Begin3 Title: wavplay/xltwavplay - WAV file Play & Record applications Version: 1.4 Entered-date: 04DEC99 Description: This package is a an upgrade for the wavplay and wavrec programs. The last submitted version was 1.3. This version enhances the 1.3 version with a number of improvements provided by Jonathan Woithe One of the new features added by Jonathan include the ability to start playing a sample at a particular point in time. A few compile problems were also corrected, including the annoying absence of the union semun of the present GNU software (due to POSIX directions however.) The included optional xltwavplay program operates in client/server fashion with wavplay so that the GUI interface does not hang, and leaves the user in full point and click control. You can point and click play/record WAV files with simple conveniance. You can PAUSE the playing, or override the sampling rates to generate raised or lowered voices to amuse your dog. Supports 8 or 16 bit samples, Mono or Stereo. The traditional wavplay support for locking semaphores is included in xltwavplay to avoid clashing with wavplay being run from a separate cron job or other process. NOTE: You do not have to have X if you just want the wavplay/wavrec shell mode programs. Keywords: audio sound stereo control panel wav record play Author: (Warren W. Gay VE3WWG) (Warren W. Gay VE3WWG) Maintained-by: (Warren W. Gay VE3WWG) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/apps/sound/ 61kB wavplay-1.4.tar.gz 1752 wavplay-1.4.lsm Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: LINUX 1.2.13+, GCC 2.7.2+ Copying-policy: GPL2 End