gnome-python -- Python bindings for GNOME ==================================== Author: James Henstridge This is a set of bindings for the GNOME libraries for use with python. To use them, you will also need the pygtk package compiled and installed. It can be found at either: You will need gnome-libs 1.0.x installed on your system (the later the better). Optionally, gnome-core 1.0.x and control-center 1.0.x can be used. If they are detected, they add support for writing panel applets and control center capplets respectively. For some simple examples, look in the pygtk/examples or pygnome/examples directory. Compilation and Installation ============================ To compile gnome-python, you should be able just run './configure' then 'make', and finally run 'make install' as root. If configure fails, it is you may have to pass some arguments to it. To see what srguments you might need, check the end of the output of './configure --help'. You will probably want to use one of --with-gnome, or make sure that python and the gnome-config script are in your path. If you get really weird configure errors, or compilation errors, I would appreciate a bug report. This module should work with both python 1.4 or 1.5.x, although you will need to use the ni module with python 1.4. Contacting the Author ===================== You can either contact me via email at or use the pygtk mailing list (which can be subscribed to by sending mail to, with the word subscribe in the body of the message)