2017-07-03 Rico Tzschichholz Release 0.37.1 build: Use --use-header for libvaladoc Reduces the size of generated c-sources while avoiding redefinitions. vapi: Update GIR-based bindings 2017-06-27 Rico Tzschichholz Merge valadoc 0.36.0 Consider valadoc a part of vala's toolchain and therefore let it live in the main repository. With this merge there is no need to maintain multiple driver sources since only one is required from now on. There is no dependency on gee-0.8 and vala's internal gee copy has made to be sufficient. The libvaladoc library will be suffixed with vala's version suffix too. Besides this renaming the rest of the valadoc file layout is kept the same. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=782782 libgvc: Add WITH_CGRAPH conditionals gee: Add some useful symbols from gee-0.8 build: Generate libvala-0.XX.vapi in vala Drop superfluous inheriting from GLib.Object Prepare valadoc source-tree for merge