________________________________________________________________ To add your own local copy of the complete repository for aLinux regular and contributed rpms/srpms - 1. Install pkgs.tar.bz2 2. Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list - Change Url to 3. Whenever you have added or removed rpms/srpms; simply run the regular supported /pkgs/rpm-gen; script and if you added or removed rpms/srpms from the contribs unsuported (which you'll more or less be usingmost of the time) run: /pkgs/rpms/contribs/rpm-gen; 4. If you have access to ibiblio/peanut; only upload your rpms / srpms to the contribs /PEOPLE/ directory and add the /base and *.html from your local then run in the home directory of ibiblio/peanut, scripts rpm-gen then contribs which update the symbolic links. *Might sound a little complicated, but you'll figure it out - It's just we can't copy symbolic links to ibiblio* Hope this helps. If you have any problems or suggestions to make this README easier, feel free to email alinux@alinux.org; Thanks. ________________________________________________________________