2011-02-14 Jürg Billeter Release 0.11.6 Allow casts in constant initializers 2011-02-14 Ryan Lortie GVariant binding: add lookup APIs 2011-02-13 Jürg Billeter codegen: Use builder API to free captured variables 2011-02-13 Luca Bruno codegen: Guard array length access on simple assignment codegen: Replace get_unref_expression_ with destroy_variable 2011-02-11 Stefano Debenedetti posix: Add recv() function binding. Fixes bug 641785. glib-2.0: Fix PollFunc delegate binding. Fixes bug 641789. posix: Fix poll and ppoll bindings. Fixes bug 641788. 2011-02-11 Jürg Billeter Add clutter-gtk-1.0 bindings Fixes bug 642013. 2011-02-10 Jürg Billeter glib-2.0: Improve performance of string.substring on large strings 2011-02-09 Jürg Billeter gtk+-2.0, gtk+-3.0: Fix gtk_style_copy binding Fixes bug 641950. Allow use of N_("foo") in constant initializer lists 2011-02-08 Jürg Billeter Fix signals with generic parameters Fixes bug 628639. Support translated string constants Fixes bug 641543. Report error for constants with non-constant expressions codegen: Fix property accessor definitions with custom cname Fixes bug 641781. 2011-02-07 Jürg Billeter gtk+-3.0: Fix gtk_widget_get_preferred_* bindings gtk+-2.0, gtk+-3.0: Fix gtk_text_iter_{begins,ends}_tag bindings gdk-3.0: Fix GdkRectangle binding Fixes bug 637901. Fix null-terminated array parameters in signals Fixes bug 641715. 2011-02-07 Frederik 'playya' Sdun gio-2.0: add array_null_terminated annotions in DBus Introspection 2011-02-07 Evan Nemerson pixman-1: fix Image ref and unref functions 2011-02-07 Jürg Billeter gio-2.0: Fix g_application_local_command_line binding Fixes bug 641512. 2011-02-06 Luca Bruno json-glib-1.0: Make Object.set_member node parameter owned cogl-1.0: Fix Matrix from_array, get_inverse and transform_point clutter-1.0: Fix Actor methods about transformation matrix and rotation. Fixed methods are apply_transform, get_tranformation_matrix and get_rotation. 2011-02-05 Evan Nemerson clutter-1.0: make entries parameter of init_with_args an array Fixes bug 639657. 2011-02-05 Marc-André Lureau libsoup-2.4: Move form_* methods into Form and fix ownership issues Fixes bug 640841. 2011-02-05 Evan Nemerson Add pixman-1 bindings linux: add omapfb bindings 2011-02-04 Evan Nemerson glib-2.0: add missing parameter to Variant.dup_bytestring gdk-pixbuf-2.0: make return value of Gdk.Pixbuf.flip nullable gio-2.0: use GLib.Func for Cancellable.connect argument 2011-01-29 Jürg Billeter glib-2.0: Add parse and try_parse methods to boolean and numeric types This deprecates string.to_bool and string.to_int*. 2011-01-28 Jürg Billeter Do not use verbose error reporting for deprecation warnings 2011-01-25 Jürg Billeter gio-2.0: Fix GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed binding 2011-01-24 Evan Nemerson mx-1.0: Make Padding a struct instead of a compact class 2011-01-23 Andrea Del Signore gtksourceview-2.0: Fix SourceCompletionContext and SourceCompletionProvider