2005-08-02 Matthias Clasen * === Released 2.7.5 === * NEWS: Updates 2005-08-02 Matthias Clasen * glib/gconvert.c (g_convert_with_iconv, g_convert_with_fallback): Cleanup converter state after the conversion. Document streaming conversion pitfalls. (#311337) 2005-08-02 Tor Lillqvist * tests/refcount/objects.c * tests/refcount/properties.c * tests/refcount/signals.c: Use g_usleep() instead of sleep() for portability. Mon Aug 1 23:33:47 2005 Tim Janik * tests/refcount/closures.c: test high contention on closure reference counts to trigger and catch non-atomic updates. * tests/refcount/objects.c: * tests/refcount/objects2.c: * tests/refcount/properties.c: * tests/refcount/properties2.c: * tests/refcount/signals.c: fixed up test and threading fundamentals. variables accessed from all threads need to be volatile. context switches are enforced by using g_thread_yield(), not g_usleep(1) which may result in busy waits on some platforms. for testcode, always consider all warnings and critical messages fatal. issue the currently running program on stdout. improved progress indicators. * tests/refcount/properties.c: * tests/refcount/objects.c: don't overdo the number of testing threads to keep the testing machine usable, 2 threads can produce as much contention as 20 if executing the same code. * tests/refcount/signals.c: only start 1 thread per object. GObject doesn't provide mutually exclusive object access, but only mutually exclusive reference count modification. * tests/Makefile.am: added closures test. 2005-08-01 Tor Lillqvist * tests/uri-test.c: Make it pass on Win32. (from_uri_tests[]): Take into consideration that on Win32 we don't return "localhost" hostnames. (safe_strcmp_filename): New function that considers slash and backslash equal on Win32. (safe_strcmp_hostname): New function that considers "localhost" equal NULL on Win32. (run_roundtrip_tests): Use safe_strcmp_filename() and safe_strcmp_hostname(). Sun Jul 31 01:50:20 2005 Tim Janik * glib/gdataset.c: moved G_DATALIST_*_POINTER() macros here, because proper use requires the global g_dataset_global mutex to be acquired. g_datalist_id_get_data(): g_datalist_unset_flags(): g_datalist_set_flags(): properly acquire and release dataset mutex. * glib/gdatasetprivate.h: implement G_DATALIST_GET_FLAGS() via atomic pointer access to account for memory barriers. moved all other macros. 2005-07-26 Matthias Clasen * glib/goption.c: Include glibintl.h, not gi18n.h, noticed by Dan Winship. * configure.in: Try -mt as compiler flag for threads, needed for the HP C compiler on HP-UX. (#163051, Paul Cornett) * glib/ghash.c (g_hash_table_foreach): Fix a typo in the docs. (#311569, Ross Burton)