# This is a Slackware Installation Tagfile. # # This one comes from disk: AP1 (Applications series) # and a backup copy called "tagfile.org" can be found on the same disk. You # should never edit the "tagfile.org" copy, only the one called "tagfile". Use # the "tagfile.org" only if you want to restore original installation defaults # by copying it over the top of "tagfile". # # It is used to automate software installation. # There are two labels that you can use: ADD and SKP. # # If the PROMPT option is used during installation, this file will be checked # to determine the installation default. First, all the lines beginning with # : # will be extracted. Then, the last line in the extracted segment will be # checked for the flags ADD, REC, OPT and SKP. # # If ADD is found, then a priority of [required] will be displayed, and the # package will be automatically installed. # # If SKP is found, then a priority of [skip] will be displayed, and # the package will be automatically skipped. # # All other packages will be prompted for. There are two optional flags you # can use to change the package priority level shown when the user is # prompted: REC and OPT. If REC is found, the priority shown will be # [recommended], while if OPT is found, the user sees priority [optional]. # # If no flags are found for a given package, the user is shown priority # [unknown], and is prompted for whether the package should be installed. # # If you mess this file up beyond recognition, just restore from "tagfile.org" # # a2ps: REC acct: OPT alsa-utils: REC amp: OPT apsfilter: REC ash: OPT at: OPT aumix: OPT bc: OPT beecrypt: OPT bpe: OPT cdparanoia: OPT cdrdao: OPT cdrtools: OPT diffutils: REC dvd+rw-tools: OPT enscript: OPT espgs: REC flac: OPT gimp-print: OPT groff: ADD gnu-gs-fonts: REC hpijs: REC ifhp: OPT ispell: OPT jed: OPT joe: OPT jove: OPT ksh93: OPT lsof: OPT lvm: OPT madplay: OPT man: ADD man-pages: REC mc: OPT mdadm: OPT most: OPT mpg321: OPT mt-st: OPT mysql: OPT normalize: OPT quota: OPT raidtools: OPT rexima: REC rpm: OPT rzip: OPT sc: OPT screen: OPT seejpeg: REC sgml-tools: REC sox: REC sudo: OPT texinfo: REC vim: OPT vorbis-tools: OPT workbone: OPT zsh: OPT