News in 4.3.92, 2019-09-04 -------------------------- * RC release for 4.4 scheduled for next week. * New syntax highlighting definition file for: ASCII Doc, Dockerfile * Improvements to the syntax highlighting of: CSS, Gradle, HTML, C, PHP, YAML, and Grovvy. * Performance improvements in line number drawing. * GtkSourceView now requires GTK 3.22 or newer. * GtkSourceView no longer uses many deprecated APIs from GTK. * GtkSourceView now uses fribidi directly to determine bidriectional direction for cursors. * GtkSourceView now relies on GObject for correct marsharllers as well as va_marshallers or provides its own. This improves profiling with kernel stack unwinders such as Linux's perf. * Visual column detection is improved to use the tab-width instead of the indent-width. * Support for DnD from GIMPs color palette has been improved. * A performance optimization has been added to avoid painting mark backgrounds if no GtkSourceMarks have been registered. * Translation updates.