#!/bin/sh dobuild () { /sbin/buildgrp $* if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then exit 1; fi } # export PKG_DIR to a dir # so the package will be build BASE_DIR=`pwd` export SRC_DIR=$HOME/src export PKG_DIR=$HOME/pkg export IMG_DIR=$HOME/build # export ARCH and CPU as the target export MARCH=i586 export MCPU=i686 #export PRELEASE=vs4 # export CFLAGS # don't include the -mcpu and -march, they will be added automatically export CFLAGS="-O3 " #export CXXFLAGS="-O3" # Install and don't clean the source export INSTALL_PKG=yes #export CLEAN_SCR=yes #export OVERWRITE_PKG=yes dobuild base buildpkg dobuild libs aspell aspell-en enchant fribidi pcre dobuild devel Python dobuild xfree freetype fontconfig ttf-bitstream-vera arkpandora_font_pack dobuild xlibs pygtk # dobuild wm icewm icecc icewm-custom xdm-custom xfce-custom #dobuild gui_apps #dobuild gui_net #dobuild gui_devel bluefish dobuild browsers dillo