IGNOREPATH=/etc:/var/tmp:/home:/dev:/boot:/root:/tmp:/usr/local:/bin:/sbin:/mnt:/usr/src STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y VERSION=8.12.10 PROGNAME="BSD sendmail" DESC="\ sendmail (mail transfer agent) \n\ \n\ Eric Allman's mail transport agent. The _Unix System Administration \n\ Handbook_ calls sendmail 'The most complex and complete mail delivery \n\ system in common use...' \n\ \n\ Ready-made configuration files are included for systems connected by \n\ TCP/IP (with or without a nameserver) and for systems using UUCP. \n\ \n\ The procmail package is required to handle local mail delivery." BUILD=1 MAINTAINER="Mark Post " SOURCE=http://www.sendmail.org/ PKGNAME=sendmail-$VERSION-s390-$BUILD TAG=REC compile() { OSCPU="`uname -srm | tr ' ' '.'`" cd $TMP tar -xvzf $CWD/sendmail.$VERSION.tar.gz cd sendmail-$VERSION/ # Add TLS support to the sendmail binary: cat $CWD/site.config.m4 > devtools/Site/site.config.m4 # Build .cf files for Linux: ( cd cf/cf cp $CWD/*.mc . cp linux.uucp.mc config.mc sh Build config.cf mv config.cf linux.uucp.cf cp sendmail-slackware.mc config.mc sh Build config.cf mv config.cf sendmail-slackware.cf cp sendmail-slackware-tls.mc config.mc sh Build config.cf mv config.cf sendmail-slackware-tls.cf ) rm *.orig # All "Build" does is call make while screwing up the options :-) # sh Build make O=-O2 wget -N -k -r http://www.sendmail.org/faq/faq.txt } install() { mkdir /package-sendmail ( cd /package-sendmail tar -zxvf $CWD/_sendmail.tar.gz rm -rf $TMP/install mv install $TMP ) sh Build install DESTDIR=/package-sendmail # This next line will generate error messages in all the subdirectories except where # it applies :( sh Build force-install DESTDIR=/package-sendmail mv /package-sendmail/usr/sbin/sendmail /package-sendmail/usr/sbin/sendmail.new ( cd cf/cf cp -a linux.uucp.cf sendmail-slackware.cf sendmail-slackware-tls.cf /package-sendmail/usr/share/sendmail/ cp -a sendmail-slackware.cf /package-sendmail/etc/mail/sendmail.cf.new mv /package-sendmail/etc/mail/submit.cf /package-sendmail/etc/mail/submit.cf.new ) mkdir -p /package-sendmail/usr/doc/sendmail-$VERSION cp -a www.sendmail.org/faq/faq.txt /package-sendmail/usr/doc/sendmail-$VERSION cp -a FAQ INSTALL KNOWNBUGS LICENSE PGPKEYS README RELEASE_NOTES doc/op \ /package-sendmail/usr/doc/sendmail-$VERSION ( cd /package-sendmail/usr mv sbin/praliases bin/ ) ( cd /package-sendmail/usr/man for dir in 1 5 8;do ( cd man$dir rm -f *.gz gzip -9 *.$dir ) done ) } attributes() { chown -R root.bin $PKG/package-sendmail/usr/bin \ $PKG/package-sendmail/usr/sbin chmod -R 755 $PKG/package-sendmail/usr/bin/ \ $PKG/package-sendmail/usr/sbin/ chown root.smmsp $PKG/package-sendmail/usr/sbin/sendmail.new \ $PKG/package-sendmail/etc/mail/aliases.db.new chmod 2555 $PKG/package-sendmail/usr/sbin/sendmail.new chmod 644 $PKG/package-sendmail/etc/mail/helpfile \ $PKG/package-sendmail/etc/mail/sendmail.cf.new \ $PKG/package-sendmail/etc/mail/statistics \ $PKG/package-sendmail/etc/mail/submit.cf.new chmod -R 644 $PKG/package-sendmail/usr/man/man?/* chown smmsp.smmsp $PKG/package-sendmail/var/spool/clientmqueue/ chmod 770 $PKG/package-sendmail/var/spool/clientmqueue/ chown root.mail $PKG/package-sendmail/var/spool/mqueue/ chmod 700 $PKG/package-sendmail/var/spool/mqueue/ } special() { cd $PKG mv package-sendmail/* ./ rmdir package-sendmail/ cd $CTL cat $CWD/slack-desc.sendmail > slack-desc # Normally this should be an append, but in this case, not. cat $TMP/install/doinst.sh > doinst.sh sed -e 's%package-sendmail/%%g' doinst.sh > doinst.sh.new cat doinst.sh.new > doinst.sh rm doinst.sh.new } subpacks() { repack sendmail-cf }