PACKAGE NAME: boost_python-1.33.0-i586-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 12153 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 52270 K PACKAGE MD5: be37ab02156e9fe2c7b57d6bb542a39e ./cli/boost_python-1.33.0-i586-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: cxxlibs >= 5.0.6,gcc-g++ >= 3.3.4 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: boost_python: boost_python (programming library for C++ and Python) boost_python: boost_python: Boost.Python is a C++ library which enables seamless interoperability boost_python: between C++ and the Python programming language. boost_python: boost_python: AUTHOR: Dave Abrams boost_python: HOMEPAGE: boost_python: LICENSE: Boost Public License 1.0 boost_python: boost_python: