IGNOREPATH=/home:/dev:/boot:/root:/tmp:/usr/local:/bin:/sbin:/tmp:/var/man:/var/tmp:/mnt:/usr/src/ STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y VERSION=2.5.7 PROGNAME="elm $VERSION" DESC="\ elm (Menu-driven user mail program) \n\ \n\ Elm is an interactive screen-oriented mailer program originally \n\ written by Dave Taylor, and continued by the Elm Development Group." BUILD=1 MAINTAINER="Mark Post " SOURCE=ftp://ftp.virginia.edu/pub/elm PKGNAME=elm-$VERSION-s390-$BUILD TAG=OPT compile() { tar -xvzf $CWD/elm$VERSION.tar.gz cd elm$VERSION/ # zcat $CWD/elm$VERSION.config.diff.gz | patch -p1 cp -v $CWD/config.sh . I_STDARG=1 ./Configure # The -DI_STDARG is needed because gcc no longer supports using vararg.h, and # elm specifies that by default. If you specify -DI_STDARG, then it uses # stdarg.h, which works. make CCFLAGS=-DI_STDARG } install() { if [ -d /var/lib/elm ]; then rm -rf /var/lib/elm fi mkdir -p /var/lib/elm make install mkdir -p /usr/doc/elm-$VERSION cp -r NOTICE Overview README doc/*.guid* doc/Elm.cover \ /usr/doc/elm-$VERSION ( cd doc/ cp *.1 /usr/man/man1 ) ( cd /var/man/cat1 rm answer.1 elm.1 fastmail.1 listalias.1 mmencode.1 newmail.1 \ readmsg.1 checkalias.1 elmalias.1 frm.1 messages.1 \ newalias.1 printmail.1 wnewmail.1 ) ### metamail includes better versions of these ### (a better version of something that comes with elm? amazing!) ( cd /usr/bin ; rm mmencode ) ( cd /usr/man/man1 ; rm mmencode.1 ) ( cd /usr/bin rm -rf frm ; ln -sf nfrm frm rm -rf newmail ; ln -sf wnewmail newmail ) } attributes() { chmod 644 $PKG/var/lib/elm/* } special() { cd $CTL cat $CWD/slack-desc > slack-desc }