This README file is for the kjParsing package which is experimental software made freely available to whoever wants to fiddle with it. WHAT ==== The kjParsing package is a parser generator written in Python which produces parsers written in Python. kjParsing package consists of the following files: -- the basic data structures and functions needed for performing LR parsing in Python. -- functions and data structures for SLR grammar compilation in Python. (It wouldn't be too difficult to extend these to LR1, but I don't have any motivation to do so, let me know if you'd like LR1, and why. Maybe I'll implement it or give hints on how you can do so.) -- Miscellaneous set and graph operations used by the other two modules. What the ``kj'' prefix stands for is for me to know and you to find out. I hope the prefix prevents name collisions. Also included are some documentation files and a few example usage files together with the COPYRIGHT file which explains that I own the copyright, but you may use the package for any purpose provided you respect and propagate the copyright, and understand that I accept no liability whatsoever for any difficulties you may have. WHY === I'm a programming language experimenter. I've done a lot of language experiments in Common Lisp, but since there is no good free implementation of Common Lisp that runs in a lot of different environments with standard os interfaces, I was unable to share my toys to any reasonably large audience. Hence I started looking around for a better platform for my fiddling, and Python looks like the best choice in existence. But to do any real fiddling, I needed a parser generator; so I wrote one in Python. Please let me know if you try using this package, and pass on any comments or suggestions. Thanks. Aaron Watters Department of Computer and Information Sciences New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights Newark, NJ 07102 phone (201)596-2666 fax (201)596-5777 home phone (908)545-3367 email: