Title: busyserver.tar.gz Description: A dhcp server & a wake-on-lan utility Version: 1.5.1 Author: http://udhcp.busybox.net Original-site: http://busybox.net Copying-policy: GPL ----------------------------------------------------- Extension by: Curaga Comments: The current stable Busybox configured only with udhcpd, dumpleases and ether-wake. _ Dhcp server: udhcpd Usage: udhcpd /opt/busyserver/dhcp.conf An example config file included, it shares ip's with subnet _ Show dhcp clients: dumpleases _ Wake a machine via ethernet: ether-wake Usage: ether-wake -i INTER MAC Interface defaults to eth0. Mac can be either the target's MAC address, or it's hostname if it's listed in /etc/hosts. Change-log: Current: 2007/06/24 - First version