PACKAGE NAME: autogen-5.9.3-i586-2gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/office PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 422 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1330 K PACKAGE MD5: 496bf10b23a0231823018df948f01f37 ./packages/office/autogen-5.9.3-i586-2gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: autogen: autogen (Automated Program Generator) autogen: autogen: AutoGen is designed to generate text files containing repetitive text autogen: with varied substitutions. Its goal is to simplify the maintenance of autogen: programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text, especially autogen: when needed in parallel tables. autogen: autogen: autogen: autogen: autogen: