1.13.3 (unstable): * Relationships Overview: Avoid a crash and a warning when closing. (Murray Cumming) Bug #607938 (Michael Hasselmann) * Import: Avoid a hang, hopefully. (Michael Hasselmann) * Import: Fixed out-ouf-bounds crash. (Michael Hasselmann) Bug #607938 (ialx). * New file: Allow the title to contain quotes, avoiding weird errors. (Murray Cumming) Bug #607957 (Michael Hasselmann) * libglom: - Improved include paths used in headers. (Murray Cumming) - Avoid crashes with invalid parameter values. (Michael Hasselmann) * Use Gtk::ToolPalette, requiring gtkmm 2.19.4, instead of code copied from libegg. * Command-line arguments: Do some checks. (Murray Cumming)