Overview of changes from GLib 2.40.0 to GLib 2.40.1 ==================================================== * gobject: try to link with -Wl,-z,nodelete to prevent unloading * g_file_copy: Don't set GError when we intend to ignore errors * gapplication-tool: ensure object paths are valid * gtlscertificate: fix certificate list parsing with trailing comments * g_str_has_prefix: improve efficiency with long strings * Added type check to GPermission public functions. * GApplication: Don't decrease use_count below 0 * networkmonitornetlink: fix IPv6 issues on Android * gresolver: Ensure GThreadedResolver always sets an error if resolution fails * gmacros.h: add G_GNUC_*_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS macros for clang * networkaddress: fix parsing of uri with @ after authority * gvariant tests: workaround libc/compiler "issue" * Windows: - gio/gtestdbus.c: Fix write_config_file() for Windows - MSVC 2010+ Projects: Update "Installation" Process - gspawn-win32: do not rely on __argc and __argv global vars. * documentation fixes Translations updated: * Basque language * Catalan * Czech * German * Greek * Hungarian * Indonesian * Slovenian