c4 L&&6!?-a -'. ES"q LP Mo @ o on!F!J%"p"9"C+#fo#_#;6$;r$O$J$}I%w%~?&>&O&CM'3'F'I (;V( (("( (((( !)/)F)_)z)) ))))%)) * **.3*1b*****(*&+&;+*b+&+++++ ,#!,#E,)i,-,,,$,9-P-3o--.--.#.!3.=U."....../+1/]/w/,//%/,0-/0 ]0&~000.01/41d1 2"21B2 t22#2#2L26,3c333343>3 74*A4l44 4"4'44455 #5 /595 Q5 ^5%k55$55=5:.6 i6066 6+6!7 27?7 Y7g7p777$7'77#8A8"\88,88)8 9!&9&H9o99 999%999 ::#:B:0X:':3: :+:;-9;%g;';;;<;!<1< O<*Z<<'< <6< =-=-G=1u=1===3>9>>>T>(j>)>/>6>$?L1aL&LLL0LM4M=MM9M1M.MH&N,oN"N0NNiOjPPPP PP%P Q-Q&IQpQQQQ%Q.Q*R/o[ [["[[ \,\L\`\v\\)\\ \ \\ ]2$]W]f]m]}]/]3]]^0^ O^p^^"^(^^$_$=_b_,r_,_%_,_`6`$J`6o``0``+a"iSi ri}iii'i'i' j2j7Lj=jj5j*kAk#Pk'tkk)k k kkkl--l0[l'l2llm%m2Dm$wm mm'm2m$'n LnYn knxn8nnnnn'n'o&=o#do-o o4o$o-p8Lp(p&ppAp%q.?qnq7q$q.q r;rZr.cr,r>r4r3sJs>gssss1s3t'Ht4pt"t"t t u,u.Eu,tu7u u(u(#vLvcvlv tv vvvvv2v:w7SwBwww!w x*:x"exxxxx x)x"y1yFy)[yyy8y.yz)zIz]z2qzz5zOz@3{@t{.{@{%|&8|_| r|$}| ||&| ||} },}B?}6}8}}~~6~.U~-~~~)~> M/[* $,,Yv.x22ڀ. < R2s5;܁**C1n9)&"8I.ǃ @&Jg04M0f0C-<2%E'4"-Ux6coSPFOR@5Ye?G;KL.adhk Hr{g _}i \Va]'`@QJ^]:.2O/KN&+F0L D J*TuS$&=W,D 3BWY$cN1)E #|*<Q"lVpTXZ70AXnU,3?m%Z> ^w9v!(jB+>H65[f=1ys`IC7; q~_P[b8tb\Mz  I)9M(RAG4:#!8/ # %u `vpath' search paths. # %u implicit rules, %u # %u pattern-specific variable values # Directories # Files # Finished Make data base on %s # General (`VPATH' variable) search path: # # Implicit Rules # Make data base, printed on %s # No general (`VPATH' variable) search path. # No implicit rules. # No pattern-specific variable values. # VPATH Search Paths # Variables # files hash-table stats: # Counted %d args in failed launch This program built for %s This program built for %s (%s) --debug[=FLAGS] Print various types of debugging information. --no-print-directory Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly. --warn-undefined-variables Warn when an undefined variable is referenced. -B, --always-make Unconditionally make all targets. -C DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORY Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything. -I DIRECTORY, --include-dir=DIRECTORY Search DIRECTORY for included makefiles. -R, --no-builtin-variables Disable the built-in variable settings. -S, --no-keep-going, --stop Turns off -k. -W FILE, --what-if=FILE, --new-file=FILE, --assume-new=FILE Consider FILE to be infinitely new. -b, -m Ignored for compatibility. -d Print lots of debugging information. -e, --environment-overrides Environment variables override makefiles. -f FILE, --file=FILE, --makefile=FILE Read FILE as a makefile. -h, --help Print this message and exit. -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors from commands. -j [N], --jobs[=N] Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg. -k, --keep-going Keep going when some targets can't be made. -l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N] Don't start multiple jobs unless load is below N. -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon Don't actually run any commands; just print them. -o FILE, --old-file=FILE, --assume-old=FILE Consider FILE to be very old and don't remake it. -p, --print-data-base Print make's internal database. -q, --question Run no commands; exit status says if up to date. -r, --no-builtin-rules Disable the built-in implicit rules. -s, --silent, --quiet Don't echo commands. -t, --touch Touch targets instead of remaking them. -v, --version Print the version number of make and exit. -w, --print-directory Print the current directory. Date %s Ignoring VPATH name `%s'. uid = %d, gid = %d, mode = 0%o. (built-in): (core dumped) (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?) (don't care) (from `%s', line %lu) (from `%s', line %lu): (name might be truncated) (no default goal) (no ~ expansion) (remote) (search path) files, impossibilities impossibilities in %lu directories. so far. terminal.# Also makes:# Command-line target.# Commands currently running (THIS IS A BUG).# Dependencies commands running (THIS IS A BUG).# Failed to be updated.# File does not exist.# File has been updated.# File has not been updated.# File is an intermediate prerequisite.# File is very old.# Implicit rule search has been done.# Implicit rule search has not been done.# Implicit/static pattern stem: `%s' # Invalid value in `command_state' member!# Invalid value in `update_status' member!# Last modified %s # Modification time never checked.# Needs to be updated (-q is set).# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).# Precious file (prerequisite of .PRECIOUS).# Successfully updated.# commands to execute# %s (device %d, inode [%d,%d,%d]): # %s (device %d, inode [%d,%d,%d]): could not be opened. # %s (device %ld, inode %ld): # %s (device %ld, inode %ld): could not be opened. # %s (key %s, mtime %d): # %s (key %s, mtime %d): could not be opened. # %s: could not be stat'd. # No `vpath' search paths.# Not a target:# variable set hash-table stats: %s (line %d) Bad shell context (!unixy && !batch_mode_shell) %s is suspending for 30 seconds...%s%s: %s%s: %s%s: Command not found%s: Entering directory `%s' %s: Leaving directory `%s' %s: Shell program not found%s: Timestamp out of range; substituting %s%s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: user %lu (real %lu), group %lu (real %lu) %sNo rule to make target `%s'%s%sNo rule to make target `%s', needed by `%s'%s%sThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions. %sThere is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A %sPARTICULAR PURPOSE. %s[%u]: Entering directory `%s' %s[%u]: Leaving directory `%s' *** Archive member `%s' may be bogus; not deleted*** Break. *** Deleting file `%s'*** Deleting intermediate file `%s'*** Waiting for unfinished jobs....*** Warning: .LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME file `%s' has a high resolution time stamp*** [%s] Archive member `%s' may be bogus; not deleted*** [%s] Deleting file `%s'*** [%s] Error %d*** [%s] Error 0x%x*** [%s] Error 0x%x (ignored)-warning, CTRL-Y will leave sub-process(es) around. -warning, you may have to re-enable CTRL-Y handling from DCL. . Stop. .LIBPATTERNS element `%s' is not a pattern; using VPATH name `%s'AbortedAlarm clockAvoiding implicit rule recursion. BUG: num_pattern_rules wrong! %u != %uBUILTIN CD %s BUILTIN RM %s BUILTIN [%s][%s] Bad system callBroken pipeBus errorCPU time limit exceededChild accessChild exitedCircular %s <- %s dependency dropped.Cleaning up temp batch file %s Cleaning up temporary batch file %s Collisions=%ld/%ld=%.0f%%Commands for `%s' will be ignored in favor of those for `%s'.Commands for file `%s' were found by implicit rule search,Commands of `%s' are being run. Commands were specified for file `%s' at %s:%lu,Considering target file `%s'. ContinuedCouldn't change back to original directory.Creating temporary batch file %s Current timeCustoms won't export: %s Danger signalEMT trapError spawning, %d Error, empty command Executing %s instead Extraneous text after `%s' directiveExtraneous text after `endef' directiveFailed to remake makefile `%s'.Failed to remake target file `%s'. File `%s' does not exist. File `%s' was considered already. File size limit exceededFinished prerequisites of target file `%s'. Finished updating file `%s'. Floating point co-processor not availableFloating point exceptionFound an implicit rule for `%s'. Found prerequisite `%s' as VPATH `%s' Giving up on target file `%s'. HangupI/O possibleIOT trapIllegal InstructionIncluded makefile `%s' was not found.Information requestInitialized accessInterruptKilledLive child 0x%08lx (%s) PID %ld %s Load=%ld/%ld=%.0f%%, Looking for a rule with intermediate file `%s'. Looking for an implicit rule for `%s'. Looking for archive-member implicit rule for `%s'. Make accessMakefile `%s' might loop; not remaking it. Makefile `%s' was not foundMakefile from standard input specified twice.Making `%s' due to always-make flag. Member `%s'%s: %ld bytes at %ld (%ld). Must remake target `%s'. NoNo commands for `%s' and no prerequisites actually changed. No implicit rule found for `%s'. No need to remake target `%s'No targetsNo targets specified and no makefile foundNothing to be done for `%s'.Obtained token for child 0x%08lx (%s). Options: Parallel jobs (-j) are not supported on this platform.Power failurePrerequisite `%s' is newer than target `%s'. Prerequisite `%s' is older than target `%s'. Prerequisite `%s' is order-only for target `%s'. Prerequisite `%s' of target `%s' does not exist. Profiling timer expiredPruning file `%s'. Putting child 0x%08lx (%s) PID %ld%s on the chain. QuitReading makefile `%s'Reading makefiles... Reaping losing child 0x%08lx PID %ld %s Reaping winning child 0x%08lx PID %ld %s Recently tried and failed to update file `%s'. Recursive variable `%s' references itself (eventually)Redirected error to %s Redirected input from %s Redirected output to %s Rehash=%d, Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `%s'. Rejecting impossible rule prerequisite `%s'. Released token for child 0x%08lx (%s). Removing child 0x%08lx PID %ld%s from chain. Removing intermediate files... Report bugs to Resetting to single job (-j1) mode.Resource lostSIGPHONESIGWINDSegmentation faultStill updating file `%s'. StoppedStopped (signal)Stopped (tty input)Stopped (tty output)Successfully remade target file `%s'. Target `%s' is double-colon and has no prerequisites. Target `%s' not remade because of errors.Target file `%s' needs remade under -q. TerminatedThe prerequisites of `%s' are being made. Trace/breakpoint trapTrying implicit prerequisite `%s'. Trying pattern rule with stem `%.*s'. Trying rule prerequisite `%s'. Unknown builtin command '%s' Unknown error %dUpdating goal targets.... Updating makefiles.... Urgent I/O conditionUsage: %s [options] [target] ... User accessUser defined signal 1User defined signal 2Using default commands for `%s'. Virtual timer expiredWarning: Empty redirection Warning: File `%s' has modification time %.2g s in the futureWarning: File `%s' has modification time in the futureWindow changed[%s] Error %d (ignored)`%s' is up to date.`override' directiveattempt to use unsupported feature: `%s'automaticbut `%s' is now considered the same file as `%s'.can't allocate %ld bytes for hash table: memory exhaustedcan't rename double-colon `%s' to single-colon `%s'can't rename single-colon `%s' to double-colon `%s'cannot enforce load limit: cannot enforce load limits on this operating systemcommand linecommands commence before first targetcreating jobs pipedefaultdone sleep(30). Continuing. dup jobserverempty `override' directiveempty string invalid as file nameempty variable nameenvironmentenvironment under -eextraneous `%s'extraneous `endef'find_and_set_shell path search set default_shell = %s find_and_set_shell setting default_shell = %s first argument to `word' function must be greater than 0fopen (temporary file)fwrite (temporary file)init jobserver pipeinternal error: `%s' command_stateinternal error: invalid --jobserver-fds string `%s'internal error: multiple --jobserver-fds optionsinvalid `override' directiveinvalid syntax in conditionallbr$ini_control failed with status = %dlbr$set_module failed to extract module info, status = %dmakefilemissing `endef', unterminated `define'missing `endif'missing rule before commandsmissing separator%smissing target patternmixed implicit and normal rulesmixed implicit and static pattern rulesmultiple target patternsnonon-numeric first argument to `word' functionnon-numeric first argument to `wordlist' functionnon-numeric second argument to `wordlist' functiononly one `else' per conditionalread jobs pipesys$search failed with %d target `%s' doesn't match the target patterntarget `%s' given more than once in the same rule.target file `%s' has both : and :: entriestarget pattern contains no `%%'the `-%c' option requires a positive integral argumenttouch archive member is not available on VMStouch: Archive `%s' does not existtouch: Bad return code from ar_member_touch on `%s'touch: Member `%s' does not exist in `%s'touch: `%s' is not a valid archiveunable to open library `%s' to lookup member `%s'unknown debug level specification `%s'unknown signalunlink (temporary file): unterminated call to function `%s': missing `%c'unterminated variable referencevirtual memory exhaustedwarning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.warning: NUL character seen; rest of line ignoredwarning: ignoring old commands for target `%s'warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add `+' to parent make rule.warning: overriding commands for target `%s'warning: undefined variable `%.*s'windows32_openpipe (): process_init_fd() failed write jobserverProject-Id-Version: make 3.80 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-make@gnu.org POT-Creation-Date: 2006-04-01 01:40-0500 PO-Revision-Date: 2004-05-18 00:47+0900 Last-Translator: GOTO Masanori Language-Team: Japanese MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-JP Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit # %u Ĥ `vpath' õѥ # %u Ĥΰۥ롼, %u # %u ĤΥѥѿ # ǥ쥯ȥ # ե # Make ǡ١λ %s # ̤ (`VPATH' ѿ) õѥ: # # ۥ롼 # Make ǡ١ %s # ̤ (`VPATH' ѿ) õѥʤ. # ۥ롼ʤ. # ѥѿͤʤ. # VPATH õѥ # ѿ # եϥåơ֥ξ: # ưμԤ %d ĤΰȤޤ Υץ %s Ѥ˥ӥɤޤ Υץ %s (%s) Ѥ˥ӥɤޤ --debug[=FLAGS] ͡ʥפΥǥХåɽ. --no-print-directory -w 򥪥դˤ. ۤͭʾǤ⥪դˤ. --warn-undefined-variables ̤ѿȤ줿Ȥ˷ٹȯ. -B, --always-make ̵åȤ make . -C DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORY make ˥ǥ쥯ȥ DIRECTORY ذư. -I DIRECTORY, --include-dir=DIRECTORY Search DIRECTORY for included makefiles. 󥯥롼ɤ makefile õ DIRECTORY. -R, --no-builtin-variables ӥȥѿ̵ˤ. -S, --no-keep-going, --stop -k ץ򥪥դˤ. -W FILE, --what-if=FILE, --new-file=FILE, --assume-new=FILE FILE 򤤤ĤǤǿȤƸʤ. -b, -m ߴΤΤΤ, ̵뤵. -d ǥХå̤ɽ. -e, --environment-overrides Ķѿ makefile εҤͥ褹 -f FILE, --file=FILE, --makefile=FILE FILE makefile Ȥɤ߹ -h, --help Υåɽƽλ. -i, --ignore-errors ޥɤ֤줿顼̵뤹. -j [N], --jobs[=N] ٤ N ĤޤǤΥ֤; ̵ȥֿ¤ʤ. -k, --keep-going 륿åȤ make ǤʤƤ¹Ԥ³. -l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N] N ̤Ǥʤ¤ʣΥ֤򳫻Ϥʤ. -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon ޥɤºݤ˼¹Ԥʤ; ɽΤ. -o FILE, --old-file=FILE, --assume-old=FILE FILE ȤƤŤΤȸʤ, make ʤ. -p, --print-data-base make ǡ١ɽ. -q, --question ޥɤ¹Ԥʤ; ѤǤ뤫ɤλơ. -r, --no-builtin-rules ӥȥΰۥ롼̵ˤ. -s, --silent, --quiet ޥɽ򥨥ʤ. -t, --touch åȤ make ˥å. -v, --version make ΥСֹɽƽλ. -w, --print-directory ȥǥ쥯ȥɽ. %s VPATH ̾ `%s' ̵뤷ޤ. uid = %d, gid = %d, mode = 0%o. (ӥȥ): (פޤ) (8 ĤζǤ, TAB ΤĤǤ?) (ˤʤƤ褤) (`%s', %lu ܤ) (`%s', %lu ܤ): (̾ڤͤ줿) (ǥեȤκǽåȤޤ) (~ Ÿʤ) (⡼) (õѥ) ĤΥե, ĤŬǽե̾ ĤŬǽե̾ (%lu ĤΥǥ쥯ȥ). (ޤǤ). ʾ.# make:# ޥɥ饤󥿡å.# ޥɤ߼¹Ǥ (*ϥХǤ*).# ¸طޥɤ¹Ǥ (*ϥХǤ*).# ˼Ԥޤ.# ե뤬¸ߤޤ.# եϹƤޤ.# եϹƤޤ.# եɬ׾Ǥ.# ե뤬˸ŤǤ.# ۥ롼õԤޤ.# ۥ롼õϹԤޤǤ.# /Ūѥ촴: `%s' # `command_state' Ф̵!# `update_status' Ф̵!# ǽ %s # 郎å뤳ȤϤޤ.# ɬפǤ (-q åȤƤޤ).# å (.PHONY ɬ׾)# ̰Υե (.PRECIOUS ɬ׾)# ޤ.# ¹Ԥ륳ޥ# %s (device %d, inode [%d,%d,%d]): # %s (device %d, inode [%d,%d,%d]): ޤǤ. # %s (device %ld, inode %ld): # %s (device %ld, inode %ld): ޤǤ. # %s (key %s, mtime %d): # %s (key %s, mtime %d): ޤǤ. # %s: ֤Ĵ٤ޤǤ. # `vpath' õѥϤޤ# åȤǤϤޤ:# ѿåȤΥϥåơ֥ξ: %s (%d ) ʥ륳ƥ (!unixy && !batch_mode_shell) %s 30 ôߤޤ...%s%s: %s%s: %s%s: ޥɤĤޤǤ%s: ǥ쥯ȥ `%s' ޤ %s: ǥ쥯ȥ `%s' Фޤ %s: ץबĤޤǤ%s: ॹפϰϳǤ -- %s Ȥޤ%s: ʥץ %c %s: ̵ʥץ %c %s: ץ `%c%s' ϰޤ %s: ץ `%s' ۣǤ %s: ץ `%s' ˤϰɬפǤ %s: ץ `--%s' ϰޤ %s: ץ `-W %s' ϰޤ %s: ץ `-W %s' ۣǤ %s: ץˤϰɬפǤ %c %s: ǧǤʤץ `%c%s' %s: ǧǤʤץ `--%s' %s: 桼 %lu (¸ %lu), 롼 %lu (¸ %lu) %så `%s' make 롼뤬ޤ%s%1$s`%3$s' ɬפʥå `%2$s' make 롼뤬ޤ%4$s%sϥե꡼եȥǤ. ѵˤĤƤϥ %s. %sŪؤŬǡ˴ؤ餺, ̵ݾڤǤ. %s[%u]: ǥ쥯ȥ `%s' ޤ %s[%u]: ǥ쥯ȥ `%s' Фޤ *** ˥ `%s' ¿ʬʪǤ ޤǤ*** . *** ե `%s' ޤ*** ֥ե `%s' ޤ*** ̤λΥ֤ԤäƤޤ....*** ٹ: .LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME ե `%s' ٥ॹפäƤޤ*** [%s] ˥ `%s' ¿ʬʪǤ ޤǤ*** [%s] ե `%s' ޤ*** [%s] 顼 %d*** [%s] 顼 0x%x*** [%s] 顼 0x%x (̵뤵ޤ)-ٹ, CTRL-Y ϻҥץ򻶤餫ޤޤˤǤ礦. -ٹ, DCL CTRL-Y Ƥͭˤɬפ뤫Τޤ. . . .LIBPATTERNS `%s' ѥǤϤޤ; VPATH ̾ `%s' ѤޤAbort ޤ顼९åۥ롼κƵ򤷤ޤ. Х: num_pattern_rules ְäƤ! %u != %uӥȥ CD %s ӥȥ RM %s ӥȥ [%s][%s] ʥƥॳɤ߼Τʤѥפؤν񤭹Х顼CPU ֤¤ۤޤҥץҥץλ۴ %s <- %s ¸ط˴ޤ.ŪʥХåե %s դޤ ŪʥХåե %s õޤ Collisions=%ld/%ld=%.0f%%`%s' ؤΥޥɤ, `%s' ֤ȤǺ̵뤵ޤ.ե `%s' ؤΥޥɤϰۥ롼õǸĤޤ,`%s' Υޥɤ¹Ԥޤ. ե `%s' ؤΥޥɤ %s:%lu ǻꤵޤ.åȥե `%s' θƤԤޤ. ƳޤΥǥ쥯ȥޤǤ.ŪʥХåե %s ޤ ߻Customs ݡȤƤޤ: %s ʥEMT ȥåspawn Υ顼, %d 顼, Υޥ %s ¹Ԥޤ `%s' ̿θ̵طʸ󤬤ޤ`endef' ̿θ̵طʸ󤬤ޤmakefile `%s' κ make ˼Ԥޤ.åȥե `%s' κ make ˼Ԥޤ. ե `%s' ¸ߤޤ. ե `%s' ϸƤѤߤǤ. ե륵¤ۤޤåȥե `%s' ɬ׾ޤ. ե `%s' ιλޤ. ưץåǽư㳰`%s' Τΰۥ롼򸫤Ĥޤ. VPATH `%2$s' Ȥɬ׾ `%1$s' 򸫤Ĥޤ åȥե `%s' ޤ. ϥ󥰥åƱ I/O ǽIOT ȥåʥϡɥ̿󥯥롼ɤ makefile `%s' ĤޤǤ.׵¤Kill ޤ¸ҥץ 0x%08lx (%s) PID %ld %s Load=%ld/%ld=%.0f%%, ֥ե `%s' Υ롼õޤ. `%s' Τΰۥ롼õޤ. `%s' Τν˥аۥ롼õޤ. make makefile `%s' ʺƵΤ make ޤ. makefile `%s' ĤޤǤɸϤ makefile ꤵޤ.akways-make ե饰äƤΤ `%s' make ޤ. `%s'%s: %ld Х at %ld (%ld). å `%s' κ make ɬפǤ. 0`%s' ΤΥޥɤ̵, ļºݤѹ줿ɬ׾郎ʤ. `%s' Τΰۥ롼뤬ޤ. å `%s' make ɬפϤޤåȤޤåȤꤵƤ餺, makefile ⸫Ĥޤ`%s' ФƹԤ٤Ϥޤ.ҥץ 0x%08lx (%s) ˰Ĥޤ. ץ: 󥸥 (-j) ϤΥץåȥեǥݡȤޤ.Ÿ㳲ɬ׾ `%s' ϥå `%s' ⿷. ɬ׾ `%s' ϥå `%s' Ť. ɬ׾ `%s' ϥå `%s' ˤĤƽ̤Τ߹Ԥޤ. å `%2$s' ɬ׾ `%1$s' ¸ߤޤ. ץե륿λե `%s' ޤ. ˻ҥץ 0x%08lx (%s) PID %ld%s ߤޤ. λmakefile `%s' ɤ߹makefile ɤ߹ߤޤ... äҥץ 0x%08lx PID %ld %s ޤ ҥץ 0x%08lx PID %ld %s ޤ Ƕƹ˼Ԥե `%s'. ƵŪѿ `%s' (ǽŪ)켫Ȥ򻲾ȤƤޤ%s إ顼쥯Ȥޤ %s ϥ쥯Ȥޤ %s ؽϥ쥯Ȥޤ Rehash=%d, Ŭǽʰۤɬ׾ `%s' Ѳޤ. Ŭǽʥ롼ɬ׾ `%s' Ѳޤ. ҥץ 0x%08lx (%s) ΰޤ. 󤫤ҥץ 0x%08lx PID %ld%s ޤ. ֥եƤޤ... ХݡȤ ޤ. ñ쥸 (-j1) ⡼ɤ˥ꥻåȤޤ.꥽ޤSIGPHONESIGWINDȿޤե `%s' ιǤ. (ʥ) (tty ) (tty )åȥե `%s' κ make ޤ. å `%s' ϥ֥륳, ɬ׾ʤ. å `%s' ϥ顼ˤ make ǤޤǤ.åȥե `%s' -q ץդǤκ make ɬפǤ. λ`%s' ɬ׾ make ޤ. ȥ졼/֥쥤ݥȥȥåۤɬ׾ `%s' ޤ. 촴 `%.*s' ȤΥѥ롼ޤ. 롼ɬ׾ `%s' ޤ. ʥӥȥ󥳥ޥ '%s' ̤ΤΥ顼 %dǽåȤ򹹿.... makefile ι.... ۵ I/O Ȥ: %s [ץ] [å] ... 桼桼ʥ 1桼ʥ 2`%s' ѤΥǥեȥޥɤѤޤ. ۥλٹ: Υ쥯 ٹ: ե `%s' ν郎 %.2g ʬ̤λǤٹ: ե `%s' ν郎̤λǤɥѹ[%s] 顼 %d (̵뤵ޤ)`%s' ϹѤߤǤ`override' ̿ݡȤƤʤǽȤȤƤޤ: `%s'ưѿ `%s' `%s' Ʊեȸʤޤ.ϥåơ֥ %ld ХȤγƤ˼Ԥޤ: Ȥ̤ޤ֥륳 `%s' 饷󥰥륳 `%s' ̾Ѥޤ󥰥륳 `%s' ֥륳 `%s' ̾Ѥޤƥ¤βݤȤǤޤǤ: Υڥ졼ƥ󥰥ƥǤϥƥ¤äޤޥɥ饤ѿǽΥåȤ˥ޥɤư֥ѥ׺ǥեsleep(30) ޤ. ³ޤ. dup jobserver `override' ̿ʸϥե̾ȤƤ̵Ǥѿ̾Ķѿ-e ץǤδĶѿ̵ط `%s'طΤʤ `endef'find_and_set_shell ѥõ default_shell = %s ˥åȤޤ find_and_set_shell default_shell = %s ꤷޤ `word' ؿؤ 0 礭ʤФʤޤfopen (ե)fwrite (ե)jobserver ѥפν顼: `%s' command_state顼: ̵ --jobserver-fds ʸ `%s'顼: ʣ --jobserver-fds ץ̵ `override' ̿ʸˡ̵Ǥlbr$ini_control Ԥޤ. = %dlbr$set_module ⥸塼Ф˼Ԥޤ. = %dmakefile ѿ`endef' 礤Ƥ, `define' λޤ`endif' 礤Ƥޤޥɤǥ롼뤬ؼƤޤʬΥ礤Ƥޤ%såȥѥ礤Ƥޤۥ롼̾롼뤬ޤۥ롼Ūѥ롼뤬ޤʣΥåȥѥǤ0ͤ `word' ؿͿޤͤ `wordlist' ؿͿޤͤ `wordlist' ؿͿޤĤξˤĤĤ `else' Ȥޤ֤Υѥפ readsys$search %d ǼԤޤ å `%s' ϥåȥѥȰפޤƱ롼ǥå `%s' ʣͿޤ.åȥե `%s' : :: ܤξäƤޤåȥѥ `%%' ޤǤޤ`-%c' ץ׵ᤷޤVMS ǤϽˤΥФ touch 뵡ǽޤtouch: `%s' ޤtouch: `%s' ؤ ar_member_touch ۾֤ͤޤtouch: `%s' `%s' ˤޤtouch: `%s' ʽˤǤϤޤ饤֥ `%s' 򳫤, `%s' θǤޤʥǥХå٥ `%s'̤ΤΥʥunlink (ե): üʤؿƤӽФ `%s': `%c' ޤüΤʤѿۥȤ̤ޤٹ: Τ򸡽. Դʥӥɷ̤ˤʤ뤫⤷ޤ.ٹ: make -jN ꤷޤ: jobserver ⡼ɤ̵ˤޤ.ٹ: NUL ʸޤ; ԤλĤ̵뤵ޤٹ: å `%s' ؤθŤޥɤ̵뤵ޤٹ: jobserver Բ: -j1 Ȥ, make 롼 `+' ɲäޤ礦ٹ: å `%s' ؤΥޥɤ֤ޤٹ: ̤ѿ `%.*s'windows32_openpipe (): process_init_fd() ֥Фؤ write