PACKAGE NAME: libepc-0.3.5-i586-1gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/desktop PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 107 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 900 K PACKAGE MD5: dd32a0eb4017d3baf43da00b62788711 ./packages/desktop/libepc-0.3.5-i586-1gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: avahi,glib2,libsoup,gtk+2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libepc: libepc (Easy Publish and Consume Library) libepc: libepc: The Easy Publish and Consume library provides an easy method to libepc: publish data using HTTPS, announce that information via DNS-SD, libepc: find that information, and and finally consume it. You can use libepc: this library as a key/value store published to the network, libepc: using encryption, authentication and service discovery. libepc: libepc: libepc: libepc: