2001-09-08 -+- Tim -+- tim@tasmail.com -+- While these active programs are great, there is one major problem the author has forgotten to mention. It's very easy to spoof packets on the Internet, and if I want to stop you getting to certain sites (ie the IRC server you're connected to) all I have to do is send a bunch of spoofed packets that appear to come from the IRC server. Bingo, portsentry kicks and blocks your access to the server you're connected to. Your IRC session drops and you get annoyed!
I'm sure there are now some workarounds for this, but any program that will automatically put firewall rules in place is always going to be subject to this problem. Just something I feel the writer should have mentioned but didn't. Otherwise a good article!

Tim 2001-09-09 -+- -+- -+- Related systems: http://www.cipherdyne.com/psad/ and http://jade.cs.uct.ac.za/idsa/ 2001-09-10 -+- E -+- -+- Why portsentry sux:

http://www.linux.ie/articles/portsentryandsnortcompared.php 2001-10-02 -+- serdar şahin -+- kaanoglu@mynet.com -+- Tebrikler turk arkadaşlardan kimsenin sesi neden çıkmıyor??
kendimizi gösterelim arkadaşlar..
2003-06-24 -+- kimchanggil -+- car2669@yahoo.co.kr -+- thanks
-+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; i-Nav; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 2003-06-29 -+- fred -+- 00fred00@voila.fr -+- i have install portsentry to my linux and now i can't surf on the web...
what is the problem????
(my IP adresse is attribute by my FAI and it's always different...) -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 2003-07-11 -+- Balee -+- balee@felegy.hdsnet.hu -+- I've upgraded my debian server to the newest distribution, and it's installed the portsentry. Since that upgrade i can't go through my firewall from local network.
PLZ somebody mail me how I can correct this problem.
thanks -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 2005-05-25 -+- marcio novelli -+- mnoveli@gmail.com -+- Help nao consigo instalar o portsentry no meu linux suse 9.3
professional ...
saberia me dizer quais os passos pra compilar e instalar e aonde
encontro pra baixar alguma versao compativel com minha distribuicao

baixei uma versao aqui do portsentry e tentei dar make linux mas da
erro ...
pelo que sei pra instalar vc precisa fazer um make linux e depois make

bem no meu linux suse descompactei o arquivo fonte e joguei
em /etc/init.d o arquivo .conf bem no runleveal do painel de controle
yast la se encontra o arquivo portsentry diz que esta startado mas nao
no ar bem procurei o arquivo .bin executavel nao existe e claro pq nao
consegui instalar isso é logico..

estou usando a versao portsentry-4.2
quando dou um make linux gera este erro veja usando a distribuicao linux
suse 9.3 prof como root
linux:/home/oracle/portsentry-4.2/portsentry_beta # make linux
cc -O -Wall -DLINUX -DSUPPORT_STEALTH -o ./portsentry ./portsentry.c \
./portsentry_io.c ./portsentry_util.c
portsentry.c:1584:11: missing terminating " character
portsentry.c: In function `Usage':
portsentry.c:1585: error: syntax error before "sourceforget"
portsentry.c:1585: error: stray '\' in program
portsentry.c:1585:24: missing terminating " character
make: ** [linux] Erro 1
linux:/home/oracle/portsentry-4.2/portsentry_beta #

-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4 SUSE/1.0.4-1.1 2006-03-30 -+- gabrix -+- gabrix@gabrix.ath.cx -+- I was asking me what's the point of writing on tcpwrappers dynamic ips and how i could have a separete log file for portsentry cosidering i installed it with apt-get on debiansarge 3.1 2.6 (not from a .tar.gz)!!
thanx! -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060130 SeaMonkey/1.0