/** * Contains the external GC interface. * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2005 - 2016. * License: $(WEB www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: Walter Bright, Sean Kelly */ /* Copyright Digital Mars 2005 - 2016. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ module gc.proxy; import gc.impl.conservative.gc; import gc.impl.manual.gc; import gc.config; import gc.gcinterface; static import core.memory; private { static import core.memory; alias BlkInfo = core.memory.GC.BlkInfo; extern (C) void thread_init(); extern (C) void thread_term(); __gshared GC instance; __gshared GC proxiedGC; // used to iterate roots of Windows DLLs } extern (C) { void gc_init() { config.initialize(); ManualGC.initialize(instance); ConservativeGC.initialize(instance); if (instance is null) { import core.stdc.stdio : fprintf, stderr; import core.stdc.stdlib : exit; fprintf(stderr, "No GC was initialized, please recheck the name of the selected GC ('%.*s').\n", cast(int)config.gc.length, config.gc.ptr); exit(1); } // NOTE: The GC must initialize the thread library // before its first collection. thread_init(); } void gc_term() { // NOTE: There may be daemons threads still running when this routine is // called. If so, cleaning memory out from under then is a good // way to make them crash horribly. This probably doesn't matter // much since the app is supposed to be shutting down anyway, but // I'm disabling cleanup for now until I can think about it some // more. // // NOTE: Due to popular demand, this has been re-enabled. It still has // the problems mentioned above though, so I guess we'll see. instance.collectNoStack(); // not really a 'collect all' -- still scans // static data area, roots, and ranges. thread_term(); ManualGC.finalize(instance); ConservativeGC.finalize(instance); } void gc_enable() { instance.enable(); } void gc_disable() { instance.disable(); } void gc_collect() nothrow { instance.collect(); } void gc_minimize() nothrow { instance.minimize(); } uint gc_getAttr( void* p ) nothrow { return instance.getAttr(p); } uint gc_setAttr( void* p, uint a ) nothrow { return instance.setAttr(p, a); } uint gc_clrAttr( void* p, uint a ) nothrow { return instance.clrAttr(p, a); } void* gc_malloc( size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const TypeInfo ti = null ) nothrow { return instance.malloc(sz, ba, ti); } BlkInfo gc_qalloc( size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const TypeInfo ti = null ) nothrow { return instance.qalloc( sz, ba, ti ); } void* gc_calloc( size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const TypeInfo ti = null ) nothrow { return instance.calloc( sz, ba, ti ); } void* gc_realloc( void* p, size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const TypeInfo ti = null ) nothrow { return instance.realloc( p, sz, ba, ti ); } size_t gc_extend( void* p, size_t mx, size_t sz, const TypeInfo ti = null ) nothrow { return instance.extend( p, mx, sz,ti ); } size_t gc_reserve( size_t sz ) nothrow { return instance.reserve( sz ); } void gc_free( void* p ) nothrow { return instance.free( p ); } void* gc_addrOf( void* p ) nothrow { return instance.addrOf( p ); } size_t gc_sizeOf( void* p ) nothrow { return instance.sizeOf( p ); } BlkInfo gc_query( void* p ) nothrow { return instance.query( p ); } core.memory.GC.Stats gc_stats() nothrow { return instance.stats(); } void gc_addRoot( void* p ) nothrow { return instance.addRoot( p ); } void gc_addRange( void* p, size_t sz, const TypeInfo ti = null ) nothrow { return instance.addRange( p, sz, ti ); } void gc_removeRoot( void* p ) nothrow { return instance.removeRoot( p ); } void gc_removeRange( void* p ) nothrow { return instance.removeRange( p ); } void gc_runFinalizers( in void[] segment ) nothrow { return instance.runFinalizers( segment ); } bool gc_inFinalizer() nothrow { return instance.inFinalizer(); } GC gc_getProxy() nothrow { return instance; } export { void gc_setProxy( GC proxy ) { foreach (root; instance.rootIter) { proxy.addRoot(root); } foreach (range; instance.rangeIter) { proxy.addRange(range.pbot, range.ptop - range.pbot, range.ti); } proxiedGC = instance; // remember initial GC to later remove roots instance = proxy; } void gc_clrProxy() { foreach (root; proxiedGC.rootIter) { instance.removeRoot(root); } foreach (range; proxiedGC.rangeIter) { instance.removeRange(range); } instance = proxiedGC; proxiedGC = null; } } }