Title: mplayerplug-in_DSL-N.dsl Description: Mplayerplug-in for seamonkey web browser - in DSL-N Version: 2.66 Author: Kevin DeKorte Original-site: http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/ Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 1.0M ]==----- Extension by: yodelaye[at]yahoo[dot]fr Comments: This plug-in is an adaptation of Michiel's mplayerplug-in.dsl it gives Mozilla/Seamonkey the ability to play media from a website without reading the source html and getting the url manually. Media is played embedded in the page or in a separate window depending on how the author of the webpage intended the media to be seen. Change-log: 08/17/2004 - Initial version of Mplayerplug-in.dsl 12/29/2004 - Relocated to work with DSL 0.9.1 firefox 12/31/2004 - Added symlinks to /opt/.firefox_plugins Current: 2007/04/28 - directory structure of archive modified for DSL-N