IGNOREPATH=/var:/home:/dev:/boot:/root:/tmp:/usr/local:/bin:/sbin:/mnt:/usr/src STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y VERSION=2.4.0 PROGNAME="Nautilus $VERSION" DESC="\ nautilus \n\ \n\ Nautilus is a highly-polished content manager for GNOME. Nautilus \n\ integrates access to files, applications, media, Internet-based \n\ resources and the Web, delivering a dynamic and rich user experience. \n\ Nautilus, developed by Eazel, Inc., is a free software project \n\ developed under the GNU General Public License and is a core \n\ component of the GNOME desktop project." BUILD=1 MAINTAINER="Mark Post " PKGNAME=nautilus-$VERSION-s390-$BUILD TAG=OPT compile() { tar -yxvf $CWD/nautilus-$VERSION.tar.bz2 cd nautilus-$VERSION/ # It's only fair that Slackware should get a link, too. zcat $CWD/nautilus.bookmarks.diff.gz | patch -p1 chown -R root.root . find . -perm 666 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find . -perm 664 -exec chmod 644 {} \; # # Disabling the Mozilla component. As a replacement, Galeon can be compiled so that # it can function as the Nautilus web view component. This removes the Nautilus # dependency on Mozilla, which is a good thing, and improves stability since Galeon # follows Mozilla changes more closely (also a good thing). The only drawback is that # compiling Galeon with the Nautilus view makes it link to all the Nautilus libraries. # In fact, I find that messy enough that I'm not compiling Galeon that way, so Nautilus # will be a file browser only, not a web browser. # # Whenever Nautilus-1.0.7 ships the Mozilla-view-component will be gone anyway, lest # anyone thinks I've lost my mind. ;-) # CFLAGS=-O2 CXXFLAGS=-O2 \ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --infodir=/usr/info \ --localstatedir=/var/lib \ --disable-more-warnings \ --disable-mozilla-component \ --build=s390-slackware-linux \ --host=s390-slackware-linux \ --target=s390-slackware-linux cat $CWD/makefile.diff | patch -p1 --backup --suffix=.orig make } install() { # For some reason, the Makefile doesn't specify this mkdir -p /package-nautilus/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults make install DESTDIR=/package-nautilus mkdir -p /package-nautilus/usr/doc/nautilus-$VERSION cp -a AUTHORS COPYING HACKING MAINTAINERS NEWS README \ /package-nautilus/usr/doc/nautilus-$VERSION rm /package-nautilus/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf.xml \ /package-nautilus/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/schemas/%gconf.xml \ /package-nautilus/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/desktop/%gconf.xml \ /package-nautilus/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/desktop/gnome/%gconf.xml \ /package-nautilus/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/schemas/desktop/%gconf.xml \ /package-nautilus/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/schemas/desktop/gnome/%gconf.xml } attributes() { chown -R root.bin $PKG/package-nautilus/usr/bin/ chmod 755 $PKG/package-nautilus/usr/doc/nautilus-$VERSION/COPYING find $PKG/package-nautilus/etc -name %gconf.xml | xargs chmod 644 } special() { cd $PKG mv package-nautilus/* ./ rmdir package-nautilus/ cd $CTL cat $CWD/slack-desc > slack-desc sed -e 's%package-nautilus/%%g' doinst.sh > doinst.sh.new cat doinst.sh.new > doinst.sh rm doinst.sh.new }