Contributed Crytography, Compression, and Other Encoding Tools (See also Andrew Kuchling's extensive Python Cryptography Toolkit,, with a local overview at, and also the collection of links to contributed Python math, data structures, and encoding stuff around the net.) A Dictionary-based Anagram Maker (Andrew C. Yinger) kconv-0.3.tar.gz Handle Japanese-encoded chars in Python (Sen Nagata) kconv-0.3.README Pig latin en- and de-cryption (Joseph Strout) piglatin.README soundex.tar.gz Hash english to sound-values (David Wayne Williams) soundex.README xml-builder.tar.gz Use Python libraries from Python (David Schere) xml-builder.README xml-toolkit0.8.tar.gz XML app toolkit, including a full XML processor and xml-toolkit0.8.README implementation of WIDL (David Schere, Mike Skowronski) xmllib.tar.gz *See instead python 1.5* XML parser (Sjoerd Mullender) zlib104.tar.gz Data compression using GNU zlib (Andrew Kuchling) zlib104.README zlib_NT.tar.gz zlib module comipled for Win/NT (Hirendra Hindocha) zlib_NT.README