############################################################################## # buildpkg # Install and/or build a Vector Linux (slackware) package from source tarball # The script will produce: # package-version-ARCH-RELEASE.tgz # package-version-ARCH-RELEASE.txt # package-version-ARCH-RELEASE.tgz.md5 # and optionally install it. # # Usage : # * Arange packages in a tree stucture, start on $BASE/$PGROUP/$PNAME # # * On each $BASE/$PGROUP/$PNAME dir, prepare : # the_tarbal (tar.gz/tar.bz2). If not exist then custom only # custom (directory, tar.gz, or tar.bz2), will be copied to /) # custom-prefix (directory, tar.gz, or tar.bz2), will be copied to $PREFIX # description-pak # install-pak # changelog-pak # VCompile optional non standard compilation script # VBuild build script that defines some env var then call this script # # * create $BASE/$PGROUP/$PNAME/VBuild script that call this pkgbuild script. # Before calling the pkgbuild, export these environment variables # PNAME = package name (default = current dir) # PVERSION = package version. overwritten by the tarball version # PREFIX = the install prefix (default = /usr/local) # DOC_PREFIX = the documentation prefix (default = not copied). # standard build should set it to /usr/doc # CONFIGURE = configuration options, including the --prefix # # * create $BASE/build script that call the VBuild scripts # Set these environment variables before calling the VBuild scripts # PGROUP = package group (base,dev,app, default = none) # PRELEASE = release (1,vl4,slack9,etc. default = 1) # MARCH = architecture (i386,i486,etc. default = the host) # MCPU = the intended CPU (i386,i486,etc. default = the host) # CFLAGS = C compiler flags (default = none). # It will be appended with -march=$ARCH -mcpu=$CPU # CXXFLAGS = C++ compiler flags (default = $CFLAGS) # # SRC_DIR = extracted source directory (default = /tmp/src) # IMG_DIR = temporary directory (default = /tmp/img) # PKG_DIR = packages will be saved there (default = /tmp/pkg) # # OVERWRITE_PKG= overwrite the package if exist (default = no) # INSTALL_PKG = install the package (default = no) # CLEAN_SRC = clean SRC and IMG after finished (default = no) # # * If the tarball does not follow standard compilation procedure, # you must provide VCompile script # The standard compilation is: # ./configure $CONFIGURE # make # make install DESTDIR=$IMG_DIR # # (c) 2003, Eko M. Budi # ###############################################################################