IGNOREPATH=/home:/dev:/boot:/root:/tmp:/usr/local:/bin:/sbin:/mnt:/var STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y VERSION=0.80.2 PROGNAME="Window Maker $VERSION" DESC="\ windowmaker \n\ \n\ Window Maker is the GNU window manager for the X Window System. It \n\ was designed to emulate the look and feel of part of the NEXTSTEP(tm) \n\ GUI. It's supposed to be relatively fast and small, feature rich, \n\ easy to configure and easy to use, with a simple and elegant \n\ appearance borrowed from NEXTSTEP(tm). Window Maker was designed \n\ keeping integration with GNUstep in mind and is the \"official\" window\n\ manager for it." BUILD=1 MAINTAINER="Mark Post " SOURCE=ftp://ftp.windowmaker.org/pub/release/srcs PKGNAME=windowmaker-$VERSION-s390-$BUILD TAG=OPT compile() { # # build WindowMaker # cd $TMP tar -yxvf $CWD/WindowMaker-$VERSION.tar.bz2 cd WindowMaker-$VERSION/ chown -R root.root . # This should be non-interactive where possible. zcat $CWD/wmaker.inst.diff.gz | patch -p1 --verbose LINGUAS="`cd po ; /bin/ls *.po | sed 's/.po//g'`" \ CFLAGS=-O2 NLSDIR=/usr/share/locale \ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc/X11 \ --enable-gnome \ --enable-kde \ --enable-usermenu \ --with-appspath=/usr/lib/GNUstep/Apps \ --build=s390-slackware-linux \ --host=s390-slackware-linux \ --target=s390-slackware-linux make # # build WindowMaker extras # cd $TMP tar -zxvf $CWD/WindowMaker-extra-0.1.tar.gz cd WindowMaker-extra-0.1/ CFLAGS=-O2 \ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --with-iconsdir=/usr/share/pixmaps \ s390-slackware-linux make } install() { # # install WindowMaker # cd $TMP/WindowMaker-$VERSION # There are errors in the zh_TW.Big5 .po files, so the -i is necessary make -i install DESTDIR=/package-windowmaker mkdir -p /package-windowmaker/usr/doc/WindowMaker-$VERSION cp -a AUTHORS BUGFORM BUGS COPYING FAQ FAQ.I18N \ NEWS README README.GNOME TODO \ /package-windowmaker/usr/doc/WindowMaker-$VERSION # # install WindowMaker extras # cd $TMP/WindowMaker-extra-0.1 make install DESTDIR=/package-windowmaker mkdir -p /package-windowmaker/etc/X11/xinit cp $CWD/xinitrc.wmaker /package-windowmaker/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.wmaker ( cd /package-windowmaker/usr/man for dir in man1 sk/man1; do ( cd $dir rm -f *.gz gzip -9 *.1x ) done ) rm -rf /package-windowmaker/usr/share/locale/zh_TW.Big5 } attributes() { chown -R root.bin $PKG/package-windowmaker/usr/bin chmod 755 $PKG/package-windowmaker/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.wmaker } special() { cd $PKG mv package-windowmaker/* ./ rmdir package-windowmaker cd $CTL cat $CWD/slack-desc > slack-desc sed -e 's%package-windowmaker/%%g' doinst.sh > doinst.sh.new cat doinst.sh.new > doinst.sh rm doinst.sh.new }