firewall. It provide a command line interface and aims to be uncomplicated and easy to use. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/ufw", "path": "./salix/network/ufw-0.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "920 K", "ver": "0.69.1", "name": "courier-authlib", "descs": "courier-authlib (Courier authentication library)", "source": "source/salix/network/courier-authlib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pam", "postgresql", "sqlite", "zlib", "courier-unicode"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "230 K", "descl": "The Courier authentication library provides authentication services for other Courier applications. Homepage: http://www.courier-mta.org/authlib/", "path": "./salix/network/courier-authlib-0.69.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.3.17", "name": "enet", "descs": "enet (simple and robust network communication layer)", "source": "source/salix/network/enet", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. Homepage: http://enet.bespin.org", "path": "./salix/network/enet-1.3.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "884 K", "ver": "1.0.7", "name": "lldpd", "descs": "lldpd (an implementation of IEEE 802.1ab (LLDP))", "source": "source/salix/network/lldpd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "e2fsprogs", "libbsd", "libevent", "libnl3", "libxml2", "lm_sensors", "net-snmp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pciutils", "perl", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "221 K", "descl": "LLDP allows you to know exactly on which port is a server (and reciprocally). It is an industry standard protocol designed to supplant proprietary Link-Layer protocols such as EDP or CDP. The goal of LLDP is to provide an inter-vendor compatible mechanism to deliver Link-Layer notifications to adjacent network devices. lldpd is an ISC-licensed implementation of LLDP for various Unixes. It also supports some proprietary protocols.", "path": "./salix/network/lldpd-1.0.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "oidentd", "descs": "oidentd (an identd daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/oidentd", "deps": ["libcap-ng", "libmnl", "libnetfilter_conntrack", "libnfnetlink"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Oidentd is an ident daemon (rfc1413) that runs on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris 2.x. Oidentd supports most features of pidentd plus more. Most notably, oidentd allows users to specify the identd response that the server will output when a successful lookup is completed. Oidentd supports IP masqueraded connections on Linux, and is able to forward requests to hosts that masq through the host on which oidentd runs. Homepage: https://github.com/janikrabe/oidentd", "path": "./salix/network/oidentd-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "3.0.721", "name": "darkstat", "descs": "darkstat (packet sniffing daemon that serves statistics over HTTP)", "source": "source/salix/network/darkstat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libbsd", "libnl3", "libpcap", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "darkstat features: Traffic graphs, and reports per host, showing each port for each host. Embedded web-server with deflate compression. Asynchronous reverse DNS resolution using a child process. Small. Portable. Single-threaded. Efficient. Uncomplicated. http://dmr.ath.cx/net/darkstat/", "path": "./salix/network/darkstat-3.0.721-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "4.14", "name": "proxychains", "descs": "proxychains (TCP and DNS through proxy server)", "source": "source/salix/network/proxychains", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "proxychains(-ng) is a preloader which hooks calls to sockets in dynamically linked programs and redirects it through one or more socks/http proxies. Homepage: https://github.com/rofl0r/proxychains-ng/", "path": "./salix/network/proxychains-4.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "1.0.23_9", "name": "udpxy", "descs": "udpxy (UDP-to-HTTP traffic relaying)", "source": "source/salix/network/udpxy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "Udpxy is a UDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon: it forwards UDP traffic from a given multicast subscription to the requesting HTTP client. Udpxy was written to build on POSIX-compliant systems, with the minumum of external dependencies and configuration steps it was also designed to maintain a small memory footprint and run on devices with limited resources (CPU, RAM). homepage: http://www.udpxy.com/", "path": "./salix/network/udpxy-1.0.23_9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "sslstrip", "descs": "sslstrip (HTTPS ssl stripping)", "source": "source/salix/network/sslstrip", "deps": ["pyOpenSSL", "python2-twisted"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This tool provides a demonstration of the HTTPS stripping attacks. It will transparently hijack HTTP traffic on a network, watch for HTTPS links and redirects, then map those links into either look-alike HTTP links or homograph-similar HTTPS links. Homepage: http://www.thoughtcrime.org/software/sslstrip/", "path": "./salix/network/sslstrip-0.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1748 K", "ver": "0.9.8e_r2", "name": "verlihub", "descs": "verlihub (Direct Connect server)", "source": "source/salix/network/verlihub", "deps": ["GeoIP", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "437 K", "descl": "Verlihub is a Direct Connect protocol server that runs on Linux OS, written in C++; Many features are available: MySQL database, very low use of CPU, RAM & Bandwidth, deflood integrated protection, plugins (LUA, forbidden, ip-log, funny, messenger & chatroom) and MORE, MORE AND MORE... Homepage: http://www.verlihub-project.org", "path": "./salix/network/verlihub-0.9.8e_r2-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "5.3", "name": "squidanalyzer", "descs": "squidanalyzer (squid logs parser)", "source": "source/salix/network/squidanalyzer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "Squid Analyzer parses Squid proxy access log and reports general statistics about hits, bytes, users, networks, top URLs, and top second level domains. Statistic reports are oriented toward user and bandwidth control. homepage: http://squidanalyzer.darold.net/", "path": "./salix/network/squidanalyzer-5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "592 K", "ver": "c22e296", "name": "plowshare-modules", "descs": "plowshare-modules (Plowshare legacy & unmaintained modules)", "source": "source/salix/network/plowshare-modules", "deps": ["plowshare"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "148 K", "descl": "This contains the modules for plowshare to interact with websites. Various websites have different features/options, so check the README.md or homepage for more details. HOMEPAGE: https://github.com/mcrapet/plowshare-modules-legacy", "path": "./salix/network/plowshare-modules-c22e296-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "5.4", "name": "mod_auth_kerb", "descs": "mod_auth_kerb (Kerberos Module for Apache)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_auth_kerb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Mod_auth_kerb is an Apache module designed to provide Kerberos authentication to the Apache web server. The module also supports the Negotiate authentication method, which performs full Kerberos authentication based on ticket exchanges, and does not require users to insert their passwords to the browser. Homepage: http://modauthkerb.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/mod_auth_kerb-5.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "tunctl", "descs": "tunctl (tool for controlling the TUN/TAP driver in Linux)", "source": "source/salix/network/tunctl", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "tunctl is used to set up and maintain persistent TUN/TAP network interfaces, enabling user applications to simulate network traffic. Such interfaces is useful for VPN software, virtualization, emulation, simulation, and a number of other applications.", "path": "./salix/network/tunctl-1.5-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "293188 K", "ver": "7.0.1.Final", "name": "jboss-as", "descs": "jboss-as (JBoss Application Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/jboss-as", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73297 K", "descl": "JBoss is a free, open source, Java EE certified platform for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web applications, and Portals, JBoss Application Server provides the full range of Java EE 6 features as well as extended enterprise services including clustering, caching, and persistence. Homepage http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/", "path": "./salix/network/jboss-as-7.0.1.Final-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6680 K", "ver": "1.1.1+20190827_e62ab95", "name": "qtmib", "descs": "qtmib (graphical SNMP MIB Browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/qtmib", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1670 K", "descl": "qtmib is an easy-to-use SNMP MIB Browser based on the Qt4 library. It is a front-end for net-snmp, and it allows the user to query any SNMP-enabled device. It implements SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, and it is released under the GPLv2 license. Homepage: http://qtmib.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/qtmib-1.1.1+20190827_e62ab95-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "fcgiwrap", "descs": "fcgiwrap (Simple FastCGI wrapper for CGI scripts)", "source": "source/salix/network/fcgiwrap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "fcgi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "fcgiwrap is a simple server for running CGI applications over FastCGI. It hopes to provide clean CGI support to Nginx (and other web servers that may need it). home: https://nginx.localdomain.pl/wiki/FcgiWrap source: https://github.com/gnosek/fcgiwrap", "path": "./salix/network/fcgiwrap-1.1.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "0.4.18", "name": "wmnd", "descs": "wmnd (WindowMaker Network Devices DockApp)", "source": "source/salix/network/wmnd", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb", "net-snmp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "WMND is a dockapp for monitoring network interfaces under WindowMaker and other compatible window managers. WMND can monitor multiple interfaces at the same time, sports several display modes and can also monitor remote interfaces through SNMP. Homepage: http://www.thregr.org/~wavexx/software/wmnd/", "path": "./salix/network/wmnd-0.4.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "2.20", "name": "arping", "descs": "arping (sends arp and/or ip pings to a given host)", "source": "source/salix/network/arping", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "libnet", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Arping is an ARP level ping utility. It's good for finding out if an IP is taken before you have routing to that subnet. It can also ping MAC addresses directly. Homepage: http://www.habets.pp.se/synscan/programs.php?prog=arping", "path": "./salix/network/arping-2.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "10624 K", "ver": "", "name": "argus-clients", "descs": "argus-clients (open source IP Audit tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/argus-clients", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "e2fsprogs", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2656 K", "descl": "Argus is a data network transaction auditing tool that categorizes network packets which match the boolean expression into a protocol-specific network transaction model. Argus reports on the transactions that it discovers, as they occur. This package 'argus-clients' includes programs useful for analyzing output from the Argus daemon, which is packaged separately in the 'argus' slackbuild.", "path": "./salix/network/argus-clients-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6440 K", "ver": "2.42.1", "name": "i2pd", "descs": "i2pd (I2P Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/i2pd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "boost", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1610 K", "descl": "A full-featured C++ implementation of an I2P client. An I2P client is software used for building and using anonymous I2P networks. Such networks are commonly used for anonymous peer-to-peer applications (filesharing, cryptocurrencies) and anonymous client- server applications (websites, instant messengers, chat-servers). I2P allows people from all around the world to communicate and share information without restrictions.", "path": "./salix/network/i2pd-2.42.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4044 K", "ver": "", "name": "fqterm", "descs": "fqterm (a modern terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/network/fqterm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python3", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1011 K", "descl": "FQTerm is a cross-platform terminal emulator program which supports telnet/ssh1/ssh2 protocols and can process ANSI control sequences. It can be used to login BBS sites or *NIX hosts. Home: https://github.com/mytbk/fqterm", "path": "./salix/network/fqterm-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1228 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "tcpflow", "descs": "tcpflow (data capture)", "source": "source/salix/network/tcpflow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libcap-ng", "libglvnd", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pixman", "python2", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "307 K", "descl": "tcpflow is a program that captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections (flows) and stores the data in a way that is convenient for protocol analysis and debugging. Each TCP flow is stored in its own file. Thus, the typical TCP flow will be stored in two files one for each direction. tcpflow can also process stored tcpdump packet flows. https://github.com/simsong/tcpflow/", "path": "./salix/network/tcpflow-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "27856 K", "ver": "1.4.9", "name": "sqlmap", "descs": "sqlmap (SQL injection mapper)", "source": "source/salix/network/sqlmap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6964 K", "descl": "sqlmap is an open source command-line automatic SQL injection tool developed in Python. Its goal is to detect and take advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities on web applications. Home page: http://sqlmap.org/", "path": "./salix/network/sqlmap-1.4.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "760 K", "ver": "1.7.0", "name": "macchanger", "descs": "macchanger (utility for viewing and manipulating MAC addresses)", "source": "source/salix/network/macchanger", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "190 K", "descl": "This is a GNU/Linux utility for viewing and manipulating MAC addresses of network interfaces. Homepage: https://github.com/alobbs/macchanger", "path": "./salix/network/macchanger-1.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "692 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "pidgin-gfire", "descs": "pidgin-gfire (pidgin plugin for xfire)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-gfire", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "173 K", "descl": "Gfire is an advanced open-source Xfire plugin for the popular Pidgin IM client. It allows you to connect and communicate on the Xfire network. homepage: http://gfireproject.org/", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-gfire-0.9.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "2.0.s10", "name": "wifi-radar", "descs": "wifi-radar (wireless network tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/wifi-radar", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "WiFi Radar is a Python/PyGTK2 utility for managing WiFi profiles on GNU/Linux. It enables you to scan for available networks and create profiles for your preferred networks. You can drag and drop your preferred networks to arrange the profile priority. Homepage: http://wifi-radar.berlios.de/", "path": "./salix/network/wifi-radar-2.0.s10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "10516 K", "ver": "", "name": "tor", "descs": "tor (The second-generation onion router)", "source": "source/salix/network/tor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libevent", "libseccomp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2629 K", "descl": "Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and other applications that use the TCP protocol. Tor also provides a platform on which software developers can build new applications with built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features. https://www.torproject.org/", "path": "./salix/network/tor-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5904 K", "ver": "2.7.0", "name": "glewlwyd", "descs": "glewlwyd (Oauth 2 authentication server)", "source": "source/salix/network/glewlwyd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "hoel", "icu4c", "iddawc", "jansson", "libconfig", "libmicrohttpd", "libunistring", "mariadb", "nettle", "nghttp2", "oath-toolkit", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orcania", "p11-kit", "rhonabwy", "sqlite", "ulfius", "yder", "zlib", "libcbor"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1476 K", "descl": "Oauth 2 Server providing JSON Web Tokens for identification. Lightweight, fast and easy to install on small systems. Requires a MySql, PostgreSQL or SQLite3 database. Handles LDAP or database for users backend. The API backend is fully written in language C. It's based on Ulfius HTTP framework, Hoel database framework and Libjwt JSON Web Tokens library.", "path": "./salix/network/glewlwyd-2.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "9252 K", "ver": "1.9.2", "name": "sqlrelay", "descs": "sqlrelay (a powerful database connection management solution)", "source": "source/salix/network/sqlrelay", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libedit", "libunistring", "mariadb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "rudiments", "sqlite", "tcl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2313 K", "descl": "With SQL Relay, you can speed up and enhance the scalability of database-driven web-based applications, access databases from unsupported platforms, throttle database access, distribute load over clustered or replicated databases, route queries and migrate applications from one database to another. Homepage: http://sqlrelay.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/sqlrelay-1.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1244 K", "ver": "9.1", "name": "hydra", "descs": "hydra (A very fast network login cracker)", "source": "source/salix/network/hydra", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "apr", "apr-util", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "ffmpeg", "file", "fontconfig", "freerdp", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbfile", "libxml2", "lz4", "mariadb", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "postgresql", "samba", "serf", "speex", "sqlite", "subversion", "talloc", "tevent", "utf8proc", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "311 K", "descl": "One of the biggest security holes are user passwords, as every password security study shows. This tool is a proof of concept, to give researchers and security consultants a way to demonstrate how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access to a remote system. THIS TOOL IS FOR LEGAL PURPOSES ONLY! Homepage: https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra", "path": "./salix/network/hydra-9.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "254096 K", "ver": "18.0.4", "name": "nextcloud-server", "descs": "nextcloud-server (nextcloud sync & share server)", "source": "source/salix/network/nextcloud-server", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63524 K", "descl": "A safe home for all your data - community-driven, free & open source. Nextcloud gives you access to all your files wherever you are. Homepage: https://nextcloud.com/", "path": "./salix/network/nextcloud-server-18.0.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "2.3.5", "name": "aldryn-client", "descs": "aldryn-client (client for Aldryn Cloud)", "source": "source/salix/network/aldryn-client", "deps": ["click", "python2-tabulate"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Aldryn is an easy to use and developer friendly content management system for web professionals. It goes full circle by assisting with many aspects the web project lifecycle. Providing hosting, content management. Homepage: http://www.aldryn.com/", "path": "./salix/network/aldryn-client-2.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "16100 K", "ver": "20180709_9a75e65", "name": "cherokee", "descs": "cherokee (The Fastest free Web Server out there!)", "source": "source/salix/network/cherokee", "deps": ["GeoIP", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mariadb", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4025 K", "descl": "Cherokee is a very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server written by Alvaro Lopez Ortega . It supports the widespread technologies nowadays: FastCGI, SCGI, PHP, CGI, SSI, TLS and SSL encrypted connections, Virtual hosts, Authentication, on the fly encoding, Load Balancing, Apache compatible log files, Data Base Balancing, Reverse HTTP Proxy, Traffic Shaper, Video Streaming and much more. Homepage: http://www.cherokee-project.com/", "path": "./salix/network/cherokee-20180709_9a75e65-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "0.12.19", "name": "bottle", "descs": "bottle (Python web framework)", "source": "source/salix/network/bottle", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library. Homepage: http://bottlepy.org", "path": "./salix/network/bottle-0.12.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "hg4055", "name": "prosody-mod-turncredentials", "descs": "prosody-mod-turncredentials (XEP-0215: time-limited TURN credentials)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-turncredentials", "deps": ["prosody"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "This module provides an implementation for time-limited TURN credentials. https://modules.prosody.im/mod_turncredentials.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-turncredentials-hg4055-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8064 K", "ver": "3.0.21", "name": "freeradius-server", "descs": "freeradius-server (Radius protocol server)", "source": "source/salix/network/freeradius-server", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libunistring", "mariadb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pam", "perl", "postgresql", "python2", "samba", "sqlite", "talloc", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2016 K", "descl": "The FreeRADIUS Server is a daemon for unix and unix like operating systems which allows one to set up a radius protocol server, which can be used for Authentication and Accounting various types of network access. To use the server, you also need a correctly setup client which will talk to it, including terminal servers, Ethernet Switches, Wireless Access Points or a PC with appropriate software which emulates it (PortSlave, radiusclient etc). Homepage: http://www.freeradius.org/", "path": "./salix/network/freeradius-server-3.0.21-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5580 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "js185", "descs": "js185 (SpiderMonkey - Mozilla's JavaScript Engine)", "source": "source/salix/network/js185", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "mozilla-nss"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1395 K", "descl": "SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C/C++. It is used in various Mozilla products (including Firefox) and is available under MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license. This legacy version is an optional dependency for elinks. Homepage: http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey", "path": "./salix/network/js185-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4784 K", "ver": "4.0.1", "name": "ipv6calc", "descs": "ipv6calc (IPv6 utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/ipv6calc", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1196 K", "descl": "ipv6calc is a small utility written in C to manipulate (not only) IPv6 addresses. It converts a given IPv6 address into compressed format, or into the same format shown in /proc/net/if_inet6. This utility was also used in the past to extend features on network-functions-ipv6 library, used by initscripts-ipv6. Homepage: http://www.deepspace6.net/projects/ipv6calc.html", "path": "./salix/network/ipv6calc-4.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "21024 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "ssh-chat", "descs": "ssh-chat (IRC-like chat server using ssh as a client)", "source": "source/salix/network/ssh-chat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5256 K", "descl": "ssh-chat is a custom SSH server written in Go. Instead of a shell, you get a chat prompt. Note that this is only the server. There is no dedicated client: users just use ssh to connect to the server.", "path": "./salix/network/ssh-chat-1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "8.0.9", "name": "ip2location-c", "descs": "ip2location-c (Geolocate IP library)", "source": "source/salix/network/ip2location-c", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "IP2Location is a C library that enables the user to find the country, region, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, mobile network, elevation, usage type by IP address or hostname originates from. The library reads the geo location information from IP2Location BIN data file. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. Homepage: http://www.ip2location.com/c.aspx", "path": "./salix/network/ip2location-c-8.0.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2968 K", "ver": "0.40.0", "name": "CherryMusic", "descs": "CherryMusic (music streaming server)", "source": "source/salix/network/CherryMusic", "deps": ["CherryPy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "742 K", "descl": "CherryMusic is a music streaming server based on CherryPy and jPlayer. It can be run remotely or on a single computer and is designed to handle huge music libraries of 3 TB and more; it also works well with small collections. In contrast to MPD, Icecast and the like, CherryMusic allows multiple users to log in via HTTP/HTTPS using a web browser, browse and search the music database, manage playlists and stream music to the browser. Homepage: http://www.fomori.org/cherrymusic/", "path": "./salix/network/CherryMusic-0.40.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.3.3", "name": "pysub-dl", "descs": "pysub-dl (Download movie subtitles automatically)", "source": "source/salix/network/pysub-dl", "deps": ["BeautifulSoup"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Actually now it only supports subscene.com to download the subtitles. It is an early release but works well. So, do not forget to upgrade it frequently. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pysub-dl/0.3.3", "path": "./salix/network/pysub-dl-0.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "744 K", "ver": "effc9b41df8c", "name": "purple-hangouts", "descs": "purple-hangouts (Hangouts plugin for libpurple)", "source": "source/salix/network/purple-hangouts", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "json-glib", "libxml2", "orc", "pidgin", "protobuf-c", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "186 K", "descl": "A replacement prpl for Hangouts in Pidgin/libpurple to support the proprietary protocol that Google uses for its Hangouts service. So far it supports all the fun things that aren't part of the XMPP interface, such as Group Chats, synchronised history between devices and SMS support via Google Voice. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/EionRobb/purple-hangouts", "path": "./salix/network/purple-hangouts-effc9b41df8c-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "22700 K", "ver": "1.5.1600", "name": "psi-plus", "descs": "psi-plus (development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber client)", "source": "source/salix/network/psi-plus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "glib2", "hunspell", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "qtkeychain", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5675 K", "descl": "Psi+ is a development branch of Psi XMPP client by psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru NOTE This is intended for advanced users and developers. NOTE This can coexist with the stable psi package. https://psi-plus.com https://github.com/psi-plus/psi-plus-snapshots", "path": "./salix/network/psi-plus-1.5.1600-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "5.4.1_rc1", "name": "t50", "descs": "t50 (Experimental Mixed Packet Injector Tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/t50", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "T50 is a tool designed to perform stress testing on a variety of infrastructure network devices, covering some regular protocols (ICMP, IGMP, TCP and UDP), some infrastructure specific protocols (GRE, IPSec and RSVP) and some routing protocols (RIP, EIGRP and OSPF). Homepage: http://t50.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/t50-5.4.1_rc1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "816 K", "ver": "", "name": "naim", "descs": "naim (command line chat client)", "source": "source/salix/network/naim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "204 K", "descl": "naim is a console client for AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), AOL I Seek You (ICQ), Internet Relay Chat (IRC), and The lily CMC. https://github.com/nmlorg/naim", "path": "./salix/network/naim-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2696 K", "ver": "", "name": "hamachi", "descs": "hamachi (LogMeIn VPN client)", "source": "source/salix/network/hamachi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "674 K", "descl": "LogMeIn Hamachi2 is a hosted VPN service that securely connects devices and networks, extending LAN-like network connectivity to mobile users, distributed teams and business applications. You can easily create secure virtual networks on demand, across public and private networks. Linux beta binary blob from https://secure.logmein.com/US/labs/", "path": "./salix/network/hamachi-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "1.2.6", "name": "NetworkManager-vpnc", "descs": "NetworkManager-vpnc (VPNC Support for NetworkManager)", "source": "source/salix/network/NetworkManager-vpnc", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnma", "libsecret", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "vpnc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "VPNC support for NetworkManager", "path": "./salix/network/NetworkManager-vpnc-1.2.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "1.17.1", "name": "openfortivpn", "descs": "openfortivpn (Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services)", "source": "source/salix/network/openfortivpn", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "openfortivpn is a client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services. It spawns a pppd process and operates the communication between the gateway and this process. It is compatible with Fortinet VPNs. Home: https://github.com/adrienverge/openfortivpn", "path": "./salix/network/openfortivpn-1.17.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "480 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "Pyrit", "descs": "Pyrit (WPA precomputed cracker)", "source": "source/salix/network/Pyrit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "120 K", "descl": "Pyrit allows you to create massive databases of pre-computed WPA/WAP2-PSK authentication phase in a space-time-tradeoff. By using the computational power of Multi-Core CPUs and other platforms through ATI-Stream,Nvidia CUDA and OpenCL, it is currently by far the most powerful attack against one of the world's most used security-protocols. Homepage: https://github.com/JPaulMora/Pyrit", "path": "./salix/network/Pyrit-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1168 K", "ver": "3.20.1", "name": "gnome-bluetooth", "descs": "gnome-bluetooth (GNOME Bluetooth support)", "source": "source/salix/network/gnome-bluetooth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcanberra", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "292 K", "descl": "Gnome-Bluetooth provides desktop level support for Bluetooth devices.", "path": "./salix/network/gnome-bluetooth-3.20.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1460 K", "ver": "0.9.7", "name": "rtorrent", "descs": "rtorrent (command-line torrent client)", "source": "source/salix/network/rtorrent", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cppunit", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libtorrent", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "365 K", "descl": "rtorrent is a BitTorrent client for ncurses which uses the libtorrent library. Homepage: https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent", "path": "./salix/network/rtorrent-0.9.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "584 K", "ver": "0.2.8", "name": "mps-youtube", "descs": "mps-youtube (Terminal based YouTube jukebox)", "source": "source/salix/network/mps-youtube", "deps": ["Pafy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "146 K", "descl": "This project is based on mps, a terminal based program to search, stream and download music. This implementation uses YouTube as a source of content and can play and download video as well as audio. The pafy library handles interfacing with YouTube. Homepage: https://github.com/mps-youtube/mps-youtube", "path": "./salix/network/mps-youtube-0.2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1016 K", "ver": "0.4.1555", "name": "you-get", "descs": "you-get (video downloader)", "source": "source/salix/network/you-get", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "254 K", "descl": "You-Get is a video downloader runs on Python 3. It aims at easing the download of videos on YouTube, Youku/Tudou (biggest online video providers in China), Niconico, etc., in one script. Homepage: http://www.soimort.org/you-get/", "path": "./salix/network/you-get-0.4.1555-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "3.2.11", "name": "rejik", "descs": "rejik (squid redirector)", "source": "source/salix/network/rejik", "deps": ["squid"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Rejik is redirector for SQUID, based on DBL filters. It is aimed to block: AD, porno, warez, banners etc. Primary targeted for RU-speaking zone of internet.", "path": "./salix/network/rejik-3.2.11-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8100 K", "ver": "2.6.11", "name": "webhook", "descs": "webhook (Webhook tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/webhook", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2025 K", "descl": "Webhook is a lightweight configurable tool written in Go, that allows you to easily create HTTP endpoints (hooks) on your server, which you can use to execute configured commands. You can also pass data from the HTTP request (such as headers, payload or query variables) to your commands. webhook also allows you to specify rules which have to be satisfied in order for the hook to be triggered. service providing container. Homepage: https://github.com/adnanh/webhook/", "path": "./salix/network/webhook-2.6.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "46220 K", "ver": "0.9u4", "name": "freerapid", "descs": "freerapid (Java downloader manager)", "source": "source/salix/network/freerapid", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "11555 K", "descl": "FreeRapid is an easy to use Java downloader that supports downloading from Rapidshare, Youtube, Facebook, Picasa and other file-sharing services, include the new ones like mega.co.nz. Home page: http://wordrider.net/freerapid/index.html/", "path": "./salix/network/freerapid-0.9u4-noarch-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "528 K", "ver": "4.6.2", "name": "milter-greylist", "descs": "milter-greylist (greylist filter)", "source": "source/salix/network/milter-greylist", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "132 K", "descl": "milter-greylist is a stand-alone milter written in C that implements the greylist filtering method, as proposed by Evan Harris. http://hcpnet.free.fr/milter-greylist/", "path": "./salix/network/milter-greylist-4.6.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "1.19.0", "name": "libiscsi", "descs": "libiscsi (client-side library)", "source": "source/salix/network/libiscsi", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "Libiscsi is a client-side library to implement the iSCSI protocol that can be used to access the resources of an iSCSI target.", "path": "./salix/network/libiscsi-1.19.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "2.19", "name": "radvd", "descs": "radvd (Linux IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/radvd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "The router advertisement daemon (radvd) is run by Linux or BSD systems acting as IPv6 routers. It sends Router Advertisement messages, specified by RFC 2461, to a local Ethernet LAN periodically and when requested by a node sending a Router Solicitation message. These messages are required for IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration.", "path": "./salix/network/radvd-2.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2968 K", "ver": "2.11.1", "name": "amavisd-new", "descs": "amavisd-new (interface between postfix content filters)", "source": "source/salix/network/amavisd-new", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "742 K", "descl": "amavisd-new is a high-performance interface between mailer (MTA) and content checkers: virus scanners, and/or SpamAssassin. Homepage: http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/", "path": "./salix/network/amavisd-new-2.11.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "3.24", "name": "nbd", "descs": "nbd (Network Block Device TCP version)", "source": "source/salix/network/nbd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "gnutls", "libnl3", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "Network Block Devices (NBD) is used to access a remote block device on a local machine over a TCP/IP network. Provided in this package are the userland apps nbd-client and nbd-server. Homepage: http://nbd.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/nbd-3.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "0.3.8", "name": "onioncat", "descs": "onioncat (transparent IP layer on tor)", "source": "source/salix/network/onioncat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "onioncat creates a transparent IP layer on top of Tor's hidden services. It trainsmits IP-based data transparently through the Tor network on a location hidden basis. You can think of it as a point-to -multipoint VPN between hidden services. I2P is also supported. Website : https://www.cypherpunk.at/onioncat/", "path": "./salix/network/onioncat-0.3.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "hg4827", "name": "prosody-mod-cloud-notify", "descs": "prosody-mod-cloud-notify (XEP-0357: Push Notifications for Prosody)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-cloud-notify", "deps": ["prosody"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This is an implementation of the server bits of XEP-0357: Push Notifications. Implementation of the 'app server' is not included. https://modules.prosody.im/mod_cloud_notify.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-cloud-notify-hg4827-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1620 K", "ver": "1.4.64", "name": "lighttpd", "descs": "lighttpd (Light, fast, and secure webserver)", "source": "source/salix/network/lighttpd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "lua", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "405 K", "descl": "lighttpd is a fast, secure, and flexible webserver. It is optimized for high-performance environments, and provides an extensive feature set, including FastCGI, CGI, Auth, output compression, and URL rewriting support. Homepage: http://www.lighttpd.net/", "path": "./salix/network/lighttpd-1.4.64-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "9112 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "XD", "descs": "XD (I2P BitTorrent Client written in GO)", "source": "source/salix/network/XD", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2278 K", "descl": "Features: - i2p only, no chances of cross network contamination, aka no way to leak IP. - works with i2pd and Java I2P using the SAM api - Magnet URIs", "path": "./salix/network/XD-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "2.1a_beta1", "name": "radiusplugin", "descs": "radiusplugin (Radius authenticator for OpenVPN)", "source": "source/salix/network/radiusplugin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "This plugin adds radius authentication and accounting support to OpenVPN. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/radiusplugin/", "path": "./salix/network/radiusplugin-2.1a_beta1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "miniupnpd", "descs": "miniupnpd (Internet Gateway Device Protocol, NAT-PMP, and PCP daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/miniupnpd", "deps": ["libcap-ng", "libmnl", "libnftnl", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "MiniUPnPd, a daemon providing Internet Gateway Device Protocol, NAT-PMP, and PCP services to your network from a linux box being the gateway. Following UPnP terminology, MiniUPnPd is a UPnP Device.", "path": "./salix/network/miniupnpd-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6788 K", "ver": "1.1.12", "name": "silc-toolkit", "descs": "silc-toolkit (Secure Interenet Live Conferencing Toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/network/silc-toolkit", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1697 K", "descl": "SILC Toolkit is a package intended for software developers who would like to develope their own SILC based applications or help in the development of the SILC. The Toolkit includes SILC Protocol Core library, SILC Crypto library, SILC Key Exchange (SKE) library, SILC Math library, SILC Modules (SIM) library, SILC Utility library, SILC Client library and few other libraries https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/SILC_Toolkit", "path": "./salix/network/silc-toolkit-1.1.12-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "13560 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "rspamd", "descs": "rspamd (An advanced spam filtering system)", "source": "source/salix/network/rspamd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "hyperscan", "icu4c", "jemalloc", "libsodium", "luajit", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib", "ragel", "redis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3390 K", "descl": "Rspamd is an advanced spam filtering system that allows evaluation of messages by a number of rules including regular expressions, statistical analysis and custom services such as URL black lists. Each message is analysed by Rspamd and given a spam score. Home-Page: https://rspamd.com", "path": "./salix/network/rspamd-3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.1.5", "name": "yoda", "descs": "yoda (Multiple repositories management)", "source": "source/salix/network/yoda", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML", "PyColorizer", "PrettyTable", "argcomplete"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Multiple repositories management. Homepage: https://github.com/Numergy/yoda", "path": "./salix/network/yoda-0.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.19", "name": "sftp-cloudfs", "descs": "sftp-cloudfs (SFTP interface to OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)", "source": "source/salix/network/sftp-cloudfs", "deps": ["ftp-cloudfs", "python2-paramiko"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This is a SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) interface to OpenStack Object Storage, providing a service that acts as a proxy between a SFTP client and a storage service. Homepage: https://github.com/Memset/sftpcloudfs/", "path": "./salix/network/sftp-cloudfs-0.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "2.29", "name": "thttpd", "descs": "thttpd (the tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server)", "source": "source/salix/network/thttpd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server. Simple: It handles only the minimum necessary to implement HTTP/1.1. Well, maybe a little more than the minimum. Small: It has a very small run-time size, since it does not fork and is very careful about memory allocation. Portable: It compiles cleanly on most any Unix-like OS. Fast: In typical use it's about as fast as the best full-featured servers. Secure: It goes to great lengths to protect the web server machine against attacks and breakins from other sites. Homepage: http://acme.com/software/thttpd/", "path": "./salix/network/thttpd-2.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "livestreamer-curses", "descs": "livestreamer-curses (curses frontend to livestreamer)", "source": "source/salix/network/livestreamer-curses", "deps": ["livestreamer"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Livestreamer-curses is a limited front-end to Chrippa's Livestreamer for UNIX systems. With it you can manage a list of your favorite streams and play them. Homepage: https://github.com/gapato/livestreamer-curses", "path": "./salix/network/livestreamer-curses-1.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "rubygem-showterm", "descs": "rubygem-showterm (Terminal record tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/rubygem-showterm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "It's showtime in a terminal near you! Put on your best colours, resize to 80 columns, and let your fingers fly! Termshows are purely text based. This makes them ideal for demoing instructions (as the user can copy-paste), making fail-safe 'live-coding' sessions (plain text is very scalable), and sharing all your l33t terminal hacks. Homepage: http://showterm.io/", "path": "./salix/network/rubygem-showterm-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.8", "name": "ii", "descs": "ii (minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client)", "source": "source/salix/network/ii", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Irc it creates an irc directory tree with server, channel and nick name directories. In every directory a FIFO in file and a normal out file is created. The in files are used to communicate with servers and the out files contain server messages. This allows IRC communication from the command line. https://tools.suckless.org/ii/", "path": "./salix/network/ii-1.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "kivy-garden", "descs": "kivy-garden (Garden tool for kivy flowers)", "source": "source/salix/network/kivy-garden", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "The kivy garden installation script, split into its own package for convenient use in buildozer. Homepage: https://github.com/kivy-garden/garden", "path": "./salix/network/kivy-garden-0.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "30724 K", "ver": "0.4.23", "name": "go-ipfs", "descs": "go-ipfs (InterPlanetary File System)", "source": "source/salix/network/go-ipfs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7681 K", "descl": "IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open. It combines ideas from Git, BitTorrent, SFS, Kademlia, and more in order to build a p2p network that allow anybody to publish immutable objects. Find out more at https://ipfs.io/ go-ipfs is the reference implementation of IPFS and includes: core, daemon server, command line tooling, HTTP API for node controlling, HTTP gateway for serving content to HTTP browsers. IPNS aliases can be created with ipfs command, too.", "path": "./salix/network/go-ipfs-0.4.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3332 K", "ver": "9.0.304.23", "name": "ckermit", "descs": "ckermit (combined network and serial communication software package)", "source": "source/salix/network/ckermit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "833 K", "descl": "C-Kermit is a combined network and serial communication software package offering a consistent, transport-independent, cross-platform approach to connection establishment, terminal sessions, file transfer, file management, character-set translation, numeric and alphanumeric paging, and automation of file transfer and management, dialogs, and communication tasks through its built-in scripting language.", "path": "./salix/network/ckermit-9.0.304.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.21", "name": "lxi-tools", "descs": "lxi-tools (LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation)", "source": "source/salix/network/lxi-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "liblxi", "libxml2", "lua", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "lxi-tools is a collection of open source software tools that enables control of LXI compatible instruments such as modern oscilloscopes, power supplies, spectrum analyzers etc. All features are consolidated in the 'lxi' application which provides a simple commandline interface to discover LXI instruments, send SCPI commands, and capture screenshots from supported LXI instruments. An optional GUI is now available that provides a Qt5 based interface to these functions.", "path": "./salix/network/lxi-tools-1.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.8.2", "name": "slowhttptest", "descs": "slowhttptest (stress testing tool/DoS simulator)", "source": "source/salix/network/slowhttptest", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "slowhttptest is a highly configurable tool that simulates some Application Layer Denial of Service attacks. It implements most common low-bandwidth Application Layer DoS attacks, such as lowloris, Slow HTTP POST, Slow Read attack (based on TCP persist timer exploit) by draining concurrent connections pool, as well as the Apache Range Header attack, leading to resource exhaustion. Project URL: https://code.google.com/p/slowhttptest/", "path": "./salix/network/slowhttptest-1.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "cgterm", "descs": "cgterm (C/G telnet & 64CHAT client)", "source": "source/salix/network/cgterm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "CGTerm is a C/G telnet client that lets you connect to C64 telnet BBS:s with the correct colours and the correct font. Also included is a client for 64CHAT called CGChat. Homepage: https://paradroid.automac.se/cgterm/", "path": "./salix/network/cgterm-1.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1740 K", "ver": "0.4.7_2", "name": "unicornscan", "descs": "unicornscan (flexible and efficient network probing)", "source": "source/salix/network/unicornscan", "deps": ["GeoIP", ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib", "php-pgsql"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "435 K", "descl": "Unicornscan is an attempt at a user-land distributed TCP/IP stack. It is intended to provide a researcher a superior interface for introducing a stimulus into and measuring a response from a TCP/IP enabled device or network. homepage: https://sectools.org/tool/unicornscan/", "path": "./salix/network/unicornscan-0.4.7_2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1516 K", "ver": "0.15.0", "name": "spice", "descs": "spice (remote computing solution)", "source": "source/salix/network/spice", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "cyrus-sasl", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "spice-protocol"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "379 K", "descl": "Spice is an open remote computing solution, providing client access to remote machine display and devices (e.g., keyboard, mouse, audio). Spice achieves a user experience similar to an interaction with a local machine, while trying to offload most of the intensive CPU and GPU tasks to the client. Spice is suitable for both LAN and WAN usage, without compromising on the user experience. spice homepage: https://www.spice-space.org", "path": "./salix/network/spice-0.15.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5420 K", "ver": "0.19.4", "name": "QuiteRSS", "descs": "QuiteRSS (RSS/Atom feed reader)", "source": "source/salix/network/QuiteRSS", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "flac", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1355 K", "descl": "QuiteRSS is RSS/Atom quite fast and comfortable to user feed reader written on Qt/C++ HomePage - http://quiterss.org/en/node", "path": "./salix/network/QuiteRSS-0.19.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "2.12", "name": "urlwatch", "descs": "urlwatch (Watch web pages and arbitrary URLs for changes)", "source": "source/salix/network/urlwatch", "deps": ["minidb", "python-keyring", "pycodestyle"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "This script is intended to help you watch URLs and get notified (via email or in your terminal) of any changes. Homepage: https://thp.io/2008/urlwatch", "path": "./salix/network/urlwatch-2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2076 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "DarTui", "descs": "DarTui (rTorrent web interface)", "source": "source/salix/network/DarTui", "deps": ["web.py", "rtorrent-python", "simplejson"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "519 K", "descl": "An rTorrent web interface with a focus on simplicity, speed and responsiveness. Homepage: https://github.com/cjlucas/dartui", "path": "./salix/network/DarTui-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "356 K", "ver": "0.7.15", "name": "opendchub", "descs": "opendchub (Open Source hub software for Direct Connect)", "source": "source/salix/network/opendchub", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "perl", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "89 K", "descl": "OpenDC Hub is an Open Source Linux/Unix version of the hub software for Direct Connect. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opendchub", "path": "./salix/network/opendchub-0.7.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4648 K", "ver": "1.18.141", "name": "awscli", "descs": "awscli (Universal Command Line Environment for AWS)", "source": "source/salix/network/awscli", "deps": ["s3transfer", "colorama", "python3-rsa"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1162 K", "descl": "This package provides a unified command line interface to many Amazon Web Services. Homepage: http://aws.amazon.com/cli/", "path": "./salix/network/awscli-1.18.141-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3472 K", "ver": "1.7.0", "name": "pmacct", "descs": "pmacct (network monitoring tools)", "source": "source/salix/network/pmacct", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "868 K", "descl": "Pmacct is a small set of multi-purpose passive network monitoring tools. It can account, classify, aggregate, replicate and export forwarding-plane data, ie. IPv4 and IPv6 traffic; collect and correlate control-plane data via BGP and BMP; collect infrastructure data via Streaming Telemetry. Each component works both as a standalone daemon and as a thread of execution for correlation purposes (ie. enrich NetFlow with BGP data).", "path": "./salix/network/pmacct-1.7.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1008 K", "ver": "1.12.2", "name": "livestreamer", "descs": "livestreamer (Stream Extrator)", "source": "source/salix/network/livestreamer", "deps": ["singledispatch", "futures"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "252 K", "descl": "Livestreamer is CLI program that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. Homepage: http://livestreamer.tanuki.se/", "path": "./salix/network/livestreamer-1.12.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0.35", "name": "nbtscan", "descs": "nbtscan (scanner for open NETBIOS nameservers)", "source": "source/salix/network/nbtscan", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This is a command-line tool that scans for open NETBIOS nameservers on a local or remote TCP/IP network, and this is a first step in finding of open shares. It is based on the functionality of the standard Windows tool nbtstat, but it operates on a range of addresses instead of just one. http://www.unixwiz.net/tools/nbtscan.html", "path": "./salix/network/nbtscan-1.0.35-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "20181113_1ca1d00", "name": "sntpc", "descs": "sntpc (simple Network Time Protocol client)", "source": "source/salix/network/sntpc", "deps": ["libbsd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "This client queries an NTP server for the current time, and sets the local clock to the time reported by the server.", "path": "./salix/network/sntpc-20181113_1ca1d00-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "936 K", "ver": "7.3.4", "name": "offlineimap", "descs": "offlineimap (IMAP sync tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/offlineimap", "deps": ["rfc6555"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "234 K", "descl": "OfflineIMAP allows you to sync imap mailboxes between remote and local machines. It is most useful in syncing user mailboxes between imap servers. Homepage: http://offlineimap.org/", "path": "./salix/network/offlineimap-7.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1440 K", "ver": "3.3.5", "name": "shadowsocks-libev", "descs": "shadowsocks-libev (libev port of shadowsocks, a secure socks5 proxy)", "source": "source/salix/network/shadowsocks-libev", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libev", "libsodium", "mbedtls"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "360 K", "descl": "Shadowsocks-libev is a lightweight secured SOCKS5 proxy for embedded devices and low-end boxes. It is a port of Shadowsocks. Shadowsocks-libev is written in pure C and depends on libev. It's designed to be a lightweight implementation of shadowsocks protocol, in order to keep the resource usage as low as possible. Homepage: https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev", "path": "./salix/network/shadowsocks-libev-3.3.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "828 K", "ver": "2.6.9", "name": "fwknop", "descs": "fwknop (Single Packet Authorization and Port Knocking)", "source": "source/salix/network/fwknop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "gpgme", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "207 K", "descl": "fwknop implements an authorization scheme known as Single Packet Authorization (SPA) for Linux systems running iptables. Home: http://www.cipherdyne.org/fwknop/", "path": "./salix/network/fwknop-2.6.9-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4444 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "nmh", "descs": "nmh (The New Message Handler)", "source": "source/salix/network/nmh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1111 K", "descl": "nmh (new MH) is a powerful electronic mail handling system. nmh consists of a collection of fairly simple single-purpose programs to send, receive, save, retrieve, and manipulate e-mail messages. Since nmh is a suite rather than a single monolithic program, you may freely intersperse nmh commands with other commands at your shell prompt, or write custom scripts which use these commands in flexible ways. https://www.nongnu.org/nmh/", "path": "./salix/network/nmh-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.0.10", "name": "snmpsim", "descs": "snmpsim (SNMP Agent simulator)", "source": "source/salix/network/snmpsim", "deps": ["pysnmp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "snmpsim is an SNMP Agent simulator. Its features include: - Pure-Python, easy to deploy and highly portable - SNMPv1/v2c/v3 support - SNMP Agent snapshotting tool included Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/snmpsim/", "path": "./salix/network/snmpsim-0.0.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.6.4", "name": "spawn-fcgi", "descs": "spawn-fcgi (Application to spawn FastCGI processes)", "source": "source/salix/network/spawn-fcgi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Application to spawn FastCGI processes in certain ports or sockets. Can be used with webservers (Nginx for example) http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/spawn-fcgi", "path": "./salix/network/spawn-fcgi-1.6.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "468 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "pptpd", "descs": "pptpd (PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/pptpd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "117 K", "descl": "This implements a Virtual Private Networking Server (VPN) that is compatible with Microsoft VPN clients. It allows windows users to connect to an internal firewalled network using their dialup. Homepage: http://www.poptop.org/", "path": "./salix/network/pptpd-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1788 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "onionshare", "descs": "onionshare (anonymous file sharing)", "source": "source/salix/network/onionshare", "deps": ["tor", "stem", "python3-Flask-httpauth", "python3-pycrypto", "PySocks", "pysha3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "447 K", "descl": "Securely and anonymously share a file of any size via Tor network. Homepage: https://onionshare.org/", "path": "./salix/network/onionshare-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "3.09b", "name": "p0f", "descs": "p0f (passive os fingerprint tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/p0f", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "p0f is a passive operating system fingerprinting tool. It can identify the OS on machines that connect to your box, machines you connect to, machines you cannot connect to, and machines whose communications you can observe. It can detect or measure firewall presence, NAT use, existence of a load balancer setup, the distance to the remote system, its uptime, and its network hookup and ISP. Homepage: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/p0f3/", "path": "./salix/network/p0f-3.09b-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "55400 K", "ver": "3.14.0", "name": "nordvpn", "descs": "nordvpn (Protect your privacy online.)", "source": "source/salix/network/nordvpn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libunistring", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13850 K", "descl": "The NordVPN app for Linux protects your sensitive data with military-grade encryption, so that whatever you do online stays secure and private. More than 5000 servers worldwide. No logs of your online activity. Secure up to 6 devices with a single account. Access online content securely, with no restrictions. https://www.nordvpn.com/", "path": "./salix/network/nordvpn-3.14.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "1.31", "name": "libteam", "descs": "libteam (Library for controlling team network device)", "source": "source/salix/network/libteam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "jansson", "libdaemon", "libnl3"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "The purpose of the Team softdev Linux driver is to provide a mechanism to team multiple NICs (ports) into one logical one (teamdev) at L2 layer. The process is called 'channel bonding', 'Ethernet bonding', 'channel teaming', 'link aggregation', etc. This is already implemented in the Linux kernel by the bonding driver. Homepage: http://libteam.org/", "path": "./salix/network/libteam-1.31-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "0.2b", "name": "gtorrentviewer", "descs": "gtorrentviewer (A torrent viewer and editor)", "source": "source/salix/network/gtorrentviewer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "GTorrentViewer is a GTK2-based viewer and editor for BitTorrent meta files. It is able to retrieve information from trackers, check files, show detailed information, and modify .torrent files without having to start downloading. Homepage: http://gtorrentviewer.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/gtorrentviewer-0.2b-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "youtube-dl-server", "descs": "youtube-dl-server (youtube-dl REST API server)", "source": "source/salix/network/youtube-dl-server", "deps": ["Flask", "youtube-dl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "A REST API server for getting the info for videos from different sites, powered by youtube-dl. Homepage: https://github.com/jaimeMF/youtube-dl-api-server", "path": "./salix/network/youtube-dl-server-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "apt-mirror", "descs": "apt-mirror (APT sources mirroring tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/apt-mirror", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "A small tool that provides ability to mirror any parts (or even all) of Debian and Ubuntu GNU/Linux distributions or any other apt sources which typically provided by open source developers.", "path": "./salix/network/apt-mirror-0.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.14.1", "name": "nss-mdns", "descs": "nss-mdns (Multicast DNS host name resolution NSS module)", "source": "source/salix/network/nss-mdns", "deps": ["avahi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "nss-mdns is a plugin for the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS) functionality of the GNU C Library (glibc) which provides host name resolution via via Multicast DNS (a.k.a. Zeroconf, a.k.a. Apple Rendezvous, a.k.a Apple Bonjour). This effectively allows name resolution by common Unix/Linux programs in the ad-hoc ad-hoc mDNS domain .local.", "path": "./salix/network/nss-mdns-0.14.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "832 K", "ver": "2.3.2", "name": "vde2", "descs": "vde2 (Virtual Distributed Ethernet)", "source": "source/salix/network/vde2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "208 K", "descl": "VDE is an ethernet compliant virtual network which includes tools such as 'vde_switch' and 'vdeqemu'. VDE switch has several virtual ports where virtual machines, applications, virtual interfaces and connectivity tools can be virtually plugged in. VDE qemu works as a wrapper for running qemu/kvm virtual machines that connects transparently to a specified vde_switch Homepage: http://vde.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/vde2-2.3.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "mod_chroot", "descs": "mod_chroot (an Apache module)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_chroot", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "This module runs the Apache webserver in a chroot environment. Making it easy to control what httpd 'sees' of the filesystem. mod_chroot was written Hobbit of segfault.pl", "path": "./salix/network/mod_chroot-0.5-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4712 K", "ver": "6.1.11", "name": "et", "descs": "et (Eternal Terminal: Remote terminal for the busy and impatient)", "source": "source/salix/network/et", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libsodium", "libunistring", "libunwind", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "protobuf3", "utempter", "zlib", "protobuf-c", "gflags"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1178 K", "descl": "Eternal Terminal (ET) is a remote shell that automatically reconnects without interrupting the session. ET was heavily inspired by: ssh, autossh and mosh. https://mistertea.github.io/EternalTerminal/", "path": "./salix/network/et-6.1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "movgrab", "descs": "movgrab (lightweight downloader)", "source": "source/salix/network/movgrab", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "movgrab is a downloader for all those pesky sites that insist you use a big fat browser that runs flash in order to see their content. It's a command-line app written in straight C. homepage: http://sites.google.com/site/columscode/home/movgrab", "path": "./salix/network/movgrab-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "668 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "sopcast-player", "descs": "sopcast-player (A GUI front-end for SopCast)", "source": "source/salix/network/sopcast-player", "deps": ["sopcast", "vlc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "167 K", "descl": "SopCast Player is designed to be an easy to use Linux GUI front-end for the p2p streaming technology developed by SopCast. SopCast Player features an integrated video player, a channel guide, and bookmarks. Once SopCast Player is installed it simply 'just works' with no required configuration. Homepage: http://www.sopcast.com/", "path": "./salix/network/sopcast-player-0.7.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "dublin-traceroute", "descs": "dublin-traceroute (NAT-aware multipath traceroute tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/dublin-traceroute", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "jsoncpp", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libtins", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "Dublin Traceroute is a NAT-aware multipath traceroute tool. It allows traceroutes in multi-path networks (i.e. with ECMP load-balancing enabled), recognize NATs, creates nice diagrams of the results, export to JSON, and do this with a command-line tool, a C++ library or a Python library.", "path": "./salix/network/dublin-traceroute-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1880 K", "ver": "2.0.20", "name": "uwsgi", "descs": "uwsgi (fast web application server)", "source": "source/salix/network/uwsgi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "e2fsprogs", "jansson", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "perl", "python2", "ruby", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "470 K", "descl": "uWSGI is a fast, self-healing, developer/sysadmin-friendly application server coded in pure C. Born as a WSGI-only server, over time it has evolved in a complete stack for networked/clustered web applications, implementing message/object passing, caching, RPC and process management. It is designed to be fully modular. Homepage: https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/", "path": "./salix/network/uwsgi-2.0.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "vcspull", "descs": "vcspull (mass-update vcs from JSON / YAML config files)", "source": "source/salix/network/vcspull", "deps": ["kaptan", "python2-PyYAML", "argcomplete", "colorama"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Sync multiple git, mercurial and subversions repositories via a YAML / JSON file. Homepage: https://github.com/tony/vcspull/", "path": "./salix/network/vcspull-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "ttdnsd", "descs": "ttdnsd (The Tor TCP DNS Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/ttdnsd", "deps": ["tsocks", "tor"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "ttdnsd is a forwarding nameserver that also bridges between UDP and TCP, forwarding each DNS request over Tor.", "path": "./salix/network/ttdnsd-0.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "1.6.9", "name": "memcached", "descs": "memcached (object caching system)", "source": "source/salix/network/memcached", "deps": ["libevent"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. Homepage: http://memcached.org/", "path": "./salix/network/memcached-1.6.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "pyNeighborhood", "descs": "pyNeighborhood (A windows share browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/pyNeighborhood", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "pyNeighborhood is an OpenSource GTK+ based SMB/CIFS Browsing utility. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/pyneighborhood", "path": "./salix/network/pyNeighborhood-0.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "856 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "mosh", "descs": "mosh (MObile SHell server and client)", "source": "source/salix/network/mosh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "protobuf3", "utempter", "zlib", "perl-IO-Tty"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "214 K", "descl": "Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes. Mosh attempts to improve on SSH by being more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links. http://mosh.mit.edu/", "path": "./salix/network/mosh-1.3.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "pidgin-birthday-reminder", "descs": "pidgin-birthday-reminder (Reminds you of your buddies birthdays)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-birthday-reminder", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "Pidgin Birthday Reminder reminds you of your buddies birthdays. Birthdays can be set by hand or be automatically filled-in for ICQ, MSN and XMPP protocols. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/pidgin-birthday-reminder", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-birthday-reminder-1.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "prettyping", "descs": "prettyping (Ping wrapper for pretty output)", "source": "source/salix/network/prettyping", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Prettyping is a wrapper around the standard ping tool with the objective of making the output prettier, more colorful, more compact, and easier to read. Prettyping runs the standard ping in the background and parses its output, showing the ping responses in a graphical way at the terminal (by using colors and Unicode characters).", "path": "./salix/network/prettyping-1.0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8512 K", "ver": "", "name": "owncloud-client", "descs": "owncloud-client (ownCloud sync client)", "source": "source/salix/network/owncloud-client", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "kservice", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libcloudproviders", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libplist", "libsecret", "libusbmuxd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "qtkeychain", "solid", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2128 K", "descl": "Sync client that works with the ownCloud cloud server. Homepage: https://owncloud.org/", "path": "./salix/network/owncloud-client-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "netdrive-connector", "descs": "netdrive-connector (Netdrive Connector)", "source": "source/salix/network/netdrive-connector", "deps": ["davfs2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Utility to setup mountable SFTP and WebDAV connections.", "path": "./salix/network/netdrive-connector-1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6324 K", "ver": "6.5.1", "name": "varnish", "descs": "varnish (a state of the art web application accelerator)", "source": "source/salix/network/varnish", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs", "jemalloc", "libedit", "Sphinx"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1581 K", "descl": "Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents. Varnish is free software licensed under a two-clause BSD licence, also known as the FreeBSD licence. The project was initiated in 2005. Homepage: https://www.varnish-cache.org/", "path": "./salix/network/varnish-6.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "test4_1.2.3", "name": "irssi-python", "descs": "irssi-python (Python2 scripting support for irssi)", "source": "source/salix/network/irssi-python", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "irssi-python embeds Python into an Irssi module, providing most of the functionality of the Perl wrapper to Python scripts using a similar interface. After the package is installed, you can test it from within irssi by running '/load python'. If this works OK, you can configure irssi to always load the module with a command like: $ echo 'load python' >> ~/.irssi/startup This package was built for irssi-1.2.3.", "path": "./salix/network/irssi-python-test4_1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.9.8", "name": "mod_ruid2", "descs": "mod_ruid2 (an apache suexec module)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_ruid2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "mod_ruid2 is a suexec module for apache which takes advantage of POSIX.1e capabilities to increase performance. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-ruid/", "path": "./salix/network/mod_ruid2-0.9.8-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1036 K", "ver": "4.2", "name": "chrony", "descs": "chrony (maintains accuracy of the real time clock via NTP)", "source": "source/salix/network/chrony", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "gnutls", "libedit", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "259 K", "descl": "chrony is a versatile implementation of the Network Time Protocol. It can synchronise the system clock with NTP servers, reference clocks (e.g. GPS receiver), and manual input using wristwatch and keyboard. It can also operate as an NTPv4 (RFC 5905) server and peer to provide a time service to other computers in the network. Homepage: https://chrony.tuxfamily.org/", "path": "./salix/network/chrony-4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6800 K", "ver": "20220408", "name": "neomutt", "descs": "neomutt (Bringing together all the Mutt code)", "source": "source/salix/network/neomutt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "cyrus-sasl", "gpgme", "icu4c", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1700 K", "descl": "Mutt is a small but very powerful text-based MIME mail client. Mutt is highly configurable, and is well suited to the mail power user with advanced features like key bindings, keyboard macros, mail threading, regular expression searches and a powerful pattern matching language for selecting groups of messages.", "path": "./salix/network/neomutt-20220408-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "33140 K", "ver": "22.05_git75a771b", "name": "ejabberd", "descs": "ejabberd (xmpp server)", "source": "source/salix/network/ejabberd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "expat", "libyaml", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "erlang-otp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8285 K", "descl": "ejabberd is an open-source, robust, scalable and extensible realtime platform built using Erlang/OTP, that includes XMPP server, MQTT broker and SIP service. Homepage: https://www.ejabberd.im", "path": "./salix/network/ejabberd-22.05_git75a771b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "448 K", "ver": "0.18.0", "name": "vdirsyncer", "descs": "vdirsyncer (cli tool to sync calendars and adessbooks)", "source": "source/salix/network/vdirsyncer", "deps": ["click", "click-log", "click-threading", "requests-toolbelt", "python-urwid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "112 K", "descl": "Vdirsyncer is a command-line tool for synchronizing calendars and addressbooks between a variety of servers and the local filesystem. It aims to be for calendars and contacts what OfflineIMAP is for emails.", "path": "./salix/network/vdirsyncer-0.18.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.2.7", "name": "mod_geoip2", "descs": "mod_geoip2 (an Apache GeoIP module)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_geoip2", "deps": ["GeoIP"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "mod_geoip2 is an Apache module for the GeoIP C Library API that allows high performance access to GeoIP from PHP. mod_geoip2 is maintained by Zordrak.", "path": "./salix/network/mod_geoip2-1.2.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "796 K", "ver": "0.101", "name": "open-isns", "descs": "open-isns (Internet Storage Name Service)", "source": "source/salix/network/open-isns", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "199 K", "descl": "This is a partial implementation of the iSCSI name service according to RFC4171. This package includes an ISNS server (isnsd), a CLI (isnsadm) for interacting with the server, and a discovery daemon (isnsdd).", "path": "./salix/network/open-isns-0.101-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4592 K", "ver": "", "name": "x2goclient", "descs": "x2goclient (X2Go Remote Desktop solution - client part)", "source": "source/salix/network/x2goclient", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libssh", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib", "nx-libs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1148 K", "descl": "X2Go enables you to access a graphical desktop of a computer over a low bandwidth (or high bandwidth) connection. X2Go is a Remote Desktop solution, which is not to be confused with Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection. You can connect from a computer running Linux, Windows or MacOS X. Multiple users/clients can access a single X2Go Server at the same time, with each user/client having an individual Desktop session by default; however, desktop sharing is possible. This is the client.", "path": "./salix/network/x2goclient-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "2.1.3", "name": "turbolift", "descs": "turbolift (OpenStack Swift -Cloud Files- Uploader)", "source": "source/salix/network/turbolift", "deps": ["PrettyTable"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "If you have found yourself in a situation where you needed or wanted to upload a whole bunch of files to Cloud Files quickly, this is what you are looking for. Homepage: https://github.com/cloudnull/turbolift", "path": "./salix/network/turbolift-2.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2412 K", "ver": "1.21.6", "name": "nginx", "descs": "nginx (http/imap/pop3 proxy)", "source": "source/salix/network/nginx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "perl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "603 K", "descl": "Nginx [engine x] is a high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. Nginx was written by Igor Sysoev. Homepage: http://nginx.net/", "path": "./salix/network/nginx-1.21.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "9556 K", "ver": "7.3.1", "name": "frr", "descs": "frr (The FRRouting Protocol Suite)", "source": "source/salix/network/frr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "e2fsprogs", "libnl3", "libyang", "lm_sensors", "net-snmp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pciutils", "perl", "rtrlib", "zlib", "perl-xml-libxml", "ipaddr-py", "Sphinx"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2389 K", "descl": "FRRouting is free software that manages various IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols. Currently FRRouting supports BGP4, BGP4+, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng, IS-IS, PIM-SM/MSDP and LDP as well as very early support for EIGRP and NHRP. FRRouting is a fork of Quagga and conflicts with it.", "path": "./salix/network/frr-7.3.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "19556 K", "ver": "0.14.0", "name": "quassel", "descs": "quassel (A modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client)", "source": "source/salix/network/quassel", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knotifications", "knotifyconfig", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libogg", "libplist", "libsndfile", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qca", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "solid", "sonnet", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "woff2", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4889 K", "descl": "Quassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core - much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical. https://quassel-irc.org", "path": "./salix/network/quassel-0.14.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.82", "name": "policyd", "descs": "policyd (Policy Daemon for Postfix)", "source": "source/salix/network/policyd", "deps": ["mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "Policyd is an anti-spam plugin for Postfix (written in C) that does Greylisting, Sender-throttling, Spamtrap monitoring and blacklisting, helo auto blacklisting and helo randomization prevention (HRP). Homepage: http://policyd.org/", "path": "./salix/network/policyd-1.82-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "544 K", "ver": "6.1.8", "name": "ccnet", "descs": "ccnet (C Network Framework)", "source": "source/salix/network/ccnet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "icu4c", "jansson", "libevent", "libsearpc", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "libzdb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "136 K", "descl": "Ccnet is a framework for writing networked applications in C. Homepage: https://github.com/haiwen/ccnet/", "path": "./salix/network/ccnet-6.1.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.24", "name": "sendxmpp", "descs": "sendxmpp (send xmpp messages from the command line)", "source": "source/salix/network/sendxmpp", "deps": ["perl-Net-XMPP", "perl-net-dns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "sendxmpp is a program to send XMPP (Jabber) messages from the command line, not unlike mail(1). Messages can be sent both to individual recipients and chatrooms. XMPP is an open, non-proprietary protocol for instant messaging. Homepage: https://sendxmpp.hostname.sk", "path": "./salix/network/sendxmpp-1.24-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "20210227", "name": "bozohttpd", "descs": "bozohttpd (simple and lightweight HTTP server)", "source": "source/salix/network/bozohttpd", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "bozohttpd is a small and secure HTTP version 1.1 server. Its main feature is the lack of features, reducing the code size and improving verifiability. It supports CGI/1.1, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/0.9, ~user translations, virtual hosting support, as well as multiple IP-based servers on a single machine. It is capable of serving pages via the IPv6 protocol. bozohttpd features SSL support. This package built without lua dynamic content support.", "path": "./salix/network/bozohttpd-20210227-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5256 K", "ver": "25.0", "name": "rdma-core", "descs": "rdma-core (RDMA core userspace libraries and daemons)", "source": "source/salix/network/rdma-core", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], "libnl3", "python3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1314 K", "descl": "This is the userspace components for the Linux Kernel's drivers/infiniband subsystem.", "path": "./salix/network/rdma-core-25.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "packit", "descs": "packit (network injection and capture)", "source": "source/salix/network/packit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnet", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Packit (Packet toolkit) is a network auditing tool. Its value is derived from its ability to customize, inject, monitor, and manipulate IP traffic. By allowing you to define (spoof) nearly all TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, ARP, RARP, and Ethernet header options, Packit can be useful in testing firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, port scanning, simulating network traffic, and general TCP/IP auditing. Packit is also an excellent tool for learning TCP/IP.", "path": "./salix/network/packit-1.0-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "9816 K", "ver": "2.9.17", "name": "snort", "descs": "snort (Intrusion Detection and Prevention System)", "source": "source/salix/network/snort", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "daq", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "libmnl", "libnetfilter_queue", "libnfnetlink", "libnl3", "libpcap", "luajit", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2454 K", "descl": "Snort is an open source network intrusion detection and prevention system. Snort is capable of performing real-time traffic analysis, alerting, blocking, session sniping, logging, and dropping sessions and packets. It uses a combination of protocol analysis and pattern matching to detect anomalies, misuse and attacks.", "path": "./salix/network/snort-2.9.17-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.4.2_aa2a003", "name": "sniffjoke", "descs": "sniffjoke (transparent TCP connection scrambler)", "source": "source/salix/network/sniffjoke", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "This is an application that handles transparently your TCP connection, delaying, modifying and injecting fake packets inside your transmission, making them almost impossible to be correctly read by a passive wiretapping technology (IDS or sniffer). Homepage: http://www.delirandom.net/sniffjoke/", "path": "./salix/network/sniffjoke-0.4.2_aa2a003-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "driftnet", "descs": "driftnet (network image sniffer)", "source": "source/salix/network/driftnet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Driftnet is a program designed to capture JPEG and GIF images by sniffing network traffic and display them in an X window. Optionally, you may also capture MPEG audio streams and play them. According to the author, 'It is a horrific invasion of privacy and shouldn't be used by anyone anywhere.' Home Page: https://github.com/deiv/driftnet", "path": "./salix/network/driftnet-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "2.1c", "name": "flvstreamer", "descs": "flvstreamer (RTMP client)", "source": "source/salix/network/flvstreamer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "flvstreamer is an open source command-line RTMP client intended to stream audio or video content from all types of flash or rtmp servers Forked from rtmpdump v1.6 with encrypted rtmp and swf verification support removed. Homepage: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/flvstreamer", "path": "./salix/network/flvstreamer-2.1c-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "dothost", "descs": "dothost (DNS lookup utility with Graphviz output)", "source": "source/salix/network/dothost", "deps": ["graph-easy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "dothost is a DNS lookup utility, which produces output in Graphviz format. It does this, not by using Graphviz, but by using the graph-easy Perl module also available at slackbuilds.org https://jwilk.net/software/dothost", "path": "./salix/network/dothost-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "72496 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "zeek", "descs": "zeek (The Zeek Network Security Monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/zeek", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18124 K", "descl": "Zeek (Bro) is an open source intrusion detection system (IDS). It is different from traditional IDS tools in that it is focused on network analysis. In other words, it is used to monitor traffic traversing a network to identify anomalies. https://www.zeek.org", "path": "./salix/network/zeek-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "20051105", "name": "hping3", "descs": "hping3 (TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/network/hping3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "tcl", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "hping interface is inspired to the ping(8) unix command, but it isn't only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features. Homepage: http://www.hping.org/", "path": "./salix/network/hping3-20051105-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "oinkmaster", "descs": "oinkmaster (update and manage snort and suricata rules)", "source": "source/salix/network/oinkmaster", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "Oinkmaster is a script that will help you update and manage your Snort rules. It is released under the BSD license and will work on most platforms that can run Perl scripts, e.g. Linux, *BSD, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, etc. Oinkmaster can be used to update and manage the VRT licensed rules, the community rules, the bleeding-snort rules and other third party rules, including your own local rules. http://oinkmaster.sourceforge.net http://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rule-management", "path": "./salix/network/oinkmaster-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1576 K", "ver": "2.1.5", "name": "open-iscsi", "descs": "open-iscsi (RFC3720 iSCSI Initiator)", "source": "source/salix/network/open-iscsi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "kmod", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib", "open-isns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "394 K", "descl": "Open-iSCSI is partitioned into user and kernel parts. The user space Open-iSCSI consists of a daemon process called iscsid, and a management utility iscsiadm.", "path": "./salix/network/open-iscsi-2.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "0.4.22", "name": "pidgin-musictracker", "descs": "pidgin-musictracker (pidgin status plugin)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-musictracker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "pidgin-musictracker is a plugin for Pidgin which displays the media currently playing in the status message for any protocol on which Pidgin supports custom statuses. https://launchpad.net/pidgin-musictracker", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-musictracker-0.4.22-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "1.1.6", "name": "radicale", "descs": "radicale (Calendar Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/radicale", "deps": ["mod_wsgi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "The Radicale Project is mainly a calendar server, giving local and distant accessess for reading, creating, modifying and deleting multiple calendars through a simplified CalDAV protocol. Data can be encrypted by SSL, and their access can be restricted thanks to different authentication methods. https://www.radicale.org/", "path": "./salix/network/radicale-1.1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1408 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "luakit", "descs": "luakit (micro-browser framework)", "source": "source/salix/network/luakit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lua", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib", "lua-filesystem"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "352 K", "descl": "luakit is a fast, light and simple to use micro-browser framework exensible by Lua using the WebKit web content engine and the GTK+ toolkit. The configuration options are endless, the entire browser is constructed by the config files present in /etc/xdg/luakit Just copy the files you wish to change (and the rc.lua) into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit (defaults to ~/.config/luakit) and luakit will use those files when you next launch it.", "path": "./salix/network/luakit-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "pflogsumm", "descs": "pflogsumm (Postfix Log Entry Summarizer)", "source": "source/salix/network/pflogsumm", "deps": ["perl-Date-Calc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "pflogsumm is designed to provide an over-view of postfix activity, with just enough detail to give the administrator a 'heads up' for potential trouble spots. pflogsumm is written by James S. Seymour and released under GNU GPL. For more info, please visit the website http://jimsun.linxnet.com/postfix_contrib.html", "path": "./salix/network/pflogsumm-1.1.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "1.0.12", "name": "sstp-client", "descs": "sstp-client (SSTP client for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/network/sstp-client", "deps": ["libevent", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "SSTP-Client is an SSTP client for Linux. It can be used to establish a SSTP connection to a Windows 2008 Server. This software is similar commandline and configuration as the pptp-client software. Homepage: http://sstp-client.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/sstp-client-1.0.12-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20716 K", "ver": "1.17.3", "name": "qTox", "descs": "qTox (Qt Tox client)", "source": "source/salix/network/qTox", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "c-toxcore", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libexif", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libsodium", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "qrencode", "qt5", "samba", "sonnet", "speex", "sqlcipher", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "zlib", "libfilteraudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5179 K", "descl": "qTox is a powerful Tox client that tries to follow the Tox design guidelines while running on all major platforms. Homepage: https://github.com/qTox/qTox", "path": "./salix/network/qTox-1.17.3-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "872 K", "ver": "053dda2", "name": "netdiscover", "descs": "netdiscover (network address discovering tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/netdiscover", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnet", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "218 K", "descl": "Netdiscover is a network address discovering tool, developed mainly for those wireless networks without dhcp server, it also works on hub/switched networks.", "path": "./salix/network/netdiscover-053dda2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "20190914.0", "name": "swaks", "descs": "swaks (Swiss Army Knife for SMTP)", "source": "source/salix/network/swaks", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "Swaks is a featureful, flexible, scriptable, transaction-oriented SMTP test tool written and maintained by John Jetmore. website: https://www.jetmore.org/john/code/swaks/", "path": "./salix/network/swaks-20190914.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "2.9.2", "name": "nsca", "descs": "nsca (Nagios Service Check Acceptor)", "source": "source/salix/network/nsca", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "libmcrypt", "nagios"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "NSCA is a Linux/Unix daemon allows you to integrate passive alerts and checks from remote machines and applications with Nagios. Useful for processing security alerts, as well as redundant Nagios setups. Homepage: https://www.nagios.org/", "path": "./salix/network/nsca-2.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "2.1.7", "name": "plowshare", "descs": "plowshare (file-sharing website utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/plowshare", "deps": ["recode"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Plowshare is a set of command-line tools (written entirely in Bash shell script) designed for managing file-sharing websites (aka Hosters). Plowshare itself doesn't support any websites. It's just the core engine. Support for websites are added via modules. HOMEPAGE: https://github.com/mcrapet/plowshare", "path": "./salix/network/plowshare-2.1.7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "1.5.5", "name": "pgbouncer", "descs": "pgbouncer (Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL)", "source": "source/salix/network/pgbouncer", "deps": ["libevent"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "pgbouncer is a PostgreSQL connection pooler. Any target application can be connected to pgbouncer as if it were a PostgreSQL server, and pgbouncer will create a connection to the actual server, or it will reuse one of its existing connections. The aim of pgbouncer is to lower the performance impact of opening new connections to PostgreSQL. Homepage: https://pgbouncer.github.io", "path": "./salix/network/pgbouncer-1.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "3.41", "name": "sflowtool", "descs": "sflowtool (print binary sFlow)", "source": "source/salix/network/sflowtool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Print binary sFlow feed to ASCII, or forward it to other collectors. This tool receives sFlow data, and generates either a simple-to-parse tagged-ASCII output, or binary output in tcpdump(1) format. It can also generate Cisco NetFlow version 5 datagrams and send them to a destination UDP host:port, or forward the original sFlow feed to a number of additional collectors.", "path": "./salix/network/sflowtool-3.41-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "pirate-get", "descs": "pirate-get (A command line interface for The Pirate Bay)", "source": "source/salix/network/pirate-get", "deps": ["veryprettytable", "pyperclip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "pirate-get is a convenient command line tool (inspired by APT) to speed up your trip to the Pirate Bay and get your completely legal torrents more quickly. Homepage: https://github.com/vikstrous/pirate-get", "path": "./salix/network/pirate-get-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "RYMTracks", "descs": "RYMTracks (Tracklist scraper)", "source": "source/salix/network/RYMTracks", "deps": ["BeautifulSoup4", "python2-BeautifulSoup4", "lxml", "isodate", "docopt", "nose", "python3-nltk", "numpy", "colorama", "termcolor", "mutagen"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "RYMTracks scraps given URLs and presents tracklists into copypasteable form for RateYourMusic.com Homepage: https://github.com/9seconds/rymtracks/", "path": "./salix/network/RYMTracks-0.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4684 K", "ver": "3.49.2", "name": "httrack", "descs": "httrack (offline web browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/httrack", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1171 K", "descl": "It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the 'mirrored' website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable. http://www.httrack.com", "path": "./salix/network/httrack-3.49.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8368 K", "ver": "1.10.3", "name": "twinkle", "descs": "twinkle (softphone for voice over IP)", "source": "source/salix/network/twinkle", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "ccrtp", "e2fsprogs", "file", "flac", "gnutls", "gsm", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzrtpcpp", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pcre2", "qt5", "speex", "speexdsp", "ucommon", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2092 K", "descl": "Twinkle is a softphone for your voice over IP and instant messaging communcations using the SIP protocol. You can use it for direct IP phone to IP phone communication or in a network using a SIP proxy to route your calls and messages. http://twinkle.dolezel.info/", "path": "./salix/network/twinkle-1.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "2015_365", "name": "ntpclient", "descs": "ntpclient (NTP client for unix-alike computers)", "source": "source/salix/network/ntpclient", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "ntpclient is an NTP (RFC-1305) client for unix-alike computers. Homepage: http://doolittle.icarus.com/ntpclient/", "path": "./salix/network/ntpclient-2015_365-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1300 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "cryptcat-unix", "descs": "cryptcat-unix (lightweight version of netcat)", "source": "source/salix/network/cryptcat-unix", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "325 K", "descl": "Cryptcat is a lightweight version of netcat with integrated transport encryption capabilities.", "path": "./salix/network/cryptcat-unix-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "1.9.0", "name": "proxytunnel", "descs": "proxytunnel (HTTP[S] proxy tunnelling application)", "source": "source/salix/network/proxytunnel", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "ProxyTunnel is a program that connects stdin and stdout to a server somewhere on the network, through a standard HTTPS proxy. We mostly use it to tunnel SSH sessions through HTTP(S) proxies, allowing us to do many things that wouldn't be possible without ProxyTunnel. Homepage: http://proxytunnel.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/proxytunnel-1.9.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4552 K", "ver": "3.3.22", "name": "opensm", "descs": "opensm (InfiniBand Subnet Manager and Administrator)", "source": "source/salix/network/opensm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "rdma-core"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1138 K", "descl": "OpenSM provides an implementation for an InfiniBand Subnet Manager and Administrator. Such a software entity is required to run for in order to initialize the InfiniBand hardware (at least one per each InfiniBand subnet).", "path": "./salix/network/opensm-3.3.22-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "python3-PyRSS2Gen", "descs": "python3-PyRSS2Gen (python RSS feed generator)", "source": "source/salix/network/python3-PyRSS2Gen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "PyRSS2Gen is a Python module that makes it easy to generate valid RSS feeds. You can use it to generate RSS feeds for web pages that don't have them. Home: http://www.dalkescientific.com/Python/PyRSS2Gen.html", "path": "./salix/network/python3-PyRSS2Gen-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "secpanel", "descs": "secpanel (SSH GUI for Unix)", "source": "source/salix/network/secpanel", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "SecPanel serves as a GUI for managing and running SSH and SCP connections. It's written in tcl. Note: SecPanel is not a new implementation of the SecureShell protocol or the ssh software-suite. SecPanel sits on top of SSH software-suites and supports the SSH.com and the OpenSSH-version. homepage: http://themediahost.de/secpanel/", "path": "./salix/network/secpanel-0.6.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1348 K", "ver": "1.25.0", "name": "pidgin-sipe", "descs": "pidgin-sipe (pidgin plugin for Sip Exchange Protocol)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-sipe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freerdp", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gmime", "gnutls", "gpgme", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libassuan", "libdrm", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnice", "libogg", "librsvg", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbfile", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pam", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "speex", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "337 K", "descl": "With this plugin you should be able to replace your Microsoft Office Communicator or Skype for Business client with Pidgin.", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-sipe-1.25.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1572 K", "ver": "4.1.2", "name": "e2guardian", "descs": "e2guardian (web content filter)", "source": "source/salix/network/e2guardian", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "393 K", "descl": "e2guardian is a web content filter. It filters the actual content of pages based on many methods including phrase matching, PICS filtering and URL filtering. It does not purely filter based on a banned list of sites like lesser totally commercial filters. e2guardian is designed to be completely flexible and allows you to tailor the filtering to your exact needs. e2guardian home: http://e2guardian.org/", "path": "./salix/network/e2guardian-4.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "", "name": "argus", "descs": "argus (open source IP Audit tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/argus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Argus is a data network transaction auditing tool that categorizes network packets which match the boolean expression into a protocol-specific network transaction model. Argus reports on the transactions that it discovers, as they occur.", "path": "./salix/network/argus-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6988 K", "ver": "1.7.5", "name": "znc", "descs": "znc (an advanced IRC bouncer)", "source": "source/salix/network/znc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1747 K", "descl": "ZNC will remain connected to an IPv4 or IPv6 IRC server even while you are offline. You can reattach your client at a later time and catch up with what happened while you were gone via the history buffer. You can add additional users under one running process, useful for public shells that limit background processes. ZNC also supports the dynamic loading of C++ and Perl modules. Homepage: https://wiki.znc.in/ZNC", "path": "./salix/network/znc-1.7.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "636300 K", "ver": "18.0.0", "name": "wildfly", "descs": "wildfly (Application Runtime)", "source": "source/salix/network/wildfly", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "159075 K", "descl": "WildFly is a free, open source, Java EE 7 platform for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web applications, and Portals, Wildfly provides the full range of Java EE 7 features as well as extended enterprise services including clustering, caching, and persistence. Homepage http://www.wildfly.org/", "path": "./salix/network/wildfly-18.0.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "36", "name": "aoetools", "descs": "aoetools (ATA Over Ethernet)", "source": "source/salix/network/aoetools", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "The aoetools are programs for users of the ATA over Ethernet (AoE) network storage protocol, a simple protocol for using storage over an ethernet LAN. AoE Tools (Homepage): http://aoetools.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/aoetools-36-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "19932 K", "ver": "5.0.0", "name": "kvirc", "descs": "kvirc (The K-Visual IRC Client)", "source": "source/salix/network/kvirc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "audiofile", "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "esound", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kitemviews", "knotifications", "kservice", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pcre2", "perl", "phonon", "pulseaudio", "python2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "woff2", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4983 K", "descl": "KVIrc is a free portable Internet Relay Chat client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit. KVIrc is being written by Szymon Stefanek and The KVIrc Development Team with the contribution of many IRC addicted developers around the world Homepage: http://kvirc.net", "path": "./salix/network/kvirc-5.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "20220531", "name": "yle-dl", "descs": "yle-dl (Download videos from Yle servers)", "source": "source/salix/network/yle-dl", "deps": ["lxml", "python3-attrs", "python3-configargparse"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "yle-dl is a tool for downloading media files from the video streaming services of the Finnish national broadcasting company Yle.", "path": "./salix/network/yle-dl-20220531-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "12712 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "psi", "descs": "psi (Qt Jabber client)", "source": "source/salix/network/psi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "enchant", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qca", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3178 K", "descl": "Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the XMPP network (including Google Talk). Fast and lightweight, Psi is fully open-source and compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. With Psi's full Unicode support and localizations, easy file transfers, customizable iconsets, and many other great features, you'll learn why users around the world are making the switch to free, open instant messaging.", "path": "./salix/network/psi-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "467312 K", "ver": "2.0.0.v20130628", "name": "ApacheDirectoryStudio", "descs": "ApacheDirectoryStudio (eclipse based LDAP browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/ApacheDirectoryStudio", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116828 K", "descl": "Apache Directory Studio is a complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any LDAP server however it is particularly designed for use with the Apache Directory Server Homepage: http://directory.apache.org/studio/", "path": "./salix/network/ApacheDirectoryStudio-2.0.0.v20130628-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2128 K", "ver": "1.0.79", "name": "tgt", "descs": "tgt (SCSI target driver)", "source": "source/salix/network/tgt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libaio"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "532 K", "descl": "SCSI target driver (iSCSI, Fibre Channel, SRP, etc) creation and maintenance. This is the user-space code. You most probably already have the kernel-space code enabled.", "path": "./salix/network/tgt-1.0.79-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "20150525_edbdedd", "name": "wifite", "descs": "wifite (wireless attack tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/wifite", "deps": ["aircrack-ng", "reaver", "Pyrit", "cowpatty", "wireshark"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "An automated wireless attack tool. Homepage: https://github.com/derv82/wifite", "path": "./salix/network/wifite-20150525_edbdedd-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "openconnect-sso", "descs": "openconnect-sso (Wrapper for OpenConnect)", "source": "source/salix/network/openconnect-sso", "deps": ["openconnect"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Wrapper script for OpenConnect supporting Azure AD (SAMLv2) authentication to Cisco SSL-VPNs It still requires openconnect for the VPN connection, this is just a wrapper for OpenConnect to enable MFA connectivity", "path": "./salix/network/openconnect-sso-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4188 K", "ver": "v7.2.10_r2", "name": "atheme", "descs": "atheme (Atheme IRC Services)", "source": "source/salix/network/atheme", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "cracklib", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "perl", "qrencode", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1047 K", "descl": "Atheme is a feature-packed, extremely customisable IRC services daemon that is secure, stable and scalable. https://atheme.github.io", "path": "./salix/network/atheme-v7.2.10_r2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "572 K", "ver": "1.296", "name": "firehol", "descs": "firehol (An easy to use but powerfull iptables stateful firewall)", "source": "source/salix/network/firehol", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "143 K", "descl": "FireHOL uses an extremely simple but powerfull way to define firewall rules which it turns into complete stateful iptables firewalls. FireHOL is a generic firewall generator, meaning that you can design any kind of local or routing stateful packet filtering firewalls with ease. You can run FireHOL with the 'helpme' argument, to get a configuration file for the system run, which you can modify according to your needs.", "path": "./salix/network/firehol-1.296-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "24720 K", "ver": "4.2.2", "name": "Electrum", "descs": "Electrum (bitcoin client)", "source": "source/salix/network/Electrum", "deps": ["protobuf3", "cryptography", "secp256k1", "python3-aiohttp", "python3-aiohttp-socks", "python3-aiorpcX", "python-qrcode", "python-bitstring", "QDarkStyle"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6180 K", "descl": "Electrum is an easy to use Bitcoin client. There is no waiting time when you start the client, because it does not download the Bitcoin blockchain. Project URL: https://electrum.org/", "path": "./salix/network/Electrum-4.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "4.0", "name": "bmon", "descs": "bmon (portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator)", "source": "source/salix/network/bmon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "confuse", "libnl3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "bmon is a portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator It supports various input methods for different architectures. Various output modes exist including an interactive curses interface, lightweight HTML output but also formatable ASCII output. Statistics may be distributed over a network using multicast or unicast and collected at some point to generate a summary of statistics for a set of nodes.", "path": "./salix/network/bmon-4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "2022.82", "name": "dropbear", "descs": "dropbear (SSH server and client)", "source": "source/salix/network/dropbear", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "Dropbear is a relatively small SSH 2 server and client. It runs on a variety of POSIX-based platforms. Dropbear is open source software, distributed under a MIT-style license. Dropbear is particularly useful for 'embedded'-type Linux (or other Unix) systems, such as wireless routers. https://github.com/mkj/dropbear", "path": "./salix/network/dropbear-2022.82-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "gophernicus", "descs": "gophernicus (gopher server)", "source": "source/salix/network/gophernicus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Gophernicus is a modern full-featured (and hopefully) secure gopher daemon for inetd or xinetd. Homepage: gopher://gophernicus.org or: https://github.com/kimholviala/gophernicus", "path": "./salix/network/gophernicus-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4148 K", "ver": "0.77", "name": "putty", "descs": "putty (A Free Telnet/SSH Client)", "source": "source/salix/network/putty", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1037 K", "descl": "PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham. Project URL: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/", "path": "./salix/network/putty-0.77-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "memcached-init", "descs": "memcached-init (memcached init and config for Slackware)", "source": "source/salix/network/memcached-init", "deps": ["memcached"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering. This package extends `memcached' by an init-script and (sane) configuration file for Slackware. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/swmarc/memcached-init", "path": "./salix/network/memcached-init-1.0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.2.8", "name": "kirc", "descs": "kirc (tiny IRC client)", "source": "source/salix/network/kirc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "kirc is 'KISS for IRC', a tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99.", "path": "./salix/network/kirc-0.2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.11.3", "name": "xnetload", "descs": "xnetload (network traffic monitor application)", "source": "source/salix/network/xnetload", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Xnetload displays a count and a graph of the traffic over a specified network connection. It either displays bytes/second or packets/second, based on the capabilities of the kernel. On 2.1.x and later kernels (including the 2.2.x and 2.4.x series) it displays bytes/s. It requires the /proc file system, or rather /proc/net/dev which is only found in Linux. Homepage: http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/software/#xnetload", "path": "./salix/network/xnetload-1.11.3-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "httping", "descs": "httping (HTTP Request ping)", "source": "source/salix/network/httping", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "fftw", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "HTTPing is like ping but for http-requests. Give it a URL, and it will show you how long it takes to connect, send a request and receive the reply (only the headers). Be aware that the transmission across the network also takes time, so it measures the latency of the webserver + network. Homepage: http://www.vanheusden.com/httping/", "path": "./salix/network/httping-2.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "hg4771", "name": "prosody-mod-smacks", "descs": "prosody-mod-smacks (XEP-0198: Stream Management)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-smacks", "deps": ["prosody"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "When using XEP-0198 both the client and the server keep a queue of the most recently sent stanzas - this is cleared when the other end acknowledges they have received the stanzas. https://modules.prosody.im/mod_smacks.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-smacks-hg4771-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "9820 K", "ver": "4.6.0", "name": "pdns", "descs": "pdns (high-performance authoritative server)", "source": "source/salix/network/pdns", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libsodium", "libunistring", "lua", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2455 K", "descl": "The PowerDNS Authoritative Server is a versatile nameserver which supports a large number of backends.", "path": "./salix/network/pdns-4.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "translate", "descs": "translate (command line translator)", "source": "source/salix/network/translate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "This is a simple, yet powerful command line translator with google translate behind it. You can also use it as a Python module in your code. Homepage: https://github.com/terryyin/google-translate-python", "path": "./salix/network/translate-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "2.3.9", "name": "mod_fcgid", "descs": "mod_fcgid (FastCGI interface module for Apache 2)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_fcgid", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "mod_fcgid is a high performance alternative to mod_cgi or mod_cgid, which starts a sufficient number instances of the CGI program to handle concurrent requests, and these programs remain running to handle further incoming requests. It is favored by the PHP developers, for example, as a preferred alternative to running mod_php in-process, delivering very similar performance. Homepage: https://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/", "path": "./salix/network/mod_fcgid-2.3.9-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "7916 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "go-sendxmpp", "descs": "go-sendxmpp (send xmpp messages from the command line)", "source": "source/salix/network/go-sendxmpp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1979 K", "descl": "Go-sendxmpp is a little command line tool to send messages or files to an XMPP contact or a multi user chat. XMPP is an open, non-proprietary protocol for instant messaging. Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/mdosch/go-sendxmpp", "path": "./salix/network/go-sendxmpp-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3160 K", "ver": "2.4.1", "name": "Electrum-DASH", "descs": "Electrum-DASH (dash client)", "source": "source/salix/network/Electrum-DASH", "deps": ["SlowAES", "ecdsa", "python-qrcode", "pyasn1-modules", "python-tlslite", "python-pbkdf2", "protobuf3", "python-jsonrpclib", "python2-x11_hash", "trezor", "mnemonic"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "790 K", "descl": "Electrum-DASH is an easy to use Dash client. There is no waiting time when you start the client, because it does not download the Bitcoin blockchain. Project URL: https://electrum-dash.org/", "path": "./salix/network/Electrum-DASH-2.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "0.7.4", "name": "atftp", "descs": "atftp (a client/server implementation of the TFTP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/network/atftp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "atftp is a client/server implementation of the TFTP protocol that implements RFCs 1350, 2090, 2347, 2348, and 2349. The server is multi-threaded and the client presents a friendly interface using libreadline.", "path": "./salix/network/atftp-0.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "20201227_08aa5e6", "name": "x2goserver", "descs": "x2goserver (X2Go Remote Desktop solution)", "source": "source/salix/network/x2goserver", "deps": ["nx-libs", "perl-Config-Simple", "perl-File-ReadBackwards", "perl-DBD-SQLite", "perl-Capture-Tiny", "perl-Try-Tiny", "perl-Unix-Syslog", "perl-file-basedir", "perl-Switch"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "X2Go enables you to access a graphical desktop of a computer over a low bandwidth (or high bandwidth) connection. X2Go is a Remote Desktop solution, which is not to be confused with Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection. You can connect from a computer running Linux, Windows or MacOS X. Multiple users/clients can access a single X2Go Server at the same time, with each user/client having an individual Desktop session by default; however, desktop sharing is possible. This is the server.", "path": "./salix/network/x2goserver-20201227_08aa5e6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3200 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "castor", "descs": "castor (gemini client)", "source": "source/salix/network/castor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "800 K", "descl": "Castor is a graphical client for the Gemini, Gopher and Finger protocols. It's written in Rust and uses GTK. Home page: https://git.sr.ht/~julienxx/castor", "path": "./salix/network/castor-0.9.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "28288 K", "ver": "1.19.2", "name": "syncthing", "descs": "syncthing (two way file sync between devices)", "source": "source/salix/network/syncthing", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7072 K", "descl": "Syncthing is a free, open-source peer-to-peer, two-way file syncronisation application available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Solaris, Darwin and BSD. It can sync files between devices on a local network, or between remote devices over the Internet. https://syncthing.net", "path": "./salix/network/syncthing-1.19.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "30172 K", "ver": "6.0.5", "name": "zabbix_frontend", "descs": "zabbix_frontend (enterprise-class distributed monitoring solution)", "source": "source/salix/network/zabbix_frontend", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7543 K", "descl": "Zabbix offers advanced monitoring, alerting and visualization features, including distributed monitoring, auto-discovery, notifications etc. This package contains the frontend component of Zabbix https://www.zabbix.com/", "path": "./salix/network/zabbix_frontend-6.0.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "sshfp", "descs": "sshfp (DNS SSHFP and TLSA/HASTLS records generator)", "source": "source/salix/network/sshfp", "deps": ["python-ipcalc", "ldns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Generates SSHFP DNS records from known_hosts files or ssh-keyscan or TLSA/HASTLS DNS records by scanning SSL/TLS sites Homepage: https://github.com/xelerance/sshfp", "path": "./salix/network/sshfp-1.2.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4028 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "dianara", "descs": "dianara (Pump.io client written using Qt4)", "source": "source/salix/network/dianara", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "kwidgetsaddons", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qca", "qoauth", "qt5", "sonnet", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1007 K", "descl": "A desktop application to manage a user's account on the Pump.io distributed social network. This software is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 license.", "path": "./salix/network/dianara-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "13264 K", "ver": "3.5.0_7", "name": "nxclient", "descs": "nxclient (client for the NX protocol)", "source": "source/salix/network/nxclient", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3316 K", "descl": "This is a repackaging of the official nomachine's binary client for the NX protocol. nxclient homepage: https://www.nomachine.com/download-client-linux.php", "path": "./salix/network/nxclient-3.5.0_7-i386-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "1.25", "name": "mysecureshell", "descs": "mysecureshell (sftp server based on OpenSSH's internal sftp-server)", "source": "source/salix/network/mysecureshell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "MySecureShell is a replacement for the OpenSSH sftp-server subsystem that offers advanced features such as jailing, group-based access controls, and up/download limits. The configuration file is easy to read and resembles apache/ProFTPd. Homepage: http://mysecureshell.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/mysecureshell-1.25-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "uget-integrator", "descs": "uget-integrator (download manager)", "source": "source/salix/network/uget-integrator", "deps": ["uget"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Integrate uGet Download Manager with Google Chrome, Chromium, Vivaldi, Opera and Firefox Homepage: https://github.com/ugetdm/uget-integrator/", "path": "./salix/network/uget-integrator-1.0.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5404 K", "ver": "2.6.0", "name": "haproxy", "descs": "haproxy (The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer)", "source": "source/salix/network/haproxy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1351 K", "descl": "HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable reverse-proxy offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for very high traffic web sites and powers a significant portion of the world's most visited ones. Check out more information on https://www.haproxy.org/", "path": "./salix/network/haproxy-2.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5900 K", "ver": "9.0", "name": "midori", "descs": "midori (simple web-browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/midori", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libarchive", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libpeas", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lz4", "mesa", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1475 K", "descl": "midori is a simple web-browser, based on the webkit framework and gtk+3. Homepage: https://midori-browser.org", "path": "./salix/network/midori-9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "wmget", "descs": "wmget (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/network/wmget", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libunistring", "libxcb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "wmget is a dockapp wmget is a dockapp for WindowMaker which makes it more convenient to perform long downloads in the background Just copy the link from your browser, middle-click on the wmget dockapp, and the download will start. You can monitor the progress and stop the transfer if desired without opening or raising any windows or even changing desktops.", "path": "./salix/network/wmget-0.6.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.20.16", "name": "mps", "descs": "mps (Search, Stream and Download MP3)", "source": "source/salix/network/mps", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Terminal based MP3 search, playback and download.", "path": "./salix/network/mps-0.20.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8404 K", "ver": "7.8", "name": "awstats", "descs": "awstats (log analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/network/awstats", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2101 K", "descl": "AWStats is a free powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web streaming, ftp, or mail server statistics graphically. AWStats works as a CGI or from command line and shows you all possible information your log contains, in few graphical web pages. It can analyze log files from all major server tools like Apache log files and a lot of other web, proxy, wap, streaming servers, mail servers, and some ftp servers. Home Page: http://awstats.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/awstats-7.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "clive", "descs": "clive (command-line utility for extracting videos)", "source": "source/salix/network/clive", "deps": ["urlgrabber"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "clive is an open source command-line utility for extracting videos from Youtube and other video sharing websites. It was originally written to bypass the Adobe Flash requirement needed to view the hosted videos.", "path": "./salix/network/clive-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "5.1.2b1+git20191209", "name": "cicb", "descs": "cicb (ICB client)", "source": "source/salix/network/cicb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "ICB (International CB) is a teleconferencing system that allows Internet users to participate in realtime online discussions (similar to IRC). This package builds a client program (called, strangely enough, 'icb') that is used to access ICB. Project URL: http://www.icb.net/", "path": "./salix/network/cicb-5.1.2b1+git20191209-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "haskell-network-multicast", "descs": "haskell-network-multicast (multicast module)", "source": "source/salix/network/haskell-network-multicast", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "ghc", "haskell-network", "haskell-network-bsd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "The Network.Multicast module is for sending UDP datagrams over multicast (class D) addresses. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/network-multicast", "path": "./salix/network/haskell-network-multicast-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "2.17.11", "name": "axel", "descs": "axel (Download Accelerator)", "source": "source/salix/network/axel", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "Axel tries to accelerate HTTP/FTP downloading process by using multiple connections for one file. It can use multiple mirrors for a download. Axel has no dependencies and is lightweight, so it might be useful as a wget clone on byte-critical systems. Homepage: https://github.com/axel-download-accelerator/axel", "path": "./salix/network/axel-2.17.11-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1912 K", "ver": "0.5.17", "name": "dovecot-pigeonhole", "descs": "dovecot-pigeonhole (Sieve & Managesieve support for Dovecot)", "source": "source/salix/network/dovecot-pigeonhole", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "dovecot", "libunwind", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "478 K", "descl": "Pigeonhole is the name of the project that adds support for the Sieve language and the ManageSieve protocol to the Dovecot Secure IMAP/POP3 Server. Homepage: http://pigeonhole.dovecot.org/", "path": "./salix/network/dovecot-pigeonhole-0.5.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "2.3.4", "name": "rssh", "descs": "rssh (restricted ssh)", "source": "source/salix/network/rssh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "rssh is a restricted shell for use with OpenSSH, allowing only scp and/or sftp. It now also includes support for rdist, rsync, and cvs. For example, if you have a server which you only want to allow users to copy files off of via scp, without providing shell access, you can use rssh to do that. Homepage: http://www.pizzashack.org/rssh/", "path": "./salix/network/rssh-2.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1616 K", "ver": "2.7ck13", "name": "mosaic-ck", "descs": "mosaic-ck (Cameron Kaiser's fork of NCSA Mosaic)", "source": "source/salix/network/mosaic-ck", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXp", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "motif", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "404 K", "descl": "Mosaic is widely considered the grandfather of the modern web browser. Developed at NCSA, it was the first Web browser to win widespread use and acceptance. The last release of Mosaic was in 1997. mosaic-ck is a fork of Mosaic, with several features that allow it to work as a basic, no-frills browser on the modern WWW.", "path": "./salix/network/mosaic-ck-2.7ck13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "952 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "tmate", "descs": "tmate (instant terminal sharing)", "source": "source/salix/network/tmate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libevent", "utempter"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "238 K", "descl": "tmate is a fork of tmux. It provides instant terminal sharing (either read-write or read-only) through the server at tmate.io or through your own server (not included in this SlackBuild). You can think of tmate as a reverse ssh tunnel accessible from anywhere. tmate and tmux can coexist on the same system, they do not conflict.", "path": "./salix/network/tmate-2.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "1.19.3", "name": "twitter", "descs": "twitter (An API and command-line toolset for Twitter)", "source": "source/salix/network/twitter", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "The Minimalist Twitter API for Python is a Python API for Twitter, everyone's favorite Web 2.0 Facebook-style status updater for people on the go. Homepage: https://mike.verdone.ca/twitter/", "path": "./salix/network/twitter-1.19.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3800 K", "ver": "3.4.6", "name": "spamassassin", "descs": "spamassassin (perl e-mail filter to identify spam)", "source": "source/salix/network/spamassassin", "deps": ["zlib", "libwww-perl", "perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum", "perl-Encode-Detect", "perl-IO-Socket-INET6", "perl-IP-Country", "perl-Image-Info", "perl-Mail-DKIM", "perl-Mail-SPF", "perl-Net-Ident", "perl-Net-Server", "pyzor"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "950 K", "descl": "It is an intelligent email filter which uses a diverse range of tests to identify unsolicited bulk email, more commonly known as Spam. These tests are applied to email headers and content to classify email using advanced statistical methods. Homepage: https://spamassassin.apache.org", "path": "./salix/network/spamassassin-3.4.6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "9728 K", "ver": "1.4.22", "name": "squirrelmail", "descs": "squirrelmail (forever green webmail)", "source": "source/salix/network/squirrelmail", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2432 K", "descl": "SquirrelMail is a project that provides both a web-based email client and a proxy server for the IMAP protocol.", "path": "./salix/network/squirrelmail-1.4.22-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.45", "name": "ngrep", "descs": "ngrep (network grep)", "source": "source/salix/network/ngrep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "ngrep strives to provide most of GNU grep's common features, applying them to the network layer. ngrep is a pcap-aware tool that will allow you to specify extended regular or hexadecimal expressions to match against data payloads of packets. It currently recognizes IPv4/6, TCP, UDP and ICMPv4/6, IGMP and Raw across Ethernet, PPP, SLIP, FDDI, Token Ring and null interfaces. Homepage: http://ngrep.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/ngrep-1.45-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "inadyn", "descs": "inadyn (A Small and Simple DDNS Client)", "source": "source/salix/network/inadyn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "confuse", "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "In-a-dyn is a small and simple Dynamic DNS, DDNS, client with HTTPS support. It is commonly available in many GNU/Linux distributions, used in off-the-shelf routers and Internet gateways to automate the task of keeping your DNS record up to date with any IP address changes from your ISP. It can also be used in installations with redundant (backup) connections to the Internet. Homepage: http://troglobit.com/projects/inadyn", "path": "./salix/network/inadyn-2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "24552 K", "ver": "0.107.6", "name": "AdGuardHome", "descs": "AdGuardHome (Ad blocking DNS server)", "source": "source/salix/network/AdGuardHome", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6138 K", "descl": "AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads and tracking. It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a 'black hole', thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. Homepage: https://adguard.com/adguard-home.html", "path": "./salix/network/AdGuardHome-0.107.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "800 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "jigdo", "descs": "jigdo (Jigsaw Download)", "source": "source/salix/network/jigdo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "200 K", "descl": "Jigsaw Download, or short jigdo, is a tool designed to ease the distribution of very large files over the internet, for example CD or DVD images. Its aim is to make downloading the images as easy for users as a click on a direct download link in a browser, while avoiding all the problems that server administrators have with hosting such large files. homepage: http://atterer.org/jigdo/", "path": "./salix/network/jigdo-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "36244 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "guacamole-client", "descs": "guacamole-client (Guacamole client)", "source": "source/salix/network/guacamole-client", "deps": ["apache-tomcat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9061 K", "descl": "guacamole-client contains all Java and JavaScript components of Guacamole (guacamole, guacamole-common, guacamole-ext, and guacamole-common-js). http://guacamole.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/network/guacamole-client-1.1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "41428 K", "ver": "3.12.0", "name": "linphone", "descs": "linphone (SIP video-phone)", "source": "source/salix/network/linphone", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "bctoolbox", "belle-sip", "brotli", "bzrtp", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glew", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gsm", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libantlr3c", "libasyncns", "libdrm", "libglvnd", "libnl3", "libnotify", "libogg", "libpcap", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libtheora", "libupnp-legacy", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mbedtls", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "speex", "speexdsp", "sqlite", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "zlib", "libsrtp"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10357 K", "descl": "Linphone is an audio and video Internet phone with GTK+ and console interfaces. It uses the SIP protocol, and is compatible with most SIP clients and gateways. It uses various audio and video codecs such as Opus, Speex, GSM, G711, ilbc, Theora, H263-1998, MPEG4, VP8, H264 and snow. Homepage: https://www.linphone.org", "path": "./salix/network/linphone-3.12.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "20200328", "name": "udpcast", "descs": "udpcast (UDP File-Sender/Receiver)", "source": "source/salix/network/udpcast", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "Udpcast is a commandline program for transmitting or receiving files over the network using the UDP protocol. This way, you get a higher bandwidth than via TCP and you can send to many clients at once.", "path": "./salix/network/udpcast-20200328-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "23836 K", "ver": "2.11.9", "name": "flexget", "descs": "flexget (multipurpose content downloader)", "source": "source/salix/network/flexget", "deps": ["feedparser", "SQLAlchemy", "python2-PyYAML", "BeautifulSoup4", "python2-BeautifulSoup4", "html5lib", "PyRSS2Gen", "pynzb", "rpyc", "path.py", "pathlib", "guessit", "APScheduler", "terminaltables", "colorclass", "CherryPy", "python3-Flask-RESTful", "python3-Flask-RESTX", "python3-Flask-Compress", "python3-Flask-Login", "python3-Flask-Cors", "zxcvbn-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5959 K", "descl": "FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for content like torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, etc. FlexGet is able to handle different kinds of sources like RSS-feeds, html pages and csv files. FlexGet is extremely useful in conjunction with applications which have watch directory support, such as rtorrent. Home: http://flexget.com/", "path": "./salix/network/flexget-2.11.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2032 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "dante", "descs": "dante (a free SOCKS client and server)", "source": "source/salix/network/dante", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "pam"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "508 K", "descl": "Dante is a product developed by Inferno Nettverk A/S. It consists of a SOCKS server and a SOCKS client, implementing RFC 1928 and related standards. It is a flexible product that can be used to provide convenient and secure network connectivity. Dante is released under a BSD/CMU-type license and comes with complete source code.", "path": "./salix/network/dante-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.32", "name": "libident", "descs": "libident (library for querying IDENT servers)", "source": "source/salix/network/libident", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "libident is a library for querying IDENT (AUTH) servers. Homepage: https://www.remlab.net/files/libident/", "path": "./salix/network/libident-0.32-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "712 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "niceshaper", "descs": "niceshaper (dynamic traffic shaper)", "source": "source/salix/network/niceshaper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "178 K", "descl": "NiceShaper is a program working in a Linux router environment. It uses a proven HTB QOS algorithm. It provides dynamic traffic shaping which is more effective than traditional, static shaping. By constantly monitoring packets flowing through the router in response to changing load dynamically adjusts the bandwidth of acting classes to a level enabling the fullest possible usage of a internet access. At the same time does not allow for the creation of congestion, ensuring complete convenience of interactive services.", "path": "./salix/network/niceshaper-1.0.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "4728 K", "ver": "6.0.5", "name": "zabbix_proxy", "descs": "zabbix_proxy (Linux proxy daemon for zabbix_server)", "source": "source/salix/network/zabbix_proxy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libssh", "libunistring", "mariadb", "net-snmp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "unixODBC"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1182 K", "descl": "Zabbix offers advanced monitoring, alerting and visualization features, including distributed monitoring, auto-discovery, notifications etc. This is the proxy daemon that communicates with zabbix_server. https://www.zabbix.com/", "path": "./salix/network/zabbix_proxy-6.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "surf", "descs": "surf (minimalist web browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/surf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib", "dmenu"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "surf is a simple web browser based on WebKit/GTK+. It is able to display websites and follow links. It supports the XEmbed protocol which makes it possible to embed it in another application. Furthermore, one can point surf to another URI by setting its XProperties.", "path": "./salix/network/surf-2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "59024 K", "ver": "4604", "name": "vuze", "descs": "vuze (bittorrent client)", "source": "source/salix/network/vuze", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14756 K", "descl": "Vuze is a bittorrent client formerly known as Azureus. Homepage: http://azureus.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/vuze-4604-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1892 K", "ver": "3.2.13", "name": "efax-gtk", "descs": "efax-gtk (GTK+ front-end for 'efax' fax program)", "source": "source/salix/network/efax-gtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "c++-gtk-utils", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "473 K", "descl": "It can be used to send and receive faxes with a fax modem, and to view, print and manage faxes received. It also has a socket interface to provide a 'virtual printer' for sending faxes from word processors and similar programs, and can automatically e-mail a received fax to a designated user, and automatically print a received fax. It includes a patched version of efax itself. Homepage: http://efax-gtk.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/efax-gtk-3.2.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "5.2.8", "name": "shorewall-core", "descs": "shorewall-core (Iptables Made Easy)", "source": "source/salix/network/shorewall-core", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "The Shoreline Firewall, more commonly known as 'Shorewall', is a Netfilter (iptables) based firewall that can be used on a dedicated firewall system, a multi-function gateway / router / server, or on a standalone GNU/Linux system. This package contains common files required by both the shorewall and shorewall6 components of Shorewall. http://www.shorewall.net", "path": "./salix/network/shorewall-core-5.2.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "3.0.7", "name": "easyrsa", "descs": "easyrsa (CLI utility for managing a PKI CA)", "source": "source/salix/network/easyrsa", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "EasyRSA is a CLI utility to build and manage a PKI CA. Initially part of the OpenVPN project (www.openvpn.net), now maintained by the community. Further instructions for version 3 usage at: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/EasyRSA3-OpenVPN-Howto Homepage: https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa", "path": "./salix/network/easyrsa-3.0.7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "3.3.2", "name": "ctorrent", "descs": "ctorrent (Enhanced ctorrent)", "source": "source/salix/network/ctorrent", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "Enhanced CTorrent is a BitTorrent client designed to be lightweight and quick. The original ctorrent program has fallen a little behind in updates and bug fixes though. ctorrent home: http://www.rahul.net/dholmes/ctorrent/", "path": "./salix/network/ctorrent-3.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2292 K", "ver": "0.8.5", "name": "asuka", "descs": "asuka (gemini client)", "source": "source/salix/network/asuka", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "573 K", "descl": "Asuka is a CLI client for the Gemini protocol. It's written in Rust and uses NCurses. Home page: https://git.sr.ht/~julienxx/asuka", "path": "./salix/network/asuka-0.8.5-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3652 K", "ver": "20170723_f86be65", "name": "elinks", "descs": "elinks (ELinks - Full-Featured Text WWW Browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/elinks", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "brotli", "expat", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "lua", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "913 K", "descl": "ELinks is an advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web (HTTP/FTP/..) browser. ELinks can render both frames and tables, is highly customizable, and can be extended via Lua or Guile scripts. It is very portable and runs on a variety of platforms. Homepage: http://elinks.cz", "path": "./salix/network/elinks-20170723_f86be65-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "libdnet", "descs": "libdnet (portable interface to several low-level networking routines)", "source": "source/salix/network/libdnet", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "libdnet provides a simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines, including: * network address manipulation * kernel arp(4) cache and route(4) table lookup and manipulation * network firewalling (IP filter, ipfw, ipchains, pf, PktFilter, ...) * network interface lookup and manipulation * IP tunnelling (BSD/Linux tun, Universal TUN/TAP device) * raw IP packet and Ethernet frame transmission", "path": "./salix/network/libdnet-1.11-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "mod_dnssd", "descs": "mod_dnssd (dns-sd/zeroconf/avahi module for httpd)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_dnssd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "apr", "avahi", "dbus", "elogind", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "mod_dnssd is an Apache HTTPD module which adds Zeroconf support via DNS-SD using Avahi. Homepage: http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/mod_dnssd/", "path": "./salix/network/mod_dnssd-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "2.1a15", "name": "arpwatch", "descs": "arpwatch (Monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network)", "source": "source/salix/network/arpwatch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "The arpwatch package contains arpwatch and arpsnmp. Arpwatch and arpsnmp are both network monitoring tools. Both utilities monitor Ethernet or FDDI network traffic and build databases of Ethernet/IP address pairs, and can report certain changes via email. Homepage: https://ee.lbl.gov/", "path": "./salix/network/arpwatch-2.1a15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "hg4906", "name": "prosody-mod-http-upload", "descs": "prosody-mod-http-upload (XEP-0363: Client HTTP File Upload)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-http-upload", "deps": ["prosody"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This module implements XEP-0363, which lets clients upload files over HTTP. https://modules.prosody.im/mod_http_upload.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-http-upload-hg4906-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "irssi_otr", "descs": "irssi_otr (OTR plugin for irssi)", "source": "source/salix/network/irssi_otr", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libotr"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) plugin for the irssi IRC client", "path": "./salix/network/irssi_otr-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "756 K", "ver": "8.0.4", "name": "seafile", "descs": "seafile (Cloud Storage System)", "source": "source/salix/network/seafile", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "icu4c", "jansson", "libevent", "libsearpc", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "libevhtp"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "189 K", "descl": "Seafile is a next-generation open source cloud storage system with advanced support for file syncing, privacy protection and teamwork. Homepage: http://seafile.com/", "path": "./salix/network/seafile-8.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "10656 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "weechat", "descs": "weechat (IRC client)", "source": "source/salix/network/weechat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gc", "gnutls", "guile", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "lua", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "perl", "python3", "ruby", "tcl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2664 K", "descl": "WeeChat is a fast & light multilingual curses-based multiplatform IRC client written from scratch and released under the GPL. Homepage: https://www.weechat.org This package was built WITH lua scripting support.", "path": "./salix/network/weechat-3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3896 K", "ver": "7.0.5", "name": "hylafax+", "descs": "hylafax+ (enterprise-class fax system)", "source": "source/salix/network/hylafax+", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "lcms2", "libwebp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "974 K", "descl": "Making the Premier Open-Source Fax Management System Even Better. HylaFAX+ is an enterprise-class system for sending and receiving facsimiles as well as for sending alpha-numeric pages. The '+' means that it is better than its originating project, HylaFAX. Homepage: http://hylafax.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/hylafax+-7.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1144 K", "ver": "dc703b3438f9", "name": "drawterm", "descs": "drawterm (connect to Plan 9 and 9front systems)", "source": "source/salix/network/drawterm", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "286 K", "descl": "Drawterm is a program which attempts to emulate various portions of a 9front kernel and summarily connect to a 9front cpu and auth server. 9front's fork of drawterm adds support for 9front's refined authentication protocol, but can authenticate with less secure Plan 9 systems using p9sk1. Homepage: http://drawterm.9front.org", "path": "./salix/network/drawterm-dc703b3438f9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "84164 K", "ver": "8.2.11", "name": "owncloud-server", "descs": "owncloud-server (ownCloud sync & share server)", "source": "source/salix/network/owncloud-server", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21041 K", "descl": "ownCloud gives you universal access to your files through a web interface or WebDAV. It also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web. Homepage: https://owncloud.org/", "path": "./salix/network/owncloud-server-8.2.11-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "mod_auth_gssapi", "descs": "mod_auth_gssapi (GSSAPI Negotiate module for Apache)", "source": "source/salix/network/mod_auth_gssapi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "The mod_auth_gssapi is an Apache module designed to provide Kerberos authentication to the Apache HTTP Server. This module has been built as a replacement for the aging mod_auth_kerb. Its aim is to use only GSSAPI calls and be as much as possible agnostic of the actual mechanism used.", "path": "./salix/network/mod_auth_gssapi-1.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1932 K", "ver": "2.2.7", "name": "keepalived", "descs": "keepalived (HealthChecking for LVS & High-Availability)", "source": "source/salix/network/keepalived", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "file", "iptables", "kmod", "libmnl", "libnftnl", "libnl3", "libpcap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "483 K", "descl": "The main goal of the keepalived project is to add a strong & robust keepalive facility to the Linux Virtual Server project. Keepalived implements a framework based on three family checks: Layer3, Layer4 & Layer5/7. Homepage: http://www.keepalived.org/", "path": "./salix/network/keepalived-2.2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "dkimproxy", "descs": "dkimproxy (SMTP-proxy)", "source": "source/salix/network/dkimproxy", "deps": ["perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA", "perl-digest-sha1", "perl-MailTools", "perl-net-dns", "perl-Net-Server", "perl-Mail-DKIM"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "DKIMproxy uses the Mail::DKIM module. It is designed for Postfix, but should work with any mail server. It comprises two separate proxies, an 'outbound' proxy for signing outgoing email, and an 'inbound' proxy for verifying signatures of incoming email. With Postfix, the proxies can operate as either Before-Queue or After-Queue content filters. homepage: http://dkimproxy.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/dkimproxy-1.4.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2312 K", "ver": "2.10", "name": "hostapd", "descs": "hostapd (wifi authenticator)", "source": "source/salix/network/hostapd", "deps": ["libnl3", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "578 K", "descl": "hostapd is a user space daemon for access point and authentication servers. It implements IEEE 802.11 access point management, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticators, RADIUS client, EAP server, and RADIUS authentication server. The current version supports Linux (Host AP, madwifi, Prism54 drivers) and FreeBSD (net80211). Homepage: https://w1.fi/hostapd/", "path": "./salix/network/hostapd-2.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "304 K", "ver": "0.9.15", "name": "graphite-carbon", "descs": "graphite-carbon (Backend data caching and daemon for Graphite)", "source": "source/salix/network/graphite-carbon", "deps": ["python2-whisper", "python2-twisted"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "76 K", "descl": "Graphite is a web application using the Twisted framework to provide real-time visualization and storage of numeric time-series data. The Carbon daemon processes the incoming time-series data and saves it as Whisper database files. Homepage: https://github.com/graphite-project/", "path": "./salix/network/graphite-carbon-0.9.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1208 K", "ver": "5.0.7", "name": "courier-imap", "descs": "courier-imap (Courier IMAP server)", "source": "source/salix/network/courier-imap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "302 K", "descl": "The Courier IMAP server is a fast, scalable, enterprise IMAP server that uses Maildirs. Homepage: http://www.courier-mta.org/imap/", "path": "./salix/network/courier-imap-5.0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.3a", "name": "dmitry", "descs": "dmitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/dmitry", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a UNIX/(GNU)Linux Command Line Application coded in C. DMitry has the ability to gather as much information as possible about a host. Base functionality is able to gather possible subdomains, email addresses, uptime information, tcp port scan, whois lookups, and more.", "path": "./salix/network/dmitry-1.3a-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "0.5.14", "name": "munge", "descs": "munge (an authentication service)", "source": "source/salix/network/munge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "MUNGE is an authentication service for creating and validating credentials. It is designed to be highly scalable for use in an HPC cluster environment. It allows a process to authenticate the UID and GID of another local or remote process within a group of hosts having common users and groups. https://dun.github.io/munge/", "path": "./salix/network/munge-0.5.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "996 K", "ver": "8.2.39", "name": "ircd-hybrid", "descs": "ircd-hybrid (A lightweight, high-performance IRC daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/ircd-hybrid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "249 K", "descl": "ircd is the server (daemon) program for the Internet Relay Chat Program. The ircd is a server in that its function is to 'serve' the client program irc and other compatible programs with messages and commands. All commands and user messages are passed directly to the ircd for processing and relaying to other IRC servers. This is ircd-hybrid, the highly modified (and hopefully improved) variant of the original ircd program by Jarkko Oikarinen. Home-Page: http://www.ircd-hybrid.org/", "path": "./salix/network/ircd-hybrid-8.2.39-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "608 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "grsync", "descs": "grsync (rsync GUI)", "source": "source/salix/network/grsync", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "152 K", "descl": "grsync is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for rsync, the commandline directory synchronization tool. It can be effectively used to synchronize local directories and it supports remote targets as well. Homepage: http://www.opbyte.it/grsync/", "path": "./salix/network/grsync-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "92316 K", "ver": "4.1.4", "name": "openfire", "descs": "openfire (XMPP server)", "source": "source/salix/network/openfire", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23079 K", "descl": "Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP (also called Jabber). Openfire is incredibly easy to setup and administer, but offers rock-solid security and performance.", "path": "./salix/network/openfire-4.1.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "corkscrew", "descs": "corkscrew (SSH proxy connect command)", "source": "source/salix/network/corkscrew", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Corkscrew is a tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies.", "path": "./salix/network/corkscrew-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "GhostInTheMail", "descs": "GhostInTheMail (Basic GTK mail client)", "source": "source/salix/network/GhostInTheMail", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Ghost In The Mail is a very basic mail client for Linux, written in C, for GTK. It supports attached files. The user can specify the SMTP server, the sender's e-mail, and the name. Homepage: http://gitmail.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/GhostInTheMail-0.5-i486-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "hg3023", "name": "prosody-mod-block-strangers", "descs": "prosody-mod-block-strangers (block messages by strangers)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-block-strangers", "deps": ["prosody"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "This module blocks messages from people not on the roster. Contact requests are allowed. Homepage: https://modules.prosody.im/mod_block_strangers.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-block-strangers-hg3023-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "5.6.2", "name": "clamav-unofficial-sigs", "descs": "clamav-unofficial-sigs (unofficial clamav signatures)", "source": "source/salix/network/clamav-unofficial-sigs", "deps": ["clamav"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "This package provides Bill Landry's unofficial clamav signatures. It downloads phish, scam, junk, malware and other third-party databases to integrate with clamav. It primarily needs to run via cron. Please see INSTALL file in the package docs for information on cron and config file setup. http://www.inetmsg.com/pub/", "path": "./salix/network/clamav-unofficial-sigs-5.6.2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "840 K", "ver": "0.13.9", "name": "xaric", "descs": "xaric (simple colorful IRC client)", "source": "source/salix/network/xaric", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "210 K", "descl": "Xaric is a UNIX irc client similar to (and forked from) BitchX and ircII. The purpose of xaric is to remove all of the bogus, broken crap and silly features from BitchX and have a nice colorful client.", "path": "./salix/network/xaric-0.13.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "torsocks", "descs": "torsocks (socks friendly usage with tor)", "source": "source/salix/network/torsocks", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "Torsocks allows you to use most socks-friendly applications in a safe way with Tor. It ensures that DNS requests are handled safely and explicitly rejects UDP traffic from the application you're using", "path": "./salix/network/torsocks-2.3.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "20070115", "name": "aiccu", "descs": "aiccu (Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/aiccu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "AICCU makes it easy for users to get IPv6 connectivity. After having requested an account, tunnel and optionally a subnet, AICCU can be used to automatically configure the tunnel. AICCU supports TIC (Tunnel Information & Control protocol), which it uses for retrieving the tunnel configuration information, AYIYA, which allows tunnels to be created even behind firewalls and NAT's.", "path": "./salix/network/aiccu-20070115-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "redir", "descs": "redir (Redirect TCP connections)", "source": "source/salix/network/redir", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "redir is all you need to redirect traffic across firewalls. The functionality of inetd/tcpd and 'redir' will allow you to do everything you need without screwy telnet/ftp etc gateways. homepage: https://github.com/troglobit/redir", "path": "./salix/network/redir-3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "wakeonlan", "descs": "wakeonlan (wake on lan)", "source": "source/salix/network/wakeonlan", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "A small python module for wake on lan. Homepage: https://github.com/remcohaszing/pywakeonlan", "path": "./salix/network/wakeonlan-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "bitlbee-steam", "descs": "bitlbee-steam (Steam protocol plugin for bitlbee)", "source": "source/salix/network/bitlbee-steam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "bitlbee"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "The Steam protocol plugin for bitlbee. This plugin uses the Steam Mobile API allowing it to run alongside the main Steam client. It is worth noting that the Steam Mobile API is HTTP based, which does lead to mild latency. Homepage: https://github.com/jgeboski/bitlbee-steam/", "path": "./salix/network/bitlbee-steam-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "564 K", "ver": "0.5.20", "name": "uudeview", "descs": "uudeview (The Nice and Friendly Decoder)", "source": "source/salix/network/uudeview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "141 K", "descl": "UUDeview is a program that helps you transmit and receive binary files over the Internet, using electronic mail or newsgroups The UUDeview package includes both an encoder and a decoder. The decoder automatically detects the type of encoding used, offering MIME's Base64 and BinHex as well as the popular uuencoding and the less frequently used xxencoding methods. Recently, support for the popular yEnc encoding was also added. The encoder runs the other way around and encodes a binary file for sending it by mail or news.", "path": "./salix/network/uudeview-0.5.20-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "66648 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "w3af", "descs": "w3af (Web Application Attack and Audit Framwork)", "source": "source/salix/network/w3af", "deps": ["SOAPpy", "graphviz", "lxml", "python3-nltk", "pyOpenSSL", "pygtksourceview", "pysvn", "scapy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16662 K", "descl": "w3af is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project's goal is to create a framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities that is easy to use and extend.", "path": "./salix/network/w3af-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "ldapvi", "descs": "ldapvi (interactive LDAP client for Unix terminals)", "source": "source/salix/network/ldapvi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "ldapvi is an interactive LDAP client for Unix terminals. Using it, you can update LDAP entries with a text editor. Think of it as vipw(1) for LDAP. ldapvi was written by David Lichteblau Homepage: http://www.lichteblau.com/ldapvi/", "path": "./salix/network/ldapvi-1.7-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3060 K", "ver": "", "name": "ettercap", "descs": "ettercap (Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger)", "source": "source/salix/network/ettercap", "deps": ["GeoIP", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libbsd", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnet", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "765 K", "descl": "Ettercap is a suite for man in the middle attacks on LAN. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones) and includes many feature for network and host host analysis. Homepage: https://ettercap.github.io/ettercap/", "path": "./salix/network/ettercap-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5236 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "nicotine+", "descs": "nicotine+ (graphical client for Soulseek)", "source": "source/salix/network/nicotine+", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1309 K", "descl": "Nicotine+ is a graphical client for the Soulseek peer-to-peer file sharing network. Nicotine+ aims to be a pleasant, Free and Open Source (FOSS) alternative to the official Soulseek client, providing additional functionality while keeping current with the Soulseek protocol. Homepage: https://nicotine-plus.org/", "path": "./salix/network/nicotine+-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "2020.12.R1", "name": "ubertooth", "descs": "ubertooth (wireless development platform)", "source": "source/salix/network/ubertooth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "bluez", "libbtbb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "Project Ubertooth is an open source wireless development platform suitable for Bluetooth experimentation. Ubertooth ships with a capable BLE (Bluetooth Smart) sniffer and can sniff some data from Basic Rate (BR) Bluetooth Classic connections. Homepage: https://github.com/greatscottgadgets/ubertooth", "path": "./salix/network/ubertooth-2020.12.R1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "52612 K", "ver": "20220216_3dfcb58", "name": "retroshare", "descs": "retroshare (Secure, Decentralized chat, email, forums, file sharing)", "source": "source/salix/network/retroshare", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libupnp-legacy", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "sqlcipher", "zlib", "libmicrohttpd", "miniupnpc", "protobuf3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13153 K", "descl": "RetroShare is a Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform. It lets you to securely chat and share files with your friends, family and coworkers, using a web-of-trust to authenticate peers and OpenSSL to encrypt all communication. RetroShare provides filesharing, chat, messages, forums and channels. Project URL: http://retroshare.cc", "path": "./salix/network/retroshare-20220216_3dfcb58-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3968 K", "ver": "", "name": "synergy", "descs": "synergy (Control sharing over the network)", "source": "source/salix/network/synergy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxkbfile", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "pugixml", "qt5", "util-linux", "zlib", "avahi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "992 K", "descl": "Synergy lets you easily share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on your desk. Homepage: http://synergy-foss.org/", "path": "./salix/network/synergy-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.9.3", "name": "wavemon", "descs": "wavemon (Wavemon 802.11 monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/wavemon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libnl3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "wavemon is an ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices. It allows you to watch the signal and noise levels, packet statistics, device configuration, and network parameters of your wireless network hardware. The scan window allows you to sort by signal strength etc. It was originally developed by Jan Morgenstern.", "path": "./salix/network/wavemon-0.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.23.3", "name": "cadaver", "descs": "cadaver (command line webdav-client)", "source": "source/salix/network/cadaver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "e2fsprogs", "expat", "libproxy", "neon", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "cadaver is a command-line WebDAV client for Unix. It supports file upload, download, on-screen display, namespace operations (move/copy), collection creation and deletion, and locking operations. cadaver is free software distributed under the GNU GPL.", "path": "./salix/network/cadaver-0.23.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "636 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "packETH", "descs": "packETH (A Linux GUI packet generator tool for ethernet)", "source": "source/salix/network/packETH", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "159 K", "descl": "packETH is GUI and CLI packet generator tool for ethernet. It allows you to create and send any possible packet or sequence of packets on the ethernet link. Homepage: https://github.com/jemcek/packETH", "path": "./salix/network/packETH-2.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "23_867a6dd", "name": "nweb", "descs": "nweb (A tiny web server in C)", "source": "source/salix/network/nweb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "nweb is a small and very safe mini web server nweb only servers out file/web pages with certain extensions and only from the named directory or its sub-directories. There is no fancy features = safe and secure. Example: nweb 8181 /home/nwebdir &", "path": "./salix/network/nweb-23_867a6dd-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "868 K", "ver": "6.0", "name": "dukto", "descs": "dukto (simple file transfer tool for LAN users)", "source": "source/salix/network/dukto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "217 K", "descl": "Dukto is an easy file transfer tool designed for LAN use. Transfer files from one PC (or other device) to another, without worrying about users, permissions, operating systems, protocols, clients, servers and so on. Just start Dukto on the two PCs and transfer files and folders by dragging onto its window. Dukto available on Linux, Android, OSX, IOS, Windows and Windows Phone Homepage: http://www.msec.it/blog/?page_id=11", "path": "./salix/network/dukto-6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "840 K", "ver": "8.0.6", "name": "seafile-server", "descs": "seafile-server (Cloud Storage System)", "source": "source/salix/network/seafile-server", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "icu4c", "jansson", "libevent", "libsearpc", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "ccnet", "libevhtp", "seahub"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "210 K", "descl": "Seafile is a next-generation open source cloud storage system with advanced support for file syncing, privacy protection and teamwork. Homepage: http://seafile.com/", "path": "./salix/network/seafile-server-8.0.6-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "960 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "wrk", "descs": "wrk (HTTP benchmarking tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/wrk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "240 K", "descl": "A modern HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load when run on a single multi-core CPU. It combines a multithreaded design with scalable event notification systems such as epoll and kqueue. Homepage: https://github.com/wg/wrk", "path": "./salix/network/wrk-3.1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "27576 K", "ver": "4.4.3", "name": "qbittorrent", "descs": "qbittorrent (a C++ / Qt5 Bittorrent Client)", "source": "source/salix/network/qbittorrent", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libtorrent-rasterbar", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6894 K", "descl": "qBittorrent is a bittorrent client programmed in C++ / Qt5 that uses libtorrent (sometimes called libtorrent-rasterbar) by Arvid Norberg. It aims to be a good alternative to all other bittorrent clients out there. qBittorrent is fast, stable, and provides unicode support as well as many features. Homepage: https://www.qbittorrent.org/", "path": "./salix/network/qbittorrent-4.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "nbwmon", "descs": "nbwmon (ncurses bandwidth monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/nbwmon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "nbwmon is ncurses based bandwidth monitor. It monitors transmitted and received traffic for a network interface. Homepage: http://causes.host.funtoo.org/nbwmon.pt", "path": "./salix/network/nbwmon-0.5.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "linksys-tftp", "descs": "linksys-tftp (tftp client for Linksys routers requiring a password)", "source": "source/salix/network/linksys-tftp", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This is a BSD tftp client for Linksys routers that need a password for tftp firmware installation such as the BEFW11, WRT54G and WRT54GL", "path": "./salix/network/linksys-tftp-1.2.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "youtube-upload", "descs": "youtube-upload (YouTube command-line upload utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/youtube-upload", "deps": ["progressbar", "google-api-python-client"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Youtube-upload is a command line Python script that uploads videos to Youtube using the YouTube APIv3. Homepage: https://github.com/tokland/youtube-upload/", "path": "./salix/network/youtube-upload-0.8.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "0.2.5", "name": "sqlninja", "descs": "sqlninja (a SQL Server injection & takeover tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/sqlninja", "deps": ["perl-Net-Pcap", "perl-Net-RawIP", "perl-NetPacket", "perl-net-dns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "Sqlninja is a tool targeted to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end. Its main goal is to provide a remote access on the vulnerable DB server, even in a very hostile environment. It should be used by penetration testers to help and automate the process of taking over a DB Server when a SQL Injection vulnerability has been discovered. This version includes Raul Siles' patch for better Metasploit Framework integration.", "path": "./salix/network/sqlninja-0.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "27144 K", "ver": "5.5.1", "name": "davmail", "descs": "davmail (POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP Exchange Gateway)", "source": "source/salix/network/davmail", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6786 K", "descl": "DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP Exchange gateway allowing users to use any mail/calendar client with an Exchange server, even from the internet or behind a firewall through Outlook Web Access. DavMail now includes an LDAP gateway to Exchange global address book and user personal contacts to allow recipient address completion in mail compose window and full calendar support with attendees free/busy display. Home-Page: http://davmail.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/davmail-5.5.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "aggregate", "descs": "aggregate (optimise a list of route prefixes)", "source": "source/salix/network/aggregate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Takes a list of prefixes in conventional format on stdin, and performs two optimisations to attempt to reduce the length of the prefix list. The first optimisation is to remove any supplied prefixes which are superfluous because they are already included in another supplied prefix. For example, would be removed if was also supplied. The second optimisation identifies adjacent prefixes that can be combined under a single, shorter-length prefix. For example, and can be combined into the single prefix", "path": "./salix/network/aggregate-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "3.12.2", "name": "rss2email", "descs": "rss2email (rss to email gateway)", "source": "source/salix/network/rss2email", "deps": ["feedparser", "html2text"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "A python script that converts RSS/Atom newsfeeds to email. Homepage: https://github.com/rss2email/rss2email", "path": "./salix/network/rss2email-3.12.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "816 K", "ver": "1.2.4p5", "name": "mk-livestatus", "descs": "mk-livestatus (Nagios status module)", "source": "source/salix/network/mk-livestatus", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "204 K", "descl": "MK Livestatus The fastest and easiest way of accessing status and historic data in Nagios and Icinga. It is now the default access method for NagVis, Check_MK Multisite and many other popular addons. https://mathias-kettner.de/checkmk_livestatus.html", "path": "./salix/network/mk-livestatus-1.2.4p5-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.9.5", "name": "urlscan", "descs": "urlscan (Replacement for urlview, a web browser launcher for mutt)", "source": "source/salix/network/urlscan", "deps": ["python-urwid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "Urlscan is a small program that is designed to integrate with the 'mutt' mailreader to allow you to easily launch a Web browser for URLs contained in email messages. It is a replacement for the 'urlview' program.", "path": "./salix/network/urlscan-0.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3316 K", "ver": "1.12.7", "name": "liferea", "descs": "liferea (Web feed reader/news aggregator)", "source": "source/salix/network/liferea", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gobject-introspection", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libpeas", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "829 K", "descl": "Liferea is a web feed reader/news aggregator that brings together all of the content from your favorite subscriptions into a simple interface that makes it easy to organize and browse feeds. Its GUI is similar to a desktop mail/newsclient, with an embedded graphical browser. Homepage: https://lzone.de/liferea/", "path": "./salix/network/liferea-1.12.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "3.9.1", "name": "ddclient", "descs": "ddclient (Perl based DynDNS update client)", "source": "source/salix/network/ddclient", "deps": ["perl-Data-Validate-IP"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "DDclient is a small but full featured Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts on Dynamic DNS Network Services free DNS service. It has the capability to update more than only dyndns and it can fetch your WAN-ipaddress in a few different ways. Supported features include: operating as a daemon, manual and automatic updates, static and dynamic updates, optimized updates for multiple addresses, MX, wildcards, abuse avoidance, retrying failed updates, and sending update status to syslog and through e-mail.", "path": "./salix/network/ddclient-3.9.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "arno-iptables-firewall", "descs": "arno-iptables-firewall (front-end for iptables)", "source": "source/salix/network/arno-iptables-firewall", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "arno-iptables-firewall is a front-end for iptables. Its configuration script will set up a secure and restrictive firewall by just asking a few questions. This includes the configuration of internal networks for Internet access via NAT, and potential network services like http or ssh. Moreover, it provides advanced additional features that can be enabled in the well documented configuration file. https://github.com/arno-iptables-firewall/aif", "path": "./salix/network/arno-iptables-firewall-2.1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.6.0_rc1", "name": "iodine", "descs": "iodine (DNS tunnel)", "source": "source/salix/network/iodine", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "iodine lets you tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server. This can be usable in different situations where internet access is firewalled, but DNS queries are allowed.", "path": "./salix/network/iodine-0.6.0_rc1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "10516 K", "ver": "4.16", "name": "squid", "descs": "squid (a popular free and open source Web proxy server and web cache)", "source": "source/salix/network/squid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "gnutls", "libbsd", "libmnl", "libnetfilter_conntrack", "libnfnetlink", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pam", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2629 K", "descl": "Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients, supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Homepage: http://www.squid-cache.org/", "path": "./salix/network/squid-4.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5228 K", "ver": "1.36.0", "name": "aria2", "descs": "aria2 (CLI Metalink/BiTorrent client)", "source": "source/salix/network/aria2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gnutls", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1307 K", "descl": "aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink. Homepage: https://aria2.github.io/", "path": "./salix/network/aria2-1.36.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "", "name": "surl", "descs": "surl (URL shortener)", "source": "source/salix/network/surl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "surl is a URL shortening command line application that supports various sites. It supports stdin or filename input. It grabs the URLs, converts them, and returns the same text that was used in the input. It is known to work with a few services, such as tinyurl.com, is.gd, and others.", "path": "./salix/network/surl-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "2.23_08", "name": "webalizer", "descs": "webalizer (Free web server log file analysis program)", "source": "source/salix/network/webalizer", "deps": ["GeoIP", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "The Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program. It produces highly detailed, easily configurable usage reports in HTML format, for viewing with a standard web browser. Homepage: http://webalizer.com/", "path": "./salix/network/webalizer-2.23_08-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.2+20210506_058547e", "name": "sic", "descs": "sic (simple irc client from suckless.org)", "source": "source/salix/network/sic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "sic is an extremely simple IRC client. It consists of less than 250 lines of code. http://tools.suckless.org/sic", "path": "./salix/network/sic-1.2+20210506_058547e-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "smcroute", "descs": "smcroute (Static Multicast Routing Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/smcroute", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "SMCRoute is a daemon and command line tool to manipulate the multicast routing table in a UNIX kernel. It can be used as an alternative to dynamic multicast routers like mrouted or pimd in situations where (only) static multicast routes should be maintained and/or no proper IGMP signaling exists. Homepage: http://troglobit.com/smcroute.html", "path": "./salix/network/smcroute-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "19016 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "cni-plugins", "descs": "cni-plugins (plugins for Container Networking Interface)", "source": "source/salix/network/cni-plugins", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4754 K", "descl": "Container networking plugins for baseline functionality. Site: https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins", "path": "./salix/network/cni-plugins-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "wmnotify", "descs": "wmnotify (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/network/wmnotify", "deps": ["flac", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "wmnotify is a dock application (dockapp), notification e-mail program forr POP3 and IMAP4 servers. wmnotify periodically check a POP3 or IMAP4 email account for new messages. It also supports SSL encryption. If desired, a sound can be played from a WAV or AU audio file, or from the console bell when a nem e-mail arrives.", "path": "./salix/network/wmnotify-1.0.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2824 K", "ver": "", "name": "Quaternion", "descs": "Quaternion (A Qt5-based IM client for Matrix)", "source": "source/salix/network/Quaternion", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "glib2", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libsecret", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "qtkeychain", "util-linux", "zlib", "libQuotient"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "706 K", "descl": "Quaternion is a cross-platform desktop IM client for the Matrix protocol. Homepage: https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion", "path": "./salix/network/Quaternion-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "7396 K", "ver": "2.27", "name": "newsboat", "descs": "newsboat (RSS console feed reader)", "source": "source/salix/network/newsboat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "stfl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1849 K", "descl": "Newsboat is an open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals. Newsboat's configurability and features make it a good choice for users that want a fast feed reader controlled by the keyboard. Newsboat can sync with TinyTinyRSS and can download podcasts distributed through RSS feeds.", "path": "./salix/network/newsboat-2.27-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1160 K", "ver": "4.3.3", "name": "nsd", "descs": "nsd (Name Server Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/nsd", "deps": ["libevent", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "290 K", "descl": "NSD is an authoritative only, high performance, simple and open source name server. Website: https://www.nlnetlabs.nl/projects/nsd/about/", "path": "./salix/network/nsd-4.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "0.9.20", "name": "etherape", "descs": "etherape (A graphical network monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/etherape", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "goocanvas2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "EtherApe is a graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after etherman. Featuring link layer, ip and TCP modes, it displays network activity graphically. Hosts and links change in size with traffic. Color coded protocols display. It supports Ethernet, FDDI, Token Ring ISDN, PPP and SLIP devices. It can filter traffic to be shown,and can read traffic from a file as well as live from the network. Homepage: http://etherape.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/etherape-0.9.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "3.0.5", "name": "httptunnel", "descs": "httptunnel (tunnel over http)", "source": "source/salix/network/httptunnel", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "httptunnel creates a bidirectional virtual connection tunnelled in HTTP requests, and the HTTP requests can be sent via an HTTP proxy if so desired. This can be useful for users behind restrictive firewalls. If WWW access is allowed through a HTTP proxy, it's possible to use httptunnel and e.g. telnet or PPP to connect to another computer outside the firewall.", "path": "./salix/network/httptunnel-3.0.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.13", "name": "darkhttpd", "descs": "darkhttpd (simple and lightweight HTTP server)", "source": "source/salix/network/darkhttpd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "darkhttpd is a small and secure static web server. It can generate directory listings, supports HTTP GET and HEADER requests, can log accesses, including Referer and User-Agent; it can chroot and drop privileges. darkhttpd only serves static content, no CGI. Homepage: https://unix4lyfe.org/darkhttpd/", "path": "./salix/network/darkhttpd-1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "kwakd", "descs": "kwakd (web server)", "source": "source/salix/network/kwakd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "Kwakd is a very small foot print web server written in C that serves blank html pages for any request. The request can be arbitrary, may even be invalid, but only its first line will be read and the response will be the same: blank page consisting of ' '. It is quite easy to change the response to whatever you like though. Kwakd can be handy if you want to intercept traffic from your client (web browser for example) to annoying sites and direct all such traffic to your local machine.", "path": "./salix/network/kwakd-0.5-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "720 K", "ver": "0.7.10", "name": "canto", "descs": "canto (An ncurses RSS aggregator)", "source": "source/salix/network/canto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "180 K", "descl": "Canto is an Atom/RSS feed reader for the console that is meant to be quick, concise, and colorful. It is meant to allow you to crank through feeds like you've never cranked before by providing a minimal, yet information packed interface. An interface with almost infinite customization and extensibility using the excellent Python programming language. Homepage: http://codezen.org/canto/", "path": "./salix/network/canto-0.7.10-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "18964 K", "ver": "6.4.0_1", "name": "yate", "descs": "yate (Yet Another Telephony Engine)", "source": "source/salix/network/yate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "gsm", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "qt4", "speex", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4741 K", "descl": "Yate is a next-generation telephony engine; while currently focused on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and PSTN, its power lies in its ability to be easily extended. Voice, video, data and instant messenging can all be unified under Yate's flexible routing engine, maximizing communications efficiency and minimizing infrastructure costs for businesses.", "path": "./salix/network/yate-6.4.0_1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6044 K", "ver": "3.7.0", "name": "sylpheed", "descs": "sylpheed (lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client)", "source": "source/salix/network/sylpheed", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gpgme", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkspell", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libassuan", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1511 K", "descl": "Sylpheed is an e-mail client based on the GTK+ GUI toolkit. It runs on the X Window System, and Microsoft Windows. Sylpheed is free software distributed under the GNU GPL. Homepage: https://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/en/", "path": "./salix/network/sylpheed-3.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "660 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "courier-unicode", "descs": "courier-unicode (Courier Unicode library)", "source": "source/salix/network/courier-unicode", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "165 K", "descl": "The Courier authentication library provides Unicode-related algorithms for other Courier applications. Homepage: http://www.courier-mta.org/unicode/", "path": "./salix/network/courier-unicode-2.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "pidgin-extprefs", "descs": "pidgin-extprefs (additional preferences plugin for Pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-extprefs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "The Pidgin Extended Preferences Plugin adds additional preferences that that are either already implemented and hidden, or trivial to implement via a plugin. Homepage: http://gaim-extprefs.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-extprefs-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2540 K", "ver": "0.6.8", "name": "netsniff-ng", "descs": "netsniff-ng (Linux networking toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/network/netsniff-ng", "deps": ["GeoIP", ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dbus", "elogind", "libcli", "libmnl", "libnet", "libnetfilter_conntrack", "libnfnetlink", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libsodium", "liburcu", "zlib", "nacl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "635 K", "descl": "netsniff-ng is a a Swiss army knife for your daily Linux network. This toolkit can be used for network development and analysis, debugging, auditing or network reconnaissance. Project URL: http://netsniff-ng.org/", "path": "./salix/network/netsniff-ng-0.6.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "knock", "descs": "knock (a port-knock server)", "source": "source/salix/network/knock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "This is a port-knocking server/client. Port-knocking is a method where a server can sniff one of its interfaces for a special 'knock' sequence of port-hits. When detected, it will run a specified event bound to that port knock sequence. These port-hits need not be on open ports, since we use libpcap to sniff the raw interface traffic. Homepage: http://www.zeroflux.org/cgi-bin/cvstrac.cgi/knock/wiki", "path": "./salix/network/knock-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "", "name": "xinetd", "descs": "xinetd (a better inetd)", "source": "source/salix/network/xinetd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "Xinetd is a powerful inetd replacement. Xinetd has access control mechanisms, extensive logging capabilities, the ability to make services available based on time, can place limits on the number of servers that can be started, and has a configurable defence mechanisms to protect against port scanners, among other things. Homepage: http://xinetd.org", "path": "./salix/network/xinetd-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "asciinema", "descs": "asciinema (Command line recorder for asciinema.org service)", "source": "source/salix/network/asciinema", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way. Homepages: https://asciinema.org", "path": "./salix/network/asciinema-2.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "472 K", "ver": "1.0.36", "name": "tinc", "descs": "tinc (VPN daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/tinc", "deps": ["lzo", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "118 K", "descl": "tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon Homepage: https://www.tinc-vpn.org/", "path": "./salix/network/tinc-1.0.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6480 K", "ver": "2.3.3", "name": "bombadillo", "descs": "bombadillo (bombadillo non-web browser)", "source": "source/salix/network/bombadillo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1620 K", "descl": "bombadillo is a non-web browser for the terminal. It features a full terminal user interface, vim-like keybindings, document pager, configurable settings, and a robust command selection. bombadillo supports the following protocols as first class citizens: gopher, gemini, finger, and local (a user's file system). Support for telnet, http and https is also available via integration with third party applications. http://bombadillo.colorfield.space/", "path": "./salix/network/bombadillo-2.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2216 K", "ver": "0.9.68", "name": "fdns", "descs": "fdns (Firejail DNS-over-HTTPS Proxy Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/fdns", "deps": ["libseccomp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "554 K", "descl": "FDNS was designed to run as a local DoH proxy on a Linux desktop, or as a server for a small network. Lean and mean, it protects the computers against some of the most common cyber threats, all while improving the privacy and the system performance. FDNS is written in C and licensed under GPLv3. The number one job is privacy. The number one job is privacy. https://firejaildns.wordpress.com", "path": "./salix/network/fdns-0.9.68-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5308 K", "ver": "1.2.1_2019", "name": "bitchx", "descs": "bitchx (IRC client)", "source": "source/salix/network/bitchx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1327 K", "descl": "BitchX is a free software text-based IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client for UNIX-like systems, originally based on ircII and heavily influenced by EPIC.", "path": "./salix/network/bitchx-1.2.1_2019-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "btpd", "descs": "btpd (The BitTorrent Protocol Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/btpd", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Btpd is a utility for sharing files over the BitTorrent network protocol. It runs in daemon mode, thus needing no controlling terminal or gui. Instead, the daemon is controlled by btcli, its command line utility, or other programs capable of sending commands and queries on the control socket. Homepage: http://github.com/btpd/btpd", "path": "./salix/network/btpd-0.16-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8860 K", "ver": "0.5.5", "name": "WhatWeb", "descs": "WhatWeb (Next generation web scanner)", "source": "source/salix/network/WhatWeb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2215 K", "descl": "WhatWeb recognises web technologies including content management systems (CMS), blogging platforms, statistic/analytics packages, javascript ibraries, web servers, and embedded devices.", "path": "./salix/network/WhatWeb-0.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "11668 K", "ver": "2021.12.17", "name": "youtube-dl", "descs": "youtube-dl (YouTube video download utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/youtube-dl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2917 K", "descl": "youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com. It's licensed under the MIT License. Homepage: http://www.yt-dl.org/", "path": "./salix/network/youtube-dl-2021.12.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "604 K", "ver": "1.0.5", "name": "masscan", "descs": "masscan (Mass IP port scanner)", "source": "source/salix/network/masscan", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "151 K", "descl": "Masscan provides simple, fast TCP port scanning. It's usage is similar to nmap, but much faster.", "path": "./salix/network/masscan-1.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1656 K", "ver": "3.9.7", "name": "clipgrab", "descs": "clipgrab (downloading video tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/clipgrab", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "414 K", "descl": "ClipGrab is a free downloader and converter for YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion and many other online video sites. Home page: http://clipgrab.org/", "path": "./salix/network/clipgrab-3.9.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "pubnub-curses", "descs": "pubnub-curses (PubNub Curses Terminal Client)", "source": "source/salix/network/pubnub-curses", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "The PubNub Curses Client provides easy terminal access to the PubNub API. It allows you to publish, subscribe, see presence, and see history right from a terminal window. Homepage: http://pubnub.com", "path": "./salix/network/pubnub-curses-1.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2000 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "persepolis", "descs": "persepolis (Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2)", "source": "source/salix/network/persepolis", "deps": ["setproctitle", "psutil", "aria2", "youtube-dl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "500 K", "descl": "Persepolis is a Download Manager & a GUI For aria2. It's written in Python. Persepolis is a sample of free and open source software. It's developed For GNU/Linux Distributions, BSDs, MacOS and Microsoft Windows. Multi segment downloading, Scheduling downloads, Download queuing, Finding and downloading video from Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, etc. https://persepolisdm.github.io", "path": "./salix/network/persepolis-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3488 K", "ver": "", "name": "PAC", "descs": "PAC (Perl Auto Connector)", "source": "source/salix/network/PAC", "deps": ["Gtk2-GladeXML", "perl-Crypt-Blowfish", "perl-Crypt-CBC", "perl-Crypt-Rijndael", "perl-Expect", "perl-gnome2-gconf", "perl-Gnome2-Vte", "perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List", "perl-Gtk2-Unique", "perl-IO-Stty", "perl-Net-ARP", "perl-Socket6", "perl-yaml", "uuid"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "872 K", "descl": "PAC is a Perl/GTK Gnome replacement for SecureCRT/Putty/etc... It provides a GUI to configure SSH/Telnet connections: users, passwords, EXPECT regular expressions, macros, etc. Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/davidtv/", "path": "./salix/network/PAC-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "Free-Cinema", "descs": "Free-Cinema (Search, Download movies via Torrent)", "source": "source/salix/network/Free-Cinema", "deps": ["wxPython", "python2-BeautifulSoup4"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This program is made to browse movies to download from the comfort of your desktop. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Free-Cinema/0.3.0", "path": "./salix/network/Free-Cinema-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1316 K", "ver": "2.7.0", "name": "jabberd2", "descs": "jabberd2 (XMPP server)", "source": "source/salix/network/jabberd2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "icu4c", "libgsasl", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "udns", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "329 K", "descl": "jabberd 2.x project is the next generation of the jabberd project. It has been rewritten from the ground up to be scalable, architecturally sound and to support the latest protocol extensions coming out of the XSF. Please note: jabberd 2.x is not a newer version of jabberd 1.x but a completely different project. Homepage: http://www.jabberd2.org", "path": "./salix/network/jabberd2-2.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1776 K", "ver": "2.17.10", "name": "mrtg", "descs": "mrtg (multi router traffic grapher)", "source": "source/salix/network/mrtg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "444 K", "descl": "MRTG monitors the traffic load on network links such as routers and interfaces. It supports SNMP and generates HTML pages with PNG images showing how much traffic has passed through each interface. MRTG can also be used to graph everything else like disk space, temperatures, and so on. See Tobi Oetiker's homepage at https://oss.oetiker.ch/mrtg/", "path": "./salix/network/mrtg-2.17.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "85652 K", "ver": "3.6.5", "name": "wireshark", "descs": "wireshark (packet sniffer and protocol analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/network/wireshark", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "gnutls", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libminizip", "libnl3", "libogg", "libpcap", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua", "lz4", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "sbc", "speexdsp", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21413 K", "descl": "Wireshark (aka Ethereal) is a free packet sniffer computer application. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications, protocol development and education. Wireshark uses the cross-platform Qt widget toolkit. Its powerful features make it the tool of choice for network troubleshooting, protocol development, and education worldwide. https://www.wireshark.org", "path": "./salix/network/wireshark-3.6.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "10120 K", "ver": "2.0.45", "name": "dnscrypt-proxy", "descs": "dnscrypt-proxy (an encrypted DNS resolver/forwarder)", "source": "source/salix/network/dnscrypt-proxy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2530 K", "descl": "dnscrypt-proxy provides a local service which can be used directly as your local resolver or as a DNS forwarder, encrypting and authenticating requests using the DNSCrypt protocol and passing them to an upstream DNSCrypt-enabled server. https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy", "path": "./salix/network/dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.45-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "25", "name": "vblade", "descs": "vblade (virtual EtherDrive (R)", "source": "source/salix/network/vblade", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "The vblade is the virtual EtherDrive (R) blade, a program that makes seekable file available over an ethernet local area network (LAN) via the ATA over Ethernet (AoE) protocol. Homepage: http://aoetools.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/vblade-25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "27644 K", "ver": "5.2.0", "name": "phpmyadmin", "descs": "phpmyadmin (MySQL administration over the web)", "source": "source/salix/network/phpmyadmin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6911 K", "descl": "phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL and also includes ability to run SQL statements directly. Homepage: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/", "path": "./salix/network/phpmyadmin-5.2.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1292 K", "ver": "2.15", "name": "nrpe", "descs": "nrpe (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor)", "source": "source/salix/network/nrpe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "323 K", "descl": "The NRPE addon is designed to allow you to execute Nagios plugins on remote Linux/Unix machines. The main reason for doing this is to allow Nagios to monitor 'local' resources (like CPU load, memory usage, etc.) remote machines. Since these public resources are not usually exposed to external machines, an agent like NRPE must be installed on the remote Linux/Unix machines. Homepage: https://www.nagios.org/", "path": "./salix/network/nrpe-2.15-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "purple-facebook", "descs": "purple-facebook (Facebook protocol plugin for libpurple)", "source": "source/salix/network/purple-facebook", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "json-glib", "libxml2", "orc", "pidgin", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "Purple Facebook implements the Facebook Messenger protocol into pidgin, finch, and libpurple. While the primary implementation is for purple3, this plugin is back-ported for purple2. This project is not affiliated with Facebook, Inc. More information: https://github.com/dequis/purple-facebook/wiki", "path": "./salix/network/purple-facebook-0.9.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "cmdiag", "descs": "cmdiag (cable modem diagnostics tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/cmdiag", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "net-snmp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "cmdiag can get information from Docsis 1.0, 1.1 and maybe 2.0 cable modems. It gathers information from the cable modem via SNMP and displays various cable parameters in real time. This small tool is writen in C++, it runs on Linux and FreeBSD. Homepage: http://cmdiag.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/cmdiag-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "5.0", "name": "fping", "descs": "fping (send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts)", "source": "source/salix/network/fping", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "fping is a program to send ICMP echo probes to network hosts, similar to ping, but much better performing when pinging multiple hosts. Homepage: http://fping.org/", "path": "./salix/network/fping-5.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "conkeror", "descs": "conkeror (a programmable web browser based on Mozilla XULRunner)", "source": "source/salix/network/conkeror", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "Conkeror is a keyboard-oriented, highly-customizable, highly-extensible web browser based on Mozilla XULRunner, written mainly in JavaScript, and inspired by exceptional software such as Emacs and vi.", "path": "./salix/network/conkeror-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2088 K", "ver": "3.0.33", "name": "privoxy", "descs": "privoxy (a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities)", "source": "source/salix/network/privoxy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "522 K", "descl": "Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. It has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks.", "path": "./salix/network/privoxy-3.0.33-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.30", "name": "dnsmap", "descs": "dnsmap (dns mapper)", "source": "source/salix/network/dnsmap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "dnsmap is mainly meant to be used by pentesters during the information gathering/enumeration phase of infrastructure security assessments.", "path": "./salix/network/dnsmap-0.30-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "844 K", "ver": "3.6.0", "name": "sipp", "descs": "sipp (SIP test tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/sipp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dbus", "elogind", "gsl", "libnl3", "libpcap", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "211 K", "descl": "SIPp is a test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol. It includes a few basic built-in scenarios (UAC and UAS) and can also read custom XML scenario files describing arbitrary call flows. It supports UDP, TCP, TLS, SIP authentication, RTP replay, and many more features. For more information, see the documentation from sipp -h and the SIPp homepage: http://sipp.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/sipp-3.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8660 K", "ver": "6.0.4", "name": "suricata", "descs": "suricata (Network Security Monitoring)", "source": "source/salix/network/suricata", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "dbus", "elogind", "file", "hyperscan", "icu4c", "jansson", "libcap-ng", "libnet", "libnl3", "libpcap", "libyaml", "lz4", "mozilla-nss", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2165 K", "descl": "Suricata is a high performance open source Network Security and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Monitoring System for Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. It was designed and owned by a non-profit foundation OISF (Open Information Security Foundation) Homepage: https://suricata-ids.org/", "path": "./salix/network/suricata-6.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "1.2.12", "name": "NetworkManager-ssh", "descs": "NetworkManager-ssh (SSH VPN support for NetworkManager)", "source": "source/salix/network/NetworkManager-ssh", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnma", "libsecret", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "SSH VPN support for NetworkManager Homepage: https://github.com/danfruehauf/NetworkManager-ssh", "path": "./salix/network/NetworkManager-ssh-1.2.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "9388 K", "ver": "2.3.3", "name": "aMule", "descs": "aMule (multiplatform ed2k client)", "source": "source/salix/network/aMule", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "binutils", "boost", "brotli", "cairo", "cryptopp", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2347 K", "descl": "aMule is a multiplatform ed2k client, fork of the eMule client, using the wxWidgets class library, supporting Linux, *BSD platforms, Solaris, *MacOSX and *Win32 (*soon). It was originally forked from the xMule project, which in turn was forked from the lMule project.", "path": "./salix/network/aMule-2.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "528 K", "ver": "0.93", "name": "havp", "descs": "havp (HTTP Anti Virus Proxy)", "source": "source/salix/network/havp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "clamav", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "132 K", "descl": "HAVP (HTTP Antivirus Proxy) is a proxy with a ClamAV anti-virus scanner. The main aims are continuous, non-blocking downloads and smooth scanning of dynamic and password protected HTTP traffic. Havp antivirus proxy has a parent and transparent proxy mode. It can be used with squid or standalone. http://www.server-side.de/", "path": "./salix/network/havp-0.93-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "504 K", "ver": "4.0.2", "name": "pidgin-otr", "descs": "pidgin-otr (Off-the-Record (OTR)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-otr", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libotr"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "126 K", "descl": "Allows you to have private conversations over instant messaging when talking on Pidgin by providing: - Encryption: No one else can read your instant messages. - Authentication: You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is. - Deniability: The messages you send do not have digital signatures that are checkable by a third party. - Perfect forward secrecy: If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation is compromised.", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-otr-4.0.2-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "tinyproxy", "descs": "tinyproxy (lightweight HTTP proxy)", "source": "source/salix/network/tinyproxy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "tinyproxy is a lightweight HTTP proxy licensed under the GPL. Designed from the ground up to be fast and yet small, it is an ideal solution for sites where a full-featured HTTP proxy is required, but the system resources required to run a more demanding HTTP proxy are unavailable. tinyproxy is fully compatible with all existing web browsers Homepage: https://github.com/tinyproxy/tinyproxy", "path": "./salix/network/tinyproxy-1.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "phodav", "descs": "phodav (soup dav server)", "source": "source/salix/network/phodav", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "brotli", "dbus", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "Phodav is a WebDav server implementation using libsoup (RFC 4918). It was initially developed as a filesharing mechanism for Spice, but it is generic enough to be reused in other projects. It provides chezdav, a tool that allows to share a particular directory (with optional digest authentication). homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/phodav", "path": "./salix/network/phodav-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "0.28b", "name": "rhapsody", "descs": "rhapsody (text console IRC client for Unix operating systems)", "source": "source/salix/network/rhapsody", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Rhapsody is small, fast, portable and easy to use, yet it is full featured. The thing that separates it from the crowd is its intuitive menu driven user interface.", "path": "./salix/network/rhapsody-0.28b-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "pidgin-nudge", "descs": "pidgin-nudge (Shakes Pidgin conversation windows on certain events)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-nudge", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "A gtk pidgin plugin that shakes your conversation window when you receive a nudge/buzz/shake/zap/etc. This plugin is developed to shake your window similar to the MSN (Windows Live) Messenger client. Home: http://code.google.com/p/pidgin-nudge/", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-nudge-0.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "18100 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "ipfs-pack", "descs": "ipfs-pack (filesystem packing tool for IPFS)", "source": "source/salix/network/ipfs-pack", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4525 K", "descl": "ipfs-pack is a tool and library to work with ipfs and large collections of data in UNIX/POSIX filesystems. It identifies singular collections or bundles of data (the pack), creates a light-weight cryptographically secure manifest that preserves the integrity of the collection over time, and travels with the data (PackManifest).", "path": "./salix/network/ipfs-pack-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "145532 K", "ver": "2.4.4", "name": "telegram", "descs": "telegram (messaging app)", "source": "source/salix/network/telegram", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36383 K", "descl": "telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. https://telegram.org/", "path": "./salix/network/telegram-2.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "572 K", "ver": "1.2.8", "name": "NetworkManager-pptp", "descs": "NetworkManager-pptp (PPTP VPN Support for NetworkManager)", "source": "source/salix/network/NetworkManager-pptp", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnma", "libsecret", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "pptp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "143 K", "descl": "PPTP VPN support for NetworkManager", "path": "./salix/network/NetworkManager-pptp-1.2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "wol", "descs": "wol (Wake On Lan)", "source": "source/salix/network/wol", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "wol implements Wake On LAN functionality in a small program. It wakes up hardware that is Magic Packet compliant. https://sourceforge.net/projects/wake-on-lan/", "path": "./salix/network/wol-0.7.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8048 K", "ver": "2.15.1", "name": "openvswitch-utils", "descs": "openvswitch-utils (a multilayer software switch)", "source": "source/salix/network/openvswitch-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libcap-ng", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2012 K", "descl": "Open vSwitch is a multilayer software switch licensed under the open source Apache 2 license. The goal is to implement a production quality switch platform that supports standard management interfaces and opens the forwarding functions to programmatic extension and control. Homepage: http://openvswitch.org/", "path": "./salix/network/openvswitch-utils-2.15.1-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "1.2.10", "name": "NetworkManager-fortisslvpn", "descs": "NetworkManager-fortisslvpn (NetworkManager SSLVPN)", "source": "source/salix/network/NetworkManager-fortisslvpn", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "icu4c", "mozilla-nss", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "openfortivpn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "Fortinet SSLVPN support for NetworkManager This requires the openfortivpn client installed, version 1.10 or newer", "path": "./salix/network/NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-1.2.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "4.1.1", "name": "siege", "descs": "siege (http server benchmark)", "source": "source/salix/network/siege", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "Siege is an http regression testing and benchmarking utility. It was designed to let web developers measure the performance of their code under duress, to see how it will stand up to load on the internet. Jeffrey Fulmer is the primary author and maintainer of siege.", "path": "./salix/network/siege-4.1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1796 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "FireWorks", "descs": "FireWorks (FireWorks workflow software)", "source": "source/salix/network/FireWorks", "deps": ["pymongo", "monty", "python2-dateutil", "python2-tabulate", "python3-flask-paginate", "gunicorn"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "449 K", "descl": "FireWorks helps run calculation workflows, with a centralized workflow server controlling many worker nodes. Homepage: https://github.com/materialsproject/fireworks", "path": "./salix/network/FireWorks-1.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "54688 K", "ver": "6.7.9", "name": "frostwire", "descs": "frostwire (P2P File sharing Client)", "source": "source/salix/network/frostwire", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13672 K", "descl": "Frostwire is a cross-platform, open-source peer-to-peer file sharing client for BitTorrent protocols. It is written in Java and was a fork of Limewire. Frostwire now includes many new features. This is essentially a repackaging of the official binary from https://www.frostwire.com/", "path": "./salix/network/frostwire-6.7.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.217_1", "name": "netcat-openbsd", "descs": "netcat-openbsd (reads and writes data across network connections)", "source": "source/salix/network/netcat-openbsd", "deps": ["libbsd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "This package contains the OpenBSD rewrite of netcat, including support for IPv6, proxies, and Unix sockets. Before installing this, be sure to remove the nc package that comes with Slackware. http://packages.debian.org/sid/netcat-openbsd", "path": "./salix/network/netcat-openbsd-1.217_1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "764 K", "ver": "20210827", "name": "tnftp", "descs": "tnftp (command line FTP client)", "source": "source/salix/network/tnftp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dante", "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pam", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "191 K", "descl": "tnftp is a port of the NetBSD FTP client to other systems. It features command-line editing, a configurable prompt, context sensitive command and filename completion, a dynamic progress bar, IPv6 support (from the WIDE project), feature negotiation extensions from RFC 2389, extensions to ftp from the IETF ftpext working group, uploading of files on the command line and several other enhancements over the standard 4.4BSD ftp client. This package was built with SOCKS5 (dante) support.", "path": "./salix/network/tnftp-20210827-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1600 K", "ver": "1.3.16", "name": "xl2tpd", "descs": "xl2tpd (L2TP daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/xl2tpd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "400 K", "descl": "Xelerance Corporation currently maintains a version of the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) daemon. This version contains many patches that have not yet been integrated into the mainstream release. These patches are needed to run on modern distributions with DEVFS, or to support L2TP over IPsec, when used in conjunction with Openswan. Homepage: http://www.xelerance.com/software/xl2tpd/", "path": "./salix/network/xl2tpd-1.3.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "12832 K", "ver": "", "name": "kasp_updater", "descs": "kasp_updater (network updater for Kaspersky antivirus)", "source": "source/salix/network/kasp_updater", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3208 K", "descl": "Kaspersky Update Utility is the application designed for downloading updates of selected Kaspersky Lab applications from the specified update source. The application allows saving updates in a local or network folder, from which they can be distributed on computers without Internet access. Kaspersky Update Utility establishes connection to an update source according to the specified settings and checks if any updates for the selected applications are available.", "path": "./salix/network/kasp_updater-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "pptp", "descs": "pptp (a PPTP Client for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/network/pptp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "PPTP Client is a Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD client for the proprietary Microsoft Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, PPTP. It allows connection to a PPTP based Virtual Private Network (VPN) as used by employers and some cable and ADSL internet service providers. For more information, see http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/pptp-1.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "0.8.8", "name": "pebrot", "descs": "pebrot (MSN client)", "source": "source/salix/network/pebrot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "pebrot is a client for the MSN Messenger protocol written in Python. It includes the client, and a python class that can be used by other clients or programs.", "path": "./salix/network/pebrot-0.8.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8812 K", "ver": "2.2.11", "name": "sphinx", "descs": "sphinx (Sphinx Search Engine)", "source": "source/salix/network/sphinx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "expat", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2203 K", "descl": "Sphinx is a full-text search engine, distributed under GPL version 2. Generally, it's a standalone search engine, meant to provide fast, size-efficient and relevant fulltext search functions to other applications. Sphinx was specially designed to integrate well with SQL databases and scripting languages.", "path": "./salix/network/sphinx-2.2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "nagiosgraph", "descs": "nagiosgraph (Nagios Graphing Plugin)", "source": "source/salix/network/nagiosgraph", "deps": ["nagios", "rrdtool", "perl-CGI"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "nagiosgraph parses output and performance data from Nagios plugins and stores the data in RRD files. nagiosgraph creates graphs and generates HTML pages with graphic reports from the data. http://nagiosgraph.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/nagiosgraph-1.5.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.31", "name": "ipvsadm", "descs": "ipvsadm (Admin tool for the Linux Virtual Server)", "source": "source/salix/network/ipvsadm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "popt"], "libnl3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "The Linux Virtual Server is a highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers, with the load balancer running on the Linux operating system. The architecture of the server cluster is fully transparent to end users, and the users interact as if it were a single high-performance virtual server. ipvsadm is the admin tool for the Linux Virtual Server", "path": "./salix/network/ipvsadm-1.31-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "404 K", "ver": "1.61", "name": "wvdial", "descs": "wvdial (ppp dialer app)", "source": "source/salix/network/wvdial", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pam", "wvstreams", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "101 K", "descl": "wvdial is a program that makes it easy to connect your Linux workstation to the Internet via modem lines. It will automatically detect your modem, and it can log into almost any Internet provider's server without any special configuration. Homepage: https://github.com/wlach/wvdial", "path": "./salix/network/wvdial-1.61-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2928 K", "ver": "20200106", "name": "telegram-cli", "descs": "telegram-cli (command-line interface for Telegram.)", "source": "source/salix/network/telegram-cli", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "jansson", "libconfig", "libevent", "lua", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "732 K", "descl": "Command-line interface for Telegram.", "path": "./salix/network/telegram-cli-20200106-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "24872 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "gajim", "descs": "gajim (full featured and easy to use Jabber client)", "source": "source/salix/network/gajim", "deps": ["pyOpenSSL", "python-nbxmpp", "python3-pycrypto", "python-keyring", "css-parser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6218 K", "descl": "Jabber is a GTK3-based Jabber client featuring tabbed interface, tray icon and notifications, encryption support, local link (Zeroconf/Bonjour) and other interesting things. Website: https://gajim.org/", "path": "./salix/network/gajim-1.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "4.5.1", "name": "2ping", "descs": "2ping (bi-directional ping utility)", "source": "source/salix/network/2ping", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "2ping is a bi-directional ping utility. It uses 3-way pings (akin to TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) and after-the-fact state comparison between a 2ping listener and a 2ping client to determine which direction packet loss occurs.", "path": "./salix/network/2ping-4.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "20120808.0dce97e", "name": "ipxnet", "descs": "ipxnet (tunnel IPX over TCP/IP)", "source": "source/salix/network/ipxnet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Host a standalone IPX network over tcp for old DOS games running in dosbox.", "path": "./salix/network/ipxnet-20120808.0dce97e-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1108 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "docsis", "descs": "docsis (binary config generator for DOCSIS modems)", "source": "source/salix/network/docsis", "deps": ["flex", "net-snmp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "277 K", "descl": "docsis is a small program that can be used to generate binary configuration files for DOCSIS-compliant cable modems. Homepage: http://docsis.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/docsis-0.9.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2192 K", "ver": "1.4.230", "name": "mumble-server", "descs": "mumble-server (low latency voip server)", "source": "source/salix/network/mumble-server", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "protobuf3", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "548 K", "descl": "Mumble-server is the VoIP server component for Mumble and is installed in a system-wide fashion, but can also be run by individual users. Each mumble-server process supports multiple virtual servers, each with their own user base and channel list. Administration of Mumble-server is done through D-Bus. Homepage: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/mumble-server-1.4.230-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1196 K", "ver": "6.8.0p2", "name": "opensmtpd", "descs": "opensmtpd (OpenSMTPd from the OpenBSD project)", "source": "source/salix/network/opensmtpd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], "libasr", "libevent", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "299 K", "descl": "OpenSMTPD is a FREE implementation of the server-side SMTP protocol as defined by RFC 5321, with some additional standard extensions. It allows ordinary machines to exchange e-mails with other systems speaking the SMTP protocol. Homepage: https://www.opensmtpd.org/", "path": "./salix/network/opensmtpd-6.8.0p2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.12.3", "name": "hostsblock", "descs": "hostsblock (an ad- and malware-blocking cron script for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/network/hostsblock", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Hostsblock is a bash script for Linux designed to take advantage of the HOSTS file to provide system-wide blocking of internet advertisements, malicious domains, trackers and other undesirable content. To do so, it downloads a configurable set of blocklists and processes and their entries into a singular HOSTS file.", "path": "./salix/network/hostsblock-0.12.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "924 K", "ver": "0.2.12", "name": "c-toxcore", "descs": "c-toxcore (the future of online communication)", "source": "source/salix/network/c-toxcore", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "libsodium", "libvpx", "opus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "231 K", "descl": "Tox is a free (as in liberty and price) peer to peer, distributed, multimedia messenger. Tox can provide a superior instant messaging experience than current market offerings by using existing technologies such as dispersed networking and strong cryptography. Homepage: https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore", "path": "./salix/network/c-toxcore-0.2.12-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "ttcp", "descs": "ttcp (TCP/UDP Benchmarking tool)", "source": "source/salix/network/ttcp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "TTCP is a benchmarking tool for determining TCP and UDP performance between two systems. It can also be used as a network pipe to transfer data between two systems.", "path": "./salix/network/ttcp-1.12-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "pidgin-privacy-please", "descs": "pidgin-privacy-please (A privacy plugin for the pidgin)", "source": "source/salix/network/pidgin-privacy-please", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "pidgin privacy please is a pidgin plugin to stop spammers from annoying you.", "path": "./salix/network/pidgin-privacy-please-0.7.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2308 K", "ver": "5.1.1", "name": "tornado", "descs": "tornado (web framework and asynchronous networking library)", "source": "source/salix/network/tornado", "deps": ["python2", "backports-abc", "singledispatch"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "577 K", "descl": "Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. Homepage: http://www.tornadoweb.org", "path": "./salix/network/tornado-5.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "2056 K", "ver": "5.2.8", "name": "shorewall", "descs": "shorewall (IPv4 support package for the Shoreline Firewall)", "source": "source/salix/network/shorewall", "deps": ["shorewall-core"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "514 K", "descl": "The Shoreline Firewall, more commonly known as 'Shorewall', is a Netfilter (iptables) based firewall that can be used on a dedicated firewall system, a multi-function gateway/router/server or on a standalone GNU/Linux system. This package provides the IPv4 components for shorewall. http://www.shorewall.net/", "path": "./salix/network/shorewall-5.2.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1376 K", "ver": "", "name": "ptokax", "descs": "ptokax (Direct Connect Peer-To-Peer sharing network)", "source": "source/salix/network/ptokax", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "lua", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "344 K", "descl": "PtokaX Direct Connect Hub is a multi-platform server application for Neo-Modus Direct Connect Peer-To-Peer sharing network. Home page http://www.ptokax.org", "path": "./salix/network/ptokax-", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.88", "name": "ucspi-tcp", "descs": "ucspi-tcp (djb's TCP client-server command-line tools)", "source": "source/salix/network/ucspi-tcp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "ucspi-tcp includes several programs. tcpserver waits for incoming connections and, for each connection, runs a program of your choice, it provides useful environment variables, resource limits, and access control features. tcpclient makes a TCP connection and runs a program of your choice. It sets up the same environment variables as tcpserver. Also included are recordio, a tool that monitors all the input and output of a server, and several sample clients.", "path": "./salix/network/ucspi-tcp-0.88-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "3.2.1", "name": "Flootty", "descs": "Flootty (Floobits collaborative terminal)", "source": "source/salix/network/Flootty", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "Flootty will automatically attempt to join a workspace without specifying the term name if there is only one terminal. Homepage: https://floobits.com", "path": "./salix/network/Flootty-3.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "740 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "acme.sh", "descs": "acme.sh (ACME client protocol)", "source": "source/salix/network/acme.sh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "185 K", "descl": "A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol", "path": "./salix/network/acme.sh-3.0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "24800 K", "ver": "1.1.38", "name": "cacti", "descs": "cacti (complete network graphing solution)", "source": "source/salix/network/cacti", "deps": ["rrdtool"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6200 K", "descl": "Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDTool's data storage and graphing funcionality. Cacti provides a fast poller, advanced graph templating, multiple data acquisition methods, and user-management features out of the box. All of this is wrapped in an intuitive, easy to use interface that makes sense for LAN-sized installations up to complex networks with hundreds of devices. Homepage: https://www.cacti.net/", "path": "./salix/network/cacti-1.1.38-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "6136 K", "ver": "4.4.6", "name": "nagios", "descs": "nagios (a powerful IT infrastructure monitoring system)", "source": "source/salix/network/nagios", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gd", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1534 K", "descl": "Nagios is a powerful monitoring system for organizations to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems before they affect critical business processes. Homepage: https://www.nagios.org/", "path": "./salix/network/nagios-4.4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "50520 K", "ver": "2.88_1", "name": "tixati", "descs": "tixati (P2P client)", "source": "source/salix/network/tixati", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12630 K", "descl": "Tixati is a peer-to-peer file sharing program that uses the popular BitTorrent protocol. This protocol allows many peers to form a cooperative swarm and download very large files with great efficiency. Homepage: https://www.tixati.com/", "path": "./salix/network/tixati-2.88_1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "fdm", "descs": "fdm (simple, lightweight replacement for fetch/getmail type programs)", "source": "source/salix/network/fdm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "fdm is a program to fetch mail and deliver it in various ways depending on a user-supplied ruleset. Mail may be fetched from stdin, IMAP or POP3 servers, or from local maildirs, and filtered based on whether it matches a regexp, its ize or age, or the output of a shell command.It can be rewritten by an external process, dropped, left on the server or delivered into maildirs, mboxes, to a file or pipe, or any combination. Homepage: http://fdm.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/fdm-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "764 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "malheur", "descs": "malheur (automatic analysis of malware behaviour)", "source": "source/salix/network/malheur", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libarchive", "libconfig", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "uthash"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "191 K", "descl": "Malheur is a tool for the automatic analysis of malware behavior (program behavior recorded from malicious software in a sandbox environment). It has been designed to support the regular analysis of malicious software and the development of detection and defense measures. Malheur allows for identifying novel classes of malware with similar behaviour and assigning unknown malware to discovered classes. Homepage: http://www.mlsec.org/malheur/", "path": "./salix/network/malheur-0.5.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "1188 K", "ver": "2.7.0", "name": "purple-plugin-pack", "descs": "purple-plugin-pack (plugins for Pidgin, Finch, libpurple)", "source": "source/salix/network/purple-plugin-pack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "farstream", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pidgin", "pixman", "util-linux", "xmms", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "297 K", "descl": "The Purple Plugin Pack is a compilation of plugins for the libpurple family of IM clients. The Purple Plugin Pack was originally created by Gary Kramelich and Stu Tomlinson as a way to distribute their ever growing lists of simple Pidgin plugins. https://bitbucket.org/rekkanoryo/purple-plugin-pack", "path": "./salix/network/purple-plugin-pack-2.7.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "0.5.5", "name": "Pafy", "descs": "Pafy (Python API for YouTube content)", "source": "source/salix/network/Pafy", "deps": ["youtube-dl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Python API for YouTube - Download videos and retrieve metadata from YouTube. Homepage: https://github.com/mps-youtube/pafy", "path": "./salix/network/Pafy-0.5.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "3112 K", "ver": "9.01", "name": "openconnect", "descs": "openconnect (Client for Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN)", "source": "source/salix/network/openconnect", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "libproxy", "libunistring", "libxml2", "lz4", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "778 K", "descl": "OpenConnect is a client for Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN, which is supported by the ASA5500 Series, by IOS 12.4(9)T or later on Cisco SR500, 870, 880, 1800, 2800, 3800, 7200 Series, and Cisco 7301 Routers, and probably others. It supports also Juniper and GlobalProtect VPN protocols and have partial support for Pulse Connect Secure. This is released under the GNU Lesser Public License, version 2.1.", "path": "./salix/network/openconnect-9.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "20210302_490f194", "name": "irc.c", "descs": "irc.c (minimalist curses IRC client)", "source": "source/salix/network/irc.c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "The irc.c client is, as its name implies, a single C file which implements a usable IRC client. The display mechanism uses any standard curses library.", "path": "./salix/network/irc.c-20210302_490f194-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "igmpproxy", "descs": "igmpproxy (IGMP multicast routing daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/igmpproxy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "A simple multicast router that only uses the IGMP protocol. Homepage: https://github.com/pali/igmpproxy", "path": "./salix/network/igmpproxy-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "5.4", "name": "amap", "descs": "amap (Application Mapper)", "source": "source/salix/network/amap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Amap is a next-generation tool for assisting network penetration testing. It performs fast and reliable application protocol detection, independant on the TCP/UDP port they are being bound to. http://www.thc.org/thc-amap/", "path": "./salix/network/amap-5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "14872 K", "ver": "6.0.5", "name": "zabbix_server", "descs": "zabbix_server (enterprise-class distributed monitoring solution)", "source": "source/salix/network/zabbix_server", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libssh", "libunistring", "libxml2", "mariadb", "net-snmp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "unixODBC", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3718 K", "descl": "Zabbix offers advanced monitoring, alerting and visualization features, including distributed monitoring, auto-discovery, notifications etc. https://www.zabbix.com/", "path": "./salix/network/zabbix_server-6.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "1.4.4", "name": "isync", "descs": "isync (mailbox synchronizer)", "source": "source/salix/network/isync", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "isync is a command line application which synchronizes mailboxes; currently Maildir and IMAP4 mailboxes are supported. New messages, message deletions and flag changes can be propagated both ways. isync is suitable for use in IMAP-disconnected mode. Synchronization is based on unique message identifiers (UIDs), so no identification conflicts can occur (as opposed to some other mail synchronizers). Synchronization state is kept in one local text file per mailbox pair; multiple replicas of a mailbox can be maintained.", "path": "./salix/network/isync-1.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "pyzor", "descs": "pyzor (Spam detection and filtering network)", "source": "source/salix/network/pyzor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "Pyzor is a collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam using digests of messages. Homepage: http://pyzor.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/network/pyzor-1.0.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.10.2", "name": "weetwit", "descs": "weetwit (Twitter-suite for Weechat)", "source": "source/salix/network/weetwit", "deps": ["tweepy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Welcome to the wonderful world of weetwit, a plugin that will transform weechat to a fully-featured twitter client. Homepage: https://github.com/ainmosni/weetwit", "path": "./salix/network/weetwit-0.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "PyRSS2Gen", "descs": "PyRSS2Gen (python RSS feed generator)", "source": "source/salix/network/PyRSS2Gen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "PyRSS2Gen is a Python module that makes it easy to generate valid RSS feeds. You can use it to generate RSS feeds for web pages that don't have them. Home: http://www.dalkescientific.com/Python/PyRSS2Gen.html", "path": "./salix/network/PyRSS2Gen-1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "26.1", "name": "ngircd", "descs": "ngircd (Next Generation IRC Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/network/ngircd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pam", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "ngIRCd is a portable IRC daemon written from scratch. It is easy to configure, supports server links (even with original ircds) and runs on hosts with changing IP addresses (such as dial-in networks). https://ngircd.barton.de/", "path": "./salix/network/ngircd-26.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "70072 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "gtk-gnutella", "descs": "gtk-gnutella (Gnutella client)", "source": "source/salix/network/gtk-gnutella", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "binutils", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17518 K", "descl": "GTK Gnutella is a fully featured Gnutella servent designed to share any type of file the user wishes to share. gtk-gnutella implements compressed gnutella net connections, ultra and leaf nodes, Partial File Sharing, Push Proxies and Passive/Active Remote Queueing (PARQ). http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtk-gnutella/", "path": "./salix/network/gtk-gnutella-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "37320 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "vmware-horizon-client", "descs": "vmware-horizon-client (VMWare Horizon Client with PCoIP support)", "source": "source/salix/network/vmware-horizon-client", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9330 K", "descl": "The VMware Horizon Client for Linux, optimised for VMware horizon 6, allowing you to use your Slackware box as a thin client and connects you to your company's Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, even if they use the proprietary VMware Horizon 6 PCoIP protocol. Only use this package if you need the proprietary parts.", "path": "./salix/network/vmware-horizon-client-3.4.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "948 K", "ver": "1.6.13", "name": "nfdump", "descs": "nfdump (netflow processing tools)", "source": "source/salix/network/nfdump", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libdbi", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "rrdtool", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "237 K", "descl": "nfdump is a set of tools to collect and process netflow data. It's fast and has a powerful filter pcap like syntax. It supports netflow versions v1, v5, v7, v9 and IPFIX as well as a limited set of sflow and is IPv6 compatible. For CISCO ASA devices, which export Netflow Security Event Logging (NSEL) records, please use nfdump-1.5.8-2-NSEL. homepage: http://nfdump.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/network/nfdump-1.6.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "gofiche", "descs": "gofiche (fork of fiche, the termbin.com pastebin server)", "source": "source/salix/network/gofiche", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output and support for sending back gopher URLs as well as the normal http. https://github.com/slackhead/gofiche", "path": "./salix/network/gofiche-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "5988 K", "ver": "3.0.4", "name": "shibboleth-sp", "descs": "shibboleth-sp (Shibboleth Service Provider)", "source": "source/salix/network/shibboleth-sp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "log4shib", "nghttp2", "opensaml", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "unixODBC", "xerces-c", "xml-security-c", "xmltooling", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1497 K", "descl": "Shibboleth is a Web Single Sign-On implementations based on OpenSAML that supports multiple protocols, federated identity, and the extensible exchange of rich attributes subject to privacy controls. This package contains the Shibboleth Service Provider runtime libraries, daemon, default plugins, and Apache module.", "path": "./salix/network/shibboleth-sp-3.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "2.1.9", "name": "noip2", "descs": "noip2 (Dynamic Update Cient provided by No-IP.com)", "source": "source/salix/network/noip2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "Keep your current IP address in sync with your No-IP host or domain with No-IP.com. The dynamic DNS update client contiually checks for IP address changes in the background and automatically updates DNS whenever it changes. http://www.no-ip.com", "path": "./salix/network/noip2-2.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "hg1873", "name": "prosody-mod-filter-chatstates", "descs": "prosody-mod-filter-chatstates (XEP-0352: Client State Indication Imp)", "source": "source/salix/network/prosody-mod-filter-chatstates", "deps": ["prosody-mod-csi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "Some mobile XMPP client developers consider Chat State Notifications to be a waste of power and bandwidth, especially when the user is not actively looking at their device. This module will filter them out while the session is considered inactive. https://modules.prosody.im/mod_filter_chatstates.html", "path": "./salix/network/prosody-mod-filter-chatstates-hg1873-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "weighmail", "descs": "weighmail (Labels your Gmail messages according to size)", "source": "source/salix/network/weighmail", "deps": ["IMAPClient"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "weighmail is a program that analyzes your Gmail and applies labels to your messages according to their size. This is useful if you are close to reaching your quota as it allows you to quickly identify large messages. You have complete control over the rules used to create the labels. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/bgneal/weighmail/", "path": "./salix/network/weighmail-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "network", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "0.7.4", "name": "nload", "descs": "nload (network traffic monitor)", "source": "source/salix/network/nload", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "nload is a console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time. It visualizes the in and outgoing traffic using two graphs and provides additional info like total amount of transfered data an min/max network usage. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/nload/", "path": "./salix/network/nload-0.7.4-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "hntool", "descs": "hntool (an open source (GPLv2)", "source": "source/salix/system/hntool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "It scans your system for vulnerabilities or problems in configuration files allowing you to get a quick overview of the security status of your system. Homepage: https://github.com/hdoria/HnTool", "path": "./salix/system/hntool-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "0.92.3", "name": "cntlm", "descs": "cntlm (Authentication Proxy)", "source": "source/salix/system/cntlm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Cntlm is an NTLM / NTLM Session Response / NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy intended to help you break free from the chains of Microsoft proprietary world. You can use a free OS and honor our noble idea, but you can't hide. Once you're behind those cold steel bars of a corporate proxy server requiring NTLM authentication, you're done with. The same even applies to 3rd party Windows applications, which don't support NTLM natively. Homepage: http://cntlm.awk.cz/", "path": "./salix/system/cntlm-0.92.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "mediaextract", "descs": "mediaextract (extract media files that are embedded in other files)", "source": "source/salix/system/mediaextract", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "mediaextract extracts known media types such as RIFF, Ogg, etc, from various 'resource' or 'archive' format files. Typical use case would be extracting resources from a game.", "path": "./salix/system/mediaextract-1.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "20151122_a5c1916", "name": "eventlog", "descs": "eventlog (Syslog API replacement)", "source": "source/salix/system/eventlog", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The EventLog library aims to be a replacement of the simple syslog() API provided on UNIX systems. The major difference between EventLog and syslog is that EventLog tries to add structure to messages. Where you had a simple non-structrured string in syslog() you have a combination of description and tag/value pairs. EventLog provides an interface to build, format and output an event record. Homepage: http://www.balabit.com/", "path": "./salix/system/eventlog-20151122_a5c1916-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1120 K", "ver": "1.3.6", "name": "slim", "descs": "slim (graphical login manager similar to xdm/kdm/gdm)", "source": "source/salix/system/slim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pam", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "280 K", "descl": "SLiM is a lightweight login manager based on GNUstep's Login.app. It makes a great replacement for XDM for those who want something that looks good, but still do not want Gnome or KDE. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/slim.berlios/", "path": "./salix/system/slim-1.3.6-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "20176 K", "ver": "14.0.03", "name": "gnu-unifont", "descs": "gnu-unifont (Font containing Unicode BMP)", "source": "source/salix/system/gnu-unifont", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5044 K", "descl": "The GNU unifont has a glyph for every printable code point in the Unicode Basic Multilinguial Plane (BMP). The BMP is the first Unicode 'plane' of 65,536(16bit) code points, and includes character encoding for most of the world's modern scripts. Homepage: http://unifoundry.com/unifont/index.html", "path": "./salix/system/gnu-unifont-14.0.03-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "ffproxy", "descs": "ffproxy (filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server)", "source": "source/salix/system/ffproxy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "ffproxy is a filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server. It is able to filter by host, URL, and header. Custom header entries can be filtered and added. It can even drop its privileges and optionally chroot() to some directory.", "path": "./salix/system/ffproxy-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1144 K", "ver": "1.3.2", "name": "backintime", "descs": "backintime (simple backup tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/backintime", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "286 K", "descl": "Back In Time is a simple backup tool for Linux, inspired by 'flyback project'. It provides a command line client 'backintime' and a Qt5 GUI 'backintime-qt' both written in Python3. You only need to specify 3 things: where to save snapshots, what dfolders to back up and the backup frequency (manual, every hour, every day, every month) https://github.com/bit-team/backintime", "path": "./salix/system/backintime-1.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4708 K", "ver": "3.046R", "name": "adobe-source-sans-pro-font", "descs": "adobe-source-sans-pro-font (open source font)", "source": "source/salix/system/adobe-source-sans-pro-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1177 K", "descl": "Adobe's open source user interface font. Designed by Paul D. Hunt and influenced by Morris Fuller Benton's New Gothic and Franklin Gothic fonts.", "path": "./salix/system/adobe-source-sans-pro-font-3.046R-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "powerkit", "descs": "powerkit (desktop independent full featured power manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/powerkit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "powerkit is an lightweight desktop independent full featured power manager, originally created for Slackware for use with alternative desktop environments and window managers, like Fluxbox, Blackbox, FVWM, WindowMaker, Openbox, Lumina and others. powerkit was written by Ole-Andre Rodlie Homepage: https://github.com/rodlie/powerkit", "path": "./salix/system/powerkit-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1520 K", "ver": "20161102_afaeeb", "name": "cluster-glue", "descs": "cluster-glue (Reusable Cluster Components)", "source": "source/salix/system/cluster-glue", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "libxml2", "net-snmp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "380 K", "descl": "Additional cluster tools to play with e.g. some STONITH scripts. You might also want to install cluster-glue, heartbeat, resource-agents, fence-agents.", "path": "./salix/system/cluster-glue-20161102_afaeeb-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "dstat", "descs": "dstat (Versatile resource statistics tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/dstat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "Dstat is a versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat, netstat, nfsstat and ifstat. Dstat overcomes some of their limitations and adds some extra features, more counters and flexibility. Dstat is handy for monitoring systems during performance tuning tests, benchmarks or troubleshooting. http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/dstat/", "path": "./salix/system/dstat-0.7.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "5.74.1", "name": "profile-sync-daemon", "descs": "profile-sync-daemon (Manage browser profiles in tmpfs)", "source": "source/salix/system/profile-sync-daemon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Profile-sync-daemon (psd) is a tiny pseudo-daemon designed to manage your browser's profile in tmpfs and to periodically sync it back to your physical disc (HDD/SSD). This is accomplished via a symlinking step and an innovative use of rsync to maintain back-up and synchronization between the two. One of the major design goals of psd is a completely transparent user experience. Homepage: https://github.com/graysky2/profile-sync-daemon/", "path": "./salix/system/profile-sync-daemon-5.74.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "20070205", "name": "mtftar", "descs": "mtftar (tool for translating a MTF stream to a TAR stream)", "source": "source/salix/system/mtftar", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "MTF is a format commonly found on Microsoft systems as it's what is generated by the NTBACKUP.EXE tool that ships with all modern versions of Windows.", "path": "./salix/system/mtftar-20070205-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3304 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "python-urwid", "descs": "python-urwid (python console UI module)", "source": "source/salix/system/python-urwid", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "826 K", "descl": "Urwid is a console user interface library for Python. It is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License and includes many (too many to list) features useful for text console application developers. Urwid was written by Ian Ward. More info at: http://urwid.org", "path": "./salix/system/python-urwid-2.1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "pam-gnupg", "descs": "pam-gnupg (Unlock GnuPG keys on login)", "source": "source/salix/system/pam-gnupg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "A PAM module that hands over your login password to gpg-agent, which can be useful if you are using a GnuPG-based password manager like pass. https://github.com/cruegge/pam-gnupg", "path": "./salix/system/pam-gnupg-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "3.5.1", "name": "cdwrite", "descs": "cdwrite (CD/DVD reading and writing and MP3/OGG/FLAC encoding shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/cdwrite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "cdwrite is a console shell for reading, writing, and copying audio CDs as well as for creating and writing ISO images on CD media and data or ISO images on DVD media. It can also encode WAV files or audio CDs to MP3, OGG, or FLAC files, using optionally CDDB data and setting tags. The cdwrite shell requires a lot of the additional packages for full functionality. After the installation of the shell follow README.Slackware document from /usr/doc/cdwrite-* directory.", "path": "./salix/system/cdwrite-3.5.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "unionfs-fuse", "descs": "unionfs-fuse (unionfs filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/unionfs-fuse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "unionfs-fuse is a unionfs filesystem implementation using fuse. It is meant to be way more flexible than the current in-kernel unionfs solution. Project URL: https://github.com/rpodgorny/unionfs-fuse", "path": "./salix/system/unionfs-fuse-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3024 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "locust", "descs": "locust (performance testing tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/locust", "deps": ["python3-geventhttpclient", "python3-Flask-Basicauth", "python3-pyzmq", "msgpack-python", "zope.interface", "zope.event", "psutil", "python3-configargparse"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "756 K", "descl": "Locust is an easy to use, scriptable and scalable performance testing tool. Project URL: https://github.com/locustio/locust", "path": "./salix/system/locust-1.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1508 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "jq", "descs": "jq (command-line JSON processor)", "source": "source/salix/system/jq", "deps": ["oniguruma"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "377 K", "descl": "jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text. Homepage: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/", "path": "./salix/system/jq-1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "2.0.3", "name": "cups-bjnp", "descs": "cups-bjnp (CUPS backend using the BJNP protocol)", "source": "source/salix/system/cups-bjnp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "CUPS back-end for the Canon printers using the proprietary USB over IP BJNP protocol. This back-end allows CUPS to print over the network to a Canon printer. It currently supports CUPS 1.2 and later. It is designed using reverse engineering of the protocol.", "path": "./salix/system/cups-bjnp-2.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "jsawk", "descs": "jsawk (like awk, but for JSON)", "source": "source/salix/system/jsawk", "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "You work with an array of JSON objects read from stdin, filter them using JavaScript to produce a results array that is printed to stdout https://github.com/micha/jsawk", "path": "./salix/system/jsawk-1.4-noarch-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "patool", "descs": "patool (Portable Archive File Manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/patool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "Various archive types can be created, extracted, tested, listed, compared, searched and repacked with patool. The advantage of patool is its simplicity in handling archive files without having to remember a myriad of programs and options. The archive format is determined by the file(1) program and as a fallback by the archive file extension. Homepage: http://wummel.github.io/patool/", "path": "./salix/system/patool-1.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1768 K", "ver": "6.1.0", "name": "biew", "descs": "biew (console hex viewer/editor and disassembler)", "source": "source/salix/system/biew", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "442 K", "descl": "BIEW (Binary vIEW) is a free, portable, advanced file viewer with built-in editor for binary, hexadecimal and disassembler modes. It contains a highlight PentiumIV/K7-Athlon/Cyrix-M2 disassembler, full preview of MZ, NE, PE, LE, LX, DOS.SYS, NLM, ELF, a.out, arch, coff32, PharLap, rdoff executable formats, a code guider, and lot of other features, making it invaluable for examining binary code. Homepage: http://beye.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/biew-6.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1476 K", "ver": "325.15", "name": "nvidia-firmware", "descs": "nvidia-firmware (video firmware for nouveau)", "source": "source/salix/system/nvidia-firmware", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "369 K", "descl": "This is the proprietary firmware extracted from the NVIDIA binary driver needed by nouveau for video decoding.", "path": "./salix/system/nvidia-firmware-325.15-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "socklog", "descs": "socklog (system and kernel logging services)", "source": "source/salix/system/socklog", "deps": ["runit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "socklog, in cooperation with the runit package, is a small and secure replacement for syslogd. It can receive syslog messages from a unix domain socket ('/dev/log') and write them to various files on disk depending on facility and priority. It can also read from and write to a udp socket. svlogd has a built in log file rotation based on file size, so there is no need for any cron jobs or similar to rotate the logs.", "path": "./salix/system/socklog-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "20181028", "name": "nologind", "descs": "nologind (logind wrapper for ConsoleKit)", "source": "source/salix/system/nologind", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "qt4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "A logind wrapper for ConsoleKit(2) on Slackware. Used as a compatibility layer for applications that require (parts of) the org.freedesktop.login1.Manager D-Bus system service. nologind was written by Ole-Andre Rodlie Homepage: https://github.com/rodlie/nologind", "path": "./salix/system/nologind-20181028-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "892 K", "ver": "0.15.0", "name": "qterminal", "descs": "qterminal (qt terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/qterminal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "qtermwidget", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "223 K", "descl": "Qterminal is a Qt based multitab terminal emulator. homepage: https://gitorious.org/qterminal", "path": "./salix/system/qterminal-0.15.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "572 K", "ver": "1.8.7", "name": "termsyn-font", "descs": "termsyn-font (bitmap font)", "source": "source/salix/system/termsyn-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "143 K", "descl": "Termsyn is a clean monospaced bitmap font based on Terminus and Tamsyn.", "path": "./salix/system/termsyn-font-1.8.7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1048 K", "ver": "10.0", "name": "virt-viewer", "descs": "virt-viewer (lightweight graphical display for libvirt VMs)", "source": "source/salix/system/virt-viewer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "audit", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "gtk-vnc", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcap-ng", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnl3", "libssh", "libunistring", "libva", "libvirt", "libvirt-glib", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "opus", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "spice-gtk", "util-linux", "vte", "wayland", "yajl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "262 K", "descl": "The 'Virtual Machine Viewer' application (virt-viewer for short) is a lightweight interface for interacting with the graphical display of a libvirt guest OS. It is intended as a replacement for the traditional vncviewer client, since the latter does not support SSL/TLS encryption of x509 certificate authentication. If built without libvirt, this package will only contain the remote-viewer client, a simple VNC/SPICE viewer.", "path": "./salix/system/virt-viewer-10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "184228 K", "ver": "4.0.1", "name": "apache-cassandra", "descs": "apache-cassandra (distributed database)", "source": "source/salix/system/apache-cassandra", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46057 K", "descl": "The Apache Cassandra Project develops a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model. Homepage: http://cassandra.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/system/apache-cassandra-4.0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "15960 K", "ver": "3.4.10", "name": "zookeeper", "descs": "zookeeper (Highly reliable distributed coordination server)", "source": "source/salix/system/zookeeper", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3990 K", "descl": "ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. Homepage: https://zookeeper.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/system/zookeeper-3.4.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "ciopfs", "descs": "ciopfs (case insensitive on purpose filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/ciopfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "fuse"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "ciopfs is a stackable or overlay linux userspace file system (implemented with fuse) which mounts a normal directory on a regular file sytem in case insensitive fashion. http://www.brain-dump.org/projects/ciopfs/", "path": "./salix/system/ciopfs-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "26056 K", "ver": "4.16.1", "name": "xen-nox", "descs": "xen-nox (Xen Project Hypervisor)", "source": "source/salix/system/xen-nox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dtc", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "gnutls", "kmod", "libcap-ng", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libnl3", "libseccomp", "libssh", "libunistring", "liburcu", "liburing", "libxkbcommon", "lzo", "multipath-tools", "ndctl", "nettle", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "p11-kit", "pam", "pixman", "snappy", "usbredir", "util-linux", "vde2", "yajl", "zlib", "acpica"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6514 K", "descl": "The xen-nox package contains the XEN micro-kernel and tools for PV and PVH modes, including the good old xenstore daemon written in C. QEMU-XEN is built without X11 support (no GTK, SDL nor OpenGL).", "path": "./salix/system/xen-nox-4.16.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "bicon", "descs": "bicon (a Bidirectional Console)", "source": "source/salix/system/bicon", "deps": ["fribidi"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "BiCon can be used under the Linux console, or terminal emulators with basic Unicode rendering (UTF-8). Run 'bicon' to get a console supporting Arabic or Persian according to LANG or specify the country on the command line, for instance: bicon ir # for Persian (Iran) Use alt+shift to switch keyboard layouts. See 'man bicon'. Keymaps and fonts for Arabic and Persian are included.", "path": "./salix/system/bicon-0.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1648 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "btop", "descs": "btop (system resources monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/btop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "412 K", "descl": "Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes. C++ version and continuation of bashtop and bpytop. homepage: https://github.com/aristocratos/btop/", "path": "./salix/system/btop-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1816 K", "ver": "20170805_e3e7517", "name": "lxdm", "descs": "lxdm (GUI login manager for LXDE)", "source": "source/salix/system/lxdm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "454 K", "descl": "LXDM is a lightweight drop-in replacement for GDM or KDM.", "path": "./salix/system/lxdm-20170805_e3e7517-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6248 K", "ver": "0.2.0_beta", "name": "wqy-microhei-font-ttf", "descs": "wqy-microhei-font-ttf (Wen Quan Yi Micro Hei CJK Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/wqy-microhei-font-ttf", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1562 K", "descl": "The WenQuanYi Micro Hei font is a new Sans Serif CJK font derived from Google 'Droid Sans Fallback'. Homepage: http://wenq.org/", "path": "./salix/system/wqy-microhei-font-ttf-0.2.0_beta-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "rover", "descs": "rover (simple file browser for the terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/rover", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "The main goal is to provide a faster way to explore a file system from the terminal, compared to what's possible by using cd, ls, etc. Rover has vi-like key bindings for navigation and can open files in $PAGER and $EDITOR. Basic file system operations are also implemented Rover is designed to be simple, fast and portable. Homepage: https://github.com/lecram/rover", "path": "./salix/system/rover-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.8.3", "name": "crikey", "descs": "crikey (Conveniently Repeated Input Key)", "source": "source/salix/system/crikey", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXtst", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "crikey is a little program that simulates key events. It gives the ability to assign a key shortcut to a string. For example, store your username on F1 and then use it quickly in any application. Homepage: http://www.shallowsky.com/software/crikey/", "path": "./salix/system/crikey-0.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "0.8.6", "name": "fsarchiver", "descs": "fsarchiver (Filesystem Archiver for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/fsarchiver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "lz4", "lzo", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "FSArchiver is a system tool that allows you to save the contents of a file-system to a compressed archive file. The file system can also be restored on a different-sized partition and also to a different filesystem. It can also create the filesytems while restoring. More info on http://www.fsarchiver.org/", "path": "./salix/system/fsarchiver-0.8.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "passwdqc", "descs": "passwdqc (password/passphrase strength checking and enforcement)", "source": "source/salix/system/passwdqc", "deps": ["pam"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "passwdqc is a password/passphrase strength checking and policy enforcement toolset, command-line programs (pwqcheck and pwqgen), and a library (libpasswdqc). pwqcheck and pwqgen are standalone password/passphrase strength checking and random passphrase generator programs, respectively, which are usable from scripts. Homepage: http://www.openwall.com/passwdqc/", "path": "./salix/system/passwdqc-2.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "20160817", "name": "findpkg", "descs": "findpkg (find Slackware packages)", "source": "source/salix/system/findpkg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Find and display installed packages in Slackware. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/findpkg", "path": "./salix/system/findpkg-20160817-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3840 K", "ver": "1.19", "name": "xcdroast", "descs": "xcdroast (Graphical frontend for cdrtools)", "source": "source/salix/system/xcdroast", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "960 K", "descl": "X-CD-Roast tries to be the most flexible CD and DVD burning software ever. It allows even the unexperienced user to create or copy a CD or a DVD with a few mouse clicks in a intuitive and nice looking graphical user interface. X-CD-Roast is maintained by Thomas Niederreiter.", "path": "./salix/system/xcdroast-1.19-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "13544 K", "ver": "13.00", "name": "symbola-font-ttf", "descs": "symbola-font-ttf (Symbol blocks of The Unicode Standard)", "source": "source/salix/system/symbola-font-ttf", "deps": ["fontforge"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3386 K", "descl": "Symbola is a ttf font, which contains many scripts, special symbols, and emoji characters supported by The Unicode Standard. Symbola is free strictly for personal, non-commercial use. Homepage: https://dn-works.com/ufas/", "path": "./salix/system/symbola-font-ttf-13.00-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1400 K", "ver": "1.0.19", "name": "sysbench", "descs": "sysbench (benchmark suite)", "source": "source/salix/system/sysbench", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "lua"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "350 K", "descl": "sysbench is a benchmark suite which allows you to quickly get an impression of system performance which is important if you plan to run a database under intensive load. This article explains how to benchmark your CPU, file IO, and MySQL performance with sysbench.", "path": "./salix/system/sysbench-1.0.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2636 K", "ver": "4.11.1", "name": "sleuthkit", "descs": "sleuthkit (forensic toolkit)", "source": "source/salix/system/sleuthkit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "659 K", "descl": "The Sleuth Kit (TSK) is a library and collection of command line tools that allow you to investigate disk images. The core functionality of TSK allows you to analyze volume and file system data. The plug-in framework allows you to incorporate additional modules to analyze file contents and build automated systems. The library can be incorporated into larger digital forensics tools and the command line tools can be directly used to find evidence. Homepage: http://www.sleuthkit.org/sleuthkit/", "path": "./salix/system/sleuthkit-4.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "gdmap", "descs": "gdmap (a tool which allows to graphically explore your disks)", "source": "source/salix/system/gdmap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "GdMap is a tool which allows to visualize disk space. To display directory structures cushion treemaps are used which visualize a complete folder or even the whole hard drive with one picture. Homepage: http://gdmap.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/gdmap-0.8.1-i586-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "4.4", "name": "docbook-xml", "descs": "docbook-xml (DocBook DTD for XML)", "source": "source/salix/system/docbook-xml", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "DocBook is a schema (available in several languages including RELAX NG, SGML and XML DTDs, and W3C XML Schema) maintained by the DocBook Technical Committee of OASIS. It is particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to these applications). This package includes version 4.1.2, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.", "path": "./salix/system/docbook-xml-4.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "20170403_abc5771", "name": "ttf-console-fonts", "descs": "ttf-console-fonts (converted TTFs for the console)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-console-fonts", "deps": ["otf2bdf", "bdf2psf", "psftools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "ttf-console-fonts is a collection of Linux console fonts, converted from various TrueType fonts found in a typical Linux install.", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-console-fonts-20170403_abc5771-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "set_rlimits", "descs": "set_rlimits (tool to set rlimits)", "source": "source/salix/system/set_rlimits", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This is a small program written to give unpriviledged users access to realtime scheduling via the new rlimits added to kernel 2.6.12. The new name reflects the fact that the program can control resource limits rather than just those related to realtime priorities. set_rlimits was developed by Jonathan Woithe homepage: http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/~jwoithe/", "path": "./salix/system/set_rlimits-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "5", "name": "rng-tools", "descs": "rng-tools (random number generator tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/rng-tools", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "rng-tools contains rngd which supplies data from a hardware RNG to the kernel's entropy pool, as well as rngtest which uses FIPS 140 tests to check the randomness of generated data.", "path": "./salix/system/rng-tools-5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1156 K", "ver": "0.9.7", "name": "ddcutil", "descs": "ddcutil (display data channel command interface client)", "source": "source/salix/system/ddcutil", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libdrm", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "289 K", "descl": "ddcutil is a program for querying and changing monitor settings, such as brightness and color levels. Any settings that can be changed by pressing buttons on the monitor can be modified by ddcutil. Homepage: www.ddcutil.com", "path": "./salix/system/ddcutil-0.9.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "34848 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "un-fonts-core", "descs": "un-fonts-core (Korean TrueType fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/un-fonts-core", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8712 K", "descl": "This package contains Core families (9 fonts): * UnBatang, UnBatangBold: serif * UnDotum, UnDotumBold: sans-serif * UnGraphic, UnGraphicBold: sans-serif style * UnPilgi, UnPilgiBold: script * UnGungseo: cursive, brush-stroke", "path": "./salix/system/un-fonts-core-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "17372 K", "ver": "3.11.1", "name": "mailutils", "descs": "mailutils (email handling)", "source": "source/salix/system/mailutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fribidi", "gc", "gnutls", "guile", "libgsasl", "libunistring", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pam", "python3", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4343 K", "descl": "GNU Mailutils is a swiss army knife of electronic mail handling. It provides a number of mail-related utilities and daemons, including pop3d, imap4d, sieve and a universal mail delivery agent, called maidag. All utilities are able to operate on mailboxes of any format. This is an official GNU package, maintained by Sergey Poznyakoff. Homepage: https://mailutils.org", "path": "./salix/system/mailutils-3.11.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "4.3.7", "name": "memtest86", "descs": "memtest86 (comprehensive, stand-alone memory diagnostic)", "source": "source/salix/system/memtest86", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Memtest86 is a thorough, stand-alone memory test for x86 architecture computers. BIOS based memory tests are a quick, cursory check and often miss many of the failures that are detected by Memtest86.", "path": "./salix/system/memtest86-4.3.7-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "25296 K", "ver": "20210815", "name": "man-pages-ja", "descs": "man-pages-ja (Japanese language man pages)", "source": "source/salix/system/man-pages-ja", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6324 K", "descl": "", "path": "./salix/system/man-pages-ja-20210815-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1140 K", "ver": "1.4.6", "name": "goaccess", "descs": "goaccess (httpd log analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/system/goaccess", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "285 K", "descl": "goaccess is an open source real-time Apache log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems. It provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for system administrators that require a visual server report on the fly. Homepage: http://goaccess.prosoftcorp.com", "path": "./salix/system/goaccess-1.4.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "fuse-zip", "descs": "fuse-zip (FUSE filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/fuse-zip", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "gnutls", "libunistring", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "FUSE filesystem to mount ZIP archives with write support", "path": "./salix/system/fuse-zip-0.7.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "11496 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "opam", "descs": "opam (OCaml Package Manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/opam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "bubblewrap", "dune", "ocaml-findlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2874 K", "descl": "OPAM is a source-based package manager for OCaml. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow. Homepage: https://opam.ocaml.org/", "path": "./salix/system/opam-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1780 K", "ver": "0.2.6", "name": "fsviewer", "descs": "fsviewer (NextStep-like file browser)", "source": "source/salix/system/fsviewer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "giflib", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libXt", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "windowmaker", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "445 K", "descl": "FSViewer is a file system viewer for Window Maker, developed by George Clernon visually and functionally in analogy to the Workspace Manager of NeXTStep(TM).", "path": "./salix/system/fsviewer-0.2.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "4.4.14", "name": "x86_energy_perf_policy", "descs": "x86_energy_perf_policy (set performance vs energy savings policy)", "source": "source/salix/system/x86_energy_perf_policy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "x86_energy_perf_policy allows software to convey its policy for the relative importance of performance versus energy savings to the processor. The processor uses this information in model-specific ways when it must select trade-offs between performance and energy efficiency. Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/", "path": "./salix/system/x86_energy_perf_policy-4.4.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "070715", "name": "heirloom-ed", "descs": "heirloom-ed (standard POSIX text editor)", "source": "source/salix/system/heirloom-ed", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "heirloom-ed is a version of the standard text editor derived from the original UNIX source code released by Caldera and Sun and collected under The Heirloom Toolchest project's umbrella. Homepage: http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/tools.html", "path": "./salix/system/heirloom-ed-070715-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4388 K", "ver": "9.6.7", "name": "bacula", "descs": "bacula (managed backup and recovery)", "source": "source/salix/system/bacula", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "bacula-client", "lzo", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1097 K", "descl": "Bacula is a set of Open Source, computer programs that permit you (or the system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. Homepage: http://www.bacula.org", "path": "./salix/system/bacula-9.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1896 K", "ver": "702", "name": "unetbootin", "descs": "unetbootin (create bootable Live USB drives)", "source": "source/salix/system/unetbootin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "p7zip"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "474 K", "descl": "UNetbootin lets you create bootable live usb drives for Linux distributions without burning a CD. Homepage: https://unetbootin.github.io", "path": "./salix/system/unetbootin-702-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "3.3.2+20200112_207d888", "name": "vwm", "descs": "vwm (console text-based window manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/vwm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "Viper Window Manager (VWM) is a lightweight, extensible window manager for the console. Originally, VWM was designed to be the reference implementation of libviper. In fact, the two projects were initially one before public release. From conception, VWM was designed to be both lightweight and ssh friendly. Character based line-art compresses very well as do the escape sequences which handle cursor manipulation. This makes VWM quite suitable for low-bandwidth, remote connectivity over ssh.", "path": "./salix/system/vwm-3.3.2+20200112_207d888-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4060 K", "ver": "8.07.14", "name": "megacli", "descs": "megacli (LSI hardware RAID management utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/megacli", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1015 K", "descl": "MegaCLI is an LSI command line interface utility to the MegaRAID controller family. It is used as a diagnostic utility to obtain information, event logs and interact with the RAID controller and attached peripherals. Home-Page: http://www.broadcom.com", "path": "./salix/system/megacli-8.07.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "fuse-exfat", "descs": "fuse-exfat (exFAT FUSE module)", "source": "source/salix/system/fuse-exfat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This project aims to provide a full-featured exFAT file system implementation for GNU/Linux and other Unix-like systems as a FUSE module and a set of utilities. module. This package contains the FUSE module. Homepage: https://github.com/relan/exfat", "path": "./salix/system/fuse-exfat-1.3.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "3.6.12", "name": "gitolite", "descs": "gitolite (Hosting git repositories)", "source": "source/salix/system/gitolite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with very fine-grained access control and many (many!) more powerful features. Homepage: http://gitolite.com/", "path": "./salix/system/gitolite-3.6.12-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "lolcat", "descs": "lolcat (High-performance implementation of lolcat)", "source": "source/salix/system/lolcat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "This lolcat clone is an attempt to reduce the world's carbon dioxide emissions by optimizing inefficient code. It's >10x as fast and <0.1% as large as the original one. Home page: https://github.com/jaseg/lolcat", "path": "./salix/system/lolcat-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "0.33.0", "name": "zsh-completions", "descs": "zsh-completions (Additional completion definitions for Zsh)", "source": "source/salix/system/zsh-completions", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "This projects aims at gathering/developing new completion scripts that are not available in Zsh yet. The scripts may be contributed to the Zsh project when stable enough. Homepage: https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions", "path": "./salix/system/zsh-completions-0.33.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "lxterminal", "descs": "lxterminal (LXDE terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/lxterminal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "LXTerminal is a terminal emulator, based on vte libs. lxterminal home: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXTerminal", "path": "./salix/system/lxterminal-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "14352 K", "ver": "0.13.2", "name": "refind", "descs": "refind (An EFI boot manager utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/refind", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3588 K", "descl": "A graphical boot manager for EFI and UEFI-based computers, such as all Intel-based Macs and recent (most 2011 and later) PCs. rEFInd presents a boot menu showing all the EFI boot loaders on the EFI-accessible partitions, and optionally BIOS-bootable partitions on Macs. EFI-compatible OSes, including Linux, provide boot loaders that rEFInd can detect and launch. rEFInd can launch Linux EFI boot loaders such as ELILO, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, and 3.3.0 and later kernels with EFI stub support. Home page: http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/", "path": "./salix/system/refind-0.13.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "592 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "blktrace", "descs": "blktrace (block layer IO tracing mechanism)", "source": "source/salix/system/blktrace", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libaio"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "148 K", "descl": "blktrace is a block layer IO tracing mechanism which provides detailed information about request queue operations up to user space.", "path": "./salix/system/blktrace-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.76", "name": "daemontools-bin", "descs": "daemontools-bin (djb's tools for managing UNIX services)", "source": "source/salix/system/daemontools-bin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "daemontools includes several programs. supervise monitors a service. It starts the service and restarts the service if it dies. Setting up a new service is easy: all supervise needs is a directory with a run script that runs the service. Also included are multilog (for service logging), svcscan, svscanboot, readproctitle, and many others. Homepage: https://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html", "path": "./salix/system/daemontools-bin-0.76-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "zfs-auto-snapshot", "descs": "zfs-auto-snapshot (ZFS Snapshot)", "source": "source/salix/system/zfs-auto-snapshot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "An alternative implementation of the zfs-auto-snapshot service for Linux that is compatible with zfs-linux and zfs-fuse. Automatically create, rotate, and destroy periodic ZFS snapshots. This is the utility that creates the @zfs-auto-snap_frequent, @zfs-auto-snap_hourly, @zfs-auto-snap_daily, @zfs-auto-snap_weekly, and @zfs-auto-snap_monthly snapshots if it is installed.", "path": "./salix/system/zfs-auto-snapshot-1.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "804 K", "ver": "0.6.20", "name": "openct", "descs": "openct (Middleware framework for smart card terminals)", "source": "source/salix/system/openct", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "pcsc-lite"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "201 K", "descl": "It implements drivers for several smart card readers. It comes as driver in ifdhandler format for PC/SC-Lite, as CT-API driver, or as a small and lean middleware, so applications can use it with minimal overhead. OpenCT also has a primitive mechanism to export smart card readers to remote machines via TCP/IP. Homepage: http://www.opensc-project.org/openct/", "path": "./salix/system/openct-0.6.20-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "ibam", "descs": "ibam (Intelligent BAttery Monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/ibam", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "IBAM is an advanced battery monitor for laptops, which uses statistical and adaptive linear methods to provide accurate estimations of minutes of battery left or of the time needed until full recharge. This software relies on either APM, ACPI, SYSFS or PMU kernel support to access the battery status. Homepage: http://ibam.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/ibam-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.39.0", "name": "atool", "descs": "atool (archive tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/atool", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "The main command is aunpack which extracts files from an archive. The other commands provided are apack (to create archives), als (to list files in archives), and acat (to extract files to standard out). atool is written in Perl by Oskar Liljeblad and is free software (GNU General Public License). Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/atool/", "path": "./salix/system/atool-0.39.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3648 K", "ver": "3.18.0", "name": "seahorse", "descs": "seahorse (encryption made easy)", "source": "source/salix/system/seahorse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libsecret", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "912 K", "descl": "Seahorse is a GNOME application for managing encryption keys. It also integrates with nautilus, gedit and other places for encryption operations.", "path": "./salix/system/seahorse-3.18.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "5.0.5", "name": "pspg", "descs": "pspg (psql pager)", "source": "source/salix/system/pspg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "pspg is a pager for PostgreSQL's psql client.", "path": "./salix/system/pspg-5.0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "49368 K", "ver": "4.301", "name": "fira-fonts", "descs": "fira-fonts (Fira Sans & Fira Mono)", "source": "source/salix/system/fira-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12342 K", "descl": "Mozilla's Open Source Type Family Born in 2012, Meta's little sister Fira has grown up pretty fast. In version 4.2 the Fira Sans Family comprises 16 weights in 4 different styles: Roman, Roman Italic, Condensed and Condensed Italic with more than 2600 glyphs each. Fira Mono covers almost 1500 glyphs and comes in three weights.", "path": "./salix/system/fira-fonts-4.301-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "1.5.4", "name": "cronie", "descs": "cronie (The standard UNIX cron daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/cronie", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "Cronie contains the standard UNIX daemon crond that runs specified programs at scheduled times and related tools. It is based on the original cron and has security and configuration enhancements like the ability to use pam and SELinux. Homepage: https://github.com/cronie-crond/cronie", "path": "./salix/system/cronie-1.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2580 K", "ver": "6.101", "name": "ttf-doulos-sil", "descs": "ttf-doulos-sil (a free license Unicode font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-doulos-sil", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "645 K", "descl": "Doulos SIL is a Unicode-based font family that supports the wide range of languages that use the Latin and Cyryllic scripts. It is similar to Times New Roman. It is released under OFL license. Homepage: https://software.sil.org/charis/", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-doulos-sil-6.101-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "nsca-ng", "descs": "nsca-ng (drop-in replacement for NSCA)", "source": "source/salix/system/nsca-ng", "deps": ["confuse", "libbsd", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "NSCA-ng provides a client-server pair which makes the command pipe accessible to remote systems. This allows for submitting passive check results, downtimes and many other commands to Nagios or Icinga. Homepage: http://www.nsca-ng.org/", "path": "./salix/system/nsca-ng-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "trackfs", "descs": "trackfs (tracks filesystem changes)", "source": "source/salix/system/trackfs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "Trackfs is a small program that tracks file system changes -- creation, update and removal of fs objects -- of another program (or group of programs). It is similar to `installwatch', but works quite differently: While installwatch uses LD_PRELOAD to intercept library functions like open() and unlink(), trackfs runs the child program(s) with tracing enabled and tracks the system calls they make.", "path": "./salix/system/trackfs-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "1.51lw", "name": "pommed-light", "descs": "pommed-light (Apple laptops hotkeys events handler)", "source": "source/salix/system/pommed-light", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "audiofile", "confuse", "flac", "libogg", "pciutils", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro and MacBook laptops and adjusts the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly. Homepage: https://github.com/bytbox/pommed-light", "path": "./salix/system/pommed-light-1.51lw-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "msr-tools", "descs": "msr-tools (access the processor MSRs and CPU ID directly)", "source": "source/salix/system/msr-tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "MSR Tools project provides utilities to access the processor MSRs and CPU ID directly. This project is composed of three different user space console applications: wrmsr, rdmsr, cpuid.", "path": "./salix/system/msr-tools-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "592 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "steghide", "descs": "steghide (steganography program)", "source": "source/salix/system/steghide", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], "libmcrypt", "mhash", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "148 K", "descl": "Steghide is a steganography program that is able to hide data in various kinds of image- and audio-files. The color- respectivly sample-frequencies are not changed thus making the embedding resistant against first-order statistical tests. Project URL: http://steghide.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/steghide-0.5.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3480 K", "ver": "1.1.13", "name": "borgbackup", "descs": "borgbackup (deduplicating backup program)", "source": "source/salix/system/borgbackup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libb2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "msgpack-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "870 K", "descl": "BorgBackup (short: Borg) is a deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it supports compression and authenticated encryption. The main goal of Borg is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data deduplication technique used makes Borg suitable for daily backups since only changes are stored. The authenticated encryption technique makes it suitable for backups to not fully trusted targets. Homepage: https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/", "path": "./salix/system/borgbackup-1.1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "20040610", "name": "ProFont", "descs": "ProFont (bitmap font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ProFont", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "ProFont is a monospaced font created to be a most readable font for programming. Thus, it has slashed zeros; distinct forms of I, l and 1; and it is designed to look good a really small sizes so you can cram lots of lines of code into the window of your editor.", "path": "./salix/system/ProFont-20040610-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "3.2.5", "name": "cdemu-client", "descs": "cdemu-client (command-line client for CDEmu-daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/cdemu-client", "deps": ["cdemu-daemon"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "CDEmu client is a simple command-line client for controlling CDEmu-daemon. It provides a way to perform the key tasks related to controlling the CDEmu daemon, such as loading and unloading devices, displaying devices' status and retrieving/setting devices' debug masks. Homepage: https://cdemu.sourceforge.io/about/client/", "path": "./salix/system/cdemu-client-3.2.5-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "ecm-tools", "descs": "ecm-tools (Error Code Modeler)", "source": "source/salix/system/ecm-tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Fork of ECM primarily to host the code because upstream seems dead, with a minor change to how binaries are called to avoid conflicts with Sage Mathematics' ECM. Homepage: https://github.com/alucryd/ecm-tools", "path": "./salix/system/ecm-tools-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "99692 K", "ver": "15.0.2", "name": "Iosevka", "descs": "Iosevka (Slender monospace sans-serif typeface)", "source": "source/salix/system/Iosevka", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24923 K", "descl": "Iosevka is a monospace typeface inspired by Pragmata Pro, M+, and DIN Mono. It is designed to have a narrow shape to be space efficient and compatible to CJK characters. Homepage: https://typeof.net/Iosevka/", "path": "./salix/system/Iosevka-15.0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3512 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "sdltrs", "descs": "sdltrs (Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/sdltrs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libxcb", "sdl", "util-linux"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "878 K", "descl": "sdltrs is a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P emulator for Macintosh OSX, Windows and Linux. It has been ported from the excellent X-Windows Unix emulator xtrs. Instead of using the X-Window system for graphics, it uses the portable SDL library. http://sdltrs.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/sdltrs-1.1.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "pytrash", "descs": "pytrash (CLI implementation of the 'trash')", "source": "source/salix/system/pytrash", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "pytrash - CLI implementation of the 'trash' for Slackware linux Homepage: https://github.com/MyRequiem/pytrash", "path": "./salix/system/pytrash-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "48896 K", "ver": "", "name": "uhd", "descs": "uhd (USRP Hardware Driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/uhd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "boost"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12224 K", "descl": "The USRP Hardware Driver software (UHD) is the hardware driver for all USRP devices. It works on all major platforms (Linux, Windows, and Mac) and can be built with GCC, Clang, and MSVC compilers. The goal of the UHD software is to provide a host driver and API for current and future Ettus Research products. Users will be able to use UHD software standalone or with third-party applications. homepage: https://www.ettus.com/", "path": "./salix/system/uhd-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5952 K", "ver": "5.000", "name": "GentiumPlus", "descs": "GentiumPlus (a typeface for the nations)", "source": "source/salix/system/GentiumPlus", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1488 K", "descl": "Gentium Plus is a typeface family designed to enable the diverse ethnic groups around the world who use the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts to produce readable, high-quality publications. It supports a wide range of Latin- and Cyrillic-based alphabets. https://software.sil.org/gentium/", "path": "./salix/system/GentiumPlus-5.000-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "gohu-font", "descs": "gohu-font (monospace bitmap font for X)", "source": "source/salix/system/gohu-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "Gohufont is a monospace bitmap font well suited for programming and terminal use. It is intended to be very legible and offers very discernable glyphs for all characters, including signs and symbols. This package includes X fonts only.", "path": "./salix/system/gohu-font-2.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2432 K", "ver": "0.97", "name": "grub_legacy", "descs": "grub_legacy (the GRand Unified Bootloader; the legacy version)", "source": "source/salix/system/grub_legacy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "608 K", "descl": "GNU GRUB is a multiboot boot loader. This is the legacy version of the GRUB Bootloader. * It is simple to manage * It is small * It is ideal for embedded systems Website: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-legacy.html", "path": "./salix/system/grub_legacy-0.97-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16044 K", "ver": "20220510", "name": "intel-microcode", "descs": "intel-microcode (Linux Processor Microcode Data File)", "source": "source/salix/system/intel-microcode", "deps": ["iucode_tool"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4011 K", "descl": "CPU microcode is a mechanism to correct certain errata in existing systems. The normal preferred method to apply microcode updates is using the system BIOS, but for a subset of Intel processors this can be done at runtime using the operating system. This package contains those processors that support OS loading of microcode updates.", "path": "./salix/system/intel-microcode-20220510-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1064 K", "ver": "20210110", "name": "ded", "descs": "ded (directory editor)", "source": "source/salix/system/ded", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "266 K", "descl": "ded (pronounced 'dee-eee-dee') allows you to navigate through multiple file lists or a directory tree, viewing or changing file attributes rapidly. In addition to conventional file information, it operates on the file's RCS or SCCS archives (or CVS or SVN, etc), making it useful for source-control as well as system administration. Curses-based, it runs on UNIX systems.", "path": "./salix/system/ded-20210110-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "148464 K", "ver": "5.14.5", "name": "apache-activemq", "descs": "apache-activemq (Apache ActiveMQ)", "source": "source/salix/system/apache-activemq", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "37116 K", "descl": "Apache ActiveMQ is the most popular and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns provider.", "path": "./salix/system/apache-activemq-5.14.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "3.9.8", "name": "slpkg", "descs": "slpkg (Slackware Packaging Tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/slpkg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "Slpkg is a powerful software package manager that installs, updates and removes packages on Slackware based systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. Slpkg makes it easier to maintain groups of of machines without having to manually update. Homepage: https://dslackw.gitlab.io/slpkg", "path": "./salix/system/slpkg-3.9.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "0.3.15", "name": "d-feet", "descs": "d-feet (D-Bus Debugger)", "source": "source/salix/system/d-feet", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "D-Feet is a D-Bus debugger. Current features include: - View names on any bus - View exported objects, interfaces, methods and signals - View the full command line of services on the bus - Execute methods with parameters on the bus and see the return values", "path": "./salix/system/d-feet-0.3.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "ttygif", "descs": "ttygif (converting tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttygif", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "ttygif converts a ttyrec file into gif files. It's a stripped down version of ttyplay which calls xwd on every frame. Homepage: https://github.com/icholy/ttygif", "path": "./salix/system/ttygif-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "22.5.3", "name": "autojump", "descs": "autojump (a cd command that learns)", "source": "source/salix/system/autojump", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "autojump is a faster way to navigate your filesystem. It works by maintaining a database of the directories you use the most from the command line. Homepage: https://github.com/wting/autojump", "path": "./salix/system/autojump-22.5.3-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.1.1", "name": "nrg2cue", "descs": "nrg2cue (convert Nero .nrg CD images to bin/cue)", "source": "source/salix/system/nrg2cue", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Usage: nrg2cue [output.ISO] If you specify the output ISO file, it will be generated too.", "path": "./salix/system/nrg2cue-0.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.00", "name": "powernowd", "descs": "powernowd (a cpu frequency daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/powernowd", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "This is a very simple program that will adjust the speed of your CPU depending on system load. It works as a client of the CPUFreq driver. It is designed for use with CPU's supporting AMD's PowerNow power management scheme, as it's algorithm works better if there are more then two CPU speeds available. (aka, ARM, AMD K6/K7, Via C3, and Crusoe as opposed to traditional Intel and Ultrasparc). http://www.deater.net/john/powernowd.html", "path": "./salix/system/powernowd-1.00-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "2.08", "name": "pwgen", "descs": "pwgen (semi-random password generator)", "source": "source/salix/system/pwgen", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Pwgen is a small, GPL'ed password generator which creates passwords which can be easily memorized by a human. Note: The passwords generated by this program aren't as secure as fully random passwords. https://github.com/tytso/pwgen", "path": "./salix/system/pwgen-2.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.3.4", "name": "yeahconsole", "descs": "yeahconsole (a terminal emulator wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/system/yeahconsole", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "YeahConsole turns an xterm into a gamelike console. This means it will slide down from top of your screen if you hit a shortcut key. Homepage: http://phrat.de/yeahtools.html", "path": "./salix/system/yeahconsole-0.3.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "588000 K", "ver": "0.36.4", "name": "sarasa-gothic", "descs": "sarasa-gothic (CJK programming fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/sarasa-gothic", "deps": ["p7zip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "147000 K", "descl": "sarasa-gothic is a collection of attractive CJK programming fonts based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans. Author: Renzhi Li (aka Belleve Invis) Homepage: https://github.com/be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic", "path": "./salix/system/sarasa-gothic-0.36.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "20130214", "name": "ttf-caladea", "descs": "ttf-caladea (Googles Caladea font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-caladea", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "Googles Caladea font. Home page: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=168879", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-caladea-20130214-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "cfpeek", "descs": "cfpeek (Command line processor for structured configuration files)", "source": "source/salix/system/cfpeek", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "gc", "guile", "libunistring"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "Cfpeek provides a uniform and consistent command line interface for various operations on structured configuration files, such as named.conf, .gitconfig, etc. It can be used to look up and retrieve settings, reformat the files and to apply external scripts to them. Cfpeek is a handy tool for use in scripting. Homepage: https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/projects/cfpeek", "path": "./salix/system/cfpeek-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "520 K", "ver": "2", "name": "xwiimote", "descs": "xwiimote (hid-wiimote testing tool and helper library)", "source": "source/salix/system/xwiimote", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "130 K", "descl": "xwiimote is a library and a userspace tool for testing Wiimote functionality when connected with kernel's hid-wiimote device driver (which also is part of the project and was included in the kernel sources since version 3.1)", "path": "./salix/system/xwiimote-2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2816 K", "ver": "4.5.0", "name": "resource-agents", "descs": "resource-agents (cluster service executables)", "source": "source/salix/system/resource-agents", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "cluster-glue", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "704 K", "descl": "Combined repository of OCF agents from the RHCS and Linux-HA projects You might also want to install cluster-glue, heartbeat, resource-agents, fence-agents.", "path": "./salix/system/resource-agents-4.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2684 K", "ver": "2.108", "name": "lcdf-typetools", "descs": "lcdf-typetools (Program for Font Manipulation)", "source": "source/salix/system/lcdf-typetools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "texlive"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "671 K", "descl": "LCDF Typetools Comprises a set of programs that will manipulate Postscript Type 1, OpenFont and TrueType Fonts (http://www.lcdf.org/type/)", "path": "./salix/system/lcdf-typetools-2.108-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "1.4.36", "name": "ccid", "descs": "ccid (PC/SC driver for USB CCID smart card readers)", "source": "source/salix/system/ccid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "pcsc-lite"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "libccid provides a PC/SC IFD handler implementation for the USB smart card drivers compliant to the Card Chip Interface Device (CCID) protocol. This package is needed to communicate with the CCID smartcard readers through the PC/SC Lite resource manager (pcscd). It also supports the GemPC Twin via serial port, and the GemPC PCMCIA and PCI-Express cards. More info at: https://github.com/LudovicRousseau/CCID", "path": "./salix/system/ccid-1.4.36-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "usbrelay", "descs": "usbrelay (software for HID usb relays)", "source": "source/salix/system/usbrelay", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], "hidapi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Command line tool for 1,2,4 and 8 output usb relays based on HID compatible chips. Usage instructions at: https://github.com/darrylb123/usbrelay", "path": "./salix/system/usbrelay-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8784 K", "ver": "1.3.6", "name": "openscap", "descs": "openscap (open source SCAP integration)", "source": "source/salix/system/openscap", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "libyaml", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "procps-ng", "python3", "rpm", "sqlite", "util-linux", "xmlsec", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2196 K", "descl": "The OpenSCAP Project was created to provide an open-source framework to the community which enables integration with the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) suite of standards and capabilities. It is the goal of OpenSCAP to provide a simple, easy to use set of interfaces to serve as the framework for community use of SCAP SCAP is a line of standards managed by NIST Homepage: https://www.open-scap.org/", "path": "./salix/system/openscap-1.3.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.20.2", "name": "jdupes", "descs": "jdupes (identifying and taking action upon duplicate files)", "source": "source/salix/system/jdupes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "jdupes is a program for identifying and taking actions upon duplicate files. This fork of fdupes known as 'jdupes' is heavily modified from and improved over the original. https://github.com/jbruchon/jdupes", "path": "./salix/system/jdupes-1.20.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8608 K", "ver": "1.55", "name": "man-pages-es", "descs": "man-pages-es (paginas de manual en Espanol)", "source": "source/salix/system/man-pages-es", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2152 K", "descl": "Spanish translation of man-pages and man-pages-extra.", "path": "./salix/system/man-pages-es-1.55-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "bitrot", "descs": "bitrot (dectects bit rotten files)", "source": "source/salix/system/bitrot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "bitrot detects bit rotten files on the hard drive to save your precious photo and music collection from slow decay. Homepage: https://github.com/ambv/bitrot", "path": "./salix/system/bitrot-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1060 K", "ver": "0.55", "name": "chkrootkit", "descs": "chkrootkit (Check Rootkit)", "source": "source/salix/system/chkrootkit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "265 K", "descl": "chkrootkit is a common unix-based program intended to help system administrators check their system for known rootkits. It is a shell script using common UNIX/Linux tools like the strings and grep commands to search core system programs for signatures and for comparing a traversal of the /proc filesystem with the output of the ps (process status) command to look for discrepancies. Homepage: http://www.chkrootkit.org", "path": "./salix/system/chkrootkit-0.55-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4868 K", "ver": "0.6.8", "name": "bottom", "descs": "bottom (system/process monitor for the terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/bottom", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1217 K", "descl": "bottom is a configurable, widget-based system and process monitor for the terminal. Author: Clement Tsang Homepage: https://github.com/clementtsang/bottom", "path": "./salix/system/bottom-0.6.8-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "3.4.1", "name": "d52", "descs": "d52 (disassembler for 8051/8052, 8041/8048, and Z80 object code)", "source": "source/salix/system/d52", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "d52 is a 8051/8052 command line disassembler for Linux and Windows with C source code that is distributed under GNU General Public License. Also included are d48 and dz80.", "path": "./salix/system/d52-3.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "nmtree", "descs": "nmtree (a port of NetBSD's mtree utility to Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/nmtree", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "libnbcompat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "nmtree is a utility for mapping and checking directory hierarchies. This version is ported from NetBSD. Homepage: https://github.com/archiecobbs/nmtree", "path": "./salix/system/nmtree-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "1.11.1", "name": "tmuxp", "descs": "tmuxp (Manage tmux sessions thru JSON, YAML configs)", "source": "source/salix/system/tmuxp", "deps": ["kaptan", "click", "colorama", "python-libtmux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "Manage tmux sessions thru JSON, YAML configs. Features Python API Homepage: https://github.com/tony/tmuxp/", "path": "./salix/system/tmuxp-1.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.9.2", "name": "curlftpfs", "descs": "curlftpfs (Mount FTP/SFTP via fuse)", "source": "source/salix/system/curlftpfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for acessing ftp hosts based on FUSE and libcurl. It automatically reconnects if the server times out. Homepage: http://curlftpfs.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/curlftpfs-0.9.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2212 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "exa", "descs": "exa (replacement for 'ls' written in Rust)", "source": "source/salix/system/exa", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "553 K", "descl": "exa is a replacement for ls written in Rust. https://github.com/ogham/exa", "path": "./salix/system/exa-0.10.1-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "thinkfan", "descs": "thinkfan (fan control program)", "source": "source/salix/system/thinkfan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libatasmart"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "Thinkfan is a simple, lightweight fan control program. Originally designed specifically for IBM/Lenovo Thinkpads, it now supports any kind of system via the sysfs hwmon interface (/sys/class/hwmon). It is designed to eat as little CPU power as possible.", "path": "./salix/system/thinkfan-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.22.0", "name": "cutecom", "descs": "cutecom (graphical serial terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/cutecom", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "CuteCom is a graphical serial terminal like minicom. http://cutecom.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/cutecom-0.22.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "4.0.9", "name": "tkdvd", "descs": "tkdvd (Disc burning program)", "source": "source/salix/system/tkdvd", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "TkDVD is a GUI to dvd+rw-tools and cdrecord. It allows burning CDs and DVDs easily. Homepage: http://www.exit1.org/tkdvd", "path": "./salix/system/tkdvd-4.0.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "2.31", "name": "pdsh", "descs": "pdsh (Parallel Distributed Shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/pdsh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "Pdsh is a an efficient, multithreaded remote shell client which executes commands on multiple remote hosts in parallel. Homepage: https://github.com/chaos/pdsh", "path": "./salix/system/pdsh-2.31-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "20200507_1795eb8", "name": "dse-typewriter-font", "descs": "dse-typewriter-font (typewriter-style TrueType font)", "source": "source/salix/system/dse-typewriter-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "dse-typewriter-font is a coding font inspired by early 20th-century typewriters, with good Unicode coverage. This font is not the result of any scans or traces of samples, specimens, or other output from an actual typewriter. It's more like an amalgamation of old-school typewriter fonts with features semi-arbitrarily picked from each one, as well as a few not in use on actual typewriters.", "path": "./salix/system/dse-typewriter-font-20200507_1795eb8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "2.4f", "name": "aespipe", "descs": "aespipe (AES encrypting/decrypting pipe)", "source": "source/salix/system/aespipe", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "aespipe is a AES encrypting or decrypting pipe. It reads from standard input and writes to standard output. It can be used to create and restore encrypted tar or cpio archives, and to encrypt and decrypt loop-AES compatible encrypted disk images. Homepage: http://loop-aes.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/aespipe-2.4f-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3696 K", "ver": "8.3.2", "name": "fd", "descs": "fd (a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find)", "source": "source/salix/system/fd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "924 K", "descl": "https://github.com/sharkdp/fd", "path": "./salix/system/fd-8.3.2-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3160 K", "ver": "191015", "name": "heirloom-doctools", "descs": "heirloom-doctools (classic implementation of the troff tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/heirloom-doctools", "deps": ["byacc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "790 K", "descl": "The Heirloom Documentation Tools package provides troff, nroff, and related utilities to format manual pages and other documents for output on terminals and printers. They are portable and enhanced versions of the utilities released by Sun as part of OpenSolaris, which are a variant of ditroff, which, in turn, descends to the historical Unix troff that generated output for the C/A/T phototypesetter.", "path": "./salix/system/heirloom-doctools-191015-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "14i", "name": "nmon", "descs": "nmon (Nigel's performance MONitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/nmon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "This systems administrator, tuner, benchmark tool gives you a huge amount of important performance information in one go. It can output the data in two ways. 1) You can display the CPU, memory, network, disks (mini graphs or numbers), file systems, NFS, top processes, resources 2) Save the data to a comma separated file for analysis and longer term data capture.", "path": "./salix/system/nmon-14i-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1008 K", "ver": "3.0.8", "name": "lynis", "descs": "lynis (security auditing tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/lynis", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "252 K", "descl": "Lynis is a security auditing tool for UNIX derivatives like Linux, macOS, BSD, Solaris, AIX, and others. It performs an in-depth security scan. Project URL: https://cisofy.com/", "path": "./salix/system/lynis-3.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "612 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "usbview", "descs": "usbview (GTK program that displays the topography of USB devices)", "source": "source/salix/system/usbview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153 K", "descl": "USBView is a GTK program that displays the topography of the devices that are plugged into the USB bus on a Linux machine. It also displays information on each of the devices. This can be useful to determine if a device is working properly or not. Homepage: http://www.kroah.com/linux/usb/", "path": "./salix/system/usbview-3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36640 K", "ver": "14.0.0", "name": "unicode-character-database", "descs": "unicode-character-database (unicode database)", "source": "source/salix/system/unicode-character-database", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9160 K", "descl": "The Unicode Character Database (UCD) consists of a number of data files listing Unicode character properties and related data. It also includes data files containing test data for conformance to several important Unicode algorithms. Project URL: http://www.unicode.org/ucd/", "path": "./salix/system/unicode-character-database-14.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "3.1.4", "name": "hashID", "descs": "hashID (hash-identifier)", "source": "source/salix/system/hashID", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Software to identify the different types of hashes used to encrypt data and especially passwords. Homepage: https://github.com/psypanda/hashID", "path": "./salix/system/hashID-3.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "flashcards", "descs": "flashcards (A simple command line flashcards utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/flashcards", "deps": ["configobj"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "A simple memorization tool similar to physical flash card quizzing. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/pyflashcards", "path": "./salix/system/flashcards-2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "mktorrent", "descs": "mktorrent (Console .torrent file creator)", "source": "source/salix/system/mktorrent", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Console .torrent file creator. It support Multi Trackers. Homepage: https://github.com/Rudde/mktorrent", "path": "./salix/system/mktorrent-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "20252 K", "ver": "6.2.4", "name": "hashcat", "descs": "hashcat (advanced password recovery)", "source": "source/salix/system/hashcat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5063 K", "descl": "hashcat is the world's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility, supporting five unique modes of attack for over 160 highly-optimized hashing algorithms. hashcat currently supports CPUs, GPUs, other hardware-accelerators on Linux, Windows and OSX, and has facilities to help enable distributed password cracking.", "path": "./salix/system/hashcat-6.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "20171023_2546822", "name": "siji-font", "descs": "siji-font (bitmap font)", "source": "source/salix/system/siji-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Siji is an iconic bitmap font based on the Stlarch font with additional glyphs.", "path": "./salix/system/siji-font-20171023_2546822-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "system76-io-dkms", "descs": "system76-io-dkms (DKMS module for controlling System76 Io board)", "source": "source/salix/system/system76-io-dkms", "deps": ["dkms"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This kernel module enables reading/controlling the fan speed of fans plugged into the System76 Io board on Thelio desktops. The kernel module is named system76-io. Homepage: https://github.com/pop-os/system76-io-dkms", "path": "./salix/system/system76-io-dkms-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1096 K", "ver": "0.4.9", "name": "dateutils", "descs": "dateutils (command line tools to work with dates and times)", "source": "source/salix/system/dateutils", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "274 K", "descl": "Dateutils are a bunch of tools that revolve around fiddling with dates and times in the command line with a strong focus on use cases that arise when dealing with large amounts of financial data. Homepage: http://www.fresse.org/dateutils/", "path": "./salix/system/dateutils-0.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "afuse", "descs": "afuse (automounter for FUSE)", "source": "source/salix/system/afuse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "Afuse is a FUSE based filesystem which implements filesystem automounting functionality similar to Linux's autofs. homepage: https://github.com/pcarrier/afuse", "path": "./salix/system/afuse-0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5548 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "nanum-coding-fonts-ttf", "descs": "nanum-coding-fonts-ttf (Korean fixed width TrueType Fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/nanum-coding-fonts-ttf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1387 K", "descl": "This package contains fixed width Korean TrueType fonts. * NanumGothicCoding (normal, bold): monospace", "path": "./salix/system/nanum-coding-fonts-ttf-2.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "efiboots", "descs": "efiboots (GTK3 frontend for efibootmgr)", "source": "source/salix/system/efiboots", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "efiboots is a Python/GTK3 application that acts as a frontend for efibootmgr. It provides an easy to use interface for managing UEFI boot options. homepage: https://github.com/Elinvention/efiboots", "path": "./salix/system/efiboots-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "1.1.13", "name": "plocate", "descs": "plocate (a much faster locate)", "source": "source/salix/system/plocate", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "liburing"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "plocate is a locate based on posting lists. Compared to mlocate, it is much faster, and its index is much smaller. updatedb speed is similar (or you can convert mlocate's index to plocate format using plocate-build). It supports most mlocate options; see --help or the man page for more information.", "path": "./salix/system/plocate-1.1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.21.9", "name": "unrtf", "descs": "unrtf (RTF file converter)", "source": "source/salix/system/unrtf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "UnRTF is a command-line program written in C which converts documents in Rich Text (.rtf) format to HTML, LaTeX, PostScript, and other formats. Converting to HTML, it supports a number of features of Rich Text Format. http://www.gnu.org/software/unrtf/unrtf.html", "path": "./salix/system/unrtf-0.21.9-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2408 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "sbbdep", "descs": "sbbdep (binary dependency explorer)", "source": "source/salix/system/sbbdep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "602 K", "descl": "Slack Build Binary Dependencies The tool for exploring binary runtime dependencies on Slackware and Slackware based systems. more at: https://bitbucket.org/a4z/sbbdep", "path": "./salix/system/sbbdep-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "4.3.1", "name": "qjoypad", "descs": "qjoypad (convert gamepad buttons to keystrokes)", "source": "source/salix/system/qjoypad", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXtst", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "qjoypad takes input from a gamepad or joystick and translates it into key strokes or mouse actions, letting you control any X-Windows program with your game controller. It also lets you play games with your gamepad/joystick that otherwise don't have joystick/gamepad support.", "path": "./salix/system/qjoypad-4.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1012 K", "ver": "1.0.39", "name": "tarsnap", "descs": "tarsnap (Client software for Tarsnap)", "source": "source/salix/system/tarsnap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "253 K", "descl": "Tarsnap is a secure cloud-based backup service featuring client-side encryption and de-duplication created by Colin Percival. https://www.tarsnap.com", "path": "./salix/system/tarsnap-1.0.39-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "624 K", "ver": "4.30.1", "name": "scangearmp2", "descs": "scangearmp2 (Front-end GUI for Canon Multifunction Inkjet Printer)", "source": "source/salix/system/scangearmp2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "156 K", "descl": "A scanning program for Canon Multifunction Inkjet Printer. You can scan image from Canon Multifunction Inkjet Printer, and select the scanning parameters, for example, scan mode, size, etc. Support MG7500 series, MG6600 series, MG5600 series, MG2900 series, MB2000 series, MB2300 series, MB5000 series, MB5300 series, E460 series, MX490 series, E480 series. Homepage: https://asia.canon/en/support/0101132201", "path": "./salix/system/scangearmp2-4.30.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.0.8", "name": "ttyrec", "descs": "ttyrec (a tty recorder)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttyrec", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "ttyrec is a tty recorder. Recorded data can be played back with the included ttyplay command. ttyrec is just a derivative of script command for recording timing information with microsecond accuracy as well. It can record emacs -nw, vi, lynx, or any programs running on tty. Homepage: http://0xcc.net/ttyrec", "path": "./salix/system/ttyrec-1.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "14480 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "buildah", "descs": "buildah (container build utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/buildah", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], "gpgme", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libseccomp", "go-md2man", "runc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3620 K", "descl": "buildah facilitates building OCI container images, all without a daemon. It supports a bash-style invocation, as well as Dockerfiles. https://github.com/containers/buildah", "path": "./salix/system/buildah-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "880 K", "ver": "1.4.6", "name": "rkhunter", "descs": "rkhunter (security monitoring and analyzing tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/rkhunter", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "220 K", "descl": "RKHunter is a scanning tool that scans for rootkits, backdoors, and local exploits by running tests like: MD5 hash comparison, known rootkit files, incorrect permissions on binaries, suspect strings in LKM and LKD modules, and hidden files Rootkit Hunter is released as a GPL licensed project and is free for everyone to use.", "path": "./salix/system/rkhunter-1.4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "bbqsql", "descs": "bbqsql (A Blind SQL Injection Exploitation Tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/bbqsql", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "BBQSQL is a blind SQL injection framework written in Python. The tool is built to be database agnostic and is extremely versatile. Blind SQL injection can be a pain to exploit. When the available tools work well, but when they don't you have to write something custom. This is time-consuming and tedious. BBQSQL can help you address those issues.", "path": "./salix/system/bbqsql-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1124 K", "ver": "3.0.9", "name": "ttmkfdir", "descs": "ttmkfdir (Tool for creating fonts.dir for TrueType fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttmkfdir", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "281 K", "descl": "This program creates 'font.dir' files for TrueType fonts. These files are required if you want to use TrueType fonts with X.", "path": "./salix/system/ttmkfdir-3.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "20141107_5adb0af", "name": "isextract", "descs": "isextract (extract v3 InstallShield files)", "source": "source/salix/system/isextract", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "isextract is a command line tool to extract the *.z InstallShield v3 packages many old windows games were distributed as. The files isextract supports are identified by the file command as 'InstallShield Z archive Data', and begin with a hex signature of 13 5d 65 8c 3a 01 02.", "path": "./salix/system/isextract-20141107_5adb0af-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "trashy", "descs": "trashy (freedesktop rubbish bin for the shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/trashy", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Trashy is a (mostly) freedesktop-compliant rubbish bin for the shell to encourage people to avoid using 'rm' so often. Move files to your trash, list files in your trash, restore files from trash, and empty the trash from your shell.", "path": "./salix/system/trashy-2.5.1-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3628 K", "ver": "0.11.0", "name": "xonsh", "descs": "xonsh (Python BASHwards-compatible shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/xonsh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "907 K", "descl": "xonsh is a Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command prompt. The language is a superset of Python 3.4+ with additional shell primitives. xonsh (pronounced conch) is meant for the daily of experts and novices alike. Homepage: https://xon.sh/", "path": "./salix/system/xonsh-0.11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "24256 K", "ver": "8.9.0", "name": "multibootusb", "descs": "multibootusb (Install multiple live linux on a USB disk)", "source": "source/salix/system/multibootusb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6064 K", "descl": "MultiBootUSB allows you to install multiple live linux on a USB disk non destructively and option to uninstall distros. User can get the distro's all available *default* boot options during distro's installation. Syslinux is used as default boot loader for making USB bootable. - You also need QEMU in order to use it within multibootusb. Homepage: http://multibootusb.org/", "path": "./salix/system/multibootusb-8.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16440 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "mucommander", "descs": "mucommander (cross-platform file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/mucommander", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4110 K", "descl": "muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager with a dual-pane interface. It runs on any operating system with Java support. muCommander has virtual file system support for local volumes, FTP, SFTP, SMB, NFS, HTTP, Amazon S3, Hadoop HDFS and Bonjour. It can browse, create and uncompress ZIP, RAR, 7z, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb and LST archives.", "path": "./salix/system/mucommander-0.9.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "356056 K", "ver": "2.332.3", "name": "jenkins", "descs": "jenkins (automated job monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/jenkins", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk11"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "89014 K", "descl": "Jenkins monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron. Among those things, current Jenkins focuses on the following two jobs: (o) Building/testing software projects continuously (o) Monitoring executions of externally-run jobs Homepage: https://jenkins.io/", "path": "./salix/system/jenkins-2.332.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "0.11.3", "name": "duperemove", "descs": "duperemove (find duplicated extents and submit for deduplication)", "source": "source/salix/system/duperemove", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "icu4c", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "Duperemove is a simple tool for finding duplicated extents and submitting them for deduplication. When given a list of files it will hash their contents on a block by block basis and compare those hashes to each other, finding and categorizing extents that match each other. When given the -d option, duperemove will submit those extents for deduplication using the Linux kernel extent-same ioctl. Homepage: https://markfasheh.github.io/duperemove/", "path": "./salix/system/duperemove-0.11.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "20140317", "name": "suckless-tools", "descs": "suckless-tools (utilities from suckless.org)", "source": "source/salix/system/suckless-tools", "deps": ["libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This is a collection of small tools/utilities from suckless.org. They're bundled together in one build because they're so small and simple. Included tools: lsw-0.2 lsx-0.1 sprop-0.1 sselp-0.2 ssid-0.1 swarp-0.1 wmname-0.1 xssstate-1.1", "path": "./salix/system/suckless-tools-20140317-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1812 K", "ver": "2.001", "name": "JetBrainsMono", "descs": "JetBrainsMono (a typeface for developers)", "source": "source/salix/system/JetBrainsMono", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "453 K", "descl": "JetBrains Mono's typeface forms are simple and free from unnecessary details. Rendered in small sizes, the text looks crisper. JetBrains Mono italic uses a 9 degree angle; this maintains the optimal contrast to minimize distraction and eye strain. 138 code-specific ligatures. To reduce noise by merging symbols and removing details so the eyes are processing less. A radical cut at the end of strokes fits the pixel grid better and gives the typeface a stricter and more 'tech' personality.", "path": "./salix/system/JetBrainsMono-2.001-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.7.4", "name": "password-store", "descs": "password-store (Password manager using GnuPG)", "source": "source/salix/system/password-store", "deps": ["xclip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "password-store is a simple password manager which uses GnuPG2 to securely encrypt and retrieve passwords. The pass utility provides a series of commands for manipulating the password store, allowing the user to add, remove, edit, synchronize, generate, and manipulate passwords. Homepage: https://www.passwordstore.org/", "path": "./salix/system/password-store-1.7.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "976 K", "ver": "2.33.5", "name": "mergerfs", "descs": "mergerfs (a featureful union filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/mergerfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "244 K", "descl": "mergerfs is a union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices. It is similar to mhddfs, unionfs, and aufs. Homepage ", "path": "./salix/system/mergerfs-2.33.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "20220411", "name": "winetricks", "descs": "winetricks (script to download and install programs for wine)", "source": "source/salix/system/winetricks", "deps": ["cabextract", "wine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "Winetricks is an easy way to work around problems in Wine. It has a menu of supported games/apps for which it can do all the workarounds automatically. It also lets you install missing DLLs or tweak various Wine settings individually. More info: http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks", "path": "./salix/system/winetricks-20220411-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "936 K", "ver": "3.31.1", "name": "dieharder", "descs": "dieharder (A random number generator testing suite)", "source": "source/salix/system/dieharder", "deps": ["gsl"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "234 K", "descl": "Dieharder is a random number generator (RNG) testing suite, designed to make it easy to time and test RNGs implemented in both software and hardware. It makes extensive use of the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), and includes a battery of pseudorandom number generators (PRNG) and testing algorithms for research and cryptographic applications. http://www.phy.duke.edu/~rgb/General/dieharder.php", "path": "./salix/system/dieharder-3.31.1-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "xldconfig", "descs": "xldconfig (cross arch ldconfig)", "source": "source/salix/system/xldconfig", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "file", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Xldconfig is a tool suplying ldconfig on non-native architectures. It makes symlinks in the same way as ldconfig does. It does not create or recreate the cache /etc/ld.so.cache. It is useful for cross arch system installations.", "path": "./salix/system/xldconfig-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "shake", "descs": "shake (filesystem defragmenter that runs in userspace)", "source": "source/salix/system/shake", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "attr"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "Contrary to xfs_fsr, it uses functions common to all filesystems and can be used to selectively defragment files. For best results, mount your partitions with the user_xattr option.", "path": "./salix/system/shake-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4036 K", "ver": "4.4.2", "name": "sqlcipher", "descs": "sqlcipher (256 bit AES encryption SQLite extension)", "source": "source/salix/system/sqlcipher", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libedit", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1009 K", "descl": "SQLCipher is an SQLite extension that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files. Pages are encrypted before being written to disk and are decrypted when read back. Due to the small footprint and great performance it's ideal for protecting embedded application databases and is well suited for mobile development. Homepage: http://sqlcipher.net", "path": "./salix/system/sqlcipher-4.4.2-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.17", "name": "run-one", "descs": "run-one (Run one instance of some unique combination of command)", "source": "source/salix/system/run-one", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Run one instance of some unique combination of command and arguments cat a time https://launchpad.net/run-one", "path": "./salix/system/run-one-1.17-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "960 K", "ver": "2.1", "name": "rush", "descs": "rush (Restricted User Shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/rush", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "240 K", "descl": "Rush is designed as a login shell for users with limited access to the system. Using a flexible configuration file, it gives the administrator complete control over the commands that the user is allowed to run and over the system resources he is allowed to use. Rush home page is http://www.gnu.org.ua/software/rush", "path": "./salix/system/rush-2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "2.0.304", "name": "procinfo-ng", "descs": "procinfo-ng (tool that displays system statistics from /proc)", "source": "source/salix/system/procinfo-ng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Procinfo-NG is a complete rewrite of the old system monitoring app procinfo. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/procinfo-ng", "path": "./salix/system/procinfo-ng-2.0.304-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "recoverjpeg", "descs": "recoverjpeg (recover damaged JPEG and MOV files)", "source": "source/salix/system/recoverjpeg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "exif"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "recoverjpeg tries to recover JFIF (JPEG) pictures and MOV movies from a peripheral. This may be useful if you mistakenly overwrite a partition or if a device such as a digital camera memory card is bogus. Homepage: https://www.rfc1149.net/devel/recoverjpeg.html", "path": "./salix/system/recoverjpeg-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "qControlCenter", "descs": "qControlCenter (Easy to customize Control Center)", "source": "source/salix/system/qControlCenter", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "qControlCenter has been written initially by Thierry Deseez. qControlCenter lets you easily and quickly build a control center for your distribution. This can be useful if you don't like the control center of your distribution, or if you distribution doesn't have any.", "path": "./salix/system/qControlCenter-0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.2.2", "name": "ddg", "descs": "ddg (DuckDuckGo zero-click api for your command-line)", "source": "source/salix/system/ddg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "www.duckduckgo.com zero-click api for your command-line Homepage: https://github.com/jshrake/ddg", "path": "./salix/system/ddg-0.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6756 K", "ver": "3.13", "name": "hercules", "descs": "hercules (System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/hercules", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1689 K", "descl": "Hercules is an open source software implementation of the mainframe System/370 and ESA/390 architectures, in addition to the new 64-bit z/Architecture. http://www.hercules-390.org/", "path": "./salix/system/hercules-3.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2200 K", "ver": "9.3", "name": "linkchecker", "descs": "linkchecker (Website Validator)", "source": "source/salix/system/linkchecker", "deps": ["python2", "qt4"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "550 K", "descl": "LinkChecker is a free, GPL licensed website validator. LinkChecker checks links in web documents or full websites. Project URL: http://wummel.github.io/linkchecker/", "path": "./salix/system/linkchecker-9.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "1.9.2", "name": "efitools", "descs": "efitools (Tools for manipulating UEFI secure boot platforms)", "source": "source/salix/system/efitools", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "perl-File-Slurp", "sbsigntools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "efitools is a set of tools for manipulating EFI secure boot platforms.", "path": "./salix/system/efitools-1.9.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1384 K", "ver": "3.2.3", "name": "tiger", "descs": "tiger (Report system security vulnerabilities)", "source": "source/salix/system/tiger", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "346 K", "descl": "TIGER, or the 'tiger' scripts, is a set of Bourne shell scripts, C programs and data files which are used to perform a security audit of UNIX systems. TIGER has one primary goal: report ways 'root' can be compromised. Originally developed by the A&M campus of the Texas University. Currently it is maintained by: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino", "path": "./salix/system/tiger-3.2.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "61448 K", "ver": "3.8.14", "name": "rabbitmq-server", "descs": "rabbitmq-server (Open source multi-protocol messaging broker)", "source": "source/salix/system/rabbitmq-server", "deps": ["elixir"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15362 K", "descl": "RabbitMQ is a feature rich, multi-protocol messaging broker. It supports: AMQP 0-9-1 STOMP 1.0 through 1.2 MQTT 3.1.1 AMQP 1.0 Homepage: http://www.rabbitmq.com/", "path": "./salix/system/rabbitmq-server-3.8.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.1.4", "name": "ifuse", "descs": "ifuse (fuse filesystem for mounting iPhone and iPod touch devices)", "source": "source/salix/system/ifuse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libplist", "libusbmuxd", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "A fuse filesystem for mounting iPhone and iPod touch devices.", "path": "./salix/system/ifuse-1.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "35b7526e", "name": "evhz", "descs": "evhz (show mouse refresh rate)", "source": "source/salix/system/evhz", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Show mouse refresh rate under linux + evdev https://sr.ht/~iank/evhz/", "path": "./salix/system/evhz-35b7526e-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.01b_19", "name": "mmv", "descs": "mmv (multiple mv/rename)", "source": "source/salix/system/mmv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "This is mmv, a program to move/copy/append/link multiple files according to a set of wildcard patterns. This multiple action is performed safely, i.e. without any unexpected deletion of files due to collisions of target names with existing filenames or with other target names.", "path": "./salix/system/mmv-1.01b_19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.51", "name": "xdiskusage", "descs": "xdiskusage (show disk usage)", "source": "source/salix/system/xdiskusage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "brotli", "fltk", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "xdiskusage is a user-friendly program to show you what is using up all your disk space. It is based on the design of xdu written by Phillip C. Dykstra . Changes have been made so it runs 'du' for you, and can display the free space left on the disk, and produce a PostScript version of the display. Homepage: http://xdiskusage.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/xdiskusage-1.51-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2068 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "volatility3", "descs": "volatility3 (memory extraction utility framework.)", "source": "source/salix/system/volatility3", "deps": ["pefile", "python3-pycrypto", "pycryptodomex", "python3-yara"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "517 K", "descl": "volatility3 is the world's most widely used framework for extracting digit artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples. The extraction techniques are performed completely independent of the system being investigated but offer visibility into the runtime state of the system. Volatility3 is a complete rewrite of the original Volatility Framework.", "path": "./salix/system/volatility3-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "polyglotman", "descs": "polyglotman (convert man pages to other formats)", "source": "source/salix/system/polyglotman", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Parse formatted man pages and man page source from most flavors of UNIX. Convert to HTML, ASCII, TkMan, DocBook, and other formats.", "path": "./salix/system/polyglotman-3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "3.10.2", "name": "pstate-frequency", "descs": "pstate-frequency (Easily control Intel p-state driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/pstate-frequency", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "pstate-frequency is able to adjust the Intel p-state driver values for the minimum and maximum scaling frequencies and the state of turbo boost. https://github.com/pyamsoft/pstate-frequency", "path": "./salix/system/pstate-frequency-3.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "10880 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "ttf-lato", "descs": "ttf-lato (TrueType Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-lato", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2720 K", "descl": "Lato is a sanserif type face family designed in the Summer 2010 by Warsaw-based designer Lukasz Dziedzic ('Lato' means 'Summer' in Polish). Home page: http://www.latofonts.com/lato-free-fonts/", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-lato-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1128 K", "ver": "5.5.0", "name": "rar", "descs": "rar (processes RAR files)", "source": "source/salix/system/rar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "282 K", "descl": "Rar is a powerful tool for processing RAR archives. Homepage: https://www.rarlab.com This is a shareware program. You must buy a license from Rar Labs if you want to keep using rar.", "path": "./salix/system/rar-5.5.0-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6380 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "overpass-desktop-fonts", "descs": "overpass-desktop-fonts (Open Source desktop fonts by RedHat)", "source": "source/salix/system/overpass-desktop-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1595 K", "descl": "Overpass desktop fonts inspired by Highway Gothic. Development is sponsored by RedHat and fonts are created by Delve Fonts. Home Page: http://overpassfont.org/", "path": "./salix/system/overpass-desktop-fonts-3.0.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "2.4.7", "name": "geoclue2", "descs": "geoclue2 (location information service)", "source": "source/salix/system/geoclue2", "deps": ["ModemManager", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "glib2", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "geoclue2 is a D-Bus service that provides location information. This is a rewrite of the original geoclue. Homepage: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/GeoClue", "path": "./salix/system/geoclue2-2.4.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "coolkey", "descs": "coolkey (pkcs#11 smartcard library)", "source": "source/salix/system/coolkey", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib", "pcsc-lite"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "coolkey is a pkcs#11 smartcard library that can be used with a US Government CAC (Common Access Card) in conjunction with pcsc-lite. It is most commonly used by pkcs#11 aware web browsers or email clients, to use a CAC's client certificate for authentication or signing. coolkey is commonly used with the DoD Configuration plugin for Firefox and Thunderbird, which is located at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/3182.", "path": "./salix/system/coolkey-1.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.7.4", "name": "ts", "descs": "ts (Unix task spooler)", "source": "source/salix/system/ts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "task spooler is a Unix batch system where the tasks spooled run one after the other. The amount of jobs to run at once can be set at any time. Each user in each system has his own job queue. The tasks are run in the correct context (that of enqueue) from any shell/process, and its output/results can be easily watched. Its interface allows using it easily in scripts. See: http://vicerveza.homeunix.net/~viric/soft/ts/", "path": "./salix/system/ts-0.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "0.17.3", "name": "aide", "descs": "aide (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment)", "source": "source/salix/system/aide", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs", "mhash", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "A free replacement for Tripwire. It does the same things as the semi-free Tripwire and more.", "path": "./salix/system/aide-0.17.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "2.0~pre7+nmu1", "name": "unp", "descs": "unp (unpack almost everything with one command)", "source": "source/salix/system/unp", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "unp is a small perl script which makes extraction of any archive files a bit easier. It support several compressors and archiver programs, chooses the right one(s) automatically and extracts one or more files in one go. website: http://packages.debian.org/en/squeeze/unp", "path": "./salix/system/unp-2.0~pre7+nmu1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "2.5.2", "name": "afio", "descs": "afio (archiver and backup program with internal compression support)", "source": "source/salix/system/afio", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "Afio can make compressed archives that are safer than compressed tar or cpio archives, allowing better handling of input data corruption. Afio also supports multi-volume archives during interactive operation. Afio makes cpio archives with ASCII-formatted header information (odc) Where the odc format cannot represent some files and file properties that could be present on a modern UNIX filesystem, it uses an afio- specific 'large ASCII' header for the files concerned.", "path": "./salix/system/afio-2.5.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2536 K", "ver": "8+20140708_0b34527", "name": "kmscon", "descs": "kmscon (KMS/DRM based System Console)", "source": "source/salix/system/kmscon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "glib2", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libdrm", "libglvnd", "libtsm", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mesa", "pango", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "634 K", "descl": "kmscon is a system console for linux. It does not depend on any graphics-server on your system (like X.org), but instead provides a raw console layer that can be used independently. It can replace the linux kernel console entirely but was designed to work well side-by-side, too. Even though initially targeted at providing internationalization to the system-console, it has grown into a fully modularized console layer including features like multi-head support, internationalized font rendering, XKB-compatible keyboard handling, hardware-accelerated graphics access and more.", "path": "./salix/system/kmscon-8+20140708_0b34527-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "756 K", "ver": "1.17.1", "name": "FunkLoad", "descs": "FunkLoad (load web tester)", "source": "source/salix/system/FunkLoad", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "189 K", "descl": "Functional test are pure Python scripts using the pyUnit framework like normal unit test. Python enable complex scenarios to handle real world applications.", "path": "./salix/system/FunkLoad-1.17.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3324 K", "ver": "3.3.0", "name": "tracker-miners", "descs": "tracker-miners (Tracker Miners)", "source": "source/salix/system/tracker-miners", "deps": ["NetworkManager", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "exempi", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gexiv2", "giflib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libcue", "libexif", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "libgxps", "libiptcdata", "libosinfo", "libseccomp", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "lz4", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pixman", "poppler", "sqlite", "tracker", "upower", "util-linux", "zlib", "totem-pl-parser"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "831 K", "descl": "The tracker-miners package contains a set of data extractors for Tracker. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker-miners", "path": "./salix/system/tracker-miners-3.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "98964 K", "ver": "1.990", "name": "webmin", "descs": "webmin (web-based interface for system administration)", "source": "source/salix/system/webmin", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24741 K", "descl": "Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. You can initially login in at http://localhost:10000 with user root and root's password. Homepage: http://www.webmin.com", "path": "./salix/system/webmin-1.990-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.7.5", "name": "xinput_calibrator", "descs": "xinput_calibrator (generic touchscreen calibrator for xorg)", "source": "source/salix/system/xinput_calibrator", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "Fills the gap of touchscreen calibration software, featuring: * works for any standard Xorg touchscreen driver (uses XInput) * mis-click detection (prevents bogus calibration) * dynamically recalibrates the evdev driver * outputs the calibration as xorg.conf.d snippet or HAL policy file * and more Homepage: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xinput_calibrator", "path": "./salix/system/xinput_calibrator-0.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "7972 K", "ver": "0.8.8", "name": "font-manager", "descs": "font-manager (GTK+ font manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/font-manager", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "thunar", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib", "yelp-tools"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1993 K", "descl": "A simple font management application for GTK+ Desktop Environments.", "path": "./salix/system/font-manager-0.8.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1112 K", "ver": "2.21", "name": "s3ql", "descs": "s3ql (Online Storage File System)", "source": "source/salix/system/s3ql", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "sqlite", "zlib", "python3-dugong", "python3-defusedxml", "python3-pycrypto", "llfuse", "apsw"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "278 K", "descl": "S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3, or OpenStack. S3QL effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet access. Homepage: https://github.com/s3ql/s3ql/", "path": "./salix/system/s3ql-2.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "", "name": "archmage", "descs": "archmage (CHM to HTML/PDF/text converter)", "source": "source/salix/system/archmage", "deps": ["pychm", "BeautifulSoup4", "htmldoc", "python3-sgmllib3k"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "arCHMage converts CHM files to HTML, plain text, or PDF. CHM is the format used by Microsoft HTML Help, also known as Compiled HTML.", "path": "./salix/system/archmage-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "528 K", "ver": "0.0.25", "name": "cantarell-fonts", "descs": "cantarell-fonts (The Cantarell typeface family)", "source": "source/salix/system/cantarell-fonts", "deps": ["gnome-common"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "132 K", "descl": "The Cantarell typeface family is a contemporary Humanist sans serif, and is used by the GNOME project for its user interface and the Fedora project.) Cantarell was originally designed by Dave Crossland as part of his coursework for the MA Typeface Design programme at the Department of Typography in the University of Reading, England. Home page: https://github.com/GNOME/cantarell-fonts", "path": "./salix/system/cantarell-fonts-0.0.25-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "vlock", "descs": "vlock (virtual console lock program)", "source": "source/salix/system/vlock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], "freeglut", "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libcaca", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "vlock is a program to lock one or more sessions on the Linux console. One user may lock his or her session(s) while still allowing other users to use the system on other virtual consoles. If desired, the entire console may be locked and virtual console switching disabled. vlock's original author is Michael K. Johnson The current maintainer of vlock is Frank Benkstein", "path": "./salix/system/vlock-2.2.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "38620 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "nanum-fonts-ttf", "descs": "nanum-fonts-ttf (Korean TrueType Fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/nanum-fonts-ttf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9655 K", "descl": "This package contains Gothic, Myeongjo, Pen and Brush Korean TrueType fonts. * NanumGothic (normal, bold, extrabold): serif * NanumMyeongjo (normal, bold, extrabold): sans-serif * NanumPen: script * NanumBrush: brush-stroke", "path": "./salix/system/nanum-fonts-ttf-3.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "14660 K", "ver": "0.13.2", "name": "rEFInd", "descs": "rEFInd (An EFI boot manager utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/rEFInd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3665 K", "descl": "A graphical boot manager for EFI and UEFI-based computers, such as all Intel-based Macs and recent (most 2011 and later) PCs. rEFInd presents a boot menu showing all the EFI boot loaders on the EFI-accessible partitions, and optionally BIOS-bootable partitions on Macs. EFI-compatible OSes, including Linux, provide boot loaders that rEFInd can detect and launch. rEFInd can launch Linux EFI boot loaders such as ELILO, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, and 3.3.0 and later kernels with EFI stub support. Home page: http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/", "path": "./salix/system/rEFInd-0.13.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "v1", "name": "tagtools", "descs": "tagtools (tagfile separate in Slackware Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/tagtools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "tagtools is a tool that automates the separation of tagfile in Slackware, Basically it downloads from the official Slackware mirror of each series, their respective tagfile. https://notabug.org/jeffersonrocha/tagtools", "path": "./salix/system/tagtools-v1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "xrestop", "descs": "xrestop (An X resource 'top' like tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/xrestop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXres", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Xrestop uses the X-Resource extension to provide 'top' like statistics of each connected X11 client's server side resource usage. It is intended as a developer tool to aid more efficient server resource usage and debug server side leakage. Homepage: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xrestop", "path": "./salix/system/xrestop-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "20160814", "name": "ttf-inconsolata", "descs": "ttf-inconsolata (Monospace Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-inconsolata", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "Inconsolata is a Monospace font for pretty code listings and for the terminal. Home page: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Inconsolata", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-inconsolata-20160814-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1086828 K", "ver": "1.2.15", "name": "freeswitch", "descs": "freeswitch (Open source telephony platform)", "source": "source/salix/system/freeswitch", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "271707 K", "descl": "FreeSWITCH is a scalable open source cross-platform telephony platform designed to route and interconnect popular communication protocols using audio, video, text or any other form of media. Homepage: http://www.freeswitch.org/", "path": "./salix/system/freeswitch-1.2.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "linux-vt-setcolors", "descs": "linux-vt-setcolors (change color palette in Linux console)", "source": "source/salix/system/linux-vt-setcolors", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "This little utility can be used to change the default color palette of the Linux virtual console. The program accepts a configuration file containing the colors to use, in hexadecimal form. The executable is named 'setcolors'. Sample config files are included in the package. See: /usr/doc/linux-vt-setcolors-1.0.0/example-colors", "path": "./salix/system/linux-vt-setcolors-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "2.7", "name": "sbotools", "descs": "sbotools (ports-like interface to slackbuilds.org)", "source": "source/salix/system/sbotools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "sbotools is a set of perl scripts providing a ports-like automation interface to slackbuilds.org. Its features include requirement handling and the ability to handle 32-bit and compat32 builds on multilib x86_64 systems. https://pink-mist.github.io/sbotools/", "path": "./salix/system/sbotools-2.7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "ds4drv", "descs": "ds4drv (Sony DualShock 4 userspace driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/ds4drv", "deps": ["pyudev", "python-evdev"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "ds4drv is a Sony DualShock 4 userspace driver for Linux.", "path": "./salix/system/ds4drv-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "0.4.4", "name": "udevil", "descs": "udevil (removable devices manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/udevil", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "udevil is a command line Linux program which mounts and unmounts removable devices without a password, shows device info, and monitors device changes. It can also mount ISO files, nfs://, smb://, ftp://, ssh:// URLs, and tmpfs/ramfs filesystems. udevil is highly configurable, requires no daemon running, and depends only on udev and glib. To use it, just prefix a normal mount command with 'udevil'. homepage: https://ignorantguru.github.com/udevil/", "path": "./salix/system/udevil-0.4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1024 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "bit-babbler", "descs": "bit-babbler (Software for BitBabbler TRNG devices)", "source": "source/salix/system/bit-babbler", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "256 K", "descl": "The BitBabbler is a hardware True Random Number Generator (TRNG) manufactured by Voicetronix of Australia. This package installs the software necessary to control and test White and Black BB devices. http://bitbabbler.org/", "path": "./salix/system/bit-babbler-0.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "iucode_tool", "descs": "iucode_tool (Intel Processor Microcode Tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/iucode_tool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "iucode_tool is a program to manipulate Intel i686 and X86-64 processor microcode update collections, and to use the kernel facilities to update the microcode on Intel system processors. It can load microcode data files in text and binary format, sort, list, and filter the microcode updates contained in these files, write selected microcode updates to a new file in binary format, or upload them to the kernel.", "path": "./salix/system/iucode_tool-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.6.4", "name": "preload", "descs": "preload (adaptive readahead daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/preload", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "preload is an adaptive readahead daemon. It monitors applications that users run, and by analyzing this data, predicts what apps users might run, and fetches those binaries and their dependencies into memory for faster startup times. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/preload", "path": "./salix/system/preload-0.6.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "4.0.9", "name": "dlm", "descs": "dlm (Distributed Lock Manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/dlm", "deps": ["corosync", "libqb", "util-linux", "pacemaker"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "DLM is the lock manager that provides a mechanism for other cluster infrastructure components to synchronize their access to shared resources. Homepage: https://pagure.io/dlm", "path": "./salix/system/dlm-4.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "352 K", "ver": "0.14.1", "name": "posh", "descs": "posh (Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell)", "source": "source/salix/system/posh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "88 K", "descl": "posh is a stripped-down version of pdksh that aims for compliance with Debian's policy, and few extra features. Homepage: https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/posh.html", "path": "./salix/system/posh-0.14.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "6.11", "name": "clamtk", "descs": "clamtk (A frontend for ClamAV)", "source": "source/salix/system/clamtk", "deps": ["libwww-perl", "perl-http-message", "perl-JSON", "perl-LWP-Protocol-https", "perl-Text-CSV", "perl-Gtk3", "clamav", "zenity"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "ClamTk is a frontend for ClamAV using perl-Gtk3. It is intended to be an easy to use, light-weight, on-demand scanner for Linux systems.", "path": "./salix/system/clamtk-6.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "repeat", "descs": "repeat (Repeat command N times every S seconds)", "source": "source/salix/system/repeat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "Repeat command N times every S seconds. Example display disk space every 2 seconds, but stops in 5 times. $ repeat -n 5 -s 2 df -h Homepage: https://github.com/lqez/repeat", "path": "./salix/system/repeat-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "artwiz-aleczapka", "descs": "artwiz-aleczapka (Artwiz Fonts Revisited)", "source": "source/salix/system/artwiz-aleczapka", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "This is a set of improved artwiz fonts that is compatible with fontconfig/Xft-2.0.", "path": "./salix/system/artwiz-aleczapka-1.3-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "ticpp", "descs": "ticpp (xml parser)", "source": "source/salix/system/ticpp", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "TiCPP is short for the official name TinyXML++. It is a completely new interface to TinyXML that uses MANY of the C++ strengths. Homepage: https://github.com/wxFormBuilder/ticpp", "path": "./salix/system/ticpp-0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "1.17", "name": "lziprecover", "descs": "lziprecover (Data recovery tool for lzipped files)", "source": "source/salix/system/lziprecover", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Lziprecover is a data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the lzip compressed data format (.lz) able to repair slightly damaged files, recover badly damaged files from two or more copies, extract data from damaged files, decompress files, and test integrity of files. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lziprecover.html", "path": "./salix/system/lziprecover-1.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36064 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "podman", "descs": "podman (utility to run OCI-based containers)", "source": "source/salix/system/podman", "deps": ["gpgme", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libseccomp", "cni-plugins", "conmon", "runc", "go-md2man", "slirp4netns"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9016 K", "descl": "libpod provides a library for applications looking to use the Container Pod concept popularized by Kubernetes. libpod also contains a tool called podman for managing Pods, Containers, and Container Images. Site: https://github.com/containers/libpod", "path": "./salix/system/podman-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "lxrandr", "descs": "lxrandr (LXDE monitor config tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/lxrandr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "LXRandR is a monitor configuration tool using X.Org's XRandR extension (if the graphics driver supports it). lxrandr home: http://www.lxde.org/", "path": "./salix/system/lxrandr-0.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "0.1a", "name": "listpkg", "descs": "listpkg (Lists packages are installed or not in Slackware)", "source": "source/salix/system/listpkg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "Listpkg is a utility for the Slackware system which lists whether one or more packages are installed on the system Simple usage, listpkg [package1] [package2]... example: $ listpkg kdenlive $ listpkg audacity kdenlive guvcview https://notabug.org/jeffersonrocha/trash", "path": "./salix/system/listpkg-0.1a-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6268 K", "ver": "2.11", "name": "rox-filer", "descs": "rox-filer (GTK2 file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/rox-filer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1567 K", "descl": "ROX-Filer is a fast and powerful graphical file manager. It has full drag-and-drop support and background file operations, and is highly configurable. It can also act as a pinboard, allowing you to pin frequently used files to the desktop background. Homepage: http://rox.sourceforge.net/desktop/ROX-Filer", "path": "./salix/system/rox-filer-2.11-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1468 K", "ver": "2.6.1", "name": "softhsm", "descs": "softhsm (Software Hardware Security Module)", "source": "source/salix/system/softhsm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "367 K", "descl": "SoftHSM is an implementation of a cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS #11 interface. You can use it to explore PKCS #11 without having a Hardware Security Module. Home-Page: https://www.opendnssec.org", "path": "./salix/system/softhsm-2.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "3.8.5", "name": "sakura", "descs": "sakura (a terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/sakura", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "Sakura is a simple gtk and vte based terminal emulator. http://www.pleyades.net/david/projects/sakura", "path": "./salix/system/sakura-3.8.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2936 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "musl", "descs": "musl (musl C library)", "source": "source/salix/system/musl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "734 K", "descl": "The musl C library. A library that attempts to be fast, simple, and correct. Use the musl-gcc wrapper to build against musl, and the musl-ldd wrapper to check linkages on the binaries you build. https://www.musl-libc.org/", "path": "./salix/system/musl-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "ttf-coda", "descs": "ttf-coda (TrueType Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-coda", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "Eye-catching, no-messing, bandwidth-saving, Coda's Heavy (800) style is designed to be an unassuming, practical, impact heavy display font for the world wide web. Home page: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Coda", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-coda-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "20021031", "name": "univga-font", "descs": "univga-font (unicode terminal font)", "source": "source/salix/system/univga-font", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "UNI-VGA is a Unicode VGA font for X11 and console. It is primarily intended to be the single source of fonts for console and for MS-DOS emulators. Font types included in this package: PSF=yes, BDF=yes, OTB=yes, PCF=no", "path": "./salix/system/univga-font-20021031-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "41248 K", "ver": "2.10.1", "name": "icingaweb2", "descs": "icingaweb2 (Network resource monitoring system Web UI)", "source": "source/salix/system/icingaweb2", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10312 K", "descl": "Icinga Web 2 is the next generation open source monitoring web interface, framework and command-line interface developed by the Icinga Project, supporting Icinga 2, Icinga Core and any other monitoring backend compatible with the Livestatus Protocol. Homepage: https://www.icinga.com/", "path": "./salix/system/icingaweb2-2.10.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "", "name": "fatsort", "descs": "fatsort (a FAT sorting utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/fatsort", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "FATSort is a tool written in C that sorts data on FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 partitions. It has support for LFNs. Homepage: https://fatsort.sourceforge.io/", "path": "./salix/system/fatsort-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "536 K", "ver": "2.46", "name": "fslint", "descs": "fslint (find and clean various forms of lint on a filesystem.)", "source": "source/salix/system/fslint", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "134 K", "descl": "FSlint is a utility to find and clean various forms of lint on a filesystem. I.E. unwanted or problematic cruft in your files or file names. For example, one form of lint it finds is duplicate files. It has both GUI and command line modes. http://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/", "path": "./salix/system/fslint-2.46-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "972 K", "ver": "1.91", "name": "s3fs-fuse", "descs": "s3fs-fuse (FUSE-based file system)", "source": "source/salix/system/s3fs-fuse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "awscli"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "243 K", "descl": "s3fs allows Linux and macOS to mount an S3 bucket via FUSE. s3fs preserves the native object format for files, allowing use of other tools like AWS CLI. Project URL: https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse", "path": "./salix/system/s3fs-fuse-1.91-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "5.76", "name": "anything-sync-daemon", "descs": "anything-sync-daemon (Manage directories in tmpfs)", "source": "source/salix/system/anything-sync-daemon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Anything-sync-daemonAUR (asd) is a tiny pseudo-daemon designed to manage user specified directories referred to as sync targets from here on out, in tmpfs and to periodically sync them back to the physical disc (HDD/SSD). This is accomplished via a symlinking step and an innovative use of rsync to maintain synchronization between a tmpfs copy and media-bound backups. Homepage: https://github.com/graysky2/anything-sync-daemon/", "path": "./salix/system/anything-sync-daemon-5.76-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "708 K", "ver": "1.1.40", "name": "tokyotyrant", "descs": "tokyotyrant (Lightweight database server)", "source": "source/salix/system/tokyotyrant", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "tokyocabinet", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "177 K", "descl": "Tokyo Tyrant provides network-based access to Tokyo Cabinet. It is composed of the server process managing a database and its access library for client applications. http://1978th.net/tokyotyrant/", "path": "./salix/system/tokyotyrant-1.1.40-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1476 K", "ver": "2.0.25", "name": "munin-node", "descs": "munin-node (System statistics gathering client for Munin)", "source": "source/salix/system/munin-node", "deps": ["perl-Net-Server", "perl-Module-Build", "perl-HTML-Template", "perl-Log-Log4perl", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "369 K", "descl": "munin-node is the statistics gatherling client used with Munin. This client can be queried by a Munin master which processes the report data into RRDTool graphs. munin-node is written in Perl and requires several external Perl modules. See the project documentation for requirements. Homepage: http://munin-monitoring.org", "path": "./salix/system/munin-node-2.0.25-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "744 K", "ver": "2.20.5", "name": "dget", "descs": "dget (utility to download debian sources)", "source": "source/salix/system/dget", "deps": ["dpkg"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "186 K", "descl": "dget is part of Debian package called 'devscripts' and is a tool to get debian binary packages or sources in CLI mode. Home page: https://goo.gl/mr1Uz3", "path": "./salix/system/dget-2.20.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "tty2gif", "descs": "tty2gif (record your scripts into a gif)", "source": "source/salix/system/tty2gif", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fftw", "fontconfig", "freetype", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imagemagick", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libzip", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "tty2gif let you record your terminal scripts and their outputs into both binary and gif animations. Homepage: http://z24.github.io/tty2gif/", "path": "./salix/system/tty2gif-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "", "name": "s6-linux-init", "descs": "s6-linux-init (a set of small tools to create an s6-based init system)", "source": "source/salix/system/s6-linux-init", "deps": ["s6"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "s6-linux-init is a set of minimalistic tools used to create an s6-based init system, including a /sbin/init binary, on a Linux kernel. The resulting architecture follows the Unix philosophy (one job -> one tool) as closely as possible, and is fully dedicated to the s6 way of managing a system while still be fully compliant with various empirical and historical specifications. Homepage: https://skarnet.org/software/s6-linux-init/", "path": "./salix/system/s6-linux-init-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "0.3.2", "name": "ext4magic", "descs": "ext4magic (file recovery)", "source": "source/salix/system/ext4magic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "e2fsprogs", "file", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "Linux admin tool, can help to recover deleted or overwritten files on ext3 and ext4 filesystems. Project URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext4magic/", "path": "./salix/system/ext4magic-0.3.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "408 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "afpfs-ng", "descs": "afpfs-ng (client for Apple Filing Protocol)", "source": "source/salix/system/afpfs-ng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "102 K", "descl": "afpfs-ng is a client for the Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) which will let you mount and access shared volumes from Mac OS X (or netatalk) to Linux, BSD and Mac OS X systems. There is a FUSE-based client which lets you mount a remote filesystem. It is for Linux and FreeBSD. There is also a simple, command-line AFP client; think about it as an FTP client for AFP.", "path": "./salix/system/afpfs-ng-0.8.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "6.1", "name": "usbmon", "descs": "usbmon (allows monitoring of raw USB traffic)", "source": "source/salix/system/usbmon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "The usbmon(8) utility is a user interface to its namesake 'usbmon', a facility in Linux kernel. It allows monitoring of raw USB traffic in a manner similar to the way tcpdump monitors network traffic.", "path": "./salix/system/usbmon-6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "003", "name": "a2tools", "descs": "a2tools (copy data to/from Apple II DOS 3.3 disk images)", "source": "source/salix/system/a2tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "a2tools is a set of utilities for transferring data between Unix and Apple II DOS 3.3 disk images (aka .dsk images).", "path": "./salix/system/a2tools-003-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1464 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "monitoring-plugins", "descs": "monitoring-plugins (a bundle of monitoring plugins)", "source": "source/salix/system/monitoring-plugins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "uriparser", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "366 K", "descl": "This bundle contains standard plugins for Icinga, Naemon, Nagios, Shinken, Sensu, and other monitoring applications. Each plugin is a stand-alone command line tool that provides a specific type of check. Homepage: https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/", "path": "./salix/system/monitoring-plugins-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "z", "descs": "z (bash/zsh extension)", "source": "source/salix/system/z", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Tracks your most used directories, based on 'frecency'. After a short learning phase, z will take you to the most 'frecent' directory that matches ALL of the regexes given on the command line, in order. For example, z foo bar would match /foo/bar but not /bar/foo. Homepage: https://github.com/rupa/z", "path": "./salix/system/z-1.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6884 K", "ver": "1.2.77", "name": "kyotocabinet", "descs": "kyotocabinet (straightforward implementation of DBM)", "source": "source/salix/system/kyotocabinet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1721 K", "descl": "Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. homepage: https://fallabs.com/kyotocabinet/", "path": "./salix/system/kyotocabinet-1.2.77-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3224 K", "ver": "0.130", "name": "culmus", "descs": "culmus (Hebrew scalable fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/culmus", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "806 K", "descl": "The Culmus project aims at providing the Hebrew-speaking GNU/Linux and Unix community with a basic collection of Hebrew fonts for X Windows. for more info: http://culmus.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/culmus-0.130-noarch-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "568 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "davfs2", "descs": "davfs2 (virtual filesystem driver for WebDAV)", "source": "source/salix/system/davfs2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], "e2fsprogs", "expat", "libproxy", "neon", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "142 K", "descl": "Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), an extension to the HTTP-protocol, allows authoring of resources on a remote web server. davfs2 provides the ability to access such resources like a typical filesystem, allowing for use by standard applications with no built-in support for WebDAV. Homepage: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/davfs2", "path": "./salix/system/davfs2-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1908 K", "ver": "0.9.70", "name": "firejail", "descs": "firejail (security sandbox)", "source": "source/salix/system/firejail", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "477 K", "descl": "Firejail is a SUID security sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces. It allows a process and all its descendants to have their own private view of the globally shared kernel resources, such as the network stack, process table, mount table. Homepage: https://firejail.wordpress.com/", "path": "./salix/system/firejail-0.9.70-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.5.3", "name": "ink", "descs": "ink (printer ink level monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/ink", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "libinklevel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Ink is a command line tool for checking the ink level of your printer on a system which runs Linux. It makes use of libinklevel. Homepage: http://ink.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/ink-0.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3544 K", "ver": "2.32.0", "name": "gconf-editor", "descs": "gconf-editor (GConf Editor)", "source": "source/salix/system/gconf-editor", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "libgnomeui"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "886 K", "descl": "A GNOME utility for editing the GConf configuration database.", "path": "./salix/system/gconf-editor-2.32.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "pyarchey", "descs": "pyarchey (system information tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/pyarchey", "deps": ["psutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "A simple python scrip to display an OS logo in ASCII art along with basic system information. Homepage: https://github.com/walchko/pyarchey", "path": "./salix/system/pyarchey-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.65", "name": "colorize", "descs": "colorize (colorize text on terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/colorize", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Colorize aims at being a small, independent and handy command-line text colorizing tool. It emits ANSI escape sequences in order to color lines of text; also, sequences emitted by colorize or foreign programs may be cleared.", "path": "./salix/system/colorize-0.65-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "612 K", "ver": "1.3.4", "name": "gtklp", "descs": "gtklp (GUI for lp and lpq)", "source": "source/salix/system/gtklp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153 K", "descl": "GtkLP and GtkLPQ are GUI tools for the use and administration of CUPS. They are free under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Homepage: https://gtklp.sirtobi.com/", "path": "./salix/system/gtklp-1.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "em", "descs": "em (Highlight some PATTERN in terminal's STDOUT)", "source": "source/salix/system/em", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Em is a terminal tool that prints FILE(s), or standard input to standard output and highlights the expressions that are matched the PATTERN. The expression will be highlighted iff the terminal is is ANSI-compatible. Homepage: http://em.readthedocs.org/", "path": "./salix/system/em-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "ptop", "descs": "ptop (top-like system monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/ptop", "deps": ["npyscreen", "psutil", "drawille", "huepy"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "An awesome task manager written in python. A more awesome top-like thing in your terminal! Homepage: https://github.com/darxtrix/ptop", "path": "./salix/system/ptop-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2256 K", "ver": "4.0.1", "name": "capstone", "descs": "capstone (disassembly framework)", "source": "source/salix/system/capstone", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "564 K", "descl": "Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.", "path": "./salix/system/capstone-4.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5704 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "lnav", "descs": "lnav (The Log File Navigator)", "source": "source/salix/system/lnav", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libarchive", "libunistring", "libxml2", "lz4", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1426 K", "descl": "An enhanced log file viewer that takes advantage of any semantic information that can be gleaned from the files being viewed, such as timestamps and log levels. Using this extra semantic information, lnav can do things like interleaving messages from different files, generate histograms of messages over time, and providing hotkeys for navigating through the file. It is hoped that these features will allow the user to quickly and efficiently zero in on problems.", "path": "./salix/system/lnav-0.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "34372 K", "ver": "2018.3.3", "name": "salt", "descs": "salt (configuration management engine)", "source": "source/salix/system/salt", "deps": ["msgpack-python", "python2-PyYAML", "python2-MarkupSafe", "singledispatch", "tornado", "zeromq", "python2-pyzmq", "python2-pycrypto"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8593 K", "descl": "SaltStack or Salt is a Python-based open source configuration management and remote execution engine. Note: at this time, the pkg and service modules are not available (unimplemented) in minions running Slackware. Homepage: https://saltstack.com/community/", "path": "./salix/system/salt-2018.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "xautolock", "descs": "xautolock (Xautolock monitors console activity)", "source": "source/salix/system/xautolock", "deps": ["libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Xautolock monitors console activity under the X window system, and fires up a program of your choice if nothing happens during a user configurable period of time. You can use this to automatically start up a screen locker in case you tend to forget to do so manually before having a coffee break. Xautolock will typically be used to lock the screen but it really doesn't care what program you make it start.", "path": "./salix/system/xautolock-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "1_002", "name": "AnonymousPro", "descs": "AnonymousPro (font for coders)", "source": "source/salix/system/AnonymousPro", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "Anonymous Pro is a family of four fixed-width fonts designed with coding in mind. Anonymous Pro features an international, Unicode-based character set, with support for most Western and Central European Latin-based languages, plus Greek and Cyrillic. Homepage: https://marksimonson.com/fonts/view/anonymous-pro", "path": "./salix/system/AnonymousPro-1_002-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3416 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "ccat", "descs": "ccat (Colorizing cat)", "source": "source/salix/system/ccat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "854 K", "descl": "ccat is the colorizing cat. It works similar to cat but displays content with syntax highlighting. Homepage: https://github.com/jingweno/ccat", "path": "./salix/system/ccat-1.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1590160 K", "ver": "2.10.0", "name": "gimp-help", "descs": "gimp-help (GIMP Help)", "source": "source/salix/system/gimp-help", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "397540 K", "descl": "This package provides GIMP user manual in many languages Homepage: http://www.gimp.org/", "path": "./salix/system/gimp-help-2.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3824 K", "ver": "42.0", "name": "gnome-disk-utility", "descs": "gnome-disk-utility (GNOME Disks)", "source": "source/salix/system/gnome-disk-utility", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cracklib", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcanberra", "libdvdread", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libhandy", "libogg", "libpwquality", "libsecret", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "udisks2", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "956 K", "descl": "GNOME Disks, gnome-disk-image-mounter and gsd-disk-utility-notify are libraries and applications for dealing with storage devices. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-disk-utility", "path": "./salix/system/gnome-disk-utility-42.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "1.8", "name": "fbterm", "descs": "fbterm (fast framebuffer based terminal emulator for linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/fbterm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libx86", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "FbTerm is a fast terminal emulator for Linux with the frame buffer device or a VESA video card.", "path": "./salix/system/fbterm-1.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "11140 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "fish", "descs": "fish (Friendly Interactive Shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/fish", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "pcre2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2785 K", "descl": "fish is a user friendly command line shell for UNIX-like systems. fish includes case insensitive completions, a multiline editing system, a new and simplified key binding system, and a large number of command specific completions. Homepage: https://fishshell.com/", "path": "./salix/system/fish-3.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1092 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "bogofilter", "descs": "bogofilter (mail filtering software)", "source": "source/salix/system/bogofilter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], "gsl"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "273 K", "descl": "Bogofilter is a mail filter that classifies mail as spam or ham (non-spam) by a statistical analysis of the message's header and content (body). The program is able to learn from the user's classifications and corrections. Homepage: http://bogofilter.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/bogofilter-1.2.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "050706", "name": "heirloom-sh", "descs": "heirloom-sh (portable variant of the traditional Unix shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/heirloom-sh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "The Heirloom Bourne Shell is a portable variant of the traditional Unix shell. It has been derived from OpenSolaris code and thus implements the SVR4/SVID3 level of the shell. The Bourne shell is suitable for script portability testing, processing of legacy scripts, general script processing, and interactive use. Homepage: http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/sh.html", "path": "./salix/system/heirloom-sh-050706-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.15.1", "name": "ncdu", "descs": "ncdu (NCurses Disk Usage)", "source": "source/salix/system/ncdu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "As the name already suggests, ncdu is an NCurses version of the famous old 'du' unix command. It provides a fast and easy interface to your harddrive. Where is your disk space going? Why is your home directory that large? ncdu can answer those questions for you in just a matter of seconds! https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu/", "path": "./salix/system/ncdu-1.15.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1072 K", "ver": "1.2.8", "name": "rdiff-backup", "descs": "rdiff-backup (backup tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/rdiff-backup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], "librsync", "python2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "268 K", "descl": "rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago. The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup.", "path": "./salix/system/rdiff-backup-1.2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "gksu", "descs": "gksu (Gtk+ frontend to su and sudo)", "source": "source/salix/system/gksu", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libgksu", "libglvnd", "libgnome-keyring", "libgpg-error", "libgtop", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "startup-notification", "util-linux", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "GKSu is a library that provides a Gtk+ frontend to su and sudo. It supports login shells and preserving environment when acting as a su frontend. It is useful to menu items or other graphical programs that need to ask a user's password to run another program as another user. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/gksu/", "path": "./salix/system/gksu-2.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "twapake", "descs": "twapake (play with last installed packages)", "source": "source/salix/system/twapake", "deps": ["perl-Curses-UI"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "twapake is a system administration utility for Slackware based operating systems only, making easier the management of last installed packages and making easier seeing the installation date of a package. Homepage: https://framagit.org/fredg/twapake", "path": "./salix/system/twapake-0.5.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "308 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "routersploit", "descs": "routersploit (exploitation framework)", "source": "source/salix/system/routersploit", "deps": ["python2-paramiko", "BeautifulSoup4", "python2-BeautifulSoup4", "pysnmp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "77 K", "descl": "The RouterSploit Framework is an open-source exploitation framework dedicated to embedded devices. It consists of three modules that aid penetration testing operations: exploits - modules that take advantage of identified vulnerabilities creds - modules designed to test credentials against network services scanners - modules that check if a target is vulnerable to any exploit", "path": "./salix/system/routersploit-2.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4624 K", "ver": "v1.3.2", "name": "corectrl", "descs": "corectrl (Core control application)", "source": "source/salix/system/corectrl", "deps": ["Botan", ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "polkit", "qt5", "quazip", "util-linux", "zlib", "zstd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1156 K", "descl": "CoreCtrl is a Free and Open Source GNU/Linux application that allows you to control with ease your computer hardware using application profiles. It aims to be flexible, comfortable, and accessible to regular users. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/corectrl/corectrl/", "path": "./salix/system/corectrl-v1.3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "21304 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "webcore-fonts", "descs": "webcore-fonts (Microsoft's core fonts for the web)", "source": "source/salix/system/webcore-fonts", "rel": "5salix15.0", "sizec": "5326 K", "descl": "The Webcore Fonts include: * Microsoft's core fonts for the web * Microsoft Tahoma * Microsoft's fonts for Windows Vista http://avi.alkalay.net/linux/docs/font-howto/Font.html#msfonts", "path": "./salix/system/webcore-fonts-3.0-noarch-5salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2264 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "ttf-open-sans", "descs": "ttf-open-sans (True Type Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-open-sans", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "566 K", "descl": "Open Sans is a clean and modern sans-serif typeface designed by Steve Matteson and commissioned by Google. It is especially designed for legibility across print, web, and mobile interfaces. Home page: https://www.opensans.com/", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-open-sans-1.11-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "1.2.4", "name": "commons-daemon", "descs": "commons-daemon (Jakarta Commons Daemon Package)", "source": "source/salix/system/commons-daemon", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "The scope of this package is to define an API in line with the current Java(tm) Platform APIs to support an alternative invocation mechanism which could be used instead of the above mentioned public static void main(String[]) method. This specification cover the behavior and life cycle of what we define as Java(tm) daemons, or, in other words, non interactive Java(tm) applications. Homepage: http://commons.apache.org/daemon/index.html", "path": "./salix/system/commons-daemon-1.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3692 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "glances", "descs": "glances (a cross-platform, curses-based system monitoring tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/glances", "deps": ["psutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "923 K", "descl": "glances is a cross-platform, curses-based system monitoring tool written in Python. It can adapt the displayed information depending on the terminal size and can work in a client/server mode for remote monitoring. It uses the psutil library to fetch statistical values from key elements, like CPU, load average, memory, network, disks, file systems, processes, etc. Homepage: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances", "path": "./salix/system/glances-3.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.6a", "name": "mbootpack", "descs": "mbootpack (Multiboot kernel and modules)", "source": "source/salix/system/mbootpack", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "This is a tool that takes a multiboot kernel and modules (e.g. a Xen VMM, linux kernel and initrd), and packages them up as a single file that looks like a bzImage linux kernel. The aim is to allow you to boot multiboot kernels (in particular, Xen) using bootloaders that don't support multiboot (i.e. pretty much anything except GRUB and SYSLINUX). This is, as you might expect, pretty grim stuff, involving lots of lovely 16-bit real-mode code. Homepage: http://www.tjd.phlegethon.org/software/", "path": "./salix/system/mbootpack-0.6a-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.1.39", "name": "mhddfs", "descs": "mhddfs (Multi HDD [FUSE] File System)", "source": "source/salix/system/mhddfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "uthash"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "A fuse-based file system for unifying several mount points into one. This FUSE-based file system allows mount points (or directories) to be combined, simulating a single big volume which can merge several hard drives or remote file systems. It is like unionfs, but can choose the drive with the most free space to create new files on, and can move data transparently between drives. See http://mhddfs.uvw.ru", "path": "./salix/system/mhddfs-0.1.39-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "20070708", "name": "fuseiso", "descs": "fuseiso (FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images)", "source": "source/salix/system/fuseiso", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "FuseISO is a FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images (.iso, .nrg, .bin, .mdf and .img files). It currently support plain ISO9660 Level 1 and 2, Rock Ridge, Joliet, and zisofs. https://sourceforge.net/projects/fuseiso/", "path": "./salix/system/fuseiso-20070708-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "isight-firmware-tools", "descs": "isight-firmware-tools (extract isight firmware)", "source": "source/salix/system/isight-firmware-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This project provides tools to manipulate firmware for Built-in iSight found on Apple machine since iMac G5 iSight (November 2005). Those tools are based on the work from Ronald S. Bultje and are licensed under the term of the GPLv2 or later. There are currently (2010) maintained by Etienne Bersac. See https://launchpad.net/isight-firmware-tools/ for bugs, code and more information.", "path": "./salix/system/isight-firmware-tools-1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2652 K", "ver": "20200423", "name": "heartbeat", "descs": "heartbeat (Linux-HA heartbeat)", "source": "source/salix/system/heartbeat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "cluster-glue", "gnutls", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib", "resource-agents"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "663 K", "descl": "Old school cluster infrastructure for GNU/Linux Allows you to avoid Corosync and even Pacemaker No CRMSH nor PCS required You might also want to install cluster-glue, heartbeat, resource-agents, fence-agents.", "path": "./salix/system/heartbeat-20200423-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "996 K", "ver": "0.19.0", "name": "tini", "descs": "tini (a tiny but valid init for containers)", "source": "source/salix/system/tini", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "249 K", "descl": "All Tini does is spawn a single child (Tini is meant to be run in a container), and wait for it to exit all the while reaping zombies and performing signal forwarding. Homepage: https://github.com/krallin/tini", "path": "./salix/system/tini-0.19.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "ttop", "descs": "ttop (CUI graphical system monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttop", "deps": ["docopt", "psutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "ttop is CUI graphical system monitor. this tools is designed for use with tmux. Homepage: https://github.com/ton1517/ttop", "path": "./salix/system/ttop-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "2.82", "name": "byobu", "descs": "byobu (GNU Screen enhancement)", "source": "source/salix/system/byobu", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "Byobu is an elegant enhancement of the otherwise functional, plain, practical GNU Screen. https://launchpad.net/byobu/", "path": "./salix/system/byobu-2.82-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "2021.08.0", "name": "can-utils", "descs": "can-utils (SocketCAN userspace utilities and tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/can-utils", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "contains some userspace utilities for Linux CAN subsystem (aka SocketCAN): candump, canplayer, cansend, cangen, cansniffer, canlogserver, bcmserver, socketcand, cangw, canbusload, canfdtest can-calc-bit-timing, isotpsend, isotprecv, isotpsniffer, isotpdump, isotpserver, isotpperf, isotptun, asc2log, log2asc, log2long, slcan_attach, slcand, slcanpty", "path": "./salix/system/can-utils-2021.08.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "mdf2iso", "descs": "mdf2iso (mdf to iso/cue/toc images converter)", "source": "source/salix/system/mdf2iso", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "A simple utility to convert mdf to iso / cue / toc images. Homepage: https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/mdf2iso", "path": "./salix/system/mdf2iso-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1476 K", "ver": "1.9.4", "name": "pcsc-lite", "descs": "pcsc-lite (Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API)", "source": "source/salix/system/pcsc-lite", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "369 K", "descl": "Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API (PC/SC) Its purpose is to provide a Windows(R) SCard interface in a very small form factor for communicating to smart cards and readers. Homepage: https://pcsclite.apdu.fr/", "path": "./salix/system/pcsc-lite-1.9.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "23944 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "argyllcms", "descs": "argyllcms (Argyll Color Management System)", "source": "source/salix/system/argyllcms", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libwebp", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "jam"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5986 K", "descl": "ArgyllCMS is an ICC compatible color management system. It supports accurate ICC profile creation for scanners, cameras and film recorders, and calibration and profiling of displays and RGB & CMYK printers. Home Page: http://www.argyllcms.com/", "path": "./salix/system/argyllcms-2.0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.02.17", "name": "forkstat", "descs": "forkstat (tracer of process creation/termination in the system)", "source": "source/salix/system/forkstat", "deps": ["libconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Forkstat is a program that logs process fork(), exec() and exit() activity. It is useful for monitoring system behaviour and to track down rogue processes that are spawning off processes and potentially abusing the system.", "path": "./salix/system/forkstat-0.02.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1552 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "stow", "descs": "stow (manage source installs)", "source": "source/salix/system/stow", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "388 K", "descl": "GNU Stow is a symlink farm manager which takes distinct packages of software and/or data located in separate directories on the filesystem, and makes them appear to be installed in the same place. This is particularly useful for keeping track of system-wide and per-user installations of software built from source, but can also facilitate a more controlled approach to management of configuration files in the user's home directory, especially when coupled with version control systems.", "path": "./salix/system/stow-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5392 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "cool-retro-term", "descs": "cool-retro-term (old school terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/cool-retro-term", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "qmltermwidget"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1348 K", "descl": "cool-retro-term is a terminal emulator which tries to mimic the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens. It has been designed to be eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight. homepage: https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term", "path": "./salix/system/cool-retro-term-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2.11", "name": "tmpwatch", "descs": "tmpwatch (A utility for removing temporary files)", "source": "source/salix/system/tmpwatch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "The tmpwatch utility recursively searches through specified directories and removes files which have not been accessed in a specified period of time. Tmpwatch is normally used to clean up directories which are used for temporarily holding files (for example, /tmp). Tmpwatch ignores symlinks, won't switch filesystems and only removes empty directories and regular files. https://fedorahosted.org/tmpwatch/", "path": "./salix/system/tmpwatch-2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "radeontop", "descs": "radeontop (Radeon cards monitoring utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/radeontop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libdrm", "libpciaccess", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Radeon cards monitoring utilty for viewing GPU utilization, show both for the total activity percent and individual blocks. Homepage: https://github.com/clbr/radeontop", "path": "./salix/system/radeontop-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2120 K", "ver": "1.206", "name": "fira-code-fonts", "descs": "fira-code-fonts (monospaced font with programming ligatures)", "source": "source/salix/system/fira-code-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "530 K", "descl": "Fira Code is an extension of the Fira Mono font containing a set of ligatures for common programming multi-character combinations. This is just a font rendering feature: underlying code remains ASCII-compatible. This helps to read and understand code faster. For some frequent sequences like .. or //, ligatures allow us to correct spacing.", "path": "./salix/system/fira-code-fonts-1.206-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "20141203", "name": "hdapsd", "descs": "hdapsd (HDAPS Daemon for Thinkpad Laptops)", "source": "source/salix/system/hdapsd", "deps": ["libconfig", "tp_smapi"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "This is a disk protection userspace daemon for IBM/Lenovo ThinkPads. It monitors the acceleration values through the HDAPS interface and automatically initiates disk head parking if a fall or sliding of the laptop is detected. Homepage: http://hdaps.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/hdapsd-20141203-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "85028 K", "ver": "20211019_d0d4408", "name": "plan9port", "descs": "plan9port (Plan 9 from User Space)", "source": "source/salix/system/plan9port", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21257 K", "descl": "Plan 9 from User Space (aka plan9port) is a port of many Plan 9 programs from their native Plan 9 environment to Unix-like operating systems. Homepage: https://9fans.github.io/plan9port/", "path": "./salix/system/plan9port-20211019_d0d4408-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "idle3-tools", "descs": "idle3-tools (Linux/Unix Utility for WD Drives)", "source": "source/salix/system/idle3-tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Idle3-tools provides a linux/unix utility that can disable, get and set the value of the infamous idle3 timer found on recent Western Digital Hard Disk Drives. Home: http://http://idle3-tools.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/idle3-tools-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1404 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "runit", "descs": "runit (a UNIX init scheme with service supervision)", "source": "source/salix/system/runit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "351 K", "descl": "a cross-platform Unix init scheme with service supervision, a replacement for sysvinit, and other init schemes. runit can replace init or its service supervision can be used with traditional init. runit is compatible with djb's daemontools Homepage: http://smarden.org/runit/index.html", "path": "./salix/system/runit-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1736 K", "ver": "4.7.0", "name": "modules", "descs": "modules (dynamic modification of a user's environment)", "source": "source/salix/system/modules", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "434 K", "descl": "Each modulefile contains the information needed to configure the shell for an application. Typically modulefiles instruct the module command to alter or set shell environment variables such as PATH, MANPATH, etc. Modules are useful in managing different versions of applications. Modules can also be bundled into metamodules that will load an entire suite of different applications. http://modules.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/modules-4.7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.0.10", "name": "dos33fsprogs", "descs": "dos33fsprogs (Utilities for the Apple II DOS 3.3 filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/dos33fsprogs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "These are tools to be used on DOS 3.3 filesystem disk images. DOS 3.3 is a filesystem used on Apple II floppy disks. There are also some generally useful Apple II utilities.", "path": "./salix/system/dos33fsprogs-0.0.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "0.4b47", "name": "dump", "descs": "dump (dump and restore backup commands)", "source": "source/salix/system/dump", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "lzo", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "Dump examines files in a filesystem, determines which ones need to be backed up, and copies those files to a specified disk, tape or other storage medium. Subsequent incremental backups can then be layered on top of the full backup. The restore command performs the inverse function of dump; it can restore a full backup of a filesystem. Single files and directory subtrees may also be restored from full or partial backups in interractive mode.", "path": "./salix/system/dump-0.4b47-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "otf2bdf", "descs": "otf2bdf (opentype/truetype to bdf font converter)", "source": "source/salix/system/otf2bdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "otf2bdf will convert an OpenType (or TrueType) font to a BDF font using the Freetype2 renderer. For best results, the original font should be monospaced.", "path": "./salix/system/otf2bdf-3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "18988 K", "ver": "0.7.0", "name": "ttf-computer-modern", "descs": "ttf-computer-modern (good quality, free fonts for X applications)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-computer-modern", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4747 K", "descl": "Computer Modern fonts are free, good quality fonts for use in X applications. Homepage: http://cm-unicode.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-computer-modern-0.7.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2328 K", "ver": "0.3.20", "name": "partclone", "descs": "partclone (utility to clone various filesystems)", "source": "source/salix/system/partclone", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "e2fsprogs", "libaal", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "reiser4progs", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "582 K", "descl": "Partclone is a program similar to the well-known backup utility 'Partition Image' a.k.a partimage. Partclone provides utilities to save and restore used blocks on a partition and is designed for higher compatibility of the file system by using existing libraries, e.g. e2fslibs is used to read and write the ext2 partition.", "path": "./salix/system/partclone-0.3.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "1.12.0", "name": "maxcso", "descs": "maxcso (Fast cso compressor)", "source": "source/salix/system/maxcso", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libuv", "lz4", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "A fast ISO to CSO compression program for use with PSP and PS2 emulators, which uses multiple algorithms for best compression ratio. Homepage: https://github.com/unknownbrackets/maxcso", "path": "./salix/system/maxcso-1.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "git4acf000", "name": "early-ssh", "descs": "early-ssh (gives you an SSH server during boot of your Linux system)", "source": "source/salix/system/early-ssh", "deps": ["dropbear"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "early-ssh gives you an SSH server during the boot of your Linux system. It starts before the root filesystem is mounted so you can unlock your encrypted root filesystem interactively, you don't have to be at the console of your server. You can also scp files to your server so you can even start your key-encrypted system. http://dev.kakaopor.hu/early-ssh/", "path": "./salix/system/early-ssh-git4acf000-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "scalpel", "descs": "scalpel (A Frugal, High Performance File Carver)", "source": "source/salix/system/scalpel", "deps": ["tre"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "Scalpel is a fast file carver that reads a database of header and footer definitions and extracts matching files or data fragments from a set of image files or raw device files. Scalpel is filesystem-independent and will carve files from FATx, NTFS, ext2/3, HFS+, or raw partitions. It is useful for both digital forensics investigation and file recovery. http://www.digitalforensicssolutions.com/Scalpel/", "path": "./salix/system/scalpel-2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "9496 K", "ver": "2.51.5", "name": "unison", "descs": "unison (file-synchronization tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/unison", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lablgtk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2374 K", "descl": "Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. Unlike simple mirroring or backup utilities, Unison can deal with updates to both replicas of a distributed directory structure. Updates that do not conflict are propagated automatically. Conflicting updates are detected and displayed.", "path": "./salix/system/unison-2.51.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "2.1.1", "name": "asbt", "descs": "asbt (tool for managing packages in slackbuilds local repository)", "source": "source/salix/system/asbt", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "asbt is a tool for managing packages in your local copy of slackbuilds, which can be obtained from slackbuilds.org (SBo). It supports searching, displaying info, getting, building, and installing/removing/upgrading packages. Homepage- http://github.com/aadityabagga/asbt", "path": "./salix/system/asbt-2.1.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5728 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "local-persist", "descs": "local-persist (Create persistent local volumes for docker)", "source": "source/salix/system/local-persist", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1432 K", "descl": "This docker plugin gives you the same benefits of standalone volumes that 'docker volume create' normally affords, while also allowing you to create volumes that persist in arbitrary disk locations. Homepage: https://github.com/MatchbookLab/local-persist", "path": "./salix/system/local-persist-1.3.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "21192 K", "ver": "1.14.0", "name": "gnome-commander", "descs": "gnome-commander (nc-like file manager for gnome)", "source": "source/salix/system/gnome-commander", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "exiv2", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "libunique", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "poppler", "taglib", "util-linux", "zlib", "libgnomeui", "rarian"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "5298 K", "descl": "GNOME Commander is a 'two-pane' graphical file manager for the GNOME desktop environment. GNOME Commander aims to fulfill the demands of more advanced users who like to focus on file management, their work through special applications, and running smart commands. Homepage: http://gcmd.github.io/index.html", "path": "./salix/system/gnome-commander-1.14.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "2.7", "name": "pigz", "descs": "pigz (Parallel Implementation of GZip)", "source": "source/salix/system/pigz", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "pigz is a fully functional replacement for gzip that utilizes multiple processors and CPU cores when compressing data. pigz was written by Mark Adler, and uses zlib and pthread libraries. Homepage: https://www.zlib.net/pigz/", "path": "./salix/system/pigz-2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5452 K", "ver": "1.9.2", "name": "nagvis", "descs": "nagvis (visualization addon for Nagios or Icinga)", "source": "source/salix/system/nagvis", "deps": ["graphviz"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1363 K", "descl": "NagVis is a visualization addon for the well known network managment system Nagios and Icinga. NagVis can be used to visualize Nagios Data, e.g. to display IT processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure. Homepage: http://www.nagvis.org/", "path": "./salix/system/nagvis-1.9.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1960 K", "ver": "9.6.7", "name": "bacula-client", "descs": "bacula-client (managed backup and recovery - Client only)", "source": "source/salix/system/bacula-client", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "lzo", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "490 K", "descl": "Bacula is a set of Open Source, computer programs that permit you (or the system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. Homepage: http://www.bacula.org", "path": "./salix/system/bacula-client-9.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "580 K", "ver": "1.5.2", "name": "multiload-ng", "descs": "multiload-ng (A modern graphical system monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/multiload-ng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libappindicator", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "145 K", "descl": "Multiload-ng is a near-complete rewrite of the old GNOME multiload applet that aims to support *every* existing panel. Homepage: https://udda.github.io/multiload-ng", "path": "./salix/system/multiload-ng-1.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "trash", "descs": "trash (CLI trash utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/trash", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "Trash is a utility that runs via cli, now you do not need to pass the full path or click on your 'trash' in the interface. just run $ trash and it will clean your trash for complete. https://notabug.org/jeffersonrocha/trash", "path": "./salix/system/trash-1.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.09", "name": "xautomation", "descs": "xautomation (control the X server from the command line)", "source": "source/salix/system/xautomation", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXtst", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Control X from the command line for scripts, and do 'visual scraping' to find things on the screen. The control interface allows mouse movement, clicking, button up/down, key up/down, etc, and uses the XTest extension. The visgrep program finds images inside of images and reports the coordinates. Homepage: http://hoopajoo.net/projects/xautomation.html", "path": "./salix/system/xautomation-1.09-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "0.3.5", "name": "lxinput", "descs": "lxinput (input settings for LXDE)", "source": "source/salix/system/lxinput", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "LXInput is part of the LXDE project. It implements selectable input settings for LXDE. lxinput home: http://www.lxde.org/", "path": "./salix/system/lxinput-0.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3780 K", "ver": "3.35.1", "name": "syslog-ng", "descs": "syslog-ng (System logging application)", "source": "source/salix/system/syslog-ng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "net-snmp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python3", "zlib", "eventlog"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "945 K", "descl": "The syslog-ng application is a flexible and highly scalable system logging application that is ideal for creating centralized and trusted logging solutions. This free, open-source version is an extremely well-developed, high performance, stable system being the Linux/Unix world's most frequently used alternative central logging system. Homepage: https://www.syslog-ng.com/", "path": "./salix/system/syslog-ng-3.35.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "ph", "descs": "ph (A fast Slackware Package History tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/ph", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "ph prints a filtered list of the packages installed in a Slackware system, using the package description files in /var/log/packages/. HOMEPAGE='http://tty1.uk/slackbuilds/noversion/ph'", "path": "./salix/system/ph-1.1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "reptyr", "descs": "reptyr (change controlling terminal of a running process)", "source": "source/salix/system/reptyr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "reptyr is a utility for taking an existing running program and attaching it to a new terminal. Started a long-running process over ssh, but have to leave and don't want to interrupt it? Just start a screen, use reptyr to grab it, and then kill the ssh session and head on home. Homepage: https://github.com/nelhage/reptyr", "path": "./salix/system/reptyr-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "2.23", "name": "sandbox", "descs": "sandbox (Gentoo Sandbox Tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/sandbox", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Sandbox is a library (and helper utility) to run programs in a 'sandboxed' environment. This is used as a QA measure to try and prevent applications from modifying files they should not. Homepage: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Sandbox", "path": "./salix/system/sandbox-2.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "316 K", "ver": "2.21", "name": "cpmtools", "descs": "cpmtools (access CP/M filesystem images or floppies)", "source": "source/salix/system/cpmtools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "79 K", "descl": "cpmtools accesses CP/M file systems. It's similar to the well-known mtools package (which accesses MSDOS file systems).", "path": "./salix/system/cpmtools-2.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "aha", "descs": "aha (convert ANSI color/graphics to HTML)", "source": "source/salix/system/aha", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "aha (ANSI HTML Adapter) converts ANSI colors to HTML, e.g. if you want to publish the output of ls --color=yes, git diff, ccal or htop as static HTML somewhere.", "path": "./salix/system/aha-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "schedtool", "descs": "schedtool (query or alter a process' scheduling policy)", "source": "source/salix/system/schedtool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "schedtool interfaces with the Linux CPU scheduler. It allows the user to set and query the CPU-affinity and nice-levels of processes, as well as all scheduling policies, like batch or real-time (RR/FIFO) classes and their priorities. All special scheduling classes of the -ck kernel patchset are also supported. Homepage: http://bit.ly/2p5Gunx", "path": "./salix/system/schedtool-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "952 K", "ver": "20220513", "name": "slackrepo", "descs": "slackrepo (Automated SlackBuild package builder)", "source": "source/salix/system/slackrepo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "238 K", "descl": "slackrepo is a tool for making and managing package repositories on Slackware, by building from repositories of SlackBuilds. https://github.com/aclemons/slackrepo", "path": "./salix/system/slackrepo-20220513-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "incron", "descs": "incron (inotify cron system)", "source": "source/salix/system/incron", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "This program is an 'inotify cron' system. It consists of a daemon and a table manipulator. You can use it a similar way as the regular cron. The difference is that the inotify cron handles filesystem events rather than time periods. Website: http://inotify.aiken.cz", "path": "./salix/system/incron-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2424 K", "ver": "3.6.0", "name": "ossec-server", "descs": "ossec-server (Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System)", "source": "source/salix/system/ossec-server", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "606 K", "descl": "OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. Homepage: https://ossec.github.io/", "path": "./salix/system/ossec-server-3.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3744 K", "ver": "20130503", "name": "prelink", "descs": "prelink (ELF prelinking utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/prelink", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "936 K", "descl": "prelink is a program which modifies shared ELF libraries and dynamically linked ELF binaries so that the time the dynamic linker needs for their relocation at startup is significantly decreased. Also, due to fewer relocations, the run-time memory consumption of libraries/binaries is decreased. Homepage: http://people.redhat.com/jakub/prelink/", "path": "./salix/system/prelink-20130503-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "792 K", "ver": "3.3.1", "name": "fcron", "descs": "fcron (periodical command scheduler)", "source": "source/salix/system/fcron", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "audit", "libcap-ng"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "198 K", "descl": "Fcron is a periodical command scheduler which aims at replacing Vixie Cron and Anacron. Fcron works well on systems that are not continuously running such as laptops or desktops and it is loaded with features. When a machine is powered on, Fcron can start jobs that were skipped while the machine was powered off. Homepage: http://fcron.free.fr/", "path": "./salix/system/fcron-3.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.1.3", "name": "Sl", "descs": "Sl (ls with enhancements)", "source": "source/salix/system/Sl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "sl takes the most common use of Unix ls, to display the files in a directory compactly in multiple columns, and makes it substantially more useful. sl groups files by purpose so you can mentally organize many files quickly; for instance, it collects HTML and PHP files together, as opposed to leaving them mixed up with supporting images, CSS, and JavaScript.", "path": "./salix/system/Sl-1.1.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "396 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "tilda", "descs": "tilda (an FPS-style terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/tilda", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "confuse", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "99 K", "descl": "Tilda is a Linux terminal taking after the likeness of many classic terminals from first person shooter games, Quake, Doom and Half-Life (to name a few), where the terminal has no border and is hidden from the desktop until a key is pressed. Home page: https://github.com/lanoxx/tilda", "path": "./salix/system/tilda-1.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "23276 K", "ver": "17.0", "name": "pcem-roms", "descs": "pcem-roms (rom files for the pcem emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/pcem-roms", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5819 K", "descl": "pcem-roms contains a collection of rom files for the pcem emulator, sorted appropriately in /usr/share/pcem/roms. The roms in this package are old, but they are also proprietary. The upstream repository provides them without a license.", "path": "./salix/system/pcem-roms-17.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "282800 K", "ver": "1.004R", "name": "adobe-source-han-sans-fonts", "descs": "adobe-source-han-sans-fonts (An OpenType Pan-CJK Font Family)", "source": "source/salix/system/adobe-source-han-sans-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70700 K", "descl": "Source Han Sans is a sans serif Pan-CJK font family that is offered in seven weights: ExtraLight, Light, Normal, Regular, Medium, Bold, and Heavy. As the name suggests, Pan-CJK fonts are intended to support the characters necessary to render or display text in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The license is Apache License, Version 2.0. Homepage: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-sans See also: https://www.google.com/get/noto/cjk.html", "path": "./salix/system/adobe-source-han-sans-fonts-1.004R-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "912 K", "ver": "0.9.64", "name": "firetools", "descs": "firetools (GUI of Firejail)", "source": "source/salix/system/firetools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib", "firejail"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "228 K", "descl": "Firetools is the graphical user interface of Firejail security sandbox. It provides a sandbox launcher integrated with the system tray, sandbox editing, management and statistics. The application is built using Qt4 libraries, and it is distributed as a separate package. Homepage: https://l3net.wordpress.com/projects/firejail/#firetools", "path": "./salix/system/firetools-0.9.64-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3500 K", "ver": "3.2.2", "name": "butterfly", "descs": "butterfly (A web terminal based)", "source": "source/salix/system/butterfly", "deps": ["tornado", "pyOpenSSL"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "875 K", "descl": "Butterfly is a tornado web server written in python which powers a full featured web terminal. Homepage: https://github.com/paradoxxxzero/butterfly", "path": "./salix/system/butterfly-3.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "regionset", "descs": "regionset (set dvd drive region)", "source": "source/salix/system/regionset", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "regionset allows you to check and set the region code of DVD drives. Homepage: http://linvdr.org/projects/regionset/", "path": "./salix/system/regionset-0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "clamsmtp", "descs": "clamsmtp (ClamAV SMTP filter)", "source": "source/salix/system/clamsmtp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", "clamav"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "clamsmtp is an SMTP filter that allows you to check for viruses using the ClamAV anti-virus software. It accepts SMTP connections and forwards the SMTP commands and responses to another SMTP server. The 'DATA' email body is intercepted and scanned before forwarding. Homepage: http://memberwebs.com/stef/software/clamsmtp", "path": "./salix/system/clamsmtp-1.10-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2936 K", "ver": "", "name": "makepp", "descs": "makepp (drop-in replacement for GNU make, with extra features)", "source": "source/salix/system/makepp", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "734 K", "descl": "Makepp, a build program which has a number of features that allow for reliable builds and simpler build files, is a drop-in replacement for GNU make. It supports almost all of the syntax that GNU make supports, and can be used with makefiles produced by utilities such as automake.", "path": "./salix/system/makepp-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "872 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "c-icap", "descs": "c-icap (ICAP server)", "source": "source/salix/system/c-icap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "218 K", "descl": "c-icap is an implementation of an ICAP server. It can be used with HTTP proxies that support the ICAP protocol to implement content adaptation and filtering services. http://c-icap.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/c-icap-0.5.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12764 K", "ver": "3.4.3", "name": "mpich", "descs": "mpich (High-Performance Portable MPI)", "source": "source/salix/system/mpich", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "libpciaccess", "libxml2", "ocl-icd", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3191 K", "descl": "MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (MPI-1, MPI-2 and MPI-3). The goals of MPICH are: to provide an MPI implementation that efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms including commodity clusters, high-speed networks and proprietary high-end computing systems, and to enable cutting-edge research in MPI through an easy-to-extend modular framework for other derived implementations.", "path": "./salix/system/mpich-3.4.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "8.0", "name": "f3", "descs": "f3 (Fight Flash Fraud)", "source": "source/salix/system/f3", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "F3 is an open source Linux software to test flash memory capacity. F3 is composed of two binaries: f3write, and f3read. f3write fills a file system up with 1GB files named NNNN.fff, where N is a number, whereas, f3read validates those files. If the content of all NNNN.fff files is valid, the memory is fine. The last file may be less than 1GB since f3write takes all available space for data. Project URL: http://oss.digirati.com.br/f3/", "path": "./salix/system/f3-8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1900 K", "ver": "1.28.0", "name": "letsencrypt", "descs": "letsencrypt (Manage X.509 certificates)", "source": "source/salix/system/letsencrypt", "deps": ["configobj", "mock", "pytz", "python3-pythondialog", "zope.component", "pyrfc3339", "psutil", "python-parsedatetime", "python3-configargparse", "werkzeug", "ndg_httpsclient", "python3-augeas", "josepy", "funcsigs", "requests-toolbelt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "475 K", "descl": "The Let's Encrypt Client (now called certbot) is a tool to automatically receive and install X.509 certificates to enable TLS on servers. The client will interoperate with the Let's Encrypt CA which will be issuing browser-trusted certificates for free. Project URL: https://letsencrypt.org/", "path": "./salix/system/letsencrypt-1.28.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1764 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "terminator", "descs": "terminator (multiple terminals in one window)", "source": "source/salix/system/terminator", "deps": ["psutil", "vte2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "441 K", "descl": "The goal of this project is to produce a useful tool for arranging terminals. It is inspired by programs such as gnome-multi-term, quadkonsole, etc. in that the main focus is arranging terminals in grids (tabs is the most common default method, which Terminator also supports). Homepage: https://launchpad.net/terminator/", "path": "./salix/system/terminator-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6140 K", "ver": "1.44", "name": "xfe", "descs": "xfe (xfe)", "source": "source/salix/system/xfe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "fox-toolkit", "freetype", "glu", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1535 K", "descl": "Xfe is a Microsoft Explorer-like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander, originally developed by Maxim Baranov. Xfe aims to be the file manager of choice for all light-thinking UNIX addicts! Homepage: http://roland65.free.fr/xfe/", "path": "./salix/system/xfe-1.44-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "powerpanel", "descs": "powerpanel (CyberPower PowerPanel Personal Edition)", "source": "source/salix/system/powerpanel", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "PowerPanel features a user-friendly interface for controlling and monitoring any CyberPower UPS system with a USB or serial port. It provides configurable settings for managing automatic shutdowns during power events, scheduled shutdowns and restarts; it displays information such as input voltage, runtime, battery charge and current status; and it offers self-testing features, adjustable alarm settings, and more.", "path": "./salix/system/powerpanel-1.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.1.13", "name": "pbzip2", "descs": "pbzip2 (Parallel BZIP2)", "source": "source/salix/system/pbzip2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "PBZIP2 is a parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor that uses pthreads and achieves near-linear speedup on SMP machines. The output of this version is fully compatible with bzip2 v1.0.2 or newer (ie: anything compressed with pbzip2 can be decompressed with bzip2).", "path": "./salix/system/pbzip2-1.1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "20160415_b3740ca", "name": "slmenu", "descs": "slmenu (single line menu)", "source": "source/salix/system/slmenu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "slmenu is a dmenu clone for the console. It works with the Linux console or any X or Wayland terminal emulator.", "path": "./salix/system/slmenu-20160415_b3740ca-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "384 K", "ver": "2.20.1", "name": "fakechroot", "descs": "fakechroot (gives a fake chroot environment)", "source": "source/salix/system/fakechroot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "96 K", "descl": "fakechroot runs a command in an environment were is additional possibility to use chroot(8) command without root privileges. This is useful for allowing users to create own chrooted environment with possibility to install another packages without need for root privileges.", "path": "./salix/system/fakechroot-2.20.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "read-edid", "descs": "read-edid (read EDID information from a video monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/read-edid", "deps": ["libx86"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "read-edid is a pair of tools (originally by John Fremlin) for reading the EDID from a monitor. It should work with most monitors made since 1996 (except some newer ones with 256-byte EDIDs - WiP), assuming the video card supports the standard read commands (most do). read-edid is a set of two tools: get-edid, which gets the raw edid information from the monitor, and parse-edid, which turns the raw binary information into an xorg.conf-compatible Monitor section.", "path": "./salix/system/read-edid-3.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "121676 K", "ver": "20170729", "name": "foomatic-db", "descs": "foomatic-db (Foomatic's XML database)", "source": "source/salix/system/foomatic-db", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30419 K", "descl": "The collected knowledge about printers, drivers, and driver options in XML files, used by foomatic-db-engine to generate PPD files. It also contains manufacturer-supplied PPD files which got released under free software licenses.", "path": "./salix/system/foomatic-db-20170729-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4360 K", "ver": "1.32.1", "name": "busybox", "descs": "busybox (The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/busybox", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1090 K", "descl": "BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. It provides replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their full-featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are included provide the expected functionality and behave very much like their GNU counterparts. BusyBox provides a fairly complete environment for any small or embedded system. https://www.busybox.net/", "path": "./salix/system/busybox-1.32.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1588 K", "ver": "3.3.4", "name": "supervisor", "descs": "supervisor (A system for controlling process state under UNIX)", "source": "source/salix/system/supervisor", "deps": ["python-meld3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "397 K", "descl": "Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. It shares some of the same goals of programs like launchd, daemontools, and runit. Homepage: http://supervisord.org/", "path": "./salix/system/supervisor-3.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1376 K", "ver": "0.9.12", "name": "xrdp", "descs": "xrdp (Remote Desktop Server for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/xrdp", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "344 K", "descl": "xrdp provides a graphical login to remote machines using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). xrdp accepts connections from a variety of RDP clients: FreeRDP, rdesktop, NeutrinoRDP and Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android). RDP transport is encrypted using TLS by default. Homepage: http://www.xrdp.org/", "path": "./salix/system/xrdp-0.9.12-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2156 K", "ver": "3.14.14", "name": "apcupsd", "descs": "apcupsd (APC UPS Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/apcupsd", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "539 K", "descl": "Apcupsd can be used for power mangement and controlling most of APC's UPS models on Unix and Windows machines. Apcupsd works with most of APC's Smart-UPS models as well as most simple signalling models such as Back-UPS, and BackUPS-Office. See /usr/doc/apcupsd-3.14.14/README.SLACKWARE", "path": "./salix/system/apcupsd-3.14.14-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6344 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "victor-mono-fonts", "descs": "victor-mono-fonts (monospaced font with programming ligatures)", "source": "source/salix/system/victor-mono-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1586 K", "descl": "Victor Mono is an open-source monospaced font with optional semi-connected cursive italics and programming symbol ligatures. The typeface is clean, crisp and arow, with a large x-height and clear punctuation, making it legible and ideal for code. It comes in seven weights and Roman, Italic and Oblique styles. https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono/", "path": "./salix/system/victor-mono-fonts-1.5.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1840 K", "ver": "2.11.1", "name": "ft2demos", "descs": "ft2demos (freetype demos and tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/ft2demos", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "460 K", "descl": "Set of demo programs and tools for freetype. Can be useful for testing and debugging problems with fonts (or with freetype itself). Includes these tools: ftbench ftchkwd ftdiff ftdump ftgamma ftgrid ftlint ftmemchk ftmulti ftpatchk ftstring fttimer ftvalid ftview ttdebug", "path": "./salix/system/ft2demos-2.11.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.8.4", "name": "st", "descs": "st (simple terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/st", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "st is a simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less.", "path": "./salix/system/st-0.8.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6312 K", "ver": "4.10.0", "name": "worker", "descs": "worker (Double panel file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/worker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "avfs", "brotli", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libproxy", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua", "lzlib", "neon", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1578 K", "descl": "Worker is a graphical file manager on xlib The directories and files are shown in two independent panels (like krusader and midnight commander). Homepage http://www.boomerangsworld.de/worker", "path": "./salix/system/worker-4.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "30536 K", "ver": "004.01", "name": "ttf-ipaex", "descs": "ttf-ipaex (Japanese fonts by IPA)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-ipaex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7634 K", "descl": "IPAex fonts feature fixed width glyphs for Japanese characters and proportional width glyphs for Western characters. They were designed as an implementation of JIS X 0213:2004 standard. Homepage: https://ipafont.ipa.go.jp", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-ipaex-004.01-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "detox", "descs": "detox (filename cleanup utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/detox", "deps": ["flex"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "Detox replaces difficult to work with characters, such as spaces, with standard equivalents. It will also clean up filenames with UTF-8 or Latin-1 (or CP-1252) characters in them. http://detox.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/detox-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "fdupes", "descs": "fdupes (program for identifying or deleting duplicate files)", "source": "source/salix/system/fdupes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "FDUPES is a program for identifying or deleting duplicate files residing within specified directories. Homepage: https://github.com/adrianlopezroche/fdupes", "path": "./salix/system/fdupes-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "5.21q", "name": "arc", "descs": "arc (archaic archiver)", "source": "source/salix/system/arc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "This program is based on the MSDOS ARC program, version 5.21, plus a few enhancements.", "path": "./salix/system/arc-5.21q-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "38724 K", "ver": "3.10.2", "name": "ioninja", "descs": "ioninja (terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/ioninja", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9681 K", "descl": "IO Ninja is a professional, scriptable, multi-purpose terminal emulator, network sniffer and IO monitor. It is aimed at network security experts, system administrators, and all kinds of software/hardware/embedded developers.", "path": "./salix/system/ioninja-3.10.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "quotatool", "descs": "quotatool (filesystem quotas from command line)", "source": "source/salix/system/quotatool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Most quota-utilities are interactive, requiring manual intervention from the user. Quotatool on the other hand is not, making it suitable for use in scripts and other non-interactive situations.", "path": "./salix/system/quotatool-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "disksearch", "descs": "disksearch (tool for searching)", "source": "source/salix/system/disksearch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "DiskSearch is a tool for searching for files on all your removable media disks, e.g. DVD's, SD cards or backup tapes. For instance you can search for songs on your MP3-CD's or for a document on your DVD's. For advanced queries there is a regular expression search mode. The search is based on a simple database file which needs to be filled once by adding all your disks to it. Homepage: http://www.saring.de/disksearch", "path": "./salix/system/disksearch-1.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6860 K", "ver": "0.13.05", "name": "stress-ng", "descs": "stress-ng (a tool to load and stress a computer system)", "source": "source/salix/system/stress-ng", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "judy", "kmod", "libbsd", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1715 K", "descl": "stress-ng will stress test a computer system in various selectable ways. It was designed to exercise various physical subsystems of a computer as well as the various operating system kernel interfaces. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~cking/stress-ng", "path": "./salix/system/stress-ng-0.13.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "648 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "fsvs", "descs": "fsvs (versioning tool for filesystems)", "source": "source/salix/system/fsvs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "apr", "apr-util", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "file", "icu4c", "lz4", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "serf", "sqlite", "subversion", "utf8proc", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "162 K", "descl": "FSVS is a backup/restore/versioning/deployment tool for whole directory trees or filesystems, with a subversion repository as the backend. It can do overlays of multiple repositories, to achieve some content separation (base install, local modifications, etc.) FSVS is pronounced 'fisvis', and is an abbreviation for 'Fast System VerSioning'. http://fsvs.tigris.org", "path": "./salix/system/fsvs-1.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "vms", "descs": "vms (More qemu virtual machines!)", "source": "source/salix/system/vms", "deps": ["qemu", "vde2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "A collection of bash scripts for running qemu virtual machines Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/yotis/vms", "path": "./salix/system/vms-0.2.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1444 K", "ver": "5.1.1", "name": "reprepro", "descs": "reprepro (Debian package repository producer)", "source": "source/salix/system/reprepro", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "gpgme", "libarchive", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "361 K", "descl": "This project is a leightweight feature complete manager of a debian package (i.e. binary .deb and source .dsc+.tar.gz+.diff.gz) repository.", "path": "./salix/system/reprepro-5.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3036 K", "ver": "3.15.2", "name": "cfengine", "descs": "cfengine (Automate and manage your IT infrastructure)", "source": "source/salix/system/cfengine", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libyaml", "lmdb", "mariadb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pam", "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "759 K", "descl": "CFEngine is a configuration management and automation framework that lets you securely manage your mission critical IT infrastructure. https://cfengine.com", "path": "./salix/system/cfengine-3.15.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3380 K", "ver": "0.30.0", "name": "fzf", "descs": "fzf (A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go)", "source": "source/salix/system/fzf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "845 K", "descl": "fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. https://github.com/junegunn/fzf", "path": "./salix/system/fzf-0.30.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8460 K", "ver": "0.9.6", "name": "Eterm", "descs": "Eterm (vt102 terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/Eterm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "brotli", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXres", "libast", "libxcb", "utempter", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2115 K", "descl": "Eterm is a color vt102 terminal emulator intended as a replacement for xterm. It is designed with a Freedom of Choice philosophy, eaving as much power, flexibility, and freedom as possible in the hands of the user. It is designed to look good and work well, but takes a feature-rich approach rather than one of minimalism while still maintaining speed and efficiency. Homepage: https://www.enlightenment.org/", "path": "./salix/system/Eterm-0.9.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "20041204", "name": "speedcontrol", "descs": "speedcontrol (Change rotation speed of dvd-rom drive)", "source": "source/salix/system/speedcontrol", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "speedcontrol is a console app to change the rotation speed of dvd-rom drives, to for example make them quieter while watching a dvd movie.", "path": "./salix/system/speedcontrol-20041204-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "10332 K", "ver": "1.12.1", "name": "terminology", "descs": "terminology (terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/terminology", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "efl", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libunwind", "libxcb", "libxml2", "luajit", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2583 K", "descl": "Terminology emulates a slightly extended vt100 with some extensions and bling thrown in. homepage: https://www.enlightenment.org/about-terminology", "path": "./salix/system/terminology-1.12.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "0.1.4", "name": "blocks", "descs": "blocks (Block Devices Conversion Tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/blocks", "deps": ["python3-pyparted", "python3-augeas", "maintboot"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "Conversion tools for block devices. Convert between raw partitions, logical volumes, and bcache devices without moving data. blocks shuffles blocks and sprouts superblocks. Author: Gabriel de Perthuis Website: https://github.com/g2p/blocks", "path": "./salix/system/blocks-0.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "stress", "descs": "stress (stress test utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/stress", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "imposes certain types of compute stress on your system. ( cpu, io, vm, hdd ) http://weather.ou.edu/~apw/projects/stress/", "path": "./salix/system/stress-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "496 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "libratbag", "descs": "libratbag (daemon for gaming mice)", "source": "source/salix/system/libratbag", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "elogind", "glib2", "json-glib", "libevdev", "libunistring", "util-linux", "zlib", "python-evdev"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "124 K", "descl": "libratbag is a DBus daemon to configure input devices, mainly high-end and gaming mice.", "path": "./salix/system/libratbag-0.16-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "20356 K", "ver": "0.105.0", "name": "clamav", "descs": "clamav (a GPL-ed virus scanner)", "source": "source/salix/system/clamav", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5089 K", "descl": "Clam AntiVirus is a GPL anti-virus toolkit for UNIX. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via Internet. Most importantly, the virus database is kept up to date. For setup, see README.SLACKWARE in the package's docs directory. Homepage: https://www.clamav.net/", "path": "./salix/system/clamav-0.105.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "xbrightness", "descs": "xbrightness (adjusts brightness of the X server display)", "source": "source/salix/system/xbrightness", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libXxf86vm", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "xbrightness sets the overall brightness of a monitor via the XFree86 X server video mode extension (XFree86-VidMod-Extension). It uses the XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp function, which provides a more flexible control than the old XF86VidMode-SetGamma. The latter function cannot change the endpoints of the gamma curve, only the middle, so full brightness remains full brightness no matter how you set the gamma.", "path": "./salix/system/xbrightness-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.8.6", "name": "xbindkeys", "descs": "xbindkeys (xbindkeys)", "source": "source/salix/system/xbindkeys", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "gc", "guile", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libunistring", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "xbindkeys is a program that allows you to launch shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse under X Windows. It links commands to keys or mouse buttons, using a configuration file. It's independant of the window manager and can capture all keyboard keys (ex: Power, Wake...). Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/xbindkeys/xbindkeys.html", "path": "./salix/system/xbindkeys-1.8.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "20150529", "name": "solarize-12x29-psf", "descs": "solarize-12x29-psf (large linux console font)", "source": "source/salix/system/solarize-12x29-psf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "This package provides a large size 512 glyph console font. It is especially designed for prolonged word processing in multiple languages. Because this font contains over 256 glyphs, the hardware bold text property of your console will be turned off.", "path": "./salix/system/solarize-12x29-psf-20150529-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "6.8.1", "name": "loksh", "descs": "loksh (A Linux port of OpenBSD's ksh)", "source": "source/salix/system/loksh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "loksh is a Linux port of OpenBSD's ksh. It is a small, interactive shell targeted at resource-constrained systems. Homepage: https://github.com/dimkr/loksh", "path": "./salix/system/loksh-6.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3556 K", "ver": "3.3.1", "name": "percona-toolkit", "descs": "percona-toolkit (CLI MySQL helper utilities)", "source": "source/salix/system/percona-toolkit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "889 K", "descl": "Percona Toolkit is a collection of advanced command-line tools used by Percona support staff to perform a variety of MySQL and system tasks that are too difficult or complex to perform manually. Percona Toolkit is derived from Maatkit and Aspersa, two of the best- known utility toolkits for MySQL server administration. Homepage: http://www.percona.com/software/percona-toolkit/", "path": "./salix/system/percona-toolkit-3.3.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "720 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "openstego", "descs": "openstego (the free steganography solution)", "source": "source/salix/system/openstego", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "180 K", "descl": "OpenStego is a tool implemented in Java for generic steganography, with support for password-based encryption of the data. Homepage: http://openstego.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/openstego-0.8.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "mpack", "descs": "mpack (mime/uuencode packing and unpacking command line utilities)", "source": "source/salix/system/mpack", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "This MIME implementation is intended to be as simple and portable as possible.", "path": "./salix/system/mpack-1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1420 K", "ver": "11.8", "name": "pgbadger", "descs": "pgbadger (PostgreSQL log analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/system/pgbadger", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "355 K", "descl": "pgBadger is a fast PostgreSQL log analyzer written in Perl. It uses JavaScript library to draw graphs with zooming and other features. pgBadger is able to autodetect log file format (syslog, stderr or csvlog). It is designed to parse huge log files as well as gzip compressed files.", "path": "./salix/system/pgbadger-11.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "928 K", "ver": "20150305_d7474a0", "name": "qxkb", "descs": "qxkb (keyboard layout switcher)", "source": "source/salix/system/qxkb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbfile", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "232 K", "descl": "Qxkb is a keyboard layout switcher written in Qt. homepage: https://github.com/disels/qxkb", "path": "./salix/system/qxkb-20150305_d7474a0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "dfc", "descs": "dfc (disk usage in color)", "source": "source/salix/system/dfc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "Dfc displays file system space usage using graphs and colors, and also supports output in csv and html formats.", "path": "./salix/system/dfc-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "41356 K", "ver": "0.141", "name": "spice-guest-tools", "descs": "spice-guest-tools (SPICE guest tools for Windows virtual machines)", "source": "source/salix/system/spice-guest-tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10339 K", "descl": "This package contains spice-guest-tools installer ISO image. Homepage: https://www.spice-space.org/", "path": "./salix/system/spice-guest-tools-0.141-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "ttf-zekton", "descs": "ttf-zekton (True Type Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-zekton", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Zekton was inspired by the futuristic fonts found on electronic gadgetry. Zekton imparts a serious, high-tech look by its rounded curves and even line widths. Home page: https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/typodermic/zekton/", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-zekton-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "1.74", "name": "laptop-mode-tools", "descs": "laptop-mode-tools (Linux laptop power saving package)", "source": "source/salix/system/laptop-mode-tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Laptop Mode Tools is a laptop power saving package for Linux systems. It allows you to extend the battery life of your laptop, in several ways. It is the primary way to enable the Laptop Mode feature of the Linux kernel, which lets your hard drive spin down. In addition, it allows you to tweak a number of other power-related settings using a simple configuration file. Homepage: https://github.com/rickysarraf/laptop-mode-tools", "path": "./salix/system/laptop-mode-tools-1.74-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "paxctl", "descs": "paxctl (PaX control program)", "source": "source/salix/system/paxctl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "This is paxctl for controlling PaX flags on a per binary basis. PaX is an intrusion prevention system that provides the best protection mechanisms against memory corruption bugs. Some applications are not compatible with certain features (due to design or bad engineering) and therefore they have to be exempted from certain enforcements. Homepage: http://pax.grsecurity.net/", "path": "./salix/system/paxctl-0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "sudosh2", "descs": "sudosh2 (tool for server auditing and shell reporting)", "source": "source/salix/system/sudosh2", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "sudosh2 is an auditing shell filter and can be used as a login shell. sudosh2 records all keystrokes and output and can play back the session as just like a VCR.", "path": "./salix/system/sudosh2-1.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "968 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "reiser4progs", "descs": "reiser4progs (fsck, mkfs, libraries, and utilities for reiser4)", "source": "source/salix/system/reiser4progs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libaal", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "242 K", "descl": "The reiser4progs package contains the reiser4 utilities, including fsck and mkfs, and the library for reiser4 filesystem access. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/reiser4/", "path": "./salix/system/reiser4progs-1.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "696 K", "ver": "2.3.3", "name": "libsignal-protocol-c", "descs": "libsignal-protocol-c (Forward Secrecy Protocol)", "source": "source/salix/system/libsignal-protocol-c", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "174 K", "descl": "This is a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging environments.", "path": "./salix/system/libsignal-protocol-c-2.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "3.0", "name": "fr", "descs": "fr (command-line tool to print free resources)", "source": "source/salix/system/fr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "A command-line tool to print free resources in delicious flavors. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/mixmastamyk/fr", "path": "./salix/system/fr-3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "0.0.3", "name": "swun", "descs": "swun (SoftWare Update Notifier)", "source": "source/salix/system/swun", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "Swun is a very simple Update notifier, which places itself as an icon into the notification area of the desktop environment. It simply checks for changes to the ChangeLog with slackpkg (using 'check-updates') and changes the icon color accordingly. It then offers the choice to run an interactive update via a terminal. Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/swun/", "path": "./salix/system/swun-0.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "pdfgrep", "descs": "pdfgrep (Search Text in PDF Files)", "source": "source/salix/system/pdfgrep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nghttp2", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "poppler", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "Pdfgrep is a tool to search text in PDF files. It works similar to grep. Project URL: https://pdfgrep.org/", "path": "./salix/system/pdfgrep-2.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "194156 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "tagainijisho", "descs": "tagainijisho (Open-Source Japanese dictionary and kanji lookup tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/tagainijisho", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48539 K", "descl": "Tagaini Jisho is designed to help you remember Japanese vocabulary and kanji by presenting them in a way that makes it easy to create connections between them. It does so by keeping track of all the entries you already know and want to study, and letting you tag and annote them, in addition to providing easy navigation between related entries. A powerful search engine also allows you to search for entries very precisely. Finally, Tagaini let you produce printed material. Homepage: https://www.tagaini.net/", "path": "./salix/system/tagainijisho-1.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2732 K", "ver": "8.9", "name": "mailfromd", "descs": "mailfromd (A General-Purpose Mail Filter)", "source": "source/salix/system/mailfromd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gdbm"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "adns", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gnutls", "libgsasl", "libunistring", "mailutils", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "pam", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "683 K", "descl": "Mail filtering daemon for Sendmail, Postfix and MeTA1. Configured using a simple yet powerful scripting language. Its features include call-out address verification, greylisting and whitelisting, sending rate control, local account verification and many others. Mailfromd is being developed by Sergey Poznyakoff. Homepage: https://www.gnu.org.ua/software/mailfromd", "path": "./salix/system/mailfromd-8.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.6.5", "name": "fuse-overlayfs", "descs": "fuse-overlayfs (non-root overlayfs+shiftfs)", "source": "source/salix/system/fuse-overlayfs", "deps": ["fuse3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "An implementation of overlay+shiftfs in FUSE for rootless containers Site: https://github.com/containers/fuse-overlayfs", "path": "./salix/system/fuse-overlayfs-0.6.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "332 K", "ver": "4.1", "name": "i2c-tools", "descs": "i2c-tools (utilities for I2C)", "source": "source/salix/system/i2c-tools", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "83 K", "descl": "The I2C tools that used to be part of the lm-sensors package have been split to a separate package. The i2c-tools package contains a heterogeneous set of I2C tools for Linux: a bus probing tool, a chip dumper, register-level SMBus access helpers, EEPROM decoding scripts, EEPROM programming tools, and a python module for SMBus access. homepage: https://i2c.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/I2C_Tools", "path": "./salix/system/i2c-tools-4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8408 K", "ver": "0.9.10", "name": "hime", "descs": "hime (input method)", "source": "source/salix/system/hime", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "anthy", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libappindicator", "libchewing", "libdbusmenu", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libindicator", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "qt4", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2102 K", "descl": "hime is a chinese input method fork from gcin. If you want autostart hime at x-window, Please see README. You could download source code or contact developer from here. http://hime-ime.github.io/", "path": "./salix/system/hime-0.9.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.03.01", "name": "quake-par", "descs": "quake-par (Quake archiver)", "source": "source/salix/system/quake-par", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "This is par, an archiver for Quake pak?.pak files. It has been written for all those who don't like to use windoze (pakexplr by Ashley Bone) for pak file processing. Released under the GPLv2", "path": "./salix/system/quake-par-0.03.01-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2904 K", "ver": "20130920", "name": "ttf-carlito", "descs": "ttf-carlito (Googles Carlito font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-carlito", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "726 K", "descl": "Googles Carlito font. Home page: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=280557", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-carlito-20130920-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "1.3.1", "name": "scrypt", "descs": "scrypt (scrypt encryption utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/scrypt", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "The scrypt key derivation function was originally developed for use in the Tarsnap online backup system and is designed to be far more secure against hardware brute-force attacks than alternative functions such as PBKDF2 or bcrypt. A simple password-based encryption utility and an optional library are available as a demonstration of the scrypt key derivation function. Homepage: https://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt.html Development: https://github.com/Tarsnap/scrypt", "path": "./salix/system/scrypt-1.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2128 K", "ver": "4.2", "name": "android-file-transfer", "descs": "android-file-transfer (Android File Transfer for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/android-file-transfer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "file", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "taglib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "532 K", "descl": "Android File Transfer for Linux - reliable MTP client with minimalistic UI similar to Android File Transfer for Mac.", "path": "./salix/system/android-file-transfer-4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1196 K", "ver": "1.11.2", "name": "scdoc", "descs": "scdoc (small man page generator)", "source": "source/salix/system/scdoc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "299 K", "descl": "Simple man page generator for POSIX systems written in C99.", "path": "./salix/system/scdoc-1.11.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "20", "name": "signify", "descs": "signify (cryptographically sign and verify files)", "source": "source/salix/system/signify", "deps": ["libbsd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "OpenBSD tool to signs and verify signatures on files. Portable version.", "path": "./salix/system/signify-20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1064 K", "ver": "2.1.32", "name": "burp", "descs": "burp (backup and restore program)", "source": "source/salix/system/burp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], "librsync", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "uthash"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "266 K", "descl": "Burp uses librsync in order to save on the amount of space that is used by each backup. It also uses VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) to make snapshots when backing up Windows computers. Homepage: http://burp.grke.net", "path": "./salix/system/burp-2.1.32-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "20210530_acf01e7", "name": "rtirq", "descs": "rtirq (set priorities on kernel IRQ threads)", "source": "source/salix/system/rtirq", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "The rtirq script is a bash script written by Rui Nuno Capela which works in conjunction with the IRQ threading facility of the Linux kernel. The script takes advantage of the fact that the kernel can use threads for IRQ management, and as such these threads (like any other thread running on your system) can be given maximum priority in an effort to minimize the latency of audio peripherals.", "path": "./salix/system/rtirq-20210530_acf01e7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.4_20140727", "name": "sandy", "descs": "sandy (minimalist text editor)", "source": "source/salix/system/sandy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "dmenu", "xsel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "sandy is an ncurses text editor with an easy-to-read, hackable C source. Sandy tries to maximize screen estate, minimize the SLOC used and not get in your way too much. It can somehow be controlled using a named pipe that lives in /tmp and all preferences and keybindings are to be chosen at compile time.", "path": "./salix/system/sandy-0.4_20140727-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "ttf-monaco", "descs": "ttf-monaco (True Type Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-monaco", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "Monaco True Type Font. Home page: http://www.gringod.com/?s=monaco", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-monaco-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5488 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "andromeda", "descs": "andromeda (qt file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/andromeda", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1372 K", "descl": "Andromeda is a cross-platform file manager, written in Qt. homepage: http://bit.ly/andromeda-file-manager", "path": "./salix/system/andromeda-0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "6.16", "name": "squidclamav", "descs": "squidclamav (Clamav ICAP service and redirector for Squid)", "source": "source/salix/system/squidclamav", "deps": ["clamav", "squid", "c-icap"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "SquidClamav is an antivirus for Squid proxy based on the ClamAv anti-virus toolkit. http://squidclamav.darold.net/", "path": "./salix/system/squidclamav-6.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "732 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "gtk-vnc", "descs": "gtk-vnc (VNC viewer widget for GTK)", "source": "source/salix/system/gtk-vnc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "183 K", "descl": "gtk-vnc is a VNC viewer widget for GTK. It is built using coroutines allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It provides a core C library, and bindings for Python (PyGTK).", "path": "./salix/system/gtk-vnc-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.1.7", "name": "betty", "descs": "betty (a command-line helper tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/betty", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Betty is a friendly English-like interface for your command line. She translates English-like phrases into commands in case you every run into situations like this. https://github.com/pickhardt/betty", "path": "./salix/system/betty-0.1.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12980 K", "ver": "3.4.9", "name": "mongo-tools", "descs": "mongo-tools (Database Software)", "source": "source/salix/system/mongo-tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3245 K", "descl": "Mongo-Tools is a set of tools for MongoDB. Includes: bsondump, mongoimport, mongoexport, mongodump, mongorestore, mongostat, mongofiles, mongooplog, and mongotop Homepage: http://www.mongo-tools.org/", "path": "./salix/system/mongo-tools-3.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "1.1.3", "name": "franny", "descs": "franny (Atari 8-bit disk image utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/franny", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "Franny is a command-line ATR disk image editor. It supports AtariDOS II and SpartaDOS 2 disk formats.", "path": "./salix/system/franny-1.1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5396 K", "ver": "0.83", "name": "ttf-ubuntu-font-family", "descs": "ttf-ubuntu-font-family (sans-serif typeface hinted for clarity)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-ubuntu-font-family", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1349 K", "descl": "Beautiful, clear, libre and open font family under development by Dalton Maag specially for Ubuntu between 2010-2011 (and beyond via community expansion). Homepage: http://font.ubuntu.com/", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-ubuntu-font-family-0.83-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "664 K", "ver": "2.7.1", "name": "atop", "descs": "atop (advanced interactive monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/atop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "166 K", "descl": "ATOP is an advanced interactive monitor for Linux-systems to view the load on system-level and process-level. atop was wtitten and is maintained by Gerlof Langeveld of AT Consultancy bv, Nijmegen, The Netherlands", "path": "./salix/system/atop-2.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "452 K", "ver": "332.25", "name": "hfsprogs", "descs": "hfsprogs (hfs+ user space utils)", "source": "source/salix/system/hfsprogs", "deps": ["libbsd", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "113 K", "descl": "The HFS+ file system used by Apple Computer for their Mac OS is supported by the Linux kernel. Apple provides mkfs and fsck for HFS+ with the Unix core of their operating system, Darwin. This package is a port of Apple's tools for HFS+ filesystems. http://www.opensource.apple.com", "path": "./salix/system/hfsprogs-332.25-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "piper", "descs": "piper (configure gaming mice)", "source": "source/salix/system/piper", "deps": ["libratbag", "lxml"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "Piper is a GTK+ application to configure gaming mice. Piper is merely a graphical frontend to the ratbagd DBus daemon.", "path": "./salix/system/piper-0.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2116 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "gsmartcontrol", "descs": "gsmartcontrol (Hard disk drive health inspection tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/gsmartcontrol", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "529 K", "descl": "GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl (from Smartmontools package), which is a tool for querying and controlling SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it. http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de/home/index.php/en/Home", "path": "./salix/system/gsmartcontrol-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1484 K", "ver": "6.1.9", "name": "qtfm", "descs": "qtfm (a lightweight Qt-based file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/qtfm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "371 K", "descl": "QtFM is a small, lightweight file manager for Linux/BSD based on pure Qt and works great with minimal desktop environments like Fluxbox/Openbox. Homepage: https://qtfm.eu", "path": "./salix/system/qtfm-6.1.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.9.5", "name": "backasa", "descs": "backasa (A Picasa Web Albums backup utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/backasa", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "The goal of this tool is to provide a minimal CLI backup/mirroring tool for Picasa Web Albums. Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/backasa", "path": "./salix/system/backasa-0.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "swapinzram", "descs": "swapinzram (Configure a swap block device in RAM)", "source": "source/salix/system/swapinzram", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "Zram creates a compressed block device in memory, and the RAM assigned to it is only used for swapping as-needed (until then, the RAM is still available for use by applications). Swap data stored is compressed thereby allowing more data to be stored in RAM. https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/blockdev/zram.html", "path": "./salix/system/swapinzram-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108100 K", "ver": "15.0.2", "name": "Iosevka-slab", "descs": "Iosevka-slab (Slender monospace slab-serif typeface)", "source": "source/salix/system/Iosevka-slab", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27025 K", "descl": "Iosevka is a monospace typeface inspired by Pragmata Pro, M+, and DIN Mono. It is designed to have a narrow shape to be space efficient and compatible to CJK characters. Homepage: https://typeof.net/Iosevka/", "path": "./salix/system/Iosevka-slab-15.0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1636 K", "ver": "1.8.18", "name": "ipmitool", "descs": "ipmitool (a simple command-line interface to IPMI-enabled devices)", "source": "source/salix/system/ipmitool", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "freeipmi", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "409 K", "descl": "IPMItool is a utility for managing and configuring devices that support the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) version 1.5 and version 2.0 specifications. It features the ability to read the sensor data repository (SDR) and print sensor values, display the contents of the System Event Log (SEL), print Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) inventory information, read and set LAN configuration parameters, and perform remote chassis power control. Home: http://ipmitool.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/ipmitool-1.8.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3636 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "plymouth", "descs": "plymouth (graphical boot animation and logger)", "source": "source/salix/system/plymouth", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "909 K", "descl": "Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. Homepage: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/Plymouth/", "path": "./salix/system/plymouth-0.9.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1468 K", "ver": "2.30.4", "name": "iscan", "descs": "iscan (front-end for EPSON all-in-one devices)", "source": "source/salix/system/iscan", "deps": ["aaa_libraries", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sane", "util-linux", "zlib", "iscan-data"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "367 K", "descl": "EPSON Image Scan! for Linux enables you to print to a networked all-in-one EPSON printer. A SANE 'epkowa' backend is provided as well; scanning over the network requires the additional iscan-network-nt package which contains a protocol driver. homepage: http://epson.net", "path": "./salix/system/iscan-2.30.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8252 K", "ver": "2019", "name": "ttf-paratype-pt-fonts", "descs": "ttf-paratype-pt-fonts (ParaType free fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-paratype-pt-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2063 K", "descl": "This package contains 7 free OFL licensed fonts released in 2009-2019 by the ParaType company. The fonts include 35 styles and cover a long list of Eurasian languages based on Latin and Cyrillic scripts. Homepage: https://www.paratype.com/catalog?freefonts=true", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-paratype-pt-fonts-2019-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "artwiz-cursor", "descs": "artwiz-cursor (futuristic mouse cursor for X11)", "source": "source/salix/system/artwiz-cursor", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Artwiz fonts are small futuristic ASCII and mouse cursor fonts for X. This package only contains the artwiz mouse cursor font.", "path": "./salix/system/artwiz-cursor-1.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1092 K", "ver": "3.3.0", "name": "openrazer-daemon", "descs": "openrazer-daemon (Razer Drivers for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/openrazer-daemon", "deps": ["setproctitle", "pyudev", "numpy3", "python-daemonize", "openrazer-kernel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "273 K", "descl": "An entirely open source driver and user-space daemon that allows you to manage your Razer peripherals on GNU/Linux.", "path": "./salix/system/openrazer-daemon-3.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "600 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "wdiff", "descs": "wdiff (display word differences between text files)", "source": "source/salix/system/wdiff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "150 K", "descl": "The GNU wdiff program is a front end to diff for comparing files on a word per word basis. A word is anything between whitespace. This is useful for comparing two texts in which a few words have been changed and for which paragraphs have been refilled. It works by creating two temporary files, one word per line, and then executes diff on these files. It collects the diff output and uses it to produce a nicer display of word differences between the original files.", "path": "./salix/system/wdiff-1.2.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "844 K", "ver": "3.13.1", "name": "monitorix", "descs": "monitorix (Lightweight system monitoring tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/monitorix", "deps": ["perl-lwp-useragent-cached", "perl-http-server-simple", "perl-config-general", "rrdtool"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "211 K", "descl": "Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool designed to monitor as many services and system resources as possible. It has been created to be used under production Linux/UNIX servers, but due to its simplicity and small size can be used on embedded devices as well. Homepage: https://www.monitorix.org/", "path": "./salix/system/monitorix-3.13.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "102544 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "cwtex-q-fonts-TTFs", "descs": "cwtex-q-fonts-TTFs (modified cwTeX TTF fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/cwtex-q-fonts-TTFs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25636 K", "descl": "cwtex-q-fonts contains five kinds of Chinese fonts: Fangsong, Hei, Kai, Ming and yuan, which are originally to be the default fonts in XeLaTeX. These fonts are based on cwtex fonts made by Tsong-Min Wu and Tsong-Huey Wu in 1999-2004, then modified by Edward G.J. Lee. and this project is started by Chen-Pan Liao. The license is GPL 2.0 or later. Homepage: https://github.com/l10n-tw/cwtex-q-fonts https://github.com/l10n-tw/cwtex-q-fonts-TTFs", "path": "./salix/system/cwtex-q-fonts-TTFs-0.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "2.05", "name": "sleepd", "descs": "sleepd (A daemon to put an inactive or low battery laptop to sleep)", "source": "source/salix/system/sleepd", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Sleepd is a daemon to put a laptop to sleep if it is not being used or if the battery is low. It supports HAL, APM, and ACPI, although external programs must be used to actually put the system to sleep.", "path": "./salix/system/sleepd-2.05-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "20180715_aafbdb1", "name": "sdl-jstest", "descs": "sdl-jstest (SDL joystick test utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/sdl-jstest", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "sdl-jstest is a simple program that lets you find out how many joysticks SDL detected on your system, how many axes, buttons, hats and balls they have each. It also lets you test the joysticks by displaying the events they send or by displaying their current button, axis, hat or ball state. sdl-jstest is especially useful if you want to test your SDL Linux joystick configuration.", "path": "./salix/system/sdl-jstest-20180715_aafbdb1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "42060 K", "ver": "2.9.20", "name": "ansible", "descs": "ansible (a ssh-based config management framework)", "source": "source/salix/system/ansible", "deps": ["cryptography"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10515 K", "descl": "A radically simple, model-driven orchestration solution that automates configuration, software deployment, and other IT needs. Homepage: https://www.ansible.com", "path": "./salix/system/ansible-2.9.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "844 K", "ver": "0.6.9", "name": "partimage", "descs": "partimage (backup system)", "source": "source/salix/system/partimage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], "newt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "211 K", "descl": "Partimage is opensource disk backup software. It saves partitions having a supported filesystem on a sector basis to an image file. Although it runs under Linux, Windows and most Linux filesystems are supported. The image file can be compressed to save disk space and transfer time and can be split into multiple files to be copied to CDs or DVDs.", "path": "./salix/system/partimage-0.6.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "424 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "ohsnap", "descs": "ohsnap (monospaced font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ohsnap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "106 K", "descl": "Monospaced font based on Artwiz Snap with bold and versions with status icons. homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/osnapfont/", "path": "./salix/system/ohsnap-1.8.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "gpart", "descs": "gpart (Guess PC-type hard disk partitions)", "source": "source/salix/system/gpart", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "A tool which tries to guess the primary partition table of a PC-type hard disk in case the primary partition table in sector 0 is damaged, incorrect or deleted. The guessed table can be written to a file or device. Homepage: https://github.com/baruch/gpart", "path": "./salix/system/gpart-0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.1.13", "name": "rdup", "descs": "rdup (utility to create a file list suitable for making backups)", "source": "source/salix/system/rdup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libarchive", "libxml2", "lz4", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "rdup is a utility inspired by rsync and the plan9 way of doing things. rdup itself does not backup anything. It only prints a list of files that are changed, or all files in case of a null dump. It also handles files that are removed, allowing for correct incremental backups. Homepage: http://miek.nl/projects/rdup/index.html", "path": "./salix/system/rdup-1.1.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.7.4", "name": "statifier", "descs": "statifier (convert dynamic executables to statically linked)", "source": "source/salix/system/statifier", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Statifier combines a dynamically linked executable with its libraries into one large file. The result can be easier to distribute and may allow a 32-bit binary to run on a 64-bit-only system. For statifier to work correctly, the VDSO must be disabled in the kernel. See the README for details.", "path": "./salix/system/statifier-1.7.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2652 K", "ver": "3.37.2", "name": "sqldiff", "descs": "sqldiff (display differences)", "source": "source/salix/system/sqldiff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "663 K", "descl": "The sqldiff binary is a command-line utility program that displays the differences between SQLite databases. Example usage: sqldiff [options] database1.sqlite database2.sqlite The usual output is an SQL script that will transform database1.sqlite (the 'source' database) into database2.sqlite (the 'destination' database).", "path": "./salix/system/sqldiff-3.37.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "tpm", "descs": "tpm (Tiny password manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/tpm", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "tpm is a tiny shell script which is heavily inspired and largely compatible with pass. Just like pass it uses gpg2 to securely store your passwords, the major difference between pass and tpm is that the latter is a lot more minimal. Furthermore, tpm is written entirely in POSIX shell. Homepage: https://github.com/nmeum/tpm", "path": "./salix/system/tpm-1.3.3-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "9864 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "hwloc", "descs": "hwloc (Portable Hardware Locality)", "source": "source/salix/system/hwloc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libpciaccess", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ocl-icd", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2466 K", "descl": "The Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) software package provides a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures, including NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading. It also gathers various system attributes such as cache and memory information as well as the locality of I/O devices such as network interfaces, InfiniBand HCAs or GPUs. It primarily aims at helping applications with gathering information about modern computing hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently.", "path": "./salix/system/hwloc-2.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "2.4.5", "name": "makeself", "descs": "makeself (Make self-extractable archives on Unix)", "source": "source/salix/system/makeself", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "makeself.sh is a small shell script that generates a self-extractable tgz archive from a directory. The resulting file appears as a shell script (many of those have a .run suffix), and can be launched as is. The archive will then uncompress itself to a temporary directory and an optionalarbitrary command will be executed (for example an installation script).This is pretty similar to archives generated with WinZip Self-Extractor inthe Windows world. Makeself archives also include checksums for integrityself-validation (CRC and/or MD5 checksums).", "path": "./salix/system/makeself-2.4.5-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "freedup", "descs": "freedup (Duplicate file finder and linker)", "source": "source/salix/system/freedup", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Freedup walks through the file trees (directories) you specify. When it finds two identical files on the same device, it hard links them together. In this case two or more files still exist in their respective directories, but only one copy of the data is stored on disk; both directory entries point to the same data blocks.", "path": "./salix/system/freedup-1.6.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "20200705.2a7d4a2", "name": "agedu", "descs": "agedu (time-sensitive 'du' utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/agedu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "agedu is a utility for tracking down wasted disk space. It does the same sort of disk scan as du, but it also records the last-access times of everything it scans. Then it builds an index that lets it efficiently generate reports giving a summary of the results for each subdirectory, and then it produces those reports on demand.", "path": "./salix/system/agedu-20200705.2a7d4a2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "2008_10_13", "name": "fxload", "descs": "fxload (FX device firmware loader)", "source": "source/salix/system/fxload", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "This program is conveniently able to download firmware into FX, FX2, and FX2LP EZ-USB devices, as well as the original AnchorChips EZ-USB. It is intended to be invoked by hotplug scripts when the unprogrammed device appears on the bus. Homepage: http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/fxload-2008_10_13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "2.5.1", "name": "ms-sys", "descs": "ms-sys (writes Microsoft compatible boot records)", "source": "source/salix/system/ms-sys", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "This program is used to create Microsoft compatible boot records. It is able to do the same as Microsoft 'fdisk /mbr' to a hard disk. It is also able to do the same as Microsoft 'sys d:' to a floppy or FAT partition except that it does not copy any system files, only the boot record is written. The program is useful when using Linux to restore a backup of a reference Microsoft Windows installation.", "path": "./salix/system/ms-sys-2.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "smpq", "descs": "smpq (StormLib MPQ archiving utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/smpq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "stormlib", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "This utility is designed for the full manipulation of Blizzard MPQ archives. It supports extracting, appending, renaming, and deleting files in MPQ archives. It can also create MPQ archives. SMPQ can access different types and versions of MPQ archives.", "path": "./salix/system/smpq-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "9248 K", "ver": "2.138", "name": "ttf-roboto", "descs": "ttf-roboto (True Type Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-roboto", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2312 K", "descl": "Google's Android 5 system font. Home page: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-roboto-2.138-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1452 K", "ver": "3.1.1", "name": "exomizer", "descs": "exomizer (compression for low-resource systems)", "source": "source/salix/system/exomizer", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "363 K", "descl": "Exomizer is a program that compresses files in a way that tries to be as efficient as possible but still allows them to be decompressed in environments where CPU speed and RAM are limited. For some popular 8-bit computers using 6502 compatible CPUs it can also generate executable files that decompress themselves in memory when run.", "path": "./salix/system/exomizer-3.1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "20100108", "name": "v7sh", "descs": "v7sh (port of the original Steve Bourne shell from 1978)", "source": "source/salix/system/v7sh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "This is Nikola Vladov's port of the V7 Unix Bourne shell to modern systems, based on Geoff Collyer's port. It functions almost identically to the original Bourne shell, with some slight differences, and one major one: The original V7 shell didn't support comments with the # character, but this one does. See https://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/bourne/ for more information.", "path": "./salix/system/v7sh-20100108-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "snore", "descs": "snore (sleep with visual feedback)", "source": "source/salix/system/snore", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "Usage: snore [-v] [NUMBER[SUFFIX]...] snore pauses for NUMBER seconds. SUFFIX may be 's' for seconds (default), 'm' for minutes, 'h' four hours or 'd' for days. Given two or more arguments, pause for the amount of time specified by the sum of their values. A visual feedback is given by printing the flowing of time in both ascending and descending order. If no arguments are given, snore pauses for 1d (one day).", "path": "./salix/system/snore-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5368 K", "ver": "6.101", "name": "ttf-charis-sil", "descs": "ttf-charis-sil (a free license Unicode font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-charis-sil", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1342 K", "descl": "Charis SIL is a Unicode-based font family that supports the wide range of languages that use the Latin and Cyryllic scripts. It is released under OFL license. Homepage: https://software.sil.org/charis/", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-charis-sil-6.101-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.2.12", "name": "xorgxrdp", "descs": "xorgxrdp (support files for xrdp)", "source": "source/salix/system/xorgxrdp", "deps": ["xrdp"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "xrdp is a Remote Desktop Server for Linux xorgxrdp is a collection of modules to be used with a pre-existing X.Org install to make the X server act like X11rdp. Unlike X11rdp, you don't have to recompile the whole X Window System. Instead, additional modules are installed to a location where the existing Xorg installation would pick them. Homepage: http://www.xrdp.org/", "path": "./salix/system/xorgxrdp-0.2.12-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "4.9d", "name": "xtrs", "descs": "xtrs (TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P Emulator for Unix)", "source": "source/salix/system/xtrs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "xtrs is a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P emulator for Unix and the X Window system. It includes lower case, the real time clock, hi- res graphics, serial port, parallel printer, mouse, cassette, sound and music output (requires OSS), 5' and 8' floppy disk drives in single and double density, and even hard disk drives. http://www.tim-mann.org/xtrs.html", "path": "./salix/system/xtrs-4.9d-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2792 K", "ver": "1.1.11", "name": "cdrkit", "descs": "cdrkit (Tools for mastering and writing compact discs)", "source": "source/salix/system/cdrkit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "file", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "698 K", "descl": "This is a fork of the last free GPL version of cdrtools. icedax: CD audio sampling utility (formerly cdda2wav). wodim: burn discs in most ATAPI and SCSI CD-R drives (formerly cdrecord). genisoimage: create ISO9660/HFS/Joliet CD-ROM images (formerly mkisofs). homepage: http://www.cdrkit.org/", "path": "./salix/system/cdrkit-1.1.11-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6544 K", "ver": "4.3.1", "name": "CPU-X", "descs": "CPU-X (System information tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/CPU-X", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glfw3", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libcpuid", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "ocl-icd", "pango", "pciutils", "pixman", "procps-ng", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "libstatgrab"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1636 K", "descl": "Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more. CPU-X is similar to CPU-Z (Windows), but CPU-X is a Free and Open Source software designed for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. Homepage: https://x0rg.github.io/CPU-X/", "path": "./salix/system/CPU-X-4.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "7316 K", "ver": "2.7.4", "name": "nut", "descs": "nut (Network UPS Tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/nut", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "e2fsprogs", "expat", "freeipmi", "icu4c", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libproxy", "mozilla-nss", "neon", "net-snmp", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1829 K", "descl": "The Network UPS Tools is a collection of programs which provide a common interface for monitoring and administering UPS hardware. It uses a layered apporoach to connect all the components. Drivers are provided for a wide assortment of equipment. The primary goal of the NUT project is to provide reliable monitoring of UPS hardware and ensure safe shutdowns of the systems which are connected. Homepage: http://www.networkupstools.org", "path": "./salix/system/nut-2.7.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3832 K", "ver": "3.2.0", "name": "virt-manager", "descs": "virt-manager (a gtk interface for libvirt)", "source": "source/salix/system/virt-manager", "deps": ["libosinfo", "libvirt-glib", "libvirt-python", "gtk-vnc", "spice-gtk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "958 K", "descl": "virt-manager is a gtk interface for libvirt. It supports Xen, qemu/kvm, virtualbox, and perhaps others.", "path": "./salix/system/virt-manager-3.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "3.0_beta5", "name": "vbindiff", "descs": "vbindiff (Visual Binary Diff)", "source": "source/salix/system/vbindiff", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "VBinDiff (Visual Binary Diff) displays files in hexadecimal and ASCII (or EBCDIC). It can also display two files at once, and highlight the differences between them. Unlike diff, it works well with large files Home Page : https://www.cjmweb.net/vbindiff/", "path": "./salix/system/vbindiff-3.0_beta5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "5.16", "name": "watchdog", "descs": "watchdog (the userspace daemon for watchdog support)", "source": "source/salix/system/watchdog", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "watchdog is a daemon that periodically pokes a hardware chip, and if it fails to do so (presumaby because the system got stuck), the chip would reboot the system. A somehow working software emulation of this chip, called 'softdog' also exists in Linux. A reboot can be triggered by some other criteria too.", "path": "./salix/system/watchdog-5.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "19016 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "skopeo", "descs": "skopeo (utility for container images and registries)", "source": "source/salix/system/skopeo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], "gpgme", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "go-md2man"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4754 K", "descl": "skopeo is a command line utility that performs various operations on container images and image repositories. It can work with OCI images as well as the original Docker v2 images. It works with API V2 registries such as Docker registries, private registries, local directories and local OCI-layout directories. Site: https://github.com/containers/skopeo", "path": "./salix/system/skopeo-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2140 K", "ver": "0.19.1", "name": "znapzend", "descs": "znapzend (zfs backup helper tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/znapzend", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "535 K", "descl": "ZnapZend is a ZFS centric backup tool to create snapshots and send them to backup locations. It relies on the ZFS tools snapshot, send and receive to do its work. It has the built-in ability to manage both local snapshots as well as remote copies by thinning them out as time progresses. https://github.com/oetiker/znapzend", "path": "./salix/system/znapzend-0.19.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3320 K", "ver": "5.12.0", "name": "collectd", "descs": "collectd (statistics collection daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/collectd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flex", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib", "glib2", "gtk+", "iptables", "jansson", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libatasmart", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libmnl", "libnl3", "libnotify", "libpcap", "libstatgrab", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lm_sensors", "mariadb", "net-snmp", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "perl", "postgresql", "python3", "util-linux", "xmms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "830 K", "descl": "collectd is a daemon which collects system performance statistics periodically and provides mechanisms to store the values in a variety of ways, for example in RRD files. Homepage: http://collectd.org", "path": "./salix/system/collectd-5.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4864 K", "ver": "1.42.0", "name": "gammu", "descs": "gammu (Mobile phone management utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/gammu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "bluez", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libgudev", "libiodbc", "libunistring", "mariadb", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1216 K", "descl": "Gammu is command line utility and library to work with mobile phones from many vendors. Support for different models differs, but basic functions should work with majority of them. Program can work with contacts, messages (SMS, EMS and MMS), calendar, todos, filesystem, integrated radio, camera, etc. It also supports daemon mode to send and receive SMSes. Homepage: https://wammu.eu/gammu/", "path": "./salix/system/gammu-1.42.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "2.1.4", "name": "nkf", "descs": "nkf (Network Kanji Filter)", "source": "source/salix/system/nkf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "nkf is a kanji code converter among networks, hosts and terminals. It converts input kanji code to designated kanji code such as ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32. One of the most unique faculty of nkf is the guess of the input kanji encodings. It currently recognizes ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. So users needn't set the input kanji code explicitly. Homepage: https://osdn.net/projects/nkf/", "path": "./salix/system/nkf-2.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "2.6.8", "name": "mcrypt", "descs": "mcrypt (replacement for crypt)", "source": "source/salix/system/mcrypt", "deps": ["libmcrypt", "mhash", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "mcrypt is a simple encryption program, intended to be a replacement for the old unix crypt. Home Page http://mcrypt.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/mcrypt-2.6.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.36", "name": "wmfsm", "descs": "wmfsm (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/system/wmfsm", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Nice graphical 'df', showing you to what degree the mounted filesystems are used. Copy 'sample.wmfsmrc' to '~/.wmfsmrc' and edit it for custom configuration.", "path": "./salix/system/wmfsm-0.36-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "860 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "ttf-bitstream-vera", "descs": "ttf-bitstream-vera (Bitstream Vera Fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-bitstream-vera", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "215 K", "descl": "These fonts include four monospace and sans faces (normal, oblique, bold, bold oblique) and two serif faces (normal and bold).", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "exfat-utils", "descs": "exfat-utils (exFAT system utilities)", "source": "source/salix/system/exfat-utils", "deps": ["fuse-exfat"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "This project aims to provide a full-featured exFAT file system implementation for GNU/Linux and other Unix-like systems as a FUSE module and a set of utilities. module. This package contains the utilities. Homepage: https://github.com/relan/exfat", "path": "./salix/system/exfat-utils-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "hal-flash", "descs": "hal-flash (HAL stub library for playing DRM flash content)", "source": "source/salix/system/hal-flash", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "HAL is a hardware abstraction layer that is no longer used on modern Linux systems - with the advent of tools such as UDev and UDisks the same and improved functionality is provided by other means. The flash plugin currently requires libhal for playback of DRM content. This library provides a compatibility layer and minimal libhal implementation for that purpose. This library does NOT provide a full HAL interface or daemon. https://github.com/cshorler/hal-flash", "path": "./salix/system/hal-flash-0.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "368 K", "ver": "4.7.0", "name": "FontAwesome", "descs": "FontAwesome (Iconic font designed for Bootstrap)", "source": "source/salix/system/FontAwesome", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "92 K", "descl": "", "path": "./salix/system/FontAwesome-4.7.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5764 K", "ver": "0.9.15", "name": "graphite-web", "descs": "graphite-web (Enterprise Scalable Realtime Graphing)", "source": "source/salix/system/graphite-web", "deps": ["graphite-carbon"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1441 K", "descl": "Django-based web application that renders graphs and dashboards. https://github.com/graphite-project/", "path": "./salix/system/graphite-web-0.9.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1048 K", "ver": "4.3.1", "name": "motion", "descs": "motion (software motion detector)", "source": "source/salix/system/motion", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freeglut", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXv", "libXxf86vm", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libcaca", "libcdio", "libcdio-paranoia", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libmicrohttpd", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mariadb", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "postgresql", "pulseaudio", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "v4l-utils-nogui", "vid.stab", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "262 K", "descl": "Motion is a program that monitors the video signal from one or more cameras and is able to detect if a significant part of the picture has changed. Or in other words, it can detect motion. Motion is a command line based tool. It has no graphical user interface. Everything is setup via the command line or via a set of configuration files. https://motion-project.github.io/", "path": "./salix/system/motion-4.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "v49", "name": "slackroll", "descs": "slackroll (Package or upgrade manager for Slackware Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/slackroll", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "slackroll is a package or upgrade manager for Slackware Linux. It lets you work with official mirrors and third-party repositories, easing the task of upgrading or installing packages, and letting you detect which packages have been added to or removed from the Slackware tree. http://slackroll.github.io/slackroll/", "path": "./salix/system/slackroll-v49-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "lsb-release", "descs": "lsb-release (LSB version query program)", "source": "source/salix/system/lsb-release", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "The program queries the installed state of the distribution to display certain properties such as the version of the LSB against which the distribution claims compliance as well. It can also attempt to display the name and release of the distribution along with an identifier of who produces the distribution.", "path": "./salix/system/lsb-release-1.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "7848 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "sargon", "descs": "sargon (User privilege system for docker)", "source": "source/salix/system/sargon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1962 K", "descl": "Docker authorization plugin that controls container and volume creation. It enables the administrator to exercise control over the containers that users are allowed to create and decide whether to permit creation of privileged containers, what parts of the host file system can be visible to containers via bind or volume mechanism, what memory limits to apply, etc. Homepage: https://github.com/graygnuorg/sargon", "path": "./salix/system/sargon-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "dtach", "descs": "dtach (detaches/reattaches programs from/to their terminals)", "source": "source/salix/system/dtach", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "dtach is a tiny program that emulates the detach feature of screen, allowing you to run a program in an environment that is protected from the controlling terminal and attach to it later. dtach does not keep track of the contents of the screen, and thus works best with programs that know how to redraw themselves. It is designed to be transparent and un-intrusive; it avoids interpreting the input and output between attached terminals and the program under its control. Homepage: http://dtach.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/dtach-0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12484 K", "ver": "5.1.3", "name": "ttf-ibm-plex", "descs": "ttf-ibm-plex (True Type Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-ibm-plex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3121 K", "descl": "IBM Plex font family. Homepage: https://github.com/IBM/plex", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-ibm-plex-5.1.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2728 K", "ver": "2019", "name": "ttf-xo-fonts", "descs": "ttf-xo-fonts (free XO Fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-xo-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "682 K", "descl": "This package contains 10 free fonts released in 2016-2019 by the New Cloud Technologies company. The fonts include 24 styles and are based on Latin and Cyrillic scripts. XO Fonts are metrically compatible with common Microsoft and Monotype fonts and are designed as an alternative to them. Homepage: https://fonts.myoffice.ru", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-xo-fonts-2019-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "728 K", "ver": "0.42.2", "name": "vtcol", "descs": "vtcol (Colour schemes for the Linux console)", "source": "source/salix/system/vtcol", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "182 K", "descl": "Change the colour scheme of the virtual Linux console. https://gitlab.com/phgsng/vtcol", "path": "./salix/system/vtcol-0.42.2-i686-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.14.7", "name": "bindfs", "descs": "bindfs (FUSE filesystem for mounting directories elsewhere)", "source": "source/salix/system/bindfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "bindfs is a FUSE filesystem for mounting a directory to another location, similarly to mount --bind. The permissions inside the mountpoint can be altered using various rules.", "path": "./salix/system/bindfs-1.14.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "tc-play", "descs": "tc-play (TrueCrypt implementation)", "source": "source/salix/system/tc-play", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "This implementation supports mapping (opening) both system and normal TrueCrypt volumes. opening hidden volumes and opening an outer volume while protecting a hidden volume. Create volumes, including hidden volumes, restoring from the backup header (if present), change passphrase, keyfile and PBKDF2 PRF function. https://github.com/bwalex/tc-play", "path": "./salix/system/tc-play-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "960 K", "ver": "0.44.10", "name": "openrc", "descs": "openrc (dependency-based init system)", "source": "source/salix/system/openrc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "240 K", "descl": "OpenRC is a dependency-based init system that works with the system-provided init program, normally /sbin/init. OpenRC provides a number of features, such as hardware initiated initscript run and cgroups support, without requiring large layout changes to accommodate different designs and dependencies. Homepage: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:OpenRC", "path": "./salix/system/openrc-0.44.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "unshield", "descs": "unshield (extractor for Microsoft InstallShield cabinet files)", "source": "source/salix/system/unshield", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Unshield extracts CAB files from InstallShield installers, used to install software on Microsoft Windows based machines.", "path": "./salix/system/unshield-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "7040 K", "ver": "3.8.3", "name": "afdko", "descs": "afdko (Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType)", "source": "source/salix/system/afdko", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "python-fonttools", "wheel", "scikit-build", "lxml", "tqdm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1760 K", "descl": "The goal of the Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType package is to share the tools used by Adobe font developers for wrapping up PostScript (i.e. Type1) fonts as OpenType/CFF font files, and adding OpenType layout features. These tools are used for in-house development of new Adobe OpenType fonts. Now that Libreoffice has dropped support for Type1 fonts, one can use the afdko to convert the system Type1 fonts to OTF, which Libreoffice supports. The package Type1_to_OTF does this.", "path": "./salix/system/afdko-3.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "772 K", "ver": "3.7.1", "name": "sanlock", "descs": "sanlock (shared storage daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/sanlock", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], "python2", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "193 K", "descl": "The sanlock daemon manages leases for applications on hosts using shared storage. Homepage: https://pagure.io/sanlock", "path": "./salix/system/sanlock-3.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1888 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "qstardict", "descs": "qstardict (StarDict clone written using Qt4)", "source": "source/salix/system/qstardict", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "472 K", "descl": "The user interface is similar to StarDict. Main features: * Full support of StarDict dictionaries * Working in system tray * Scanning mouse selection and showing popup window with translation of selected word * Translations reformatting * Pronouncing translated word * Support for plugins", "path": "./salix/system/qstardict-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "1.0.0pre12", "name": "imwheel", "descs": "imwheel (a mouse wheel and stick interpreter for X Windows)", "source": "source/salix/system/imwheel", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXmu", "libXt", "libXtst", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "IMWheel is a universal mouse wheel and mouse stick translator for the X Windows System. Using either a special version of gpm and it's /dev/gpmwheel FIFO, or the support for a ZAxis on the mouse built into some servers, such as XFree86. Utilizing the input from gpm or X Windows, imwheel translates mouse wheel and mouse stick actions into keyboard events using the XTest extension to X. Use xdpyinfo for information on the supported extensions in your X server Homepage: http://imwheel.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/imwheel-1.0.0pre12-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "11504 K", "ver": "2.71", "name": "cndrvcups-capt", "descs": "cndrvcups-capt (Canon CAPT Printer Driver for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/cndrvcups-capt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cndrvcups-common", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2876 K", "descl": "This CAPT printer driver provides printing functions for Canon LBP printers operating under the CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) environment.", "path": "./salix/system/cndrvcups-capt-2.71-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "9744 K", "ver": "3.12.3", "name": "brasero", "descs": "brasero (CD/DVD burning application)", "source": "source/salix/system/brasero", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elfutils", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libburn", "libcanberra", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libisofs", "libnotify", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "orc", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2436 K", "descl": "Brasero is an application to burn CD/DVD for the Gnome Desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly. Homepage: http://projects.gnome.org/brasero", "path": "./salix/system/brasero-3.12.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "pass-import", "descs": "pass-import (pass extension)", "source": "source/salix/system/pass-import", "deps": ["password-store"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "pass import is a pass extension for importing data from most of the existing password manager.", "path": "./salix/system/pass-import-3.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1628 K", "ver": "2.02.154", "name": "lvm2-cluster", "descs": "lvm2-cluster (LVM in a clustered environment)", "source": "source/salix/system/lvm2-cluster", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], "corosync", "dlm", "libqb", "util-linux"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "407 K", "descl": "Logical Volume Management (LVM) in a clustered environment. Homepage: https://www.sourceware.org/lvm2/", "path": "./salix/system/lvm2-cluster-2.02.154-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "500 K", "ver": "070715", "name": "heirloom-pax", "descs": "heirloom-pax (POSIX standard archiver)", "source": "source/salix/system/heirloom-pax", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "125 K", "descl": "heirloom-pax is a version of the POSIX standard archive tool. It is from the The Heirloom Toolchest, which has code derived from original UNIX material released as Open Source by Caldera and Sun. Unlike some other popular pax implementations this version can create POSIX.1-2001 pax archives. It can also can read and write zip files, RPM packages, GNU tar files, and the cpio formats of Cray UNICOS, SGI IRIX (-K), SCO UnixWare (-c) and Tru64 UNIX (-e). Homepage: http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/tools.html", "path": "./salix/system/heirloom-pax-070715-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "3.4.0", "name": "ack", "descs": "ack (grep for coders)", "source": "source/salix/system/ack", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "ack is a tool like grep, optimized for programmers. Designed for programmers with large heterogeneous trees of source code, ack is written purely in portable Perl 5 and takes advantage of the power of Perl's regular expressions. homepage: http://beyondgrep.com", "path": "./salix/system/ack-3.4.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1352 K", "ver": "0.94", "name": "msitools", "descs": "msitools (Inspect and build Windows Installer (.MSI)", "source": "source/salix/system/msitools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "gcab", "glib2", "libgsf", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "338 K", "descl": "msitools is a set of programs to inspect and build Windows Installer (.MSI) files. It is based on libmsi, a portable library to read and write .MSI files. libmsi in turn is a port of (and a subset of) Wine's implementation of the Windows Installer. Homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/msitools/", "path": "./salix/system/msitools-0.94-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "0.1~git20201230.95d81c9", "name": "edid-decode", "descs": "edid-decode (decode EDID data in human-readable format)", "source": "source/salix/system/edid-decode", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "edid-decode decodes EDID monitor description data in human-readable format. Input may be raw binary files or ASCII text in various formats (see man page). EDID data may be read with get-edid (from the read-edid build) or from the /sys filesystem, e.g. /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid (the filename may vary on your system).", "path": "./salix/system/edid-decode-0.1~git20201230.95d81c9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "untex", "descs": "untex (strip LaTeX commands from source file)", "source": "source/salix/system/untex", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "A tool for removing LaTeX commands from input. Homepage: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/untex", "path": "./salix/system/untex-1.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "", "name": "dymo-cups-drivers", "descs": "dymo-cups-drivers (CUPS drivers and filters for DYMO Label Printers)", "source": "source/salix/system/dymo-cups-drivers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "Supported DYMO label makers and printers: LabelMANAGER 400, LabelMANAGER 450, LabelMANAGER PC, LabelMANAGER PC II, LabelManager PnP, LabelPOINT 350, LabelWriter 300 LabelWriter 310, LabelWriter 315, LabelWriter 320, LabelWriter 330, LabelWriter 330 Turbo, LabelWriter 400, LabelWriter 400 Turbo, LabelWriter 450, LabelWriter 450 DUO Label, LabelWriter 450 DUO Tape, LabelWriter 450 Turbo, LabelWriter 450 Twin Turbo, LabelWriter 4XL, LabelWriter DUO Label, LabelWriter DUO Tape, LabelWriter DUO Tape 128, LabelWriter SE450, LabelWriter Twin Turbo.", "path": "./salix/system/dymo-cups-drivers-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "788 K", "ver": "20110502_6", "name": "csh", "descs": "csh (C shell from BSD)", "source": "source/salix/system/csh", "deps": ["libbsd"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "197 K", "descl": "The C shell was originally written at UCB to overcome limitations in the Bourne shell. Its flexibility and comfort (at that time) quickly made it the shell of choice until more advanced shells like ksh, bash, zsh or tcsh appeared. Most of the latter incorporate features original to csh. This build is based on OpenBSD sources from 2011.", "path": "./salix/system/csh-20110502_6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.3beta15", "name": "hddtemp", "descs": "hddtemp (reads hard disk S.M.A.R.T. info and reports temperature)", "source": "source/salix/system/hddtemp", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "hddtemp is a small and daemonizable utility designed to read the S.M.A.R.T. information from the given hard disk and report the temperature of the disk. Homepage: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/hddtemp/", "path": "./salix/system/hddtemp-0.3beta15-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "compsize", "descs": "compsize (btrfs compression report)", "source": "source/salix/system/compsize", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "compsize measures used compression on a btrfs filesystem.", "path": "./salix/system/compsize-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "rndaddentropy", "descs": "rndaddentropy (Small wrapper around RNDADDENTROPY ioctl)", "source": "source/salix/system/rndaddentropy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "rndaddentropy is a small c program that pipes whatever is in it's stdin to the kernel entropy pool. It is part of the twuewand package. https://www.finnie.org/software/twuewand/", "path": "./salix/system/rndaddentropy-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "makepasswd", "descs": "makepasswd (generate pseudo-random passwords of a desired length)", "source": "source/salix/system/makepasswd", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "Makepasswd generates pseudo-random passwords of a desired length. It is able to generate its crypted equivalent.", "path": "./salix/system/makepasswd-0.5.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1000 K", "ver": "1.1.4", "name": "avfs", "descs": "avfs (Virtual file system)", "source": "source/salix/system/avfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "expat", "libproxy", "lzlib", "neon", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "p7zip", "unrar"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "250 K", "descl": "avfs is a system, which enables all programs to look inside archived or compressed files, or access remote files without recompiling the programs or changing the kernel. Homepage: http://avf.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/avfs-1.1.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "956 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "gnomint", "descs": "gnomint (certification authorities gui)", "source": "source/salix/system/gnomint", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "239 K", "descl": "gnomint is a tool for an easy creation and management of Certification Authorities. It allows a fancy visualization of all the pieces that conform a CA: x509 certificates, CSRs, CRLs... homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnomint/", "path": "./salix/system/gnomint-1.3.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "logkeys", "descs": "logkeys (a GNU/Linux keylogger that works!)", "source": "source/salix/system/logkeys", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "logkeys is a linux keylogger. It is no more advanced than other available linux keyloggers, notably lkl and uberkey, but is a bit newer, more up to date, it doesn't unreliably repeat keys and it shouldn't crash your X. All in all, it just seems to work. It relies on event interface of the Linux input subsystem. Once completely set, it logs all common character and function keys, while also being fully aware of Shift and AltGr key modifiers. Homepage: https://github.com/kernc/logkeys", "path": "./salix/system/logkeys-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "guefi", "descs": "guefi (GTK+3 frontend for efibootmgr)", "source": "source/salix/system/guefi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "GUEFI is a Python/GTK+3 application that acts as a frontend for efibootmgr. It provides an easy to use interface for managing UEFI boot options. homepage: https://github.com/gapan/guefi", "path": "./salix/system/guefi-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "gphotofs", "descs": "gphotofs (FUSE filesystem for cameras)", "source": "source/salix/system/gphotofs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libexif", "libgphoto2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "gphotofs is a FUSE filesystem module to mount your camera as a filesystem on Linux. This allow using your camera with any tool able to read from a mounted filesystem. gphotofs was written by Philip Langdale.", "path": "./salix/system/gphotofs-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "400288 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "wangfonts", "descs": "wangfonts (Free Chinese TrueType fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/wangfonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100072 K", "descl": "Wangfonts are a collection of free Chinese TrueType fonts donated by Prof. Hann-Tzong WANG. Homepage: https://code.google.com/p/wangfonts/", "path": "./salix/system/wangfonts-1.3.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "1.8dev+452", "name": "xar", "descs": "xar (eXtensible ARchiver)", "source": "source/salix/system/xar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "The XAR project aims to provide an easily extensible archive format. Important design decisions include an easily extensible XML table of contents (TOC) for random access to archived files, storing the TOC at the beginning of the archive to allow for efficient handling of streamed archives, the ability to handle files of arbitrarily large sizes, the ability to choose independent encodings for individual files in the archive, the ability to store checksums for individual files in both compressed and uncompressed form, and the ability to query the table of content's rich meta-data.", "path": "./salix/system/xar-1.8dev+452-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "20688 K", "ver": "3.29", "name": "fio", "descs": "fio (Flexible I/O Tester)", "source": "source/salix/system/fio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5172 K", "descl": "fio is a tool that will spawn a number of threads or processes doing a particular type of io action as specified by the user. fio takes a number of global parameters, each inherited by the thread unless otherwise parameters given to them overriding that setting is given. The typical use of fio is to write a job file matching the io load one wants to simulate. Homepage: https://git.kernel.dk/cgit/fio/", "path": "./salix/system/fio-3.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "20190930_0037ff5", "name": "unshieldv3", "descs": "unshieldv3 (extract v3 InstallShield files)", "source": "source/salix/system/unshieldv3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "unshieldv3 is a command line tool to extract the *.Z InstallShield v3 packages many old windows games were distributed as. The files unshieldv3 supports are identified by the file command as 'InstallShield Z archive Data', and begin with a hex signature of 13 5d 65 8c 3a 01 02.", "path": "./salix/system/unshieldv3-20190930_0037ff5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "bootchart", "descs": "bootchart (Boot Process Performance Visualization)", "source": "source/salix/system/bootchart", "deps": ["apache-ant", "zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "Bootchart is a tool for performance analysis and visualization of the GNU/Linux boot process. Resource utilization and process info are collected during the boot and later rendered in a PNG, SVG, or EPS encoded chart. HomePage: http://www.bootchart.org/", "path": "./salix/system/bootchart-0.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1672 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "qtgzmanager", "descs": "qtgzmanager (TGZ/TXZ package management)", "source": "source/salix/system/qtgzmanager", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "418 K", "descl": "QTGZManager is a T?Z package management application that uses standard pkgtools (present in any Slackware based system) to manage the OS software. It provides an easy to use four pane view (directories, packages in the selected dir, installed packages in the system and package actions), drag and drop and context menu support. Homepage: https://qtgzmanager.wordpress.com", "path": "./salix/system/qtgzmanager-1.0.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "3.3", "name": "slackupdr", "descs": "slackupdr (slackpkg automation)", "source": "source/salix/system/slackupdr", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "slackupdr primary functions: 1) automate the use of slackpkg 2) manage multiple kernels 3) update LILO or EFI bootloaders Home: https://www.go4it2day.com/news/slackupdr-3.3.html", "path": "./salix/system/slackupdr-3.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "slackware-grub2-theme", "descs": "slackware-grub2-theme (Slackware theme for grub2)", "source": "source/salix/system/slackware-grub2-theme", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "This is a Slackware theme for grub2. It's based on the Arch Linux arch-suse grub2 theme.", "path": "./salix/system/slackware-grub2-theme-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "428 K", "ver": "3.7", "name": "lbench", "descs": "lbench (simple Linux multithread benchmarking tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/lbench", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "107 K", "descl": "Lbench was written to satisfy a personal desire to better understand some obscure performance issues. The performance increase from using multiple processor cores can be nearly 100% per core in some cases, and negative (an overall slowdown) in others. Homepage: http://kornelix.net/lbench/lbench.html", "path": "./salix/system/lbench-3.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.1.7c", "name": "uif2iso", "descs": "uif2iso (convert uif to iso)", "source": "source/salix/system/uif2iso", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "A command-line tool for converting single and multipart UIF images to the ISO format. See file uif2iso.txt for more documentation. Released under the GNU GPL license. Homepage: http://aluigi.org/mytoolz.htm#uif2iso", "path": "./salix/system/uif2iso-0.1.7c-i686-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4584 K", "ver": "7.0.0", "name": "redis", "descs": "redis (Key-Value Store)", "source": "source/salix/system/redis", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1146 K", "descl": "Redis is an advanced key-value store. It is similar to memcached but the dataset is not volatile, and values can be strings, exactly like in memcached, but also lists, sets, and ordered sets. These data types can be manipulated with atomic operations to push/pop elements, add/remove elements, perform server side union, intersection, Records are organized in hash table, B+ tree, or a fixed-length array. Redis supports different kinds of sorting abilities. Homepage: https://redis.io/", "path": "./salix/system/redis-7.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1340 K", "ver": "1.9.3", "name": "ranger", "descs": "ranger (a curses file manager that uses vi/vim bindings)", "source": "source/salix/system/ranger", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "335 K", "descl": "A multi-column display allows viewing in a tree-like manner. You can preview the content of the selected file or directory, copy or move files around with the VIM-like commands dd and yy, execute predefined applications when opening a file, etc... Everything is fully customizable and written in Python (2.6 and 3.1 compatible) using curses for the text-based user interface. https://ranger.github.io", "path": "./salix/system/ranger-1.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2892 K", "ver": "1.030", "name": "adobe-source-code-pro-font", "descs": "adobe-source-code-pro-font (monospaced font)", "source": "source/salix/system/adobe-source-code-pro-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "723 K", "descl": "Source Code Pro was designed by Paul D. Hunt as a companion to Source Sans. This complementary family was adapted from the Source design due to a request to create a monospaced version for coding applications. https://github.com/adobe/Source-Code-Pro", "path": "./salix/system/adobe-source-code-pro-font-1.030-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "tabbed", "descs": "tabbed (framework for embeddable apps)", "source": "source/salix/system/tabbed", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Simple generic tabbed frontend to xembed aware applications, originally designed for surf but also usable with many other applications, e.g. st, uzbl, urxvt, and xterm.", "path": "./salix/system/tabbed-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "5.4.0", "name": "etsh", "descs": "etsh (extended Thompson shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/etsh", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "Etsh(1) is an enhanced, backward-compatible port of the Sixth Edition Thompson shell. Tsh(1) is an unenhanced port of the shell. The original Thompson shell was principally written by Ken Thompson of Bell Labs. etsh was formerly known as 'osh'.", "path": "./salix/system/etsh-5.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "20110819_02842ba", "name": "lddsafe", "descs": "lddsafe (safe replacement for ldd)", "source": "source/salix/system/lddsafe", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "lddsafe prints shared library dependencies for executables and shared libraries. However, it uses objdump instead of loading the program, hence avoiding the security problems of ldd. lddsafe also includes nonrecursive mode (-n option), which lists direct dependencies only.", "path": "./salix/system/lddsafe-20110819_02842ba-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "35116 K", "ver": "2.034", "name": "noto-emoji", "descs": "noto-emoji (Noto Emoji fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/noto-emoji", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8779 K", "descl": "Color and Black-and-White Noto emoji fonts, and tools for working with them. https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-emoji", "path": "./salix/system/noto-emoji-2.034-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "940 K", "ver": "1.5.3", "name": "babeltrace", "descs": "babeltrace (trace format converter)", "source": "source/salix/system/babeltrace", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "elfutils", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "235 K", "descl": "The Babeltrace project provides a library, Python bindings of this library, as well as a handy little command-line tool aptly named babeltrace which makes it very easy for mere mortals to view and convert traces. Babeltrace is also the reference parser implementation of the Common Trace Format (CTF), a very versatile trace format. The Babeltrace library and its Python bindings can read and write CTF traces. Homepage: https://diamon.org/babeltrace/", "path": "./salix/system/babeltrace-1.5.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "0.17.0", "name": "spice-vdagent", "descs": "spice-vdagent (spice agent for Linux vms)", "source": "source/salix/system/spice-vdagent", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "elogind", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libpciaccess", "libxcb", "spice"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "spice-vdagent enhanches interactions with your Linux virtual guests: - client mouse mode - automatic adjustment of the X-session resolution to the client's one - support of copy and paste - limited support for multiple displays using Xinerama - full support for multiple displays using Xrandr homepage: https://www.spice-space.org", "path": "./salix/system/spice-vdagent-0.17.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "448 K", "ver": "20211210", "name": "cpuid", "descs": "cpuid (Linux tool to dump x86 CPUID information about the CPUs)", "source": "source/salix/system/cpuid", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "112 K", "descl": "cpuid dumps detailed information about the CPU(s) gathered from the CPUID instruction, and also determines the exact model of CPU(s). It supports Intel, AMD, and VIA CPUs, as well as older Transmeta, Cyrix, UMC, NexGen, Rise, and SiS CPUs. Homepage: http://www.etallen.com/cpuid.html", "path": "./salix/system/cpuid-20211210-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "0.44rc2", "name": "tpc", "descs": "tpc (utility to control and tweak modern AMD processors)", "source": "source/salix/system/tpc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "TurionPowerControl, despite its name, allows to view and control many parameters of modern AMD processors. It can manipulate power states, frequencies, DRAM timings, power settings and can report temperatures, monitor pstate changes and precise cpu usage. It is available for Windows and Linux, for both 32 bit and 64 bit architectures and fully supports multiprocessor machines. Home: https://code.google.com/p/turionpowercontrol/", "path": "./salix/system/tpc-0.44rc2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "psuinfo", "descs": "psuinfo (Custom system usage info for Tint2 panel executors or CLI)", "source": "source/salix/system/psuinfo", "deps": ["psutil"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "A Python3 psutil-based command to display customizable system usage info as icons or text. Intended for Tint2 panel executors, may also be used in other panels or executed in terminal. Homepage: https://github.com/nwg-piotr/psuinfo", "path": "./salix/system/psuinfo-1.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2616 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "dust", "descs": "dust (more intuitive du)", "source": "source/salix/system/dust", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "654 K", "descl": "dust is a more intuitive version of the du command, showing an overview of which directories are using disk space.", "path": "./salix/system/dust-0.8.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "11.0", "name": "cpuid2cpuflags", "descs": "cpuid2cpuflags (Tool to generate CPU_FLAGS_* for your CPU)", "source": "source/salix/system/cpuid2cpuflags", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Tool to generate CPU_FLAGS_* for your CPU. Home page: https://github.com/mgorny/cpuid2cpuflags", "path": "./salix/system/cpuid2cpuflags-11.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "ccd2cue", "descs": "ccd2cue (convert proprietary CloneCD images to bin/cue)", "source": "source/salix/system/ccd2cue", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "GNU ccd2cue is a CCD sheet to CUE sheet converter. It supports the full extent of CUE sheet format expressiveness, including mixed-mode discs and CD-Text meta-data.", "path": "./salix/system/ccd2cue-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "0.1.5", "name": "xf86-video-qxl", "descs": "xf86-video-qxl (X.org spice qxl video driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/xf86-video-qxl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], "spice-protocol"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "This X.Org driver provides support for QEMU QXL paravirt video. It's meant to be used in your virtualized guests. Homepage: https://www.spice-space.org", "path": "./salix/system/xf86-video-qxl-0.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1076 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "ttf-aller", "descs": "ttf-aller (True Type Font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-aller", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "269 K", "descl": "Aller True Type Font for Slackware. Home page: https://www.daltonmaag.com/", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-aller-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1324 K", "ver": "4.51_8", "name": "lv", "descs": "lv (pager, grep, and iconv replacement)", "source": "source/salix/system/lv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "331 K", "descl": "lv is a powerful file viewer like less. lv can decode and encode multilingual streams in many encodings, including ISO-8859, ISO-2022, EUC, SJIS, Big5, HZ, and Unicode. It recognizes multi-byte patterns in regular expressions, and can be run as 'lgrep' to act as a grep replacement. In addition, lv can recognize ANSI escape sequences for text decoration (making it suitable for use as MANPAGER).", "path": "./salix/system/lv-4.51_8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "20201030", "name": "pax", "descs": "pax (tar/cpio compatible archiver)", "source": "source/salix/system/pax", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "Pax is the POSIX standard archive tool. It supports the two most common forms of standard archive (backup) files - CPIO and TAR. Homepage: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/howto/pax", "path": "./salix/system/pax-20201030-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "556 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "unace", "descs": "unace (a decompression tool for ACE archives)", "source": "source/salix/system/unace", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "139 K", "descl": "unace is a tool for decompressing ACE archives in linux.", "path": "./salix/system/unace-2.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "1.0.9", "name": "trachet", "descs": "trachet (Step-by-step/realtime terminal debugger)", "source": "source/salix/system/trachet", "deps": ["tff"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "trachet = tracer + ratchet(step-by-step debugging service) This Program runs as a terminal filter process, between Terminals and Applications. It provides step-by-step debugging and formatted sequence tracing service. You can look terminal I/O sequence on realtime, and it enables you to do step-by-step execution. Homepage: http://saitoha.github.io/trachet/", "path": "./salix/system/trachet-1.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "13456 K", "ver": "0.79.9", "name": "dvdisaster", "descs": "dvdisaster (Additional error protection for CD/DVD media)", "source": "source/salix/system/dvdisaster", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3364 K", "descl": "dvdisaster stores data on CD/DVD/BD (supported media) in a way that it is fully recoverable even after some read errors have developed. This enables you to rescue the complete data to a new medium. dvdisaster works at the image level so that the recovery does not depend on the file system of the medium.", "path": "./salix/system/dvdisaster-0.79.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "360 K", "ver": "2.02.154", "name": "lvm2-lockd", "descs": "lvm2-lockd (LVM in a shared storage environment)", "source": "source/salix/system/lvm2-lockd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], "sanlock", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "90 K", "descl": "Logical Volume Management (LVM) commands use lvmlockd to coordinate access to shared storage. Homepage: https://www.sourceware.org/lvm2/", "path": "./salix/system/lvm2-lockd-2.02.154-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "2.0.21", "name": "kexec-tools", "descs": "kexec-tools (Soft-Reboot and Crash-Dump Analysis for Linux and Xen)", "source": "source/salix/system/kexec-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "kexec is a system call that enables you to load and booy into another kernel from the currently running kernel. kexec performs the function of the boot loader from within the kernel. The Primary difference between a standard system boot and a kexec boot is that the hardware initialization normally performed by the BIOS or firmware is not performed during a kexec boot. This has the the effect of reducing the time required for a reboot. Make sure you have selected CONFIG_KEXEC=y when configuring the kernel. The CONFIG_KEXEC option enables the kexec system call.", "path": "./salix/system/kexec-tools-2.0.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1792 K", "ver": "3.8.5", "name": "guake", "descs": "guake (a drop-down terminal for GNOME)", "source": "source/salix/system/guake", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "448 K", "descl": "Guake is a drop-down terminal made for the GNOME desktop environment. Guake's style of window is based on an FPS (first-person shooter) game and one of its goals is to be easy to reach. http://guake.org", "path": "./salix/system/guake-3.8.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "264 K", "ver": "0.1.11", "name": "PySixel", "descs": "PySixel (Make SIXEL color graphics)", "source": "source/salix/system/PySixel", "deps": ["python2", "imageloader"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "66 K", "descl": "Make SIXEL color graphics supported by some terminal emulators(DECTerm/RLogin/mlterm/tanasinn/xterm) Homepage: https://github.com/saitoha/PySixel", "path": "./salix/system/PySixel-0.1.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.06", "name": "pcf2bdf", "descs": "pcf2bdf (convert X fonts from PCF to BDF)", "source": "source/salix/system/pcf2bdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Pcf2bdf is a font de-compiler. It converts X fonts from Portable Compiled Format (PCF) to Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF). It can also accept a compressed/gzipped PCF file as input.", "path": "./salix/system/pcf2bdf-1.06-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "20210926", "name": "openrc-services", "descs": "openrc-services (OpenRC services)", "source": "source/salix/system/openrc-services", "deps": ["openrc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "Service scripts for OpenRC. Various scripts are provided, for packages that are in Slackware plus slackbuilds.org as well as some other packages. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/aadityabagga/openrc-services", "path": "./salix/system/openrc-services-20210926-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "hexcompare", "descs": "hexcompare (console-mode visual binary diff)", "source": "source/salix/system/hexcompare", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "hexcompare is a curses-based utility to compare and identify differences between two binary files. These differences are then represented visually with an interactive block diagram.", "path": "./salix/system/hexcompare-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "280 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "dislocker", "descs": "dislocker (FUSE driver to read/write Windows' BitLocker-ed volumes)", "source": "source/salix/system/dislocker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], "mbedtls", "ruby", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "70 K", "descl": "This software has been designed to read BitLocker encrypted partitions under a Linux system. The driver has the capability to read/write on: - Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 encrypted partitions (AES-CBC, AES-XTS, 128 or 256 bits, with or without the Elephant diffuser, encrypted partitions) - BitLocker-To-Go encrypted partitions (USB/FAT32 partitions) Homepage: https://github.com/Aorimn/dislocker", "path": "./salix/system/dislocker-0.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4120 K", "ver": "0.0.13", "name": "beebem", "descs": "beebem (popular Acorn BBC Micro and Master 128 emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/beebem", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1030 K", "descl": "This version of BeebEm for UNIX is an SDL port of the Windows version of BeebEm Homepage http://beebem-unix.bbcmicro.com/index.html", "path": "./salix/system/beebem-0.0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8516 K", "ver": "10.8.3", "name": "phoronix-test-suite", "descs": "phoronix-test-suite (benchmarking suite)", "source": "source/salix/system/phoronix-test-suite", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2129 K", "descl": "The Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available that provides an extensible framework for which new tests can be easily added. Homepage: http://phoronix-test-suite.com/", "path": "./salix/system/phoronix-test-suite-10.8.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "736 K", "ver": "2019.11.05", "name": "USBdev", "descs": "USBdev (Recognition tool of USB devices)", "source": "source/salix/system/USBdev", "deps": ["pyusb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "184 K", "descl": "USBdev is a USB devices recognition tool on Linux. The tool compares the USB devices that is connected before and after once you connect to the further doors USB. USBdev use linux-usb.org repository to get data devices. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/dslackw/USBdev", "path": "./salix/system/USBdev-2019.11.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "420 K", "ver": "1.7.6", "name": "udiskie", "descs": "udiskie (Removable disk automounter for udisks)", "source": "source/salix/system/udiskie", "deps": ["python2-PyYAML", "docopt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "105 K", "descl": "udiskie is a simple daemon that uses UDisks to automatically mount removable storage devices. This daemon comes with optional mount notifications and gtk tray icon. It also provides a user level CLI for mount and unmount operations. Homepage: https://github.com/coldfix/udiskie", "path": "./salix/system/udiskie-1.7.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "chrpath", "descs": "chrpath (modify rpath of binaries)", "source": "source/salix/system/chrpath", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "chrpath allows you to modify the dynamic library load path (rpath) of compiled programs. Currently, only removing and modifying the rpath is supported. Homepage: https://alioth-archive.debian.org/releases/chrpath/chrpath/", "path": "./salix/system/chrpath-0.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "nomarch", "descs": "nomarch (extract '.arc' archives)", "source": "source/salix/system/nomarch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Nomarch lists/extracts/tests '.arc' and '.ark' archives. This is an ancient file format you can still run into it if you mess about with old CP/M stuff. Nomarch is a handy as a way to deal with these files. Website: http://www.svgalib.org/rus/nomarch.html", "path": "./salix/system/nomarch-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "556 K", "ver": "2.2.8", "name": "nilfs-utils", "descs": "nilfs-utils (Utilities for NILFS)", "source": "source/salix/system/nilfs-utils", "deps": ["util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "139 K", "descl": "These are the userland utilities for the NILFS2 filesystem. Homepage: https://nilfs.sourceforge.io/en/", "path": "./salix/system/nilfs-utils-2.2.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2892 K", "ver": "0.9.8", "name": "xidel", "descs": "xidel (tool to extract data from HTML/XML/JSON files or pages)", "source": "source/salix/system/xidel", "deps": ["fpc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "723 K", "descl": "Xidel is a command line tool to query data from HTML/XML web pages, JSON-APIs and local files. It implements interpreters for XPath 2, XPath 3, XQuery 1, XQuery 3, JSONiq, CSS selectors and custom pattern matching.", "path": "./salix/system/xidel-0.9.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1984 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "thin-provisioning-tools", "descs": "thin-provisioning-tools (manage cache, thin and era LVM2 targets)", "source": "source/salix/system/thin-provisioning-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "expat", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "496 K", "descl": "A suite of tools for manipulating the metadata of the dm-thin, dm-era and dm-cache device-mapper targets. Required by LVM2 to start and manage LVM volumes with above features. Project URL: https://github.com/jthornber/thin-provisioning-tools In docs directory there are also patches for mkinitrd to include thin-provisioning-tools in initrd.", "path": "./salix/system/thin-provisioning-tools-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1080 K", "ver": "1.7.8", "name": "epson-inkjet-printer-escpr", "descs": "epson-inkjet-printer-escpr (epson generic printer driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "270 K", "descl": "Printer driver for many epson inkjet printers.", "path": "./salix/system/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr-1.7.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "dfu-util", "descs": "dfu-util (Device firmware update USB programmer)", "source": "source/salix/system/dfu-util", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "dfu-util is a program that implements the host (PC) side of the USB DFU (Universal Serial Bus Device Firmware Upgrade) protocol. In the OpenMoko project (for example), this program is used to communicate with the specially enhanced u-boot boot loader, which implements the DFU device side. Homepage: http://dfu-util.gnumonks.org", "path": "./salix/system/dfu-util-0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "2.10", "name": "ssdeep", "descs": "ssdeep (program for computing context triggered piecewise hashes)", "source": "source/salix/system/ssdeep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "ssdeep computes a checksum based on context triggered piecewise hashes (fuzzy hashes) for each input file. If requested, the program matches those checksums against a file of known checksums and reports any possible matches. It can also examine one or more of signatures and find any matches in those signatures. Homepage: http://ssdeep.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/ssdeep-2.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.08", "name": "mingetty", "descs": "mingetty (virtual terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/mingetty", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Minimal getty for the virtual terminals on the workstation's monitor and keyboard. It has no support for serial lines.", "path": "./salix/system/mingetty-1.08-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "956 K", "ver": "4.0.13", "name": "foomatic-db-engine", "descs": "foomatic-db-engine (Foomatic's database engine)", "source": "source/salix/system/foomatic-db-engine", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "239 K", "descl": "Foomatic's database engine generates PPD files from the data in Foomatic's XML database. It also contains scripts to directly configure print queues and handle jobs.", "path": "./salix/system/foomatic-db-engine-4.0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "bonnie++", "descs": "bonnie++ (a system benchmarking tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/bonnie++", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "This benchmark is named Bonnie++ - it is based on the Bonnie benchmark written by Tim Bray. Bonnie++ adds the facility to test more than 2G of storage on a on a 32bit machine, and tests for file creat(), stat(), unlink() operations. Homepage: http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/", "path": "./salix/system/bonnie++-1.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "sbsigntools", "descs": "sbsigntools (Signing utility for UEFI Secure Boot)", "source": "source/salix/system/sbsigntools", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "sbsigntools is a set of tools for signing EFI binaries and drivers for use with Secure Boot.", "path": "./salix/system/sbsigntools-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1256 K", "ver": "0.20.7", "name": "gentoo", "descs": "gentoo (file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/gentoo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "314 K", "descl": "gentoo is a free file manager for Linux and other Unix-like computer systems created by Emil Brink. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gentoo/", "path": "./salix/system/gentoo-0.20.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4008 K", "ver": "2.24.4", "name": "gnome-vfs", "descs": "gnome-vfs (the GNOME Virtual File System)", "source": "source/salix/system/gnome-vfs", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "gamin", "glib2", "gnutls", "icu4c", "jansson", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libxml2", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "samba", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib", "gnome-mime-data", "libbonobo"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "1002 K", "descl": "This is the GNOME Virtual File System, currently used as one of the foundations of the Nautilus file manager.", "path": "./salix/system/gnome-vfs-2.24.4-i486-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2808 K", "ver": "0.74.3", "name": "dosbox", "descs": "dosbox (DOS emulator/virtual machine for X11 and Unix)", "source": "source/salix/system/dosbox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "flac", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "sdl", "speex", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "702 K", "descl": "It allows you to play many of the old games you grew up loving, as well as many apps designed to run on DOS.", "path": "./salix/system/dosbox-0.74.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2312 K", "ver": "0.6.1", "name": "twin", "descs": "twin (Twin is a text-mode window environment.)", "source": "source/salix/system/twin", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gpm"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXpm", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "578 K", "descl": "Twin is a text-mode window environment. It turns a text terminal into a X11-style display with window manager, terminal windows, and can also serve as display for remote applications. Each terminal window provides the functions of a text-mode Linux console. Twin runs on X11, libggi, itself, the Linux console, and any termcap/ncurses-compatible tty. It supports multiple simultaneous displays, and can attach/detach each display on the fly. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/twin/", "path": "./salix/system/twin-0.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12780 K", "ver": "2.9", "name": "tomb", "descs": "tomb (file encryption)", "source": "source/salix/system/tomb", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3195 K", "descl": "Tomb is an 100% free and open source system for file encryption on GNU/Linux, facilitating the backup of secret files. Project URL: https://www.dyne.org/software/tomb/", "path": "./salix/system/tomb-2.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "Attic", "descs": "Attic (Deduplicated backups)", "source": "source/salix/system/Attic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "msgpack-python"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "Attic is a deduplicating backup program written in Python. The main goal of Attic is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data deduplication technique used makes Attic suitable for daily backups since only actual changes are stored. Homepage: https://attic-backup.org", "path": "./salix/system/Attic-0.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "6", "name": "brlaser", "descs": "brlaser (CUPS driver for Brother laser printers)", "source": "source/salix/system/brlaser", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Although most Brother printers support a standard printer language such as PCL or PostScript, not all do. If you have a monochrome Brother laser printer (or multi-function device) and the other open source drivers don't work, this one might help.", "path": "./salix/system/brlaser-6-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1004 K", "ver": "1.1.48", "name": "epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2", "descs": "epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 (epson generic printer driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "251 K", "descl": "Printer driver for many epson inkjet printers.", "path": "./salix/system/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2-1.1.48-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "", "name": "trash-cli", "descs": "trash-cli (command line interface to the FreeDesktop.org trash)", "source": "source/salix/system/trash-cli", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "trash-cli trashes files recording the original path, deletion date, and permissions. It uses the same trashcan used by KDE, GNOME, and XFCE, but you can invoke it from the command line (and scripts). It provides these commands: trash-put : trashes files and directories. trash-empty : empty the trashcan(s). trash-list : list trashed files. trash-restore : restore a trashed file. trash-rm : remove individual files from trash can.", "path": "./salix/system/trash-cli-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "acpi", "descs": "acpi (an acpi client for linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/acpi", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Linux ACPI client is a command-line tool, similar to the 'apm' command, that provides information on battery status, AC power, and thermal readings. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/acpiclient", "path": "./salix/system/acpi-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2480 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "jdiskreport", "descs": "jdiskreport (disk usage report)", "source": "source/salix/system/jdiskreport", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "620 K", "descl": "JDiskReport enables you to understand how much space the files and directories consume on your disk drives, and it helps you find obsolete files and folders. This is ad-free uncrippled no-charge binary multi-platform software that never expires. Homepage: http://www.jgoodies.com/freeware/jdiskreport/", "path": "./salix/system/jdiskreport-1.4.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.4.5", "name": "pwman", "descs": "pwman (An NCurses password management program)", "source": "source/salix/system/pwman", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "PWman is a text-based application based on the ui design of abook (http://abook.sourceforge.net). PWman works on Linux, and should also run on most other UNIXes(untested).", "path": "./salix/system/pwman-0.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3720 K", "ver": "0.9.4", "name": "skim", "descs": "skim (fuzzy finder)", "source": "source/salix/system/skim", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "930 K", "descl": "skim is a fuzzy finder that can be used as a general filter like grep or as an interactive interface for invoking commands.", "path": "./salix/system/skim-0.9.4-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2776 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "go-mtree", "descs": "go-mtree (passive filesystem verification)", "source": "source/salix/system/go-mtree", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "694 K", "descl": "BSD mtree is a manifest format and tool to compare (and sometimes restore) a filesystem compared to that manifest. go-mtree is an largely compatible implementation that has additional features for linux xattrs and tar archives.", "path": "./salix/system/go-mtree-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6604 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "alacritty", "descs": "alacritty (A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/alacritty", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1651 K", "descl": "Alacritty is the fastest terminal emulator in existence. Using the GPU for rendering enables optimizations that simply aren't possible in other emulators. https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty", "path": "./salix/system/alacritty-0.10.1-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "19b", "name": "bin2iso", "descs": "bin2iso (RAW to ISO/WAV converter)", "source": "source/salix/system/bin2iso", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "Converts RAW format (.bin) files to ISO/WAV format. Homepage: http://users.eastlink.ca/~doiron/bin2iso/", "path": "./salix/system/bin2iso-19b-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "816 K", "ver": "1.5.8", "name": "pcsc-tools", "descs": "pcsc-tools (various tools to interact with pcsc-lite)", "source": "source/salix/system/pcsc-tools", "deps": ["pcsc-lite", "pcsc-perl", "perl-gtk2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "204 K", "descl": "pcsc-tools provides some utilities that allow you to mess with your smart card reader, or to test a PC/SC driver. ATR_analysis - analyze a smart card 'Answer to Reset' message pcsc_scan - query the status of a smart card reader using pcsc-lite scriptor - send commands to a smart card gscriptor - graphical frontend to scriptor More info at: http://ludovic.rousseau.free.fr/softwares/pcsc-tools/", "path": "./salix/system/pcsc-tools-1.5.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "560 K", "ver": "0.99.27", "name": "sane-airscan", "descs": "sane-airscan (Scanner Access Now Easy)", "source": "source/salix/system/sane-airscan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "avahi", "dbus", "elogind", "gnutls", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nettle", "p11-kit", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "140 K", "descl": "Scanner Access Now Easy - universal driver for eSCL (Apple AirScan) and WSD Homepage: https://github.com/alexpevzner/sane-airscan", "path": "./salix/system/sane-airscan-0.99.27-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "6.8.2", "name": "opendoas", "descs": "opendoas (port of doas from OpenBSD)", "source": "source/salix/system/opendoas", "deps": ["pam"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "doas is a sudo alternative originally written for OpenBSD. It allows a user to run a command as a different user, most often root. doas offers simple configuration syntax; create a config file at /etc/doas.conf to get started. See doas.conf(5). Author: Ted Unangst Port author: Duncan Overbruck https://github.com/Duncaen/OpenDoas", "path": "./salix/system/opendoas-6.8.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "30524 K", "ver": "0.2.20080216.2", "name": "ttf-arphic-uming", "descs": "ttf-arphic-uming (Unicode Mingti (printed)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-arphic-uming", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7631 K", "descl": "Currently contains glyphs for * Big5 * GB2312-80 * HKSCS-2004 * ISO8859-1,2,3,4,9,10,13,14,15 * Bopomofo Extended for Minnan and Hakka The Mingti font contains Firefly's bitmap characters for pixelsizes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Currently only Big5 and GB2312 are covered by those. Project URL: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/CJKUnifonts", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-arphic-uming-0.2.20080216.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "111", "name": "ecryptfs-utils", "descs": "ecryptfs-utils (cryptographic filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/ecryptfs-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], "gpgme", "icu4c", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "mozilla-nss", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "eCryptfs is a cryptographic stacked Linux filesystem. eCryptfs stores cryptographic metadata in the header of each file written, so that encrypted files can be copied between hosts; the file will be decrypted with the proper key in the Linux kernel keyring. Homepage: http://ecryptfs.org/", "path": "./salix/system/ecryptfs-utils-111-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.1.2", "name": "findcmd", "descs": "findcmd (A command line tool for searching commands)", "source": "source/salix/system/findcmd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "findcmd is a simple command line tool for searching through PATHs to find out commands contain certian keywords. Homepage: https://github.com/xupeng/findcmd", "path": "./salix/system/findcmd-0.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "768 K", "ver": "3.10.22", "name": "arj", "descs": "arj (free software implementation of arj archiver)", "source": "source/salix/system/arj", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "192 K", "descl": "A portable version of the ARJ archiver, available for a growing number of DOS-like and UNIX-like platforms on a variety of architectures.", "path": "./salix/system/arj-3.10.22-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1200 K", "ver": "", "name": "s6", "descs": "s6 (process/service supervision suite)", "source": "source/salix/system/s6", "deps": ["skalibs", "execline"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "300 K", "descl": "s6 is a small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process supervision (a.k.a service supervision), in the line of daemontools and runit, as well as various operations on processes and daemons. It is meant to be a toolbox for low-level process and service administration, providing different sets of independent tools that can be used within or without the framework, and can be assembled together to achieve powerful functionality with a very small amount of code. Homepage: https://skarnet.org/software/s6/", "path": "./salix/system/s6-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4568 K", "ver": "3.2.1", "name": "tracker", "descs": "tracker (semantic data storage search engine)", "source": "source/salix/system/tracker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "glib2", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1142 K", "descl": "Tracker is a search engine and that allows the user to find their data as fast as possible. Users can search for their files and search for content in their files too. Tracker is a semantic data storage for desktop and mobile devices. Tracker uses W3C standards for RDF ontologies using Nepomuk with SPARQL to query and update the data. Tracker is a central repository of user information, that provides two big benefits for the desktop; shared data between applications and information which is relational to other information (e.g. mixing contacts with files, locations, activities and etcetera).", "path": "./salix/system/tracker-3.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1028 K", "ver": "3.6.0", "name": "ossec-agent", "descs": "ossec-agent (Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System)", "source": "source/salix/system/ossec-agent", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "257 K", "descl": "OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. Homepage: https://ossec.github.io/", "path": "./salix/system/ossec-agent-3.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "midisport-firmware", "descs": "midisport-firmware (M-Audio/Midiman MIDI/Audio firmware and loader)", "source": "source/salix/system/midisport-firmware", "deps": ["fxload"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "These package allows you to use some of M-Audio's USB MIDI and Audio interfaces with Linux. These devices require a firmware before an operating system driver (e.g. ALSA's snd-usb-audio) can access them. http://usb-midi-fw.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/midisport-firmware-1.2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "13360 K", "ver": "0.23.1", "name": "kitty", "descs": "kitty (fast, featureful, GPU-based terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/kitty", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcursor", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "python3", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3340 K", "descl": "kitty is a terminal emulator for X11 and Wayland, which offloads the rendering to the GPU and supports modern terminal features. It also supports tiling multiple terminal windows without using an extra program like screen or tmux. This package supports: X11 Wayland", "path": "./salix/system/kitty-0.23.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "genext2fs", "descs": "genext2fs (generate ext2 filesystem as a normal user)", "source": "source/salix/system/genext2fs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "genext2fs generates an ext2 filesystem as a normal (i.e. non-root) user. It doesn't require you to mount the image file to copy files on it. It doesn't even require you to be the superuser to make device nodes or set group/user ids. Homepage: http://genext2fs.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/genext2fs-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "apg", "descs": "apg (automated password generator)", "source": "source/salix/system/apg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "apg generates random passwords according to several algorithms. The default algorithm is pronounceable password generation algorithm designed by Morrie Gasser and described in 'A Random Word Generator For Pronounceable Passwords (National Technical Information Service (NTIS) AD-A-017676)'.", "path": "./salix/system/apg-2.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "3.6", "name": "crunch", "descs": "crunch (wordlist generator)", "source": "source/salix/system/crunch", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify. crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations. homepage: http://crunch-wordlist.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/crunch-3.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5944 K", "ver": "3.0.3", "name": "overpass-webfonts", "descs": "overpass-webfonts (Open Source web fonts by RedHat)", "source": "source/salix/system/overpass-webfonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1486 K", "descl": "Overpass web fonts inspired by Highway Gothic. Development is sponsored by RedHat and fonts are created by Delve Fonts. Home Page: http://overpassfont.org/", "path": "./salix/system/overpass-webfonts-3.0.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "0.2.4", "name": "extundelete", "descs": "extundelete (An ext3 and ext4 file system undeletion utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/extundelete", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "extundelete is a utility that can recover deleted files from an ext3 or ext4 partition. extundelete is based partly on ext3grep (c) Carlo Wood (GPLv2 or later) and uses the information stored in the partition's journal to attempt to recover a file that has been deleted from the partition. extundelete was written by Nic Case. It's GPLv2 Homepage: http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/extundelete-0.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1612 K", "ver": "2.4", "name": "rear", "descs": "rear (bare metal disaster recovery and system migration tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/rear", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "403 K", "descl": "Relax-and-Recover is a Open Source, setup-and-forget, Linux bare metal disaster recovery solution. It utilizes a modular framework with many ready-to-go workflows for common situations.", "path": "./salix/system/rear-2.4-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "656 K", "ver": "0.15.5", "name": "createrepo_c", "descs": "createrepo_c (rpm repository metadata generator)", "source": "source/salix/system/createrepo_c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "expat", "file", "icu4c", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "python2", "rpm", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "164 K", "descl": "C implementation of Createrepo. A set of utilities (createrepo_c, mergerepo_c, modifyrepo_c) for generating a common metadata repository from a directory of rpm packages and maintaining it. Project URL: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/createrepo_c", "path": "./salix/system/createrepo_c-0.15.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "2.02", "name": "ecofont-ttf", "descs": "ecofont-ttf (Spranq Eco Truetype font)", "source": "source/salix/system/ecofont-ttf", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "This font is based on Bitstream Vera fonts. Its purpose is to use less ink than traditional full body fonts, omitting some small circles in each printed character while maintaining readability. It is developed by SPRANQ Creative Communications agency, NL, based on a hunch of Colin Willems. Homepage: http://www.ecofont.eu/ecofont_en.html", "path": "./salix/system/ecofont-ttf-2.02-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "15684 K", "ver": "5.03_20191017", "name": "man-pages-ru", "descs": "man-pages-ru (Russian system documentation)", "source": "source/salix/system/man-pages-ru", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3921 K", "descl": "Russian translation for system man pages. This requires a terminal that can handle UTF-8 (such as konsole, xfce4-terminal, or rxvt-unicode), and a UTF-8 locale such as LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8. You'll also need a font that displays Cyrillic glyphs (should be included with Slackware already).", "path": "./salix/system/man-pages-ru-5.03_20191017-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "216 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "linuxconsoletools", "descs": "linuxconsoletools (test and config utilities for the input subsystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/linuxconsoletools", "deps": ["SDL2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "54 K", "descl": "The Linux Console Tools include utilities to test and configure joysticks, connect legacy devices to the kernel's input subsystem (providing support for serial mice, touchscreens etc.), and test the input event layer. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxconsole/", "path": "./salix/system/linuxconsoletools-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5040 K", "ver": "", "name": "razerCommander", "descs": "razerCommander (Razer device manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/razerCommander", "deps": ["openrazer-daemon", "numpy3"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1260 K", "descl": "GUI Razer device manager for Linux using GTK3", "path": "./salix/system/razerCommander-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "TermRecord", "descs": "TermRecord (Terminal session recorder)", "source": "source/salix/system/TermRecord", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "A simple terminal session recorder with easy-to-share HTML output! TermRecord is a program that wraps the script command. It automagically detects your terminal size, records your session, and stores the output as either JSON, embeddable JavaScript, or a static HTML file. Homepage: https://github.com/theonewolf/TermRecord", "path": "./salix/system/TermRecord-1.2.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "45628 K", "ver": "1.15.0", "name": "passwordsafe", "descs": "passwordsafe (password database utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/passwordsafe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "qrencode", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "xerces-c", "zlib", "xvkbd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11407 K", "descl": "Portable version of popular password manager program. passwordsafe is the Linux version of the popular Windows PasswordSafe password manager. https://pwsafe.org Rony Shapiro ", "path": "./salix/system/passwordsafe-1.15.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8324 K", "ver": "20180624", "name": "ttf-crosscorefonts", "descs": "ttf-crosscorefonts (Chrome OS core fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-crosscorefonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2081 K", "descl": "Google has created a set of fonts for its ChromeOS Operating system. Home page: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-crosscorefonts-20180624-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "hexec", "descs": "hexec (hook into exec calls)", "source": "source/salix/system/hexec", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "hexec can be used to hook into exec system calls. It evaluates a user defined expression against all hooked exec calls. This expression can contain simple path checks (e.g. -path '*/name') and even complex bash scripts.", "path": "./salix/system/hexec-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "cbmfs", "descs": "cbmfs (A fuse filesystem for Commodore disk images)", "source": "source/salix/system/cbmfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "cbmfs can mount your 8-bit Commodore disk images into your local filesystem. Currently d64, d71, d81, d80, d82 images are supported in read and write mode. cbmfs tries to resemble the commodore filetype by setting some unix access permissions. If you change the file permissions on unix with chmod you can alter the commodore file type.", "path": "./salix/system/cbmfs-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "2.4.2", "name": "kc", "descs": "kc (console-based password management)", "source": "source/salix/system/kc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libbsd", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "A console based password storing application using an encrypted XML document as its database. Homepage: https://github.com/levaidaniel/kc", "path": "./salix/system/kc-2.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "864 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "hardinfo", "descs": "hardinfo (GTK+2 system information and benchmark tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/hardinfo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "216 K", "descl": "Hardinfo can gather information about your system's hardware and operating system, perform benchmarks, and generate printable reports either in HTML or in plain text formats. Homepage: http://hardinfo.berlios.de/HomePage", "path": "./salix/system/hardinfo-0.5.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.4.14", "name": "pcsc-perl", "descs": "pcsc-perl (Perl wrapper to pcsc-lite)", "source": "source/salix/system/pcsc-perl", "deps": ["pcsc-lite"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "pcsc-perl, Perl module that allows you to communicate with a smart card using PC/SC (in this case, pcsc-lite). More info at: http://ludovic.rousseau.free.fr/softwares/pcsc-perl/", "path": "./salix/system/pcsc-perl-1.4.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "2.12.0", "name": "qemu-guest-agent", "descs": "qemu-guest-agent (QEMU Guest Agent daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/qemu-guest-agent", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "QEMU Guest Agent (qemu-ga) is a daemon intended to be run within virtual machines. It allows the hypervisor host to perform various operations in the guest. Homepage: http://www.qemu-project.org/", "path": "./salix/system/qemu-guest-agent-2.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.15", "name": "convmv", "descs": "convmv (convert filenames to utf8 or any other charset)", "source": "source/salix/system/convmv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "convmv converts filenames (not file content), directories, and even whole filesystems to a different encoding. Though it's primary written to convert from/to UTF-8 it can also be used with almost any other charset encoding. Convmv can also be used for case conversion from upper to lower case and vice versa with virtually any charset. Homepage: http://www.j3e.de/linux/convmv/", "path": "./salix/system/convmv-1.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "54656 K", "ver": "2.60", "name": "ttf-ancient-fonts", "descs": "ttf-ancient-fonts (Unicode fonts for ancient scripts)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-ancient-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13664 K", "descl": "These are free unicode fonts for Aegean Scripts, other ancient scripts in the greater Aegean vicinity, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform, and Musical Symbols in the Unicode Standard. The TTF fonts in this package are hinted.", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-ancient-fonts-2.60-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "0.17", "name": "scanmem", "descs": "scanmem (a simple interactive debugging utility for linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/scanmem", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "scanmem is a debugging utility designed to isolate the address of an arbitrary variable in an executing process. scanmem requires libreadline to read commands interactively, and /proc must be mounted. homepage: http://taviso.decsystem.org/scanmem.html", "path": "./salix/system/scanmem-0.17-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.3.0", "name": "upass", "descs": "upass (Console UI for pass)", "source": "source/salix/system/upass", "deps": ["python-urwid", "pyperclip", "password-store"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "upass is the console user interface for pass. https://github.com/Kwpolska/upass", "path": "./salix/system/upass-0.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6492 K", "ver": "2.6.3", "name": "dar", "descs": "dar (Disk ARchive)", "source": "source/salix/system/dar", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "gpgme", "libassuan", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "librsync", "libunistring", "lzo", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1623 K", "descl": "dar is a shell command that backs up directory trees and files. It has been tested under Linux, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, MacOS X and several other systems. It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). dar also includes a programming API called libdar which makes it easy to program a gui interface. Homepage: http://dar.linux.free.fr/", "path": "./salix/system/dar-2.6.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "24716 K", "ver": "20141010", "name": "google-droid-fonts", "descs": "google-droid-fonts (font family from Google's Android project)", "source": "source/salix/system/google-droid-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6179 K", "descl": "The Droid typeface family was designed in the fall of 2006 by Ascender's Steve Matteson, as a commission from Google to create a set of system fonts for its Android platform. The goal was to provide optimal quality and comfort on a mobile handset when rendered in application menus, web browsers, and other screen text. Homepage: https://www.droidfonts.com/", "path": "./salix/system/google-droid-fonts-20141010-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.0.8", "name": "bcache-tools", "descs": "bcache-tools (Linux kernel block layer cache userspace utilities)", "source": "source/salix/system/bcache-tools", "deps": ["util-linux"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Bcache is a Linux kernel block layer cache. It allows one or more fast disk drives such as flash-based solid state drives (SSDs) to act as a cache for one or more slower hard disk drives.", "path": "./salix/system/bcache-tools-1.0.8-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3288 K", "ver": "20220220_991c55d9", "name": "pce", "descs": "pce (PC emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/pce", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "822 K", "descl": "PCE is a collection of microcomputer emulators. At the moment it contains three emulators. Homepage: http://www.hampa.ch/pce/about.html", "path": "./salix/system/pce-20220220_991c55d9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "zsh-syntax-highlighting", "descs": "zsh-syntax-highlighting (Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh)", "source": "source/salix/system/zsh-syntax-highlighting", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "Provides syntax highlighing for the shell zsh. It enables highlighing of commands whilst they are typed at a zsh prompt into an interactive terminal. This helps in reviewing commands before running them, particularly in catching syntax errors. Homepage: https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", "path": "./salix/system/zsh-syntax-highlighting-0.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "smem", "descs": "smem (memory reporting tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/smem", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "smem is a tool that can give numerous reports on memory usage on Linux systems. Unlike existing tools, smem can report proportional set size (PSS), which is a more meaningful representation of the amount of memory used by libraries and applications in a virtual memory system. Homepage: https://www.selenic.com/smem/", "path": "./salix/system/smem-1.5-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "596 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "udftools", "descs": "udftools (udf userspace utilites)", "source": "source/salix/system/udftools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "149 K", "descl": "Linux Universal Disk Format (UDF) userspace utilites. It has a homepage at https://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-udf/", "path": "./salix/system/udftools-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "19500 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "luckybackup", "descs": "luckybackup (backup tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/luckybackup", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4875 K", "descl": "luckybackup is a powerful, fast and, reliable backup & sync tool that relies on rsync. It is written and maintained by Loukas Avgeriou. The program has a graphical frontend as well as a commandline frontend. Homepage: http://luckybackup.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/luckybackup-0.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "4.2.0", "name": "caprice32", "descs": "caprice32 (CPC Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/caprice32", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "Caprice32 is a software emulator of the Amstrad CPC 8bit home computer series. The emulator faithfully imitates the CPC464, CPC664, and CPC6128 models. By recreating the operations of all hardware components at a low level, the emulator achieves a high degree of compatibility with original CPC software. These programs or games can be run unmodified at real-time or higher speeds, depending on the emulator host environment. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/caprice32/", "path": "./salix/system/caprice32-4.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "7796 K", "ver": "1.6.3", "name": "freeipmi", "descs": "freeipmi (system management)", "source": "source/salix/system/freeipmi", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1949 K", "descl": "Tools which provide in in-band and out-of-band system management via the IPMI v1.5/2.0 specification.", "path": "./salix/system/freeipmi-1.6.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "iotop", "descs": "iotop (top-like I/O monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/iotop", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "iotop is a Python program with a top-like UI used to show of behalf of which process is the I/O going on. Homepage: http://guichaz.free.fr/iotop/", "path": "./salix/system/iotop-0.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.1.3", "name": "kfc", "descs": "kfc (terminal-emulator color palette setter)", "source": "source/salix/system/kfc", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "kfc uses extended escape codes to set the 16-color ANSI palette in supported terminals. Over 300 palettes are included.", "path": "./salix/system/kfc-0.1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1152 K", "ver": "2.8.2", "name": "powerline-status", "descs": "powerline-status (The ultimate statusline/prompt utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/powerline-status", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "288 K", "descl": "Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome, i3 and Qtile. Homepage: https://github.com/powerline/powerline", "path": "./salix/system/powerline-status-2.8.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1084 K", "ver": "1.14.4", "name": "mandoc", "descs": "mandoc (UNIX manpage viewer)", "source": "source/salix/system/mandoc", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "271 K", "descl": "mandoc is a suite of tools containing mdoc, the roff macro package of choice for BSD manual pages, and man, the predominant historical package for UNIX manuals. It is small, ISO C, ISC-licensed, and quite fast. Homepage: http://mandoc.bsd.lv/", "path": "./salix/system/mandoc-1.14.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "vcp", "descs": "vcp (copy files via a curses interface)", "source": "source/salix/system/vcp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "vcp copies files and directories in a curses interface, with text only output available. its options and output are similar to BSD's cp while adding some new features. It provides information on: - files copied and left to copy - data written and total data size - data being written every second - two status bars, one showing current file status, the other total status (except with 1 file, both show current), and percentage", "path": "./salix/system/vcp-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "476 K", "ver": "0.79", "name": "fpm2", "descs": "fpm2 (Figaro's Password Manager 2)", "source": "source/salix/system/fpm2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "119 K", "descl": "Figaro's Password Manager 2 is a program that allows you to securely store passwords. It uses a GTK2 interface. Homepage: https://als.regnet.cz/fpm2/", "path": "./salix/system/fpm2-0.79-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "680 K", "ver": "", "name": "lilyterm", "descs": "lilyterm (A light and easy-to-use terminal emulator for X)", "source": "source/salix/system/lilyterm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "170 K", "descl": "LilyTerm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System, based on the libvte library, and aims to be fast and lightweight. Homepage: https://lilyterm.luna.com.tw/index.html", "path": "./salix/system/lilyterm-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "sbo-maintainer-tools", "descs": "sbo-maintainer-tools (sbolint and sbopkglint for SBo maintainers)", "source": "source/salix/system/sbo-maintainer-tools", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "These are 'lint' tools to make life easier for SlackBuilds.org maintainers and admins: sbolint: checks your SlackBuild, README, .info file, and slack-desc. Also there's a git pre-commit hook you should use, that automatically calls sbolint and stops you from committing bad code. sbopkglint: checks your package, after it's built.", "path": "./salix/system/sbo-maintainer-tools-0.5.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "wmgtemp", "descs": "wmgtemp (temperature monitoring dockapp)", "source": "source/salix/system/wmgtemp", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libdockapp", "libxcb", "lm_sensors"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "wmgtemp is a dock app for WindowMaker that graphically displays the CPU and SYS temperatures using the lm_sensors package.", "path": "./salix/system/wmgtemp-1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "rmw", "descs": "rmw (command line trash can/recycle bin)", "source": "source/salix/system/rmw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "rmw (ReMove to Waste) is a safe-remove utility for the command line. It can move and restore files to and from directories specified in a configuration file, and can also be integrated with your regular desktop trash folder (if your desktop environment uses the FreeDesktop.org Trash specification). One of the unique features of rmw is the ability to purge items from your waste (or trash) directories after x number of days. Homepage: https://remove-to-waste.info/", "path": "./salix/system/rmw-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1932 K", "ver": "20180225_2e302d6", "name": "macemu", "descs": "macemu (68k Macintosh Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/macemu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "483 K", "descl": "BasiliskII and SheepShaver are two Open Source 68k and PowerPC Macintosh emulators. They allow you to run 68k and PowerPC MacOS software on your computer, however you will still need a copy of MacOS and Macintosh ROM images to use them. homepage: https://basilisk.cebix.net https://sheepshaver.cebix.net", "path": "./salix/system/macemu-20180225_2e302d6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2128 K", "ver": "8.2102.0", "name": "rsyslog", "descs": "rsyslog (enhanced syslogd)", "source": "source/salix/system/rsyslog", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libestr", "libfastjson", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib", "libee"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "532 K", "descl": "Rsyslog is an enhanced syslogd supporting, among others, MySQL, PostgreSQL, failover log destinations, syslog/tcp, fine grain output format control, high precision timestamps, queued operations and the ability to filter on any message part. Its advanced features make it suitable for enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay chains while at the same time being very easy to setup for the novice user. Homepage: https://www.rsyslog.com/", "path": "./salix/system/rsyslog-8.2102.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.1.104", "name": "squashfuse", "descs": "squashfuse (FUSE filesystem to mount squashfs archives)", "source": "source/salix/system/squashfuse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "fuse3", "lz4", "lzo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Squashfuse lets you mount SquashFS archives in user-space. It supports almost all features of the SquashFS format, yet is still fast and memory-efficient. So that everyone can use it, squashfuse supports many different operating systems and is available under a permissing license. Homepage: https://github.com/vasi/squashfuse", "path": "./salix/system/squashfuse-0.1.104-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "3.2.5", "name": "image-analyzer", "descs": "image-analyzer (analyzer of disc images)", "source": "source/salix/system/image-analyzer", "deps": ["libmirage", "cairocffi", "python3-matplotlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "Image Analyzer is a simple Gtk+ application that displays tree structure of disc image created by libMirage. It is mostly intended as a demonstration of libMirage API use, although it can be also used to verify that an image is correctly handled by libMirage. Homepage: http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/about/analyzer/", "path": "./salix/system/image-analyzer-3.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "hungrycat", "descs": "hungrycat ('cat' and 'rm' in a single tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/hungrycat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "hungrycat is a tool that prints contents of a file on the standard output, while simultaneously freeing disk space occupied by the file. It can be useful if you need to process a large file, but you don't have enough space to store the output file and you wouldn't need the input file afterwards.", "path": "./salix/system/hungrycat-0.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1836 K", "ver": "", "name": "xarchiver", "descs": "xarchiver (A GTK+2 only Archive Manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/xarchiver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "459 K", "descl": "Xarchiver is a Desktop Environment independent archiver frontend. All common archive types are supported. RPM and DEB packages are handled without their package managers. To run it you only need GTK+2 libraries and obviously the various rar, arj and 7z for these archive types. Homepage: http://xarchiver.sourceforge.net/ Updated source: https://github.com/ib/xarchiver", "path": "./salix/system/xarchiver-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "236 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "zarfy", "descs": "zarfy (gui to libxrandr)", "source": "source/salix/system/zarfy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "gdk-pixbuf2-xlib", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "59 K", "descl": "zarfy is a gui to libxrandr. It presents the user with a visual representaion of active displays on an interactive map of the screen memory. It features free positioning, configuration saving, scripting for R&R, and an alternate gui for switching monitors.", "path": "./salix/system/zarfy-0.1.0-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "19004 K", "ver": "0.13.1", "name": "restic", "descs": "restic (Modern backup program to backup your files)", "source": "source/salix/system/restic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4751 K", "descl": "restic is a backup program that is fast, efficient and secure. It supports the three major operating systems (Linux, macOS, Windows) and a few smaller ones (FreeBSD, OpenBSD). Home-Page: https://restic.net/", "path": "./salix/system/restic-0.13.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "97512 K", "ver": "4.3.0", "name": "crashplan", "descs": "crashplan (on and off-site backup)", "source": "source/salix/system/crashplan", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "24378 K", "descl": "CrashPlan is a backup software product that backs up personal files once a day. Free onsite backup, allowing you to back up to other computers and attached external hard drives. Free offsite backup when you back up to computers belonging to people you know, like friends and family. Paid cloud-storage backup; the free version of CrashPlan does not back up to their cloud storage. Home: http://www.crashplan.com", "path": "./salix/system/crashplan-4.3.0-x86_64-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "x86_64"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "0.2.5", "name": "vmfs-tools", "descs": "vmfs-tools (tools to access vmware VMFS)", "source": "source/salix/system/vmfs-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "This set of tools allows to access VMFS through the standard Linux VFS with the help of the FUSE framework. This project is still 'work in progress'. Authors: Christophe Fillot and Mike Hommey.", "path": "./salix/system/vmfs-tools-0.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1824 K", "ver": "0.86", "name": "xnp2", "descs": "xnp2 (X Neko Project II, a PC-9801 emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/xnp2", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_mixer", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmad", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "456 K", "descl": "a port for UNIX with X11 of 'Neko Project II' PC-9801 emulator Homepage: http://www.nonakap.org/np2/", "path": "./salix/system/xnp2-0.86-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "v02", "name": "trrntzip", "descs": "trrntzip (a replacement for MameZip)", "source": "source/salix/system/trrntzip", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "The goal of the program is to use standard values when creating zips to create identical files over multiple systems. https://sourceforge.net/projects/trrntzip/", "path": "./salix/system/trrntzip-v02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "968 K", "ver": "20160713_7e679db", "name": "qps", "descs": "qps (qt process viewer)", "source": "source/salix/system/qps", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "dbus", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "242 K", "descl": "qps is a monitor that displays the status of the processes currently in existence, much like top(1) or ps(1). The user interface uses the Qt toolkit, and most operations should be fairly intuitive. homepage: https://github.com/QtDesktop/qps", "path": "./salix/system/qps-20160713_7e679db-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1480 K", "ver": "3.94", "name": "upx", "descs": "upx (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables)", "source": "source/salix/system/upx", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "ucl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "370 K", "descl": "UPX achieves an excellent compression ratio and offers very fast decompression. Your executables suffer no memory overhead or other drawbacks for most of the formats supported, because of in-place decompression. Homepage: https://upx.github.io/", "path": "./salix/system/upx-3.94-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3128 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "Solaar", "descs": "Solaar (Linux device manager for Logitech's Unifying Receiver periphs)", "source": "source/salix/system/Solaar", "deps": ["pyudev"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "782 K", "descl": "Solaar is a Linux device manager for Logitech's Unifying Receiver peripherals. It is able to pair/unpair devices to the receiver, and for most devices read battery status. It comes in two flavors, command-line and GUI. Both are able to list the devices paired to a Unifying Receiver, show detailed info for each device, and alos pair/unpair supported devices with the receiver. Homepage: https://pwr-solaar.github.io/Solaar/", "path": "./salix/system/Solaar-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "archivemount", "descs": "archivemount (mounts an archive for access as a file system)", "source": "source/salix/system/archivemount", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "libarchive", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "archivemount is a FUSE based file system. Its purpose is to mount an archive on a mount point where it can be read from or written to as with any other file system. This makes accessing the contents of the archive, which may be compressed, transparent to other programs, without decompressing them. Supported archive formats: tar, pax, cpio, iso9660 (CD-ROM) images, zip, shar. Other archive types such as rar and 7z may also work.", "path": "./salix/system/archivemount-0.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "392 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "courier-screenplay", "descs": "courier-screenplay (a courier font)", "source": "source/salix/system/courier-screenplay", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "98 K", "descl": "A Courier font that is strong, well-balanced for reading, and excellent for printed and PDF scripts.", "path": "./salix/system/courier-screenplay-1.0-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "socketcand", "descs": "socketcand (CAN Interfaces Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/socketcand", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Socketcand is a daemon that provides access to CAN interfaces on a machine via a network interface. The communication protocol uses a TCP/IP connection and a specific protocol to transfer CAN frames and control commands. The protocol specification can be found in ./doc/protocol.md.", "path": "./salix/system/socketcand-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "", "name": "s6-rc", "descs": "s6-rc (service manager for s6-based systems)", "source": "source/salix/system/s6-rc", "deps": ["s6"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "s6-rc is a service manager for s6-based systems, i.e. a suite of programs that can start and stop services, both long-running daemons and one-time initialization scripts, in the proper order according to a dependency tree. It ensures that long-running daemons are supervised by the s6 infrastructure, and that one-time scripts are also run in a controlled environment. Homepage: https://skarnet.org/software/s6-rc/", "path": "./salix/system/s6-rc-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2284 K", "ver": "4.4.2", "name": "bleachbit", "descs": "bleachbit (system cleaner)", "source": "source/salix/system/bleachbit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "571 K", "descl": "BleachBit frees disk space and maintains privacy. Cleans cache, Internet history, temporary files, logs, cookies, Firefox, Google Chrome, Flash, Windows, Linux, and more. Homepage: https://www.bleachbit.org/", "path": "./salix/system/bleachbit-4.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "2.3.4", "name": "jpnevulator", "descs": "jpnevulator (serial sniffer)", "source": "source/salix/system/jpnevulator", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "What once started as a Jackpot Navigator emulator (hence the strange name) is now a nice serial sniffer and you can use it to send data on a serial line too. It's sort of like a very simple terminal emulator, like picocom. But jpnevulator uses hexadecimal byte values to display and send along the line. Very handy indeed if you are working a lot with serial protocols.", "path": "./salix/system/jpnevulator-2.3.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "8.95", "name": "alien", "descs": "alien (converting program)", "source": "source/salix/system/alien", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "Alien is a program that converts between the rpm, dpkg, stampede slp, and slackware tgz file formats. If you want to use a package from another distribution than the one you have installed on your system, you can use alien to convert it to your preferred package format and install it. Homepage: http://joeyh.name/code/alien/", "path": "./salix/system/alien-8.95-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "138724 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "intelmas", "descs": "intelmas (Intel Memory And Storage Tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/intelmas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34681 K", "descl": "The intelmas is a proprietary command-line tool to manage Intel SSDs and Optane memory devices. It provides firmware update capability as well as reading and setting many configuration settings. Homepage: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/30379", "path": "./salix/system/intelmas-1.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "820 K", "ver": "0.5.4", "name": "mrxvt", "descs": "mrxvt (mrxvt terminal emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/mrxvt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXpm", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "utempter", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "205 K", "descl": "Mrxvt (previously named materm) is a lightweight, powerful multi-tabbed terminal emulator for the X window system. mrxvt is based on rxvt version 2.7.11 CVS and aterm. It implements many useful features seen in some modern X terminal emulators (like gnome-terminal and konsole) but aims to be fast, lightweight and independent of standard toolkits or desktop environments (e.g. Gnome / KDE).", "path": "./salix/system/mrxvt-0.5.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "752 K", "ver": "0.2.6", "name": "libnatspec", "descs": "libnatspec (Library for national and language-specific issues)", "source": "source/salix/system/libnatspec", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "popt"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "188 K", "descl": "This library provides userful functions for mount, submount, mkisofs multimedia players. This library try to help resolve charset hell (encoding problem) in a various programs depends on locale and messages. See detailed description at http://sourceforge.net/projects/natspec", "path": "./salix/system/libnatspec-0.2.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "20131105", "name": "jshon", "descs": "jshon (a fast JSON parser)", "source": "source/salix/system/jshon", "deps": ["jansson"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "jshon parses, reads and creates JSON. It is designed to be as usable as possible from within the shell.", "path": "./salix/system/jshon-20131105-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "magiic", "descs": "magiic (Simple frontend for Slackpkg)", "source": "source/salix/system/magiic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "magiic is a simple frontend for slackpkg, written in dialog. Homepage: https://github.com/slackjeff/magiic", "path": "./salix/system/magiic-0.3.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4904 K", "ver": "2.4.5", "name": "corosync", "descs": "corosync (Cluster Engine)", "source": "source/salix/system/corosync", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "icu4c", "libqb", "mozilla-nss", "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1226 K", "descl": "The Corosync Cluster Engine is a Group Communication System with additional features for implementing high availability within applications. You might also want to install corosync, pacemaker, resource-agents, crmsh, fence-agents and eventually cluster-glue.", "path": "./salix/system/corosync-2.4.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "552 K", "ver": "6.5.0", "name": "multitail", "descs": "multitail (follows files in style, it is tail on steroids)", "source": "source/salix/system/multitail", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "138 K", "descl": "MultiTail lets you view one or multiple files like the original tail program. The difference is that it creates multiple windows on your console (with ncurses). http://www.vanheusden.com/multitail/", "path": "./salix/system/multitail-6.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1428 K", "ver": "7.6", "name": "logwatch", "descs": "logwatch (a customizable log analysis system)", "source": "source/salix/system/logwatch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "357 K", "descl": "Logwatch parses through your system's logs for a given period of time and creates a report analyzing areas that you specify, in as much detail as you require. Logwatch is easy to use and will work right out of the package on most systems. Project home: http://www.logwatch.org/", "path": "./salix/system/logwatch-7.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "0.0.8", "name": "consolation", "descs": "consolation (copy-paste for the Linux console)", "source": "source/salix/system/consolation", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libevdev", "libgudev", "libinput", "libwacom", "mtdev"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "Consolation is a daemon to provide copy-paste and scrolling support to the Linux console. It is based on the libinput library and supports all pointer devices and settings provided by this library. Similar software include gpm and jamd. Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/consolation-team/consolation/", "path": "./salix/system/consolation-0.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "40684 K", "ver": "1.840", "name": "usermin", "descs": "usermin (web-based interface for system administration)", "source": "source/salix/system/usermin", "deps": ["webmin"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10171 K", "descl": "Usermin is a web-based interface for webmail, password changing, mail filters, fetchmail and much more. It is designed for use by regular non-root users on a Unix system, and limits them to tasks that they would be able to perform if logged in via SSH or at the console. Homepage: http://www.webmin.com/usermin.html", "path": "./salix/system/usermin-1.840-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "592 K", "ver": "0.10", "name": "porg", "descs": "porg (package manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/porg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "atkmm", "brotli", "cairo", "cairomm", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glibmm", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "gtkmm3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pangomm", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "148 K", "descl": "Porg (formerly known as paco), is a program to aid management of software packages installed from source code. http://porg.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/porg-0.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "binfmt-support", "descs": "binfmt-support (script to register interpreters with binfmt_misc)", "source": "source/salix/system/binfmt-support", "deps": ["man-db"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "binfmt-support provides an update-binfmts script with which package maintainers can register interpreters to be used with this module without having to worry about writing their own init.d scripts, and which sysadmins can use for a slightly higher-level interface to this module. https://gitlab.com/cjwatson/binfmt-support", "path": "./salix/system/binfmt-support-2.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12896 K", "ver": "4.1.0", "name": "openmpi", "descs": "openmpi (an open source MPI-2 implementation)", "source": "source/salix/system/openmpi", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "libevent", "libnl3", "libpciaccess", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "3224 K", "descl": "The Open MPI Project is an open source MPI-2 implementation that is developed and maintained by a consortium of academic, research, and industry partners.", "path": "./salix/system/openmpi-4.1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.7.5", "name": "daemonize", "descs": "daemonize (run a program as a daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/daemonize", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "daemonize allows you to run a program as a Unix daemon. Homepage: http://software.clapper.org/daemonize/", "path": "./salix/system/daemonize-1.7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "1.2.5", "name": "termenu", "descs": "termenu (Interactive in-line menus for Unix-based terminals)", "source": "source/salix/system/termenu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Termenu is a command line utility and Python library for displaying console based interactive menus. Homepage: https://github.com/gooli/termenu", "path": "./salix/system/termenu-1.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16772 K", "ver": "1.00.39", "name": "samsung-mfp-drivers", "descs": "samsung-mfp-drivers (Samsung Multifunction Printer Drivers)", "source": "source/salix/system/samsung-mfp-drivers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4193 K", "descl": "The samsung-mfp-drivers package contains a set of drivers for various Samsung printers and multifunction devices. Given that the maintainer of this build script only possesses a Samsung ML-2955ND laser printer, and a confirmed test has been reported otherwise only with an M2825ND, results may vary with other devices (and fixes for those are certainly welcome). Homepage: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/", "path": "./salix/system/samsung-mfp-drivers-1.00.39-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.2.1", "name": "flexbackup", "descs": "flexbackup (a flexible backup tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/flexbackup", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "A perl script that uses dump, afio, GNU tar, cpio, star, pax, or zip archivers to make backing up easy. http://flexbackup.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/flexbackup-1.2.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "1.4.3", "name": "fuse-emulator-utils", "descs": "fuse-emulator-utils (The Fuse emulator utilities)", "source": "source/salix/system/fuse-emulator-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "audiofile", "flac", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "libspectrum", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "The Fuse utilities are a few tools which may be of occasional use when dealing with ZX Spectrum emulator files. They were originally distributed with Fuse, the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator, but are now independent of Fuse and can be used on their own. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/fuse-emulator", "path": "./salix/system/fuse-emulator-utils-1.4.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "ccd2iso", "descs": "ccd2iso (CloneCD to ISO converter)", "source": "source/salix/system/ccd2iso", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "ccd2iso converts CD backup files created using the non-free CloneCD program to a format understood by most Free Software CD writing programs.", "path": "./salix/system/ccd2iso-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1080 K", "ver": "4.4.6", "name": "samhain", "descs": "samhain (host-based intrusion detection system)", "source": "source/salix/system/samhain", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], "audit", "libcap-ng", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "270 K", "descl": "The Samhain open source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) provides file integrity checking and logfile monitoring/analysis, as well as rootkit detection, port monitoring, detection of rogue SUID executables, and hidden processes. It has been designed to monitor multiple hosts with potentially different operating systems, providing centralized logging and maintenance, although it can also be used as a standalone application on a single host. Homepage: http://www.la-samhna.de/", "path": "./salix/system/samhain-4.4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4012 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "slack-osquery", "descs": "slack-osquery (osquery extensions for slackware)", "source": "source/salix/system/slack-osquery", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1003 K", "descl": "osquery extensions for slackware https://github.com/aclemons/slack-osquery", "path": "./salix/system/slack-osquery-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "aterm", "descs": "aterm (Terminal emulator with nice visual effects)", "source": "source/salix/system/aterm", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "aterm is designed to provide pleasing visual effects while performing such a mundane function as terminal emulation under X. It is largely based on rxvt code. Several points set it apart from similar apps: * fast pseudo-transparency * optional off-focus fading of text * NeXT-ish scrollbar", "path": "./salix/system/aterm-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "412 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "libcloudproviders", "descs": "libcloudproviders (DBus API for cloud sync clients)", "source": "source/salix/system/libcloudproviders", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "103 K", "descl": "libcloudproviders is a DBus API that allows cloud storage sync clients to expose their services.", "path": "./salix/system/libcloudproviders-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2022.01.02", "name": "android-udev-rules", "descs": "android-udev-rules (udev rules and permissions for adb and fastboot)", "source": "source/salix/system/android-udev-rules", "deps": ["android-tools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "This package sets the requiered udev rules to the system in order to use fastboot and adb on android device with proper permissions. https://github.com/M0Rf30/android-udev-rules", "path": "./salix/system/android-udev-rules-2022.01.02-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1067320 K", "ver": "4.0", "name": "unigine-heaven-benchmark", "descs": "unigine-heaven-benchmark (benchmark software)", "source": "source/salix/system/unigine-heaven-benchmark", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "266830 K", "descl": "Heaven Benchmark is a GPU-intensive benchmark that hammers graphics cards to the limits. This powerful tool can be effectively used to determine the stability of a GPU under extremely stressful conditions, as well as check the cooling system's potential under maximum heat output.", "path": "./salix/system/unigine-heaven-benchmark-4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "slackchlog", "descs": "slackchlog (Slackware's ChangeLog viewer)", "source": "source/salix/system/slackchlog", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "slackchlog is Slackware's ChangeLog viewer written in BASH. It allows to download and view the remote ChangeLog file and also to generate RSS feed suitable for RSS feed readers. Using command line arguments, it's possible to specify the architecture, release and mirror for the ChangeLog file in question. Homepage: http://www.telszewski.net/software/src/slackchlog/", "path": "./salix/system/slackchlog-0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "320 K", "ver": "265", "name": "nss_ldap", "descs": "nss_ldap (reference implementation of RFC 2307)", "source": "source/salix/system/nss_ldap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "CVSTools"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "80 K", "descl": "The nss_ldap module provides the means for Solaris and Linux workstations to user, host, group, etc., information from LDAP diretories. The module is the reference implementation of RFC 2307, and has been studied by vendors such as Sun (who developed the original Name Service Switch interface). Homepage: https://www.padl.com/OSS/nss_ldap.html", "path": "./salix/system/nss_ldap-265-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "10432 K", "ver": "7.6.1", "name": "I-Nex", "descs": "I-Nex (System information tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/I-Nex", "deps": ["gambas3", "libcpuid"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "2608 K", "descl": "I-Nex is an application that gathers information for hardware components available on your system and displays it using an user interface similar to the popular Windows tool CPU-Z. Homepage: http://i-nex.linux.pl", "path": "./salix/system/I-Nex-7.6.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "828 K", "ver": "4.5.2", "name": "fence-agents", "descs": "fence-agents (Cluster Fence Agents)", "source": "source/salix/system/fence-agents", "deps": ["pexpect", "ptyprocess"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "207 K", "descl": "Fence agents were developed as device 'drivers' which are able to prevent computers from destroying data on shared storage. Their aim is to isolate a corrupted computer, using one of three methods: Power / Network / Configuration. You might also want to install cluster-glue, heartbeat, resource-agents, fence-agents.", "path": "./salix/system/fence-agents-4.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "1.16", "name": "conspy", "descs": "conspy (take control of a virtual console)", "source": "source/salix/system/conspy", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Conspy allows the user to take control of a Linux virtual console. The user can see what is displayed on the console and their keystrokes are sent to it.", "path": "./salix/system/conspy-1.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3828 K", "ver": "1.8.7", "name": "ocfs2-tools", "descs": "ocfs2-tools (OCFS2 tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/ocfs2-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "corosync", "dlm", "e2fsprogs", "libqb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "957 K", "descl": "These are tools for the OCFS2 filesystem. Homepage: https://github.com/markfasheh/ocfs2-tools", "path": "./salix/system/ocfs2-tools-1.8.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1212 K", "ver": "0.9.10", "name": "smbldap-tools", "descs": "smbldap-tools (LDAP user/group management tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/smbldap-tools", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "303 K", "descl": "smbldap-tools is a set of perl scripts designed to manage user and group accounts stored in an LDAP directory. They can be used both by users and administrators of Linux systems.", "path": "./salix/system/smbldap-tools-0.9.10-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3144 K", "ver": "1.3.12", "name": "fwupd", "descs": "fwupd (daemon to allow session software to update firmware)", "source": "source/salix/system/fwupd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "efivar", "elogind", "gcab", "glib2", "gnutls", "gpgme", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libarchive", "libassuan", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libgusb", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxmlb", "lz4", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "polkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "786 K", "descl": "A simple daemon to allow session software to update firmware. This project aims to make updating firmware on Linux automatic, safe and reliable. Additional information is available at the website: https://www.fwupd.org", "path": "./salix/system/fwupd-1.3.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.18.7", "name": "etckeeper", "descs": "etckeeper (version control for /etc)", "source": "source/salix/system/etckeeper", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "etckeeper is a collection of tools to let /etc be stored in a git, mercurial, darcs, or bzr repository. It tracks file metadata that revison control systems do not normally support, but that is important for /etc, such as the permissions of /etc/shadow. It's quite modular and configurable, while also being simple to use if you understand the basics of working with revision control. homepage: http://etckeeper.branchable.com/", "path": "./salix/system/etckeeper-1.18.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1264 K", "ver": "4.3.1", "name": "redis-py", "descs": "redis-py (Redis Python Client)", "source": "source/salix/system/redis-py", "deps": ["redis"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "316 K", "descl": "The Python interface to the Redis key-value store. Homepage: https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py", "path": "./salix/system/redis-py-4.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.40", "name": "pev", "descs": "pev (PE file analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/system/pev", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "pev is a command-line tool for PE (Windows executables) analysis. Website: http://pev.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/pev-0.40-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "148 K", "ver": "20180827", "name": "nano-syntax-highlighting", "descs": "nano-syntax-highlighting (Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files)", "source": "source/salix/system/nano-syntax-highlighting", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "37 K", "descl": "This repository holds {lang}.nanorc files that have improved definitions of syntax highlighting for various languages. Home page: https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc", "path": "./salix/system/nano-syntax-highlighting-20180827-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1208 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "sboui", "descs": "sboui (ncurses SBo package management tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/sboui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libconfig"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "302 K", "descl": "sboui is a package management tool for SlackBuilds.org (SBo). It features an ncurses user interface that combines the user-friendliness typically found in a GUI with the efficiency, light weight, and portability of a text interface. It can function as a stand-alone package manager or serve as a front-end to sbopkg, sbotools, or custom package managers. homepage: https://github.com/montagdude/sboui", "path": "./salix/system/sboui-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "fountain", "descs": "fountain (pipe standard input to multiple processes)", "source": "source/salix/system/fountain", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Fountain take a single input stream and write it to multiple output streams. This is similar to tee(1), except tee writes data to files; fountain runs commands and pipes data to them.", "path": "./salix/system/fountain-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.1.7e", "name": "daa2iso", "descs": "daa2iso (converts DAA and GBI images to the ISO)", "source": "source/salix/system/daa2iso", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "A command-line tool for converting DAA and GBI images to the ISO format. See file daa2iso.txt for more documentation. Released under the GNU GPL license. Homepage: http://aluigi.org/mytoolz.htm#daa2iso", "path": "./salix/system/daa2iso-0.1.7e-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3160 K", "ver": "0.75_pre4474", "name": "dosbox-dev", "descs": "dosbox-dev (DOS emulator/virtual machine for X11 and Unix)", "source": "source/salix/system/dosbox-dev", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "flac", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "sdl", "speex", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "790 K", "descl": "It allows you to play many of the old games you grew up loving, as well as many apps designed to run on DOS. This is the latest-or-almost development version, hence it is not labeled stable by upstream.", "path": "./salix/system/dosbox-dev-0.75_pre4474-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "876 K", "ver": "2.4.9", "name": "thermald", "descs": "thermald (Linux Thermal Daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/thermald", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "libevdev", "libxml2", "upower", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "219 K", "descl": "Thermald is a Linux daemon used to prevent system overheating. This daemon monitors temperature and applies compensation using available cooling methods. Project URL: https://github.com/intel/thermal_daemon", "path": "./salix/system/thermald-2.4.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "pause", "descs": "pause (don't exit, efficiently)", "source": "source/salix/system/pause", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "pause waits to be terminated by a signal. It can be used when service supervision is used but there is no long-running program to supervise. pause uses minimal system resources. https://gitlab.com/chrisabela/pause", "path": "./salix/system/pause-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "lsyncd", "descs": "lsyncd (live syncing daemon - syncs local dirs wth remote targets)", "source": "source/salix/system/lsyncd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "lua53"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "Lsyncd watches a local directory trees event monitor interface (inotify). It aggregates and combines events for a few seconds and then spawns one (or more) process(es) to synchronize the changes. By default this is rsync. Lsyncd is thus a lightweight live mirror solution that is comparatively easy to install not requiring new filesystems or blockdevices and does not hamper local filesystem performance.", "path": "./salix/system/lsyncd-2.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3100 K", "ver": "1.14.0", "name": "hyperfine", "descs": "hyperfine (command-line benchmarking tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/hyperfine", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "775 K", "descl": "hyperfine is a command-line benchmarking tool that supports statistical analysis, warmup runs, formatted output and more. Author: David Peter Homepage: https://github.com/sharkdp/hyperfine", "path": "./salix/system/hyperfine-1.14.0-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "uhubctl", "descs": "uhubctl (control the power of compatible USB hubs)", "source": "source/salix/system/uhubctl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "uhuctl is a utility to control USB power per-por on smart USB hubs. Smart hub is defined as one that implements per-port power switching. Original idea for this code was inspired by hub-ctrl.c by Niibe Yutaka: http://www.gniibe.org/development/ac-power-control-by-USB-hub", "path": "./salix/system/uhubctl-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "9476 K", "ver": "2.33.1", "name": "newLd", "descs": "newLd (new ld linker)", "source": "source/salix/system/newLd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2369 K", "descl": "New version of the ld linker. It have some newer features, some bug repaired and some else added. It is necessary to link programs with libqb.", "path": "./salix/system/newLd-2.33.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "tamsyn-font", "descs": "tamsyn-font (A monospace bitmap font designed for programmers)", "source": "source/salix/system/tamsyn-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "Unlike most other monospace fonts, the arithmetic operators are centered half-height, the braces and brackets are aligned in the middle and zero and big o as well as one, lowercase L and uppercase i are easily distinguishable. This package contains versions for X11 and the Linux framebuffer. Tamsyn was designed by Scott Fial. Homepage: http://www.fial.com/~scott/tamsyn-font/", "path": "./salix/system/tamsyn-font-1.11-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "132 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "colord-gtk", "descs": "colord-gtk (GTK integration for libcolord)", "source": "source/salix/system/colord-gtk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "colord", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "33 K", "descl": "colord-gtk is the GTK+ support library for colord. http://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord/", "path": "./salix/system/colord-gtk-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "lbrate", "descs": "lbrate (extract CP/M LBR archives)", "source": "source/salix/system/lbrate", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "lbrate extracts/decompresses files from CP/M LBR format. (It can also list and test such archives.) It does this in an 'unzip'-like manner, mostly hiding the details of individually compressed and renamed files, and transparently deals with required decompression/renaming. lbrate supports all three CP/M compression schemes (Q, Z, Y) and treats them as single entry LBR archives. Website: http://www.svgalib.org/rus/lbrate.html", "path": "./salix/system/lbrate-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "0.9.23", "name": "pmount", "descs": "pmount (mount removable devices as normal user)", "source": "source/salix/system/pmount", "deps": ["util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "pmount is a wrapper around the standard mount program which permits normal users to mount removable devices without a matching entry in /etc/fstab. Homepage: https://alioth-archive.debian.org/releases/pmount/pmount/", "path": "./salix/system/pmount-0.9.23-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "2.35", "name": "profile-cleaner", "descs": "profile-cleaner (SQLite vacuuming and re-indexing)", "source": "source/salix/system/profile-cleaner", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "Use profile-cleaner to reduce the size of browser profiles by organizing their sqlite databases using sqlite3's vacuum and reindex functions. The term 'browser' is used loosely since profile-cleaner happily works on some email clients and newsreaders too. Homepage: https://github.com/graysky2/profile-cleaner/", "path": "./salix/system/profile-cleaner-2.35-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2424 K", "ver": "3.6.0", "name": "ossec-local", "descs": "ossec-local (Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System)", "source": "source/salix/system/ossec-local", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "606 K", "descl": "OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. Homepage: https://ossec.github.io/", "path": "./salix/system/ossec-local-3.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2752 K", "ver": "3.0.2", "name": "facter", "descs": "facter (executable and ruby module for collecting OS information)", "source": "source/salix/system/facter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib", "yaml-cpp"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "688 K", "descl": "Facter is a lightweight program that gathers basic node information about the hardware and operating system. Facter is especially useful for retrieving things like operating system names, hardware characteristics, IP addresses, MAC addresses, and SSH keys. Homepage: https://puppetlabs.com/facter/", "path": "./salix/system/facter-3.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "660 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "cdw", "descs": "cdw (ncurses front-end for command-line media burning tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/cdw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libburn", "libcdio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "165 K", "descl": "cdw is a front-end for command-line tools used for burning data CD and DVD discs and for related tasks. You can also use cdw to rip tracks from your audio CD to raw audio files. Limited support for copying content of CD and DVD discs to image files is also provided. cdw can utilize md5sum program to verify correctness of writing ISO image to CD and DVD disc. Homepage: http://cdw.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/cdw-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "3.1", "name": "picocom", "descs": "picocom (minimal dumb-terminal emulation)", "source": "source/salix/system/picocom", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "As its name suggests, picocom is a minimal dumb-terminal emulation program. It is, in principle, very much like minicom, only it's pico instead of mini!", "path": "./salix/system/picocom-3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.39.2", "name": "iscan-data", "descs": "iscan-data (EPSON Image Scan! data files)", "source": "source/salix/system/iscan-data", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "This package contains EPSON Image Scan! data files which are required for using certain EPSON all-in-one devices. homepage: http://epson.net", "path": "./salix/system/iscan-data-1.39.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "460 K", "ver": "1.0.9", "name": "stressapptest", "descs": "stressapptest (hardware stress test)", "source": "source/salix/system/stressapptest", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "115 K", "descl": "Stressful Application Test (or stressapptest, its unix name) is a memory interface test. It tries to maximize randomized traffic to memory from processor and I/O, with the intent of creating a realistic high load situation in order to test the existing hardware devices in a computer. It has been used at Google for some time and now it is available under the Apache 2.0 license.", "path": "./salix/system/stressapptest-1.0.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "228 K", "ver": "0.12.0", "name": "usbredir", "descs": "usbredir (usb redirection protocol)", "source": "source/salix/system/usbredir", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "57 K", "descl": "usbredir is a protocol for redirection USB traffic from a single USB device, to a different (virtual) machine then the one to which the USB device is attached. This package contains usbredirparser, usbredirhost and usbredirserver. homepage: https://www.spice-space.org", "path": "./salix/system/usbredir-0.12.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.21", "name": "iotop-c", "descs": "iotop-c (input/output top)", "source": "source/salix/system/iotop-c", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "iotop identifies processes that use high amount of input/output requests on your machine. It is similar to the well known top utility, but instead of showing you what consumes CPU the most, it lists processes by their IO usage. Inspired by iotop Python script from Guillaume Chazarain, rewritten in C by Vyacheslav Trushkin and improved by Boian Bonev so it runs without Python at all. homepage: https://github.com/Tomas-M/iotop", "path": "./salix/system/iotop-c-1.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3928 K", "ver": "1.4.43", "name": "tokyocabinet", "descs": "tokyocabinet (Key-Value Store)", "source": "source/salix/system/tokyocabinet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "982 K", "descl": "Tokyo Cabinet is a fast and efficient key/value database. It provides schema-less storage through hash tables, B-tree tables and fixed-length arrays. http://1978th.net/tokyocabinet/", "path": "./salix/system/tokyocabinet-1.4.43-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "vinterm", "descs": "vinterm (terminal emulator that simulates 1980s CRT appearance)", "source": "source/salix/system/vinterm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libao", "libconfig", "libxcb", "sdl"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "Use a terminal in style, like in the good old days! Vintage Terminal is a terminal emulator that simulates the looks of a 1980s monitor.", "path": "./salix/system/vinterm-0.5.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1384 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "nbench", "descs": "nbench (BYTE's Native Mode Benchmarks)", "source": "source/salix/system/nbench", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "346 K", "descl": "These are Native Mode (a.k.a. Algorithm Level) tests; benchmarks designed to expose the capabilities of a system's CPU, FPU, and memory system.", "path": "./salix/system/nbench-2.2.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "796 K", "ver": "0.4.5b_2011_02_20", "name": "grub4dos", "descs": "grub4dos (boot loader)", "source": "source/salix/system/grub4dos", "deps": ["p7zip"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "199 K", "descl": "GRUB4DOS is a universal boot loader based on GNU GRUB, with bugfixes and new features such as built-in BIOS disk emulation, ATAPI CDROM driver, and Chinese support. It can be loaded from DOS/LINUX, via Windows boot manager/syslinux/lilo, or from MBR/CD. https://github.com/chenall/grub4dos", "path": "./salix/system/grub4dos-0.4.5b_2011_02_20-i386-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i386"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "20200503_60b0aec", "name": "xpipe", "descs": "xpipe (split input and feed it into the given utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/xpipe", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "The xpipe command reads input from stdin and splits it by the given number of bytes, lines, or if matching the given pattern. It then invokes the given utility repeatedly, feeding it the generated data chunks as input. You can think of it as a Unix love-child of the split(1), tee(1), and xargs(1) commands.", "path": "./salix/system/xpipe-20200503_60b0aec-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "508 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "gigolo", "descs": "gigolo (Remote filesystem manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/gigolo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "127 K", "descl": "Gigolo is a frontend to easily manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. It allows you to quickly connect/mount a remote filesystem and manage bookmarks of such. Homepage: https://www.uvena.de/gigolo/", "path": "./salix/system/gigolo-0.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "1.4.11", "name": "wmconfig", "descs": "wmconfig (window manager menu creator)", "source": "source/salix/system/wmconfig", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "Wmconfig is a free tool for creating menu entries for various X managers. It uses a very simple configuration, it's fast and small. A special toolkit (Gtk or Qt / KDE) is not required and the menu entries may be edited with the text editor of your choice. Homepage: https://www.arrishq.net/", "path": "./salix/system/wmconfig-1.4.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "2.0.1", "name": "conmon", "descs": "conmon (utility to run OCI-based containers)", "source": "source/salix/system/conmon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Conmon is a monitoring program and communication tool between a container manager (like podman or CRI-O) and an OCI runtime (like runc or crun) for a single container. Site: https://github.com/containers/conmon", "path": "./salix/system/conmon-2.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "710448 K", "ver": "20170830", "name": "google-fonts", "descs": "google-fonts (complete collection from Google Fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/google-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "177612 K", "descl": "This project contains the binary font files served by Google Fonts: https://fonts.google.com", "path": "./salix/system/google-fonts-20170830-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1852 K", "ver": "7.0", "name": "testdisk", "descs": "testdisk (data recovery software)", "source": "source/salix/system/testdisk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ntfs-3g", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "463 K", "descl": "TestDisk was primarily designed to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again when these symptoms are caused by faulty software, certain types of viruses or human error (such as accidentally deleting a Partition Table). PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost files including video, documents and archives from Hard Disks and CDRom and lost pictures from digital camera memory.", "path": "./salix/system/testdisk-7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "safecopy", "descs": "safecopy (data recovery tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/safecopy", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Safecopy is a data recovery tool which tries to extract as much data as possible from a problematic (i.e.damaged sectors) sources like floppy drives, hard disk partitions, CDs, tape devices etc. Program claims to be useful in situations where other tools like dd would fail due to I/O errors. Safecopy is released under GNU GPL v2 (or higher). Home Page: http://safecopy.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/safecopy-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "29872 K", "ver": "3.5", "name": "vice", "descs": "vice (Commodore 8-bit emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/vice", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_image", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "giflib", "glew", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libbsd", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnl3", "libogg", "libpcap", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mpg123", "opus", "pango", "pciutils", "pixman", "portaudio", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7468 K", "descl": "VICE is a program that runs on a modern machine and executes programs intended for the the C64, the C64DTV, the C128, the VIC20, practically all PET models, the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610/C510). An extra emulator is provided for C64 expanded with the CMD SuperCPU. Build options: SDL=2.0, PulseAudio=yes Homepage: http://vice-emu.sourceforge.io", "path": "./salix/system/vice-3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4712 K", "ver": "1.12", "name": "kegs", "descs": "kegs (Kent's Emulated GS)", "source": "source/salix/system/kegs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pulseaudio"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1178 K", "descl": "KEGS is an Apple IIgs emulator for Mac OS X, Linux, and Win32. The Apple IIgs was the most powerful computer in the Apple II line. It first was sold in 1986. An Apple IIgs has the capability to run almost all Apple II, Apple IIe, and Apple IIc programs. Package built with audio system 'pulse'.", "path": "./salix/system/kegs-1.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "160 K", "ver": "2.7", "name": "ser2net", "descs": "ser2net (serial to network proxy)", "source": "source/salix/system/ser2net", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "40 K", "descl": "This is ser2net, a program for allowing network connections to serial ports. See the man page for information about using the program. Note that ser2net supports RFC 2217 (remote control of serial port parameters), but you must have a compliant client. The only one I know of is kermit (http://www.columbia.edu/kermit).", "path": "./salix/system/ser2net-2.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4588 K", "ver": "0.31.0", "name": "geckodriver", "descs": "geckodriver (an HTTP API to communicate with Gecko browsers)", "source": "source/salix/system/geckodriver", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1147 K", "descl": "Proxy for using W3C WebDriver-compatible clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers.", "path": "./salix/system/geckodriver-0.31.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1496 K", "ver": "0.3.15", "name": "trousers", "descs": "trousers (TSS implementation by IBM)", "source": "source/salix/system/trousers", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "374 K", "descl": "trousers is an open-source TCG Software Stack implementation created and released by IBM. Author: Ryan Catherman Maintainer: Debora V Babb Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/trousers", "path": "./salix/system/trousers-0.3.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5208 K", "ver": "13.0.0", "name": "ripgrep", "descs": "ripgrep (line oriented search tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/ripgrep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1302 K", "descl": "ripgrep is a line oriented search tool that combines the usability of The Silver Searcher (similar to ack) with the raw speed of GNU grep. https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep", "path": "./salix/system/ripgrep-13.0.0-i686-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "0.2.9", "name": "pgsanity", "descs": "pgsanity (SQL syntax checker for PostgreSQL)", "source": "source/salix/system/pgsanity", "deps": ["postgresql"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "PgSanity checks the syntax of PostgreSQL SQL files. It does this by leveraging the ecpg command which is traditionally used for preparing C files with embedded SQL for compilation. However, as part of that preparation, ecpg checks the embedded SQL statements for syntax errors using the exact same parser that is in PostgreSQL. Homepage: https://github.com/markdrago/pgsanity", "path": "./salix/system/pgsanity-0.2.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "0.6.0", "name": "tinyterm", "descs": "tinyterm (simple terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/tinyterm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "tinyterm is a simple X terminal emulator written in C. It supports copy & paste with Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V. Homepage: https://github.com/ryanpcmcquen/tinyterm", "path": "./salix/system/tinyterm-0.6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5752 K", "ver": "3.9.2", "name": "mlterm", "descs": "mlterm (Mlterm is a multilingual terminal emulator on X11)", "source": "source/salix/system/mlterm", "deps": ["SDL2", "SDL2_ttf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "utempter", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1438 K", "descl": "mlterm is a multi-lingual terminal emulator , which supports various character sets and encodings in the world. Homepage : http://mlterm.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/mlterm-3.9.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "", "name": "localepurge", "descs": "localepurge (remove superfluous locale data)", "source": "source/salix/system/localepurge", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "localepurge removes superfluous locale data from your system. It is a small script to recover disk space wasted for unneeded locale files and localized man pages. Homepage: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=localepurge", "path": "./salix/system/localepurge-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1445476 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "unigine-valley-benchmark", "descs": "unigine-valley-benchmark (System benchmark tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/unigine-valley-benchmark", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "361369 K", "descl": "unigine-valley-benchmark is an extreme performance and stability test for PC hardware: video card, power supply, cooling system. Check your rig in stock and overclocking modes with real-life load! Also includes interactive experience in a beautiful, detailed environment.", "path": "./salix/system/unigine-valley-benchmark-1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "292 K", "ver": "3.2.6", "name": "cdemu-daemon", "descs": "cdemu-daemon (userspace daemon part of the cdemu suite)", "source": "source/salix/system/cdemu-daemon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "libao", "libmirage", "util-linux", "zlib", "vhba-module"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "73 K", "descl": "It receives SCSI commands from kernel module and processes them, passing the requested data back to the kernel. Daemon implements the actual virtual device; one instance per each device registered by kernel module. It uses libMirage, an image access library that is part of demu suite, for the image access. Homepage: https://cdemu.sourceforge.io/about/daemon/", "path": "./salix/system/cdemu-daemon-3.2.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "684 K", "ver": "6.8.1", "name": "oksh", "descs": "oksh (Portable OpenBSD ksh)", "source": "source/salix/system/oksh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "171 K", "descl": "Portable OpenBSD ksh(1). Homepage: https://github.com/ibara/oksh", "path": "./salix/system/oksh-6.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "244 K", "ver": "20220527", "name": "slackrepo-hints", "descs": "slackrepo-hints (Default hintfiles for slackrepo)", "source": "source/salix/system/slackrepo-hints", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "61 K", "descl": "The default hintfiles for slackrepo, packaged separately for easy regular updating. https://github.com/aclemons/slackrepo-hints", "path": "./salix/system/slackrepo-hints-20220527-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "posixovl", "descs": "posixovl (POSIX Overlay Filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/posixovl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "posixovl provides a filesystem view that supports various POSIX operations while using an otherwise incapable lower filesystem. Filesystems of various degrees of POSIXness can be utilitzed. VFAT is a common denominator when it comes to cross-compatibility, though NTFS - its features are unused in Linux - would be another possibility. Secondly, potent native POSIX-style filesystems can also be used, though the actual use of doing that remains to be discovered.", "path": "./salix/system/posixovl-1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3696 K", "ver": "0.4.5", "name": "ddrescueview", "descs": "ddrescueview (Graphical viewer for GNU ddrescue mapfiles)", "source": "source/salix/system/ddrescueview", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lazarus"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "924 K", "descl": "This small tool allows the user to graphically examine ddrescue's mapfiles in a user friendly GUI application. The Main window displays a block grid with each block's color representing the block types it contains. Many people know this type of view from defragmentation programs. HOMEPAGE: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ddrescueview/", "path": "./salix/system/ddrescueview-0.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1364 K", "ver": "0.8.7", "name": "multipath-tools", "descs": "multipath-tools (Utilities to drive Device Mapper multipath driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/multipath-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libaio"], ["aaa_libraries", "lvm2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "liburcu"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "341 K", "descl": "This project is used to drive the Device Mapper multipathing driver. Home: http://christophe.varoqui.free.fr/", "path": "./salix/system/multipath-tools-0.8.7-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.2.4", "name": "lxsplit", "descs": "lxsplit (lxSplit splits and merges files)", "source": "source/salix/system/lxsplit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "lxSplit is a simple tool for splitting files and joining the splitted files on unix-like platforms, such as Linux,*BSD, etc. It is fully compatible with the HJSplit. Splitting is done without compression. lxSplit was originally written by Richard Stellingwerff.", "path": "./salix/system/lxsplit-0.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "8.0.8", "name": "pycp", "descs": "pycp (cp and mv with a progressbar)", "source": "source/salix/system/pycp", "deps": ["python3-attrs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "pycp / pymv are meant to be used from the command line. Home page: https://github.com/yannicklm/pycp", "path": "./salix/system/pycp-8.0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2796 K", "ver": "1.12.2", "name": "conky", "descs": "conky (light-weight system monitor for X)", "source": "source/salix/system/conky", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "imlib2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXft", "libXinerama", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "lua53", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "699 K", "descl": "Conky is a system monitor for X originally based on the torsmo code. Since its original conception, Conky has changed a fair bit from its predecessor. Conky can display just about anything, either on your root desktop or in its own window. Conky has many built-in objects, as well as the ability to execute programs and scripts, then display the output from stdout. Homepage: http://conky.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/conky-1.12.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "rename.pl", "descs": "rename.pl (rename multiple files, perl style)", "source": "source/salix/system/rename.pl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "Rename.pl renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified as the first argument. The argument is a Perl expression which is expected to modify the $_ string for at least some of the filenames specified.", "path": "./salix/system/rename.pl-1.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.9.9", "name": "ufiformat", "descs": "ufiformat (a formatting utility for USB floppy drives)", "source": "source/salix/system/ufiformat", "deps": ["e2fsprogs"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "https://github.com/tedigh/ufiformat", "path": "./salix/system/ufiformat-0.9.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "termsaver", "descs": "termsaver (Simple text-based terminal screensaver)", "source": "source/salix/system/termsaver", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "A simple text-based screensaver for terminal windows. Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/termsaver/", "path": "./salix/system/termsaver-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "ck4up", "descs": "ck4up (Check for Updates, a utility to monitor web pages for updates)", "source": "source/salix/system/ck4up", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "ck4up is a small command-line utility, writen in ruby, primarily intended for CRUX ports maintainers to watch http and ftp sites for updates, but may also be useful for others. Homepage: http://jue.li/crux/ck4up/", "path": "./salix/system/ck4up-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "276 K", "ver": "20081122", "name": "pucrunch", "descs": "pucrunch (compressor optimized for low-resource decompression)", "source": "source/salix/system/pucrunch", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "69 K", "descl": "Pucrunch is a Hybrid LZ77 and RLE compressor, uses an Elias Gamma Code for lengths, mixture of Gamma Code and linear for LZ77 offset, and ranked RLE bytes indexed by the same Gamma Code. Uses no extra memory in decompression. Assembly sources for example decompressors (for Commodore 64 and Nintendo GameBoy) are included.", "path": "./salix/system/pucrunch-20081122-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2468 K", "ver": "0.11", "name": "vifm", "descs": "vifm (a ncurses-based file manager with vi-like keybindings)", "source": "source/salix/system/vifm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "file", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "617 K", "descl": "If you use vi, vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands. The configuration for vifm sits in ~/.vifm. Vim users: A vifm.vim plugin is included in /usr/share/vifm/vim/. Read /usr/doc/vifm-$VERSION/README_vim.txt for usage information. Homepage: https://vifm.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/vifm-0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "448 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "ttf-mononoki", "descs": "ttf-mononoki (programming typeface)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-mononoki", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "112 K", "descl": "A font for programming and code review https://github.com/madmalik/mononoki", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-mononoki-1.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1", "name": "pw", "descs": "pw (view data passing through a pipe)", "source": "source/salix/system/pw", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "pw stands for Pipe Watch, a utility that continuously reads lines of text from a pipe or pipe-like source, passes them through a FIFO buffer, and maintains a display based on occasionally sampling the contents of the FIFO buffer, with useful features such as triggering and filtering. pw can monitor anything that produces textual output. tail -f /var/logfile, tcpdump, strace, ...", "path": "./salix/system/pw-1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "372 K", "ver": "0.32.1", "name": "btrbk", "descs": "btrbk (backup tool for btrfs subvolumes)", "source": "source/salix/system/btrbk", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "93 K", "descl": "btrbk is a backup tool for btrfs subvolumes, taking advantage of btrfs specific capabilities to create atomic snapshots and transfer them incrementally to your backup locations. The source and target locations are specified in a config file, which allows to easily configure simple scenarios like 'laptop with locally attached backup disks', as well as more complex ones, e.g. 'server receiving backups from several hosts via ssh, with different retention policy'.", "path": "./salix/system/btrbk-0.32.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "20200215_03529d2", "name": "bitmapfont2ttf", "descs": "bitmapfont2ttf (convert bitmap BDF fonts to vector TTF)", "source": "source/salix/system/bitmapfont2ttf", "deps": ["fontforge"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "bitmapfont2ttf is a fontforge Python script which autotraces the glyphs in a bitmap font and converts it to a vector (outline) TrueType font. The resulting font retains its 'pixelated' look when scaled up to any size. This package includes a patch for fonts without PIXEL_SIZE.", "path": "./salix/system/bitmapfont2ttf-20200215_03529d2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "otf-hermit", "descs": "otf-hermit (monospace font)", "source": "source/salix/system/otf-hermit", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "Hermit is a monospace font designed to be clear, pragmatic and very readable. Its creation has been focused on programming. Every glyph was carefully planned and calculated, according to defined principles and rules. For this reason, Hermit is coherent and regular. Homepage: https://pcaro.es/p/hermit/", "path": "./salix/system/otf-hermit-2.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1988 K", "ver": "20121229", "name": "unhide", "descs": "unhide (utility for discovering hidden processes)", "source": "source/salix/system/unhide", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "497 K", "descl": "Unhide is a forensic tool to find porcesses and TCP/UCP ports hidden by rootkits, Linux kernel modules or by other techniques. It includes unhide and unhide-tcp. http://www.unhide-forensics.info", "path": "./salix/system/unhide-20121229-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1588 K", "ver": "3.43.1", "name": "gnome-online-accounts", "descs": "gnome-online-accounts (framework used to access GNOME online accounts)", "source": "source/salix/system/gnome-online-accounts", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "openjpeg", "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "rest", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "397 K", "descl": "GNOME Online Accounts is a framework used for GNOME applications to access the user's online accounts. https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeOnlineAccounts", "path": "./salix/system/gnome-online-accounts-3.43.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "740 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "swtpm", "descs": "swtpm (libtpms-based TPM emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/swtpm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "gnutls", "json-glib", "libseccomp", "libtasn1", "libtpms", "libunistring", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "util-linux", "zlib", "trousers", "python3-twisted"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "185 K", "descl": "swtpm is a libtpms-based TPM emulator with socket, character device and Linux CUSE interface options. Once swtpm is running, QEMU can attach the emulated TPM to a virtual machine. Author: Stefan Berger Homepage: https://github.com/stefanberger/swtpm", "path": "./salix/system/swtpm-0.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "8 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "vagrant-public-key", "descs": "vagrant-public-key (Vagrant Public Key)", "source": "source/salix/system/vagrant-public-key", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2 K", "descl": "Preparing a Vagrant virtual machine to be used as a base box requires the installation of an ssh public key. This package provides the key and a script called vagrant-basebox to both install it and setup the system. ONLY FOR USE ON VIRTUAL MACHINES YOU INTEND TO SHARE, DO NOT INSTALL ON A PRODUCTION SYSTEM AS THIS WILL MAKE IT INSECURE. See: https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/boxes/base.html for further info.", "path": "./salix/system/vagrant-public-key-1.0.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5220 K", "ver": "2.2.15", "name": "joyce", "descs": "joyce (Amstrad PCW emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/joyce", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1305 K", "descl": "JOYCE emulates the Amstrad PCW on Unix, Windows and Mac OS X. JOYCE incorporates ANNE, which emulates the PCW16.", "path": "./salix/system/joyce-2.2.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2076 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "nagios-plugins", "descs": "nagios-plugins (Plugins for the Nagios network monitoring server)", "source": "source/salix/system/nagios-plugins", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libdbi", "mariadb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "postgresql", "ppp", "zlib", "nagios"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "519 K", "descl": "Unlike many other monitoring tools, Nagios does not include any internal mechanisms for checking the status of hosts and services on your network. Instead, Nagios relies on external programs (called plugins) to do all the dirty work. Plugins are compiled executables or scripts (Perl scripts, shell scripts, etc.) that can be run from a command line to check the status or a host or service. Homepage: http://www.nagios-plugins.org/", "path": "./salix/system/nagios-plugins-2.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "11648 K", "ver": "3.03.0", "name": "man-pages-fr", "descs": "man-pages-fr (french system documentation)", "source": "source/salix/system/man-pages-fr", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "2912 K", "descl": "French translation files for the man pages. Visit the project page: http://manpagesfr.free.fr/", "path": "./salix/system/man-pages-fr-3.03.0-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.10.1", "name": "autocutsel", "descs": "autocutsel (keep the X clipboard and the cutbuffer in sync)", "source": "source/salix/system/autocutsel", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXaw", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXpm", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "Autocutsel tracks changes in the server's cutbuffer and clipboard selection. When the clipboard is changed, it updates the cutbuffer. When the cutbuffer is changed, it owns the clipboard selection. The cutbuffer and clipboard selection are always synchronized. Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/autocutsel", "path": "./salix/system/autocutsel-0.10.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "20 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "capabilities", "descs": "capabilities (fcaps)", "source": "source/salix/system/capabilities", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5 K", "descl": "This script sets filesystem caps from a config file.", "path": "./salix/system/capabilities-0.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4456 K", "ver": "0.21.0", "name": "opensc", "descs": "opensc (SmartCard utilities/libraries for PKCS#11/15 compatible cards)", "source": "source/salix/system/opensc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "glib2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib", "pcsc-lite"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1114 K", "descl": "It provides a set of libraries and utilities to access smart cards. Its main focus is on cards that support cryptographic operations, and facilitate their use in security applications such as mail encryption, authentication, and digital signature. OpenSC implements the PKCS#11 API so applications supporting this API such as Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird can use it. OpenSC implements the PKCS#15 standard and aims to be compatible with every software that does so, too. Homepage: http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/", "path": "./salix/system/opensc-0.21.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "2.2.0", "name": "the_silver_searcher", "descs": "the_silver_searcher (grep-like text search, but faster)", "source": "source/salix/system/the_silver_searcher", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "Ag is a code searching tool similar to grep and ack, but with a focus on speed. Ag searches code about 3-5x faster than ack. It ignores file patterns from your .gitignore and .hgignore. If there are files in your source repo you don't want to search, just add their patterns to a .agignore file. The command name is 33% shorter than ack!", "path": "./salix/system/the_silver_searcher-2.2.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "20180206", "name": "tm", "descs": "tm (tm - tmux manager/helper)", "source": "source/salix/system/tm", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "It is mainly useful for using tmux as a ssh-multiplexer and replacement for clusterssh though its happy to do any other tmux session too. tm does not release versions. The git master branch is used. This slackbuild includes up to: Commits on Feb 6, 2018 Home: https://blog.ganneff.de/2013/03/tmux-like-screen-just-nicer.html", "path": "./salix/system/tm-20180206-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.16", "name": "logpp", "descs": "logpp (Log PreProcessor)", "source": "source/salix/system/logpp", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Logpp is a tool for preprocessing event logs and feeding relevant information to other programs for storing or in-depth analysis.", "path": "./salix/system/logpp-0.16-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "whowatch", "descs": "whowatch (interactive who-like program)", "source": "source/salix/system/whowatch", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Whowatch is an interactive who-like program that displays information about the users currently logged on to the machine, in real time. Besides standard informations (login name, tty, host, user's process), the type of the connection (ie. telnet or ssh) is shown. You can toggle display between users' command or idle time. You can watch processes tree, navigate in it and send INT and KILL signals. Homepage: http://whowatch.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/whowatch-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "wdfs", "descs": "wdfs (webdav filesystem for fuse)", "source": "source/salix/system/wdfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs", "expat", "libproxy", "neon", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "wdfs is a webdav filesystem that makes it possible to mount a webdav share under linux, freebsd and apple mac os x. wdfs has some special features for accessing subversion repositories via webdav. It's based on fuse and neon. wdfs is free software distributed under the GNU GPL.", "path": "./salix/system/wdfs-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3148 K", "ver": "3.16.5", "name": "hplip-plugin", "descs": "hplip-plugin (Binary plugin for HP devices)", "source": "source/salix/system/hplip-plugin", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "787 K", "descl": "Some HP printers require proprietary software technologies to allow full access to printer features and performance. This plug-in is required by CUPS and HPLIP software for some laserjet printers.", "path": "./salix/system/hplip-plugin-3.16.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "spman", "descs": "spman (Slackware package manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/spman", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "Spman is a powerful Slackware package manager implemented on Python3 and licensed under the MIT license. Main features: check packages for upgrade, download binary package or source code, build and install package(s) in the queue, search packages on repositories, search dependency problems, check health installed packages, search for *.new config files on the system and more. Homepage: https://github.com/MyRequiem/spman", "path": "./salix/system/spman-2.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.2b", "name": "glyptodon", "descs": "glyptodon (file-system analyzer)", "source": "source/salix/system/glyptodon", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "A file-system analyzer and security sacnner for Linux systems. Glyptodon was written by Emeric Nasi", "path": "./salix/system/glyptodon-1.2b-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3332 K", "ver": "197", "name": "SavvyCAN", "descs": "SavvyCAN (Qt based cross platform canbus tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/SavvyCAN", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "833 K", "descl": "A Qt5 based cross platform tool which can be used to load, save, and capture canbus frames. This tool is designed to help with visua- lization, reverse engineering, debugging, and capturing of canbus frames. Really requires at a resolution of at least 1024x768. Fully multi-moni- tor capable. Works on 4K monitors as well. You are highly recommended to use the CANDue board from EVTV.", "path": "./salix/system/SavvyCAN-197-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1684 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "herculesstudio", "descs": "herculesstudio (Hercules GUI for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/herculesstudio", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib", "hercules"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "421 K", "descl": "Hercules Studio is a GUI front-end to the Hercules Emulator. As such, it requires the actual emulator to be installed and operational in order for Hercules Studio to be functional.", "path": "./salix/system/herculesstudio-1.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "800 K", "ver": "5.2", "name": "direvent", "descs": "direvent (Directory event monitoring daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/direvent", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "200 K", "descl": "GNU Direvent monitors events in the file system directories. For each event that occurs in a set of pre-configured directories, the program calls an external program associated with it, supplying it with the information about the event and the location within the file system where it occured.", "path": "./salix/system/direvent-5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2860 K", "ver": "0.5_63", "name": "sunflower", "descs": "sunflower (Twin-panel file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/sunflower", "deps": ["pycairo", "pygobject3", "gtk+3", "python-chardet", "python3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "715 K", "descl": "Sunflower is a small and highly customizable twin-panel file manager with support for plugins.", "path": "./salix/system/sunflower-0.5_63-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "268 K", "ver": "1.9.1", "name": "cabextract", "descs": "cabextract (Extract Microsoft cabinet files)", "source": "source/salix/system/cabextract", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "67 K", "descl": "cabextract is Free Software for extracting Microsoft cabinet files, also called .CAB files, on UNIX or UNIX-like systems. cabextract is distributed under the GPL license. It is based on the portable LGPL libmspack library. cabextract supports all special features and all compression formats of Microsoft cabinet files. Microsoft cabinet files are used to distribute all kinds of data and software: core Web fonts, Longhorn videos, operating system updates and video codecs, to give some examples.", "path": "./salix/system/cabextract-1.9.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "cbmbasic", "descs": "cbmbasic (Commodore BASIC V2 as a scripting language)", "source": "source/salix/system/cbmbasic", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "Commodore BASIC (cbmbasic) is a 100% compatible version of Commodore's version of Microsoft 6502 BASIC as found on the Commodore 64. You can use it in interactive mode or pass a BASIC file as a command line parameter. This does not emulate 6502 code; all code is completely native. On a 1GHz CPU you get about 1000x speed compared to a 1MHz 6502.", "path": "./salix/system/cbmbasic-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "21620 K", "ver": "0.7", "name": "firmware-gobi-2000", "descs": "firmware-gobi-2000 (Qualcomm Gobi 2000 firmware and loader)", "source": "source/salix/system/firmware-gobi-2000", "deps": ["innoextract", "msitools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5405 K", "descl": "Firmware and loader for Qualcomm Gobi USB chipsets. These devices appear in an uninitialised state when power is applied and require firmware to be loaded before they can be used as modems. gobi_loader adds a udev rule that will trigger loading of the firmware and make the modem usable. Homepage: http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/gobi_loader/", "path": "./salix/system/firmware-gobi-2000-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2104 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "augeas", "descs": "augeas (a configuration API)", "source": "source/salix/system/augeas", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "526 K", "descl": "Augeas is a library and command line tool that focuses on the most basic problem in handling Linux configurations programmatically: editing actual configuration files in a controlled manner. Homepage: http://augeas.net/", "path": "./salix/system/augeas-1.4.0-i486-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.6.9", "name": "fileschanged", "descs": "fileschanged (File Alteration Monitor client)", "source": "source/salix/system/fileschanged", "deps": ["gamin"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "The fileschanged utility is a FAM (File Alteration Monitor) client. From the command line it monitors sets of files and shows you when they change. You can use fileschanged in shell scripts to take action when monitored files become altered.", "path": "./salix/system/fileschanged-0.6.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "gencfs", "descs": "gencfs (Gencfs)", "source": "source/salix/system/gencfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "encfs"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "Gencfs is a simple graphical front end for encfs. With encfs directories and their files can be crypted. Gencfs easily can mount such a directory to an encrypted copy. Homepage: https://web-beta.archive.org/web/20150720005846/ sallu.tuxfamily.org/-Desktop-utilities,7-", "path": "./salix/system/gencfs-1.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "20191026", "name": "runit-services", "descs": "runit-services (services to use with runit)", "source": "source/salix/system/runit-services", "deps": ["runit", "pause"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "This package contains runit run scripts for services like syslogd, crond, dbus, dhcpcd, etc. The script collection comprises packages both in Slackware repository and addtional repositories like slackbuilds.org. Service logging is done via runit's svlogd or via syslog as applicable.", "path": "./salix/system/runit-services-20191026-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6292 K", "ver": "2.7", "name": "bochs", "descs": "bochs (cross platform x86 emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/bochs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], "cyrus-sasl", "gnutls", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libsamplerate", "libunistring", "libvncserver", "libxcb", "lzo", "nettle", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "p11-kit", "sdl", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1573 K", "descl": "Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32 (x86) emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It include emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. Bochs can be compiled to emulate 386, 486, Pentium/Pentium II/Pentium 4 or x86-64 including optional MMX, SSEx and 3DNow! instructions. Homepage: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/bochs-2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "1.9.0", "name": "irqbalance", "descs": "irqbalance (IRQ balancing daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/irqbalance", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libcap-ng"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "irqbalance is a Linux daemon that distributes interrupts over the processors and cores you have in your computer system. The design goal of irqbalance is to find a balance between power savings and optimal performance. To a large degree, the work irqbalance does is invisible to you; if irqbalance performs its job correctly, nobody will ever notice it's there or want to turn it off.", "path": "./salix/system/irqbalance-1.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2656 K", "ver": "3.36.2", "name": "file-roller", "descs": "file-roller (a GTK archive manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/file-roller", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "json-glib", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libarchive", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "664 K", "descl": "File-roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment. It allows you to: * Create and modify archives * View and search the content of an archive * View a file contained in an archive * Extract files from the archive Homepage: https://github.com/GNOME/file-roller", "path": "./salix/system/file-roller-3.36.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "ioping", "descs": "ioping (simple disk I/O latency monitoring tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/ioping", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "A tool to monitor I/O latency in real time. It shows disk latency in the same way as ping shows network latency. Homepage: https://github.com/koct9i/ioping", "path": "./salix/system/ioping-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "0.78", "name": "tinycdb", "descs": "tinycdb (Constant Database)", "source": "source/salix/system/tinycdb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "TinyCDB is a very fast and simple package for creating and reading constant data bases, a data structure introduced by Dan J. Bernstein in his cdb package. It may be used to speed up searches in a sequence of (key,value) pairs with very big number of records. between remote client and local (inetd-startable) or remote servers.", "path": "./salix/system/tinycdb-0.78-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4776 K", "ver": "4.00.1", "name": "pixma", "descs": "pixma (Canon PIXMA printer driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/pixma", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "1194 K", "descl": "Driver & PPD files for Canon PIXMA family printers.", "path": "./salix/system/pixma-4.00.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1120 K", "ver": "2.0.2", "name": "autoarchive", "descs": "autoarchive (A simple backup utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/autoarchive", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "280 K", "descl": "AutoArchive is a simple utility to help create backups more easily. The idea of the program is that all essential information for creating a single backup---such as list of directories that should be archived, the archive name, etc.---is stored in a single file -- the archive specification file. It can use 'tar' for creating archives, it has a command line interface and supports incremental backups. Homepage: http://autoarchive.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/system/autoarchive-2.0.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1372 K", "ver": "2.10", "name": "barman", "descs": "barman (Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL)", "source": "source/salix/system/barman", "deps": ["python3-psycopg2", "argh", "python3-dateutil", "argcomplete"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "343 K", "descl": "Barman (backup and recovery manager) is an administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers written in Python. It allows to perform remote backups of multiple servers in business critical environments and help DBAs during the recovery phase. Barman's most wanted features include backup catalogs, retention policies, remote recovery, archiving and compression of WAL files and backups. Barman is written and maintained by PostgreSQL professionals 2ndQuadrant. Homepage: http://www.pgbarman.org/", "path": "./salix/system/barman-2.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "196 K", "ver": "0.5.1", "name": "acpitool", "descs": "acpitool (Configuration and Power Interface client Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/acpitool", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "49 K", "descl": "This is an ACPI client for Linux, written by David Leemans. This ACPI client is intended to be a replacement for the apm tool. Even though APM works fine on a lot of laptops, it is deprecated and will be replaced by ACPI. Most newer laptops even require ACPI to boot properly. As such, it will be nice to have an ACPI client.", "path": "./salix/system/acpitool-0.5.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "43176 K", "ver": "1.9.4", "name": "chronograf", "descs": "chronograf (An Open-Source User Interface for InfluxData)", "source": "source/salix/system/chronograf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10794 K", "descl": "Chronograf is the user interface component of InfluxData's TICK stack. It makes the monitoring and alerting for your infrastructure easy to setup and maintain. It is simple to use and includes templates and libraries to allow you to rapidly build dashboards with real-time visualizations of your data. Home-Page: https://www.influxdata.com/", "path": "./salix/system/chronograf-1.9.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1756 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "fantasque-sans-mono", "descs": "fantasque-sans-mono (Monospaced programming font)", "source": "source/salix/system/fantasque-sans-mono", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "439 K", "descl": "A programming font, designed with functionality in mind. The font has some wibbly-wobbly handwriting-like fuzziness that makes it unassumingly cool. It is used for programming, as it is a monospaced font. Homepage: https://github.com/belluzj/fantasque-sans/", "path": "./salix/system/fantasque-sans-mono-1.8.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "256 K", "ver": "0.1.10", "name": "lxtask", "descs": "lxtask (simple task manager for LXDE)", "source": "source/salix/system/lxtask", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "lxde-common", "lxpanel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "64 K", "descl": "LXTask is a lightweight and desktop-independent task manager derived from xfce4-taskmanager with all dependencies on xfce removed, new features, and some improvement of the user interface. lxtask home: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXTask", "path": "./salix/system/lxtask-0.1.10-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "0.7.1", "name": "xfsudo", "descs": "xfsudo (run graphical apps as root using sudo)", "source": "source/salix/system/xfsudo", "deps": ["zenity"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "Uses zenity to create the dialog box and sudo as backend to run the program as root. URL - https://github.com/aadityabagga/xfsudo", "path": "./salix/system/xfsudo-0.7.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "fatrace", "descs": "fatrace (file access trace)", "source": "source/salix/system/fatrace", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "fatrace reports file access events from all running processes. Its main purpose is to find processes which keep waking up the disk unnecessarily and thus prevent some power saving. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/fatrace", "path": "./salix/system/fatrace-0.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "652 K", "ver": "2.1.53", "name": "targetcli-fb", "descs": "targetcli-fb (Linux LIO kernel target shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/targetcli-fb", "deps": ["pyudev"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "163 K", "descl": "targetcli-fb is a command-line interface for configuring the LIO generic SCSI target, present in 3.x Linux kernel versions and up. This package installs two additional custom python libraries which are required: configshell-fb, rtslib-fb Github source: https://github.com/open-iscsi/targetcli-fb", "path": "./salix/system/targetcli-fb-2.1.53-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1108 K", "ver": "2.9.7", "name": "roxterm", "descs": "roxterm (VTE based Terminal Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/roxterm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte2", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "277 K", "descl": "ROXTerm is a terminal emulator intended to provide similar features to gnome-terminal, based on the same VTE library, but with a smaller footprint and quicker start-up time. It achieves this by not using the Gnome libraries and by using a separate applet to provide the configuration GUI. It can be used as a ROX application, as the name implies, or in any other X environment. http://roxterm.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/roxterm-2.9.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6248 K", "ver": "3.3.9", "name": "amanda", "descs": "amanda (Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver)", "source": "source/salix/system/amanda", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "flex", "libunistring", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1562 K", "descl": "AMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a backup system that allows the administrator of a LAN to set up a single master backup server to back up multiple hosts to a single large capacity tape drive. AMANDA uses native dump and/or GNU tar facilities and can back up a large number of workstations running multiple versions of Unix. Recent versions can also use SAMBA to back up Microsoft Windows hosts. Homepage: http://www.amanda.org/", "path": "./salix/system/amanda-3.3.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "708 K", "ver": "7.15", "name": "zpaq", "descs": "zpaq (journaling, incremental, deduplicating archiver)", "source": "source/salix/system/zpaq", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "177 K", "descl": "'Journaling' means that when you update a file or directory, both the old and new versions are saved. You can extract from the archive as it existed at any time in the past. 'Incremental' means that when you back up your entire hard drive, only those files whose last-modified date has changed since the previous backup are added. 'Deduplicating' means that identical files or fragments are stored only once to save time and space.", "path": "./salix/system/zpaq-7.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.2.3", "name": "isomd5sum", "descs": "isomd5sum (MD5 checksums within an ISO9660 image)", "source": "source/salix/system/isomd5sum", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "popt"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "isomd5sum provides a way of making use of the ISO9660 application data area to store md5sum data about the iso. This allows you to check the iso given nothing more than the iso itself. A checksum is implanted in an image using the implantisomd5 utility, and the corresponding checkisomd5 utility can be used to verify burned CDs are error-free. Also included is a Python extension for performing these tasks.", "path": "./salix/system/isomd5sum-1.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "0.19", "name": "diskscan", "descs": "diskscan (tool to scan a block device)", "source": "source/salix/system/diskscan", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "zlib", "BeautifulSoup", "Markdown"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "Diskscan is a tool to scan a block device and check if there are unreadable sectors,in addition it uses read latency times as an assessment for a near failure as sectors that are problematic to read Diskscan will only perform reads in its disk surface scan so it is not destructive. Homepage-http://blog.disksurvey.org/proj/diskscan", "path": "./salix/system/diskscan-0.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "0.19.7", "name": "apachetop", "descs": "apachetop (top-like display for httpd)", "source": "source/salix/system/apachetop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "gamin"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "An curses-based display of real-time web server statistics. ApacheTop was written by Chris Elsworth Project URL: https://github.com/tessus/apachetop", "path": "./salix/system/apachetop-0.19.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.20", "name": "memuse", "descs": "memuse (memory usage diagnostics tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/memuse", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "Memuse is a tool to see how much memory applications use. http://www.moblin.org/", "path": "./salix/system/memuse-0.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "11448 K", "ver": "17.04", "name": "p7zip", "descs": "p7zip (File Compression/Decompression Utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/p7zip", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2862 K", "descl": "7-Zip is a well-known file compression utility for windows. p7zip is a ported version for linux with nearly the same capabilities. Homepage: http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/p7zip-17.04-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "hstr", "descs": "hstr (BASH and Zsh Shell History Suggest Box)", "source": "source/salix/system/hstr", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "BASH and Zsh Shell history suggest box is a command line utility that brings improved command completion from the history. It aims to make completion easier and more efficient than Ctrl-r. homepage: https://github.com/dvorka/hstr", "path": "./salix/system/hstr-2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "70396 K", "ver": "2.2.15", "name": "vagrant", "descs": "vagrant (create and configure virtual development environments)", "source": "source/salix/system/vagrant", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17599 K", "descl": "Vagrant is a tool for building complete development environments built around virtualisation software such as VirtualBox. Homepage: https://www.vagrantup.com/", "path": "./salix/system/vagrant-2.2.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1196 K", "ver": "0.2.8_RC3", "name": "dynamips", "descs": "dynamips (Emulator for Cisco IOS)", "source": "source/salix/system/dynamips", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "dbus", "elogind", "libnl3", "libpcap", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "299 K", "descl": "dynamips emulates Cisco's IOS. It is required by GNS3 Note that you must provide your own IOS-images compatible with the Cisco hardware emulated by dynamips", "path": "./salix/system/dynamips-0.2.8_RC3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "30372 K", "ver": "1.9.0", "name": "john", "descs": "john (Password cracker)", "source": "source/salix/system/john", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7593 K", "descl": "John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. Besides several crypt(3) password hash types most commonly found on various Unix flavors supported out of the box are Kerberos AFS.", "path": "./salix/system/john-1.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3568 K", "ver": "11.3.5_18557794", "name": "open-vm-tools", "descs": "open-vm-tools (VMware open-vm-tools project)", "source": "source/salix/system/open-vm-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "e2fsprogs", "libdrm", "libmspack", "libdnet"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "892 K", "descl": "open-vm-tools is a set of services and modules that enable several features in VMware products for better management of, and seamless user interactions with, guests. It includes kernel modules for enhancing the performance of virtual machines running Linux or other VMware supported Unix like guest operating systems. https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools", "path": "./salix/system/open-vm-tools-11.3.5_18557794-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "4.5.1_1", "name": "memtester", "descs": "memtester (memory test utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/memtester", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "memtester is a userspace utility for testing the memory subsystem for faults. Unlike memtest86, it runs as a process on a running Linux system, meaning it can't test all of memory the way memtest86 is able to... but you don't have to reboot to use it.", "path": "./salix/system/memtester-4.5.1_1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4124 K", "ver": "1.0.7", "name": "zzzfm", "descs": "zzzfm (Multi-panel tabbed file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/zzzfm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1031 K", "descl": "zzzFM is a multi-panel tabbed file manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev-based device manager, customizable menu system, and bash integration. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/antix-contribs/zzzfm/", "path": "./salix/system/zzzfm-1.0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "0.2.0", "name": "pwsafe", "descs": "pwsafe (a command-line based password manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/pwsafe", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXt", "libxcb", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "pwsafe is a unix commandline program that manages encrypted password databases.", "path": "./salix/system/pwsafe-0.2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.10.0", "name": "evdi", "descs": "evdi (Extensible Virtual Display Interface)", "source": "source/salix/system/evdi", "deps": ["evdi-kernel"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The Extensible Virtual Display Interface (EVDI) is a Linux kernel module that enables management of multiple screens, allowing user-space programs to take control over what happens with the image. It is essentially a virtual display you can add, remove and receive screen updates for, in an application that uses the libevdi library.", "path": "./salix/system/evdi-1.10.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1108 K", "ver": "0.5.5", "name": "lxsession", "descs": "lxsession (LXDE session manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/lxsession", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "elogind", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "polkit", "util-linux", "zlib", "libunique"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "277 K", "descl": "LXSession is the standard session manager used by LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment). A session manager is used to automatically start a set of applications and set up a working desktop environment. lxsession home: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession", "path": "./salix/system/lxsession-0.5.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "456 K", "ver": "20211216", "name": "osinfo-db", "descs": "osinfo-db (operating systems database)", "source": "source/salix/system/osinfo-db", "deps": ["osinfo-db-tools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "114 K", "descl": "The osinfo database provides information about operating systems and hypervisor platforms to facilitate the automated configuration and provisioning of new virtual machines. homepage: http://libosinfo.org", "path": "./salix/system/osinfo-db-20211216-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "133552 K", "ver": "", "name": "kafka", "descs": "kafka (A high-throughput distributed messaging system.)", "source": "source/salix/system/kafka", "deps": ["zookeeper"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "33388 K", "descl": "Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log. Homepage: http://kafka.apache.org/", "path": "./salix/system/kafka-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "344 K", "ver": "2.0.13", "name": "numactl", "descs": "numactl (NUMA process control)", "source": "source/salix/system/numactl", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "86 K", "descl": "NUMA stands for Non-Uniform Memory Access, in other words a system whose memory is not all in one place. The numactl program allows you to run your application program on specific cpu's and memory nodes. It does this by supplying a NUMA memory policy to the operating system before running your program.", "path": "./salix/system/numactl-2.0.13-i486-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i486"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "27344 K", "ver": "1.35.1", "name": "netdata", "descs": "netdata (real-time monitoring system)", "source": "source/salix/system/netdata", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], "freeipmi", "judy", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", "libmnl", "libnetfilter_acct", "libuv", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "protobuf3", "snappy", "util-linux", "zlib", "python2-PyYAML"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6836 K", "descl": "netdata is a system for distributed real-time performance and health monitoring. It provides unparalleled insights, in real-time, of everything happening on the system it runs, using modern interactive web dashboards. Project URL: https://github.com/netdata/netdata", "path": "./salix/system/netdata-1.35.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.34", "name": "evtest", "descs": "evtest (utility to monitor Linux input device events)", "source": "source/salix/system/evtest", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "evtest is a tool to print evdev kernel events. It reads directly from the kernel device and prints a device description and the events with the value and the symbolic name. Note: If your user is a member of the 'input' group, you should be able to use evtest without root privilege. Otherwise, use 'su' or 'sudo' to run it as root.", "path": "./salix/system/evtest-1.34-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "2.2.2", "name": "duply", "descs": "duply (A shell front end for duplicity)", "source": "source/salix/system/duply", "deps": ["duplicity"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "duply simplifies running duplicity with cron or on command line by: - keeping recurring settings in profiles per backup job - automated import/export of keys between profile and keyring - enabling batch operations eg. backup_verify_purge - executing pre/post scripts - precondition checking for flawless duplicity operation https://duply.net", "path": "./salix/system/duply-2.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "4.4", "name": "nnn", "descs": "nnn (Terminal file browser for X)", "source": "source/salix/system/nnn", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "nnn is a fork of noice, a blazing-fast lightweight terminal file browser with easy keyboard shortcuts for navigation, opening files and running tasks. noice is developed considering terminal based systems. There is no config file and mime associations are hard- coded. However, the incredible user-friendliness and speed make it a perfect utility on modern distros. Homepage: https://github.com/jarun/nnn", "path": "./salix/system/nnn-4.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4400 K", "ver": "1.0.6", "name": "spacefm", "descs": "spacefm (Multi-panel tabbed file manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/spacefm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "ffmpegthumbnailer", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "samba", "speex", "startup-notification", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "vid.stab", "xcb-util", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1100 K", "descl": "SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev-based device manager, customizable menu system, and bash integration. Homepage: http://ignorantguru.github.com/spacefm/", "path": "./salix/system/spacefm-1.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "300 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "rfdump", "descs": "rfdump (RFID auditing software tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/rfdump", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "75 K", "descl": "RFDump is a backend GPL tool to directly interoperate with any RFID ISO-Reader to make the contents stored on RFID tags accessible. This makes the following types of audits possible: * Test robustness of data-structures on the reader and the backend-application * Proof-of-concept manipulations of RFID tag contents * Clone / copy & paste User-Data stored on RFID tags * Audit tag-security features Homepage: http://www.rfdump.org/", "path": "./salix/system/rfdump-1.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "26816 K", "ver": "3.21", "name": "cndrvcups-common", "descs": "cndrvcups-common (Canon Printer Driver Common Module for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/cndrvcups-common", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6704 K", "descl": "Canon Printer Driver Common Module for Linux", "path": "./salix/system/cndrvcups-common-3.21-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "5688 K", "ver": "0.9.3a", "name": "lirc", "descs": "lirc (linux infrared remote control)", "source": "source/salix/system/lirc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "celt", "jack2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libsamplerate", "libxcb", "opus", "portaudio", "util-linux"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "1422 K", "descl": "LIRC is a package that allows you to decode and send infra-red signals of many (but not all) commonly used remote controls. Homepage: http://www.lirc.org", "path": "./salix/system/lirc-0.9.3a-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "36 K", "ver": "1.26", "name": "microcode_ctl", "descs": "microcode_ctl (microcode update utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/microcode_ctl", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "9 K", "descl": "The microcode_ctl utility is a companion to the IA32 microcode driver written by Tigran Aivazian . The utility has two uses: - it decodes and sends new microcode to the kernel driver to be uploaded to Intel IA32 processors - it signals the kernel driver to release any buffers it may hold https://fedorahosted.org/microcode_ctl/", "path": "./salix/system/microcode_ctl-1.26-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "20170630", "name": "xjobs", "descs": "xjobs (execute jobs in parallel)", "source": "source/salix/system/xjobs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "xjobs reads job descriptions line by line and executes them in parallel. xjobs is most useful on multiprocessor machines when one needs to execute several time consuming commands that could possibly be run in parallel. It works similar to xargs. http://www.maier-komor.de/xjobs.html", "path": "./salix/system/xjobs-20170630-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "watch-fs", "descs": "watch-fs (monitor files changes)", "source": "source/salix/system/watch-fs", "deps": ["click", "pyinotify"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "watch-fs is a command line tool to run commands when files change. Homepage: https://github.com/borntyping/watch-fs", "path": "./salix/system/watch-fs-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "1.8.0_9", "name": "unac", "descs": "unac (remove accents from text)", "source": "source/salix/system/unac", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "unac is a C library (libunac) and command (unaccent) that removes accents from a string of text; it replaces accented characters in the given character set with their unaccented (ASCII) equivalents.", "path": "./salix/system/unac-1.8.0_9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2068 K", "ver": "", "name": "graveman", "descs": "graveman (CD and DVD burning application)", "source": "source/salix/system/graveman", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "lcms2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglade", "libglvnd", "libid3tag", "libmad", "libmng", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "6salix15.0", "sizec": "517 K", "descl": "Graveman is a GTK2 front end to cdrecord, mkisofs, readcd, sox, flac, dvd+rw-tools, and cdrdao. Graveman can burn audio cds from ogg, mp3, and flac, and can burn data cds and dvds, copy on the fly, clean rewritable cds and dvds, and duplicate cds. Homepage: http://graveman.tuxfamily.org", "path": "./salix/system/graveman-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "116636 K", "ver": "7.9", "name": "wine-staging", "descs": "wine-staging (Wine Staging is the testing area of winehq.org)", "source": "source/salix/system/wine-staging", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "flac", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libexif", "libgphoto2", "libnl3", "libogg", "libpcap", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs", "vagrant"], "opus", "orc", "pulseaudio", "sane", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29159 K", "descl": "It contains bug fixes and features, which have not been integrated into the development branch yet. The idea of Wine Staging is to provide experimental features faster to end users and to give developers the possibility to discuss and improve their patches before they are integrated into the main branch. Homepage: https://wiki.winehq.org/Wine-Staging", "path": "./salix/system/wine-staging-7.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.5.0", "name": "makefile2graph", "descs": "makefile2graph (creates a dependency graph from a Makefile)", "source": "source/salix/system/makefile2graph", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Creates a graph of dependencies from GNU make Makefile. Output is a graphviz dot file, a Gexf-XML file, or a list of the deepest independent targets that should be made. sub-makefiles are not supported.", "path": "./salix/system/makefile2graph-1.5.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.1.5", "name": "pipemeter", "descs": "pipemeter (I/O pipe with progress and speed indicators)", "source": "source/salix/system/pipemeter", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "pipemeter copies its standard input to its standard output with a progress bar and/or speed indicator.", "path": "./salix/system/pipemeter-1.1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12696 K", "ver": "3.44.1", "name": "evolution-data-server", "descs": "evolution-data-server (Desktop Information Store)", "source": "source/salix/system/evolution-data-server", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "cyrus-sasl", "db48", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "enchant", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcr", "gdk-pixbuf2", "geocode-glib", "glib2", "gnome-online-accounts", "graphite2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "hyphen", "icu4c", "json-glib", "lcms2", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXt", "libcanberra", "libdrm", "libepoxy", "libevdev", "libgcrypt", "libgdata", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libgudev", "libgweather4", "libical", "libmanette", "libnotify", "libogg", "libseccomp", "libsecret", "libsoup", "libtasn1", "libunistring", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libwpe", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "libxslt", "mesa", "mozilla-nss", "openjpeg", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "wayland", "webkit2gtk", "woff2", "wpebackend-fdo", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3174 K", "descl": "The evolution-data-server provides a single database for common, desktop-wide information such as a user's address book. https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution/", "path": "./salix/system/evolution-data-server-3.44.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "936 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "rhash", "descs": "rhash (Utility for verifying hash sums (SFV, CRC, etc)", "source": "source/salix/system/rhash", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "234 K", "descl": "RHash (Recursive Hasher) is a console utility for computing and verifying hash sums of files. It supports CRC32, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, Tiger, DC++ TTH, BitTorrent BTIH, ED2K, AICH, GOST R 34.11-94, RIPEMD-160, HAS-160, EDON-R 256/512, Whirlpool and Snefru-128/256 algorithms. Hash sums are used to ensure and verify integrity of large volumes of data for a long-term storing or transferring.", "path": "./salix/system/rhash-1.4.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.4.5", "name": "physlock", "descs": "physlock (Lightweight Linux console locking tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/physlock", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Control physical access to a linux computer by locking all of its virtual terminals / consoles. physlock is an alternative to vlock, it is equivalent to `vlock -an'. It is written because vlock blocks some linux kernel mechanisms like hibernate and suspend and can therefore only be used with some limitations. https://github.com/muennich/physlock", "path": "./salix/system/physlock-0.4.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6576 K", "ver": "2.13.4", "name": "apparmor", "descs": "apparmor (Mandatory Access Control mechanism)", "source": "source/salix/system/apparmor", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1644 K", "descl": "AppArmor protects systems from insecure or untrusted processes by running them in restricted confinement, while still allowing processes to share files, exercise privilege and communicate with other processes. AppArmor is a Mandatory Access Control (MAC) mechanism which uses the Linux Security Module (LSM) framework. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/apparmor/", "path": "./salix/system/apparmor-2.13.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.1_9", "name": "info2man", "descs": "info2man (convert GNU info files into man pages)", "source": "source/salix/system/info2man", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "info2pod converts GNU info data to POD format for easy transcription to various formats like HTML. info2man is a wrapper for info2pod to convert info files into nroff/man format.", "path": "./salix/system/info2man-1.1_9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1176 K", "ver": "5.25.2", "name": "monit", "descs": "monit (Unix System Management)", "source": "source/salix/system/monit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], "e2fsprogs", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "294 K", "descl": "Monit is a utility for managing and monitoring processes, files, directories and devices on a Unix system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. Homepage: https://mmonit.com/monit/", "path": "./salix/system/monit-5.25.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "0.5.0", "name": "triggerhappy", "descs": "triggerhappy (a lightweight global hotkey daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/triggerhappy", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "Triggerhappy is a hotkey daemon that operates on a system wide scale. It watches all configured input devices for key, switch, or button events and can launch arbitrary commands specified by the administrator. In contrast to hotkey services provided by desktop environments, triggerhappy is especially suited to hardware related switches like volume or wifi control; it works independently from a specific user being logged in and is also suitable for embedded systems that do not have a graphical user interface.", "path": "./salix/system/triggerhappy-0.5.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "u3-tool", "descs": "u3-tool (utility for U3 flash drives, including SanDisk and Verbatim)", "source": "source/salix/system/u3-tool", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "Tool for controlling USB flash devices that confirm to the U3 specifications. This program can control the following features: - Replacing the virtual CD image - Changing the virtual CD's allocated size, or completely removing it - Enabling and disabling device security (password protection). - Unlocking and changing the password password of secured U3 device - Obtaining various device information", "path": "./salix/system/u3-tool-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "0.12.99", "name": "geoclue", "descs": "geoclue (geoinformation service)", "source": "source/salix/system/geoclue", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "Geoclue is a modular geoinformation service built on top of the D-Bus messaging system. The goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating location-aware applications as simple as possible. Geoclue defines a set of geoinformation APIs, but it also includes some providers that implement those APIs. homepage: http://geoclue.freedesktop.org/", "path": "./salix/system/geoclue-0.12.99-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "20120911", "name": "crc32_simple", "descs": "crc32_simple (calculate crc32 checksum of files)", "source": "source/salix/system/crc32_simple", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "Simple public domain implementation of the standard CRC32 checksum. Outputs the checksum for each file given as a command line argument. Invalid file names and files that cause errors are silently skipped. The program reads from stdin if it is called with no arguments.", "path": "./salix/system/crc32_simple-20120911-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "592 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "arqiver", "descs": "arqiver (Simple Qt archive manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/arqiver", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "148 K", "descl": "arqiver is a simple Qt archive manager. It serves as a front-end for libarchive (bsdtar), gzip and 7z.", "path": "./salix/system/arqiver-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "328 K", "ver": "01182001", "name": "ttf-dark-courier", "descs": "ttf-dark-courier (HP font based on courier-new)", "source": "source/salix/system/ttf-dark-courier", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "82 K", "descl": "Originally distributed by Hewlett-Packard many years ago. Dark Courier's main goal is to make Courier-New more readable by making it heavier and darker on the page. The slightly darker font gives greater readability while being identical to the original courier-new font shipped with Windows operating systems.", "path": "./salix/system/ttf-dark-courier-01182001-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "7.1", "name": "dtrx", "descs": "dtrx (Intelligent archive extraction)", "source": "source/salix/system/dtrx", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "dtrx extracts archives in a number of different formats. In addition to providing one command to handle many different archive types, dtrx also aids the user by extracting contents consistently. By default, everything will be written to a dedicated directory that's named after the archive. dtrx will also change the permissions to ensure that the owner can read and write all those files. website: http://brettcsmith.org/2007/dtrx/", "path": "./salix/system/dtrx-7.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "168 K", "ver": "3.2.6", "name": "gcdemu", "descs": "gcdemu (gtk applet for controlling CDEmu daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/gcdemu", "deps": ["cdemu-daemon"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "42 K", "descl": "It provides a graphic interface that allows performing the key tasks related to controlling the CDEmu daemon, such as loading and unloading devices, displaying devices' status and retrieving/setting devices' debug masks. Homepage: https://cdemu.sourceforge.io/about/gcdemu/", "path": "./salix/system/gcdemu-3.2.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "668 K", "ver": "1.0.11", "name": "winusb", "descs": "winusb (make a bootable windows install usb)", "source": "source/salix/system/winusb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "svgalib"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libglvnd", "libmspack", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sdl", "util-linux", "wxPython", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "167 K", "descl": "WinUSB is a simple tool that enable you to create your own usb stick windows installer from an iso image or a real DVD. Supported images: Windows Vista, Seven, 8. This package contains two programs: - WinUSB-gui: a graphical interface which is very easy to use. - the command line tool. Homepage: http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html", "path": "./salix/system/winusb-1.0.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "212 K", "ver": "2.2.14", "name": "xosd", "descs": "xosd (On Screen Display)", "source": "source/salix/system/xosd", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXinerama", "libxcb"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "53 K", "descl": "XOSD displays text on your screen, sounds simple right? The difference is it is unmanaged and shaped, so it appears transparent. This gives the effect of an On Screen Display, like your TV/VCR etc. The package also includes an xmms plugin, which automatically displays various interesting things as they change (song name, volume etc...)", "path": "./salix/system/xosd-2.2.14-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "21828 K", "ver": "4.2.2_8099", "name": "mpollux-digisign-client", "descs": "mpollux-digisign-client (smart card middleware)", "source": "source/salix/system/mpollux-digisign-client", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "pcsc-lite", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5457 K", "descl": "Fujitsu mPollux DigiSign Client Smart Card middleware for ISO7816-15, PKCS#15, FINEID-S1 and FINEID-S4 compatible smart cards This middleware allows programs to access data, such as cryptographic keys, on ISO7816-15, PKCS#15, FINEID-S1 and FINEID-S4 compatible smart cards and similar security tokens. Homepage: https://dvv.fi/kortinlukijaohjelmisto", "path": "./salix/system/mpollux-digisign-client-4.2.2_8099-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.2.0", "name": "pass-otp", "descs": "pass-otp (Manage OTP tokens)", "source": "source/salix/system/pass-otp", "deps": ["password-store", "oath-toolkit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens. https://github.com/tadfisher/pass-otp", "path": "./salix/system/pass-otp-1.2.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "xbattmon", "descs": "xbattmon (simple battery monitor)", "source": "source/salix/system/xbattmon", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "xbattmon is a simple battery status bar for X. It draws a 2 pixels bar at the edge of your screen, which shows battery status with different colors. Homepage: https://git.2f30.org/xbattmon/log.html", "path": "./salix/system/xbattmon-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "4.4", "name": "md5deep", "descs": "md5deep (tools to compare digests)", "source": "source/salix/system/md5deep", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "md5deep is a cross-platform set of programs to compute MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digests on an arbitrary number of files. md5deep is similar to the md5sum program found in the GNU Coreutils package, but has the following additional features: Recursive operation, Comparison mode, Time estimation, Piecewise hasing, and File type mode.", "path": "./salix/system/md5deep-4.4-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2476 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "smart", "descs": "smart (Smart is a meta-package manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/smart", "deps": ["python2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "619 K", "descl": "Smart is a meta-package manager in the spirit of APT, DEB and URPMI and others. It can manage RPM, DEB and Slackware packages and provides a clean architecture to add new package and repository formats (called channels in Smart). What sets Smart apart is a dependency-solving algorithm that outperforms other package managers, a clean architecture, wide support for package and repository formats, and great mirror management.", "path": "./salix/system/smart-1.4.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2908 K", "ver": "0.7.8", "name": "usbguard", "descs": "usbguard (Software protection against rogue USB devices)", "source": "source/salix/system/usbguard", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "audit", "dbus", "elogind", "glib2", "libcap-ng", "libqb", "libseccomp", "libsodium", "protobuf3", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "727 K", "descl": "The USBGuard software framework helps to protect your computer against rogue USB devices (a.k.a. BadUSB) by implementing basic whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities based on device attributes. https://usbguard.github.io/", "path": "./salix/system/usbguard-0.7.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1732 K", "ver": "1.9.5", "name": "encfs", "descs": "encfs (encrypted virtual filesystem)", "source": "source/salix/system/encfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "tinyxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "433 K", "descl": "EncFS is a program which provides an encrypted virtual filesystem for Linux using the FUSE kernel module. FUSE provides a loadable kernel module which exports a filesystem interface to user-mode. EncFS runs entirely in user-mode and acts as a transparent encrypted filesystem. Homepage: https://vgough.github.io/encfs/", "path": "./salix/system/encfs-1.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.3.9", "name": "keylaunch", "descs": "keylaunch (bind commands to a hot key)", "source": "source/salix/system/keylaunch", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "KeyLaunch is a small utility for binding commands to a hot key. It reads a configuration file in ${HOME}.keylaunchrc. KeyLaunch uses Ctrl, Alt and Shift as modifier keys, the hotkey is up to the user. See /usr/doc/keylaunch-1.3.3/example_rc to get started. Homepage: http://www.oroborus.org/", "path": "./salix/system/keylaunch-1.3.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2800 K", "ver": "3.2.8", "name": "phpsysinfo", "descs": "phpsysinfo (displays information)", "source": "source/salix/system/phpsysinfo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "700 K", "descl": "A customizable PHP script that displays information about your system nicely. Homepage: https://phpsysinfo.github.io/phpsysinfo/", "path": "./salix/system/phpsysinfo-3.2.8-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "516 K", "ver": "", "name": "execline", "descs": "execline (non-interactive scripting language)", "source": "source/salix/system/execline", "deps": ["skalibs"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "129 K", "descl": "execline is a (non-interactive) scripting language, like sh; but its syntax is quite different from a traditional shell syntax. It is as powerful as a shell: it features conditional loops, getopt-style option handling, filename globbing, and more. Meanwhile, its syntax is far more logic and predictable than the shell's syntax, and has no security issues. Homepage: https://skarnet.org/software/execline/", "path": "./salix/system/execline-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "128 K", "ver": "0.9.3+20161218_e57951b", "name": "csvutils", "descs": "csvutils (inspect and manipulate CSV data)", "source": "source/salix/system/csvutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "libcsv"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "32 K", "descl": "csvutils is a set of command-line utilities that use libcsv to access comma (or actually, any delimiter) separated data files. Included programs: csvcount, csvcheck, csvfix, csvgrep, csvcut, csvbreak.", "path": "./salix/system/csvutils-0.9.3+20161218_e57951b-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2212 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "emelfm2", "descs": "emelfm2 (emelFM2 File Manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/emelfm2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "553 K", "descl": "emelFM2 is a file manager for UNIX-like operating systems. It uses a simple and efficient interface pioneered by Norton Commander in the 1980's. It features a two pane window located side-by-side to show the contents of the selected filesystem directories, and a third pane at the bottom that shows the output of commands.", "path": "./salix/system/emelfm2-0.9.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "3.1_6", "name": "secure-delete", "descs": "secure-delete (wipe files, free disk space, swap and memory)", "source": "source/salix/system/secure-delete", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Gutmann method based tools for securely wiping data. Home page: https://packages.debian.org/buster/secure-delete", "path": "./salix/system/secure-delete-3.1_6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "maintboot", "descs": "maintboot (runs commands outside of the current OS)", "source": "source/salix/system/maintboot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "maintboot runs commands outside of the current OS, with exclusive access to the system and hardware. This can be useful to run maintenance tasks, like repartitioning, in a controlled environment. Maintboot builds an appliance on the fly from a list of packages (using supermin). It then loads the appliance with kexec, bypassing the bios, and runs the maintenance script in that new context. Author: Gabriel de Perthuis Website: https://github.com/g2p/maintboot", "path": "./salix/system/maintboot-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16536 K", "ver": "20120503", "name": "freefont", "descs": "freefont (free family of scalable outline fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/freefont", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4134 K", "descl": "GNU FreeFont is a free family of scalable outline fonts, suitable for general use on computers and for desktop publishing. It is Unicode- encoded for compatibility with all modern operating systems. Besides a full set of characters for writing systems based on the Latin alphabet, FreeFont contains symbol characters and characters from other writing systems. http://www.gnu.org/software/freefont/", "path": "./salix/system/freefont-20120503-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "3.2.4", "name": "swatch", "descs": "swatch (Simple Log Watcher)", "source": "source/salix/system/swatch", "deps": ["perl-Date-Calc", "perl-Date-Manip", "perl-File-Tail", "perl-TimeDate"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Swatchdog.pl started out as the 'simple watchdog' for activly monitoring log files produced by UNIX's syslog facility. It has since been evolving into a utility that can monitor just about any type of log Project Website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/swatch/", "path": "./salix/system/swatch-3.2.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "9944 K", "ver": "0.0.146", "name": "sentimental-skk", "descs": "sentimental-skk (Japanese Input Method SKK on your terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/sentimental-skk", "deps": ["tff"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2486 K", "descl": "This program provides Simple Kana Kanji conversion (SKK) input method service to your terminal. It depends on 'Canossa' which is an off-screen terminal emulation service, 'Canossa' makes application enable to restore specified screen region on demand!! So this SKK service can provide cool popup feature. Homepage: https://github.com/saitoha/sentimental-skk", "path": "./salix/system/sentimental-skk-0.0.146-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "524 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "disk-manager", "descs": "disk-manager (simple filesystem configurator)", "source": "source/salix/system/disk-manager", "deps": ["gksu"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "131 K", "descl": "Disk Manager is a tool to manage filesystems, partitions, and NTFS write mode. Home page: http://flomertens.free.fr/disk-manager/", "path": "./salix/system/disk-manager-1.1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "1.18", "name": "eltclsh", "descs": "eltclsh (editline tcl shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/eltclsh", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXScrnSaver", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXft", "libXrender", "libedit", "libxcb", "libxml2", "tcl", "tk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "An interactive shell for the TCL programming language. It provides command line editing, history browsing as well as variables and command completion thanks to features. The completion engine is programmable in a way similar to tcsh, and comes with an intelligent completion for the full tcl language by default. The package also provides elwish, an interactive interpreter for the Tk toolkit. eltclsh is an open-source software released under a BSD license. http://homepages.laas.fr/mallet/soft/shell/eltclsh", "path": "./salix/system/eltclsh-1.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2952 K", "ver": "1.4.6", "name": "colord", "descs": "colord (Color Profile System Service)", "source": "source/salix/system/colord", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "dbus", "elogind", "glib2", "icu4c", "lcms2", "libgudev", "libgusb", "libxml2", "polkit", "sane", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "738 K", "descl": "colord is a system service that makes it easy to manage, install and generate color profiles to accurately color manage input and output devices. Project URL: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord", "path": "./salix/system/colord-1.4.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3416 K", "ver": "21.78", "name": "hwinfo", "descs": "hwinfo (Hardware detection tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/hwinfo", "deps": ["libx86emu", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "854 K", "descl": "hwinfo is a simple program that lists results from the hardware detection library. Homepage: https://github.com/openSUSE/hwinfo", "path": "./salix/system/hwinfo-21.78-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12988 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "oldschool-pc-fonts", "descs": "oldschool-pc-fonts (remakes of PC text mode fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/oldschool-pc-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3247 K", "descl": "The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack brings you pixel-perfect remakes of various type styles from text-mode era PCs - in modern, multi-platform, Unicode-compatible TrueType and OTB form, and/or as Linux .psfu console fonts. https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/ This package includes TrueType/OTB fonts only.", "path": "./salix/system/oldschool-pc-fonts-2.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "824 K", "ver": "R59c", "name": "mksh", "descs": "mksh (MirBSD Korn Shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/mksh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "206 K", "descl": "mksh is a successor to the Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh) Homepage: http://mirbsd.de/mksh", "path": "./salix/system/mksh-R59c-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1772 K", "ver": "0.8.8", "name": "xboxdrv-linux", "descs": "xboxdrv-linux (Userspace Xbox/Xbox360 USB Gamepad Driver for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/xboxdrv-linux", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "glib2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "443 K", "descl": "Xboxdrv is a Xbox/Xbox360 gamepad driver for Linux that works in userspace. It is an alternative to the xpad kernel driver and has support for Xbox1 gamepads, Xbox360 USB gamepads and Xbox360 wireless gamepads, both first and third party. Homepage: https://xboxdrv.gitlab.io/", "path": "./salix/system/xboxdrv-linux-0.8.8-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2496 K", "ver": "2.2.1", "name": "crmsh", "descs": "crmsh (cluster management shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/crmsh", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "624 K", "descl": "crmsh is a cluster management shell for the Pacemaker High Availability stack. Configure, manage and troubleshoot clusters from the command line, with full tab completion and extensive help. crmsh also provides advanced features like low-level cluster configuration, cluster scripting, package management, and history exploration tools giving you a complete insight into the state of your cluster. Homepage: http://crmsh.github.io", "path": "./salix/system/crmsh-2.2.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.2.7", "name": "esekeyd", "descs": "esekeyd (multimedia keyboard daemon for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/esekeyd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "ESE Key Daemon is a multimedia keyboard daemon for Linux. With the 2.6 kernel series it can also handle remote controls, as they are presented as keyboards. It's a userspace program that polls /dev/input/event? interfaces for incoming keypresses, and executes commands as defined in its config file. esekeyd is also useful for keyboards without multimedia keys. Its functionality is similar to xbindkeys, but it doesn't require X (works in the console).", "path": "./salix/system/esekeyd-1.2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "4260 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "kvantum-qt5", "descs": "kvantum-qt5 (SVG-based theme engine for Qt5, KDE and LXQt)", "source": "source/salix/system/kvantum-qt5", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "kwindowsystem", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "util-linux", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1065 K", "descl": "Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Qt, tuned to KDE and LXQt, with an emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality. Homepage: https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantums", "path": "./salix/system/kvantum-qt5-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "3860 K", "ver": "", "name": "newrelic-sysmond", "descs": "newrelic-sysmond (server monitor application)", "source": "source/salix/system/newrelic-sysmond", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "965 K", "descl": "This package contains the newrelic-sysmond program by Newrelic. It will monitor your server's system resources and report them back to your Newrelic account. homepage: http://newrelic.com", "path": "./salix/system/newrelic-sysmond-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "12 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "ohmyalias", "descs": "ohmyalias (Create your easily alias!!)", "source": "source/salix/system/ohmyalias", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3 K", "descl": "ohmyalias is a utility cli to create easily alias. Very simple, Easy and Fast. https://notabug.org/jeffersonrocha/Oh_My_Alias", "path": "./salix/system/ohmyalias-1.1-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.7.7", "name": "setconf", "descs": "setconf (configuration utility)", "source": "source/salix/system/setconf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "setconf is a small utility that can be used for changing settings in configuration textfiles. Project URL: http://setconf.roboticoverlords.org/", "path": "./salix/system/setconf-0.7.7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "1.5.7", "name": "foremost", "descs": "foremost (recover files based on their headers and footers)", "source": "source/salix/system/foremost", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Foremost is a Linux program to recover files based on their headers and footers. Foremost can work on image files, such as those generated by dd, Safeback, Encase, etc, or directly on a drive. The headers and footers are specified by a configuration file, so you can pick and choose which headers you want to look for. Homepage: http://foremost.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/foremost-1.5.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "16400 K", "ver": "1.25.7", "name": "veracrypt", "descs": "veracrypt (free disk encryption software)", "source": "source/salix/system/veracrypt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtiff"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "vagrant", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libnotify", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "wxGTK3", "zlib", "makeself"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4100 K", "descl": "VeraCrypt is a free disk encryption software brought to you by IDRIX (https://www.idrix.fr) and that is based on TrueCrypt 7.1a. VeraCrypt adds enhanced security to the algorithms used for system and partitions encryption making it immune to new developments in brute-force attacks. VeraCrypt also solves many vulnerabilities and security issues found in TrueCrypt.", "path": "./salix/system/veracrypt-1.25.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1108 K", "ver": "6.30.1", "name": "cnijfilter2", "descs": "cnijfilter2 (Canon IJ Printer Driver)", "source": "source/salix/system/cnijfilter2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "277 K", "descl": "cnijfilter2 provides printing functions for Canon Inkjet printers operating under the CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) environment. It supports MG7500 series, MG6700 series, MG6600 series, MG5600 series, MG2900 series, MB2000 series, MB2300, iB4000 series, MB5000 series, MB5300 series, iP110 series, E450 series, MX490 series, E480 series. Homepage: https://asia.canon/en/support/0101131901", "path": "./salix/system/cnijfilter2-6.30.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104764 K", "ver": "7.0", "name": "wine", "descs": "wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/wine", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "flac", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libexif", "libgphoto2", "libnl3", "libogg", "libpcap", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxml2", "ocl-icd", "openal-soft", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "opus", "orc", "pulseaudio", "sane", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "26191 K", "descl": "Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. Homepage: http://www.winehq.com/", "path": "./salix/system/wine-7.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "2.0.0_76268c4", "name": "splix", "descs": "splix (CUPS printer drivers for SPL)", "source": "source/salix/system/splix", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "SpliX is a set of CUPS printer drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers. It covers several Samsung and Xerox printers. Only SPL2 and SPLc printers are currently supported; However, work is in progress to implement support for other SPL printers.", "path": "./salix/system/splix-2.0.0_76268c4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1992 K", "ver": "0.8.29", "name": "uae", "descs": "uae (amiga emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/uae", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "498 K", "descl": "UAE is a mostly complete software emulation of the hardware of the Commodore Amiga 500/1000/2000.", "path": "./salix/system/uae-0.8.29-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "944 K", "ver": "03142015", "name": "courier-prime", "descs": "courier-prime (Free Courier and Courier-like font set)", "source": "source/salix/system/courier-prime", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "236 K", "descl": "Courier Prime*, specially designed for screenplays. Courier Sans, a courier-like font without serifs. Courier Source, another courier-like font without serifs 'optimized for programmers'. Released under the SIL Open Font License *Apologies to the Slackware logo. http://quoteunquoteapps.com/courierprime/", "path": "./salix/system/courier-prime-03142015-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "208 K", "ver": "1.0.79", "name": "debootstrap", "descs": "debootstrap (create a Debian base system from scratch)", "source": "source/salix/system/debootstrap", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "52 K", "descl": "Debootstrap is used to create a Debian base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of dpkg or apt. It does this by downloading .deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory which can eventually be chrooted into.", "path": "./salix/system/debootstrap-1.0.79-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "1.10", "name": "ccrypt", "descs": "ccrypt (unix crypt replacement)", "source": "source/salix/system/ccrypt", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "ccrypt is a utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams. It was designed as a replacement for the standard unix crypt utility and is based on based on the Rijndael cipher (aka AES) Homepage: http://ccrypt.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/ccrypt-1.10-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "464 K", "ver": "3.2.05", "name": "MySQL-Sandbox", "descs": "MySQL-Sandbox (easy install of MySQL server)", "source": "source/salix/system/MySQL-Sandbox", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "116 K", "descl": "The easy way of installing a MySQL server MySQL Sandbox is a tool that installs one or more MySQL or MariaDB servers within seconds, easily, securely, and with full control. http://mysqlsandbox.net", "path": "./salix/system/MySQL-Sandbox-3.2.05-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "152 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "uptimed", "descs": "uptimed (An uptime daemon)", "source": "source/salix/system/uptimed", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "38 K", "descl": "Uptimed is an uptime daemon (logs your best uptimes). Homepage: https://github.com/rpodgorny/uptimed/", "path": "./salix/system/uptimed-0.4.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "fasd", "descs": "fasd (Command-line productivity booster)", "source": "source/salix/system/fasd", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "Fasd (pronounced similar to 'fast') is a command-line productivity booster. Fasd offers quick access to files and directories for POSIX shells. It is inspired by tools like autojump, z and v. Fasd keeps track of files and directories you have accessed, so that you can quickly reference them in the command line. The name fasd comes from the default suggested aliases f(files), a(files/directories), s(show/search/select), d(directories).", "path": "./salix/system/fasd-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "zopfli", "descs": "zopfli (compression algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/system/zopfli", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Zopfli is a compression library programmed in C to perform very good, but slow, deflate or zlib compression. Zopfli supports deflate, gzip and zlib output format with a parameter. This library can only compress, not decompress. Existing zlib or deflate libraries can decompress the data.", "path": "./salix/system/zopfli-1.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "796 K", "ver": "5.2.14", "name": "pdksh", "descs": "pdksh (the Public Domain Korn Shell)", "source": "source/salix/system/pdksh", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "199 K", "descl": "PD-ksh is a clone of the AT&T; Korn shell. At the moment, it has most of the ksh88 features, not much of the ksh93 features, and a number of its own features. pdksh was initially created by Eric Gisin using Charles Forsyth's public domain V7 shell as a base as well as parts of the BRL shell.", "path": "./salix/system/pdksh-5.2.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "490292 K", "ver": "5.9.3_20220216215910", "name": "kbfs", "descs": "kbfs (Keybase File System)", "source": "source/salix/system/kbfs", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "122573 K", "descl": "The Keybase Go Client, filesystem and GUI This script package the whole bundle, not just the client app. Project URL: https://github.com/keybase/client", "path": "./salix/system/kbfs-5.9.3_20220216215910-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "440 K", "ver": "0.14", "name": "pymux", "descs": "pymux (Python terminal multiplexer)", "source": "source/salix/system/pymux", "deps": ["prompt_toolkit", "pyte", "docopt"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "110 K", "descl": "A terminal multiplexer (like tmux) in Python Homepage: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/pymux", "path": "./salix/system/pymux-0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "1.9.0", "name": "osinfo-db-tools", "descs": "osinfo-db-tools (operating systems database tools)", "source": "source/salix/system/osinfo-db-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "glib2", "icu4c", "json-glib", "libarchive", "libsoup", "libunistring", "libxml2", "lz4", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "This package provides tools for managing the osinfo database of information about operating systems for use with virtualization homepage: http://libosinfo.org", "path": "./salix/system/osinfo-db-tools-1.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "6076 K", "ver": "3.43.90", "name": "gnome-terminal", "descs": "gnome-terminal (GNOME Terminal Emulator)", "source": "source/salix/system/gnome-terminal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre2"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dconf", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "nautilus", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vte", "wayland", "zlib", "gnome-shell"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1519 K", "descl": "Terminal is a terminal emulator application for accessing a UNIX shell environment which can be used to run programs available on your system. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-terminal", "path": "./salix/system/gnome-terminal-3.43.90-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "2116 K", "ver": "0.7.3", "name": "polychromatic", "descs": "polychromatic (GUI frontend for openrazer)", "source": "source/salix/system/polychromatic", "deps": ["openrazer-daemon", "colorama", "python-colour", "python3-PyQtWebEngine"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "529 K", "descl": "Polychromatic is a vendor agnostic front-end for managing lighting, RGB effects and some special functionality for keyboards, mice, keypads and just about any other gaming peripheral on your GNU/Linux system. The software aims to make it easy to create and co-ordinate lighting effects that work across all compatible hardware, even if you switch to another brand also supported by Polychromatic.", "path": "./salix/system/polychromatic-0.7.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "7148 K", "ver": "0.57.0", "name": "graphterm", "descs": "graphterm (A Graphical Terminal Interface)", "source": "source/salix/system/graphterm", "deps": ["tornado"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1787 K", "descl": "GraphTerm is a browser-based graphical terminal interface, that aims to seamlessly blend the command line and graphical user interfaces. Homepage: https://github.com/mitotic/graphterm", "path": "./salix/system/graphterm-0.57.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "200 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "slackyd", "descs": "slackyd (slacky downloader)", "source": "source/salix/system/slackyd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "50 K", "descl": "slackyd is a tool that let you download packages from a repository (checking integrity by their md5) and perform other tasks like showing package informations (description, size, dependencies and so on), check for updates, search for official or unofficial installed packages. It can build packages from source or just download the files needed for building. It can resolve needed dependencies using required and reccomended fields in PACKAGES.TXT homepage: https://github.com/slackyeu/slackyd", "path": "./salix/system/slackyd-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "2.0b3_16", "name": "macutils", "descs": "macutils (tools to handle Macintosh files)", "source": "source/salix/system/macutils", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "macutils is a package that contains a number of utilities that deal with Macintosh files on a Unix system. This is useful for converting BinHex-encoded files to the smaller MacBinary format before transferring them to a Mac.", "path": "./salix/system/macutils-2.0b3_16-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "92 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "stm32flash", "descs": "stm32flash (flash program for the STM32 ARM)", "source": "source/salix/system/stm32flash", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "23 K", "descl": "Open source cross platform flash program for the STM32 ARM microcontrollers using the built-in ST serial bootloader over UART or I2C", "path": "./salix/system/stm32flash-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "tbsm", "descs": "tbsm (Terminal Based Session Manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/tbsm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "tbsm is a pure bash session or application launcher, inspired by cdm, tdm and krunner.", "path": "./salix/system/tbsm-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.2.15", "name": "srm", "descs": "srm (Secure file deletion for posix systems)", "source": "source/salix/system/srm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "srm is a secure replacement for rm(1). Unlike the standard rm, it overwrites the data in the target files before unlinking them. This prevents command-line recovery of the data by examining the raw block device. It may also help frustrate a physical examination of the disk, although it's unlikely that it can completely protect against this type of recovery. Please note that srm will NOT work as expected with journaled filesystem (e.g. reiserfs, ext3). Homepage: http://srm.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/system/srm-1.2.15-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "240 K", "ver": "2.93", "name": "dina-font", "descs": "dina-font (a monospace bitmap font aimed at programmers)", "source": "source/salix/system/dina-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "60 K", "descl": "Dina is a monospace bitmap font, primarily aimed at programmers. It is relatively compact to allow a lot of code on screen while clear enough to remain readable even at high resolutions. This package includes X11 fonts only.", "path": "./salix/system/dina-font-2.93-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "20160619", "name": "blake2", "descs": "blake2 (Cryptographic Hash Function)", "source": "source/salix/system/blake2", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The cryptographic hash function BLAKE2 is an improved version of the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE. BLAKE2 offers the highest security, yet is fast as MD5 on 64-bit platforms and requires less RAM. Project Site: https://blake2.net", "path": "./salix/system/blake2-20160619-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1776 K", "ver": "0.7.19", "name": "duplicity", "descs": "duplicity (Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using rsync algorithm)", "source": "source/salix/system/duplicity", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "popt"], "librsync", "python2", "zlib", "lockfile", "fasteners", "rename"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "444 K", "descl": "Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from spying and/or modification by the server.", "path": "./salix/system/duplicity-0.7.19-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.20", "name": "recoverdm", "descs": "recoverdm (recover files/disks with damaged sectors)", "source": "source/salix/system/recoverdm", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "This program will help you recover disks with bad sectors. You can recover files as well complete devices. This toolkit also has a utility called 'mergebad': mergebad merges multiple images into one. Homepage: http://www.vanheusden.com/recoverdm/", "path": "./salix/system/recoverdm-0.20-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "612 K", "ver": "0.2.9", "name": "yaft", "descs": "yaft (Yet another framebuffer terminal)", "source": "source/salix/system/yaft", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "153 K", "descl": "Simple terminal emulator for minimalist. Living without X. https://github.com/uobikiemukot/yaft", "path": "./salix/system/yaft-0.2.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "0.7.2", "name": "slack-utils", "descs": "slack-utils (utilities and Ruby library, for Slackware)", "source": "source/salix/system/slack-utils", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "A simple tool for looking over installed packages, finding file owners, or the install times of packages. Homepage: https://github.com/vbatts/slack-utils", "path": "./salix/system/slack-utils-0.7.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "104 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "rename", "descs": "rename (Renames files using regular expressions)", "source": "source/salix/system/rename", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "26 K", "descl": "Renames files using regular expression matching. This enables elegant handling of multiple renames using a single command. Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/langacore/rename", "path": "./salix/system/rename-1.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "lomoco", "descs": "lomoco (Logitech Mouse Control for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/lomoco", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"]], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "lomoco can configure vendor-specific options on Logitech USB mice (or dual-personality mice plugged into the USB port). A number of recent devices are supported. The program is mostly useful in setting the resolution to 800 cpi or higher on mice that boot at 400 cpi (such as the MX500, MX510, MX1000 etc.), and disabling SmartScroll or Cruise Control for those who would rather use the two extra buttons as ordinary mouse buttons.", "path": "./salix/system/lomoco-1.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "18328 K", "ver": "2.0.5", "name": "pacemaker", "descs": "pacemaker (High-Availability cluster resource manager)", "source": "source/salix/system/pacemaker", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "cluster-glue", "corosync", "dbus", "elogind", "gnutls", "libqb", "libunistring", "libxml2", "libxslt", "nettle", "p11-kit", "pam", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "4582 K", "descl": "Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. You might also want to install corosync, pacemaker, resource-agents, crmsh, fence-agents and eventually cluster-glue.", "path": "./salix/system/pacemaker-2.0.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "17116 K", "ver": "4.004", "name": "adobe-source-serif-pro-font", "descs": "adobe-source-serif-pro-font (open source font)", "source": "source/salix/system/adobe-source-serif-pro-font", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4279 K", "descl": "Source Serif Pro is a set of OpenType fonts that have been designed to complement Source Sans Pro. https://adobe-fonts.github.io/source-serif-pro/", "path": "./salix/system/adobe-source-serif-pro-font-4.004-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "11708 K", "ver": "2.6.1", "name": "volatility", "descs": "volatility (memory extraction utility framework)", "source": "source/salix/system/volatility", "deps": ["python2-distorm", "python2-pycrypto", "python2-yara"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2927 K", "descl": "The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools, implemented in Python under the GNU General Public License, for the extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples. https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility", "path": "./salix/system/volatility-2.6.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "692 K", "ver": "0.9_1", "name": "fsv", "descs": "fsv (3D file system viewer, Jurassic Park style)", "source": "source/salix/system/fsv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "glu", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtkglarea", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "173 K", "descl": "fsv (pronounced eff-ess-vee) is a file system visualizer in cyberspace. It lays out files and directories in three dimensions, geometrically representing the file system hierarchy to allow visual overview and analysis. fsv can visualize a modest home directory, a workstation's hard drive, or any arbitrarily large collection of files limited only by the host computer's memory and graphics hardware.", "path": "./salix/system/fsv-0.9_1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "248 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "TLP", "descs": "TLP (Advanced Power Management Tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/TLP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "62 K", "descl": "TLP brings you the benefits of advanced power management for Linux without the need to understand every technical detail. TLP comes with a default configuration already optimized for battery life, so you may just install and forget it. Nevertheless TLP is highly customizable to fulfil your specific requirements. Website - https://linrunner.de/en/tlp/tlp.html", "path": "./salix/system/TLP-1.2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "1808 K", "ver": "3.0.7", "name": "audit", "descs": "audit (Linux Kernel Audit Framework)", "source": "source/salix/system/audit", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libcap-ng", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "452 K", "descl": "The audit package contains the user space utilities for storing and searching the audit records generate by the audit subsystem in the Linux 2.6 kernel. The audit subsystem, which is not enabled in stock Slackware kernels must be enabled and the kernel rebuilt in order to use auditd", "path": "./salix/system/audit-3.0.7-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "812 K", "ver": "1.0.2", "name": "xstow", "descs": "xstow (manage source installs)", "source": "source/salix/system/xstow", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "203 K", "descl": "XStow is a replacement for GNU Stow written in C++. It supports all features of GNU Stow with some extensions. Even the command line options are compatible. XStow is a program for managing the installation of software packages keeping them separate (/usr/local/stow/emacs vs. /usr/local/stow/perl for example) while making them appear to be installed in the same place (/usr/local).", "path": "./salix/system/xstow-1.0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.42", "name": "i8kutils", "descs": "i8kutils (utilities for Dell laptops)", "source": "source/salix/system/i8kutils", "deps": ["acpi"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "This package contains user-space programs for controlling the fans on Dell laptops. Homepage: https://launchpad.net/i8kutils", "path": "./salix/system/i8kutils-1.42-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "14616 K", "ver": "5.3.0", "name": "linux-libertine-fonts", "descs": "linux-libertine-fonts (Linux Libertine family of fonts)", "source": "source/salix/system/linux-libertine-fonts", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3654 K", "descl": "The Libertine Open Fonts project aims at creating a free alternative to the standard W*ndows Font (T*mes). The font files are available as TTF (TrueType) and OTF (OpenType) fonts. Homepage: http://linuxlibertine.org/", "path": "./salix/system/linux-libertine-fonts-5.3.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.19.2", "name": "xvfb-run", "descs": "xvfb-run (Run a command in a virtual X server environment)", "source": "source/salix/system/xvfb-run", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "xvfb-run is a script using virtual framebufer X server to run X programs from command line.", "path": "./salix/system/xvfb-run-1.19.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "620 K", "ver": "20190804", "name": "ksh-openbsd", "descs": "ksh-openbsd (OpenBSD ksh ported to Linux)", "source": "source/salix/system/ksh-openbsd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libbsd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "155 K", "descl": "This package is a patched version of the OpenBSD ksh ported to Linux, which is based on the original PD-ksh, but heavily modified and maintained by OpenBSD developers. 'Patched' means it contains modifications (improvements, bug fixes) separate from the OpenBSD tree (and besides the Linux port bits). Homepage: https://github.com/levaidaniel/ksh-openbsd", "path": "./salix/system/ksh-openbsd-20190804-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "23460 K", "ver": "2.0.0", "name": "bulk_extractor", "descs": "bulk_extractor (forensic tool)", "source": "source/salix/system/bulk_extractor", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "expat", "icu4c", "libgcrypt", "libgpg-error", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "5865 K", "descl": "bulk_extractor is a C++ program that scans a disk image, a file, or a directory of files and extracts useful information without parsing the file system or file system structures. The results are stored in feature files that can be easily inspected, parsed, or processed with automated tools. bulk_extractor also creates histograms of features that it finds, as features that are more common tend to be more important. bulk_extractor is distinguished from other forensic tools by its speed and thoroughness.", "path": "./salix/system/bulk_extractor-2.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "33496 K", "ver": "1.7.1", "name": "qdirstat", "descs": "qdirstat (disk space information)", "source": "source/salix/system/qdirstat", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8374 K", "descl": "QDirStat is a graphical application to show where your disk space has gone and to help you to clean it up. This is a Qt-only port of the old Qt3/KDE3-based KDirStat, now based on the latest Qt 5. It does not need any KDE libs or infrastructure. It runs on every X11-based desktop on Linux, BSD and other Unix-like systems. Version 1.2 now has many BTRFS improvements. License: GPL V2 (c) 2015 Stefan Hundhammer Stefan.Hundhammer@gmx.de", "path": "./salix/system/qdirstat-1.7.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "5.6.4", "name": "cve-check-tool", "descs": "cve-check-tool (Automated tool for checking known public CVEs)", "source": "source/salix/system/cve-check-tool", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "glib2", "icu4c", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "cve-check-tool is a tool for checking known (public) CVEs. The tool will identify potentially vunlnerable software packages within Linux distributions through version matching. Where possible it will also seek to determine (through a distribution implemention) if a vulnerability has been addressed by way of a patch. Homepage: https://github.com/clearlinux/cve-check-tool", "path": "./salix/system/cve-check-tool-5.6.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "3.7", "name": "onerng", "descs": "onerng (entropy generator)", "source": "source/salix/system/onerng", "deps": ["python-gnupg", "rng-tools"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "The OneRNG entropy generator is a USB dongle that creates a stream of data suitable for feeding to your kernel's entropy service. The device does not need a special kernel driver. This package installs a udev script that starts the rngd entropy daemon when a OneRNG is plugged in. More information can be found at: http://www.onerng.info", "path": "./salix/system/onerng-3.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "system", "sizeu": "9996 K", "ver": "B.02.19.2", "name": "lshw", "descs": "lshw (Hardware Lister)", "source": "source/salix/system/lshw", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2499 K", "descl": "lshw (Hardware Lister) is a small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 or EFI (IA-64) systems and on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work). Homepage: https://ezix.org/project/wiki/HardwareLiSter", "path": "./salix/system/lshw-B.02.19.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "", "name": "g15daemon", "descs": "g15daemon (G15 keyboard driver)", "source": "source/salix/misc/g15daemon", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "libg15", "libg15render"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "The G15daemon is a userspace driver/multiplexer for the keyboard and its LCD, using libg15 for low-level keyboard control. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/g15daemon/", "path": "./salix/misc/g15daemon-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "388 K", "ver": "2.2.5", "name": "figlet", "descs": "figlet (program for making large letters out of ordinary text)", "source": "source/salix/misc/figlet", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "97 K", "descl": "Extra fonts are available on the the homepage. There is also a figlet mailing list. Homepage: http://www.figlet.org", "path": "./salix/misc/figlet-2.2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.2.2", "name": "bchunk", "descs": "bchunk (bin chunker)", "source": "source/salix/misc/bchunk", "rel": "1salix", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "converts a CD image in a '.bin / .cue' format to a set of .iso and .cdr tracks. This is a Unix/C rewrite of the fine BinChunker software. The non-Unix version of BinChunker has been obsoleted by the CD-R/W burning software www.FireBurner.com homepage http://he.fi/bchunk/", "path": "./salix/misc/bchunk-1.2.2-i586-1salix.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "1.6", "name": "bbrun", "descs": "bbrun (A run utility for BlackBox)", "source": "source/salix/misc/bbrun", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXpm", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "BBrun is a run utility for BlackBox which can be run in the slit or in withdrawn mode so that it can be bound to a keystroke from bbkeys. It also features a history list of the most recent commands.", "path": "./salix/misc/bbrun-1.6-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "paperkey", "descs": "paperkey (an OpenPGP key archiver)", "source": "source/salix/misc/paperkey", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "A reasonable way to achieve a long term backup of OpenPGP (GnuPG, PGP, etc) keys is to print them out on paper. Paper and ink have amazingly long retention qualities - far longer than the magnetic or optical means that are generally used to back up computer data. Homepage: http://www.jabberwocky.com/software/paperkey/", "path": "./salix/misc/paperkey-1.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "772 K", "ver": "20210108_fbee239", "name": "gr-iqbal", "descs": "gr-iqbal (IQBalance Block)", "source": "source/salix/misc/gr-iqbal", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "boost", "e2fsprogs", "fftw", "gnuradio", "icu4c", "libosmo-dsp", "log4cpp", "orc", "python3", "volk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "193 K", "descl": "GNU Radio IQBALANCE Block homepage: http://cgit.osmocom.org/gr-iqbal", "path": "./salix/misc/gr-iqbal-20210108_fbee239-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "296 K", "ver": "1.3.9", "name": "ibus-skk", "descs": "ibus-skk (SKK engine for IBus)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ibus-skk", "deps": ["libskk"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "74 K", "descl": "ibus-skk is an implementation of the SKK (Simple Kana-Kanji) input method on the IBus input method framework. To learn about SKK, see: http://openlab.jp/skk/ https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ja/wiki/SKK", "path": "./salix/misc/ibus-skk-1.3.9-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "10540 K", "ver": "2.51.3", "name": "yaze-ag", "descs": "yaze-ag (yet another z80 emulator )", "source": "source/salix/misc/yaze-ag", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "2635 K", "descl": "is designed to provide an exact simulation of the Z80 microprocessor. It is fast, emulates undocumented opcodes, and passes instruction regression tests against real Z80 hardware. NEW in yaze-ag version 2.xx is the support of an emulated Memory Management Unit (MMU) and the BIOS which supports CP/M 3.1. YAZE-AG is a Z80-CPU-Emulator and NOT a CP/M-Emulator! Inside the Emulator runs an original CP/M or a replacement of CP/M. Please visit homepage for further reading on this excelent emulator.", "path": "./salix/misc/yaze-ag-2.51.3-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "880 K", "ver": "2.2.3", "name": "kronometer", "descs": "kronometer (A stopwatch application for KDE)", "source": "source/salix/misc/kronometer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kitemviews", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pcre2", "qt5", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "220 K", "descl": "Kronometer is a stopwatch application built for KDE. It features the basic stopwatch actions (pause/resume/reset/laps), as well as the ability to save the times and resume them later. Kronometer is part of the KDE Extragear Utils collection. Homepage: https://userbase.kde.org/Kronometer", "path": "./salix/misc/kronometer-2.2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "164 K", "ver": "0.1.7", "name": "sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw", "descs": "sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw (logic analyzer firmware for Cypress FX2)", "source": "source/salix/misc/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw", "deps": ["sdcc"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "41 K", "descl": "fx2lafw is an open-source firmware for Cypress FX2 chips which makes them usable as simple logic analyzer hardware. The firmware is meant to work on any FX2-based hardware, including logic analyzers, FX2 eval boards, or other hardware which has this chip on-board. Homepage: https://sigrok.org/wiki/Fx2lafw", "path": "./salix/misc/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw-0.1.7-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "2.8.5", "name": "keychain", "descs": "keychain (front-end to SSH and GnuPG agents)", "source": "source/salix/misc/keychain", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "It acts as a front-end to SSH and GnuPG agents, allowing to have one long-running agent process per system, rather than per login session. This allows 'cron' jobs to use 'ssh' scripts in a friendly (yet secure) manner. Keychain was created and is currently maintained by Daniel Robbins", "path": "./salix/misc/keychain-2.8.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "29344 K", "ver": "4.9.3", "name": "subsurface", "descs": "subsurface (Open Source Dive Log Program)", "source": "source/salix/misc/subsurface", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "glib2", "gnutls", "grantlee", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libgit2", "libglvnd", "libunistring", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "libzip", "nettle", "nghttp2", "orc", "p11-kit", "pcre2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7336 K", "descl": "Subsurface is able to track single- and multi-tank dives using air, Nitrox or TriMix. It also allows logging of weights and exposure protection used, dive masters and dive buddies and enables the user to rate dives and provide additional dive notes. Homepage: https://subsurface-divelog.org", "path": "./salix/misc/subsurface-4.9.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "20130616", "name": "snow", "descs": "snow (whitespace steganography)", "source": "source/salix/misc/snow", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "The program SNOW is used to conceal messages in ASCII text by appending whitespace to the end of lines. Because spaces and tabs are generally not visible in text viewers, the message is effectively hidden from casual observers. And if the built-in encryption is used, the message cannot be read even if it is detected. website: http://www.darkside.com.au/snow/", "path": "./salix/misc/snow-20130616-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "444 K", "ver": "", "name": "iscan-firmware", "descs": "iscan-firmware (firmware files for EPSON USB scanners)", "source": "source/salix/misc/iscan-firmware", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "111 K", "descl": "This is the firmware files for EPSON USB scanners, which are required to get them to run with the sane 'snapscan' backend. After installing, you have to uncomment the line which matches for your scanner in the file '/etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf'.", "path": "./salix/misc/iscan-firmware-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1048 K", "ver": "20211204", "name": "hxtools", "descs": "hxtools (miscellaneous command-line tools)", "source": "source/salix/misc/hxtools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb", "pciutils", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "262 K", "descl": "A collection of tools and scripts by Jan Engelhardt that have accumulated over the years, each of which seems to be too small to warrant its own project.", "path": "./salix/misc/hxtools-20211204-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "fcrackzip", "descs": "fcrackzip (the free password cracker)", "source": "source/salix/misc/fcrackzip", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "Fcrackzip is a free, fast, and portable zip password cracker Homepage: http://oldhome.schmorp.de/marc/fcrackzip.html", "path": "./salix/misc/fcrackzip-1.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "916 K", "ver": "7.8", "name": "html-xml-utils", "descs": "html-xml-utils (HTML and XML utilities)", "source": "source/salix/misc/html-xml-utils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "229 K", "descl": "html-xml-utils is a set of utilities for manipulating, examining, and parsing HTML and XML documents at the command line. These tools are scriptable and pipelineable. https://www.w3.org/Tools/HTML-XML-utils/", "path": "./salix/misc/html-xml-utils-7.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "156 K", "ver": "1.11.3", "name": "grc", "descs": "grc (generic colouriser)", "source": "source/salix/misc/grc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "39 K", "descl": "grc provides two programs: grc and grcat. The main is grcat, which acts as a filter, i.e. taking standard input, colourising it and writing to standard output. grcat takes as a parameter the name of configuration file. https://github.com/garabik/grc", "path": "./salix/misc/grc-1.11.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "596 K", "ver": "1.04", "name": "tidyp", "descs": "tidyp (HTML validation library)", "source": "source/salix/misc/tidyp", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "149 K", "descl": "tidyp is a fork of tidy on SourceForge at http://tidy.sf.net. The library name is 'tidyp', and the command-line tool is also 'tidyp' but all internal API stays the same. Homepage: https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML-Tidy", "path": "./salix/misc/tidyp-1.04-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "1.1.4", "name": "xdelta", "descs": "xdelta (Binary delta generator)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xdelta", "deps": ["glib", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "Xdelta is an application program designed to compute changes between files. These changes (deltas) are similar to the output of the 'diff' program in that they may be used to store and transmit only the changes between files. However, unlike diff, the output of Xdelta is not expressed in a human-readable format. Xdelta uses a fast, linear algorithm and performs well on both binary and text files.", "path": "./salix/misc/xdelta-1.1.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "20220206", "name": "gprename", "descs": "gprename (a GTK3 batch renamer for files and directories)", "source": "source/salix/misc/gprename", "deps": ["perl-Gtk3", "perl-libintl"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "GPRename is a complete batch renamer for files and directories and is licensed under the terms of the GPL version 3. Homepage: http://gprename.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/misc/gprename-20220206-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "112 K", "ver": "1.9.7", "name": "g15stats", "descs": "g15stats (G15Daemon usage meter)", "source": "source/salix/misc/g15stats", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "g15daemon", "libXau", "libg15", "libg15render", "libgtop"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "28 K", "descl": "G15Stats - a CPU/Memory/Swap/Network/Battery/Temperature/Fan Speed/ CPU Frequencies usage meter for G15Daemon. http://sourceforge.net/projects/g15daemon/", "path": "./salix/misc/g15stats-1.9.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "40240 K", "ver": "2.47", "name": "KeePass", "descs": "KeePass (a free open source password manager)", "source": "source/salix/misc/KeePass", "deps": ["mono"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10060 K", "descl": "KeePass Professional (Portable) is a free open source password manager written with .NET, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. Home: https://keepass.info/", "path": "./salix/misc/KeePass-2.47-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "libydpdict", "descs": "libydpdict (library for ydpdict)", "source": "source/salix/misc/libydpdict", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "libydpdict is a library working with multimedia Collins English- Polish and Polish-English dictionary as well as Langenscheidt German- Polish and Polish-German dictionary provided by Young Digital Planet S.A. (see: http://www.ydp.pl).", "path": "./salix/misc/libydpdict-1.0.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "5128 K", "ver": "2.0.9_4.4.276", "name": "klibc", "descs": "klibc (small C library)", "source": "source/salix/misc/klibc", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1282 K", "descl": "klibc is intended to be a minimalistic libc subset for use with initramfs. It is deliberately written for small size, minimal entanglement, and portability rather than speed. It is definitely a work in progress, and a lot of things are still missing.", "path": "./salix/misc/klibc-2.0.9_4.4.276-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.8", "name": "sunwait", "descs": "sunwait (calculates sunrise or sunset times)", "source": "source/salix/misc/sunwait", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "Sunwait calculates sunrise or sunset times with civil, nautical, astronomical, and custom twilights. It is intended for use in home automation with Windows Task Scheduler or cron. The program can wait from invocation until the event specified on the command line occurs or it can return immediately indicating if it is day or night. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sunwait4windows/", "path": "./salix/misc/sunwait-0.8-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "324 K", "ver": "140201", "name": "chntpw", "descs": "chntpw (Change NT Passwords)", "source": "source/salix/misc/chntpw", "deps": ["libgcrypt", "libgpg-error"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "81 K", "descl": "View some information and change user passwords in a Windows (NT/XP/Vista/win7) etc SAM userdatabase file. You do not need to know the old passwords.Ophcrack is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. Homepage: http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/", "path": "./salix/misc/chntpw-140201-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "28 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "cp437", "descs": "cp437 (emulate code page 437 on a UTF-8 terminal)", "source": "source/salix/misc/cp437", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7 K", "descl": "cp437 is a program to emulate an old-style 'code page 437' / 'IBM-PC' character set terminal on a modern terminal emulator that uses UTF-8 or similar. It's also useful for converting old CP437-encoded text files to UTF-8.", "path": "./salix/misc/cp437-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "funny-manpages", "descs": "funny-manpages (more funny manpages)", "source": "source/salix/misc/funny-manpages", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "A set of miscellaneous humorous manpages (don't take them too seriously!). Includes, amongst others, rtfm (1). Warning! Some of these manpages might be treated offensive. You've been warned. manpages collected by: Pawel Wiecek", "path": "./salix/misc/funny-manpages-2.3-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "16 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "grabc", "descs": "grabc (X11 pixel color grabber)", "source": "source/salix/misc/grabc", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4 K", "descl": "grabc is s simple but very useful program to determine the color string in hex (or in RGB components) by clicking on a pixel on the screen. Homepage: http://www.muquit.com/muquit/software/grabc/grabc.html", "path": "./salix/misc/grabc-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1656 K", "ver": "20150521_3781393eac", "name": "seahorse-plugins", "descs": "seahorse-plugins (plugins for Seahorse)", "source": "source/salix/misc/seahorse-plugins", "deps": ["GConf", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "dbus-glib", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gpgme", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libassuan", "libcryptui", "libepoxy", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgnome-keyring", "libgpg-error", "libnotify", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib", "gnome-common", "seahorse"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "414 K", "descl": "Plugins for the Seahorse application.", "path": "./salix/misc/seahorse-plugins-20150521_3781393eac-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "484 K", "ver": "0.75_2", "name": "biosdisk", "descs": "biosdisk (system BIOS flash utility)", "source": "source/salix/misc/biosdisk", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "121 K", "descl": "biosdisk simplifies the process of flashing your system BIOS under Linux on Dell desktops and laptops. The purpose of this utility is to create a bootable BIOS flash image using the raw BIOS flash executable images (e.g. WS360A05.exe) available from support.dell.com", "path": "./salix/misc/biosdisk-0.75_2-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "904 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "mdic", "descs": "mdic (free/open source multilingual dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/misc/mdic", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "226 K", "descl": "MDic is a free/open source multilingual dictionary for GNU/Linux. You have to just select (or highlight) a word to view its meaning on the screen. MDic is able to pronounce the words by default if espeak or festival is installed.", "path": "./salix/misc/mdic-0.8.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1352 K", "ver": "", "name": "stardict-tools", "descs": "stardict-tools (tool for stardict)", "source": "source/salix/misc/stardict-tools", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "expat", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "mariadb", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "gnome-common"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "338 K", "descl": "This package contains some tools for StarDict: https://code.google.com/p/stardictproject/ Restart StarDict after using any converter. Slackware version of stardict-tools is patched against the compilation errors.", "path": "./salix/misc/stardict-tools-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "7676 K", "ver": "3.0.6", "name": "stardict", "descs": "stardict (international dictionary software)", "source": "source/salix/misc/stardict", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "aspell", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "enchant", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libsigc++", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib", "rarian", "gnome-common"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1919 K", "descl": "StarDict is a Cross-Platform and international dictionary written in Gtk2. It has powerful features such as 'Glob-style pattern matching,' 'Scan selection word,' 'Fuzzy query,' etc. http://stardict-4.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/misc/stardict-3.0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.1.3", "name": "gcp", "descs": "gcp (file copy tool)", "source": "source/salix/misc/gcp", "deps": ["progressbar"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "gcp is freely inspired from cp, but with a few high-level functionalities such as transfer progression indication and many others. Homepage: https://wiki.goffi.org/wiki/Gcp", "path": "./salix/misc/gcp-0.1.3-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "140 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "rarcrack", "descs": "rarcrack (password cracker for rar/7z/zip archives)", "source": "source/salix/misc/rarcrack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "35 K", "descl": "rarcrack uses a brute force algorithm to guess your encrypted compressed file's password. This program can crack zip, 7z and rar file passwords. Home page: https://github.com/ziman/rarcrack", "path": "./salix/misc/rarcrack-0.2-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "1.0.0", "name": "ciso", "descs": "ciso (compress/decompress CSO images)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ciso", "deps": ["zlib"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "ciso is a small tool to compress PlayStation Portable ISO images to CSO (compressed ISO) format, or decompress a CSO to an ISO.", "path": "./salix/misc/ciso-1.0.0-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "340 K", "ver": "1.6.1", "name": "ibus-chewing", "descs": "ibus-chewing (chewing engine for ibus input framework)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ibus-chewing", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "ibus", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libchewing", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "sqlite", "util-linux", "zlib", "gob2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "85 K", "descl": "ibus-chewing is a Traditional Chinese input engine for ibus input framework. Homepage: https://github.com/ibus/ibus/wiki", "path": "./salix/misc/ibus-chewing-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "3916 K", "ver": "2.3.0", "name": "xca", "descs": "xca (X Certificate and Key Management)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xca", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "979 K", "descl": "This application is intended for creating and managing X.509 certificates, certificate requests, RSA, DSA and EC private keys, Smartcards and CRLs.", "path": "./salix/misc/xca-2.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "0.3.1", "name": "wmbday", "descs": "wmbday (dock application)", "source": "source/salix/misc/wmbday", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXpm", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "wmbday is a dock application (dockapp) which displays the next 4 coming birthdays. Left clicking on names will give information in an xmessage box. Left click somewhere in the window while notify will stop the animation. By pressing the right mouse button you can now switch the backlight on or off.", "path": "./salix/misc/wmbday-0.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "8836 K", "ver": "2.3", "name": "weather", "descs": "weather (cli utility for quick access to weather stuff)", "source": "source/salix/misc/weather", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2209 K", "descl": "This command-line utility is intended to provide quick access to current weather conditions and forecasts. Presently, it is capable of returning data for localities throughout the USA by retrieving and formatting decoded METARs (Meteorological Aerodrome Reports) from NOAA (the USA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and forecasts from NWS (the USA National Weather Service).", "path": "./salix/misc/weather-2.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "796 K", "ver": "3.8.0", "name": "ophcrack", "descs": "ophcrack (Windows password cracker)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ophcrack", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "expat", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "199 K", "descl": "Ophcrack is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a Graphical User Interface and runs on multiple platforms. 3.4 adds support for XP flash and Vista eight XL tables. https://ophcrack.sourceforge.io/", "path": "./salix/misc/ophcrack-3.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "0.5.3", "name": "sdcv", "descs": "sdcv (console dictionary application)", "source": "source/salix/misc/sdcv", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "sdcv is a console version of stardict, a cross-platform and international dictionary. homepage: https://dushistov.github.io/sdcv/", "path": "./salix/misc/sdcv-0.5.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "2.12.4", "name": "gxmessage", "descs": "gxmessage (GTK xmessage clone)", "source": "source/salix/misc/gxmessage", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Gxmessage is an xmessage clone for GTK based desktops. Gxmessage pops up a dialog window, displays a given message or question, then waits for the user's response. That response is returned as the program's exit code. Because gxmessage is a drop-in alternative to xmessage, gxmessage accepts any option xmessage would, and returns the same exit codes. Homepage: https://trmusson.dreamhosters.com/programs.html#gxmessage", "path": "./salix/misc/gxmessage-2.12.4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "59600 K", "ver": "0.12.4", "name": "wkhtmltox", "descs": "wkhtmltox (Render HTML into PDF)", "source": "source/salix/misc/wkhtmltox", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14900 K", "descl": "wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage are open source (LGPLv3) command line tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats using the Qt WebKit rendering engine. NOTE: This is a repackage of the official prebuilt binaries and provides the same commands as wkhtmltopdf at SlackBuilds.org (which builds from source). Only one of them should be installed. Homepage: https://wkhtmltopdf.org/", "path": "./salix/misc/wkhtmltox-0.12.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "myclippings", "descs": "myclippings (Parser for Kindle's 3 and 4 'My Clippings.txt' file)", "source": "source/salix/misc/myclippings", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "The myclippings script is based on parse_kindle_clippings script and parses Kindle's 'My Clippings.txt' file for highlights, notes, and bookmarks, groups them by book/title, and stores them in the separate files or in a single file. Kindle's 'My Clippings.txt' file is a mess. The myclippings script helps to sort clippings in order to process them in the editor or to store sorted and edited clippings back in 'My Clippings.txt' file.", "path": "./salix/misc/myclippings-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1096 K", "ver": "1.1.4", "name": "glogg", "descs": "glogg (fast, smart log explorer)", "source": "source/salix/misc/glogg", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "boost", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "274 K", "descl": "glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators in mind. glogg can be seen as a graphical, interactive combination of grep and less. http://glogg.bonnefon.org/", "path": "./salix/misc/glogg-1.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1260 K", "ver": "2.5", "name": "yapet", "descs": "yapet (Yet Another Password Encryption Tool)", "source": "source/salix/misc/yapet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "argon2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib", "cppunit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "315 K", "descl": "YAPET is a text based password manager using the Blowfish encryption algorithm to store passwords and associated information encrypted on disk. Its primary aim is to provide a safe way to store passwords in a file on disk while having a small footprint, and compiling and running under today's most popular Unix systems. The password records are protected by a master password which is used to encrypt and decrypt the password records.", "path": "./salix/misc/yapet-2.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.6.2", "name": "birthday", "descs": "birthday (reminder program)", "source": "source/salix/misc/birthday", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "Birthday is a terminal program which displays a list of forthcomeing birthdays and other events. It does this by reading from a simple config file (./birthdays) in the users home directory. The program is executalble at a shell prompt, which makes it ideal for setting as an executable in the users .bashrc file. Doing so will set it to display the list every time the user logs into his or her account. Project site: http://bithday.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/misc/birthday-1.6.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.3.14", "name": "cksfv", "descs": "cksfv (command line tool for .sfv files)", "source": "source/salix/misc/cksfv", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "cksfv (Check SFV) creates simple file verification (.sfv) It can also list and verify existing sfv files. It uses the crc32 checksum. This is used to verify that the files that you received are the same as the originals. Homepage: http://www.iki.fi/shd/foss/cksfv/", "path": "./salix/misc/cksfv-1.3.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "176 K", "ver": "0.8.0", "name": "kde_cdemu", "descs": "kde_cdemu (KDE CDEmu Manager is a simple frontend for CDEmu.)", "source": "source/salix/misc/kde_cdemu", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kitemviews", "knotifications", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXtst", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pcre2", "qt5", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib", "cdemu-daemon"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "44 K", "descl": "KDE CDEmu Manager is a simple frontend for CDEmu. It provides a little manager window that gives you an overview of your virtual drives and allows you to mount and unmount images. It also includes a KDE service menu for mounting images directly from Dolphin/Konqueror (which is what most people will want to use). Images can be unmounted like any other media through Dolphin or the Device Notifier plasmoid. Homepage: https://store.kde.org/p/998461/", "path": "./salix/misc/kde_cdemu-0.8.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "432 K", "ver": "1.4.0", "name": "heimdall", "descs": "heimdall (Heimdall Suite, Flash ROMs onto Galaxy S devices)", "source": "source/salix/misc/heimdall", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "108 K", "descl": "Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung mobile devices. Heimdall (c) 2010-2013 Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna https://www.glassechidna.com.au/products/heimdall/", "path": "./salix/misc/heimdall-1.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "968 K", "ver": "7.5", "name": "slop", "descs": "slop (selection query)", "source": "source/salix/misc/slop", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "glew", "glu", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "util-linux", "glm"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "242 K", "descl": "slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout. https://github.com/naelstrof/slop", "path": "./salix/misc/slop-7.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "lastpass-cli", "descs": "lastpass-cli (Password Manager)", "source": "source/salix/misc/lastpass-cli", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "libxml2", "nghttp2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "LastPass is a password manager and password generator that locks your passwords and personal information in a secure vault. The standard version of LastPass comes with a web interface, but also includes plugins for various web browsers and apps for many smartphones. https://www.lastpass.com/", "path": "./salix/misc/lastpass-cli-1.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "2296 K", "ver": "3.1.25", "name": "yubikey-personalization-gui", "descs": "yubikey-personalization-gui (GUI YubiKey personalization tool)", "source": "source/salix/misc/yubikey-personalization-gui", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libyubikey", "qt4", "util-linux", "ykpers", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "574 K", "descl": "A Qt-based cross-platform utility for re-configuration of Yubikeys http://yubico.github.io/yubikey-personalization-gui/", "path": "./salix/misc/yubikey-personalization-gui-3.1.25-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "2.2", "name": "drg2sbg", "descs": "drg2sbg (convert I-Doser files to SBaGen scripts)", "source": "source/salix/misc/drg2sbg", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "This program converts the .drg proprietary file format into the open source SBaGen format. I-Doser is a company that produces Binaural brainwaves to simulate different states. Homepage: https://github.com/manuel-arguelles/drg2sbg", "path": "./salix/misc/drg2sbg-2.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "172 K", "ver": "1.53.0", "name": "par", "descs": "par (paragraph reformatter)", "source": "source/salix/misc/par", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "43 K", "descl": "par is a paragraph reformatter, vaguely similar to fmt, but better. Homepage: http://www.nicemice.net/par/", "path": "./salix/misc/par-1.53.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.13", "name": "xclip", "descs": "xclip (command-line interface to the X clipboard)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xclip", "deps": ["libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXmu", "libXt", "libxcb", "util-linux"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "xclip is a command line utility that is designed to run on any system with an X11 implementation. It provides an interface to X selections ('the clipboard') from the command line. It can read data from standard input or a file, and place it in an X selection for pasting into other X applications. xclip can also print an X selection to standard out, which can then be redirected to a file or another program. Homepage: https://github.com/astrand/xclip", "path": "./salix/misc/xclip-0.13-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "15788 K", "ver": "1.3.0", "name": "OSCAR", "descs": "OSCAR (Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter)", "source": "source/salix/misc/OSCAR", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "e2fsprogs", "glu", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3947 K", "descl": "OSCAR is PC software developed for reviewing and exploring data produced by CPAP and related machines used in the treatment of sleep apnea. It is a fork of the now-closed SleepyHead by Mark Watkins. Homepage: https://www.sleepfiles.com/OSCAR/", "path": "./salix/misc/OSCAR-1.3.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "232 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "g810-led", "descs": "g810-led (LED controller for Logitech Gx10 keyboards)", "source": "source/salix/misc/g810-led", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "58 K", "descl": "This is a configuration tool for the LEDs on Logitech Gx10 gaming keyboards. The LEDs can be configured in a variety of ways depending on the capabilities of the keyboard, including effects such as breathing, color-cycling, waves, individual key colors and intensities, and key group colors and intensities. Homepage: https://github.com/MatMoul/g810-led/", "path": "./salix/misc/g810-led-0.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1412 K", "ver": "2.18.0", "name": "gnome-mime-data", "descs": "gnome-mime-data (GNOME application and MIME types)", "source": "source/salix/misc/gnome-mime-data", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "353 K", "descl": "The GNOME MIME database contains a basic set of applications and MIME types for a GNOME system.", "path": "./salix/misc/gnome-mime-data-2.18.0-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "1.6.7", "name": "dmg2img", "descs": "dmg2img (compressed dmg to hfsplus disk image file conversion tool)", "source": "source/salix/misc/dmg2img", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "DMG2IMG is an Apple's compressed (zlib, bzip2) dmg to standard (hfsplus) image disk file convert tool. Homepage: http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/", "path": "./salix/misc/dmg2img-1.6.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "188 K", "ver": "0.4.0", "name": "ramdefrag", "descs": "ramdefrag (so-called Memory Defragmenter)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ramdefrag", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "47 K", "descl": "'Multi Platform RAM Defragmentation' is a so-called Memory Defragmenter, also called RAM defragmenter, RAM/memory booster, RAM/memory optimizer, etc. By its visionary design, 'Multi Platform RAM Defragmentation' makes your computing platform run faster while simultaneously increasing system stability, and testers all over the world report that it also does a great job in delivering world peace and harmony. Home page: http://ramdefrag.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/misc/ramdefrag-0.4.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.3.6", "name": "asr-manpages", "descs": "asr-manpages (alt.sysadmin.recovery manual pages)", "source": "source/salix/misc/asr-manpages", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "A set of humorous manual pages developed on alt.sysadmin.recovery (don't treat them seriously!). They document a set of really useful tools that for some strange reason are not included in any implementation of Unix. This includes such famous commands as lart, sysadmin, luser, bosskill and others. The authors recommend these man pages should be installed on every system.", "path": "./salix/misc/asr-manpages-1.3.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "2.1.2", "name": "git-store-meta", "descs": "git-store-meta (file metadata storing and applying for Git)", "source": "source/salix/misc/git-store-meta", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "git-store-meta is a light-weight tool for file metadata storing and applying for Git. Homepage: https://github.com/danny0838/git-store-meta", "path": "./salix/misc/git-store-meta-2.1.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "1.31", "name": "floating-IPS", "descs": "floating-IPS (IPS and BPS patcher)", "source": "source/salix/misc/floating-IPS", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Floating IPS is a patcher for IPS and BPS files. Homepage: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t=61289", "path": "./salix/misc/floating-IPS-1.31-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "2920 K", "ver": "3.2p4", "name": "owfs", "descs": "owfs (1-Wire File System)", "source": "source/salix/misc/owfs", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "fuse"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "avahi", "dbus", "elogind", "python2"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "730 K", "descl": "OWFS is an easy way to use the powerful 1-wire system of Dallas/Maxim. OWFS is a simple and flexible program to monitor and control the physical environment. You can write scripts to read temperature, flash lights, write to an LCD, log and graph, etcetera ... http://owfs.org/", "path": "./salix/misc/owfs-3.2p4-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "144 K", "ver": "2.1.0", "name": "wl-clipboard", "descs": "wl-clipboard (Wayland clipboard utilities)", "source": "source/salix/misc/wl-clipboard", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], "wayland"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "36 K", "descl": "wl-clipboard implements two command-line Wayland clipboard utilities, wl-copy and wl-paste, that let you easily copy data between the clipboard and Unix pipes, sockets, files and so on. https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard", "path": "./salix/misc/wl-clipboard-2.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "2.1.4", "name": "dwdiff", "descs": "dwdiff (word-level diff program)", "source": "source/salix/misc/dwdiff", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "dwdiff is a diff program that operates at the word level instead of the line level. It is different from wdiff in that it allows the user to specify what should be considered whitespace, and in that it takes an optional list of characters that should be considered delimiters. Delimiters are single characters that are treated as if they are words, even when there is no whitespace separating them from preceding words or delimiters. Homepage: https://os.ghalkes.nl/dwdiff.html", "path": "./salix/misc/dwdiff-2.1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "0.6.91_2", "name": "cwiid", "descs": "cwiid (tools for the Nintendo Wii remote)", "source": "source/salix/misc/cwiid", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "bluez", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "python3", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "CWiid is a collection of Linux tools written in C for interfacing to the Nintendo Wiimote, including an event based API, an event/mouse/joystick driver, and a GUI control panel.", "path": "./salix/misc/cwiid-0.6.91_2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "68 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "sgrep", "descs": "sgrep (sorted grep)", "source": "source/salix/misc/sgrep", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "17 K", "descl": "Sgrep searches sorted input files for lines that match a search key and outputs the matching lines. website: http://sgrep.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/misc/sgrep-1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1804 K", "ver": "2.10.3", "name": "heyu", "descs": "heyu (X10 module controller software)", "source": "source/salix/misc/heyu", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "451 K", "descl": "This program operates an X10 module via a CM11A computer interface. It is based on the X10 program by Larry Cambell as modified by Paul Fox. All but a few functions have been changed enough that they no longer interwork with the original. I think this justifies issuing the program as 'heyu' instead of 'x10'. Homepage: http://www.heyu.org", "path": "./salix/misc/heyu-2.10.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "700 K", "ver": "", "name": "KeePassHttp", "descs": "KeePassHttp (plugin for KeePass)", "source": "source/salix/misc/KeePassHttp", "deps": ["KeePass"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "175 K", "descl": "KeePassHttp is a plugin for KeePass 2.x and provides a secure means of exposing KeePass entries via HTTP for clients to consume. This plugin is primarily intended for use with PassIFox for Mozilla Firefox and chromeIPass for Google Chrome.", "path": "./salix/misc/KeePassHttp-", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "108 K", "ver": "0.9.92", "name": "hoorex", "descs": "hoorex (Dependency Calculator)", "source": "source/salix/misc/hoorex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "27 K", "descl": "HooRex is a small tool which, after scanning a local copy of the SlackBuilds.org packages repository, provides pertinent information about dependency relationships between the packages.", "path": "./salix/misc/hoorex-0.9.92-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "748 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "figlet-contributed", "descs": "figlet-contributed (contributed font set for FIGlet)", "source": "source/salix/misc/figlet-contributed", "deps": ["figlet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "187 K", "descl": "This font distribution includes several fonts which were automatically derived from other formats.", "path": "./salix/misc/figlet-contributed-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1400 K", "ver": "3.7_beta2", "name": "recode", "descs": "recode (a Charset converter)", "source": "source/salix/misc/recode", "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "350 K", "descl": "The recode program recognizes or produces approximately 150 character sets and can convert almost any character set to almost any other. When exact translations are not possible, the program may get rid of offending characters or use approximations. Particular attention has been paid to the proper representation of French language diacritics. Homepage: https://github.com/pinard/Recode", "path": "./salix/misc/recode-3.7_beta2-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "619044 K", "ver": "4.26", "name": "jmri", "descs": "jmri (Java Model Railroad Interface)", "source": "source/salix/misc/jmri", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "154761 K", "descl": "A set of tools for model railroad computer control. Homepage: http://jmri.org/", "path": "./salix/misc/jmri-4.26-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1204 K", "ver": "2.0.14", "name": "mosquitto", "descs": "mosquitto (MQTT Broker)", "source": "source/salix/misc/mosquitto", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "301 K", "descl": "Eclipse Mosquitto (TM) is an open source (EPL/EDL licensed) message broker that implements the MQTT protocol versions 3.1 and 3.1.1. MQTT provides a lightweight method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. This makes it suitable for 'Internet of Things' messaging such as with low power sensors or mobile devices such as phones, embedded computers or microcontrollers like the Arduino. Mosquitto is an iot.eclipse.org project.", "path": "./salix/misc/mosquitto-2.0.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "120 K", "ver": "0.4", "name": "utimer", "descs": "utimer (Open-Source Multifunction 'Timer' Tool For Linux)", "source": "source/salix/misc/utimer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], "glib2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "30 K", "descl": "uTimer (pronounced as 'micro-timer') is a command-line multifunction timer tool. It features a timer, a countdown, and a stopwatch. This is an open source (GPL) project developed in C using Glib. uTimer runs on GNU/Linux systems. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/utimer/", "path": "./salix/misc/utimer-0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "136 K", "ver": "0.15", "name": "dvtm", "descs": "dvtm (Tiling window management for the console)", "source": "source/salix/misc/dvtm", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "34 K", "descl": "dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs like vim, mutt, cmus or irssi. Homepage: http://www.brain-dump.org/projects/dvtm/", "path": "./salix/misc/dvtm-0.15-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "124 K", "ver": "1.0.3", "name": "ydpdict", "descs": "ydpdict (shell for Collins and Langenscheidt dictionaries)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ydpdict", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libao", "libydpdict"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "31 K", "descl": "ydpdict is a console and terminal shell for multimedia Collins English-Polish and Polish-English dictionary as well as Langenscheidt German-Polish and Polish-German dictionary provided by Young Digital Planet S.A. (see: http://www.ydp.pl). ydpdict works with the libydpdict library.", "path": "./salix/misc/ydpdict-1.0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "416 K", "ver": "1.1.0", "name": "clawsker", "descs": "clawsker (applet to edit Claws Mail's hidden preferences)", "source": "source/salix/misc/clawsker", "deps": ["perl-gtk2"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "104 K", "descl": "Claws Mail has a high number of configurable options and, in order to keep the binary small and fast, some of these preferences which are not widely used are not provided with a graphical interface for inspection and/or modification. Users wanting to edit such preferences had to face editing the configuration text files directly; now it is possible to do so with a convenient GTK2 interface using Clawsker.", "path": "./salix/misc/clawsker-1.1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "8200 K", "ver": "3.1.12", "name": "projectM", "descs": "projectM (cross-platform music visualization)", "source": "source/salix/misc/projectM", "deps": ["SDL2", ["aaa_libraries", "db48"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "celt", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "flac", "icu4c", "jack2", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "opus", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "2050 K", "descl": "projectM is an open-source project that reimplements the esteemed Winamp Milkdrop by Geiss in a more modern, cross-platform reusable library. Its purpose in life is to read an audio input and to produce mesmerizing visuals, detecting tempo, and rendering advanced equations into a limitless array of user-contributed visualizations.", "path": "./salix/misc/projectM-3.1.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "1.20.0", "name": "ykpers", "descs": "ykpers (a command-line YubiKey personalization tool)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ykpers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "json-c"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "libyubikey"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "ykpers (yubikey-personalization) is a library and command-line tool to perform personalization of Yubico YubiKeys and is a reference implementation for YubiKey configuration. http://yubico.github.io/yubikey-personalization/", "path": "./salix/misc/ykpers-1.20.0-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "14548 K", "ver": "", "name": "BISP", "descs": "BISP (The Nexus Personal BankID client)", "source": "source/salix/misc/BISP", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3637 K", "descl": "BankID is the leading electronic identity in Sweden. Signatures with BankID are legally binding in the EU. It's built upon the PKI, Public Key Infrastructure standard. This SlackBuild repacks the binary into a Slackware package.", "path": "./salix/misc/BISP-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "31032 K", "ver": "5.1.2", "name": "gramps", "descs": "gramps (genealogy program)", "source": "source/salix/misc/gramps", "deps": ["python3-pyicu", "bsddb3"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "7758 K", "descl": "Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System Gramps is a genealogy program for Linux and other UNIX-like systems. Gramps stands for Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System. Gramps helps you track your family tree. It allows you to store, edit, and research genealogical data. Homepage: http://www.gramps-project.org/ Requirements: https://github.com/gramps-project/gramps#requirements", "path": "./salix/misc/gramps-5.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "0.5", "name": "ssss", "descs": "ssss (Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ssss", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gmp"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "ssss is a method for distributing a secret amongst a group of participants, each of which is allocated a share of the secret. The secret can only be reconstructed when the shares are combined together; individual shares are of no use on their own. Homepage: http://point-at-infinity.org/ssss/", "path": "./salix/misc/ssss-0.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1664 K", "ver": "6.0.4_beta2", "name": "wcd", "descs": "wcd (Wherever Change Directory)", "source": "source/salix/misc/wcd", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "416 K", "descl": "Wcd is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory name and wcd will jump to it. http://waterlan.home.xs4all.nl/", "path": "./salix/misc/wcd-6.0.4_beta2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "2296 K", "ver": "1.0.8", "name": "go-md2man", "descs": "go-md2man (utility to generate man pages)", "source": "source/salix/misc/go-md2man", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "574 K", "descl": "Generates man pages from markdown Site: https://github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man", "path": "./salix/misc/go-md2man-1.0.8-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "456 K", "ver": "0.45.2", "name": "rlwrap", "descs": "rlwrap (readline wrapper)", "source": "source/salix/misc/rlwrap", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "114 K", "descl": "rlwrap is a 'readline wrapper' that uses the GNU readline library to allow the editing of keyboard input for any other command. Input history is remembered across invocations, separately for each command; history completion and search work as in bash and completion word lists can be specified on the command line. Homepage: https://github.com/hanslub42/rlwrap", "path": "./salix/misc/rlwrap-0.45.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "1.0.1", "name": "no-more-secrets", "descs": "no-more-secrets (1992 hacker movie Sneakers effect)", "source": "source/salix/misc/no-more-secrets", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "No More Secrets is the name I`ve lovingly given to the infamous decrypting text effect seen on screen in the 1992 hacker movie Sneakers. Homepage: https://github.com/bartobri/no-more-secrets", "path": "./salix/misc/no-more-secrets-1.0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "sutils", "descs": "sutils (small command-line utilities)", "source": "source/salix/misc/sutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "A handleful of small, useful command-line utilities. battery: output formatted battery info clock: output formatted clock data essid: output formatted extended service set id exist: output file exists info narg: print out the nth arg uq: filter duplicate lines from standard input Homepage: https://github.com/baskerville/sutils", "path": "./salix/misc/sutils-0.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "ltunify", "descs": "ltunify (Logitech Unifying tool for Linux)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ltunify", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "ltunify is a program resulting from the gathered knowledge on the Logitech HID++ protocol. It allows you to pair additional devices like keyboards and mice to your Unifying receiver, unpair existing devices and list information about connected devices. https://lekensteyn.nl/logitech-unifying.html", "path": "./salix/misc/ltunify-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "19992 K", "ver": "1.11", "name": "portecle", "descs": "portecle (Simple interface which provides access to a keystore)", "source": "source/salix/misc/portecle", "deps": ["zulu-openjdk8"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "4998 K", "descl": "Portecle is a user friendly GUI application for creating, managing and examining keystores, keys, certificates, certificate requests, certificate revocation lists and more. website: http://portecle.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/misc/portecle-1.11-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.9", "name": "tal", "descs": "tal (trailer alignment filter)", "source": "source/salix/misc/tal", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "tal is a filter that reads in lines from standard input. The lines are sent to standard output with common trailing characters aligned so that they all begin and end on the same column of text. This can be used to repair 'broken boxes' or align the backslashes on long macro definitions in C programs. But tal will work on any kind of common ending and is especially useful as a filter for the vim text editor.", "path": "./salix/misc/tal-1.9-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "0.5.2", "name": "fbcat", "descs": "fbcat (take screenshots of the framebuffer console)", "source": "source/salix/misc/fbcat", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "fbcat takes a screenshot using the framebuffer device and stores in a PPM file. Also provided is a fbgrab command, which takes PNG screenshots and supports several useful options (such as changing consoles).", "path": "./salix/misc/fbcat-0.5.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "45384 K", "ver": "9.56.1", "name": "ghostpcl", "descs": "ghostpcl (PCL interpreter)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ghostpcl", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "cups"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXt", "libpaper", "libxcb", "libxml2", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11346 K", "descl": "GhostPCL is an interpreter for PCL and PXL files.", "path": "./salix/misc/ghostpcl-9.56.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "2388 K", "ver": "1.3.163", "name": "dcc", "descs": "dcc (Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses)", "source": "source/salix/misc/dcc", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libedit"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "597 K", "descl": "The Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses or DCC is an anti-spam content filter that runs on a variety of operating systems. The counts can be used by SMTP servers and mail user agents to detect and reject or filter spam or unsolicited bulk mail. DCC servers exchange or 'flood' common checksums. The checksums include values that are contant accross common variations in bulk messages, including 'personalizations'. Homepage: https://www.rhyolite.com/dcc/", "path": "./salix/misc/dcc-1.3.163-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1272 K", "ver": "4.2.1", "name": "yara", "descs": "yara (A malware identification and classification tool)", "source": "source/salix/misc/yara", "deps": [["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "318 K", "descl": "YARA is a tool aimed at helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples. With YARA you can create descriptions of malware families based on textual or binary patterns contained on samples of those families. Each description consists of a set of strings and a Boolean expression which determines its logic. YARA is multi-platform, running on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. https://virustotal.github.io/yara", "path": "./salix/misc/yara-4.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1980 K", "ver": "", "name": "iscan-proprietary-drivers", "descs": "iscan-proprietary-drivers (binary-only drivers for EPSON USB scanners)", "source": "source/salix/misc/iscan-proprietary-drivers", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "iscan-firmware"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "495 K", "descl": "These are the binary-only drivers for EPSON USB scanners, which are required to get them to run with the sane 'snapscan' backend.", "path": "./salix/misc/iscan-proprietary-drivers-", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "40 K", "ver": "1.0.4", "name": "dbview", "descs": "dbview (dBase files viewer)", "source": "source/salix/misc/dbview", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "10 K", "descl": "dbview is a little tool that will display dBase III files. You can also use it to convert your old .dbf files for further use with Unix. It should also work with dBase IV files, but this is mostly untested. Homepage: http://www.infodrom.org/projects/dbview/", "path": "./salix/misc/dbview-1.0.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.207", "name": "bdf2psf", "descs": "bdf2psf (convert fonts from bdf to psf format)", "source": "source/salix/misc/bdf2psf", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "bdf2psf is a perl script that converts fonts from bdf to psf format. It can merge glyphs coming from several fonts, use the same glyph for several characters to save space through equivalence files, choose which characters to have glyphs included in the psf font through a list of character sets, output either a font suitable for a plain text linux console or for a framebuffer. See 'man bdf2psf'. bdf2psf's author is Anton Zinoviev. bdf2psf is shipped in Debian's console-setup source package.", "path": "./salix/misc/bdf2psf-1.207-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "2336 K", "ver": "0.12.14", "name": "rsibreak", "descs": "rsibreak (break reminder to prevent RSI)", "source": "source/salix/misc/rsibreak", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "acl"], ["aaa_libraries", "attr"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtool"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "karchive", "kauth", "kcodecs", "kcompletion", "kconfig", "kconfigwidgets", "kcoreaddons", "kcrash", "kdbusaddons", "kglobalaccel", "kguiaddons", "ki18n", "kiconthemes", "kidletime", "kio", "kitemviews", "kjobwidgets", "knotifications", "knotifyconfig", "kservice", "ktextwidgets", "kwidgetsaddons", "kwindowsystem", "kxmlgui", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXtst", "libcanberra", "libdbusmenu-qt", "libglvnd", "libimobiledevice", "libimobiledevice-glue", "libogg", "libplist", "libusbmuxd", "libvorbis", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pcre2", "qt5", "solid", "sonnet", "util-linux", "wayland", "xcb-util-keysyms", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "584 K", "descl": "Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is an illness which can occur as a result of continuous work with a mouse and keyboard. The risk of suffering injury increases the longer users work without breaks. RSIBreak simply offers reminders to take a break now and then. Homepage: https://userbase.kde.org/RSIBreak", "path": "./salix/misc/rsibreak-0.12.14-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "48 K", "ver": "3.12", "name": "ascii", "descs": "ascii (prints out ASCII equivalents)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ascii", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "12 K", "descl": "This is a handy little utility that recognizes many different ways of naming an ASCII character (hex, octal, binary, decimal, C escape, ISO character table pair, slang names, and others) and prints out all the equivalents. A CGI script that can be used to enable access over the Web is included. Home: http://www.catb.org/~esr/ascii/", "path": "./salix/misc/ascii-3.12-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "1.7", "name": "xbanish", "descs": "xbanish (banish the mouse cursor when typing)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xbanish", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "xbanish hides the mouse cursor when you start typing, and shows it again when the mouse cursor moves or a mouse button is pressed. This is similar to xterm's pointerMode setting, but xbanish works globally in the X11 session. Homepage: https://github.com/jcs/xbanish", "path": "./salix/misc/xbanish-1.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "844 K", "ver": "0.4.1", "name": "QCMA", "descs": "QCMA (Cross-platform content manager assistant for the PS Vita)", "source": "source/salix/misc/QCMA", "deps": ["VitaMTP", ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "ffmpeg", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXrender", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libnotify", "libogg", "librsvg", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pcre2", "pixman", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "211 K", "descl": "QCMA is a cross-platform application to provide a Open Source implementation of the original Content Manager Assistant that comes with the PS Vita. QCMA is meant to be compatible with Linux, Windows and MAC OS X. Homepage: https://codestation.github.io/qcma/", "path": "./salix/misc/QCMA-0.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "760 K", "ver": "v1.2", "name": "flashrom", "descs": "flashrom (utility to read/write/verify/erase flash ROM chips)", "source": "source/salix/misc/flashrom", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], "pciutils", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "190 K", "descl": "flashrom is a utility for reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash ROM chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images. flashrom is part of the coreboot project. Homepage: http://www.coreboot.org/Flashrom", "path": "./salix/misc/flashrom-v1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "48224 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "tegaki-zinnia-japanese", "descs": "tegaki-zinnia-japanese (Japanese handwriting model for Zinnia)", "source": "source/salix/misc/tegaki-zinnia-japanese", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "12056 K", "descl": "tegaki-zinnia-japanese is a data model for Zinnia. Zinnia is a simple, customizable and portable online hand recognition system based on Support Vector Machines. Homepage: http://www.tegaki.org", "path": "./salix/misc/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-0.3-noarch-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "4748 K", "ver": "4.31", "name": "pmw", "descs": "pmw (Philip's Music Writer)", "source": "source/salix/misc/pmw", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "1187 K", "descl": "pmw is a program that turns a text file (written in the special pmw internal language) into sheet music in postscript format. If the special pmw postscript font is incorporated, the file can be printed on any printer.", "path": "./salix/misc/pmw-4.31-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "260 K", "ver": "4.18", "name": "uni2ascii", "descs": "uni2ascii (convert UTF-8 into 7-bit ASCII and vice versa)", "source": "source/salix/misc/uni2ascii", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "65 K", "descl": "uni2ascii provides conversion in both directions between UTF-8 Unicode and more than thirty 7-bit ASCII equivalents, including HTML numeric character references, various escapes and hexadecimal. Such ASCII equivalents are useful when including Unicode text in program source, when debugging, and when entering text into web programs that can handle the Unicode character set but are not 8-bit safe. Homepage: http://billposer.org/Software/uni2ascii.html", "path": "./salix/misc/uni2ascii-4.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "348 K", "ver": "10", "name": "bodr", "descs": "bodr (Blue Obelisk Data Repository)", "source": "source/salix/misc/bodr", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "87 K", "descl": "BODR represents a set of common, standardized data for chemoinformatics in both XML and plain-text formats.", "path": "./salix/misc/bodr-10-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "88 K", "ver": "2.0", "name": "deroff", "descs": "deroff (remove *roff markup from text files)", "source": "source/salix/misc/deroff", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "22 K", "descl": "This is a free implementation of the standard UNIX command deroff, which removes roff constructs from documents for the purpose of indexing, spell checking etc.", "path": "./salix/misc/deroff-2.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "langdrill", "descs": "langdrill (language drill tests)", "source": "source/salix/misc/langdrill", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "vdk", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "This is langrill, a language drill program. It is used to test your vocabulary in foreign languages. Homepage: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/langdrill", "path": "./salix/misc/langdrill-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "32 K", "ver": "0.2", "name": "deb2tgz", "descs": "deb2tgz (convert Debian packages)", "source": "source/salix/misc/deb2tgz", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "8 K", "descl": "deb2tgz is a shell script that converts Debian packages to Slackware packages. It added support to other formats to the shell script deb2tgz that exists in https://code.google.com/archive/p/deb2tgz/ Homepage: https://github.com/vborrego/deb2tgz", "path": "./salix/misc/deb2tgz-0.2-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "13048 K", "ver": "2.3.1", "name": "brewtarget", "descs": "brewtarget (free brewing software)", "source": "source/salix/misc/brewtarget", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "elogind", "flac", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libasyncns", "libglvnd", "libogg", "libsndfile", "libvorbis", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", "opus", "orc", "pcre2", "pulseaudio", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3262 K", "descl": "Brewtarget is FREE brewing software, and an open source beer recipe creation tool. It automatically calculates color, bitterness, and other parameters for you while you drag and drop ingredients into the recipe. Brewtarget also has many other tools such as priming sugar calculators, OG correction help, and a unique mash designing tool. It also can export and import recipes in BeerXML, allowing you to easily share recipes with friends who use BeerSmith or other programs. All of this means that Brewtarget is your single, free, go-to tool when crafting your beer recipes.", "path": "./salix/misc/brewtarget-2.3.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.1_rc1", "name": "lppf", "descs": "lppf (Linux PPF Patcher)", "source": "source/salix/misc/lppf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "lppf is an application for handling PPF patches in Linux. PPF patches are often very small and are used for correcting a previously released movie or an ISO, so that users won't have to download everything again. Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lppf/", "path": "./salix/misc/lppf-0.1_rc1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "272 K", "ver": "6.0", "name": "linux_logo", "descs": "linux_logo (Linux Logo Banners)", "source": "source/salix/misc/linux_logo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "68 K", "descl": "linux_logo has been showing Linux ASCII art penguins since 1997. It shows a Linux logo with some customisable system info. linux_logo was written by Vince Weaver.", "path": "./salix/misc/linux_logo-6.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "180 K", "ver": "0.38", "name": "lbdb", "descs": "lbdb (The Little Brother's Database)", "source": "source/salix/misc/lbdb", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "45 K", "descl": "This package consists of a set of small tools, which collect mail addresses from several sources and offer these addresses to the mutt external query feature.", "path": "./salix/misc/lbdb-0.38-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "364 K", "ver": "0.6.13", "name": "pinfo", "descs": "pinfo (info file viewer)", "source": "source/salix/misc/pinfo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "readline"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "91 K", "descl": "Pinfo is an info file viewer. It was created when the author, Przemek Borys, was very depressed trying to read gtk info entries using the standard tools. Pinfo is similar in use to lynx. It has similar key movements, and gives similar intuition. Homepage: https://github.com/baszoetekouw/pinfo", "path": "./salix/misc/pinfo-0.6.13-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "4044 K", "ver": "1.4.1", "name": "rbutil", "descs": "rbutil (Rockbox Utility)", "source": "source/salix/misc/rbutil", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "cryptopp", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pcre2", "qt4", "qt5", "quazip", "speex", "speexdsp", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1011 K", "descl": "This is the automated installer tool for Rockbox. Rockbox is a free replacement firmware for digital music players.", "path": "./salix/misc/rbutil-1.4.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "0.9.0", "name": "qtspell", "descs": "qtspell (Spell checking)", "source": "source/salix/misc/qtspell", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "aspell", "enchant", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "Spell checking for Qt text widgets. https://github.com/manisandro/qtspell/", "path": "./salix/misc/qtspell-0.9.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "640 K", "ver": "0.13.1", "name": "asterixInspector", "descs": "asterixInspector (A viever for EUROCONTROL ASTERIX files)", "source": "source/salix/misc/asterixInspector", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "e2fsprogs", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "pcre2", "qt5", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "160 K", "descl": "displays contents of files which are in EUROCONTROL ASTERIX format. ASTERIX is a binary data exchange format used in aviation, standardized by EUROCONTROL. Homepage: http://asterix.sourceforge.net", "path": "./salix/misc/asterixInspector-0.13.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "400 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "cflow", "descs": "cflow (Flow graph generator for C projects)", "source": "source/salix/misc/cflow", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "100 K", "descl": "The cflow utility analyzes a collection of source files written in C programming language and outputs a graph charting dependencies between various functions. Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/cflow/ Maintainer: Sergey Poznyakoff ", "path": "./salix/misc/cflow-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "84 K", "ver": "3.0.0", "name": "samdump2", "descs": "samdump2 (Windows password dumper)", "source": "source/salix/misc/samdump2", "deps": [["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "21 K", "descl": "Samdump2 is a tool to dump password hashes from windows systems. It is typically used on a mounted NTFS partition, but just needs access to the SYSTEM and SAM files.", "path": "./salix/misc/samdump2-3.0.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "1360 K", "ver": "1.4.18", "name": "xapian-omega", "descs": "xapian-omega (CGI search frontend and indexers built on Xapian)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xapian-omega", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "file", "util-linux", "xapian-core", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "340 K", "descl": "Omega is a CGI application which uses the Xapian Information Retrieval library to index and search collections of documents. The default configuration file is /etc/xapian-omega.conf. This differs from the upstream Xapian Omega default of /etc/omega.conf to avoid clashing with other applications that use /etc/omega.conf. Homepage: https://xapian.org/", "path": "./salix/misc/xapian-omega-1.4.18-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "116 K", "ver": "1.3.5", "name": "sbo-templates", "descs": "sbo-templates (SBo templates managing)", "source": "source/salix/misc/sbo-templates", "deps": ["python3-pythondialog"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "29 K", "descl": "sbo-templates it's a tool that creates easy, fast and safe SlackBuilds files scripts. Homepage: https://gitlab.com/dslackw/sbo-templates", "path": "./salix/misc/sbo-templates-1.3.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "76 K", "ver": "0.9.1", "name": "chm2pdf", "descs": "chm2pdf (CHM to PDF converter)", "source": "source/salix/misc/chm2pdf", "deps": ["htmldoc", "pychm"], "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "19 K", "descl": "chm2pdf is a simple Python script that converts CHM files into PDF files. Homepage: https://github.com/Arnoques/chm2pdf", "path": "./salix/misc/chm2pdf-0.9.1-i586-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "xwinwrap", "descs": "xwinwrap (replace a desktop background with a movie or screensaver)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xwinwrap", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "xwinwrap is an app that allows users of xgl to replace a desktop background with a movie or screensaver. This is the modified version of XWinWrap by Shantanu Goel.", "path": "./salix/misc/xwinwrap-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "488 K", "ver": "1.0b7", "name": "html2ps", "descs": "html2ps (converts html to postscript)", "source": "source/salix/misc/html2ps", "rel": "3salix15.0", "sizec": "122 K", "descl": "html2ps converts HTML to PostScript.", "path": "./salix/misc/html2ps-1.0b7-noarch-3salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "80 K", "ver": "1.2", "name": "xcape", "descs": "xcape (Linux utility to configure modifier keys)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xcape", "deps": ["libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXtst", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "20 K", "descl": "xcape allows you to use a modifier key as another key when pressed and released on its own. Note that it is slightly slower than pressing the original key, because the pressed event does not occur until the key is released. The default behaviour is to generate the Escape key when Left Control is pressed and released on its own. Homepage https://github.com/alols/xcape", "path": "./salix/misc/xcape-1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "24 K", "ver": "1.8.6", "name": "torrentinfo", "descs": "torrentinfo (command-line tool that parses .torrent files)", "source": "source/salix/misc/torrentinfo", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "6 K", "descl": "TorrentInfo is a command line script that parses .torrent files and displays the information contained within them. Currently, it can display a summary of the whole torrent, information on each file within the torrent, and a full hierarchical dump of the torrent file's contents. http://vrai.net/project.php?project=torrentinfo", "path": "./salix/misc/torrentinfo-1.8.6-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "96 K", "ver": "0.1.0", "name": "solunar", "descs": "solunar (utility displaying sun- and moon-related data)", "source": "source/salix/misc/solunar", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "24 K", "descl": "solunar is a simple, command-line utility for rapidly displaying sun- and moon-related data, such as sunset times and equinoxes. solunar produces output that can be readily parsed by scripts, although it is reasonably human-readable.", "path": "./salix/misc/solunar-0.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "15348 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "boncuk", "descs": "boncuk (Turkish-English/English-Turkish Dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/misc/boncuk", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "3837 K", "descl": "Boncuk is a simple QT based Turkish-English/English-Turkish dictionary which can do off-line and on-line word look-ups.", "path": "./salix/misc/boncuk-1.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "540 K", "ver": "0.4_20150503", "name": "par2cmdline-tbb", "descs": "par2cmdline-tbb (a multithreaded version of par2cmdline)", "source": "source/salix/misc/par2cmdline-tbb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "tbb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "135 K", "descl": "This is a concurrent (multithreaded) version of par2cmdline, a utility to create and repair data files using Reed Solomon coding. par2 parity archives are commonly used on Usenet postings to allow corrupted postings to be repaired instead of needing the original poster to repost the corrupted file(s). This version has been modified to utilise the Intel Threading Building Blocks library.", "path": "./salix/misc/par2cmdline-tbb-0.4_20150503-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "44 K", "ver": "1.8.0", "name": "twa", "descs": "twa (A tiny web auditor with strong opinions)", "source": "source/salix/misc/twa", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "11 K", "descl": "A tiny web auditor with strong opinions. website: https://github.com/trailofbits/twa", "path": "./salix/misc/twa-1.8.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "0.1", "name": "spotlighter", "descs": "spotlighter (show a spot light on the desktop)", "source": "source/salix/misc/spotlighter", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gtk+2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "Spotlighter is a tool to show a movable and resizable spotlight on the desktop. It's primary function is for use during presentations and in conjunction with tools like ardesia.", "path": "./salix/misc/spotlighter-0.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "220604 K", "ver": "1.1.1", "name": "moedict-desktop.app", "descs": "moedict-desktop.app (Offline Traditional Chinese Dictionary)", "source": "source/salix/misc/moedict-desktop.app", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55151 K", "descl": "This is an offline version of moedict, an traditional Chinese dict- ionary originally published by Ministry of Education, R.O.C. Moedict includes translation functionality from traditional Chinese vocabularies into English, German, and French langues. Homepage: https://racklin.github.io/moedict-desktop/index.html See also: https://www.moedict.tw/", "path": "./salix/misc/moedict-desktop.app-1.1.1-i686-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i686"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "100 K", "ver": "3.2", "name": "g15composer", "descs": "g15composer (interface to libg15render)", "source": "source/salix/misc/g15composer", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "libusb-compat"], "g15daemon", "libg15", "libg15render"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "25 K", "descl": "G15composer is a scriptable command interface to the libg15render drawing functions that outputs to a G15daemon screen. http://sourceforge.net/projects/g15tools/", "path": "./salix/misc/g15composer-3.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "192 K", "ver": "0.2.1", "name": "ccze", "descs": "ccze (log colorizer)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ccze", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "48 K", "descl": "ccze is a fast log colorizer written in C. Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/projects/ccze/", "path": "./salix/misc/ccze-0.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "49156 K", "ver": "3.5", "name": "goldencheetah", "descs": "goldencheetah (set of analysis tools for cycling performance)", "source": "source/salix/misc/goldencheetah", "deps": ["OpenBLAS", ["aaa_libraries", "alsa-lib"], ["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "eudev"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gmp"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "libusb"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "tdb"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "blas", "brotli", "cairo", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "cyrus-sasl", "dbus", "e2fsprogs", "elogind", "expat", "ffmpeg", "flac", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gcc", "gcc-gfortran", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "gnutls", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "jansson", "lame", "lapack", "lcms2", "levmar", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXtst", "libasyncns", "libbluray", "libdrm", "libevent", "libgcrypt", "libglvnd", "libgpg-error", "libical", "libogg", "librsvg", "libsamplerate", "libsndfile", "libssh", "libtheora", "libunistring", "libunwind", "libva", "libvdpau", "libvorbis", "libvpx", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "mozilla-nss", "nettle", "ocl-icd", "openjpeg", "opus", "p11-kit", "pango", "pciutils", "pcre2", "pixman", "pulseaudio", "python3", "qt5", "samba", "speex", "sqlite", "talloc", "tevent", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "4salix15.0", "sizec": "12289 K", "descl": "GoldenCheetah is a software package that: * Downloads ride data directly from the CycleOps PowerTap and the SRM PowerControl V. * Imports ride data downloaded with other programs, including TrainingPeaks WKO+ and the manufacturers' software for the Ergomo, Garmin, Polar, PowerTap, and SRM devices. * Provides a rich set of analysis tools, including a critical power graph, BikeScore calculation, histogram analysis, a best interval finder, and a pedal force versus pedal velocity chart.", "path": "./salix/misc/goldencheetah-3.5-i586-4salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "0.6", "name": "abduco", "descs": "abduco (session manager with attach/detach support)", "source": "source/salix/misc/abduco", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "abduco provides session management i.e. it allows programs to be run independently from their controlling terminal. That is, programs can be detached -- run in the background -- and then later reattached. Together with dvtm it provides a simpler and cleaner alternative to tmux or screen. Homepage: http://www.brain-dump.org/projects/abduco/", "path": "./salix/misc/abduco-0.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "224 K", "ver": "0.9", "name": "txt2regex", "descs": "txt2regex (interactive regular expression trainer)", "source": "source/salix/misc/txt2regex", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "56 K", "descl": "Txt2regex is a regular expression wizard for the command line. Users with little or no knowledge of regular expressions can quickly create hairy regexes by answering questions in a simple text-based interactive interface.", "path": "./salix/misc/txt2regex-0.9-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "204 K", "ver": "0.2.11", "name": "xvnkb", "descs": "xvnkb (Vietnamese keyboard input for X-Window)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xvnkb", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXft", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "51 K", "descl": "xvnkb is a Vietnamese keyboard input for X-Window. It provides an useful way for editing Vietnamese on X-Window environment with popular input methods and charsets. This software released under GNU GPL license. Homepage: http://xvnkb.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/misc/xvnkb-0.2.11-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "1.5", "name": "bdfresize", "descs": "bdfresize (tool for resizing BDF fonts)", "source": "source/salix/misc/bdfresize", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "bdfresize is a command to magnify or reduce bitmap fonts which are described with the standard BDF format.", "path": "./salix/misc/bdfresize-1.5-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "72 K", "ver": "1.3", "name": "beep", "descs": "beep (does exactly what you would expect: it beeps)", "source": "source/salix/misc/beep", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "18 K", "descl": "Unlike printf('\\a'), beep allows you to control pitch, duration, and repetitions. Its job is to live inside shell/perl scripts and allow more granularity than one would otherwise have. It is controlled completely through command line options. It's not supposed to be complex, and it isn't - but it makes system monitoring (or whatever else it gets hacked onto) that much more informative. You may need to set beep executable suid.", "path": "./salix/misc/beep-1.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "5320 K", "ver": "1.1", "name": "ardesia", "descs": "ardesia (Pen/Touch ready on-screen annotation)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ardesia", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "at-spi2-atk", "at-spi2-core", "atk", "brotli", "cairo", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "fribidi", "gdk-pixbuf2", "glib2", "graphite2", "gsl", "gtk+3", "harfbuzz", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXcursor", "libXdamage", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXfixes", "libXi", "libXinerama", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libepoxy", "libglvnd", "libgsf", "libxcb", "libxkbcommon", "libxml2", "pango", "pixman", "util-linux", "wayland", "zlib"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "1330 K", "descl": "Ardesia turns your screen into a digital sketchpad to annotate or draw on the entire screen. It also lets you record and stream it on the network. You can draw upon the desktop or import an image, annotate, and redistribute it. Ardesia is also pressure sensitive assuming your device is properly configured.", "path": "./salix/misc/ardesia-1.1-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "220 K", "ver": "1.1.2", "name": "boxes", "descs": "boxes (ASCII Box Drawing)", "source": "source/salix/misc/boxes", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "55 K", "descl": "Some Of The Features: * Drawing of ASCII art boxes around input text * Generation of regional comments in any programming language * Freely and conveniently user-configurable boxes * Alignment and positioning of text inside a box * A number of preconfigured box designs in example config file Homepage: http://boxes.thomasjensen.com/", "path": "./salix/misc/boxes-1.1.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "548 K", "ver": "1.3.3", "name": "ibus-qt", "descs": "ibus-qt (qt library and input method plugin for ibus)", "source": "source/salix/misc/ibus-qt", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libcap"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], "brotli", "dbus", "elogind", "fontconfig", "freetype", "graphite2", "harfbuzz", "icu4c", "libICE", "libSM", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libxcb", "libxml2", "qt4", "util-linux", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "137 K", "descl": "ibus-qt includes the ibus qt library and input method plugin. You may need this lib to get ibus fully functional in Qt applications. Homepage: https://github.com/ibus/ibus/wiki", "path": "./salix/misc/ibus-qt-1.3.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "740 K", "ver": "0.12.6", "name": "wkhtmltopdf", "descs": "wkhtmltopdf (convert html to pdf using QtWebkit)", "source": "source/salix/misc/wkhtmltopdf", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "bzip2"], ["aaa_libraries", "elfutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "glib2"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libffi"], ["aaa_libraries", "libjpeg-turbo"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpng"], ["aaa_libraries", "libunwind"], ["aaa_libraries", "pcre"], ["aaa_libraries", "xz"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", "e2fsprogs", "elfutils", "glib2", "gst-plugins-base", "gstreamer", "hyphen", "icu4c", "libX11", "libXau", "libXcomposite", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXrender", "libglvnd", "libwebp", "libxcb", "libxml2", "libxslt", ["openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "orc", "pcre2", "qt5", "qt5-webkit", "sqlite", "util-linux", "woff2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "185 K", "descl": "Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt.", "path": "./salix/misc/wkhtmltopdf-0.12.6-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "52 K", "ver": "1.0", "name": "figlet-international", "descs": "figlet-international (international font set for FIGlet)", "source": "source/salix/misc/figlet-international", "deps": ["figlet"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "13 K", "descl": "International font set for FIGlet.", "path": "./salix/misc/figlet-international-1.0-noarch-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "noarch"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "60 K", "ver": "1.4", "name": "vdpauinfo", "descs": "vdpauinfo (VDPAU info utility)", "source": "source/salix/misc/vdpauinfo", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libvdpau", "libxcb"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "15 K", "descl": "Query and display NVIDIA VDPAU capabilities, a la glxinfo Homepage: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/~aplattner/vdpauinfo", "path": "./salix/misc/vdpauinfo-1.4-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "184 K", "ver": "2.35.0", "name": "esniper", "descs": "esniper (a lightweight eBay sniping tool)", "source": "source/salix/misc/esniper", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "c-ares"], ["aaa_libraries", "keyutils"], ["aaa_libraries", "krb5"], ["aaa_libraries", "libidn2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libnsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libpsl"], ["aaa_libraries", "libssh2"], ["aaa_libraries", "libtirpc"], ["aaa_libraries", "openldap"], ["aaa_libraries", "zstd"], "brotli", ["calibre-bin", "openssl", "openssl-solibs"], "curl", "cyrus-sasl", "e2fsprogs", "libunistring", "nghttp2", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "46 K", "descl": "Esniper is a lightweight ebay sniping tool. It doesn't have a lot of features, and that is by design. Auctions are specified on the command line, using the auction number and your bid price. Multiple auctions can be bid on by specifying more auctions and bid prices.esniper stops when the desired quantity has been won (default is 1). Homepage: http://esniper.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/misc/esniper-2.35.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.06", "name": "zinnia", "descs": "zinnia (customizable and portable online hand recognition system)", "source": "source/salix/misc/zinnia", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "Zinnia is a simple, customizable and portable online hand recognition system based on Support Vector Machines. Homepage: http://taku910.github.io/zinnia/index.html", "path": "./salix/misc/zinnia-0.06-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "284 K", "ver": "0.1.94", "name": "chemical-mime-data", "descs": "chemical-mime-data (Support for various chemical MIME types)", "source": "source/salix/misc/chemical-mime-data", "deps": ["gnome-mime-data"], "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "71 K", "descl": "The chemical-mime-data package is a collection of data files to add support for various chemical MIME types on Linux/UNIX desktops, such as KDE and GNOME.", "path": "./salix/misc/chemical-mime-data-0.1.94-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "288 K", "ver": "2.2.7", "name": "discount", "descs": "discount (implementation of Markdown text to html language in C)", "source": "source/salix/misc/discount", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "72 K", "descl": "This is an implementation of John Gruber's Markdown text to HTML language written by David Loren Parsons. There's not much that differentiates it from any of the existing Markdown implementations except that it's written in C instead of one of the vast flock of scripting languages that are fighting it out for the Perl crown. Homepage: https://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount/", "path": "./salix/misc/discount-2.2.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "492 K", "ver": "0.8.1", "name": "par2cmdline", "descs": "par2cmdline (Commandline implementation of PARv2.0 specification)", "source": "source/salix/misc/par2cmdline", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "123 K", "descl": "par2cmdline is a GPL-licensed commandline tool for creating and using PAR2 parity sets to detect damage in files and repair them if necessary. The program uses Reed Solomon Coding to perform its error correction. A useful program for checking and ensuring the integrity of binaries retrieved from usenet for instance.", "path": "./salix/misc/par2cmdline-0.8.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "556 K", "ver": "9.0.12+nmu1", "name": "bsdmainutils", "descs": "bsdmainutils (collection of more utilities from FreeBSD)", "source": "source/salix/misc/bsdmainutils", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], "libbsd"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "139 K", "descl": "This package contains lots of small programs many people expect to find when they use a BSD-style Unix system. It provides banner (as printerbanner), calendar, from (as bsd-from), lorder, and write (as bsd-write). Homepage: https://packages.debian.org/sid/bsdmainutils", "path": "./salix/misc/bsdmainutils-9.0.12+nmu1-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "336 K", "ver": "3.1.0", "name": "xdelta3", "descs": "xdelta3 (Binary delta generator)", "source": "source/salix/misc/xdelta3", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "xz"]], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "84 K", "descl": "Xdelta version 3 is a C library and command-line tool for delta compression using VCDIFF/RFC 3284 streams. Homepage: http://xdelta.org/", "path": "./salix/misc/xdelta3-3.1.0-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "2860 K", "ver": "0.3", "name": "toilet", "descs": "toilet (program for creating banners)", "source": "source/salix/misc/toilet", "deps": [["aaa_libraries", "gcc"], ["aaa_libraries", "gcc-g++"], ["aaa_libraries", "ncurses"], ["aaa_libraries", "slang"], "freeglut", "glu", "libX11", "libXau", "libXdmcp", "libXext", "libXi", "libXrandr", "libXrender", "libXxf86vm", "libcaca", "libglvnd", "libxcb", "zlib"], "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "715 K", "descl": "This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong and secure ASCII art generation, it will only output ugly things. See NEWS for the work in progress.", "path": "./salix/misc/toilet-0.3-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "252 K", "ver": "1.9.5", "name": "nfoview", "descs": "nfoview (a simple viewer for NFO files)", "source": "source/salix/misc/nfoview", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "63 K", "descl": "NFO Viewer is a simple viewer for NFO files, which are 'ASCII' art in the CP437 codepage. The advantages of using NFO Viewer instead of a text editor are preset font and encoding settings, automatic window size and clickable hyperlinks.", "path": "./salix/misc/nfoview-1.9.5-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "64 K", "ver": "0.4.2", "name": "fbdump", "descs": "fbdump (captures the visible portion of framebuffer to stdout)", "source": "source/salix/misc/fbdump", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "16 K", "descl": "fbdump is a simple tool that captures the contents of the visible portion of the Linux framebuffer device and writes it to the standard output as a PPM file. In other words, it takes a screenshot of anything running on the framebuffer. It currently has fairly complete support for packed-pixel framebuffer types and also works with the VGA16 framebuffer driver. Homepage: http://www.rcdrummond.net/fbdump/", "path": "./salix/misc/fbdump-0.4.2-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "376 K", "ver": "2.7.20210210", "name": "vttest", "descs": "vttest (terminal test program)", "source": "source/salix/misc/vttest", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "94 K", "descl": "Vttest is a program designed to test the functionality of a VT100 terminal (or emulator thereof). It tests both display (escape sequence handling) and keyboard. Additional tests (past version 1.7) are provided for analysis of vt220, vt420 terminals, as well as variants of xterm.", "path": "./salix/misc/vttest-2.7.20210210-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "436 K", "ver": "1.4.2", "name": "rsnapshot", "descs": "rsnapshot (filesystem snapshot utility)", "source": "source/salix/misc/rsnapshot", "rel": "1salix15.0", "sizec": "109 K", "descl": "rsnapshot is a filesystem snapshot utility for making backups of local and remote systems. Using rsync and hard links, it is possible to keep multiple, full backups instantly available. The disk space required is just a little more than the space of one full backup, plus incrementals.", "path": "./salix/misc/rsnapshot-1.4.2-i586-1salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}, {"loc": "misc", "sizeu": "56 K", "ver": "1.18", "name": "bsdsfv", "descs": "bsdsfv (command-line SFV utility)", "source": "source/salix/misc/bsdsfv", "rel": "2salix15.0", "sizec": "14 K", "descl": "bsdsfv is an fork of pdsfv (formerly Hoopy SFV) You can use bsdsfv on your own computer as well as on your site. It is known to be very flexible and can be used by other programs. It is released under the terms of the BSD license. Homepage: http://bsdsfv.sourceforge.net/", "path": "./salix/misc/bsdsfv-1.18-i586-2salix15.0.txz", "arch": "i586"}], "locations": {"development": "Development tools", "perl": "Perl programming language tools and libraries", "gis": "Geographic Information System software", "ham": "HAM radio software", "business": "Business software", "python": "Python programming language tools and libraries", "office": "Office software and tools", "multimedia": "Multimedia software", "misc": "Miscellaneous", "accessibility": "Accessibility packages", "desktop": "Desktop applications", "libraries": "Libraries", "academic": "Academic software", "haskell": "Haskell programming language and tools", "games": "Games :)", "graphics": "Graphics software and libraries", "audio": "Audio playback and manipulation", "ruby": "Ruby programming language tools and libraries", "network": "Networking tools", "system": "System software and tools"}}