Title: eciadsl-usermode-0.11-ver2.dsl Description: driver for Globespan chipset-based ADSL USB modems. Version: 0.11 Author: Original-site: http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/ Copying-policy: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE -----==[ Color = green Filesize: 200K ]==----- Extension by: jls_legalize (unsenepopiu@tin.it) Comments: EciAdsl is a GNU/Linux driver for Globespan chipset-based ADSL USB modems. The driver is known to work in many countries, for different kinds of ADSL USB modems, using different kinds of PPP encapsulation layers modes (see the supported modems list at http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/modems.php). The commands from root: eciadsl-config-text to configure the connection in text mode. eciadsl-config-tk to configure the connection in graphical mode (requires tcltk-8.4.uci). eciadsl-start to start the connection. eciadsl-stop to stop the connection. To backup your settings u need /etc/eciadsl/eciadsl.conf /opt/ppp in /home/dsl/.filetool.lst Notes: For dsl-n u have to put /etc/ppp in /home/dsl/.filetool.lst Change-log: 2006/05/18 2006/05/21 changed the name to eciadsl-usermode-0.11.dsl cause there is also a kernel mode in alpha Current: 2007/02/19 ver2 declobbered