[NOTE - a new package, sio-151.zip in the python respository, is a version of this module for Python 1.5.1, while this version is for Python 1.4.] SioModule.zip - A serial comm extension for windows 95. March 97 - Created 24 May 97 - Fixed bug in siomodule.cpp that prevented sending strings with embedded nulls. 03 June 97 - Fixed bug in Serial.readTerminated that failed to match the terminator if preceeded by a '\n' in the response string. 28 April 98 - Upgraded to Python 1.5.1 by Mark Hammond. This consisted of rebuilding .pyd files, and renaming .py files so their case matches. Also fixed some bugs in modem.py Sio.pyd wraps a commercial package, the maker of which graciously agreed to let their DLL be distributed with the proviso that the following appear: Serial Communications DLLs by MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. POB 4543 Huntsville AL 35815. 205-881-4630. Email: mike@marshallsoft.com Web : www.marshallsoft.com This does NOT provide I/O completion callbacks etc, but is adequate for the type of control we do (send a command, get a response before going on). Sio.pyd wraps the following (from MarshallSoft) using SWIG (what a cool package!): SioBaud, SioBrkSig, SioCTS, SioDCD, SioDone, SioDSR, SioDTR, SioFlow, SioGetc, SioGets, SioInfo, SioParms, SioPutc, SioPuts, SioRese, SioRI, SioRTS, SioRxClear, SioRxQue, SioStatus, SioTxClear, SioTxQue, SioUnGetc and serial.py is my attempt at a python base class to abstract the parts of this I needed: class Port: open(cfg) flush() getLastFlush() getLastRsp() close() write(str, cnt=None) writeVerifyEcho(str, cnt=None) read(cnt=None, timed=FALSE) readTerminated() cmd(str='') siomodule.zip contains: crilib.py - Define a constant or two elapsedTimer.pyd - An elapsed timer extension modem.py - Illustrate serial i/o with a modem mstimer.py - Class to wrap elapsedTimer.pyd serial.py - Wraps sio.pyd in a class sio.pyd - Extension to access wsc32.dll Wsc32.dll - MarshallSoft DLL ElapsedTimer\ elapsedTimer.c - SWIG output from elapsedTimer.i elapsedTimer.def - DLL definition elapsedTimer.i - SWIG input file elapsedTimer.mak - MSDEV 4.0 make file elapsedTimer.mdp - MSDEV 4.0 project file Sio\ SioDLL.mak - MSDEV 4.0 make file SioDLL.mdp - MSDEV 4.0 project file SioModule.cpp - SWIG output, manually patched SioModule.def - DLL definition Wsc.h - MarshallSoft include file Wsc.i - Massaged wsc.h for SWIG input Wsc32.lib - MarshallSoft library Cheers! Roger Burnham Cambridge Research & Instrumentation 21 Erie Street Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: (617) 491-2627 Fax: (617) 864-3730 rburnham@cri-inc.com