IGNOREPATH=/etc:/home:/var:/dev:/boot:/root:/tmp:/usr/local:/bin:/sbin:/mnt:/usr/src STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y VERSION=2.3.1 PROGNAME="Device files $VERSION" DESC="\ devs (system device files) \n\ \n\ This package creates special files in the /dev directory that \n\ represent your system's hardware, and a tool (/dev/MAKEDEV) for \n\ creating new device files. These files are required to access \n\ hardware on a Linux system." BUILD=1 MAINTAINER="Mark Post " SOURCE=ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/makedev/ PKGNAME=devs-$VERSION-s390x-$BUILD TAG=ADD compile() { tar -zxvf $CWD/makedev_$VERSION.orig.tar.gz cd MAKEDEV-$VERSION/ zcat $CWD/makedev_$VERSION-46.2.diff.gz | patch -p1 -E zcat $CWD/makedev_$VERSION.slack.diff.gz | patch -p1 -E # The following two patches are not needed, as they only apply to IDE disks # zcat $CWD/makedev_2.3.1.hd.diff.gz | patch -p1 -E # zcat $CWD/makedev.hd.diff.gz | patch -p1 -E } install() { mkdir -p /package-devs/usr/man/man8 cat MAKEDEV.man | gzip -9c > /package-devs/usr/man/man8/MAKEDEV.8.gz ( cd /package-devs tar -zxvpsf $CWD/devs.s390.files.tar.gz ) } attributes() { chown root.tty $PKG/package-devs/dev/console chmod 600 $PKG/package-devs/dev/console chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/dasd* chown root.sys $PKG/package-devs/dev/full chmod 666 $PKG/package-devs/dev/full chown root.disk $PKG/package-devs/dev/ht* chown root.disk $PKG/package-devs/dev/initrd chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/ipauth \ $PKG/package-devs/dev/ipl \ $PKG/package-devs/dev/ipnat \ $PKG/package-devs/dev/ipstate chown root.kmem $PKG/package-devs/dev/kmem \ $PKG/package-devs/dev/mem \ $PKG/package-devs/dev/port chown root.disk $PKG/package-devs/dev/loop* chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/loop* chown root.lp $PKG/package-devs/dev/lp* chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/lp* chown root.disk $PKG/package-devs/dev/md* chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/md* chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/mnd* chown root.sys $PKG/package-devs/dev/null chmod 666 $PKG/package-devs/dev/null chown root.tty $PKG/package-devs/dev/ptmx chmod 666 $PKG/package-devs/dev/ptmx chown root.tty $PKG/package-devs/dev/pty* chmod 666 $PKG/package-devs/dev/pty* chown root.disk $PKG/package-devs/dev/ram* chown root.disk $PKG/package-devs/dev/raw/raw* chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/raw/raw* chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/route chown root.disk $PKG/package-devs/dev/scd* \ $PKG/package-devs/dev/sd* \ $PKG/package-devs/dev/sr* chmod 660 $PKG/package-devs/dev/sexec chown root.tty $PKG/package-devs/dev/tty* chmod 666 $PKG/package-devs/dev/tty* chown root.tty $PKG/package-devs/dev/vcs* chmod 620 $PKG/package-devs/dev/vcs* chown root.sys $PKG/package-devs/dev/zero chmod 666 $PKG/package-devs/dev/zero } special() { cd $PKG mv package-devs/* ./ rmdir package-devs/ cd $CTL cat $CWD/slack-desc > slack-desc sed -e 's%package-devs/%%g' doinst.sh > doinst.sh.new cat doinst.sh.new > doinst.sh rm doinst.sh.new cat << EOF >> doinst.sh # just in case chmod 666 dev/ptmx # end just in case EOF }