Title: xchat-2.8.6.uci Description: Xchat GTK2 IRC Client. Version: 2.8.6 Author: See Below Original-site: See Below Copying-policy: See Below -----==[ Color = green Filesize: 1.07M ]==----- Extension by: Jason W Comments: This is the latest GTK2 version of the XChat IRC client. This extension also contains Openssl-0.9.8h, and was built without python or perl support. This extension requires either the gtk+-2.10.9.{dsl/unc} or the gtk+-2.12.9.uci extensions. -- Components of this extension: Xchat --Version 2.8.6 --Author Peter Zeleny --License GPL --Homepage www.xchat.org/ Openssl --Version 0.9.8h --Author The Openssl Project --License Openssl License http://www.openssl.org/source/license.html --Homepage www.openssl.org/ -- Copies of the above licenses are in the extension under the /opt/xchat-2.8.6/license directory. Sources and build scripts are archived and available at In the event of server unavailability, contact Jason Williams at jason5876@gmail.com and the sources can be provided over the network free of charge. -- Change-log: 2008/01/22 First version 2.8.4 Current: 2008/06/27 Bumped version to 2.8.6 and build against and included Openssl 0.9.8h.