MP!PpP+BRLTTY Help for Handy Tech Modular DisplaysEFrom left to right, the front keys are: B1 B2 B3 B4 UP DN B5 B6 B7 B8Movement Commands:UP go left one windowDN go right one windowB1 go to cursor B1 UP go to left end of line!B1 DN go to right end of lineB2 go to top-left cornerB2 UP go to top lineB2 DN go to bottom lineB3 go to last motionB3 UP go left half windowB3 DN go right half windowB6 UP go left one character B6 DN go right one characterB4 go up one lineB5 go down one line2B4 b1 go up to last line of previous paragraph1B5 b1 go down to first line of next paragraph*B4 b2 go up to previous command prompt(B5 b2 go down to next command prompt6B4 b3 go up to previous line containing cut buffer4B5 b3 go down to next line containing cut buffer;B4 b6 go up to nearest line with different highlighting=B5 b6 go down to nearest line with different highlightingB4 b7 go up several linesB5 b7 go down several lines6B4 b8 go up to nearest line with different content8B5 b8 go down to nearest line with different contentModes and Features:b8 toggle help mode B8 B1 toggle cursor trackingB8 B2 toggle show cursor B8 B3 toggle show attributes B8 B6 toggle six-dot brailleB8 B7 toggle alert tunesB7 toggle frozen screen!B7 B1 toggle preferences menu B7 B2 load saved preferencesB7 B3 save preferencesB7 B6 toggle info mode#B6 toggle display attributes%B6 B1 toggle skip identical lines#B6 B2 toggle skip blank windowsB6 B3 toggle sliding windowRouting Key Commands:#Rn bring cursor to character,B1 Rn bring left end of window to columnB2 Rn describe character-B3 Rn append to cut buffer from character-B4 Rn start new cut buffer from character5UP Rn go up to line not indented more than column7DN Rn go down to line not indented more than column&B5 Rn rectangular cut to character!B6 Rn linear cut to characterB7 Rn set markB8 Rn go to markMiscellaneous Commands:-UP DN paste cut buffer at cursor positionB2 B3 UP stop speakingB2 B3 DN say current line1B1 B8 UP switch to navigation mode (the default)B1 B8 DN switch to input modeMThe front keys, when in input mode, are interpreted differently. The eight BnKkeys are interpreted as the eight braille dots; pressing any combination ofNthem inputs the corresponding character. The UP and DN bars are interpreted asNspace bars; pressing either of them inputs a space. Key combinations involvingKboth the Bn keys and the UP/DN bars, as well as those involving the routingMand/or status keys, still function as described above. The Bn (front key) toHDn (braille dot) mapping has been designed to represent the conventionalJlayout, and is as follows: B1=D7 B2=D3 B3=D2 B4=D1 B5=D4 B6=D5 B7=D6 B8=D8+BRLTTY Help for Handy Tech Bookworm DisplayScreen Review Keys:bak: left one windowfwd: right one windowesc: toggle cursor trackingesc+bak: go backesc+fwd: toggle text/attributesent: route cursor to first cellent+bak: up one lineent+fwd: down one lineesc+ent: preferences menuesc+ent+bak: beginning of lineesc+ent+fwd: end of linebak+fwd: help page bak+fwd+esc: toggle cursor shape!bak+fwd+ent: toggle screen freezePreferences Menu Keys:bak: left one windowfwd: right one windowesc: discard changesesc+bak: previous settingesc+fwd: next settingent: exit menuent+bak: previous itement+fwd: next itemesc+ent: save settingsesc+ent+bak: first itemesc+ent+fwd: last itembak+fwd: unassignedbak+fwd+esc: unassignedbak+fwd+ent: unassigned0BRLTTY Help for Handy Tech Braille Star DisplaysNThere are two navigation keys, one at the left end and one at the right end ofHthe braille line. Each has a top, middle, and bottom position. These six'positions are called: LT LM LB RT RM RBLM Go left one window.RM Go right one window.LM RM Go to the cursor."LT Move cursor up one line.$LB Move cursor down one line.RT Go up one line.RB Go down one line.$RM LT Go to the top-left corner.'RM LB Go to the bottom-left corner. LM RT Go up to the top line.%LM RB Go down to the bottom line.;LT RT Go up to the nearest line with different content.=LT RB Go down to the nearest line with different content.@LB RT Go up to the nearest line with different highlighting.BLB RB Go down to the nearest line with different highlighting.LThese keys may also be used in conjunction with the routing keys as follows:.LT Rn Start new cut buffer from character.LM Rn Enter function key..LB Rn Append to cut buffer from character."RT Rn Linear cut to character.%RM Rn Switch to virtual terminal.'RB Rn Rectangular cut to character.;In input mode, the ten front keys, from left to right, are:! D7 D3 D2 D1 LS RS D4 D5 D6 D8OThe Dn keys are the eight braille dots numbered according to their conventionalLlayout. Pressing any combination of them inputs the corresponding character.KThe LS and RS keys are the left and right spacebars. Pressing just the leftPspacebar inputs a space, and pressing just the right spacebar enters a return. MWhen pressed together with any combination of the dot keys, the left spacebarKrepresents the control key, and the right spacebar represents the meta key.NIn navigation mode (the default), the ten front keys, from left to right, are:! B1 B2 B3 B4 UP DN B5 B6 B7 B8Movement Commands:UP go left one windowDN go right one windowB1 go to cursor B1 UP go to left end of line!B1 DN go to right end of lineB2 go to top-left cornerB2 UP go to top lineB2 DN go to bottom lineB3 go to last motionB3 UP go left half windowB3 DN go right half windowB6 UP go left one character B6 DN go right one characterB4 go up one lineB5 go down one line2B4 b1 go up to last line of previous paragraph1B5 b1 go down to first line of next paragraph*B4 b2 go up to previous command prompt(B5 b2 go down to next command prompt6B4 b3 go up to previous line containing cut buffer4B5 b3 go down to next line containing cut buffer;B4 b6 go up to nearest line with different highlighting=B5 b6 go down to nearest line with different highlightingB4 b7 go up several linesB5 b7 go down several lines6B4 b8 go up to nearest line with different content8B5 b8 go down to nearest line with different contentModes and Features:b8 toggle help mode B8 B1 toggle cursor trackingB8 B2 toggle show cursor B8 B3 toggle show attributes B8 B6 toggle six-dot brailleB8 B7 toggle alert tunesB7 toggle frozen screen!B7 B1 toggle preferences menu B7 B2 load saved preferencesB7 B3 save preferencesB7 B6 toggle info mode#B6 toggle display attributes%B6 B1 toggle skip identical lines#B6 B2 toggle skip blank windowsB6 B3 toggle sliding windowRouting Key Commands:#Rn bring cursor to character,B1 Rn bring left end of window to columnB2 Rn describe character-B3 Rn append to cut buffer from character-B4 Rn start new cut buffer from character5UP Rn go up to line not indented more than column7DN Rn go down to line not indented more than column&B5 Rn rectangular cut to character!B6 Rn linear cut to characterB7 Rn set markB8 Rn go to markMiscellaneous Commands:-UP DN paste cut buffer at cursor positionB2 B3 UP stop speakingB2 B3 DN say current line1B1 B8 UP switch to navigation mode (the default)B1 B8 DN switch to input mode