Begin3 Title: webtex Version: 0.96 Entered-date: 30May97 Description: Trial to implement a 'really practical and usable' html2latex. It converts from HTML format to LaTeX format. It can fetch URL-specified HTML document, like linx(1). Written in yacc, lex, and C. Supported tags: Basic Set <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> <BODY> <BR> <NOBR> <WBR> <HR> ............................. WIDTH, SIZE, ALIGN <IMG> ............................ SRC, ALT Paragraph, Anchor, etc. <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <A> .............................. HREF, NAME <CENTER> <P> </P> <BLOCKQUOTE> <BQ> <ADDRESS> Character Attribute <FONT> ........................... SIZE <BIG> <SMALL> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR> <CITE> <DFN> <B> <I> <U> <TT> <PRE> Tabular Environment <TABLE> .......................... BORDER <CAPTION> <TR> <TH> <TD> ........................ COLSPAN, ROWSPAN, ALIGN, (VALIGN) Listings <OL> ............................. TYPE, START <UL> ............................. TYPE <LI> <DL> <DT> <DD> <MENU> <DIR> Forms <FORM> <INPUT> .......................... TYPE, (text, radio, checkbox, submit, reset, hidden) VALUE, SIZE, CHECKED <SELECT> <OPTION> <TEXTAREA> ....................... (NAME), COLS, ROWS Comments <!-- --> <!- -> &xxx;-type Escape Sequences Almost all, from < > & to       &endash; &emdash; in HTML 3.0. (In current version, they are invalid within <INPUT TYPE="TEXT">.) Recognizes Its Name Only <ISINDEX> <BASEFONT> <SCRIPT> <BLINK> Tags Not Recognized: <BASE> <NEXTID> Attributed <P>...</P> any non-GIF images, such as JPEG, XBM, etc. &xxx;-type escape sequences within <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"> around FRAMEs Newest Informations are in: or Keywords: html html2tex html2latex latex HTML converter Author: Naoya Tozuka ( Maintained-by: Naoya Tozuka ( Primary-site: /pub/linux/webtex/ 45k webtex-0.96.tar.gz Platforms: LaTeX209 netpbm, epsbox.sty, jdvi2kps (if you want to handle GIF images) Copying-policy: GPL-style. prohibited-for-commercial-use. End