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Specify it correctly or don't specify at allpack_frozen_data: bread failed: %lu File system has non-standard journal that hasn't been specified. Continue packing without journal? [N/Yes] (note need to type Yes):data packed with ratio %.2f pack_partitionfwrite16 failed: %mcould not read block %lu fwrite32 failed: %mDone pack_one_blockpack_full_blockpack_leafpack_leaf: unknown item foundsuper block..ok bitmaps..(%d).. ok pack_frozen_datacould not read %lu, skipped Yes pack_ihfwrite64 failed: %mpack_indirectpack_direntryfwrite8 failed: %mpack_stat_dataget_free_buffer: buffer list is corruptedput_buffer_list_end: buffer list corruptedinsert_into_hash_queue: hash queue corruptedgetblk: no free buffers after grow_buffers and refill (%d)remove_from_hash_queue: hash queue corruptedrollback: wrong rollback blocksize, exit Specified file (%s) does not look like a rollback file Cannot stat rollback file (%s) rollback: specified device cannot be stated, exit rollback: block from unknown device, skip block device cannot be lseeked, skip block rollback: write %d bytes returned error (block=%lld, dev=%lld): %s rollback: (%u) blocks restored rollback: specified journal device cannot be stated rollback: unspecified device, exit rollback: block (%lu) has the size different from the fs uses, block skipped bwrite: write %lld bytes returned %lld (block=%ld, dev=%d): %s bwrite: lseek to position %llu (block=%lu, dev=%d): %s bwrite: read (block=%lu, dev=%d): %s bwrite: fstat of (%d) returned -1: %s The problem has occurred looks like a hardware problem (perhaps memory). Send us the bug report only if the second run dies at the same place with the same block number. The problem has occurred looks like a hardware problem. If you have bad blocks, we advise you to get a new hard drive, because once you get one bad block that the disk drive internals cannot hide from your sight, the chances of getting more are generally said to become much higher (precise statistics are unknown to us), and this disk drive is probably not expensive enough for you to risk your time and data on it. If you don't want to follow that advice, then if you have just a few bad blocks, try writing to the bad blocks and see if the drive remaps the bad blocks (that means it takes a block it has in reserve and allocates it for use for requests of that block number). If it cannot remap the block, this could be quite bad, as it may mean that so many blocks have gone bad that none remain in reserve to allocate. flush_buffers: device is not specifiedbrelse: can not free a free buffer %lu%s: End of file, cannot read the block (%lu). %s: Cannot read the block (%lu): (%s). Cannot create file %s, work without a rollback file rollback: file (%s) initialize rollback: %d blocks backed up show_buffers (dev %d, size %lu): free %d, count != 0 %d, dirty %d, all %d grow_buffers: no memory for new buffer datasync_buffers: buffer list is corruptedcheck_and_free_buffer_mem: found %d buffers, must be %dcheck_and_free_buffer_mem: dirty buffer (%d %lu) found check_and_free_buffer_mem: not free buffer (%d, %ld, %ld, %d) invalidate_buffers: dirty buffer or used buffer (%d %lu) found r+_RollBackFileForReiserfsFSCKrollback: file (%s) opened Cannot open file (%s) rollback: fread: %s bread %s _mem_begin_mem_endgetmem: no more memory (%d)left %lu, %d /sec%s%sdone %lu, %d /sec20%40%60%80%100%stat failed/dev/stat64 on device failed /dev/urandomA pair of credits: /proc/proc/mountscheckmem: memory corrupted - invalid sizecheckmem: memory corrupted - invalid end signcheckmem: memory corrupted - invalid head signexpandmem: no more memory (%d)count_blocks: block device too largecount_blocks: open failed (%s)Hans Reiser was the project initiator, source of all funding for the first 5.5 years. He is the architect and official maintainer. Vladimir Saveliev started as the most junior programmer on the team, and became the lead programmer. He is now an experienced highly productive programmer. He wrote the extent handling code for Reiser4, plus parts of the balancing code and file write and file read. Alexander Zarochentcev (zam) wrote the high low priority locking code, online resizer for V3 and V4, online repacker for V4, block allocation code, and major parts of the flush code, and maintains the transaction manager code. We give him the stuff that we know will be hard to debug, or needs to be very cleanly structured. Nikita Danilov wrote most of the core balancing code, plugin infrastructure, and directory code. He steadily worked long hours, and is the reason so much of the Reiser4 plugin infrastructure is well abstracted in its details. The carry function, and the use of non-recursive balancing, are his idea. Vladimir Demidov wrote the parser for sys_reiser4(), the V3 alpha port, part of the V3 journal relocation code, and helped Hans keep the business side of things running. Chris Mason wrote the journaling code for V3, which was enormously more useful to users than just waiting until we could create a wandering log filesystem as Hans would have unwisely done without him. Jeff Mahoney optimized the bitmap scanning code for V3, and performed the big endian cleanups. Elena Gryaznova performed testing and benchmarking. Oleg Drokin was the debugger for V3 during most of the time that V4 was under development, and was quite skilled and fast at it. He wrote the large write optimization of V3. Edward Shushkin wrote the encryption and compression file plugins, and the V3 journal relocation code. Alexander Lyamin keeps our hardware running, and was very generous to our project in many little ways. Vitaly Fertman wrote fsck for V3 and maintains the reiserfsprogs package now. He wrote librepair, userspace plugins repair code, fsck for V4, and worked on developing libreiser4 and userspace plugins with Umka. Yury Umanets (aka Umka) developed libreiser4, userspace plugins, and all userspace tools (reiser4progs) except of fsck. Joshua Macdonald wrote the first draft of the transaction manager. Yuri Rupasov did testing and benchmarking, plus he invented the r5 hash (also used by the dcache code). Yura Rupasov, Anatoly Pinchuk, Igor Krasheninnikov, Grigory Zaigralin, Mikhail Gilula, Igor Zagorovsky, Roman Pozlevich, Konstantin Shvachko, and Joshua MacDonald are former contributors to the project. Jeremy Fitzhardinge wrote the teahash.c code for V3. Colin Plumb also contributed to that. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA, www.darpa.mil) is the primary sponsor of Reiser4. DARPA does not endorse this project; it merely sponsors it. Continuing core development of ReiserFS is mostly paid for by Hans Reiser from money made selling licenses in addition to the GPL to companies who don't want it known that they use ReiserFS as a foundation for their proprietary product. And my lawyer asked 'People pay you money for this?'. Yup. Life is good. If you buy ReiserFS, you can focus on your value add rather than reinventing an entire FS. BigStorage (www.bigstorage.com) contributes to our general fund every month, and has done so for quite a long time. SuSE (www.suse.com) pays for continuing work on journaling for version 3, paid for much of the previous version 3 work, and is paying for Chris and Jeff to do V3 maintenance. Reiserfs integration in their distro is consistently solid, and they were key to our becoming widely used. Lycos (www.lycos.com) has a support contract with us that consistently comes in just when we would otherwise miss payroll, and that they keep doubling every year. Much thanks to them. Many persons came to www.namesys.com/support.html, and got a question answered for $25, or just gave us a small donation there. Thanks to all of those sponsors, including the secret ones. Without you, we would each still have that day job. is_mounted: %s is neither regular file nor block device (could not figure out) Is filesystem mounted read-only? (Yes) (could not figure out) Is filesystem mounted? (Yes)is_mounted: could not stat "/": %s Reiserfs super block in block %lu on 0x%x of Blocks (total/free): %u/%u by %d bytes Filesystem is %scleanly umounted Hash function used to sort names: %s Size %u blocks (including 1 for journal header) (first block %u) Max transaction length %u blocks Blocks reserved by journal: %u Count of blocks on the device: %u Free blocks (count of blocks - used [journal, bitmaps, data, reserved] blocks): %u Desc block %lu (j_trans_id %ld, j_mount_id %ld, j_len %ld) Block %ld contains unformatted data ********************** PRINT_TB for %s ******************* MODE=%c, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d ********************************************************************** h * S * L * R * F * FL * FR * CFL * CFR ** %u * %3lu(%2lu) * %3lu(%2lu) * %3lu(%2lu) * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * * h * size * ln * lb * rn * rb * blkn * s0 * s1 * s1b * s2 * s2b * curb * lk * rk ** %d * %4d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %4d * %2d * %2d * %3d * %2d * %3d * %4d * %2d * %2d * * %d * %4d * %2d * * %2d * * %2d * ********************** END OF PRINT_TB ******************* print_bmap: bread failed for %d: %lu Map of objectids (super block size %d) Object id array has size %d (max %d):print_objectid_map: proper signature is not found VIRTUAL NODE CONTAINS %d items, has size %d,%s,%s, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d MODE='%c' It is directory with %d entries: vi_type: 6000: unknown type (0x%x)Offset Bh (b_blocknr, b_count) Position Nr_item%3d: "%-25.*s"(%3d)%20K%12d%5d, loc %u, state %x %s %3d: wrong entry location %u, deh_offset %u print_indirect_item: invalid item lendirect item: block %lu, start %d, %d bytes consistency is not checked after last mounting Journal header (block #%lu of %s): j_last_flush_trans_id %ld j_first_unflushed_offset %ld j_mount_id %ld Mountid %u, transid %u, desc %lu, length %u, commit %lu print_journal: journal is not opened level=%d, nr_items=%d, free_space=%d rdkey%u %u 0x%Lx %s (%d), len %u, location %u entry count %u, fsck need %u, format %s(OLD SD), mode %M, size %u, nlink %u, uid %u, FDB %u, mtime %s blocks %u(NEW SD), mode %M, size %Lu, nlink %u, mtime %s blocks %u, uid %uINTERNAL NODE (%ld) contains %b =================================================================== LEAF NODE (%ld) contains %b (real items %d) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |###|type|ilen|f/sp| loc|fmt|fsck| key | | | | |e/cn| | |need| | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |%3d|%30H| =================================================================== FIRST ITEM_KEY: %k, LAST ITEM KEY: %k unknown format with standard journal NOT Tree height: %d Objectid map size %d, max %d Journal parameters: Device [0x%x] Magic [0x%x] Max batch size %u blocks Max commit age %u Fs state field: 0x%x: sb_version: %u inode generation number: %u UUID: %U LABEL: %.16s Set flags in SB: ATTRIBUTES CLEAN I/O corruptions exist. some corruptions exist. FATAL corruptions exist. Number of bitmaps: %u Blocksize: %d Root block: %u non-format 3.6 with format 3.5 with ReIsErLBprint_block: buffer is NULL FEB list: , %s%p (%lu %d)Bitmap blocks are: free(%u-%u) *%s%u busy(%u-%u) directorystat dataright mergeableleft mergeable%s %d %d%d vi_typeprints.c%6d %10p (%9lu, %7d) %8d %7d Gen number Hash Object keylengthName###%3s: %-25s%s%-22s%-12s%s %d pointer%s [ %d(%d)%d/%Y %Tblock %lu, item %d: %H Filesystem state: consistent %*s[%u %u][%u %u 0x%Lx %s (%d)]newoldBAD[dc_number=%u, dc_size=%u]%c%c%c%02x%s %s PTR %d: %y KEY %d: %20k PTR %d: %20y " \n#%d: block %lu: used %d, free %d %d) %d) Busy(%d-%d) Free(%d-Busy (%d-Free (%d-%lu->%lu%s #%d ReIsErFsReIsEr2FsReIsEr3Fsnot set"tea""rupasov""r5"get_set_sd_fieldnode_formats.creiserfs_super_block_sizeUnknown format foundbroken leafunknownfunc2codeINDDRCTDIR???SDP@101>1W1112-2P2Detecting hash code: could not detect hash with name "%.*s" get_set_sd_field: unknown field of old stat dataget_set_sd_field: unknown field of new stat datamark_objectid_as_used: objectid map corruptedget_bytes_number: called for wrong type of item %hfunc2code: no hashes matches this function code2func: wrong hash code %d. Using default %s hash function reiserfs_openreiserfs_search_by_entry_keyreiserfslib.creiserfs_locate_entryreiserfs_find_entryreiserfs_add_entryreiserfs_paste_into_item'%s' looks mounted.y Continue (y/n):Use -f to force over %ucreate_badblock_bitmapadd_badblock_list%s: fix_nodes failedmake_sure_root_dir_exists reiserfs_open: the reiserfs superblock cannot be found on %s. reiserfs_open: bread failed reading block %d, size %d %s: Your partition is not big enough to contain the filesystem of (%lu) blocks as was specified in the found super block. reiserfs_open: a superblock with wrong parameters was found in the block (%d). reiserfs_open: bread failed reading block %d reiserfs_create: can not create that small (%d blocks) filesystem reiserfs_create: getblk failed reiserfs_create: could not open %s: %s reiserfs_create: getmem failed reiserfs_create: no enough blocks on device usearch_by_position: looking for %k found a directory with the same key uget_rkey: invalid block number (%d). Must be %lduget_rkey: invalid position (%d) in the pathuget_rkey: buffer on the path is not in treeuget_rkey: parent is not uptodateuget_rkey: illegal offset in the path (%d)reiserfs_search_by_entry_key: found item is not of directory type %H_search_by_entry_key: %k is not a directory_search_by_entry_key: item corresponding to delimiting key %k not foundreiserfs_locate_entry: wrong delimiting key in the treereiserfs_locate_entry: can not find name in broken directory yetreiserfs_find_entry: wrong delimiting key in the treereiserfs_find_entry: can not find name in broken directory yetreiserfs_insert_item: fix_nodes failedreiserfs_add_entry: looking for %k (inserting name "%s") search_by_entry_key returned %dreiserfs_paste_into_item: fix_nodes failed%s is not a block special device%s is entire device, not just one partition!%s: block number %u belongs to internal reiserfs structures. %s: could not open badblock file %s, work without it reiserfsck_insert_item: fix_nodes failedreiserfsck_paste_into_item: fix_nodes failed$s: bad block list found in the tree reiserfs_reopen: reading super block failedreiserfs_reopen: could not reopen device: %sreiserfs_reopen: closed failed: %sblock allocator is not defined block deallocator is not defined uget_lkey: invalid block number (%d). Must be %lduget_lkey: invalid position (%d) in the pathuget_lkey: buffer on the path is not in treeuget_lkey: parent is not uptodateuget_lkey: illegal offset in the path (%d)It must be root's stat data %k reiserfs_flush_to_ondisk_bitmap: bread failed for block %lu reiserfs_flush_to_ondisk_bitmapreiserfs_flush_to_ondisk_bitmap: getblk failed for (%lu) reiserfs_bitmap_save: fseek failed: %sreiserfs_bitmap_save: fseek failed: %s is_stage_magic_correct: wrong pass foundis_stage_magic_correct: no magic found is_stage_magic_correct: fseek failed: %s reiserfs_bitmap_load: no bitmap end magic foundreiserfs_bitmap_load: creation failedreiserfs_bitmap_load: no bitmap start magic foundto->bm_byte_size == from->bm_byte_sizebm1->bm_byte_size == bm2->bm_byte_size && bm1->bm_bit_size == bm2->bm_bit_sizeto->bm_byte_size == from->bm_byte_size && to->bm_bit_size == from->bm_bit_sizebase->bm_byte_size == exclude->bm_byte_size && base->bm_bit_size == exclude->bm_bit_sizeTemp file opened by fsck: "%s" .. open_file: could not open file %s %s: wrong either bitmaps number, count of blocks or blocksize, run with --rebuild-sb to fix it %s: bitmap is initiaized alreadycreate: bitmap is initiaized alreadyreiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmap: bread failed reading bitmap (%lu) reiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmap: getblk failedbitmap.cbit %u, bitsize %lu reiserfs_bitmap_test_bitbit_number < bm->bm_bit_sizereiserfs_bitmap_set_bitreiserfs_shrink_bitmapbm->bm_bit_size >= bit_countreiserfs_bitmap_copyreiserfs_bitmap_comparereiserfs_bitmap_disjunctionreiserfs_bitmap_deltareiserfs_bitmap_clear_bitreiserfs_bitmap_find_zero_bit*first < bm->bm_bit_sizereiserfs_open_ondisk_bitmapreiserfs_create_ondisk_bitmapreiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmapbm->bm_byte_size == to_copynext_transaction: valid transaction is expectedreading commit block %lu failed reading descriptor block %lu failed reiserfs_open_journal: wrong journal parameters found in the super block. You should run reiserfsck with --rebuild-sb to check your superblock consistency. reiserfs_open_journal: journal parameters from the superblock does not match to the journal headers ones. It looks like that you created your fs with old reiserfsprogs. Journal header is fixed. reiserfs_open_journal: journal parameters from the super block does not match to journal parameters from the journal. You should run reiserfsck with --rebuild-sb to check your superblock consistency. Journal of (%lu) block size found on specified journal device %s. Must be not less than (%lu). Run --rebuild-sb to rebuild journal parameters. Detected journal on specified device %s does not fit to the device. Start block (%lu) + size (%lu) less than device size (%lu). Run --rebuild-sb to rebuild journal parameters. reiserfs_open_journal: bread failed reading journal header. Filesystem with standard journal found, wrong name of specified journal device %s reiserfs_create_journal: offset is %lu, but it cannot be less then %llu on the device %s WARNING: Journal size (%u) is less, than minimal supported journal size (%u).WARNING: wrong transaction max size (%u). Changed to %u reiserfs_create_journal: getblk failed reiserfs_create_journal: could not open %s: %s reiserfs_create_journal: cannot create a journal of %lu blocks with %lu offset on %d blocks NOTE: journal new size %lu is greater than default size %lu: this may slow down initializing and mounting of the journal. Hope it is ok. reiserfs_create_journal: no enough blocks on device %lu, needed %lu reiserfs_create_journal: stat %s failed: %s reiserfs_create_journal: offset is %lu, blocks on device %lu Trans replayed: mountid %lu, transid %lu, desc %lu, len %lu, commit %lu, next trans offset %lu Trans broken: mountid %lu, transid %lu, desc %lu, len %lu, commit %lu, next trans offset %lu replay_journal: fs is not opened with write permsreplay_journal: journal is not openedreiserfs_reopen_journal: reading journal header failedreiserfs_reopen_journal: could not reopen journal devicereiserfs_reopen_journal: closed failed: %sreplay_one_transaction: transaction %lu: block %ld should not be journalled (%lu) replay_one_transaction: transaction %lu: reading %lu block failed Replaying journal.. %d transactions replayed No transactions found replay_journaljournal.cget_FEBdo_balan.cbalance_leafDELETECUTUNKNOWNwhen_delbalance_leaf_when_deletePASTEINSERTvs-12300: get_FEB: FEB list is emptyvs-12195: balance_leaf: CFR not initializedPAP-12245: balance_leaf: blknum > 2: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)PAP-12175: balance_leaf: rnum > 0: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)PAP-12130: balance_leaf: lnum > 0: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)PAP-12040: balance_leaf_when_delete: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)vs-8125: decrement_key: item of wrong type found %kvs-16070: are_items_mergeable: left %k, right %kvs-16080: get_right_neighbor: get_rkey returned min key (path has changed)get_empty_nodes: not free empty bufferget_lfree: block %u block_head %z has bad child pointer %y, order %d vs-8215: ip_check_balance: incorrect return value of get_empty_nodesvs-8210: ip_check_balance: S[0] can not be 0get_direct_parent: root changedPAP-8260: get_direct_parent: illegal offset in the pathget_direct_parent: parent in the path is not parent of the current node in the treeget_direct_parent: wrong position in the pathget_direct_parent: parent in the path is not in the treevs-8065: check_left: all items fit in the left neighborvs-8095: check_right: all items fit in the left neighborvs-8135: are_leaves_removable: empty node in the treeget_far_parent: position is not definedget_far_parent: root not found in the pathget_far_parent: incorrect disk child in the parentget_far_parent: incorrect position in the parentget_far_parent: buffer of path is notin the treeare_items_mergeablefix_node.cget_right_neighborip_check_balanceget_direct_parentcheck_leftcheck_rightare_leaves_removableget_far_parentbalance_internal: invalid child_posOne new node required for creating the new rootinternal_define_dest_src_infosunexpected tb->lnum[%d]==%d or tb->rnum[%d]==%dbalance_internalibalance.cshift type is unknown (%d)balance_internal_when_deleteW''(D((((leaf_insert_into_buflbalance.cleaf_paste_in_bufferleaf_cut_from_bufferleaf_delete_items_entirelyleaf_define_dest_src_infosleaf_insert_into_buf: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_paste_in_buffer: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_cut_from_buffer: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_delete_items_entirely: bad leaf %lu: %bvs-10250: leaf_define_dest_src_infos: shift type is unknown (%d)WJJJK8Ksearch_by_keystree.csearch_by_key: expected level %dsearch_by_key: something wrong with the tree;Pl(4^~L~P~T~X~\~ ` ```@`@@kppuzR| H}kAB E<~"AB E  fHL l < Ћ0oPoo`.>N^n~Ύގ.>N^n~Ώޏ.>N^n~ΐސ.>N^n~Αޑ.>NGCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.jcr.got.bss.comment (( !HHD' /LLl7o DoPP PS  0\ Ћ  e `Pk``(qfwfm TT$ V\``V((W00W88W<