2.6.7: 2006-04-20 Murray Cumming * gtk/src/treeview.ccg: * gtk/src/treeviewcolumn.ccg: Put deprecated implementations in ifdefs. * demos/gtk-demo/example_iconview.cc: Fix a use of a deprecated method. 2006-04-20 Murray Cumming * gtk/src/treesortable.ccg: Put the implementation of deprecated methods in #ifdefs, to fix the build when using --enable-deprecated-api=no 2006-04-20 Murray Cumming * gtk/src/treepath.ccg: * gtk/src/treepath.hg: Use the deprecate option to ifdef-out the implementation for deprecated methods. 2006-04-20 Murray Cumming * gtk/src/textbuffer.ccg: Fix typos in last commit. 2006-04-20 Murray Cumming * gtk/src/textbuffer.ccg: * gtk/src/textview.ccg: Put the implementation of deprecated methods in #ifdefs, to fix the build when using --enable-deprecated-api=no. 2006-04-10 Murray Cumming Backported from 2.8: * atk/src/hyperlink.hg: * atk/src/hypertext.hg: * atk/src/objectaccessible.hg: * atk/src/table.hg: * build_shared/Makefile_build.am_fragment: * gdk/src/colormap.hg: * gdk/src/cursor.hg: * gdk/src/display.hg: * gdk/src/displaymanager.hg: * gdk/src/drawable.hg: * gdk/src/event.hg: * gdk/src/gc.hg: * gdk/src/image.hg: * gdk/src/screen.hg: * gdk/src/visual.hg: * gdk/src/window.hg: * gtk/src/aboutdialog.hg: * gtk/src/accellabel.hg: * gtk/src/actiongroup.hg: * gtk/src/assistant.hg: * gtk/src/button.hg: * gtk/src/clipboard.hg: * gtk/src/combobox.hg: * gtk/src/container.hg: * gtk/src/entry.hg: * gtk/src/entrycompletion.hg: * gtk/src/expander.hg: * gtk/src/filechooser.hg: * gtk/src/frame.hg: * gtk/src/iconinfo.hg: * gtk/src/iconsource.hg: * gtk/src/iconview.hg: * gtk/src/image.hg: * gtk/src/imagemenuitem.hg: * gtk/src/invisible.hg: * gtk/src/label.hg: * gtk/src/layout.hg: * gtk/src/menu.hg: * gtk/src/menuitem.hg: * gtk/src/menutoolbutton.hg: * gtk/src/notebook.hg: * gtk/src/optionmenu.hg: * gtk/src/paned.hg: * gtk/src/range.hg: * gtk/src/scale.hg: * gtk/src/scrolledwindow.hg: * gtk/src/selectiondata.hg: * gtk/src/spinbutton.hg: * gtk/src/statusicon.hg: * gtk/src/textbuffer.hg: * gtk/src/textmark.hg: * gtk/src/texttagtable.hg: * gtk/src/textview.hg: * gtk/src/toolbar.hg: * gtk/src/toolbutton.hg: * gtk/src/toolitem.hg: * gtk/src/treemodelfilter.ccg: * gtk/src/treemodelfilter.hg: * gtk/src/treemodelsort.hg: * gtk/src/treerowreference.hg: * gtk/src/treeselection.hg: * gtk/src/treeview.hg: * gtk/src/uimanager.hg: * gtk/src/viewport.hg: * gtk/src/widget.hg: * gtk/src/window.hg: Use the new constversion option with _WRAP_METHOD() to reduce code size a little. 2006-04-03 Murray Cumming Backported from 2.8: * gdk/src/pixbuf.ccg: * gdk/src/pixbufloader.ccg: * gtk/src/container.ccg: * gtk/src/entrycompletion.ccg: * gtk/src/iconview.ccg: * gtk/src/treeiter.ccg: * gtk/src/treemodel.ccg: * gtk/src/treeselection.ccg: * gtk/src/widget.ccg: * pango/src/fontset.ccg: Mark private functions as static, to stop them being exported in the library, to reduce code size slightly. 2006-04-20 Murray Cumming * gtk/src/calendar.hg: display_options(): Use the _WRAP_METHOD() deprecated keyword so that this the implementation is also in an #IFDEF. * gtk/src/colorselection.ccg: Make callbacks static, to prevent them from being exported in the ABI. 2006-04-19 Murray Cumming Backported from 2.8: * gtk/gtkmm/treeview_private.cc: * gtk/gtkmm/treeview_private.h: * gtk/src/aboutdialog.ccg: * gtk/src/assistant.ccg: * gtk/src/celllayout.ccg: * gtk/src/clipboard.ccg: * gtk/src/combobox.ccg: * gtk/src/entrycompletion.ccg: * gtk/src/filefilter.ccg: * gtk/src/menu.ccg: * gtk/src/texttagtable.ccg: * gtk/src/treemodelfilter.ccg: * gtk/src/treeselection.ccg: * gtk/src/treesortable.ccg: * gtk/src/treeview.ccg: * gtk/src/treeviewcolumn.ccg: For most hand-coded SignalProxy classes, used for set_*func() methods, remove them and just pass a copy of the slot around. The extra indirection is not necessary. Use standalone callback functions, so that they can be static, saving a few bytes on the library size.