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Wide(16bit)Narrow(8bit)<6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Using %s transfers <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device failed to complete Wide Negotiation processing and <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) returned a sense error code for invalid message, disabling future <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Wide negotiation to this device. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device failed to complete Sync Negotiation processing and <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Sync negotiation to this device. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device failed to complete Parallel Protocol Request processing and <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Parallel Protocol Request negotiation to this device. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Aborting scb %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) %d commands found and queued for completion. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset device, active_scb %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Current scb_tag %d, SEQADDR 0x%x, LASTPHASE 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SG_CACHEPTR 0x%x, SG_COUNT %d, SCSISIGI 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SSTAT0 0x%x, SSTAT1 0x%x, SSTAT2 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning up status information and delayed_scbs. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! scb->q_next == scb in the delayed_scbs queue! <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There's a loop in the delayed_scbs queue! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning QINFIFO. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning waiting_scbs. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! scb->q_next == scb in the waiting_scbs queue! <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There's a loop in the waiting_scbs queue! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning waiting for selection list. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Waiting List inconsistency; SCB index=%d, numscbs=%d <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There is a loop in the waiting for selection list! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning disconnected scbs list. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Disconnected List inconsistency; SCB index=%d, numscbs=%d <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There is a loop in the disconnected list! <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bogus FREE_SCBH!. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Free list inconsistency!. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There is a loop in the free list! willwon't<6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset channel called, %s initiate reset. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Stealthily resetting idle channel. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Resetting currently active channel. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Channel reset <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Data Parity Error during PCI address or PCI writephase. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Signal System Error Detected <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received a PCI Master Abort <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received a PCI Target Abort <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Signaled a PCI Target Abort <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Data Parity Error has been reported via PCI pin PERR# <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) timer: Yikes, loop in delayed_scbs list. wroteread<6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Underflow - Wanted %u, %s %u, residual SG count %d. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) status 0x%x. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus Device Reset delivered. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) No active SCB for reconnecting target - Issuing BUS DEVICE RESET. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SAVED_TCL=0x%x, ARG_1=0x%x, SEQADDR=0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Rejecting unknown message (0x%x) received from target, SEQ_FLAGS=0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Target did not send an IDENTIFY message; LASTPHASE 0x%x, SAVED_TCL 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Missed busfree. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unknown scsi bus phase, continuing <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device is refusing tagged commands, using untagged I/O. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device is rejecting PPR messages, falling back. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device is rejecting WDTR messages, using narrow transfers. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device is rejecting SDTR messages, using async transfers. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received MESSAGE_REJECT for unknown cause. Ignoring. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Invalid SCB during SEQINT 0x%02x, SCB_TAG %d. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Invalid SCB during SEQINT 0x%x, scb %d, flags 0x%x, cmd 0x%lx. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Interrupted for status of GOOD??? <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) CHECK_CONDITION on REQUEST_SENSE, returning an error. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Queue depth reduced to %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) QUEUE_FULL status received with 0 commands active. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Tagged Command Queueing disabled <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unexpected target status 0x%x. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus device reset mailed. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Abort message mailed. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Sending PPR (%d/%d/%d/%d) message. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Sending WDTR message. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Sending SDTR %d/%d message. aic7xxx: AWAITING_MSG for an SCB that does not have a waiting message. Data-InData-Out<4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Data overrun detected in %s phase, tag %d; HaveHaven't<4> %s seen Data Phase. Length=%d, NumSGs=%d. <4> Raw SCSI Command: 0x%02x <4> sg[%d] - Addr 0x%x : Length %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Data Overrun during SEND_SENSE operation. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) invalid scb_index during WIDE_RESIDUE. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) invalid scb during WIDE_RESIDUE flags:0x%x scb->cmd:0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Got WIDE_RESIDUE message, patching up data pointer. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) invalid scb_index during SEQ_SG_FIXUP. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCSISIGI 0x%x, SEQADDR 0x%x, SSTAT0 0x%x, SSTAT1 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SG_CACHEPTR 0x%x, SSTAT2 0x%x, STCNT 0x%x <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) invalid scb during SEQ_SG_FIXUP flags:0x%x scb->cmd:0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Fixing up SG address for sequencer. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unknown SEQINT, INTSTAT 0x%x, SCSISIGI 0x%x. 8hhuuhjuuuuuuuuuuuuhuudj<6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received pre-emptive SDTR message from target. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Requesting %d bit transfers, rejecting. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received pre-emptive WDTR message from target. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Parsing PPR message (%d/%d/%d/%d) <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received pre-emptive PPR message from target. aic7xxx: REQINIT with no active message! aic7xxx: Unknown REQINIT message type. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Someone else reset the channel!! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB %d abort delivered. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unexpected busfree, LASTPHASE = 0x%x, SEQADDR = 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Invalid WAITING_SCBH value %d, improvising. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Referenced SCB %d not valid during SELTO. <4> SCSISEQ = 0x%x SEQADDR = 0x%x SSTAT0 = 0x%x SSTAT1 = 0x%x <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) aic7xxx_isr - referenced scb not valid during scsiint 0x%x scb(%d) SIMODE0 0x%x, SIMODE1 0x%x, SSTAT0 0x%x, SEQADDR 0x%x CommandMessage-OutStatusMessage-Inunknown<4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) CRC error during %s phase. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) CRC error in intermediate CRC packet. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) CRC error in ending CRC packet. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Target incorrectly requested a CRC packet. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Dual Edge transmission error. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) parity error during PPR message, reverting to WDTR/SDTR <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unknown SCSIINT status, SSTAT1(0x%x). <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) CMDCMPLT with invalid SCB index %d <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) CMDCMPLT without command for SCB %d, SCB flags 0x%x, cmd 0x%lx <3>(scsi%d) BRKADRINT error(0x%x): <3> %s <3>(scsi%d) SEQADDR=0x%x aic7xxx: unrecoverable BRKADRINT. <3>(scsi%d) BUG! Driver accessed chip without first pausing controller! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Disconnection disabled, unable to enable tagged queueing. <6>aic7xxx: WARNING, insufficient tag_info instances for installed controllers. <6>aic7xxx: Please update the aic7xxx_tag_info array in the aic7xxx.c source file. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Enabled tagged queuing, queue depth %d. aic7xxx: disabled at slot %d, ignored. aic7xxx: SEEPROM checksum error, ignoring SEEPROM settings. <6>(scsi%d) LVD/Primary Low byte termination Enabled <6>(scsi%d) LVD/Primary High byte termination Enabled <6>(scsi%d) Secondary Low byte termination Enabled <6>(scsi%d) Secondary High byte termination Enabled <6>(scsi%d) Narrow channel termination Enabled YESNODon't Care<6>(scsi%d) Cables present (Int-50 %s, Int-68 %s, Ext-68 %s) isis not<6>(scsi%d) EEPROM %s present. <6>(scsi%d) Wide channel termination Disabled <6>(scsi%d) Wide channel termination Enabled <6>(scsi%d) Warning - detected auto-termination <6>(scsi%d) Please verify driver detected settings are correct. <6>(scsi%d) If not, then please properly set the device termination <6>(scsi%d) in the Adaptec SCSI BIOS by hitting CTRL-A when prompted <6>(scsi%d) during machine bootup. <6>(scsi%d) Cables present (Int-50 %s, Ext-50 %s) <6>(scsi%d) Illegal cable configuration!! Only two <6>(scsi%d) connectors on the SCSI controller may be in use at a time! <6>(scsi%d) SE High byte termination Enabled <6>(scsi%d) SE Low byte termination Enabled <6>(scsi%d) <%s> found at EISA slot %d VLB slot %d PCI %d/%d/%d <6>(scsi%d) Twin Channel, A SCSI ID %d, B SCSI ID %d, A B C<6>(scsi%d) Wide <6>(scsi%d) Narrow Channel%s, SCSI ID=%d, %d/%d SCBs endis<6>(scsi%d) BIOS %sabled, IO Port 0x%lx, IRQ %d <6>(scsi%d) IO Memory at 0x%lx, MMAP Memory at 0x%lx (scsi%d) Force setting STPWLEVEL bit (scsi%d) Force clearing STPWLEVEL bit (scsi%d) Unable to allocate hardware SCB array; failing detection. <6>(scsi%d) Resetting channel B <6>(scsi%d) Resetting channel%s <6>(scsi%d) Not resetting SCSI bus. Note: Don't use the no_reset <6>(scsi%d) option unless you have a verifiable need for it. <4>(scsi%d) Couldn't register IRQ %d, ignoring controller. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) spurious interrupt during configuration, cleared. <4>aic7xxx: Unsupported adapter type %d, ignoring. <6>aic7xxx: Loading serial EEPROM... aic7xxx: No SEEPROM available. aic7xxx: Using default values. aic7xxx: Using leftover BIOS values. done 33334484D4D4<4>aic7xxx: Please read the file /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/README.aic7xxx aic7xxx: to see the proper way to specify options to the aic7xxx module aic7xxx: Specifically, don't use any commas when passing arguments to aic7xxx: insmod or else it might trash certain memory areas. x xP xU x!@ 8`@ `8@ x`@ xa@ xp xq xr xs xt x x x x x x x x x x@1 @ @ @ @ _@ P@ Q@ u`@  @  @  @  @  @  @  @  @ <6>aic7xxx: The 7810 RAID controller is not supported by <6> this driver, we are ignoring it. aic7xxx: <%s> at PCI %d/%d/%d aic7xxx: Initial PCI_COMMAND value was 0x%x aic7xxx: Initial DEVCONFIG value was 0x%x aic7xxx: I/O ports already in use, ignoring. aic7xxx: Controller disabled by BIOS, ignoring. <6>aic7xxx: <%s> at PCI %d/%d/%d <6>aic7xxx: MMAPed I/O failed, reverting to Programmed I/O. aic7xxx: external SCB RAM detected, but not enabled aic7xxx: Found <%s> <6>aic7xxx: Unable to allocate device memory, skipping. <4>aic7xxx: Unable to allocate device space. <4>aic7xxx: Host adapter uses unsupported IRQ level %d, ignoring. aic7xxx: <%s> at EISA %d aic7xxx: <%s> at VLB %d level sensitiveedge triggered<6>aic7xxx: BIOS %sabled, IO Port 0x%lx, IRQ %d (%s) <6>aic7xxx: Extended translation %sabled. <=<======DADA%BA@%B@==<4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Couldn't get a free SCB. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus Device reset, scb flags 0x%x, Data-Out phase Data-In phase Command phase Message-Out phase Status phase Message-In phase while idle, LASTPHASE = 0x%x <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Invalid SCB ID %d is active, SCB flags = 0x%x. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device reset message in message buffer <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device reset, Message buffer in use <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Queueing device reset command. 2.2.26aic7xxx driver version %s/%s Controller type: %s isn'tp->flags=0x%x, p->chip=0x%x, p->features=0x%x, sequencer %s paused <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Abort called with bogus Scsi_Cmnd pointer. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Abort called for already completed command. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB aborted once already, escalating. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset/Abort pending for this device, not wasting our time. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Aborting scb %d, flags 0x%x, SEQADDR 0x%x, LASTPHASE 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB is currently active. Waiting on completion. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB found on waiting list and aborted. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB found in QINFIFO and aborted. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB found on hardware waiting list and aborted. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB disconnected. Queueing Abort SCB. <4>(scsi?:?:?:?) Reset called with NULL Scsi_Cmnd pointer, failing. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called for a SYNCHRONOUS reset, flags 0x%x, cmd->result 0x%x. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called with bogus Scsi_Cmnd->SCB mapping, failing. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called, scb %d, flags 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus device reset already sent to device, escalating. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Have already attempted to reach device with queued <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) message, will escalate to bus reset. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus device reset stupid when other action has failed. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called too soon after last reset without requesting <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) bus or host reset, escalating. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called too soon after last bus reset, delaying. %s at VLB Slot %d. EISA Slot %d. PCI %d/%d/%d. Card Dump: %02x:%02x Scratch RAM: Can't find adapter for host number %d AIC7xxx - kmalloc error at line %d Adaptec AIC7xxx driver version: %s/%sCompile Options: TCQ Enabled By Default : Disabled AIC7XXX_PROC_STATS : Disabled AIC7XXX_RESET_DELAY : %d Adapter Configuration: SCSI Adapter: %s Twin Channel Controller Narrow Channel A Channel B Channel CWide Ultra-160/m LVD/SE Ultra-3 LVD/SE Ultra-2 LVD/SE Ultra %s%sController%s at VLB slot %d at EISA slot %d at PCI %d/%d/%d Programmed I/O Base: %lx PCI MMAPed I/O Base: 0x%lx BIOS Memory Address: 0x%08x SEEPROM not found, using defaults.SEEPROM not found, using leftover BIOS values.SEEPROM found and used. Adapter SEEPROM Config: %s EnabledDisabled Adaptec SCSI BIOS: %s IRQ: %d SCBs: Active %d, Max Active %d, Allocated %d, HW %d, Page %d Using External SCB SRAM Interrupts: %ld(Level Sensitive)(Edge Triggered) %s BIOS Control Word: 0x%04x Adapter Control Word: 0x%04x EnDis Extended Translation: %sabled Disconnect Enable Flags: 0x%04x Ultra Enable Flags: 0x%04x Tag Queue Enable Flags: 0x%04x Ordered Queue Tag Flags: 0x%04x Default Tag Queue Depth: %d Tagged Queue By Device array for aic7xxx host instance %d: {%d,%d} Actual queue depth per device for aic7xxx host instance %d: Statistics: (scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Sync transfers at Async transfers. WideNarrow Device using %s/%s%s MByte/sec, offset %d 3.3 MByte/sec, offset %d Transinfo settings: current(%d/%d/%d/%d), goal(%d/%d/%d/%d), user(%d/%d/%d/%d) Total transfers %ld (%ld reads and %ld writes) <4>aic7xxx: Overflow in aic7xxx_proc.c GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.modinfo.rodata.rel.rodata.comment4! (# + 1 < ;` @`Ft%OV W B cH=l$@ { d   D+Dx7E@P^,p48<@DHLP TX4\E`Tddhl<y88   4DXhx/ CW k B 6A5Wok0Dtd$TZl+8FP6aMr *+-@1d1dF  G$H:NUXQfd_BzRTUs,V[VVWrTY9(+BܨYgn(d|T,4d)/=<nH@_ UjX]m(Pxel L$p36I4clR|tlVl D   ! 3 B H O \ d l v          , < B W m X5|          " T0 < `J t X 8j p ~    -   d <;    xaic7xxx.cgcc2_compiled.aic7xxx_tag_infoboard_namesfirst_aic7xxxhard_errorgeneric_senseaic7xxx_syncratesaic7xxx_no_resetaic7xxx_reverse_scanaic7xxx_extendedaic7xxx_irq_triggeraic7xxx_override_termaic7xxx_stpwlevaic7xxx_panic_on_abortaic7xxx_pci_parityaic7xxx_dump_cardaic7xxx_dump_sequenceraic7xxx_no_probeaic7xxx_scbramaic7xxx_seltimeaic7xxxdummy_bufferaic7xxx_verboseoptions.488seqprogaic7xxx_patch15_funcaic7xxx_patch14_funcaic7xxx_patch13_funcaic7xxx_patch12_funcaic7xxx_patch11_funcaic7xxx_patch10_funcaic7xxx_patch9_funcaic7xxx_patch8_funcaic7xxx_patch7_funcaic7xxx_patch6_funcaic7xxx_patch5_funcaic7xxx_patch4_funcaic7xxx_patch3_funcaic7xxx_patch2_funcaic7xxx_patch1_funcaic7xxx_patch0_funcaic7xxx_check_patchaic7xxx_download_instraic7xxx_loadseqaic7xxx_print_sequencerbuffer.537aic7xxx_find_syncrateaic7xxx_find_periodaic7xxx_validate_offsetaic7xxx_set_syncrateaic7xxx_set_widthscbq_initaic7xxx_match_scbaic7xxx_add_curscb_to_free_listaic7xxx_rem_scb_from_disc_listaic7xxx_find_scbaic7xxx_allocate_scbaic7xxx_queue_cmd_completeaic7xxx_done_cmds_completeaic7xxx_free_scbaic7xxx_doneaic7xxx_run_done_queueaic7xxx_abort_waiting_scbaic7xxx_search_qinfifoaic7xxx_scb_on_qoutfifoaic7xxx_reset_deviceaic7xxx_clear_intstataic7xxx_reset_current_busaic7xxx_reset_channelaic7xxx_run_waiting_queuesaic7xxx_pci_intraic7xxx_panic_abortaic7xxx_timeraic7xxx_construct_ppraic7xxx_construct_sdtraic7xxx_construct_wdtraic7xxx_calculate_residualaic7xxx_handle_device_resetaic7xxx_handle_seqintaic7xxx_parse_msgaic7xxx_handle_reqinitaic7xxx_handle_scsiintaic7xxx_handle_command_completion_intraic7xxx_isrdo_aic7xxx_isrprint_warning.628aic7xxx_device_queue_depthaic7xxx_select_queue_depthAIC7xxx.633aic7xxx_proberead_284x_seepromacquire_seepromrelease_seepromread_seepromread_brdctlwrite_brdctlaic785x_cable_detectaic2940_uwpro_wide_cable_detectaic787x_cable_detectaic7xxx_ultra2_term_detectconfigure_terminationdetect_maxscbaic7xxx_registeraic7xxx_allocaic7xxx_freeaic7xxx_load_seepromaic7xxx_configure_bugsaic7xxx_print_cardaic7xxx_print_scratch_ramaic7xxx_buildscbaic7xxx_bus_device_resetcards_ds.690aic7xxx_buffer_sizeaic7xxx_buffer__module_kernel_versionproc_scsi_aic7xxx__module_parm_aic7xxxaic7xxx_setupsimple_strtoulstrtoksequencer_patches__const_udelaypanicprintkaic7xxx_infokmallocjiffiesdel_timeradd_timerpci_read_config_bytepci_write_config_bytescsi_command_sizepcibios_read_config_bytepcibios_write_config_byterequest_irqaic7xxx_chip_resetscsi_registerrelease_regionscsi_unregisterkfreepci_read_config_wordpci_write_config_wordaic7xxx_detectpcibios_presentpci_read_config_dwordpci_write_config_dwordcheck_region__ioremapiounmaprequest_regionpcibios_write_config_dwordpci_find_deviceaic7xxx_releaseaic7xxx_queuedisable_irqaic7xxx_abortaic7xxx_resetaic7xxx_biosparambreadscsi_partsize__brelsefree_irqaic7xxx_set_infoaic7xxx_proc_infosprintfdriver_templateinit_module__this_modulescsi_register_modulescsi_unregister_modulecleanup_module(L 3:Wx       [ ` n s }  mr!Ichsg[v}$%%l%q%%%&k&p&&&' 'w'''3(8(((*++^+s+x+1 2222i3n333444464696G7b7g77778898T8Y8888999:#:(:;$;<<<==>$>1?6???h@m@_AdAGH6HH II!I2I7IJKKLLLMMMnQQQQQQQQQQRRR+R?RDRVRjRoRRR1S|S@TETT W$W-W_WdWWW!Y3Y8Y[[i\n\w\\]]]]]]^^^uaaCbobtbccceeeffffgggg1h:hhhhSi0j5jqrrrrrissstVt[tttu[u`u\vvwUwZw|www(xtxyxUyyyyyzz{ {X{a{g{l{t{y{{{{{{||}|||I}V}}}9>$ɌΌތ).ɒΒ+8=Hӝ؝[ɨΨRWkpY^05>F)1=EMYe?DĹɹ .3^|NS#(!&+06J~eAqY I} 9i[+0I[t"EWn +0.5AFiny~)<JOiw| %1?PYl{).BGP`Y  I %_~ ^06Aqy~ "("-"""""" #J#R#W#33Y44|55555|55 6666$686<7e77777777818=8F8R8W8p88888899r:|:::::; ;;;;0;;;;;<<< =8====ACLCdDDDDEE EEFFFFF G?GdGGGGGGG III"IIIII JJJJKKKK,L@LILYLaLgLlL{LLLLMNPQQ=RxU}UVVV=WEWMWUW]WeWjWvW{WtXyX}YYhZmZZ[[)\.\%^Z^_^o_t_y_~________``fbbb/cccdPdUd eAeFeeffLgQggghhh jjkkkllmmmnnn?sws|stt uu v%v^vvvJwwwyzzIzzzzz{c{h{{{|O|T|s|||j~~~h/:SLQY^ .3>Csx˅Ѕޅ:C†̆҆!(-39@EMS]ekrzćˇӇه'/5HUg}̈܈%5=Cv~Ή։܉ 19?GMW_e~Ŋ֊ފ!'/5AIOaio~ŋ͋Ӌ"*09AGW_eltzҌڌ -5;T\biqw~`hn?GMbjpzǏ.6<U]cjrx͐>BGNW_fyDHLPTX\`dhlptx|(,<@PTdhx|  $(,0                 (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx ,4<@Ldhp                %% %%%%% %$%(%,%0%4%8%<%@%D%H%L%P%T%L:P:T:X:\:`:d:h:l:LCPCTCXC\C`CdChClCpCtCxC|CCCC