=============== Version 3.27.90 =============== Changes in this release: • More documentation and GObject Introspection additions. • Fixes for documentation and taking of floating references from GVariant params. • The soname has been bumped since we altered the correctness of GVariant params. C-based programs mostly just need to be recompiled. Other bindings-based consumers should have their bindings regenerated if necessary. • When panic'ing a connection (such as from a broken pipe) we now defer error propagation back to the main loop to avoid some re-entrancy complexity for applications. Distributors: In this cycle we had to break our GObject Introspection documentation that was correct for the transfer ownership of GVariant. Additionally, we fixed the miss-named library libjsonrpc_glib-1.0 to libjsonrpc-glib-1.0. Since we bumped our soname, it is a good time to fix this in your packaging.