PACKAGE NAME: libnotify-0.4.4-i586-2gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/libraries PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 38 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 210 K PACKAGE MD5: 0fa0d5ea4758a92a0c14cdc5aa9e49ee ./packages/libraries/libnotify-0.4.4-i586-2gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: dbus,glib2,gtk+2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libnotify: libnotify (Galago Desktop Notification Library) libnotify: libnotify: libnotify is a part of a desktop presence framework, designed to libnotify: transmit presence information between programs. To put it in simpler libnotify: terms, it takes information on who is online and their away/idle libnotify: states from an instant messenger (such as gaim) or other similar libnotify: programs and lets other programs (such as Ximian's Evolution) to libnotify: make use of it. The advantage of such a framework is that it brings libnotify: your programs closer together. libnotify: libnotify: