My Python Widgets Library This is the second public release. 1. Introduction --------------- I have been using Python module to develop GUI. It is felxible and fast prototyping tool, but some important compound widgets are missing. I thought the ideal solution would be a Python modul, because it wouldn't need any extra platform specific file. Although there are some free extensions, I began to develop my own solutions. Now three of them are almost finished the others are under development. This release contains these three modules: --------- It is a simple container widget with tabs. ------ It is a List Of Values(a combobox) widget. The items in the list are loaded every time when the list is dropped down and the list is filtered by the text entered in the entry part of the widget. ---------- With this widget you can show your hierarchical datas. The datas are being loaded when they are needed. But after an item has been loaded it remains in the memory during the lifetime of the widget(except you use the refresh method). 2. Documentation ---------------- There isn't documentation at the moment. Look at the sources, there are some comments in them! 3. Installation --------------- These modules were developed and tested under Red Hat Linux release 5.0 (Hurricane),Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95.Otherwise they have no operating system specific parts. I use these packages for win32: Python 1.5 Tcl/Tk 8.0p2 for Windows, Binary Distribution I use these packages for Linux: python-1.5-2 tcl-8.0-12 4. Planned modules & modules under development ---------------------------------------------- Some simple widgets inherited from Entry for special inputs: IntegerEntry, FloatEntry, DateEntry and DateTimeEntry etc. A grid widget where a cell can be an IntegerEntry, a FloatEntry, a DateEntry, a DateTimeEntry or a LOVEntry. The lines would be loaded when they are needed (similar to TreeBox). 5. Miscellaneous remarks ------------------------ There may be some bugs in them, please let me know if you find one. I'm a VB programmer, Python is just my hobby. So you can find some ugly code chipets in them. I am trying to make it better and better, but ... These widgets have the most important functionalities I need. Please feel free to drop an email to me if you find a bug, have comments or suggestions for improvements. I beleive you find these classes usefull and they help you to develop better GUI. Arpad Kiss Budakalasz Hungary