PACKAGE NAME: at-spi-1.22.1-i586-1gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/desktop PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 418 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4320 K PACKAGE MD5: 9b5ef353686934cf84a27cd56776bfa3 ./packages/desktop/at-spi-1.22.1-i586-1gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: gtk+2,libgnomecanvas,libbonobo,atk,ORBit2,glib2,popt,libidl,python PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: at-spi: at-spi (Service Provider Interface for the Assistive Technologies) at-spi: at-spi: 'at-spi' is a part of the GNOME Accessibility Project. It provides a at-spi: Service Provider Interface for the Assistive Technologies available at-spi: on the GNOME platform. at-spi: at-spi: For more information, see at-spi: at-spi: at-spi: at-spi: