PACKAGE NAME: gnome2-perl-1.042-i586-3gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/bindings PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 526 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1850 K PACKAGE MD5: 29dfaefc627073b4597c3c8277edf845 ./packages/bindings/gnome2-perl-1.042-i586-3gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: gtk+2,perl,glib-perl,cairo,glib2,libgnomecanvas,gnome-vfs,GConf PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gnome2-perl: gnome2-perl (GNOME Bindings for Perl) gnome2-perl: gnome2-perl: gnome2-perl is a set of perl bindings for Gtk+2 and GNOME libraries. gnome2-perl: These modules make it easy to write GTK and GNOME applications using gnome2-perl: Perl. It includes the Gnome2-VFS, Gnome2-GConf, Gnome2-Canvas, gnome2-perl: and Gnome2 bindings for perl. gnome2-perl: gnome2-perl: gnome2-perl: gnome2-perl: gnome2-perl: